Pneumonia in a newborn child - symptoms and treatment. Congenital pneumonia Pneumonia in a child in the maternity hospital

Every pregnant woman worries about the upcoming birth and the health of her baby. And these worries are completely justified - currently many babies are born with various diseases. According to statistics, about 10-15% of premature babies suffer from congenital pneumonia from birth. Congenital pneumonia in newborns - inflammation lung tissue in children, which occurs in the first month of life.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of this disease. Sometimes pneumonia can be caused by several precipitating factors. In this case, the disease poses a serious threat to the life of the newborn.

Most often, the disease is caused by pathogenic bacteria (pneumococcus, staphylococcus and streptococcus). Viruses, fungi and protozoa can also cause pneumonia.

The question itself arises: how will pathogenic microorganisms enter the child’s body if it is reliably protected from external influences by the amniotic sac and amniotic fluid.

There are two ways a child can become infected:

  1. Bronchogenic - amniotic fluid containing pathogenic microorganisms, enter the body through the baby’s lungs during childbirth.

The main causes of infection are:

  • Features in the structure respiratory systems s of a newborn;
  • Underdevelopment of neurons located in the central nervous system, especially in premature infants;
  • Early discharge of amniotic fluid.
  1. Hematogenous. In this case, infection occurs through blood from mother to child. Infection through umbilical vein occurs much less frequently than bronchogenic.

In such cases, the mother herself feels unwell and, accordingly, turns to a doctor for help. The doctor will prescribe medications that will alleviate the condition expectant mother and baby.

Symptoms of congenital pneumonia

This disease cannot occur without any symptoms. There are many manifestations of this disease. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the first symptoms may appear in different time, depending on when the infection occurred - in the womb or during childbirth.

The main signs of the disease that occurs due to the bronchogenic method of infection are:
  1. Choking is a fairly common phenomenon, occurring in approximately one in four newborns. However, with congenital pneumonia, almost everyone experiences suffocation. In this case, resuscitators are forced to carry out special resuscitation actions.
  2. Scream healthy baby loud. Children with pneumonia cry weakly or there is no sound at all. Breathing is also weak, irregular, and shallow. Moist rales are heard in the lungs, breathing is harsh.
  3. Reduced body temperature. All newborn babies are susceptible to fluctuations in body temperature. However, in children with pneumonia the temperature can rise to 40, and in premature babies it can drop to 35 or even lower. High and low temperature are a threat to the life of the newborn.
  4. Decreased innate reflexes. Inflammation of the lungs negatively affects the well-being of even an adult, not to mention newborns. This child is very lethargic. Congenital sucking and breathing reflexes reduced or absent altogether. In this case, it is necessary to use artificial ventilation lungs and tube feeding.
  5. The digestion process is disrupted and, as a result, body weight decreases. The newborn often spits up and suffers from bouts of vomiting. Because of this, body weight is reduced to a critical figure.
  6. Cardiovascular dysfunction vascular system. All internal organs dependent on each other. Incorrect operation lungs leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system. The skin becomes pale, and in severe cases, even bluish. Swelling of the legs and irregular heart rhythm often occur. After recovery heartbeat is being restored.

If the infection occurred during childbirth, the signs of the disease will be different. And they do not appear immediately, but after 2-3 days. These symptoms include:

  1. Skin color changes. Mom and doctors note that the mucous membranes and skin at the beginning of the disease become gray, as it progresses they become pale and then generally have a blue tint. Cyanosis is clearly manifested - blue discoloration of the skin of the nasolabial triangle.
  2. Disturbances in the central nervous system. In newborns, this most often manifests itself as severe agitation or, conversely, lethargy. It is lethargy that happens much more often.
  3. Loss of appetite. Appetite disappears 2-3 days after birth. When feeding, regurgitation and vomiting appear, sometimes even with diarrhea. Inexperienced doctors may mistake these symptoms for intestinal infection and that's what they treat. Treatment of pneumonia is delayed until obvious symptoms appear.
  4. Breathing changes. As the disease progresses, breathing becomes difficult. If the baby is full-term, then breathing will be frequent, hoarse, with groans. And if the child is born ahead of schedule, then the breathing rate, on the contrary, will decrease. This situation requires constant monitoring - breathing can stop at any time.
  5. An increase in body temperature appears last, sometimes to very high values.

The most important thing is to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.

Treatment of congenital pneumonia

Congenital pneumonia, treatment

Treatment is carried out only in a hospital, because the child must be under constant supervision and control of doctors. If complications occur, such as respiratory or cardiac arrest, health care should appear immediately.

