Features of breastfeeding after cesarean surgery. Rules of organization and typical mistakes of breastfeeding after cesarean section Colostrum after cesarean what to do

To date, the percentage of births assisted caesarean section, unfortunately, is quite high. This trend cannot but worry expectant mothers who are about to give birth and who plan to breastfeed their baby. After all, there is a lot of talk around breastfeeding after a cesarean section, which is sometimes completely unjustified. Many people believe that after such a birth, women may not produce milk or that there will be very little milk, and the woman will be able to breastfeed for no more than three to four months. But is it?

The most important thing that a mother who gave birth to a child by caesarean section should remember is that she will definitely be able to breastfeed your baby. But in order to be prepared for this process, you need to take into account some features in establishing breastfeeding after childbirth with surgical intervention.

Weakness of the child after CS

Another problem that a woman may encounter after a cesarean section is lethargy and weakness of the baby. But don't worry if the baby doesn't show interest in his mother's breast at first. This situation can be fixed, it just takes a little time and patience.

Close contact with the baby skin-to-skin position, hand-carrying or V will help adapt the baby and awaken his innate instincts. If not today, then tomorrow the baby will definitely take the breast if the mother does not despair and continues to try to latch on.

To stimulate the baby, you can squeeze a few drops of colostrum onto the newborn's lips. Try it give colostrum from a pipette or spoon. Remember that if feeding is carried out not with a bottle, and for example, from a pipette, syringe or spoon, it will be easier for you to teach your child to latch onto the breast correctly.

If your baby cannot yet latch on to the breast, but you plan to start breastfeeding, express milk. This will help stimulate and maintain lactation until the baby begins to latch on.

Delayed milk arrival

After a caesarean section, there may be a delay in milk supply. This is due both to the surgical intervention itself and to the fact that, as a rule, after such an operation Mom later puts it to the breast child than after natural birth, because she may not feel well and not be with her child. But if it is possible to stay with the baby immediately after a cesarean section, then this will be an excellent chance to organize breastfeeding as quickly as possible.

Even if you feel that immediately after giving birth you are not able to put your baby to the breast, just hold him in your arms, look at him, get to know him, touch him, because all this, any contact with the newborn, especially skin-to-skin contact, will help in stimulating milk production and its flow to the breast.

After surgery approximate milk arrival time can be from three to seven days. This depends both on the woman’s condition after the operation, and on the medications used during cesarean section, and, of course, on the frequency of the baby’s breastfeeding.

Research conducted by Danish scientists with two groups of women who gave birth by Caesarean section showed that women After epidural anesthesia, it is easier and faster to establish a hepatitis B than those who gave birth under general anesthesia.

Postoperative pain

Also, after a cesarean section, breast milk production may interfere painful sensations which are inevitable after surgery. Due to the shock and pain that a woman experiences, the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the release of milk from the breast, is blocked. In this case a light massage will help mammary glands or pumping milk. Also, drinking a warm drink before breastfeeding will help increase oxytocin levels and milk will flow more easily from the breast, making feeding easier for the baby.

After a caesarean section, it is very important that in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital, there is a permanent assistant with the mother who will not only deliver the baby, but also take on household responsibilities. This will help the mother in labor recover much faster.

A convenient one will also help out significantly, allowing you to quickly and easily attach the baby to the breast as soon as necessary. Feeding on demand and frequent feeding are also the key to quickly establishing breastfeeding.

Comfortable position for feeding

It is also very important to choose the one feeding position that is comfortable for mother and baby, and will not load after surgical suture. For some, it will be convenient to feed while sitting in the “cradle” position with the help of special feeding pillows, and for others, lying down. Whatever position you choose, keep in mind that you should not experience any discomfort, the position should be comfortable for long-term feeding, and the baby should be able to latch on well and correctly.

The process of breastfeeding after cesarean section is no different from breastfeeding after natural childbirth

So, as you can see, the process of breastfeeding after a cesarean section is practically no different from feeding after a natural birth. The operation may affect the initiation and establishment of breastfeeding, but not the duration or quality. In addition, it is not at all necessary that you will have any of the listed symptoms.

The main thing to remember is that the fundamental principle is the desire and desire of the mother to organize breastfeeding.


Several decades ago, when women after a caesarean section were in intensive care for 2 weeks, and children were brought to them only for feeding, many actually lost breast milk. Today, the baby is often put to the breast right in the operating room, and by the end of the first day after a caesarean section, the woman is already in the general ward next to the baby. Stimulation of the nipple and sucking activate the production of prolactin, a hormone responsible for sufficient lactation.

