Acute atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis in adults. How to treat toxicoderma

Atopic dermatitis in infants is a chronic immune inflammation of the child’s skin, characterized by a certain form of rashes and their staged appearance.

Childhood and infant atopic dermatitis significantly reduces the quality of life of the entire family due to the need for strict adherence to a special therapeutic diet and a hypoallergenic lifestyle.

Main risk factors and causes of atopic dermatitis

A risk factor for atopic disease is often a hereditary history of allergies and. Factors such as constitutional features, nutritional disorders, and insufficiently good care for the child are also unfavorable.

Understanding the pathogenesis of this allergic disease will help you understand what atopic dermatitis is and how to treat it.

Every year, scientists' knowledge about the immunopathological processes occurring in the body during atopic childhood is increasing.

During the course of the disease, the physiological skin barrier is disrupted, Th2 lymphocytes are activated, and immune defense is reduced.

Concept of the skin barrier

Dr. Komarovsky, in his articles popular among young parents, touches on the topic of the characteristics of children's skin.

Komarovsky highlights 3 main features that are important in breaking the skin barrier:

  • underdevelopment of sweat glands;
  • fragility of the stratum corneum of the children's epidermis;
  • high lipid content in the skin of newborns.

All these factors lead to a decrease in the protection of the baby’s skin.

Hereditary predisposition

Atopic dermatitis in infants can occur due to a filaggrin mutation, in which changes occur in the filaggrin protein, which ensures the structural integrity of the skin.

Atopic dermatitis develops in children under one year of age due to decreased local immunity skin to penetration of external allergens: biosystems washing powder, epithelium and fur of pets, flavors and preservatives contained in cosmetic products.

Antigenic loads in the form of toxicosis in pregnant women, taking medications by a pregnant woman, occupational hazards, highly allergenic food - all this can provoke an exacerbation of an allergic disease in a newborn.

  • food;
  • professional;
  • household

Prevention of allergies in infants can be achieved through natural, long-term, rational use. medicines, treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

Classification of atopic dermatitis

Atopic eczema age stages subdivide into three stages:

  • infant (from 1 month to 2 years);
  • children's (from 2 years to 13);
  • teenage

In newborns, the rash looks like redness with blisters. The bubbles break easily, forming a wet surface. The baby is bothered by itching. Children scratch out rashes.

Bloody purulent crusts form in places. Rashes often appear on the face, thighs, and legs. Doctors call this form of rash exudative.

In some cases, there are no signs of weeping. The rash looks like spots with slight peeling. The scalp and face are most often affected.

At 2 years of age, sick children have different skin increased dryness, cracks appear. The rashes are localized in the knee and elbow pits, on the hands.

This form of the disease has the scientific name “erythematous-squamous form with lichenification.” In the lichenoid form, peeling is observed, mainly in the folds and elbow bends.

Facial skin lesions appear at older ages and are called “atopic face.” Pigmentation of the eyelids and peeling of the skin of the eyelids are observed.

Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in children

There are criteria atopic dermatitis, thanks to which the correct diagnosis can be established.

Main criteria:

  • early onset of the disease in an infant;
  • itching of the skin, often occurring at night;
  • chronic continuous course with frequent serious exacerbations;
  • exudative nature of the rash in newborns and lichenoid in older children;
  • presence of close relatives suffering from allergic diseases;

Additional criteria:

  • dry skin;
  • positive skin tests during allergy testing;
  • white dermographism;
  • presence of conjunctivitis;
  • pigmentation of the periorbital region;
  • central protrusion of the cornea - keratoconus;
  • eczematous lesions of the nipples;
  • strengthening of the skin pattern on the palms.

Laboratory diagnostic measures for severe atopic dermatitis, they are prescribed by a doctor after examination.

Complications of atopic dermatitis in children

Frequent complications in children include various types of infections. The open wound surface becomes a gateway for Candida fungi.

Prevention of infectious complications consists of following the recommendations of an allergist regarding the specific use of emollients (moisturizers).

List of possible complications of atopic dermatitis:

  • folliculitis;
  • boils;
  • impetigo;
  • anular stomatitis;
  • candidiasis of the oral mucosa;
  • skin candidiasis;
  • Kaposi's eczema herpetiformis;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • genital warts.

Traditional treatment of atopic dermatitis

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children begins with the development of a special hypoallergenic diet.

An allergist prepares a special elimination diet for a mother with atopic dermatitis in her baby. This diet will help you maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible.

An approximate hypoallergenic elimination diet for children under one year of age with atopic dermatitis.


  • breakfast. Dairy-free porridge: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, butter, tea, bread;
  • lunch. Fruit puree from pears or apples;
  • dinner. Vegetable soup with meatballs. Mashed potatoes. Tea. Bread;
  • afternoon tea Berry jelly with cookies;
  • dinner. Vegetable and cereal dish. Tea. Bread;
  • second dinner. Formula or .

The menu for a child, and especially for a child with atopic dermatitis, should not contain spicy, fried, salty foods, seasonings, canned food, fermented cheeses, chocolate, or carbonated drinks. On the menu for children with allergic symptoms limit semolina, cottage cheese, sweets, yoghurts with preservatives, chicken, bananas, onions, garlic.

Mixtures based on it will also help in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in a child.

At hypersensitivity to cow's milk proteins World organization Allergists strongly recommend against using products based on non-hydrolyzed goat milk protein, since these peptides have a similar antigenic composition.

Vitamin therapy

Patients with atopic dermatitis are not prescribed multivitamin preparations that are dangerous from a developmental point of view. allergic reactions. Therefore, it is preferable to use single preparations of vitamins - pyridoxine hydrochloride, calcium pathotenate, retinol.

Immunomodulators in the treatment of allergic dermatoses

Immunomodulators that affect the phagocytic component of immunity have proven themselves in the treatment of allergic dermatoses:

  1. Polyoxidonium has direct action on monocytes, increases the stability of cell membranes, can reduce toxic effect allergens. It is used intramuscularly once a day with an interval of 2 days. A course of up to 15 injections.
  2. Lycopid. Strengthens the activity of phagocytes. Available in 1 mg tablets. May cause an increase in body temperature.
  3. Zinc preparations. They stimulate the restoration of damaged cells, enhance the action of enzymes, and are used for infectious complications. Zincteral is used at a dose of 100 mg three times a day for up to three months.

Hormonal creams and ointments for atopic dermatitis in children

It is not possible to treat severe atopic dermatitis in children without the use of local anti-inflammatory glucocorticosteroid therapy.

