Visceral self-massage according to the method of Ogulov and t. Ogulov - visceral massage: the essence of the method. The benefits of “internal” massage

There are many types of massage. However, the universal option among them for a long time did not have.

A unique technique appeared relatively recently thanks to Alexander Ogulov.

His method is aimed not only at eliminating internal diseases, but also at improving appearance patient.

Alexander Ogulov is a professor and doctor in the field traditional medicine. Thanks to his activities, he became the pioneer and direct founder of a new direction of its kind. It was he who developed the postulates of visceral therapy.

Ogulov was the first in medicine to propose a method of abdominal massage, which is done to normalize activity internal organs. For the first time, Alexander Ogulov began developing this vector of traditional medicine about 30 years ago, in 1985.

Today, the doctor has demonstrated the operation of his own system so effectively that he has gained fair popularity not only at home, but also abroad. He has many followers, and the number of Ogulov’s own students has long exceeded the 5,000 mark.

Nowadays, the professor also acts as president of the Professional Association of Visceral Therapists, and is the general director and ideological inspirer of the work of the Predtecha Educational and Health Center.

Other regalia of Ogulov include membership in the international Academy of Natural Sciences, which is located in Germany. At home, the doctor became an active member of the presidium dedicated to healers of Russia who came from the people.

No less significant is the list of Ogulov’s merits. Alexander not only wrote several original books, but was also awarded various orders and medals dedicated to his contribution to the development of domestic folk medicine. Moreover, professor and author unique technique was honored to receive the Order of the Red Cross.

Massage technique of Alexander Ogulov

The visceral massage technique is unique. Its peculiarity is that it does not belong to the category of borrowed manual technologies. There is nothing Western in it either oriental practices. This massage is based on the principle of ancient Russian healing.

Today it has become known for sure that the Slavs eliminated many types of pain precisely through effects on the stomach. That is why Ogulov’s technique is often called Old Slavonic massage.

Experts also call the naturopathic technique visceral chiropractic. This name reflects the meaning of the technique as fully as possible:

  • chiropractor affects the stomach;
  • affects internal organs;
  • through them it affects the entire body, including the brain, blood vessels and joints.

It is this logical sequence that is fundamentally different from other known and frequently used practices in this field of medicine. They, as a rule, can eliminate pain in joints or muscles, influence nerve fibers, and relieve discomfort in the limbs or back.

Ogulov himself explains this effectiveness of the method by the unique blood supply system, the interaction of nerve endings, endocrine system and internal organs, which are located in the abdominal area.

The chiropractor refers to this part of the body as the second brain. There is some truth to this statement. The stomach always responds sensitively to everything that happens to the brain. Anger, fear, and anxiety are instantly reflected in its functioning.

All these postulates became the basis for the author of the technique to develop his own unique technique. Through treatment of the abdomen, he proposes to achieve the elimination of all other diseases. Thus, Ogulov proves that an illness in one part of the body responds with discomfort in another area of ​​the body.

For example, the doctor claims that diseases in the gallbladder can be expressed unpleasant sensations in the temporal part of the head. Also, getting rid of the gallbladder from the disease can eliminate epileptic seizures.

In addition, this internal organ can become a kind of litmus test, reflecting the condition of the joints. For example, a crunch in the knee area can directly indicate problems with the abdomen. This is because bile can sometimes stagnate. As a result, the mobility of all joints is sharply limited.

That is why, according to practitioner Ogulov, his technology of Old Slavonic abdominal massage easily cures a variety of diseases that, at first glance, are not related at all. These are diseases and problems in the area:

  • reproductive system;
  • kidney;
  • gallbladder;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • migraine;
  • arthritis;
  • surges in blood pressure.

The professor strives through his own methodology to achieve relief from cancer for patients. However, he directly notes that massage will not be a panacea for cancer. It can only significantly reduce the patient’s pain and somewhat prolong his life.

Ogulov himself teaches cancer patients some massage techniques, the effect of which is stronger than even the most powerful medications.

The doctor explains the need for visceral massage simply. He is sure that internal organs can shift over the years.

Infections, diseases, poor ecology, powerful loads lead to their compression. This is why lethargy, spasms, and pain occur. As a result, blood supply to this area slows down.

Abdominal massage according to Ogulov is still needed so that the internal organs return to their original state, correct position.

This allows not only to normalize natural process blood supply, but also to restore the tone and natural location of the organs. This will be the key to optimal interconnection between all parts of the body, including the brain.

Abdominal massage technique

The massage session itself cannot be started without preliminary diagnosis. A competent chiropractor can even determine most ailments and disorders from the patient’s face.

Introductory training video from Alexander Ogulov about the technique of performing abdominal massage.

For example, by looking at the temples, a doctor can find out about the condition of the gallbladder. The forehead is a reflection of the functioning of the intestines. You can learn about the kidneys by the area around the eyes. Swelling, pimples, enlarged pores and other cosmetic defects also indicate a malfunction of certain internal organs.

