The cat has brown crusts in the corners of his eyes. Discharge from the eyes of cats. Eye wash

Pets are not only a great joy and pleasure from communicating with pets, but also responsibility and proper care, which is especially important if the animal is sick.

The appearance in cats of such characteristic symptoms as discharge from the eyes Brown, may indicate the presence various diseases. Therefore, if you notice such a problem with your mustachioed purr, you should not leave things to chance. Contact a veterinarian who will help not only find out the cause of the disease, but also prescribe effective treatment.

Discharge in cats, which is considered normal: what to look for

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that healthy cats Discharge from the eyes is usually not a concern. The only thing that can be noticed is a slight release of transparent secretion ( a small amount of fluid secreted from the tear ducts).

Severe lacrimation can appear due to quite strong external irritants: dust, smoke, fumes of caustic chemicals, sharp blinding light in the eyes. However, even the above factors cause only a short-term release of fluid, after which the animal’s eyes return to normal. In some cases, moistening of the animal's eyelids can be noticed after it wakes up.

Note! If the animal suffers from the appearance of cloudy yellow or brownish discharge, this clearly indicates the onset of the development of a disease of an infectious nature.

Causes of discharge

The appearance of frequent and abundant discharge from the eyes of an animal is usually called epiphora, a term used in both medical and veterinary practice.

The thickness and color of discharge from the eyes of a pet directly depends on what disease has affected it. The brown color of tears is explained by the color of the pigment that is part of the secretion, which manifests itself in some inflammatory processes and pathological conditions caused by the presence of infection in the body.

As a rule, most infections caused by harmful bacteria provoke the appearance of suppuration in the eye area, as well as the discharge of a thick liquid that has a characteristic yellow-green or cloudy white tint.

Pathologies characterized by impaired outflow of secretions from the lacrimal canals:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes that narrow tear ducts.
  • Stenosis of the lacrimal ducts.
  • The presence of a foreign body in the lumen of the lacrimal canal.
  • Eye injury, allergic reaction to any irritant.
  • Inflammation of the lacrimal sac caused by a disease such as dacryocystitis.
  • Neoplasms and tumors that cause tear ducts find themselves pinched.

Ailments that can cause excessive lacrimation:

  • An inflammatory process affecting the eyelid (blepharitis).
  • Conjunctivitis caused by infection.
  • Keratitis.
  • Glaucoma and iridocyclitis.

Important! Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis. Treatment without determining the causes of the disease can seriously aggravate the situation. Therefore, at the first signs of illness, your pet should be taken to see a veterinarian.

What does the appearance of symptoms indicate?

Please note that the symptoms that appear in your pet can help determine the possible causes of the developing pathology.

Appearance domestic cat purulent discharge from eyes characterized by the presence of impurities of brownish-red shades, may indicate the development of quite serious bacterial infection. Often this pathology is painful for the cat as a whole, causing the pet to become lethargic. The animal's nose is dry and hot.

If your tailed pet's discharge is thick but translucent, this indicates that your pet has contracted a viral infection. Discharge of pus in this type of disease is usually not observed.

If your pet starts crying brown tears, then most likely this is a disease related to pathologies caused by a violation of the outflow of secretions from the tear ducts. Accordingly, in this case, anti-infective therapy should not be used to treat the animal.

Excessive tearing is common. One of the common causes of this pathology is a cat’s banal allergic reaction to some irritant. Often accompanying symptoms of this disease– this is redness and quite severe swelling of the animal’s eyelids.

The discharge is red. In the case of cats, this is usually the pathology described above, the main symptom of which is brown discharge. The thing is that the brown secretion is more pronounced in light-colored animals, acquiring a characteristic red tint.

In some cases, the appearance of pet Dark-colored discharge from the eyes can be caused by an incorrectly selected diet. Associated symptoms- diarrhea, constipation and frequent vomiting.

