How to calm a child's cough at night Komarovsky. Causes of night cough in a child according to Komarovsky. Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

A cough is an important signal to parents that something is wrong with their baby. This is a defense mechanism by which the body tries to remove pathogens or mucus from respiratory tract. If in a dream, the nature of the illness alone can suggest what lies at the root of the attacks.

Why does a cough appear?

It is important to understand that you cannot suppress the cough itself, you need to look for the reasons for its occurrence. Do not hesitate to go to the doctor if your child coughs before bed. Only he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

May occur when some kind of respiratory irritant is present. It is most often caused by viruses and microbes, but can be caused by factors such as dust, animal dander, or tobacco smoke. indicates an excess amount of sputum.

Causes of night cough

Many parents are very worried about why they sleep at night, but are absolutely healthy during the day. This phenomenon can occur for several reasons.

What to do during an attack?

If a child coughs a lot during sleep, parents can alleviate his suffering a little. You can offer your baby a warm drink, which will slightly reduce irritation and relieve inflammation. Honey, tea with lemon or raspberries help well.

Character of the cough

To determine if a cough is related to a specific disease, the doctor must determine the type of cough. To do this, you need to pay attention to its characteristics:

How to choose an antitussive?

If a child coughs after sleep or during daytime play, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without treatment. To choose the right drug, you need to understand the main nuances. It is better to contact a pediatrician who will outline a further plan of action.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor will analyze:

Productivity and intensity of cough;

Character bronchial secretion, degree of viscosity;

Child's age and general state;

Pharmacological features of various antitussive drugs.

How to treat a cough?

If a child coughs in his sleep, combination medications should be used with caution. They combine components various actions, so you can’t take them without a doctor’s prescription. If a child has allergic reactions, be sure to inform about this at the reception!

Parents should know that they should not give their child antitussives if he/she has moist cough. There is no longer any need to prescribe antibiotics yourself. Uncontrolled reception such drugs can lead to unpleasant consequences, which will be very difficult to eliminate. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after examining the child.

If a child coughs in his sleep, you need to look for the cause of this phenomenon. There is absolutely no point in treating cough directly; it is only a symptom of the disease.

Folk recipes

A strong one can be alleviated a little with folk remedies. Compresses that can be cold or hot help in this case. They are applied not only to the throat area, but also to the trachea, bronchi and lungs. During the procedure, you need to ensure that the heart area is not affected.

A layer of gauze can be soaked essential oils: lavender, coniferous or eucalyptus. Compresses made from boiled potatoes also help.

When a child coughs in his sleep, ginger infusion will not hurt him. It needs to be grated and mixed with lemon. The infusion is kept for several hours. It must be taken at small quantities for the night.

Baths with ginger decoction have a good effect. But they are contraindicated if the body temperature is elevated. Their duration should be about 20 minutes.

Rubbing and inhalation

This method can be used when the child is older than six months. For rubbing, internal fat, special gels and ointments are used. After the procedure, the treated area must be wrapped warmly.

If a child coughs before going to bed, sage is used as a remedy. Based on it, you need to prepare a decoction, which is subsequently diluted with milk. If the child does not have allergies, you can add a little honey.

The biggest mistake many parents make is self-medication. Incorrect therapy can “turn off” the cough center. All antitussive drugs can be given to the baby only as prescribed by a doctor. The main goal is to translate nonproductive cough into productive. Then the respiratory organs will be cleared of mucus and infection.

If you effectively influence the receptors of the mucous membrane and moisturize the respiratory tract, the phlegm will come out much easier. This can be achieved using inhalations and aerosols. They will relieve irritation of the mucous membrane and relax the muscles of the bronchi. Inhalations can be done using herbs or essential oils.

Regardless of why your child coughs during sleep, he should be offered plenty of fluids. This can be tea, compote or plain water. Drops and nasal sprays moisturize the airways well. If the doctor has not prescribed medicines, you can use saline solutions.

Lozenges and syrups help reduce reflex stimulation of cough.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say?

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky recommends that all mothers create optimal conditions for their child’s health. It means that the room should not be too hot and dry. Temperature values ​​should be no more than 22 degrees Celsius, and humidity should be above 60%. The baby needs to be given plenty of water. If he refuses, the drink can be given in small doses.

When a child coughs in his sleep, Komarovsky advises monitoring the nature of the cough. If on the third or fourth day it does not become productive, you should definitely consult a doctor. Maybe, traditional treatment in this case it is not enough.

Systematic night cough in a child there is a serious reason to find out the causes of this phenomenon. This symptom is defined as a reflex removal from the body of accumulated mucus or foreign bodies that have entered the children's respiratory tract. Without understanding the source of the problem, the technique antiviral drugs, inhalations and traditional medicine will be powerless.

Dr. Komarovsky calls cough a symptom, for the treatment of which it is important to understand the reasons that provoked its appearance. It strictly prohibits giving a child cough suppressants without medical purposes, assuring that there is nothing dangerous in a night cough, and parents need to be patient with active treatment until visiting the pediatrician.

Komarovsky about the causes of night cough

A cough is not always a consequence of terrible and dangerous processes in a child’s body. You can create a list of the most common situations when a child coughs at night:

  1. Allergic cough: the child’s body’s reaction to down, wool and synthetic fillings in bedding, odors of paints and varnishes.
  2. Runny nose. Even with minor nasal discharge, a child may cough during sleep. This is due to the fact that mucus from the nose flows down the back wall of the throat, tickling and irritating the mucous membrane. With the help of coughing, the body spontaneously tries to remove it.
  3. Dry air in the room. With the beginning of the heating season, temperatures change, and parents are extremely concerned about maintaining heat in the house. However, too hot air dries out the child’s delicate mucous membranes, which is the cause of a dry cough.
  4. Growing teeth: a common cause of night cough in infants. Cough provokes excessive salivation.
  5. Complex diseases, in particular respiratory diseases, the treatment of which requires consultation with a doctor.

Komarovsky conventionally classifies cough into allergic and viral. If the symptom is accompanied by high fever, runny nose, general weakness And feeling unwell, is a sign of a viral infection. A child's cough without fever in the absence of additional signs of illness is defined as allergic.

Treatment of viral cough with antibiotics is prohibited and inappropriate because antibacterial drugs are powerless in the fight against viruses.

What to do

To begin with, the parent should determine the nature of the cough, body temperature and check the general condition of the child. Further:

Komarovsky categorically prohibits amateur activities and attempts to overcome such serious illnesses, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, etc. without the help of a doctor. There are too many antitussives, and they all have different directions.

By blocking the cough reflex when wet cough, and taking means to expel sputum during dry dryness, you can develop complications, vomiting and a host of other negative consequences for your child's health. By acting wisely, you can easily cope with a night cough.