Colostrum and mature milk may actually arrive a couple of days later. There is no harm in this; adequate supplementary feeding should not be abandoned if the child is really hungry. The child will retain strength and will not lose weight. Milk is often delayed in women who have not received parenteral nutrition on the first day after the operation, if the woman was given intravenous nutrient solutions, and the operation went without complications, the milk will come on time. With large blood loss, breast milk is also retained. If the mother feels unwell, first of all you need to restore her condition, and then establish breastfeeding. A hungry, tired and unwell woman will not be able to breastfeed. If a child is forced to stay in the children's department, he needs to use a breast pump: the staff will be able to feed him expressed milk, and the mother will be able to stimulate lactation.

After transfer to general department Hold your baby in your arms and put him to your breast more often, especially at night. Prolactin is more actively produced at night, reaching peak values ​​at 2-4 am. Try to rest more, sleep when you want, and don’t talk on the phone with relatives. The use of disposable diapers already in the maternity hospital allows you to minimize the burden of caring for the child, as a result he sleeps better and longer, the mother does not need to change diapers every quarter of an hour. If you feel unwell, do not hesitate to take your child to children's department. Feed him beforehand and go to rest.

Teas that stimulate lactation, wearing special underwear for nursing women, and often split meals improve milk flow. Fat nuts, condensed milk, large quantities butter and others traditional methods impair the digestibility of milk, it becomes too fatty, and the child may experience bloating. There are special nutritional formulas for nursing mothers. This is modern therapeutic nutrition, With high content squirrel. It allows the mother to receive high-quality nutrition, which also affects lactation.

Upon arrival home from the maternity hospital, you should continue to drink tea that stimulates lactation, rest more often, leave some household chores for later and involve relatives. If possible, you can use the services of a visiting assistant. Scientists have proven that co-sleeping improves lactation. If you decide to use this advice, practice co-sleeping during the day, place your baby on your chest or stomach and do not swaddle him so that your baby can move away from you. Choosing a comfortable position for feeding will allow the mother to rest while the baby eats. Breastfeeding centers operating at clinics help women properly manage lactation. They provide free help within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, employees have medical education and completed the required qualification courses.

For lactation and breastfeeding, it is important that childbirth be natural. Caesarean section negatively affects the condition of the newborn baby and complicates the manifestation of reflexes. After surgical intervention The baby often cannot latch on to the breast on his own. It is important that after the operation the baby is close to his mother.

Caesarean section entails a number of the following problems in establishing breastfeeding:

  • Inability to apply for the first time;
  • Accustoming the baby to the nipple during artificial or mixed feeding. As practice proves, after the nipple the baby does not want to take the breast;
  • Late arrival of milk and low level lactation. Sometimes a caesarean section leads to the opposite result - there is too much milk. Read what to do if a nursing mother has hyperlactation. Be careful, as excess milk accumulates in the breast and forms lumps, which leads to lactostasis!;
  • Anesthesia and antibiotics negatively affect the course of lactation. Sometimes, if there is a complication after surgery, it is necessary to continue taking medications that are not compatible with breastfeeding. In this case, you will have to stop breastfeeding for a while.

But despite the dire forecasts, many mothers easily coped with the problems and established breastfeeding after a caesarean section. As practice shows, this will not require more than three days.

First application

Further lactation and the correct course of breastfeeding depend on the first attachment. With regional anesthesia, problems with attachment do not arise, since the woman comes to her senses quickly and it becomes possible to attach the baby to the breast immediately. However, when complex operation and general anesthesia, a woman can lie unconscious for several hours.

But remember that attachment is not a decisive factor and breastfeeding can be established in any case if you do the necessary manipulations for this.

Try to arrange your first breastfeeding after a caesarean section within six hours of your baby's birth. It was during this period that the child showed high sucking activity. In this case, it is advisable to feed for 1-1.5 hours.

Correct nipple latching

It is important that the newborn does not have time to try feeding from the nipple before taking the breast. The pacifier causes problems with nipple latching. Proper latching of your baby to the breast includes the following:

  • The baby should grasp both the nipple and the areola;
  • The baby's lips should be slightly turned outward;
  • The baby can freely adjust the nipple with the tongue;
  • The baby's nose and cheeks should be close to the chest, but not buried in it. In this case, the puppies should not be drawn in!;
  • To awaken the reflex, let your baby suck your finger;
  • Don’t be afraid to help your baby latch on to the nipple; take it closer to the areola and try to gently place the nipple in the baby’s mouth as deeply as possible. But don't force the nipple in! This will only make the problem worse.

With the correct grip, the baby will suck with deep rhythmic movements and swallow milk. At first, you will have to help the baby take the nipple correctly. But when the baby gets stronger and grows a little, he will easily cope with this task. Don't be upset if your baby spits out the nipple or turns away. It’s a matter of time and soon he will reach for his mother’s breast.

