The discharge is thick and yellowish in color. What does bright yellow discharge in women mean?

They happen both normally and with various diseases. But women should be able to distinguish normal leucorrhoea from those caused by pathology. This is necessary in order to receive timely consultation for examination and prescribing treatment in case of detection of diseases.

The most common cause of concern and suspicion regarding infectious diseases is yellow discharge .

Causes of yellow discharge in women

In some diseases of the female genital area, the patient experiences abundant yellow discharge. They are accompanied unpleasant smell.

Highlight following reasons appearance of yellow discharge:

  • . This disease is infectious. There is no inflammatory process in the body. With vaginosis, adverse changes are observed in the lactoflora of the vagina, which protects internal organs women from damage. Bacteria in the vagina actively multiply, which is why yellow discharge appears in women. The smell of vaginal secretions may vary. The discharge often smells like fish or onions. This disease poses a significant danger to pregnant women. Vaginosis increases the risk of premature birth and miscarriage. The disease does not spare even women who are on later pregnancy. In addition, pathogenic bacteria penetrate the uterus, causing endometritis. Vaginosis is common in women who have recently given birth.
  • Colpitis. This disease belongs to the infectious-inflammatory diseases. Colpitis also affects the vaginal mucosa. The causative agents of the pathology are the following harmful microorganisms: staphylococcus, . This disease mainly affects young women. But sometimes it also occurs in young children and elderly patients. With colpitis, the vaginal secretion turns yellow or greenish. Yellow discharge in women is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. This disease also causes other symptoms: swelling of the labia and vaginal mucosa. Patients often experience a burning sensation in the perineal area.
  • Adnexitis and salpingitis. , with salpingitis, the fallopian tubes are affected. Diseases often develop simultaneously, so they need to be treated comprehensively. At acute form pathologies of discharge have a thick consistency, vaginal secretion is released abundantly. At chronic form excretion diseases are quite scanty. They usually take on a yellow tint. The woman experiences discomfort when sexual contact. But the most dangerous complication of adnexitis and salpingitis is infertility.

Thick yellow discharge

The consistency of the discharge changes when present in the body. purulent infection. There is an opinion: with a prolonged inflammatory process, yellow discharge in women becomes thicker. This rule applies to various sexually transmitted infections:

  • Trichomoniasis. This disease worsens genitourinary system, the patient appears thick discharge yellow tint. The causative agent of the disease is. With trichomoniasis, a woman experiences burning and itching in the area of ​​the reproductive organs.
  • . This infection is sexually transmitted. On early stage disease, yellow discharge is observed. They are not accompanied by a pungent odor. But the disease gradually progresses, pus appears in the vaginal secretion, and the discharge acquires a foul odor.
  • . The disease is caused by chlamydia. The discharge may contain small clots. Chlamydia often spreads to the rectum and affects the urethra.
  • . The causative agents of the disease are small bacteria present on the mucous membrane female organs, genital tract.

Thick yellow discharge in women may appear after an abortion. A woman needs to pay attention to the shade and consistency of the mucous secretion, this will reduce the likelihood of developing an inflammatory disease.

Sometimes blood clots are found in vaginal secretions, and the color of the discharge turns brown. In this case, you need to urgently contact a specialist. Bloody discharge from the genital tract often indicates the presence of cancer.

Causes of discharge in healthy patients

Yellow discharge does not necessarily signal any pathology. There is a mucous layer in the vagina and cervix. It contains a large number of glands from which mucous secretion is secreted.

Represents a special and delicate environment female body. The composition and condition of the vaginal flora largely depends on age characteristics women, the process menstrual cycle, works immune system and even climate conditions.

To maintain a normal and healthy environment, it is necessary to regularly observe hygiene measures and monitor the quality of the underwear used. After all, the fragile microflora of the vagina requires careful care. It is populated by various bacteria, microorganisms and fungi, which provide protection to the walls of both the uterus and the vagina itself from negative environmental factors that are pathogenic in nature.

Any vaginal discharge is an absolute norm in the functioning of the female body. It is thanks to them that the female genital organs are protected and are able to undergo cleansing processes.

Any attempts to eliminate the appearance of mucous discharge, especially independently - without medical recommendations, not only do not make any sense, but also carry a certain health risk.

