Bad breath causes and treatment. Bad breath: why it appears and how to deal with it

With a problem unpleasant odor from the mouth (halitosis) sooner or later affects almost every adult. People experiencing such problems begin to feel some discomfort when communicating, which, in turn, leads to isolation, decreased self-esteem, loss of self-confidence and, ultimately, to loneliness.

All this can provoke the occurrence of psychoneurological diseases that develop due to a lack of communication.

Causes of bad breath in adults. Types of halitosis

Sometimes the person himself does not notice or does not want to notice what is coming from oral cavity unpleasant smell. However, this may be a symptom of quite serious illnesses , therefore, you should not ignore the problem and contact the clinic as soon as possible to find out the cause and make the correct diagnosis.

Types of halitosis

There are two types of halitosis:

  • Physiological. The appearance of bad breath is caused by dietary errors or poor oral hygiene. This type of halitosis can occur due to smoking, fasting, excessive consumption alcohol and drugs.
  • Pathological. Called dental diseases(oral halitosis) or pathologies internal organs(extrooral).

Besides, in scientific world There are also such concepts as pseudohalitosis and halitophobia. Both of these conditions are psychological in nature.

Pseudogalithosis included in the number obsessive states, in which the patient constantly feels that his breath smells bad. In such cases, the help of a psychotherapist is required.

Too much suspicious people often suffer halitophobia - constant fear before the appearance bad smell after an illness.

So, before taking any measures to eliminate bad breath, you should find out the reason his emergence. Perhaps it’s a matter of an incorrect and unbalanced diet, or is everything explained by the poor state of the environment? What if halitosis is caused by pathological changes in internal organs or is it contagious?

Physiological type

There are many reasons that cause bad breath, the main ones being the following.

General oral health. In an adult, as well as in a child, odor can appear due to insufficient oral care. In this case, you should check your teeth and gums.

Dry mouth. In medical circles, this phenomenon is called xerostomia. It usually arises as a result of lengthy conversations. Often, xerostomia affects people whose profession involves constant communication (for example, TV presenters, announcers, etc.).

Wrong diet. Experts have identified a number of products, the consumption of which can provoke halitosis. These are mainly fatty foods that have a negative effect on the walls of the stomach and esophagus.

Bad habits. Unpleasant smell Habits such as smoking and alcohol can cause oral mucus. But if everything is more or less clear with the second option (those who have encountered the problem hangover syndrome understands well what we are talking about), then with smoking the situation is somewhat different. This is explained by the fact that a smoker uses cigarettes almost daily, and tobacco smoke provides Negative influence on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. The result of this effect is the drying out of the mouth and the creation of favorable conditions for the emergence and development of various types of harmful microorganisms, which will be very problematic to get rid of in the future.

Poor oral hygiene. Bad breath can occur as a result of plaque on the tongue, gums, inside cheeks and even teeth. The appearance of such plaque is usually explained by non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene, which results in the active development of bacteria that feed on food debris remaining in the mouth.

Microbes. In some cases, bad breath appears in the morning, seemingly for no apparent reason. In fact, it’s all about microbes that actively grow and multiply almost constantly, especially at night. During sleep, the amount of saliva in a person's mouth decreases, which creates favorable conditions for the growth and development of harmful bacteria. You can get rid of bad breath in a simple way: just brush your teeth and additionally use a mouth rinse to maintain the effect.

Pathological type

This form of halitosis is characterized by the appearance of the following odors from the mouth:

  • acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • feces;
  • putrefactive;
  • sour;
  • rotten eggs.

Smell of rotten breath. The most common cause of this odor is pathological changes organs respiratory system and dental diseases. In addition, it may appear due to the accumulation of food debris under the denture or in a diseased tooth. Under the influence of harmful microorganisms, amino acids decompose, which determines the nature of this form of halitosis.

The main causes of putrid odor from the mouth may be the following:

In addition, the smell of rot can be caused by the following factors:

  • disruption of the functioning of the digestive tract, with a particularly pronounced odor;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • poor oral hygiene, resulting in the appearance of tartar or plaque.