Do I need to give medications?

According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is not the cough that needs to be treated, but the disease that caused it. If the child is dressed for the weather, drinks enough fluids, the air in his room is humidified, and the nursery is cool - 90% of the actions aimed at treating a symptomatic cough have already been done. Is it still necessary to give medications?

Any antitussive drugs are in no way associated with by independent methods treatment. Even when it is obvious to the parent that the child is sick with ARVI, medications can be prescribed only after the doctor listens to the child’s lungs and makes sure that they are clean and there is nothing to cough with.

The use of medications that increase the volume of bronchial secretions is dangerous because their action is aimed at reducing the frequency of cough impulses and the accumulation of mucus, which significantly increases the risk of complications.

We can summarize:

  • for ARVI, in most cases cough medicines are not needed and are contraindicated;
  • the use of cough suppressants for children under 2 years of age is dangerous and useless;
  • treatment of children over 2 years of age with medications is permitted only with clear recommendations from a doctor and under his close supervision;
  • it is strictly forbidden to combine antitussives and drugs that increase the volume of sputum into one complex of therapy;
  • You shouldn’t expect super-effectiveness from medications while ignoring simple conditions treatment: drinking plenty of fluids, Fresh air, humidity in the room, etc.

Since cough is the most common symptom of childhood illnesses, the choice of drugs that affect it is alarmingly large. The effectiveness of the vast majority of remedies has not been proven. This is due to the fact that the nature of the symptom mainly depends on the conditions in which the child is located.

A huge arsenal of cough remedies is a sedative for relatives for whom it is important to cure their child. Eliminating the cause of cough and providing healthy conditions- key indicators of successful and rapid recovery.

In therapy, the correct distribution of responsibilities is important: the pediatrician must find and eliminate the cause of the disease, parents must create conditions under which the prescribed medications can be most effective, and the body must defeat the disease. Sufficient use of safe and appropriate drugs is the main principle of symptomatic treatment.

Contents of the article

Night cough in children is a fairly common problem. Especially if the cough torments the baby during the day and is accompanied by a sore throat, fever, and nasal discharge. All this together is a clear sign of some disease of the respiratory system. But there are situations in which coughing attacks begin at night. Or during a nap.

Dr. Komarovsky and other specialists have repeatedly encountered this problem. And the cause of the disease was different in each case. Therefore, doctors have outlined a list of the most probable factors, which can trigger nocturnal attacks. We also made recommendations on how to alleviate or eliminate a child’s night cough.

Komarovsky's opinion

If a child coughs a lot when he goes to bed, Komarovsky recommends taking him to an ENT specialist. Since, in his opinion, a child’s night cough is a sign of a disease called posterior rhinitis. In this case, inflammation occurs in the posterior parts of the nose. IN daytime mucus flows down the back of the throat unnoticeably, and the child unconsciously swallows it. But, says Komarovsky, this pathology, which does not bring discomfort to the baby during the day, becomes the cause of coughing at night.

Komarovsky also claims that posterior rhinitis is not the only factor that provokes a sleepy cough, because during sleep the child may simply have an allergic reaction. For example, for a toy that is constantly in bed, or more precisely, the material for its manufacture. Or washing powder, which mother uses to wash baby clothes.

A cough after sleep in a child, according to Komarovsky, also indicates a runny nose. After all, as soon as the baby accepts vertical position, the mucus that has accumulated overnight begins to actively flow down and irritate the nasopharynx. The child begins to cough it up vigorously - this is a natural defense mechanism.

Causes of night attacks

So, with the help of Komarovsky and other doctors, we can roughly imagine the reasons why a child may develop a night cough:

  1. Common runny nose. It is during sleep that the baby takes such a position that the discharge begins to irritate the nasopharynx. The baby simply tries to clear his larynx by coughing.
  2. Allergy to the materials from which objects, things, furniture in the children's room are made. A child coughs in his sleep if he has an individual intolerance to fluff, wool, or chemical compounds, which are present in used cosmetics Oh.
  3. Seasonal colds or viral infections, diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and other sinusitis). If there is a lot of mucus, the child may even develop a wet cough at night, which is usually a symptom of bronchitis or pneumonia.
  4. Teething in babies. This process is accompanied increased salivation. Small children may simply not have time to swallow saliva while in horizontal position and, as it were, “coughing” with them.
  5. Retrograde movement of digestive juice from the stomach into the esophagus. This pathology can cause heartburn and sore throat when the child takes a horizontal position. To eliminate the discomfort, the baby tries to clear his throat.
If the causes of night cough are not accompanied by pain and fever, try to exclude all external factors

And in the cold season, one of the main causes of night coughs is the incorrect microclimate in the nursery. Parents keep the air temperature high, but forget about humidity. As a result, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx dries out at night, and the baby begins to cough. Dr. Komarovsky suggests how to soften a child’s cough in this case - you just need to maintain optimal humidity in the room at night.

Allergen exposure as a cause of cough during sleep

Is it possible to distinguish a night cough that occurs due to a cold from one that is provoked by various allergens? Yes, in case of allergies, in addition to coughing, the child will have additional symptoms:

  1. Profuse runny nose, constant sneezing, itching in the nose, swelling in the sinuses.
  2. Sore throat due to itching of the mucous membranes.
  3. Tearfulness, partial photophobia, redness of the whites of the eyes.
  4. Skin manifestations – hyperemia, swelling, itching.

All these symptoms occur unexpectedly after contact with an allergen. And not accompanied by others characteristic features cold or viral disease (fever, pain). For example, a child was bathed at night with shampoo that contains an allergen, and while sleeping he begins to cough. Or they put him to sleep on a down pillow, but during the day the baby does not come into contact with the down, and therefore does not cough.

Exposure to viruses

If a child starts coughing at night, this may be due to a viral attack. Typically, influenza, parainfluenza, and adenovirus viruses are activated and spread in the autumn-winter period. Those children who attend are especially at risk of infection. kindergarten ik or school.

Also, a variety of viruses, fungi and bacteria are not large quantities live on the oral mucosa. If the immune system is in order, it inhibits the activity of pathogens and prevents them from multiplying. If immunity is reduced or severe hypothermia occurs, the vital activity of microorganisms is activated, and the child develops tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, or other diseases of the ENT organs. In this case, the baby is bothered by a cough, which intensifies during sleep, since in a supine position it is much more difficult to cough up phlegm and mucus than in an upright position. If a cough prevents a child from falling asleep at night, the only thing that can be done to completely eliminate it is to accurately diagnose and treat the underlying disease.

