Shock dynamic massage of female breasts. Shock-dynamic massage. First meeting…. Acute and chronic diseases

Impact-dynamic massage according to the method of Georgy Nikolaevich Maksimov.

Maksimov Georgy Nikolaevich developed this technique for treatment various diseases musculoskeletal system, internal organs, circulatory organs, nervous system, genitourinary area, as well as relief from headaches, infertility, impotence. The method gives quick results in recovery from stroke and paralysis. This technique is painful, but very effective.

In practice, we see that, often, this massage is the only effective method in many cases of advanced chronic diseases, when other methods of medication and physical treatment are powerless. This shock-dynamic therapy is one of the alternative treatments for serious diseases without medications and surgeries.

Impact-dynamic massage includes diagnostics - identifying pain areas and adhesive areas on the body through deep pressing with the hands. After identifying problem area in the body, shock-dynamic massage is performed in the area of ​​the organ that has functional disorders. The force of the slap blow and the area of ​​impact are gradually increased, and the strength and frequency of the impact are adjusted depending on the individual pain threshold patient. The exposure is carried out until hematous redness appears on the entire surface of the affected area, which indicates the presence of functional disorders of the affected organ.

The basic principle of shock-dynamic massage is deep warming up And vibration impact on tissues, blood vessels, ligaments and muscles. At the same time, blood circulation, lymph flow, and the movement of all fluids in the body are activated. Removed muscle spasm, innervation is restored.

It is better to carry out the shock-dynamic massage procedure by a qualified specialist to avoid injury.

The procedure lasts from 20-45 minutes, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition; it is recommended to be carried out every other day for a course of 8 to 12 sessions. It is advisable to take 2 courses per year.

Impact-dynamic massage is used mainly in combination with vacuum therapy, preferably after interstitial nutrition.


  1. Relieving muscle spasm
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  3. Infectious diseases and helminthiases
  4. Restoration of tissue innervation
  5. The mobility of tissues of organs and systems is restored.
  6. Chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous systems
  7. Osteocondritis of the spine
  8. Pain of any location
  9. Pulmonary diseases
  10. Joint diseases
  11. Neuroses
  12. Infertility
  13. Impotence
  14. Pathology of the musculoskeletal system
    • Congestive ischemic disease of soft tissues and the associated formation of fibrous-scar changes (muscle thickening, contractures, myofibrosis, muscle infarction, myofascial pain syndrome of various localizations);
    • spinal osteochondrosis and associated neurological disorders
    • herniated intervertebral discs:
    • scoliosis;
    • arthritis and arthrosis of the joints;
    • subacute and chronic diseases and consequences of injuries musculoskeletal system(bruises, damage to ligaments, muscles, limb fractures during and after immobilization, contractures);
    • sports injury;
    • posture defects.
  15. Neurological disorders and diseases
    • initial manifestations of insufficiency cerebral circulation and their consequences:
    • moderate atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels:
    • vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
    • Parkinson's disease;
    • cerebral palsy;
    • neuritis:
    • neuralgia;
    • plexite:
    • radiculitis:
    • sciatica;
    • Bekhterev's disease;
    • solarite:
    • polyneuritis:
    • headache:
    • migraine.
  16. Diseases of cardio-vascular system
    • angina pectoris I-II FC;
    • post-infarction cardiosclerosis;
    • hypertonic disease I-II stages;
    • hypotension;
    • myocardial dystrophy;
    • neurocirculatory dystonia of all types.
  17. Respiratory diseases
    • chronic obstructive bronchitis;
    • tracheobronchitis:
    • bronchial asthma beyond exacerbation;
    • consequences of pneumonia;
    • pneumosclerosis;
    • residual effects of ARVI.
  18. Digestive diseases
    • chronic gastritis:
    • biliary dyskinesia of the hyperkinetic type:
    • chronic colitis without exacerbation;
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in remission;
    • obesity;
    • gout;
    • chronic constipation.
  19. Diseases of the genitourinary system
    • ischuria (urinary retention);
    • enuresis;
    • impotence;
    • frigidity;
    • pyelonephritis in remission;
    • adnexitis;
    • prostatitis.
  20. Skin diseases
    • neurodermatitis;
    • hives;
    • chronic furunculosis;
    • dermatoses;
    • herpes;
    • trophic ulcers.
  21. Dental diseases and diseases localized in the facial area
    • periodontal disease;
    • spasms of facial and chewing muscles;
    • arthrosis of the temporomandibular joints;
    • neuralgia of the facial nerve.
  22. Cosmetic defects
    • deep functional folds of skin;
    • wrinkles;
    • atony of the deep facial muscles;
    • double chin;
    • cellulite;
    • premature withering and aging of the skin;
    • scarring.

