What does visceral abdominal massage give? How to do visceral abdominal massage correctly: all the benefits of self-massage. When the result appears

Disruption of the functioning of internal organs can be associated with injuries, excess weight, various pathologies of the skeletal structure and age-related changes in the body. If the process is accompanied by impaired blood circulation, the risk of tissue ischemia increases. You can improve your condition and get rid of diseases with the help of visceral massage.

The modern version of visceral practice was created by Alexander Ogulov. He worked as a football coach for a long time and was familiar with the unconventional Old Slavic massage system. Therapeutic effect Alexander experienced chiropractic care during his illness, after which he began to study techniques and techniques, as well as the relationship between organs and parts of the body. Based on the knowledge gained, he created his own method - Ogulov’s visceral therapy, the effectiveness of which has received official medical evidence.

According to Ogulov, visceral chiropractic can cope with any disease, because triggers metabolic and regeneration processes, freeing the body from lymph stagnation. Today Ogulov not only practices massage, but also gives lectures, writes books and medical articles, and has received awards for his contribution to the development of traditional medicine. He organized the educational and health center “Predtecha” in Moscow.

One of his main books is “The ABC of Visceral Therapy.” It summarizes the knowledge of Old Russian medicine, systematizes data on manual therapy and contains methods for non-instrumental diagnosis of the disease. “The ABC of Visceral Therapy” has a large section on the relationship of internal organs, therapy and methods of Eastern European topical diagnostics. The work is intended not only for doctors, coaches and athletes, but also for ordinary people who are interested in a new approach to the prevention and treatment of diseases.

The benefits of visceral massage practice

What is visceral massage - it is working through the abdominal wall of internal organs. Usually the impact is on:

  • stomach;
  • liver;
  • intestines;
  • kidneys;
  • pancreas.

The disrupted blood supply process leads to a decrease in blood flow in a certain area, which causes tissue ischemia. If oxygen deficiency is prolonged, then disruption of its functioning begins. This is accompanied by pain, spasms, food intolerance, allergies, frequent disorder digestion, blood diseases, etc. Visceral therapy is aimed at restoring nutrition to cells and tissues.

The correct position of the internal organs is determined by the good condition of the ligaments, and with pathology of the skeleton and its structure, a change in the ligamentous apparatus and displacement of organs occurs. Spasms accompanying displacement impair movement biological fluids in the affected area, and the weakening of nerve fibers disrupts the connection between organs and the central nervous system. This leads to stagnation of lymph, accumulation of metabolic products and deterioration of microflora. The increasing load disrupts the functioning of nearby organs. Visceral massage sessions of internal organs lead to relaxation of muscles and ligaments, relieving tension from the fascia. All this helps restore the natural position of organs, improve metabolic processes and eliminate functional disorders.

Indications and contraindications

Sessions can only be carried out by a specialist in visceral massage after consultation with the attending physician. During the consultation it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity and small pelvis.

Regular sessions of Alexander Ogulov’s manual technique help with:

  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • constipation and hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the pancreas and gall bladder, kidney stones and gall bladder;
  • diseases of the female reproductive organs;
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • skin diseases;
  • chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • prostatitis and impotence;
  • intracranial hypertension syndrome, Parkinson's disease.

In patients diabetes mellitus After the procedures, blood sugar levels normalize, itching decreases, weakness disappears, and headaches disappear.

Massage according to Ogulov is indicated for obesity and bulimia, impaired metabolism, prolapse of internal organs, allergies, radiculitis and osteochondrosis, speech defects. In sports, the practice is used to increase physical endurance and sensitivity of the musculoskeletal system to high loads.

Procedures can also be prescribed for boys if there is pathology and the testicles have not descended into the scrotum.

Contraindications for sessions include:

  • oncology and benign formations;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypotension and hypertension;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by elevated body temperature;
  • diseases of the spinal cord and brain;
  • acute diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • internal bleeding;
  • gangrene and trophic ulcers.

Visceral chiropractic care is prohibited while under narcotic or alcohol intoxication, with food intoxication, general weakness and fainting condition.

Preparing for the session

A session of Ogulov's visceral massage is possible only 2-3 hours after eating. Intestines and bladder must be empty. The book “The ABC of Visceral Therapy” describes in detail the preparation for a massage course, which begins with mandatory research. At the first stage, a patient is interviewed to establish an anamnesis of the disease and life, as well as to determine the condition of the main organs. During external examination and palpation, an initial diagnosis is made.

Then the patient is sent to study the projection zones on the back and abdomen. Additionally, diagnostics can be carried out on the face, hands, tongue, feet and legs. At the second stage, the preliminary diagnosis is clarified by reflex zones on the body. During a palpation examination, the connection between organs and the skin-muscle layer is studied. Based on the results of the examination, a massage course, duration and intensity of the session are prescribed and adjusted.

Massage technique

Visceral chiropractic uses pressure, tapping, sliding and classical massage techniques. The book “The ABC of Visceral Therapy” discusses the technique of pressure in the treatment of internal organs, which is carried out:

  • the base of the palm with the weight of the second hand;
  • pads or fingertips;
  • phalanges of bent fingers;
  • fist;
  • with one finger.

The shape and force of pressure depends on the area of ​​treatment, the degree of pathology, the age and susceptibility of the patient to the procedures.

The abdomen is always massaged in a strict sequence corresponding to the pattern of functional disorders. First, the area of ​​the gallbladder is pressed, then the liver and pancreas, the ascending branch of the large intestine. After this, pressure is applied to the descending branch and small intestine, reproductive organs, stomach and spleen.

Visceral therapy differs in that after a few minutes of massage in the abdomen, strong rumbling. It is caused by the fact that there is an opening bile ducts and relief from spasms. Each area is treated for no more than 3 minutes, otherwise ischemia may develop. The movements are performed alternately, and weak pressure alternates with strong. During the session, the massage master must constantly monitor the pressure, since excessive pressure can cause complications of the underlying disease.

