Lots of dark moles. Is a black mole on the body dangerous? Is the appearance of new black moles on the body or the darkening of old ones dangerous?

Moles in medical terminology they are called nevi.

They can be found on the body of any person in the form of small round dots, small spherical formations that rise above the surface of the body, and large pigmented areas of the skin.

What it is?

Moles consist of specialized cells of the epidermis - melanocytes, responsible for the production of melanin in the body (a pigment that colors the skin in various shades of brown). Under the influence of external or internal factors An excess amount of them accumulates in certain places on the skin - this is why moles appear on the body of an adult, child or elderly person.

Congenital nevi are extremely rare; in general, they gradually appear in people throughout life. Data medical statistics claim that about 90% of moles are found on the body of patients up to 25-30 years of age; later, new formations appear less frequently.

In some people, nevi remain unchanged on the skin all their lives, in others they disappear, in others they grow or change their shape and color. The latter become dangerous and can degenerate into malignant formations.

In adults, the appearance of nevi is associated with hormonal crises due to illness, menopause or nervous exhaustion. The appearance of moles in them can be observed constantly or appear spontaneously, in response to a certain stimulus. IN childhood Science has noted the wavy growth of nevi.

Periods when moles appear in children :

  • 6 months - six months, at this moment endocrine system the child adapts to external conditions;
  • 5-7 years, active growth stage skeletal system And skeletal muscles, requiring violent metabolic reactions;
  • 12-16 years, puberty with significant changes in the functions of the whole organism.

Why do they appear?

Nevi are essentially benign skin formations.

Some people get scared when they see many moles on their body. What does this mean for a specialist? Only that the patient’s body is prone to accumulation (accumulation) of melanin in the surface layers of the epidermis.

The reasons for the appearance of numerous or single nevi are varied. :

1. External:

  • impact ultraviolet radiation, one of the most common factors in the formation of moles due to increased melanin levels during tanning;
  • traumatic damage to the epidermis, systematic violations of the integrity of the skin contribute to the appearance pathological changes in it;
  • exposure to radiation, which rapidly changes normal skin cells;
  • use harmful products(GMOs, fast food, alcohol) and smoking, these habits negatively affect metabolic processes in organism.

2. Domestic:

  • endocrine disorders and diseases, any changes hormonal levels may cause the appearance skin pathologies, pigmentation, moles;
  • hereditary predisposition, the presence of various nevi in ​​the family.

Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases skin, her toxic lesions, burns and frostbite, as well as permanent use substandard cosmetics and preparations for face and body care.

Classification and photo

1. A flat nevus or birthmark is a pigmented island of skin with clearly defined boundaries. May take the form of lentigo - multiple brown or brownish formations in upper layers epidermis.

2. Convex nevus or mole. It has a diameter of up to a centimeter, a smooth or lumpy surface and rises above the level of the skin. Its color varies from beige to black, and a hair is usually located in the center of such a formation.

3. Blue nevus or blue mole. It looks like a smooth hemisphere, slightly raised above the skin, sometimes reaching a size of 2 cm, the color of this benign education ranges from light blue to dark blue.

4. Giant nevus. Represents big spot on the body, gray, bright beige (sometimes brick), black or brown.

Dangerous and non-dangerous moles

Ordinary nevi do not cause any discomfort to their carriers; sometimes they even disappear without a trace. Their shape is stable, size and color remain unchanged.

But benign moles are sometimes removed to prevent their degeneration if they are of rather large size (pedunculated) and are located in areas of the body where a person constantly injures them (during vigorous activity or parts of clothing).

If nevi degenerate into cancerous moles, this is dangerous, since such neoplasms quickly metastasize to other organs.

Therefore, it is very important to see signs of malignancy in time. :

1. The shape of the mole changes, it loses its symmetry and begins to grow in one direction.
2. The edges of the nevus become uneven (“cut up”, “torn”).
3. The color of the mole is uneven and contains yellow, red or black inclusions.
4. The nevus grows or “shrinks”, its size changes quickly.
5. The texture of the mole becomes different, smooth becomes rough, bumpy becomes flat, etc.
6. Loss of hair growing from the nevus.
7. Itching, peeling and burning in the mole area.
There are several reasons why a nevus itches:
– pathological cells multiply;
- they're coming active processes death of healthy tissue;
– the area around the formation becomes inflamed and swollen.
8. The appearance of microcracks and ulcerations.
9. Bleeding and soreness of the mole.