Ammonia smell. The causes of its appearance are kidney disease and renal failure, in which the level of urea in the blood is greatly exceeded. The body, not being able to fully remove this substance naturally, begins to look for an alternative way out, that is, through skin covering and mucous membranes. This explains the appearance of the ammonia smell.

Smell of feces from the mouth. There may be several reasons for its occurrence: intestinal obstruction, poor absorption of food, decreased peristalsis and dysbiosis.

People with bulimia or anorexia may also experience a fecal odor in their mouth. This is also associated with a disruption of the digestive process: food is poorly digested (or not digested at all), and rotting and fermentation begins.

In some cases, this odor may be caused by infectious lesions organs of the respiratory system.

Smell of acid. Increased level acidity gastric juice caused by diseases such as pancreatitis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, diverticulitis of the esophagus or gastritis provokes the appearance sour smell from the oral cavity. The acidic smell may be accompanied by nausea or heartburn.

Rotten egg smell. The main reason for the appearance of such a smell is also disturbances in the functioning of the stomach associated with decreased acidity and gastritis. In this case, a person may experience a feeling of discomfort in the stomach area, and belching appears. Another cause of rotten egg breath is food poisoning.

Smell of acetone from the mouth. The most harmless cause of the smell of acetone is ordinary indigestion, but there are several quite serious diseases accompanied by this form of halitosis.

The smell of acetone may indicate diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis, diabetes), and also indicate the development of other pathologies, as will be discussed below.

  • Liver diseases. The course of some liver diseases is accompanied by the appearance of acetone in human urine and blood. If the functioning of an organ is disrupted, the task of which is precisely to cleanse the body of all sorts of unnecessary substances, including toxic ones, leads to the accumulation of acetone and, as a result, the appearance of odor from the oral cavity.
  • Diabetes. High content blood sugar, characteristic of an advanced form of diabetes, coupled with the release of large amounts of acetone (ketone bodies) into the human blood forces the kidneys to work harder and remove toxic substances from the body. The lungs also take an active part in the process, which explains the appearance of an acetone odor from the patient’s mouth.

When this symptom appears, the patient must be urgently hospitalized in order to conduct a thorough examination and provide immediate assistance. medical care. Otherwise, a diabetic coma is possible.

  • Kidney diseases. The smell of acetone from the mouth can appear with uric acid diathesis, as well as with diseases such as kidney dystrophy, renal failure, nephrosis. These pathologies cause disruption of protein metabolism and its breakdown products begin to accumulate in the blood.

Diagnosis of bad breath

Halitosis is detected in the following ways:

  • Organoleptic method (assessment of the intensity of halitosis by a specialist). In this case, the degree of manifestation of bad breath is assessed on a five-point scale (from 0 to 5). Before the examination, it is recommended to refrain from using odorous cosmetics one day before the procedure, appointment spicy food- approximately 48 hours before visiting the doctor. In addition, 12 hours before the start of the assessment, it is advisable to stop using breath fresheners and mouth rinses, and stop brushing your teeth, smoking, eating and drinking.
  • Analysis of the medical history: when exactly does bad breath appear, how long ago has it started, are there any chronic diseases the oral cavity, gums, liver, gastrointestinal tract, paranasal sinuses and the nose itself, is there a connection with food intake, etc.
  • Pharyngoscopy (examination of the larynx).
  • Sulfide monitoring is the use of a special device (halimeter) to measure the degree of sulfur concentration in the air exhaled by the patient.
  • Examination of the nose and nasopharynx using an endoscope.
  • Examination of the oral cavity by a dentist (to identify white or yellowish plaque on the patient’s tongue and teeth).
  • Laryngoscopy.
  • Consultation with a gastroenterologist and pulmonologist (in order to exclude diseases of the lungs and bronchi).
  • Biochemical blood test (sugar levels, liver and kidney enzymes are examined).

