Internal lip dissection treatment. A child has a severely broken lip, what to do and how to treat it?

Abrasions, bruises, scratches are far from uncommon for any child who loves outdoor games. One of the most unpleasant situations is when a child breaks his lip. This not only brings pain and grief to the child, but also threatens the development of infectious complications. Therefore, every parent should be prepared for such a situation and know what to do if a child breaks his lip and what treatment is necessary.

How to treat a split lip?

First of all, you should calm the child down and try to stop him crying. Then you need to wash the wound boiled water or blot with a clean napkin, because a split lip usually bleeds heavily. At the same time, you should inspect the wound, assess its size and depth. If a child has severely broken his lip, especially from the inside, you need to check whether the teeth and gums are damaged. If your teeth or gums are damaged, a visit to the dentist is necessary.

Next, you need to disinfect the wound with an antiseptic solution. To do this, apply it to a cotton pad and gently apply it to the damaged area. If you don't have a cotton pad, a piece of gauze or clean cotton cloth will do. cotton swab and so on. If the damage is extensive and the bleeding does not stop, you must urgently go to the hospital - you may need stitches.

The swelling that inevitably occurs with such an injury can be reduced by using ice. To do this, you need to wrap a piece of ice in plastic and cloth and apply it to your lip several times, holding it for no more than 30 seconds. If there is no ice, you can use another cold, clean object wrapped in a cloth.

To reduce the risk of further infection of the wound, you should ensure that your child’s hands are always clean. After all, kids often unconsciously try to touch a broken lip with their fingers. In the following days, to speed up the healing of the wound, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory and antiseptic external agents. It is also necessary to monitor the child’s condition, and in case of swelling or suppuration of the wound, be sure to visit a doctor.

A child has a broken lip - what to treat and apply?

Under no circumstances should iodine or brilliant green be used for this type of injury. Suitable products for treating a broken lip include hydrogen peroxide, a solution of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

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split lip- This is an injury to the soft tissues and oral mucosa, which causes a lot of discomfort. It is important that the consequences of the dissection are minimal.

Falling off a swing and hitting your lip and nose is a common occurrence. Soft fabrics They are easy to break and bite, as a result they can swell and swell. The main condition when receiving an injury is to remain calm. As soon as the liquid has stopped oozing, you should begin treating the wound.

First aid when a child breaks his lip is to rinse the wound with warm water and treat it with an antiseptic. It is important to wash your face with soap to remove dirt and blood; dirty hands can easily introduce infection into the wound surface. If an injury occurs to a baby, you need to consult a doctor; any injury is dangerous for the child.

If a small amount of blood is released from the wound, you should rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine or miramistine. This is done if the child is an adult. Small children need to lubricate the outside of the lip with a cotton swab. Apply cold compress(ice or a cold metal object wrapped in a towel) to relieve swelling. You need to remove the bandage after 15 minutes.

A small piece of bandage or cotton wool pressed between your lips and teeth will help stop blood seepage. It is necessary to ensure that the tampon only absorbs the liquid and does not stick to the wound.

Treating the damaged area with brilliant green or iodine is strictly prohibited to prevent burns.

Effective folk method– applying cotton wool with aloe juice to the broken area. The plant leaf is cut lengthwise and applied to the wound. Aloe has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which you can heal the wound.

Behind medical assistance should be contacted if the bleeding cannot be stopped, the gums are damaged, a tooth is knocked out, heat. If the internal cut is large, it will need to be stitched up in the hospital.

Processing agents

A split lip requires mandatory treatment with antiseptic drugs.

The first place is occupied by hydrogen peroxide - a solution for external use of 3%. The medicine is effective when the baby has broken his lip from the inside. The main advantage is that (unlike iodine and brilliant green) peroxide can be anointed on open wound surfaces and will not cause burn damage to the skin. The effect of the drug becomes noticeable: bubbles and hissing appear. The disinfection process occurs through the release of atomic oxygen.

It is forbidden to remove dried bandages and compresses so that the healing wound does not begin to fester. Peroxide is not applied to damaged mucous membranes.

Another broad-spectrum agent is chlorhexidine. Available in the form of a solution, adhesive plaster, gel and cream. The substance disinfects the wound surface and removes pus. The price of the medicine is affordable for everyone. The antiseptic is intended for healing ruptures and can treat fungal diseases, sexually transmitted infections, pathologies oral cavity.

If the cut is severe, the doctor will prescribe a regimen of using chlorhexidine solution. After applying the product to the skin or mucous membrane, it is rarely possible to develop allergic reactions as contact dermatitis. Pregnant and lactating women and adolescents should use the solution with caution.

A modern disinfectant medicine is Miramistin. The main advantage of the drug is complete absence side effects. A solution for external use helps damaged areas heal without burning them. The medicine kills harmful microorganisms by blocking inflammatory process. Miramistin is used to treat burned skin areas, for candidiasis and gynecological diseases, ENT pathologies.

Potassium permanganate solution – home method washing festering wounds. You can prepare weak potassium permanganate by adding a few crystals of permanganate to a glass of warm water. The cut should be treated several times a day, diluting a new mixture.

Furacilin solution is a simple remedy. The medicinal liquid is prepared by adding 10 furatsilin tablets per liter hot water. After this, the medicine is cooled and the wound is washed. Alternative option– a dry bandage applied to the torn corner of the lip. It is easy to remove and change. The prepared solution can be used for no more than 2 weeks. Store in a dark glass container at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees.

Traumeel ointment will help your lip heal - homeopathic medicinal product, which allows you to relieve swelling and eliminate inflammation. The product should be applied to the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. You can use gauze bandages.

If the frenulum is torn, Panthenol cream will help. It promotes fast healing damaged areas without scar formation. Before applying the medicine, you need to disinfect the wound. The drug does not have side effects, with the exception of intolerance to components. Apply the cream twice a day until the wound surface heals and the swelling and thickening disappear.

How to remove swelling after a blow

The affected lip may darken and swell. Highlight the following varieties damage to the labial border:

  1. Bruise (you can get it after being hit with an object, as a result there is internal swelling). The bruise or hematoma will go away within a few weeks.
  2. An abrasion is a minor tissue injury that does not need to be stitched.
  3. The wounds appear when the labial border is bitten or cut. Main symptom– violation of integrity skin. The wound surface may be damaged through and through.

Treatment provides assistance in recovery normal shape, allows you to return the natural color. If the lip is swollen from the inside, lotions based on bee honey. The mass is applied to cotton wool and applied to the lower or upper swollen area for 30 minutes.

It is forbidden to apply warm compresses to the wound; the area will swell and swell even more.

Wound care

In order for the wound surface to heal quickly, proper care is necessary. There are several recommendations:

  1. The painful area should be treated regularly and treated with recommended remedies.
  2. You need to be careful not to accidentally tear the scabs near the wound.
  3. To avoid injury to the labial border, it is recommended to lubricate it with protective agents.

In most cases, the wound will go away on its own. Such injuries heal on their own. proper care. But if the pain does not go away and prevents you from living fully, you need to see a doctor.

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Children have insufficiently developed coordination, so they often get injured during active games. The most unpleasant and painful injuries include a split lip. This area contains a large number of small blood vessels, so bleeding occurs. Parents should know what to do if a child breaks his lip and it is swollen from the inside, in order to avoid complications of various kinds.

What to do if your child has a broken lip

If your child falls or hits an object and breaks his lip, then you need to act according to the following plan:

  • First of all Parents must calm down themselves, because they need to act clearly and confidently. Then calm the child down, explain that you will help him now;
  • Before touching a sore lip, be sure to wash your hands antibacterial soap. Then wash your baby’s hands, because most likely he will touch the wound, which can cause infection. If you are outside, use antiseptic spray or wipes. Such things should always be with you when you walk;
  • Rinse the damaged area warm boiled water. Try to visually assess how deep the wound is. If it seems deep, then contact medical care if not, continue treatment at home;
  • Now you need to disinfect damaged area to protect it from penetration of pathogenic microbes. To do this, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide (3%). Moisten a cotton wool or disk with antiseptic liquid and apply to your lip;
  • If a child breaks the inside of his lip, then you can treat it with a solution of Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. These antiseptics are effective against bacteria and viruses. It is enough to apply a cotton wool soaked in liquid to the wound. If the child is already old enough, then suggest that he rinse his mouth with the solution;
  • Swelling appears at the site of injury To reduce it, apply a cold compress. To do this, take a piece of ice from the freezer, wrap it with gauze and a clean cotton napkin. You can also use a chilled spoon.

After this, carefully examine the wound again; if it is deep, then go to the doctor. You may need to get stitches to prevent a scar from remaining on your lip.

What not to do if a child has a cut lip:

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How to treat and treat a broken lip

You need to care for and treat the wound until it is completely healed. For this purpose they use medicines in the form of ointments, creams, gels and antiseptic solutions. Before applying the medicinal ointment, the wound must be treated antiseptic. To do this, you can use the following disinfectant solutions:

  • Furacilina. For 3 to 5 days after injury, wash the wound with furatsilin solution;
  • Miramistin and Chlorhexidine. These solutions have high antiseptic characteristics. They can also pre-treat your hands so as not to introduce infection into the child’s wound.

Almost always, the next day after a bruised lip, the child develops swelling and hematoma in the damaged area. To eliminate swelling and cure a broken lip, you need to use safe drugs based on natural ingredients:

  • Zinc ointment is a mixture of substance oxide and petroleum jelly. This drug has a pronounced protective and softening effect. It helps relieve inflammation and accelerates healing;
  • Bepanten based on dexpanthenol, it is used for wounds that contain a high risk of infection. The cream accelerates regeneration;
  • Healer- This is an oil-based balm tea tree, sea buckthorn, olive oil and other natural ingredients. It is an affordable and highly effective wound healing agent;
  • Boro plus- This healing ointment, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect. She has wide range action, used for wound healing. It contains only natural antibacterial ingredients;
  • Cream La-Cri has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, heals wounds. This remedy helps eliminate itching and irritation;
  • Solcoseryl The ointment is indicated from the moment fresh granulations appear until the wound dries. This remedy helps to quickly restore the outer layer of skin and mucous membranes;
  • Badyaga gel heals wounds and treats inflammation. It accelerates the resorption of hematomas and helps remove scars.

To speed up regeneration, apply ointments several times a day and make sure that the child does not tear off the crust that appears during the healing process.

The use of folk remedies

Add home treatment when a child has a cut lip, it is possible to effectively folk remedies that will destroy pathogenic microorganisms on the damaged area and accelerate tissue regeneration. If a child has a broken lip from the inside or outside, then the injury can be treated safe and effective folk remedies:

  • First of all, after a cut lip wash it with chamomile decoction. For this purpose, you can use an infusion of other medicinal herbs(sage, oak bark, etc.). If the wound is on the inner surface, then apply a cotton swab dipped in liquid to it.
  • The wounded area can be lubricated with honey, but provided that the child is not allergic to it. Honey has antiseptic properties and speed up healing. You can also use propolis; to do this, you need to thoroughly grind it and melt it in a water bath. Then the liquid is mixed with honey and the wound surface is treated. It is best to lubricate your lip before going to bed; overnight the product will have time to be completely absorbed into the skin.
  • Speed ​​up regeneration sea ​​buckthorn oil will help fabrics. However, this remedy can be used if the wound is not very deep.

These medications can be used to complement drug treatment.

However, consult your doctor before using them. Before a walk, lips should be lubricated with hygienic lipstick or emollient cream. This is necessary so that the healing wound does not cause discomfort.

The child tore the frenulum on the upper lip

There are 2 frenulums in the mouth that connect the upper and lower lip with the oral cavity. If a child falls and breaks this jumper, then he needs help:

  • The mouth is washed with cooled boiled water;
  • Then the affected area is treated with hydrogen peroxide;
  • After this, the wound is treated with antiseptics: Furacilin solution, oil Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin spray;
  • A cold compress is applied to the affected area to help relieve pain and stop bleeding.

After this, you need to urgently show the child to the doctor. This is a serious injury that requires qualified medical care.

Otherwise, the risk of infection increases. If the frenulum does not heal properly, speech defects, facial deformities, and problems with chewing may appear. To avoid complications, you need to put self-absorbing sutures on it.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia for 30 minutes. After it, swelling appears, which with proper care will disappear after 2 days. Tissue regeneration in this area usually occurs quite quickly. You need to care for your sutures after surgery using antimicrobials. In addition, you need to rinse your mouth antiseptic solutions after every meal.

When to see a doctor

As mentioned, if the wound is shallow, then it can be treated at home. But at the same time, parents should carefully monitor the child’s condition in order to seek medical help if necessary.

You should immediately visit a doctor after a cut lip in the following cases:

  • The wound is too deep or damaged inner surface lips;
  • Not only the lip is damaged, but also the gum, tooth or frenulum. In such cases, you need to contact a dentist who will assess the consequences of the injury and prescribe the necessary treatment;
  • The body temperature increased to 37.5°C or more within 2 days after the lip cut. Heat indicates infection of the damaged area;
  • Blood continues to flow from the wound for half an hour;
  • There are suspicions that there is a foreign body in the wound;
  • The injured lip is numb;
  • The swelling and redness does not go away for a long time.

If such symptoms appear, immediately go to the doctor, as your child’s health is at risk!

Possible complications

The most unpleasant consequence Lip cuts are an infection of the damaged area. As the inflammatory process develops, the edges of the wound seem to turn inside out. The surrounding tissues turn red, swell, and purulent exudate begins to accumulate at the bottom of the wound. When such symptoms appear, medications with antibacterial action are used.

If the wound is very deep, and the parents did not consult a doctor and treated it themselves, then after healing, a depression or a pronounced scar may remain on it.

In this case, you need to visit a doctor who will put stitches, then there will be no traces left. If the frenulum of the lip is damaged, and the operation was not performed and the mucous membrane was not restored to its normal state, then the the likelihood of the following complications:

  • Speech defects if the injury occurred at an early age;
  • Frequent infection of the oral cavity if the tissues have not grown together correctly;
  • Disruption digestive organs, since the child cannot chew food normally.

To avoid such complications, you need to immediately show your baby to the doctor. A split lip is an unpleasant injury; it is not life-threatening, but if parents act incorrectly, the risk of complications increases. After a lip injury, you should urgently provide first aid to your baby, and then visit a doctor who will assess his condition.

If the wound is very deep or the frenulum is damaged, you should immediately visit a doctor and get stitches.

To speed up tissue healing, you need to use antiseptic and antimicrobial agents. However, before using any drugs or folk recipes, you need to get your doctor's approval.

To get injured, you don't have to get into fights or engage in extreme sports, just an awkward turn or an accidental fall. Simple bruises and abrasions are quite common; a person becomes familiar with them in childhood, but a cut lip can frighten not only the injured person, but also everyone around him. What to do and how to quickly provide first aid? How dangerous can such damage be?

Causes of injury

In everyday life, lip dissection occurs most often due to negligence or accident. You can trip, fall and hit your face, or find yourself in the path of a stone thrown by someone. Traumatologists note that some of the injuries people receive are the result of curious and incredible coincidences. There was a recorded case where a man went to the emergency room after being attacked by a chicken.

The consequences of a fight, beating or robbery do not belong to domestic injuries, but belong to the sphere of offenses. A split lip may be accompanied by associated injuries that complicate the healing process. Any complicating factor is a strong argument in favor of refusing self-medication and contacting a traumatology department.

First aid and proper damage assessment

A large number of small blood vessels, close proximity to the mucous membrane, complex muscular structure that provides rich facial expressions - all these factors directly influence the immediate aggravating symptoms that accompany even a slight dissection of the lip.

Severe and rapidly worsening swelling and profuse bleeding do not allow you to quickly assess the severity of the injury. Therefore, it is recommended to follow a simple algorithm: if possible, stop the bleeding and wash the wound, apply cold.

Important: an ice compress can be applied for no more than fifteen minutes, after which you must take a break of equal duration.

The main parameters of dissection are the length of the relative red border of the lips and the width of the resulting wound. If the gap extends beyond the red border of the lips, then serious damage to the muscle fibers can be suspected, and a width of more than 7 mm is clear indication To surgical care.

How to treat a split lip

If the wound needs to be sutured, then it is better not to argue with the doctor on this issue. The fact is that due to the specific location of the injury, healing can be seriously complicated, and it is better to put stitches. As a rule, it is not possible to bring the edges of the wound closer together with a plaster on the lip.

It is better to wash a broken lip with chlorhexidine. Hydrogen peroxide can be used if there is contamination in the wound, in which case inner fabrics may turn white. This is not pus, you should not try to remove white inclusions formed due to primary processing. Zelenka, iodine, and any alcohol solutions are strictly contraindicated; do not aggravate the damage with a burn.

At first, you can cover fresh stitches with a sterile gauze pad and secure them with a band-aid, but in most cases this is not required.

Healing process

In order for treatment to be quick and effective, the specific location of the injury must be taken into account. A healing lip cut is constantly exposed to various influences, because in most cases a person cannot ensure absolute immobility of fresh sutures. The wound is disturbed during conversation or eating, so at least for the first couple of days it is recommended that speech rest and a diet that does not require active chewing movements. This is especially true if the dissection is accompanied by injury to the gums and teeth.

Child's split lip

If an adult is injured, it is to some extent easier to bear. But at such a moment the child becomes more frightened and may scream, involuntarily aggravating the problem - when screaming, the mouth opens wide, the lips become tense, and the cut receives additional negative effects. Therefore, first of all, the baby needs to be reassured, consoled, and persuaded to be patient.

What to do if a child has a cut lip and is it worth self-medicating? Even if you think it is a minor injury, it is better to consult a doctor. Parents are responsible for the child, and it is better to be safe. It is important to remain calm and confident, because panicking adults only worsen the condition of an already frightened baby.

Otherwise, the treatment process follows the same rules as for adults, except that you should pay closer attention to the cleanliness of the wound, especially in small children.

Possible misconceptions and complications

Any damage to the face seriously spoils appearance and attract unnecessary attention, so all victims are concerned about the question of how long it takes for a cut lip to heal. If there is no inflammation, then after a few days you will notice a significant improvement. The exact timing depends on the severity of the damage.

Getting an infection into the wound aggravates the problem. The inflammatory process begins, the rupture can “turn out”. Redness of surrounding tissues and swelling, accumulation of purulent exudate - if all of the above symptoms are observed, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications. However, fibrin plaque is taken as a sign of inflammation, which should not be peeled off or washed.

Caring for the wound is actually very simple. You need to try not to disturb the fresh seam, and Levomekol ointment, which has weak antibacterial properties, is perfect for softening. Dry alcohol solutions it’s not worth it, they can provoke the formation of a rough scab, which, contrary to common misconceptions, does not contribute to a quick recovery.

A lip bruise is called damage to the soft tissues of the specified area. Such injuries occur frequently due to the thinness and sensitivity of the lip structure. Often this type of damage is observed in children who usually move actively.

According to international classification diseases (ICD 10), lip bruise has code S00.5. According to the classifier, the name of the wound in this case sounds like “Superficial injury of the lip and oral cavity.”


This type of injury occurs as a result of:

  • falls;
  • participation in fights, which led to the lip area in particular;
  • collision of a part of the face with a hard object.

Often such an injury occurs in children who, while learning about the world, behave too actively and therefore often hurt themselves.


When the lip is injured, the following symptoms appear: characteristic symptoms, How:

  • pronounced swelling. The tissues in the lip area swell very quickly, literally before our eyes;
  • formation of a seal inside the lips;
  • pain, discomfort in the damaged area;
  • bleeding if the integrity of the structures has been compromised and there is a wound surface;
  • redness of the skin near the injury site.

The swelling may last for several days without changing in severity.

A child often has abrasions near the mouth along with swelling, which is the result of falling face down.

First aid methods

If a child or adult’s lip is swollen after a blow, what should you do? In this case, first aid is to:

  • Gently rinse the damaged area;
  • wipe open wound Miramistin or Chlorhexidine solution to prevent the possibility of infections. If there is a violation of tissue integrity with inside(in the oral cavity), these products can also be used for disinfection. An external lip injury can also be treated with hydrogen peroxide, but in no case should you use brilliant green or iodine - they can cause a burn;
  • to prevent the formation of extensive edema. Do not leave the compress on for more than 15 minutes, otherwise tissue frostbite may occur.

If blood continues to flow from the wound, you need to fold a piece of bandage several times and place it between your lip and teeth so that it is absorbed.

Even though such an injury is not serious, the child should still be taken to see a specialist. In the event of a fall that caused damage to the lip, a strong blow could have occurred, causing superficial injuries.

Diagnosis and treatment

In the case of a lip bruise, a visual examination is sufficient to assess the nature and severity of the injury.

It is possible to treat such damage at home. Therapy includes:

  • constant treatment of the wound surface on the lip with antiseptics;
  • treatment of the injury site sea ​​buckthorn oil, zinc ointment, Solcoseryl up to 4 times a day;
  • use of mouth rinse solutions if the lip has been broken from the inside. For this, chamomile decoction, chlorhexidine solutions, propolis in water are used;
  • external use of Troxevasin ointment. This drug allows you to remove the tumor and eliminate the hematoma.

For severe swelling and bruising, you can use the following remedies:

  • applying a fresh cabbage leaf. The raw material is applied to the site of injury, left for several hours, secured with an adhesive plaster;
  • lubrication with a mixture of aloe and honey. You need to take a teaspoon of natural honey and mix it with the pulp obtained from fresh aloe leaves. Apply the resulting composition to the hematoma, hold for 15 minutes, then remove, wash the affected area thoroughly;
  • use of badyagi gel or powder. This remedy speeds up the healing process several times. In pharmacies such drugs are presented by Lekar, Badyaga Forte.

If the tissues are severely cut, surgical intervention followed by suturing.

Possible complications

Possible complications from a bruise are:

  • penetration of infection through the wound surface with subsequent formation of purulent masses. This condition threatens blood poisoning;
  • deep damage, which can further cause lip deformation.

A lip bruise usually does not entail serious consequences. However, it is important to properly care for the injury to prevent infection. Also, after damage, you should undergo examinations to exclude the possibility of damage to other structures.