Juvederm smile density. Juvederm is a filler for contouring. Results and use of Juvederm

Age, environmental factors, and even expressive movements of the facial muscles during laughter can cause the formation of the first wrinkles.

Many people experience discomfort from hereditary facial asymmetry, too thin lips, unclear and rough outlines of certain areas.

Today, cosmetology helps eliminate these problems. Undoubtedly, everyone who has ever thought about changing their appearance in better side, I am familiar with the drug Juvederm Ultra 3. Let's look at it in more detail.


Juvederm ultra 3 fillers contain lidocaine and a selective substance, which distinguishes them from other similar drugs.

The substances help the patient to easily endure the procedure and not experience pain during drug administration.

Juvederm can correct moderate to severe sagging of the dermis caused by natural process aging, and also increase the volume of thin lips.

In addition, injectable filler easily copes with deep wrinkles, smoothes nasolabial folds and models the oval of the face.

The product is presented by the American corporation Allergan and goes on sale as a gel-like substance in a special disposable syringe with a dosage of 0.8 ml.

This drug is the most popular of the entire series of the improved line of Juvederm gels, thanks to the achievement of the stated result.


The Juvederm Ultra 3 intradermal implant for injection includes artificial hyaluronic acid.

The fact that the component is of non-animal origin eliminates the possibility of developing allergic manifestations of the body. Dose hyaluronic acid in 1 ml of gel is 24 mg.

The main feature of the filler is that all the smallest particles of the substance are, as it were, stitched together, that is, they fit tightly to each other.

This allows the drug to remain in the structure of the dermis in its original state for a long time. As a result, the volume effect is maintained longer.

Another main component of the drug is a complex of hydrogen phosphate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate (phosphate buffer), which helps reduce the degree of swelling after filler injection.

Indications and areas of application

Juvederm ultra 3 injection gel is used for the following skin problems:

  • longitudinal and transverse deep wrinkles on the forehead;
  • mimic sharply defined skin relief;
  • effects of aging;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • unclear contours of the face in the cheekbone area.

It is important to note that it is impossible to achieve dramatic changes in facial contours using this drug.

In addition, the gel is prohibited for introduction into the skin structure of the eyelids. This area can be corrected using Juvederm Ultra 3 only by an experienced specialist who will approach the procedure with full responsibility and can guarantee an excellent result without complications.

As a rule, to eliminate imperfections in the eye area, special gels, so it’s wiser not to take risks.

Most often, Juvederm Ultra 3 fillers are used to add volume to thin lips and outline an expressive contour.

The drug is not injected into vascular tissues, as this can result in necrosis and embolism (complete blockage of blood vessels).


Juvederm Ultra 3 should not be used for the following conditions and illnesses:

  • epilepsy attacks that cannot be completely controlled with medications;
  • skin defects and genetic abnormalities that lead to keloid formation and benign changes in the dermis;
  • individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid and selective drugs;
  • porphyria (hereditary disorder of pigment metabolism);
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • age from birth to the onset of puberty (up to 13 years);
  • various forms of dermatitis and other skin inflammations;
  • infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi;
  • use in combination with rejuvenation chemicals and fractional laser peeling;
  • oncology.

Restrictions on use

There are some ailments for which filler is used with restrictions.

Autoimmune diseases

If a person suffers from certain diseases associated with a disorder of the immune system, which are actively progressing, the use of the drug should be delayed.

As soon as the course of the disease enters a passive period, experts allow the possibility of introducing Juvederm, having previously performed a double test to determine the body’s reaction. Such patients should be under constant medical supervision.

Allergic reactions

If the patient's medical history suggests a tendency toward allergic manifestations and observed sharp increase sensitivity of the body (anaphylaxis), the specialist performs a double test.

In some cases, the patient will need to take a course preventive therapy. Treatment is carried out before each session.

In addition, preventive measures will be required in case of individual intolerance active ingredients drug.

Previous streptococcal infection

Patients whose numbers have sharply increased streptococcal infection, as a result of which he often suffered from tonsillitis, suffered from rheumatic heart disease and acute rheumatic fever of the joints, it is better to avoid using the drug.

Taking anticoagulants

7 days before the procedure, the patient must stop taking antithrombotic drugs and blood thinners.

If this condition impossible to perform, the doctor informs the patient about possible unpleasant consequences such as blood tumors and deep bruises.

Professional sports

The drug contains components that, when taken for control doping tests, may show positive result.

Therefore, patients participating in professional sports competitions should be warned about the possible risky consequences.

