Can I give my dog ​​fish oil? How to give fish oil to an adult dog and a puppy, do they need Omega 3?

All loving owners try to give their pet everything they need. In addition to care, walks and nutrition, the animal is often given all kinds of vitamins and supplements, including fish fat. Is it worth doing this or not? How much and how to give fish oil to an animal?

To begin with, you need to understand what it actually is? The main value of fish oil is the presence of acid Omega-3, which is part of it. Many people remember that earlier, when medicine was at a lower level, fish oil was a kind of “panacea” for all diseases, it was recommended to everyone, if not for treatment, then for prevention. Of course, this usefulness of the product is a little exaggerated, but there are definitely benefits from it.

What is fish oil made from?

Strange pictures are probably already flashing in your head of how layers of fat are removed from fish and packaged in jars. This is certainly not true. Fish oil itself is extract from fish liver or carcass. Mackerel, salmon, cod and herring are most often used as raw materials.

In addition to the above-mentioned Omega-3, vitamins A and D2 are also included in its composition. These are vitamins that are especially important to give to dogs, since the body itself cannot produce them in the right quantity. If a person receives D2 from sun rays, then dogs do not have this opportunity, and fish oil just compensates for this deficiency.

In addition, adding fish oil to food affects the animal’s hearing, smell and vision. Work is returning to normal internal organs, especially the liver and kidneys. The condition of the skin and teeth improves, and the coat is thick and shiny.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of consuming fish oil cannot be overlooked. Well-being and appearance the pet changes after just a few days from the start of the course. It is especially well absorbed in animals and is recommended by almost all veterinarians.

In addition to strong teeth and bones, silky fur and proper skeletal structure, there is more compelling evidence for the benefits of fish oil. Heart, nervous system and the brain develops better. And diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems are prevented.

The immunity of animals taking fish oil is also much stronger, and if a pet is susceptible to heart disease, it will be much easier for him. The pet becomes more active and cheerful. Fish oil is not expensive and effective remedy for animals.

Any medicine brings not only benefits, but also harm. The drug may not be suitable for some animals and in such cases the idea of ​​using it should be abandoned. Allergy, one of the bells is to complete the course, sometimes there may be vomiting or diarrhea. You can purchase the drug in two forms, liquid and capsules, and it happens when such a reaction is not to the fat itself, but to gelatin capsule in which it is contained. In this case, you should just buy liquid fish oil and try to repeat the course.

An overdose of fish oil is very dangerous.. It is imperative that you agree on the dosage and duration of the course, specifically for your dog, with your veterinarian in advance. Before purchasing, you need to carefully study the packaging and composition of the drug; it is not recommended to give to a pet fish oil created using an extract from fish liver. This can lead to liver damage, kidney damage, hair loss, etc.

How to properly give fish oil to your pet?

As it has already turned out, fish oil has a huge variety of beneficial properties. But even the most useful things can cause harm if you don’t know how to use them correctly. Fish oil is no exception. An overdose, not scary at first glance, even with fish oil, can lead to very unpleasant consequences eg: indigestion, hypervitaminosis and heavy metal poisoning.

If you stop the course in time, you can do without consequences and get by with a “mild scare”
The dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the pet and the method of its application also plays a very important role. important role. You may hear that fish oil is best absorbed with cottage cheese, this has not been proven, but if you have the opportunity to please your pet with such a breakfast, he will be very happy.

Most often the animal is given per day from 0.5 to 1 tbsp. It is best to start using it at 2 months of age, thoroughly mixing the supplement with food. The very first dose is only a couple of drops and then increases. Usually the course for puppies lasts 15 days, after which a month's break is needed and can be repeated. For adult animals, the course can be carried out only twice a year, in autumn and spring, for one month each, also thoroughly mixing with food at the first meal.


From the first day when the little paws of an animal ran through the corridors of your home, you take full responsibility for it. Giving a course of all kinds of vitamins, including fish oil, is very important; this will prolong the life of your pet and significantly improve its quality. Keeping your furry friend healthy is just as important as feeding it. The main advantage of fish oil affordable price and a decent result after use. And of course, the most important vitamin that makes animals happier is the love of the owner!