In addition, the use of vacuum therapy is indicated in the first half of pregnancy, during postoperative management wounds, including purulent ones, with lactation mastitis, adhesive disease, violation menstrual cycle, chronic fatigue, decreased mental and physical performance, hypovitaminosis, in menopause; V sports medicine- in preparation for competitions and during the recovery period.


  • acute inflammatory and fungal diseases skin;
  • spicy infectious diseases and febrile conditions:
  • acute period of injuries with hematoma;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage and with the threat of bleeding;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • acute adnexitis and colpitis;
  • severe vascular sclerosis with a tendency to thrombosis and bleeding;
  • mental illnesses and neuroses with affective states and seizures;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: acute inflammatory processes in the myocardium, pericardium, endocardium, heart defects in the stage of decompensation, myocardial infarction in acute period, frequent attacks angina at rest, acute cardiovascular failure, stage III hypertension;
  • varicose veins of II-III degree;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • reconstructive operations on blood vessels;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • severe exhaustion of the body;
  • increased bleeding,
  • hemophilia.

How many years have passed since the seminar on shock-dynamic massage (UDM), and we never cease to be grateful to fate for UDM.

This technique is used regularly in our practice.

If you need to work on particularly tight areas of the body, in which tension sits especially deeply, and which cannot be addressed by any other techniques, then UDM does this quickly and effectively.

But naturally, the combination of such radical technology with other massage techniques, body practices, nutritional adjustments and psychological work.
We are for a holistic approach to health.

This is how our learning process went :)

We took a simply fantastic course from Georgy Nikolaevich Maksimov - a course called “Dynamic Impact Massage”.
There is a lot of knowledge, as well as impressions and sensations! :)

The technique is as follows - spanking parts of the body with the palm of the hand with a special position of the palm and different impact forces, as well as the active use of cupping effects, both dynamic and static.
By the way, the technique is quite radical, with a masculine character :)

At the beginning of the seminar, I was one girl among the brave fellows.
We even captured this moment :)

But then another charming lady appeared :)

I first learned about this technique from Lesha, he talked about it during massage training and used it in integrative work with me.

I was very impressed then by the psychological effect that the percussion technique causes (I will write a separate post about the psychological effect).
And no less impressive was the story about the author of this method.

Maksimov G.N. was a tank officer, served in the army and during another exercise he received a serious spinal injury, incompatible with a full life.
Maksimov was immobilized and was predicted to use a wheelchair forever.
But the desire to recover, to walk again, was so great that everything began to line up in the desired way, a lot of information came to him about different recovery techniques and healers.
One of these healers was a Uighur, and she restored it with the help of spanking, as if “punching” the injured area. And subsequently Georgy Nikolaevich began to spank himself using this method. And put himself on his feet!

Gradually he began to put other people on their feet - primarily from among his former military colleagues, as well as from among the colleagues of his son, a paratrooper officer...
In general, Georgy Nikolaevich is a man who has gone through the circles of hell and survived. And now he has great motivation, desire and energy to develop in this direction, to seek and help others.
Indeed, when you see Georgy Nikolaevich, you already know and feel that they will definitely help you, boundless trust arises.

So, the main characters in Maksimov’s method are the spine and the capillary blood supply of the body.

A lot of information has already been written about capillary blood supply and the role of a bruise; you can see Lesha’s article.

But a little more about the spine: they extend from the spinal cord spinal nerves, which connect internal organs, joints, muscles with the central nervous system.
This is the innervation of the body, i.e. Each segment of the spinal cord innervates (“entwines”) a specific area of ​​the body.
For example, segments of the cervical spinal cord innervate the neck and arms, vertebrae thoracic– chest and abdomen, lumbar and sacral vertebrae – legs, perineum and pelvic organs. Pinched spinal nerves do not allow spinal cord maintain dynamic interaction with organs and tissues, organs begin to function worse and become ill.

If you unblock the pinched nerves and restore capillary blood supply using shock and vacuum therapy, the organs will begin to recover.
As Maksimov said, the impact causes vibration, which “breaks through” the capillaries, returning normal blood supply to all tissues, and also restores space for fluid flow between the 12 layers of skin.

