Scarlet blood after sexual intercourse. Blood after intercourse: what does it mean and how serious is it?

Bleeding after intimacy - pathological condition, which most often indicates health problems. Bleeding can be understood as either blood smearing or profuse, breakthrough bleeding from the genitals of a woman or man. In most cases, blood appears in women after sexual intercourse. There can be many reasons: from problems in the sexual sphere to oncological processes in the genitourinary and reproductive system.

If the desire for intimacy was not mutual, drops of blood may appear due to insufficient vaginal lubrication and damage to the vaginal walls. When bleeding is accompanied nagging pain, painful urination and other pathological signs, the causes may be more serious. In women this may be a manifestation endometriosis, erosive lesions of the cervix,inflammation of the appendages. In men, blood after intercourse often indicates damage to the frenulum, inflammation of the urethra and/or malignant lesions spermatic cord or seminal vesicles. Even if there are no other symptoms, but after sex there is bleeding, you need to see gynecologist(for men - urologist or andrologist).

If a woman is healthy, but after intimacy she notices drops of blood on her underwear, there may be several reasons. The most common of them is vaginal dysbiosis, which disrupts the acidity of the vaginal environment and reduces the number of beneficial lactobacilli. Lactic bacteria (Lactobacillaceae) support optimal level moisture in the vagina, ensure the production of vaginal lubrication when a woman is aroused, and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

If the number of lactic acid bacteria decreases, a woman experiences discomfort and burning during intimacy. Blood at vaginal dysbiosis may appear as a result of intense friction of the penis against the walls of the vagina, on which microcracks and abrasions appear. The partner also experiences at this time discomfort. After intimacy is completed, a few drops of blood may also appear on the man’s genitals.

Note! The reason for the lack of lubrication is not always a violation vaginal microflora. A woman may not be sufficiently excited or emotionally constrained. Little lubrication is released even if a woman does not trust her partner, so there is no need to rush into sexual relations, if there is no complete mutual understanding and trust.

What to do?

To maintain an optimal balance of microorganisms in the vagina, you must follow the rules intimate hygiene, change your underwear daily, refuse to purchase panties and bras made of synthetic fabrics. Nutrition is also of great importance. The diet should contain a lot of fruits, greens, vegetable salads, fresh berries. Must be consumed daily dairy products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, bifidok.

To restore balance beneficial bacteria and the prevention of dysbacteriosis, you can use preparations containing lacto- and bifidobacteria. These can be capsules, vaginal suppositories, tablets, cream for application to the external genitalia. The means of this group include:

  • "Bifidumbacterin" (suppositories and capsules);
  • "Normobakt" (powder);
  • “Vagisil” (wipes, cream and gel for intimate hygiene);
  • "Acipol" (capsules);
  • "Acilact" (vaginal suppositories).

To improve sensations during sex and reduce discomfort, it is recommended to use condoms and lubricants, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Effect of alcohol

Not a large number of blood after sex can also appear if the person used alcohol shortly before intimacy. alcoholic drinks, especially if their strength exceeded 12%. Any strong alcohol dilates blood vessels, including those of the genital organs. If a man’s actions were too active or harsh, small capillaries are easily injured and rupture. Bleeding in this case is not profuse and is not accompanied by fever, pain or other pathological symptoms.

To avoid this problem, it is better to give up alcohol if you plan to have sexual intercourse in the next 24 hours. If a feast cannot be avoided, you need to know the acceptable levels of alcohol that have a minimal impact harmful effects on the body.

DrinkMaximum daily norm for women (ml)Maximum daily intake for men (ml)
White wine150 180
Red wine180 220
Vodka40 70
Cognac30 50
Liquor80 100

Important! Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol before sex unless the partners use condoms or other methods of contraception. If pregnancy occurs when one of the partners was intoxicated, the likelihood of birth defects in the fetus will be several times higher.

Video - Why does blood bleed after sex?

Blood after intercourse is an early sign of pregnancy

If a woman begins to notice a bloody smear on her underwear, accompanied by tingling above the pubic bone and nagging pain in the lumbar area and lower abdomen, the cause may be pregnancy. This situation is especially typical for women with irregular periods who cannot notice the delay in time. Drops of blood, if a woman is pregnant, may appear during the attachment of a fertilized egg to the body of the uterus or when there is a threat of interruption. In rare cases, miscarriage can occur on the very early stages pregnancy (up to 2-4 weeks), this may manifest itself externally heavy bleeding with the release of blood clots.