Diseases that cause night cough

There can be many reasons why a child coughs when he sleeps. If we ignore reasons such as allergies or unfavorable indoor climate, respiratory diseases remain:

  1. Whooping cough.
  2. Bronchitis.
  3. Tracheobronchitis.
  4. Bronchial asthma.
  5. Pleurisy.
  6. Pneumonia and others.

In the case of these diseases, coughing attacks are bothersome due to the fact that the child for a long time lies. Firstly, he cannot fully cough or get rid of the itching in his throat. Secondly, at night all biological processes in the body slow down. The resorption of mucus stops, blood circulation in the tissues is not as intense as during the day. As a result, the child coughs hysterically, which prevents him from falling asleep and gaining strength to fight the disease. Therefore, parents should make every effort to alleviate the baby’s condition. Your local pediatrician can tell you how to do this. After all, methods of assistance depend on the reasons that contributed to the cough.

Only the pediatrician. Do not try to self-medicate so as not to worsen the situation. Take your child to a specialist as soon as possible.

There are the following methods that can be used to relieve a child’s cough at night:

  1. Place drops in baby's nose vasoconstrictor, pre-washing nasal cavity saline solution or salted water.
  2. Give a warm drink that will soften the mucous membrane of the throat - warmed milk, infusion of chamomile or other medicinal herbs, tea with raspberry jam.
  3. Place a damp towel on the radiator to increase the humidity in the room.

You can also massage the chest and back, give it inhalation, or give it to your child. drug to relieve cough.

Cough without fever

A severe cough in a child without fever, especially occurring at night, is a sign of either an allergy or an unsatisfactory condition of the room in which the baby sleeps. In this case, infectious and inflammatory diseases can be excluded as the cause of cough. Since these pathologies are usually accompanied by additional characteristic symptoms, including subfebrile (37-38) or febrile (38.1 and above) body temperature.

If a child develops a cough of any intensity during sleep, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Whether there is a additional signs allergic reaction - lacrimation, nasal discharge, sneezing, swelling of the mucous membranes or skin.
  2. Is the air in the room dry? If the heating is turned on in the room (battery, electric radiator, air conditioner), and the humidity is low, the child’s mucous membranes may dry out and the throat begins to become sore.
  3. Is the room clean (the floors are washed, the dust is wiped, the carpets are beaten out).
  4. Is there too much in the room? soft toys, which can act as “dust collectors”.
  5. Maybe parents use fragrances and air fresheners too much, or does dad smoke in the kitchen?

Also, the cause of a dry cough without fever may be a violation drinking regime. That is, the child is active (runs and sweats), eats well, but drinks little. Lack of fluid in the body contributes to thickening of sputum and secretions, drying out of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasopharynx, and esophagus.

First aid - how to relieve a coughing attack

If your child suddenly starts having a night paroxysmal cough, you need to call an ambulance. While the doctors are on call, you can try to provide first aid to the baby. How to relieve a child’s cough in the evening and at night:

  1. Give the baby a warm liquid to drink, which envelops, softens and has a beneficial effect on inflamed mucous membranes. This is what you have on hand - compote, fruit drink, chamomile decoction or, as a last resort, weakly brewed black tea. They say that if you give your child milk with honey and butter at night, he will cough much less and sleep better.
  2. Ventilate the room and try to somehow increase the humidity in the bedroom ( wet towel, a mug with water on the battery, spraying water with a spray bottle).
  3. A child who coughs in his sleep can be helped by placing him in a semi-sitting position. Massage chest and back.

Make it a rule to keep harmless traditional medicine in your medicine cabinet; with their help, you will be able to relieve or alleviate symptoms before seeing a doctor. Herbal decoctions, honey and oils for inhalation are the best helpers.

If parents consider calling an ambulance inappropriate, then in the morning they will still have to see a pediatrician. And before going to bed on the eve of visiting the doctor, a warm foot bath with the addition of mustard powder(if you have a fever, you cannot take a bath). After the bath, you need to put warm socks on the baby’s feet, you can put mustard plasters on and do inhalation using a nebulizer.

Inhalation procedures

It should be noted right away that babies under 6 months of age need rubbing and inhalation, like most pharmacological drugs, are prohibited. If an older child develops a night cough, he can be given a kind of inhalation in the bathroom. To do this, the patient needs to be seated on a chair in the middle of the bathroom and the pressure turned on hot water. You can add a couple of drops of any essential oil to a plugged bathtub; cedar oil is ideal. The child should breathe in the wet steam for 5-10 minutes, after which he can be put to bed. Many doctors give this advice if they are asked how to help a child cough at night if there is no inhaler at hand.

If the house has a special device for inhalation - an inhaler or nebulizer, then treatment can be carried out without even lifting the baby out of bed. When choosing a drug for inhalation, you need to focus on specifications the device itself. You can use a simple decoction of a medicinal herb, such as thyme. The drug Chlorophyllipt, which is often used for inhalation, has also proven its high effectiveness and safety.

If a child over 10-12 years old is coughing, he can also be given hot inhalation over a saucepan of water. Also with the addition of essential oils or medicinal herbs. The procedure will help stop the child’s cough at night, as it will help thin sputum, improve blood flow and metabolic processes, reducing the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.


Rubbing or massage is one of the options for how to calm or stop a child’s cough at night. You just need to remember that rubbing is prohibited if:

  1. The child has not reached the age of 6 months.
  2. The baby has a fever.
  3. There is a possibility that the child may be allergic to the ointment used for massage.

It is better not to use ointments and creams with mint and menthol for children under 3 years of age.

If a child is breathing heavily and/or coughing while sleeping, he needs to expose his chest and back, as well as his feet. Apply a small amount of the preparation to the skin for rubbing and rub it in gentle circular movements, first into the sternum area (avoiding the heart area), then into the back. Dress and wrap up warmly, but so that you can sleep comfortably. Then rub the feet, put on warm socks and put the baby to bed.

Fighting night cough

What to do if your child has a severe cough at night:

  1. Consult your pediatrician.
  2. Ensure ideal temperature and humidity in the room.
  3. Ensure compliance with bed and drinking regime.
  4. Give medications prescribed by the doctor strictly as scheduled.

Treatment of children under 1 year of age involves the prescription of medications that promote coughing and reduce the viscosity of sputum. For this purpose, preparations are purchased based on the juice of plantain, coltsfoot, elecampane, wild rosemary, thyme, marshmallow, anise, and licorice.

If you can alleviate the condition using traditional medicine, then you can completely get rid of the cause only drug treatment and inhalations. Strictly follow the recommendations for the choice and schedule of taking medications to avoid complications.

How to treat night cough in a child 1-3 years old:

  • Mukaltin.
  • Gerbion.
  • Ambrobene.
  • Gedelix.
  • Alteyka.

Also, do not neglect inhalations and therapeutic massages.

