The dog's head is shaking violently. Why does the dog tremble as if it has a chill and cannot find a place to rest? Why do dogs' bodies tremble?

An attentive owner always watches his pet, so he sees any changes in his behavior, for example, he begins to tremble. This may be due to physiological reasons or pathological conditions caused by various diseases. But it is worth noting that if a Yorkie or Chihuahua is trembling, pomeranian spitz or another representative of small breeds - this in most cases is a variant of the norm, which should not cause concern to the owner. In this way they often express fear and may also simultaneously tuck their paws, ears and tail, squeal and even involuntarily urinate.

For owners of pets of other breeds, you should also not immediately sound the alarm, but try to figure out the reasons and eliminate the most harmless options.

home distinctive feature These factors are that a symptom such as trembling disappears almost immediately after the source that provoked it is eliminated. These include:

  • Stressful situations (for example, when awaiting punishment or after it).
  • Hypothermia, which can be caused both by walking at low air temperatures and at home, for example, after swimming.
  • Fear (the appearance of obvious sources of danger in the field of view, in the event loud sounds and etc.).
  • Intense excitement associated with positive emotions. Some pets begin to tremble in anticipation of receiving their favorite treat or meeting their owner after a long separation, and even in their sleep if they dream of something pleasant.
  • Hormonal surge. This is especially true for male dogs, who become very overexcited at the sight of an attractive individual of the opposite sex.
  • An attempt to attract the owner's attention. In this case, trembling can be compared to wagging a tail. This expression of emotions is characteristic of breeds that usually have their tails docked (Rottweilers, Boxers, etc.).

But if the dog is trembling as if it has chills, and the “conditions” listed above are not present, this is a reason to take a closer look at your pet and perhaps even go to the veterinarian.

Pathological causes

If your dog starts to tremble even at home without visible reasons, need assessment general state dogs and assess the presence of others negative symptoms(increased body temperature, loss of appetite, diarrhea, etc.). This behavior may be a signal of the development of diseases or other pathological conditions.

Viral diseases

In pets who have not been vaccinated, trembling may be caused by one of the following: viral diseases. The most dangerous of them include:

  • Viral hepatitis (young individuals under one year of age are most susceptible) - affects the cornea, liver and kidneys. In addition to trembling, it is accompanied by impaired coordination, paralysis and other manifestations of impairment. nervous system.
  • Encephalomyelitis (develops in dogs at 5-8 years of age) - causes poor coordination of movements, frequent falls due to weakness of the limbs, and if left untreated, ends in complete paralysis.
  • Parovirus enteritis (puppies under 4 months of age are most susceptible, but also occurs in older dogs) – accompanied by possible trembling, refusal to drink and eat, prolonged vomiting. It is important to start treatment in the first 4 days after the lesion, otherwise the likelihood of death is very high.

  • Helminthic infestation - indicates infection of the body with helminths and may be accompanied by the appearance of trembling when attempting to defecate.
  • Dirofilariasis - is caused by heartworms, which, after entering the body, migrate to the heart of the animal and in the process of this path, uncontrollable trembling sometimes appears. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of edema and dropsy caused by impaired blood circulation, dry frequent cough and apathetic behavior.
  • Piroplasmosis – causes blood poisoning due to a tick bite. The disease is accompanied by heavy breathing, loss of balance, trembling and brown urine.

Diseases of internal organs and metabolic disorders

Trembling, along with other symptoms, may indicate a malfunction internal systems body. Among them:

  • Hypoglycemia (more common in small dogs) – accompanied by uncontrollable tremors, loss of strength and lethargy. If detected early, hypoglycemia can be successfully treated, but otherwise it causes paralysis of the limbs and subsequent death.
  • Hypothyroidism (hormone deficiency thyroid gland) – is accompanied not only by trembling, but also by weakness and a decrease in body temperature.
  • Heart disease (heart failure, myocarditis) - manifests itself in the form of tachycardia (heartbeat disturbances), tremors, frequent bowel movements and other symptoms.
  • Inflammation spinal cord– accompanied by trembling, changes in gait and paralysis of the limbs.
  • Eclampsia - appears in dogs during pregnancy and lactation with a significant drop in the level of calcium in the body, as a result of which the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted and trembling subsequently develops into convulsions. Sometimes vomiting occurs elevated temperature and shortness of breath.

