Restless sleep in a 4 year old child. The main causes of poor sleep at night in children. Causes of restless sleep in a child

Why does a child sleep poorly at night and what should be done to normalize his sleep? Detailed explanations reasons bad sleep for every age and practical recommendations to help parents.

Future parents are not always prepared for the fact that newborns have completely different sleep phases from adults. The big exception is children who fall asleep in the evening and sleep without waking up all night until the morning.

The overwhelming majority of young mothers are faced with the fact that their babies wake up very often, which is incredibly exhausting for parents. But there is no need to worry that such a dream will negatively affect the child. Frequent waking up is the norm for many children. Be patient - you just need to wait out this time.

Why does a newborn have trouble sleeping at night?

  • Any person's sleep consists of two cycles - fast and slow. An adult spends most of the night in deep, slow-wave sleep. REM sleep is characterized by startling, constant turning from side to side - at this time a person is easy to wake up
  • Babies sleep in the fast cycle and very rarely in the slow cycle. Therefore, all mothers should understand that frequent waking up of the child is not a bad dream, this is the normal development of the little person’s nervous system.
    If you still have concerns that something is wrong with your child, then the surest method is to consult a neurologist
  • Only an experienced doctor can determine the problem (if there is one) and prescribe medications. But it’s worth noting right away that the presence of real problems is rare. Each baby’s age has its own characteristics that affect sleep.

Causes of poor sleep in children under 6 months

  • At your appointment with a neurologist, you will definitely be asked how many hours a day does your baby sleep? There is a generally accepted norm of 18 hours, but 14 hours is also acceptable. Doctors in Russia agree that 16 hours is the norm. It is worth noting that the conversation is not only about night sleep, but also about all daytime sleep.
  • If your child sleeps less, this is already a cause for concern, because his body does not rest, which can negatively affect his overall development and well-being.
  • Some babies wake up little until 6 months, and then more often. There is a situation, and vice versa, when babies constantly wake up until they are six months old.

What is this connected with?

The baby is hot/cold – the optimal temperature in the baby’s room is considered to be 19-22 degrees
The baby is hungry - breastfed babies eat more often than bottle-fed babies
The child is not swaddled and wakes himself up with unconscious movements of his arms and legs.
Colic in the tummy - by general rule pass by 3 months
Nasal breathing disorder - infectious diseases, nasal discharge, dry air, anatomical features
Narrowness of the nasal passages - goes away with age, but is sometimes necessary surgical intervention
Vitamin D3 deficiency is especially noticeable in winter period, add a vitamin D supplement to your diet
Feeling of anxiety - the baby has not yet learned to perceive the world the way adults do, so closing his eyes can be associated with anxiety, just be there

Causes of poor sleep in children 7-9 months old

  • At this age, children begin to actively explore the world around them and learn to crawl in order to independently get to the object of interest. The skill of sitting without support is also developed. All this can even give an unconscious impulse to the brain at night, when the child tries to sit up in his sleep. Your task is to put and calm an overexcited child
  • Due to increased daily activity, the baby may not receive enough food, as he is constantly distracted. And at night he tries to make up for lost time, constantly waking up. Analyze whether your child eats enough during the day
  • At this time, acquaintance with new products continues, so mothers should strictly monitor the body’s reaction to complementary foods
  • Poor sleep may indicate a disorder digestive system or about the occurrence allergic reaction that doesn't let you sleep
  • Another reason for poor sleep at 7-9 months is painful eruption teeth. Don't wait for the pain to go away on its own, help your baby. Buy a special teething gel that will relieve painful sensations and allow parents to sleep peacefully

Causes of poor sleep in children 10-12 months old

  • During this period, the child has even more stress on the body, because he learns to get up and walk. It is also important to monitor your diet and avoid malnutrition. Activity increases, emotions overwhelm from your own achievements - it is important to strictly adhere to the daily routine
  • Also, at 10-12 months, there may be a lack of calcium in the body, and this is what causes poor sleep. Don’t immediately run to the laboratory - take safe drug at the pharmacy and serve as directed. Within a week, sleep returns to normal. By the way, calcium is also needed when absorbing vitamin D3
  • Another option to improve night sleep- this is to reduce the day. Closer to one year, a child can sleep only 2 times during the day. It is now that the child begins to have dreams, and just like adults, he can see something scary, which causes him to wake up.

Poor sleep in a child under one year old Komarovsky

According to Dr. Komarovsky, healthy sleep for a child means healthy sleep for all family members. And only parents can help their child sleep long and well, devoting enough time to walking, organizing meals, cleaning the premises, and air humidity.

Komarovsky recommends following only 10 rules that will definitely help normalize your child’s sleep:

1. Understand what is most important to your baby loving parents and a healthy family environment, so it is important to set priorities correctly
2. Strictly observe your sleep schedule and do not deviate from the chosen time
3. Decide where and with whom the baby will sleep: alone in a crib in the parents’ bedroom, alone in a crib in the children’s room, or in the same bed with parents
4. Cut back nap baby if he likes to sleep too much
5. Try to underfeed at the penultimate feeding and then the child will have a good and satisfying meal before bedtime
6. Spend your time actively during the day, and in the evening play quietly and read books
7. Keep the air temperature in the child’s bedroom 18-20 degrees, and humidity 50-70%
8. Do massage or exercises before the evening bath, then bathe your baby in cool water in a large bathtub, then dress warmly, feed him and put him to bed.
9. Take the mattress seriously - it should be smooth and dense. Bed sheets– from natural fabrics. Up to two years - no pillows
10. Use a quality diaper

Why does an infant sleep poorly at night and often wake up?

