What hurts when the sciatic nerve is pinched. Can a pinched sciatic nerve go away on its own? What to do if the sciatic nerve is pinched. Possible complications and consequences

The sciatic nerve (N. Ischiadicus) is the largest of all the nerves in our body. Starting in the region of the lumbosacral plexus, its fibers extend across the entire lower limb, providing its innervation. In this regard, pinching sciatic nerve– this means pain, discomfort and even loss of performance for some time.

Pinching symptoms

The main symptom of this pathology is lower back pain, which gradually descends, covering the buttock, thigh, lower leg and even foot.


As a rule, it is not difficult for a doctor to recognize a pinched sciatic nerve, and the diagnosis is made immediately after examination. However, in order to understand the causes of sciatica in a particular patient, it is necessary to undergo the following diagnostic procedures:
radiography of the bones of the lumbar and pelvic region,

  1. Ultrasound of this area,
  2. CT or MRI,
  3. other instrumental studies.

And also take general blood tests and biochemical blood tests (if necessary).

Treatment: what a doctor can do

The patient may be prescribed injections of anti-inflammatory/analgesic drugs and drugs that relax spasmodic muscles.

A neurologist treats pinched sciatic nerves. He can assign:

  • blockade of the inflamed area of ​​the nerve;
  • a course of anti-inflammatory therapy (tablets, injections);
  • prescribe medications that improve metabolic processes in tissues, including vitamins;
  • physiotherapy: UHF, paraffin baths, electrophoresis, phonophoresis using medicines;
  • massage and therapeutic exercises.

These methods help remove swelling, inflammation, reduce pain and improve blood supply to the nerve and surrounding tissues.

Treatment: what the patient himself can do

During a visit to the doctor, it is advisable to consult about how to treat yourself, and if there are no contraindications, then for sciatica you can do the following:

  1. Cupping or regular massage using any warming and anti-inflammatory ointments.
  2. Rub the sore spot with a tincture of spruce or pine buds, pine needles or dandelion flowers. To prepare it, fill the raw material up to half of a half-liter jar, then fill it to the top with alcohol (vodka) and place it in a dark place for 7 days.
  3. Applications with heated wax. To do this, treat the surface of the skin with any fat, then apply layer by layer on top with a paint brush, heated in a water bath. beeswax(it needs to be cooled a little to avoid burns). Next we wrap it in a blanket. The wax can be removed after the sore area has completely warmed up.
  4. Regular gymnastics. One of the simplest and effective exercises are walking on the buttocks, “bicycle” while lying on your back, rotational movements of the hips, as well as all kinds of stretches. We do all the exercises smoothly, quite slowly, and if pain or discomfort appears, stop immediately.


  • Watch your posture.
  • Do not lift or carry heavy loads.
  • Sleep on a hard bed and do not sit on soft chairs.
  • it should be normalized.
  • Do therapeutic exercises daily to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and free the sciatic nerve.

Which doctor should I contact?

If symptoms of sciatica appear, you should consult a neurologist. The treatment involves a physiotherapist, massage therapist, chiropractor. If necessary, the patient is examined by a neurosurgeon.

About the treatment of sciatica (pinched sciatic nerve) in the “Live Healthy!” program:

Pinched sciatic nerve is a pathological manifestation that occurs when the largest nerve in the human body, located in the musculoskeletal tunnel, is compressed and manifests itself in severe pain in the leg.

Usually the pathology develops on one side.

Men who engage in heavy physical activity are at risk of developing the disease. Most often, pinched sciatic nerves appear at the age of 30.

The pathology can be completely eliminated if you promptly consult a neurologist for diagnosis and proper treatment, as well as if you follow all the instructions and recommendations of a specialist.

Causes of the disease

Factors influencing the occurrence of sciatic nerve pinching are:

  • Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. In this case, the nerve is compressed between the displaced vertebrae.
  • Intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region.
  • Spinal injuries characterized by displacement of the vertebrae - subluxations, dislocations and fracture-dislocations.
  • Pregnancy, especially in the 3rd semester.
  • Muscle inflammation.
  • Significant and frequent physical activity.
  • Abscesses of peri-rectal tissue, localized in the lumbar region.
  • Spinal tumors.
  • Spondylosis of the lumbosacral region.
  • Degenerative spondylolithesis.

Reasons that increase the likelihood of developing a pinched nerve include:

Symptoms of pathology

The main manifestation of a pinched sciatic nerve is severe pain in the buttock and leg.

Painful sensations have the following characteristics:

  • cutting, burning and stabbing;
  • the pain reaches such intensity that a person may lose consciousness;
  • the condition improves when taking a lying position;
  • an attack often occurs at night after heavy physical work or hypothermia, as well as a combination of both negative factors;
  • pain increases with coughing, sneezing and laughing;
  • in a standing position, a person cannot lean on the sore leg;
  • there is increased pain when standing, walking and sitting on a hard surface;
  • the symptom first appears in the area back surface thighs, then - on the area of ​​​​the lower leg and leg;
  • When the attack subsides, residual pain remains in the lower back.

In addition to pain when the sciatic nerve is pinched, there is excessive sweating of the feet, gait disturbances, weakness of the muscles in the affected area, inability to bend the leg at the knee or difficulty in performing this action, burning and tingling in the foot and lower leg, disturbances in turning the foot and bending the toes.

Diagnosis of the disease

First of all, the specialist will interview the patient to identify complaints characteristic of the pathology and carry out a qualified examination, during which a decrease in sensitivity on the affected side and changes in tendon reflexes are noted.

To determine the cause of a pinched sciatic nerve, the doctor prescribes the following diagnostic tests:

  • Computed tomography - allows you to see minimal changes in the spinal column.
  • X-ray of the spine - examinations can detect gross bone pathologies.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Radioisotope scanning of the spine allows you to diagnose a tumor.

It is important to start proper treatment on time to prevent the development of unpleasant complications: spontaneous defecation, urinary incontinence, significant increase in pain, distorted posture, loss of sensitivity or complete limitation of limb mobility, necrosis of nerve roots.

A long-term absence of medical care from a neurologist and neuropathologist can cause disability.

Treatment of pathology

There are two main directions of treatment - conservative and surgical.

In case of exacerbation, the patient is recommended to rest in bed., the bed must have a hard mattress. It is necessary to limit physical activity and perform hygiene procedures only with outside support. As the condition improves, it is allowed to expand the regimen, but be sure to use a cane.

Special diet important during periods of exacerbation, when a person is on bed rest. It is recommended to exclude smoked, fried and spicy food. Dishes must be warm. To avoid constipation, you should include liquid foods in your diet - meat, dairy and vegetable soups, porridge with milk.

Among medications the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Non-steroidal drugs against inflammation - Ibuprofen, Ortofen, Dexalgin, Denebol, Ketanov. On initial stage During therapy, medications are administered intramuscularly, and then it is possible to use drugs in the form of tablets.
  • Ointments and gels – Voltaren, Finalgon, Diclofenac.
  • Means for protecting the gastric mucosa - Kvamatel, Ranitidine, Rabeprozole in combination with Phosphalugel, Almagel, Maalox.
  • Preparations for relieving back muscle spasms - Sirdalud, Mykodalm.
  • B vitamins to normalize the interaction of tissues with the affected nerve - Neurorubin, Milgamma.
  • For unbearable pain, novocaine blockades are used.

On the second day after the onset of the disease, special therapeutic exercises, representing the movements of the foot and fingers. Further, during therapy, the patient is selected an individual gymnastic complex in accordance with the causes of pinching of the sciatic nerve.

Exercise therapy may include the following exercises:

  • bending the legs at the knees;
  • "bike";
  • lying with your legs raised at an angle of 90 degrees with your buttocks resting on a hard surface;
  • hip rotations and others.

Has a positive effect on the patient's condition physiotherapeutic effects, including the following procedures:

  • electrophoresis with Mydocalm, No-shpa, Novocaine.
  • magnetic therapy;
  • paraffin applications;
  • phonophoresis;
  • magnetic laser therapy.

After a period of exacerbation has a positive effect on the condition Spa treatment, allowing for complete recovery and eliminating the risk of relapse of the disease.

In severe and advanced cases, surgical treatment of the disease is used– laminectomy, microdiscectomy, laser puncture discectomy, radiofrequency thermal annuloplasty, facetectomy and percutaneous automated discectomy.


In folk medicine, there are many recipes that help alleviate the patient’s condition, which are not refuted medical workers. But before using any product based on natural ingredients, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

The most effective folk recipes include the following:

  • 200 ml of vodka should be infused for 3 days at a cool temperature of 18-20 bay leaves medium size. It is recommended to rub the resulting healing mixture into the sacral area. The positive effect is noticeable after 4-5 procedures.
  • To prepare a medicinal product, you need to form a cake of 200 grams flour and 1 tablespoon honey. The resulting mass is applied to the sacrum area before a night's rest, covered with cellophane and insulated with thick woolen fabric. The reduction in pain is noticeable in the morning.
  • You can rub the affected areas infusion of spruce or pine buds, pine needles or dandelions. To prepare the product, medicinal components are placed in a 0.5 liter jar and filled with vodka. Next, the product should be infused in a dark place for 1 week.
  • K carefully crushed hop cones add 1 tablespoon butter or lard. The ingredients are mixed well and the product is rubbed into the area of ​​the pinched sciatic nerve.
  • 5 liters of water are combined with 1 kg oak and spruce bark, the resulting mass is boiled for about 30 minutes, filtered and added to the water prepared for taking a bath. The overall water temperature should be a maximum of 37 degrees.
  • In 1 glass boiled water dissolve 1 teaspoon lingonberry leaves. It is recommended to use the product 0.5 cups orally 3 times throughout the day.
  • The following has a calming and analgesic effect healing collection: blackberry leaves, oregano herb, thyme fruits and combined in a ratio of 2:5:3:3, ground into a fine powder and used for brewing medicinal tea, which you can drink throughout the day.