Prevention of unpleasant odors

In order to avoid the appearance of bad breath and subsequent problems associated with it, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • First of all, you must carefully adhere to the rules of oral hygiene and regularly visit the dentist for preventive examinations.
  • Nutrition should be balanced, rich in vitamins and microelements.
  • In addition to daily brushing of teeth, it is necessary to use special mouth rinses that help destroy harmful microorganisms and freshen breath. Do not overuse alcohol rinses, as they greatly dry out the mucous membranes.
  • Timely prevention and treatment of pathologies of internal organs, as well as infectious diseases.
  • Regular consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Whenever you brush your teeth, do not forget about your tongue and be sure to clean it of any plaque that has appeared.
  • Avoidance of alcohol, cigarettes, and healthy image life.
  • Using special moisturizers for dry mouth.

The appearance of bad odor from the mouth should not be ignored and you should not try to get rid of it with the help of hygiene products. This can only drown out the problem for a while, but will not destroy it completely. Sometimes even a simple consultation with a specialist gives a good result, and timely treatment will save you from such troubles for a long time.

It is possible to get rid of bad breath, but, naturally, it is necessary to accurately determine the period of occurrence of the problem and its possible reasons occurrence.

A bad smell often becomes the source of many complexes in the person who suffers from it. This problem creates a lot of trouble in relationships with other people, and even after it is eliminated, the patient continues to suffer from various complexes.

How to check bad breath?

There are several options for checking for bad breath, but in order for the result of such tests to be objective, you need to do this about an hour after eating.

The easiest way is to breathe into your palm and immediately smell the area. If it stinks a little, then you still have an unpleasant odor when breathing, but this method is only effective when the odor is very noticeable. An unpleasant but weaker odor cannot be detected in this way.

You can use another method - run a spoon over your entire tongue. As a rule, plaque (bacteria) remains on it, which provokes “fragrance”. This is approximately the smell your interlocutors smell when you talk to them at a fairly close distance.

You can use other methods to check, for example, but an unpleasant odor from dental floss does not always mean that your breath smells the same.


Why does my breath have a strong odor? The reason is only in the teeth, but what if they are healthy? Let's try to figure out the main causes of the problem:

  1. The most common and common cause is eating foods with a strong and persistent unpleasant odor (for example, garlic). After eating such food, some particles begin to be released through the mouth through breathing.
  2. Negative processes in the oral cavity: diseases of the teeth, throat. Every disease is an increase in the number of bacteria that lead to stench.
  3. Bad habits – smokers, for example, have these problems more often than non-smokers.
  4. Diseases not related to the oral cavity: tonsillitis, sinusitis, diseases of the lungs, digestive system.

How to eliminate bad breath at home?

People who have had these problems get rid of putrid, rotten or sour smells by rinsing with the following tinctures:

  • Regular rinsing with strong mint infusion. Regular consumption of mint tea can have the same effect;
  • To instantly get rid of the smell, you can chew parsley leaves, but this method does not eliminate the cause, it only effectively combats the consequences.
  • A decoction of wormwood, chamomile and strawberry leaves, mixed in equal quantities and poured with boiling water, is also popular.

Important! Regular and comprehensive oral hygiene – The best way prevention. Brushing your teeth before bed is especially helpful, as it will reduce the critical mass of bacteria that accumulates there overnight.

It is also worth contacting a dentist, he will tell you from a professional point of view what is the cause of this phenomenon and how to effectively deal with it specifically in your case.

Smell of acetone from the mouth - what to do?

It is immediately worth noting that in at different ages The smell of acetone from the mouth should not be perceived in the same way.

In children

So, children, due to their very fast metabolism, very often suffer from this disease. Since they are often excreted from the body useful material, then a certain imbalance is created, which can provoke a similar smell.

However, this state of affairs is not a reason to panic, because often the condition returns to normal very quickly, and the smell disappears. You should be concerned if the child suffers from this for a very long time or too often.

In adults

If such a problem is noticed in an adult, then this is a much greater cause for concern. The fact is that this problem can hardly be attributed to too fast a metabolism, and it means systemic disturbances in the body’s activities.

Based on this, it is better to immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Sometimes patients with diabetes and some other diseases suffer from such symptoms.

How to remove bad breath in the morning?

Unpleasant odor in the morning – frequent, but not very common serious problem. The fact is that during the night, most people accumulate a critical mass of bacteria in their mouths due to a decrease in the amount of saliva in the mouth during sleep.