Medications play a major role in the treatment of pneumonia. Doctors may prescribe:

  • diuretics – for the treatment of edema;
  • antibiotics - prescribed in mandatory. These drugs are prescribed strictly individually, depending on the course of the disease and the pathogen that caused it. If the causative agent of pneumonia is not identified, then an antibiotic is prescribed wide range actions;
  • vitamins and immunomodulators are prescribed to strengthen the functioning of the immune system;
  • lacto- and bifidobacteria are necessary for the treatment of dysbiosis that occurs after a course of antibiotics;
  • local stimulating reflexotherapy (mustard plasters, massage) is prescribed only by a doctor. At high temperatures, these procedures are prohibited;
  • alkaline inhalations - used only for full-term babies. The child may not want to lie still, but the result is worth it.

Successful treatment largely depends on the mother’s actions. There are rules for caring for a child with pneumonia:

  1. Feeding. Due to weakness, the baby cannot suck effectively, and fatigue quickly sets in. Therefore, the mother should offer the breast more often, and not stick to timed feeding.
  2. Swaddling. Young mothers increasingly prefer rompers and blouses to classic swaddling. In a situation with a child with pneumonia, this will the best solution, since tightly tied diapers tighten the chest and interfere with already heavy breathing.
  3. Change of position. In order to avoid congestion in the lungs, you need to turn the baby from side to side 1-2 times an hour.

After undergoing treatment over the next two years, the child should be observed by a pulmonologist. After all, the most common cold can turn into pneumonia again.

Consequences of congenital pneumonia

The body and immune system of each newborn is unique. Some will quickly cope with the disease with minimal medical care, while others will need long process recovery, which does not exclude the development of complications. Most often these are:

  • intestinal toxicosis is characterized by agitation, anxiety, vomiting, diarrhea, and tachycardia. This excited state turns into apathy, even to the point of loss of consciousness. The body temperature drops to 34 degrees, the child begins to lose weight. Necessary drinking plenty of fluids to avoid drying out of the mucous membranes;
  • even after complete recovery, adhesions may remain on the tissue of the lungs and bronchi, and even scars in places with severe inflammation;
  • neurotoxicosis. As a result of exposure pathogenic microflora and toxins on the brain, disturbances in blood circulation, neurological sphere, and thermoregulation may occur;
  • in some cases, pulmonary failure may develop;
  • Due to destruction, cavities may form in the lungs.

Prevention of congenital pneumonia

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. An expectant mother can reduce the chance of her baby developing pneumonia. To do this you need:

  • regularly take all tests prescribed by your doctor;
  • treat foci of chronic infections;
  • do not contact with infected people;
  • eat more vegetables, fruits and greens;
  • walk on fresh air daily for at least 2 hours;
  • Night sleep should be at least 8 hours;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

Pneumonia in newborns is a life-threatening disease. You need to be extremely attentive to the appearance various symptoms in order to diagnose and begin drug treatment in a timely manner.

Almost all adults know what pneumonia is. But not everyone knows what can cause pneumonia in children. How to determine the presence of symptoms of the disease? What are the features of this disease? And how to cure pneumonia in newborns and how long does treatment take? We will describe this in detail in our article.

Description and main features of the course of the disease in newborns

Pneumonia belongs to the category of acute infectious diseases. During this disease, intra-alveolar exudate is formed. The infection affects the respiratory parts of the lungs. The duration of the disease, as well as the overall clinical picture, depends on the age of the patient, the nature of the pathogen and general condition the body of a sick person.

Pneumonia is especially dangerous in newborns, since the child’s body is not yet able to cope with this type of infection on its own. But, unfortunately, it is in children that doctors most often diagnose bilateral pneumonia.

Typically, in children, pneumonia develops against the background of bronchitis or ARVI. On initial stage The child exhibits the following signs of illness:

In infants bilateral pneumonia It is much more severe than in adults. This is due to some features child's body:

  • the pulmonary type of tissue occupies too small an area;
  • there is no naturally acquired immune reserve;
  • the trachea is of insignificant length;
  • the pleural sinuses are not fully opened.

Pneumonia in children is accompanied by mixed or respiratory acidosis, hypercapnia and hypoxia. Due to respiratory disorders during pneumonia in young children, disruptions in homeostasis occur. This in turn leads to worsening external respiration. The shape, depth, and frequency of breathing changes. The baby is breathing with wheezing and whistling.

The initial stage of the disease in full-term infants is much more acute than in premature infants. However, in the first and second cases, the likelihood that a baby who has had pneumonia will get sick again is quite high.

Therefore, immediately after discharge from the hospital, doctors recommend starting a course of vitamin therapy and starting taking bioregulators. For a whole year after recovery, a newborn who has had pneumonia is under clinical observation.

Signs of the disease and the mechanism of development of pneumonia in infants

Pneumonia is considered a polyetiological disease. Each age group is characterized by certain pathogens of this infection:

  • Viruses;
  • Bacteria;
  • Fungi.