Release form

One package of the drug includes:

  • 2 syringes with a volume of 0.8 ml each;
  • 4 sterile needles (27G1/2”) for injections;
  • 2 stickers with serial number;
  • See the package insert for detailed instructions.

The gel has medium viscosity and retains its effect for up to 10 months.

Preparation for the procedure

The first step is to consult a specialist. The doctor will collect a detailed medical history of the patient, assess the condition of the skin and talk about the expected results and possible complications.

2–3 days before the procedure, the patient should stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin. You will need to temporarily not use decorative cosmetics.

Skin care and makeup application are allowed only after injections. On the day of the procedure, it is advisable not to visit gyms.

Before carrying out the procedure, you will need to undergo tests to identify allergic reactions and individual intolerances.

Main stages of introduction

Cosmetologists divide the procedure for introducing Juvederm into several stages:

  1. Cleansing the skin from cosmetics and contaminants followed by treatment with antiseptic substances.
  2. Opening the package with the drug in the presence of the patient.
  3. Preparing the syringe by putting on a needle and a protective cap, which is removed immediately before injection.
  4. Replacing a dull needle with a new one (usually performed after 15–20 punctures).
  5. Slowly introduce the gel into the skin structure for uniform distribution.
  6. Massage manipulations on the skin to fill all problem areas with gel.

The duration of the procedure is 20–40 minutes. The sterile gel in its original form is not sufficiently saturated with moisture, so after injection within 24 hours it will gradually expand under the skin.

Accordingly, the final result can be assessed one day after filler plastic surgery.


For 10–15 hours after rejuvenation with Juvederm, the patient must adhere to some recommendations:

  • refuse to visit the pool;
  • do not go outside during severe cold and frost;
  • provide skin with protection from sun rays;
  • exclude the use of various decorative cosmetics.

During two weeks of rehabilitation, going to the sauna, solarium and bathhouse is prohibited.

Possible complications

Possible adverse effects include:

  • Inflammatory manifestation of the skin. Here you can notice the appearance of redness, itching, painful sensations when pressing on the skin, abnormal hyperemia of a certain area of ​​the skin.
  • Formation of bruises at puncture sites.
  • Formation of nodes and thick fabric under the skin.
  • Depigmentation and hyperpigmentation of certain areas of the dermis.
  • Tissue necrosis at the puncture site (usually in the area top edge nose).
  • Allergic manifestations to the components of the drug.


The drug Juvederm Ultra 3 is widely used by cosmetologists for effective rejuvenation of the facial skin by injection.

Filler is different high quality and is completely safe for the human body. The action of the filler is to smooth out wrinkles, model clear facial contours, and give the skin tone and elasticity.

The main advantages of the drug are:

  1. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the drug, does not contain any harmful impurities. It is obtained by synthesizing molecules of the dermis of farm animals of the bovine subfamily. Thus, the development of allergic reactions in patients is minimized.
  2. Main molecules active substance drugs are tightly connected to each other, which guarantees deep penetration into the structure of the skin and a lasting, long-lasting effect.
  3. The phosphate buffer in Juvederm serves as a preventive measure inflammatory processes, therefore the possibility of development unwanted complications decreases.
  4. The effect lasts for 8–10 months. The skin looks firm, toned and elastic.

Cost of injections

The total cost per session will depend on the amount of the drug used. This is determined based on the condition of the patient’s dermis and the complexity of the defects that need to be eliminated.

The price of one package of Juvederm Ultra 3 with two syringes varies between 9-13 thousand rubles. The work of a specialist is paid separately.

With one syringe, a cosmetologist can correct wrinkles in the forehead and give clear contours to the cheekbones.

The consumption of the drug for the correction of thin lips cannot be accurately calculated. Each patient will require a different amount of gel.

For more information about the administration of the drug, its action and effect, see the video.

Contour plastic has become an integral part modern cosmetology. Technologies developed in this area make it possible to bring all its parts into a harmonious relationship. A significant point is that when using new technologies, risks are minimized or completely absent. Reduced rehabilitation period, painful sensations “go away”.

Successful adjustment is achieved by one or more methods when they are combined. To obtain a positive result, three components are required: good specialist, responsible approach of the patient and the quality of the drugs used. Contour plastic surgery involves the use of , the quality of which determines the effectiveness of the procedure and the duration of the effect. Juvederm fillers are the most popular in the world.

Features of Juvederm

Juvederm fillers are an invention of the American company Allergan. The one that at one time began to produce a sensational one (and not only that). The company enjoys well-deserved trust. Allergan drugs are the most widely used product in America and Europe. Only this fact allows us not to doubt their quality.