This problem can be eliminated as easily as it appears; it is necessary to preventive measures Brush your teeth regularly, not only in the morning, but also before bed.

If the smell does not disappear after such procedures, then it is not a matter of biorhythms and then it is necessary to use the above methods of caring for the oral cavity, rinsing it with tinctures and decoctions. At the same time, you will need to consult a doctor.

Treatment of bad breath due to stomach

Stomach problems are also often the cause of bad breath. This case is more complicated, because the “fragrance” of the oral cavity is only a consequence of another disease.

If, when visiting a dentist, he did not reveal any problems with teeth, gums, etc., then you will have to contact a specialist digestive system so that he could conduct a serious examination. After all, various diseases of the stomach and pancreas can be detected (for example, gastritis, ulcers, etc.).

For this reason, it is the stomach that will have to be treated first; after all, stomach diseases are much more serious than just bad breath. And after treatment of the detected disease, the breath will not smell unpleasant, but will return to normal.

The smell from the child’s mouth: sour, putrid, ammonia

As already mentioned, sometimes a child’s bad breath is not a cause for concern. A more serious cause for concern for parents will be the prolonged period of this phenomenon.

In this case, it is worth conducting a comprehensive study of the child’s health status. First of all, you need to take him to the dentist; if he does not find the cause of the phenomenon, then you should show the child to an otolaryngologist and gastroenterologist.

You should not attempt treatment on your own. remember, that children's body much more sensitive to all kinds of means and medications, and it is in this case that the observation and treatment of the child by specialists is very important.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about the problem of unpleasant odor.

What to do if mucus with an unpleasant odor accumulates in the nasopharynx?

Bad breath odor is often a consequence of the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx; it itself does not cause a bad odor, but when it accumulates in excess and flows to the oral cavity, it thereby stimulates the growth of bacteria.

Excessive salivation occurs in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases of the respiratory system;
  • allergy;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • pathologies of the digestive organs;
  • neurological diseases;
  • polyps and other nasopharyngeal abnormalities.

Medicines and drugs

Medicines are based on the need to rinse the mouth.

  1. Tincture of calamus and/or St. John's wort is often recommended; they are quite simple to prepare. Per cup boiled water 20-25 drops of medicine are needed; you can rinse your mouth with this solution several times a day.
  1. The method of treatment with hydrogen peroxide is also popular. An equal amount of three percent peroxide and boiled water should be mixed and rinsed with this mixture in your mouth for several days. By the way, if you have periodontal disease, then this solution will help you cure this disease.

Video: Elena Malysheva talks about how to get rid of an unpleasant odor.

Preventive measures

To prevent bad breath, you must adhere to the following prevention methods:

  • go to the dentist regularly (2 times a year);
  • brush your teeth thoroughly and regularly (especially before going to bed);
  • be examined by other specialists (gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist, etc.);

Pleasant communication consists of a verbal component.

But in addition to words, on a subconscious level, a person evaluates his interlocutor by appearance, gestures and bad breath. More than a quarter of the world's population suffers from halitosis.

And clean breathing creates an attractive image of a person. An unpleasant odor can create problems in communication, cause discomfort and self-doubt; the extreme manifestation of this condition is depression.

It happens, of course, that a person exaggerates the problem and it seems to him that his breath is stale. With the so-called pseudohalitosis, a psychotherapist who will understand the causes of self-doubt helps a lot.

Aromatization of breath is a temporary effect. It’s good if the smell is barely noticeable or occurs very rarely. But persistent or regular bad breath is a cause for concern.

The first cause of the problem is usually dental disease. We will tell you in this article whether there are other predisposing factors.

Halitosis, why does it smell like that?

Halitosis (osostomia, pathological stomatodysonia) is the term used to describe putrid odor from the mouth. This smell is disgusting because it usually indicates that it contains toxic substances.

These may be rotting products or toxins formed as a result of the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Sometimes an unpleasant odor is caused by eating garlic or onions, or sauces containing them.

This is because these products contain a large number of sulfur, which is known to smell bad, but is not a disease and is easily eliminated.