There are many reasons why infant sleeps restlessly and does not allow the whole family to sleep. Basically all the reasons come down to physiological characteristics development of a small organism and many of them are already described in the article.

In order to exclude serious pathologies, you should consult a neurologist and pediatrician. However, do not try to find a reason where there is none. If all doctors report normal development of the baby, then calm down and be patient.

Why does the baby start waking up more often at night?

It happens that the baby slept more or less normally and suddenly began to wake up much more often. With what it can be connected? Let's consider several reasons:
Presence of disease, infection
Stomach ache
Increased excitability during the day
Too many impressions during the day
Disturbed sleep patterns
Introduced New Product in the diet

It also cannot be ruled out that the mother’s bad mood affected the child’s sleep.

Why does a child often wake up at night and cry?

Crying at night is normal and should not be given much importance. Crying - the only way call mom for help. Perhaps the baby is hungry or simply requires communication.
By the way, children who sleep with their mother cry much less when waking up than those who sleep in a separate crib. This is due to the fact that the child knows that just by starting to move, his mother will pay attention to him. Over time, such children generally cry less.

Why does my child sleep restlessly and toss and turn a lot?

  • If a newborn doesn’t sleep well and toss and turn a lot, just try swaddling him; perhaps his hands are in the way and he wakes himself up
  • For older children, this nighttime behavior is often associated with stomach pain or teething.
  • However, it is better to seek help from a neurologist and, if necessary, start giving sedatives

The child sleeps poorly and starts in his sleep

Startles for children under one year of age are normal behavior in a dream. This can happen for several reasons:

Overstimulation during the day
The transition of sleep from one phase to another
Uncontrolled movements of arms and legs
Most often, shuddering appears in the first months of life, and gradually disappears as the child grows older.

Swaddling is especially important in the first months, because the baby involuntarily moves his arms and legs, which is why he can hit or scratch himself. Even if you are one of the mommies who only applies modern methods, it is not recommended to refuse night swaddling. Sometimes even children under one or one and a half years old need to be swaddled, but not completely, but only their arms
Stay with your child for a while after falling asleep. If the baby shudders and wakes up, pet him, sing a song, calm him down.
Don't create stressful situations for a child - an excessive number of guests, too long active games, long travels. In a word - do not overload the nervous system, do not overwork
Strictly follow the daily routine and create a special procedure before going to bed, repeating it every evening. No matter what happens, don’t deviate from the rule

What should you do if your child has trouble sleeping at night?

Try to analyze and understand what caused the sleep disorder. If you can identify the cause, then it needs to be eliminated. Consider a few situations that may help you:

Perhaps you used to sleep with your baby, but now you’ve decided to put him in a separate crib at night. Then the baby is simply afraid to sleep alone, go back to your previous routine and wait a little longer
Starting from 4 months, a baby may be tormented by teething - purchase a special teething gel, but use it strictly according to the instructions
Babies up to 3 months suffer from colic, try to help: buy the product at the pharmacy, make dill water, apply a warm diaper to the tummy, and if you are breastfeeding, analyze your diet and exclude onions, legumes, cabbage and other foods that can cause colic at the baby's
If you slept well in the summer, but began to wake up often in the fall and winter, then try adding a supplement with vitamin D. Perhaps this is what the body lacks
Do you have a strict bedtime routine? For example: a walk, dinner, swimming, dimming the lights and sleeping. Perhaps the usual procedure has been disrupted? Children react sharply to such changes
How is the child feeling? Is there any discharge from the nose, cough, elevated temperature? Children sleep restlessly when they are sick. Consult your pediatrician at the first signs and he will prescribe treatment
Analyze your child’s diet: does he eat enough during the day or does he try to make up for what he doesn’t get at night? Starting from 6 months, babies actively explore the world around them, begin to crawl and get distracted while eating, so come up with your own procedure so that he eats his quota
Perhaps the child is overtired during the day. Try to add soothing herbs to your evening baths and reduce increased activity during the day. Dose emotional impressions and guest visits
Is everything good in your family? Are there frequent conflicts and quarrels? Which emotional condition moms? Behave as calmly as possible with your child, and especially do not swear in front of him. Children feel their mother's condition

A 1.5 year old child does not sleep well at night

  • A 1.5 year old child is characterized by high activity in daytime, however, try to wisely limit it in the evening.
  • Just before going to bed, you need to take a good, long walk. If you don’t let your child run around during the day, then by the evening he will be full of energy, and at night he will have trouble sleeping.
  • We must not forget that the child also dreams, so if he wakes up, calm him down, stroke him and put him back to sleep
  • At 1.5, the baby constantly puts everything in his mouth, so infection with helminths is possible. If at home you need to wash toys and the floor for preventive purposes, then on the street, infection most often occurs in the sandbox
  • The active activity of worms in the child’s body occurs precisely at night, which prevents him from sleeping
  • At this age, many children sleep only once a day, so it is advisable to adhere to this regime

