What is more effective tincture or decoction. How to prepare a healthy decoction or infusion. Alcohol tincture of echinacea

About how to cook useful decoction or an infusion, we asked the famous Siberian herbalist Stepan Yegorych Ermolaev to tell.

It has become fashionable to be treated with herbs, - Yegorych began his reasoning, - all newspapers and magazines print recipes for decoctions and infusions. Does everyone know how to cook them properly? Here I see how one summer resident collected lime flowers, and let's pour boiling water over them. I ask: “What are you doing, dear”? And she: “I want to make an infusion for myself from these flowers.”

“No,” I tell her, “the infusion won’t work like that.” In this way, you can cook fragrant gulls and that's it. For infusion or decoction, flowers, like grass, should be dried well in the shade and in a ventilated area, preferably in the attic. As the grass dries, it must be crushed so that there are no particles larger than half a centimeter in it. And if you deal with the bark or roots, then the particles should be half as much.

Further, if we talk about herbs, you need to take one tablespoon of crushed dry plants in a glass of water. This is the usual proportion for decoctions and infusions. But you can use it if there are no poisonous and potent plants in your collection. For such plants, the proportions are special in each case, and I will not talk about them now.

From ordinary herbs, a decoction is prepared as follows: they take an enameled dish, put grass in it, pour it with water - one tablespoon of grass for one glass of water, two spoons for two glasses of water, etc. You can pour weed cold water, or you can boil water. After that, put your dishes on the fire and wait until it boils. When it boils, reduce the fire and simmer for half an hour over low heat. How time will pass, remove from heat, wrap the dishes with a warm blanket and let it brew for at least fifteen minutes. And once the broth is infused, strain it through three or four layers of gauze. Only here it must be remembered that when boiling, some useful material are destroyed. Here, for example, rose hips, if you boil its fruits, then you should not hope for vitamin "C". It will either not be in the broth at all, or if anything remains, then so - cat's tears.

In order not to lose the useful in the grass, it is necessary not to prepare a decoction, but an infusion. And now, how to prepare the infusion: pour the grass with boiling water, but do not boil, wrap the dishes with a warm blanket and insist for half an hour. Then strain, discard the plants, and use the liquid for business. And also better infusion do it in a thermos, because a thermos retains heat longer, and therefore more useful substances from plants have time to pass into the water. But you can cook the infusion without boiling water at all. To do this, pour the dried grass with a little warm water, close the dishes with a lid and leave for twelve hours. After strain and then drink.

However, healers believe that you won’t get a healing infusion anyway. In order for the grass to give all the useful substances to the water without a trace, the healers rush to prepare them in a special way: pour the grass hot water and they put it in the oven to languish for eight or even twelve hours. Here, however, special skill is needed - to maintain the temperature in the oven so that the infusion is hot, but does not boil.

So I like the preparation and use of infusions more than decoctions. Here we take at least the berries of the same wild rose. In fact, they contain ten times more vitamins than vaunted oranges and lemons. In addition, everyone complains about cholesterol, it clogs blood vessels terribly, and therefore there are heart attacks and strokes. However, know that rosehip infusion, if you drink it regularly, no cholesterol plaques in your vessels will not allow. There are a lot of different microelements in rose hips. There, cobalt, and copper, and manganese, and iron - all this is absolutely necessary for our body. And therefore, if someone suffers from anemia, vascular sclerosis, drinking rosehip infusion is a good thing. Rose hips are also good for liver diseases, with chronic hepatitis, for example, and in diseases of the gallbladder, rose hips are indispensable.

What decoctions, what infusions are medicines that quickly deteriorate. Therefore, they do not need to be made in liters. It is better not to keep it in the refrigerator for more than two days. Therefore, stock up not with ready-made infusions and decoctions, but with dry grass, it is up to next year useful properties does not lose.

It is also useful to know that infusions and decoctions should not be abused. Usually, on the day of one infusion or decoction, there is no need to take more than a glass. If you have prepared an invigorating infusion, then it is useful to drink a glass in the morning. And in the evening, if you want to sleep well, drink a glass of soothing infusion or decoction.

Notice something else: you should not drink an infusion or decoction of the same herb for a long time. The body gets used to it and stops responding. Therefore, I strongly advise you to change the herbs at least once every two months.

Stepan Yegorovich's advice was recorded by Andrey Martemyanov

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In traditional medicine recipes, concepts such as “infusion” and “decoction” are often used. Both of these forms at first glance are very similar to each other, but they also have significant differences.

When preparing a medicinal infusion, a dry base, which may consist of various components, is poured with hot boiled water and then insist for the required period of time. Before use, the agent is usually filtered through cheesecloth.

In the case of a decoction, dry raw materials are poured, as a rule, with cold water, after which the container is put on a slow fire and boiled for a certain time. A water bath is also quite often used. Typically, the duration of the procedure is from 15 to 60 minutes.

In most cases, soft parts of plants (flowers, leaves, buds, stems, fruits) are infused, and coarser components (bark, roots, hard leaves, tubers) are boiled. In the latter case, a longer heat treatment is required.

To prepare the medicine, glass, enameled, ceramic or porcelain dishes should be used. It is better not to use aluminum containers, as a chemical reaction with metal is possible, releasing harmful substances.

An alternative to infusions and decoctions are tinctures. They usually use vodka as the base. Such a remedy can be stored for years without losing its medicinal properties.