For atopic eczema in children, both hormonal creams and various forms of ointments are used.

Below are basic recommendations for the use of hormonal ointments in children:

  • in case of severe exacerbation, treatment begins with the use of strong hormonal agents - Celestoderma, Cutivate;
  • to relieve symptoms of dermatitis on the torso and arms in children, the drugs Lokoid, Elokom, Advantan are used;
  • It is not recommended to use Sinaflan, Fluorocort, Flucinar in pediatric practice due to serious side effects.

Calcineurin blockers

An alternative to hormonal ointments. Can be used on the face and natural folds. The drugs Pimecrolimus and Tacrolimus (Elidel, Protopic) are recommended to be used in a thin layer on the rash.

These drugs should not be used in immunodeficiency states.

The course of treatment is long.

Products with antifungal and antibacterial activity

For infectious uncontrolled complications, it is necessary to use creams containing antifungal and antibacterial components - Triderm, Pimafucort.

To replace the previously used and successful zinc ointment a new one has arrived, more effective analogue- activated zinc pyrithione, or Skin-cap. The drug can be used in a one-year-old child to treat rashes with infectious complications.

For severe weeping, an aerosol is used.

Dr. Komarovsky writes in his articles that there is no more formidable enemy for a child’s skin than dryness.

Komarovsky advises using moisturizers (emollients) to moisturize the skin and restore the skin barrier.

The Mustela program for children with atopic dermatitis offers a moisturizer in the form of a cream-emulsion.

The Lipikar program of the La Roche-Posay laboratory includes Lipikar balm, which can be applied after hormonal ointments to prevent dry skin.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis with folk remedies

How to cure atopic dermatitis permanently? This is a question that scientists and doctors around the world are asking themselves. The answer to this question has not yet been found. Therefore, many patients are increasingly resorting to homeopathy and traditional methods of traditional medicine.

Treatment folk remedies and sometimes brings good results, but it is better if this method of treatment is combined with traditional therapeutic measures.

When the skin gets wet during a severe exacerbation of allergic dermatosis, folk remedies in the form of a lotion with a decoction of string or oak bark help well. To prepare the decoction, you can purchase a series in filter bags at the pharmacy. Brew in 100 ml boiled water. Use the resulting decoction to apply lotions to the rash areas three times during the day.

Spa treatment

Most Popular sanatoriums for children with manifestations of atopic dermatitis:

  • sanatorium named after Semashko, Kislovodsk;
  • sanatoriums “Rus”, “DiLuch” in Anapa with a dry maritime climate;
  • Sol-Iletsk;
  • sanatorium "Klyuchi" Perm region.
  • limit your child’s contact with all types of allergens as much as possible;
  • give preference to cotton clothes for your baby;
  • avoid emotional stress;
  • Trim your child’s nails short;
  • the temperature in the living room should be as comfortable as possible;
  • try to keep the humidity in the child’s room at 40%.

What follows Avoid for atopic dermatitis:

  • use alcohol-based cosmetics;
  • wash too often;
  • use hard washcloths;
  • take part in sports competitions.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

How to treat atopic dermatitis?

Treatment atopic dermatitis Regardless of the severity of the disease, it must be comprehensive. This means that not the disease itself should be treated, but also the cause that led to it. For example, if atopic dermatitis is accompanied by dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, then it is necessary to treat both of these diseases simultaneously.

The basic principles of treatment of atopic dermatitis are as follows:
  • in the acute period of the disease is carried out intensive therapy, including hormonal and other drugs;
  • during the period of subsidence of the disease, supportive treatment is recommended, which includes vitamins, physiotherapy, sorbents;
  • during the period of remission, immunotherapy is prescribed;
  • During all periods of the disease, a hypoallergenic diet is recommended.
Based on these principles, it is clear that for each period of the disease certain medications are needed. Thus, corticosteroids and antibiotics are prescribed during the acute period of the disease, and vitamins and immunomodulators - during the period of subsidence of the disease.

List of drugs prescribed during various periods of illness

The main principle of treating atopic dermatitis is diet. Correct mode nutrition during all periods of illness is the key to a quick recovery. Refusal of allergenic foods is the most important and at the same time difficult rule of diet therapy. It is especially difficult to comply with this recommendation for those patients who have not taken samples to determine a specific food causative agent of allergic reactions. Such people should adhere to a nonspecific diet, which means avoiding all traditional allergen foods. If allergy tests have been carried out, the patient is shown a specific diet, which involves avoiding a specific product.

Creams and emollients for atopic dermatitis

The use of creams, lotions and emollients in the treatment of atopic dermatitis is an integral part of therapy. External therapy (that is, the use of external medications) is often the only procedure during the period of subsidence of the disease. The following forms of external agents are distinguished: creams, lotions, aerosols, emollients (oily ointment base). The choice of one form or another depends on the stage of the atopic process. Thus, in the acute stage of the atopic process, lotions and creams are prescribed, in subacute and chronic stage(when dryness predominates) - emollients. Also, if the scalp is predominantly affected, lotions are used if smooth skin- then cream. During the day it is better to use lotions and aerosols, in the evening hours - creams and emollients.

The tactics for using creams and other external agents depends on the extent of the skin process. The choice of one remedy or another depends on the form of atopic dermatitis. As a rule, creams containing corticosteroids are used, which are also called local (or external) glucocorticosteroids. Today, most doctors prefer two external glucocorticosteroids - methylprednisolone and mometasone. The first drug is known as advantan, the second - under the name elocom. These two products are highly effective, and most importantly, safe and have minimal side effects. Both products are available in the form of creams and lotions.

If existing skin changes are accompanied by an infection (as often happens especially in children), then combination drugs containing antibiotics are prescribed. Such drugs include triderm, hyoxysone, sofradex.
In addition to the “traditional” hormonal agents used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, other non-hormonal agents are also used. These are antihistamines and immunosuppressive external agents. The first includes fenistil, the second - elidel.

List of external agents used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis


Release form

How is it used?


  • cream;
  • ointment;
  • lotion.

Apply a thin layer to the affected skin once a day. The duration of use depends on the extent of the skin process, but, as a rule, does not exceed 10 days.


  • ointment;
  • cream;
  • emulsion.

Apply a thin layer and rub into the affected skin with light movements. The duration of treatment for adults is from 10 to 12 weeks, for children - up to 4 weeks.


  • ointment;
  • cream.

Rub gently into the affected skin and surrounding tissue twice a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks.


  • gel;
  • emulsion;
  • drops.

