What does high cholesterol mean? What is cholesterol? Pure drinking water is the most ideal drink for the heart

Cholesterol is a natural fatty alcohol insoluble in water; it is found in the cell membranes of absolutely all animal organisms. Just a few decades ago in our country one could only hear about cholesterol in medical circles, but today, thanks to the media, most modern people it is known that dangerous level cholesterol in the blood can cause many diseases of the blood vessels, heart, and brain.

Along with his wife Margaret Haney, medical specialist at the Mayo Clinic, he published Eat Well, Stay Well. Unfortunately, the lipid hypothesis has never been proven to be satisfactory medical profession. All primary and secondary detection tests have not yet produced negative or equivocal results.

At 15 good research It has been demonstrated that the effect of a lipid reducer on primary prevention approaches zero and is only marginal in terms of secondary prevention. However, as modern literature shows, legends can be very harsh.

What cholesterol actually brings to the body great benefit. It helps break down fats, is involved in the production of vitamin D, is a material for the construction of cell membranes during cell division, and is involved in the production of female and male sex hormones. In the human body, cholesterol is present in the form of compounds with special high molecular weight proteins (“good” cholesterol) and low molecular weight compounds (“bad” cholesterol). When they talk about the dangers of cholesterol for health, we are talking about “bad” cholesterol, from which those unfortunate atherosclerotic plaques grow on the walls blood vessels. They clog the lumen, blood passes through the vessels with difficulty, and tissues do not receive oxygen and important nutrients. Most often from this oxygen starvation the brain and heart muscle are affected. The consequences of atherosclerosis manifest themselves in different ways: it can cause occurrence of mild forms of coronary heart disease or short-term disorders cerebral blood supply In severe cases, it leads to myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke.

Jean-Claude Alix: It's about your blood. Jean-Claude Alix, this is your gut. Anthony Colpo, Vertigo high cholesterol. Walter Hartenbach: Cholesterol lies. Uffe Ravnskov, The Myth of Cholesterol. Red fermented rice is made by growing a specific form of rice on cooked white rice. Some are red dyes - which is why red rice rice has been used in China for centuries as a natural food coloring. Another group of substances in red rice are the so-called monacolins.

Red rice and cholesterol levels

They have different effects in the human body. Lovastatin belongs to the group of cholesterol synthesis inhibitors, also called statins. These drugs slow down the production of cholesterol in the liver. They significantly reduce cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Statins are prescribed by a doctor when blood lipid levels are significantly elevated. However, there are serious side effects for consideration. Some patients get a lot of muscle pain over time.

The problem is that dangerous levels of cholesterol in the blood do not affect our well-being. For example, a patient with diabetes mellitus or high pressure knows that he is at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and can take care of prevention. A person with high levels of cholesterol in the blood may feel well without even knowing about heart and vascular diseases until he has a stroke or heart attack.

Others suffer liver damage. Additionally, all statins appear to cause creeping nerve damage over time. This is why medicine has long been looking for a safe alternative to statins. Copywriting that calls it "natural and therefore safe" cholesterol, but with caution. Red rice has been shown to lower cholesterol levels, just like statin pills. On the other hand, there is no reliable data on side effects. Several existing research findings contradict each other.

Some studies have confirmed that red rice is a safe replacement therapy for patients who are intolerant to statins. Other researchers are finding the same side effects for red rice as for synthetic statins. Most doctors are concerned that there are no quality controls or general guidelines for red fermented rice products.

High cholesterol levels are a very serious reason to take care of your health.

How to find out your blood cholesterol level

Blood cholesterol levels can be determined in a clinic laboratory or diagnostic center by biochemical analysis blood. How blood will be collected in the laboratory, and how much it will be taken, depends only on the capabilities of the given person. medical institution. In any case, if you decide to have your cholesterol blood tested, you will be asked not to eat anything for twelve hours before your blood test. Analysis will determine general level cholesterol, the levels of “good” (HDL) and “bad” (LDL) cholesterol, the atherogenic coefficient will be calculated.

Separate nutritional supplements often have very different contents of active ingredients and, in addition to the beneficial monacolins, may also contain other harmful fungal substances. When slightly increasing cholesterol levels, red rice is too strong an agent that can easily control blood lipid levels into a low range.