Features of treatment

If you notice unpleasant and discomforting symptoms in your cat, including heavy brown discharge from the eyes, do not try to cope with the problem yourself. This can not only aggravate the situation, but also cause even greater harm to the health of the animal. It is better to make an appointment immediately veterinary clinic. A qualified specialist will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate and effective treatment.

Depending on the reasons for the discharge from the eyes, the animal may be prescribed the following: medicines: antibiotics, drops to relieve inflammation and cleanse tear ducts, antiviral ointments. Also, cats are often prescribed a procedure such as eye washing.

Treatment of some diseases involves the appointment of physiotherapeutic procedures. Only in some, quite rare cases, is it recommended by a specialist conservative treatment(operation).

If for some reason it is not possible to visit a veterinarian, you should not remain idle. To alleviate the cat's condition, you can perform a procedure such as washing its eyes with a medicinal herbal infusion consisting of sage, oak bark and chamomile. You can also use an antiseptic solution that does not contain alcohol for these purposes. Use cotton swabs for rinsing. These are enough simple procedures will help significantly alleviate the pet’s condition, which, in case of a simple pathology, will lead not only to an improvement in its condition, but also to recovery. If the cat’s condition, on the contrary, only worsens, do not hesitate and take the animal to the veterinarian.

It is important to remember that pets, just like their owners, when they become ill, need timely and professional help which can only be provided by specialists. The main difference between domestic animals and us is that they are completely and exclusively dependent on their owners for everything.

Video: discharge from the eyes of cats

Cats and dogs are the friendliest animals. Everyone loves them, both children and adults. But often living together with pets causes a lot of trouble. And this concerns their health. Often, owners notice discharge from the eyes of a dog or cat, but do not know what to do or who to run to. Whether such discharge is a pathology or not and whether it needs to be treated, we will talk now.

General information

The structure of the eyes of dogs and cats differs significantly from human eyes. But they have one thing in common - the surface of the eyeball is covered with a mucous membrane, which performs protective functions. It protects the organs of vision from dust and dirt, which can cause irritation and inflammation.

This mucous membrane is constantly moistened and this happens due to the glands that produce a special secretion. The eye has one large gland, called the lacrimal gland, and many small ones that are located along the edge of the eyelid, where the cilia grow. In cats and dogs, these glands work more actively than in humans, and therefore quite often in such animals one can observe dried crusts in the corners of the eyes, which are the same secretion. These crusts may be different color- yellow and brown, completely transparent, and also have a whitish color.

If the animal's eyes periodically water, but there are no extraneous symptoms, then the owners have nothing to worry about. This is considered a completely normal physiological phenomenon that does not require special treatment.

But if a cat or dog begins to ooze pus from its eyes or the animal blinks frequently, its eyelids swell or its eyes itch, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. The appearance of such symptoms indicates the development of various diseases, untreated which can lead to worsening or total loss vision. And since dogs and cats are different animals, we will consider the causes of discharge from their eyes separately.

As practice shows, pathological secretions from the eyes are observed in dogs much more often than in cats. And the reason for this is the love of cleanliness inherent in cats. But even if the owners carefully monitor the dog’s hygiene, they may also encounter this problem. Especially it concerns purebred dogs. They quite often have allergic reactions to various irritants, for example, pollen or shampoos with which they are bathed.

Allergies in animals manifest themselves in the same way as in humans - redness of the eyes, increased tearing, sneezing and itching. In this case, it is imperative to identify what exactly caused such a reaction in the dog, and only then treat it.

However, it is not recommended to do this yourself, since, for example, a Yorkie or a pug may have an allergic reaction to the drugs used, which will only worsen the dog’s condition. Therefore, it is best to take him to the vet immediately. As a rule, when a Yorkie or a dog of any other breed appears, eye drops antihistamine action. They must be used strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

The appearance of purulent discharge in a dog indicates the development of a disease such as conjunctivitis. Its main symptoms are:

  • Frequent blinking.
  • Redness of the eyeball.
  • Swelling of the eyelids.
  • Frequent rubbing of eyes with paws.
  • Clumping of eyelashes.