How to stop a night cough in a child over 3 years old:

  1. The intensity of a dry cough can be reduced with Glavucine or Levopront.
  2. Sputum separation can be accelerated with the help of Pectolvan C and Abrol.

Inhalations can be done using soda or extracts/infusions of medicinal herbs. Children at this age can already drink herbal tea. They will not only help get rid of cough, but also saturate the body with vitamins and other biologically active substances.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine provides a wide range of natural drugs that quickly and reliably help get rid of a child’s night cough:

  • Buckwheat (or any other natural) honey. If you give it to your child to suck before bedtime, the cough will be less intense.
  • Warm milk, especially goat's milk, mixed with 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. natural butter It will perfectly soften the mucous membranes and calm paroxysmal coughs.
  • It would be a good idea to steam the legs for 15 minutes in warm water with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs.

You can buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy. herbal teas, formulated specifically to combat cough in children:

  • Chest collection No. 1 will help with tracheitis or laryngitis (for children from 6 years old).
  • Chest collection No. 2 is prescribed for pneumonia and bronchitis (for children over 6 years old).

But breast milk No. 4 can be given (after consulting a doctor) even to children over 2 years old. It includes the following healing herbs, like chamomile, mint, calendula and licorice.

How to relieve a coughing attack in a child at night, without even waking him up - put a boiled potato compress on the baby’s back and chest (but not on the heart area). The heat will relax the chest muscles, dull the cough reflex, and calm the child. Make a compress this way:

  1. Boil a few potatoes and mash them into a puree.
  2. Add 0.5 tsp to potatoes. alcohol (vodka) and mustard, as well as 1 tbsp. interior fat and honey.
  3. Place cling film and a layer of cotton wool on the baby's skin, then a potato compress.

At the end of the procedure, the child is wrapped in a scarf. Leave the compress until the morning or remove it after 1.5-2 hours.

Prevention measures

Preventive measures taken by parents after recovery from the disease will help prevent the problem from returning in the future.

Do not forget that preventing a disease is much easier and cheaper than curing it. Keep track of how and where your child spends time, study active species sports and don’t forget about hardening.

If the cause of your cough is an allergy, you need to:

  1. Find out what causes individual intolerance in your child.
  2. Limit as much as possible the possibility of your baby coming into contact with a potential allergen.
  3. Consult a specialist about prescribing antihistamines.

If the cause of the cough is a disease of the respiratory tract, including the ENT organs, you need to:

  1. In the cold season, dress the child warmly, but do not bundle him up.
  2. Limit your baby's stay in places large cluster of people.
  3. Take measures to improve immunity (immunostimulants and vitamin-mineral complex).
  4. Carry out hardening and healing of the child.
  5. Ensure that the child adheres to the rules of personal hygiene (washes his hands after going outside).

Children will not develop a cough at night if the bedroom is always warm (20-22 degrees), but not hot, and the air has optimal humidity. The room should be ventilated before going to bed. During the day, the child should receive the amount of drink recommended by the pediatrician, with preference given to plain clean water.

You also need to remember that the occurrence of a cough in a child, especially if its causes are difficult to establish, is a direct indication for seeking help. medication assistance. Self-treatment, especially children under 6 years of age, may cause more harm than good.

As soon as a child experiences any changes in behavior or health, parents tend to sound the alarm. Especially if the baby cannot tell about the nature of the pain, and the mother does not see the reason. When a child coughs at night, explains what parents should do famous doctor Komarovsky.

Most mothers know Evgeniy Olegovich from TV shows. In them, he expresses his opinion on various issues related to children's health and supports it with facts. He does it convincingly and has natural charm. But this man is not an actor playing a pediatrician.

Dr. Komarovsky candidate medical sciences(since 1996), graduated from Kharkov medical school(specialization - pediatrics). Since 2006, it has its own clinic center. Author of many specialized books - a work on pediatrics “Viral croup in children” and a series of books with accessible medical recommendations.

He can often be seen in repeated releases of the author’s program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School.” Evgeniy Olegovich began collaborating with television in 1992, during the diphtheria epidemic. Being the head pediatric department and while treating children with this diagnosis, he wanted to convey to the maximum number of parents simple standards of prevention and correct behavior during illness. After this, the doctor decided that he should not only save the lives of children with direct consultations, but also teach fathers and mothers how to properly treat children. His accessible recommendations have helped more than one young mother not to panic and to properly treat the baby.

Popular pediatrician about the causes and treatment of night cough in a child

During the day, babies move, which makes it easier for mucus to clear from the airways. During rest, when the child lies, some of the sputum flows into the bronchi, and the body coughs - a reflex defense. This is the most common reason children's cough at night.

Prerequisites for the development of nocturnal attacks in children according to Komarovsky

The doctor believes that coughing during sleep should not be directly associated with serious pathologies. But it is important to immediately pay attention to such a situation and keep it under control. If others appear alarming symptoms or the anomaly has been observed for a long time - make an appointment with a doctor.

Causes of cough at night in a child according to Komarovsky:

Dr. Komarovsky believes that coughing during sleep is a natural phenomenon in a child. Don’t panic, watch your baby and determine the source of the unpleasant symptom.

When there is no danger

Cough is an element of manifestation local immunity. The body independently restores normal functioning with the help of reflexes. In most cases, this is not a sign of illness, but a protective reaction to normalize health.

There are several types of cough:

  • dry, accompanied severe attacks no coughing;
  • wet – with copious sputum;
  • spastic - with a long course;
  • paroxysmal - there is the release of lumps of mucus, lasting up to 6 weeks.

During lung diseases and upper sections respiratory organs, with the help of coughing, the body removes the accumulated liquid secretion. Dry indoor air causes frequent coughing, they disturb sleep. Teething - the same symptoms appear, caused by excessive salivation.

A cough that accompanies a stuffy nose or cold is not always a cause for concern. This phenomenon should not be ignored only in children under 3 months.

The child is sick

There are situations that cannot be ignored. When parents of a coughing child need to see a doctor:

If you have the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor who will establish one of the possible diagnoses:

There is a cough, but no fever

The first thought that parents should have when they have a night cough when there is no fever is allergies. Associated symptoms– runny nose, redness of the whites of the eyeball, uncontrolled lacrimation. The cough is dry and intermittent.

An allergic cough appears in the presence of an irritant near the baby. If a child sleeps with his parents, then the cough may even be caused by the smell of perfume from someone close to him. A common reason why a baby coughs is washing powder for the baby's clothes or bedding.

Pediatricians also note that it is not advisable to place children on natural down pillows and cover them with woolen blankets. What is so highly valued by adults is a problem for children. It is recommended to use cotton fabrics for cribs, and the filling for pillows and blankets should be hypoallergenic.

