What is high density cholesterol. How is the analysis done. Reasons for increasing and lowering HDL

Lipoprotein high density(HDL) is a substance for transporting unused cholesterol (fats) by blood from peripheral tissues to the liver for disposal of excess. HDL lowered happens in case of exacerbation chronic diseases or acute infections.

Norms of indicators:

  • in men - 30-70 mg / dl (0.78-1.1 mmol / l);
  • in women - 30-85 mg / dl (0.78-2.2 mmol / l).

From which it can be seen that bottom line indicators for adults are the same.

They remain on electrophoresis and float during ultracentrifugation. About 1-2% protein is present. Chylomicrons are the product of enterocytes and serve to transport dietary triacylglycerols from the intestine through the lymphatic pathways into the bloodstream. Chylomicrons also include exogenous cholesterol, which enters the body through this pathway. As a rule, they are not detected after 12 hours in serum. Their presence in the blood is manifested in the macroscopic milking of whey, which we call "chilosi".

If the whey is left overnight in the refrigerator, the chylomicrons rise to the surface and create milk corn on the surface of the chylomicron dough whey. They have a slightly higher density than chylomicrons. The lipid component is about 90% and the protein is 10%.

Cholesterol is the main substance transported to the liver by HDL important role in the body: responsible for maintaining the hardness of cell walls, the production of steroid hormones by the gonads and adrenal glands, and, according to recent data, is also involved in the processes of tissue respiration in the brain. Contains a lot of cholesterol.

The lipid component makes up almost 80% of it with a predominant content of cholesterol esters. Proteins are represented by 20%. Their main function is to transport cholesterol into cells. This fraction is responsible for the deposition of cholesterol in the subendothelial space. blood vessels and, consequently, for the development of atherosclerotic changes.

This is the first stage of the atherosclerotic process. Lipoprotein is a lipoprotein whose blood concentration is determined by genetics. It slows down and prevents the activation of plasminogen to plasmin and thus blocks the degradation of fibrin. Changing dietary habits, vitamins C and E, and certain herbal ingredients help maintain cholesterol and reduce risk. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is constantly present in the blood. The body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to maintain cell membranes and other life functions, but high level cholesterol leads to blockage of blood vessels, which can cause heart and cerebral effects.

The structure of lipoproteins

Lipoprotein (lipoprotein - means the same) of high density is conventionally called "good" because of its function, ultimately aimed at utilizing excess cholesterol by the liver. It prevents various cardiovascular catastrophes, in fact controls the weight of the human body, and even takes part in immune processes.

Symptoms of High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is transcribed in the blood by two types of white blood cells: low-density lipoproteins, which transport three-thirds of cholesterol, and high-density lipoproteins. If cholesterol levels are extremely high, it may be due to yellowish nodules forming under the skin on the elbows, knees, or in the skin under the eyes.

Causes of High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is based on a diet high in animal fat such as beef, butter and whole milk. Coconut oil, palm oil and saturated fats used in industrial food products. This theory has now been abandoned because dietary cholesterol is absorbed relatively little, and cholesterol levels are mostly dependent on the cholesterol produced in the body. However, the formation of this cholesterol is certainly stimulated by a high intake of saturated fats.

It is impossible to feel a decrease in high-density lipoproteins. To figure out what it means lowered HDL, attention should be paid to indirect signs health problems:

  • weight gain without changes in eating style and previous physical activity;
  • the appearance of a feeling of shortness of breath with the usual previously hiking at moderate walking speed;
  • detected changes hormonal background Key words: menopause, diseases thyroid gland with insufficiency of its function, long-term use of oral hormonal contraceptives without control of accompanying indicators, diabetes;
  • long-term use of the following groups of medicines: beta-blockers (for increased blood pressure), diuretics.

Who is prescribed a blood test for HDL?

For the timely detection of a decrease in HDL, screening studies should be periodically carried out, that is, those that are planned to be done by everyone at risk, namely:

How to Get Cholesterol Supplements

Excess weight and lack of movement also contribute to high cholesterol, and a role can also play a role. Cholesterol can help control several natural supplements. The ability to lower cholesterol levels has not been fully tested, but it is beneficial in isolation. Chromium helps reduce bad cholesterol in people whose diet contains too many chemically refined foods and increases the level good cholesterol. To eat with the poor on the cornflower, we can enrich the traces of the capercaillie and oat bran which have similar effects.