You will find more tips on how to teach a newborn to take the nipple in the article “.

Leave your newborn at the breast until he has eaten and releases the nipple from the breast on his own. Feed your baby on demand, not according to a schedule. Frequent feeding will improve lactation and ensure comfortable and proper breastfeeding after cesarean section.

If there is not enough milk

Throughout the entire period of breastfeeding, the mother must maintain lactation so that the baby has enough milk. There are a few simple ways, which will preserve and, if necessary, improve milk production:

  • Proper organization of breastfeeding (comfortable position, correct nipple latching, feeding the baby on demand, etc.);
  • Frequent feeding is the main stimulator of lactation;
  • Breast and nipple care. It is important to monitor the condition of the nipples, as cracks lead to the development of lactostasis and infections. Use special ointments for nipples;
  • Massage your breasts using circular movements in a clockwise direction for 2-4 minutes a day. Massage not only stimulates milk production, but also relieves stagnation of milk and prevents lactostasis;
  • Drink more fluids. Drink water and natural juices, compotes and fruit drinks. Eat broths and soups. Warm drinking perfectly stimulates lactation and removes it from the body. harmful substances, protects and helps with colds. The minimum volume of fluid consumed during breastfeeding is 2-3 liters;
  • The nutrition of a nursing mother affects the course of lactation and the quality of milk, as well as the health and well-being of the baby. Therefore it is important to establish proper diet when breastfeeding;
  • Drink herbal teas and special decoctions. Tinctures of dill, fennel and caraway help excellently;
  • To stimulate milk production, apply warm compresses before feeding and cool compresses after. And compresses from cabbage leaves will relieve chest pain.

There are also various medications to increase lactation. However, medications should be used only in extreme cases, when standard methods And folk remedies didn't help. Accept medications only after consulting a doctor!

When supplementary feeding is needed

If your baby does not suckle breast milk, do not rush to give supplementary feeding. After all, it is breast milk that provides the newborn with the necessary elements and a complex of vitamins for full development and growth. It is mother’s milk that forms and strengthens the immune system and protects the baby from diseases.

Weak and premature babies who do not gain or even lose weight need additional feeding. On average, a baby gains 100-150 grams per week; in the second to fourth month, the intensity increases to 140-200 grams. Then it drops again to 100-150. However, keep in mind that each child is individual, and standards may vary. They will help you calculate the correct weight of your baby up to a year.

Supplementary feeding is necessary when long-term treatment mother, which is not compatible with lactation, and with prolonged separation of mother and baby. Do not start supplementary feeding without prior doctor's advice! Unfortunately, practice shows that returning to full breastfeeding is complicated after the introduction of supplementary feeding.

If introducing complementary foods is necessary, follow the basic rules for maintaining breastfeeding:

  • Supplement feeding after your baby has nursed and both breasts are completely empty. Be sure to breastfeed at every feeding!;
  • Supplementary feeding should be no more than 30-50% of the daily feeding volume;
  • Do not use a pacifier when feeding! The baby quickly gets used to easy food and rarely returns to his mother’s breast;
  • Prepare the mixture immediately before feeding and do not leave it until the next day.

To feed your baby, use a syringe or pipette for small portions, and a teaspoon or cup for large portions. In addition, there are special tube systems that are inserted into the bottle with the mixture and lead to the nipple. This is the most natural way mixed feeding, which maintains contact between baby and mother. The baby immediately receives breast milk and additional nutrition.

Complications after caesarean section

Unfortunately, complications after such surgical intervention are common in women. Types of complications are divided into three groups:

  1. on internal organs(large blood loss, inflammation in the uterine cavity, etc.);
  2. on the seams (dehiscence or inflammation of the seam);
  3. due to anesthesia (impaired functioning of the heart, blood vessels and nerve cells)

To avoid problems, the mother is often prescribed antibiotics and other supportive medications. Find the right ones with your doctor medicines, which will not harm lactation. After all, even among antibiotics there are drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding.

After a cesarean section, carefully monitor your health. Provide proper care behind the stitches, do not perform heavy physical activity. But special gymnastics and walks on fresh air will only be beneficial.

The first weeks after childbirth are filled with worries and problems for a woman, and during a caesarean section they are further aggravated by postoperative pain and motor restrictions. In this case, it is important to maintain a balance between the child’s needs and the mother’s desire to quickly regain her former beauty and good physical shape.

Is it possible to breastfeed after a cesarean section?

There are no restrictions on breastfeeding after a caesarean section. If the operation took place without complications and with standard medications, then the baby can be delivered immediately after the woman recovers from anesthesia. International standards recommend doing this within an hour after surgery.

If birth was preceded by natural labor contractions, then milk should begin to appear within a few hours after birth. In this case, there should be a close person, which will help in the feeding process. Attachment to the breast must be carried out at least 8-10 times a day until its stable production by the mammary glands.