What happens if you rip off a mole?

You cannot remove a nevus yourself.

Firstly, it is dangerous, and secondly, it is simply ineffective. If a mole is located close to blood vessels, it may develop prolonged bleeding. Often such self-medication leads to re-formation of the nevus, its growth or malignancy.

Therefore, it is difficult to predict what will happen if a mole is torn off. It may have no consequences, or it may cause serious complications for the health and life of patients.

Doctors warn that any trauma to the nevus is extremely undesirable, but pedunculated moles or small convex formations can be accidentally removed with nails or hard items of clothing.

What to do if you rip off a mole :

  • cauterize the wound with an alcohol solution;
  • stop the bleeding by applying a gauze bandage;
  • come to see a specialist.

In cases of partial removal of a mole, do not touch the remaining formation, do not cut it off or tear it off.

If noticed around a mole White spot that only a dermatologist can determine this. However, if you have a mole with a white halo, this may mean that the neoplasm has begun to degenerate into melanoma, which must be prevented as soon as possible.

Sometimes such pigmentation appears before the disappearance of a mole (as a sign of depigmentation), and in other cases it may signal its degeneration.
White spots around the mole appear as a characteristic sign of Setton's nevus. This formation is considered harmless in terms of degeneration into a more malignant form, however, melonomas (aggressive cancerous formations) can also have such a white rim, so the appearance of white spots is a reason to contact a medical specialist.


Dermatologists and oncologists are involved in determining the type of nevus.

The doctor examines the formation and determines its nature (benign or malignant). Sometimes a histological examination (scraping method) is required.

Biopsy (tissue sampling) for nevi is not used due to their trauma during this procedure. And as you know, it’s better not to touch moles again!


Many people want to get rid of birthmarks and nevi not only in cases of malignancy (pathological change), but also to correct a cosmetic defect.

However, removal is carried out in cancer center people with malignant tumors and with a high probability of degeneration of nevi.

Often the indication for surgery is the localization of moles on the body: on the scalp, on the neck, on the chin, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Methods for removing nevi (with information on how much it costs to remove them) :

  • operative, using local anesthesia and a scalpel (in municipal surgical hospitals, according to indications - free of charge, in medical centers from 300-500 rub.)
  • cryofreezing liquid nitrogen(1000-1500 rub.);
  • electrocoagulation - cauterization with electric current (600-1300 rubles);
  • photodynamic - ultraviolet irradiation (1000-1200 rubles);
  • laser - removal of moles with a beam (800-2000 rubles);
  • radio wave, destruction of nevi by shock radio wave (RUB 700-1400)

The choice of method for removing moles is made by the doctor; prices for these procedures depend on the size and type of nevus.


Prevention of malignancy

TO preventive methods reducing the risk of malignancy of moles include:

  • limited sunbathing, cancellation of visits to the solarium;
  • minimizing skin trauma;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle ( proper nutrition and exception bad habits).

The color of a mole directly depends on the processes of skin pigmentation. In this regard, sometimes nevi become more saturated in color, and this is normal. But the appearance of a black mole may indicate health problems and require immediate medical intervention. There is always a risk of it degenerating into melanoma. Experts insist on regular examination of the body for new black moles.

What does blackening of a nevus mean?

The appearance of black moles is associated with the accumulation of melanin. It is he who is responsible for the saturation of the nevus pigment. With a large amount of melanin, you may notice that a mole, which until recently was much lighter, has turned black. But this does not mean that she is now a danger.

Normally, the size of a nevus does not exceed 6 mm and should not increase over time. At the same time, its surface remains smooth, without growths and roughness. The form also matters. Only those formations that have uneven outlines are considered dangerous.