The first sessions are always carried out in a gentle mode, and the intensity increases from procedure to procedure. If pain, nausea, or dizziness occur, the session is stopped.


Visceral therapy refers to a complex type of massage procedures and requires an understanding of physiology and anatomical processes. Special courses are organized at the Okulov training center and its branches where you can gain knowledge in chiropractic, manual therapy and visceral massage. Without this, conducting full sessions is dangerous to health.

Self-massage at home can be performed according to a simplified scheme of the first circle of interaction of internal organs. And when carrying out, adhere to the following rules:

  • relieve pressure on the massaged area if acute pain occurs;
  • the duration of one press should not exceed 3 minutes;
  • Pressing should be soft, but not weak, sudden movements during massaging are unacceptable.

The sequence of visceral self-massage is also determined by the rules:

  • First, the reflex point of the gallbladder is worked on. It is located at a distance of 1/3 from the navel to the lower part of the sternum.
  • Then they pass the entire line to the left ribs, where the projection of the pancreas is located. It is pushed vertically.
  • From the right hypochondrium the liver area is affected. Start working from a point located 2 fingers below the corner of the costal arch.
  • A symmetrical point in the left hypochondrium is responsible for the functioning of the spleen.
  • The area of ​​the ileocecal valve lies at a distance of 1/3 from the angle of the right bone to the navel. Moving in a spiral, press each point to the right ribs and down the stomach. The pressure occurs at an angle of 30°.
  • Then they pass around the circle at a distance of 5-6 cm from the navel, and the angle of pressure is changed to 60°.
  • Finish the session with gentle pressure on the navel.

It is advisable to perform self-massage before going to bed from a position lying with your knees bent. To improve the result, you can enter the Reiki or Alive state.

To prevent diseases, visceral self-massage is performed once every 2-3 weeks. Sessions can be performed during overeating or after food poisoning.

In addition to traditional massage, there is also a facial massage and foot massage. Facial massage is aimed at reducing the appearance of age-related changes, improvement of facial contour and skin condition. Sessions are held in salons and medical centers, as an understanding of facial anatomy and skin conditions is required. Foot massage is generally restorative, relaxing and therapeutic. It allows you to influence all organs and systems of the body through reflex points, improve overall well-being, relieve fatigue, and strengthen the immune system.

Visceral massage practice refers to alternative medicine and affects internal organs by massaging them through the abdominal wall. During the treatment, spasms, congestion, and blocks are relieved and the connection between the tissues of the organs and the central nervous system improves. The benefit of massage is that tissues are actively saturated with oxygen, which allows the functions of the affected organ to be restored. Like any practice, visceral massage has its own indications and contraindications, which must be familiarized with before the session. Prescribing a course is possible only after consultation and diagnosis with a doctor. During the procedure, both classical massage techniques and specific ones are used: pressure, movement, etc. The intensity and duration of each dose is selected depending on the indications, susceptibility, tissue condition and age of the patient.

There are many types of massage. However, for a long time there was no universal option among them.

A unique technique appeared relatively recently thanks to Alexander Ogulov.

His method is aimed not only at eliminating internal diseases, but also at improving appearance patient.

Alexander Ogulov is a professor and doctor in the field of traditional medicine. Thanks to his activities, he became the pioneer and direct founder of a new direction of its kind. It was he who developed the postulates of visceral therapy.

Ogulov was the first in medicine to propose a method of abdominal massage, which is done to normalize the activity of internal organs. For the first time, Alexander Ogulov began developing this vector of traditional medicine about 30 years ago, in 1985.

Today, the doctor has demonstrated the operation of his own system so effectively that he has gained fair popularity not only at home, but also abroad. He has many followers, and the number of Ogulov’s own students has long exceeded the 5,000 mark.

Nowadays, the professor also acts as president of the Professional Association of Visceral Therapists, and is the general director and ideological inspirer of the work of the Predtecha Educational and Health Center.

Other regalia of Ogulov include membership in the international Academy of Natural Sciences, which is located in Germany. At home, the doctor became an active member of the presidium dedicated to healers of Russia who came from the people.

No less significant is the list of Ogulov’s merits. Alexander not only wrote several original books, but was also awarded various orders and medals dedicated to his contribution to the development of domestic folk medicine. Moreover, professor and author unique technique was honored to receive the Order of the Red Cross.

Massage technique of Alexander Ogulov

The visceral massage technique is unique. Its peculiarity is that it does not belong to the category of borrowed manual technologies. There is nothing Western in it either oriental practices. This massage is based on the principle of ancient Russian healing.

Today it has become known for sure that the Slavs eliminated many types of pain precisely through effects on the stomach. That is why Ogulov’s technique is often called Old Slavonic massage.

Experts also call the naturopathic technique visceral chiropractic. This name reflects the meaning of the technique as fully as possible:

  • chiropractor affects the stomach;
  • affects internal organs;
  • through them it affects the entire body, including the brain, blood vessels and joints.

It is this logical sequence that is fundamentally different from other known and frequently used practices in this field of medicine. They, as a rule, can eliminate pain in the joints or muscles, have an effect on nerve fibers, relieve discomfort in the limbs or back.

Ogulov himself explains this effectiveness of the method by the unique blood supply system, the interaction of nerve endings, the endocrine system and internal organs, which are located in the abdominal area.

The chiropractor refers to this part of the body as the second brain. There is some truth to this statement. The stomach always responds sensitively to everything that happens to the brain. Anger, fear, and anxiety are instantly reflected in its functioning.

All these postulates became the basis for the author of the technique to develop his own unique technique. Through treatment of the abdomen, he proposes to achieve the elimination of all other diseases. Thus, Ogulov proves that an illness in one part of the body responds with discomfort in another area of ​​the body.

