Grow tobacco in the country. What is the best smoking tobacco to grow for smoking?

Many people today are interested in growing tobacco in the garden for smoking, whether it is realistic and how to do everything correctly so that the work is not wasted. This process It’s not much different from growing tomatoes, but it has its own subtleties. Growing a hundred or two on your garden plot will not be difficult.

It is a source of raw materials for tobacco products. Belongs to the Solanaceae (nightshade) family. It can be perennial or annual. The most common are several types that will be discussed.

Common tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)

Sometimes it is also called real or virgin. It grows up to 3 m. It blooms with delicate pink flowers and has a tubular corolla. The leaf shape is oblong. It loves warmth very much, so it is cultivated in hot countries, although it is grown quite successfully in Russia. There are a lot of varieties of this species.

Also known as Country Tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) is much shorter than its southern counterpart, only 1.2 m. It blooms yellow, the blades are round, while the Virginia one is sharp. The leaves are weaker in nicotine content and have an ovoid shape with blunt ends. Does not require special attention.

Even 20 years ago, collective farmers grew terry in large quantities in their gardens for sale and personal use. Today, few people do this. Nicotine is found in any part of the plant, the most saturated are the leaves.

Growing tobacco

For one heavy smoker, it will be enough to have about 8 kg of tobacco for a year. Each plant will give about 30 g. Per sq.m. fits 6 plants. If you plan to plant a large-leaved variety, then you need to plant it according to the 70x30 cm pattern; small-leaved varieties will require less space - 70x20 cm.

Everything is simple with shag. In the middle zone, it is sown under film, and then pulled apart and manages to bring a good harvest. You can sow directly into prepared holes, covering each with a jar or plastic bottle, maintaining moisture inside. After germination, the strongest ones are left.

Features of growing ordinary tobacco

This is a bit more complicated. First, the seeds are selected. The choice of variety is up to the gardener.
It’s better to take new, more productive ones. them on this moment about two dozen. Here are the most popular:

Trebizond Kubanets

(nicotine 2.6%)

From the day the seedlings are planted until the final breaking, 104-134 days pass. There are about 27 suitable sheets.

Trapezond 92

The leaves break off after 99 days, there is almost no pain.

Samsun 85

Actively maturing. From planting to breaking no more than 110 days. You can take fifty technically suitable leaves from a bush.

Anniversary new 142

(nicotine 2.1%)

The growing season is 78-82 days. Good disease resistance.

Holly 316

Considered late ripening. There is little nicotine compared to the above varieties. The last leaf breaking is carried out on the 120th day.

Having decided on the variety, you can proceed further. If you have never had to deal with tobacco before, it is better to concentrate your efforts on a small number of bushes for the first year. This will make it possible to correctly calculate your strength in the future and understand the essence of the process of growing on summer cottage tobacco

You will need very little seeds by weight, because 1 gram contains 12 thousand pieces. In shag, they are larger (up to 4 thousand per g). A quarter of a gram will be enough for the smoker to make a necessary supply for himself for a whole year. In this case, a couple of bushes are left for seeds, and there will no longer be a need to buy them.

Before planting, some try to soak the seeds (4 days before work, place them on a damp cloth) so that they hatch, but you can also sow dry ones.

Planting methods


Like some vegetables, you can sow the seeds in boxes first to get strong seedlings. She should be about 1.5 months old, then dived, or planted immediately. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not suitable for large-scale cultivation, but for your own needs it is just right.

Sowing in the ground

If the climate is warm, then sow directly into the ground. If it’s cold, then first go to the greenhouse. Seeds are sown on a damp surface, without backfilling with soil. You just need to press them in slightly so that the wind doesn’t blow them away.

Tobacco germinates at +25ºC. Lower temperatures slow down or prevent seeds from growing at all. Watering is daily, but moderate.