For maximum safety and effectiveness of folk remedies, it is recommended to strictly follow the rules for preparing and using recipes.

Disease prevention

To prevent pinching of the sciatic nerve, it is recommended to follow simple measures to prevent pathology:

  • Eliminate vertebral diseases in a timely manner.
  • Carry out preventive examinations of the spine - computed tomography or x-ray.
  • Get rid of extra pounds and try to maintain a normal weight.
  • Don't wear high heels or platform shoes too often.
  • It is useful to conduct general massage courses.
  • Do not lift weights suddenly.
  • Take regular walks outdoors.
  • It is recommended to sleep on a hard surface.
  • Do morning exercises regularly.
  • Maintain proper posture.
  • Do not sit on excessively low or soft chairs.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • To strengthen and stretch your back muscles, it is useful to do yoga or swimming.

Upon detection of the first warning signs illness, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible
to carry out diagnostics and prescribe competent treatment, including traditional and folk effective ways eliminating pathology.

Only with timely assistance will the patient be able to avoid surgical intervention, quickly return to their previous lifestyle without pain and avoid deterioration of the condition.

Also watch a useful video on the topic of the article:

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve or sciatica ( sciatic neuralgia) develops unexpectedly even in people who consider themselves absolutely healthy. The sciatic nerve is the longest in the human body: it begins in the lumbar region, passes through the lower end of the spine (coccyx), the posterior thigh muscles and lower limbs, reaching the feet. Therefore, when it is inflamed, pain and loss of sensitivity are felt not only in the lumbar region, but also spread along the entire nerve, including to the lower extremities.

Sciatica itself is not considered a pathology, but serves as a manifestation of other diseases.

With a timely visit to the doctor and adequate treatment, you can not only alleviate the patient’s condition, but also prevent recurrent diseases in the future. In addition, every person who is faced with this disease should know that only a set of measures, including: pharmacological preparations, manual therapy, exercise therapy and physiotherapy can alleviate and completely eliminate the symptoms of sciatica. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but put yourself completely in the hands of qualified specialists.

Causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

The only cause of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is compression of the nerve root and its trunk. This may occur for the following reasons:

  • the presence of neoplasms in the lumbosacral spine;
  • syndrome (pinching) of the piriformis muscle;
  • osteochondrosis in different stages of development;
  • constant (frequent) hypothermia;
  • bias intervertebral disc which is accompanied by pinching of the sciatic nerve;
  • excessive physical activity, which leads to damage to the muscle tissue of the pelvis;
  • herniated discs;
  • radiculitis of the lumbosacral spine.

Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Basic and extremely unpleasant symptom of this disease is severe pain along the anatomical location of the entire nerve. A characteristic symptom of the disease is pain, which is localized on the side where the inflammation of the sciatic nerve occurred. At the same time, on the healthy side, short-term paresis (pins and needles, tingling, numbness) in the buttock will be observed, radiating to the leg. It is very rare that sciatica develops on both sides at the same time. In this case, the patient feels pain in both the buttocks and legs.

Pain when the sciatic nerve is pinched develops gradually, increasing every day. At first, patients feel pain only during physical activity, lifting heavy objects, sudden movements, sneezing and coughing. Then the inflammatory process progresses, leading to an increase in pain and the constant presence of pain, especially at night. All this affects night sleep patient, torments and exhausts him, depriving him good rest. In the absence of proper treatment, sciatica ends in immobilization of the patient due to permanently acute and intensely continuous pain.

Sometimes pain appears and disappears suddenly, but in the chronic course of the disease they become permanent companions of the patient, and sometimes have a paroxysmal character. As a rule, attacks occur after intense physical exertion or psycho-emotional stress, especially in combination with colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections as a result of hypothermia. Along the anatomical location of the nerve, a decrease in skin sensitivity or, conversely, hyperesthesia may be observed ( increased sensitivity). Initially, the pain spreads along the back of the thigh, down to the lower limbs. After an attack, the pain is localized in the center of one of the buttocks, under the knee or between the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral vertebrae. Pain is always accompanied vegetatively - vascular disorders: increased sweating, swelling and redness of the skin along the nerve. Painful sensations They become stronger when walking for a long time, standing for a long time, or sitting on a hard chair.

When feeling severe pain, a person takes a comfortable body position that can alleviate his suffering. With sciatica, gait is impaired, since the entire load when walking occurs on the healthy leg, on which the patient rests. In this case, significant lameness appears. In the chronic course of the disease or severe dysfunction of the nerve, its significant decrease occurs, and its complete dysfunction may also occur. Atrophy of the gluteal, femoral or calf muscles is observed. Motor functions are also impaired, for example, it is difficult for the patient to turn the foot, bend the toes, and bend the shins. All this happens due to immobilization of the hamstring muscle, which is responsible for the mobility of the lower extremities. Abnormal neurological reflexes appear, which, if diagnosis is difficult, require consultation with a rheumatologist and angiosurgeon.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis and treatment of sciatica is carried out by a neurologist. You should not self-medicate and at the first sensation of pain you should seek help from a competent specialist. Since inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a syndrome that accompanies various diseases, then first of all it is necessary to identify the cause that caused the pain.

Only an experienced and qualified specialist can diagnose the etiology inflammatory process and prescribe adequate treatment. To do this, a neurologist prescribes the following examination:

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical analysis blood;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the lumbosacral spine;
  • radioisotope scanning of the spine if neoplasms are suspected;
  • X-ray in different projections, which will confirm or exclude serious bone changes.

How to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Treatment of this disease is carried out by a set of complex therapeutic measures. As a rule, there is no general treatment for patients with sciatica; the course of treatment is selected strictly individually in each specific case.

However, there are still general treatment methods, which include the following methods:

  • treatment regimen;
  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic methods;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • sanitary resort treatment.

Treatment regimen

In case of acute pain, the patient takes a special position for the body, which alleviates his condition. In this case, it is recommended to sleep only on a hard mattress and completely immobilize the body, giving up physical activity.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy includes pharmacological drugs, namely: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, muscle relaxants, painkillers, vitamin and mineral complexes to maintain the general condition of the patient. Local anesthetics (ointments, creams and gels) are also prescribed to relieve spastic pain, as they have an irritating effect.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Physiotherapeutic methods are very effective and are an important component in the complex treatment of sciatica. The following procedures are considered especially effective:

  • warming compresses;
  • warming up;
  • paraffin baths;
  • UHF therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis.

Physiotherapy in combination with medications is very effective: anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, analgesics, muscle relaxants.


Massage is also an effective method that is part of a complex of therapeutic measures. It is carried out in courses only after the patient’s condition improves and the acute process subsides, since during acute inflammation massage is strictly contraindicated. Competent, professional massage helps reduce pain, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This massage improves the conductivity of the injured nerve.


IN complex treatment sciatica also includes physical therapy. Exercises are selected strictly on an individual basis, but they can be carried out only after drug therapy and the extinction of the acute stage of the disease. Sometimes minimal loads are indicated even for patients who are prescribed bed rest. In this case, they are performed while lying in bed. As you recover, physical activity gradually increases.

After the acute period has subsided, the patient can be recommended to visit the pool. This is very useful, since water can extremely relax the sciatic nerve, and at the same time create the necessary gentle load on the muscle tissue located around the nerve.

With timely and adequate treatment of sciatica, the pain syndrome is quickly blocked, and all complex therapeutic measures completely relieve inflammation. However, in advanced cases, inflammation of the sciatic nerve quickly turns into chronic stage. Thus, periodic courses of treatment do not have the desired effect and do not alleviate the patient’s condition. This situation is a recommendation for surgical intervention.

Sanitary spa treatment and mud therapy

This treatment is consolidating and is carried out after complex treatment and a period of exacerbation. Mud therapy and hydrotherapy using radon and hydrogen sulfide baths are especially effective. Sanitary-spa treatment helps to improve health, increase immunity, improve mood and a positive attitude towards life, which is as important in a person’s recovery as a set of therapeutic measures.


Surgical intervention is necessary only when the disease is accompanied by severe and persistent pain, as well as in severe dysfunction of the pelvic organs. When identifying pathology of intervertebral discs, the most effective is microdiscectomy, which is carried out using special fiber-optic instruments and equipment.

When is urgent medical attention needed?

Since inflammation of the sciatic nerve can be caused by more serious diseases, it is necessary to know in which cases it is necessary to immediately seek help. medical care.