If the cesarean section was planned and was not preceded by prenatal contractions, then milk begins to be produced 3-7 days after the operation. In such cases, feeding with artificial formula cannot be avoided. But even with a temporary absence of milk, the baby must be constantly attached to the breast. This will stimulate lactation and develop the correct reflexes in the baby.

Hello! I will have a Caesarean section with epidural anesthesia. Tell me, how long after a cesarean section can you feed your baby breast milk? Will it be affected by the medications I have in my blood? Larisa, 24 years old.

Good afternoon, Larisa! You can feed your baby an hour after birth, if your condition and the baby allow it. Children often fall asleep after a cesarean section, so you can put your baby to the breast for the first time after sleep. If you take painkillers, ask your doctor about your feeding regimen.

Positions for feeding newborns with breast milk after cesarean section

Soreness postoperative suture and the need to provide him with conditions for fusion limits the list of convenient positions for feeding the baby. Although the woman is allowed to sit down immediately after the operation.

The main acceptable postures are:

  1. Lying on your side. Suitable for the first hours after surgery. The woman lies on her side, her legs are pulled up, a small cushion is placed under her back, and a pillow is placed under her head. The child lies down next to the woman with his head on the lower elbow or on the bed. Mom's belly with a stitch can be additionally protected with something soft. It is possible to place the child with his feet towards the woman's head.
  2. "Out of hand." The woman sits in a comfortable, relaxed position, with her elbows completely on her back. 1-2 pillows are placed on the side, on which the child is laid horizontally. His body should be at the mother's side, his head peeking out from under the armpit, and his legs slightly curled behind the woman's back.
  3. Cradle. This is a classic sitting position with the child positioned horizontally along female breast. To reduce the load on the seam, the baby is placed on pillows in front of the mother, and his head is placed on the elbow near the nipple. The woman's hand should be as relaxed as possible.
  4. "Over shoulder". This position requires outside help and is indicated from the first hours after surgery. First, the woman lies down and places her head on a low pillow. The assistant then positions the baby so that his stomach rests on his mother's shoulder and his head is positioned above her chest.

The choice of a specific position is influenced by the woman’s build, the shape of her breasts, the placement of the nipple and the availability of the necessary furniture and pillows. Therefore, it is advisable to try all the options and choose the position that will be as comfortable as possible for both the baby and the mother.

Good afternoon Tell me, doctor, how to feed a baby after a cesarean section in the first hours of life? The operation is coming soon, I want to prepare for it so that I know hourly and day by day how to behave. Natalya, 20 years old.

Good day, Natalia! If you have someone to help you, then you can use the “Over the Shoulder” position for feeding. In other positions, you will simply experience a lot of pain or may put unnecessary stress on the stitch. Although it all depends on the desire of others to help the child find the breast when you are lying down).

Nutrition after caesarean section for a nursing mother

A woman’s diet after cesarean section has significant features only for the first three days. After this, nutrition should become complete to ensure sufficient milk production and normal recovery tissues after surgery.

You should not eat food on the first day after a cesarean section. It is allowed to drink still water, mineral water or fruit juices diluted 3-4 times. Excessive drinking can cause the breasts to become very engorged and the swelling of the postoperative suture to increase.

Stimulation of the intestines is mandatory so that the woman does not have to strain when visiting the toilet. To do this, they give injections of Proserin, and after half an hour - an enema. Stimulation of the intestines also prevents the formation of adhesions.

Good afternoon What can a nursing mother eat after a cesarean section in the first days and first week? Otherwise, you need to tell your relatives what to bring to the maternity hospital) Alina, 21 years old.

Good afternoon, Alina! On the first day, you can only drink still water or diluted juices. You can read about the set of products on the second and third days in the above article. WITH fourth day a woman can start eating regular food recommended for nursing mothers. However, in the first month, nutrition should still be gentle on the gastrointestinal tract

From the second day, it is allowed to consume unleavened broths, yoghurts, vegetable and chicken purees. You can drink tea, various compotes, juices, fruit drinks. It is allowed to use the appropriate baby food. Food should be divided into 7-8 meals so as not to burden the stomach.

From the third day, a woman can eat steamed cutlets with dietary meat, light soups, yoghurts, cereals, baked fruits and boiled vegetables. You can drink almost everything that is allowed to any nursing mother.

What can a nursing mother eat in the first month after a cesarean section?

When after surgery cesarean mother return home safely with the child, the main thing is not to be tempted by the usual homemade food. In the first month, a nursing woman should monitor her diet and eat only recommended foods. These include:

  1. Milk, low-fat cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, butter.
  2. Vegetables, except for highly aromatic ones and legumes.
  3. Lean meats.
  4. Soft fruits, excluding citrus fruits.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Eggs.
  7. Porridge, soup.