The gel or emulsion is applied to the affected areas 2 - 3 times a day. If intense itching is present, then drops are prescribed in parallel.


  • cream.

Apply a thin layer of cream to the affected areas of the skin twice a day. After application, rub the cream into the skin with light movements.

Lipikar for atopic dermatitis

Lipikar creams and lotions are long-term topical products. These are cosmetics from La Roche-Posay, which are adapted for use in patients with atopic dermatitis. The products in this cosmetic line intensively moisturize the skin. As you know, the skin of people suffering from atopic dermatitis is characterized by increased dryness and flaking. Shea butter, which is included in most products from this line, slows down the process of dehydration (moisture loss) of the skin. Lipikar creams and lotions also contain allantoin, thermal water and squalene. This composition restores the damaged lipid membrane of the skin, relieves swelling and irritation of the skin.

In addition to Lipikar, Bepanthen, Atoderm, and Atopalm creams are used. Bepanthen cream can be used during pregnancy and even in infants. It is effective in healing scratches and shallow wounds, and also stimulates skin regeneration. Available in the form of cream, ointment and lotion.

Vaccinations for atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is not a contraindication for routine vaccination. Therefore, DPT, BCG, polio, hepatitis B, and rubella vaccines are routinely administered. At the same time, it is known that the vaccine can stimulate an exacerbation of the process. Therefore, it is recommended to administer the vaccine during the period of remission of atopic dermatitis. Vaccination should be carried out according to the vaccination calendar and only in immunization rooms. Before it is carried out, it is recommended to prescribe antihistamines for prophylactic purposes. Drug therapy carried out 4 - 5 days before vaccination and within 5 days after it. The drugs of choice in this case are ketotifen and loratadine.

Diet for atopic dermatitis

Diet therapy for atopic dermatitis is one of the main methods of treatment, which allows you to prolong the period of remission and improve the patient’s condition. The main rule of the diet is to avoid foods that can act as allergy triggers. In addition, nutrition should provide the body with the necessary resources to fight this disease.

The main provisions of the diet for atopic dermatitis are as follows:

  • exclusion of food allergens;
  • avoidance of foods that promote the release of histamine;
  • reducing the amount of gluten-containing foods;
  • inclusion of products for fast healing skin;
  • improving the functionality of the digestive tract.
These rules are identical for all categories of patients, except infants (children whose age does not exceed 1 year). There are separate nutritional recommendations for infants.

Elimination of food allergens

Products that can trigger the development of an allergic reaction are present in all groups of food products. It is necessary to exclude allergenic foods from the diet in pure form, as well as the dishes for which they were used. To avoid shortages useful substances, food allergens must be replaced with other products that are full of nutrients.

Food allergens and products that should replace them





  • duck;
  • goose;
  • game;
  • chicken.
  • rabbit;
  • turkey;
  • veal;
  • beef.


  • trout;
  • salmon;
  • pink salmon;
  • mackerel.
  • zander;
  • cod;
  • pollock.


  • caviar;
  • oysters;
  • mussels;
  • squid.

You can eat cod caviar and liver in limited quantities.

Bee products

  • propolis;
  • beebread ( tightly compressed flower pollen).

Natural honey can be replaced with an analogue of artificial origin.


Low blood pressure, reduced heart rate.

Drugs to strengthen the immune system

Increased excitability nervous system, heart rhythm disturbances.


Increased arterial pressure, tendency to depression, anxiety.

Rose hip

Ulcer, gastritis, tendency to thrombosis.


Varicose veins, impaired blood clotting.


There are no contraindications for herbal medicines for external use other than individual intolerance to the main component.


Antiseptic external agents

Prevention of atopic dermatitis

Prevention of atopic dermatitis is the most important link in the complex therapeutic measures with this disease. The chronic, recurrent (wavy) course of atopic dermatitis and knowledge of pathogenesis made it possible to formulate the basic principles of prevention. Depending on the time of implementation and the goals pursued, the prevention of atopic dermatitis can be primary or secondary.

Primary prevention

The goal of primary prevention is to prevent disease in individuals who are at increased risk. Considering that atopic dermatitis is one of the most common childhood diseases, the issue of prevention among children is especially relevant. Among the factors predisposing to the development of atopic dermatitis, one of the main ones is heredity. That's why primary prevention is of great importance for children whose parents (one or both) have a history of this disease. Preventive measures must begin to be taken in the antenatal (intrauterine) period and continue after the birth of the child.

Prevention in the antenatal period
Measures for antenatal prevention of atopic dermatitis are as follows:

  • Hypoallergenic diet. A pregnant woman should exclude from her diet all traditional food allergens, which include eggs, milk, bee products, and nuts.
  • Balanced diet. Despite the restrictions on the menu, the diet of a woman carrying a child should be varied and contain sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. As experts note, a diet in which carbohydrate foods predominate especially increases the likelihood of developing atopic dermatitis in a child.
  • Adequate treatment of gestosis(complications of pregnancy, which are manifested by edema and other problems). The deterioration of a pregnant woman's condition increases the permeability of the placenta, resulting in the fetus being exposed to allergens. This increases the chance that the child will have atopic dermatitis.
  • Many medications contribute to allergization of the fetus and, as a result, the development of atopic dermatitis. Most often, allergy triggers are antibiotics of the penicillin group (nafcillin, oxacillin, ampicillin).
  • Control of household chemicals used. Laundry powders and other household products contain aggressive allergens that enter the female body through the respiratory system and can cause fetal sensitization. Therefore, during pregnancy it is recommended to use hypoallergenic household chemicals.
Prevention after birth
After the birth of a child, his diet should be hypoallergenic for a year, since the immature immune system and intestinal microflora cannot give a “worthy response” to food allergens. If breast milk is available, breastfeeding is recommended to continue for at least six months, and during this period the nursing woman should follow a diet that excludes allergenic foods. If breast milk is absent, the child should be fed with special infant formula.
The first foods for complementary feeding should be hypoallergenic vegetables and fruits (apples, zucchini), meat (turkey, rabbit).

Gradually in children's diet allergen products should also be introduced, recording the reaction child's body for such food in a special diary. You should start with cow's milk and chicken. They should be administered after the child reaches one year of age, during the period of remission of atopic dermatitis. By the second year of life you can include in children's menu eggs, to the third - honey, fish.

Secondary prevention of atopic dermatitis

Secondary prevention measures are relevant for those patients who have already encountered atopic dermatitis. The goal of such prevention is to prolong the period of remission of the disease, and in case of exacerbation of the disease, to reduce symptoms.