You should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • at high temperature body up to 39 - 40°, especially when it increases for no reason (there are no symptoms of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or colds);
  • with unbearable and increasing pain, which spreads not only along the entire length of the nerve, but also to other parts of the body;
  • pain in the buttocks, legs, pelvis is accompanied by numbness and prevents the patient from moving freely;
  • involuntary incontinence of urine and feces is observed;
  • swelling appears in the back area;
  • there is redness of the skin on the lower back.

Injections for inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Complex treatment of sciatica gives good results, but do not forget that the lion's share of the positive effects in this set of measures is given to medications, which are much more effective as injections. Of course, they resort to injections in the case of a severe acute process or in case of exacerbation of chronic sciatica.

The following methods of drug administration exist:

  • intramuscular administration;
  • intravenous;
  • epidural (injection of medication into the space of the spinal column).

As a rule, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often prescribed:

  • indomethacin;
  • ibuprofen;
  • diclofenac.

These drugs have a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. They are able to block the production of an enzyme called prostaglandin, as well as neutralize its effect, since this enzyme is the main cause of pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not addictive, but have a number of serious side effects.

However, it happens that the above-mentioned drugs do not provide adequate relief and do not neutralize inflammatory processes. In this case, another treatment is prescribed in the form of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of hormonal origin. These medications have a remarkable effect: they completely block pain, give lightness and mobility to joints, and relax muscles. The patient feels ease of movement and a surge of strength.

In order for the medication to have a prolonged effect, it must be introduced into the epidural space, moving further and further as close as possible to the damaged nerve. The epidural space is located between the dura mater of the spinal cord and the periosteum of the vertebrae, which contain connective tissue and venous plexuses. Administration of the drug in this way brings long-term relief to patients, completely eliminating the symptoms of inflammation and pain. To consolidate the result, it is necessary to re-administer the medicine. An important step in the treatment of acute sciatica is the administration of analgesics by injection. Analgesics, entering the bloodstream, quickly block pain, bringing great relief to the patient.

Painkillers include:

  1. Analgesics. In case of intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs of this group are prescribed. They not only eliminate pain, but also reduce temperature and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Glucocorticoids. In the acute stage of sciatica with severe pain, analgesics are not always effective. In this case, glucocorticoids are prescribed: prednisolone and dexamethasone. These drugs very quickly relieve inflammation and neutralize pain. Glucocorticoids are especially effective for the epidural type of drug administration.
  3. Novocaine blockade. Novocaine is a very effective means of pain relief because it acts on nerve endings, preventing pain impulses from penetrating the central nervous system. In case of intolerance to novocaine, it is replaced with lidocaine.
  4. Narcotic analgesics. These medications are used for severe and unbearable pain. They are also powerful pain relievers.
  5. Muscle relaxants. These drugs are prescribed in cases where, in addition to pain, the patient feels severe muscle spasms. As a rule, drugs in this group are used in addition to treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

There are also a number of other effective remedies that effectively eliminate inflammation of the sciatic nerve:

  1. Arthrozan. This drug is usually prescribed for arthrosis of the joints, but since arthrozan is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, its use for sciatica is quite appropriate. Tablets and injections this drug relieve inflammation, eliminate pain and reduce temperature.
  2. Voltaren. The drug also belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is very effective for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. It is administered intramuscularly during the first three days. Voltaren is not injected into the affected buttock so as not to provoke increased pain.
  3. Ketorol. Injections of ketorol, which also belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, have a strong analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It inhibits the action of prostaglandins and prevents its production. It is the most effective drug in this group.
  4. Prozerin. Proserin injections are prescribed only in emergency cases, in case of significant pain syndrome, when the pain is not relieved by any other painkillers.

Effective methods for eliminating pain and inflammation are a variety of gels and ointments that need to be rubbed into the skin until the pain in the lumbar region completely calms. To improve performance immune system Patients with sciatica are prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes that can activate metabolic processes.

In this article we will look at how to treat the sciatic nerve at home. Let's consider the advice of doctors, the most effective folk remedies, reviews on the treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which helped readers of the newspaper “Herald of Healthy Lifestyle” get rid of pinching quickly and forever.

What is the sciatic nerve?
Sciatic nerve– nerve of the sacral plexus. It is formed from plexuses of nerve fibers arising from the lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord. As it descends the leg, the nerve branches into two directions - the tibial and peroneal nerves.
The sciatic nerve is the largest and thickest nerve in our body.
A nerve is a bundle of nerve fibers that are covered with a membrane called the endoneurium.
The sciatic nerve is responsible for sensation, strength and reflexes in the lower extremities.

Where is the sciatic nerve located? The nerve begins in the lumbar region, passes through the buttocks, the back of the thighs, shins, heels, and reaches the fingertips. You can see more details in the figure.

Inflammation and pinching of the sciatic nerve are the cause of a disease accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower extremities, which modern medicine calls neuropathy (outdated names are sciatica and radiculitis). Sciatica occurs due to damage (pinching or inflammation) of the roots spinal nerves lumbosacral spine.
The disease occurs in 10% of the adult population. Especially often - after the age of 40.

  • The main symptom of inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve is severe shooting pain.
  • When small nerve fibers are damaged, the pain is burning, stabbing, shooting, reminiscent of the pain of a burn.
  • When the spinal roots are compressed, the pain is most often pressing, pulling, aching.
  • In addition to pain, other symptoms are present: tingling, burning, numbness in the lower leg.
  • If the disease is long-standing, then the knee begins to work with difficulty, weakness appears in the gluteal-gastrocnemius muscle, which leads to lameness and curvature of the spine.

The main symptom of sciatica is pain in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve.

  • As a rule, the pain is localized on one side of the body, and on the opposite side there is numbness in the corresponding area, which is periodically replaced by tingling. However, it happens that both legs hurt at the same time.
  • The intensity of the symptoms of inflammation may vary. Initially, the pain is mild and intensifies with physical activity, coughing, sneezing and laughing. As inflammation develops discomfort are growing. The pain is constantly present, becoming especially intense at night. The patient may wake up from attacks. In severe cases, the patient cannot move due to severe pain.
  • With sciatica, there may be decreased mobility in the joints of the knees or feet.
  • Weakened or abnormal neurological reflexes.
  • Increasing pain when trying to lift a straight leg up

To make a diagnosis, you should consult a neurologist. A general and biochemical blood test will help confirm the diagnosis. x-rays, performed in different projections, standing and lying positions, magnetic resonance imaging.

Sometimes an additional visit to another specialist may be required: a rheumatologist, a vascular surgeon, a vertebrologist.

Urgent medical consultation is required:

  • if, against the background of pain, body temperature rises to 38 degrees Celsius,
  • swelling appears on the back or the skin turns red,
  • the pain gradually spreads to new areas of the body,
  • there is a strong burning sensation in the pelvic area, thighs, legs, which makes it difficult to walk,
  • there is a burning sensation when urinating, problems with holding urine and feces arise.

Elena Malysheva about the symptoms of sciatica:

The cause of nerve inflammation can be:

  1. Hypothermia
  2. Hard physical work
  3. Stress, nervous breakdown
  4. Intervertebral hernia
  5. Overweight
  6. Sitting for long periods of time in an incorrect position (for example, in front of a monitor)

Comprehensive treatment of inflammation.

Treatment of sciatica is a complex of procedures; it is selected differently for each patient and depends on the specific symptoms and severity of the condition.
Treatment includes:

  • Bed rest during periods of acute pain.
  • Medicines: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, vitamins are used, ointments and gels of irritating action are applied topically, which relieve pain and reduce spastic syndrome.
  • Physiotherapy: Warming compresses, heating, electro or phonophoresis are prescribed.
  • Massage begin to be carried out after the acute process has subsided, it helps reduce pain, increases the conductivity of the damaged nerve, improves blood supply and lymph flow, and prevents muscle wasting.
  • Physiotherapy: After establishing the cause of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, an exercise program is individually selected for the patient, some of which must be performed already in the first days of the illness, while lying in bed. As motor activity is restored, the load is gradually increased. Activities in the pool are also recommended.
  • Surgical treatment indicated in cases where conservative methods do not work and severe pain becomes chronic, as well as in severe disorders of the pelvic organs

Disease prevention

To prevent inflammation of the sciatic nerve, it is necessary to pay attention to maintaining the tone of the back muscles, you should do strengthening exercises and control correct posture during sedentary work, take regular breaks and warm-up, avoid injuries, do not lift heavy objects, and avoid hypothermia.

How to treat the sciatic nerve - advises 1st category doctor O.V. Antonovskaya.
If you experience symptoms similar to those of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis before starting treatment. Similar symptoms can be caused by renal colic, which occurs when sand passes through the ureter, and acute inflammatory diseases in the pelvis.
Sciatic nerve diseases are diagnosed using MRI and X-rays.
Only after an accurate diagnosis can you begin treatment at home.

Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve - what to do at home?

First of all, the patient should lie down on a flat bed and wrap a warm scarf around his lower back. Quickly apply any dry heat - it will only be beneficial.

Drug treatment of the sciatic nerve (sciatica).

To remove the symptoms of inflammation or pinching, complex treatment will be required.