(Oleum jecoris)


Contains a mixture of purified marine fish oils, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and vitamins A and D. It is a liquid oily substance from light yellow to yellow color, with a characteristic more or less faint fishy smell and the same taste. Packaged in 50 ml bottles of dark glass.


Fish oil is a natural source of vitamins A, D and E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine, bromine, phosphorus and sulfur in the form of organic compounds.

Fish oil is very easily oxidized and emulsified; due to these two properties, it has the greatest absorption and penetration of the pores of cell membranes of all fats, as well as the greatest absorption by the body. With regular consumption of fish oil, the level of triglycerides, cholesterol, low and very low density lipoproteins decreases, the elasticity of blood cell membranes increases, platelet activation and chemotaxis decreases, which leads to a decrease in blood viscosity and the risk of thrombus formation, the vasodilating effect prevails over the vasoconstrictor. These properties improve microcirculation, especially in vessels affected by atherosclerosis. Fish oil affects mineral metabolism, regulates the production of blood platelets, strengthens immune system, has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of animals.


Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of vitamin A deficiency, rickets, osteomalacia, chronic infections, anemia, allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, stomach ulcers, sexual disorders. Used as tonic, as well as to accelerate wound healing and fusion bone fractures. Externally prescribed for systemic treatment of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, for the treatment of seborrhea, dermatitis, eczema, frostbite, burns, difficult-to-heal wounds and ulcers, iritis, conjunctivitis, etc.


Fish oil is administered to animals orally in the following doses: cows - 100-500 ml, horses - 40-200 ml, sheep and goats - 20-100 ml, pigs - 4-70 ml, dogs and arctic foxes - 10-30 ml, cats - 5-10 ml, agricultural poultry - 2-5 ml, young poultry - 0.3-0.5 ml. For external use, moisten the bandages with fish oil and lubricate the affected surfaces.


At recommended doses and at correct use are not observed. Rarely, minor stomach upset may occur, which can be alleviated by reducing the dose. In some cases, animals with hypersensitivity the drug may cause allergic reactions.


It is advisable not to use it on broiler chickens and animals before slaughter, as the drug gives the product a fishy smell.


Livestock and poultry products can be used without any restrictions after using fish oil.


In a well-closed container, protected from light, cool and inaccessible to children and animals. Avoid exposure high temperatures. Shelf life - 3 years.

Fish oil is a valuable and even irreplaceable product for a growing puppy’s body. Its main purpose is to protect a small dog from developmental delays and...

What are the benefits of fish oil for puppies?

Fish oil is valuable primarily for the presence of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in it. They are difficult to find in other products. These acids are very useful for almost all systems of the canine body:

  • cardiovascular,
  • nervous,
  • immune,
  • auditory,
  • visual.

They have a beneficial effect on proper development skeleton, improve the quality of wool, promote proper calcium metabolism in the body and ensure strengthening of bones. In fish oil. In fact, this is the only source of vitamin A for a dog, since the predator’s body cannot absorb it from carrots.

It is important to note that the smallest puppies should only be given fat from fish carcasses (preferably from the northern seas), and not from the liver. There must be fat high degree cleaning and it is advisable to keep it in capsules - this way it is better preserved. It should not contain any additives, including rosemary or lemon.

Cod liver oil contains too much vitamin A. Therefore, it is best to give it to puppies no younger than three months of age, starting literally drop by drop and by six months of age, increasing the dose to just one teaspoon (for a large dog).

How to give fish oil to a puppy?

For puppies of different ages Different amounts of fish oil are given. Babies weaned from their mother from the age of one month are given half a teaspoon or one capsule. Fat can simply be added to soup. For preventive purposes (especially in the autumn-winter period), fish oil should be given daily, starting with three to five drops and increasing the dose, which should reach two teaspoons or two capsules by six months.

If your puppy has an upset stomach due to fish oil, you should stop taking it for a couple of days. Also, when taking fish oil, you need to take breaks periodically. After taking this remedy for two weeks, you should take a week break.

And then continue taking it again, gradually increasing the dose depending on age. Fish oil should be given to your puppy at least until he is one year old. Although this natural dietary supplement will not harm adult dog. And the reception can be continued throughout life, especially in the autumn-winter period, as well as during periods of weakening of the dog’s body and recovery.