  • So that you do not cook (infusion, decoction or tincture), it is advisable to pre-grind the initial components as much as possible. From the fine fraction active substances more actively pass into the working solution. Cut large leaves, stems, flowers and blades of grass with scissors into pieces no more than 3-5 mm. For cutting bark and coarse roots, it is better to use a knife.
  • If you collect medicinal herbs be sure to thoroughly rinse them under running water and only then lay them to dry.
  • Seeds and fruits are often crushed in a mortar before storage.
  • Always keep the lid closed while preparing the decoction.
  • For filtering, it is most convenient to use clean gauze folded in several layers.
  • If, after boiling or settling, the product has lost the required volume, it is diluted with boiled water.
  • Concentrated infusions are very convenient to keep in a thermos and take hot (especially if you take it with you to work).
  • It is more convenient to cool the decoctions first, and only then strain.
  • Infusions are usually taken 15-20 minutes before meals, and decoctions - one hour after meals.
  • Infusions and decoctions can be stored in the refrigerator for only about 24 hours. It is recommended to warm them up before use. It is best to make a new portion of the decoction or infusion daily.
  • Tinctures are recommended to be stored in a dark glass container.
  • The dose of tinctures is often measured in drops.
  • In many recipes, about 20 g of dry ingredients are taken per 200 ml glass of liquid (average value).

I prefer to brew the right herbs and take them in the form of herbal tea. That is, I use infusions. But sometimes you have to resort to decoctions and tinctures.

The miraculous properties of motherwort have been known for a very long time. This medicinal plant at correct reception and appropriate dosage favorably affects thyroid gland and digestive organs. Motherwort helps to remove nervous tension, it is recommended to drink it in a monthly course for sleep disorders and excessive excitability. Remedies with this herb help to resist stress. Often, doctors advise taking motherwort from high blood pressure, to normalize heart rate. And this is not the whole list of how motherwort affects human health.

In pharmacies, motherwort can be found in different form. They produce an alcohol-based product - motherwort tincture, there are options in the form of tablets, including those with additional components, it is also sold simply dry herbal collection, which must be independently brewed and insisted. Tinctures and tablets tend to be more popular. Which of these options is the most efficient? Which is better to take: motherwort tincture or tablets?

Alcohol tincture of motherwort: basic nuances

Motherwort tincture after ingestion begins to act as depressant within half an hour. Before use right amount drops should be diluted with 1-3 tablespoons of water, in pure form it is not recommended to drink this remedy.

Tincture is inexpensive, it is easy to find in almost any pharmacy. It can be taken before or after meals.

Although the medicinal herbal remedy in this form it is effective, not everyone can drink motherwort tincture. It is not recommended to take it for pregnant and lactating women, motorists, small children. Due to the alcohol content, the tincture may have some negative effects on internal organs and be slightly addictive.

Motherwort tablets: pros and cons

The advantages of the drug in this form of release include:

  1. the opportunity to give a remedy to children;
  2. safety for pregnant women;
  3. the presence of additional components (other herbs, vitamins) increases the effectiveness of motherwort on the body;
  4. natural composition, no alcohol;
  5. tablets are easier to take outside the home, they are convenient to carry;
  6. as well as alcohol tincture, tablets can be drunk before meals and after.

For the motherwort tablet to act faster, including as a sedative and hypnotic, it is recommended to crush or chew it. After drinking water.

Cons of the tool:

  1. tablets act more slowly than tincture, the result is usually felt in about an hour;
  2. the drug must be taken with plenty of water; this is a minus for the reason that motherwort has a diuretic effect; it is possible that after the pill you will have to repeatedly run to the toilet;
  3. it is believed that the pills have a higher risk of developing an allergic reaction.


The choice of release form medicinal product mostly based on individual preference. It will be more convenient and pleasant for one person to take motherwort tincture before bedtime or during the day. Another person will be more sympathetic to the pills.

What form of release to choose? Much depends on the circumstances. Taking pills with you on a trip or trip is many times more convenient than carrying a glass bottle. At home, alcohol tincture may be more in demand, including due to the rapid onset of the effect.

Regardless of which option you choose, you should always keep in mind side effects, risks of overdose and contraindications. If you follow the dosage, drink motherwort in courses, then negative impact on the body will not.

Agree, it is difficult to imagine a completely healthy modern man. Bad ecology, difficult conditions work, nervous shocks make us susceptible to all sorts of ailments. In the fight against them, people are helped by all kinds of medicines: tablets, ointments, drops, aerosols. Not bad healing properties tinctures and extracts are also famous, presented in wide abundance on the shelves of pharmacies. The latter means often have similar composition and indications for use. So which of them should you choose in this or that case? Let's try to figure out how the tincture differs from the extract.


Tincture– liquid dosage form, alcohol or water-alcohol extraction from vegetable or animal raw materials without heat treatment. IN medical practice was introduced in the 14th century. The word is derived from the Latin tingere, which means "to paint, soak." A drink is prepared on medical purified alcohol with a strength of 30 to 95 degrees. Raw materials can be both fresh and dried plants. They are filled with alcohol and settled for 7-10 days. Next, the hood is cleaned, after which the finished product is poured into containers and packaged.


A "potion" prepared in accordance with all the rules must be absolutely transparent, regardless of color. The drink is consumed in the minimum dosage and mostly in its pure form, however, if necessary, it is allowed to dilute it with water. Bitter pharmaceutical tinctures often act as a cheaper alternative to vodka. Therefore, they are widely popular among the lower strata of the population, prone to alcohol addiction.

Extract- highly concentrated extract from medicinal plant or animal raw materials. The word is derived from the Latin extraho, which means "I draw out." Extracts are presented as mobile or viscous liquids, as well as dry masses. The minimum level of moisture in them can be as low as 5%. Depending on the solvent, the product is aqueous, alcohol, oil, hydrocarbon, etc. In medicine, the term refers to a dosage form obtained by extraction (squeezing / infusion / evaporation). However, this product is used not only for medicinal purposes. Its application is determined by the consistency and natural basis. So, oil extracts of plants and medicinal herbs are most often used in cosmetology and medicine, alcohol ones act as an excellent antiseptic, and dry ones are in great demand in cooking and industry.



To begin with, let's compare the manufacturing technology of products. Each of them is produced on the basis of vegetable or animal raw materials. For the preparation of tinctures, it is poured with alcohol and aged for a certain time. Any heat treatment is not required. It is quite obvious that the finished product is liquid. The strength of tinctures can reach up to 95 degrees. As for the extracts, they are far from always alcoholic. Essential oils, water, CO2, etc. often also act as a solvent. The product can be obtained various methods, be it steeping, pressing, drying or evaporating. In the latter cases, the mixture is subjected to heat treatment. The finished product has a different consistency: liquid, viscous, dry.

