Secrets of healthy skin - salicylic acid for acne: reviews, benefits, application, general recommendations. Features of using salicylic acid for acne Does salicylic acid help with acne?

Salicylic acid- the most common means of combating juvenile acne. It is sold in any pharmacy and is quite inexpensive. But at the same time, salicylic acid exfoliates the skin well, kills bacteria and relieves inflammation. It can also be used to treat the effects of acne, papules and pustules, eliminate blackheads and oily skin. How exactly this will be discussed in the material “Salicylic acid for acne - application.”

A solution of salicylic acid can be applied directly to the skin, or you can prepare homemade masks with it. Many cosmetic companies produce preparations in which salicylic acid is combined with zinc, sulfur, glycolic, boric and folic acids. These substances not only significantly enhance its effectiveness, but also have therapeutic effect.

The most common is the combination of salicylic acid and glycolic acid. This mixture has a peeling effect. Its use allows you to rid the skin of comedones - the precursors of acne. In addition, glycolic acid stimulates the regeneration of skin elements. The main advantage of this mixture is its versatility. This means that it is suitable even for people struggling with acne and more severe skin conditions.

Salicylic acid in combination with folic acid is used to prevent acne. Boric acid - helps treat acne, sulfur - expels dermodex, zinc - dries the skin and strengthens antimicrobial effect acids.

The most important thing in treatment with salicylic acid is its correct use. If you use it excessively, you can dry out the skin very much. To prevent this, it is better not to buy an alcohol solution of salicylic acid. Alcohol only increases the drying properties of the acid, thereby increasing the risk of skin damage.

For the same reason, salicylic acid should not be used with drugs for the treatment of acne, such as baziron, differin, skinoren, zinerit. These drugs also have a drying effect and their combination with salicylic acid can give a negative result.

Pharmacies sell a 1-2% solution of this acid. Believe me, this amount is quite enough. A more concentrated solution may cause irritation, allergic reaction and even a burn. Just in case, I will say that if your skin is dry, you can use Panthenol or products created on its basis.

Applications of salicylic acid

Using a cotton swab, apply an alcohol-free salicylic acid solution to your face no more than 2 times a day. After this, wait 15 minutes and wash with running water. During this time, the water included in the solution will evaporate, and the acid itself will penetrate the pores. Only excess acid will remain on the surface of the skin, which needs to be washed off.

If you bought a lotion with salicylic acid, then apply it in the same way. After it you can use any other medicinal drug.

You must use peeling strictly according to the instructions, this will save you from any complications.

You can also buy salicylic acid-based ointments at the pharmacy. But it's very strong drugs, careless handling of which can cause burns. Zinc or sulfur is added to salicylic ointments, but I do not recommend using them, as they enhance its drying effect.

Homemade masks with salicylic acid are a very effective remedy. To prepare the most popular mask, mix clay, badyagu and warm water. Bring the mixture to a viscous consistency and add a few drops of salicylic acid to it. Use the clay that suits your skin. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes once a week. It will quickly remove oily shine and help get rid of acne and post-acnetic spots.

In conclusion, let me remind you that salicylic acid, like any medicinal drug, has a number of side effects. This is irritation, itching and peeling, redness, and skin burns. All these effects appear from keeping it on the face, increasing concentration and frequent use. In any case, if they appear, stop using it.

Salicylic acid is an affordable, effective remedy for combating single pimples and unsightly acne. Valuable substance was first extracted from willow bark. Today, the synthetic drug is produced in large quantities. The product is in demand by cosmetologists and doctors.

Acne treatment is effective with salicylic acid and homemade formulations based on it. For you - information about useful product. Simple, inexpensive remedies will help even with severe forms of acne.

Useful properties of the drug

On the Internet you can find many reviews about salicylic acid for the face. Most authors recommend this drug; there are few negative opinions.

What is the reason for the popularity of the product? There are many advantages:

  • active effect on inflamed areas;
  • Pharmacy preparations, available homemade formulations with this active ingredient can treat single or multiple acne on the face and body;
  • deep penetration into the inflamed areas;
  • effective dissolution of “reserves” of thick, oily secretions;
  • cleansing the epidermis of skin secretions;
  • reduction of skin greasiness;
  • disinfection skin;
  • fight against propionobacteria that cause inflammatory processes;
  • active cleansing of the epidermis from spots after acne (post-acne);
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration processes;
  • Thanks to the action of the highly active drug, the removal of dead particles of the epidermis and the replacement of scar tissue with healthy skin are normalized.