Important! Women with irregular periods are advised to take a pregnancy test periodically so as not to miss a possible conception. If the test result is positive, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

Possible diseases

If pregnancy is excluded, and bleeding periodically appears after intimacy, you should consult a doctor. There are many gynecological diseases that can be accompanied by a similar symptom, and the sooner the cause is identified, the greater the chance of avoiding serious consequences and complications.

Endometrial pathologies

The endometrium is the inner mucous layer of the uterus that covers the walls of the organ. The endometrium contains a large amount blood vessels, therefore, any disturbances in its functioning are almost always accompanied by bleeding. They can be:

  • very scanty (a daub or a few drops);
  • moderate (no more than 1-2 spoons);
  • profuse breakthrough (blood flows without stopping).

The most common pathology of the endometrium is its hyperplasia– growth. Hyperplasia can be the result of untreated uterine diseases or hormonal disorders. Bleeding with hyperplasia is breakthrough, blood may come out in spurts and contain blood clots different sizes. The intensity of bleeding increases after physical activity and sexual intercourse.

Against the background of hyperplasia, women are often diagnosed endometriosis– inflammation of the endometrium, in which mucous tissue extends beyond the body of the uterus and can accumulate in the ovaries, fallopian tubes and other pelvic organs.

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia and endometriosis includes taking hormonal oral contraceptives ( “Janine”, “Diane-35”, “Yarina”). In most cases, it is possible to stop bleeding in case of breakthrough bleeding only with the help of surgical curettage or vacuum aspiration. After the procedure, the woman is prescribed antibiotics ( "Metronidazole") to prevent infection of the uterus.

Important! Oral contraceptives may cause severe side effects, but despite this, treatment cannot be stopped until the end of the course. Self-interruption of therapy may cause “withdrawal bleeding.” The provoking factor is usually active sex and weight lifting.

Other diseases

Constant light bleeding after sexual intercourse in women can be caused by benign tumors uterus – fibroids, especially if they have a diffuse form.

Similar symptoms can also be caused by:

  • erosive damage to the cervix;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • polyposis and cystic formations in the ovaries;
  • adhesive process in the pelvis.

Sometimes blood may bleed after sex venereal diseases. In this case, other symptoms are usually present, for example, itching of the perineum, discharge with a rotten odor, redness of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Used for treatment antibacterial agents wide range in the shape of vaginal suppositories and tablets, systemic antibiotics and bifid drugs.

Important! In severe cases, blood after sexual intercourse may be a sign of cancer in the uterus, ovaries or cervix. If such a sign appears against the background of a constant increase in temperature, nagging or acute pain of low intensity in the lower abdomen, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Possible causes in men

In almost half of the cases, blood after sex in men indicates sluggish urethritis - bacterial or viral defeat urethra . The disease can occur against the background of a slight increase in temperature and other symptoms, which include:

  • burning and pain when emptying the bladder;
  • yellow, milky or green purulent discharge from the penis;
  • pain and discomfort during intimacy;
  • weakness and deterioration in health.

Another one possible reasonfrenulum injury when using various sex toys (for example, penis rings). If the size of the toy is chosen incorrectly and it strongly rubs the skin of the penis or frenulum, microcracks and abrasions may occur that bleed during and after sex. If measures are not taken in time, the wounds can become infected, which will lead to an inflammatory process.

How to stop bleeding after sex?

To stop bleeding after intimacy, you can use hemostatic drugs, but you can take them only after reading the instructions and being sure that there are no contraindications for treatment. One of the most popular medications to stop bleeding is " Dicynone». Single dose"Dicinona" in case copious discharge blood from the genital tract after sex is 1-2 tablets. If there is no effect, after 20 minutes you need to take another tablet and continue taking it for 5 days at the same daily dosage.

Another effective hemostatic agent is “ Vikasol" You need to take it in the same dosage. You can supplement the treatment with a decoction of the leaves. nettle. Nettle is a well-known remedy for stopping bleeding, which is used even in traditional medicine. To prepare a decoction, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of nettle into a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Drink half a glass 4-5 times a day until the bleeding stops.