The first thing I noticed was how G.N. very carefully first examines the client’s body, visually assesses the tension, and then palpates.
Indeed, if you just take a close look at the posture of a person in which he is comfortable lying or sitting, you can see a lot of muscle tension.
Another interesting point with skin folds. For example, there may be horizontal folds on the back of the neck - it is assumed that in cervical spine insufficient blood supply.
Next, the neck is treated with vacuum cups, which, by the way, is more comfortable in a sitting position.

Before the cotton technique begins, the area is heated using cans.
It happens that the capillaries are so ossified that the pattern appears even after a cupping massage.
In such cases, it doesn’t even come to the point of spanking. In addition to the fact that this is a powerful release of toxins into the blood, it is also a very noticeable procedure, often painful.

After careful work on the back, the pelvic area is also worked on.
Problems are collected here genitourinary system. And in the spine, the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae are responsible for this.
As Georgy Nikolaevich said, if you work on vertebrae 1 and 2, the sacral area, as well as the hips, then they return reproductive functions both in women and men.
All the women who approached him with this problem became pregnant successfully. Although before this they had been treated for many years.

Working on the sternum – the immune zone.
This zone contains the thymus, which produces T lymphocytes.
They ensure recognition and destruction of foreign cells.

Static placement of cups on this immunity zone.

Work with internal organs, visceral massage and static cupping.

It was very interesting to work with Lesha, who was so inspired by the percussion technique at the hands of G.N. that he even asked for more and would have asked for more if Georgy Nikolaevich himself had not stopped the session :)
The “additive”, of course, was influenced by the fact that Lyosha used during the session the technique of self-regulation through breathing, and the technique of spontaneous yoga, i.e. worked with body movement.
This affected his stability. Because in all the previous sessions, everyone went under volitional tension, endured and clamped down, and therefore did not withstand as many blows.

Following the example of my teacher, I also worked with breathing while working, and indeed, by transferring attention to breathing, “pushing forward”, “raising” the pain - the process is much easier (a kind of “breathing anesthesia” :)))
By the way, we can say that working with breathing and body proceeds as during rebirthing.

Working with a can on Lesha's back.

And then the famous Maksimovsky “beating”! :)

After everyone experienced shock-dynamic massage, we moved on to setting up our strikes.
It turned out to be not an easy matter. The palm should be relaxed, like a whip.
G.N. began to hit, and we tried to copy the blow and get into his rhythm, remember this movement.
Ooooh, what joy I felt when I couldn’t distinguish Maksimov’s hands from Lesha’s hand.
They are equal, which means the technique has been mastered!

Then it was my turn to study!
Wow, when you get into the rhythm, you feel right in your gut that you are hitting correctly.

The method is impressive!
Very effective, quick way recovery! BUT it requires a lot of will and desire, and for some it is not just a way of recovery, but a struggle for life.
But our time, with its speed, sometimes requires just such a radical approach!

Masha and I got to this seminar on the recommendation of Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov, from whom we learned visceral massage.
Ogulov spoke very warmly about Maximov (they are friends and colleagues), talked about his dramatic (and, undoubtedly, heroic) life story, and even showed us Maximov’s technique. But at the same time he said that despite its external simplicity, there are a lot of hidden moments and nuances in it, therefore, they say, you need to undergo training from the author of the method.
And we passed.
And they didn’t regret it!
The technique is really powerful.

How this technique works on the physical plane is generally described in Masha’s post.
And in short, due to the fact that our body is essentially a fluid system (“a container with many different liquids” :)), the vibration effect triggers many physiological processes.
In particular, clogged, non-functioning capillaries are “uncorked”.

The other side of this technique is the powerful reflex response of the skin to intense exposure.
Skin in response to right shot responds with a powerful increase in the immune response in this area, and this immune response heals those organs that are associated with this area of ​​the skin.
By the way, it is not entirely correct to call a blow in this technique with this word – “blow”.
The word “strike” inherently implies a penetrating action.
The blow is intended to break something, destroy something, crush something.
Let us remember the adjectives that are used with the word “blow” - “crushing blow”, “deadly blow”, etc.
In Maksimov’s technique, of course, there is no destruction or crushing.
Moreover, the main task of mastering this technique is to PREVENT THE PENETRATING INFLUENCE of this “impact”.
Those. There should be no “shock wave” going inside the body.