Other reasons

The appearance of tremors may be associated with other reasons, including:

  • An allergic reaction - manifests itself against the background of switching to a different diet, using medications and is accompanied by itching, sometimes rashes.
  • Food or toxic poisoning manifests itself in the form of apathy, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, sometimes increased thirst, and convulsions.
  • Heatstroke – the dog not only shivers on a hot day, but also becomes lethargic and sometimes has rapid breathing.
  • Pain – manifests itself in the form of trembling throughout the body or in the localized area pain, while the pet whines. This behavior may be associated with injuries, rheumatic pain, abdominal pain or more serious diseases, including cancer.
  • Side effect vaccinations - accompanied by severe trembling, lack of appetite and weakness.
  • Postoperative condition - the appearance of trembling may be due to the body’s inability to normal thermoregulation, an increase in temperature due to the development of an infection, or a reaction to certain medications.

What to do

If the trembling is due to physiological reasons, it is enough to eliminate their influence:

  • Wear your pet warm clothes for walks in the cold season or limit their duration.
  • Dry the coat thoroughly after bathing, possibly even using a hair dryer.
  • Protect the dog from stressful situations, and in case of strong feelings, use tea with a calming effect.

Important! If during a walk or immediately after returning, the dog’s limb muscles begin to twitch significantly and sharply, this is one of the symptoms of strychnine poisoning. In this case, it is important to get the dog to the doctor as quickly as possible, since only emergency measures will save your pet's life.

If the trembling lasts for a long time, in order to establish the cause of this phenomenon, you should consult a veterinarian and undergo the necessary examinations and tests. Only after this the veterinarian will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment:

  1. For allergic reactions: elimination of allergens and antihistamines.
  2. For helminthic infestations: deworming special drugs, limiting contact with a person until treatment, since worms are transmitted to him.
  3. For hypoglycemia: glucose injections, but in advanced cases more serious treatment is required.
  4. For inflammation of the spinal cord: antibiotics with novocaine, compresses, massages.
  5. For adenovirus: antibiotics, amoxicillin, mucolytic drugs to relieve cough.
  6. For paraviral enteritis: immunoglobulins and immunomodulators, hyperimmune serum, water-salt solutions.
  7. At viral hepatitis: immunostimulants, hyperimmune serum and vitamins.
  8. For piroplasmosis: injections with antiviral vaccines, maintenance treatment.
  9. At pain syndromes: if the injury or wound is minor, the dog is able to lick the wound himself, and the owner only needs to make sure that there is no suppuration. If you have serious injuries or no external damage, you should consult a doctor for treatment.

The main thing is not to put off a visit to a specialist for too long, since the detection of the disease is early stage is usually easy to treat, while advanced forms require long-term treatment, and its outcome is not always favorable.

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  • Elena 19:21 | 13 Feb. 2019

    My dog ​​(mongrel) is more than 10 years old. A year ago, warts appeared on his face, they called a veterinarian, he prescribed injections (I forgot the name), the dog endured 10 of the 16 prescribed and did not give in any more. Now it has become even larger and appeared in the mouth. They called the doctor again, prescribed celandine and applied it. A month has passed - the warts have not fallen off, the hefty dog ​​has become haggard, he is shivering, he began to eat less every day, and for the last 2 days he has been spitting a little liquid. He has been chained all his life, and it is not possible to take him to a veterinary hospital. Please tell me what should we do?

  • Catherine 11:39 | 01 Feb. 2019

    Hello, please tell me. We have a 6-7 year old husky mix dog. Doesn't get up on his paws, trembles, shakes all over. Doesn't eat, doesn't drink. He is not vomiting, there is no diarrhea, there is no tearing, his nose is dry. Yesterday I was in good condition Today he doesn’t get up, he falls on his paws. What's wrong with the dog???