At the same time, the dog's behavior changes greatly. Since the disease causes discomfort that the animal cannot talk about, it becomes irritable and aggressive or, conversely, constantly sleeps and refuses to eat.

It should be noted that conjunctivitis in dogs can have a different nature of origin - bacterial, viral and allergic. Therefore, its treatment should also occur only after examination by a veterinarian. Antibacterial eye drops are most often used as therapy, but antiviral or antihistamine drugs can also be prescribed.

Yorkie or any other purebred dog There may be a disease called epiphora. This condition is characterized by excessive tearing and the appearance of crusts near the eyes. The cause of the development of this disease can be various factors (inflammatory processes, ulcerative lesions, tumors, etc.), on which, in fact, the treatment of epiphora depends.

In case of purulent vaginal secretion, it is also necessary to conduct an examination of the cornea. The thing is that its inflammation is also accompanied by a similar symptom. Inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) in dogs often occurs due to head or eye trauma, as well as unsuccessful surgical interventions in which the lacrimal duct was damaged.

It is very important to promptly determine the cause of the development of keratitis and begin its treatment, otherwise the animal may become completely blind. Therapy for this disease consists of washing the eyes with aseptic solutions, using eye drops And antimicrobials. In the event that a pet's keratitis is a consequence of the development autoimmune pathologies, then special immunosuppressants are used for dogs.

Features of dog treatment

Speaking about methods of treating discharge, it should be noted that self-medication in this case is simply unacceptable. As soon as yellow or brown liquid begins to leak from the animal’s eyes, it should be immediately shown to a veterinarian. And if you can’t get to him quickly and an appointment is possible only after a few days, then at this time you can resort to certain actions that can alleviate the dog’s condition as it develops ophthalmological diseases. These include:

  1. Tetracycline ointment and antiseptic solutions. They can be used to treat the organs of vision if there are obvious signs inflammatory processes.
  2. When there are no special eye drops at hand, you can use aseptic solutions (for example, Miramistin) or strong black tea to treat the eye. Remember that you need to take separate gauze pads or cotton pads to treat each eye. If you wipe both eyes with the same napkin, this will lead to the transfer of infection from one organ of vision to another.
  3. Both eyes need to be treated at once, even if the other one seems healthy.
  4. Protect your pet from strong wind, dust and dirt.

All these measures will help avoid further progression of the disease in the dog. But this does not mean that he does not need to be taken to the veterinarian. Remember, only he will be able to determine the exact reason why the dog’s eyes are watery and prescribe treatment that will quickly and effectively deal with this problem.

Cats are clean animals that constantly “wash themselves” and take care of their fur. But even they sometimes have health problems, in which many owners notice their watery eyes.

The reasons for the appearance of discharge in a kitten or adult cat too much. They are also susceptible to conjunctivitis and keratitis. The symptoms and treatment of these diseases occur in the same way as in dogs, so we will not describe them.

Speaking about why a cat’s eyes are running, it should be said that these representatives of the animal world are characterized by such pathologies as:

  1. Dacryocystitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the lacrimal sac, as a result of which the lumen of the tear ducts narrows. As it develops, the discharge from the eye acquires a yellowish or brownish tint.
  2. Rhinotracheitis (cat flu). It is a disease in which infectious lesion upper respiratory tract. Brown discharge is a complication in this case.
  3. Allergy. When it develops, the cat may experience serous discharge, swelling of the eyelids, etc. The main factors that provoke allergies in cats are cigarette smoke, chemical substances, dust and pollen.
  4. Uveitis. Characterized by inflammation of the iris and often develops against the background diabetes mellitus, high pressure and oncological diseases. With the development of uveitis, brown discharge is mainly observed, which dries out, forming dark crusts in the corners of the organs of vision.
  5. Trichiasis. Another pathology that may be accompanied by discharge in a cat. It is characteristic of her abnormal growth eyelashes towards the eyeball. The cilia irritate it, causing inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes, which causes this symptom to appear.
  6. Dry eye. This condition is also called keratoconjunctivitis sicca and dry eye syndrome. As this disease develops, there is an abnormal decrease in tear production, which causes inflammation and irritation of the cornea and conjunctiva.
  7. Tumor. Oncological diseases are also characteristic of animals and can affect various organs, including vision. As they develop, they experience red discharge from their eyes, sometimes dark brown.