Another difference between a tincture and an extract is the concentration medicinal substances. In the case of the first product, it is not too high. When using conventional raw materials, tinctures are prepared in a ratio of 1:5, while when using potent raw materials, 1:10. There are also intermediate options. The concentration of extracts is an order of magnitude higher. If we are talking about a liquid product, then it is 1: 2, if it is a viscous or dry product - 1: 1.

To summarize, what is the difference between tincture and extract.

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The duration of infusion ranges from 2 to 6 weeks, if necessary, the infusion time can be reduced to 7-10 days by increasing the temperature to 50-60°C. Tinctures contain up to 30% sugar with a strength of up to 45% vol. alcohol, they are less sweet, but stronger than liqueurs, have a pleasant taste and can serve as alcoholic drink, and a healing elixir.

Tinctures should be stored in a dark, cool place in tightly closed dark-colored bottles.

Cardamom tincture

4-6 g of cardamom seeds, 1 liter of vodka, 1 liter of water, 400-600 g of sugar.
Pour cardamom seeds with vodka, insist in a warm place for several days, strain, add boiled water, sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Cranberry tincture

1 glass of cranberries, 1 glass of sugar, 500 ml of vodka.

Grind cranberries with sugar, pour vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks (more is possible: the longer it costs, the tastier). Strain.

Sea buckthorn tincture

Pass sea buckthorn berries through a meat grinder (you can use the cake left over from the preparation of sea buckthorn juice), pour vodka or alcohol diluted with water. Vodka should cover the raw material, but not by much. Infuse for 3-4 weeks (or longer), strain, squeeze, filter through a fourfold cloth and sweeten with sugar syrup (1.5 cups of sugar per 1 cup of water).

Tincture "Autumn"

500 g of mountain ash, 1 kg of fragrant ripe apples (Renet), 300 g of sugar, 1.5 l of vodka

Thoroughly wash the rowan berries (collected after frost), put them in a colander, let the water drain and remove the stems. Wash the apples, dry them, remove the core and cut them into rings. Lay apples and mountain ash in layers in a suitable vessel, sprinkle each layer with sugar. Pour in vodka so that the fruit is completely covered. Cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for 2-3 months until the berries discolor. Strain the tincture, filter, bottle and store in a dark and cool place.

mint tincture

100 g peppermint, 40 g dill seeds, 12-15 g juniper berries, 3-5 g cinnamon, 1 l vodka, sugar syrup

Pour all the ingredients with vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain and sweeten to taste with sugar syrup.

Foamy tincture

50 g juniper berries, peel of 2 lemons, 1 liter of vodka, 1 tbsp. l. ginger, 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Infuse vodka for 2 weeks on a handful of juniper berries, then 5 days on the peel of two lemons. Mix crushed ginger with sugar and dilute in infused vodka. Keep 2 weeks in the sun. Then strain, bottle and store in a cold place. The tincture is ready for use in six months.

Juicy berry tincture

Pour juicy berries (strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, black currants, etc.) into a bottle or jar in layers, sprinkling them with sugar. Condense the contents of the dishes by shaking. Berries should be completely covered in sugar. Dishes with berries

Put in the sun. When after 1-2 days the berries give juice, it must be drained, and sugar should be added to the bowl with the remaining berries. So do 3-4 times. In the collected juice, add from 100 to 200 ml of vodka per 1 liter of juice. Take 1-1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries.

Fruit syrup tincture

The easiest way is to take a ready-made syrup (apple, chokeberry, lemon or other) and add vodka or alcohol to it. The sugar content in such syrups is 60-65%, and in sweet tinctures - from 8 to 30%. Accordingly, vodka is added to the syrup - from 100 to 300 ml per 1 liter of syrup.

Caraway tincture

4-6 g of cumin, 1 liter of vodka, 1 liter of water, 400-600 g of sugar.

Pour cumin seeds with vodka, insist in a warm place for several days, strain, add boiled water and sugar, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Herbal tincture

1/2 st. l. oak bark, 1/2 tbsp. l. dried coriander seeds or greens, 1/2 tbsp. l. thyme, 5 blades of bison, 5 blades of lemon balm, 500 ml of vodka, 2 tbsp. l. honey.

Pour honey with vodka and stir well. Pour into a bottle and add all the ingredients there. Close the bottle well, keep in a cool place for 2-3 months. After that, strain the contents through cheesecloth and pour into another bottle. Close the cork and put in the refrigerator.

citrus tincture

Dry peel of 4-5 tangerines, or 2-3 oranges, or 3-4 lemons, 500 ml of vodka, 2 pieces of refined sugar.

Put dry citrus peel in a jar and pour vodka, add sugar and leave at room temperature for 12-15 days.

Clove tincture

4-6 g of cloves, 1 liter of vodka, 1 liter of water, 400-600 g of sugar.

Pour vodka over the cloves, insist in a warm place for several days, strain, add boiled water, sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Tincture on horseradish

100 g of horseradish root, 2 sweet (Bulgarian) peppers, 1 mild pepper, 1 liter of vodka.

Wash the horseradish root with a brush and cut into medium-sized strips. Peel the pepper and cut into thin circles. Pepper seeds do not throw away, but put together with horseradish and pepper in a glass jar and pour vodka. Put in a dark cool place. After 2 weeks, drain the infusion, strain and pour into a bottle. Drink heavily chilled. It is an appetite stimulant and is good for colds.

Apricot tincture

1 glass of apricots, 500 ml of vodka.

Take out and break a few seeds, leave the rest of the apricots whole. Pour vodka and put for 1 month in a warm dark place to infuse.

Strawberry tincture

1 kg of strawberries, 1 kg of sugar, 300 ml of vodka.

Grind strawberries (strawberries) with sugar, add vodka. Then proceed as usual.

Quince tincture

8 glasses of quince juice, 8 glasses of vodka, a bunch of rye straw, 50 g of sugar, vanilla sugar.