We must not forget about bedroom hygiene, which includes frequent ventilation and dust control.

Foreign object in the respiratory tract

Hit foreign body into the baby's larynx can cause stenosis varying degrees gravity. This happens much more often than in adults due to the anatomy of children and the body’s still underdeveloped protective abilities.

Nature has designed a person in such a way that a foreign body will linger in several areas. The first is vestibular and vocal folds throat. An object gets into the larynx when the child held something in his mouth and took a deep, abrupt breath.

Also common reasons for the ingress of foreign objects are fear or an attempt to speak, which in the baby is accompanied by swallowing and a sharp breath.

The first stage of passage of a foreign body lasts up to 30 minutes. At this time, the body reflexively resists - coughing and shortness of breath appear. If the object has sharp edges and injures the walls of the throat, then hemoptysis is possible. Do not forget that the baby is weak, and fatigue and exhaustion will quickly set in.

Advice! If such symptoms occur, you should not try to cope with the problem on your own. The child must be taken to the hospital. There, specialists will diagnose the aspirated foreign body using additional x-rays and provide qualified assistance.

Dry and wet cough: signs, provoking factors

If a cough disturbs your child's sleep long time If you develop a fever in the evening, you should consult a doctor. The main task is to eliminate the root causes of the phenomenon, and not just alleviate the symptoms.

For a dry cough, antitussives are prescribed that interact with a special center in the brain.

How to relieve a child’s dry night cough, Komarovsky’s recommendations:

  • "Pectolvan Stop";
  • "Bronholitin";
  • "Rapitus";
  • "Sinecode".

A wet cough works as a protective mechanism to cleanse the bronchi and lungs. At the same time, sputum of different textures and volumes comes out.

Medicines to calm a wet cough:

  • "Mukaltin";
  • syrups “Altemiks broncho” and “Alteyka”;
  • "Bronchofit" or "Bronchostop";
  • "Pectusin":
  • plantain or sage syrups.

A wet cough that interferes with dreams often indicates inflammation of the sinuses. It is useless to treat such a symptom; it is necessary to fight sinusitis.

The doctor urges parents to fight not the cough, but its cause. This is a protective reaction of the body, a signal for mom and dad to be wary. The reason for coughing is often not illness, but a violation of sanitary and hygienic standards in the room.

What does Komarovsky advise when a child coughs in his sleep:

  • Don’t ignore coughing in your sleep, it can be a symptom of an illness, but you shouldn’t take medicine right away either. The concern is caused by coughing attacks that recur regularly.
  • It is forbidden to give your baby antibiotics and antitussive syrups without a doctor’s examination. They may not be useful for eliminating the problem in a particular case (allergic cough).
  • The first treatment is plenty of warm drinks. Do not use hot drinks. It is recommended to give a lot of tea, milk, and herbal decoctions.
  • Inhalations can relieve dry cough. There is no need to worry when the syndrome worsens after manipulation; it will calm down over time.
  • When teething or a runny nose bothers you, try to sleep with your baby on high pillows. This will bring relief to the child and improve mucus discharge.
  • When the problem occurs regularly, rinsing your nose before bed brings relief. This can be done by using drops of saline solution into the nasal canals.

Simple and effective preventive measures from Evgeniy Olegovich

Most often, adults, according to Komarovsky, can prevent the cause of coughing after sleep in a child. To do this, caring parents must perform a number of simple preventive measures:

  • Before going to bed, when the child is away, air and wet clean the room. These manipulations should be carried out daily, regardless of the time of year.
  • Monitor the humidity and temperature conditions in the baby's bedroom. The air should not warm up above 22 degrees.
  • Rid your baby of allergic odors (perfumes, paint, tobacco smoke).
  • A warm drink will be useful not only before bed, but also during the day.
  • Blow your baby's nose after rinsing saline solutions. The procedure is carried out before going to bed.
  • It is allowed to hover your feet in water (about 40 degrees), if there is no temperature.
  • Children who are two years old are given inhalations before bedtime using special devices in the form of toys. But such procedures and rubbing with warming ointments are prohibited for infants.

Coughing attacks in children worry parents. It is necessary to carry out preventive actions and try to determine the source of the anomalous phenomenon. You should monitor the baby’s behavior and follow Dr. Komarovsky’s recommendations. When symptoms increase and worsen, consult a doctor immediately. You should not try to establish a diagnosis yourself if you develop a high fever or a progressive cough.

A child's cough is a sign of a certain disease. To eliminate it, it is necessary to treat the underlying ailment that caused it. You can improve the child’s condition with the help of syrups, tablets and other means, but the disease can be cured only with the help of well-chosen treatment. Very often the child has a strong cough at night. Let's try to figure out what contributes to this development of events and how it can be prevented.

The reasons for this phenomenon

Increased coughing at night occurs as a result of the fact that in a horizontal position, the distribution of fluid in the body is uniform, and not, as usual, rushing to the legs. As a result, mucus accumulates and the cough worsens.

A variety of diseases can provoke such a cough. For example, gastroesophageal reflux can cause a child to cough at night. The disease can be recognized earlier in children at an older age, as they can explain the attacks of heartburn that they experience.

In infants, a night cough can cause teething. The child simply choke on saliva, which at this moment is released in large quantities, and begins to cough. During this period, put the baby to sleep on his side, and place a small mattress under his head.

A night cough may also indicate the presence of dry air in the room where the child sleeps. Fixing this problem is very simple, just ventilate the room. You can also use improvised means, for example, lay a damp towel on the radiator.

Do you know the difference allergic runny nose from a cold?

Find out how to treat a sore throat and cough.

Causes of constant sore throat:

If accompanied by teeth grinding

If, when the child goes to bed, during the night cough the child still grinds his teeth, then this is obvious signs runny nose, inflammation of the pharynx and trachea. In addition, night creaking in combination with cough can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Allergy.
  2. Worm infestation.
  3. Foreign body in the bronchi.

If accompanied by snot discharge

Often a cough at night is accompanied by a runny nose. In this case, the child does not have a rise in temperature. The causes of such symptoms are infectious or allergic reactions.


Cough and severe rhinitis with normal indicators temperatures indicate colds viral origin. If there is bacterial diseases, then a rise in temperature is observed. If treatment is not timely, the following consequences may occur:

  • sinusitis (follow the link to read how to treat chronic sinusitis at home);
  • sinusitis (the symptoms of sinusitis in children are described here);
  • laryngitis (read what cough syrup you can take for laryngitis in children);
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis (here you can see which antibiotic can be used for tonsillitis and pharyngitis);
  • bronchitis.

Cold viral in nature greatly weakens the immune system, which contributes to the attachment bacterial infection. Against the background of a common cold, chronic ailments can wake up and pathogenic microorganisms come into action.