For example, the doctor claims that diseases in the gallbladder can be expressed unpleasant sensations in the temporal part of the head. Also, getting rid of the gallbladder from the disease can eliminate epileptic seizures.

In addition, this internal organ can become a kind of litmus test, reflecting the condition of the joints. For example, a crunch in the knee area can directly indicate problems with the abdomen. This is because bile can sometimes stagnate. As a result, the mobility of all joints is sharply limited.

That is why, according to practitioner Ogulov, his technology of Old Slavonic abdominal massage easily cures a variety of diseases that, at first glance, are not related at all. These are diseases and problems in the area:

  • reproductive system;
  • kidney;
  • gallbladder;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • migraine;
  • arthritis;
  • surges in blood pressure.

The professor strives through his own methodology to achieve relief from cancer for patients. However, he directly notes that massage will not be a panacea for cancer. It can only significantly reduce the patient’s pain and somewhat prolong his life.

Ogulov himself teaches cancer patients some massage techniques, the effect of which is stronger than even the most powerful medications.

The doctor explains the need for visceral massage simply. He is sure that internal organs can shift over the years.

Infections, diseases, poor ecology, powerful loads lead to their compression. This is why lethargy, spasms, and pain occur. As a result, blood supply to this area slows down.

Abdominal massage according to Ogulov is still needed in order for the internal organs to return to their original, correct position.

This allows not only to normalize natural process blood supply, but also to restore the tone and natural location of the organs. This will be the key to optimal interconnection between all parts of the body, including the brain.

Abdominal massage technique

The massage session itself cannot be started without preliminary diagnosis. A competent chiropractor can even determine most ailments and disorders from the patient’s face.

Introductory training video from Alexander Ogulov about the technique of performing abdominal massage.

For example, by looking at the temples, a doctor can find out about the condition of the gallbladder. The forehead is a reflection of the functioning of the intestines. You can learn about the kidneys by the area around the eyes. Swelling, pimples, enlarged pores and others cosmetic defects also indicate a malfunction in the functioning of certain internal organs.

The next step is manual diagnostics. Its essence lies in the ability to determine the state of internal organs by touch. This is an important step because, according to the chiropractor, initial stage As the disease progresses, the person does not experience pain or even the slightest discomfort.

The effect on the body begins in the area under the pit of the stomach. This is where the so-called onion is located duodenum. Then the chiropractor, with a precisely calculated level of influence, presses on this place. This is done during exhalation.

This allows you to eliminate spasms of the gallbladder. Also, when relaxing the muscles, the doctor is able to stretch himself gallbladder, pancreatic and liver ducts. The manual practitioner manages to rotate the intestines, as a result of which each internal organ takes its natural position.

The technique of abdominal massage according to Ogulov after kneading the gallbladder in the exact sequence involves influencing:

  • liver;
  • stomach;
  • genitals;
  • spleen

In this case, the chiropractor presses on the walls of the abdomen as delicately, carefully and with little force as possible. Only fingers are used during the session. Sometimes an experienced and highly qualified specialist can gently and accurately manipulate the fist. The strength of the effect may increase slightly if the patient does not experience any discomfort.

If a person feels pain at a certain point, then the chiropractor lingers this place and massages it until the discomfort disappears.

However, the force of impact does not increase. In any case, the ultimate goal is to eliminate pain and normalize the functioning of organs.

Due to the close relationship of all internal organs, reflex impulses are transmitted to them one by one.

This is why the massage session itself turns out to be very sensitive. Moreover, the patient may often experience discomfort and pain during the procedure.

An excellent effect from Old Slavonic massage can be obtained if during the session a special needle applicator is placed under the back. This nuance will be the key to the most productive effect on the spine.

One session lasts approximately 60 minutes. If the chiropractor is a true professional, relief will come after completion. The entire course consists of 10-20 sessions.

Indications and contraindications

Since visceral abdominal massage is able to cope with various diseases, Ogulov recommends it to get rid of:

  • endocrine diseases, since the method helps improve well-being in diabetics;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver, including cholecystitis, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis;
  • female and male diseases affecting the genital organs, including prostatitis, prolapsed and inverted uterus, cysts, cycle disruptions;
  • unpinched;
  • skin diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the gastrointestinal tract: colitis, constipation, gastritis, enteritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers outside the period of exacerbation, hemorrhoids.
Also, this type of unique massage technique can effectively influence the elimination of cardiovascular diseases, migraines, ailments in the area urinary tract and kidneys. Old Slavonic abdominal massage can cope with kidney prolapse, cystitis, pyelonephritis, incontinence and urolithiasis.

Ogulov’s technique also solves problems in the field of breathing. Massage can relieve bronchitis and even asthma. It is also in demand by many patients as an effective approach to eliminating such cosmetic problems as acne and a familiar large part of women orange peel. Such massage also gives excellent results as a prevention of various diseases.

However, there are also contraindications to abdominal massage using the Ogulov technique. This is first of all:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tuberculosis in open forms;
  • bleeding and any injuries;
  • acute infectious diseases occurring with an increase in body temperature;
  • mental illness;
  • some degrees of oncology.

Direct recommendations for performing visceral abdominal massage boil down to the fact that after the first course you need to take a break. The human body must adapt, but not get used to pressure.

Otherwise, the effectiveness of the procedure is minimized. It is recommended that each patient undergo an abdominal ultrasound before starting the course of procedures.

To maximize the effectiveness of abdominal massage, the patient is recommended to do a simple exercise after the session.

In a sitting position, you need to tense the muscles in the abdominal area, alternately, as if pulling them from side to side. To normalize blood circulation, Ogulov recommends combining abdominal massage with hirudotherapy.


However, it is worth remembering that only a professional chiropractor can really help in getting rid of diseases through visceral massage. There is no point in putting your health at risk and doing experiments at home.