Fillers are a fairly new invention, however, more than 10 million procedures have already been performed using Juvederm fillers. They can be called record holders in modern cosmetology. We have already talked about trust and quality, but what is the feature of these fillers?

Any filler is a gel. But here is the basis ( active substance) of these gels is different. They are made on the basis of hyaluronic acid, collagen or calcium. Greater emphasis is placed on those fillers based on hyaluronic acid. This is understandable: it is able to regulate processes in skin tissues, as a result of which cell renewal occurs.

It is also important that hyaluronic acid is not alien to the human body, therefore, is not rejected by him.

Hyaluronic acid is the basis of Juvederm. But this is not their peculiarity, but the fact that Allergan produces acid in a different way - artificially, whereas in usual practice it is a product of animal origin. When hyaluronic acid is produced artificially, it prevents the appearance of the substance, which is a very significant point in contouring. In addition, for maximum effectiveness of the drug, all acid molecules seem to be cross-linked together, due to which the gel remains in the tissues longer.

Another feature of Juvederm fillers is their unique variety: each type of filler corresponds to a specific area and performs a specific function, which is achieved by the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the gel and its density.

The video below will tell you about the features of Juvederm:


Juvederm is available in syringes of different sizes: 0.55 ml and 1 ml. This affects the cost of the drug. Additionally, the type of Juvederm also affects the price. Each product in the Juvederm line has its own purpose.

If you need to remove and slightly correct your lips, you can get by with 1 package (two 0.55 ml syringes), the price of which is $200. One syringe for more serious adjustments already costs 250 - 280 dollars. These are approximate prices; only the specialist you contacted can tell you how many syringes (and which ones) you personally need.


The main substance in all forms of Juvederm is hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. The initial form does not require any other additives. The difference is only in the acid concentration.

Allergan also produces Juvederm Ultra (a later version), which includes additional components. This is lidocaine, which makes the procedure painless, and a phosphate buffer, which prevents tissue swelling.

Release form

Juvederm is the generic name for a series of injectable hyaluronic acid implants. The gel is available in sterile syringes, which can have different volumes. They differ even more in content. All forms of Juvederm are divided into types, and those, in turn, into subspecies:

  • Juvederm of the first generation includes subspecies that differ in the density and concentration of the substance, which can be determined by the prefixes to the name: Juvederm 2, 3, 4, etc. As the number increases, the concentration of the gel also increases. In addition, there are options with the prefix HV, which means increased viscosity gel.
  • The relatively new Juvederm Ultra series is also labeled 2, 3, 4... They contain lidocaine.
  • Let us note the “niche” drugs Juvederm Voluma and Juvederm Hydrate, which have special specifics: Juvederm Voluma is focused on creating volume, Juvederm Hydrate intensively moisturizes tissues.
  • Juvederm Volbela with lidocaine is the newest drug that is completely safe.

The gel is available in syringes of 0.55 and 1 ml.

Other drugs of this type

In addition to Juvederm fillers, other drugs are also very popular, some of them have noticeable differences (different components), which determines their demand:

  • Sculptra. Its base is artificial poly-L-lactic acid. The drug stimulates collagen production.
  • . The main substance is calcium. The purpose is to create a frame, which is subsequently overgrown with natural collagen.
  • Artecoll and Artefill. The basis is animal collagen and lidocaine. Often provokes allergies.
  • . The base is polycaprolactone. Filler endowed long-term action With wide range. A worthy alternative to hyaluronic fillers.
  • . It has a non-animal base and high viscosity. The drug causes virtually no complications and is compatible with other gels. It can also be used at a young age.
  • Highlight.New drug, produced in America. Distinctive feature- long lasting effect.
  • Surgiderm. The base is hyaluronic acid. It has several series that differ in different densities. In terms of effectiveness, it is significantly inferior to Juvederm fillers, since the effect lasts no more than 8 weeks.
  • . One of the first drugs.
  • . A new drug based on biosynthetic high molecular weight HA, which has different degrees viscosity
  • Dermaliv. The basis of the drug is also hyaluronic acid.
  • . Swiss product based on pure hyaluronic acid. An effective remedy.

Botox is not a filler!

Photo of the Juvederm line

Use in cosmetology and plastic surgery

Juvederm is used in facial contouring. With its help they correct,. It is acceptable to use for correction of areas in the area (abundant growth of connective tissue),

  • Individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid and lidocaine.
  • Viral or infectious disease
  • At cardiovascular diseases the drug is used with caution,
  • Progressive skin disease or relapse in acute form( , etc.),
  • Childhood and pregnancy.
  • Instructions for use

    Before the procedure, the doctor fully consults the patient about the effect of the drug, contraindications, possible complications and how the procedure itself goes. It lasts no more than 40 minutes. Local anesthesia is not required, although sometimes it is resorted to (strictly individual cases).