Secondary prevention measures for this disease are:

  • organization of hypoallergenic living conditions;
  • adequate skin care;
  • control of consumption of food allergens;
  • preventive (preliminary) drug therapy.
Organization of hypoallergenic living conditions
The exacerbation of atopic dermatitis is facilitated by such a common factor in everyday life as dust. Household dust includes mites (saprophytes), skin particles from people and pets. Each of these components negatively affects the well-being of a patient with this disease. Therefore, prevention of this disorder involves organizing activities aimed at combating dust.
The main sources of dust in everyday life are bedding, textiles, upholstered furniture, bookcases and carpets. For preventive purposes, you should choose hypoallergenic items,, if possible, refuse to use some items and provide appropriate care for all household items.

Measures for organizing hypoallergenic living conditions are as follows:

  • Sleeping area. People with atopic dermatitis are recommended to use pillows and blankets with synthetic filling. You should also avoid woolen blankets and blankets, as they represent favorable environment for ticks. Bed linen should be changed for new ones twice a week, and boiled when washing. It is recommended to take blankets, mattresses and pillows to special disinfection chambers or treat them with anti-mite drugs. An effective measure for atopic dermatitis is special plastic cases for mattresses and pillows.
  • Carpeting. It is recommended not to use carpets in the room where the patient lives. If it is not possible to refuse carpeting, preference should be given to products made from synthetic fibers with short pile. The best option are carpets made of nylon, acrylic, polyester. Carpets should be replaced with new ones every 5-6 years. They should be cleaned every 2 weeks using anti-tick products (Doctor Al, easy air, ADS spray).
  • Cushioned furniture. Upholstery upholstered furniture and the materials used as fillers are a source of accumulation of large amounts of dust. For atopic dermatitis, it is recommended to replace sofas with beds, and soft chairs with ordinary chairs or benches.
  • Bookcases and shelves. Books not only accumulate a large amount of dust, but also develop mold, which contributes to the exacerbation of atopic dermatitis. Therefore, one should refuse to attend bookcases and shelves in the room where a person with this disease lives. If this is not possible, books should be kept in furniture with closing doors.
  • Textile products. Instead of curtains and other textiles for windows, it is recommended to use blinds made of polymer materials. In spring, summer and autumn, protective nets should be installed on windows to prevent dust, pollen, and poplar fluff from entering the room. Tablecloths, decorative napkins and other textiles should be used in minimal quantities.
In the room where a person suffering from atopic dermatitis lives, wet cleaning should be carried out daily using hypoallergenic household products. In the evening and in rainy weather, you need to ventilate the room, and in the hot season, keep the windows and doors closed. To maintain optimal humidity conditions, it is recommended to use humidifiers.
Mold is one of the common factors that can worsen the condition of a person with atopic dermatitis. Therefore, in areas with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen), hoods should be installed and cleaning should be carried out monthly using products that prevent the growth of mold microorganisms.

Adequate skin care
The skin with atopic dermatitis is characterized by increased vulnerability, which contributes to irritation and inflammation even during remission. Therefore, people with this disease need to provide proper skin care. Proper care increases the barrier functions of the skin, which helps reduce the symptoms of the disease during periods of exacerbation.

Skin care measures for atopic dermatitis are as follows:

  • Cleansing. To implement personal hygiene procedures for this disease, it is recommended to use special means, which do not contain aggressive components (alcohol, fragrances, alkali, preservatives). The best option is hypoallergenic preparations specially designed for skin care with atopic dermatitis. The most common brands of specialized products are bioderma, ducray, avene.
  • Hydration. During the day, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with special aerosols based on thermal water. Such products are present in the line of many manufacturers of pharmaceutical cosmetics (products intended for the care of problem skin). The most famous brands include uriage, vichy, noreva. Before going to bed, the skin should be treated with a moisturizer or compresses made from natural aloe and potato juices.
  • Nutrition. Skin nourishing products are used after water procedures before bedtime. In the cold season, the systematic use of such products should be increased to 2–3 times a day. Creams with a fatty texture containing natural oils can be used to nourish the skin. You can increase the effectiveness of such a cream if you add fat-soluble vitamins A and E (sold in pharmacies). You can also nourish the skin with natural oils (coconut, olive, almond).
During skin care procedures, you should refrain from using too hot and/or chlorinated water and harsh washcloths. The duration of any water procedure should not exceed 15–20 minutes, after which the moisture should be blotted with a soft towel.

Controlling food allergen intake
Patients who have undergone allergy tests, during which a specific allergy trigger has been identified, should follow a specific diet. Such a diet implies a refusal food allergen and dishes in which it is present. For people whose allergen has not been determined, a nonspecific hypoallergenic diet is indicated, which implies the exclusion of all obligate (traditional) foods that provoke allergies.

One of the effective measures to control the body’s reaction to food is a food diary. Before you start keeping a diary, you should follow a strict hypoallergenic diet for several days. Then you gradually need to introduce allergenic foods into the diet, recording the body’s reaction.

Preventive (preliminary) drug therapy

Taking special medications before a predicted exacerbation of the disease inhibits the development of allergic reactions. For prevention, pharmacological drugs with antihistamine action are used, the type and pattern of consumption of which is determined by the doctor. Also, in order to increase the body's resistance to allergens, folk remedies can be used.

A prerequisite for the prevention of atopic dermatitis is strengthening the immune system. For this, various vitamin-mineral complexes and herbal immunomodulators can be used.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Usually people think about this disease in the spring and autumn, during the off-season. But now it’s winter, not winter, and that’s why outbreaks of atopic dermatitis are right here. This disease has many names: constitutional eczema... But the essence is the same: a hereditary, immune-allergic disease. Is it possible to get rid of the disease forever and how?

Strange manifestations of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (from the Greek "atopos" - strange, wonderful) - really strange phenomenon. Sometimes an exacerbation is preceded by severe stress, and immediately the neck and arms become covered with eczema - an itchy, weeping crust, which is not so easy to get rid of. In addition to the neck and elbow bends of the arms, favorite places for localization of itchy crusts are the skin around the eyes, mouth (cheilitis), in the area of ​​the earlobes, and popliteal fossae. The area of ​​skin damage can be completely local.

Where else does atopic dermatitis live?

But atopic dermatitis, as a rule, is not limited to skin alone. Often, skin lesions are accompanied by a respiratory syndrome, reminiscent in its manifestations of attacks of bronchial asthma. Often such patients (in childhood) are treated unsuccessfully for adenoids. Until the sufferer gets an appointment with... an allergist-dermatologist. Such combined forms of the disease have recently become more and more common, which most experts attribute to the deteriorating environmental situation.