So, if the plant is up to 15 cm and has 5 leaves, then it is ready for a new place of residence. The soil should be warm, usually this happens from the end of April and throughout May. In order for the seedlings to take root well and not get sick, gradually accustom them to more low temperatures. Within seven days it must be taken out, if it is on the windowsill, outside. Trying to avoid sunburn, leave in direct light for a short time. It is also worth watering less often. After a couple of days, watering is stopped. On the day of planting, 3 hours before the final planting in the open air, pour tobacco generously.

There is one root per hole. Spill the holes with water (one liter) in advance. It is desirable that the roots of young plants be in a ball and not exposed during transplantation. Before seedlings begin to grow, it is necessary to maintain moisture, but do not overwater the young plants.

How to care for tobacco

For good growth leaves, loosening the soil, weeding and, of course, fertilizing are necessary. In the latter case, the norms are the same as for growing tomatoes.

There is no need to water the grown tobacco often. This is usually done 3 times during the summer. Overmoistening is dangerous for the tobacco root, which grows very long and copes with water production on its own. Some tobacco growers still water the adult plant before harvesting. To get a quality leaf, you need to remove all flowers and side shoots as they appear.

Soil requirements

Smoking tobacco loves to grow after steaming or even on fresh soil. If this is not possible, it is better to choose the right predecessors, avoiding potatoes, beets, eggplants, and tomatoes.

The tobacco plant needs nitrogen and potassium. The land is depleted after it, so appropriate fertilizers are appropriate: coarse manure cattle, cakes, bird droppings.


In order not to overexpose your harvest, you should monitor the change in color of the leaves. The signal is yellow-green. Sometimes not all the leaves are ready at the same time, then you should wait and tear off the yellowing part. Sometimes it happens that harvesting can be delayed.

Before you start growing smoking tobacco at your dacha, answer yourself this question: why do you need it? In order to get shag or insecticide to repel garden pests? Both the first and second purposes of growing tobacco are hardly advisable.

It is not safe to grow self-gardens for rolling cigarettes. Having grown tobacco and dried its leaves, can you independently determine the nicotine content in them? Of course not. And it, depending on the variety, agricultural cultivation technology, raw material processing technology, can range from tenths to four percent and more.

Smoking with low nicotine levels homemade cigarettes will not bring satisfaction to heavy smokers, but high percent Nicotine will have a detrimental effect on your health. The uncontrolled use of tobacco dust and tobacco infusions to control garden pests is also unsafe for people.

It is also worth remembering that tobacco is a nightshade crop and therefore it is not easy for it to find beds where potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis, and petunia have not been grown for several years.

Belonging to this family is fraught viral diseases, which can spread from tobacco to favorite garden crops and vice versa.

But warning about negative consequences growing tobacco, it’s time to talk about the agricultural technology of this crop.

Growing smoking tobacco through seedlings

There are over fifty types of tobacco, but only two are considered cultivated. The plants of one are the raw materials for producing shag, the plants of the other are for tobacco. Shag can be grown throughout Russia, but tobacco can only be grown south of the 55º parallel.

From such small seeds such a huge bush grows.

An adult plant grows up to one and a half meters. The stem is straight. The leaves are entire, oval. The flowers are collected in a paniculate inflorescence at the top of the stem. The fruit is a multi-seeded capsule. The seeds are very small: there are 10-15 thousand of them in one gram. The root system is branched, penetrating deeply into the soil.

Most varieties belong to long-day plants: they enter the flowering and fruiting phase with 15-16 hours of daylight.

At what temperature to grow. Tobacco is heat-loving. Even in the southern regions of the country it is grown through seedlings. They begin to sow in early March in a mixture of humus, garden soil and sand (2:1:1). During the pre-emergence period, the temperature is maintained at 27-28 degrees. For emerging seedlings, it is lowered to 18-20 degrees. Provide good lighting.

Caring for seedlings. Water the seedlings without waiting for the soil to dry out. But a week before transplanting into open ground, watering is reduced, and two days later it is stopped. By the time of planting in open ground, the seedlings should have 5-6 true leaves and be 12-15 cm high.