  • Hello! We have a Rottweiler (female) 5L 8m, her jaw started to chatter, and then the whole thing started to crack! A lump slipped off on her tits, it’s soft! Please tell me this is not an ancology? She also had a false pregnancy!

  • Good afternoon, I have a Yorkshire terrier, a 7-year-old boy, he shakes for about 3-4 days when you pick him up, he can whine, but is moist, his eyes seem pretty, I took him to the veterinary hospital, they said that his heart was beating evenly, there were no visible injuries, but the dog keeps shaking, we don’t know what to do

Some owners, watching their pets, more than once notice that they are trembling violently for no apparent reason. This condition may be accompanied by the excitement of the animal, which does not find a place for itself. In some cases, “strange” trembling signals the development of a dangerous disease.

Tremor is a physiological reaction of muscles. They contract under the influence of hormones.

Most often this is due to:

  1. Fatigue.
  2. A defensive reaction.
  3. Defensive reaction.
  4. Hunger.
  5. Sexual activity.

The dog may be shaking from fatigue.

There are other reasons for trembling.

Physiological triggers

Almost all small breed dogs begin to tremble violently when they are afraid. At the same time, they tuck their ears, paws and tail. Especially nervous animals constantly lick and squeal. Involuntary urination is sometimes observed.

Spitz often trembles in their sleep!

This condition is most often seen in Spitz dogs. Yorkshire Terriers and chihuahua.

  • The main reason nervous trembling is. The dog may begin to shake both in anticipation of punishment and after it. Sometimes small dogs behave this way when their larger brothers appear on the horizon.
  • And also the pet may begin to shake when severe overexcitation . This state is present when an animal, having completed a command, expects to receive a reward. At the same time, the dog may whine and dance. This good view excitement, because the pet experiences pleasant emotions.
  • Some dogs tremble to attract the owner's attention.. This behavior is typical of Doberman Pinschers, Boxers and other animals that have their tails docked.

Yorkshire Terriers begin to tremble when they are afraid.

What pathologies does this symptom signal?

Trembling can signal serious problems electrolyte metabolism.

In this case, the ratio of magnesium and potassium elements in the body is disrupted. This condition is most dangerous for pregnant bitches.

Body tremors are dangerous for pregnant dogs.

Decreased blood sugar

This condition is called hypoglycemia. Symptoms of this disease occur in small dogs. Uncontrollable tremor is combined with loss of strength.

Hypoglycemia is more common in small breed dogs.

The disease is easily cured. But if the symptoms are not recognized in a timely manner, more serious signs. This can ultimately lead to paralysis of the paws, and then to the death of the animal. Other symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

  • decreased appetite;
  • copious secretion of saliva;
  • apathy;
  • hypersomnolence.

If the disease is acute,... In more severe cases, fainting occurs.

Allergic manifestations

Sometimes the dog begins to tremble violently when transition to a new diet . But this condition is also observed against the background of the use of certain medicines. In this case we are talking about .

A new diet can trigger tremors.

Other symptoms include itching. The dog begins to itch a lot and fuss. In more difficult situations rashes appear on the skin. You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms by giving up the allergen product.

If after this the animal’s condition has not changed for the better, you should urgently seek help from a veterinarian.

Reason: poisoning

Another common provocateur of trembling can be. The main signs of this condition include:

  • vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • chills;
  • apathy;
  • weakness.

At food poisoning The dog begins to tremble and feel weak.

If you suspect poisoning, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Development of hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism refers to a deficiency of thyroid hormones.

This serious pathology, requiring immediate attention from a veterinarian. In order to help the animal, the specialist carries out.

To diagnose the pathology, a blood test will be required.

Development of eclampsia

Trembling in pregnant bitches may be the cause. The tremor develops into convulsions. This indicates malfunction central nervous system. This condition is characterized by spasmodic muscle contraction. There is no loss of consciousness.

Trembling in pregnant dogs may be due to the development of eclampsia.