The next step is manual diagnostics. Its essence lies in the ability to determine the state of internal organs by touch. This is an important step because, according to the chiropractor, initial stage As the disease progresses, the person does not experience pain or even the slightest discomfort.

The effect on the body begins in the area under the pit of the stomach. This is where the so-called onion is located duodenum. Then the chiropractor, with a precisely calculated level of influence, presses on this place. This is done during exhalation.

This allows you to eliminate spasms of the gallbladder. Also, by relaxing the muscles, the doctor is able to stretch the gallbladder itself, the ducts of the pancreas and liver. The manual practitioner manages to rotate the intestines, as a result of which each internal organ takes its natural position.

The technique of abdominal massage according to Ogulov after kneading the gallbladder in the exact sequence involves influencing:

  • liver;
  • stomach;
  • genitals;
  • spleen

At the same time, the chiropractor will most delicately, carefully and without great strength presses on the abdominal walls. Only fingers are used during the session. Sometimes an experienced and highly qualified specialist can gently and accurately manipulate the fist. The strength of the effect may increase slightly if the patient does not experience any discomfort.

If a person feels pain at a certain point, then the chiropractor lingers this place and massages it until the discomfort disappears.

However, the force of impact does not increase. In any case, the ultimate goal is to eliminate pain and normalize the functioning of organs.

Due to the close relationship of all internal organs, reflex impulses are transmitted to them one by one.

This is why the massage session itself turns out to be very sensitive. Moreover, the patient may often experience discomfort and pain during the procedure.

An excellent effect from Old Slavonic massage can be obtained if during the session a special needle applicator is placed under the back. This nuance will be the key to the most productive effect on the spine.

One session lasts approximately 60 minutes. If the chiropractor is a true professional, relief will come after completion. The entire course consists of 10-20 sessions.

Indications and contraindications

Since visceral abdominal massage can cope with various diseases, Ogulov recommends it to get rid of:

  • endocrine diseases, since the method helps improve well-being in diabetics;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver, including cholecystitis, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis;
  • female and male diseases affecting the genital organs, including prostatitis, prolapsed and inverted uterus, cysts, cycle disruptions;
  • unpinched;
  • skin diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the gastrointestinal tract: colitis, constipation, gastritis, enteritis, duodenal and stomach ulcers outside the period of exacerbation, hemorrhoids.
Also, this type of unique massage technique can effectively eliminate cardiovascular diseases, migraines, ailments in the area urinary tract and kidneys. Old Slavonic abdominal massage can cope with kidney prolapse, cystitis, pyelonephritis, incontinence and urolithiasis.

Ogulov’s technique also solves problems in the field of breathing. Massage can relieve bronchitis and even asthma. It is also in demand by many patients as an effective approach to eliminating such cosmetic problems as acne and a familiar large part of women orange peel. Such massage also gives excellent results as a prevention of various diseases.

However, there are also contraindications to abdominal massage using the Ogulov technique. This is first of all:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tuberculosis in open forms;
  • bleeding and any injuries;
  • acute infectious diseases occurring with an increase in body temperature;
  • mental illness;
  • some degrees of oncology.

Direct recommendations for performing visceral abdominal massage boil down to the fact that after the first course you need to take a break. The human body must adapt, but not get used to pressure.

Otherwise, the effectiveness of the procedure is minimized. It is recommended that every patient undergo an ultrasound abdominal cavity before starting a course of procedures.

To maximize the effectiveness of abdominal massage, the patient is recommended to do a simple exercise after the session.

In a sitting position, you need to tense the muscles in the abdominal area, alternately, as if pulling them from side to side. To normalize blood circulation, Ogulov recommends combining abdominal massage with hirudotherapy.


However, it is worth remembering that only a professional chiropractor can really help in getting rid of diseases through visceral massage. There is no point in putting your health at risk and doing experiments at home.

IN modern medicine there is a huge number various methods highly effective treatments. One of these is visceral abdominal massage according to Ogulov. It was developed quite a long time ago and belongs to alternative medicine. For many centuries, this massage has been actively used to combat various diseases and their prevention, and today only a few practice it traditional healers. Let's try to understand all the features of this technique and find out how relevant it is today.

general information

Previously, no medicines existed, so people were forced to use any possible ways. Various methods of physical and mechanical influence on the body were very common.

Abdominal massage by A. T. Ogulov’s method is based on manual pressure on the abdominal area in order to detect damage or displacement of internal organs. This technique and today it is used by some specialists in the process of examining patients and making a diagnosis. Strong physical impact sometimes helps to return the organ to the correct position, improve blood circulation and peristalsis. But a positive effect can only be achieved if the massage is performed by an experienced specialist. Otherwise, irreparable harm may be caused to your health. In addition, you should not resort to using the technique without first consulting a doctor, since it is not allowed for use in all cases.

Indications for use

Let's look at them in more detail. Like any other treatment, abdominal massage according to Ogulov, reviews of which will be given at the end of the article, is prescribed in certain cases.