IN modern medicine there is a huge number various methods highly effective treatments. One of these is visceral abdominal massage according to Ogulov. It was developed quite a long time ago and belongs to alternative medicine. For many centuries, this massage has been actively used to combat various diseases and prevent them, and today only a few traditional healers practice it. Let's try to understand all the features of this technique and find out how relevant it is today.

general information

Previously, no medicines existed, so people were forced to use any possible ways. Various techniques of physical and mechanical impact on the body.

Abdominal massage by A. T. Ogulov’s method is based on manual pressure on the abdominal area in order to detect damage or displacement of internal organs. This technique is still used by some today. narrow specialists in the process of examining patients and making a diagnosis. Strong physical impact sometimes helps to return the organ to the correct position, improve blood circulation and peristalsis. But to achieve positive effect This is only possible if the massage is performed by an experienced specialist. Otherwise, irreparable harm may be caused to your health. In addition, you should not resort to using the technique without first consulting a doctor, since it is not allowed for use in all cases.

Indications for use

Let's look at them in more detail. Like any other treatment, abdominal massage according to Ogulov, reviews of which will be given at the end of the article, is prescribed in certain cases.

These include the following:

  • various problems gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • pathologies of internal organs of the pelvic area.

In addition to all of the above, this type of massage is widely used in cosmetology. It helps a lot in getting rid of acne, allows you to reset overweight, and is also very effective for various skin diseases.

Abdominal massage according to Ogulov or Old Russian, as it is also called, is used for frequent and severe headaches, pathologies of the heart muscle and blood vessels, hernia, provided that there is no strangulation. In some cases, the technique is used for metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases. In this case, massage is good because it can be performed even on people who have problems with excess weight, when other types of therapy are simply useless.

This technique is also effective in combating lung pathologies and respiratory tract when they are accompanied by disruption of normal blood circulation. By influencing a certain area with his hands, the specialist achieves a positive effect and speeds up the patient’s recovery process if he is on medication.

In what cases is the technique prohibited?

It is worth familiarizing yourself with this issue first. Before going for an Ogulov abdominal massage, it is recommended to first consult with a doctor, since the procedure has a number of contraindications.

Massage is prohibited for people with the following problems:

  • tuberculosis occurring in acute form;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever;
  • malignant tumors;
  • syphilis;
  • soft tissue necrosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • vein blockage

Visceral abdominal massage according to Ogulov is also not recommended after receiving any injuries. of various nature, since in this case there is a great threat of development internal bleeding. Also, the technique is prohibited during pregnancy.

Preparation for the procedure

What is she like? Compared to others therapeutic methods treatment, Old Slavonic abdominal massage using the Ogulov method requires greater preparation of the patient for its implementation. This is necessary in order to minimize the likelihood of developing possible complications.

The specialist first checks with the person the maximum pain threshold which he is able to withstand. It is mandatory to undergo an ultrasound, which allows you to identify problems with internal organs, as well as their location. Such information greatly simplifies the task of a massage therapist. Immediately before the procedure, the patient must go to the toilet and cleanse the intestines.


The Ogulov method (healing by abdominal massage) is based on the impact on the abdominal area. Depending on which internal organs there are problems with, the specialist selects the level of force with which he applies pressure. The procedure is carried out from top to bottom, and the movements are very light and smooth. Massage allows you to treat diseases of almost all internal organs and intestines, as well as eliminate problems associated with the functioning of many systems. A short break is taken between each appointment so that the patient can take a breath and recover from severe pain.

A prerequisite during the procedure is a relaxed stomach. If the muscles are tense, the specialist will not be able to have the proper effect on the organs, so no positive effect will be achieved.

Treatment of diseases of the stomach and pancreas

What's special? Abdominal massage according to Ogulov is widely used for the treatment of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system generally. As mentioned above, the procedure begins from the upper abdomen, after which the specialist gradually moves down to the navel. In this case, either two fingers or all of them can be used. It all depends on which internal organs need to be palpated. The strongest pressure is applied at the moment of complete muscle relaxation. To improve the wave-like contractions of the intestines and stomach, the patient’s hands are fixed on the chest, after which the procedure begins.

Eliminating intestinal problems

Abdominal massage using the Ogulov method is one of best methods therapy of many pathologies associated with the work of the small and large intestine. After the stomach, the specialist proceeds to palpation of the lower part of the abdominal cavity, in which the intestines are located. During the procedure, he places his fingers under the bone from the back and slowly moves his fingers along the intestines. In this way, the entire area of ​​the sigmoid region is pressed through. Next, the doctor returns to the stomach and pancreas.

Therapy of the genitourinary system

What makes it special? Palpation of the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems is carried out in the area located slightly below the navel. Movements similar to those described above are used, however, if the procedure is accompanied by severe pain, then you should immediately notify the doctor about this. In this case, he will perform manipulations with less force.

Working with the kidneys

Training in visceral abdominal massage according to Ogulov should be carried out in specialized centers. This technique is highly effective in combating various kidney diseases. Manipulations are performed very carefully so as not to touch or harm other internal organs located nearby. The pressure is applied with great force, but very slowly and smoothly. As a rule, the procedure is accompanied by severe pain, which in some cases can become simply unbearable. So that the patient can tolerate the massage normally, it is carried out in several approaches, each of which lasts about 4 minutes. If no effect is achieved, a repeat session is scheduled.

After the kidneys, the liver and intestines are worked on. In this case, the specialist applies pressure not with his fingers, but with the palm of one hand. At the end of the procedure, the doctor gently strokes the abdominal area or performs vibration movements to relieve tension and relax the muscles. As a rule, at the first session the doctor is able to identify the problems present in the patient, and already at the second session the treatment itself begins.