How much red fermented rice should you take and how?

This equates to about half to a full gram of red moldy rice. Whether you take the daily amount as one serving or split it into two does not seem to make any difference to the effect. Likewise, it doesn't seem to matter if you take red rice with a meal or sober. In Europe, red fermented rice is available mostly in capsule form for purchase. For most manufacturers, each capsule contains half a gram of red rice extract. The quality and content of products can fluctuate, so only shop with reputable retailers and stay with the brand if possible.

How much cholesterol does the body need daily?

The human body needs about 1000 mg of cholesterol daily for normal functioning. If a person eats a balanced diet, eats herbal products and some fat-saturated proteins, then 4/5 of the cholesterol in the blood is produced in our liver, and the missing 1/5 of the cholesterol enters the body with foods of animal origin. It is considered normal to consume no more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day. For comparison: 100 grams of pork contains about 90-110 mg, one egg yolk- about 300 mg of cholesterol.

Before you start eating red mold, check your blood lipid levels. Talk to your doctor about whether red fermented rice makes sense for you. Depending on how much you want to reduce your cholesterol, start with half to one gram per day. Check your cholesterol levels regularly and adjust your daily values ​​if necessary. If one gram is too much, go down to half a gram. If you do not achieve your desired blood lipid levels with one gram per day, you can gradually increase to 2.5 grams.

If we consume more than 300 mg of cholesterol in food, the body tries to maintain a relatively constant level of this substance in the blood, and the liver produces less “good” cholesterol, a dangerous level bad cholesterol increases in the blood. In food plant origin- vegetables, fruits, and grain products do not contain cholesterol at all.

There are several known harmful interactions with others medicines for lovastatin. Some combinations may cause serious side effects, including muscle breakdown, renal failure and nerve damage. Therefore, only take red rice unless you are currently using other medications. If liver damage occurs, you can only use red rice if your doctor specifically allows it. A systematic review of red yeast rice compared with simvastatin for dyslipidemia.

Common myths about cholesterol

Only those who eat vegetables and oatmeal have low cholesterol levels. It is not at all necessary to deny yourself the pleasure of delicious food, but the consumption of saturated fats and trans fats should be kept to a minimum. Just try not to overuse processed foods, fast food, and store-bought confectionery. Fats in vegetable oils and in fatty fish, on the contrary, they saturate the blood with “good” cholesterol. Fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, and whole grain bread bring many benefits to the body.

Lower Cholesterol with Psyllium Husk - A Real Alternative -

Chinese red yeast rice for primary hyperlipidemia: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. In science and in some medicinal herbal stores, you can find psyllium husk under this name. Flea grass seeds contain essential oils, and peels consist mainly of edible fiber. If they come into contact with water, they swell immediately. This is why psyllium husks are used to regulate intestinal activity as they act as a stool loosener for constipation but are stable in cases of diarrhea.

The body produces the amount of cholesterol it needs on its own.. Scientists have found that dangerous cholesterol levels in the vast majority of cases are a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, overweight and excessive consumption of saturated fat. You can regulate the level of “bad cholesterol” with the help of proper nutrition And physical exercise. But there are some hereditary mechanisms that can increase its level to dangerous levels. In such cases, a person is forced to take medication.

As a filler, psyllium husks are also popular in diet formulas because they are low in calories but fill the stomach quickly. It wasn't until the sixties and seventies that doctors who recommended that their overweight patients use psyllium husk for satiety noticed a different effect of psyllium: it lowered cholesterol.

In the stomach, the psyllium husk swells and fills you up faster. In the intestines, their fiber improves intestinal function, but they have another effect: they bind bile acids. These cholesterol derivatives from the liver usually pass into the intestines through bile, help absorb fats, and are returned to the liver along with dietary fat. From there they again enter the bile. But if the husks are in the intestines and bile acids, the liver must constantly process them from cholesterol. This is why you have less cholesterol in your blood.

Only Olympic athletes manage to maintain normal cholesterol levels.. You don't have to go to the gym every day. Scientists say that just half an hour of moderate physical activity per day will help control the level of this substance. This half hour can be spent doing light exercise, brisk walking on the way to and from work, swimming or cycling.