Factors that can provoke the development of the disease are the following:

  1. Immunodeficiency state.
  2. ARVI.
  3. Stress.
  4. Severe hypothermia.
  5. Aspiration.
  6. Heart disease.
  7. Lack of vitamins necessary for the growth and full development of the child.
  8. Rickets.

According to statistics, pneumonia most often affects premature babies, as well as infants with pathologies acquired during childbirth. Against the background of a simple ARVI, pneumonia usually develops in newborns with hypertrophy.

Infants who spit up a lot after feeding are also at risk. This is due to the fact that during regurgitation, vomit enters the respiratory tract.

The sooner parents of a newborn child identify initial signs pneumonia and sound the alarm, the fewer complications the baby will have after recovery. A child under one year old who has pneumonia must be hospitalized. You cannot self-medicate. Having identified the first signs of pneumonia in a newborn, you should immediately seek help from a pediatrician.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in children:

In full-term infants, the development of pneumonia is much more acute than in premature newborns. The body temperature rises sharply, and parents cannot bring it down. The child has a fever and is suffering from severe cough. The baby turns pale, has noticeable shortness of breath, and has difficulty breathing.

In premature babies, the symptoms of the disease are not so pronounced. Body temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, the cough is dry, without sputum. The baby is capricious and crying due to muscle pain and headaches tormenting him. Diagnosing such gradually developing pneumonia is quite difficult. A doctor can make an accurate diagnosis only after undergoing x-rays and passing all tests.

Is it possible to give birth to a baby with pneumonia?

The question of whether a newborn can be born with pneumonia interests many young mothers. Unfortunately, this infection as intrauterine pneumonia is not uncommon. Most often, this disease occurs in premature babies. Its first symptoms are noticeable within a couple of minutes after the baby is born.

A child may be born with pneumonia due to a violation of the integrity of the amniotic sac. Since in this case the fetus swallows infected amniotic fluid.

As a result, a newly born baby immediately needs treatment. Often, intrauterine pneumonia develops due to the fact that the expectant mother suffered from acute respiratory viral infection shortly before giving birth. The development of the disease can also be provoked by prolonged or premature labor.

Pneumonia in a newborn up to one year must be treated in inpatient conditions. Doctors recommend that not only infants, but also young children undergo treatment under the constant supervision of a doctor. This is due to the fact that children under 3 years of age cannot adequately assess their condition, and parents do not always have time to quickly react to the deterioration of the baby’s condition. Treatment of older children can be carried out at home only if the doctor does not insist on hospitalization.

After the symptoms of the disease have been identified and the doctor has made a diagnosis, the newborn, regardless of his condition, is admitted to the hospital. Pneumonia in children is treated with antibiotics. The child is assigned intramuscular injections, since a baby under six months of age cannot swallow a pill. Having identified the causes of the disease and familiarized itself with the symptoms, the doctor prescribes a specific drug and specific doses.

If a child was born with pneumonia, he needs special conditions and a special temperature regime. Newborns diagnosed with pneumonia are kept in incubators. To maintain the required level of oxygen and stabilize breathing, doctors use some oxygen therapy methods. Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive, therefore, in addition to taking antibiotics, specialists also prescribe a number of general strengthening measures to young patients.

During treatment of pneumonia in newborns, parents should strictly follow all doctor's advice. While you are in the hospital with your child, you need to carefully monitor the condition of his body. If unilateral pneumonia is being treated, then the baby should not lie on the infected side, and if bilateral pneumonia is being treated, this means that every 2 hours the child should be turned over to the other side. The baby's chest should be tapped regularly, as this helps speed up the release of mucus.

If a baby was diagnosed with pneumonia at birth, he will be discharged from the hospital only after all symptoms of the disease disappear and remission occurs. Doctors usually do not make predictions regarding how long the baby will have to spend in the hospital. This is due to the fact that the effectiveness of treatment depends on a number of different factors:

  • individual developmental characteristics;
  • congenital diseases;
  • infant immunity.

Pneumonia in newborns is usually treated within 4 weeks. Regardless of what reasons led to the development of the disease. The first 14 days are considered the most difficult. With the right treatment, after 2 weeks the body begins to recover. The recovery process takes approximately 14 more days.

Parents should know that pneumonia in newborns can result fatal. Therefore, the disease should never be left to chance. If you notice the first signs of pneumonia in your baby, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

A newborn baby does not yet have strong immunity; in the first month of life, its organs and tissues adapt to the conditions external environment. Any infection that enters the baby’s body at this time can lead to serious disease and consequences, sometimes fatal. Infectious process in case of pneumonia, including intrauterine pneumonia, it is dangerous because it affects not only the lung tissue, but can also spread throughout the body. Knowing the causes, manifestations and preventative measures of the disease, you can avoid serious complications.

What is neonatal pneumonia

Pneumonia of newborns (pneumonia) is an infectious disease of lung tissue in children in the first 28 days of life with characteristic symptoms intoxication and changes in the respiratory system.