The complete absence of mucous secretions indicates a disruption of the protective layer, which increases the risk of various infections entering the vagina.

The secreted mucus, the amount of which may vary depending on the stage of the cycle, maintains the normal state of the microflora. The first discharge appears in adolescence with the onset of the first menstruation. But before the start of menstruation, girls should not have any discharge.

Otherwise, the presence of mucus before puberty is a reason to consult a gynecologist, since such manifestations may indicate pathological conditions body or infection with subsequent inflammatory processes.

The normal composition of mucus is the presence of coccal bacteria, fungi and even viruses, which are absolutely harmless, but in an unfavorable environment they acquire the ability to actively reproduce, which leads to the formation of inflammation.

Thus, the selections include:

  • Slime filling cervical canal– it is secreted from glands attached to the cervix and performs protective functions; cellular epithelium of the uterus - epithelial cells are capable of constant renewal, while old ones, gradually descending into the vaginal cavity, are excreted from the body.
  • Microorganisms - this component of mucus is represented by a cluster various bacteria, lactic acid and coccal, as well as special acidophilus Dederlein bacilli and plasma - myco- and urea-, in small quantities.
  • The presence of pathogenic bacteria may also be possible, but in the absence of inflammation, their number remains unchanged, which eliminates the risk of any complications.

According to gynecologists, the normal discharge rate in a completely healthy female body should be scanty, colorless (transparent) and not have a specific odor. But due to the physiology of each individual woman, yellow discharge may appear.

Changes in the typical color of the discharge indicate the beginning of the inflammatory process. Such changes in the body are a kind of signal to consult a gynecologist, but in no case should you engage in self-diagnosis.

Sometimes, the symptoms of different diseases alternate with each other, so it is easy to confuse the signs of diseases, based only on changes in the color of vaginal discharge.

The discharge is yellow and odorless. Is there any reason to sound the alarm?

The presence of clear yellow discharge does not always mean the presence of any pathology. Pale and scanty mucous formations are considered normal. Even brighter yellow discharge can be considered normal if it occurs on the eve of your period.

There is no need to sound the alarm without unnecessary reasons. Inflammatory processes, in addition to the pronounced yellowness of the discharge, are usually accompanied by a specific odor, pungent and unpleasant. During infection, the discharge also becomes more abundant, and the genitals and the skin around them become covered with a reddish irritation, causing discomfort.

The yellow vaginal female secretion is a liquid penetrating from the mucus that flows down the cervix and system blood vessels. Such discharge, which is considered normal, does not cause inconvenience, has no odor and disappears on its own after a couple of days.

The main thing is that when this kind of discharge appears, carefully observe hygiene procedures to avoid rashes and unpleasant irritation in the intimate area.

The reasons for the occurrence of such discharge include:

  • an increase in the total volume due to the rapid onset of menstruation, a few days before birth or within a few days after birth;
  • changes hormonal levels women due to age characteristics;
  • active use;
  • change of usual means for intimate hygiene, pads, tampons and condoms can also cause questionable discharge;
  • the body may react to synthetic underwear with yellow discharge;
  • Negative factors for the occurrence of yellow discharge include the possible presence of diseases of the mammary glands.

At what point should you worry?

An urgent visit to a gynecologist is necessary in the following cases:

  • If ;
  • when diagnosing breast diseases, which is often associated with hormonal imbalances that affect the condition of all organs;
  • if during sexual intercourse you feel in the perineum painful sensations, also, continuous even after the completion of the act;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region;

Video about what kind of discharge should alert women? Gynecology

Diagnostic methods for discharge. Treatment options

  • During the examination, the gynecologist takes a smear from the genital organs for laboratory research which allow you to understand whether the vaginal microflora is normal and whether there are any infectious diseases.
  • It is prescribed to assess the condition of the internal genital organs, the uterus, its endometrium, and the ovaries.
  • They must give in, since an untreated infection can lead to serious complications.

The examination will cost from 2000 rubles.

For the treatment of many gynecological problems associated with yellow discharge, you do not need to go to the hospital. Patients successfully get rid of unpleasant symptoms at home, following all the recommendations and instructions of the gynecologist.

As a rule, they are appointed vaginal suppositories, tablets and creams that restore healthy vaginal microflora, as well as antibiotics, which are selected strictly based on test results. Many infectious agents are sensitive only to certain groups antibiotics, a course of treatment with incorrectly selected drugs can not only be ineffective, but also cause harm to health.

