Why the puppy doesn’t eat and what the owner should do. The puppy has stopped eating: what should the owner do? Reasons for a puppy’s refusal to eat: possible diagnoses, how to understand whether it is normal or a disease. We adopted a puppy; he does not eat.

What to do if your puppy eats its own excrement? We are talking about coprophagia - pathological disorder affecting physiology and psyche. What are the reasons for this behavior and why is it dangerous?

What are the reasons for a puppy's unusual behavior? What can motivate a pet to eat something inedible? Is this behavior considered pathological? Unfortunately, the answers to these questions are disappointing.

The most common reason why a dog may eat inedible things, including soil, stones, branches, etc. - this is vitamin deficiency or deficiency minerals. Due to vitamin deficiency, the puppy has an uncontrollable appetite. Simply put, the dog constantly feels very hungry and “fills its stomach” with anything to relieve the discomfort.

The reason why a dog can only eat feces is due to dysbiosis. Along with digested food, some beneficial bacteria leave the intestines of animals. By eating feces, the puppy is trying to colonize its own intestines. beneficial bacteria which will help digest food. Naturally, the pet’s actions are instinctive, but he understands that he is eating something strange.

Puppies may eat feces if they don't have enough hard fiber in their diet. In nature, wolves kill prey and eat it along with the fur and stomach contents. The swallowed skin with hair acts as a brush, stimulating the digestive system.

In unnatural living conditions, domestic dogs must receive sufficient hard fibers. It is for this reason that pets often eat grass, chew and swallow wood chips.

It can lead to the development of severe dysbiosis and indigestion. Again, guided by instincts, the puppy tries to relieve discomfort by eating sand, a large number of grass and feces. In this case, the dog can prey on feces of cats and even people.

Note! The rarest reason for eating excrement is mental disorder. Unfortunately, this problem is not completely solved, but it can be controlled.

Why is eating feces dangerous for a puppy?

Why is eating feces dangerous for a puppy? Intuitively, every owner knows that when a puppy eats its own or someone else's excrement, it is in danger, but what exactly is the threat?

In addition to worms, which are relatively easy to eliminate, by eating feces a puppy can become infected with a variety of viral diseases. A common viral illness that affects external environment with waste products, parvovirus enteritis is considered. There is a vaccine against this virus, but if you still come into direct contact with infected excrement, he will still get sick.

Parvovirus enteritis is characterized by rapid and acute development clinical picture. Literally a few days after infection, the puppy will begin to severe diarrhea and vomiting. Constant irritation of the intestinal mucous membranes will lead to their death, which can lead to the death of the puppy if he does not receive qualified assistance. Moreover, even with high-quality and timely treatment, with a low level of immunity, there is a very high probability of the puppy’s death.

What to do to help your pet?

What can I do to stop my puppy from eating his own or other people’s feces? If you can determine the reason why your puppy is eating poop, it will take less time to solve the problem. Regardless of the reasons, as soon as you notice that your puppy is eating excrement, give him a comprehensive vitamin course.

Important! While the puppy strives to eat excrement, it must be walked only with a muzzle.

To avoid excess vitamins, especially if the puppy eats high-quality industrial food, purchase several vitamin complexes with different compositions.

Give vitamins one at a time so that the body has time to get rid of excess vitamins and minerals. Try changing the food to a better quality one. If the puppy eats natural food, add more meat by-products and vegetables to the porridge, minimizing the grain content.

How to determine what a puppy is missing?

You will cope with the problem faster if you decide what exactly the dog’s body lacks. A lack of calcium and other key microelements is indicated by poor skin condition, lack of shine in the coat and its fragility.

If the puppy has severe vitamin deficiency, you will observe anemia of the mucous membranes, fatigue, weight loss while consuming enough food.

If a puppy eats grass and paper, he lacks hard fibers. Attempts to eat soil from flower pots and sand are associated with chronic indigestion or helminthic infestation. In the case of dysbacteriosis, regardless of whether the puppy eats excrement or not, he often experiences indigestion, alternating constipation and nausea after eating.