Grind or grate overripe quince. Very finely chop a bunch of rye straw. Mix quince and straw.

Squeeze juice from quince. Mix the resulting juice with vodka. Add ordinary sugar and a little vanilla. Drain the juice into a bottle, leave for a week. Then filter.

Pepper tincture

20 g of black pepper, 3-5 g of allspice, 2-3 drops of cardamom oil, 1 liter of purified vodka.

Add all other ingredients to vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks, then strain and filter.

Wormwood tincture

100 g of anise seeds, 30 g of sugar, fresh tops of young wormwood, 1 liter of strong vodka.

Put the tops of wormwood into the bottle, filling 1/4 of the volume, add anise seeds and pour strong vodka. Insist for 2-3 weeks in a warm place. Then strain and sweeten a little if desired.

citrus tincture

Zest of 2 lemons, or 2 oranges, or 4 tangerines, 1 liter of vodka, a few drops of citrus juice.

From oranges, tangerines or lemons, cut off a thin colored layer - zest (without a white subcortical layer that gives bitterness to drinks), pour vodka. You can also use dried zest. Squeeze a few drops of citrus juice into the tincture. The resulting drink has a wonderful aroma thanks to essential oils contained in the zest. Infuse in a warm place, then strain and filter.

Healing tincture

30-40 g of galangal root, 10-15 g of dill and anise seeds, 2-3g of ginger, 1 liter of vodka.

Pour the ingredients with strong vodka and insist in a warm place for 2-3 weeks, then strain and filter.

Tincture "fisherman's"

3-4 cloves of garlic, 1.5-2 g ground pepper, 10 g. table salt, 4-5 g of crushed bay leaves, 30 g of sugar, 1 liter of purified vodka.

Chop the garlic, add ground pepper, salt, sugar and Bay leaf. Pour everything with vodka and leave for 4-5 days, shaking daily. Then filter through a cloth filter.

Tincture "Hunting"

1 liter of strong vodka, 30-40 g of juniper berries, 2 g of ground black pepper, 50 g of dill seeds, 10-12 g of table salt, 40 g of horseradish.

Pour vodka over all ingredients. Infuse for two weeks in a warm place, periodically shaking the contents. Then strain and filter.

Barberry tincture

1 liter of vodka, 200 g of barberry leaves.

crushed dried leaves place the barberry in a bottle, pour vodka, cork and keep at room temperature for a week. Then drain the tincture, filter well. Consume in a small amount. Barberry tincture has pronounced medicinal qualities. IN traditional medicine This tincture is used for uterine bleeding. Take 30 drops 3 times a day for 3 weeks.

Birch tincture

1 liter of vodka, 200 g of propolis, birch sap to taste Grind propolis, pour into a bottle, pour vodka, shake for half an hour Then leave for 3 days, shaking occasionally. Before use, dilute the tincture with birch sap.

Cowberry tincture

To prepare lingonberry tincture, you should select ripe lingonberries, fill 1/2 of a quarter bottle with it, pour vodka and let it brew for 2-3 months in a warm place, and then tint with cranberry juice or cochineal infusion.

Cowberry-cherry tincture

3.5 kg cranberries, 600 g cherries, 150 ml brandy, 2 liters of vodka, 2.5 liters of sugar syrup, citric acid.

Pour fresh lingonberries and cherries into the bottle, add cognac, vodka and insist. Then sweeten with sugar syrup, add citric acid. The tincture will turn out sweet and sour, with a slight pleasant bitterness, a complex aroma of cranberries and cherries, reddish-brown in color.

Cherry tincture

250 ml cherry juice, 250 ml boiled water, 500 ml of vodka; for cherry juice: 1 kg of cherries and 700 g of sugar.

Washed cherries without stalks put in a bottle with a wide neck, pour sugar up to the neck, cover with gauze,

Tie up and put in the sun for 30-40 days. Mix the resulting cherry juice with boiled water and vodka.

Cherry stem tincture

500 g of cherry stalks, 200 g of sugar, 2 liters of vodka.

Rinse the cherry stalks, dry them, pour them into a bottle with a wide mouth, cover with sugar, shake, tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and keep in the room for 30 days. After that, pour vodka into the bottle, leave for 2 days and strain through cheesecloth.

Grapefruit tincture

1 grapefruit, 500 ml of vodka or alcohol.

Peel the grapefruit, cut the peel and pulp. Then put all this into a vessel and pour vodka or alcohol. Put insist. The longer, the tastier the drink. Strain, filter and cork into bottles.

Tincture from walnuts

500 ml of vodka, 400 g of young walnuts, 1 tbsp. l. honey.

Finely chop the nuts and insist vodka on them for a month. Add honey before drinking.

Tincture galangal

Rinse and dry the dug roots of galangal well. Then boil, strain the broth, cool and dilute with alcohol to a strength of 30-40 ° or put 2-3 roots in a bottle, pour vodka and leave for 10-15 days.

Tangerine tincture

8 art. l. dried tangerine peel, 750 ml of vodka.

Dry the peel of tangerines, chop, pour vodka and insist for a week. Refrigerate before use.

Almond tincture

1.25 g of bitter almond oil, 500 ml of sugar syrup, 4-5 liters of vodka. Mix vodka with sugar syrup and almond oil.

Medicinal tincture

1 tsp lime blossom, 50 g pitted prunes, 1 tsp. thyme, 1 tsp mint, 500 ml vodka, 10 g propolis dried prunes finely chopped, mixed with lime blossom, thyme, mint and pour vodka. Close the bottle tightly and put in a warm place for 2 months. After that, strain the tincture, add propolis to it, cork and let it brew for 1 month.

Tincture "Excellent"

205 g each of oregano flowers, St. John's wort, English mint, zorny root and orange peel, 102 g each of dill seed, gut, anise and juniper berries, 51.2 g tripoli, 12.3 liters of purified vodka.

Pour all the ingredients with vodka, insist and strain.