Causes of poor sleep in a child 2-4 years old

  • By the age of two, children already sleep peacefully throughout the night, and only sleep during the day. However, it happens that even during this period the child begins to sleep poorly.
  • Diagnosing the cause is much easier, since the child can already explain what is bothering him: his stomach hurts, his head hurts, or he dreamed about something. For this age, poor sleep can only occur in cases of obvious discomfort and any pain should be taken seriously, as it may indicate serious illness. It won't go away on its own
  • Often, sleep disturbances at this age are associated with nervous overexcitation or fatigue. If sleep disturbances continue for several days, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of poor sleep in a child 5-7 years old

  • At this age, children's sleep is similar to adults - deeper, less superficial, REM sleep. At 5 years old, talking about an excess of emotions or an incorrect regime is no longer correct.
  • Of course, children have dreams and may have nightmares, which can cause them to wake up, but if this happens every night, then you should be concerned. Only a competent neurologist can help
  • Perhaps the dream has become more disturbing due to the fact that the child was moved to his own room and now he is forced to sleep alone. It is important to carry out a calm ritual of reading fairy tales and singing songs every evening. The mother can lie with the baby until he falls asleep. A little patience and the baby will get used to independence

Glycine for poor sleep in a child

  • Despite the fact that glycine is a common amino acid, there is no need to voluntarily prescribe it to your child. Only a neurologist can tell whether it is needed or not in your case. Speaking about dosages, doctors recommend that children under three years old take 0.5 tablets, and after three years old - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.
  • Glycine has a cumulative effect, so it must be taken in a course. However, it begins to act only when absorbed under the tongue, so it is not always effective for children.
  • They don’t write in the instructions, but many mothers observe this in their children after using glycine. reverse action– excessive activity and overexcitement. Each baby is individual
  • Children of any age need attentive attention from their parents. If poor sleep is the norm for an infant, then at 4 years old it can signal the presence of a serious illness. Treat everything wisely and listen to yourself. Contact your doctors if you feel the need

Video: How to improve your baby's sleep and get enough sleep? — Dr. Komarovsky

With the birth of a baby, new parents face new challenges every day. A child's restless sleep is one of them. Spending sleepless nights next to the baby's crib, mom and dad are trying to find a way out of this situation, but first they need to figure out why their baby is not sleeping well.

Restless sleep of a newborn baby

Often, Small child cannot sleep due to any physiological ailments. The baby may be hot or cold, may want to eat or his diaper is full, may have a stomach ache or teething. But it happens that parents themselves make mistakes in parenting that lead to sleep disturbances:

  • The child has an unstable daily routine. Many parents refuse naps during the day, assuming that a tired child will fall asleep faster. Quite the contrary, a child exhausted during the day will toss and turn in bed for a long time, trying to sleep. Also, some try to put the baby to bed later, believing that the baby will sleep longer, this is also not true. Having “overstayed” the time to go to bed, the child can be active for a long time, despite the late hour.
  • The baby was taught to fall asleep by rocking to sleep. Many people teach their baby to fall asleep in their arms, rock him to sleep, or even roll him around in the car until the baby “passes out.” A child who is rocked to sleep before bed quickly gets used to it, and an already grown-up baby will find it difficult to sleep in a regular bed, unless you have to hang a hammock for him. And a child sleeping in a car does not get enough sleep in the same way as an adult on an airplane, for example.
  • Lots of distractions before bed. Various lights from toys and sparkles on the wallpaper distract the child. Often, parents put toys with lots of glowing lights and maybe even sounds in the baby’s crib, and stick bright stars and planets on the ceiling. This all distracts the child and keeps him active at night.
  • Excessive independence of the baby. Parents who have always observed a special ritual of putting the baby to bed believe that the baby has already grown up and can fall asleep on his own. Many people, thinking that their child has already matured, cancel the daily bath before bed or a fairy tale, but the child is already accustomed to all these actions, and if something familiar to him suddenly disappears, the baby will be capricious and will not fall asleep for a long time.
  • The parents taught the baby to sleep with them. It happens that the child is really unwell, and the parents allow him to fall asleep on their bed. Sometimes this can be done, but if mom and dad can’t restrain themselves from seeing their baby’s “puppy eyes” and letting him into their bed over and over again, the child will simply get used to sleeping with his parents and will be capricious in his crib, and waking up at night, crawl to mom and dad.
  • The child often does not have time to mature for a regular children's bed. Parents, when buying a new bed for their baby, do not take into account the fact that the baby is not ready to “move out” of his small crib, and falling asleep in the wrong place, he wakes up at night and goes to a more comfortable place to sleep - in his parents’ bed.

Restless baby sleep, what to do

If the baby cannot fall asleep due to physiological needs that suddenly arise before bedtime, this is easy to fix, but if insomnia has been tormenting the baby for more than the first day, you need to act decisively. The main thing that parents should do is to establish a clear daily routine so that the baby goes to bed at the same time.

Rocking a child is necessary to calm the baby, and not to put it to sleep, night motion sickness of the baby long months his life may have a bad impact on his future. The baby should be taught to sleep in the dark as early as possible, and all entertaining toys and rattles should be removed from the child’s field of vision. Following a calming ritual means a lot to a child, so it should not be abandoned at an early age.