When the disease appears

As a rule, the disease manifests itself in early childhood, but can also appear in adulthood, either fading or reappearing. Anything can serve as an impetus for an exacerbation: puberty (in childhood), emotional overload (for the same children, outbreaks of atopic dermatitis often coincide with the first entry into kindergarten and school). As well as taking antibiotics, eating disorders, etc. The disease is often seasonal. Spring and autumn for atopics are the most hard times, which many experts associate with weather changes (autumn) and the flowering period of pollen-bearing plants (spring). Well, now that we have winter - not winter, but something like March, don’t be surprised if the disease manifests itself “in all its glory”

Atopic dermatitis is a multifactorial disease

However, despite the similarity of development mechanisms, atopic dermatitis is not a purely allergic disease, as it might seem at first glance. This disease is multifactorial. Atopic dermatitis may be based on hereditary weakness of the endocrine, nervous and/or immune systems. Everyone has their own Achilles heel, which only an experienced doctor can determine. Along with a visual examination and analysis of the patient’s complaints, a specific allergological examination, a study of the immune status, a stool test for dysbacteriosis, etc. helps to reveal the truth.

How to treat atopic dermatitis

The success of treatment, which is purely individual in each specific case, depends on the competent actions of the doctor. Some are helped by long-acting antihistamines, others by hormonal agents (in the form of ointments or sprays for respiratory manifestations of the disease), others by immunostimulants or, conversely, immunosuppressants that suppress excessive activity of the immune system. And for some, the only salvation from exacerbations of the disease is moving to another climate zone with a dry, warm climate. Noticed: Sun rays suppress the activity of complexes that form the atopic reaction. The main method of physiotherapy for atopic dermatitis is based on the same principle - selective phototherapy, which looks like a solarium. Only unlike this popular cosmetic procedure phototherapy uses mid-wave (UVB) and long-wave (UVA) ultraviolet rays, which have more soft action. In especially severe cases, when eczema covers the entire body, they resort to a more serious version of this procedure, using photosensitizers (substances that enhance the effects of ultraviolet rays) . Fortunately, such situations rarely arise.

How not to start the disease

The sooner you start fighting the disease, the better. Without adequate treatment, atopic dermatitis is fraught with quite serious consequences, ranging from infection of skin areas affected by eczema to the development of bronchial asthma. Often people suffering from atopic dermatitis contract new diseases. Losing yours protective functions, their skin becomes especially vulnerable to molluscum contagiosum, flat warts, fungal and other skin infections. Psychological disorders and neuroses often occur against the background of atopic dermatitis. In this case, you cannot do without modern antidepressants, which are prescribed not only to adults, but also to children.

How to learn to live with illness

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of atopic dermatitis. In some cases, the disease may seem to “fall asleep”, but then flare up again. You need to learn to live with this disease. How? Trying to lead a measured lifestyle, avoiding stressful situations, traveling to the south every year (to a hot, dry climate), and in the off-season to a sanatorium. Outside of an exacerbation, the entire range of sanatorium-resort procedures (with the exception of mud applications) is useful. Acupuncture, electrophoresis with diphenhydramine, novocaine also have a good preventive and therapeutic effect for atopic dermatitis.

Diet is secondary

But following a diet for atopic dermatitis, as a rule, is of a secondary nature. Patients and their loved ones (if we are talking about a child) usually know themselves which foods they should avoid. True, you need to eat often and in small portions, trying to ensure that your diet contains foods that promote good digestion (constipation is a frequent companion to this disease).

How important it is to avoid self-medication

Recently, self-medication has become very common. In the case of atopic dermatitis, this may have fatal consequences. Especially when it comes to hormonal drugs. If they are used inadequately and if they are abruptly discontinued, you can get an even greater exacerbation of the disease than before taking them. Not to mention the serious side effects of such therapy, which only a doctor can prescribe. The leading doctor for patients with atopic dermatitis should be a dermatologist, interacting with an allergist and other specialists (neurologist, gastroenterologist).

Start your treatment in your apartment

Often the source of torment for the patient is in... his own apartment:

Try to keep it clean, especially if there are animals in the house. In this case, you cannot do without frequent wet cleaning. Prevent mold from forming in the kitchen and bathroom. Try to reduce contact with household products. Remove carpets from walls and floors, and thick curtains from windows; do not pile up books or keep them in glass cabinets.

Specialist doctors answer frequently asked questions from users.

Medical specialists answer frequently asked questions from users:

Information for doctors and specialists: Clinical pharmacology of Thymogen®
The influence of immunotropic external therapy on the expression of cytokine genes in the skin and peripheral blood of patients with atopic dermatitis

What is atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis- This is one of the most common allergic diseases, manifesting itself in severe form, affecting the skin. The disease dermatitis is genetically determined and, unfortunately, is chronic. The manifestations of atopic dermatitis are quite typical.

Main clinical symptom atopic dermatitis can be considered itchy skin. It occurs in all age groups.

Atopic dermatitis is a local manifestation internal violations in the immune system.
When diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, first of all, treatment should be comprehensive and help normalize the general functions of the immune system. In this regard, a key role in the treatment of atopic dermatitis should be given to immunotropic drugs or, in other words, immunomodulators.

In medical practice For the treatment of atopic dermatitis, the drug Thymogen has been used for several years, which is available in the form of a cream, nasal spray, and also in parenteral form.
(Information on the use of Thymogen for specialists)

Although medicine has made huge strides in this area, the question of how to treat atopic dermatitis is still quite acute. The problem of treating dermatitis is serious and requires both the collaboration of the doctor and the patient, and the support of the patient from his family members.

How does atopic dermatitis manifest?

Typically, the first manifestations of atopic dermatitis begin in childhood. However, there are cases where atopic dermatitis made itself felt at a later age.

In half of patients, the first signs of atopic dermatitis appear already in the first year of life. Of these, in 75% the first symptoms can be detected between the ages of 2 and 6 months. More rare are cases when patients are diagnosed with dermatitis in the period from one to 5 years of life. The rarest case is the appearance clinical picture at 30 years old or even at 50 years old.

Males, according to statistics, are more susceptible to disease atopic dermatitis.

At all stages of atopic dermatitis, intense skin itching is noted, as well as increased skin reactivity to various irritants.

Typically, itching is a precursor to a skin rash and changes in intensity throughout the day, intensifying in the evening.

Subsequently, itching on the skin causes unpleasant rashes, swelling and scratching.