    A week before the injection, you should stop taking certain medicines:, anticoagulants (“thinning” the blood).

    Administration technique

    1. Before administering the drug, the skin is thoroughly disinfected,
    2. Prepare the syringe for use (remove the plug, screw the needle until it locks and remove the protective cap),
    3. The drug is administered very slowly. The zones and amount of the drug are calculated in advance.
    4. Massage the injection area to distribute the drug evenly.

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    Juvederm – filler for contouring

    The drug Juvederm is a modern filler produced by the American company Allergan, used for contouring. This is a cosmetic approach that allows you to correct facial features and improve skin condition. The technique is in demand due to its obvious effectiveness, provided it is simultaneously safe for general health patient. Since there are several varieties of this drug, if you want to improve your appearance, it is better to rely on the opinion and experience of a cosmetologist. This will allow you to get a positive result and an adequate appearance.

    What are the features of Juvederm?

    A distinctive feature and simultaneous advantage of the product is its high-quality composition: hyaluronic acid is filtered from harmful components that can potentially harm skin cells. Another important ingredient of the filler is phosphate buffer - this substance has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces the likelihood of complications after injection.

    Women who prefer a smooth outline of this part of the face can agree to have Juvederm injected into their lips. The filler does not create a clearly defined contour and does not provide a rough border to the mouth line.

    It is extremely undesirable to inject Juvederm under the eyes - it retains water well, which can cause the development of multiple complications, since the lacrimal canal is anatomically located near the eyelid.

    Taking into account reviews from cosmetologists, swelling is recognized as the most common complication of Juvederm filler injection. This is the basis for choosing another drug designed to improve the condition of the periorbital zone.

    Types of Juvederm

    Anyone who believes that absolutely any copy of the product in question can be used to improve the contour of the face or fill in the lips is mistaken. Improved skin condition or appearance lips can be treated with Juvederm different levels density. A specific filler is selected taking into account the main purpose of the procedure, the wishes of the patient, and the characteristics of the expected result.

    There are several varieties of this drug:

    Juvederm Hydrate. The drug has a specific indication for use - age-related changes skin. The main substance of this type of filler is mannitol - the component helps remove toxic substances from skin cells, while at the same time replenishing the missing volume of hyaluronic acid in areas of greatest depletion of its reserves. The effect of use is smooth, elastic skin without facial and pronounced wrinkles. The cover will acquire a uniform, healthy shade, and its owner will have a more youthful appearance. The insertion procedure is painless and there is no need for prior anesthesia.

    Juvederm Ultra. Tested histologically (like other representatives of this line of fillers). As a result, the compatibility of hyaluronic acid with human skin cells has been confirmed at the biological level. The peculiarity of this drug is the presence of lidocaine in the composition, which reduces the patient’s pain sensitivity and facilitates the work of the cosmetologist. Depending on the degree of density of the substance, Juvederm ultra is distributed into numbers 2, 3 and 4.

    Juvederm Ultra 2 Designed for delicate areas. It flawlessly eliminates crow's feet", fills the wrinkles formed around the lips.

    Juvederm Ultra 3 helps stop typical signs aging – wrinkles on the forehead. Specified type The drug is most often used to increase lip volume. The swelling of this part of the face is ensured by the optimal density of the injected product - it is not so high as to form lumps, but thick enough to plump the lips without allowing the gel to migrate beyond their contour. This filler is also used to enhance cheekbones.

    Filler Juvederm Ultra 4– the most viscous: it is injected into the nasolabial triangle, which allows you to influence the shape of the lips, and also qualitatively fills even deep wrinkles (regardless of their location on the face) and enlarges the cheekbones.

    Juvederm Ultra Smile. The drug is intended purely to increase lip volume. The injection is performed directly into them or the adjacent area. More rarely, this filler is used to eliminate sagging lip skin.

    Juvederm analogs

    Many people are interested in what is more effective and of better quality – Restylane or Juvederm. Cosmetologists will explain that each of these drugs is of synthetic origin, has high results and is long-lasting. The only difference between fillers is their density. It is by this criterion that Juvederm should be selected - the higher the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the gel, the denser the product, which means the effect will be more obvious.