You should allow the baby to sleep in the parent's bed only if the baby is sick or afraid of something, but on ordinary nights, the child should sleep in his own bed. There is no need to “move” your baby to a new place to sleep at least until he is three years old; he may not be ready for this yet.

Child's sleep disturbance is not a simple problem, and requires the patience of parents to solve it. The cause of a baby’s nighttime whims may be physiological needs for something, or it may be parents’ mistakes. In any case, this problem must be solved as quickly as possible, for the child’s full growth and have a nice rest parents. In order for your baby to sleep well, you should eliminate all factors that interfere with his peaceful rest, and not make mistakes, which are not always easy to get rid of.

What to do if babies sleep restlessly

The joyful excitement about the arrival of a baby in the family fades. Monotonous everyday life is being replaced, in which young mothers daily need to solve many problems related to the full development and health of the newborn. During the first months of life, an infant sleeps most of the day. During this time, mom has time to do household chores and relax herself. But what to do if your baby doesn’t sleep well, and how to find out why this is happening?

  1. To begin with, let us clarify that for newborns up to 3 months, the norm for sleep is 17-18 hours a day. As you grow, the number of “sleepy” hours decreases.
  2. From 3 to 6 months, the baby usually sleeps at least 15 hours a day.
  3. From six months to a year - 14 hours.

Healthy sleep - important aspect in the life of a baby, since during this time he restores expended energy resources, and the baby’s brain has time to process the information received while awake. If he sleeps little and poorly, then this negatively affects general state, the child becomes lethargic and whiny.

Common sleep disorders

Often young mothers turn to the doctor with the question: “Why does the child sleep poorly?” When calculating the baby's sleep time in general, it turns out that the baby sleeps a sufficient amount of time. But it is important to note here that the indicator healthy sleep is not the number of dreams per day, but the number of hours. After all, if a child sleeps restlessly for half an hour and is awake for half an hour, then this regime gives no rest to the mother, and the baby is uncomfortable. What if this happens at night? The whole family will suffer. What baby sleep disorders can parents encounter?

  1. The baby has difficulty sleeping. The mother has to rock the baby for a long time, carry her in her arms, turn on music, etc.
  2. Disturbance in sleep and wakefulness. Sometimes the baby sleeps a lot during the day, and at night he walks and is capricious.
  3. The child wakes up frequently. Daily norm sleep can be observed.
  4. The baby sleeps restlessly and cries in his sleep.
  5. The newborn sleeps little.

In the first year of life, active synthesis of growth hormone occurs during sleep. Therefore, sleep disturbances can lead not only to nervous system disorders, but also to slower growth and development of the baby.

Causes of sleep disturbances

If your newborn is having trouble sleeping, the first thing to do is find out why. Parents need to be patient and consistent to determine the cause of restless sleep. The reason is usually quite banal. This may be an unfavorable microclimate in the baby’s room, a violation of the diet, improper care. The problem may be more serious - neurological disorders sleep. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. In all other cases, parents can easily cope on their own.


Often, a newborn baby does not sleep well at night if he does not hear the smell and warmth of his mother. After all, he is used to being in the confined space of his stomach, and when he is born, he may be afraid of a large space and experience anxiety. If the baby, sensing the mother’s absence, starts crying in his sleep and wakes up, then you should not immediately pick him up.

It is necessary to give him the opportunity to get used to the fact that his mother will not rush to him at the first call. You can indicate your presence with your voice. When a child hears sweet words mothers, he usually calms down and falls asleep again. If this does not happen, then you should take the little one in your arms and caress him.

To make it easier to calm your baby at night, you need to place the crib closer to your own. It’s even better if the baby falls asleep in the cradle and not in the crib. The small space of the cradle is more comfortable for him. Things placed nearby will help ensure mental contact between the baby and mother at night: a diaper or pillow that smells like mother’s milk, a favorite toy.

Restless sleep in a 2 year old child

At an older age, the cause of nightmares in children can be an excess of information, emotional experiences during the day, and stress. All the worries associated with communication in kindergarten, watched TV shows, computer games, the psychological situation in the family is reflected in nightmares. There is no cause for concern if this happens rarely.

But if a child does not sleep well at night and the reason for this is regular nightmares, then this is a serious reason to consult a psychologist or neuropsychiatrist, and also to reconsider the child’s daily routine and environment.

Nutritional reasons

If the newborn does not sleep well, then possible reason There may be colic and gas in the stomach. This phenomenon is quite common among babies aged from birth to three months. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to place the baby on his tummy before feeding. To better relieve gases, the child needs to do a light tummy massage and gymnastics.

After feeding, the baby should be in the mother's arms vertical position. Burping will help prevent colic. A warm bath, dill water or pharmaceutical drops also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the little man.

It is believed that a child whose mother breastfeeds is less likely to suffer from tummy pain. If for some reason the mother does not have milk, then it is important to choose the right formula. Prebiotics and probiotics in the mixture help improve intestinal microflora, the child suffers less from abdominal pain, which means he sleeps better both day and night.

Baby is hungry

Another reason why a baby does not sleep well is hunger. A newborn may wake up frequently at night and have difficulty sleeping during the day if he is hungry. In the first weeks of life frequent appointments food is simply necessary. And some babies continue to need more frequent feedings due to their accelerated metabolism. If the child is on breastfeeding, then you definitely need to feed him before going to bed.