These products will not lead to a deterioration in the taste of milk and will ensure that it contains all the necessary substances. The following foods should be avoided:

  1. Natural honey.
  2. Canned food.
  3. Mayonnaise and other store-bought sauces.
  4. Marinades and salinities.
  5. Sausages and sausages.
  6. Fried, smoked, spicy.
  7. Chocolate.

Listed above are only those foods that are undesirable for a nursing mother to consume in the first month after a cesarean section. After this period, you can introduce such food into your diet in reasonable quantities. In addition to these products, there is a general list of foods not recommended for consumption during lactation.

Hello! My name is Taisiya, 28 years old, two months after cesarean section. I would like to get rid of my stomach and improve my digestion a little, because after giving birth I sometimes have constipation and have to take a laxative. May I know when can a nursing mother pump up her abs after a caesarean section?

Good afternoon, Tatyana! You can actively pump up your abs no earlier than 4-6 months after giving birth. You should start with gymnastics with minimal amplitudes and effort. It is advisable to first go to the surgeon and have an ultrasound to confirm good condition seams.

A nursing mother has little milk after a cesarean section - what to do?

Lucky mothers who have no problems with lactation after cesarean section. But what to do if the breasts do not fill out either on the 1st or 3rd day after surgery? Doctors recommend not waiting for problems and starting to stimulate milk production in the first hours after birth.

The following techniques are used for this:

  1. Every hour, and also after the baby wakes up, apply it to the nipple for 1-2 minutes. Even negative reaction The child's response to the lack of milk will be a good incentive to increase its production.
  2. Try to pump several times a day. This will irritate the areola receptors and create an imitation of sucking. A breast pump can also be used for this purpose.
  3. Stay in contact with your child as much as possible. It is advisable that his lips touch the mammary gland more often.
  4. Drink more fluids, including milk, but only 3-4 days after birth.
  5. Massage your nipples several times a day. This should be done gently, without strong pressure.

If a week after birth there are no signs of active lactation, then this is a reason to contact an antenatal clinic or volunteer breastfeeding specialists.

Good afternoon A month has passed since the operation, everything is fine, but doctors prohibit bathing in the bathroom. Can you tell me when a nursing mother can take a bath after a caesarean section? Polina, 18 years old.

Good afternoon, Polina! After cesarean section, it is recommended to take a full bath no earlier than 8 weeks after surgery. Until then, you can get by with a regular shower.

When can a nursing mother exercise after a caesarean section?

Women after cesarean simply cannot play sports. Most physical exercises are accompanied by tension in the abdominal muscles, which postoperative period leads to severe pain and the likelihood of seam divergence. Therefore, you should not engage in sports exercises after cesarean section for at least 2 months.

Start off physical exercise It is necessary to start with light gymnastics, yoga, Pilates, carefully monitoring the sensations in the lower abdomen and regularly inspecting the surgical suture. The first lessons should not last more than 10 minutes. If negative consequences If there is no stress and your periods don’t come, then you can increase their duration and intensity.

Going to the gym for full training is allowed only after examination by a surgeon. Typically, active loads on the abdominal muscles are allowed no earlier than six months after surgery.

Good evening! When can a nursing mother spin a hula hoop after a caesarean section? I would like to take care of myself a little, but I'm afraid. The child is already three months old. Valentina, 32 years old.

Good afternoon, Valentina! I would not recommend starting physical activity with a hoop. 8 weeks after giving birth, you can do gymnastics, making circular movements of the entire torso and hips. Only after a few days, in the absence of pain and discomfort, can you proceed to using the hoop. But movements should be as smooth as possible.

Sports activities after cesarean section have a lot of positive aspects:

  1. Reduces back pain from carrying a child.
  2. The muscles of the uterus are strengthened, reducing the risk of problems during subsequent births.
  3. The breasts are tightened, reducing their sagging after the cessation of lactation.
  4. The stomach decreases.
  5. The fusion of the abdominal muscles is stimulated.
  6. The consequences of adhesions are reduced.

How can a nursing mother lose weight after a cesarean section?

In case of breastfeeding, any diet that limits the intake of a sufficient amount is contraindicated. nutrients. But there are other ways to lose weight after childbirth.

These include:

  1. Regular sports and gymnastics, starting from the third month after birth.
  2. Feeding the baby on demand. With milk female body will give away all the extra calories it contains.
  3. Contrast showers, anti-cellulite massage and other physiotherapy procedures that promote weight loss.
  4. Eating fresh vegetables that will delay the onset of hunger after the next meal.
  5. Eating in small portions 5-6 times a day so as not to overeat at night after the day's worries.