The task here is not to hit, but rather to imitate the action of a whip - which, as we remember from fiction spoken of as “scorching.”
In Maksimov’s technique, it is precisely the principle of the whip that is present, and not the principle of a penetrating blow.
It’s just that outwardly it looks exactly like a blow, that’s why the name is “shock-dynamic”...
Besides, “whiplash-dynamic” sounds really clumsy :)

When we began to learn the technique itself, Maksimov was very sensitive to this very thing: so that there was a “whip” and not a blow.

The “whip” sends vibration through the body, not a shock wave.

Looking ahead, I note that after several years of practicing this massage, I began to teach it to my students, i.e. like Ogulov, to conduct such preliminary training in order to show people the power and beauty of this technique. So I, too, immediately saw when a student had a blow, and when the “whip” was correct. Usually, at first a person always gets a “blow”, i.e. so penetrating, rough, with a hard, clamped wrist, and you have to try a lot to explain to a person his clamps, release these clamps and teach him exactly the “whip”.

Well, returning to that memorable seminar...

For me, going to this seminar was a big deal. internal work, because I have never particularly favored radical pain techniques - neither in relation to myself, nor in working with clients.
And therefore, knowing how painful it was, I walked in some internal tension.

My main interest was to try to use all my psychological tools with such a radical painful effect.
By and large, only with such exposure can you get an adequate idea of ​​how well you have mastered self-regulation techniques and internal work techniques.

It is not so difficult to survive the painful impact through just an internal clamp.
Well, he clenched, gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, closed his eyes, lay there for these 10-15 minutes, which is the actual radical part of the Maksimov massage (and sometimes he works with the percussion technique for 5-7 minutes, if a person really can’t stand it).

But such compression does nothing good for the psyche, for the nervous system.
And so we have enough tension in our nervous system, why increase it even here...
This tension affects itself very slowly, but in essence it is the main cause of all diseases.

And so I wanted to try to work on not shrinking internally, but on the contrary, using all available self-regulation techniques (breathing, movement, voice, visualization, prayer, etc.) pass through oneself this energy of pain and expand consciousness...

And so - I tried it.

And it just so happened that it was possible to film it on video, and then I also analyzed the process, looking from the outside and noticing those details that were not visible during the process.

I was very pleased that all the self-regulation techniques that I had developed over the years of research turned out to work very well!
At some point, when the first shock from the abundance of bright pain passed, I really caught some special flow - powerful, bright, elastic, energizing...
I felt all the radicalness of the sensations, but at the same time it was as if I was flowing in this powerful stream.

The state was very interesting: both deep catharsis and delight...
Delight from the Power that I felt in my body, from the flow of energy that passed through the body.
Delight, drive, excitement, as if some powerful element had picked me up and carried me...

The flow of time had completely changed, and I did not at all catch the moment that, by the standard standards of the first session of intense shock-dynamic massage, the process had been going on for too, too long.
Maksimov asked me for the third time how I was doing, but I just growled and asked to continue :)

Apparently, he felt that this unusual patient, who was breathing strangely, moving strangely, making strange sounds, really required an exclusive approach and continued to work, although everyone around him had simply become quiet. Everyone seemed to be waiting for how it would all end, whether this guy would get up from the table later :))

The fact is that when I used the intense breathing of holotropic rhythms, my hands, just as happens in the holotropic process or in rebirthing, became cold and came out of alignment. cold sweat, fingers cramped.
For me and for Masha, who watched all this, it was completely normal, completely in the order of things. Normal working time.
In rebirthing, I see this in my clients in almost every session...

My unusual movements, which I made completely consciously (more precisely, I consciously allowed my body to move spontaneously), for the uninitiated person seemed like some kind of spontaneous convulsions, twitching, trembling, like “the dude is sausage” :)))

The work with the voice, which I also carried out quite consciously, for a person who is not in the know, also seems to be a manifestation of some kind of deep weakness and loss of control over oneself...
The people fell silent, and only they touched my hands on both sides, they were surprised, wow... how cold, and how my fingers were cramped...

In general, until Maksimov himself decided to finish, the process continued :)
And only when he himself said, enough is enough, we finished.

I was so deeply immersed in my powerful inner flow that I did not immediately return to this reality. I let my body lie there for a while longer to come to its senses.
Maksimov asked Masha to bring me water, Masha brought me hot water, I drank it and we continued the seminar...