These include the following:

  • various gastrointestinal problems;
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • pathologies of internal organs of the pelvic area.

In addition to all of the above, this type massage is widely used in cosmetology. It helps a lot in getting rid of acne, allows you to reset overweight, and is also very effective for various skin diseases.

Abdominal massage according to Ogulov or Old Russian, as it is also called, is used for frequent and severe headaches, pathologies of the heart muscle and blood vessels, hernia, provided that there is no strangulation. In some cases, the technique is used when metabolic processes are disrupted and endocrine diseases. In this case, massage is good because it can be performed even on people who have problems with excess weight, when other types of therapy are simply useless.

This technique is also effective in combating pathologies of the lungs and respiratory tract, when they are accompanied by disruption of normal blood circulation. By influencing a certain area with his hands, the specialist achieves a positive effect and speeds up the patient’s recovery process if he is on medication.

In what cases is the technique prohibited?

It is worth familiarizing yourself with this issue first. Before going for an Ogulov abdominal massage, it is recommended to first consult with a doctor, since the procedure has a number of contraindications.

Massage is prohibited for people with the following problems:

Visceral massage abdominal abdomen according to Ogulov is also not recommended after receiving any injuries of various nature, since in this case there is a great threat of development internal bleeding. Also, the technique is prohibited during pregnancy.

Preparation for the procedure

What is she like? Compared to others therapeutic methods treatment, Old Slavonic abdominal massage using the Ogulov method requires greater preparation of the patient for its implementation. This is necessary in order to minimize the likelihood of developing possible complications.

The specialist first clarifies the person’s maximum pain threshold that he can withstand. It is mandatory to undergo an ultrasound, which allows you to identify problems with internal organs, as well as their location. Such information greatly simplifies the task of a massage therapist. Immediately before the procedure, the patient must go to the toilet and cleanse the intestines.


The Ogulov method (healing by abdominal massage) is based on the impact on the abdominal area. Depending on which internal organs there are problems with, the specialist selects the level of force with which he applies pressure. The procedure is carried out from top to bottom, and the movements are very light and smooth. Massage allows you to treat diseases of almost all internal organs and intestines, as well as eliminate problems associated with the functioning of many systems. A short break is taken between each appointment so that the patient can take a breath and recover from severe pain.

A prerequisite during the procedure is a relaxed stomach. If the muscles are tense, the specialist will not be able to have the proper effect on the organs, so no positive effect will be achieved.

Treatment of diseases of the stomach and pancreas

What's special? Abdominal massage according to Ogulov is widely used for the treatment of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system as a whole. As mentioned above, the procedure begins from the upper abdomen, after which the specialist gradually moves down to the navel. In this case, either two fingers or all of them can be used. It all depends on which internal organs need to be palpated. The strongest pressure is applied at the moment of complete muscle relaxation. To improve the wave-like contractions of the intestines and stomach, the patient’s hands are fixed on chest, after which the procedure begins.

Eliminating intestinal problems

Abdominal massage using the Ogulov method is one of best methods therapy of many pathologies associated with the work of the small and large intestines. After the stomach, the specialist proceeds to palpation of the lower part of the abdominal cavity, in which the intestines are located. During the procedure, he places his fingers under the bone from the back and slowly moves his fingers along the intestines. In this way, the entire area of ​​the sigmoid region is pressed through. Next, the doctor returns to the stomach and pancreas.

Therapy of the genitourinary system

What makes it special? Palpation of the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems is carried out in the area located slightly below the navel. Movements similar to those described above are used, however, if the procedure is accompanied by severe pain, then you should immediately notify the doctor about this. In this case, he will perform manipulations with less force.

Working with the kidneys

Training in visceral abdominal massage according to Ogulov should be carried out in specialized centers. This technique is highly effective in combating various kidney diseases. Manipulations are performed very carefully so as not to touch or harm other internal organs located nearby. The pressure is applied with great force, but very slowly and smoothly. As a rule, the procedure is accompanied by severe pain, which in some cases can become simply unbearable. So that the patient can tolerate the massage normally, it is carried out in several approaches, each of which lasts about 4 minutes. If no effect is achieved, a repeat session is scheduled.

After the kidneys, the liver and intestines are worked on. In this case, the specialist applies pressure not with his fingers, but with the palm of one hand. At the end of the procedure, the doctor gently strokes the abdominal area or performs vibration movements to relieve tension and relax the muscles. As a rule, at the first session the doctor is able to identify the problems present in the patient, and already at the second session the treatment itself begins.

Therapy using the Ogulov method at home

In many major cities You can find advertising signs of the following nature: “Heal yourself with a belly massage. Ogulov’s method is a magical effect.” And so on. However, the cost of such services is very high and not everyone can afford it, so many people are thinking about using this technique themselves at home. In principle, this is possible, but it is not recommended to do such a massage yourself, since due to the lack of knowledge and experience, the consequences can be very different. Therefore, it would be best to contact a qualified specialist.