Veterinary care must be provided to the dog immediately.


If your dog is shaking violently and becomes very lethargic, it could be heatstroke. First she needs to provide first aid. To do this, the animal moves into the shade and drinks cool water. When your pet gets better, you will need to show him to a veterinarian.

More often heat strokes found in bulldogs and other breeds with a flat muzzle. For them, overheating is a very dangerous condition.

After vaccination, trembling may occur.

The main symptoms include:

  • weakness;
  • severe trembling;
  • lack of appetite.

The dog should be given 1/4 tablet of Suprastin. If the pet does not get better, then this symptom indicates the development of an infectious pathology.

Postoperative period

Tremor may be present after surgical intervention. The main reason is that a weakened body is not able to cope with normal thermoregulation. For this reason, the animal suffers from chills.

Trembling may occur after surgery.

Another reason for this condition is an increase in temperature due to infection. Sometimes this is how the body reacts to a particular medication.

Note to owners

Tremor and convulsive muscle twitching are different conditions.

If on the street or upon returning home the dog’s paw muscles begin to twitch sharply and strongly, then the owner should take it to the hospital as soon as possible. veterinary clinic. This symptom may indicate strychnine poisoning. Only emergency measures can help save the life of an animal.

The situation looks even more serious when the pet is shaking and whining. This indicates that the animal is suffering from excruciating pain. The reason for this can be anything - from injury to oncology. Therefore, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Video about the causes of trembling in dogs

Dog trembling is a fairly common occurrence in dogs. It often causes concern among their owners, but in fact, there is no need to worry in advance. Of course, there are cases when trembling indicates illness, but, as a rule, it is caused by natural causes. What most often causes trembling in dogs?


There are several causes of tremors in dogs.

If the pet is trembling, the owner must take the necessary measures to monitor the health of his dog.

  1. If the trembling is caused by an overreaction to the environment, you need to work on adapting the dog to the irritating factors. You can contact a dog handler who could help resolve this problem. Some owners use soothing drops for dogs.
  2. Make sure that your pet does not get hypothermic and does not catch a cold. To prevent your pet from getting sick, keep it warm with warm blankets, dry it after bathing, and heat the room.
  3. If your pet is prone to overstimulation due to hormonal changes, this problem can be solved by castration.
  4. Observe your pet's behavior. If your pet has been injured or bitten by another dog, get it the necessary help.
  5. If you suspect an allergy, you need to find out what is causing your pet. allergic reactions. You may need to change your dog's diet.
  6. If you suspect that your pet has a disease, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

If the owner notices the dog’s trembling in time and takes the necessary measures, he will be able to maintain the health of the pet!

Trembling in dogs is not that uncommon. There may be several reasons - both physiological conditions and pathological ones. Before you begin treatment, you need to figure out why the dog is trembling.

Trembling is a rapid contraction of the muscles of the trunk, limbs or tail. Tremor occurs involuntarily, that is, it is not regulated by consciousness. The mechanism of occurrence of fine tremors is associated with changes in electrolyte metabolism, hormonal disorders or damage to the nervous system. Under the influence of hormones, electrolytes or other substances, muscles contract.

Video “Heat stroke in a dog”

From this video you will learn how to recognize heatstroke in a dog and how to help your pet.

Natural causes of the phenomenon

The dog may be shaking natural reasons. This often occurs when conditions change external environment or exposure to stress. In this case, the dog can breathe frequently, but the general condition is not disturbed.

Cold or fear

Your pet may be shaking due to the cold. At low temperature environment Muscle contraction promotes warming.

Another reason why your dog is shaking slight trembling, - fear. When scared, adrenaline and cortisol are released into the blood. Hormones help mobilize the body's defenses. This is manifested by rapid heartbeat, dilated pupils, and muscle tremors. This is why if a dog is scared, it shakes.

Sexual interest

Sexual desire also causes tremors. This occurs due to an increase in the level of sex hormones in the blood. Before mating, the pet trembles and has increased activity. A hormonal surge is not dangerous and does not require medical intervention.