The nature of the smell can be divided into 6 types:

  1. Rotten egg or hydrogen sulfide smell. This aroma may be a sign of digestive problems, especially if there are other complaints such as flatulence, indigestion, plaque white on the back of the tongue.
  2. A sour smell, especially after eating, is a manifestation of the inflammatory process in the stomach.
  3. A putrid odor with a bitter taste in the mouth occurs when bile stagnates in the biliary tract. Pain syndrome in the right side and an unpleasant odor is a reason to consult a doctor.
  4. The smell of rotten apples, acetone and sweet taste in the mouth occurs when diabetes mellitus, you need to quickly be examined by an endocrinologist who will prescribe treatment.
  5. A sharp ammonia smell and taste of urea in the mouth occurs with severe pathology of the urinary system.
  6. Putrid odor from the mouth, the causes of which are inadequate cleaning of the teeth and tongue.
  7. An iodine aroma occurs with excessive consumption of this microelement.

Causes of bad breath

Persistent bad breath is a reason to look for the disease that caused it. Provoking factors for halitosis may be the following:

  • dental diseases;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, endocrine system;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • consumption of products with a pronounced aroma;
  • decrease in saliva (in old age natural atrophy of mucous membranes and glands develops);
  • long-term use of certain medications (hormonal, antiallergic, sedative and diuretic drugs, antibiotics).

Let's take a closer look at why it smells bad.

Dental causes of stale amber

First of all, when troubled by an unpleasant odor, people turn to the dentist. Indeed, most of the population simply do not have proper oral hygiene skills.

Pieces of food stuck between teeth or in gum pockets begin to decompose over time, creating a characteristic aroma. Remains of rot in the mouth are a breeding ground for bacteria.

Children and teenagers face this problem because they do not have the habit of brushing their teeth after every meal, and also simply do not do it thoroughly enough.

Inflammatory processes are the source of bad breath. These include:

  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • glossitis;
  • caries.

A predisposing factor for the development of these inflammatory processes is plaque on the teeth, tongue and tartar.

Food residues in dentures and tissue trauma due to improperly installed dentures contribute to inflammation and the proliferation of putrefactive microorganisms.

In addition, in cleaning the oral cavity important role saliva takes up. It not only contains enzymes to begin digestion, but also microelements for the mineralization of enamel tissue and substances that kill pathogenic microflora.

Diseases salivary glands, accompanied by a decrease and thickening of saliva, lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Dry mouth also happens if a person does not follow the drinking regime or often breathes through the nose; this is often observed in children with nasal congestion.

Old people experience natural atrophy of the cells of the mucous and salivary glands, so they often complain of dry mouth.

Nicotine and cigarette tar disrupt salivation, contribute to the appearance of erosions and ulcers of the oral cavity, and worsen the mineralization of enamel. This leads to the appearance of the characteristic smell of a smoking person.

At your appointment, the dentist will definitely diagnose all these conditions, prescribe treatment and give recommendations for prevention, so you should contact dental clinic at least 2 times a year.

Odor in diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory system

Bad breath should suggest not only inflammatory dental pathologies, but also about diseases of the ENT organs.

Rhinosinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis, especially purulent processes, accompanied by bad breath.

A constantly stuffy nose forces a person to breathe through the mouth, while the oral mucosa dries out, which makes it difficult to cleanse it naturally.

The same is true for respiratory diseases when a lot of sputum is produced: bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Odor and gastrointestinal diseases

One of the common causes of bad breath is indigestion. various diseases gastrointestinal tract.

This can be with gastritis, gastric ulcers and duodenum, pathologies of the biliary tract and intestines, pancreatitis.

Undigested food becomes a medium for the development of pathogenic flora, their metabolic products (indole, skatole), rotting food debris and the smell of human exhaled air.

Indigestion is accompanied by other signs: bloating, pain and rumbling in the abdomen, abnormal stool (diarrhea or constipation), yellow or white coating on the tongue.

Strict diets contribute to digestive disorders, as they are accompanied by food restrictions; the lack of well-formed chyme contributes to the proliferation of pathogenic flora.