It is worth paying attention to moles that have changed their color to a darker one. If the nevus suddenly darkens, this is one of the signs of cancer. Symptoms of a malignant neoplasm are also considered:

  • change in size - the mole began to sharply increase or decrease;
  • bleeding from a nevus without damaging it;
  • hair loss;
  • the mole is inflamed and hurts;
  • the appearance of a rim around the nevus, gray or red dots;
  • itching or burning sensations;
  • the skin around the nevus dries out.

If there is at least one of the listed signs, then this indicates a malignant process. A dermatologist will help you find out why a mole turns black.

Why do moles darken?

The main reasons that a mole has darkened are:

1. Exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet light promotes the accumulation of melanin pigment. Therefore after long stay In the sun, many people notice that the mole has turned completely or partially black. Darker spots may appear on it. It is necessary to protect nevi from the sun to avoid their degeneration. Experts also recommend avoiding solariums for those who have a lot of them.

2. Often the reason that the nevus has darkened lies in changes in hormone levels. This is noted by women during pregnancy or menopause. Adolescence is no exception.

3. Mechanical impact. A mole may turn black if it is damaged. This often occurs upon contact with clothing or household items. To a greater extent various damages Hanging moles are susceptible. They are a regular nevus, but on a stalk.

If you have hanging moles, you need to be extremely careful. They are the ones that can darken and become inflamed, for example, when rubbing with clothing. If a hanging mole has turned black, then its blood supply may have been disrupted. One of the reasons is injuries. Gradually, the mole will turn black, may dry out and even fall off.

When should you see a doctor?

Doctors do not advise removing nevi without a good reason, even if they have changed color. Hanging moles are subject to excision if they are located in an unfavorable location and permanent damage occurs. The appearance of even black moles on the body is normal. Especially if a person has to constantly be under sun rays. But if the nevus, which is located under clothing, has darkened, then you need to have it checked by a specialist.

It is also not recommended to get rid of black formations with home remedies, such as lotions from acetic acid. Folk recipes will only allow you to delete top part nevus, which is located on the surface of the skin. Its foundation will remain in more deep layers epidermis and can transform into a dangerous form - melanoma.

If a malignant tumor is suspected, tests are done. If their results are positive, the doctor will remove the nevus. After surgery, the patient may be prescribed a course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. If the tests do not confirm the presence of pathology, but the person still wants to remove the blackened nevus, then more humane methods of intervention are used, such as a radioknife, laser or liquid nitrogen.

You should consult a doctor if:

  • it was noticed that the black mole was covered with a crust;
  • itches;
  • enlarged or painful;
  • dried out and began to peel off.

It is these signs that indicate a malignant process.

The crust on the nevus has a different color:

1. A brown tint indicates that the mole has been damaged.

2. The crust often turns black in the place where the nevus was before it was removed. This normal phenomenon, which means that the wound is healing.

3. A dark crust appears after visiting a solarium or sauna.

Regardless of the color of the crust, you should consult your doctor to determine whether the nevus is dangerous. If the nevus turns black, this is a cause for concern. But then it may fall off. This is especially true for hanging moles. Many people do not go to the doctor if they fall off. But this does not mean that the danger has passed. Even if the mole falls off, the malignant process continues.

Since symptoms of a tumor often do not appear for a long time, it is best to submit a fallen mole for histology. With this study it will be possible to determine whether there are altered cells in it.

Methods for removing nevi

If the mole behaves suspiciously, and the doctor has confirmed that it needs to be removed, then the nevus is excised using one of the recommended methods:

1. Laser destruction. The method involves the destruction of pigmented cells of a black mole. The specialist acts on them with a directed laser beam. It provokes thermal evaporation of the skin defect tissue. This procedure is absolutely safe and painless. The laser does not leave scars on the patient's body.

2. Electrocoagulation. The technique involves the use of high-frequency electric current. It destroys the cells of the pigmented epidermis. It is often used when it is necessary not only to get rid of a nevus, but also to obtain tissue for research.

3. Cryodestruction. The method allows you to quickly get rid of black nevi by exposing them to cooled liquid nitrogen. The cells are destroyed and the formation dies.

4. Radio wave surgery is a low-traumatic procedure that allows you to remove black nevi on the face and body. The specialist influences the formation with high-frequency radio waves. The postoperative wound heals very quickly, leaving no scar.