Atopic dermatitis in children

Diagnosis and symptoms of atopic dermatitis in children

The concept of “atopic dermatitis” is not very common outside medical circles. In common parlance, dermatitis is usually called diathesis, in medicine, however, such a concept does not exist. At the same time, the stages of atopic dermatitis are distinguished: the earliest, infantile, which is called diathesis, childhood, and also adolescent-adult (late).

Infant, most early stage, is a period of up to 2 years. Red spots appear on the child’s skin, most often localized on the face (on the cheeks and forehead). Dermatitis occurs quite acutely: the affected areas become wet, swelling occurs, and crusts form. In addition to the face, other areas of the body (buttocks, legs, scalp) can also be affected by dermatitis. The acute stage is characterized by reddened skin and papular elements (skin bumps).

The period of exacerbation of dermatitis is characterized by the fact that papules and red spots mainly appear in skin folds, behind the ears, on the surface of the elbows or knee joints. The skin becomes dry and begins to peel. Subsequently, the child develops a so-called “atopic face.” Increased pigmentation around the eyes, additional lining on the lower eyelid, and dull skin color characterize the “atopic face.”

If the stage of atopic dermatitis is not acute, then most often dermatitis manifests itself in the form of dry skin, as well as cracks in the skin on the back surfaces of the hands and in the fingers.

Complications of atopic dermatitis in children

Skin atrophy, along with the addition of pyoderma bacteria, in atopic dermatitis, are among the most common complications.

It is worth remembering that when treating atopic dermatitis, you should avoid scratching the skin, as it disrupts the barrier and protective properties of the skin, having a rather detrimental effect. Intense scratching can contribute to the development of microbial infections and fungal flora.

With pyoderma, pustules form on the skin, which dry out after some time, and crusts form in their place. Rashes can be localized in completely different ways. Pyoderma bacteria cause an increase in temperature and disruption of a person’s general well-being.

Another complication that occurs quite often with atopic dermatitis is a viral infection. Bubbles filled with clear liquid appear on the skin. This phenomenon is provoked by the herpes virus, which is the causative agent of the so-called cold on the lips. Such rashes often form in the area of ​​inflammatory foci, but can also affect healthy skin or mucous membrane (oral cavity, genitals, eyes, throat).

Fungal infection is also a common complication for atopic dermatitis. Most often, the fungus affects the nails, scalp and skin folds. This is typical for adults. In childhood, the fungus most often affects the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

Both bacterial and fungal infections can occur simultaneously.

Approximately 80% of patients who suffer from atopic dermatitis often develop bronchial asthma or allergic rhinitis. This usually occurs in late childhood.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children

When wondering how to treat atopic dermatitis, first of all, it is worth remembering that treatment should not be started on your own. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe medications, you should consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that a number of serious diseases have symptoms very similar to dermatitis. Self-treatment can put the health and even the life of a child at risk.

Moreover, you should not independently extend the course of treatment with medications. Side effects can be any medications, and even if they help cope with the disease, if the treatment method is incorrect, these side effects I can let you know.

General principles or how to treat atopic dermatitis:

  • — follow a hypoallergenic diet, eliminate the allergen;
  • - take antihistamines that relieve itching;
  • - detoxify the body;
  • - use drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, Thymogen - cream 0.05%
  • - take sedatives (calming agents) (glycine, various sedative fees herbs, valerian, peony, etc.);
  • — use antibacterial agents (if an infection occurs);

It should also be remembered that during exacerbation of dermatitis, treatment methods differ from those recommended for the normal course of the disease.

And remember that atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic disease that requires fairly long-term treatment, even if there is no exacerbation of the disease.

Hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis in children

It is important to remember that only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

However, it is impossible to completely cure atopic dermatitis, since it is a chronic disease. However, there are methods and remedies that can reduce redness and eliminate itching.
First of all, you should try to eliminate the allergen that may cause a negative reaction in the child.

Taking into account the degree of exacerbation of dermatitis, it is necessary to ensure careful care of the baby’s skin.

There may be cases when allergic inflammation occurs without obvious clinical inflammation, while the properties of the skin change. Skin moisture and permeability are the first to be affected. Medicinal cosmetics are very helpful in eliminating symptoms. The damaged properties of the skin are well restored with the help of fortified cosmetics.

A special diet plays an important role in the treatment of dermatitis. During periods of exacerbation, nutrition should be monitored especially carefully. You can soften the diet if there is no exacerbation of the disease.

Maintaining breastfeeding for as long as possible (at least 6 months) is a VERY IMPORTANT element for the health of the child. The mother should exclude foods that can cause an exacerbation of allergies from the diet.

It is important to bathe a newborn baby, as in the first year of his life, correctly. You cannot use soap. It is recommended to use specialized shampoos, or better yet, medicated ones.

Milk protein, eggs, fish, peanuts and soy are some of the most common allergens. It is important to remember that even if you are not susceptible to it, there is a potential risk of developing food allergies The child has.

At different ages, the manifestations of allergies are different. In the first or second year of life, food allergies clearly predominate in children.

In young children, treating food allergies is a rather complex process. For the child and his mother, during the feeding period, it is necessary to choose the right diet - this is one of the main principles that helps the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Prevention of atopic dermatitis in children

In the prevention and treatment of atopic dermatitis, there are two main principles: creating a hypoallergenic environment to eliminate contact with allergens and, of course, following a special diet. If these principles are not followed, the effectiveness of treatment is greatly reduced.

Essentially, building a hypoallergenic environment is about maintaining a specific lifestyle. The main goal is to eliminate factors that could potentially cause skin irritation, thereby causing an exacerbation of dermatitis.
To prevent atopic dermatitis and create a hypoallergenic environment, there are the following recommendations:

  • — The room should maintain an air temperature of no higher than +23 °C, and a relative humidity of at least 60%.
  • — Recommended reception antihistamines that relieve itching;
  • — Possible allergens must be excluded from food;
  • — Feather, down pillows and wool blankets should be replaced with synthetic ones;
  • — Sources of dust in the house should be eliminated (carpets, books);
  • — Wet cleaning of the room should be carried out at least once a week;
  • — Particular attention should be paid to removing lesions possible education mold (seams in the bathroom, linoleum, wallpaper);
  • — Pets and plants should be isolated. It is necessary to exterminate insects (moths, cockroaches).
  • — Pay attention to limiting or eliminating the use of various irritants (washing powders, synthetic detergents, solvents, glue, varnishes, paints, etc.)
  • - Clothes made of wool and synthetic materials should only be worn over cotton ones.
  • - You must not smoke in the house where the patient is.
  • — Treatment with api- and herbal medicines is excluded.
  • — It is worth limiting intense, excessive physical activity.
  • — For bathing patients, you need to use weakly alkaline or indifferent soaps (lanolin, baby) or high-quality shampoos that do not contain artificial dyes, fragrances and preservatives.
  • — When bathing, it is recommended to use soft cloth washcloths.
  • — Using a softening, moisturizing neutral cream on the skin after a bath or shower is mandatory.
  • Stressful situations should be kept to a minimum.
  • - Avoid scratching and rubbing the skin.

Holidays with a child with atopic dermatitis

A child who suffers from atopic dermatitis should not sunbathe - parents should remember this. A common mistake is to expose the patient to the sun for a long time. Despite the fact that this may lead to temporary improvements, in the future, a strong exacerbation of the disease is practically inevitable.

For patients with atopic dermatitis, the Azov Sea coast and other holiday destinations with a warm but dry climate are favorable.

What causes dermatitis to worsen? What factors provoke relapses?

Factors environment play a very important role in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis: pollution, climatic influences, fungi and cateria, infections and household irritants (cigarette smoke, food and nutritional supplements, wool, cosmetics).

Diet and lifestyle of patients with atopic dermatitis

In patients with atopic dermatitis, food should not contain allergens, and the diet should be special, strictly prescribed by the doctor.

There are foods whose consumption should be minimized for dermatitis:

— It is strictly not recommended to consume seafood, chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts, fish, coffee, mayonnaise, eggplant, mustard, spices, tomatoes, red peppers, milk, eggs, sausages, mushrooms, carbonated drinks, strawberries, wild strawberries, honey, watermelons , pineapples.

Products allowed for atopic dermatitis:

— You can: cereal and vegetable soups; vegetarian soups; olive oil; sunflower oil; boiled potatoes; buckwheat, rice porridge, oatmeal; lactic acid products; cucumbers; parsley; tea; bran or whole grain bread; sugar; dill; baked apples; organic yoghurts without additives; one-day cottage cheese; curdled milk compote from apples or dried fruits (except raisins).

All factors that increase sweating and itching (for example, exercise stress) should be avoided. It is necessary to control the effects of temperature and humidity, avoiding their extreme values. Air humidity, which is considered optimal, is 40%. Drying things should take place outside the room where the patient is. It is contraindicated for patients to wear clothes made of coarse fabrics. Before wearing new clothes, they must be washed thoroughly.
When washing clothes and bedding, try to use a minimal amount of fabric softener, after which the laundry should be rinsed additionally. Avoid using personal hygiene products containing alcohol.

Stressful situations should be avoided whenever possible.

A shift should be carried out 1-2 times a week bed linen. It is very important to ensure that sources of dust and mold accumulation are eliminated. TV, computer, and household appliances should be removed from the bedroom of a patient with atopic dermatitis. Light wet cleaning is carried out once a day, general cleaning is carried out at least once a week.

Smoking should not be allowed in the house where the patient is located.

In case of dermatitis, great attention should be paid water procedures. You should not use regular soap; it is preferable to use shower oil or medicated shampoo.
After a shower, the patient must lubricate the skin with moisturizers.

Prolonged exposure to the sun is contraindicated for all patients suffering from dermatitis.

You should never scratch or rub the skin, otherwise all remedies for the treatment of atopic dermatitis will be ineffective.

Is it possible to cure atopic dermatitis?

Unfortunately, many factors contribute to the disease atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is usually caused by a genetic predisposition. In addition, its development is influenced by environmental factors. Under the influence of the body's immunological reaction, the functional state of the skin barrier is disrupted, the reactivity of blood vessels and nerves changes, which is reflected in the previously described symptoms.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease. Despite the development of medicine, unfortunately, atopic dermatitis cannot be cured, but it is quite possible to control its course.

Where to relax for people with atopic dermatitis?

Patients with atopic dermatitis are advised to have a dry maritime climate.

Comparison of drugs for the treatment of atopic dermatitis

Product: Elokom cream/ointment/lotion

Wed. selling price: 15 grams – 280 -290 -360 rubles

Composition, effect of the drug: Glucocorticosteroid – mometasone; anti-inflammatory, antipruritic

Indications for use:
Dermatitis, lichen simplex, solar urticaria; use only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly following the instructions

Preparation: Advantan ointment/oily ointment/cream/emulsion

Wed. selling price: 15 grams – 260 -300 rubles

Composition, effect of the drug: Glucocorticosteroid Methylprednisolone aceponate; antipruritic; anti-inflammatory

Indications for use:
Dermatitis, eczema, thermal and chemical burns; use only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly following the instructions

Side effects/special recommendations:
Not recommended for children under 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, it is not recommended to use for more than 2 weeks; with prolonged use, suppression of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system may occur, as well as symptoms of adrenal insufficiency after discontinuation of the drug, which results in slower growth in children.

Product: Thymogen cream

Wed. selling price: 30 g -250 -270 rubles

Composition, effect of the drug: Thymogen – immunostimulant; due to the restoration of immune cells, it has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, regenerating, healing effects

Indications for use:
Dermatitis, Dermatitis complicated by secondary infection, eczema, mechanical, thermal and chemical injuries to the skin.

Drug: Naftaderm liniment

Wed. selling price: 35 g – 280 -320 rubles

Composition, effect of the drug: Naftalan oil liniment; antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, emollient, analgesic

Indications for use:
Psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, seborrhea, furunculosis, wounds, burns, bedsores, radiculitis, neuralgia

Side effects/special recommendations:
Severe anemia, renal failure, hypersensitivity, tendency to bleeding mucous membranes, only after consultation during pregnancy and breastfeeding and use in children, stains underwear, has a peculiar odor, dry skin may occur

Product: Elidel cream

Wed. selling price: 15 g – 890 -1100 rubles

Composition, effect of the drug: pimecrolimus - immunosuppressant, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic

Indications for use: Atopic dermatitis, eczema

Didn't find the answer to your question?

Ask your doctor questions about the use of Thymogen online and you will receive a professional answer from a specialist. The Cytomed research department conducts research and development of drugs for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Forget about hormonal ointments, a hypoallergenic diet, mountains of pills and special skin care. Treat atopic dermatitis in 2019 with ALT and enjoy disease remission!

Atopic dermatitis (obsolete) neurodermatitis) - chronic allergic inflammation of the skin. The disease is manifested by characteristic rashes in the form of persistent or passing redness, increased dryness, thickening of the skin with elements of weeping and peeling.

As a rule, skin lesions are widespread, but skin lesions on the face, arms and hands irritate the patient the most. Rashes of a local type, for example, on the head or legs, usually persist during a period of relative remission.

In severe forms of dermatitis, in addition to superficial skin changes, persistent damage occurs subcutaneous tissue. The skin takes on the appearance of a shell that binds the entire body. The painful itching of the skin does not stop even in sleep.

Not only adults, but also children are susceptible to the disease. In children, atopic dermatitis usually begins at an early age and occurs later in only 2-5% of cases.

In childhood, in case severe course The disease can develop the so-called “atopic march”, when allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma join the disease.

Atopic dermatitis is a non-conscription diagnosis (according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 No. 123), therefore, for young people of military age, it is a kind of lifesaver from military service.

In adults, atopic dermatitis usually has chronic form with periods of exacerbations provoked by diet disorders, stress and adverse effects on the body. As soon as you drink alcohol, eat a chocolate bar or stand behind the wheel in a traffic jam, the manifestations of allergic dermatitis remind you of themselves - a rash, itching and skin lesions appear.

If the diet is systematically violated, severe damage can occur skin, wetting, which, combined with itching, turns the life of an allergy sufferer into a real nightmare - ability to work and social activity are undermined, depression occurs, etc. And when complications arise in the allergy sufferer in the form of fungal skin lesions, a vicious circle arises.

It is not possible for atopic dermatitis to go away on its own or as a result of symptomatic treatment. It is important to understand that external treatment of the skin and the use of antihistamines are only an effect on the symptoms of the disease!

Therefore, if you are still wasting your time and money on:

  • Hormonal ointments (Elocom, Advantan, etc.);
  • Non-hormonal creams (Elidel, etc.);
  • Various “folk remedies” and home treatment;
  • Expensive tablets in bulk (Suprastin, Ketotifen, Telfast, Kestin, Loratadine, Zyrtec, Erius, etc.);
  • Shampoos, oils and medicated lotions.

Then you should tell yourself: “Stop!”

The only way to cure the cause of atopic dermatitis in 2019 is autolymphocytotherapy! Alt simply has no alternative.

Help yourself and your loved ones cure atopic dermatitis, tell your friends and acquaintances about this method, they will be grateful to you!

Problems of a patient with atopic dermatitis

It is possible to get rid of atopic dermatitis and restore healthy skin with the help of ALT!

“Autolymphocytotherapy” (abbreviated as ALT) is widely used in the treatment of patients with various forms of allergic diseases for more than 20 years, the method was first patented in 1992.

Autolymphocytotherapy is the only method of treating the cause of atopic dermatitis!

For children, treatment with the Autolymphocytotherapy method is carried out after 5 years.

The method of "Autolymphocytotherapy", in addition to the treatment of "atopic dermatitis", is widely used for: urticaria, Quincke's edema, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, food allergies, allergies to household allergens, allergies to pets, allergies to cold and ultraviolet rays (photodermatitis).

Treatment with ALT is possible even in severe cases when the patient has, for example, atopic dermatitis and asthma at the same time.


The essence of the ALT method is to use one’s own immune cells - lymphocytes - to restore normal immune function and reduce the body’s sensitivity to various allergens.

Autolymphocytotherapy is carried out on an outpatient basis, in an allergology office as prescribed and under the supervision of an allergist-immunologist. Lymphocytes are isolated from a small amount of the patient's venous blood under sterile laboratory conditions.

The isolated lymphocytes are injected subcutaneously into the lateral surface of the shoulder. Before each procedure, the patient is examined in order to individually prescribe the dose of the administered autovaccine. Apart from its own lymphocytes and physiological solution, the autovaccine does not contain any drugs. Treatment regimens and the number and frequency of immune cells administered depend on the severity of the disease. Autolymphocytes are administered in gradually increasing doses with an interval between injections of 2 to 6 days. Course of treatment: 6-8 procedures.

Normalization of the functions of the immune system and a decrease in the body's sensitivity to allergens occurs gradually. The expansion of the hypoallergenic diet is carried out within 1-2 months. The withdrawal of supportive symptomatic therapy is also carried out gradually under the supervision of an allergist. The patient is given the opportunity to have 3 free follow-up consultations within 6 months of observation after completing the course of treatment using the Autolymphocytotherapy method.

The effectiveness of treatment is determined individual characteristics immune system. This process to a certain extent depends on the patient’s compliance with the recommendations of the allergist during the period of treatment and rehabilitation. If IgE levels are high, a patient with atopic dermatitis will likely undergo two courses of treatment with ALT.

Video about the treatment of atopic dermatitis with ALT (About the most important thing, May 10, 2016)

The story about the treatment of atopic dermatitis begins at the 27:45 mark.

And one more story about the treatment of neurodermatitis (About the most important thing, 03/21/2017). Watch from the 30:00 mark

WITH possible contraindications you can find it on our website.

Ask a question to a specialist

The effectiveness of autolymphocytotherapy in the treatment of atopic dermatitis

When assessing long-term treatment results, the effectiveness of the method is confirmed by the duration of remission:

  • Remission for more than 5 years - in 88% of cases
  • Remission for a period of 1 to 5 years - in 8% of patients
  • Remission was observed for less than a year - in 4% of patients

Benefits of treating the disease with ALT

    We treat the cause of the disease, not its symptoms

    Minimum contraindications

    No hospitalization or time away from work required

    The course of treatment is only 3-4 weeks

    1 procedure takes only 1-2 hours

    Treatment is possible in the absence of persistent remissions

    Autolymphocytotherapy can be combined with any symptomatic treatment


How much does it cost to treat atopic dermatitis?

When undergoing treatment for atopic dermatitis in Moscow, the cost of 1 procedure is 3700 rubles. The cost of a course of subcutaneous autolymphocytotherapy (6-8 procedures) is respectively 22,200-29,600 rubles.

After a course of ALT, 3 observations are carried out by an allergist for 6 months. free consultations. If a repeated course of treatment is necessary for patients diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, an individual discount system is provided.

Initial allergy testing and diagnosis are carried out in accordance with the standards of the Department of Health. Previous examinations and tests for IgE and allergens performed in other medical institutions are taken into account.

You can donate blood for IgE and allergens at all medical centers where autolymphocytotherapy is performed.

Allergist-immunologist Nadezhda Yuryevna Logina will see you in Moscow on a weekday

  • Fill out the application for admission