How far do husk husks reduce cholesterol?

So, everyone explains how and why psyllium husk fiber lowers cholesterol levels without them even entering the bloodstream. The effect of psyllium husk depends on the one hand on the daily amount, on the other hand on how long you take the shells daily. Blood cholesterol gradually drops and remains stable after about two months. If you stop taking psyllium husk, cholesterol levels often return to previous levels.

So, if you want to start taking psyllium husk daily, it's worth first counting your cholesterol and then looking at the husk after the first month. It will tell you how strong the effect is, and you can discuss with your doctor if you may need to adjust the daily amount.

Only men can have increased level cholesterol. There is some truth to this cholesterol myth. Indeed, in young women, the sex hormones estrogens control cholesterol levels in the blood. However, during menopause this protection gradually decreases, so take care of your health in adulthood from a young age and start maintaining normal cholesterol levels.

You can buy psyllium husk in three forms: capsules, ground into powder, or just natural. The capsules are swallowed whole with the ingested liquid. Powders and whole bowls can be taken different ways: If dry mouth is not a problem, he eats only a teaspoon and drinks a glass of water after that. But psyllium husk can also be mixed with porridge, such as milk or juice. You can sprinkle on the grain, bake in cookies, or use in small quantities as a binding sauce.

Even recipes for pudding using psyllium husk as a starting material can be found on the Internet. Almost neutral in taste, the bowls pair well with sweet and hearty dishes. The right amount of psyllium husk to lower cholesterol depends on how much you want to lower your cholesterol. Five grams per day is enough to start; If necessary, you can gradually increase the dose up to 20 grams. The daily amount is best divided into three parts: one for each main dish.

Regular consumption of dry red wine reduces cholesterol levels. Some popular publications often contain information that dry red wine lowers cholesterol levels due to the polyphenols it contains. Unfortunately, this is one of the common myths. Research has proven that this is not the case.

Possible Side Effects of Psyllium Husk

What is the desired main effect of psyllium husk for a patient with constipation, but an undesirable side effect for a patient with cholesterol: the effect of loosening stool.

In addition, bloating and increased bowel sounds may occur. These side effects become less and less and disappear after two to three weeks for most people.

Who cannot take psyllium husk

If at some point in life intestinal obstruction or there has been an intestinal perforation, or if you have a reduced intestine, a stoma, a narrowed esophagus or a reduced stomach, you can only take psyllium if your doctor allows it.

I'm still young, I can't have problems with cholesterol. In fact, dangerous levels of “bad” cholesterol occur even in children. Therefore, it is very important to develop correct eating habits in your child from childhood and accustom him to regular physical activity.

Even young and healthy people You should check your cholesterol levels at least once every five years. This can be done completely free of charge at any clinic or health center.

Because triglyceride levels also appear to be related to cardiovascular disease, Postmenopausal women should stop using psyllium husk to lower cholesterol levels. Long-term cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium as an adjunct to dietary therapy in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.

Time- and dose-dependent effects of psyllium on serum lipids in mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia: a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. Sex and hormonal status influence the effects of psyllium on lipoprotein remodeling and composition.

What foods should you eat?

To avoid excess cholesterol, you don’t have to give up meat, just learn to choose it wisely. Try not to buy fatty ribs, brisket, neck; give preference to lean chicken, turkey or lean beef. Avoid processed meat completely - ham, sausages, sausages, smoked meats, offal such as liver, lungs and brains. Even the highest quality boiled sausage without lard contains a large number of hidden fats.

Lower Cholesterol with Fish Oil Capsules

The average European eats too little fish. We are not talking about the essential alpha-linolenic acid, but about two other fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Although these two fatty acid are not essential to human metabolism, they do promote healthy blood lipid levels.

If you don't like eating fish, you can add these two essential fatty acids as a dietary supplement daily. The ideal for blood lipid levels is to eat every day with oily fish: sardine, eel, salmon, tuna, mackerel or any other type of fish that contains at least five grams of fat per hundred grams. There are many different types preparation and side dishes, so the diet will not be boring at all. However, most Europeans won't want to eat fish every day.