How to balance a natural diet

Most likely, you will not clearly understand what vitamin or microelement your puppy is missing if he starts eating his own excrement. Moreover, all vitamins and microelements are absorbed only in chains, and not in pure form. It is important to ensure that your puppy receives a balanced diet.

Important! If you feed your pet industrial food, give preference to super premium and premium classes.

If the puppy gets natural diet, make sure that it contains sources of all necessary vitamins and microelements:

  • Vitamin A - fish oil, yolk, liver, butter, carrots.
  • B vitamins – beef by-products, fish.
  • Vitamin C - synthesized in the dog's body, source - carrots and other vegetables, liver.
  • Vitamin D – yolk, meat by-products (especially liver), dairy and dairy products. Vitamin D is not synthesized if the dog does not have the opportunity to walk in the sun (ultraviolet radiation is needed).
  • Vitamin E – sunflower oil, wheat (especially sprouted).
  • Vitamin K is synthesized in the dog’s body, the source is greens, grass, green and juicy vegetables.

Note! The main source of microelements for a puppy is: fermented milk products, fish and cereals (especially buckwheat).

Folk remedies for eliminating vitamin deficiency

Folk remedies will help eliminate vitamin deficiency. Accessible and rich sources useful elements for dogs are contained in:

  • Bone meal.
  • Calcined cottage cheese - prepared from whole milk and calcium chloride (pharmaceutical).
  • Fish oil.
  • Brewer's yeast.
  • Dried and powdered chicken egg shells.
  • Pharmacy products: Omega 3 and Omega 6, Undevit, Hexavit, etc.

Note! Using folk remedies containing essential vitamins and microelements, overdose and hypervitaminosis are practically impossible.

The dog’s body knows how to get rid of excess vitamins and microelements from food. When using veterinary vitamin complexes, the risk of hypervitaminosis is much higher.

Selecting vitamins for a puppy

When choosing vitamins for a pet, owners tend to buy a complex with wide range. In fact, many owners and veterinarians have become convinced that it is more effective to give the dog several vitamin complexes with a small spectrum (3-4 components). Several vitamin preparations are given to the dog every other day or in courses of 3 days.

Judging by the reviews of dog owners, the following have earned a good reputation: vitamin complexes for puppies and older dogs:

  • 8 in 1 Excel Multi Vit – complex for puppies, can be alternated with a calcium complex.
  • Polidex Polivit-Ca Plus – suitable for puppies and nursing bitches.
  • Beaphar – there are series for puppies and teenagers.
  • Canvit Junior – suitable for teenagers.
  • Vitomax.
  • Unitabs – suitable for puppies and teenagers.
  • Doctor Zoo, Healthy Puppy series.
  • Omega Neo.
  • Biorhythm.
  • The seed is more suitable for mineralizing the diet.

Note! If you are unsure whether your puppy is eating his own poop due to vitamin deficiency, be sure to consult a doctor. You should also contact a veterinarian if the situation has not changed after a week-long vitamin course.

How to eliminate stress and nervousness?

Some owners diligently balance their pet's diet, conduct vitamin courses and reach a dead end, since all these measures do not solve the problem of eating excrement. What to do if a puppy eats feces in the background?

If your baby has recently moved into your home, it is wiser to monitor his movements and actions, make sure he does not eat feces, but do not take any drastic measures. Most likely, within two weeks the baby will adapt to the new place of residence, and the problem will solve itself.

The puppy is growing up, has already settled into its new home, but continues to hunt for excrement? In this case, it is wiser to take a course of sedatives. Lungs sedatives, which have virtually no contraindications and side effects, sold in pet stores. Carry out a course of treatment and monitor your pet. If no progress in behavior is observed, consult a doctor and obtain a detailed history.