Therapy using the Ogulov method at home

In many large cities you can find advertising signs of the following nature: “Heal yourself with a belly massage. Ogulov’s method is a magical effect.” And so on. However, the cost of such services is very high and not everyone can afford it, so many people are thinking about using this technique themselves at home. In principle, this is possible, but it is not recommended to do such a massage yourself, since due to the lack of knowledge and experience, the consequences can be very different. Therefore, it would be best to contact a qualified specialist.

If you still decide to do everything yourself, then you need to take into account the fact that it will not be possible to massage the entire abdominal area without outside help. Even a doctor who is fluent in this type of manual therapy will not be able to do this, since it is not immediately possible to select the depth and intensity of the effect.

In some cases there may be exceptions, but due healing effect will not be achieved. Self-massage can be performed using a ball, on which you need to lie with your peritoneum. The procedure will be very painful, so prepare for this in advance.

Features of the technique

Let's look at this in more detail. Many people are interested in how visceral abdominal massage according to Ogulov, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, differs from other manual therapy techniques. The main and most important difference is that traditional massage can only temporarily eliminate symptoms, while Old Russian massage eliminates the problem itself. It improves blood circulation to internal organs, so they receive more nutrients and begin to work better.

However, this technique can only be used to treat adults. This is due to severe pain, which children simply cannot withstand. Not even all representatives of the older generation succeed in this. Sometimes a child may be prescribed such a massage, but it is performed with much less intensity. But, as practice shows, doctors do this in very rare cases, preferring to use less radical and more modern methods treatment.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, abdominal massage according to Ogulov is performed using a special needle mat, which is placed under the patient’s back. Thus, a kind of acupuncture is obtained that helps improve blood circulation. Sometimes specialists resort to using some additional techniques.

The full course of therapy consists of at least ten sessions. Only in this case can at least some effect from the Old Russian massage be achieved. A maximum of 20 procedures are allowed. The duration of the first massage is one hour, gradually its duration increases little by little. But here it all depends on how a person reacts to pain.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other method of therapy, visceral abdominal massage using the Ogulov method has its pros and cons. Among strengths greater efficiency can be identified. As shown medical statistics, many patients experience significant improvements in their health after completing the full course. This is especially true for the fight against excess weight. This technique helps much better than exhausting diets combined with taking special drugs that promote weight loss.

The main disadvantage, as you might guess, is severe pain. Therefore, if you are thinking about undergoing treatment with a massage therapist, be sure to consider your pain threshold. In addition, the disadvantages include the fact that it is quite difficult to find truly good specialists. Nowadays, not many people practice abdominal massage according to Ogulov, so there is a high probability of stumbling upon a novice specialist who does not have the proper level of competence. As a result, many people do not get the expected results and all their suffering is in vain.

The benefits of “internal” massage

So, how does it manifest itself? Abdominal massage using the Ogulov method allows you to achieve excellent results in the fight against various pathologies and diseases, if it is performed in compliance with all the rules. After the first session, most people experience a noticeable change in well-being for the better. They improve blood flow to internal organs and normalize metabolic processes and metabolism accelerates, which is especially good for those who are obese. This technique also stimulates the removal of toxins from the body, helping to cleanse it. The massage process has a strong effect on the muscles, thereby increasing their tone. At the same time, many problems associated with the spinal column disappear.

For representatives of the fair half of humanity this procedure It can be simply irreplaceable if you have been unable to get pregnant for a long period. And after childbirth, this massage helps you get in shape and recover faster, as well as prevent organ prolapse. However, it is very important not to overdo it here, since excessive exposure to them can have not only a positive, but also a negative effect.

What do doctors and patients say about the technique?

So, as you understand from this article, for many pathologies one of the most effective methods of therapy is abdominal massage according to Ogulov. Reviews about this technique are in most cases positive, both among specialists in this field and among people who have decided to undergo the procedure.

“Internal” massage is not only time-tested. A huge amount of research has been devoted to it, showing that physical impact on organs actually achieves positive results. To increase the effectiveness of manual therapy, professionals advise combining it with drug treatment.

Clients of massage parlors practicing the Ogulov method claim that after completing the full course, their overall health improves, and existing ailments either completely disappear or take on a less pronounced form. Apathy and depression disappear, sleep normalizes. Some people say their body becomes as light as a feather. Moreover, if you follow all the recommendations of specialists and pre-prepare your body for the procedure, the pain will not be so strong and you can easily withstand it.

However, you must understand that any treatment, including manual treatment, does not bring quick results. To get rid of any health problem, at least 10 sessions are required. Therefore, if you have already decided on this type of massage, then immediately prepare yourself for it.

People have always cared about their health. In past centuries, treatment of many diseases with medications was not available, so it was necessary to turn to folk medicine. One of the popular methods of treating a certain number of pathologies is visceral massage. This technique is still used today, but to a much lesser extent than it was before.

The development of pharmacology has led to the emergence large quantity drugs that replaced traditional methods therapy of diseases. Folk remedies have been replaced by synthetic medicines, which most people suffering from ailments take without thinking about the possible negative side effects. side effects. The use of massage has faded into the background. However, in some cases, doctors, in order to avoid prescribing potent and dangerous drugs, prescribe a course of massage.

Visceral massage is an effect on the abdominal cavity through manual manipulation. The specialist palpates the peritoneum, examining the cavity for damage or inconsistencies, so the visceral massage technique is sometimes used as a diagnostic measure.

This method of manual therapy is the most commonly used among other types. Thanks to rough influence, it is possible to return the organ to the correct position, improve peristalsis, normalize blood circulation, etc.

Important! To perform such a massage, you must select a qualified specialist. The technique of influencing organs is complex; mistakes should not be made during execution, as there is a risk of damaging internal organs. Therefore, it is recommended to contact only professionals.

In addition, you should discuss this method of treatment with your doctor, because massage has contraindications for some diseases.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of manual therapy are:

  • Pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature.
  • Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract.
  • Problems with endocrine system, in particular, diabetes mellitus.