In addition to these techniques, emotional relief contributes to weight loss. To relax and gain strength, you can practice yoga, meditation, or attend a nursing club.

When can a nursing mother have sex after a caesarean section?

Intimate life is a wonderful psychological release, so many married couples They strive to return to it as quickly as possible after the birth of the child. During childbirth via cesarean section, the vagina is not injured, so there are no contraindications to sex from this organ.

To start intimate life after pregnancy, lochia should at least end, and this happens 4-8 weeks after birth. The end of this process means that the uterine mucosa has restored its structure, and its inseam grew together normally. Before the first sex, it is advisable to do an ultrasound, especially if sexual intercourse is planned for 4-5 weeks after the birth of the child.

Sex should bring joy to both partners, so the second important factor in starting an intimate life is the lack of painful sensations during intimacy. In addition, the position should be as safe as possible from the point of view of injury to the postoperative suture.

Thus, breastfeeding after cesarean section is associated with certain difficulties. However, the help of relatives, self-education and loving attitude to the child are able to smooth them out and help them survive this difficult period without problems.

Hello! For two weeks after giving birth I don’t go to the toilet normally, I have regular constipation. Can you tell me how to improve bowel movements for a nursing mother after a caesarean section? There were no problems with this before pregnancy. Diana, 30 years old.

Good afternoon, Diana! Important factors To normalize stool after cesarean section, you need to eat properly with plenty of fiber and drink the amount of water required by the body. Problems with stool can last up to 4-6 weeks. Symptomatic treatment Only a doctor can prescribe laxatives to nursing mothers, so be sure to consult a doctor.

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Long before the expected date of birth, many expectant mothers think about such an important process as breastfeeding a baby. In the age of digital technology and the Internet, most women study a lot of information, communicate on forums and listen to stories from more experienced ladies. Those who are scheduled for a planned caesarean section or surgery was carried out on an emergency basis. If everything is clear with natural childbirth - the baby is put to the breast in the first minutes of life, then the birth of a newborn through surgery provokes many questions and fears in the woman in labor. And the most important of them is whether she can breastfeed.

What to prepare for: how lactation develops after cesarean section

There is an opinion that after a caesarean section it is difficult for a woman to establish lactation. There is only part of the truth in this statement. Experts explain that the operation itself does not affect milk production in any way, because after the baby is born and the placenta is removed from the mother’s body, the hormones oxytocin and prolactin work in full force to provide the baby with valuable fluid. Therefore, in most cases, feeding a newborn with breast milk is possible.

The situation is more complicated with emergency surgical delivery. The fact is that such childbirth is a huge stress for the whole body. After surgery, a woman may need much longer recovery time and will need to take stronger medications. Therefore, milk may come in a week. And in some cases, lactation does not start. However, even the most best doctors, everything is individual in each specific case.

If the baby was born full term, there should be no problems with lactation

Obstetricians-gynecologists and breastfeeding consultants explain that the flow of milk in a young mother who gave birth to a baby via cesarean section can come on the fourth to fifth day, or seven to nine days after the operation. Doctors insist that the stages of lactation formation are no different in women who have undergone natural childbirth or surgical intervention:

  • the first few days, only colostrum is released from the breast - a thick liquid that is rich in vitamins, minerals and immunoglobulins to protect the baby from infections, bacteria and viruses;
  • After three to six days, milk begins to be produced, which is called transitional milk. It may have a bluish tint. And after ten to fourteen days the nutrient fluid becomes mature;
  • After one or two months, milk production is completely restored. The body is accustomed to the baby's feeding regimen and knows how much milk it needs during the day. From this time on, lactation is called mature.

Video: doctor's explanation about breastfeeding after caesarean section

Why a mother may have little milk after a cesarean section

This problem is one of the main ones for women who gave birth to babies by caesarean section. There may be several reasons, so a young mother should be prepared for some difficulties. She must set herself up for success and follow all the recommendations of doctors in order to start lactation.

According to the results of a study conducted in the USA, doctors came to the conclusion that after a planned surgical delivery, the possibility that a woman herself will refuse to breastfeed in favor of artificial feeding increases twice as much as after natural childbirth.

WHO insists that the best, balanced and optimal nutrition for the baby is breast milk. However, experts are concerned that young mothers are increasingly refusing breastfeeding on their own or making little attempt to maintain lactation if problems arise. This can be explained quite simply: the woman knows that nothing can happen to the baby without breast milk, because there are many options for specially adapted dry formulas that can be used to feed the baby.