With inflammation of the lungs, the alveoli become filled with secretions and cease to perform their functions.

At risk are:

  • premature babies (born at less than 38 weeks of pregnancy);
  • children with intrauterine growth retardation (body weight less than 2500 g);
  • children born by caesarean section.

In addition, a number of factors significantly increase the likelihood of a baby developing the disease, for example:

  • fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation). Occurs as a result of a lack of oxygen in the mother’s blood, placental insufficiency (lack of oxygen supply to the fetus through the blood vessels of the placenta);
  • aspiration syndrome, when during the child’s inhalation, part of the amniotic fluid enters the respiratory tract;
  • birth injuries;
  • hypoxia during childbirth - a long anhydrous period (more than 24 hours);
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary and respiratory systems of the mother;
  • malformations of the lungs (bronchopulmonary dysplasia).

Interestingly, a third of pneumonia in newborns is secondary concomitant disease against the background of the main one. For example, congenital pneumonia may occur against the background hemolytic disease, severe birth trauma, sepsis. Such pneumonia often determines the severity of the underlying disease, as well as its outcome.

Types of disease

  1. Congenital (or intrauterine) pneumonia. The infection infects the fetus in the mother's womb. They are divided into transplacental, when the infection reaches the baby from the mother through the placenta. Antenatal, when the fetus becomes infected through amniotic fluid. And intrapartum, when the child is infected while passing through the birth canal. The causative agent of the disease in this case penetrates from the amniotic fluid or from the infected reproductive tract of the mother (genital tract).
  2. Postnatal pneumonia that occurs after the birth of a child. They are divided into hospital-acquired (nosocomial) pneumonia, when infection occurs in the maternity hospital or neonatal pathology department, and community-acquired, when the newborn catches the disease after discharge from the maternity hospital.

One of the ways a fetus can become infected from its mother is through the placenta (transplacental route of infection)

In addition, according to the type of causative agent, pneumonia is usually divided into bacterial, viral and fungal.


In full-term newborns, the main cause of pneumonia is infection.. All other factors (maternal infections, hypoxia during childbirth, birth trauma, etc.) only increase the likelihood of pneumonia, but are not its cause!

During antenatal infection, the most common pathogens are cytomegalovirus infection, virus herpes simplex and pneumocystis. The last one becomes the most common cause

  • development of the disease in premature babies. With intranatal infection, the child is exposed to microorganisms inhabiting the mother’s birth canal, these are:
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • ureaplasma;
  • streptococci;

candida (fungal infection).

Streptococcal infection causes pneumonia in 35% of infants in the first month of life.

Hospital infections that provoke nosocomial pneumonia are Klebsiella, enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.

In premature newborns, the main cause of pneumonia, in addition to infection, is underdevelopment of the respiratory system and immune system.

It is more difficult for such children to fight infectious agents and are more susceptible to infection.

  • In children after delivery by cesarean section, the main cause of pneumonia is the absorption of infected amniotic fluid or mucus from the birth canal. As a result of this, atelectasis occurs (collapse of part of the lung), which contributes to the development of pneumonia. Ways of contracting pneumonia in newborns: Hematogenous (with blood flow).
  • This is the most frequent path

infection due to intrauterine pneumonia. From foci of infection in a pregnant woman, the virus or bacteria travels through the bloodstream to the fetus. This is where intrauterine infection of the fetus occurs.

Bronchogenic. This is the route of infection during postnatal pneumonia, when a child picks up an infection from a sick mother or relatives. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. Symptoms of the disease

  • Intoxication syndrome - occurs as a result of poisoning of a child’s body with toxins of viruses or bacteria. The nervous and immune system. This manifests itself in the child’s weakness, refusal to eat, drowsiness, pallor or gray skin. There may also be frequent regurgitation or episodes of short-term respiratory arrest (apnea).
  • Respiratory disorders - occur as a result of damage to the lung tissue and, as a result, lack of oxygen. Manifested in increased breathing, participation in the act of breathing of auxiliary muscles (retraction intercostal spaces, flaring of the wings of the nose). The newborn's breathing becomes groaning and noisy, and sometimes wheezing can be heard in the distance. The skin around the lips and on the limbs becomes bluish, which is a sign of oxygen starvation.
  • Violations by of cardio-vascular system manifest themselves in the form of tachycardia (increased heart rate), decreased blood pressure, edema.
  • Nervous system disorders - increased excitability of the child, anxiety, regurgitation, decreased muscle tone.
  • Manifestations from other organs and systems - enlarged liver and spleen, early jaundice (yellowing of the skin before the 3rd day of a child’s life).