Features of treatment

If you notice that your cat's eye is running, it is advisable to take her to the vet immediately. If this is not possible, then you can also help your pet with simple measures. For example, festering eyes can be washed with saline solution. It is prepared like this: take 1 liter of water, dilute with ½ tsp. table salt, after which the solution is boiled and cooled to room temperature. It is recommended to wash the eyes of kittens and adult cats every 2 hours.

Important! If discharge appears in the background allergic reactions, use saline solution it is forbidden. It is also not recommended to use it if the animal experiences bleeding from the eyes, as it occurs either due to injuries or tumors. And in both cases, a saline solution can only do harm.

In addition to saline, you can also use aseptic solutions, strong tea, chamomile decoction or string. However, if treatment does not provide positive results within a few days, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. He may need special treatment, which will include the use of antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Your furry pet is very pretty, cheerful and cheerful, but suddenly you notice that something is flowing from her eyes. Even if it doesn't bother your cat at all, you should be responsible and contact a veterinarian!

After all, you care about her health! In our article we will talk about the causes of this problem and how you can cure cat eyes.

call an ophthalmologist at home

Causes of eye discharge in a kitten

Some fluid in the eyes of cats is normal, as long as it is clear and in small quantities. Perhaps all owners have noticed how their pet’s eyes water after sleep. But greenish, yellow or brown discharge from a kitten’s eyes should alert you! They often wear inflammatory nature and require treatment by a veterinary ophthalmologist.

Let's find out which discharges are pathological*.

* Our table is for informational purposes only. The final diagnosis will be made by a veterinarian-ophthalmologist.

** Please note that there are cat breeds (for example, Persian) for which brown discharge is normal. Due to their characteristic flat muzzle, their tear ducts are arranged in a special way.

It happens that a kitten is bothered by discharge not only from the eyes, but also from the nose. Please note: if a runny nose looks like pus, then it is not related to a common cold, and your pet urgently needs treatment! In adult cats, it may indicate the following diseases:

veterinarians at the clinic

  • Inflammation and damage
  • Viral rhinotracheitis
  • Mycoplasmosis
  • Chlamydia
  • Panleukopenia (feline distemper)
  • Polyps
  • Tumors (lymphosarcoma, adenocarcinoma, etc.)

Pus is an unpleasant substance and there are many varieties of it. Veterinarians distinguish:

  • serous;
  • slimy;
  • bloody;
  • and the actual purulent nature of nasal discharge.

As for baby kittens, purulent nasal discharge often appears due to:

  • hypothermia;
  • malnutrition;
  • poor living conditions;
  • infections.

As you can see, dangerous diseases Cats that are not vaccinated on time are susceptible. When picking up a kitten on the street, be prepared for the fact that he will have a whole bunch of diseases. The sooner you show your foundling to the veterinarians, the better.

Video: Discharge from a kitten's eyes

Why does a kitten have discharge from the eyes and what medications will the doctor prescribe?

If you have a little fluffy at home, or you took him from the street, the first thing to do is take care of his eyes. A kitten that is insufficiently watched over by its mother cat often looks at the world through a veil of tears. Help your pet: take a cotton swab dipped in boiled water or chamomile infusion and gently wipe his eyes. If you see that they are clean and clear, then everything is in order. If appearance does not improve, call a veterinarian and ophthalmologist.