Planting in open ground

Hardened seedlings are planted in open ground after the threat of frost has passed. The site is prepared in advance, choosing a place protected from the wind. Tobacco grows well after green manure (cereals, legumes).

It is not recommended to grow it after potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis, and return it to its original place earlier than after 2-3 years. Tobacco responds positively to humus and compost added before planting (2-3 kg per sq. m).

Seedlings ready for planting.

The seedlings are planted in pre-watered soil, deepening the stem by 3-4 cm. You can go deeper, but do not cover the growth point. Per square meter place 4-5 plants of large-leaved or 6-7 medium-leaved varieties.

During the initial growth period, the soil on the site is moistened, increasing the rate of water consumption as the plants grow. On light soils, water more often than on heavy soils. By the time of harvesting, the intensity of watering is reduced. After each watering, the row spacing is loosened.

Tobacco is heat-loving, but temperatures above 35 degrees are unfavorable for it: young plants may die, and adults are delayed in their development.

Tobacco feeding

In the first half of the growing season, tobacco needs increased nitrogen nutrition. But overfeeding with nitrogen reduces the quality of the raw material: it turns out rough, when burned, it smells unpleasant. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied before planting seedlings - 2-3 tbsp. spoons per sq. m.

Phosphorus and potassium are needed throughout the growing season. Phosphorus promotes earlier flowering and leaf ripening. Excess phosphorus leads to premature aging leaves. Tobacco also needs good potassium nutrition, but again without excess.

Tobacco plantation.

Excess potassium reduces the quality of tobacco: its smell becomes unpleasant. Typically, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are added during autumn digging - up to 0.5 cups per square meter. m.

When planting, you can add complex fertilizers dissolved in water (2 tablespoons per square meter) containing equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

For fertilizing, you can use organic infusions. They are placed in furrows made with a hoe in the middle of the rows.

To obtain good raw materials, plants are pinched (side shoots are removed) and topped (inflorescences are cut off) during the growing season.

When tobacco is harvested - samosad

Harvesting begins when the leaves acquire a slight yellowish tint. The lower leaves are broken off first - 3-4 from each plant. The second collection is increased to 3-5, the third - to 5-7 leaves. Then the number of harvested leaves begins to be reduced.

Drying tobacco leaves.

Remove the leaves in the morning after the dew has dried and in the evening. Before harvesting, the lowest (seedling) leaves are removed. The broken leaves are placed blade to blade, petiole to petiole. Then, using a large needle, the leaves are strung on twine so that they do not stick to each other.

The first phase of drying the leaves is carried out at a temperature of 25-35 degrees and air humidity of 75-90 percent. After the leaves turn from green to yellow, they are dried in the sun.

Pest control infusion

0.5 kg of dry tobacco leaves pour 10 l hot water, leave for two days. Before spraying add 40 g dissolved in water laundry soap, dilute half with water and treat the plants against aphids, leaf rollers, spider mites, onion and cabbage moths, and slugs.

Even in something like smoking, experienced gardeners want to stand out and grow their own product, which will be significantly different from what manufacturers offer. But the differences will be for the better or worse - it depends on what efforts are put into the matter.

The main danger of smoking tobacco grown in your own garden is that you probably cannot know how much nicotine it contains and how strong it is. Although this does not stop heavy smokers and many of them consider that, even though it is strong, it is nevertheless homemade.

Growing tobacco on your own plot is a simple process. IN general outline it is reminiscent of growing tomatoes. Another question is: for what purpose are you planning this activity? Tobacco is used both for smoking and for agricultural purposes. Let's take a closer look at the issue and consider a well-known and popular variety of tobacco!

For growing for smoking purposes, the Virginia variety is very popular. Those who have tried smoking this tobacco claim that it is quite strong and pleasant to the taste. Plants of this variety do not require special care when caring and do not require pinching, since they do not have side shoots.