If nettle does not help, you can use tincture water pepper, which is sold at the pharmacy. It helps to cope even with heavy bleeding. You need to take the tincture 2 times a day, 30 drops diluted in 80 ml of liquid.

Important! Water pepper tincture is contraindicated during pregnancy, arterial hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

After the attack is stopped, you need to go to the hospital to find out the cause. If you can’t stop the bleeding at home, you need to call “ ambulance", since excessive blood loss can lead to severe consequences. Until doctors arrive, it is better to be in a supine position; you can put a bottle of ice crumbs, wrapped in a towel, or a heating pad filled with cold water on your lower abdomen.

To prevent bleeding after sex, it is necessary to avoid alcohol before intimacy and avoid harsh and rough movements during sexual intercourse. If there are signs of any diseases, it is necessary to treat them so as not to infect your partner and prevent possible complications.

Bleeding that occurs in a woman after sexual intercourse is medically called postcoital bleeding. Their reasons can be very diverse. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, such bleeding does not pose any danger to the woman, but, nevertheless, in any case of the appearance of blood discharge from the genital tract, the woman should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible in order to find out the cause of the bleeding and take the necessary measures to his treatment.

What could be the causes of postcoital bleeding in a woman?

At first sexual intercourse

It is known that during the first sexual intercourse, in many cases the hymen is broken (torn or broken) and vaginal bleeding occurs. But not all girls experience vaginal bleeding after the first sexual intercourse. It all depends on the shape of the hymen, the experience of the partner, the tension, etc. In some girls, the hymen is very thin, moon-shaped and almost does not cover the entrance to the vagina.

For some, the hymen is quite thick and covers a significant part of the vaginal opening, and during the first sexual intercourse, a significant violation of the hymen causes massive bleeding. Bleeding after the first sexual intercourse also depends on the fact that the hymen may have previously been damaged from injuries (mostly sports), from the use of tampons, from masturbation or from digital irritations.

"Vaginal Tears"

A small amount of bloody discharge ("bloody drops" or "bloody tears") from the vaginal wall may occur after sexual intercourse. As a rule, such discharge disappears very quickly - within 1-3 days maximum. If you want to avoid recurrence, avoid masturbation, vaginal tampons, and finger stimulation of the vaginal walls.

Inflammatory diseases (irritations)

Inflammation of the uterine mucosa (superficial layer internal cavity uterus) is called. This inflammation may be the cause uterine bleeding of varying intensity after any stimulus, including sexual intercourse. An identical situation develops with inflammation of the vaginal walls (vaginitis) and the surface of the cervix (cervicitis). In this case, as a rule, the vagina and cervix swell due to infection.

Adenomyosis of the uterus

Adenomyosis of the uterus is a change in the functional activity of its mucous membrane, or endometrium. Its cells, when immunity decreases, begin to enter muscle layer the uterus and grow there. However, the cause of the disease is not only a decrease protective functions body, but also in hormonal disorders. Adenomyosis has four degrees of severity and two forms. There are nodular and diffuse adenomyosis. The disease can be either congenital or acquired. Predisposing factors may include various surgical interventions and inflammatory processes.


Bleeding during or after sexual intercourse can be observed in women suffering from STDs - due to inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, including the vagina, cervix and uterus. Women suffering from STDs may observe bloody issues and outside sexual activity (on different days menstrual cycle). The following STDs most often cause spotting after intercourse:

  • chlamydia (Chlamydia);
  • (Gonorrhea);
  • trichomoniasis (Trichomoniasis).

Cervical polyp

A cervical polyp or polyps may bleed upon any contact, including mechanical irritation during sexual intercourse. With excessive growth of the uterine mucosa, uterine polyps can develop, which grow into the uterine cavity. Women with uterine polyps usually experience spotting on various days of the menstrual cycle, as well as after sexual intercourse.

Myomatous nodes of the uterus

Myomatous nodes of the uterus are benign tumors and are not life-threatening. But at the same time, they can create many inconveniences, including pain, irregular bleeding and discomfort. Such women should avoid female sex hormones, including combined contraceptive pills. Sometimes “rough sex” can cause injury to the walls of the vagina and the surface layer of the cervix. Such injuries should be avoided.