    Contraindications to the use of the drug

    Despite the fact that the purpose of “beauty injections” is to compensate for aesthetic defects in appearance, the main task of a specialist is not to harm a person’s health. It is for these reasons that a doctor may refuse to perform a procedure when the following are relevant to the patient:

    1. The presence of malignant or benign neoplasms of organs and tissues.
    2. Individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid.
    3. Aggressive reaction of the skin to a puncture (violation of integrity may be accompanied by massive swelling and tissue proliferation).
    4. Diabetes certain forms.
    5. The presence of compactions and lumps inside the epithelium of the zone of planned exposure.
    6. Negative previous experience of introducing the same filler.
    7. The period of gestation or breastfeeding.
    8. Inflammatory lesions of the skin - psoriasis, acne, furunculosis.
    9. Autoimmune diseases.
    10. Fever body at the time of the desired procedure.

    The procedure is also contraindicated for people with impaired blood clotting ability.

    Preparation for the injection of Juvederm and the course of the procedure

    Regardless of the purpose of the procedure - whether it is lip augmentation, filling wrinkles or sculpting the oval of the face - 2 weeks before the planned use of filler, the patient must stop the course of antibiotic therapy, treatment with vitamins and antimicrobial agents. It is especially important to stop taking anticoagulants (Fraxiparin, Heparin).

    The last session of using scrubs and peelings should take place no later than 2 weeks before the injection of filler. You should not drink alcohol or coffee the day before. On the day of the planned procedure, any strong alcohol, spicy seasonings. It is highly undesirable for a woman to attend such a procedure during menstruation.

    The patient is placed on a chair, the facial skin is cleaned of oily sheen, dirt, and cosmetic residues. Then they are treated with an antiseptic, anesthesia is performed if necessary, and the drug is administered. After completing the injections, the cosmetologist will ask you not to rise from the chair for 15-30 minutes. Then he will make sure that the patient is well and will approve the return to normal life.

    Side effects

    Market Analytics

    Any woman is upset when the first wrinkles appear. Looking young and attractive is the natural desire of every representative of the fair sex. This problem can be quickly solved in the following ways: Botox injections, plastic surgery or hyaluronic acid injections. A woman must decide her own preferences.

    Currently, drugs containing artificial hyaluronic acid. It has become so widespread due to its safety, practically complete absence side effects Moreover, it is very easy to administer, and the results last for quite a long time. Beauty salons in Moscow Lately suggest using such a non-surgical method of skin rejuvenation as injection skin covering fillers based on hyaluronic acid. One of the most popular fillers is Juvederm Ultra 3.

    What is Juvederm Ultra 3?

    Juvederm ultra 3 is an injectable filler used to correct quite serious skin complications that arise due to age, as well as to increase the volume of the lips and correct their contour. In addition, it is used to eliminate deep wrinkles, modeling the oval of the face and smoothing nasolabial folds. The main difference between the Juvederm ultra 3 filler is that it contains lidocaine, which has an analgesic effect, which makes the procedure much easier for patients to tolerate.

    The main component of the gel is hyaluronic acid of artificial origin, as a result of which the occurrence of allergic reactions is practically reduced to zero.

    Juvederm 3 filler differs from all other analogues in that hyaluronic acid molecules fastened together very tightly. This helps the drug long time remains in the tissues in the same state in which it was introduced. Another component included in the Juvederm 3 gel is a phosphate buffer, due to which there is virtually no swelling after the procedure.

    One package of Juvederm ultra 3 filler contains two syringes, each containing 0.8 milliliters of gel, and four needles necessary for administering the drug.

    Application area

    Juvederm ultra 3 gel used to eliminate the following shortcomings:

    • nasolabial folds;
    • deep wrinkles on the forehead;
    • thin cheeks.

    It must be remembered that the gel is not recommended to be injected into the skin of the eyelids. Only a high-class cosmetologist who is ready to take responsibility in case of an emergency can carry out such a procedure. possible complications. Special fillers have been developed to remove dark circles under the eyes, so it’s not worth the risk. In addition, Juvederm 3 gives volume to the lips and makes their contour more defined. The drug must not be injected into the vessels, as they may become completely blocked.


    There are a number of diseases and conditions in which It is prohibited to use the following drug:

    If there are the following diseases, then such a gel should be used extremely carefully.

    Autoimmune diseases

    If the patient's history includes autoimmune disease, occurring in the active phase, then it is better to postpone the use of Juvederm ultra 3 gel. If the disease progresses in the passive phase, it is recommended to do a double test before using filler.

    Allergic reactions

    If the client suffers from allergic reactions or is prone to anaphylactic shock, then the doctor must enter for testing double portion of filler. In some cases, preventive treatment is prescribed, which is completed before each procedure. The same is done when allergic reaction occurs on other components of the drug.