Natalia Glotova

And future formidable guards, and small puppies hunting breeds, and young representatives of miniature pocket dogs love to play. Hereditary memory becomes the reason that it is in the game that they develop dexterity, strength, cunning and the ability to use their teeth in certain situations. However, when such a training game takes place in the nest, littermates and the mother know very well how to stop the puppy from biting.

They clearly demonstrate their discontent: sisters and brothers squeal loudly and do not want to play with the offender, and the mother simply gets up and leaves, ignoring him for some time. But what should a person do?

Why does he bite?

A puppy taken from the “family” too early or born alone, as a rule, is distinguished by its inability to stop in time in aggressive games and can hurt, first of all, its owner and the people around him. Of course, the pain is not too severe, since the teeth have not yet changed into fangs.

But biting and naughty pet needs behavior correction, otherwise, turning into adult dog, he can cause a lot of trouble both to strangers and to people close to him. It is especially important to find an answer to the question of what to do if a puppy bites when there are small children in the house.

The reasons for excessive aggressiveness in a young dog can also be:

  • teething. During this period, puppies feel severe itching V oral cavity and are forced to gnaw and bite everything they can reach;
  • improper upbringing or lack thereof. If a young dog constantly shows aggression towards its owner and the people with whom it lives, this means that it either considers itself the leader of the “pack”, or is trying to determine its position in it.

What to do with a naughty and biting puppy?

Almost all dog breeders agree that it is okay to allow your puppy to bite his arms or legs while playing. But you need to carefully monitor the strength of the bites and the mood of your pet during such a game.

If a dog bites heavily, causes pain, does not obey, and this happens regularly, it means that it needs the following educational measures:

  • Game ban. Immediately after the bite, you must stop the game, say “no” or “fu” in a stern voice, turn around and leave, leaving the little aggressor alone;
  • Insulation. Effective method The remedy for biting puppies is to temporarily move them (after a bite) to a fence or enclosure;
  • Immobility. If your pet likes to grab clothes with its teeth, then the owner, as a rule, just needs to freeze and not move. Stopping the game (for a young dog, any movement looks like a game) leads to the fact that interest in biting wardrobe items disappears;
  • Switching attention. Offer the puppy a replacement - replace the sleeve or hand with an interesting toy. It is advisable that toys be in all rooms, so the replacement will look more natural;
  • Differentiation of objects. It is necessary to teach your child the basic rules of behavior in the house and on the street. He must understand that there are objects that should not be bitten under any circumstances. But the owner must introduce the dog to things that can and even need to be chewed. To do this, scratch the puppy’s belly and back several times a day, while simultaneously offering a toy, a special bone or ball, which he is allowed to chew. Dogs, especially at the age of 2 months, respond excellently to encouragement and after a while can even meet the owner with a toy in their teeth, showing their exemplary behavior;
  • Education and training. If you can’t train your pet on your own, you can entrust the upbringing and training of your baby to an experienced specialist. But in this case, you will have to wait until your pet is at least six months old.

Teaching your puppy to use his teeth carefully

If you can determine exactly why your puppy started biting, it is very important to teach him to use his teeth carefully. You can avoid punishment (of any kind) if you use a specific technique called a “clicker” to train your child. It is not only simple, but also very effective.

Therefore, you can try it on your pet both simultaneously with humane methods of behavior correction, and instead of them. The essence of the clicker is that good behavior is rewarded with something tasty at the same time as an audible click.