If you still decide to do everything yourself, then you need to take into account the fact that it will not be possible to massage the entire abdominal area without outside help. Even a doctor who is fluent in this variety manual therapy, will not be able to do this, since it is not immediately possible to select the depth and intensity of the impact.

In some cases there may be exceptions, but the proper healing effect will not be achieved. Self-massage can be performed using a ball, on which you need to lie with your peritoneum. The procedure will be very painful, so prepare for this in advance.

Features of the technique

Let's look at this in more detail. Many people are interested in how visceral abdominal massage according to Ogulov, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, differs from other manual therapy techniques. The main and most important difference is that traditional massage can only temporarily eliminate symptoms, while Old Russian massage eliminates the problem itself. It improves blood circulation to internal organs, so they receive more nutrients and begin to work better.

However, this technique can only be used to treat adults. This is due to severe pain, which children simply cannot withstand. Not even all representatives of the older generation succeed in this. Sometimes a child may be prescribed such a massage, but it is performed with much less intensity. But, as practice shows, doctors do this in very rare cases, preferring to use less radical and more modern methods treatment.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, abdominal massage according to Ogulov is performed using a special needle mat, which is placed under the patient’s back. Thus, a kind of acupuncture is obtained that helps improve blood circulation. Sometimes specialists resort to using some additional techniques.

The full course of therapy consists of at least ten sessions. Only in this case can at least some effect from the Old Russian massage be achieved. A maximum of 20 procedures are allowed. The duration of the first massage is one hour, gradually its duration increases little by little. But here it all depends on how a person reacts to pain.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other method of therapy, visceral abdominal massage using the Ogulov method has its pros and cons. Among strengths greater efficiency can be identified. As shown medical statistics, many patients experience significant improvements in their health after completing the full course. This is especially true for the fight against excess weight. This technique helps much better than exhausting diets combined with taking special drugs that promote weight loss.

The main disadvantage, as you might guess, is severe pain. Therefore, if you are thinking about undergoing treatment with a massage therapist, be sure to consider your pain threshold. In addition, the disadvantages include the fact that it is quite difficult to find truly good specialists. Nowadays, not many people practice abdominal massage according to Ogulov, so there is a high probability of stumbling upon a novice specialist who does not have the proper level of competence. As a result, many people do not get the expected results and all their suffering is in vain.

The benefits of “internal” massage

So, how does it manifest itself? Abdominal massage using the Ogulov method allows you to achieve excellent results in the fight against various pathologies and diseases, if it is performed in compliance with all the rules. After the first session, most people experience a noticeable change in well-being for the better. They improve blood flow to internal organs and normalize metabolic processes and metabolism accelerates, which is especially good for those who are obese. This technique also stimulates the removal of toxins from the body, helping to cleanse it. The massage process has a strong effect on the muscles, thereby increasing their tone. At the same time, many problems associated with the spinal column disappear.

For representatives of the fair half of humanity, this procedure can be simply irreplaceable if they have been unable to get pregnant for a long period. And after childbirth, this massage helps you get in shape and recover faster, as well as prevent organ prolapse. However, it is very important not to overdo it here, since excessive exposure to them can have not only a positive, but also a negative effect.

What do doctors and patients say about the technique?

So, as you understand from this article, for many pathologies one of the most effective methods of therapy is abdominal massage according to Ogulov. Reviews about this technique are in most cases positive, both among specialists in this field and among people who have decided to undergo the procedure.

“Internal” massage is not only time-tested. A huge amount of research has been devoted to it, showing that physical impact on organs actually achieves positive results. To increase the effectiveness of manual therapy, professionals advise combining it with drug treatment.

Clients of massage parlors practicing the Ogulov method claim that after completing the full course, their overall health improves, and existing ailments either completely disappear or take on a less pronounced form. Apathy and depression disappear, sleep normalizes. Some people say their body becomes as light as a feather. Moreover, if you follow all the recommendations of specialists and pre-prepare your body for the procedure, the pain will not be so strong and you can easily withstand it.

However, you must understand that any treatment, including manual treatment, does not bring quick results. To get rid of any health problem, at least 10 sessions are required. Therefore, if you have already decided on this type of massage, then immediately prepare yourself for it.

A gentle technique for self-massage of internal organs

This text describes a simple and gentle massage technique, part of an abdominal massage that can be safely done to yourself and loved ones (observing three rules). Let specialists do more complex manipulations. By doing only the first round of massage (described below), you will still achieve results, just not as “quickly”, for example, with serious illness, instead of two weeks with a specialist, you will heal yourself in 1-2-3 months. Are you in a hurry? We earn diseases through years of “hard work.”

Rules for self-massage of internal organs:

1. Until a slight pain! You don’t need to endure severe pain, ease the pressure until it hurts slightly!

2. One press for no more than three minutes! This is very important so as not to cause ischemia ( oxygen starvation in tissues). Ischemia most often manifests itself as increasing acute pain in the area where you cut off the blood supply (not always at hand, but below).
If the pain has passed, we move the hand without waiting three minutes.
If the pain does not go away within three minutes, we still move the hand. Then we can return to this point again to work with it some more.