5. Surgical intervention. The operation is carried out only if it is found malignancy or do you need to remove a mole? large sizes, whose roots are located very deep. The procedure is performed under anesthesia. Then stitches are placed, which are removed after a few days. This method of removing nevi leads to the formation of scars, sometimes very noticeable. Surgery increases the risk of pain, bleeding and infection of the wound. It is highly undesirable to use this method to remove moles on the face unless there are strict indications for this.

Any of the methods is suitable for removal hanging mole. If the mole is blackened, inflamed, hurts, or has been damaged, then excision must be performed using any of the listed methods, except surgically. The latter method is advisable for removing nevi that have degenerated into a malignant formation. You can find out about the presence of pathological cells by conducting a dermoscopic examination. The excised tissues are sent for histology. Based on the results of these tests, the doctor will decide whether to get rid of the mole.

The pigmentation of a birthmark (nevus) depends on the degree of melanin concentration. Red formations are practically harmless and harmless to health. Brown color nevus in most cases indicates previous mechanical damage. Darker shades are acquired after exposure to excessive amounts of ultraviolet radiation. The appearance of a black mole indicates internal problems of the body. The presence of many such pathological formations is a serious reason to go to the doctor.

Reasons for appearance

An existing mole may change its original color to black under the influence of certain stimulating factors. This transformation is facilitated by the body's response - an excessive concentration of active melanin in organic cells skin.
Key factors influencing the occurrence and growth of dark pigmentation:

  • Ultraviolet radiation. Prolonged exposure to the sun provokes the degeneration of melanin components into a malignant formation - melanoma.
  • Fluctuations in hormonal levels. Physical changes in the body (pubertal development of a teenager, pregnancy, childbirth or PMS) under the influence of hormones are a favorable period for the development of a black nevus.
  • Frequent physical damage brown mole leads to its darkening.

Skin formations on the legs (hanging) most often begin to turn black after an injury. An accidental tear of the leg prevents the full flow of blood into the neoplasm, which causes partial cell death. It manifests itself in the form of coloring in darker shades.

Black raised mole practically no different from flat spots, but requires careful care and observation. The structure of the nevus is often subject to mechanical damage from clothing, shoes or friction. Harmful effects make the stain more susceptible to irritants environment. Medical research confirm that trauma to moles in 40% of cases is a stimulating cause of the formation of cancer cells.

Dangerous symptoms

The accumulation of the maximum concentration of the tint substance is characterized by gradual staining of the mole. The process begins with blackening of the center of the neoplasm, then age spot spreads throughout the entire volume. Of course, a small black mole, resembling a dot, up to 4 mm in diameter, with a smooth surface does not look aesthetically pleasing, but it does not pose the risk of degenerating into cancer.

If a black mole or small black spot on a mole, do not fall into premature panic. The process of formation of nevi in ​​a newborn child begins from the moment of birth and ends by the age of 17. Therefore, it is believed that the resulting moles are benign. The influence of external irritating factors on the skin often causes the appearance of birthmarks on the body throughout life.

Rapid pigmentation with simultaneous growth of the rim and modification of the shape of the nevus requires immediate consultation with a dermatologist. Spontaneous drying and falling off of moles is a reason to consult a doctor. If an adult has many blackening spots on his skin, he also needs urgent consultation with a dermatologist and therapist.

Dangerous symptoms of malignant black moles:

  1. The surface of the skin pattern is smoothed, stretched, smooth.
  2. asymmetry, visible signs increase in size.
  3. Constant itching, sometimes internal burning in and around the spots.
  4. Scaly peeling of the nevus area, loss of hair growing from the formation.
  5. Bleeding.
  6. The presence of additional formations in the form of nodules on the surface.

If a mole begins to itch and pain appears in the area of ​​the nevus, the doctor may suspect the onset of cellular transformation. Itching indicates the process of cell division and active growth. The growth of a mole from a centimeter or more indicates an unnatural pathology.

Frequent exposure to direct sunlight and visiting a solarium contribute to the proliferation of birthmarks. Appearance large quantity pinpoint spots of a characteristic blackened hue are a signal of existing problems in the body.

Each of the nevi can be a sign of progression of malignancy.