Blackberry tincture

Alcoholic blackberry juice (blackberry - 2.5 kg) - 2 l, sugar syrup - 1.4 l, vanillin - 0.05 g, citric acid - 3 g, water.
Alcoholic blackberry juice general content extractive substances, not more than 200 g, sweeten with 66% sugar syrup, flavor with vanillin.
Add citric acid to bring the acidity to 0.4 g/100 ml.
The resulting tincture is dark red, sweet and sour, with a blackberry flavor, with a strength of not more than 20%.

Ginseng tincture

Vodka - 0.5 l, a piece of ginseng, honey - 1 teaspoon.
Steep vodka on a piece of ginseng root for 2-3 days.
Honey can be added if desired.
You can add vodka to the tincture 2-3 times.

Loja flower tincture

Vodka - 1 l, sucker flowers - 100 g, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.
Infuse vodka on the flowers of sucker (pshat) for at least 3 weeks.
Before use, mix with bee honey.

Tincture on mint, anise and nuts.

Vodka - 2 l, mint - 40 g, anise - 40 g, nuts - 40 g.
Put mint, anise, nuts in vodka, put for 12 days in a warm place.
After that, after straining, you can use it.
Then you can again pour half the proportion of vodka into the thick and leave it warm for 1 month.

Nut tincture

Vodka - 0.5 l, young walnuts - 400 g, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.
Finely chop the young walnuts and steep the highest quality vodka on them.
Mix with honey before use.

Tavern tincture

For 1 bottle of vodka - 2 tablespoons of honey, 5 blades of bison, 5 blades of thyme, 1/2 teaspoon of oak bark, coriander, thyme.
Pour honey with vodka and stir well. Pour into a bottle and add herbs to it.
Close the bottle well and keep in a cool place for 2-3 months.
After that, strain through cheesecloth into another bottle, close the cork and refrigerate.

Lemon tincture

For 1 bottle of vodka - 2 medium-sized lemons.
This is a traditional tincture made from lemon peels.
Wash the lemons, wipe with a dry towel. With a sharp knife cut off all the yellow skin, trying to do it as thin as possible, since the slightest presence of white skin gives the vodka an unpleasant bitter aftertaste.
Infuse for several days in a warm place, then filter.
It does not need dark dishes.

Tangerine tincture

0.75 l of vodka, 6 tbsp. tablespoons dried tangerine peel
It has a very beautiful, sunny color and excellent taste.
tangerine peel crush, pour high-quality vodka and insist for a week.
Refrigerate before use.

Sea tincture

For 0.5 l of vodka - 20 g of seeds from equal weight parts of sage, peppermint, galangal and ginger.
Infuse for 1 month, then strain and bottle.

Amateur tincture

For 1 bottle of vodka - 6 medium cloves of garlic, 1 pod of red pepper (hot).
Finely chop the garlic, pour into a bottle, add red pepper, pour vodka, cork tightly and let it brew for 3 weeks.
Then strain into another bottle, add juice from half a lemon, close tightly.
Keep refrigerated.
A component of this tincture can also be 1 bay leaf, which gives it a piquant taste.

Tincture “Hunting”

For 1 liter of strong vodka, take 30-40 g of juniper berries, 2 g of ground black pepper, 50 g of dill seeds, 10-12 g of table salt, 40 g of horseradish.
This is a very sharp, strong tincture with a sharp taste and smell.
Infuse for 2 weeks in a warm place, periodically shaking the contents.
Then strain and filter.

pepper tincture

2 liters of vodka, 70 g of pepper, 200-300 g of sugar, 3-4 glasses of water.
Pour pepper into vodka, put in a warm place for 2 weeks, strain, dilute with weak syrup, pour into a bottle below the neck, cork, put in a warm place for several weeks.
Then carefully drain, bottle.

Rowan tincture

This tincture is prepared on cognac or vodka.
Rowan berries should be collected after the first autumn frosts, cleaned of stems and poured into bottles at 2/3 of their height.
Pour cognac or vodka, cork and insist for at least 3 weeks in a dark place until the drink becomes dark brown and has a strong rowan aroma. Strain.
Store in well-corked bottles.
Does not need dark dishes. To improve the bouquet, you can use this method.
The first infusion of cognac or vodka, which has stood for 2-3 weeks, is drained, and the berries are again poured with the same amount of vodka or cognac.
After 3 weeks, drain and mix with the filtered first tincture.

Caraway tincture

Vodka - to taste, 800 g of cumin, sugar - to taste, 3 liters of water.
First prepare caraway water, that is, overtake it in a cube, putting caraway seeds.
When used, caraway tincture is sweetened and added to vodka.

French tincture

To prepare this tincture, a mixture of the following herbs is taken: cardamom, galangal, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and anise, taken at 43 g per quarter (containing about 3 liters) bottle of vodka.

Black currant leaf extract

One of the most delicious is a tincture of young, not yet blossoming buds and blackcurrant leaves (older leaves, collected in early summer, also give a good product).
Prepare and store in dark bottles.
It is necessary to collect buds and leaves in dry weather; it is best to put them in a sieve, rinse lightly from dust and, scattering them on fabrics, let them dry slightly.
Then fill cleanly washed bottles with them almost to the top, pour vodka, cork tightly and put in a warm room for a day.
After this, filter through a glass funnel lined with white filter paper or cotton wool.
Cotton should not be squeezed out, as the turbidity can turn into tincture and straining will have to be repeated.
With this method, the tincture retains the aroma of a fresh leaf.
Wormwood, mint and other tinctures are prepared in the same way.

Healing tincture

1 bottle of vodka, 10 g of propolis, 50 g of pitted prunes per teaspoon of lime blossom, sweet clover, thyme, mint.
Finely chop dried prunes, mix with linden blossom, sweet clover, thyme, mint and pour over vodka.
Close the bottle tightly and put in a warm place for 2 months.
After that, strain the tincture, add propolis to it, cork and let it brew for a month.

apple tincture

2.5 kg of apples, 1.5 l of vodka, 7.5 l of water, 2 kg of sugar.
Put peeled and chopped apples into a large bottle, pour vodka and chilled water. Tie the throat of the bottle with gauze, put it in the sun for 2 weeks and shake it daily.
When the apples float to the top, strain the liquid through gauze, add sugar, put in the sun for 2 days, and then take it out for 10 days in a cold place, then strain, bottle, cork, tie the corks with ropes and keep in a cold place.
The drink can be consumed after 3 weeks.