  • If the sciatic nerve hurts so much that it is impossible to tolerate, painkillers are used. Pain is very exhausting for a person, and this slows down the recovery process.
  • Tablets and injections. In the first 3-4 days, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the form of injections to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve: ibuprofan, declofenac, voltaren. Then they are replaced with tablets from the same group. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, tablets can be replaced with corresponding suppositories, ointments, gels and patches with the same names.
  • In especially severe cases, when the patient is bedridden, hormones are used in the treatment of sciatica under the supervision of a physician. They very effectively relieve swelling and inflammation of the nerve roots.
  • Physiotherapy will help relieve sciatica pain and inflammation: Bernard currents, electrophoresis, phonophoresis, detensor therapy. Swimming, massage, and hirudotherapy are useful for sciatica.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies will complement the effect of medications and help you quickly cope with the disease at home. You will find recipes and reviews from those who were cured in this article.

Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies.

  1. The most effective and fastest folk remedy for treating the sciatic nerve is dry heat on the painful area.
  2. Another available folk method for treating sciatica is a radish compress. Grate the black radish on a coarse grater, place it on a waterproof mat, cover the radish with 2-3 layers of gauze and lie on a compress with your sore back for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Salo with pepper is a simple homemade way to quickly cure sciatica. Grind hot peppers in a meat grinder. Mix with the same volume of pork fat and grind well. Rub this mixture into the skin of the lower back 2 times a day.
  4. Traditional medicine recommends a clay cake for the treatment of sciatica. You need to knead the dough from rye flour or clay, make a flat cake and bandage it to the sore spot until the morning.
  5. Treatment of sciatica with saline solution. If the sciatic nerve is inflamed, rub your body with salt water 2 times a week: 2 tablespoons of sea salt per 1 liter of water.
  6. All these activities will help in quick treatment sciatic nerve. The speed of recovery depends on the patient’s persistence. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2013, No. 19 p.12-13.

How to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve with herbs.

Herbs for sciatica are a simple and affordable home remedy.

  • Rubbing out Indian onion- an effective home method for treating inflammation. Fill a half-liter jar with Indian onion shoots, add alcohol and leave for a week. The tincture is hot and can burn the skin. Rub once a day at night.
  • Rubbed from wild rosemary. Mix 2 tablespoons of chopped wild rosemary herb with 5 tablespoons sunflower oil. Simmer over low heat for 1 hour, leave for 6 hours, strain. Rub the sore areas once a day, preferably at night.
  • Herbal compresses. Nighttime wraps made from steamed leaves of birch, coltsfoot, and wormwood help relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Herbs are taken in equal parts and mixed with curdled milk 1:1
  • How to treat sciatica with harmala herb.
    Harmala herb is a very effective remedy in the treatment of the sciatic nerve, paralysis, diseases of the spleen, intestines, kidneys, rheumatism, and neurasthenia.
    Pour 1 teaspoon of herb into 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day half an hour before meals. A decoction of harmala herb cannot be stored for more than a day, so a new decoction must be made every day. Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2013, No. 14 p. 16.

Burdock for inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

A 20-year-old girl caught a bad cold. The cold sciatic nerve became inflamed. The pain was so piercing that she could not even lift her leg onto the step. The clinic tried to treat sciatica with various means, but to no avail. And the burdock helped. First, they rubbed the lower back with ointment with bee venom, then applied burdock and wrapped her up all night. Several procedures helped for life. Review of the treatment of sciatica with burdock from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 1 p. 29.
For sciatica and radiculitis, fresh burdock leaves are washed with water, and dry leaves are steamed. Apply a layer of 5-6 leaves to the sore spot. Cover the top with paper for compresses and a warm scarf. Folk method of treatment with burdock from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2001, No. 11 p. eleven.

Compress with herbal infusion for sciatica. Pour 1 tablespoon of aspen leaves or 1 tablespoon of pine buds into 1 glass hot water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Soak a cloth in the warm broth, apply it to the sore spot, put polyethylene and a warm scarf on top. Keep the compress for half an hour.
An ointment made from burdock roots relieves sciatica pain.
1 tablespoon of burdock roots and 100 grams of pork fat were simmered until softened, everything was mixed well and rubbed on the inflamed area. Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 3 p.33.

Massage treatment at home.

Massage is one of the most popular and effective home treatment methods.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve with massage - advice from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH.
A nagging, aching pain due to pinching and inflammation of the sciatic nerve did not give the man peace, especially intensifying at night. A reader of the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH learned how to cope with sciatica using folk remedies and massage.

  1. A man massages the sciatic nerve with some burning ointments for 25-30 minutes every day. Make the ointment yourself: 2 parts vegetable oil and 1 part ammonia.
  2. When it was not possible to massage, I placed dry cups on the sacrum and the back of the thighs.
  3. I rubbed the sore spots with agave juice - indoor plant: the leaf was cut lengthwise, the spines were cut off and the leaf was rubbed onto the skin. Agave, especially its old leaves, can burn the skin, so do the procedures carefully.

How to relieve sciatica pain with honey massage.

The woman suffered from neuropathy of the sciatic nerve, the pain was so severe that she could not sleep for a week. After they started giving her a honey massage, the pain went away.
For honey massage you need to take 1 tsp. honey, spread on the lower back, wait until the honey is absorbed. Then lightly rub it in with your palm, and then rub in, patting harder and harder. The sensation is painful, as if the skin is being removed. Massage until the skin is covered with plaque.
Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 18, p. 31.

Vacuum massage helped with a pinched sciatic nerve.

The man had a pinched sciatic nerve. He was given a prescription that helped a patient friend cure his sciatic nerve in 9 procedures. The man has done a lot more procedures, but he forgot about the pinching forever. You need to find painful spots on the buttocks and lubricate them with cream. Cut the potatoes in half, insert 7 matches into each half. Place one half of a potato on each buttock on the sore spots and light matches on them. Cover with half-liter jars and keep for 10 minutes. The wife treated her husband for 5 months, doing procedures once every three days. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 1, p. 35.

How to quickly cure the sciatic nerve with massage.

The woman constantly had problems with the sciatic nerve, which made her go numb right leg. I read in Healthy Lifestyle that an 81-year-old grandmother solves a similar problem with the help of a rubber hammer - tapping herself on the sore spots. The woman did not have such a hammer, so she used an empty one for massage. plastic bottle. The neck must be screwed on with a lid to ensure elasticity. He taps himself along the nerve, the condition quickly improves. Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2003, No. 7, p. 6.

Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve at home - advice from those who have recovered.

  • Grinding vodka with salt.
    Use this folk remedy to treat the sciatic nerve at home: add 1 glass of salt to 500 ml of vodka and stir. Rub this mixture onto the sore area overnight. This remedy will help both with inflammation of the sciatic nerve and with pain in the joints and spine. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 2 p. 31).
    Treatment of sciatica with salt. An example of recovery.
    The woman’s sciatic nerve became inflamed and was very painful. She was suggested a folk remedy for sciatica - rubbing with salt, and was told that she needed to rub for 10 days. She dissolved a glass of salt in two glasses of vodka, stirring the mixture until completely dissolved. She rubbed the sore spot with this solution and went straight to bed. After five days, the pain went away and she stopped rubbing. But after 3 days the pain returned again. Then the patient completed a full course of 10 procedures, as expected. Since then there has been no more inflammation of the nerve. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 1, p. 29).
  • Salt wool compresses are a simple folk method for treating the sciatic nerve.
    In folk medicine, a salt compress made from wool has been successfully used to treat sciatica. It is better to take unkempt wool. The wool was soaked in a hot saturated saline solution and dried, after which it was applied to the sore spot.
    You can simply take a piece of woolen cloth that is the size to cover the sore spot. Soak this flap in salt water (2.5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), squeeze, apply to the sore spot and secure with a bandage. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2013, No. 21 p. 33).
  • Treatment of sciatica with beets. Review.
    The woman's sciatic nerve became inflamed and the pain was unbearable. She grated 200 grams of beets, squeezed them out, added 1 tablespoon of tar, put them on a napkin and applied them to the sore spot, with paper for compresses and a sheet on top. I kept it for 5 hours, the pain subsided quickly - after the first compress. But to consolidate the success, the woman performed the procedure 2 more times. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2013, No. 2, p. 33).
  • How to treat the sciatic nerve with turpentine ointment.
    Effectively helped in the treatment of sciatica turpentine ointment. The woman rubbed the painful areas with ointment 3-4 times a day, tied it and walked around, as if wearing a belt, to warm it up. The tablets relieved the pain only temporarily, but turpentine ointment was able to cure sciatica forever. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 21, p. 33).
  • Comfrey ointment is a good way to treat the sciatic nerve.
    In the treatment of sciatica with folk remedies good effect gives the use of comfrey ointment. The ointment can be made from one comfrey, or you can add 1 part of white acacia flowers and 1 part of chestnut flowers to 5 parts of comfrey. Moisten this mixture or just the comfrey with vodka and let stand for 30 minutes. Then take 3 parts pork for 1 part of raw material lard, or better yet, horse fat. Simmer all this in the oven for 2-3 hours, avoiding boiling.
    Apply the ointment to the sore spot, cover with a linen cloth, or better yet, burdock, and bandage it. Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 10, p. 28.
  • Comfrey tincture.
    Pre-moisten 50 grams of dry comfrey root, then pour in 700 ml of moonshine, leave for 7 days, shaking 3 times a day. Do not strain. Rub the tincture on the sore spot from bottom to top 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days, break 3 days. The courses are continued until the condition improves. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2008, No. 14, p. 28).
  • Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home by fasting.
    A woman suffered from inflammation of the sciatic nerve in her leg. The pain in my leg was terrible. At the hospital, she was prescribed medicines worth 1.5 thousand rubles. She didn’t have any extra money, so she decided to treat sciatica by fasting. I didn’t eat food for 4 days, the pain began to subside, and then completely disappeared. Now she fasts for 36 hours once a week. There were no relapses of the disease. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 5, p. 4).
  • Pine buds.
    Pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. l. pine buds 500 ml boiling water, leave for 8 hours. Drink 50 ml of infusion, diluting 1:1 with warm water for 20 minutes. before meals, 3-4 times a day. Make warm compresses from the same infusion on sore spots. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 3, p. 13).
  • Bed made of poplar leaves.
    A woman can save herself from inflammation of the sciatic nerve using poplar leaves; they relieve inflammation and pain well. He sleeps on them at night and often lies down during the day. He lays an old sheet on the bed, scatters leaves on it and sleeps. In the morning the leaves become black and dry, and the pain disappears. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 19, p. 31).
  • Horseradish compresses.
    A woman managed to cure an inflamed sciatic nerve in this way: she took half a glass of grated horseradish root and potatoes, added 1 tbsp. l. honey and stirred. I laid out the resulting mass in a layer of 1-1.5 cm in double-folded gauze. I lubricated the lower back. vegetable oil, applied a compress, secured it with polyethylene and insulated it. I kept the compress with horseradish for about an hour, it burned very much.
    The woman treated sciatica with horseradish 4 or 5 times every 2-3 days. I forgot about the pain. Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2007, No. 11, p. 30, 2005, No. 17, p. 29, 2000, No. 13, p. 18.
  • "Shitty milk."
    Do not spare 12 liters of milk to get rid of sciatica forever.
    Grind 1 kg of dry or fresh horseradish and mix with 12 liters of milk. Heat the mixture, pour it into a basin and sit in this basin. Sit until the milk cools down. Then pour the milk into jars and put it in the refrigerator. Repeat the procedures every other day, do 6-8 procedures. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2005, No. 6, p. 32).
  • When the sciatic nerve is pinched, tincture of golden mustache helps.
    About 30 knees of the “golden mustache” plant are infused in 0.5 liters of vodka for 21 days, shaking. At night you need to rub the sore spots with the tincture. Take the same orally 3 times a day, adding a drop every day. Start with 3 drops and work up to 30 drops. Then back, decreasing one drop at a time.
    You can also treat pinching with cinquefoil - make a tincture and apply it in the same way as a golden mustache. (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 17, p. 31).
  • Treatment of the sciatic nerve with red brick and turpentine.
    A man suffered from a severe cold after swimming in a cold river. A neurologist gave him “informal” advice: heat a red stove brick, wrap it in a blanket and place it under the sore spot. When the brick has cooled, rub in turpentine. The brick helped the man quickly get rid of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. And then he helped his friends too. Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 9, p. 24.