3. Press gently, gently remove your hand. Soft does not mean weak.

Procedure for massage of internal organs:

1. We look for the first point like this: from the navel to the bottom of the sternum we set aside 1/3, two fingers to the right (not the length, but the width of the fingers). This is a reflex point of the gallbladder. We press on it vertically (the description takes into account that the person is lying on his back, with his knees partially bent). To a slight pain. Sometimes a stream seems to babble under your hand; this is the flow of bile from the bladder into the intestine.

The main signs of a full gallbladder: dizziness, nausea, pain in the temples and, often, in the front of the head, crunching in the knees when squatting, pain in the knees (usually in the right). As well as digestive disorders, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (including rhinitis, sinusitis), hemorrhoids and varicose nodes, pain in the neck, right shoulder and under the scapula, joint diseases. Removing the gallbladder causes digestion to stop and joints to collapse. In this case, it is necessary to do a daily massage of the liver, which, when enlarged, takes over the function of the gallbladder. Possible endocrine disorders (dysfunction thyroid gland), decreased libido, menstrual disorder.

When this point is pressed, the symptoms disappear, for example, the headache in the temples or the front of the head, or no longer “sickness” in transport, the joints are lubricated again, and the risk of injury is reduced significantly (in sports).

2. From the first point we press along the line 1/3 all the way to the left ribs. Projection of the pancreas.

The gland itself is located quite deep, and during a massage it is often possible to reach it only after a considerable period of time (a week of daily massages), until all the overlying tissues relax. If problems in the gland are caused by stretching of its ligaments with the stomach and omentum of the small intestine, then abdominal massage is the only effective method treatment.

We push each point vertically.
Characteristic pathology pancreas - diabetes (increased or decreased blood sugar levels), allergies, skin rashes, tendency to infectious diseases, growth retardation in children.

If you do a belly massage, you will get results; If you don’t, then there will be no result, there will be no one to be offended by.

3. Right hypochondrium. Liver area. We start two fingers below the angle of the costal arches. We press not vertically along the ribs and not right under the ribs, but at an angle of 45º, as if deep into. We go through the entire hypochondrium twice from top to bottom. If nausea or lightheadedness appears when pressing, press on the first point and hold until the pain and symptoms of a full gallbladder disappear. Then we continue the liver massage.

Symptoms of excessive liver function: pain in the right hypochondrium, headaches, yellowing of the skin, dry throat, as well as eye pain, irritability, insomnia.

Symptoms of liver failure: intestinal upset, pelvic pain, pale color skin, as well as weakness and fast fatiguability, depression, decreased vision and twilight blindness. In women, uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, and hemorrhoids are possible.

4. Left hypochondrium. Also press inward at an angle of 45º, passing each point from top to bottom. Reflex zone of the spleen.
If there are disorders in the spleen, nosebleeds and other bleeding (including uterine) and hemorrhagic manifestations are possible.
Dryness and pallor of lips, changes in taste sensations.

The entire massage described above together forms the “roof of the house.”

5. Next point: from the corner of the right pelvic bone to the navel 1/3. The area of ​​the ileocecal valve, the place of transition of the small intestine to the large intestine. Here is the cecum, appendix, the beginning of the ascending colon. Swelling of the valve is often manifested by bloating (bacteria penetrate through a non-functioning valve from the large intestine to the small intestine, where they should not be), and it is enough to remove the swelling by pressing and take two teaspoons of dill seed orally with water, then the bloating disappears.

IN oriental medicine The small intestine has a strong connection to the heart. When the abdomen is bloated, the diaphragm and the heart lying behind it contract, which leads to various heart diseases, heart attacks and syndrome sudden death(fell asleep and didn’t wake up - his heart stopped, but it turns out he just ate something wrong in the evening).

6. Further in a spiral. Big turn. Pressing each point, we rise to the right ribs; from the left ribs we go down,
along the lower abdomen. We push it quite gently, about 30° to the horizontal plane, so as not to put pressure on the perinephric space. And another turn around the navel, about 5-6 cm from the navel we press at a steeper angle, about 60º to the horizontal plane, a small turn. If you mentally draw a vertical axis through the navel, then all pressures will be deep, in the direction of this axis. This is important so as not to displace the organ (intestine) in an unnatural direction. Here I would like to mention that women’s gynecology begins under the stomach and small intestine. Swelling in these organs impairs blood supply to the pelvic organs, which leads to various problems. The gynecologist treats lower, working only with the consequences of insufficient blood supply, without eliminating the cause. Why do trips to the gynecologist become regular, complicating life for the whole body? side effects medications and manipulations, consequences of operations, etc.

7. Navel. Press on it vertically. Through it we can relieve swelling from blood vessels, improving blood supply to the pelvic organs, kidneys, and lower extremities.