Symptoms of pneumonia in newborns - photo gallery

With pneumonia in newborns, breathing is impaired; wheezing may be heard on auscultation. With congenital pneumonia a common symptom is prolonged jaundice. Lack of oxygen in the tissues manifests itself in the form of blueness (cyanosis) of the extremities or lips

It is important to know that an increase in body temperature in newborns with pneumonia is an optional sign. In the first days of life, children may experience hypothermia (body temperature below 36 degrees). This indicates reduced immune reactivity and severe intoxication.

The most common cause of pneumonia in medical institutions becomes Staphylococcus aureus. A feature of staphylococcal pneumonia is a strong intoxication syndrome (body temperature above 38.5 °C, breathing problems). The child develops quickly.

respiratory failure Staphylococcus destroys lung tissue, resulting in the formation of cavities and bullae filled with pus.

The inflammatory process often spreads to neighboring tissues, and pleurisy develops. Staphylococcal pneumonia, complicated by an abscess or pleurisy, is often the cause of death in newborns.

  • Clinical and radiological manifestations of the disease occur in the first 72 hours of a child’s life.
  • The source of infection is the mother - she is sown with the same pathogenic flora as the baby.
  • The child often has infectious foci in organs adjacent to the lungs.
  • An enlargement of the liver and spleen is typical from the first day of the baby’s life.
  • Inflammatory changes are detected in the placenta after childbirth.

Features of pneumonia in premature infants

  • The onset of the disease is nonspecific signs- poor sucking, increased excitability of the child, pallor or bluishness of the skin, decreased body temperature, sleep disturbance, weight loss or weight gain due to edema.
  • Late manifestation of respiratory disorders (at 1–2 weeks of life).
  • More frequent occurrence complications of pneumonia than in full-term newborns.
  • Foamy discharge from the mouth. This occurs as a result of congestion in the lungs.
  • Premature babies are more likely to develop blood poisoning due to pneumonia.

The most common cause of pneumonia in premature newborns is pneumocystis. The course of such pneumonia lasts 4–8 weeks and is divided into several stages:

  1. Initial manifestations (first 1–2 weeks of illness). Characteristic nonspecific symptoms in the form of sluggish sucking, poor weight gain, increased breathing during bathing and sucking. Sometimes there is a slight cough, loose stool(diarrhea).
  2. The height of the illness (2–4 weeks of illness). It manifests itself as severe shortness of breath (increased number of breaths up to 80–140 per minute), paroxysmal cough, change in skin color (blue, gray). Body temperature rarely rises.
  3. The resorption (repair) stage is characterized by the slow disappearance of shortness of breath, cough, and signs of intoxication.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky’s school about pneumonia in children


Treatment of newborns continues until relief acute period illness (about 2 weeks). During the period of resorption of pneumonia, supportive and restorative therapy is used.

Treatment of pneumonia in newborns is carried out only in a hospital setting under the strict supervision of a neonatologist!

The main aspects in the treatment of pneumonia in newborns are:

  1. Protective mode. Maintenance optimal temperature and air humidity (+24...+26 °C in the room with a humidity of 60–70%). For premature babies weighing up to 1.5 kg, the temperature in the incubator is maintained at +34...+36 °C. Overheating is undesirable, as is hypothermia. Regular ventilation of the premises is required. It is not recommended to swaddle babies and limit their movements; it is necessary to frequently change their body position during the day.
  2. Feeding. If the child is in serious condition or in extreme prematurity, he is fed through a tube or by drip. For this purpose, breast milk or adapted formulas are used. When the condition improves and the sucking reflex is formed, the child is fed with a spoon or breast. In a severe condition, the child is not able to absorb the entire required amount of nutrition, so between feedings he is given liquid (glucose, oral) through a probe or pipette.
  3. Oxygen therapy is the introduction of heated and humidified oxygen through a mask, catheter, or into an incubator.
  4. Antibacterial therapy - depending on the pathogen and type of pneumonia.
  5. Immunocorrective therapy - administration of immunoglobulins, blood plasma.
  6. Treatment cardiovascular failure– use of cardiac glycosides for health reasons, diuretics.
  7. For obstructive syndrome (bronchospasm), bronchodilators (for example, Alupent) are used.
  8. Rehabilitation of the upper respiratory tract- removal of mucus using an electric suction.
  9. Vibration massage – stroking, light tapping, squeezing chest from the sides.

Treatment of pneumonia in newborns - photo gallery

Stronger children are fed from a bottle with a nipple Weak newborns are fed through a tube It is important for a newborn child to maintain constant temperature body and humidity level - for this he is placed in an incubator. The baby is supplied with humidified oxygen through a mask or nasal catheter

Combinations of antibiotics for different types of pneumonia - table

Antibacterial therapy is carried out intravenously - stream or drip. Treatment with antibiotics should be for at least 5 days, sometimes their use is extended to 10 days.