Important! The drug is used both in pure form, and as part of ointments, mash, creams, pastes, lotions. To treat the skin, a solution of 1 and 2% concentration is used. It is prohibited to use a “stronger” liquid for treating the epidermis.

Indications and contraindications

An effective drug suitable for treating many dermatological diseases. Salicylic acid is essential if you have:

  • single ;
  • excessive sweating;
  • fat.

Note! Available remedy With regular use, it gets rid of old calluses and softens rough skin on the heels.


Before using salicylic acid, consult a dermatologist. There are always nuances that you need to be aware of. Active acne medication is not recommended in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy. Medicine quickly penetrates deep into the epidermis and can cause an unpredictable reaction of the fetus to a highly active substance;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the drug. An allergy test is required before starting a course of treatment;
  • if you have already been prescribed any medication for acne, for example, or. Too aggressive an effect on the skin when combining several potent agents will not do any good.

Stop using pharmaceutical drug, homemade formulations based on it with:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • severe inflammation of the skin;
  • open wounds, scratches, sores on the face and body;
  • too thin, dry skin;
  • acute stage of infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases.

Read the page about the properties, benefits and uses of black cumin oil for the face and body.

Helpful Tips:

  • use the drug according to the instructions;
  • buy the product at the required concentration (only 1 or 2%);
  • start therapy after visiting a dermatologist, examination, and receiving recommendations. Consider indications, contraindications, allergy test results;
  • treat rash areas 2 times a day. Too intensive use will dry out the epidermis and cause active secretion of sebum;
  • an alcohol solution of salicylic acid is recommended for spot application to affected areas. Healthy skin should not be wiped to prevent new rashes.

Important! Use the highly active composition with caution if you have dry skin. Zeal can result in irritation, peeling, cracks, wounds, burns from the effects of a strong drying drug.

Recipes and instructions for use for acne

Five rules to remember:

  • treat acne daily, morning and evening;
  • use a solution with a concentration of 1–2%;
  • for single pimples, apply the drug pointwise; for large rashes, lubricate all affected areas, avoiding the delicate skin around the lips and eyes;
  • 3-4 minutes after the procedure, wash with cool water;
  • Apply a light moisturizer to the treated skin.

Salicylic acid is included in many homemade masks, solutions, and talkers. In this section you will find many recipes from available components. Consult a dermatologist about which homemade formulations are right for you. Be careful with dry, flaky epidermis!

Strictly observe the procedure time, do not increase the frequency of use! You can get a lot of new problems, disrupt water supply, lipid metabolism in the epidermis.

Acne talkers

Popular recipes:

  • with chloramphenicol. Connect 1 part boric acid, 2.5 parts of sulfur and aspirin, 2 parts of chloramphenicol. Base – medical alcohol – 150 ml. Wipe with a drying, disinfectant composition daily, in the morning. problem areas. Do not treat healthy skin;
  • with erythromycin. The product is recommended for severe forms of acne. Remember: erythromycin - strong antibiotic, it is not advisable to use the active composition for more than two weeks. Grind 4 g of zinc oxide and erythromycin, 50 g of salicylic acid and boric acid. Method of application - similar to the previous composition;
  • with streptocide. Grind 100 g of salicylic and boric acid solution with 14 g of precipitated sulfur and the same amount of streptocide powder. Proceed as in previous cases. Moisturize the epidermis well.

Advice! Will help enhance the effect water treatments With tar soap. Buy quality soap from goat milk. Natural product contains protein – casein. With regular use, you will prevent excessive dryness of the epidermis.

Masks with salicylic acid

Helpful Tips:

  • use homemade formulations no more than once a week;
  • Apply homemade masks only to the affected areas;
  • Duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes, do not keep the active mixture longer;
  • Rinse off the drying agent well with cool running water. You can wash your face with the decoction medicinal herbs– strings, calendula, chamomile, sage;
  • Be sure to cover the skin with a delicate cream with a light texture. Make sure that the epidermis does not dry out.

Take note:

  • recipe number 1. Combine an equal amount of blue, green or black clay, pour in purified water, prepare a mixture of creamy consistency. Add a few drops of salicylic acid. The composition copes well with post-acne, reduces the number of rashes, eliminates oily sheen; (Read about blue clay; about green clay - here page.

    general information

    The medicine is sold in pharmacies. The cost of an effective remedy for blackheads and acne is minimal. The price of salicylic acid is 7–27 rubles. Pay a symbolic amount and the treasured 40 ml bottle is yours. The average cost may vary slightly depending on the manufacturing company and region, but remains extremely low everywhere.