  • Pregnant women and in menopause - a decrease in HDL is associated with hormonal changes, estrogen levels. Estrogen, being a steroid hormone synthesized from cholesterol, regulates the production of HDL by the liver through feedback. With a lack of “good” cholesterol, the concentration of “carriers” of these molecules back to the liver decreases and the amount of newly produced HDL decreases.

Suitable Supplements for High Cholesterol

You can use beta-sitosterol to reduce your dietary and excreted cholesterol intake. Such an arthritic extract may prove to be an effective alternative to medications - how to reduce high cholesterol levels.

When to Visit High Cholesterol

Have your cholesterol levels assessed once every five years or more if your total cholesterol level is above 5.6 million per liter. If your home does not have adequate cholesterol levels for two or three months, it is likely that you will have to take classic medications.

It has been observed that in women after menopause, the level of cholesterol in the blood rises sharply.

  • Obese. Body mass index (BMI) greater than 30.
  • Survivors of myocardial infarction and other vascular accidents.
  • Patients with vascular atherosclerosis, especially in the brain.
  • Those who have food allergies, in particular - celiac disease (intolerance to gluten contained in in large numbers in grain products) because this group of patients is limited in their ability to consume foods rich in fiber, which plays a key role in any therapeutic diet.
  • Often, HDL analysis is prescribed before surgical interventions, invasive (penetrating the body) diagnostic procedures to assess the risk of possible complications.


In the laboratory, blood is taken, the serum is separated and the HDL value is determined.

High cholesterol advice

They reduce the risk of a heart attack by up to 25 percent. If you have health problems, try to eat nutritional supplements with your physician. Fly with fish fish and eat a diet rich corn flakes- whole grains, vegetables, fruits and sun, use olive oil.

More information about high cholesterol

If you suffer from high cholesterol, you can take pills, "crunchy pearls" - miniature gelatin capsules. According to clinical studies, a flavoring called tocotrienol, extracted from rice bran, can lower cholesterol levels.
  • That's why it's safer to check the researcher's data with the lecturer.
  • Don't skip saturated fat from your stall.
  • Move and exercise regularly.
Source: Publications - Living Energy of Vitamins, Herbs and Minerals.

The sampling is done on an empty stomach, 12-14 hours after last appointment food. Either one HDL or all indicators of the blood lipid profile are measured in a comprehensive analysis. Results are usually ready within 1 day or 1 business day.

In some situations, to answer diagnostic questions, the ratio of HDL to total cholesterol is calculated.

Cholesterol is an important and irreplaceable part of our body. More precisely, cholesterol is the lipid component of lipoproteins - the basic building blocks of bunions and other membranes. It may come as a surprise to many that the majority of cholesterol causes our body to produce itself. Be prepared to deliver the right building blocks in the optimal quantity.

Another important source of cholesterol is food containing saturated fatty acids. They are found in live fat, including milk. Unsaturated fatty acids include essential fatty acids - those that are essential for our body but cannot be synthesized by the body, so we must eat them.

Blood tests for lipid profile makes it possible to detect deviations in fat metabolism organism

You should not do the tests yourself. Often the laboratory is interested in more diagnostic procedures, so the list necessary examinations must be prescribed by the attending physician.

The Silent Enemy The basic feeling of the illness called "high cholesterol" is that most of them don't even know about it. Its discovery is not complicated and expensive - it can be determined from a simple laboratory analysis blood.

The vagina loses flexibility and constricts blood flow. People with such high cholesterol levels are at high risk of heart disease, so they should be medicines. These diseases account for more than 50% of all deaths in the IC. The problem with high cholesterol is about 70% of the adult population in the Czech Republic.


Low target values ​​in HDL or lipid profile tests should not be treated. It is necessary to treat the patient individually, paying attention to clinical picture disorders, complaints and symptoms. This is what therapists do. Or those doctors with whom the patient is registered and attends consultations in a timely manner: endocrinologist, cardiologist and others.

Before the one who for a long time struggling with high cholesterol, he certainly knows the rules of driving. Cholesterol is found in the cell membranes of all tissues, the largest number in the brain, liver, kidneys and spinal cord. For example, it is involved in the construction of cell membranes, plays an important role in the fight against cancer - it affects immune system, envelops nerve fibers and forms bile.

Cholesterol is also an important precursor

People often think that we can eat all our cholesterol. The opposite is true, most cholesterol is produced in cells and cell tissues. We take about half the dose from the diet. The designation "cholesterol" comes from the Greek cholera and stereo because it was first discovered in solid form. Cholesterol is almost insoluble in water and therefore cannot travel into the bloodstream. Cholesterol occurs in the body in the form of lipoproteins.