According to the instructions, training is carried out in several stages:

  • We clench our hand into a fist and present it to the dog. If she doesn’t bite for at least a second or two, we immediately move our fist to the side, click and feed her a treat. We repeat several times. If the baby just pokes his fist soft nose- perfect! We click, encourage and move on to the next stage;
  • We very slowly move our hand, clenched into a fist, in front of the pet. If he doesn’t try to bite his fist, we click and give him a well-deserved reward. Repeat several times;
  • We complicate the task: we increase the length of time during which the baby should not bite the hand, increase the speed of the fist and move a little further from the puppy. We click and encourage. Repeat several times;
  • Now we replace the fist with a chewing bone or toy. We reward and click only for calmly waiting for permission, confirmed by the “can” command. When the puppy bites and does not obey, tries to take away an object, or gets angry, we immediately hide the toy or bone behind the back and start the exercise again, moving a little further from the baby. If you manage to reward your pet for correct behavior several times in a row, let him play with an “educational” object. As a result, the puppy will understand that playing with the item he likes will only be possible if he waits patiently. We repeat the exercise several times at different distances from the puppy’s nose;
  • We duplicate the previous exercise using an open hand, forefinger, clothing and shoes.

You need to train your baby every day. Only in this case will the puppy learn not to bite or take anything that is in its immediate vicinity without the appropriate command.

If a funny puppy appears in the house, then in addition to joy and tenderness, this event will bring with it certain difficulties. The baby will need to be taught everything, in addition, the owners will have to learn to recognize when the puppy whines and what to do in this case. If the owners are not professional breeders, dog trainers or veterinarians, then most likely the whining of the pet will make them confused. Meanwhile, a lot depends on correct behavior in this case.

When answering the question why a puppy whines, you need to understand that dogs are very sociable animals. They communicate by barking, leaving marks on the territory, wagging their tail and even just looking into the eyes. These phenomena can tell a lot. So whining is one of the forms of communication, and also quite common. By whining, the puppy notifies others of its presence, attracts its mother, and protects itself from other dogs, since whining has a calming effect on them.

These sounds do not always mean that the baby is in pain, since in most cases, animals endure illnesses silently with a certain degree of tolerance, or moaning weakly.

Also, dogs of one breed or another may differ in temperament. Some dogs are silent, while others are very “talkative”; the latter more often use various speech techniques, including whining.

If a puppy whines, then this can indicate completely different feelings - joy, boredom, melancholy, fear, panic, demand for something. It is worth taking a closer look at the condition of your small pet and, based on the accompanying behavior and condition, taking action. Moreover, pitiful whining does not always require immediate intervention...

When does a puppy need real help, and when is it just a whim that should be ignored?

If we talk about the behavior of an animal in the wild, then whining is an expression of humility and submission. Thus, the weaker member of the pack tells the stronger one that he is giving up. At the same time, the dog’s entire posture shows a willingness to obey: the ears are pressed tightly, the head is lowered to the ground, the tail is tucked. Often in such a situation the animal crouches to the ground with its whole body.

If your pet whines guiltily, then the correct thing to do would be to silently approve of such behavior and leave. The dog will understand that it has been forgiven.

In addition, it is quite normal for a dog to whine when greeting familiar people or returning owners. In this case, the puppy can describe intense circles, jump high, and fall on its front paws. Moreover, violent delight can be caused not only by a long separation, but also by a half-hour separation.

If the owners don’t quite like this, or the stormy meeting lasts too long, then there is only one way to calm the dog - not to react to manifestations of feelings, not to stroke or look into the eyes. In most cases, this technique works and the puppy gradually calms down.

Dogs often use whining to get something they want. This is due to the fact that people react to such sounds in such a way that they are happy to fulfill their pet’s every whim, as long as it doesn’t whine. And therefore, even unintelligent puppies begin to take advantage of their advantage.

To stop a puppy from whining, you don't need to indulge the puppy's whims. And whether to give him what he wants or not should be decided only after he calms down and stops making a plaintive whine.

In addition to being happy, your puppy may whine when upset or scared. At the same time, the pet becomes noticeably nervous, lowers its tail, presses its ears to its head and constantly looks around.

If a puppy is very frightened, he may not just whine, but intensively scratch doors, trying to get out of the room, hide under furniture, tremble all over and not make contact.

The puppy may become frightened when traveling in public transport and begin to whine loudly. That is why it is better to transport your pet to so that it feels more or less protected and safe. You need to take your favorite toy or a new one that your pet has not yet explored with you on the road. Treats are also great for distracting your pet.