Particular attention should be paid to existing black moles in small child. Even a suddenly fallen nevus does not guarantee the absence of internal processes malignant etiology . Since cancer symptoms are often hidden, the dried formation must be submitted for examination. histological examination to determine possible pathologies.


The procedure for removing nevi is determined by medical necessity and is prescribed by a doctor. One of the significant reasons for prompt removal of a mole is its permanent damage. This occurs when the formation is localized on the leg, back, face, and side parts of the body. Areas of the shoulders and neck are subject to friction, which greatly irritates the organic tissue surface of the moles present there. The secretion of sweat glands often becomes a source of pain in the area of ​​spots under the arms. Therefore deletion pathological formation is a way to eliminate discomfort.

The operation is performed by a qualified specialist. Black moles on the back are removed using a radio knife or electrocoagulation. The procedure is practically painless, does not require significant preparation and is performed under local anesthesia. Term postoperative period no more than two weeks. It is better to remove a black mole on the leg with a laser.

After these manipulations, there are no skin defects in the form of scars or cicatrices.

Independent removal of a mole is fraught with the introduction of infection into the wound with the subsequent development of malignant symptoms.

In case of positive histology, the patient goes under the supervision of an oncodermatologist, and removal is prescribed urgently. After a successful operation, the patient undergoes chemotherapy courses. Timely detection of dangerous signs malignant tumor is the key to successful recovery.


As a rule, if one birthmark has turned black, the situation is not dangerous. Healthy image life, absence of bad habits, avoidance of excessive sun exposure and timely passage medical examination will significantly reduce the risk of developing melanoma.

Majority medical specialists believes that if a dark mole appeared in youth (about 16 years old), then there are much fewer reasons for concern than its occurrence at an older age. Unstable hormonal levels puberty promotes the formation of nevi different color, including black.

What to do if a mole turns black

Light moles can change their color and quickly turn black for the same reasons that they appear. The nevus has become dark - this is not yet a reason for removal, but a reason for close study and analysis. Before visiting a dermatologist, think about why the mole has turned black and what reasons could have contributed to this.

Here are some non-dangerous explanations for darkening: visiting a sauna or tanning (including in a solarium), mechanical damage, a surge in hormones in the body. Knowledge of the circumstances of darkening will help the doctor supplement the diagnostic picture of a visual examination and determine an effective treatment regimen.

The human body is covered with a large number of moles and birthmarks, which in the vast majority of cases are benign. Risk of degeneration into cancerous tumor very low, health birthmarks and nevi are not a threat. A black mole can also be “ordinary,” but it requires a more careful approach. You need to consult a specialist (dermatologist, oncologist) who will conduct differential diagnosis and determine whether it is melanoma-dangerous.

Causes of moles

Most moles are formed in childhood and adolescence. Heredity plays a key role and genetic predisposition. In adulthood, the appearance of new formations is facilitated by external and endogenous factors. The most important is hyperinsolation - regular and prolonged exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

Ultraviolet light is the main catalyst for the formation of melanin pigment in skin cells, and it is melanin that determines the color of the entire skin and its elements. The appearance of a black mole may be a consequence of too frequent and long exposure to the sun. Fans of artificial tanning are at risk, since solarium lamps are a source of intense ultraviolet radiation.

Changes can contribute to the appearance of new nevi hormonal balance. For women, a risk factor is ovarian dysfunction (imbalance of sex hormones). Changes in hormonal levels can be caused by taking oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy during menopause. The formation of black moles is possible during pregnancy and lactation.

Dangerous symptoms

Only a very few black moles pose a potential threat. The risk of malignant transformation to melanoma is low, but caution should be maintained. In any case, it is advisable to show the skin lesion to a specialist. You definitely need to see a dermatologist or oncologist if you have the following symptoms:

  • The black mole increases in size. Even small growth should be alarming; a rapid increase in size is an unfavorable sign.
  • The surface has changed (becomes “glossy” or loose).
  • The formation peels off or bleeds.
  • Appear discomfort in the form of pain, burning or itching.
  • The shape has changed, the edge has become striated, uneven, asymmetrical.
  • The color changes: an ordinary mole becomes black, bluish or dark brown.