Pinched sciatic nerve - symptoms and treatment at home.

The second cause of severe shooting pain in the back is pinching of the sciatic nerve. Let's look at the symptoms of pinching and figure out how to cure it at home.
Advice from a neurologist at the Moscow Medical Complex on Polyanka, Dr. medical sciences Toropina G.G.

What is a pinched sciatic nerve, its symptoms

Pinching (pinching) of the sciatic nerve- this is a pathology that develops as a result of compression of the nerve, while the nerve sheath is not damaged.
Previously this disease was called lumbar radiculitis or a shot.

Symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve.
The main symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve is severe pain in the lower back and legs.
What nerve damage leads to pain?

Causes of neuralgia (pinching) of the sciatic nerve.

In 90% of cases, the cause of neuralgia is compression (pinching) of the nerve roots at their exit from the spinal cord.
The causes of pinching can be different:

  1. Intervertebral hernia - if an intervertebral disc ruptures, a hernia protrudes from it, and a vertebra sag and compresses a nerve, then the pain hits the person, sharp and unbearable. If the disease is not treated, skin sensitivity and muscle strength in the legs are soon lost. In an even more advanced stage, the leg muscles die, the foot sags, ulcers appear on the skin of the legs, and urinary incontinence occurs.
  2. Osteochondrosis. This is the most common cause of pinching of the sciatic nerve; the nerve roots are compressed by bone growths, and since they do not grow quickly, neuralgic pain intensifies gradually. They are not as strong as in the first case.
  3. Incorrectly given injection in the buttock may cause neuralgia. Injections should always be given only in the upper outer quarter of the buttock.

How to treat a pinched sciatic nerve at home?

If you fight only pain and do not try to eliminate the causes that disrupt the functioning of the nerve, then the pinching of the sciatic nerve will go into an advanced stage, which is very difficult to cure.
First of all, you need to find out cause of neuralgia, To do this, immediately after the first painful attack, consult a doctor. The doctor will order an X-ray of the spine or magnetic resonance imaging. These examinations can detect tumors, osteoporosis, and spinal disc herniations. In the first case, antitumor therapy is prescribed; in the latter, surgery may be indicated.
The operation is prescribed only in the most extreme cases, when the hernia causes severe pain, muscle strength in the legs is impaired, and skin sensitivity disappears. Such spinal decompression surgeries are performed free of charge through small incisions, and complications are rare. The patient begins to walk after 10-14 days.

How to cure a pinched sciatic nerve without surgery.

Tips from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2013, No. 19, pp. 12-13.
Here are the top tips for treating a pinched sciatic nerve at home:

  1. Movement and gymnastics. Those who are engaged in sedentary work or work where the body is motionless and tense for a long time, do a warm-up for 5-7 minutes once an hour. Walk with a relaxed gait, stretch, swing your arms, legs, smooth turns left and right, and squats as you walk.
  2. Listen to the pain. If a nerve is pinched, heavy loads are contraindicated. Start working gradually, if pain occurs, rest and relax. The pain that appears will tell you what movements should not be made and what weights should not be lifted.
  3. Warm. The most reliable way to relieve pain when the sciatic nerve is pinched is heat in any form, preferably dry. Heat relieves muscle spasms that cause pain. To make heat work better, it is useful to combine it with a relaxing muscle massage and warming ointments. The irritating effect of the ointment blocks pain signals from the damaged nerve and relieves pain. It is better to combine these three actions (ointment, massage, heat) in a strong rubbing massage of the sciatic areas with irritating ointments and subsequent warming. The sciatic zones are the inner surfaces of the thighs and lower legs, the top of the foot. Massage for pinching should last at least 30 minutes in the morning and at night. After massaging the sciatic nerve, apply bags of hot sand, salt or cereal to the sore spots.
  4. Nerve restoration. It is impossible to cure sciatic neuralgia if you only fight pain. Need to apply special means to treat the sciatic nerve itself.
    Treatment of the sciatic nerve is carried out in four directions:
    a) Restore blood microcirculation in the “vascular sheath” of the sciatic nerve. To do this, use the drug trental - 1 tablet 3 times a day in courses of 1 month.
    b) Relieve swelling of the compressed nerve. For this, diuretics are used (furosemide, 1 tablet in the morning)
    c) Relieve inflammation (prednisolone in the form of injections and blockades)
    d) Restore the nervous system with the help of B vitamins (B1, B6, B12)
  5. If damage to the sciatic nerve is a consequence of a severe form of diabetes, alpha-lipoic acid preparations should also be included in the treatment of neuralgia.

Treatment of pinching with folk remedies.

How to quickly and permanently cure pinching at home? Below are reviews of successful treatment from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”.

  • Treatment of pinched sciatic nerve with honey, horseradish and potatoes.
    A woman managed to cure a pinched sciatic nerve with the following folk remedy: she took half a glass of grated horseradish root and potatoes, added 1 tbsp. l. honey and stirred. She folded the gauze into 2 layers, placed the resulting mass there in a layer of 1-1.5 cm. The granddaughter lubricated her back with vegetable oil, applied a compress, on top of it was polyethylene and a heavy pillow. The patient covered herself with a warm blanket and lay there for about an hour. The skin burned very much, it seemed that it would peel off, but the skin only turned red. The woman performed several such procedures, with an interval of 1-2 days. I completely forgot about pain and sciatica.
    Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2001, No. 10, p. 19.
  • How to cure the sciatic nerve forever at home with fir oil.
    In the evening, the woman made a compress with fir oil, covered the top with a plastic bag and leaned against the hot stove (you can use a heating pad or a bag of heated salt). It stung very much, but she endured it for two hours, after which she removed the compress. The next morning from fir oil there was a small burn, but the patient forever forgot what sciatic neuralgia was. Those who are afraid of burns can apply vegetable oil to the skin under a compress.

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Pinching (pinching) of the sciatic nerve is a pathological condition that develops as a result of compression of the nerve, while the myelin sheath is not damaged. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body, it begins in the sacral region and reaches the phalanges of the fingers of the lower limb and heel. Contains motor and sensory nerve fibers, innervates the knee and hip joints.

Most often, pinching of the sciatic nerve occurs in the area of ​​the piriformis muscle (lumen of the sciatic foramen) or vertebral discs. The pathology is accompanied by pain in the leg. In most cases, pinching is unilateral, much less common in pathological process both limbs are involved. The condition can lead to inflammation (sciatica), complicated by severe pain. Men engaged in heavy physical work are more susceptible to pinching the sciatic nerve.