    Treatment with anticoagulants

    The patient is advised to stop using anticoagulants one week before the procedure. If this cannot be done, then the doctor is obliged to warn him about the consequences and risks associated with large hematomas and bruises at the injection sites.

    Streptococcal infection

    If the patient often suffers from tonsillitis, has acute articular rheumatism or rheumatic heart disease, then in this case it is not advisable to use Juvederm ultra 3 gel.

    The price of one Juvederm ultra 3 syringe depends on the city and the prestige of the clinic where such a procedure will take place. On average, the price in Moscow for Juvederm Ultra 3 fillers (one syringe per 80 ml) is 17,000 – 18,000 rubles. Sometimes the procedure requires two syringes, so the price calculation will be as follows: 2 syringes x 80 ml = 34,000 - 35,000 rubles.

    Such a high price is explained by the fact that the drug has a special composition. Firstly, it contains an anesthetic, which makes the procedure completely painless, and secondly, the Juvederm 3 filler is extremely smooth, it is very easy to inject, and it is well distributed in the tissues, which significantly reduces the recovery process.

    Recently, the Juvederm line of fillers was replenished with another new product - Ultra smile Juvederm, a luxury product that makes lips very beautiful, providing them with:

    • natural volume;
    • clear outline;
    • soft and smooth surface.

    You can purchase these drugs in online pharmacies and specialized clinics.

    Thus, the reason to buy Juvederm 3 fillers is a person’s desire to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, mouth and cheekbones, as well as to enlarge or correct their lips. The price of this drug is quite high, but the result exceeds all expectations, and the effect of the procedure lasts a very long time.

    From this article you will learn:

    • reviews of Juvederm ® fillers,
    • application features, before and after photos,
    • biorevitalization Juvederm Hydrate and Volite.

    Juvederm ® is a line of dermal fillers based on stabilized hyaluronic acid used to correct the depth of wrinkles, nasolabial folds, atrophic scars, as well as to increase the volume of lips, cheekbones and cheeks. The manufacturer is Allergan Inc. (USA), known to any cosmetologist for the drug Botox ®, which is widely used to correct dynamic wrinkles in the forehead and corners of the eyes.

    The Juvederm filler was developed in 2000, and already in 2006 the drug received approval from the FDA (Federal Bureau of Drug Control in the United States) - as effective and safe remedy for facial contouring. Juvederm ® Ultra and Juvederm ® Ultra Plus have received FDA approval, which this moment renamed Juvederm Ultra 3 and Juvederm Ultra 4. But in addition to these forms of release, the Juvederm line includes 5 more types of fillers.

    Juvederm ® gel (1.0 ml syringes) –

    In total, 7 types of fillers are produced under the Juvederm ® brand, as well as 2 preparations for the biorevitalization procedure - “Juvederm Hydrate” and “Juvederm Volite” (Juvederm Volite). The options for fillers of this brand listed below will differ from each other in gel density, hyaluronic acid concentration, areas of application, as well as the duration of the effect. In this article, we will tell you the optimal indications for each of these products.

    Juvederm filler release forms ®

    • Juvederm Ultra 2,
    • Juvederm Ultra 3,
    • Juvederm Ultra 4
    • Juvederm Ultra Smile,
    • Juvederm Volume (Voluma),
    • Juvederm Volift (Volift),
    • Juvederm Volbella (Volbella).

    Method for correcting wrinkles with fillers –

    Juvederm is injected into the skin using a syringe and a very thin needle. Moreover, the lower the density of the filler, the thinner the needle included. Thicker fillers can only be injected into tissue through slightly larger needles, which can be more painful and slightly more likely to cause bruising. All Juvederm fillers are produced with 0.3% lidocaine anesthetic. When correcting wrinkles, the gel is injected into the base of each wrinkle along its entire length. Thus, the filler seems to push the wrinkle outward (Fig. 4).

    Correction of deep wrinkles with filler: scheme

    You will see the visible result of the filler injection immediately after the procedure. On average it takes from 15 to 30 minutes. However, the final result of the correction will be visible only after 24 hours. This is because the hyaluronic acid gel in Juvederm fillers is not fully hydrated with water. This means that the gel, after being introduced into the tissue, will absorb some more liquid, which will slightly increase its volume within 24 hours. This point is especially important to consider when increasing lip volume.