Symptoms such as coughing and snot at night are often a manifestation of an allergic reaction. As in the previous case, there is no rise in body temperature. Allergies cause the following symptoms:

Allergies can occur for the following reasons:

  • prolonged stay in a smoky room;
  • very dusty room;
  • smoking people are near the child;
  • the flowering period of trees and plants;
  • use of cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • dry air in the baby's room.

The symptoms of an allergic reaction are very similar to the symptoms of a common cold.. If you notice your child has a cough and runny nose at night, you should consult a doctor for an examination and an accurate diagnosis. When it is known for sure that the cause of a runny nose and cough is an allergy, it is urgent to determine the type of allergen. For this, the child should be shown to an allergist. This disease requires specific therapy, during which it is necessary to eliminate contact with the component that causes the allergic reaction. If treatment is not started in time, a dry cough will provoke a pathology such as Chronical bronchitis. Here you can read more about how to recognize an allergic cough in a child.

The video shows the reasons why a child coughs a lot:

If you've been sick recently

Often a cough occurs at night after a long illness. Most often these are manifestations of inflammatory and allergic bronchitis, which take chronic form. Thus, the baby will experience a cough at the acute stage. In addition to coughing, a small patient may experience severe swelling of the bronchial mucosa. As a result, breathing becomes worse and an intense cough occurs.

Another disease that can leave a mark in the form of a night cough is called respiratory syncytial virus. It affects children during the first 2 years. This disease most often occurs when the baby attends kindergarten. Characteristic symptoms The disease is swelling of the bronchial mucosa, poor air passage and obstruction of the lower respiratory tract. After some time, the baby may experience shortness of breath, prolonged exhalation and convulsions. A suppressive cough strikes him at night.

What to do

How to stop a child's coughing attack at night? In order to alleviate the baby’s condition at least a little, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

You should not give your child antibiotics to treat a cough. For a wet cough, do not give antitussives, and for a dry cough, do not give expectorants. Particular care must be taken when rubbing small patients. Antihistamines should not be used without a doctor's approval. If you want to make it easier for your child to sleep during a coughing attack, then you just need to change his body position.

If coughing attacks do not leave the car for a long time and all the recommendations presented above do not give the desired effect, then you need to urgently go to the clinic. There the doctor will be able to determine the causes of night cough and prescribe effective treatment to eliminate it.

To relieve attacks of night cough, Dr. Komaroski recommends spending more time with your child in the fresh air. This is exactly what is the best prevention drying out mucus. A baby's runny nose requires special attention. The child's nose must not be allowed to breathe. Otherwise, he will inhale air through his mouth, and this contributes to the degeneration of mucus.

If the child has, in addition to a cough, heat, then this also dries out mucous secretions. In this case, Komarovsky advises giving the baby antipyretic drugs. They are produced in the form of syrup and candles. But before using them, you need to consult a specialist.

The video tells what to do if a child coughs at night when he sleeps, but not during the day:

The danger of bronchitis is that thick mucus clogs the lumen in the bronchi. As a result, natural ventilation of the lungs is disrupted. Bacteria will settle here and cause pneumonia. This disease is considered more dangerous and requires long-term therapy.

To relieve attacks of night cough, Komarovsky advises using massage. But it is allowed to be carried out only on the condition that the child normal temperature bodies. Place the baby on your knees so that the head is below the fifth point. Place 2 fingers on your back in the lung area. Perform light and smooth tapping with the fingers of the other hand. Such activities will promote the removal of sputum naturally. As a result, the disease will begin to leave the child’s body.

Komarovsky does not recommend using medications that inhibit the cough reflex or dilute mucus with the help of chemical components; it is unwise to use them without a doctor’s permission. Such treatment will only allow you to forget about the symptoms, but will not eliminate the disease itself.

The cough itself is very unpleasant symptom, and especially if it occurred at night. And it doesn’t matter what nature it is - viral or allergic - it must be treated. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can take a chronic form, and it will be almost impossible to cure it.

Causes and treatment of cough in a child during sleep

Coughing in a child during sleep is a fairly common occurrence. The cough itself is not a disease, but a reaction to a disease or an allergic reaction to external irritants. This is a defense mechanism by which the body gets rid of harmful microorganisms. Cough in a child's sleep - serious signal for examination.

Causes of night cough

Among the main causes of cough are:

  1. Viral infection.
  2. Chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.
  3. Chronic pharyngitis.
  4. Incipient asthma.

In addition, coughing in a child’s sleep may be a consequence of whooping cough. Cough while lying down worsens in children suffering from gastroesophageal reflux or inflammation of the adenoids. The mucus enters the larynx and, drying out when breathing through the mouth, causes a reflex cough. Attacks at night may be a consequence of intolerance by the child’s body to certain materials, such as:

  • bed linen fabrics;
  • washing powder;
  • low-quality types of rubber and plastic from which the objects next to the bed are made, as well as fresh paint on them.

Reason allergic cough There may be animal hair or dry air or dust. Allergy symptoms include increased sweating, tearing, slight swelling in the eyes and cheeks, and runny nose. Sputum production during night cough and frequent attacks may be a signal of a viral infection.

Teething saliva in babies can get into the throat while they sleep, irritating it and causing a nighttime cough.

If your child coughs before bed, it is most likely an allergy. If after, the dry air in the room is to blame or uncomfortable position during sleep when sick.

If the cough comes on during the day and gets worse when the child is sleeping, this may be a sign of laryngitis, a serious disease that, without proper treatment, can lead to suffocation (croup).

Coughing while lying down may be a sign of the onset of a whole group of pulmonary diseases, which do not appear in any way during the daytime.

The supine position makes it difficult not only to cough, but also to the blood supply to the lungs, and reduces the efficiency of resorption of sputum and mucus accumulated in the bronchi.

A sudden cough in a child at night can be caused by a foreign body entering the nasopharynx.

Treatment of night cough in a child

The first thing to do when you have a night cough is to determine its cause. Remember that treatment without specialist supervision can lead to severe consequences. When cough is suppressed, depression occurs protective functions body, the disease gets worse. Finding no way out, phlegm and mucus accumulate and fall into the lungs, contributing to the development of pneumonia. Only a doctor can determine the exact reason why a child coughs before or during sleep and prescribe appropriate treatment. However, eliminate domestic reasons you can cough on your own.

If the child is absolutely healthy during the day, is active, eats with appetite, but coughs at night, you should observe the nature, frequency and strength of night attacks. A dry, scratchy or tingling cough in the throat may indicate an ENT disease. At bronchial asthma The cough appears closer to the morning and is characterized by a slight whistling sound when exhaling.