If the baby is transferred to artificial feeding, then he falls asleep better if you give him a pacifier after the bottle. Does your baby sleep restlessly at night? Feed your baby and check the diaper.

It's time to change the diaper

Another commonplace reason why a child sleeps little or poorly can be a full diaper, wet diapers and diapers. This problem is made worse by the fact that the baby's skin is too thin, so the receptors are located too close to the surface. Baby waste products contain toxic substances that irritate delicate skin. Therefore, if your child sleeps restlessly or often wakes up at night, check whether it’s time to change the diaper.

The temperature regime is violated

The newborn sleeps restlessly because the room is too hot or, conversely, too cold. Optimal temperature the room should be 20-24 degrees.

The baby also reacts to air humidity, which can be either excessive or insufficient. High humidity increases the effect of temperature on the skin receptors of the newborn. Therefore, even if the room temperature is normal, the baby will be hot or cold.

Thermoregulation in newborns has not yet been established. Therefore, if the room is very hot or the child is dressed warmly, his body temperature will rise. The baby will be uncomfortable, he will sleep little and poorly both during the day and at night. Reduced temperature and too light clothes also do not contribute to healthy sleep for the baby. Watch how the child is dressed, what is the temperature and humidity in his room.

Methods for establishing sleep patterns

If you can determine why your child is sleeping poorly, then eliminating the problem will not be difficult. To summarize, we will try to list all the components of healthy sleep for a baby and list methods that will help young parents avoid difficulties. To ensure your baby sleeps well at night, you should follow these rules:

  • Walks. During the day you should definitely go for a walk with your child. fresh air. If you play with your baby in the evening and provide a sufficient period during which he remains awake, he will fall asleep more easily and will disturb his parents less at night.
  • Dryness control. When the baby falls asleep, he should have dry diapers and swaddles. At night it will disturb you less.
  • Water procedures. An evening warm bath will help your baby relax and empty his intestines. A light massage also helps with this. The baby will be prepared for sleep, he will not be bothered by colic and will not wake up often at night.
  • Meals on schedule. If a child has eaten little or, conversely, too much, he will not sleep well. Monitor your newborn's diet.
  • Micro-autonomy. You shouldn't rock your baby to sleep. It is better to teach him to fall asleep on his own in a crib or cradle. You can put your favorite toy, warm diaper or pillow nearby. Many parents make the mistake of putting their baby to sleep in their own bed and then moving him to the nursery. During the shifting process, the child may wake up and then it will be difficult to put him to sleep, and he will have trouble sleeping at night.
  • Peace and quiet. When the baby falls asleep, it is advisable to eliminate sources of noise and bright light. Loud conversations, TV noise, bright lights can cause anxiety and poor sleep for your little one.
  • Baby's comfort. Observe the temperature regime in the room where the child sleeps. Choose the right clothes for your baby.
  • Well-being control. The fact that the child is bothered by pain, that he does not feel well, may be indicated by his tearful state during the day. If the causes are not eliminated, this will affect not only the health status, but also the child’s sleep. If you cannot independently determine the cause, you should contact a specialist.

If you have determined why your newborn baby sleeps little and poorly, then you can easily eliminate the reasons. By following the above rules, you will be able to create favorable conditions for healthy sleep of the child and your rest.

A child tosses and turns in his sleep Doctor Komarovsky

The question of why a child does not sleep well at night is especially relevant for young parents, and for those who became parents for the first time. The fact is that the baby’s moodiness and poor sleep do not give peace not only to the mother, but sometimes to all the inhabitants of the house. Anxiety, as well as worries about your child, lead to unmotivated calls to the ambulance, which does not diagnose any emergency conditions.

When a small child does not sleep well at night, it is quite difficult to determine the cause of this phenomenon, in contrast to older children, who may more clearly complain about the source of the disturbance. But even in adolescents, the causes of nighttime sleep disturbances cannot always be reliably determined.

It is important for parents to understand that poor sleep at night in infants is often associated with general discomfort due to the conditions external environment or inner restlessness and is not hazardous to health.

If your baby's or older child's poor sleep becomes regular, this is a reason to consult a doctor and determine the real reason such a phenomenon.

When one year old child sleeps poorly at night, often wakes up and is capricious, the reasons for this may be:

    1. Uncomfortable conditions environment and microclimate in rooms where children sleep. This reason is quite banal, but arises from the fact that parents often forget the features of heat exchange in children under the age of 1.5 (1.6) years - 2 years and older. The baby, being in his crib, is either cold or, on the contrary, he is hot. Due to his inability to speak, he can only point out this by worrying and crying. It’s easy to identify such a problem - touch the child’s skin, and if it seems hot (or, conversely, cold), try to solve the problem with the temperature in the room. Don't forget to additionally measure your baby's body temperature - this will help rule out inflammatory process in the body or fever. A room thermometer, as well as a good heating and ventilation system will help create a comfortable and restful sleep for your baby.
    2. Night colic. Abdominal cramps and pain when violated normal operation digestion problems are not uncommon in young children under 1 year of age. The main period for such manifestations is considered to be the first months after birth, as well as the age of 6 months, when the first complementary foods are introduced. A baby at 8 months or 9 months is most often susceptible foodborne diseases, which will manifest themselves not only as anxiety, but also as vomiting or diarrhea. Physiological colic most often occurs in children under six months and more often in boys. They are due to an increase contractile activity intestinal muscles under the influence of maternal estrogen.
    3. Wet diaper. Quite often, young mothers do not take into account the fact that a child at the age of 4 months, as well as at 5 months, begins to urinate more abundantly due to the increasing volume of food and the early introduction of complementary foods. Using diapers that are not designed for this age, as well as changing them infrequently, can cause restlessness at night. Additionally, this can lead to diaper rash, as well as more serious problems which, due to pain, will not allow the child to sleep normally at night.
    4. Teething. This is a problem known to all young parents. The baby’s anxiety at such moments often knows no bounds and greatly worries all the people around him. But do not forget that even if a 10-month-old child does not sleep well at night, it is premature to exclude inflammation of the gums and teething from the list of causes. Such phenomena are observed at the age of the baby from 7 months and can occur at 11 months and later.
    5. Any infectious or somatic disease. In this case, the symptoms of intoxication and pain will bother the child even at night until the time of administration special drugs and initiation of treatment for the disease.
    6. Neurological disorders and developmental anomalies. When a small infant does not sleep well at night, is extremely capricious and cannot calm down in any way, examination and determination of his general development, as well as neurological status is required. Quite often, the causes of this behavior are disorders in the development of the brain (cerebral palsy, microcephaly, Down syndrome, etc.). However, the number of these children is quite small, and developmental disorders of the central nervous system are accompanied by other more obvious signs. Therefore, consultation with a neurologist in case of poor night sleep, which is repeated more than once, is mandatory.

The attention of parents to their newborn children, creating comfortable conditions for them to sleep, proper feeding and timely treatment diseases will allow not only the baby to sleep peacefully, but also his parents, as well as loved ones.

Children after one year and poor sleep

When a child a year or earlier does not sleep well, this is usually associated only with certain age characteristics And external factors. But when a child begins to have trouble sleeping at night at an older age, makes various complaints, or completely withdraws into himself, parents should think about the fact that the reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • Respiratory diseases and infectious diseases. A feeling of intoxication with them, as well as cough and heat body will definitely lead to discomfort and malaise for the baby. It is very simple to identify this condition: parents just need to measure their body temperature and evaluate the symptoms, which include a runny nose, sore throat and cough. And then you should consult a doctor.
  • Foodborne toxic infections. In children aged 1 year and older, when they are introduced to complementary foods with a variety of foods, the occurrence of poisoning ceases to be rare. Phenomena of nausea, vomiting, as well as weakness and anxiety during sleep after eating questionable food - a clear sign of this pathology in children.
  • Pathologies internal organs in children. When the disease is latent or chronic, a number of symptoms can still appear during sleep, disrupting it. Chronic pathologies The gastrointestinal tract in children most often leads to a feeling of abdominal pain, illness genitourinary system– to nocturia, i.e. frequent urination at night. When a child drinks a lot at night and sleeps poorly, it is worth thinking about the phenomena of metabolic disorders and diabetes mellitus.
  • Discomfort under unfavorable microclimate conditions. In babies after one year, the causes of poor sleep may also be related to the heat or cold in the room where they sleep. Therefore, parents should pay attention Special attention this factor, as well as to prevent the appearance of drafts and excessive cooling (overheating) of the air in the children's room.
  • Emotional experiences and psychological trauma. When young patients involuntarily see scenes of violence or are exposed to it themselves, or experience various stresses in everyday life, the likelihood of sleep disturbance is very high. The same thing happens with long passages. computer games or watching TV. Experience as a result of emotional turmoil can not only lead to the child being unable to sleep normally, but also to depression and even suicidal thoughts. In adolescents, such phenomena are associated with puberty, hypersexuality, etc.

Parents of infants should pay attention to their child’s behavior at night. If the child is not a year old and actively communicates with adults, you need to ask directly what bothers him during sleep, for what reason he sleeps poorly.

When your child sleeps very poorly at night, tosses and turns and still has various complaints, you should think about visiting a doctor and conducting special diagnostics to rule out various diseases.

What to do if your child doesn't sleep well at night?

The question is, what to do when both a 3-month-old and a 9-month-old child sleep restlessly? month old baby worries every parent consciously. First of all, don't panic. Most likely, the reason for this phenomenon is trivial, especially if this condition arose for the first time and is not accompanied by elevated body temperature, abdominal tension and disruption of physiological functions. In a child 8 months and older, one should not exclude teething, which may be delayed. A six-month-old baby is most susceptible to colic due to the introduction of complementary foods.

You should contact a doctor together with your child for consultation and examination in the following cases:

  1. Long-term sleep disturbance in a child, accompanied by physical and psychological exhaustion.
  2. Expressed symptoms inflammatory reaction and infectious disease - fever, rash, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, cough, etc.
  3. Phenomena neurological pathology– convulsions, local muscle spasms, strabismus, etc.
  4. Changes in children's behavior, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, food refusal.
  5. Breathing disorder during sleep.

Unlike the banal causes of children's night restlessness, such signs most often, unfortunately, indicate a serious pathology both from the internal organs and the central nervous system. A trivial reason to go to the toilet, which is repeated more often than when a child goes to urinate during the day, should also greatly alert parents. This is often the first sign of serious kidney disease or diabetes mellitus. One should also not exclude the psychological component in adolescents - they may become withdrawn and refuse to visit a doctor. Most often there are serious reasons behind this psychological problems. The task of parents is to gain trust and be in contact with their children and try to help them as much as possible.