Common anise - 4 g, star anise - 0.2 g, cumin - 0.5 g, coriander - 0.2 g, dill (seeds) - 0.5 g, vodka - 2.5 l.
The components are infused for 2 weeks, filtered, poured into bottles.
Refrigerate before use.

Tincture of orange peels.

Orange peel - 180 g, vodka - 2 l, sugar syrup - 3 l, citric acid - 2 g, tartrazine - 20-25 g.
Fill with strong vodka orange peels, put in a warm place for 1-2 weeks, strain, sweeten with 66% sugar syrup.
Simultaneously add citric acid, tartrazine to make a sweet, fresh orange peel color tincture with an acidity of 0.02 g/100 mg and an orange flavor.

Tincture of barberry leaves.
Vodka - 1 l, barberry leaves - 200 g.
Place the crushed dried barberry leaves in a bottle, pour in vodka, cork and keep at room temperature for 7 days.
After a week, drain the tincture, filter well until transparent. Consume in small quantities.
This tincture in folk medicine is used as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding with a dosage of 30 drops 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
Wormwood tincture.
Vodka - 1 l, wormwood - 50 g, sugar - 50 g.
Fresh or dried wormwood is poured with vodka, insisted for 2 weeks, filtered, sugar is added.
Bottled and corked.
Relieves nervous tension.
Birch bud tincture.
Vodka - 0.5 l, birch sticks - 50 g, honey - 1 teaspoon.
Take birch sticks, insist vodka on them for 10 days.
Before use, if desired, add bee honey.
Birch tincture with propolis.
Vodka - 1 l, propolis - 200 g, birch sap - optional.
To prepare birch tincture, it is necessary to grind propolis, pour it into a bottle and pour vodka, shaking for half an hour.
Then insist, periodically shaking, for three days.
If desired, the tincture can be diluted with birch sap before use.
Cowberry-cherry tincture
Cognac - 150 ml, vodka 2 l, cranberries - 3.5 kg, cherries - 600 g, sugar syrup - 2.5 l, citric acid.
Pour fresh lingonberries and cherries into a bottle, top up with selected cognac, vodka and insist.
Then sweeten with 66% sugar syrup, citric acid, bring the acidity of the tincture to 0.5 g/100 ml.
The resulting forest tincture is sweet and sour, with a pleasant slight bitterness, a complex aroma of lingonberries and cherries, reddish-brown.
Cherry tincture
Vodka - 0.5 l, cherry juice with sugar - 250 ml, water - 250 ml.
Washed cherries without stalks put in a bottle with a wide mouth, cover with sugar up to the neck, cover with gauze, tie and put in the sun for 30-49 days.
The resulting cherry juice (0.7 kg of sugar per 1 kg of cherries) mixed with boiled water and vodka.
Cherry stem tincture
Vodka - 1 l, cherry stalks - 250 g, sugar - 100 g.
Rinse the stalks, dry, pour into a bottle with a wide mouth, cover with sugar syrup, shake, tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and keep in the room for 30 days.
After that, pour vodka into the bottle, mix, leave for 2 days, strain through cheesecloth.
mint tincture
Vodka - 1 l, mint leaves - 50 g.
Fresh mint leaves, collected in dry weather, are crushed, poured with vodka, insisted for 2 weeks.
Strain and bottle.
The tincture has a beautiful green-emerald color, enhances appetite, improves digestion.
“Erofeich” (one of many recipes)
2 g of flowers and herbs: oregano, St. John's wort, lovage (dawn), sage, wormwood, lemon balm, yarrow, thyme, young leaves of strawberries, apple and pear, hawthorn flowers, 0.5 g of cardamom and anise (total 14 components) , 1 liter of good vodka.
Infuse for 2-3 months, drain, filter, pour into dark bottles and cork.
The tincture raises the tone, relieves nervous tension.
Partition tincture of nuts
Vodka - 1 l, honey bee - 2 tbsp. spoons, partitions from walnuts, water - 0.5 l.
Partitions of walnuts put in vodka and leave for 2-3 days.
Then mix with cold boiled water and honey.
English Pepper Tincture “Bitter Tears”
Vodka - 2 l, pepper - 70 g, sugar - 200-300 g, water - 3-4 cups.
Take vodka, add English or simple pepper, put in a warm place for 2 weeks, strain, dilute with weak sugar syrup, strain, pour the tincture with pepper into the bottle below the neck, cork it, put it in a warm place for several weeks, so that the mixture is infused, drain carefully and bottle.
Orange colorless bitters
Vodka - 1 l, dried orange peel - 2.4 g, sugar - to taste.
Pour dried orange peels into the bottle, add vodka.
Leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally.
Then add sugar to taste.
Ancient tincture on sage, ginger, kalancha
Vodka - 2 l, sage - 25 g, ginger - 25 g, kalancha - 25 g, water - 1.5 l.
Pour vodka over ginger, kalancha and sage. Then put to brew for 18 days.
After this period, add spring water to the tincture and filter.
Healing tincture
Vodka - 0.5 l, various healing herbs- 50 g, granulated sugar - 50 g.
To prepare the elixir, you need to take 1/2 g of: celery seeds, cumin, anise; 1 g each: elderberry flowers, sweet peas, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, cardamom, St. John's wort; 2 g each: cinnamon, rose petals, ginger, fragrant tea, coffee, rum essence, cherry essence, mint drops, pear essence, plum essence, barberry essence; 3 g each: partitions of nuts, tarragon (tarragon), thyme (urtsa); 4 g each: cilantro, parsley seeds, dill seeds.
Boil all the listed components of the drink over low heat, cool, strain.
Then add sugar, strong vodka to the mixture, pour into bottles, cork and put on aging.
Drink takes off general weakness organism.
Apple-honey tincture
Vodka - 1.5 l, apples - 1.5 kg, sugar - 200 g, natural honey - 50 g, water - 1.5 l.
Infuse vodka on apples for several days, add sugar, honey, water - to taste.
Prepared tincture with a strength of not more than 25%, with sugar 3 g / 100 mg, acidity 0.23 g / 100 ml, yellow color with a golden hue, sweet and sour taste and aroma of apple with honey.
Herbal honey tincture
1 liter of vodka, 4 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oak bark, coriander seeds, dried thyme, lemon balm, bison.
Stir honey with vodka and pour herbs over it, cork the bottle, put in a cool place for 2-3 months.
Strain, pour into bottles, cork.
Store in a dark, cool place.
Gooseberry tincture
2 kg gooseberries, 2 liters of vodka, 2-3 slices rye bread, jam syrup.
Pour gooseberries into a bottle, pour water, spread bread thick jam, dry on a wire rack and add to the bottle.
The bottle is tightly corked and placed in a dark, cool place for 4 months.
Pear-currant tincture
100 g dried pears, 100 g raisins, 100 g young currant leaves, 2 liters of vodka.
Place in a bottle, put in a dark place for 1 month, shake occasionally.
Filter the finished tincture, bottle, cork.
Apricot tincture
2 kg apricot, 250 g sugar, cinnamon, cloves, 1 liter of vodka.
Apricot pulp is cut into slices, the kernels are crushed in a mortar, sugar is added, cloves 5-6 pcs. and cinnamon on the tip of a knife, pour vodka and insist 1 month.
Then filtered, bottled, corked and placed in a dark, cool place.
Tincture walnut healing
0.5 l of good Cahors, 2.5 cups of walnut kernels, 5 lemons, 750 g of aloe leaves, 1 kg of honey and butter.
Nuts, lemons with peel, but pitted, aloe leaves are passed through a meat grinder, everything is mixed. Store in a dark, cool place.
For diseases of the lungs and bronchi, take 3 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon for 10-15 days.
On the recommendation of a doctor, repeat the course after 2 weeks.
Beet tincture
0.5 l beetroot juice, 0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 l of vodka.
Mix thoroughly, put in a cool dark place for 3-4 days, shake occasionally.
To remove kidney stones, take 1 tablespoon diluted in 0.5 cups hot water, within a month.
On the recommendation of a doctor, the course is repeated after two weeks.
The tincture is stored in a dark, cool place.
Vitamin tincture
1 cup beetroot juice, 1 cup carrot juice, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1/2 cup cranberry juice, 1 cup honey and 100 ml alcohol.
Mix thoroughly and infuse for 3-4 days in a dark, cool place, shake occasionally.
At hypertension and as a general tonic, take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals for 1.5-2 months.
Garlic tincture
350 g minced garlic, 200 ml alcohol (96% vol.).
Insist 10 days. Take with milk (1/4 cup) 3 times a day from 1 to 15 drops, increasing with each dose by 1 drop, and then decreasing to 1 drop.
The remaining tincture is taken 25 drops per day.
Garlic tincture is an excellent cleansing and general tonic, which contributes to the removal of lime and fat deposits from the body, the removal of vascular spasms, actively improves metabolic processes.
Translation of old Russian measures for calculating weight and volume into modern ones