Possible complications and consequences

  1. Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs). Occurs when infection moves from a pulmonary focus to adjacent tissues.
  2. An abscess is the formation of a cavity in the lung filled with pus.
  3. Sepsis is an infectious blood infection and the spread of infection throughout the body with the formation of many foci of infection.
  4. Atelectasis - collapse of part of the lung;
  5. Pneumothorax - entry of air into pleural cavity, normally it shouldn't be there.

Diseases, which are a group of diseases inherited by a child or acquired before birth, are among the most dangerous, difficult to treat and dangerous occurrence of serious consequences.

Features and causes of congenital ailments

The question of why some diseases can arise in the human body even before the moment of birth is quite complex and has not been fully studied to this day. Appearance congenital diseases most often associated with damage of any severity to the fetus in the womb of the expectant mother.

Such damage can be either one-time, or repeated during the gestation period. Moreover, they may differ in different natural origins. The risk of harm to the fetus exists throughout the entire pregnancy.

The periods of maximum danger for the developing fetus are:

Since the formation of a full-fledged layer of the placenta is recorded only at the end of the third month of pregnancy, before this period all diseases suffered by the expectant mother can lead to significant risks and congenital ailments. For example, diagnosing rubella in a woman during pregnancy can result in such a serious disease as congenital heart disease for the unborn child.

In addition, the consequences of maternal illness during pregnancy can be:

  • Deafness;
  • Mental retardation and others.

Deviations by the expectant mother from the recommended regimen entail the risk of lesions in the central nervous system and other organs of the developing child.

Pneumonia in newborns, diagnosed as neonatal pneumonia, is an infection that affects the respiratory system in children infancy. The disease develops in the first few hours after birth. Pneumonia manifests itself either as part of a generalized type of sepsis, or begins within the first seven days. Distinctive feature For such manifestations of inflammatory processes, it is generally accepted that the damage extends exclusively to the area of ​​the lung tissue.

Determining the first signs

It is quite easy to identify the first signs of suspected pneumonia.

For inflammatory processes of this type in newborns, the following phenomena are observed:

  • respiratory distress;
  • the presence of severe symptoms, including death.

Collateral successful treatment The baby and his speedy recovery is ensured by the competent use of drugs based on antibiotics with an extended spectrum of action. Diagnosis of neonatal pneumonia occurs according to two assessment options:

  1. Clinical.
  2. Laboratory.

It is with the use of these methods that the condition of sepsis is assessed.

The inflammatory process in the lungs of a newborn child is a common invasive bacterial infection following primary sepsis.

The first signs of pneumonia are partial signs generalized sepsis.

Features of the disease

One of the ways that entails the appearance of an inflammatory process in the lung tissue of a newborn baby is considered to be intrauterine infection. If this form of the disease is detected, the child is already born with the presence of inflammatory processes in the lung area. The second option for transmitting infection to a child while still inside the womb is considered to be illness of the expectant mother herself during pregnancy.

Thus, if a woman suffers from the flu or a cold, especially in the last months of her pregnancy, this greatly increases the likelihood of infection entering the baby’s body through the blood.

Inflammatory processes in the lung tissue may also be accompanied by the following phenomena:

It is worth noting that often pneumonia in infants can occur without the appearance of fever. In this case, the cough is quite weak, and the regularity and consistency of stool are within normal limits. IN similar condition the child can stay for a fairly short period of time, usually one or two days, and then the state of health begins to deteriorate sharply.

Possible consequences of a congenital disease

Congenital pneumonia in newborns threatens a number of consequences. Regardless of the stage of detection, you should carry out full diagnostics, determine methods of correct therapy. Receipt positive results It is quite possible provided that timely qualified assistance is provided.

When determining the diagnosis of pneumonia, it is very important to correctly determine the treatment regimen and method. If the health status of a small patient is not stabilized, the following complications may occur:

If treatment is not provided in a timely manner, pneumonia spreads to the tissues of the healthy lung, which leads to more extensive organ damage. Associated pathologies appear. It is worth noting that even correctly prescribed treatment sometimes does not lead to a 100% cure for a small patient.

The main consequences of pneumonia may subsequently be:

The duration of the acute period of the disease is about two weeks. About two more weeks are required to restore the damaged structure of the lung tissue. Complete cessation of all medical procedures is possible only after eliminating all the symptoms characteristic of the disease. If the case falls into the category of advanced or severe, then the use of surgical intervention cannot be ruled out.

Treatment of children is carried out exclusively in inpatient settings. Usually babies are hospitalized either in pulmonology or in an inpatient department of infectious diseases. Depending on the results of a complete examination, a plan for the treatment and recovery of the child is drawn up:

The rehabilitation period should begin after analyzing a control image of the child’s lungs. Clean, unobstructed lungs indicate that the child can be discharged from the hospital.

The absence of darkening in the image and wheezing when listening does not mean that treatment should be stopped.