Like other newborn babies, puppies also require special attention. It is worth knowing that if they are healthy, well-fed and are close to a nursing mother, then they will not whine.

The cause of whining may be an illness acquired during childbirth. Most often, from intrauterine infection The first puppies suffer. Moving on birth canal, they absorb all the infection into themselves, clearing the passage from it for subsequent carousing. Sick puppies may whine, squeal, they are weakened, cannot suck on their own, do not gain weight and begin to lag behind in development. Often they die, and the last born puppies survive.

In this case, the litter is given to another dog for feeding, and the bitch that gave birth is prescribed treatment.

If a dog has numerous offspring (more than 6 puppies), then the owners will have to worry about feeding them, since in most cases, there is not enough mother’s milk for everyone. The weakest puppies may not receive enough nutrition, and this causes them to whine. In this same situation, another lactating bitch or something purchased from veterinary pharmacy bitch's milk.

Puppy whining at night

It often happens that a puppy behaves quite peacefully during the day, but at night begins his pitiful concerts, preventing not only the owners from sleeping, but also the residents of neighboring apartments. If your puppy whines at night, you need to immediately deal with this phenomenon.

The only correct solution in this case is to completely ignore the pet. If you start to feel sorry, the puppy will take it as encouragement and understand that in this way you can always achieve what you want. Later he will whine even more protractedly and pitifully, begging for increased attention.

If the puppy does not calm down for a long time, then you can use the well-known command “fu!” You need to open the door and say the command in a stern tone, loud and clear. You'll have to do this long time until the dog calms down. If the baby stops whining, even for 15-20 seconds, then he must be praised for this. Gradually, receiving timely commands and well-deserved praise, he will learn to do without whining for a longer period of time.

Whining is not the most pleasant sound to the human ear, but you have to be patient. It is worth remembering that physical punishment is not the right decision, will lead to much worse results, since the pet’s behavior will only worsen after beatings and other influences.

Whining, or maybe worried

Many puppies cannot be alone at first, and as soon as the owners leave the threshold, they begin to whine heart-rendingly, annoying the neighbors. Their call is clear: “Don’t leave me alone, and I want to be with you!” What to do with such a manifestation of feelings?

First of all, there is no need to try to avoid such situations, otherwise the puppy will understand that after crying someone will stay with him, or he will be poisoned along with the owner. Before leaving, you need to provide your baby with everything necessary:

  • If the puppy is vaccinated, then you should take him outside and let him not only do his business, but also run and frolic; After an intense walk, the dog will want to sleep more than whine.
  • Leaving food and water freely available will definitely distract you from sad thoughts;
  • Puppies are children, so they must be surrounded by their favorite toys, special things that can be chewed; then he will whine less, being distracted by an interesting activity.
  • When you go out the door, you can come back in a couple of minutes and use the command “ugh!” Of course, you will have to spend some time returning to the door more than once, but if the baby has stopped whining, you should definitely praise him and even reward him with a treat.

When training a pet to live in a family, the main rules are patience and love. This is the only way to achieve it desired result and gain the trust and respect of your four-legged friend.

Taking a puppy into your home is a responsible matter, because, despite the cute appearance, he is not a toy at all and requires care and care, like Small child. Therefore, if you are planning to get a puppy, you need to prepare for this in advance.

Of course, there are also unforeseen situations when a puppy appears at home unexpectedly, for example, you can give it to you or you take a cutie from the street. But even in this case, you will have the opportunity to prepare your home for the baby, and we will help you with this.

Regardless of where you plan to keep an adult dog - in an apartment/house or on the street, you should take the puppy into the house for the first time. There you will get used to each other, learn to understand and good manners. Also, the puppy should be protected from contact with the street until the necessary primary vaccination is completed and the baby’s immunity is strengthened.

Security and Protection

When the puppy first appears, he will begin to explore and taste everything, so remove everything unnecessary from his reach.