Any dynamics should be alarming. There is no need to panic, but you need to make an appointment with a specialist. What you definitely can’t do is try to remove the tumor yourself using traditional medicine. Injury by mechanical or chemical influence is one of the main causes of malignant degeneration.

Melanoma-dangerous nevi

Listed below are specific types of black moles that are melanoma-dangerous. This means that when exposed to unfavorable factors they can develop into melanoma; the risk of malignant transformation is higher than in the case of ordinary nevi.

Dysplastic nevi. This type of nevi is characterized by the presence of melanocytic dysplasia - an atypical arrangement of melanocytes. Only a dermatologist can diagnose melanocyte dysplasia. The patient needs to know that dysplastic nevus has a smooth surface. It does not rise above the skin, or only it rises central part. The shape is wrong, with jagged edges. The coloring is uneven, with black areas located in the center.

Blue nevus. Despite the name, the formation can be not only blue, but also black. Usually has the shape of a regular hemisphere and rises above the surface of the skin. The surface is smooth, the edges are even. Typical localization - hairy part head, feet and hands, gluteal region. The risk of malignancy increases after injury, including independent attempts at removal.

Nevus Ota. This type of tumor appears only on the face. Characteristic mainly for representatives of the Mongoloid race. The color is black or bluish. Differential feature is the presence of pigmentation of the sclera, iris or conjunctiva of the eye.

Borderline pigmented nevus. The neoplasm is formed in childhood. Subsequently, birthmarks increase in size throughout life, reaching one and a half to two centimeters in diameter. The differential feature is an uneven ring-shaped coloration, with a decrease in color intensity from the center to the periphery. The color is brown, darker in the central part.

Giant pigmented nevus. Refers to congenital. Increasing in size, such birthmarks reach gigantic sizes, up to 15 centimeters or more. A characteristic feature is an uneven surface with “potholes”, nodules and cracks. Hair growth from the nevus may occur.

For melanoma-dangerous moles, the risk of malignancy is higher than for ordinary skin tumors. Such nevi and birthmarks require observation by a dermatologist or oncologist. Exposure can lead to malignant transformation external factors- mechanical or chemical damage, ultraviolet irradiation.


If you have a black mole on your body, it is not at all necessary to remove it, but you need to contact a specialist. The dermatologist will conduct a diagnosis, which consists of examining the neoplasm and studying it using optical or digital dermatoscopy (under magnification).

During the examination, the doctor evaluates the size of the tumor, its density, structure, consistency, surface character, symmetry, edge, color and other signs. As a rule, examination and dermatoscopy are sufficient to make a diagnosis. Biopsy and histological examination are carried out only before removal. In other situations, dermatologists prefer not to injure black moles unnecessarily.

Treatment: removal or observation?

Benign neoplasms of the skin do not require removal, but surgery can be performed for aesthetic reasons, as well as in situations where the nevus is located in an open area of ​​the body, is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, or is injured by parts of clothing or jewelry.

Removal of benign black moles that are not melanoma-dangerous is carried out in the following ways:

  • Surgical removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave removal;
  • laser removal.

Melanoma-dangerous nevi are removed only surgically. The operation is performed in the presence of an oncologist with capture healthy skin. The removed tissues are necessarily sent for histological examination. Melanoma-dangerous nevi can also be removed in clinics aesthetic medicine, if in the state medical institution There is a dermatologist and oncologist. The operation is carried out in the classical way, cryodestruction and others modern technologies do not apply.

If malignant degeneration of a neoplasm is diagnosed, complex antitumor therapy is indicated, which includes surgical removal with wide coverage of adjacent tissues, radiation and chemotherapy.

After the procedure

After removing a nevus, it is extremely important to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. You can’t sunbathe in a solarium; you should be in the sun as little as possible. It is recommended to refrain from thermal procedures. It is impossible to remove crusts at the site of the surgical wound; the skin should be provided with maximum rest. After removing a mole on the face, it is not advisable to use decorative cosmetics.

You can learn more about the diagnosis of skin tumors and methods of their treatment at a consultation with a dermatologist at the Galaktika clinic (Moscow).