Overeating is accompanied relative disadvantage digestive enzymes, food retention in digestive tract, which ferments and rots, causing rotten breath.

Other causes of unpleasant odor

Less common causes of halitosis are serious illnesses urinary system, when the kidneys cannot cope with the removal of toxic substances.

Then toxins accumulate in the blood and are released through the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, sweat glands.

In diabetes mellitus, high sugar cannot be absorbed by tissues, the need for energy is met by the breakdown of fats, resulting in the formation of acetone.

The characteristic smell of rotten apples occurs when blood glucose is not controlled.

How to tell if you have odor

Not everyone will dare to ask other people about such a delicate problem. How to tell for yourself if your breath smells. There are simple tips:

Before brushing with toothpaste, brush the interdental spaces with floss and smell it. Exhale into your clasped hands and smell the skin of your palm.

If you do not like the aroma, then consult a doctor, he will help you find the causes of this phenomenon.

Halitosis in childhood

Parents often notice bad breath in their children. Normally, children's breath is free of foreign odors, but unpleasant ones will cause natural concern.

The main causes of halitosis in children coincide with the provoking factors in adults, these include the following:

  1. Teething is accompanied by damage and inflammation of the gums, so during this period it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the baby’s mouth.
  2. Insufficient drinking regime provokes indigestion, decreased saliva and dry mouth.
  3. Mental unrest and an unfavorable emotional background contribute to the drying out of the oral mucosa.
  4. An unbalanced diet, when fatty and salty foods predominate, contributes to digestive disorders.
  5. Children are more susceptible to nasopharyngeal diseases.

If you correctly teach your baby how to care for his mouth, this skill will continue to be present in adults.

Children themselves rarely pay attention to this problem, so parents should regularly bring their children for preventive medical examinations at the dentist.

How to deal with bad breath

Treating bad breath involves treating the underlying cause. Only a specialist can determine the provoking condition.

More than three-quarters of cases relate to poor hygiene and oral diseases, so contact your dentist promptly. He will prescribe treatment and recommend products for proper cleaning of the oral cavity.

It is advisable to thoroughly brush not only your teeth, but also the interdental spaces and tongue. Dental floss, tongue brushes and rinses will help with this.

You should take your choice of toothpaste seriously; choose fluoridated products only if recommended by your dentist. But what to do if you can’t get to the doctor today, but there is still bad breath.

The following tricks will help:

  • Chew coffee beans for 3-4 minutes or eat instant coffee on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • chew dill or parsley;
  • use a mouthwash or a solution of triclosan and chlorhexidine.

A good anti-inflammatory and deodorizing effect will come from daily use of decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark, yarrow, preparations with propolis and tea tree extract.

If the problem of putrid breath is not related to dental diseases, then the dentist will recommend a specialist for further examination.

You may need to be examined by an otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or nephrologist. In any case, you should not delay contacting a doctor.

Halitosis - unpleasant symptom, but we can and must fight it. Get examined, brush your teeth, eat right, don’t be afraid of dentists and you will become a pleasant conversationalist with fresh breath.

Etc. In addition, fillings with a porous structure are capable of accumulating bacteria on the surface, which multiply and create bad breath. Amalgam fillings can irritate the gums, which leads to increased bacterial growth in the damaged areas, which also leads to an unpleasant odor. A poor-quality crown can also cause this symptom. In addition to diseases of the teeth and gums, pathologies of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract can cause bad breath.

Naturally, to get rid of an unpleasant odor, the underlying disease that caused it should be treated. However, if bad breath is constantly present, additional measures are necessary to get rid of bad breath. To understand how to get rid of the constantly present bad breath, you need to know what triggering factors are involved in the process of its appearance. It is by influencing the trigger factors for the appearance of bad breath that this symptom can be eliminated.

Regardless of the specific cause, the trigger for persistent bad breath is a lack of saliva. The fact is that a huge number of bacteria live in the oral cavity, which use food debris and dead body tissues for their nutrition. During their life, bacteria emit foul-smelling gases, which cause bad breath. These bacteria are adapted to live in an oxygen-free environment, and in its presence they simply die. Normally, saliva leads to the death of these bacteria because it contains oxygen. Thus, when there is a lack of saliva, the oral mucosa dries out and the person’s breath begins to smell constantly.