The technique is also used in for cosmetic purposes. For example, it is used for acne or cellulite. This method of therapy is recommended if a person suffers from skin diseases. Massage is prescribed for frequent migraines, diseases of the heart muscle, blood vessels, and hernias, if they are not strangulated.

In certain cases, massage is allowed for obese people if the ailment is associated with metabolic disorders or endocrine problems.

The technique will be useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases. First of all, this applies to those pathologies that are characterized by insufficient blood flow and sputum discharge.

Such manipulations help get rid of ailments genitourinary system, regardless of a person’s gender. The procedure will be equally effective for prostatitis in men and, for example, for a bent uterus in women.


Among the main contraindications are:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Acute tuberculosis.
  • Any process of an infectious nature with elevated temperature bodies.
  • Presence of syphilis.
  • Developing gangrene.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Thrombosis.

Women during pregnancy should avoid the procedure, although it is believed that early pregnancy is not a strict prohibition, but stress on the abdomen will not benefit either the mother or the unborn child.

This type of treatment should not be used for a heart attack or stroke. Severe degrees of pathologies of internal organs can be considered a contraindication.

As you can see, there are not many contraindications, but they should definitely be taken into account. If there are individual characteristics of the body, you must immediately tell the doctor about them in order to avoid possible difficulties during the session.

Preparation for the procedure

This type of therapeutic intervention will require slightly more preparation than some other manual therapy methods.

The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. Strong manipulation will not only aggravate the digestion process, but can also damage the intestines or stomach. In addition, you should have a bowel movement or use a cleansing enema.

These simple preparatory measures will avoid difficulties during the procedure and significantly reduce the risk of complications.

The specialist checks with the client in advance about pain tolerance, frequency of bowel movements, possible diseases genitourinary organ systems.

A mandatory step before performing a massage is to undergo the procedure ultrasound examination. This helps identify the presence of abnormalities and allows the doctor to examine in detail the location of organs in the abdominal cavity, as there are cases of unusual locations that make therapy difficult.


The main principle of visceral massage is the effect on the abdominal cavity. The degree of impact depends on which organ will be massaged and what result is expected after the procedure.

  • First of all, the massage begins from the upper part of the peritoneum. The movements are performed shallow, but light. The specialist works on organs such as the stomach, liver, pancreas, and spleen. By carefully moving through the abdominal cavity, the rest of the organs are affected. The emphasis is on the organs of the genitourinary system and intestines. The abdominal aorta is necessarily exposed.
  • The manual performs all massage movements with the fingertips or palm.
  • First of all, the center of the upper abdomen is palpated, gradually the movements become deeper, but smoother. After any deep pressure, the client needs a rest of up to 5 seconds.

Massage is carried out only when the stomach is relaxed. If the abdominal muscles are tense, it will not be possible to influence the organs; the procedure will be useless for health.

The technique for all abdominal organs is the same, but there are some differences. First of all, this applies to movements that can be circular or rectilinear; the pressure force and direction of movements differ. This must be taken into account before contacting a manual therapy specialist.

Technique for pathologies of the stomach and pancreas

From the initial position of the fingers there is a gradual movement towards the navel area. To massage the pancreas, only two thumbs are used. The location of the pancreas is approximately two fingers above the umbilical area. At the moment of greatest relaxation of the client, deep pressure is applied. After which you can head to the stomach. To improve peristalsis and blood circulation, the hands should be fixed on the abdominal cavity.

It is important to remember that the effect on the peritoneum should be carried out 2-3 hours after eating. During the massage, the client's rumbling intensifies, but this is normal. natural reaction body.

Impact on the intestines

From the stomach, movements should move smoothly to the intestinal area. The massage begins from the iliac region, going under the bone with your fingers, while the specialist moves his fingers along the large intestine. The area of ​​the sigmoid area is gradually pressed through. Then you will need to return to working on the area of ​​the stomach and pancreas. To treat the area small intestine, it is enough to make slow, shallow movements around the navel in a clockwise direction.

It is important that both hands are involved, only then will it be possible to fully carry out the massage.

To work on the organs of the genitourinary system, the area below the navel, closer to the pubic bone, is affected. The movements do not change, but if severe pain occurs in the hip area, it is recommended to immediately tell the manual so that the specialist can use certain manipulations to reduce the pain in this area.

Working with the kidneys

The kidneys are located on either side of the navel. It is necessary to make movements carefully so as not to disrupt the functioning of the organs. The impact is on the area near the kidneys, and all pressure should be intense but slow. Often the pain during a kidney massage becomes unbearable, so the specialist will leave this area for a while and return to the stomach or other organs, then continue to massage the kidney area in a circle. In this case, several approaches of 3-5 minutes will be required, otherwise there will be no benefit from the massage, and it will be difficult for the person to agree to the procedure again.

After a repeated round of pressure on the liver and intestines, additional movements are required. In this case, all manipulations are performed with the palm, and the second hand will be used as a weight.

The massage ends with standard vibrations or stroking to relax the abdominal cavity. The first session is mainly an orientation session. The specialist probes the abdominal cavity, notes deviations and features so that no problems arise during the procedure. The massage therapist needs to detect areas of spasm and points that cause pain in advance.

Self massage

When performing visceral abdominal massage on your own, you should remember that it will not be possible to fully massage the entire abdominal cavity. Even if a person is a manual specialist, it is problematic to manipulate the abdominal cavity with one’s own hands, since the movements must have a certain strength and depth. In addition, outside influence will have a significant effect than a procedure performed independently.

In rare cases, exceptions are made, but such a massage cannot be called therapeutic; rather, it will be used to maintain the effect of professional therapy.

You can use the ball for self-massage. To perform this technique, you need to put the ball on the floor and lie on it with your peritoneum. The procedure is very painful, but in terms of the degree of pain it is not much different from the work of a massage therapist.