Synonyms: sciatica, lumbosacral radiculopathy.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve often occurs while performing any activity that requires sudden movements, as a result long stay in an awkward position, restrictions on motor activity, excessive load on the lumbar region.

Often, pinching occurs against the background of other pathologies, which include:

  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • spinal injuries with vertebral displacement;
  • abscess or neoplasm in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve;
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine;
  • displacement of spinal structures (spondylolisthesis);
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • gout;
  • sepsis;
  • diabetes;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • infections (most often influenza, whooping cough, rubella, bone tuberculosis, malaria);
  • blood clots;
  • acute intoxication;
  • hypothermia.

In addition, the cause may be muscle spasms along the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve in women is often pinched during pregnancy due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on neighboring organs and increased load on the spine due to a shift in the center of gravity of the body, as well as in cases where a pregnant woman takes an uncomfortable body position. Another period of increased risk of symptoms of pinched sciatic nerve in women is menopause, due to changes in hormonal levels.

Risk factors include:

  • poisoning with alcohol, heavy metals, neurotropic toxic substances;
  • smoking;
  • herpes zoster in the projection of the sciatic nerve;
  • overweight;
  • deficit minerals in organism.

Depending on the severity, there are three forms of pinched sciatic nerve:

A severe form of sciatic nerve pinching may be accompanied by signs of spinal cord damage and immobilization of the patient.

In most cases, the pinching is unilateral; much less often, both limbs are involved in the pathological process.

Signs of a pinched sciatic nerve

Pain syndrome is the most typical manifestation of sciatic nerve pinching. The pain can be of different types (sharp, aching, shooting, throbbing, pulling). As a rule, pain is noted in the lumbar region, buttocks; along the back of the thigh, the pain goes down to the lower leg and heel, radiating to the fingers of the lower limb. Sometimes there is numbness along the nerve, as well as burning and/or tingling of the skin. Pain can increase in a sitting position, when coughing, laughing, muscle tension, etc. In addition to pain, difficulties arise when walking, standing for long periods of time, and lameness may develop (on one leg with unilateral pinching or on both legs with bilateral pinching).

In men, signs of pinching may resemble manifestations of prostatitis. Symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve in women vary depending on the cause and extent of the damage. It has been noted that women often have no discomfort in the lower back.

The most common symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve include:

  • muscle atrophy and muscle weakness;
  • sensitivity disorders (increase or decrease);
  • dry skin;
  • the appearance of pathological reflexes;
  • feeling of crawling sensations;
  • increased sweating of the feet;
  • restriction of leg/leg movement.


Diagnosis of a pinched sciatic nerve is usually not difficult due to the specific clinical picture. As a rule, the diagnosis is made during an objective examination of the patient, collecting complaints and anamnesis. However, in order to avoid relapses, it is necessary to determine the factors that contributed to the occurrence of pinched sciatic nerve.

To determine the cause that determined the development of the pathological process, the following instrumental and laboratory methods diagnostics:

  • X-ray examination of the lumbar and pelvic area;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography of the lumbar region;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • radioisotope scan of the spine (if the presence of neoplasms is suspected);
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis; and etc.

A study of reflexes is carried out, the presence of Bonnet's symptom, Lasegue's symptom, a decrease in the plantar, Achilles and knee reflexes is determined, and sensitivity on the affected side is assessed.

Pain syndrome is the most typical manifestation of sciatic nerve pinching. The pain can be of different types (sharp, aching, shooting, throbbing, pulling).

Required differential diagnosis with a hernia intervertebral disc. A hernia is characterized by a longer development of the pathological process, as well as relapses of neuralgic manifestations.

Treatment of pinched sciatic nerve

The traditional treatment regimen for pinched sciatic nerve is a combination of drug therapy and physiotherapeutic methods. In some cases, surgical intervention is required.

In case of pinching of the sciatic nerve, hospitalization of the patient is not necessary. Provided the patient complies with the doctor's instructions, treatment can be carried out at home. For acute pain that prevents the patient from walking and/or staying in bed for a long time vertical position, bed rest is indicated for a period of several days to a week. Due to the need for a fixed body position during periods of acute pain, it is recommended to use a hard mattress.

In the treatment of sciatic nerve pinching, the drugs of choice are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are prescribed as intramuscular injections or orally (capsules or tablets). When administering non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs orally, there is a risk of developing gastritis and/or peptic ulcer Therefore, the use of proton pump inhibitors is indicated.

If the sciatic nerve is pinched due to muscle spasms, healing effect is achieved by using drugs that improve blood circulation (venotonics). For severe muscle spasms, antispasmodic drugs and/or muscle relaxants are prescribed. In addition, the purpose is shown vitamin complexes, as well as drugs that improve metabolism.

General therapy is complemented by local therapy - anti-inflammatory and warming agents are used in the form of ointments or gels.

Men engaged in heavy physical work are more susceptible to pinching the sciatic nerve.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also prescribed to complement the action of medications. These methods include:

  • electro-, phonophoresis of medicinal substances;
  • UHF therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • paraffin applications;
  • laser therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • hydrogen sulfide, radon baths;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation of the affected area.

Acupuncture and acupressure may be used, as well as manual therapy(prescription should be approached with caution, in some cases it is not recommended).

During the rehabilitation period, physical therapy, swimming, yoga, Pilates provide a good effect, however, these methods can only be used if the patient’s condition is satisfactory and he does not have acute pain. During the period of remission, patients are recommended to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment.

Possible complications and consequences

Pinched sciatic nerve can be complicated by the following conditions:

  • intense pain syndrome;
  • disruption of internal organs;
  • sleep disorders;
  • decreased libido;
  • menstrual cycle disorders in women;
  • infertility;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • violations of the evacuation function of the intestines and bladder;
  • a sharp decrease in motor activity, up to immobilization.

With timely and adequate treatment for sciatic nerve pinching, the changes caused by it are completely reversible, and the prognosis is favorable.


To prevent pinching of the sciatic nerve, it is recommended:

  • adjust body weight if you are overweight;
  • avoid carrying heavy objects; lift loads only with correct weight distribution and with a straight back;
  • control posture;
  • periodically resort to general massage;
  • sleep on a surface of moderate hardness.

In order to prevent relapses and complications, patients with pinched sciatic nerve are recommended to:

  • balanced balanced diet;
  • avoid prolonged sitting, especially on soft chairs;
  • avoid sudden turns of the body, bending;
  • Avoid hypothermia, especially the lumbar region.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Pinched sciatic nerve - main symptoms:

  • Burning in the legs
  • Muscle weakness
  • Tingling in the legs
  • Gait disturbance
  • Leg pain
  • Impaired limb mobility
  • Violation motor function legs
  • Sweaty feet
  • Petrification of leg muscles

Pinched sciatic nerve is a condition characterized by pain in the lower extremities and impaired mobility due to impaired innervation. Pain in this pathology spreads along the sciatic nerve, and depending on where the pinching occurs, there will be pain in one or another part of the legs.

Often, pinching occurs on one side; both limbs are extremely rarely affected. Therefore, the sensation of nagging pain in the gluteal muscle, thigh, lower leg of the right or left leg may be evidence of the development of this pathology.

More often this pathology develops due to the presence of an intervertebral hernia in a person. This pathological condition, as well as ruptures of intervertebral discs extending beyond the spinal column, leads to the development of pinching of the spinal nerve roots. And since the sciatic nerve is precisely formed by the roots of the lumbar and upper sacral nerves, then in the case of the development of a vertebral hernia in the lumbar or sacral region, this pathology progresses.

The second, no less common reason is a pathology such as osteochondrosis, which today occurs in 80% of people due to poor lifestyle and low mobility. Osteochondrosis is a disease that occurs against the background of metabolic disorders and the formation of salt deposits in different areas, including in the sacrum and lumbar region. Osteochondrosis can develop at a young age, but more often people over 40 suffer from this disease, since with age the blood supply to the vertebrae is disrupted and metabolic processes in our body worsen.

Other reasons causing this pathological condition are:

  • lifting weights;
  • tumor-like processes in the spine area;
  • hypothermia of the sacral region;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • General illnesses, such as abscesses.

Separately, it should be said about pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy. Women's weight increases greatly during pregnancy, so spinal column experiences excessive stress, which can lead to pinching of the sciatic nerve.

In addition, pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy also occurs due to the woman adopting an atypical position - when the spine tilts back, due to increased load on the anterior abdominal wall in order to maintain the body in balance. Pregnant women develop a so-called duck walk, which occurs due to the divergence of the pelvic bones. All these physiological changes in a woman’s body during this period can cause pinching of the sciatic nerve.

Also, women encounter this pathology during menopause, when, again, due to hormonal imbalance she gains excess weight, which increases the load on the spinal column.

If we talk about men, then this pathology in them is often disguised as prostatitis, since it is characterized nagging pain V posterior region thighs, as well as heaviness in the perineum. It should be noted that this violation also observed in heavy metal poisoning and pathologies such as brucellosis, multiple sclerosis and tuberculosis of the spine.