And then, after the seminar, in the evening of that day, I continued my deep meditative work, experiencing states that are still with me in my memory...
I remember walking down the street home and feeling that my field had expanded in a way I had never experienced before in the city!
The size of my field was larger than what happened in the mountains, where after two or three weeks of hiking it became truly huge...
And here right in the city there is such a powerful expansion...
I walked through the city and felt the stars in the sky, stars that were not visible due to the dense November clouds...

And then it continued at home...
This was also a combination of deep catharsis (up to the approaching sobs) and a high flow of prayer, when tears also shone in the eyes, but these were already tears of grace... The subtlest joy... At times it seemed that everything earthly was about to be left behind... and... complete

Truly an unforgettable day, an unforgettable experience!

To summarize, I can say that when the right approach, this technique has the most powerful cathartic potential - the potential for cleansing the soul.

I use it in psychotherapeutic sessions quite rarely, and only with clients who are already in the subject.
I have never used this technique right away, in the first session.
But whenever the client is ready for this work, and we spend 10-15 minutes of such influence, the effect is always powerful...

It clears all kinds of “nonsense” out of your head just perfectly! :)))
The emotional plane is cleared and renewed better than in a month of partying at some resort like Goa...
Energy increases by an order of magnitude! A person feels a surge of strength that he has not felt for a long time.
Well, for physiology, purely for the body, the benefits are considerable.

But, of course, to obtain such an effect, a person needs to be LEADED psychologically.
Of course, such knowledge is not given at a standard Maksimov seminar on shock-dynamic massage, since Maksimov is not a psychologist and has never done this.
He really is a warrior. His approach to life is that of a warrior. If we need to resolve some issue, we go for the assault and take it in battle :)
There is practically no psychology here. Only will.

What’s most interesting to me is the combination of Maksimov’s own technique with my developments in self-regulation and body-oriented psychotherapy.

When Maximov’s shock-dynamic massage is combined with these techniques (breathing, movement, voice, prayer, visualization, and even the “return of the soul” technique and many others), a powerful HOLISTIC technique is obtained.
Holistic, and therefore truly HEALING, when both soul and body receive a powerful incentive to open up and heal.

Finally, some more photos from that seminar... the way, Masha in these photos is so “green” :)
Just like a girl after school :)
Still a timid, unsure novice masseuse :)

Looking at Masha now, you will never believe that this confident, skillful, calm, strict universal body specialist, a certified physician, was such a timid babysitter just four years ago :)

Well, I “tortured” Maksimov as best I could :)
Constantly asked and clarified, asked and clarified :)

Unforgettable moments of actually learning the technique, when the Master himself gave us a hand...

Masha and I were sooooo comfortable: since we trained on each other, we immediately gave each other the most accurate feedback.
As a result, we captured the technique one hundred percent.

By the way, after the seminar we sat down and wrote down all the points that we captured there and compared our notes.
In general, the two of us had a very effective training.

Now each of us remembered those moments that Maksimov spoke, placing the hand of each of us.
And it was easy for us to remind each other of all these nuances, because not just the mind, but the body itself of each of us remembered how the partner’s hand should feel.

My body remembered well what Masha’s correct blow was, and the machine’s body remembered what my correct blow looked like.
And then it really helped us, because indeed, in this seemingly simple technique, there are a lot of subtle nuances! Without which this technique can even be dangerous...
In general, in terms of consolidating the skill, this was just a very, very big success for us!

At the end of the seminar we receive a certificate, which later, after the entire course of study, turned into a full-fledged diploma.

The patented name of this method is “Method of reflex-irritating layer-by-layer correction of tissues and blood vessels using dynamic impact and vacuum therapy.”

This technique is widely used in the center visceral therapy"Forerunner" and personally A.T. Ogulov.

Impact-dynamic massage is a method of treating patients with acute and chronic diseases of internal organs, circulatory organs, nervous system and musculoskeletal system. The massage includes diagnostics - identifying pain areas and adhesive areas on the body through deep pressing with the hands.

Treatment is carried out through deep warming up And vibration impact on tissues, blood vessels, ligaments and muscles. Impact-dynamic massage activates blood circulation, lymph flow, the movement of all fluid in the body, muscle spasm is relieved, and innervation is restored.