It has been noticed that some medical supplies may cause vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse. For example, combined oral contraceptives and aspirin have been noted as causes of such discharge. The mechanisms of this effect are not well understood, but it is known that missed contraceptive pills usually cause spotting after sexual intercourse. And also pills with a low content of estrogen component can also cause spotting after sexual intercourse.

In all cases of bleeding after sexual intercourse, you should contact your personal gynecologist, discuss the problem with a professional and accurately identify the cause.

There are several options: the entrance to the vagina and the remainder of the hymen, the vaginal walls, the cervix or the uterus itself may bleed. Rare, but real case: This could be... the vaginal septum.

One in many thousands of women is born with this feature: a small membrane that divides the vagina in half. A rupture of this septum can lead to severe bleeding, and if this is a rare case, you should immediately seek medical help.

Bleeding from other areas of the genitals is more difficult to distinguish from each other because it is not as heavy. Their cause may be, for example, microcracks at the entrance to the vagina, which you won’t even notice until you touch this place with a piece of toilet paper and feel a slight burning sensation. Another option: the uterus bleeds a little, disturbed during the process of lovemaking. This happens when there is about a week left before your period.


The main indicator is how abundant it is. Of course, large blood loss is always dangerous, whatever its source. Gynecologists say that most post-coital bleeding (that is, those that occurred after coitus - sexual intercourse) is not dangerous.

The exception is the aforementioned damage to the internal septum. The fact that this partition is such a unique phenomenon means that no one expects to stumble upon it, hence the damage. It is very, very unlikely that this will happen to you or someone close to you. But if suddenly this happens, you will notice. With such damage, a sanitary pad barely lasts for an hour.

If the blood flows profusely or in fairly large clots, or you feel dizzy and weak, you need to call an ambulance. Light bleeding that stops during the day is a reason to go to the antenatal clinic and find out what it was.


Even if the bleeding is quick and painless, it is still worth visiting a doctor. There are several sexually transmitted infections that can cause vaginal bleeding during sex (herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis). Other diseases with the same symptom: yeast infection, uterine polyps and even cervical cancer. A visit to the gynecologist will rule out the worst, and polyps can be easily removed.

Cervical dysplasia(changes in the cells that line the cervix) is a precancerous condition that is often caused by the human papillomavirus. It can also cause similar bleeding. Do I need to explain how important it is to diagnose such a disease on time? As they say, it's better to be safe than sorry.

The question is why after sex there's blood coming out, interests every woman who has encountered an alarming symptom. The situation can happen once or be repeated constantly. The reasons are varied. From trivial, easily removable problems to serious ones that require qualified treatment. Bleeding occurs from the vagina, its vestibule, cervix, and uterine cavity.

The hymen is torn during the first sexual intercourse. The girl feels discomfort, pain, blood after sex. Normal explainable phenomenon. The situation may repeat itself several more times. Up to one month. Over time, the elasticity of the genital organ increases, the muscles of the uterus relax, and the genital organ is less injured. The blood disappears on its own. A few drops are released. If blood appears in increased quantities after sex, you need to consult a specialist.

The presence of blood after sexual intercourse may indicate the onset of menstruation. The situation is familiar to women with irregular menstrual cycles. Sexual activity tones the uterus, changes hormonal levels, and menstruation begins. Also, if it appeared immediately after the end of menstruation, this is also an understandable phenomenon. Remnants of the epidermis are released.

This also happens in women during menopause. Sex provokes hormonal surge, the body reacts this way.

Banal reasons for the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse

A common cause of minor bleeding is the use of sex toys. This includes a discrepancy between the sizes of the girl’s genital organ and the dildo. Also poor-quality manufacturing of intimate devices. Before starting use, you should run your hand over the surface to identify roughness, irregularities, bumps, and other flaws. A manufacturing defect can cause blood to appear. The same situation occurs with the natural discrepancy between the partners’ genital organs.

The cause of blood after sexual intercourse is often an insufficient amount of natural lubrication. This situation occurs if:

The problem is easily solved. You can use a special intimate lubricant. Spend more time on foreplay.