For example, in the treatment of trichomoniasis and tinidazole, and in the treatment of infections caused by chlamydia, other drugs are used - doxycyline or azithromycin.

When treated with antibiotics, medications are additionally prescribed to enhance immunity and improve the body's resistance. Surgical intervention usually not required. The sexual partner should also undergo treatment at the same time. During menopause, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs, under the influence of which the vaginal mucosa returns to normal.

The patient needs to analyze her diet. Poor nutrition can cause imbalance in the intimate sphere. You should completely avoid fast food, fatty foods and canned foods. Vegetable juices with the addition of herbs - parsley, spinach, sorrel - are useful. Juices even out the pH balance of the vagina.

However, store-bought fruit juices are harmful because they contain large amounts of sugar. Eat more berries, especially sour ones: viburnum, barberry. A real storehouse of vitamins - and blueberries.

Intimate hygiene must be carried out competently. It is harmful to wash yourself more than twice a day - this washes away the protective layer of the genital mucosa. It's better to use soap instead special means, which contain lactic acid.

  1. Drink more vegetable juices. Particularly useful.
  2. Drinking boiled water with lemon juice remarkably restores the pH balance of the intimate sphere. It is better to drink acidified water in the morning.
  3. You can make baths from water room temperature. It is necessary to pour cooled boiled water into a basin and sit in it. The procedure takes 20 minutes.
  4. Prepare a decoction from pine needles as follows - pour 150 g of pine needles into 3 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook for 40 minutes, then strain. Add the decoction to warm water for baths.
  5. For excessive yellow discharge, as well as painful menstruation, drink a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

Video How to treat discharge?

Yellow discharge may look like normal occurrence, and no. Sometimes they indicate a serious pathology or the beginning of the development of an inflammatory process.

It is advisable for every woman to know what can trigger the appearance of discharge with a yellowish tint.

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Is yellow discharge normal or not?

The female organ, the vagina, connects the reproductive system with external environment. To prevent various types of infections from penetrating inside, the vagina is maintained acid-base balance, shifted towards the acidic reaction. On the mucous membrane of the organ there are “special” bacteria that create this environment.

IN healthy condition Cell self-regulation occurs - secretion (discharge) performs the function of cleansing the organ, which is the norm. The color can vary from clear white to a yellow tint.

Physiological discharge in medicine is called leucorrhoea. They are characterized by the following:

  • do not leave stains on linen;
  • Normally, the volume of discharge should not be more than 5 ml per day, and during the period of ovulation, before or after sexual intercourse, the amount of discharge may increase;
  • the consistency of healthy discharge is liquid and homogeneous;
  • odorless yellow discharge in women, which in very rare cases may be slightly sour;
  • during discharge there should not be such accompanying symptoms like itching or burning.

Some changes in the amount of discharge, their quality and consistency usually occur due to:

  • pregnancy;
  • menses;
  • stress;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • use of contraceptives;
  • poor nutrition;
  • sexual arousal.

It is not uncommon for women to experience yellow discharge. The reasons for this may be both the characteristics of the female body and pathologies caused by diseases of the reproductive system.

1. Physiological changes. Discharges that are the result of natural changes in a woman’s body are considered normal. They turn yellow due to pregnancy, during ovulation, before or after menstruation.

In such cases, the discharge is not abundant, and the woman does not feel any discomfort because of it. There should be no clots in the discharge; the underwear remains clean afterward.

2. The process of inflammation. Yellow mucous discharge is often a symptom of genital disease.

But at the same time, they must be accompanied by other signs of disease, which depend on which organ the inflammation occurs in: pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar pain, pain when urinating, itching, burning, bright shade of discharge, pungent odor, and others.

3. Allergies, which can be caused by: intimate hygiene products, underwear, condoms, vaginal contraceptives.

4. Tumor- Availability malignant tumor in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Yellow discharge with an odor in a woman - what does this mean?

Such discharge indicates the presence of serious female diseases.

A strong-smelling discharge is a symptom of vaginosis. With this disease, the vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed and the discharge with an odor indicates a disruption of the microflora and the development of pathogenic bacteria, instead of “beneficial” ones. Possible causes of vaginosis:

  • changes in hormone levels;
  • weak immunity of women;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • postpartum period;
  • malignant tumors;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

Vaginosis is dangerous, as infection can penetrate the uterine cavity and cause.