A lot of cholesterol is found in poultry - geese or ducks. Trim off excess fat, remove the skin, and select the breasts or legs of the bird.

Compared to smoked meats or fatty meats, eggs do not contain much cholesterol, but experts still recommend consuming no more than one egg yolk per day, or using only whites. You should not completely give up eating eggs, they contain useful material necessary for our body.

Most great danger health benefits include semi-finished products, industrial baked goods, in which manufacturers include large amounts of cheap margarine, as well as desserts and fast food

Try to make fruits and vegetables an important part of your diet. Apples, bananas, carrots, broccoli, and berries reduce total cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, support normal level cholesterol is helped by fats found in nuts, sunflower seeds, olive oil and sea fish. Don't forget about whole grain products, they contain fiber, which prevents cholesterol from entering the blood.

One day you leave the doctor's office, holding in your hands a piece of paper with a blood test on which four letters appear - LDL. What kind of letters are these, is it so scary high cholesterol, which the doctor spoke about, and how to deal with it?

“Millions of people live with this disease - and nothing,” you say. Yes it is. Cholesterol itself is not a poisonous or destructive substance, quite the contrary. Without the presence of cholesterol in the body, normal human life is impossible. And its low level can be no less dangerous than its high level. It is necessary to adhere to the golden mean, but not everyone succeeds.

What is cholesterol

This is a fat-like substance, the formation of which occurs mainly in the liver. Cholic acids are formed from it, thanks to which fats are absorbed into small intestine. Without it, normal functioning of the adrenal glands and the synthesis of sex hormones are impossible. In addition, cholesterol is the main building element of the cell membrane and acts as an insulator. nerve fibers and produces vitamin D from sunlight so that it can be absorbed by our bodies.

What are the dangers of high cholesterol?

However, if cholesterol levels are elevated, it turns from a helper into a foe. Here are the most common consequences of high cholesterol (as this substance is scientifically called).

  • Cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels gradually narrow their lumen, which can ultimately lead to blockage of the arteries.
  • As a result, the arteries through which blood is transported to the heart are damaged, and this leads to the occurrence of coronary disease hearts.
  • If blood and oxygen stop flowing to the heart muscles due to a blood clot, a myocardial infarction will not be long in coming.
  • When blood vessels are blocked, the risk of atherosclerosis and angina also increases.
  • If the blood supply to the brain is impaired, the risk of stroke is high.

Remember what happens when your kitchen or bathroom drain becomes clogged? There comes a time when the amount of garbage in it is so great that it is simply no longer able to pass wastewater. But if in such a case the problem is solved with the help of a plumber, then in the case of human body rupture of blood vessels or arteries leads to a serious or even fatal outcome.

Signs of high cholesterol

Listen to your body. By detecting and starting treatment in time, you can avoid many unpleasant consequences. Signs of high cholesterol, as a rule, are signs of atherosclerosis, which appears due to the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and they consist mainly of cholesterol. These symptoms include:

  • Angina pectoris, which is a consequence of a narrowing coronary arteries hearts.
  • Pain experienced in the legs during physical activity due to narrowing of the arteries responsible for the blood supply to the legs.
  • The presence of blood clots and damage (ruptures) to blood vessels.
  • Rupture of atherosclerotic plaques leads to coronary thrombosis, which in turn provokes the appearance of heart failure.
  • The presence of yellow spots on the skin called xanthomas. They are most often visible around the eyes.

Causes of high cholesterol

Mainly reasons high level cholesterol are hidden in our lifestyle.

Poor nutrition is the main culprit. There are many foods rich in cholesterol that do not have much effect on cholesterol levels in the blood. They contain good cholesterol– HDL. Products with high content saturated fats - flour, fatty meats and cheeses, chocolate, mayonnaise, chips, all fast food. They are what lead to the accumulation bad cholesterol– LDL.

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of this disease. Loaded in front of a computer monitor in the office, we move catastrophically little. Because of this it appears excess weight– another reason for increasing cholesterol. Tobacco and alcohol also contribute to this.

Predisposing factors to the development of this disease are heredity, gender (men are more likely to suffer from this disease) and age - the older we get, the higher the chance of detecting high cholesterol levels.