Treatment begins with determining the cause that caused the decrease in HDL, and then therapy is directed to eliminate the identified cause or relieve exacerbation. Most often it is:

  • Diabetes. For treatment, blood glucose levels are monitored (lipid-lowering drugs, diet) and complications are corrected.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. They monitor liver tests, correct diet, prescribe adequate physical activity and, excluding the use of alcohol and other toxic substances, drug therapy.
  • Obesity. The body mass index is determined by the formula: weight (kg) divided by height (cm) squared. The ideal range is 18-21. Increased rate more than 30 is considered obese, in which they reduce body weight.

By density, cholesterol is divided into 3 main groups

Lipoproteins are complexes of cholesterol molecules, consisting of triglycerides, phospholipids and proteins. Lipoproteins are water soluble, turning cholesterol into its destination. . Triacylglycerols are esters of glycerol and fatty acids, which make up to 95% of lipids in plasma and tissues.

Maintain your cholesterol levels

Therefore, it is not only about reducing general level cholesterol, but also about the level of total cholesterol.

The distribution of the concentration of elevated cholesterol in the blood

The main causes of high cholesterol. Hypercholesterolemia Mixed hyperlipidemia Hypertriglyceridemia. . The reasons for the high concentration of lipids in blood lipids must be sought both in the external environment and in genetic factors. Other diseases such as diabetes mellitus, low thyroid function, high homocysteine ​​levels, kidney failure and other states.

Obesity is one of the risk factors for dyslipidemia.

  • A diet high in fast carbohydrates and high in polyunsaturated fatty acids can also lead to a decrease in HDL. The higher the concentration of low and very low density lipoproteins (LDL and VLDL) in the blood, the lower the HDL levels. Therefore, for treatment, the diet is adjusted.

Universal tips for normalizing the daily routine, increasing physical activity and renounce bad habits, which will help not only increase HDL levels, but also avoid many other painful conditions.

Caution should also be exercised when using drugs that can also increase concentrations, such as progestogens, diuretics, beta-blockers, or corticosteroids. Disclaimer: The contents of the online magazine and its individual elements are legally protected.

More than 830,000 people with diabetes live in the Czech Republic. Another 250,000 people are not yet aware of their illness; these people are not timely and properly treated. The typical epidemic is still growing. Significantly linked unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, little movement, but inheritance also plays a role.

  • Give up smoking. This action alone will already raise HDL levels by 10%.
  • Monitor your weight, avoid increasing it to obesity rates (BMI > 30), and if available, pay attention to measures to reduce it.
  • Sufficient exercise. Charging in the morning, in the warm season. good remedy for cardio training there will be bike rides away from highways.
  • Pay attention to the amount of liquid consumed per day (should not be lower than 2-2.5 liters per day). Coffee is not counted in this amount because it has the opposite effect of the desired goal, promotes dehydration and increases blood pressure.
  • Give up alcohol. As alcoholic beverages It is permissible to occasionally drink red wine.

Long-term high sugar in the body is very harmful and leads to damage to a number of organs, which we call complications of diabetes, which threaten the quality of life and the very life of the patient, so we try to compensate for diabetes by maintaining the correct level of blood sugar to prevent these complications, says head of the Internal Clinic. All the complications that diabetes faces are the worst cardiovascular problems.

Diabetes causes frequent fluctuations in sugar levels and an increase in blood fat. This leads to earlier and more massive arteriosclerosis, which is especially problematic in the arteries that supply oxygen to the heart and brain. The risk of heart attack in diabetics is 5 times higher than the risk of non-diabetic diseases. The risk also increases. Low-density cholesterol is quickly stored on the walls of arteries. It creates plates that constrict the arteries and cause them.

In case of lipid metabolism disorders, alcohol should be avoided.

Some foods help raise HDL levels. It:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • hard cheese;
  • milk and yogurt;
  • white meats (poultry, rabbit);
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • legumes (soy, peas, chickpeas).

With all the variety of advice on normalization lower scores HDL cholesterol, the key to prevention is the normalization of lifestyle with the normalization of body weight and sufficient physical activity, namely - physiotherapy exercises. This one is simple but important advice it will help to bring the indicators back to normal faster and moreover, this is an excellent prevention cardiovascular disease and the musculoskeletal system than all possible diets at the same time, because the role of food in blood cholesterol levels is only no more than 20%.