Tobacco, like other crops, is grown by seedlings and without seedlings. Which to choose? This depends on several factors.

1. On the climatic features of the region. If you live in the south, then it makes no sense to grow seedlings at home; sow directly into the ground.

2. On the volume of plants grown. For large areas it is absolutely not advisable to grow seedlings. If you are planning to plant an entire plantation, then it is better to use greenhouses or a greenhouse and sow the seeds directly into the ground.

3. From the purposes for which tobacco is grown. For a small area and in the middle zone, the seedling method will be the most suitable.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Since growing seedlings is a more labor-intensive process than direct sowing in the ground, we will consider its features. Let us immediately note that the seedling method of planting gives the harvest much earlier than when sowing in the ground.

Seeds remain viable for a long time; it is permissible to use not very fresh material. If you are growing tobacco for the first time, you probably won't need a large number of seeds. The seed material is very fine, yes, and it is difficult to call it seeds, since it looks more like dust.

The time from the beginning of growth to planting in the ground is 40-45 days. Sowing of seeds is carried out dry or slightly germinated. In the first case, the seed must be scattered over the surface and crushed with a mixture of humus and sand no more than 0.5 cm thick.

To germinate seeds, place them in a damp cloth 3-4 days before sowing. Keep the fabric damp. As soon as the seeds hatch, sow. This method accelerates germination by 5-7 days. The seedlings grow faster and are healthier. If it is not possible to sow immediately, then the seeds should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. There they can be stored for 2-3 days.

Before sowing, dry the seeds a little and mix with sifted humus and coarse sand. Then sprinkle on the surface of the soil.

What is the best way to sow tobacco - in common or separate containers? It's just a matter of your convenience. You can sow in a common container, since the material is very small.

You will need approximately 8-10 cm of nutrient substrate. You can purchase ready-made soil mixture or prepare it yourself. To do this you will need turf soil, humus, a little ash, coarse sand and sphagnum moss. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, sift and pour over the potassium permanganate solution.

Take containers with drainage holes and fill them with soil. The room temperature for seed germination should be +25...+28°C. Decreases can lead to poor germination. As soon as the sprouts appear, it is advisable to lower the room temperature to +23...+25°C.

Seedling care

So, you have decided to grow tobacco through seedlings. If you have already sowed, now it is important to provide the seedlings with normal conditions for development.

In addition to the temperature regime, watering is very important for seedlings. Moisturize little by little but regularly. Look at the condition of the soil. Overmoistening also has a negative effect on seedlings, as does drought. Water with a small stream from a watering can with a sprayer, because light seed material is easy to wash away.

The volume of soil in containers is limited, and accordingly, the nutrients become smaller over time, so the seedlings need to be fed. For tobacco, mineral, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers will be most suitable. In principle, you can use a solution of chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. For the entire growth period, as a rule, two feedings are enough.

A week before planting in the ground, it is necessary to begin hardening the seedlings. Place it on a balcony or unheated veranda. The time of such a “walk” should be no more than 10-15 minutes for the first time. Then, gradually increase the plants' time outside and by the end of the week, bring it up to a whole day. Thus, it will be easier for plants to adapt to new conditions and they will more easily tolerate planting in open ground.

At the stage of 3-4 true leaves, the seedlings are ready for picking. If you sowed in separate containers, then wait until the plants become 15 cm in height and plant them in the ground. At this stage they should have approximately 6 true leaves and a developed root system. 3 hours before transplanting seedlings into the ground, water them generously.

Preparing the site and planting seedlings

Tobacco is demanding in terms of illumination of the site, but the place for the crop should be in light shade. If you don’t have one on your site, then you need to build a small canopy. The material for this is lightweight but durable. You can install a mobile greenhouse made of agrofibre. This covering material helps maintain soil moisture, but does not interfere with air exchange; moreover, it is easy to open and ventilate.

Crop rotation is important not only when planting vegetables, but also when planting tobacco. The plant grows well in soils where legumes or green manure previously grew. Eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, Bell pepper. The crops suffer from the same diseases as tobacco. Tobacco can be returned to its original place no earlier than after 3 years.

Proper site preparation is an important factor when growing any crop. What is needed for this? Deep digging with the application of organic fertilizers. This can be humus, mature compost or rotted manure. The depth of digging and embedding of components is 20-40 cm. It is necessary to carry out such an event in the fall. In the spring, loosen the soil and apply mineral fertilizers.

Prepare holes for seedlings at a distance of 30-50 cm. Sometimes a further distance will be needed, depending on the variety. Fill the holes with 0.5 liters of water each. It is important to leave free row spacing, since the tobacco bush turns out to be quite spreading. Dense planting provokes the development of diseases and is a suitable habitat for insect pests.

Do not bury the growing point when planting plants.

At the time of planting seedlings in the ground, temperature is a very important indicator. If it drops below +15°C, the plants will stop developing and the leaves will begin to curl. Night temperature below +5°C can completely destroy plants. Wait for weather conditions to stabilize and take your time with landing. Optimal time in the middle zone - the third ten days of May.

Features of care

The main requirement when caring for tobacco is weeding. To cultivated plants If they grow and develop normally, they need to be given enough space. Weeds take nutrition from the soil and are carriers of infections.

As for watering, the volume of water increases as it grows. Like seedlings, mature plants need regular, but not excessive, watering. The row spacing needs to be loosened so that the soil remains breathable.

When seedlings are just planted in the ground, the main danger for them is a drop in temperature, while during the growth process the plants are harmed by heat and drought. For example, at + 35°C they slow down their growth and stop developing. Of course, in open ground conditions it is quite difficult to resist such factors. As mentioned above, a greenhouse with an agrofiber cover will reduce the risk of crop loss, since it prevents the complete penetration of UV rays, creates an optimal microclimate inside, allows air to penetrate and does not accumulate condensation.

Fertilizers for tobacco

During the entire growth period, tobacco needs 3-4 feedings. The first half of the growing season is the most the right time for nitrogenous fertilizers. Subsequent ones can be phosphorus-potassium or complex, mineral. Remember that you should not overuse fertilizing, since an excess of each element entails adverse consequences. Thus, excessive application of phosphorus will lead to premature aging of the green mass, although its moderate use will promote flowering and speed up its onset.

Abuse of potassium will provoke bad smell tobacco, which will reduce the quality of the finished product. Although potassium is important element, when growing tobacco, you still shouldn’t abuse it.

From folk ways It is advisable to use chicken manure. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:25. You can add a little wood ash to the solution; everyone knows that it is rich in minerals and very useful for nourishing the soil.

When should you feed? The first subcortex is carried out 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. The second - after two weeks or when the plants reach a length of 20 cm, the third - during the flowering period.

Diseases and pests

The interesting thing is that tobacco is its own healer. If you find leaf rollers, spider mites, slugs, moths, or aphids on your property, then you need to act immediately, especially since there is a proven way to get rid of insect pests. Prepare a solution from dry tobacco leaves. For 10 liters of hot water, take 500 grams of leaves, brew and leave for 2-3 days. After this, add 40 grams of grated laundry soap and let it dissolve. Irrigate the plants with the resulting liquid. It is advisable not to wait for pests or diseases to appear, but to carry out such measures as a preventive measure.

Tobacco cleaning

Slight yellowness is a signal that the leaves can be removed. Tobacco harvesting occurs in several stages. It starts with the lower leaves, 3-4 pieces each. from each plant. During the second assembly, after some time, you can remove 5-6 sheets.

Cleaning should be done in the evening before the dew falls or in the morning after it has completely dried. The leaves need to be strung on a rope to dry. When hanging the leaves, make sure that they do not touch and that there is sufficient distance between them.

At first, it is better to dry the leaves in a dark place, at a temperature of +25 to +35°C. Air humidity should be 70-75%. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, they need to be moved to dry in the sun.

If you follow agricultural technology and crop rotation, harvesting and storage rules, you will probably get really high-quality tobacco. But remember that smoking has a negative impact on health. Although tobacco can also be used for economic purposes, because it helps in the fight against pests and some plant diseases.

Every year, tobacco products become more and more expensive, and their quality is steadily decreasing in attempts to reduce the costs of their production. A large number of smokers who decided to grow their own tobacco were more than once happy with this decision. Growing tobacco at home significantly saves costs, and the cultivation itself does not require special skills if you follow a few simple conditions.

The place where it is grown has a great influence on the taste of tobacco.

  • The size and visual condition of tobacco leaves greatly depend on the type of soil.
  • Availability mineral salts and a sufficient amount of moisture determine the future taste of tobacco.
  • A sufficient amount and purity of air affect the richness and unique aroma of the leaves.

Choosing a tobacco variety

Virginia tobacco variety is most often grown in our climatic conditions. It is characterized by a mild taste and wonderful aroma. In addition, the Virginia variety adapts well to any weather conditions. top scores this variety performs in hot climates.

Sowing seeds

You should start growing tobacco by picking up dry or sprouted seeds. The seeds should be soaked in a small cloth and a little potassium nitrate should be added. It is recommended to do this several days before planting.

After a day of infusion in this solution, the seeds are washed well and left in an enamel pan. The cloth must be constantly moistened. The appearance of seed flow is a sign that it is time to plant them.

The optimal time for planting seeds is early March. Particular attention should be paid to watering. A balance must be maintained to avoid excess moisture. But the earth should not dry out either.

Planting plants in the ground

Tobacco seedlings are planted in the ground around the beginning of May, when the threat of frost has already passed. Before this, you need to choose a place for tobacco. This area should be cleared of weeds and fertilized. The soil should be well fertilized. Also, 7 days before the day of planting, seedlings are accustomed to fresh air and harden them.

Tobacco seedlings are planted in the ground according to the principle of 20 cm between plants in a row and 70 cm between the rows themselves. In this case, the plants will have enough space and nutrients for full growth.

Immediately after planting, the plants should be fed with a solution of slurry and superphosphate. Without this, plants may be weak in the face of new living conditions.

The next feeding should be done after the inflorescences appear. For feeding, you can use a solution based on onion skins and garlic. Fertilize with this solution at least 3 times at weekly intervals.

Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers will not only significantly help plants grow, but also prevent pests from feasting on the plants. However, in any use of fertilizers, the norm must be observed.


The finished harvest is harvested in August. The topmost leaves of tobacco are considered the most valuable. Leaves should be separated according to their growth height so as not to mix more valuable leaves with less valuable ones.

The tobacco leaves are dried in the sun for 2 days, after which they are moved to a dark and humid room for another month. For additional humidity, containers with water are placed in the room, which will evaporate there.

Drying the leaves is only half the battle. To obtain particularly aromatic tobacco, it must be fermented. To do this, you will need an old cabinet or a non-working refrigerator. A heater with a temperature controller should be installed there. Each type of tobacco has its own fermentation conditions, so you should carefully study them before carrying out this procedure.

Tobacco grown at home on your own will not only significantly save you money, but will also cause less harm to the body than modern cigarettes.

The law does not prohibit or regulate the cultivation of tobacco for personal use. Unable to refuse bad habit, V last years many smokers again turned to the forgotten cultivation of tobacco in their summer cottages.

Government policy annually leads to an increase in the price of tobacco products. What dictated this? Concern for the health of the nation or an attempt to fill the treasury at the expense of smokers? The harm of smoking to humans has been proven. Much more dangerous than nicotine, the content of which in 1 cigarette does not exceed 1 gram, is only the chemicals in its composition: lead, arsenic, cadmium, phenol, methane, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, etc.

As part of the savings

Nicotine-containing plants are not cultivated for the sake of beauty or to repel house moths. The main driver of gardening activity is money. The harmful attachment to incense sticks has become much more expensive. Seeds of all varieties and varieties of tobacco are very small; it is more profitable to buy them by weight. There are at least 4000 seeds in 1 gram of shag. Noble varieties are even smaller - 10 - 12 thousand grains of seeds.

The ubiquitous shag will cost no more than 150-200 rubles per 10 grams. Packaging in colored bags from large manufacturers varies from 10 to 50 rubles per 0.01 gram, depending on the type of tobacco. The most affordable option is to order seed material online from private traders who do not skimp on portions. In order to sow 1 hectare of land, 1/4 gram of seeds is enough.

From one adult plant, with proper care, you can get up to 200 grams of dry leaf. Different varieties differ significantly in the nicotine content of the final product. The yield from the bush will be up to 20-30 grams of nicotine, which is equivalent to 1.5 - 2 packs of cigarettes. On 1 m you can place 5 - 7 large-leaf tall tobacco. Thus, by allocating 1/2 hectare of land on your personal plot for planting tobacco, you can completely provide yourself with it for the whole year and save a lot on cigarettes.

Village self-sad

Shag (Nicotiana rustica) has firmly established itself as a country tobacco thanks to the increased unpretentiousness of this representative of the nightshade family. Shag is grown not only through seedlings, but also by direct sowing. Habitat from southern latitudes to the Arctic.

In Ukraine and southern Russia, shag is sown from the second half of April to the beginning of May in shallow furrows, sprinkled with humus up to 1 cm. In regions with a more severe climate, sowing is carried out from the third ten days of May to the beginning of June.

Samosad has been smoked in Russia since time immemorial and grown on an industrial scale. Because of high content To reduce the amount of nicotine in the leaves, shag shag is removed and dried as a whole bush, and all above-ground parts of the plant are used to prepare smoking powder. When ripe, you can get up to 30 grams of seed material from one bush and provide it with a substantial supply not only for yourself, but also for your neighbors.

IN Middle lane It is recommended to grow tobacco seedlings at home or sow under a film cover. Seed germination begins at a temperature of at least +7-8 °C, and active growth begins at + 20°C. Care consists of thinning the plantings, loosening the soil, removing weeds and topping (removing flowers and buds).

Yellow (numbers 106 and 109)– low-growing (70-80 cm) early-ripening varieties with light green leaves. It takes 80 days from sowing to ripening. With the seedling method, which is preferable, 40 days. The yield is average - up to 40 grams of the final product in dry condition.

Mopacho – annual plant with large fleshy leaves and stem. Height up to 1-1.2 meters. It is distinguished by its vitality and very high, compared to other varieties, nicotine content (15-20 times higher).

Green 317 is a tall, mid-season variety. Resistant to bacterial grouse disease. Unpretentious in cultivation. Needs fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers. From planting to technical ripeness 80-85 days.

Pehlets (varieties)– characterized by high productivity. Green leaves are small or medium-sized, up to 12-18 pieces per plant. From planting to harvesting 70-80 days. Disease resistance is high.

The popularity of this culture is so great that almost every region can boast of its own local variety of shag: Eletskaya, Crimean, Samara, Moscow, etc.

Noble tobacco

Unlike the unpretentious shag, “noble” or ordinary smoking tobacco, which is best grown from seeds by seedlings, is a very heat-loving plant.

Popular varieties

Breeders different countries Many varieties of tobacco have been developed. Not least important are domestic varieties patented in the Krasnodar Territory. Which one to choose is a matter of taste.