Many women after a cesarean section do not want to try to establish lactation and independently transfer their babies to formula

Doctors keep repeating that the amount of milk production directly depends on the number of times the baby is latched to the breast. However, after a caesarean section this may be difficult:

  • condition of the newborn. The fact is that during the birth process the baby goes through birth canal mother, preparing for birth. This is what nature intended, but the Caesarites are deprived of this opportunity. The body does not understand what has happened, so children are often lethargic and do not show sucking activity. But don’t worry if the baby is full-term, after one or two hours the reflexes will be restored and the baby will enthusiastically get food for itself;

    It is worth understanding that premature babies need much more time to regain strength and adapt to new living conditions. Some of them may spend weeks or even months in the neonatal unit under the close supervision of neonatologists. And there can be no talk of any breastfeeding, because... The baby just doesn't have the strength.

  • anesthesia. Today, most women prefer epidural anesthesia. In this case, after removing the child, he is immediately given to the mother. A woman can give her breast to her baby so that he can immediately begin to eat valuable colostrum. However, in case of emergency CS or for other reasons, the woman in labor is given general anesthesia. In such a situation, you most often cannot feed a newborn for a day after surgery;
  • medications the mother is taking. Common practice in maternity hospitals- after surgery, prescribe antibiotics to the woman to prevent the risk of infection and other complications. If the caesarean section went well, the doctor will select antibiotic therapy with drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding. But in some cases it is impossible to do without more strong drugs, during which breastfeeding is contraindicated;
  • emotional state of a young mother. A lot depends on the woman’s mood after childbirth. If she is in a state of depression, constantly cries, worries about her baby, but the milk may not come at all, this also happens.

    Some mothers decide to abandon breastfeeding even before the baby is born. Psychologists explain this decision for various reasons: some people don’t want to spoil the shape of their breasts, and some experience real disgust at the thought that the baby will grab the nipple.

  • incorrect chest grip. This problem is more often observed in women for whom this is their first child and they have no experience of breastfeeding. If the baby only latches on to the nipple, it means that the breast is not completely emptied during sucking. This is fraught with stagnation of milk, and if the situation worsens, lactostasis or mastitis.

Video: caesarean section and its features

How to establish and stimulate lactation after cesarean section

Dr. Komarovsky and specialists around the world never tire of repeating that after a caesarean section, lactation processes start in the same way as after a natural birth. Of course, doctors do not deny that this happens with a slight delay, but nevertheless, milk begins to be produced. Therefore, a young mother should be prepared in every possible way to stimulate the flow of nutritional fluid and try to establish breastfeeding as early as possible.

Before and after surgery, do not be afraid to talk to doctors. Ask to bring the child to the room as early as possible, leave the baby next to you at night, and if possible, the most the best option so that the baby remains with the mother at all times.

The presence of mother and child together in the ward contributes to a faster establishment of lactation

It must also be remembered that from Have a good mood women depend on the success of lactation. Therefore, a young mother must be calm, get plenty of rest, and focus only on positive aspects. If something worries her, she should always talk about her fears to the doctor. A gynecologist, neonatologist or pediatrician will try to explain as competently and clearly as possible all the nuances that are associated with recovery after childbirth, establishing breastfeeding, etc.

In some cases, women who have recently given birth experience postpartum depression. She may be of varying complexity. Therefore, if necessary, a psychologist will be invited to the ward to help cope with this condition.

Frequent feeding of the baby and other important nuances

Obstetricians-gynecologists and lactation consultants never tire of repeating one simple truth: the more often you put the baby to the breast, the more milk will be produced. Therefore, a woman should ask doctors to bring her a newborn after surgery, of course, if both the baby and the mother feel well. It is also necessary to observe certain conditions in order to stimulate lactation and facilitate its rapid establishment:

  • Give your baby breastfeed every two hours. Do not forget that you should not skip night feedings, because prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production, is released in greater quantities at night;

    Be sure to make sure that the baby latches onto the breast correctly: with his lips he should grasp not only the nipple, but also the areola. Then the outflow of milk will be complete.

  • Do not supplement your baby with formula. Very often, women panic when milk does not come after three or four days and rush to give it to the baby artificial nutrition. Dr. Komarovsky explains that nothing will happen to a newborn baby, even if he goes without food for a day. Therefore, there is no need to rush and switch your baby to formula. It is necessary to continue to offer the breast and spend more time with the baby;
  • Do not use a pacifier or bottle feed your newborn. The fact is that in Caesarea calves the sucking reflex does not actively manifest itself immediately after birth. The baby will get used to sucking the pacifier with ease, getting food for himself without much effort, and may simply refuse the breast;

    If the baby was born premature and breastfeeding is not possible due to the baby's weakness, feed him with a spoon, but do not use a bottle.