Shoes, wires, children's toys - all this can not only be damaged by the puppy, but can also harm his health

Be sure to remove carpets from the floor if you have them - at first the puppy will do his business wherever he has to, before you teach him to do it where he is supposed to.

What does a puppy need in the house?

From the first day of being in a new home, the puppy will need certain conditions and objects for full development, growth and training to comply with established rules.

Own place

Photo: Donika Sadiku A dog, like any animal, needs its own “corner” where it will feel safe. Immediately determine where the pet will have his place and, if possible, equip it as comfortably as possible. The place should not be located in a passageway, near a door or in a draft. It must be at the same time secluded and so that it can be good review(for example, a corner of a room).
At a minimum, the puppy should have its own bed (preferably with sides), it is better if it is a cozy house like a kennel with soft bedding.

It is important that no one invades the puppy’s territory, so that the pet understands and knows that there is only his place, where he is comfortable and calm.

You can also equip your puppy with a fenced-off space in a place convenient for you, where he can run freely. It will be possible to place his bowls and toilet there.

Bowls for food and drink

The puppy will need separate dishes for food and water. You should choose bowls depending on the breed of your pet (for example, for breeds of medium size and above, you should use a bowl stand with adjustable height for proper dog posture; for long-eared breeds - specially shaped bowls that prevent long ears from getting inside; For breeds with flat faces, you should not use deep dishes, as it will be difficult for them to reach the contents).

Dishes for food and feed should be placed away from the area reserved for the toilet; hygiene rules should be taught immediately.


A dog needs its own food, prepared specifically for it. balanced diet. This is especially important during puppyhood. And remember that you cannot feed your pet the same thing that you eat yourself - a number of foods that we eat are contraindicated for dogs.

It is best to feed the new inhabitant of your home the same thing that the previous owners fed him.

If for some reason you find the puppy’s previous diet unacceptable, then switch to new dog should not be done immediately, but later and gradually to avoid unnecessary stress and possible intestinal upset

If you don’t know what the puppy ate before it came to your house, then for feeding you can use boiled chicken and sea fish without bones, low-fat cottage cheese, and other fermented milk products. In the future, you can gradually switch to good quality dry food.

If your puppy is too small and cannot yet eat on his own, then a substitute will help you in this case. bitch's milk. You can purchase it at a veterinary pharmacy, as well as a bottle for its use.

Toilet space

From the very first day, you will need to strictly determine the place where the puppy can relieve himself. It is better if this place is in a fairly secluded place. There, place a diaper (disposable or a special reusable one that can be washed) or a tray (the main thing is that its sides are not too high for the baby).

Be patient, the puppy will not immediately figure out where he should go to the toilet, and you should not scold him when he does it anywhere. As soon as you notice that the puppy has sat down to relieve itself, immediately transfer it to the tray (on the diaper). When does a puppy go to the toilet? in the right place- praise him, let him immediately begin to understand that this is good.


Photo: Chris Jimenez Toys (balls, rubber bones and rings, special ropes) are very important for a puppy - they help him develop, protect your things from possible gnawing, and are simply a remedy for boredom.

An important requirement for toys is that they be made from safe materials with a dense consistency so that the puppy cannot bite off pieces of them with his sharp teeth. It is also worth choosing a toy for your pet of a suitable size so that he can easily grab it with his teeth and carry it.

It is best for your puppy to purchase special toys designed specifically for dogs; they are sold in pet stores. Never let your puppy play with soft toys, unnecessary shoes or other things that are not intended for this purpose. Otherwise, you can harm your pet's health, and in addition, this way you will instill in him bad habit chew on foreign things.

First aid kit

It is best to visit with him as soon as you have adopted the puppy. veterinarian so that he appreciates general state pet health and gave general tips care and feeding. He will also give advice on what medications you should have at home and why.

However, in any case, you will need bandages, cotton wool, antiseptics(chlorhexidine, levomekol), as well as drugs used for intestinal disorders and poisoning (smecta, Activated carbon etc.).