If a person has developed a pinched sciatic nerve, the symptoms of this pathology will be completely different - it all depends on the degree of pinching and the localization of the process. Some people experience an asymptomatic course, when the pain is not clearly expressed, but gradually gains intensity. And in others, the pathological process manifests itself with vivid pain symptoms. As noted above, the lesion usually occurs on one side, so a person experiences pain only in one limb. The pain syndrome can be so severe that a person can hardly move his leg.

According to localization, pain can be either localized in one area (buttock, thigh), or spread throughout the entire limb - from the gluteal muscle, through the thigh and lower leg to the toes. A common symptom is numbness in a particular area of ​​a limb or the entire leg.

Other symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve are:

  • tingling or burning sensation in the lower part of the affected limb;
  • “petrification” of muscles and decreased mobility of the limb;
  • increased pain while sitting;
  • the occurrence of shooting pains, especially in a standing position;
  • the appearance of muscle weakness.

Due to pain, a person experiences a disturbance in gait, increased sweating of the feet, and impaired motor activity of the leg (flexion and extension at the knee and in the foot area).

Diagnostic features

Pathological pinching of the sciatic nerve is determined after examining the patient by a doctor and identifying symptoms specific to this disease. However, in order to establish the cause of the development of the pathology and eliminate it (if possible), it is necessary to conduct additional research.

For this purpose, the doctor prescribes an X-ray examination, computed tomography of the lumbosacral region for a person with characteristic complaints, or instead, magnetic resonance imaging of the same region can be performed.

Ultrasound and radioisotope scanning are also indicated.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment for a pinched sciatic nerve can be either conservative or surgical - the choice of technique depends on the severity of symptoms and the stage of development of the process. Mostly doctors prefer to treat this disease conservative methods, since this poses fewer risks to the health and life of the patient. To cure the disease, an integrated approach is important, that is, a combination of drug therapy with therapeutic and preventive measures and changes in lifestyle.

IN acute period Treatment for a pinched sciatic nerve requires bed rest. The patient's body position should be fixed, so it is preferable to lie on a hard mattress. When the pain subsides, the person is allowed to move, but for this he should either use a cane or get the help of loved ones.

The disease should also be treated with the help of diet - since a person is forced to spend a long time in bed, it is necessary to eat food that will not cause the development of constipation - milk soups, vegetable soups, porridges. Must be removed from menu harmful products– fatty foods, fried foods, smoked foods, etc.

It is not necessary for the patient to be in a hospital - the pathology can be treated at home, the main thing is that the person strictly follows the recommendations of the attending physician.

A pinched sciatic nerve can be treated medicinally using drugs such as:

  • Ibuprofen, which relieves pain and inflammation (Ketanov, Ortofen, Denebol - drugs with the same effect as Ibuprofen) - both injections and tablets are prescribed, depending on the severity of the symptoms;
  • Ranitidine, Almagel, Phospholugel are drugs that can protect the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • Mydocalm, prescribed in case of severe spasms;
  • vitamins (especially B vitamins) - it is best to take vitamin injections, which are more effective.

If the pain is too strong, it is necessary to treat the pathology using a technique such as novocaine blockade - injections are given in a hospital setting.

Exercise therapy plays an important role in treatment. Special exercises for pinched sciatic nerves allow you to develop painful areas. They are mainly aimed at developing the fingers and feet, and after the main symptoms subside, gymnastics is supplemented with other exercises.

In particular, gymnastics during the period of attenuation of symptoms allows you to perform:

  • “walking” on the buttocks;
  • exercise "bicycle";
  • knee bending exercises.

In addition, gymnastics involves performing exercises such as half-squats with support, as well as raising legs in a vertical position.

With a responsible approach to performing exercises, gymnastics gives good results and allows you to develop your limbs, returning them to their functionality.

But not only gymnastics is useful for people with this disease; they are also recommended to prescribe electrophoresis with nosh-pa, UHF, magnetic therapy, paraffin baths and other physiotherapeutic procedures.

Massage is also indicated for pinching the sciatic nerve - it must be done in conditions medical institutions. It will also not hurt to carry out acupuncture and hirudotherapy. All these procedures give a good effect and allow you to cure this disease quickly enough.

Sometimes, for patients with a pinched sciatic nerve, treatment at home also gives good results. True, for this it is necessary to select effective means recovery. In particular, gymnastics gives good results if done at home in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. Gymnastics are complemented by injections of anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, you can use traditional medicine methods, for example, drinking a decoction of aspen leaves, or an infusion of St. John's wort, applying wax compresses to the affected area, preparing and using homemade ointments.

It is better to treat a pinched sciatic nerve during remission of the disease, so if possible, people should undergo sanatorium-resort treatment. And in order to prevent a relapse, you should conduct healthy image life, eat right and exercise.

If you think that you have Pinched sciatic nerve and symptoms characteristic of this disease, then a neurologist can help you.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which selects probable diseases based on the entered symptoms.

Perthes disease is a disease in which the blood supply to the bone structures in the area of ​​the femoral head is disrupted. As a result, necrosis develops. This disease is one of the most common pathologies hip joint, which occur in children aged 2 to 14 years. Boys are more often affected, but progression of the disease can also occur in girls. In this case, Perthes disease will be much more severe. In adults, the pathology is extremely rare.

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. In some sources, the disease may be referred to as sciatic neuralgia or lumbosacral radiculitis. The most characteristic symptom for this disease is back pain, which radiates to the lower limb. The main risk group is people over 30 years of age. In more early age the disease is almost never diagnosed.

Neuritis is a disease inflammatory in nature, affecting peripheral nerves. As a consequence, pathological changes are observed in the structure of the nervous tissue. If the inflammatory process affects the trunk of the peripheral nerve, then the person will experience movement disorders, as well as decreased sensitivity. In severe clinical situations, neuritis can cause paralysis.

Tabes dorsalis is not separate disease- This is the last stage of the manifestation of such a pathology as syphilis. In a person suffering from syphilis and not undergoing treatment, tabes dorsalis can occur 15 or even 20 years after infection, and a cure for this pathology is impossible. Fortunately, today the disease is extremely rare, since the symptoms of syphilis are well known to modern man and when they appear, people seek medical help at earlier stages. But nevertheless, occasionally patients advance the disease so much that the fourth stage develops, characterized by drying out of the posterior walls of the spinal cord with the development of specific neurological disorders.

As you know, the sciatic nerve begins from the lumbosacral plexus and, going down the leg, branches into two directions - the tibial and peroneal nerves. Its pinching is accompanied acute pain, which affects both limbs and limits the patient's movement.

Only complex treatment, which includes physiotherapeutic treatment and a set of special exercises, can relieve the symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve and correct the situation with pinching. However, in the acute period, drug therapy is inevitable.

In this article we will look at the basic principles of treatment for inflammation and pinched sciatic nerve in adults, and also talk about the first symptoms and causes of this disease. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments.

What it is?

A pinched sciatic nerve is an inflammation of one of the longest nerves in the body, which manifests itself in the lumbosacral spine with severe pain. In medicine, this phenomenon is called sciatica.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a syndrome or manifestation of symptoms of other ailments. In this regard, inflammation can be caused by problems in the functioning of other organs and systems of the body, but in most cases the occurrence of pathology is associated with problems in the spine.

What is it and why does it develop? The disease occurs more often in people over 30 years of age, although recently people over 30 years of age have also been susceptible to pathology. young, which is associated with the early formation of degenerative changes in soft tissues around the spinal column.

The most common factor in the development of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a pathological process localized in the lumbar and sacral segment of the spine.

Therefore, the most common cause of pinching is:

  1. Complete or partial displacement of the intervertebral disc, accompanied by pinching of the sciatic nerve, narrowing of the spinal canal, growths on the spine;
  2. Piriformis syndrome;
  3. Damage to organs or the muscular system of the pelvis due to injury or heavy physical exertion;
  4. Hypothermia, infectious processes;
  5. Presence of neoplasms.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve may have the nature of a primary lesion, the causes of which are most often hypothermia, an infectious process, or trauma. Secondary pinching occurs when the nerve roots that form the sciatic nerve are pinched as a result of protrusion, herniated disc, bone growths around the spine, muscle spasm due to osteochondrosis, physical overload, etc.

Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

If pinching of the sciatic nerve progresses, the symptoms of the pathology are expressed in an acute form, significantly disrupting the patient’s usual quality of life. The main symptom of the disease is pain, the intensity of which depends on the cause of inflammation:

  • pinching of the sciatic nerve by a hernia;
  • influenza, malaria and other infections that lead to inflammation;
  • stenosis;
  • spondylolisthesis.

The nature of the pain must be taken into account. This helps doctors make an accurate diagnosis and then begin treating the inflammation. Therefore, pinching in the lower part of the spine is divided into three groups:

  • sitting symptom - the patient cannot sit down;
  • Lasegue's symptom – the patient cannot raise his straight leg;
  • Sicard's symptom - pain increases with flexion of the foot.