Attacks after sleep and at night may indicate reflux gastrointestinal tract, that is, the reverse reflux of the stomach contents. Wherein increased content of hydrochloric acid manifests itself as heartburn.

Whooping cough is characterized by painful bouts of coughing with redness of the face, watery eyes, which end in vomiting. A dry cough alternating with a wet cough may indicate a viral infection.

If the cause of attacks exclusively at night is not viruses or allergens, it is necessary to humidify the air, since the baby’s unformed lungs react painfully to dry air space. To do this, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the nursery at least three to four times a day.

Stale air can cause attacks after sleep; in this case, airing the room before bed will eliminate the cough. If you suspect an allergic cough of a domestic nature It is necessary to remove things and objects from the child’s environment that cause this cough. However, if this measure does not help, you need to contact a specialist.

Drug therapy involves two types of drugs. The first are mucolytics, which increase sputum and intensify cough with expectoration. The second type is used for whooping cough with its severe, prolonged attacks. It should be taken into account that children under two years of age are not recommended to take medications. It is not recommended to put mustard plasters or warming compresses on your child until he is six months old. In the future, these products are recommended to be used with caution, given the strong sensitivity of children's skin. Walking in the fresh air, rinsing the nose, drinking plenty of fluids, and moist fresh air during night sleep will have a positive effect on the baby’s health.

Inhalations with decoctions are effective for older children medicinal herbs. Inhalations are prohibited for children under one year of age. The main thing in treatment is rest and proper nutrition with plenty of drink.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of night cough should be used with caution and only after consultation with a doctor. Children's body, especially in early age, does not have proper endurance. The most beloved by children and the easiest to prepare is a remedy made from burnt sugar diluted with boiling water. For whooping cough, a mixture of garlic with melted pork fat for compresses or a tincture of garlic with milk for drinking is effective.

Strong persistent cough Treat with a warm compress of a mixture of garlic and honey. Decoctions of medicinal herbs, which are drunk instead of tea and used for inhalation, are useful. At home, it is recommended to treat an acute cough, but not a protracted or dry cough that requires specialist supervision.

In any case, it is necessary not to eliminate the cough, but to look for ways to alleviate it and eliminate the root cause.

A child coughs in his sleep: why?

A cough is an important signal to parents that something is wrong with their baby. This is a defense mechanism by which the body tries to remove pathogens or mucus from the respiratory tract. If a child coughs in his sleep, the nature of the illness alone can suggest what is causing the attacks.

Why does a cough appear?

It is important to understand that you cannot suppress the cough itself, you need to look for the reasons for its occurrence. Do not hesitate to go to the doctor if your child coughs before bed. Only he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

A dry cough can occur when some kind of respiratory irritant is present. It is most often caused by viruses and germs, but can be caused by factors such as dust, animal dander, or tobacco smoke. A wet cough indicates excess phlegm.

Causes of night cough

Many parents are very concerned about why their child coughs in his sleep at night, but is absolutely healthy during the day. This phenomenon can occur for several reasons.

What to do during an attack?

If a child coughs a lot during sleep, parents can alleviate his suffering a little. You can offer your baby a warm drink, which will slightly reduce irritation and relieve inflammation. Honey, tea with lemon or raspberries help well.

Character of the cough

To determine if a cough is related to a specific disease, the doctor must determine the type of cough. To do this, you need to pay attention to its characteristics:

How to choose an antitussive?

If a child coughs after sleep or during daytime play, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without treatment. To choose the right drug, you need to understand the main nuances. It is better to contact a pediatrician who will outline a further plan of action.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor will analyze:

Productivity and intensity of cough;

The nature of the bronchial secretion, the degree of viscosity;

Child's age and general condition;

Pharmacological features of various antitussive drugs.

How to treat a cough?

If a child coughs in his sleep, combination medications should be used with caution. They combine components with different effects, so you should not take them without a doctor’s prescription. If your child has allergic reactions, be sure to inform them at the appointment!

Parents should know that they should not give their child antitussives if he or she has a wet cough. There is no longer any need to prescribe antibiotics yourself. Uncontrolled use of such drugs can lead to unpleasant consequences that will be very difficult to eliminate. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after examining the child.

If a child coughs in his sleep, you need to look for the cause of this phenomenon. There is absolutely no point in treating cough directly; it is only a symptom of the disease.

Folk recipes

A severe night cough can be alleviated a little with folk remedies. Compresses that can be cold or hot help in this case. They are applied not only to the throat area, but also to the trachea, bronchi and lungs. During the procedure, you need to ensure that the heart area is not affected.

A layer of gauze can be soaked in essential oils: lavender, pine or eucalyptus. Compresses made from boiled potatoes also help.

When a child coughs in his sleep, ginger infusion will not hurt him. It needs to be grated and mixed with lemon. The infusion is kept for several hours. It should be taken in small quantities at night.

Baths with ginger decoction have a good effect. But they are contraindicated if the body temperature is elevated. Their duration should be about 20 minutes.

Rubbing and inhalation

This method can be used when the child is older than six months. For rubbing, internal fat, special gels and ointments are used. After the procedure, the treated area must be wrapped warmly.

If a child coughs before bed, sage is used as an expectorant. Based on it, you need to prepare a decoction, which is subsequently diluted with milk. If the child does not have allergies, you can add a little honey.

The biggest mistake many parents make is self-medication. Incorrect therapy can “turn off” the cough center. All antitussive drugs can be given to the baby only as prescribed by a doctor. The main goal is to convert a non-productive cough into a productive one. Then the respiratory organs will be cleared of mucus and infection.

If you effectively influence the receptors of the mucous membrane and moisturize the respiratory tract, the phlegm will come out much easier. This can be achieved using inhalations and aerosols. They will relieve irritation of the mucous membrane and relax the muscles of the bronchi. Inhalations can be done using herbs or essential oils.

Regardless of why your child coughs during sleep, he should be offered plenty of fluids. This can be tea, compote or plain water. Drops and nasal sprays moisturize the airways well. If the doctor has not prescribed medications, you can use saline solutions.

Lozenges and syrups help reduce reflex stimulation of cough.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say?

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky recommends that all mothers create optimal conditions for their child’s health. It means that the room should not be too hot and dry. Temperature values ​​should be no more than 22 degrees Celsius, and humidity should be above 60%. The baby needs to be given plenty of water. If he refuses, the drink can be given in small doses.

When a child coughs in his sleep, Komarovsky advises monitoring the nature of the cough. If on the third or fourth day it does not become productive, you should definitely consult a doctor. Perhaps traditional treatment is not enough in this case.

Cough during sleep in a child

Cough is a common companion to many diseases, which brings a lot of inconvenience. Very often, the peak of coughing activity occurs at night and then it is not sweet for both the kids and their parents.