Harmful microorganisms - chlamydia, streptococci, trichomonas - can enter the vaginal environment, causing inflammation of colpitis. Along with yellow discharge, colpitis may be accompanied by symptoms:

  • vaginal swelling;
  • Green colour;
  • itching and burning in the perineum.

Hormonal imbalance can also cause odor-bearing discharge. As a result, endometriosis may begin - this disease causes the growth of the mucous membrane and is often the cause of infertility in women.

  • Characteristic symptoms include menstrual pain and heavy discharge yellow-brown in color with a pungent odor.

Copious yellow discharge in women with an unpleasant odor may appear due to the appearance of a malignant tumor in the bladder area.

Yellow-green discharge

Such discharge appears in most cases due to diseases that are sexually transmitted. Possible reason is also an inflammatory process.

If yellow-green discharge occurs after sexual intercourse (unprotected), then the cause should be sought in the disease, which was transmitted in this way. Infections can occur in a latent form. Sometimes they develop into a latent form, which significantly complicates diagnosis and treatment.

In some cases the only symptom diseases are discharge. Therefore, a woman should consult a gynecologist as soon as they appear.

  1. Yellow-green discharge is a sign of trichomoniasis. They may be foamy. This sexually transmitted infection, which later develops into vulvovaginitis. The disease is also characterized by swelling and itching of the genitals.
  2. Abundant and thick discharge may also appear when infected with chlamydia or mycoplasmosis.
  3. Yellow, acidic discharge in women with a greenish tint indicates the development of thrush or candidiasis. This disease can appear as a result of a weakened immune system or while taking medications.

Discharge with a yellow-green tint is sometimes a symptom of inflammatory processes that occur in the organs of the woman’s genitourinary system.

Heavy discharge usually appears due to inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes. In this case, the woman feels a general malaise, the temperature may rise and pain in the appendage area may occur. If these diseases are not cured in time, they will become chronic.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

Yellow, odorless discharge in women often appears during pregnancy. During this period, the body experiences significant hormonal changes. If the discharge is not accompanied by other characteristic symptoms and do not bring discomfort to the woman, then there is no reason to worry.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, women may experience liquid yellow discharge, which indicates that the body begins to produce progesterone in large quantities.

As a result of this, when activated secretory function vagina, dead epithelial cells end up in normal discharge. In addition, a certain percentage of particles in the forming mucus plug also contributes to the appearance of yellow color.

Before childbirth, the discharge may acquire a yellowish tint due to the fact that the plug begins to separate.

A pregnant woman may begin to suspect the presence of infections at the following points:

  • there is an unpleasant odor;
  • the discharge contains any inclusions (blood or pus);
  • itching, redness or pain appears.

At the first appearance of suspicious discharge, a pregnant woman should immediately contact her gynecologist.

Treatment of yellow discharge, prevention

Treatment that may be required for yellow discharge should be prescribed by a doctor. First of all, he will conduct the necessary examination, which will help determine the cause of the appearance of such discharge. Usually, a smear and blood are taken from the woman for analysis. The gynecologist will also conduct a routine examination; in some cases, the woman may be referred for an ultrasound.

Once the cause of the discharge is known, the doctor will prescribe necessary treatment. If inflammation occurs, you will need to take a course of antibiotics or antifungal drugs. Douching and products that normalize the vaginal microflora may also be prescribed.

During treatment infectious disease, which is transmitted sexually, treatment of a permanent partner also becomes mandatory. During treatment you must abstain from sexual activity.

  • You need to visit a gynecologist once every six months;
  • try to lead healthy image life, which includes reasonable physical activity;
  • during sexual intercourse it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives;
  • adhere to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • maintain hygiene, using only proven intimate care products;
  • underwear must be purchased from natural fabric;
  • avoid hypothermia, consult a doctor promptly;
  • support the body through immunotherapy;
  • engage in sexual relations only with a trusted partner;
  • Pregnant women are advised to more carefully monitor hygiene and the condition of their body.

If a woman follows these simple recommendations, then the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system will be significantly reduced.