When the cause of purulent discharge from the eyes of a kitten has already been established, you will have to treat it according to all the rules. Usually the doctor prescribes therapy for the underlying disease (injections, droppers, tablets), as well as solutions for local application. You will have to get pretty creative to do a good rinse. After all, an obstinate pet is unlikely to like this procedure. It is more convenient to wash the cat’s eyes together with an assistant.

  1. Hold the animal in one position by squeezing its paws.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in a warm Chlorhexidine solution.
  3. If the eyelids are stuck together from pus, you should moisten them and open them slightly.
  4. Squeeze the liquid from the swab into your pet's eye.

Prevention of eye diseases in cats

We have listed the types of eye discharge. As you can see, they often arise as a result of poor animal care. Employees cat shelters When looking for newborn kittens in basements and hallways, we often encounter these problems. Persistent treatment usually gives good results, and the healthy state of the eyes can be restored.

But unpleasant discharge from the eyes also occurs in cats that live with their owner. If vaccinations against major infectious diseases are not carried out on time, animals can become victims of eye diseases. Therefore, veterinarians strongly advise vaccination on schedule. You also need to comply basic rules hygiene - periodically do wet cleaning and ventilate the room. By the way, this will benefit not only the pet, but also its owner!

Call the veterinarians of the Hermes clinic to your home in Moscow to make the correct diagnosis and carry out effective treatment.

Discharge from your pet's eyes is normal if it is clear and small in number. You should be wary if you notice black discharge from your cat's eyes.

Transparent liquid in the eyes may appear as a result of a reaction that protects the animal’s eyes from exposure to factors environment(wind, dust). The same reaction can occur if an irritant gets into your pet’s nose. In Persian cats, lacrimation occurs after sleep. This is due to the structural features of their heads. That is, if the animal feels well and the fluid released from the eyes is clear, then the cat is healthy. If it has acquired a certain shade, then it’s time to start worrying.

Causes of black discharge from a cat's eyes

If an adult cat has black discharge in her eyes, this may indicate that she has various diseases. There are several reasons for such deviations:

  • Respiratory infection.
  • Herpesvirus.
  • Chlamydia.

Injury to the eye can also cause black discharge. Without proper treatment, the eyes may begin to fester. The reason for this is infection. If the secreted substance turns brown, then the cat has an obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct.

Is black discharge from the eyes of cats dangerous?

In itself, black discharge from a cat’s eyes does not pose any danger and does not affect its vision. However, they become a signal that your pet may have health problems. Despite the fact that the animal may be in its usual state, you need to seek help from veterinary center. To make a diagnosis, the veterinarian will order an eye wash test.

Diagnostics also includes a visual examination of the animal. In this case, mechanical tissue damage may occur. If a part of the visual organ, such as the cornea, is damaged, the discharge will be brown. The animal may feel discomfort or pain. This is easy to notice by his behavior. Restlessness, frequent blinking or squinting of the affected eye is a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian.

How to cure a cat

In addition to treating the underlying disease, the symptom of which is increased secretion lacrimal glands and changes in their color, you need to pay attention to the hygiene of the visual organs. You can remove black discharge from a cat's eyes using solutions of furatsilin or boric acid. They will not only cleanse dirt, but also provide an antibacterial effect. Solutions can be replaced with strong tea, chamomile infusion or just warm water. In some cases, the cat is prescribed antibacterial drops.

Instructions for use of solutions

To ensure that the animal is not in pain and that the procedure is effective, you need to take a responsible approach to eye rinsing. To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Ask someone for help. Have one participant wash the eyes while the other holds the animal tightly.
  • Take a clean cotton swab. Wet it with solution, decoction or water.
  • If your pet's eyelids are stuck together, first carefully moisten them with the solution until they open.
  • Blot sticky eyelashes with a damp swab in the direction from the nose to the corners of the eyes.
  • Squeeze out the liquid, collected in a tampon, into the cat's eye.

Tampons must be wet. Dry cotton wool can further injure the damaged eye. It is better to use warm solutions.