What is a cough and why is it needed?

Coughing helps remove mucus and other bodies that have entered the respiratory tract. During coughing attacks, the respiratory muscles sharply contract and air is expelled from the lungs. It follows that we need it, because... serves to cleanse the respiratory tract.

Causes of cough during sleep

The main reason why a child develops a cough during sleep is the position in which we find ourselves at night. Lying down slows down the basic processes of the body, even the blood supply to the lungs. Mucus and phlegm accumulate in the pharynx and bronchial area, which take longer to dissolve at night, which is why the child coughs in his sleep. Try using large pillows during illness and try to change the position of the child’s body more often, so phlegm will accumulate less.

By the way, it is worth considering that the appearance of mucus and phlegm is promoted by some disease that needs to be cured, and after that the cough will go away. Why a child coughs in his sleep should be determined by a doctor. Sometimes a strong persistent cough in a child in a dream indicates the presence of a serious illness.

Child's cough after sleep

There is no need to panic because of a mild morning cough accompanied by profuse drooling in a child of the first year of life. Thanks to this, the trachea and bronchi are cleared of mucus accumulated overnight. If the cough begins to occur constantly, then you need to sound the alarm and definitely see a doctor.

Child coughs before bedtime

The most common cause of coughing before bed is allergies. It can appear both on down from a pillow and on synthetic fillers, which are actively used in bedding these days. In order to identify allergic cause If you have a cough, try changing your child's entire bed and wait a few days. If the cough does not go away, then it makes sense to visit a pediatrician.

Dry cough during sleep

Most often, a dry night cough occurs every 3-4 hours for 5-7 minutes. The causes of this cough are colds, asthma, whooping cough and other lung diseases. In order to get rid of a dry cough, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence, and for this you need the help of specialists. But you can help your child alleviate the condition on your own; mind you, alleviate it, not cure it! To do this, use recipes from traditional medicine.

If your child does not have allergies, you can prepare:

  • oregano decoction;
  • green tea with honey or ginger;
  • tea with anise;
  • warm milk with honey.

All these liquids should be consumed before bed; they help soothe a sore throat and reduce the frequency of coughing attacks.

Cough in a baby's sleep

As mentioned above, a cough may appear due to accumulated mucus. But, if for large children the range of acceptable drugs is wide, then with small children everything is more complicated. To ease coughing attacks in your baby, use a drainage massage, it will help the phlegm come out. The basis of this massage consists of intensive tapping of the back, in the direction from the butt to the head. And remember that babies under 6 months should not have their breasts rubbed or use steam inhalations.

To combat a cough, you must remember to ventilate the room, humidify the air and get rid of dust, which can cause coughing attacks. After eradicating the cause of its appearance, it will be appropriate to start hardening the child. This way, in the future you will protect your miracle from many diseases. And of course, do everything to ensure that there is never any tobacco smoke near your baby!

Cough in a child's sleep

Paroxysmal night cough is a fairly common occurrence, and many are familiar with it. Such a cough interferes with sleep, deprives vitality and energy not only of the child, but also of his parents. In this situation, panic begins, and many mothers immediately try to feed the child with all sorts of medications and antibiotics; this is not recommended under any pretext, because incorrect treatment not only will it not provide therapeutic effect, but it may simply make the situation worse. By studying the reasons that cause coughing in sleep, you can easily avoid many mistakes and help your baby in a timely manner.

Coughing is primarily a defense mechanism. But when a child wakes up crying loudly in the middle of the night and coughing horribly, it is very difficult for parents to remain calm. They want to quickly help the baby and stop the cough with any possible way. In this case, medicines, cough syrups, various rubbings, and even folk remedies. Due to panic, many parents forget that coughing is a natural defense mechanism of our body. Thus human body responds to infectious and bacterial lesions of the upper respiratory tract, lungs and bronchi.

Why do coughing attacks tend to appear at night? Coughing attacks during sleep appear due to the fact that mucus in a supine position tends to accumulate and slowly flow down the back wall of the nasopharynx, thereby irritating sensitive nerve receptors; such a cough is called a reflex cough. In the lying position, the phlegm in the bronchi is excreted much worse; excessive stagnation of phlegm provokes a cough impulse, thus the body tries to get rid of mucus and various microorganisms.

Coughing during sleep in children necessarily indicates the presence of some kind of illness:

  • Exacerbation of cough during sleep can be a symptom of the following diseases:
  • The most common cause of cough during sleep is considered to be a viral infection;
  • Acute and chronic rhinitis provoke a paroxysmal dry reflex cough during sleep;
  • The presence of chronic pharyngitis;
  • A night cough is often a sign of asthma, especially if it develops during exhalation and is accompanied by a characteristic whistling sound. In children with mild form asthma, such a cough is practically the only symptom;
  • Availability prolonged cough, which occurs only at night, is usually a consequence of previous whooping cough. With whooping cough, a paroxysmal dry night cough appears at regular intervals, the attack begins suddenly, the skin acquires a pronounced bluish tint, the cough is always accompanied by a characteristic whistling sound;
  • Night cough quite often occurs in children suffering from adenoiditis; in such children, breathing through the nose remains difficult and they have to breathe through the mouth, as a result of which the nasopharyngeal mucosa quickly dries out, this provokes the appearance of cough.

A disease such as cough requires the right approach; its treatment should be handled exclusively by a qualified pediatrician. Because only a person who has received a special medical education can determine the nature of the occurrence of cough in each specific case.

Both adults and children can wake up with a morning cough. In most cases, it is a common occurrence and you should not immediately panic about it. You need to monitor your condition for several days. At this time, you can give up bad habits, sleep longer and not be nervous. But if this does not help, the intensity of the cough will increase. Then you should consult a doctor and, together with him, identify and eliminate the causes of the morning phenomenon. The main thing now is not to delay treatment, not to wait 2-3 months or more, so that it does not turn into an acute form.


The human respiratory organs are designed in such a way that a cough can occur from the slightest changes in the environment or due to various diseases body.


In a non-smoker, a cough with phlegm may occur as a consequence of a common cold or chronic illness. At the very beginning, its symptoms are hoarseness and dry bouts of blubbering. And then the wheezing becomes stronger, and thick mucus is released along with the cough. It can be assumed that with such symptoms the main culprit is bronchitis. It can be chronic and is often accompanied by the discharge of pus.

A wet cough can also appear with ARVI. If particles of dust or paint were inhaled during the leak, they became mucus intensifiers. This phenomenon often occurs in people suffering from chronic sinusitis or allergic reactions.

A cough that produces mucus streaked with blood may indicate pneumonia. What does it have to do with important role The color of the sputum will play a role, which can be used to determine the type of bacteria present.

How to cure adenoids in a child using folk remedies?