Points 5, 6, and 7 are combined into a “spiral”.

A few general words. By massaging the stomach, we are not healing ourselves or loved one, we are just helping the body heal itself.

This massage should be done to yourself every day, once at night, lying in bed, when you are no longer in a hurry. Lie down, bend your knees and massage your abdomen. Preferably in a Reiki/Alive state. For independent work, a plastic half-liter bottle is perfect; you will press with the stopper. When the abdominal pain completely goes away, it is enough to do a massage as a preventative measure once every two to three weeks, or in case of any discomfort. For example, today you are on a holiday and poison your body with excess food for your own pleasure, I advise you to get a massage the next day so that the consequences of the poisoning go away faster. Or they ate something wrong.

Self-monitoring of the condition in visceral therapy

After several sessions of visceral therapy, the patient can learn to control his condition and promptly eliminate disturbances that arise in the functioning of his internal organs. For example, self-help or visceral self-therapy for disorders of the gallbladder consists of a person using his fist and fingers to apply pressure in the area of ​​the gallbladder until mild pain appears (Fig. 1).

Against the background of this slight painful sensation, which manifests itself at the beginning of the process of stimulation of the gallbladder, without changing the pressure force, a pause is made with a time delay. When the level of pain perception decreases or completely disappears, the fist moves lower along the hypochondrium in search of pain. Having found the next painful zone, a new pressing is performed according to the same principle - also with a time delay in the painful zone, after which the fist is again moved down the hypochondrium.

This is done until the entire area along the right hypochondrium (perigallary space) is anesthetized. The number of compressions per day is determined individually based on how you feel, but should not exceed three - in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening before bed. It is advisable to stimulate the gallbladder on an empty stomach 30–40 minutes before meals, first in a supine position, then in a sitting or standing position.

In Old Slavonic visceral therapy, improvised means such as clay pots, glass jars, tightly rolled paper or rag tubes with special impregnation were widely used. In the next post we will look at some self-help techniques using some available tools.


The technique of visceral chiropractic has been known since ancient times. In modern medicine, abdominal massage has been undeservedly forgotten and long years not used for the treatment or prevention of diseases. In Russia, visceral chiropractic was revived by Alexander Ogulov, professor and doctor of traditional healing, member of the International Academy Natural Sciences in Germany, President of the Professional Association of Visceropaths, CEO educational and health center Predtecha.

His technique is unique, based on the knowledge of ancient Slavic healers. In this article I will tell you what Ogulov’s abdominal massage or Old Russian visceral abdominal massage is. You can familiarize yourself with the principles, indications, and contraindications for visceral chiropractic in my.

Method of visceral massage according to Ogulov

According to visceral therapy, diseases develop due to displacement of internal organs. As a result, the blood supply and innervation of one or another part of the body is disrupted, which disrupts metabolic processes and worsens the functioning of the body as a whole. Professor Ogulov, referring to ancient Slavic knowledge of medicine, put forward a visceral theory of the development of diseases. According to the theory, there are 3 brain centers in the body.

Two of them are well known official medicine– head and spinal cord. However, there is another regulatory nerve center that influences the functioning of the visceral organs and distant parts of the body. This is the abdominal brain - a cluster nerve cells in the area of ​​organs covered by the peritoneum: esophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, intestines, pancreas. Breaking them topographic location leads to changes in the functioning of not only the digestive system, but also the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, joints, spinal column, brain.

The internal organs of the abdominal cavity are closely connected with each other and with other functional systems of the body through blood vessels and nerve trunks. A change in one system will inevitably lead to disturbances in distant parts of the body. The method of visceral chiroplasty according to Ogulov is based on this postulate. Abdominal massage with deep pressing movements in a certain sequence causes healing of the whole body.

Massaging the internal organs is done with your fingers, less often with your fist, or with improvised means. During the procedure, the patient feels pain and discomfort in those parts of the body where there is stagnation of blood and lymph, and the nerve fibers are overstretched and tense. The naturopath focuses on these problem areas of the body Special attention. After kneading and pressing the organ, the pain goes away within one or several sessions. The procedure lasts on average for an hour. Visceral massage allows you to diagnose diseases and carry out effective therapy without the use of expensive medicines.

According to Alexander Ogulov, the ancient Russian technique allows you to cure almost all diseases, even those of organs that are located far from the abdominal cavity. This is facilitated not only general system blood flow, lymph flow, nerve fibers, but also endocrine communication through endocrine hormones. By correctly influencing the abdominal brain, you can restore the functioning of all functional systems body. The versatility, high efficiency and accessibility of the visceral technique allows you to maintain health and avoid the aggressive effects of chemical drugs on the body.

Self-massage technique

I suggest you try a self-massage technique that anyone can master. The procedure is quite simple and effective, provided that the recommendations for massage techniques are strictly followed. Application independent technicians does not give such a quick result as after a session with a specialist, but with regular use it can maintain health and prevent the development of diseases.