  • pump. There are situations when a child cannot latch on to the breast or a woman takes medications that are incompatible with breastfeeding. Then you need to stimulate lactation yourself. To do this, you need to express milk every two hours by hand or using a breast pump. Of course, such nipple irritation is slightly less effective than when a baby is latched to the breast, but it also promotes the production of prolactin and milk will begin to form.

Frequent latching on your baby's breast is the key to successful lactation.

Breast massage to stimulate lactation

Massage will not increase the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin. However, this technique will help facilitate the movement of nutrient fluid through the ducts, thereby increasing the release of milk from the nipples. Obstetricians-gynecologists and lactation consultants highlight several positive aspects that are promoted by regular massage of the mammary glands during breastfeeding:

  • muscles relax. Many women worry that they will develop stretch marks. And it largely depends on genetic predisposition. But massaging the breasts helps strengthen the muscles, which facilitates the feeding process and relieves the woman of pain;
  • improves blood circulation. When a woman kneads the mammary gland, blood circulates better and faster through the vessels, thereby increasing the flow of milk;
  • stimulates lactation. On initial stage normalization of breastfeeding, many women experience stagnation of milk and the formation of inflammation in the ducts. Regular massage helps prevent these problems by ensuring free flow of nourishing fluid from the nipples;
  • helps to detect inflammation in time. During massaging, a woman may feel a lump formed (fluid stagnation). She can stretch her breasts on her own or consult a doctor in time, who will give valuable recommendations on what to do in this case.

Breast massage during breastfeeding is an excellent prevention of lactostasis.

For the opportunity to breastfeed, most mothers are willing to use various ways to improve lactation

Before you begin performing the massage technique, you need to remember a few clear rules:

  • use massage oil made from natural ingredients, such as olive oil or any baby oil. Remember to wash your breasts thoroughly before feeding to remove any remaining product;
  • massage for at least 15 minutes;
  • act carefully and gently, without causing yourself pain. Do not pull the skin under any circumstances;
  • perform a massage in warm room no drafts;
  • wear comfortable underwear designed for nursing mothers, made only from natural, breathable fabrics. The bra should not squeeze the breasts so as not to cause stagnation of milk.

During breastfeeding, it is better to wear a comfortable nursing bra

The chest massage technique includes several exercises:

  • start with circular movements. Gently, without pressing, massage your breasts clockwise. If you feel congestion with your fingers, you need to pay more attention to this area and massage the compaction for at least 20 seconds;
  • Place both palms on your chest at the base. Squeezing your palms slightly, move towards the nipple. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times on each mammary gland;
  • Take your breast in your hand so that it lies on your palm. Lightly rock the breast as if creating a vibrating motion up and down for 40-60 seconds;
  • Place one hand under your chest and the other on top of it. Start performing light circular movements. Massage for at least a minute.

Nutrition for a nursing mother

Many doctors say: milk production does not depend on what a young mother eats. However, everyone agrees that there are foods that can influence the smell and taste of the nutritional fluid, and also stimulate the flow of milk in the ducts. Doctors also insist that a nursing woman’s menu should be balanced and varied so that both mother and baby have enough vitamins, useful substances and minerals.

Many products can cause allergic reactions in a newborn, so it is recommended to exclude them from a woman’s diet.

Products that are beneficial for a woman to consume during breastfeeding can be combined into the following list:

  • milk and fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese;

    The pharmacy sells starters from which you can make many dishes yourself, for example, yogurt.

  • meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, nutria. It is recommended to stew, boil or bake, but exclude fried meat dishes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits. An excellent option would be baking in the oven;
  • maritime lean fish: hake, pollock, cod;
  • hard cheese;

    Some mothers love blue cheese. During breastfeeding, its consumption is strictly prohibited.

  • buckwheat, oatmeal and rice porridge. It is recommended to cook as a side dish for meat or fish, as well as with the addition of milk and fruit;
  • walnuts, almonds;
  • boiled eggs. It is better to give preference to quail, they are less allergenic;
  • tea. Drink as much as possible in warm, green is better. Add a little milk to the drink.

    The pharmacy sells various preparations to increase lactation. If your baby doesn’t have allergies, try brewing this drink for yourself.

    Be sure to exclude the following dishes, drinks and products from the menu:

    • alcohol and all kinds of cocktails with its addition;
    • coffee, strong black tea;
    • onions, garlic, spices and seasonings;
    • chocolate, honey, halva are the strongest allergens;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • canned food: fish, meat, vegetables.

    Video: nutrition while breastfeeding

    Many women are worried that lactation will improve and they will not have problems with breastfeeding. But things don’t always work out the way we want. Therefore, you need to be prepared for difficulties and not panic. A good, positive attitude is half the success. After a caesarean section, lactation is possible, although with some delays. Doctors recommend putting a newborn to the breast more often, spending more time with the baby and eating well. Then the flow of milk will not take long to arrive.