In fact, the reasons for the appearance of constant bad breath, in addition to various diseases, a bunch of. In life modern man a huge number of situations that lead to dryness of the oral mucosa, and, consequently, to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. For example, breathing through the mouth, excitement, stress, hunger, long conversation, etc.

So, in order to get rid of the constantly present bad breath, it is necessary to prevent overdrying of the mucous membrane and stimulate the production of saliva. To maintain salivation at the proper level, you need to drink as much water as possible and rinse your mouth with it. Various chewing gums, lollipops, sweets, etc. stimulate the formation of saliva. However, any refreshing candies and chewing gum should not contain sugar.

Be sure to keep your mouth clean. First, brush your teeth, tongue and gums at least twice a day - morning and evening, using a toothbrush and floss. Secondly, if possible, brush your teeth after every meal. If you can’t brush your teeth every time after eating, then you need to use mouthwash. In this case, you should use toothpastes and rinses containing antibacterial components. Pastes and rinses containing chlorine dioxide or zinc, which have a detrimental effect on bacteria that are the source of bad breath, have an excellent effect. After using these products, the bacteria that produce foul gases die, and for some time are not able to multiply and poison the breath.

When performing hygienic measures in the oral cavity, you should remember that it is necessary to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue, and inner surface cheeks, on which a large number of dead cells accumulate, which are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that produce foul-smelling gases. The tongue and cheeks are cleaned with a brush or special spoons. If there is tartar, it must be removed by a dentist.

Today there are professional mouth guards filled with oxygen gel, which easily penetrates the gums, tongue and teeth, effectively cleaning them, destroying bacteria and their waste products, which have a fetid odor. Wearing such mouth guards for 2 weeks allows you to completely cope with bad breath. Moreover, the effect of wearing mouth guards will be long-lasting.

Besides mouth guards, another affordable and easy way to get rid of persistent bad breath is by killing the bacteria that produces foul gas. To do this, you should regularly rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide several times a day. The fact is that hydrogen peroxide releases active oxygen, which destroys bacteria that create bad breath. For rinsing, take the usual 3% hydrogen peroxide, sold in a pharmacy. Add 4 to 5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to a glass of water, and rinse your mouth thoroughly with this solution. Rinsing is carried out 3 – 4 times a day. Using hydrogen peroxide helps eliminate bad breath for a long time. However, after the unpleasant odor ceases to bother a person, it is necessary to continue using hydrogen peroxide, since otherwise the bacteria may again begin to multiply intensively and release foul gases that poison the breath.

Man is a social creature. Communication accompanies us everywhere: at home, in stores, at work, with friends. And suddenly you notice that people are moving further away, turning away from you. Agree, this is an extremely unpleasant moment. And the reason for this may be halitosis, that is, bad breath.

What to do? How to get rid of bad breath and restore the joy of communication to yourself and others? First of all, you need to understand the reasons why the unpleasant odor appears. And then start eliminating them.

The causes of the odor may be the following:

Oral bacteria

The most common cause of bad breath is anaerobic bacteria living in our mouths. They decompose the remains of protein foods, releasing foul-smelling substances. Meat, fish, legumes, dairy products, and eggs are especially rich in proteins. After eating such food, you should brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth thoroughly. The bulk of the bacteria settles in the nutritious white coating on the tongue; they accumulate under the gum line and in hard-to-reach places between the teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a brush not only for your teeth, but also for your tongue. You need to clean your tongue as deeply as possible, because on the back of it the thickness of the plaque is much greater, which means there are also more bacteria there.

The active growth of putrefactive bacteria is promoted by diseases of the oral cavity: gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, caries. Just one rotting tooth can make your breath extremely unpleasant for others. Be sure to visit your dentist once every six months. Monitor the condition of your gums. Blood is a nutritious and “tasty” environment for the life of bacteria.