Previously, the problem of restless sleep in a child simply did not exist. But modern society and the huge amount of information received leaves its mark on the character baby sleep. In addition, it often takes time for children to learn to sleep through the night without waking up. The sleep of hyperactive and restless children is also very light and short. Parents need to pay special attention to this problem, since the child’s sleep reflects the state of his health.

The main causes of restless sleep in children

Typically, sleep disturbance occurs in the following cases:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • problems with neurology;
  • somatic problems.

Symptoms of restless sleep

The most common signs accompanying the following are: restless sleep:

  • bruxism or teeth grinding; often accompanied by breathing problems, changes in heart rate and level blood pressure;
  • frequent shudders – pathological physiological movement during sleep;
  • nocturnal enuresis– urinary incontinence during sleep;
  • nightmares - sudden agitation of the psyche, which is accompanied by fear (usually the child does not remember what happened after waking up);
  • breathing rhythm disturbance.

Basic principles of treating restless sleep in children

Of course, each case of sleep disturbance is individual, and it must be considered in conjunction with other accompanying factors, but the general rules to help achieve improved sleep are the same:

  • You should not specifically wake up your child for a night meal, as this often leads to disruption of movement biological clock;
  • the child should not experience hunger at night, so he should be well fed before bedtime;
  • before bedtime and at night during feeding, it is not recommended to turn on bright lights, and communication with the child should be kept to a minimum;
  • after a year, the child can do without night feedings;
  • The child’s daytime sleep should not take place in perfect silence, otherwise the child will become sensitive to any stimuli;
  • the child must be accustomed to a routine, so it is better to put the baby to bed at the same time, thereby helping to adjust the baby’s internal clock;
  • Creating a traditional bedtime ceremony will be very beneficial, be it taking a bath, drinking kefir or singing songs.

After the child has fallen asleep, it is better not to appear in front of him unless absolutely necessary. For monitoring, it is quite possible to use remote monitoring devices (radio and video baby monitors).
If none of the above results in desired result, and the child continues to sleep restlessly, you do not need to torture yourself or the child, but you should contact a competent specialist who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Visitor question:

The child has been sleeping very restlessly at night for the last week. He tosses and turns, groans, wakes up and cries.
But during the day we are invigorated, but my wife and I are like sleepy flies during the day, because we watch the child all night.

Why, what is happening? Whose children sleep restlessly, have you found out why?

I would like to note that the tests were done yesterday, and the doctor saw them, and the child is healthy. The doctor didn't really say anything except that the child might be overtired.
But we follow a routine and have quiet games before bed. There is no overwork, in my opinion.

A child's restless sleep is a frequent cause for concern for parents. The baby fidgets all night, falls asleep for a short time, but his sleep is weak, restless, and any rustle can disturb it. What's happening to the baby? Experienced parents with experience, as a rule, are well versed in the needs of their child, but even they sometimes have questions related to the baby’s restless sleep.


There may be several reasons. Both physical and psychological.

  • The child sleeps restlessly at night if he starts to get sick. The disease has not yet manifested itself on a physical level, and outwardly the baby is quite healthy. But he already feels unwell and begins to worry in advance. If the baby is already 5 months old or more, then teething may be the reason for troubled sleep. In any case, it makes sense to show the little one to the pediatrician so as not to miss the onset of the disease.
  • Poor sleep can be caused by increased intracranial pressure. Only a doctor can detect this problem and prescribe treatment. Restless sleep small child may be a consequence serious illnesses– encephalopathy, rickets or brain tumors. Otitis media, dysbiosis, and various infectious diseases prevent you from sleeping normally. Therefore, the search for the cause of disturbing sleep should begin with a visit to the doctor to rule out the disease.

  • In newborns up to 3-5 months common reason restless sleep of the baby - intestinal colic. The intestinal microflora of the toddler is not yet fully formed, and his body is still just adapting to independent life. These processes are accompanied by increased production of gases. The baby's tummy swells, especially severely in the evening and at night. Having barely dozed off, the baby wakes up, screams shrilly, turns purple, and presses her legs to her tummy. Make it easier for him discomfort possible using various drops and syrups based on simethicone, dill water, gas outlet tube.
  • Your baby may have difficulty sleeping if he is cold or hot. Many young parents, having listened to enough “good” advice, strive not to spoil the baby, so they once again try not to take him in their arms, but to co-sleeping In the same bed with a child, many mothers and fathers have a generally negative attitude. But in vain. Because the baby may be worried because he feels “cut off” from his mother. And he needs physical contact with her. In addition, at night the body temperature drops somewhat, and the baby needs to be warmed up mother's hands. The other extreme is that the baby is hot or stuffy. Mothers are afraid of catching a cold in their child, so they tightly close the window in the room and wrap the baby up.

The room where the baby sleeps must be ventilated. The temperature in it should ideally be about 19-20 degrees with an air humidity of 50-70%. These are the most comfortable conditions for a small person.

  • Another reason for restless sleep is hunger. Perhaps the baby did not eat enough at the previous feeding, and in this situation there is no need to give up night feedings. A child may need night feeding until he is 6 months old. After this age, according to pediatricians, the child has no physiological need to eat in the middle of the night.