Great excitement and delight

Strong emotions are also manifested by trembling. For example, if a pet begs for a treat or expects praise. In this case, trembling is not accompanied by other pathological signs. The dog breathes frequently, but behaves actively and excitedly.

Pathological causes

Trembling is not always a harmless condition. Sometimes this indicates pathology. If, in addition to tremor, other symptoms are observed, then most likely the tremors are pathological. It is important to monitor your pet’s consciousness and general condition.


In case of poisoning, trembling occurs as a response to intoxication. Other symptoms are also present:

  • vomit:
  • diarrhea;
  • chills;
  • sometimes increased body temperature.

The cause of poisoning can be food, medicines, household products, as well as toxic substances.

Electrolyte imbalance

Potassium and magnesium levels affect muscle contractions. Therefore the change electrolyte balance may be accompanied by tremor. Electrolyte disturbances often occur after childbirth. At the same time, the dog is pressing hind legs, lies and whines.


Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones. The disease is manifested by a number of symptoms, one of which is tremor. In addition, the dog is lethargic and tired, and tends to sleep all the time. Body temperature in hypothyroidism is reduced, skin dry, the dog lies or hides most of the time.


Low blood glucose levels can also manifest as muscle tremors. Hypoglycemia occurs under several conditions:

  • when the dog was injected too much large dose insulin;
  • in the presence of insulinoma - benign tumor, which produces insulin;
  • with insufficient carbohydrate intake or excessive physical activity.

At the same time, the dog is trembling and breathing heavily, as if it was very frightened. In addition, your heart rate increases and your skin feels moist to the touch.


If your pet is shaking after being in the sun for a long time, he may have heatstroke. Particularly susceptible to heat transfer disturbances small breeds and puppies. With thermal or sunstroke the dog is lethargic, breathing heavily, and the skin is hot to the touch.

First aid

First aid can be provided to your dog at home. If you notice that trembling is accompanied by other pathological symptoms, you need to act immediately.

If the dog is overheated, then it needs to be moved to a cool room. In other cases, it is enough to put the dog on its side and try to calm it down.

First aid for poisoning is to lavage the stomach and take enterosorbents. If you have hypoglycemia, you need to drink sweet water or glucose solution. However, this is only effective in cases where the owner knows the cause of the trembling.

Diagnosis and further treatment

The first thing to do in such a situation is to determine the cause. To do this, contact your veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal and prescribe the necessary tests:

  • general blood test - to detect signs of inflammation;
  • glucose level - to exclude hypoglycemia;
  • biochemical blood test - determination of electrolyte levels;
  • determination of hormone levels - with hypothyroidism, the level of T3 and T4 decreases.

After examination and diagnosis, you can begin treatment. The choice of treatment tactics depends on the cause of the trembling:

  1. For hypothyroidism, replacement therapy is prescribed hormone therapy- "Levothyroxine." During treatment, the level of thyroid hormones is examined and the dose of the drug is selected depending on this.
  2. For insulinoma it is indicated surgical intervention- tumor removal. If hypoglycemia occurs during treatment of diabetes mellitus, the insulin dose must be carefully adjusted.
  3. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to give sorbents, for example Enterosgel or Activated carbon. Sometimes the administration of antidotes is justified.

If the jitter is natural reaction body to cold, stress or hormonal surge, then no treatment is required. It is enough to calm the pet and warm it up.

Every owner, walking on the street or being in a calm home environment, sooner or later notices that his dog is trembling. What factors influence this condition of a shaggy friend? The reasons may be varied. But they are all divided into two groups. Natural and pathological. So why does a dog tremble?

The dog is shaking due to physiological reactions

What do you mean by trembling? Trembling occurs as a result of muscle contraction under the influence of hormones. Numerous processes that occur in the body can cause tremors. For example, this could be a reaction to food product, excitement at the sight of another individual, the pet is very tired or cold, defensive position, the animal is sick.

If the dog is trembling physiological reasons, then there is no reason to worry. This is absolutely normal. But in such cases, the pet should not refuse food. This important factor must be taken into account.