The center of the abdominal brain, according to the author, is located in the area of ​​the gallbladder. The session begins from the projection of the organ onto the abdominal wall. You need to press hard enough; a feeling of pain in problem areas of the abdominal cavity is acceptable, but the pain syndrome should not be intense. At the point of discomfort, you need to linger for 2-3 minutes, then continue the procedure according to the proposed method. For minor violations, the pain goes away after the first session. In advanced cases, 2-7 procedures or more may be required.

Starting position on your back, legs bent at the knees, stomach relaxed.

  1. The first point is the gallbladder. At 2/3 of the line between the lower end of the sternum and the navel, move 2 finger widths to the right. Press with two fingers until discomfort appears. You can feel the murmur (movement of bile) under your fingers.
  2. The second point is the pancreas. We press two fingers along an oblique line in the direction of the left hypochondrium. Massage of the organ will not be possible immediately due to its deep location. In the first sessions, it is necessary to ease the tension of the surface tissues (muscles, aponeurosis, ligaments).
  3. The third point is the liver. We retreat two finger widths from the bottom of the right rib. Place two fingers under right hypochondrium and press it twice. When nausea occurs, release the pressure, then continue massaging.
  4. The fourth point is the spleen. We move our fingers in the same projection, but under the left hypochondrium. We push the tissue under the lower left rib twice. If there is severe pain, we stop, then continue the procedure.
  5. All of these points form the “roof of the house” on the anterior abdominal wall.

  6. The fifth point is the area of ​​the ileocecal valve, where the small intestine passes into small intestine. Valve insufficiency leads to disruption of the movement of the food bolus through the digestive tract, impaired absorption of nutritional components, migration of microflora from the large to the small intestine. The fingers are placed on the line between the navel and the angle of the pelvic bone (the protruding bone) one third from the iliac protuberance. Apply pressure until discomfort, rumbling, and bowel movements appear under your hand (peristalsis).
  7. Spiral. We press our fingers in a spiral from the projection of the ileocecal canal to the right hypochondrium, then the left hypochondrium, then down to the iliac region, making a circle in the periumbilical region. The hand pressure should be in the direction of the navel.
  8. The sixth point is the navel. Press vertically on the navel.

The last three points are combined into a “big spiral” and are the second stage of visceral massage. For ease of execution, the procedure can be done using plastic bottle(preferably with a capacity of 0.5 liters) with a stopper. Press on the stomach with the narrow end with the plug. The procedure is carried out every day, lying in bed before going to bed. Before self-massage, you need to calm down, relax, and let go of negative thoughts. This will make the therapy more effective.

I suggest watching a video on the topic of the article.

And also two videos with two massage techniques. Take a look and you will learn how to massage yourself.

Visceral massage according to Ogulov - simple and effective remedy to strengthen the body and achieve longevity. Learn the massage technique, don’t be lazy to use it regularly, and you will be healthy.

Soon I will tell you about two wonderful techniques that, in terms of healing effects, are not inferior to Ogulov’s massage and even surpass it in some ways. This is nauli and uddiyana bandha.
See you soon on the blog pages.

Internal organs represents a profound effect on certain internal systems and fabrics. This effect is also called visceral chiropractic. The massage therapist through the anterior abdominal wall has the opportunity to provide Various types effects on organs: pressure, vibration, massage and shear. All this allows the patient to feel a surge of strength and vigor, improve blood circulation, and stimulate muscle contraction. In this article we will understand what visceral therapy is and how this effect on internal organs can help a person.

What is the essence of the procedure: why is it performed and what is it useful for?

The main goal of visceral massage is to normalize the functional state of all tissues. First of all, I would like to note that all organs in human body attached to skeletal bones using a special beam. This bundle contains blood supply systems, nerve impulses, nutrient supply and much more.

When a person’s posture changes for the worse, the bundles for attaching organs can become displaced or pinched, and then displace the internal organs along with them. Such displacement is fraught with impaired blood supply and lack of innervation. As a result, a certain organ begins to receive less oxygen and nutrients, and its functioning is disrupted. In addition, innervation leads to the fact that active brain centers can no longer normally control the functioning of the organ.

Did you know? The correct massage technique can reduce blood pressure and heart rate.

In addition to all this, a delay in metabolic products with the displaced organ begins. Such a delay in most cases provokes localized nucleation pathogenic microflora. The latter, in turn, can cause the appearance of various inflammatory reactions body. In addition, when one organ is displaced, almost the entire body (tissues, and other organs) suffers.

Visceral abdominal massage will help normalize the structural condition and localization of all internal organs. Using special equipment, the massage therapist probes for abnormalities in the ligamentous apparatus and gradually returns them to their natural position. After some time, all organs and tissues will return to normal, and the patient will undoubtedly feel a surge of strength, and.