Please note that if your pet has black discharge in his eyes, there is no need to self-medicate. You may harm your cat's health. Contact your veterinarian immediately for a correct diagnosis and treatment.

IN cat's eyes there is some kind of magical mystery involved. They attract with their depth and unusual pupil. Pet owners may encounter such a nuisance as cat discharge from the eyes. There may be several causes for a symptom, and in order to choose the right treatment, you need to find out what is causing the problem.

The first step is to determine if there is an underlying cause for the excess tear production. Some of the causes of increased tear production in cats include conjunctivitis, allergies, eye injuries, abnormal eyelashes, corneal ulcers, eye infections, anatomical abnormalities and glaucoma.

After eliminating more serious reasons epiphora, it is necessary to determine whether proper and adequate drainage of the ruptures is occurring. A thorough ocular examination is performed, paying particular attention to the tear ducts and nearby tissues, and looks for signs of inflammation or other abnormalities. The cat's facial anatomy may play a role in this condition. Some breeds have flat or "rolled" faces that do not allow the matted surface to blend properly. In these patients, the tear film does not penetrate the canal and simply rolls away from the face.

Causes of discharge

In normal healthy condition a cat has a little light color coming out of its eyes clear liquid during the day. Increased lacrimation in animals, as in people, can be caused by external irritants: dust, strong wind, spray aerosols, bright light. As the irritant is eliminated, the tears disappear.

Copious clear discharge

In other cases, the hair around the eyes physically prevents the tear ducts from getting into the tear ducts, or debris or foreign body form a plug inside the canal and prevent tears from draining. One of the simplest tests to evaluate tear production is to place a drop of fluorescein stain in the eye, hold the patient's head slightly downward, and watch for drainage into the nose. If drainage system works fine, the eye spot should be visible in the nose within a few minutes. Failure to observe the spot does not definitively diagnose a blocked tear duct, but it does indicate the need for further investigation.

But sometimes the cause of discharge from the eyes in cats is diseases and disruption of the tear ducts. The nature of the discharge can tell about the possible cause.

Conventionally, factors that provoke discharge can be divided into two types:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases and disorders of non-infectious etiology.

In some cat breeds, such as Persians, a small discharge of a dark (brown or reddish) color is considered normal. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the tear ducts due to the flattened muzzle.

If the tear duct is suspected of being blocked, the cat is anesthetized and a special instrument is inserted into the duct to flush out the contents. In some cases, the lacrimal puncture or opening may not have opened during the cat's development, and if so, it can be surgically opened during this procedure. If chronic infections or allergies have caused the ducts to narrow, flushing may help widen them.

If the cause is related to another eye condition, treatment will be directed at the underlying cause. There are many products that have been recommended to remove or eliminate facial staining associated with excess tears. None of them have proven to be 100% effective. Some over-the-counter treatments may be harmful or harmful to the eyes. Treatments that can reduce staining in some cases include:

Purulent discharge

Purulent secretion from a cat's eyes has a characteristic white, yellow or greenish color. The symptom indicates a bacterial infection. There are quite a lot of pathogens around that cause a purulent inflammatory process in the mucous membranes. Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with drops, antibiotic ointments, rinses antiseptic solutions. To find out exactly which drug will have a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms, you need to take an eye swab for a “culture tank”.

  • Parsley or parsley - add a small amount to your diet.
  • Low doses of doxycycline, tylosin, tetracycline, or metronidazole.
Do not use the product without consulting a veterinarian. Avoid using any product containing hydrogen peroxide near your eyes, as these products can cause serious damage if accidentally splashed into your eyes.

If only one eye of a cat festers, it is possible that a foreign body has entered it, which has led to an inflammatory process and the development of bacterial flora.

In any case, the pet must be taken to the veterinarian. self-treatment may make the situation worse.

Brown discharge

When an adult cat or kitten has brown discharge from the eyes, the problem is most likely non-infectious.

What is the prognosis for epiphora?