The most popular varieties:

Samsun 85 is a mid-season, high-yielding variety belonging to the Samsun variety. A plant up to 1-1.5 meters high with large dark green petiolate leaves. Planting seedlings from mid-March to early April. The first mature leaves are broken off in the second half of July. Under favorable conditions, you can collect up to 50 pieces from a bush. Famous for its delicate, pleasant oriental aroma. Nicotine content in raw materials is up to 2.1%.

Virginia 202 and Virginia Gold– the sweetest varieties belong to the “Virginia” variety. The sugar content in golden Virginia raw materials reaches 20%. Early ripening, disease resistant. Productivity up to 25 leaves per bush. Are different low content nicotine and harmful tars.

Trapezond 92 is an early-ripening, high-yielding representative of the “Trapezond” variety. The height of the bush is up to 1.6-1.8 meters. The leaves are petiolate yellow-green. The first leaf cutting can be done after 70-80 days. Productivity up to 40 pieces per plant.

Havana – used for making cigars and smoking mixtures. A powerful plant up to 1.8 meters in height with very large and long petiolate leaves (up to 80 cm). Sowing seedlings in early March. Planting in the ground or greenhouse at the 5-leaf stage. The taste and strength of Havana tobacco depends on the composition of the soil and the amount of sun. The first breakout is at the end of July.

It is better to plant several species and compare them according to key parameters: ripening time, disease resistance, and the sensations of consuming the final product.

Sowing seedlings

Tobacco seeds long time retain good germination, but require special “attention”. It is worth being patient: growing smoking tobacco from seeds at home, at first, will cause a lot of trouble, however, with proper care, it will reward you with a generous harvest.

The soil for sowing seeds must be loose and nutritious. Use a mixture of humus, sand and fertile soil in equal parts. It would be a good idea to disinfect it by pouring boiling water on it or “frying” it for a few minutes in the microwave. This will help grow healthy seedlings.

Seeds can be sown dry or soaked. Place in a humid environment (in gauze or a piece of cloth) for several days until sprouts appear. This will shorten the time needed to grow tobacco in an apartment by 12 weeks.

The germinated seeds are distributed over the surface of a moist substrate, covered with a transparent lid, glass or film and placed in a warm and bright place. The soil is periodically moistened with a spray bottle. When the first shoots appear, the lid is removed from the planting container, but they continue to monitor the temperature and humidity conditions.

Features of care

You need to have some basic skills to understand how to grow smoking tobacco at home and get strong and viable seedlings:

  • Plants require a lot of light to grow properly.
  • The soil must be kept moist at all times. Water only with warm water from a spray bottle.
  • At the stage of 3–4 true leaves, plants are planted in peat or disposable 200 gram containers.
  • Tobacco does not like acidic soils. Deoxidize with infusion of ash (1 tablespoon per liter of water) or soda (0.5 teaspoon of soda per liter of water).

Seedlings grow very slowly, so tobacco should be planted in early spring so that young plants reach 14–15 cm in height by the time they are planted in a permanent place.

In the open ground

Plants are planted in a permanent place when the threat of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up to at least + 10 °C. A correctly selected and prepared site for planting will protect seedlings from most diseases.

Crop rotation should be observed, and tobacco should never be planted after other nightshades: tomatoes, potatoes, etc.

For seedlings, choose a sunny place protected from the wind. Humus and mineral fertilizers are added to the holes. Spill a liter of water per hole. Plant in rows, maintaining the required distance. For medium-growing varieties - 30-35 cm and 40-50 cm for tall ones.

The soil between the rows is loosened, removing weeds. Watering seedlings and fertilizing open ground carried out no more than 23 times. A large amount of water worsens the taste of the finished product. During intensive growth, the plants are topped and pinched, except for specimens left for seeds.

When ripe, the color of the leaves changes and they are gradually broken off from the plant for subsequent drying and fermentation.

Not only the chosen variety has a huge impact on the taste of tobacco, but also the soil in which it grows, humidity, quantity sunny days, proper drying and fermentation of raw materials.

Video: growing tobacco from A to Z

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