    Correction of wrinkles and soft tissue volume with Juvederm –

    Features of Juvederm ® fillers –

    As we said above, for the production of Juvederm ® fillers, stabilized HA is used, obtained by bacterial fermentation. The stabilization of HA should be understood as its chemical modification, as a result of which individual chains of its molecules are “cross-linked” with each other using chemical bonds (bridges). The properties of different fillers depend most on the number and frequency of such bonds between the chains of HA molecules, and the more of them there are, the denser the filler will be and the longer the duration of its action.

    The life cycle duration of conventional, i.e. unstabilized HA molecules – is only 24 to 48 hours. And so that the filler does not collapse almost immediately after injection, the chains of HA molecules are subjected to such “cross-linking”. Fillers that have fewer bonds between HA chains will have a low density, and their duration of action will be about 5-6 months. These include Juvederm Ultra Smile and Juvederm Ultra 2. Such soft fillers are used to correct superficial shallow wrinkles, as well as increase lip volume.

    The more connections there are, the greater the density of the filler and the lower its elasticity. For example, Juvederm Ultra 3 already has a medium density, and the indication for its use is wrinkles and folds of medium depth. The duration of its effect will be from 6 to 9 months. And an even denser filler, Juvederm Ultra 4, is designed to correct the deepest wrinkles, and its effect will last up to 12 months (website).

    Wrinkle correction and lip augmentation with Juvederm ® –

    Forms of release of Juvederm ® fillers –

    All fillers of this brand contain the anesthetic lidocaine 0.3%, but the concentrations of hyaluronic acid in them will be different and vary - from 15 to 24 mg/ml. In addition, depending on the technology of cross-linking HA molecules, fillers of this brand can be divided into 2 types. The first option is drugs Juvederm series® Ultra, which uses the traditional technology of cross-linking HA chains using cross-links.

    The second option is the Juvederm ® Vycross product series, which uses innovative technology short cross-links between chains of HA molecules. Juvederm fillers such as Volume, Volift and Volbella are made using Vycross ® technology.

    1) Juvederm ® Ultra line of fillers –

    • Juvederm ® Ultra Smile –
      This filler is used primarily only to increase the volume of the lips and correct the contour of the red border of the lips. The gel has a low density, the concentration of hyaluronic acid is 24 mg/ml. The high elasticity of the gel ensures that after the injection you will not feel denser inclusions inside your lips. Needle size – 30G. The effect lasts about 6 months. Available in packs of 2 syringes (0.55 ml each), the cost of 1 pack is about 9,000 rubles.

    • Juvederm® Ultra 2 –
      Designed to be injected into the middle layers of the dermis, it can be used to correct superficial fine wrinkles in the eye area and around the mouth, as well as wrinkles between the eyebrows. This filler option is also suitable for correcting the contour of the red border of the lips. To increase lip volume, it should be used only if you plan to make a small amount of correction.

      The needle size marking is 30G. The concentration of hyaluronic acid is 24 mg/ml, the duration of the effect is about 6 months. The package contains 2 syringes of 0.55 ml each, the cost of 1 package is about 9,000 rubles.

    • Juvederm® Ultra 3 –
      used to correct medium and deep wrinkles (optimally medium ones), nasolabial folds. But it can also be used to increase the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks, as well as correct the contour of the red border of the lips. The instructions say that the drug is also suitable for increasing the volume of the lip body, this is indeed true, but we believe that for these purposes it is still optimal to use the very first version of this filler (see above). The needle size marking is 27G.

      The gel has average density and elasticity and can be injected into the middle and deep layers of the dermis. The concentration of hyaluronic acid in it is 24 mg/ml. The duration of the effect is already from 6 to 9 months, which ensures its more high density compared to previous filler options. Release form - each package contains 2 syringes with a volume of 1.0 ml. The cost of 1 package is about 11,000 rubles.

    • Juvederm® Ultra 4 –
      Compared to previous filler options, Juvederm Ultra 4 has an even greater gel density. The drug should be injected only into the deep layers of the dermis. Indications for use: correction of deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, but in principle it can also be successfully used to increase the volume of the cheekbones. Contains 24 mg/ml hyaluronic acid, needle size – 27G. The duration of the effect is 12 months. Release form - the package contains 2 syringes with a volume of 1.0 ml. The cost of 1 package is from 11,500 rubles.

    2) Juvederm filler line using Vycross ® technology –

    Important : the concentration of hyaluronic acid cannot be a criterion indicating the duration of the effect of the drug. For example, if you compare one of the ® with a HA content of 20 mg/ml with any filler in the Juvederm ® Ultra line containing 24 mg/ml, you may come to the erroneous conclusion that the second trademark will have a longer duration of action. This is absolutely not true, because... The duration of action of fillers largely depends on the number and type of bonds between HA chains that are formed during its chemical modification.