It is known that dogs are not allowed fatty fish, but fish oil, which is obtained from fatty fish, is possible.

However, this product should be given in strictly defined quantities, otherwise, instead of benefit, it can harm your beloved pet.

It should be remembered that fish cannot be replaced with fish oil, which is a dietary supplement, but not a complete product. It contains a large amount of vitamin D, as well as vitamins A and E, omega-3 fatty acids.

Fish oil is obtained from cod liver, as well as from mackerel, herring, muscle mass salmon and some other fatty sea fish. It should be noted that salmon is extracted from salmon oil, not fat. And many dog ​​breeders prefer oil, because it is better absorbed.

Why do dogs need fish oil?

This product is given to puppies to strengthen the immune system, prevent rickets, and normal growth and development.

It is recommended to give fish oil to dogs suffering from arthritis, arthrosis or other joint diseases. In these diseases, fat has a strengthening, analgesic effect. Dog breeders note that after taking this dietary supplement, dogs suffering from joint diseases experienced improvements in mobility and lameness went away.

Fish oil is given to dogs to improve coat quality, skin health, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

There is no consensus on the 100% benefits of fish oil, but in some cases it helps, for example, with joint diseases. However, this product should be given in moderation, otherwise it will lead to the development of various dangerous diseases.

How and how much to give fish oil to a dog

Fish oil is mixed into food small quantity. The dose is determined taking into account the pet’s body weight. The optimal dosage is 0.5-1 tablespoon of fish oil per day. Some dog breeders mix fat only into cottage cheese for better absorption fermented milk product. Thus, this nutritional supplement is given several times a week. With a daily course, the food supplement is given only in the morning feeding.

Puppies are given fish oil from the age of two months or one year (here everyone decides for himself, but many do not advise giving fish oil if the puppy has not reached one year), starting with a few drops, gradually increasing the dose to 1 tablespoon per day. Older dogs are given in smaller quantities to reduce the load on the liver.

For adults healthy dogs you can not give fish oil, but replace it with a complex of vitamins, and only if the pet eats natural products, and not ready-made dry food (high-quality), which often already contains all the necessary vitamins.

The course begins in autumn-winter, the product is mixed into food for 3 months. It is recommended to take the course twice a year.

Fish oil should not be given to dogs that have an upset stomach or liver problems. This food additive causes allergies in some dogs and can also cause diarrhea. If your pet is allergic to the capsule itself, then you should switch to liquid fish oil (some pierce the shell, squeezing out its contents).

It is not recommended to give dogs fish oil obtained from cod liver, since it contains a high content of vitamin A, and its overdose is fraught serious consequences. In addition, it can cause gastritis if fed in large quantities. An overdose of fat-soluble vitamins leads to a number of other diseases, for example, hair loss - the first sign of an overdose.

Vitamin D contained in fish oil is poorly absorbed, and different dogs the percentage of digestibility is different. For example, in some it is absorbed by 50%, and in others by 10%.

Vitamin E should be given along with fish oil, since the former inhibits the synthesis of vitamin E in the body.

This food supplement helps increase appetite, making it easy to overfeed your pet, because it will seem that he is hungry.

If the dog is regularly given vitamins, in particular A, D, E, then fish oil should not be included in the diet, since the dog will receive an excess of vitamins. As you know, an excess of vitamins in the body is more dangerous than their deficiency.

In general, mentions of fish oil are present in old literature, many rely on this, forgetting that in those years it was difficult to get vitamins, there was no variety vitamin complexes, which are currently available in a wide range on the shelves of pet stores and pharmacies. Therefore, taking into account all the features of this dietary supplement, you should responsibly approach the question “To include or not to include fish oil in a dog’s diet?” Many people prefer not to take risks and give their pets not pure fish oil, but more balanced, complex preparations designed specifically for dogs.

To summarize, the answer to the question “Can dogs be given fish oil?” will be - yes, but in moderation.

How to choose fish oil

When purchasing, you should study the composition and pay attention to what fat the product is derived from. The safest product is obtained from muscle (ichthyene or fish oil) fat. Useful acids should be more than 15%. The composition should not contain additional additives in the form of lemon, rosemary, which act as natural preservatives.

Fish oil for dogs should be highly purified.