    One bottle lasts a long time, especially if your face or back is not covered with heavy rashes. Remember that for small to medium amounts of acne on different parts of the body, treatment is carried out in a targeted manner.

One of the most popular means for the treatment of pimples and acne - salicylic acid. It is used both on its own and as part of many cosmetic and medicinal products for healthy skin. However, as with any acid, you need to know how to handle it so as not to harm your health. Therefore, before using salicylic acid, it is worth finding out how it works, in what cases it helps and what side effects It has.

This substance can be found in pharmacies or as part of other products in varying concentrations - from 1 to 10%, but for cosmetic purposes a 1-2% alcohol solution is more often used, as well as acid in tablets to prepare an alcohol-free composition. Its main feature is its drying effect, which is especially valuable in the treatment of acne. In addition to drying out inflammation, acid has the following properties:

All these actions help to comprehensively fight acne, removing not only the inflammation itself, but also the stains from it, and also having a healing effect on the skin of the face.

How to use it correctly?

Since “salicylic” is a serious chemical drug and acid, you need to use it wisely and carefully. It is best to do this as prescribed by your doctor and in accordance with his instructions. You should not be overzealous and rub the acid into the skin, or rub your face with it too much. An aggressive composition can create on the face chemical burn and dry it out too much.

Therefore, they are often prepared on the basis of salicylic acid. various ointments, masks, peelings and lotions. You can buy them ready-made, or you can make them yourself. For example, an acid mixture with chloramphenicol is very popular in the treatment of acne.

Recipe for mash with chloramphenicol

To prepare the solution, take 5 grams of chloramphenicol in any form, 10 milliliters of 1% salicylic acid and 50-70 milliliters of boric acid. All components must be mixed and shaken thoroughly. Apply the solution to cleansed skin once a day in the evening.

This solution perfectly cleanses the skin, removes inflammation, however, along with acne, it dries out the entire skin of the face, so for sensitive and dry types, you need to use the mash with caution, adding high-quality moisturizing to your care immediately after the procedure.

Alcohol-free solution

If the previous composition seems too aggressive to you, try preparing a solution without alcohol to reduce the drying properties. To do this, you will need not a solution of salicylic acid in alcohol, but tablets. 1 tablet of dry substance must be crushed and filled with warm water.

For better dissolution, you can put the mixture on the stove and evaporate the liquid to half, and then add a little more clean water. The resulting solution can be used for spot cauterization of acne or added a few drops to clay masks. You can also add badyagu to the mask, which helps fight skin irritation and inflammation.

Treatment masks and lotions with salicylic acid

In addition to the above-mentioned clay mask with salicylic acid, there are other recipes for effective homemade masks and lotions. Thus, a mixture of one part salicylic acid with 2 parts chamomile infusion and 0.25 parts citric acid is very popular. Use the resulting solution to wipe the acne-affected areas of the skin in the morning and evening, and in between store it in a cool place.

Also good action in the treatment of acne shows a mixture of crushed salicylic acid tablets and aspirin tablets, diluted with a spoon lemon juice. In addition to the disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect, such a paste can help in the fight against age spots, left over from post-acne.

Using 2% salicylic acid

Salicylic acid for acne in this concentration is less often used in cosmetology than a milder 1% solution, but with correct use it gives excellent results. For example, great popularity in home cosmetology has a peeling of 2% salicylic and glycolic acids. The latter refer to fruit AHA acids and if you are at least a little familiar with modern cosmetic and cosmetic procedures, you've probably heard about their popularity. AHAs help remove dead skin cells, help your skin breathe better and regenerate.

To prepare the lotion, buy the following ingredients at the pharmacy:

  • salicylic acid 2 percent;
  • glycolic acid.

Mix them and wipe the mixture onto your face, which has previously been gently cleansed of makeup and impurities. It is also possible to replace glycolic acid with folic or boric acid, but their effects are slightly different.

Try to use a pure alcohol solution in a 2% concentration only spot-on, and on the entire face only in a mixture with other components, so as not to dry out the skin.

Duration of treatment

For spot treatment and drying out inflammation, you can use salicylic acid almost without interruption, introducing it into your care as soon as the need arises. But if available large quantity rashes on the entire skin and when using acids on the entire face, it is recommended to use lotions and mash in courses - daily rubbing the face twice a day for a month, until the main inflammatory process is stopped. In the summer, acids should be used only in combination with sunscreen to avoid skin pigmentation.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the fact that salicylic acid penetrates deeply into the skin, its use during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Moreover, you cannot apply pure acid or alcohol solution to the skin, as well as preparations and creams containing it. Its use during pregnancy can lead to fetal malformations and health problems for the child.