Excessive emotionality

The dog has its own character, it can be quite temperamental and emotional, as well as impressionable and overly susceptible to everything. Any unusual event can throw such individuals off balance. This could be the aggression of a strange dog, a loud car passing by, impending rain with a thunderstorm. All these moments can greatly agitate the animal, and it will begin to tremble. Soothing tea will come to the rescue, which will help relieve excitability.

It’s good when a dog greets its owner with joy and jumps, barks, whines, spins, and shakes in wild delight. Or, in anticipation of tasty treats, the whole body trembles. The pet may even sleep and tremble when he dreams pleasant dream. But if the animal hides and trembles from a sharp sound, then the dog may be scared. Some dogs may tremble to attract attention. With this behavior the dog shows his devotion and love. This is common in breeds with docked tails.


It is also natural to tremble with excitement at the sight of another attractive person. This reaction of the body is typical for small emotional dogs. But this also occurs quite often in other breeds.


If the dog is shaking and tucks its tail, it may be cold. Animals with short hair freeze more often. This problem can be solved by placing your pet under a blanket or putting clothes on him. It won't hurt to heat your house or apartment either. Small breeds of dogs freeze especially often. Special overalls for walking are purchased for them. After bathing, the dog may also tremble.

Trembling indicates problems with the dog's body

When a dog exhibits other symptoms that appear along with tremors and cause anxiety in the owner, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian. Since trembling in this case can occur due to a virus or allergy, as well as any other pathology that only a specialist can identify.

Danger of overheating

If your dog is trembling on a hot summer day, it is most likely heatstroke. The animal must be immediately taken to the shade and given cool water to drink. It is also recommended to see a veterinarian, as this condition is quite dangerous. If your dog is panting in hot weather, has his tongue on his side, and is shaking, which is common in flat-faced breeds, then you need to take him to the clinic as soon as possible. Overheating is dangerous for such breeds, as they have many problems with heat transfer.

Reaction to pain and poisoning

The animal may tremble in pain. It is necessary to examine your pet to identify a bite or injury. Older individuals may suffer from rheumatic pain, which may cause trembling. If the dog is lethargic and trembling, and there is vomiting, then these are all signs of poisoning. You should immediately take the animal to the doctor.


Allergic reactions can be very different. A four-legged pet may itch, tremble, and its eyes may turn red. All these symptoms are a sign of an allergy. Antihistamine in this case, it will significantly alleviate the unpleasant condition.

Viral infection

The dog is shaking and not eating, and is also lethargic and has a fever. All of these symptoms indicate a virus. In such a situation, only a doctor can help the animal, and it is necessary to urgently take it to the clinic for examination and treatment.

Reaction to vaccines. Postoperative period

The dog's body's reaction to vaccines can be different. Side effects This is a fairly common occurrence during vaccination. Why does the dog tremble when he lies in this situation? The animal may tremble and be indifferent to food. Experienced dog breeders recommend giving a quarter of a suprastin tablet. But you should still see a doctor to rule out various diseases. After surgery, your pet may shake after being under anesthesia. This indicates that the body is weakened, has not established thermoregulation and the animal is cold. Another factor is temperature due to infection. The reason may also be a reaction to medications. In any case, if the pet is trembling in postoperative period, she needs to be taken to a veterinary clinic urgently.

A severe worm infestation can also cause your dog to tremble. This reaction can also occur to a tick bite. Dirofilariasis is very dangerous disease for animals and one of the symptoms may be tremor. If the owner has suspicions about the listed sources of yeast, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian.

In addition to viral ones, trembling in a dog is also possible from other diseases. These may be disorders of the nervous system, pneumonia, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Each of the diseases requires immediate treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Also, trembling in the absence of other symptoms may indicate a metabolic disorder. The dog may have hypothyroidism, changes in magnesium-calcium balance, lack of insulin with diabetes mellitus. It is impossible to treat these disorders without examination and prescriptions from a competent specialist.

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