You need to pay attention to the storage conditions in the pharmacy or pet store. If the product was stored warm and in the light, then most likely it is already spoiled.

Fish oil is sold in capsules and liquid form. It is most convenient in capsules - it does not smell, does not spill, and is stored longer, but some dogs may be allergic to the components of the shell. As for the smell, many dogs are happy to use the dietary supplement despite its unpleasant odor.

You can buy fish oil for dogs at veterinary pharmacy or a clinic, pet store or regular pharmacy. If the instructions indicate the dosage only for humans, then dogs should be given according to the children's regimen.

Any owner who wants his pet to be happy must provide him with not only proper nutrition, but also regularly give a complex of vitamins to drink.

The greatest value of this food additive the omega-3 acids included in it, docosahexaenoic and eicosapantaenoic acids, are added.

IMPORTANT! The best fish oils should include the following types of fish: salmon, trout or cod. You can check whether the product you have chosen has these by looking at the instructions for use.


The greatest need for fish oil is for puppies. Thanks to the correct amount, the owner will be able to avoid rickets in the puppy, as well as eliminate the possibility of developmental delays.

IMPORTANT! Giving a puppy such a supplement in the first month of life is only worth it if its mother is absent, or, more precisely, there is no feeding with mother's milk.

The following should be observed amount of fat for puppies of different ages:

  1. Up to 1 month. Puppies up to a month should be given one capsule or half a teaspoon per day. Gradually, with age, the dose increases.
  2. Up to six months. Puppies under six months of age should be given two teaspoons or 2 capsules.
  3. Up to a year. The fish oil dosage increases to 3 teaspoons or 3 capsules.

Fish oil can be added to the soup that the puppy eats. It can be given daily, especially in the autumn-winter period.

If the puppy has an upset stomach due to fat, then you need to take a break of 2 weeks, and then resume consumption. Up to a year, this supplement is given in mandatory, although it will not be superfluous to add it in the future.


To begin with, it is worth saying that an adult dog you can avoid giving fat at all, and completely replace it with a complex of vitamins.

IMPORTANT! If your pet is fed high-quality dry food, then it most likely already includes a complex of essential vitamins.

If the owner has decided that he will feed the pet exactly the “fish mixture”, then it must be mixed into the food within three months, and conduct this course twice a year.

IMPORTANT! In no case should we forget about contraindications! Under no circumstances should fish oil be given to dogs with an upset stomach or liver problems.

Also Possible allergy to the capsules themselves, in this case it is worth switching to powder. Quantitatively, it is necessary to give the dog 0.5-1 teaspoon or 1 capsule of fish oil per day.

Pregnant or breastfeeding

For up to 30 weeks, one teaspoon or one capsule is given. Further, the norm increases to 1.5 teaspoons or 2 capsules. From the second week of feeding, feeding is given in the same amount as for pregnant dogs after 30 days, as for pregnant dogs after 30 days.

REFERENCE! The abbreviation ME is often found, which means “units” active substance", 100 units of which are approximately equal to 1 capsule of this supplement.

How to give?

In general, any additives are most often added directly to food, but in practice you can find especially harmful ones, although it would be more correct to say “smart” dogs that spit out capsules.

Therefore, it is best to use “fat” in the form of oil, since the dog will definitely not be able to choose it.

With what?

Fish oil can be served to your dog with absolutely any food except dry food. The main problem can only be considered contraindications, such as:

  • individual intolerance;
  • calcium oversaturation;
  • upcoming operations, or severe wounds (external).

What can be replaced?

Fish oil can be replaced with ordinary vitamin complexes.

ATTENTION! In any case, puppies under one year of age must be given fat, since vitamin complexes may not be absorbed.

The proportions need to be approximately the same, while, as mentioned above, high-quality dry food already contains the necessary complex of vitamins in the required quantities.

In conclusion, I would like to say that This supplement is very important mainly for puppies, but for adult dogs it will be enough to “drink” a complex of vitamins.

However proper feeding With proper use of the supplement, the defenseless puppy will ensure proper development, both in terms of growth and intelligence.

It will also be important to avoid rickets in puppies. Fat is ineffective for adult dogs mainly because large quantity contraindications, which when using “puppy supplements” can significantly increase and also lead to serious complications.

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