If the underlying cause cannot be found and treated, most patients with epiphora will experience recurrent episodes throughout their lives. If the cat's facial anatomy prevents adequate drainage of the tear film, it is likely that some degree of epiphora will persist despite best treatment efforts. Your veterinarian will discuss the details of your cat's condition and determine specific treatment options and prognosis for your cat.

Causes of eye discharge in cats

It is true that cats have a special appearance. Their eyes are quite large compared to other species, and in addition, they are perfectly visible in low light conditions. However, did you know that the eyes are also their weak point? Yes, they are very sensitive to eye diseases, with conjunctivitis being the most frequent illness among cats.

The following factors can provoke brown secretion::

  • Uevitis (inflammation of the blood vessels of the eye).
  • Keratitis (inflammatory process in the cornea).
  • Trichiasis (location of eyelash bulbs in an atypical place).
  • Iridocyclitis (inflammation of the iris).
  • Glaucoma.
  • Turning of the eyelids.

Brown tears can occur when foreign, irritating particles enter the tear ducts, or when tumors compress the ducts. In rare cases dark discharge may be associated with a viral or bacterial infection.

What is conjunctivitis in cats and what are the symptoms?

Conjunctivitis in cats is an inflammation of the lining of the eye and is usually more common in young cats. Sometimes this infection can draw attention to the existence of a more serious condition. It's relatively easy to recognize because it's very similar to when we get it from people. Among the most important symptoms we highlight them.

Discharge from eyes in cats, brown discharge from eyes in cats

They appear more legan than usual and also usually have a very distinctive greenish-yellow hue. The eyelids usually stick in these cases, and the cornea may be affected.

  • There is constant tearing and redness in the eyes.
  • The area usually becomes inflamed and the cat shows difficulty opening its eyes.
  • Itching is also common, so try not to rub or hurt yourself.
  • If the eye also produces mucous, it may be chlamydia.
Eyes are the most beautiful decoration of a cat's mouth.

Another one, rare, but still possible reason Why does a cat have brown liquid flowing from his eye? Is it food (mixture natural food with cat food). It is highly recommended not to combine food from your table with food designed specifically for cats. This disrupts the animal’s intestinal microflora, impairs digestion and provokes various symptoms.

They are only beautiful when they are clean and well-groomed. In addition, the fur around the eyes cannot become sticky and dirty. Yellowing and brown streaks do not add beauty. Short-haired cats with normal toilet grooming. Persian cats should help with this.

In my opinion, even if a cat's coat is nicely brushed and groomed, with dirty eyes and stains around them, the cat looks truly neglected. Let's not forget that so neglected eyes can very quickly become infected and give us pain in the milusina. From the moment the cat came into our house, we are responsible for it! Also for proper care of his fur and eye area. It takes 3-5 minutes a day to make our pet look well-groomed and healthy. Then we can show our cat's pride to the world and be proud of ourselves.

What to do

Before treating brown discharge, you need to figure out what the cat is sick with. If the animal has uevitis or trichiasis, ordinary rinses will not help. Special medications are required, and for trichiasis - surgical intervention. You should not self-medicate, it can harm your pet. The cat must be taken to a veterinary clinic and undergo an examination.

If we neglect our cat, it's quite a shame to publish his photos. Shame because we failed as its owners. The Persian cat's eyes, due to their size and prominence, are less protected from infections and mechanical damage. We should not underestimate the slightest signs of illness. We should not give cat drops or eye ointments without consulting a doctor. If in any doubt, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. Healthy eyes and open tear ducts are very important.

If this is not the case, caring for the eye area will not bring desired results. Eye care with special drugs. Proper eye care should be done using cosmetic flakes and be similar to a wash for women. If a brown scab has already formed around the eyes, we should wet the area around the eyes first. Best to use boiled water. Remember - to avoid getting into the eyes, we must change the petal every time.

Copious clear discharge

The kitten's eyes are running, a lot of clear or cloudy fluid is released - this symptom may indicate viral infection. Viruses do not cause suppuration, but provoke inflammation. The disease is dangerous because at first it can be easily confused with a banal eye irritation. If the virus is not treated, it can cause serious pathologies in the lacrimal duct system.