In the future you will need

In the first days in a new home, the following items will be superfluous, but as your pet grows you will need them:

  • ammunition - a collar and leash or harness will be useful for training and walking your pet
  • care products - dog shampoos, combs, nail clippers, etc. will be needed to keep your pet neat and aesthetically pleasing.

What will be required of you

Caring for a puppy is not easy, especially if you have just adopted one. He needs a lot of attention and care, so if you are planning to adopt a puppy, then plan to spend time with the puppy for the first time (for example, during a long weekend or vacation) until he gets a little used to being alone.

When little puppy in the house, you should be careful and attentive during your usual actions so as not to accidentally injure your pet (step on its paws or tail, hit with a closing door, etc.)

Keep in mind that, most likely, the puppy will whine and act restless the first night (and possibly the next few), because he is in a new place and for the first time alone, away from his mother and brothers and sisters.

We pick up a puppy from the breeder

If you are taking a puppy from a breeder of the breed, then it will be useful for you to find out some details about keeping the pet, and in the future you can always turn to the breeder for advice, because he has experience in raising dogs of this breed.

What you need to know

Ask the breeder about the character traits of your puppy; as a rule, they have time to prove themselves by the age when they are looking for new house.

Photo: Cole Young It is also important to check with previous owner features of the pet’s feeding diet and in the first days of its stay in the new home you should adhere to it.

Information about the puppy’s previous living conditions will be useful; it will make it possible to minimize stress by creating familiar living conditions for him.

It is important to clarify what veterinary procedures were performed on the puppy: deworming, necessary vaccinations and etc.

What to take with your puppy

When picking up a puppy from the breeder, do not forget to take the pet’s veterinary passport, which should indicate the veterinary treatments performed, as well as documents confirming the pedigree (puppy card or birth certificate).

It would not be a bad idea to ask the previous owner of the puppy for some thing or toy that was close to the mother and offspring and absorbed their odors. They will remind the puppy of home and will allow him not to feel lonely; these things will be especially useful on the first night.

How to transport a puppy

Soft carrier It is best to take the puppy home in a soft carrier, but so that his muzzle is outward and he can see everything around him. If the baby is scared, then hold him close to you, this will calm him down.

Keep in mind that on the way he may wet himself or get seasick, so agree with the breeder in advance about the time and ask not to feed the puppy before the trip, and also take water, napkins and bags with you.

The appearance of a puppy in the house

It is better to take the puppy in the first half of the day so that he has more time to settle in and get used to his new home before his first night in a new place.

Getting to know the house and its inhabitants

Photo: Paul Wordingham The first appearance of a puppy in the house usually causes delight among the household, but the puppy can be frightened by sudden excessive attention, so everyone should behave with restraint and get to know each other gradually.

If you have children, then explain to them how to properly pick up a puppy (carefully but securely, with two hands: one under the front legs and chest, the other under the butt and hind legs) and how to behave with him (not to disturb him excessively, including when he is sleeping, and he will sleep a lot).

The puppy should be “introduced” to other pets in the house carefully and gradually. Let them sniff each other, but carefully monitor their behavior to avoid the consequences of possible aggression.

How to house train a puppy

First of all, you need to let the puppy satisfy his curiosity and explore his new home on his own. If at this time he wants to go to the toilet, then initially you should not take him to the designated place, since he is not yet familiar with everything.

When the puppy's curiosity has been quenched a little, you can familiarize him with his key habitats - the “bedroom”, “kitchen” and toilet. Feed your baby from his new bowls and let him gradually get used to them. Soon after feeding, he will want to go to the toilet, so watch him closely and when you notice the signs, transfer the puppy to the litter box (or diaper). After the toilet, take your pet to his secluded place to sleep; first put in the bed the thing that you took from his previous home.