The acute period of the disease requires taking appropriate medications. But the subsequent recovery period is no less important.

Stage full recovery damage to a baby's lung tissue can last from three months to one year. The duration of recovery of the body directly depends on the degree of pneumonia and the general condition of the little patient’s body. All procedures recommended for effective rehabilitation continue under the supervision of a doctor - pediatrician or pulmonologist.

TO necessary procedures Rehabilitation of a newborn also includes walks in the fresh air. Such measures allow us to achieve the following improvements:

The main conditions for a child to be on a street walk during the recovery period are: a duration of no more than three hours a day (possibly twice for 1.5 hours), a properly planned sleep pattern for the child during the day and balanced diet nutrition.

Pneumonia developing in a newborn can have serious consequences. Untimely medical care and an incorrectly planned treatment regimen can lead to serious complications in the future.

Progressive pneumonia in infants and newborns is accompanied by severe symptoms lung damage, has extremely unpleasant consequences for good health. That's why complex treatment must be timely, hospitalization of the patient is necessary, and the use of antibacterial drugs is mandatory. Pneumonia in an infant can develop from the first days of life; premature babies and newborns with birth injuries are at risk.

What is pneumonia in newborns

This is an infectious disease that is accompanied by inflammatory process lung parenchyma and bronchial walls. A disease with inflammatory foci can be determined after performing ultrasound and radiography. The relapse progresses in utero or develops against the background of infection of the lungs in the first days after the baby is born. Secondary pneumonia is an already acquired ailment that becomes a complication of the underlying disease. To avoid intoxication of the body, effective treatment must be started on time.

Symptoms of pneumonia in infants

The disease progresses spontaneously, occurs during acute intrauterine infections. Extensive pathologies due to intrauterine infection are obvious from the first days of life, general manifestations acute pneumonia in the body of a newborn are presented in detail below, they make the child nervous and irritable:

  • intermittent breathing, wheezing;
  • high body temperature;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • complete lack of appetite;
  • severe signs of dyspepsia, accompanied by bloating;
  • symptoms of general intoxication of the body;
  • indigestion;
  • severe belching, bouts of vomiting;
  • frequent regurgitation, bouts of vomiting.


With increased activity bacterial infections Pneumonia develops in the tissues of the lungs and bronchi. During the prenatal period, unilateral or bilateral damage progresses; doctors do not rule out fetal hypoxia. The first signs of pneumonia appear during childbirth, since the newborn is characterized by cyanosis of the skin, lips, and mucous membranes. Other manifestations, in addition to cyanosis of the skin, are presented below:

  • weak cry of the baby at birth;
  • weakening of unconditioned reflexes;
  • underweight newborn;
  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • low blood pressure;
  • muffled heart sounds when listening;
  • progressive convulsions.


Bilateral or unilateral pneumonia occurs from the first days of life, maybe as independent disease, and as a complication of another chronic illness. Occurs in a complicated form, provoked increased activity viruses, bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, chlamydia. In the fight against harmful pathogens of pneumonia, it is necessary to reduce the viability of streptococcal and staphylococcal microorganisms. Pathogenic factors, preceding an acute attack in a newborn body are presented below:

  • insufficient oxygen supply to cells;
  • asphyxia during labor;
  • birth injuries;
  • malnutrition;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • hypo-, avitaminosis;
  • congenital defects of the lungs and myocardium.

Intrauterine pneumonia in newborns

Progressive pneumonia is a consequence of intrauterine asphyxia, when the child suffers from oxygen starvation, and the expectant mother suffers from late toxicosis, gestosis. After birth, a baby is characterized not only by extensive breathing problems, but also by dangerous internal pathologies. Congenital pneumonia can be provoked by other pathogenic factors:

  • immaturity of lung tissue, underdevelopment of the respiratory tract;
  • spicy viral diseases suffered during pregnancy;
  • anatomical and physical features of the structure of the respiratory tract;
  • heavy bleeding during pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases of the mother during pregnancy;
  • early discharge of amniotic fluid, leakage;
  • genetic factor.


By clinical trial lungs, the predominant stage can be determined pathological process, because the characteristic features Pneumonia in infants is different each time and is modified in the absence of timely therapy. Here is the established classification of a characteristic illness:

  1. The mild form is accompanied by shortness of breath, intermittent and heavy breathing, moderate acidosis and cyanosis.
  2. Pathology moderate severity characterized by generalized cyanosis, tachycardia, oxygen starvation, tachypnoe, shortness of breath with wheezing appears.
  3. The severe form of the disease is characterized by dangerous respiratory disorders, extensive damage to the central nervous system, convulsions, difficult sputum separation, the child develops pleurisy.