    Biorevitalization Juvederm Hydrate: reviews

    1. Juvederm ® Hydrate –

    Juvederm Hydrate is a gel based on native (i.e. unbound) hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. The drug contains hyaluronic acid – 13.5 mg/ml, and mannitol – 9 mg/ml. As we said above, the life cycle of native hyaluronic acid molecules is only 24-48 hours, i.e. It is during this time that the HA content in the skin will return to its original state. Mannitol is an antioxidant that slightly slows down the rate of breakdown of HA chains, making the drug last a little longer.

    Indications for use: the need to quickly improve hydration and, to some extent, skin elasticity, for example, after long stay in the sun, after exposure to adverse meteorological and toxic factors, in smokers. This effect develops due to the fact that the increased concentration of HA leads to the saturation of the dermis with water, and the function of endothelial cells is also activated. Improving the function of these cells stimulates angiogenesis and improves blood supply to the skin.

    Administration technique –
    The drug is administered using a series of microinjections - to the depth where the epidermis passes into the superficial layer of the dermis. The needle insertion points are located at a distance of 3 mm from each other, the volume of the injected solution for each injection is 0.01 ml. Traditionally, doctors recommend 3-4 procedures (with a break of 3-4 weeks between them). The cost of 1 syringe of Juvederm hydrate for biorevitalization is the price of 4,000 rubles per 1.0 ml. The cost of the procedure in the clinic will be at least 10,000 rubles.

    You must understand that Juvederm Hydrate for skin biorevitalization is not able to influence the collagen content of the skin, and therefore it is not a remedy for wrinkles. However, saturating the dermis with water can lead to an increase in skin thickness, which still causes a slight smoothing effect of wrinkles. The effect of increasing skin elasticity also occurs due to the increase in water content in the dermis, and the improvement in the appearance of the skin mainly occurs due to improved blood supply to the skin.

    2. Juvederm ® Volite –

    Juvederm Volite gel has been produced since 2017. It differs from Juvederm Hydrate in that it is made with cross-linked non-animal hyaluronic acid. Thanks to this, it has a combined effect - it can be used both as a filler to fill superficial wrinkles, and as a means to increase skin hydration and elasticity. In the latter case, it is administered through a series of microinjections once every 9 months, but it should be noted that native unbound HA has a significantly stronger moisturizing effect than bound HA. The only advantage is that the drug does not require a course of treatment consisting of several injections.

    The content of hyaluronic acid in it is 12.0 mg/ml, and it also contains 0.3% of the anesthetic lidocaine. Needle size 32G. The gel is injected into the middle layers of the dermis. The drug has been approved for administration to the face and neck, but in principle can be used in the décolleté and arms. Independent clinical researches There are currently no data on the effectiveness of the drug. However, a study conducted by the manufacturer involving 131 people showed that improvement in skin condition was observed after 1, 4 and 6 months. We consider this drug to be a purely marketing product and not suitable for biorevitalization procedures.

    Reading the results published by the company, it is absolutely not clear whether the drug was used as a filler or as a biorevitalizant, what exactly was meant by improvement (whether it was smoothing out wrinkles, increasing elasticity or improving the appearance of the skin). But most importantly, the published information lacks objective criteria for its effectiveness. For example, comparison of hyaluronic acid content in skin samples taken before injections and 1, 3 and 6 months after injections could be considered objective criteria. The cost of Juvederm Volite is from 13,000 rubles per package (2 syringes of 1.0 ml each are included). The cost of the procedure in the clinic will be no less than 13,000 rubles per 1.0 ml.

    Juvederm Hydrate and Juvederm Volite injections: video

    When you watch the first video, pay attention to the depth of the needle. According to the rules of Juvéderm Hydrate, it should be injected to a depth at which the epidermis passes into the upper layers of the dermis. It can be seen that in those places where the doctor inserts the syringe too deeply, vascular injury occurs. In this case, the risk of hemorrhage is higher and the healing time increases. After injection of Juvederm Hydrate, small papules will be visible on the skin for 3-4 days.

    Complications after biorevitalization procedures are quite rare, and one of the most unpleasant is associated with the individual reaction of the skin to skin damage as a result of injections. You can easily find reviews on the Internet of patients who have barely noticeable bumps on the skin at the injection sites. Any injury in the skin activates a healing mechanism; in some patients this occurs with elements of fibrosis. Therefore, in patients in whom even minor skin damage has occurred with the formation of scars, it is better not to use this procedure.