Video about a puppy's first day golden retriever in a new house

You need to decide in advance whether you plan to allow your pet to climb onto the bed in the future. If so, you can take the puppy to the bed from the first day, but do not leave him there unattended (he may fall) and do not allow him to jump off on his own (he may get injured).

Puppy "cries" at night

Photo: Allie Tissot On the first night, and possibly several subsequent nights, the baby may whine and act restless - this is quite natural reaction puppy. However, if this behavior drags on or appears not only at night, then you should consult a veterinarian; perhaps the baby is in pain.

Why does the puppy whine?

As a rule, during the first nights the puppy greatly misses his mother and other puppies from the litter, his usual surroundings, so he cannot sleep or sleeps restlessly, whines and looks for someone to cuddle with. You shouldn’t scold your baby for this, give him time to adapt and get used to you and the new home.

What to do if your puppy whines at night

The baby whines the first night and it torments your soul, but you need to be firm - you cannot respond to his every squeak, otherwise this behavior will not stop. Here are some tips to help reduce your puppy's first night discomfort:

  • This is where something with a “native” smell taken from the previous home will be most useful - put it on the baby’s bed, let it remind him of home
  • You can also put a warm (but not hot) heating pad wrapped in plastic in your pet’s “bed.” soft cloth- the baby is used to being next to him warm body his mother and brothers, so he will be more comfortable with a heating pad
  • Before going to bed, feed the puppy; it is always difficult to sleep on an empty stomach, but do not overfeed or give unfamiliar food - this can lead to discomfort and pain in the abdomen or even intestinal upset
  • put a “chew” toy in the bed or nearby - if the dog is not sleeping because he simply doesn’t want to sleep, then the toy will help distract him
  • At night, it is advisable to avoid sharp sounds in the house, this can frighten the baby and make him whine in fear.

What else needs to be done

When the priority chores are over, it's time to do other mandatory things.

Give the puppy a name

Photo: ChikoBirdyhof Come up with a nickname for the dog, even if the name has already been assigned in the pedigree, you will still most likely need to decide on a more sonorous derivative nickname (or a simpler version of it). Gradually accustom the puppy to its nickname, literally from the first day in your home. Until the puppy understands that the nickname refers to him, the nickname itself should only be pronounced in a calm and soft tone, and after getting used to it, you can make accents with your voice (for example, call him strictly if he is misbehaving).

Visit a veterinary clinic or call a veterinarian at home

It would not hurt for your new pet (and if you adopted a puppy from the street, it is mandatory) to be examined by a veterinarian for overall assessment health and development status. He will also advise you on the necessary veterinary treatments and their timing, if necessary, and will carry them out.

If your puppy does not yet have a veterinary passport, then your veterinarian will be able to get it properly issued right away.

Contact the kennel club

If you have purebred puppy and the breeders gave you his metric (puppy card), then you should contact the kennel club to formalize the pedigree and register with the club for further participation in exhibitions.

If you are just about to get a puppy, then the following tips will help you a little. And you can learn more about how to choose the right puppy from.

At what age is it better to adopt a puppy?

Photo: Dineshraj Goomany It is undesirable to separate the puppy from the litter too early and transfer it to a new home - this is unnecessary stress for the baby, and it also adds certain difficulties to care. At this age, puppies are rarely able to eat on their own, they do not tolerate separation from their home nest well, and it is good for the immune system to stay with their mother longer.

The preferred age at which to adopt a puppy is from two to three months - by this period they are already quite strong, confidently feed on their own and, as a rule, they have already received the necessary primary vaccination.

What time of year should you get a dog?

Dogs usually give birth to puppies in the spring or fall. It is preferable to take a puppy from a spring litter, so he will have more time to get stronger and begin to safely go outside, where he will encounter adverse weather conditions at a more suitable age.

Don’t be afraid of responsibility when you suddenly have a defenseless creature in your hands. You can handle everything, the main thing is to prepare properly and be patient.
Yes, a dog requires a lot of time, but this is rewarded with its boundless love and devotion.