During lactation, the use of salicylic acid is not so strictly prohibited, however, it is absorbed into the tissue quite strongly - by 10-25%. IN breast milk penetration is, of course, quite minimal, but this possibility remains, which means that it is better to avoid using salicylic acid during breastfeeding.

Contraindications and side effects

The most important contraindication to the use of salicylic acid is the presence of dry skin. If you have dehydrated skin prone to dryness and flaking, then salicylic acid is not suitable for you, as it will make your face even drier. However, it can be used spot-on, only on pimples.

The medicine has keratolytic and antiseptic property. Preparations based on salicylic acid are found in any home medicine cabinet. Salicyl is used as part of external agents intended for treatment problem skin. Contained in Lassara paste, callus plaster, Galmanin powder. Aspirin has salicylic acid as its main component.

The name of the drug comes from the Latin word Salix, translated willow. Initially, the substance was isolated from the bark of this tree.

Companies that make acne products claim that their products contain acid from corn. The compound is isolated only from willow bark and in small quantity from essential oil Spiria flowers. Willow bark is ground into powder, treated with oxidizing agents and filtered to obtain salicyl.

Salicylic acid relieves pain. Since the 19th century it has been used to treat rheumatism. Scientists classified amino acids as vitamin-like substances. When absorbed into the body, it relieves pain and improves blood circulation. When applied to the surface of the skin, it dissolves oily compounds that clog pores.

One of effective means in the treatment of acne, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial effects. Solutions are available in various dosage forms.

For acne on the face, use 2% salicylic acid. A 3% solution is used in the treatment of acne on the body. Concentrated solutions from 10% to 30% dissolve warts. But it’s better not to experiment without a doctor’s permission, as you can damage the skin. The Russian pharmacy chain sells solutions of 1-2% and ointments of 2, 3, 5, 10%.

How it helps

Using a non-concentrated formulation for problem skin has many advantages. The product does not destroy or rupture small blood vessels.

One of the beneficial properties is drying out acne. If you anoint a pimple with the preparation in the evening, then by the morning it will be invisible. Purulent acne dries out, becomes painful, and redness decreases. The subcutaneous pus resolves and the pimple disappears.

The product removes red spots. Apply precisely on post-acne areas. The medicine penetrates deep into the layer of the epidermis, causes blood flow, and helps renew the skin. Use salicylic acid until the redness disappears, smear the area of ​​redness at least three times a day.

Sebum (sebum) and keratins form a hyperkeratotic plug or comedon. Acid dissolves fats in pores, enhances cell activity, and increases collagen production. Makes the skin renew itself and clears clogged channels.

This useful property helps stop the secretion of excess oil and removes acne. To wipe the face, use alcohol-free lotion with salicylic acid or 1% alcohol. Wash off after five minutes to avoid peeling of the skin. For permanent facial treatment alcohol solutions, caution is required. There is a possibility of drying out the skin. Sebaceous glands will begin to secrete more oil, which will lead to new acne.

The drug has antibacterial properties. But there is a drawback, in addition to bad microorganisms they die beneficial bacteria. If there are few acne on the face, apply 2% acid pointwise to each element.

Salicyl is contraindicated for skin with dark pigment. At dark skin use under the supervision of a physician.


A steam bath with salicylic acid helps with blackheads. Complete steam bath procedure.

  1. After a steam bath, lather laundry soap toothbrush and use circular movements to cleanse areas where blackheads accumulate.
  2. Wash with hot water.
  3. Pour 2% salicylic acid onto a cotton pad and rub it into problem areas on the face.
  4. After finishing the procedure, wash your face cold water. Close pores healing ice from chamomile infusion. No less, these are special masks.

If there are only a few blackheads on the face, one procedure is enough. For problematic skin, several procedures will be required.

In case of a large number of comedones, wipe the problematic surface of the face with a cotton pad. Rub the product in a circular motion until it tingles. These sensations will tell you that medicinal composition penetrated the epidermis. Rubbing too hard will cause a burn. After 3-5 minutes, rinse your face with cold water. Choose 1% salicylic acid. Applying the solution directly to the pimple will protect healthy skin cells.


For dry skin, salicylic acid can be used exactly on the spot. At mixed type Do not rub the medicine in; there is a high risk of getting a burn.

The skin may peel off after using the solution, so reduce the concentration or use an alcohol-free lotion. The skin is moisturized and soothed with creams and masks. Do not apply to healthy areas of the body, but only to areas with acne. Salicylic acid should not be used on infected, swollen skin.

Does not combine with other acne treatments. When used together with salix, side effects such as peeling, burning, and dry skin are possible.

Salicylic acid is prohibited during pregnancy. It is possible to provoke the development of Reye's syndrome in the child. For the same reason, children under 12 years of age are not recommended to use the product.

After some time, the skin may get used to the medicine. Therefore, stop using the drug for 2-3 weeks. The skin will rest and the healing effect will return.

To remove single elements on the face, salicylic acid is chosen. She copes quickly inflammatory processes on the skin, especially during the first acne. If treatment with the solution is started on time, then other drugs will not be needed.

How to use to cleanse pores

  • The product should have a pH of 4, this will help dissolve fats and open pores. This acid tingles the skin a little. A solution with a high pH will not irritate the epidermis, but will not clean out the pores.
  • Highly concentrated acid, may burn upper layer epithelium. A small concentration will not clean out the pores. 1-2-3% solutions work correctly on the face.
  • Rubbing your face with lotion will not help good effect. It is useful to use the gel. Use the product according to the instructions and wash off after the recommended period of time. Do not apply to the skin around the eyes.

What to replace

In case of intolerance, use calendula tincture. Inexpensive product with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, used for acne.

Salicyl contains beta-hydroxy acid, used in cosmetology for skin care. Alpha-hydroxy acids - lactic and glycolic - have the same properties, but with a strong concentration. Products with alpha-hydroxy acids having a concentration of 30% are equal to 2% salicylic acid.

Benzoyl peroxide, like salicylic acid, has a comedolytic effect. Contained in Baziron cream.

If you check your first aid kit, you will probably be able to find in it such an unusual substance as salicylic acid. This is a relatively old drug, which was also used by our ancestors (mothers, grandmothers and even great-grandmothers). This type of acid has the same properties as a cart and a small cart, and it costs very little in the pharmacy.

Salicylic acid is used externally as an anti-inflammatory, local irritant, antiseptic, drying and distracting agent. The drug has the property of suppressing the secretion of sebaceous (acne) and sweat glands, while weak antimicrobial activity is noted. In addition, acid and its derivatives have antipruritic and vasoconstrictive effects. Currently (however, as before) the product is used in the treatment of burns, in the fight against dandruff and acne. We will talk about the latter case more specifically.

The benefits of salicylic acid in the fight against acne

— Firstly, the drug has a drying effect, which has been proven more than once. In this case, acid is recommended for spot treatment of acne. In other words, it is better to use it if one pimple has popped up and you need to get rid of it. If we are talking about a dozen or two pimples, then it is better not to use acid - it dries the skin too much. However, this depends on the concentration of the solution, which you can read about below.

— Secondly, the drug copes well with the so-called post-acne - these are the spots that remain after acne. We are talking specifically about spots, and not about scars, which can remain if you often squeeze pimples, which you should not do. The product does not cope with them.

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- Thirdly, salicylic acid helps kill bacteria that cause acne. At the same time, do not forget that the product also kills beneficial bacteria, which are also present on the surface of the skin.

— Fourthly, the drug fights blackheads, simply discoloring them or even dissolving them.

— Finally, the acid allows you to regulate the secretion of sebum, that is, it simply reduces the oiliness of the skin, which in turn has a positive effect on its condition.

Applications of salicylic acid

Where to begin? But why? In total, there are several types of solutions that differ from each other only in the content of salicylic acid in them: starting from a 1% solution and ending with 10%.

You should always start small, that is, with a 1% solution, and under no circumstances should you use the same 10%. Why? Yes, simply because it can dry out the skin so much that the number of bacteria does not decrease, but only increases, which in turn can lead to the appearance of a new batch of acne. Even a 2% solution is recommended to be used only in extreme cases.

So, now we take salicylic acid, moisten a cotton swab with it and wipe the surface of your face. As we wrote above, the product best fights the spot appearance of pimples, but if they are present over the entire surface of the skin, then simply wipe it off. After a short period of time, the skin will begin to tingle or pinch a little - this indicates that the acid has taken effect. After this, you can rinse your face with plain tap water.

Since we are talking about acid, we need to use it very carefully, as it can dry out and even burn the skin. Therefore, do not be too zealous when applying the drug to your face.