  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity are perfectly healed by a tanning and astringent decoction of oak bark. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed oak bark into a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for an hour and strain. Rinse with broth 6-8 times a day. St. John's wort is useful for inflammation in the mouth. In this case, take a tablespoon of oak bark and St. John's wort per glass of boiling water.
  • For gum diseases, it is recommended to wipe the gums 3 times a day with calamus root powder; you can use it to clean your teeth by mixing it one to one with tooth powder.
  • It is useful to rinse your mouth with decoctions of calendula and chamomile. These herbs have healing, bactericidal and regenerating properties.

Foods we eat

Some foods can make breathing extremely unpleasant. Everyone knows the effect of eating garlic or onions; cabbage and radishes also cause bad breath. When these products are digested, foul-smelling compounds are formed, which enter the lungs with the blood and are eliminated from the body through the breath, giving it its own smell. Therefore, do not consume these products before leaving home, an important meeting, or a date.

  • Apples are especially recommended as a refreshing food. They contain natural sugars that successfully neutralize unpleasant odors.
  • It is very useful to chew a few sprigs of celery, parsley or dill. They contain chlorophyll, one of the most powerful suppressants of strong odors.
  • Carrots are a good breath freshener.
  • In addition, you can try some spices: cardamom, you need to chew a few grains (no need to swallow them); allspice, leave in hot water and rinse your mouth. Tea made from cloves with cinnamon in equal proportions or mint will also freshen your breath for a long time.

Bad habits

Another cause of bad breath is smoking and alcohol abuse. Everyone is familiar with the specific smell from the mouth of smokers. Nicotine, tar and other foul-smelling substances settle on the walls of the teeth and soft tissues oral cavity, causing an unpleasant odor. To get rid of it completely you should quit smoking.

Or, at a minimum, keep your mouth perfectly clean.

  • You can try mouthwash made from wormwood or strawberry infusion. A tablespoon of crushed leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water. Rinse with warm infusion 5-6 times a day, or better after each cigarette smoked.

When alcohol is abused, a breakdown product appears in the blood - acetaldehyde, a substance extremely dangerous to the body. It is partially excreted through the lungs, giving the breath a terrible fume smell. Since the smell comes from the lungs, it is very difficult to neutralize it with rinses, fruits or chewing gum.

  • Chewing a little bit of nutmeg helps.
  • As a preventive measure, we can only recommend abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Diseases of internal organs

The source of unpleasant specific odors from the oral cavity can be problems with gastrointestinal tract or upper respiratory tract, as well as inflammation of the ears, throat or nose. In this case you definitely need to see a doctor. In addition to the main treatment, try several recipes:

  • For gastrointestinal diseases, take a tablespoon of dandelion roots, centaury herb, peppermint leaves and plantain leaves, pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. The infusion is taken 3 times a day, 50 ml, half an hour before meals, and also rinsed the mouth several times a day.
  • Odor associated with stomach or intestinal diseases will help remove salty water. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in half a liter of water and drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning. Repeat the procedure for five days. To avoid irritation in the stomach, be sure to drink something dairy or eat porridge a few minutes after drinking water. Similar cleaning contraindicated for any inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If the cause of the odor is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, try herbal infusion for rinsing the mouth from the leaves and flowers of marshmallow, calendula and yarrow flowers, and large plantain leaves. In the evening, take a tablespoon of each plant, add 400 ml of water and leave until morning. Rinse 5-6 times a day.

Dry mouth

You've probably noticed that your breath isn't fresh in the morning. This happens because the salivary glands slow down at night. Saliva is the strongest natural antiseptic. With its deficiency, oral bacteria multiply more actively and, consequently, bad breath appears. The causes of dryness can be serious illnesses such as diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, infections, so this is a reason to consult a doctor. If the possibility of a serious illness is excluded, dryness can occur due to medications, vitamin deficiency, menopause, and also in people who, due to their profession, are forced to talk a lot.

  • Helps get rid of dryness chewing gum. Chewing stimulates salivation.
  • Drink more water. Make it a habit to drink a glass of water every hour.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, sweets and drinks containing caffeine.
  • Eat more fruits - fruit acids stimulate salivation.

Enjoy your communication!