It should be noted that there are specialized liquids for cleaning the eye area. Following products worth a try. This medication causes the fur to lighten and prevents tears from entering, making them easier to remove. We apply the product for 15 minutes, rinse and repeat the procedure until the discoloration disappears. Do not use whitening shampoos around your eyes! However, you can use an eye curler or powder that removes discoloration. Using a swab, clean the eye area and then apply with a hair prep brush.

One of the common viral diseases in cats is calcivirus. The infection has the following symptoms:

  • Transparent copious discharge from the eyes, nose.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Red ulcers appear on the mucous membranes in the mouth.
  • The cat loses its appetite and becomes lethargic.
  • There is sneezing and heavy breathing.

The pet owner often does not pay attention to the first signs, which leads to a severe form of the disease.

Treatment for a cat's eyes due to a viral infection is prescribed by a veterinarian. If treated in a timely manner, the disease responds well to treatment.


Discharge from the eyes of cats can be harmless and can be easily gotten rid of with rinsing. herbal infusions or antiseptic solutions. But the cause can also be quite serious diseases that threaten the animal with blindness. Don't delay visiting the veterinarian. Only a specialist can identify the etiology of the discharge and prescribe proper treatment.

Owners of domestic cats have more than once noticed that their beloved pets have watery eyes, but this does not bother them at all - the animal is mobile and looks healthy. But is this really normal, is black discharge from the eyes of a cat normal?

In fact, it is common for a kitten to have discharge from the nose or eyes, but only if the secreted substance is clear in color and the amount should also be quite scanty. The appearance of mucus in this case is associated with external irritants, such as: dust, chemicals, smoke, etc. The animal looks completely natural; a good appetite and a playful mood. When faced with this problem, the owner does not have to take any action, since with the disappearance of the irritant, the discharge will stop on its own.

A cat may also have discharge from its eyes after a long period of sleep - this is also considered normal and does not require intervention from the owner. In addition, before worrying about the health of the pet, the owner should remember that for some breeds of cats, the release of fluid from the eyes is due to nature itself, since the characteristic shape of the nose and head does not allow the nasolacrimal ducts to function normally.

In a kitten, nasal discharge may indicate the presence of an allergy, and the reaction can manifest itself both to external irritants and to incorrectly selected food. In this case, you need to identify the allergen and eliminate it.

Black discharge from the eyes of cats cannot be normal!!! This often indicates the development inflammatory process. In order not to neglect it, the owner must take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible and undergo all the necessary examinations.

Black fluid can come out of your cat's eyes for several reasons. More often this fact indicates the presence respiratory infection, so postponing a visit to the veterinarian is not recommended. In the clinic, in order to make a final diagnosis, the animal will be washed out of the eyes, and also prescribed necessary procedures, thanks to which the cat will recover quickly.

In addition, black discharge from a cat's eyes may indicate the presence of herpes virus or chlamydia. Coping with these ailments is much more difficult, but the owner’s patience and normal treatment will help the animal regain its health.

As a rule, to treat the pathology, the veterinarian prescribes a complex various procedures. From medical supplies antibacterial drops are prescribed. In addition, it is recommended to wash the eyes. For this purpose, you can use a decoction of chamomile, a solution of boric acid or furatsilin. The procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to further harm the animal. It is best if the washing is carried out by two people, one is directly involved in the procedure, and the other is holding the animal. To carry out the procedure, you must use only warm solutions.

The prepared tampon is moistened in medicinal solution, then pressed eyeball. If the cat's eyelids are glued together, apply medicinal product. Do not rub them with a dry swab so as not to accidentally damage the skin.

Black discharge from the eyes does not pose any particular danger; it only indicates the presence of some kind of disorder in the animal’s body. Therefore, the owner should take the pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible and begin the prescribed treatment.