A little history

Since ancient times, when there was practically no such thing, people tried to heal all sorts of diseases with the help of herbal infusions and massages. The medieval Persian physician Avicenna is one of the first healers who began to practice healing massages on his patients. He said that it is necessary to treat not individual organs, but the entire body as a whole.

Visceral massage has been known to man since time immemorial, but many centuries ago it was called differently. They massaged the internal organs of the abdominal cavity in India, the Philippines and other countries. In Rus', similar actions were also used, hence the second name of visceral therapy - Old Slavonic abdominal massage.

Important! Visceral abdominal massage is contraindicated in infectious lesions brain.

Over time, talented scientists in the field of biology and medicine have developed new methods of therapy various diseases. Massages gradually faded into the background and were used only in countries that lagged behind in development in the field of medicine.

Already at the end of the 20th century, people realized that targeted drug treatment separate body does not always give acceptable results. Sometimes after such treatment secondary diseases appear or side effects “pop up”. Then experienced doctors and scientists again turned to the miraculous power of visceral massage.

Research into such therapy has begun, and many scientists have proven the amazing effects of visceral chiropractic. Today it is widely used in many countries around the world. In Russia, visceral abdominal massage is known according to Ogulov, who is the founder of the Russian school of visceral therapy.

Indications and contraindications

Old Slavonic visceral therapy is indicated in the following cases:

  • diseases and gallbladder (, gallstones);
  • chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • prostatitis, cyst disorder;
  • pathology and urinary system;
  • skin damage;
  • migraines, pathological disorders;
  • acute and chronic lung diseases (bronchitis, bronchitis);
  • at general health.
But you should take into account the fact that visceral abdominal massage has its contraindications. In some specific cases, such a procedure may cause more harm than good.
The main contraindications are:
  • inflammatory processes on the walls of veins;
  • of different nature;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • infectious diseases that occur with an increase in body temperature to 38° or more;
  • violations ;
  • increased risk of internal bleeding;
  • recent mechanical;
  • gangrene;
  • some ;
  • meningitis.
It should be noted that visceral massage can even be done. This procedure may speed up genital discharge, but this is not a danger signal. On the contrary, in this way the body will quickly cleanse itself of harmful substances.

How to prepare

Before starting the visceral therapy procedure, doctors palpate the abdominal cavity and question the patient for the presence of all kinds of acute and chronic diseases. First of all, it is necessary to accurately establish indications and contraindications. If everything is simple with the indications, then the contraindications can be deeply hidden.

This requires preliminary diagnosis in the therapist's office. Already directly in the massage therapist’s office, the general state of a person’s health is assessed, skin and language. If no contraindications have been identified, then proceed to the therapeutic massage procedure.

Execution method

Old Slavonic abdominal massage should be painless, and since each person has an individual pain threshold, the approaches to each patient are different. Many people have a question about how often to do visceral abdominal massage. In fact, it depends on the person’s health status, indications and contraindications for the procedure.
Ideally, doctors prescribe about 10 procedures, but for some people one visit to a massage therapist’s office is enough. If 2 or more sessions have been prescribed, they will be carried out as follows: with each subsequent session, the painful area will be pressed more and more. In this way, the body will be able to adapt normally to mechanical stress from outside.

Did you know?Julius Caesar received massages daily. In this way he tried to overcome epilepsy.

At the very beginning of the session, the specialist uses palpation to identify painful and spasmodic areas in the abdominal cavity. Next, the massage procedure itself begins. You need to massage your stomach in a certain sequence, since functional disorders always develop according to a certain pattern.

The specialist begins the massage procedure from the gallbladder area, then gradually begins to work on the liver, pancreas and colon. The main purpose of such a session is to push through the internal organs. It should be noted that pressing of each individual organ should take no more than 3 minutes. The specified time can be increased only during subsequent massage procedures.
One of the main features of visceral therapy is that in the first minutes of the procedure, a “rumbling” is observed in the patient’s abdomen. It indicates that bile ducts are open, and spasms are eliminated. It is important to understand that pressure on various organs occurs with a clearly defined force. If this rule is neglected, the patient may feel nausea, dizziness and severe pain in a stomach.

In addition to all this, visceral chiropractic is an excellent method for diagnosing diseases of the internal organs. A specialist can use pressure and palpation to detect the localization of pathological changes.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

Experts note that visceral self-massage is permissible only in cases where a person has all the knowledge necessary for such a procedure: he knows the exact location of the internal organs, their projections and possible localizations at physiological disorders, sequence of influence and calculation of the force of pressing.

And even in the case of a person’s high erudition, it is necessary to perform self-massage only using gentle technology, where it is necessary to minimize the force of pressure. Be that as it may, it is best to contact a specialist who will conduct an Old Slavonic massage session using the correct technology.

Important!Visceral massage - effective procedure in the fight against incontinence and urolithiasis.

Now you know the scheme of visceral massage and positive effects from its influence. But it should be understood that only an experienced chiropractor can really help restore the normal functionality of internal organs. And all experimental attempts at self-massage at home can do more harm than good.