Another common reason for the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse is excessive activity of the partner, hard sex. The girl develops minor injuries, ruptures that begin to bleed. You should slow down the pace a little, contain the heat of passion. Injuries to the cervix provoke the formation of erosion. They do not require special treatment and go away on their own within 10 days, unless re-injury is excluded.

Blood after sex under the influence of contraception

Hormonal medications often cause unplanned bleeding. Presence of blood, possible on any day of the cycle of the first 3 months, after starting use birth control pills. The same situation may arise in the future. But it already indicates malfunction female body, violation hormonal levels. The question arises about replacing contraception.

Blood after sex can also occur when using a condom. If the girl’s vagina is not moisturized enough or there is allergic reaction on the condom material.

The reason for the appearance of blood is the presence intrauterine device. The first 3 months after its installation are considered normal occurrence. Taking into account that droplets of blood do not turn into significant bleeding. The emergence of a similar situation in the future already indicates alarming symptoms due to the presence of an IUD:

  • inflammatory process;
  • spiral displacement;
  • an attempt by the girl’s body to reject a foreign object.

The spiral will most likely have to be removed. Consider a different method of contraception.

Sexually transmitted diseases as a cause of bleeding

Many PPP diseases are asymptomatic at first. But girls carry out their own pathological transformations in their bodies. If blood appears after sex without pain or other alarming symptoms Chlamydia is most likely present. If you suspect venereal diseases it is necessary to undergo examination. The final diagnosis will be determined by the doctor. He will also prescribe qualified treatment. Both partners must undergo therapy. During this time, abstain from sexual intercourse.

The reason for the appearance of blood is pregnancy

If a woman knows she is pregnant, blood after intercourse can greatly frighten her. Active actions partner can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages. When bleeding occurs, the chances of saving the child decrease every minute. You need to call an ambulance.

If a girl does not know about her pregnancy, she will perceive the bleeding as the beginning of her period. In most cases, the uterus cleanses itself. Sometimes the help of a gynecologist is required when particles of the embryo remain inside the uterus.

Sudden bleeding may indicate. In this case, after the appearance of blood, the girl’s health rapidly deteriorates. If help is not provided, she may lose an ovary or die.

Gynecological diseases

If blood appears after sex not for the first time, you should think about the presence of gynecological diseases. A common cause is benign, malignant neoplasms in the cervix.


A benign tumor appears various reasons. The main one is infection. If the cyst is small, it is treated therapeutically and removed liquid nitrogen. If the situation is complex, it is used to eliminate the cause of the pathology. surgical method. Cyst for a long time can exist without special features. If blood appears after sex not for the first time, there is a high probability of its presence.

Erosion on the cervix

Often appears in young girls. It reveals itself by insignificant specific discharge and pain in the lower abdomen. During sex, the erosive area can become injured and blood appears. With erosion there is never bleeding. A few drops after sexual intercourse with further disruption of the menstrual cycle. They are treated with medication and cauterization. The procedure is virtually painless and lasts about 5 minutes.

Cervical cancer

A benign tumor, which eventually turns into a malignant one, first develops without special symptoms. Even a doctor during an examination without a special study is unable to identify pathology. If blood appears after sex, others painful symptoms are absent, you need to visit a doctor for a serious examination. With cervical cancer, blood after sexual intercourse is one of the symptoms of the disease, which, unfortunately, women and girls pay little attention to. Especially if all this does not lead to bleeding.

Inflamed e tion

In the presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus, the lower abdomen and lower back hurt, the temperature rises, and specific discharge is present. Initially, they are simply abundant with a transparent consistency. At a certain time, bleeding appears. And this time sometimes coincides with intimacy. After it, the woman notices specific discharge. Other symptoms of the disease develop later.

There are also situations when blood appears after sex by accident, just by coincidence. A woman's body may contain any gynecological disease: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial polyps, which develop without any special symptoms.

Thus, blood may appear after sex for obvious reasons - tearing of the hymen, active sex, use of sex toys, it is necessary to carry out a washing procedure, use hydrogen peroxide if the wound is visible. It won't hurt to visit a gynecologist. Consulting a qualified specialist will not be superfluous. You also need to pay attention to your own hygiene. Its absence causes the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which provoke disruption of the vaginal microflora, reduce immunity, and provoke diseases. After sex, bleeding may occur. You should pay attention to your partner. Perhaps the blood in the vagina is from his genitals. In this case, he will have to be examined.