Blows (pats) + vacuum- loosening of coarse, dense conglomerates of tissue formations with the rupture of their macro and micromolecular bonds, which occurs due to local metabolic microexplosions - the instant release of many mediators and hormones (histamine, serotonin, prostaglandins, bradykinin, kinins, etc.), the synthesis of nitric oxide. Phagocytosis is activated. The interaction of cells of the inflammatory infiltrate (macrophage - lymphocyte) triggers immune system body protection. There is a normalization of impaired hemodynamics, activation of tissue cellular elements - fibroblasts, macrophages - the main participants in the regenerative-reparative reaction in the area of ​​damage.


Acute and chronic diseases:

    Musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, joints, pain, tissue, etc.

    Gastrointestinal tract.

    Circulatory organs.

    Pulmonary diseases.

    Nervous system.


    Infertility, impotence.

Impact-dynamic massage promotes:

    Normalization of nervous system functions.

    Improving blood flow and lymph flow.

    Activation of local metabolism.

    Removing acid metabolites and other substances from the body, causing the appearance pain.

    Reducing spasm of local blood vessels and smooth muscles.

    Eliminate symptoms of peripheral nerve compression.

    Normalization of high blood pressure.

    Decrease pH arterial blood.

    Activation of tissue oxygenation.

    Restoration and increase in physical and mental performance.

    Elimination of pain syndrome in radiculitis, myositis, osteochondrosis, etc.

    Strengthening the urinary function of the kidneys and the excretion of various salts in the urine.

    Analgesic effect due to the release of endogenous opiates and serotonin.

    The occurrence of extravasation (biologically active substances, which stimulate the adaptation-trophic function).

    Restoring the functioning of internal organs: Chronical bronchitis, bronchial asthma, gastritis, colitis, constipation, acute respiratory infections, influenza, etc.

Seminar program

Section 1. Theoretical part:

    Fundamentals of the shock-dynamic method.

    The spine and factors influencing its condition.

    Diseases and their elimination through the cause of the disease.

    Data alternative treatment serious illnesses without medications or surgeries.

Section 2. Practical part:

    Shock-dynamic massage.

    Vacuum massage.

Section 3. Independent practical classes.


"From March 4 to March 6, 2013, at our center, a seminar was held on the author’s method of shock-dynamic massage. The author, Georgy Nikolaevich Maksimov, was invited. This type of massage has been known to us for a long time, based on reviews from patients who were treated by him and from videos on the Internet. But in order to delve deeply into the methodology, into its essence, which only the author can give, a well-known author in Russia and abroad was invited. For many hours, he conducted theoretical and practical training, challenged everyone, and monitored the results. We were pleased with his sincerity and simplicity. Now the quality of treatment will certainly improve. We have received new weapons in the fight against diseases. We thank Georgy Nikolaevich for his visit and look forward to seeing him again to check the results and improve his skills in this massage!" (Educational and health center "Live without pain" (Krasnoyarsk).

Theoretical background

Most diseases begin with repeated local vascular and metabolic disorders caused by extreme and repeated stimuli of stress-sensitive intercellular receptors. Stress factors contribute to this:

  • Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure;

    Geomagnetic field fluctuations;

  • Fatigue;

    Psycho-emotional stress.

Long-term muscle spasm causes ischemia (lack of arterial blood flow) to tissue areas. The resulting acidosis (acidification) in the tissues and the accumulation of products of intercellular metabolism causes irritation pain receptors with the formation of pain syndrome. The resulting tissue hypoxia causes the development of interstitial edema, which is the cause of myofascial pain syndrome. In addition, biologically active substances (BAS) accumulate in tissues, in particular kinins, significantly increase the pain syndrome. In addition, when accumulating over a long period of time, biologically active substances (BAS) can cause an inflammatory process in a particular area of ​​skeletal tissue. Tissues with impaired blood circulation become sources of cytokinins. Congestive ischemic disease of soft tissues includes most diseases of the musculoskeletal system associated with hemo-lymphodynamic disorders that lead to dystrophic changes in the spine, upper joints and lower limbs. In the clinic, such diseases are considered muscle diseases. pain syndromes, compression-ischemic neuropathies of the sciatic, tibial and peroneal nerves, tunnel syndrome tarsal region, Morton's metatarsalgia, stenosolia, obliterating endarteritis, arthrosis, post-traumatic changes in joints, etc.

Treatment protocol

  • Procedure.

Impact-dynamic massage begins with diagnostics through light stroking, patting the surface of the body skin and pressing with hands - this way the presence of painful areas and adhesive areas is determined.

Next, a massage is performed on selected areas using a slap blow, soft rubber and glass jars until hematous redness appears on the affected area: the strength of the massage and the frequency of spankings are adjusted depending on the individual pain threshold of the patient.

  • Recovery.

The recovery of an organ with functional disorders is judged by the disappearance of hematous redness during further exposure. As a rule, recovery occurs after 3-5 massage sessions.

  • Peculiarities.

Impact-dynamic massage is a very effective, but somewhat painful procedure. The massage is accompanied by the appearance of hematous redness on the skin, which completely disappears after 3-5 days.

  • Contraindications.

Compliant general contraindications for massage: varicose veins, pregnancy, heart attack, cancer, epilepsy, acute inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.

Copied from the site ""

The author of the shock-dynamic massage technique is Georgy Nikolaevich Maksimov. Healer, eniologist, master traditional medicine Institute of Manualology. Visceral therapist, member of the presidium professional association visceral therapists, teacher training centers associations.

Date of birth: 08/07/1954. Higher military education, secondary medical education, reserve officer. Lives and practices in Samara. Conducts sessions and seminars throughout Russia, in Europe and Asia. His plan of events is planned for several years in advance.

The technique consists of a combination of the following approaches:

  • Vibration effect (slamming);
  • Vacuum exposure (working with vacuum jars);
  • Visceral chiropractic;
  • Hirudotherapy (placement of leeches);
  • Apitherapy (exposure to bee stings);
  • Herbal medicine.

Today this technique has become widespread and is successfully used by many doctors and healers in Russia and abroad. Georgy Nikolaevich constantly introduces innovations into it, and the improvement of the methodology continues to this day.

Application of the UDM technique

The technique allows you to achieve excellent results in the treatment of arthritis, chondrosis, cardiovascular, severe chronic neuralgic diseases, extensive sclerosis, skin diseases, problems in genitourinary area, and even post-stroke conditions.

The technique is briefly described in this television report:


  • In 2005, by decision of the examination committee Russian Academy Sciences was awarded the medal of I.I. Mechnikov "For his contribution to strengthening the health of the nation."
  • In 2009, by the decision of a scientific society within the European Scientific Society and the Presidium of the European Academy natural sciences awarded the Robert Koch medal “For the effect produced in the field of medicine” and received the title “Naturopath of Europe”.
  • In 2015, the Open International University of Complementary Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, awarded G. N. Maximov the honorary title of Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine ( traditional medicine) (Ph.D.).


During military service, during exercises in mountainous regions, G. N. Maksimov received a serious back injury, which was incompatible with a full life. Series major operations, long-term treatment in hospitals across the country, unfortunately, did not bring any improvement in the condition. He lost much of the mobility of his limbs. I had to learn to crawl again, overcoming the pain. The doctors sincerely tried to help him, seeing his desire for life, but their tools and methodology did not allow him to cope with such a serious injury. As he himself recalls, he stood nearby disabled carriage. If he had given up then, he would have remained disabled for the rest of his days. This was a powerful motivating factor to continue the fight for full life and continue to search for a suitable way to regain mobility.

His wish was to start walking again. Fate gave him such a chance! He actively sought information about different methods, used by healers of the past. The Uighur healer Aisha, who lives near Isyk-Kul, restored it with the help of a special slam with her palm, “piercing” the entire back. Then he himself began to exhaust himself in a similar way. This ancient method brought a huge effect and helped Maximov get back on his feet.

But this is not even what prompted Georgy Nikolaevich to engage in such practice. Life forced me, namely the situation with my own son, who was wounded in hot spots. I had to drop everything and start restoring the health of my son and his colleagues. The accumulated experience has allowed us to achieve mastery, improve technique and increase the efficiency of procedures.

He who seeks is given!

Many years of practice and search for the most effective approaches led to the creation of the author’s UDM methodology. It includes the most effective ways to restore health. The surname Maksimov became his life credo.

Work with the spine, with the vegetative nervous system, with projection zones of organs, allows you to radically improve the patient’s condition and restore health.

Maksimov G.N. took an active part in the preparation of the Russian national team skiing for two Winter Olympics. Restorative procedures have made it possible to increase the performance of athletes and achieve high results. In addition, Georgy Nikolaevich leads the Samara hockey club “Lada”.

Most of G. N. Maksimov’s patients are disabled people and those who have undergone various medical procedures, but did not experience any relief from their suffering. For many, this is the last hope!

He passes on his experience to his students, including me, your humble servant.

I wish Georgy Nikolaevich for long years life and success in his good work!

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