WEIGHT MEASURES 1 pood = 40 pounds = 16.38 kg
1 lb = 32 lots = 0.409 kg
1 lot = 3 spools = 12.8g
1 spool = 96 shares = 4.27 g
1 share = 1/96 spool = 44.43 mg

VOLUME MEASURES 1 garnet = 1/4 bucket = 1/8 quadruple = 3.28 l
(14 pounds of honey can fit into the garnet; 1 Russian pound - 409 g)
1 quarter \u003d 8 garnets \u003d 2 buckets \u003d 26.24 l
1 bottle (wine) = 1/16 bucket = 0.77 l
1 bottle (vodka) = 1/20 bucket = 0.624 l
1 damask \u003d 2 bottles \u003d 10 cups \u003d 1.23 l
1 cup = 1/10 damask = 2 scales = 0.123 g
1 shkalik (kosushka) \u003d 1/2 cups \u003d 0.06 l
8 pounds = 16 glasses = 4 quarts = 1 garnet
2 pounds = 4 glasses = 1 quart = 1/4 garnet
1 lb = 2 cups = 16 tablespoons
1/2 lb = 1 cup = 8 tablespoons
1/4 lb = 1/2 cup = 4 tbsp. spoons = 8 lots
1/8 lb = 1/4 cup = 2 tbsp. spoons = 4 lots
1/16 lb = 1/8 cup = 1 tbsp. spoon = 2 lots