Features of the event

Many people are interested in how this type of manual therapy differs from classical massage, for example. The main difference between visceral massage and other types is that classic method helps get rid of superficial problems. Its main task is to increase blood circulation. If we consider the visceral form of influence, then it works in a more deep layers body, therefore it is considered more effective.

Visceral massage is a painful procedure, so not everyone can endure it. Sometimes this method is prescribed to children, but the session is carried out with less effort, but maintaining the depth of impact.

It is more difficult for children to endure severe pain, so doctors try to avoid this method of therapy if possible.

It is important to take into account that only a massage therapist with extensive experience can use a fist in the technique. Otherwise, such pressure can cause serious damage.

Chiropractic specialist Ogulov, who opened the Predtecha manual center, recommends increasing the effectiveness of the massage by placing a special needle mat under the back or using leeches to improve blood circulation in the body. Ogulov's visceral massage involves the use of various additional techniques.

To achieve the desired effect from visceral massage, at least 10 sessions will be required. Maximum amount sessions - no more than 20. The first session lasts about an hour. After the first course of therapy, you should allow your body to recover for some time. In this case, the speed of adaptation to the procedures plays a role. If you do not allow recovery and weaning, the effectiveness of the procedures is reduced several times.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of ogul massage is, first of all, considered to be its high effectiveness after a course of therapy. This technique is suitable for many, with the exception of people suffering from pathologies that are included in the list of contraindications. Visceral abdominal massage promotes weight loss, which is in a great way for many people.

Among the disadvantages is the painfulness of the procedure. That’s why “internal” massage was given such a name. It is thanks to the deep impact on organs through external tissues that it is possible to achieve positive results. It is recommended to take into account your pain threshold when choosing this type of procedure, since pain intolerance can become a serious obstacle to the session.

A disadvantage can be considered a small amount of specialists who can properly perform this type of massage. Only if a person does a massage according to all the rules, results can be achieved. Otherwise, it is better to refuse the services of a master, otherwise you can get a lot of unpleasant consequences.

Benefits of the procedure

Thanks to proper massage, the client feels noticeable relief after the first session. First of all, blood circulation improves and metabolism accelerates, which is indispensable for people with increased body weight. This method allows you to remove toxins and waste from the body, get rid of problems with the spine, functional disorders, swelling. After the session, the abdominal cavity becomes soft and constipation goes away. Improves general state person.

For many women, this procedure helped cure infertility and gave them a chance at motherhood. After childbirth, massage allows you to quickly get into shape and avoid organ prolapse.

It is important not to overdo it, as excessive pressure on the organs can cause serious complications that are difficult to get rid of.

Opinions of experts and clients

Ogulov’s visceral massage is popular among specialists, as it positive influence on the body has been proven in a number of studies. Professionals recommend getting better effect combine a course of manual therapy with taking medications or multivitamins. Complex treatment diseases is considered more effective than using one of the therapeutic methods. Therefore, before starting such therapy, you should discuss with your doctor additional measures to achieve a high effect from the procedure.

Most clients who have tried this therapy method note noticeable improvements in their overall well-being. The quality of sleep improves and your mood improves. Some people say that after the session they feel lightness throughout their body. Some people are embarrassed by the pain during massage movements, but if you mentally prepare yourself in a timely manner for the fact that the procedure is painful, then the sensation of pain becomes less noticeable.

It is important to remember that the procedure is effective only if all the prescribed rules were taken into account during its implementation. The specialist must take into account individual characteristics client, about which the person being massaged is obliged to inform the massage therapist in advance. Movements causing severe pain, it is better to stop for a while, and if pain reappears, stop the session, since damage to one of the organs may have occurred. A full examination may be required.

You should not count on quick results from one massage. Although it greatly relieves most symptoms, massage cannot cure the body completely. It is not possible to get rid of the cause of the development of the pathological process through one course. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful when choosing a treatment method and preventing ailments.

You should not neglect your health. If you suspect pathological process in the body, it is recommended to seek help from doctors. As a form of prevention, it is necessary to examine the body at least once a year, since timely detection of the disease will help to begin treatment as early as possible, which means the risk of complications will be reduced.

Massage is a manual effect on tissue, visceral is no exception, only the action is aimed at the internal organs through the abdominal cavity. This not only helps to remove painful sensations in the stomach, but also improve the functioning of the body, and even increase the possibility of conception.

How did visceral massage appear?

Pharmaceutical drugs to treat various diseases have not always existed. Previously, herbal preparations, infusions and others were most often used folk remedies to alleviate the patient's condition. Massaging the anterior abdominal wall was also carried out with the participation of natural preparations. Avicenna, who lived in Persia in the Middle Ages, was one of the best doctors of that time and is considered the first traditional healer. It was he who believed that treatment requires an impact on all systems, and not on any specific organ.

Avicenna treated his patients using manual practices, including visceral ones. But not only Persian doctors knew how to perform this technique; since ancient times, such procedures have been popular and used in China and India, as well as other countries. In Russia it was called “Old Slavonic abdominal massage.”

When the pharmaceutical industry began to actively develop, visceral chiropractic gradually faded into the background and began to be forgotten. Treatment with drugs often complicated and worsened the patient’s condition, because while having a beneficial effect on one organ, tablets often negatively affect the condition of another.

It was at this time, somewhere at the end of the 20th century, that doctors again turned their attention to the almost forgotten technique of massaging internal organs. After conducting a number of studies, it was proven that the effect of such exposure not only exists, but is quite strong. In Russia, the basis for performing such a massage is considered to be the Ogulov technique, which is taught at the school of the same name.

What is the essence of visceral massage?

By massaging the abdominal area, a specialist helps restore not only performance various areas body, and also improves:

  • blood supply;
  • tissue condition;
  • sensitivity of nerve endings;
  • access of nutrients to all areas.

All this helps a person restore nutrition to internal organs, their functionality, improve posture, and relieve pain. of various etiologies and even influence the brain, improving its performance.