Yellow discharge of an unusual appearance with an odor that has not been observed before leads the woman to unpleasant thoughts. Some consider this a consequence of insufficient intimate hygiene, others think about a sexually transmitted disease. There is no need to be scared in advance. Discharge may be a consequence physiological changes in organism. However, such manifestations often require treatment. In any case, the occurrence of such symptoms should not be ignored. A woman should definitely visit a doctor to find out the exact cause and, if necessary, begin therapy in a timely manner.


Possible causes of discharge

The appearance of yellow discharge in women often indicates pathological processes in organism. They may be associated with a violation bacterial composition vaginal environment, as well as hormonal imbalances. Some diseases are accompanied heavy discharge having an unpleasant odor.


Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Lactobacilli that live in the vagina protect the internal genital organs from pathogenic microorganisms. Violation of the microflora composition occurs when hormonal imbalances in the body of women, weakened immunity, use of antibiotics. The causes of deviations may be diseases of the genitourinary system and endocrine glands, and the formation of tumors. The infection can be transmitted sexually. The secretion of yellow mucus occurs when venereal diseases, yellow or yellow-green discharge smells like fish. The source of vaginosis is the pathogenic bacteria Gardnerella.

This bacterial disease is dangerous during pregnancy, as it causes miscarriage or premature birth. The entry of pathogenic bacteria from the vagina into the uterus causes inflammation of its mucous membrane (endometritis).

It should be noted: The likelihood of damage to the uterus after childbirth is especially high. Therefore, if there is yellow discharge with an odor during the postpartum period, a woman must undergo a course of treatment.

Vaginosis is easy to distinguish from thrush (candidiasis), with which it is often confused. Discharge from thrush has White color, cheesy structure and sour smell.


An inflammatory process that occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms such as trichomonas, streptococci, and chlamydia into the vaginal environment. Symptoms of the disease are:

  • foamy yellow discharge of a greenish color, with a characteristic unpleasant odor;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the vagina and labia;
  • itching and burning in the perineal area.

Video: Symptoms of vaginal inflammation

Discharge after menstruation

If after menstruation there are transparent discharge- This is fine. The appearance of yellowish-green discharge with an unpleasant odor should cause alarm. They can be a sign of vaginal dysbiosis, vaginosis, colpitis. Such discharge is also typical for diseases transmitted through sexual contact (gonorrhea, for example). When visiting a gynecologist, you need to do a smear to check the vaginal environment for bacteria and fungi, as well as bacterial culture, allowing to identify hidden infections. Culture shows what type of microorganisms caused the pathological discharge, which antibacterial drugs they are sensitive.


A disease that occurs in the uterus due to hormonal imbalances. With this disease, the tissue of the mucous membrane grows. This pathology can cause infertility. Characteristic features are painful menstruation, as well as abundant yellow-brown watery discharge with a strong odor, appearing between menses. Endometriosis can be a symptom of female hormonal diseases associated with the formation of benign and malignant breast tumors.

Tumors in various organs

Yellow discharge with shades of varying intensity may also appear with tumors of the internal and external genital organs. In addition, this is often a sign of the formation of a fistula connecting the genital tract with the intestines or bladder. The hole may appear due to the development of a malignant tumor and radiation treatment. Discharge with an unpleasant odor has a bright yellow if the pathology is associated with the bladder. If a fistula forms in the intestinal area, then they are dark, with a brown tint.

Symptoms that require you to visit a gynecologist

Since yellow discharge with an odor may be due to serious illnesses, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist if the following symptoms appear:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • detection of breast diseases, which are often associated with hormonal disorders in the body of women;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • itching and burning in the external genitalia and perineum;
  • the occurrence of pain during sexual intercourse.

Video: Yellow discharge with fishy smell

Prevention of pathological discharge in women

One of the main causes of bacterial damage to the vagina is dysbiosis. Its appearance may be caused by insufficient or incorrect hygiene care, frequent douching, uncontrolled reception antibiotics, hormonal drugs, unprotected sex. Prevention of deviations accompanied by pathological discharge, is timely treatment women's and endocrine diseases, reception medicines only under the supervision of a doctor, observing the rules of intimate hygiene, protection from sexually transmitted infections.

In women, discharge from the genital organs is a normal physiological process, but often its presence or change in characteristics should be an alarming signal.