Breastfed babies may experience hunger if their mother's milk is not nutritious enough. Review your diet. And also contact your pediatrician with a request to conduct a control feeding by weighing the child before and after meals to determine how much the toddler eats. If he doesn't have enough of your milk, the doctor may allow "complementary feeding."

  • “Artificial babies” often swallow a lot of air when feeding, this creates false feeling satiety. Hunger returns again when the little one relaxes and tries to fall asleep. Therefore, babies fed with adapted formulas must be allowed to burp air after eating. Minor regurgitation is normal. The nipple on the bottle should please the baby and be comfortable. Some babies prefer latex nipples, others prefer silicone nipples. Choose for your baby the option that he will perceive best.

The cause of restless sleep may also lie in a violation of the daily routine. For example, the baby slept well during the day, or even confused day and night. The baby's regimen should be adjusted in accordance with his age needs.

  • A baby aged 1 to 3 months needs 17-20 hours of sleep per day.
  • Sleep requirements for children aged 6 months are 14 hours a day.
  • At 1 year of age, a child should sleep at least 13 hours a day.
  • At 2 years old daily requirement in sleep – 12.5 hours.
  • At 4 years old, the baby should sleep at least 11 hours a day.
  • At 6 years old, the need for sleep is 9 hours.
  • At 12 years old, a teenager needs 8.5 hours of sleep per day.

Tips from a popular pediatrician on improving the quality of sleep for babies in the next video.

Lack of vitamins also leads to disturbances in night sleep in children. And also babies are very sensitive to weather conditions - they react to changes atmospheric pressure, to precipitation, and often “anticipate” it.

Psychologists say that a baby’s restless sleep may be due to age-related characteristics. The fact is that the sleep structure of children at 2 months and at 2 years is different. From birth to 1 year of age, shallow sleep in babies predominates over the deep phase, which is why babies often wake up. Only some fall asleep easily again on their own, while others require parental help.

It happens that a calm baby begins to wake up and toss and turn restlessly at 7-9 months of age. At this age, the baby develops the first psychological problems that interfere with normal sleep - the fear of being away from his mother. If parents sleep in the same room with the baby, then the child will not experience a sense of defenselessness and such disturbing night awakenings will gradually disappear.

At 2-3 years of age, sleep can become anxious and restless due to the development of the baby’s imagination. He already knows how to fantasize; it is at this age that nightmares and fear of the dark appear. A cozy night light by your baby’s crib and a favorite soft toy that he can take to bed will help you cope with this.

Another “critical” age is 6-7 years. At this time, the child's sleep may be disturbed due to worries associated with starting school.

At any age, children are very sensitive to psychological climate which reigns in your home. If they often quarrel, get nervous, or worry, this will definitely affect the quality of the child’s sleep, and not for the better.

Create a calm, peaceful home atmosphere for your baby

Restless sleep can also be an “echo” congenital features the baby's character and temperament. It is known that choleric children sleep worse than phlegmatic children, and sanguine children have a harder time waking up in the morning. Each child requires an individual approach, taking into account all his personal characteristics and general factors affecting the quality of sleep.

Consequences of sleep deficiency for children

If the problem of a child's restless night sleep is ignored, pretty soon the baby will begin to suffer from lack of sleep. A lack of sleep will affect all functions of his body. First of all, violations occur in nervous system. Then it will fail hormonal background. The fact is that the growth hormone STH (somatotropin) is better produced in children during sleep. If a child does not get enough sleep, he lacks growth hormone, and, as a result, he grows and develops more slowly not only physically, but also intellectually.

Another “night” hormone, cortisol, helps the body cope with stress. If a child sleeps little, his cortisol level is low, which means the baby’s psyche becomes vulnerable.

Chronic lack of sleep reduces a child’s mental and intellectual abilities; such children have difficulty learning and have severe memory problems.

Be sure to regulate your baby's sleep to avoid problems with the child's future development.

How to improve your child's sleep?

If your child's restless night sleep is not the exception, but rather the rule, you need to contact your pediatrician. He will recommend a way to improve your baby's sleep, taking into account age-related characteristics.

If the cause is illness, treatment will be beneficial and the baby will begin to sleep normally.

If the child is healthy, then you can “even out” his sleep on your own.

  • Bathing before going to bed and a light soothing massage help a lot. You can add a few drops of valerian or motherwort to the water in which the baby bathes.
  • It is better to avoid in the evening increased activity, try to organize all noisy games and educational activities with your child during the daytime. An excited toddler, by definition, cannot sleep soundly.
  • Don't forget that walks are important for your baby. Children who don't get enough walks are more likely than others to suffer from sleep disorders. If the weather and season permit, take short evening walks.
  • The bedding in the baby's crib should be made only of natural fabrics, the mattress should be smooth and moderately soft (the best option is an orthopedic mattress), and the diaper should be proven, high-quality and reliable. Children under 2 years old do not need a pillow.

Special rituals help improve nighttime sleep. Every mother can come up with them, taking into account the needs of her child. In my family, it is mandatory to read one fairy tale after bathing before bed. Make your ritual mandatory. Whatever happens, it should be strictly followed. This will allow the baby to quickly understand what his parents want, and he will wait for events to occur in a certain order. This reduces stress levels and makes bedtime softer and smoother.