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Postcoital (that is, occurring after sexual intercourse) bleeding must not be ignored. After all, if in some cases they are relatively harmless, then in others they indicate big problems that need to be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Causes of bleeding

Mechanical damage

This situation, in which the genitals are damaged during sex, is more typical for men. But women are sometimes unable to avoid such an outcome. Blood may appear, for example, due to strong friction occurring in some parts of the genital tract. And this, in turn, is associated with a man’s excessive zeal during sexual intercourse or his careless attitude towards his partner.

As a result of rough or excessively active sex, for example, the vaginal walls, uterine ligaments or labia can be injured. A separate case is vaginismus. It can occur due to fear of intimacy, because of haste, or in the absence of craving for a partner. This manifests itself in spasm of the vaginal muscles. Trying to free himself, the man makes a sudden movement, which can result in injury.

About what happened mechanical damage often testifies sharp pain, which is unexpectedly felt during intercourse. Often the best solution In such a situation, call an ambulance. But in general the injuries female organs during sex are regarded as the least severe situation in which bleeding is observed.

Inflammatory diseases

They can develop into different parts reproductive system. The vagina can be affected by an unhealthy process - then vaginitis is diagnosed. Sometimes the cervix is ​​affected. This inflammation is called cervicitis. Bloody discharge in the mentioned cases, they can be detected not only in connection with sexual contact.

Inflammatory phenomena are not uncommon. There are many reasons for their occurrence. One of them is insufficient hygiene intimate places. If procedures are carried out irregularly and rarely, harmful microorganisms begin to multiply quickly. The tissues turn red and the woman itches.

Fungi can cause inflammation. In some cases, they enter the body from the outside. In others, “native” fungi begin to multiply uncontrollably. The situation is aggravated by reduced immunity. Without experiencing resistance, microorganisms feel very comfortable.

Cervicitis and vaginitis can be overcome by taking antibiotics. But in order not to make things worse for yourself, you need to be treated under the supervision of a gynecologist. Inflammatory process may already occur in an advanced form. Then, at the discretion of the doctor, cauterization is performed. This procedure is simple, but very effective.

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Other pathologies

Unhealthy bleeding can result from:

  • Sexual infections. An example is chlamydia. Insidious disease may not manifest itself for a long time. But the pathogen gradually affects the genitals, causing cystitis, colpitis, salpingitis and others unpleasant ailments. Suspicious bleeding, particularly postcoital bleeding, sometimes becomes a manifestation of this disease.
  • Erosion. Here, damage to the cervix occurs, namely to those tissues located in the area of ​​the external pharynx. The chances of successfully getting rid of erosion increase when it initial stage. Cauterization is the main method of treatment.
  • Polyps. Such “grapes” on a stalk can form in the uterus even in youth, but most often they are found in mature patients. It is usually recommended to remove the formations through a simple operation. In some cases, conservative treatment helps.

Particularly dangerous conditions

Postcoital bleeding sometimes indicates a condition that can threaten a woman's life. There is cause for concern especially in cases where in the abdomen, in the genital area, along with discharge, there is sharp pain. It interferes with movement and can radiate to the lower back.

Such pain and bleeding are observed with ovarian rupture, ectopic pregnancy and other complex conditions. All of them are very dangerous and require prompt medical attention. Associated symptoms are pale skin, barely perceptible pulse, sweating. At internal bleeding cramping pain is felt.

Other diseases accompanied by postcoital bleeding are cancer. Unhealthy changes can occur, for example, in the cells of the cervix. To identify or exclude dangerous pathology, a study of the collected biological material is carried out.

Taking medications

Some medications, along with providing a therapeutic effect, can worsen blood clotting. In addition, medications, such as birth control, can cause the lining of the uterus to become thinner. This provokes the appearance of discharge.

Appointed to therapeutic purposes or chosen for contraception hormonal drugs should be taken according to plan. If they are used chaotically, when omissions and delays are allowed, a woman may experience bleeding after intimacy. If you suspect that the discharge appears precisely because of taking medications, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps he will advise you to discontinue such a remedy or take a break from its use.