Yellow discharge in women can be both normal and evidence of a developing infection.

If you notice such discharge in yourself, you are alarmed by the color, smell and abundance, do not waste time, contact your gynecologist to either eliminate it as soon as possible possible diseases, or begin adequate treatment.

Standard options

The amount of discharge varies from transparent whitish to slightly yellow. Therefore, there is no need to worry if they suddenly decide to change color unexpectedly.

Let's study when the nature of the discharge is considered normal:

  1. The amount of discharge per day does not exceed one teaspoon. During menstruation, sexual intercourse or before it, the amount of discharge increases slightly.
  2. As a rule, they should not be thick or abundant, but some changes may occur during menstruation or ovulation, for example, the appearance of mucous discharge.
  3. The discharge should not leave bright marks on bedding or underwear. If the color of the discharge is slightly yellowish, but does not leave noticeable traces, then this is the norm.
  4. Discharge from healthy woman should not be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Sometimes vaginal discharge has a slightly sour odor, which is due to the predominance of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina, which create an acidic environment.

In addition, normal yellow discharge is not accompanied by subjective symptoms such as itching, burning or discomfort in the external genital area.

Causes of yellow discharge in women

Any changes in the color and odor of vaginal fluid can serve as a signal of the development of an infectious disease or inflammation.

The most popular diseases that cause yellow discharge:

  • salpingitis;
  • STIs (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis);
  • allergic reaction;
  • after an induced abortion;
  • discharge at different stages of gestation.

If yellowish leucorrhoea becomes too abundant, causes increased itching, hyperemia of the external genital organs, has a pronounced putrid odor, is combined with pain symptoms, a violation of the urination process, you should consult a gynecologist.

Yellow discharge with an odor in women

Foul-smelling vaginal discharge most often indicates the presence of an STD.

  1. : when examining the vagina, yellow discharge is visible emerging from the cervical canal and flowing down the walls of the vagina.
  2. : leucorrhoea profuse, foamy, greenish or yellowish, with a pungent putrefactive odor.
  3. : The volume of discharge is moderate, the color is yellowish-white. May be accompanied by bleeding that does not correspond to the cycle, pain of the “lowered belt” type - lower back, lower abdomen, inner part hips

It could also be:

  1. . Observed curdled discharge, white or yellow in color, with a sour odor that intensifies upon contact with air.
  2. Manifestations are more erased. These may be characteristic vaginal discharge, itching in the genital area, redness of the vaginal mucosa, etc.
  3. Bacterial vaginitis– Leucorrhoea profuse, grayish-white, with the smell of rotting fish.

Such diseases require compulsory treatment, so you need to see a specialist.

Yellow-green discharge in women

If there are additional symptoms: burning, pain, itching and unpleasant odor, we can talk about certain pathologies.

Yellow-green discharge in women occurs in the following situations:

  1. Thrush – caused by the proliferation of fungal microorganisms;
  2. Gonorrhea – inflammatory processes of the urinary tract;
  3. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted pathology, one of the few that can be transmitted through household objects;
  4. Bacterial vaginosis— it is characterized by the smell of rotten fish;
  5. Inflammation of a nonspecific nature.

Most of these diseases are sexually transmitted and quickly spread to many organs of the genitourinary system. Any inflammatory processes without adequate treatment become chronic, often recurrent, and can lead to infertility.

During pregnancy

Against the background of hormonal changes, vaginal discharge may become abundant and acquire a yellowish tint. If they are not accompanied by pain and other unpleasant sensations in the genitals, do not have an unpleasant odor and without purulent impurities, then special reasons no worries.

In this case, you need to visit a gynecologist to rule out the possibility of an infectious disease.


The acute form of the disease is accompanied by copious, purulent yellow discharge. In the chronic form of the disease, discharge is scanty, and severe irritation external genitalia. There may also be pain in the back and during sexual intercourse, painful menstruation and a constant urge to urinate.


May be caused by a yeast infection, trichomoniasis, or bacterial vaginosis. This infection is very common and appears as heavy white or yellow vaginal discharge after your period. Vaginitis caused by trichomoniasis infection often appears as a yellow, green, or gray foamy discharge. Bacterial vaginosis causes thick white and yellow discharge.