If the cholesterol plaque ruptures, it can move freely in the bloodstream, clog some of the blood vessels, and then cause heart attack or a stroke. with high density, has a protective effect. Cardiovascular risk may be reduced in diabetic patients with moderate antidiabetic therapy; Griptins, for example, are very promising. These are drugs that increase the action of intestinal hormones in the blood. “The treatment is effective and it is important not to increase the patient's body weight and reduce the risk of hyperglycemia,” says Professor Kvapil.

Cholesterol enters the body with food, most of all with dairy products and meat. But it is also produced by the liver.

It is vital:

  • From it, cell membranes are created for all, without exception, tissues and organs of the human body.
  • Also, on its basis, hormones are created that are responsible for growth, development and the possibility of reproduction.
  • Bile is formed from cholesterol in the liver, which helps the intestines work.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance. Fats don't dissolve in water, so pure form blood cannot transport them. Therefore, cholesterol is “packed” into protein. The new combination of cholesterol and protein is called lipoprotein.

Several types of lipoproteins circulate in the human body, different in structure and function:

  • Very low density lipoproteins. Formed in the liver. Lipids are transported in the bloodstream.
  • Low density lipoproteins. Formed from very low density lipoproteins after triglycerides are released. That is, it is practically pure cholesterol.
  • High density lipoproteins. With the blood flow, excess cholesterol is transported to the liver. Where bile is then formed from it.

In other words, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the "good" cholesterol.

Cholesterol "bad" and "good"

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are the main type of "transport" of total cholesterol.

In this form it:

  • Moves around the body
  • It becomes the cause of plaque settling on the vessels and their possible blockage;
  • Causes heart attacks coronary disease heart disease, stroke and atherosclerosis. Therefore, this cholesterol is conditionally called "bad".

High density lipoproteins:

  • carry fats and total cholesterol from one cell to another;
  • The remaining “waste” cholesterol is collected and carried back to the liver, which processes it into bile.

That is, they collect excess cholesterol and prevent its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, lipoproteins increased density the norm for the body and such HDL cholesterol Also called "good" cholesterol.

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The norm of HDL in the blood

HDL contains about 30% of the total cholesterol in the body. The rest of the cholesterol is LDL. Its level in the blood is constantly fluctuating and in case of an increase, high-density lipoproteins will not be able to cope with it.

It will be deposited on the walls of the vessels and narrow the lumen, making it difficult for the blood to move. In this case, the vessels will lose their elasticity, and atherosclerosis will develop. The risk of developing heart disease will increase several times.

Normal levels of "good" cholesterol in the blood:

  1. For men: up to 19 years 30-65 mg / dl, from 20 years and older 30-70 mg / dl.
  2. For women, the indicators are more dynamic: under the age of 14 30-65 mg/dl, aged 15 to 19 years 30-70 mg/dl, from 20 to 29 years 30-75 mg/dl, from 30 to 39 years 30-80 mg/dl, aged 40 years and over 30-85mg/dl.

Upon reaching the upper limit of age, after which the level of HDL in the blood should no longer change, it is recommended to regularly donate blood to determine the level of cholesterol.

Deviations of HDL from the norm

Since HDL removes excess cholesterol, it high performance are not a risk. On the contrary, in this case, the risk of developing coronary heart disease decreases several times.

But the decrease in HDL, even with normal level ordinary cholesterol, several times increases the risk of plaque deposition. So even if the level is elevated, high density lipoproteins are not a bad factor for the body.

There are several reasons that cause HDL deviation from the norm, among them:

  • genetic abnormalities.
  • Chronic alcoholism leading to cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Deviations in the work of the thyroid gland - hyperthyroidism.
  • Regular use of certain medications (such as insulin).

In any case, even elevated HDL should not be significantly higher than normal. Otherwise, it already speaks of pathology.

Increasing HDL

It seems that the higher the level of HDL in the blood, the better. Because the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases decreases almost proportionally. But it is not so. A significant increase in performance is a signal of pathology.


  • The presence of hyperlipoproteinemia is a hereditary high level of high density lipoproteins.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Chronic hepatitis.
  • Prolonged intoxication of the body - alcohol, smoking, etc.

There are two factors that affect HDL increase, but are not a pathology:

  • Pregnancy. Throughout the entire period of childbearing elevated level HDL is the norm. Therefore, the analysis should be taken no earlier than 2 months after birth.
  • Taking medication on an ongoing basis. For example, insulin.