Low alcohol liqueur
7 kg of berries (raspberries, currants, pitted cherries or any other) are poured into a bottle, pouring 3 kg of sugar, the neck of the bottle is tied with a cloth and placed in the sun for 3-5 days, shaken periodically.
After the start of fermentation, a water seal is placed (or a plastic bag under an elastic band) and left in a dark place for 30-40 days until the end of fermentation.
Then the liqueur is filtered, bottled, corked. Store in a cool, dark place.
You can prepare low-alcohol mixed liqueurs: as the berries and fruits ripen, ripened fruits are put into the bottle and sprinkled with sugar at the rate of 300-400 g of sugar per 1 kg of berries.
If desired, you can add freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice last and make a drink like Sangria.
Cherry liqueur
Cherry - 3 kg, sugar - 1 kg, vodka 1 l.
Pour cherries into a bottle and sprinkle with sugar. Tie the bottle with cheesecloth and put it in the sun for 6 weeks to ferment the cherry. Then drain the cherry juice, pour into bottles, cork and put in a cold place.
Pour vodka over the cherries left from the bottle, close tightly and let stand at room temperature for two months.
Drain the second liquor, filter, pour into bottles, cork.
After 5-6 months, the liqueur can be consumed.
Black cherries are dried in the sun, laid out in 1 layer on the fabric. They fall asleep in a bottle, shaking so that the cherries settle down well, and pour vodka so that the fruits are completely covered.
Infuse for 12-14 days, drain the liquid fraction, and pour the fruits again with vodka for 2 weeks, then drain and pour vodka 3-1 times.
Infuse for 2 months, mix with 2 previously merged fractions, add sugar to taste, bottle, cork and store as long as necessary.
Cherry liqueur in Polish
Cherry - 1 kg, sugar - 800 g, vodka - 200 ml.
Place pitted cherries in a jar and sprinkle with sugar, after 2-3 days add vodka.
Tie the jar with gauze or cloth and put in a warm dark place for 1.5-2 months.
Filter, bottle, cork.
Cherry liqueur in French
Take a well-ripened cherry, carefully remove the seeds. Leave the stalks, cut off by 1 cm. Transfer the prepared berries to sterile jars with screw caps.
Screw on the lids and lower the jars for a few minutes in boiling water.
Cool and then pour vodka over the berries so that it covers them slightly, add sugar, a piece of cinnamon, a few cloves or lemon or orange peels to taste.
Seal tightly and shake occasionally to dissolve the sugar. After 3 months, the liqueur is ready for use.
Pouring “Baked Cherry”
Vodka, cherry, sugar.
Arrange ripe, de-stemmed cherries on a plank and put them in the oven so that the cherries wrinkle a little and do not dry out. Cool them and fill them with a prepared barrel or bottle.
When the barrel is completely full, pour vodka into the berries, let stand in a cold cellar for 10 days.
Then pour all the liquid into a separate bottle, pour vodka over the berries a second time, leave for two weeks, drain the liquid, pour the berries a third time and let stand for 7 weeks.
Then mix all three liqueurs together, sweeten to taste, cork, pitch and keep in the cellar.
Gooseberry liqueur
1 kg of gooseberries, 0.6 liters of vodka and wine, 300 g of sugar.
Wash the gooseberries, peel them from the stalks, put them in a bottle and pour vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks, drain the infusion and pour gooseberries with wine 18-20% vol. fortress (preferably homemade apple or quince), leave for 2 weeks, drain the infusion, heat, dissolve sugar in it and combine with the first infusion.
Stir, stand for 5-6 days, strain, bottle, cork.
Raspberry-gooseberry liqueur
Half of the bottle is filled with gooseberries and poured with 70% alcohol so that the fruits are completely covered.
Insist month. Then add raspberries in the amount of 200-250 g per 1 kg of gooseberries and insist another week.
Then it is drained, settled, removed from the sediment and bottled.
Sugar can be added to taste.
Red currant casserole
Currants are poured into a clay pot or an enamel pan, poured with homemade table wine and kept in a moderately hot oven for 14-15 hours (it is possible with breaks).
The liqueur is drained, sugar is added to taste and bottled.
Fragrant rose liqueur
5 kg of red currant, 4 kg of sugar, 150 rose petals.
Wash the currants, dry them, remove them from the stalks, pour layers of currants, rose petals, sugar into the bottle, close the neck with a cloth, put in the sun for a month.
Drain, strain through a cloth, pour into bottles, cork.
Blackcurrant liqueur
3 kg of currants, 1 kg of sugar, 250 ml of 70% alcohol.
Wash the currants, dry them, put them in a bottle in layers with sugar, put them in the sun for 3-4 days. Shake the bottle periodically.
After the start of fermentation, install a water seal (or a plastic bag under an elastic band, and put it in a dark place for 1.5 months.
After the end of fermentation, the liquor is filtered and alcohol is added at the rate of 50-70 g per 1 liter of liquor, bottled and corked.
Plum liqueur
Wash ripe sweet plums, dry them, remove pits, pour 80% into a bottle, pour vodka to cover the fruits, put in a dark place.
Insist for a month, weekly, for better mixing of the wine material with air, decant the liquid fraction and pour it into the bottle again.
Drain, add sugar in the amount of 200 g per 1 liter of liqueur and let stand for a week.
Strain, bottle, cork.
Overripe, slightly dried plum, preferably Hungarian, pour into a bottle at 80-90% of the volume, pour water and leave for 1.5 months. Drain and cork the infusion.
Pour plums with sugar syrup: 300 g of sugar per 1 liter of water, 400 ml of syrup are taken per 1 liter of infusion.
The mixture is insisted for 1 week, drained, settled, filtered, mixed with the previously drained infusion, bottled, corked and insisted for another 3-6 months.
Dried prunes
Prunes are washed, pitted, cut into pieces, poured into a bottle, poured with alcohol and vodka at the rate of 600 g of prunes 0.5 liters of alcohol and 2 liters of vodka, insist 1.5 months, periodically shaking the bottle. The infusion is drained, filtered and corked.
Plums are poured with water in an amount equal to the drained infusion, infused for 3 days, drained, mixed with the previously drained infusion and infused until completely settled, drained from the sediment, sugar is added to taste, poured, clogged.
With storage, the taste of the liqueur improves.
Vodka - 2.25 l, turn - 2.5 kg, sugar - 1.25 kg.
Put the ripe turn into an 8-liter bottle and sprinkle with sugar. Wrap with gauze and put in the sun for 6 weeks.
When the turn is fermented, pour 250 ml of vodka into it and let it stand for 4 months, then strain the liqueur, pour in another 2 liters of vodka, pour everything into an enameled pan, boil, cool, bottle, cork tightly, fill with paraffin, put in a box , cover with dry sand and keep in a cool, dry place.
The liqueur will be ready to drink in 6 months.
Caraway liqueur
Vodka - 2 l, cumin - 80 g, sugar - 600 g, water - 3 cups.
Take vodka, add cumin, let stand in a warm place for 2-3 weeks, dilute with sugar syrup (at the rate of 3 cups of water per 600 g of sugar), strain through cotton wool, pour the liquor into a bottle below the neck, cork it, put it in a warm place for a few weeks for the mixture to infuse, drain carefully and bottle.