At acute course– yellow discharge is abundant, in chronic cases it is scanty. Sexual intercourse may be painful and bloody issues. In the background there is bloating, painful menstruation, poor appetite, difficult or painful urination.


During development venereal diseases The discharge also becomes yellow in color, contains abundant impurities of pus, and produces a strong, unpleasant odor. The external genitalia swells and develops severe itching and burning, intensifying after urination, pain appears during sexual intercourse.


Sometimes the appearance of yellow leucorrhoea can cause allergic reactions caused by aggressive external factors. These factors include female tampons or pads, as well as condoms and synthetic underwear.


If you notice that you have "abnormal" discharge and it is tinged with yellow, but there is no negative symptoms, no need to start worrying.

In this case, you should do the following:

  • use linen exclusively from natural fabrics;
  • carefully monitor your personal hygiene;
  • use only high-quality, good products for personal hygiene;
  • Always exercise maximum caution during sexual intercourse and take precautions.

If the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, difficulty urinating, itching and pain, you should immediately seek help from a highly qualified women's doctor.

Usually, bright yellow discharge in women, they are a signal that the body is infected with microbes.

Mucus is always released from the vagina of women. Normally, mucous discharge is transparent and thin, leaving no odor or bright traces. In quantity they do not exceed a teaspoon per day. Although after sex or before critical days, there may be a little more of them and their color may be pale yellow.

To avoid many incurable diseases chronic diseases in women, they need to be very careful about themselves. And they simply have to notice the color of the mucus.

If the mucus has a slightly yellow tint, but there is no feeling of discomfort, this indicates the normal function of the reproductive system, except for minor deviations in its functioning. But its character, abundance and structure depend on many factors. Discharge of an unnatural color with a not very pleasant or pungent “aroma” serves as a signal of pathology in the functioning of the genital organs.

Often the yellow color of mucus released from the vagina indicates infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted, or inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system. And such a phenomenon should be a reason to visit a gynecologist. But even he will not be able to immediately say about the reasons for this phenomenon.

It is worth clearly knowing the reasons for the appearance of this color of the secreted liquid in order to understand how dangerous this phenomenon is.

Reasons for yellow discharge include:

  • sexual infections such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc. With such infectious lesions they are often accompanied by itching and burning. The mucus smells like rotten fish;
  • infection with venous diseases also often causes a change in the color of the discharge (They also have a yellow tint and a strong unpleasant odor, but pus is mixed with them);
  • lack of sex in women's lives;
  • prolonged nervous tension;
  • hormonal metabolism disorders;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • disruption of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa of women;
  • allergy to underwear from synthetics or intimate hygiene items, condoms, etc.

It's not always a disease!

Sometimes between periods, the mucus turns yellow or greenish. This phenomenon does not always become a sign of disorder in the body. Fluctuations in color occur even due to changes in diet or climate.

If the yellow color of the mucus is not accompanied by other symptoms, then maybe there is no disease either. To do this, you need to carefully “listen” to yourself, listening to the sensations within yourself. In the case when no deviations are felt, you need to observe the discharge for some time. If any changes are noticed, and the color of the mucus gradually becomes richer, you should definitely visit the antenatal clinic.

When is discharge dangerous?

A woman is generally obliged to appear in the gynecologist’s office at least once a year, and ideally more often. Bright-colored vaginal discharge is often a consequence of inflammation, especially if weakness and other signs appear. Different combination such signs indicate various diseases female genital organs.

In the case when the discharge is scanty and has a yellow color, which is diluted with purulent or bloody impurities after sex, accompanied by pain, we can talk about dysfunction of the reproductive system such as uterine erosion. This disease is easily treated. But it should be remembered that the disease never cures itself.

Often the discharge becomes yellow due to inflammation in the uterine tubes. In the case of a chronic nature, the disease is associated with a weakened immune system, nervous tension, a cold.

The disease requires complex treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Such shades of discharge are observed in cases of colpitis. Colpitis can be a consequence of injury or infection in the organs of the reproductive or urinary system of women.

There is also the appearance of discharge that has a bright yellow tint due to vaginal dysbiosis. And this is also a reason to visit a gynecologist.

To make a diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan, the doctor must determine the causative agent of the disease by conducting an examination.

Self-medication here is often deadly, but promptly contacting a gynecologist allows you to get rid of the pathology quickly enough.