Signs of pneumonia in an infant are determined by the duration of infection and the nature of the prevailing symptoms. Doctors identify the following forms of characteristic illness and give differential diagnosis:

  1. Congenital pneumonia. A low degree of adaptation prevails, a decrease in respiratory rate, and an enlarged liver. Since the virus penetrates the placental barrier, it affects internal organs.
  2. Pneumonia in a newborn after caesarean section. The pathology is caused by birth injuries, there is a high probability of blood poisoning, lifelong disability, and contributes to brain swelling.
  3. Aspiration pneumonia. It is caused by a long anhydrous period, transitioning through pregnancy with the most unexpected consequences for the health of the child.
  4. Postnatal pneumonia. At the initial stage, the symptoms are not characteristic of the characteristic disease and are considered atypical. These are signs of dyspepsia, high fever, and central nervous system instability.


In the absence of intensive care, pneumonia in newborns is fraught with dangerous health consequences, and death is possible. In this clinical picture, newborns experience one of two forms of complications:

  1. Pulmonary. These are pleurisy, pneumothorax, respiratory failure, bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
  2. Extrapulmonary consequences. Sinusitis, otitis media, mastoiditis, heart failure.


To avoid dangerous consequences in case of sepsis, it is necessary to proceed to diagnosis in a timely manner. The x-ray image shows extensive foci of pathology, the stage of a progressive pathological process. These are compacted areas of tissue in the structure of the affected lung. Additional diagnostic measures for pneumonia are presented below:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • sputum culture;
  • general urine analysis;
  • echocardiography;
  • CT and MRI.


Presence nosocomial infections helps to start on time intensive care involving injectable antibiotics. With a community-acquired form of pathogenic flora, adults do not rush to the doctor, trying to treat the baby themselves, which worsens the clinical outcome. General recommendations specialists, if pneumonia is diagnosed in premature newborns, are detailed below:

  • the child needs to be hospitalized, ensure regular ventilation of the hospital room, and skin hygiene;
  • control the body temperature, especially the breathing rate of the newborn;
  • provide the baby with a full-fledged period breastfeeding for the formation and formation of children's immunity;
  • use antibacterial drugs from the penicillin group and not only for the productive extermination of pathogenic flora;
  • It is mandatory to carry out detoxification therapy, vitamin and oxygen therapy for a newborn in a hospital setting or hospitalization.

Here are the required medications during pre-hospitalization to significantly speed up the process of natural recovery for progressive pneumonia:

  1. Glucose. The composition must be administered intravenously to maintain natural processes vital activity of the newborn organism.
  2. Saline solutions. Intended for intravenous delivery into the newborn body. Necessary for strengthening the immune system and removing toxic substances.


The main goal of the conservative treatment is to destroy pathogenic flora, restore the structure of the lung tissue and normalize the respiratory rate, and strengthen the immune system with prescribed vitamins. Pneumonia can be cured by representatives of the following: pharmacological groups and their prominent representatives:

  • immunostimulants: use antistaphylococcal, anti-influenza, anti-pseudomonas immunoglobulins;
  • symptomatic drugs: mucolytics, antipyretics, antitussives, anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • probitics: Simbiter, Bio Gaia, Bifidumbacterin;
  • diuretics to remove excess fluid;
  • saline solution to prevent dehydration of the newborn.

Antibacterial drugs

Doctors recommend antibiotics for newborns to treat pneumonia. penicillin series. This medical supplies Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Flemoxin Solutab, Flemoklav, Unazin orally. Mycoplasma pneumonia is successfully treated with macrolides: Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Roxithromycin. Here's what we know about the proposed antibacterial therapy and its prominent representatives:

  1. Augmentin. Produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension, it is approved for use by children already in the first year of life. The course of treatment is 7-10 days, additionally use probiotics. Daily dose– 125 mg/31.25 mg in a dose equal to 2.5 to 20 ml.
  2. Flemoxin Solutab (125 mg). Tablets for oral administration that act systemically. Per day small child you should take up to 3 pills for 7–10 days, single dose– 1 tablet.


Pneumonia is dangerous disease, which can be fatal for a newborn. Even if the child survives, the health consequences are not the most favorable. This:

  • respiratory failure;
  • pulmonary tissue dysplasia;
  • risk relapse severe bronchopulmonary diseases.

Prognosis of intrauterine pneumonia in newborns

The prognosis in newborns with meconium aspiration is accompanied by the risk of congenital intrauterine pneumonia, neurological disorders due to cerebral hypoxia. A third of such children have delayed physical and psycho-emotional development. In the rest clinical pictures with a timely response to a health problem, the outcome is favorable.


Parents must comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards to reduce the risk of pathogenic infection entering the newborn body. Among the others preventive measures For pneumonia, doctors distinguish:

  • planned pregnancy management;
  • timely strengthening of immunity;
  • prevention of infectious diseases;
  • conducting healthy image life;
  • lack of contact with carriers of viruses, bacteria, and other pathogenic microorganisms.