Massaging the front wall of the abdomen helps if for some reason something inside changes its location in the abdominal cavity. If one of them is displaced, then this affects the position of other parts, which leads to various diseases, as a result the whole human body suffers.


Massaging helps each organ take its place and normalizes the general condition of the patient.

During examination, the specialist identifies violations and changes in the location of certain ligaments. For this, a special method is used that helps to accurately determine the patient’s condition. All organs are connected by a certain system of ligaments; if it is disturbed, discomfort, pain and even disease appear. The specialist helps to return all connections to their place, due to which a large flow of energy appears, the person feels better, everything falls into place, illnesses recede.

Popular types of visceral massage

There are several types of external correction of the location of internal ligaments. The most popular is the classic one, for which the specialist uses several correct movements, including tapping, gentle pressure and imitation of movement.

This type of massage will help the patient improve blood microcirculation in the organs of the abdominal cavity, and the space between them. Thanks to such simple movements, metabolic processes are improved, and some functional disorders go away.


Classic visceral chiropractic does not always lead to positive results.

The duration of visceral massage is about 1 hour, often in clinics it is supplemented with cupping or honey techniques. The right combination various techniques leads to unique health benefits. But adjusting the location will be a fundamental procedure for the doctor, and the emphasis will be on this area of ​​influence.

Doctor Ogulov himself uses abdominal massage only in combination with other therapeutic techniques.

Another popular technique of this massage is psychovisceral. In addition to the main method, the complex includes work with the patient’s psyche using a manual method. The doctor’s work is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to delve into the patient’s problems and understand him mental condition, take into account bioenergy flows.

The doctor needs to work so thoroughly on the abdominal area in order to draw out from there the deepest hidden sensations that are not amenable even when using verbal techniques. In this regard, the time of such a procedure increases significantly and is at least four hours. As a result, a deep study of all zones of the abdominal region is achieved, and the rhythm of execution will also be different.

As a result of the manipulations carried out by the specialist:

  • the patient's mental state improves, his nervous system resting;
  • additional energy is supplied for self-healing;
  • Each new session becomes more effective and fruitful.

When performing massage, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to the umbilical area. This area is closely connected with all internal organs; it is a conductor of human energy.

Visceral massage technique

When massaging the anterior wall of the abdomen there should be no lobar sensations; each person has his own pain threshold, and therefore the doctor must take everything into account important factors performing the technique. In addition, you should take into account the presence of contraindications to this type of massage and the general condition of the body. In most cases, the attending physician prescribes ten procedures, but for minor deviations or for preventive purposes, one treatment may be sufficient.


If more than two sessions are scheduled, then each time the pressure will be stronger than on the previous visit.

At the first visit, the doctor will identify:

  • sore spots;
  • the presence of spasms;
  • bias.

Manipulations begin in a certain sequence:

  • gallbladder area;
  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • colon.

The most important thing is the need to push through the internal organs, but in the first session, as a rule, this time lasts no more than three minutes. At subsequent visits, at the discretion of the specialist, this time may be increased.


If rumbling appears in the abdomen during massage, then there are first results - the spasms go away and the bile ducts open.

If the required pressure is not maintained during the procedure, the patient may experience various unpleasant symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, and various pains. A good specialist will never allow this to happen and will comply important rules visceral massage.

If a specialist has enough experience, then by performing manipulations with the abdomen he can diagnose some diseases, palpating the organs inside a person through the outer wall, the doctor feels their changes and pathologies with his hands.

How to perform visceral massage yourself?

Massaging itself is designed to affect a specific area. Before self-massage, you should pay attention to troubling diseases; it is important to take into account the presence of some diseases for which this type of treatment is contraindicated.

At home, you can do only an easy version of this procedure yourself, for this:

  • it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the abdomen, it should be soft, there should be no bloating, no lumps;
  • to begin with, you should apply light pressure with your fingers over the entire area; they should be shallow;
  • after palpation, you need to massage the entire area a little and then lightly press on it;
  • you can use your fingertips and palms for the procedure;
  • At the end of all manipulations, you should go through the center of the abdomen with “deep” fingers.

If pain or nausea occurs, you should stop performing the technique, if necessary, postpone it to another day or reduce the pressure.

Who is contraindicated for visceral massage?

Before proceeding with the visceral technique, you should thoroughly study human anatomy. It is necessary to know in which area this or that organ is located. When contacting a specialist, you should make sure of his professionalism.

Massage will be dangerous if you have the following diseases:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • internal bleeding;
  • tuberculosis;
  • exacerbation of pathology;
  • elevated temperature, including during infectious diseases;
  • blood clots, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • mental disorders.


Visceral effects help improve the condition of a woman’s internal genital organs and increase the possibility of conception, but during pregnancy such chiropractic care is contraindicated.

Before visiting a visceral therapist, you need to make sure there are no contraindications, and it is best to undergo a full medical examination. It is prohibited to perform the technique while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and you should also warn the doctor about taking prescribed medications.

Massage should be done only after consultation with a doctor, after an examination of the body and in the absence of chronic diseases.

It is possible to massage the abdomen on your own, but when doing this, the objectivity of the pressing force and the overall sensations are lost. As a result, the time of pressing and the nature of the movements will be assessed differently. Doctors' recommendations for independently performing visceral techniques boil down to clockwise stroking.

It is best if you take a short course in self-massage. In addition, you should not load your stomach on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. It is best if you eat an hour before the intended procedure.

This massage is very useful for women after childbirth. It should be remembered that before this you need to consult a gynecologist, as well as a therapist. After bearing a child, women in labor have their internal organs displaced, which means that in order to restore the body more quickly, the help of a specialist will be needed.

Techniques are used by various specialists for recovery important functions. Visceral technique is no exception; such a procedure will help cope with various diseases, improve general condition, increase performance and brain activity.