Besides pain there is also characteristic symptoms inflammation of the sciatic nerve associated with disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses along motor and sensory fibers:

  1. Deterioration of sensitivity (paresthesia) - in the initial stage it is manifested by a feeling of numbness, tingling of the skin of the buttocks and legs along the back surface. As symptoms progress, other types of sensitivity also decrease, until they disappear completely.
  2. Dysfunction of the pelvic organs - occurs due to compression of the fibers of the autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic) nervous system passing in the sciatic nerve. There are disturbances in urination (urinary incontinence) and defecation in the form of constipation. This symptomatology develops in severe cases of sciatica with significant infringement of the spinal roots.
  3. Disturbances in motor function are the result of infringement motor fibers nerve. A person experiences weakness in the gluteal, thigh and calf muscles. It is expressed in a change in gait with a unilateral process (limping on the affected leg).

If the above symptoms occur, treatment should begin immediately, because pinching of the sciatic nerve can lead to complete loss tenderness in the legs.


To determine how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve, you should definitely find out its etiology and, if possible, eliminate all factors that may provoke the development of the disease.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive examination patient - it should include:

  • methods of clinical and biochemical laboratory diagnostics;
  • examination by a neurologist, and, if necessary, a vertebrologist, rheumatologist and vascular surgeon;
  • taking x-rays of the spine in several projections (necessarily in a lying and standing position);
  • tomographic studies.

Urgent consultation with a doctor is required if:

  • against the background of pain, body temperature rises to 38 ° C;
  • swelling appears on the back or the skin turns red;
  • pain gradually spreads to new areas of the body;
  • present severe numbness in the pelvic area, hips, legs, making it difficult to walk;
  • there is a burning sensation when urinating, problems with holding urine and feces arise.

These studies help to find out what to do in order to relieve pain as soon as possible and eliminate inflammation in the sciatic nerve.

How to treat a pinched sciatic nerve

If symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve occur, treatment should begin as early as possible; based on the results of the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe appropriate therapy:

  1. The first step is to determine what caused the pinching of the sciatic nerve. Treatment may vary depending on the cause. For example, tumors may require surgery.
  2. Drug treatment. The first stage of this treatment is aimed at pain relief and relieving the inflammatory process. For this purpose, muscle relaxants and NSAIDs are used.
  3. B vitamins (combilipen, milgamma) help normalize metabolism in nerve cells. In the acute period, they are prescribed intramuscularly for a period of 10 days, then switch to oral administration.
  4. Physiotherapeutic treatment. Such treatments include electrophoresis, the use of electromagnetic fields or ultraviolet radiation, massage (impact on certain points, cupping, vacuum types of massage), therapy through paraffin procedures, hydrotherapy.
  5. Non-traditional treatment, which currently includes many various methods. This includes acupuncture, the use of Kuznetsov’s applicators, stone therapy, hirudotherapy, herbal medicine, and moxibustion.
  6. Treatment folk recipes. So, when pinched, horse chestnut is used, tincture bay leaf, flatbreads made from flour and honey, potato compresses, beeswax, spruce and pine buds, dandelion tincture and many other methods.
  7. Diuretics are used to reduce swelling in the area of ​​the nerve roots (furosemide).
  8. Physiotherapy. Helps improve blood flow in the affected area and strengthen muscles. The doctor decides which exercises to perform in a particular case, based on the degree of neglect of the disease, the severity of the pain syndrome, the presence of an inflammatory process and other factors.
  9. Surgery. If medications and physiotherapeutic procedures are ineffective, the only option for eliminating pinching is surgical intervention: discectomy and microdiscectomy.

It is worth noting that treating inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve at home is a complex, lengthy undertaking that does not always give an immediate effect, so you have to take care of your health over a long period of time.

If the pain does not subside within several months, the patient is prescribed injections steroid drugs, injected epidurally into the affected area. This procedure reduces the symptoms of inflammation at the local level, giving an immediate but very noticeable effect.

One of the main components of treatment is the creation of a therapeutic and protective regime for the patient.

The patient should lie on a hard bed, the possibility of movement is recommended to be limited until the obvious signs of inflammation subside. Bed rest is indicated until the condition improves and pain is eliminated.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The most effective painkillers are NSAIDs. This pharmaceutical group of drugs is represented by drugs that stop the action of the COX enzyme and have an anti-inflammatory effect, these include:

  • "Meloxicam" ("Movalis", "Amelotex") - available in tablet and injection forms, is one of the most safe drugs NSAID groups.
  • “Piroxicam” is available in the form of a solution (ampoules of 1-2 ml), tablets, suppositories, gel, cream; it can be used both locally and by injection - 1-2 ml once a day to relieve an acute pain attack.
  • “Nimesulide” (“Nise”, “Nimesil”) - available in the form of powders, tablets, capsules. The usual dosage is 100 mg per day, in the first days it is possible to increase to 200 mg.
  • "Celebrex" - capsules, recommended daily dose up to 200 mg, but with severe pain it can be increased to 400-600 mg at the first dose, followed by a dose reduction to 200 mg.
  • “Ketonal”, “Ketanov” (“Ketoprofen”) - available both in ampoules and capsules, tablets, suppositories and as an ointment; for sciatica, it is most often used intramuscularly (up to three times a day, 2 ml), but the symptoms It also removes well when applied locally (ointments).

When pain and inflammation increase, hormonal steroids are sometimes prescribed in short courses; they relieve pain, but do not eliminate the cause of inflammation, and their use has a lot of side effects and contraindications.

See also how to choose effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for treating joints.

Muscle relaxants and vitamins

Muscle relaxants are prescribed to reduce reflex local muscle tension caused by pain. This:

Multivitamin complexes based on B vitamins also produce an anti-inflammatory effect:

When physical therapy and medications do not help, resort to surgical methods- microdiscotomies, discectomies in which part of the disc pressing on the sciatic nerve is removed.

Unconventional treatment

IN specialized clinics and medical centers use various unconventional methods for the treatment of pinched sciatic nerve:

  • phytotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • acupressure;
  • warming up with wormwood cigars;
  • stone therapy or stone massage;
  • vacuum or cupping massage;
  • hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches and others.

Spa treatment

Only without exacerbation, sanatorium-resort treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is recommended; mud therapy, hydrotherapy using radon, hydrogen sulfide, pearl baths, and underwater traction courses are especially effective.

Climate therapy always helps strengthen the immune system, reduces the frequency colds, rest improves your mood and creates a positive attitude, which is so important for recovery.

Massage procedures are allowed after the acute inflammatory process has subsided.

Thanks to this technique, the conductivity of the damaged sciatic nerve increases, local blood circulation and lymph flow are normalized, pain is reduced, and already developed muscle wasting is reduced.


After recovery, beneficial physical exercises are especially necessary, but only those in which the load is evenly distributed on both sides of the body (light jogging, race walking, swimming, leisurely skiing).

In addition, there are special exercises that are ideal for all patients in remission. Here is an example of exercises that can be easily performed at home while lying on the floor.

All exercises are performed 10 times, with a subsequent increase in load:

  1. Bring your legs towards your body, hug them under your knees. Using your hands, press your legs towards you as much as possible, maintain this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  2. Legs are straight, toes pointing up, arms along the body. Stretch your heels and the back of your head into different sides 15 seconds, then relax.
  3. Turn to your side, pull your legs towards you. Pull up your socks. Then return to the starting position and turn to the other side.
  4. Roll over onto your stomach, lift your torso on your arms, and do push-ups. Do not strain your legs while doing this.

However, you need to know that if a pinched sciatic nerve is caused by a herniated intervertebral disc, you need to select a complex of physical therapy together with your doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is of particular importance to cure pinched sciatic nerve. After all, its remedies become practically the only method of treatment, for example, if a nerve is pinched in a pregnant woman or there are any contraindications to the medications or physical procedures being taken.

The following treatments can be done at home:

  1. Bay leaf tincture. You need to take 18 medium-sized bay leaves, pour 200 ml of good vodka into them, leave for 3 days in a cool, dark place. After this period, the resulting infusion must be rubbed into the sacrum area with massaging movements. After the fourth procedure, a positive effect is observed.
  2. At night, you can attach a honey cake to the sore spot. To do this, you need to heat a tablespoon of honey in a water bath, mix it with a glass of flour, form a cake and place it on the sore spot. Cover with cellophane and wrap everything with a warm scarf. This compress will relieve pain.
  3. Potato sprout infusion is prepared from sprouted potatoes, or rather their sprouts. To do this, you need to take a glass of sprouts and pour half a liter of vodka. In this form, the mixture is infused for two weeks in the dark. After it is ready, you need to rub it into the affected area twice a day and wrap it in a warm cloth for a while.
  4. In 200 ml alcohol solution(at least 70%) dissolve 10 analgin tablets and add a bottle of 5% iodine. The resulting mixture should be stored in a dark place for 3 days. Rub the prepared tincture into the problem area before bed, then wrap a scarf around your lower back and sleep until the morning.

remember, that home treatment cannot replace complex drug therapy, they are intended only to reduce the manifestations of the disease.


When a pinched sciatic nerve is diagnosed, medications relieve pain and general discomfort; but it is also recommended to explore preventative measures to prevent relapse:

  • you only need to sleep on a hard surface,
  • avoid lifting heavy objects
  • hypothermia of the extremities,
  • do not make sudden movements.

Which doctor should I contact?

If symptoms of sciatica appear, you should consult a neurologist. The treatment involves a physiotherapist, massage therapist, and chiropractor. If necessary, the patient is examined by a neurosurgeon.

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