In the case of an increase in high-density lipoproteins, it is necessary first of all to exclude risk factors. And to treat the diseases that caused it.

Research procedure

Lipidogram - an analysis of the level of cholesterol in the blood. Recommended for anyone over 20 years of age.

But there are also a number of cases when an analysis is necessary:

  1. Or if the person is taking cholesterol-lowering medications.
  2. If a person follows a low-fat diet as recommended by a doctor.
  3. In the presence of a hereditary factor, the child must first pass this test between the ages of 2 and 10 years.
  4. If at least one of the risk factors is present:

  • Smoking.
  • Age for men from 45 years old, for women from 55 years old.
  • Heredity.
  • A stroke, heart attack, or coronary heart disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Alcoholism.
  • A large percentage of fatty foods in the regular diet.

Lipidogram is a common blood test. He rents out general rules- on an empty stomach, on the eve you need to avoid physical exertion, baths and fatty foods.

There are no special requirements for preparation for it. This blood test shows high density lipoproteins as well.

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Risk Analysis

Long-term high cholesterol leads to the development of a variety of diseases.

Everything in the body is connected, including through the blood:

  • First of all, the heart system suffers.
  • Atherosclerosis- a natural consequence of liming of vessels and their loss of elasticity.
  • Naturally, the liver suffers. As an organ directly involved in the process of processing cholesterol. This is where obesity develops.
  • The kidneys suffer, as the load on them increases significantly.
  • Diabetes and pancreatitis. Possible development pancreatic cancer. This is a "payment" for a diseased liver as well.
  • thyroid gland as an organ endocrine system . Fats are involved in the production of hormones, so their concentration in the blood affects all body systems.

Lowering cholesterol is no less dangerous for the body. Against its background, the most various diseases- from pulmonary tuberculosis to acute infectious diseases. An increase in cholesterol levels does not occur suddenly, so it is possible to control this process, avoiding irreversible consequences.

Food is a source of cholesterol

Although cholesterol is produced by the liver, much of it comes from food.

In order to more or less control the level of your cholesterol, it is enough to navigate the products and know in which of them cholesterol is elevated:

  1. Yolks of chicken eggs.
  2. Sausage.
  3. Margarine.
  4. Caviar.
  5. Offal - liver, lungs, etc.
  6. Canned fish. This applies only to canned food in oil. fish in own juice poses no threat.
  7. Fast food.
  8. Processed meat - all kinds of stews, canned meat, etc.
  9. Shrimps, mussels, oysters.

These products must be completely abandoned until the level of cholesterol returns to normal. In extreme cases, the number must be greatly reduced.

But it is necessary to understand that we are not talking about eating these foods in general, but about their abuse. Reception in small amounts, coupled with vegetable fiber, especially before lunch, will energize the body. And an active day will contribute to the “burning” of “bad” cholesterol.

Food is a source of fiber

Fiber helps lower cholesterol levels. When eaten regularly herbal products, cholesterol levels are reduced by 60%. vegetable fiber found in vegetables and fruits, as well as in non-animal fats. For example, in olive or sunflower oil no cholesterol.

Plant foods not only do not contain cholesterol, but also speed up the digestion process.. At high cholesterol the introduction of fruits and vegetables into the diet will result in lower cholesterol levels.

This will also help reduce the interval between meals.. If you single out three main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, and snack between them exclusively with fresh fruit, your cholesterol level will drop significantly.


Cholesterol levels love balance, any imbalance in nutrition will cause, respectively, an increase in cholesterol levels:

  1. Nutritional balance. Animal fats are also needed. They, among other things, are involved in the formation of "good" cholesterol. Therefore, their intake can be limited, but should not be completely excluded from food. And during the reception - yes. Until 12 noon, at the latest - until 14.
  2. Combination of animal fats and fiber. More vegetables, more fruits. Balanced diet will give not only low level cholesterol, but feeling great, smooth skin and long youth.
  3. Traffic. In the truest sense of the word, this is life. intensive exercise stress It lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol and raises the level of "good". In addition, a walk after a meal will speed up the transport of fats. And this means that they will not have a chance to settle on the walls of blood vessels. Athletes-athletes are able to lower the level of cholesterol in their body 79% faster than other people.
  4. Rejection of bad habits.
  5. Taking vitamins.
  6. Drink green tea. It is scientifically proven that it significantly reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol.