What can a stool test show in dogs? White feces in a dog: causes, diagnosis of possible diseases

Every dog ​​owner will sooner or later be faced with a situation where the pet’s waste acquires an uncharacteristic color, which is a sign of a serious illness. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the causes of white feces in a dog, as well as other unnatural colors, in order to begin treatment.

Normal dog feces should be dark brown or Brown color. They acquire this color thanks to high content bile. She plays important role in digestion, dissolving pieces of food in small intestine. In this case, all unnecessary residues are removed from the pet’s body naturally.

Thus, if the animal’s stool color suddenly changes, it is necessary to look for the cause and begin treatment. Typically, such a symptom is the first “bell” of a pathology developing in the dog’s body. That is why contacting a specialist in this situation will be mandatory.

Video “What to do if your dog has diarrhea”

In this video, the veterinarian will talk about the causes of diarrhea in dogs and how to deal with it.

What does color say?

If your pet's stool has changed color, the first step is to find out the reason for this phenomenon. Based on results only diagnostic studies After examining the dog, the veterinarian will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

The color of feces can already tell a specialist a lot about possible problem. Let's look at what can cause stool to turn white or other unnatural colors.


White feces indicates that the dog is seriously ill. Moreover, the disease is already in an advanced stage. The lack of color in the feces indicates that bile has stopped flowing into the animal’s intestines.

The fact is that very often a white pile is a sign of developing oncology. Moreover, diagnosing cancer is difficult, since the search for a tumor is a long and complex process.


If the dog loose stool yellow color, then various factors can lead to such a violation. Moreover, yellow feces can be either liquid or solid.

The appearance of solid waste is provoked by the following reasons:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas;
  • the presence of worms in the animal’s body;
  • unbalanced and irrational nutrition.

Liquid yellow stool (diarrhea) is caused by the following reasons:

  • intestinal infections (often viral in nature);
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • parvovirus infection;
  • poor nutrition.

Also, the appearance of black feces can result from the entry of a foreign object into the dog’s body, which can damage the walls. digestive tract, which will lead to internal bleeding.

Fecal analysis in dogs is one of the mandatory procedures in the diagnosis of many pathologies. Reasons for holding:

Preparation for delivery:

  • collect the material in a sterile container for transportation. The best option You will be able to purchase special bottles with sealed caps from the pharmacy;
  • 2-3 days before the examination, adhere to a certain diet: exclude animal feed from the diet, fermentative, and limit the amount of meat and fish;
  • It is not recommended to undergo a scatological analysis after performing cleansing enemas, taking laxatives, or gastric lavages;
  • if the dog had been treated the day before x-ray examination using a contrast agent, the dog’s stool should be tested 2-3 days after the procedure;
  • if appointed medications, the owner must notify the attending physician about this.

A dog's feces for scatological examination are usually collected during a walk. For this purpose, you must take with you a sterile container with a stick and gloves to maintain hygiene rules. After the dog has emptied the intestines of the contents, you should take a large number of feces without impurities of blades of grass, dirt, sand, plant seeds, etc.

The collected material must be delivered no later than 12 hours after sampling. In this case, the container should be stored in the refrigerator. If stool analysis for protozoa is expected, the time is reduced to 30 minutes, otherwise the result may be unreliable.

Decoding consistency feces:

  • too liquid are observed with dyspepsia, ulcerative colitis;
  • feces in the form of an ointment are often a symptom of impaired bile outflow;
  • a mushy pattern is characteristic of dyspepsia and colitis;
  • If the stool looks like sheep's beans, then the pet may have chronic constipation or colitis.

Feces color depends on the diet of the animal, but by its change one can judge pathological processes and diseases, for example:

  • Black, tar-like stool may be a sign of life-threatening bleeding in your pet's digestive tube;
  • the dark brown color of feces often indicates the development of colitis in a dog, a violation of the enzymatic function of digestion and can accompany chronic;
  • a reddish color is observed in ulcerative colitis;
  • light yellow color of a dog's feces may be a sign of pancreatic dysfunction, malfunction small intestine;
  • a grayish-white color may indicate a blockage bile ducts stones.

If your dog's feces smell putrid, this is a sign of pathologies such as colitis, dyspepsia, and impaired intestinal motor function. Foul-smelling stool become, as a rule, with diseases of the pancreas, blockage of the bile ducts with stones. In case of development of fermentative dyspepsia, note sour smell.

A general stool analysis in dogs involves determining the pH reaction. Normally, it is neutral or slightly acidic. Diseases such as colitis, constipation, disorders secretory function pancreas are accompanied by a shift of the reaction towards the base. Tests have an acidic environment during the development of putrefactive and fermentative dyspepsia in dogs.

Normally, stercobilin is present in animal feces. Its increase indicates the development of anemia, and its decrease is observed in liver diseases. Bilirubin is not detected in healthy animals. Its presence indicates an increase in intestinal motor function and is often observed with long-term use antibacterial drugs.

Detection of muscle fibers indicates, as a rule, the development of putrefactive dyspepsia, and may also accompany a violation of absorption processes in thin section intestines and malfunction of the pancreas.

If mucus is detected, then such a symptom may indicate problems with the large intestine: constipation, colitis, neoplasms. Presence of red blood cells in analyzes indicates that it is necessary to carry out comprehensive examination colon and exclude tumor processes, dysentery. Point at malignancy in the intestines may also white blood cells found in dog feces.

Normally none pathogenic microorganisms is not detected in a healthy animal. In case of infectious diseases, the following bacteria can be detected in stool tests in dogs: C. perfringens, C. difficile, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica and strains of Escherichia coli. The detection of a particular bacillus in feces is not the basis for making a final diagnosis. The results of the study correlate with the clinical picture.

An example of a dog's stool analysis

After long-term use antibacterial drugs the number of enterococci, lactobacilli, and bifidobacteria is examined. Their significant decrease against the background of the detection of yeast-like fungi Candida, Proteus, Clostridia and Enterobacteriaceae indicates the development of dysbiosis in the four-legged pet.

Extended scatological examination includes indicators such as occult blood, hemosiderin crystals, calcium oxalate, Charcot-Leyden. The first ones appear when there is bleeding in the intestinal tube. The presence of calcium oxalate particles indicates insufficient secretory function of the stomach. With colitis and enterocolitis, Charcot-Leyden crystals appear in the stool of sick individuals.

Detection in test samples hidden blood indicates ulcerative processes in the stomach or small intestine, ulcerative colitis, disintegration of neoplasms in digestive system if the intestinal wall is injured by helminths, or the animal has damaged oral cavity, larynx.

Read more in our article about fecal analysis in dogs.

Read in this article

Reasons for stool testing in dogs

In rare cases, diagnostic measures in veterinary medicine do not require stool analysis in dogs. Examination of fecal matter allows a specialist to answer many questions about the pet’s health. Scatological diagnosis of pets is usually carried out in the following cases:

A dog's feces for scatological examination are usually collected during a walk. To this end You must take with you a sterile container with a stick and gloves to maintain hygiene rules. After the dog has emptied the intestines of the contents, you should take a small amount of feces without impurities of blades of grass, dirt, sand, plant seeds, etc.

After the tests are placed in containers, care must be taken that they are delivered to the veterinary institution no later than 12 hours after sampling. In this case, the container should be stored in the refrigerator.

In the event that feces are to be analyzed for protozoa, the time from the moment the sample is taken to laboratory examination reduced to 30 minutes. This is due to the fact that vegetative forms of protozoa are quickly destroyed in environment, and the result may not be reliable in this regard.

Watch this video about preparing your pet for a fecal test:

Decoding the results

As a rule, in veterinary diagnostics, the physicochemical parameters of animal feces are examined and a microscopic examination is carried out.

Total information

First of all, the laboratory pays attention to such general parameters as the color and consistency of stool, and smell. Too liquid feces are observed with dyspepsia and ulcerative colitis. Feces in the form of an ointment are often a symptom of a violation of the outflow of bile. A mushy pattern is characteristic of dyspepsia and colitis. If the stool looks like sheep beans, then your pet may have chronic constipation or colitis.

The color of feces depends on the animal’s diet, but changes in it can indicate certain pathological processes and even diseases. For example, black, tar-like stool may be a sign of life-threatening bleeding in your pet's digestive tube. The dark brown color of feces often indicates the development of colitis in a dog, a violation of the enzymatic function of digestion, and can accompany chronic constipation.

A reddish color is observed in ulcerative colitis. Light yellow color feces in a dog may be a sign of a malfunction of the pancreas or malfunction of the small intestine. If the stool is greyish-white in color, your veterinarian may suspect a stone blockage in the bile ducts.

The reason why a dog's feces smell putrid is due to pathologies such as colitis, dyspepsia, and impaired intestinal motor function. As a rule, feces become foul-smelling due to diseases of the pancreas or blockage of the bile ducts with stones. If fermentative dyspepsia develops, veterinary specialists note a sour odor from the test sample.

A general stool analysis in dogs involves determining the pH reaction. Normally, a neutral or slightly acidic reaction is observed. Diseases such as colitis, constipation, and impaired secretory function of the pancreas are accompanied by a shift of the reaction towards the base. Tests have an acidic environment during the development of putrefactive and fermentative dyspepsia in dogs.

Stercobilin is normally present in animal feces. Its increase indicates the development of anemia, and its decrease is observed in liver diseases. Bilirubin is not detected in healthy animals. Its presence indicates an increase in intestinal motor function and is often observed with long-term use of antibacterial drugs that suppress natural microflora body.

An example of a dog's stool analysis

Soluble protein and muscle fibers are not contained in the feces of healthy pets. If protein is found in the samples, the veterinarian may suspect colitis, dyspepsia, bleeding and inflammatory processes in the digestive canal. The detection of muscle fibers usually indicates the development of putrefactive dyspepsia, and may also accompany a disruption of absorption processes in the small intestine and a malfunction of the pancreas.

If mucus is found in your pet’s stool, which is absent in a healthy animal, then such a symptom may indicate problems with the large intestine: constipation, colitis, neoplasms. The presence of red blood cells in the analyzes indicates that it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the large intestine and exclude polyps, tumor processes, and dysentery. Leukocytes found in a dog's feces can also indicate a malignant neoplasm in the intestines.

If you have been tested for bacteria

Normally, during a scatological examination, no pathogenic microorganisms are detected in a healthy animal. For infectious diseases, stool tests in dogs may reveal the bacteria C. perfringens, C. difficile, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica and strains of Escherichia coli. However, the identification of a particular pathogenic bacillus in feces is not the basis for making a final diagnosis. results bacteriological research in this case, correlate with the clinical picture.

Feces for dysbacteriosis in a dog

After long-term use of antibacterial drugs, with an appropriate clinical picture, a veterinarian prescribes a dog stool test for dysbacteriosis. At the same time, the number of enterococci, lactobacilli, and bifidobacteria is examined. Their significant reduction against normal indicators against the background of the detection of yeast-like fungi Candida, Proteus, clostridia and enterobacteria, indicates the development of dysbiosis in the four-legged pet.

If you have been tested for protozoa

If an extensive stool test was performed

In some cases, a veterinarian may prescribe an extensive scatological examination. Decoding the analysis of dog feces includes indicators such as occult blood, hemosiderin crystals, calcium oxalate, Charcot-Leyden. Thus, hemosiderin crystals appear during bleeding in the intestinal tube.

The presence of calcium oxalate particles indicates insufficient secretory function of the stomach. With colitis and enterocolitis, Charcot-Leyden crystals appear in the stool of sick individuals.

The detection of occult blood in the studied samples indicates ulcerative processes in the stomach or small intestine, ulcerative colitis. Hidden blood in the stool can be due to the breakdown of neoplasms in the digestive system. In the event that the intestinal wall is injured by helminths, or the animal has damaged the oral cavity, larynx, hidden blood can also be detected in the feces.

Scatological research helps veterinary specialist understand the processes occurring in the digestive system of a furry patient. A general stool analysis is included in a comprehensive diagnostic examination of the animal. If necessary, an extended analysis can be prescribed, which includes the detection of occult blood, dysbacteriosis, and also allows one to exclude protozoal invasions and confirm a bacterial infection.

Useful video

Watch this video about what blood in a dog's stool indicates:

24 minutes ago, Mohave said:

Here I am, talking to the vet. Doctors still don’t understand how chronic disease is diagnosed. pancreatitis? We are at good analyzes We don't feel very good. Specifically, we groan when we lie down or get up, the quality of our fur has deteriorated and our claws have begun to peel, we also rarely vomit bile, and poop. I heard that with pancreatitis you need to reduce the fat content of the feed. But here opinions differ. Human doctors believe that outside the acute phase, you need to eat such an amount of fat that the body is able to normally perceive and correct the situation with Creon. D.Z hr. Nobody diagnosed us with pancreatitis, I am increasingly coming to this opinion. Since I’ve already “fed up” half of the doctors in Moscow with my dog. We have one thing or another, something hurts, but where it is not clear. It would seem logical that if he groans when changing body position, then you need to look for support movement disorders, but then what does vomiting of bile and “varnished” poop have to do with it? In a word, surgeons believe that we now need an MRI of the lumbosacral. We used to do cervicothoracic region, because The dog stumbled on its left front leg, there was no lameness. They found a protrusion of C3-C4, well, what’s the point, now I’ve stopped stumbling, I can twist my neck better than I can, before I could twist it well too, no treatment was prescribed. So the question is whether such overdiagnosis prevents us from missing what really needs treatment, namely our chronicle. pancreatitis? I asked the vet. doctors: - “Can an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis cause pain in the front paw and face”? They said no. I asked people, they say that during exacerbations there can be pancreatic arthralgia and even conditions that can be mistaken for a heart attack, but this is in people. That's why I'm asking, because... I can’t decide what to do. On the one hand there is wind. The doctors are all reputable, there is no reason to doubt, most likely they will find a protrusion in the lower back, on the other hand, I don’t know how to explain it, but I really feel that the problem is not in the spine. Sorry if I'm tired, it's just like that for me. Yes, I just bought Almo Nature Alternative lamb and rice food, it says it’s gluten-free, we’ll try how we can poop on it.

To be honest, I don’t really understand what a “varnished” chair is...)) Is it with mucus or something? Is gastritis ruled out? Protozoa?

Our situation is also mysterious... one day the dog became ill, had a fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, convulsions, the dog lay down like a cloth and could not even get up. In principle, the symptoms show a clear picture acute pancreatitis... But! analysis could not confirm it. The ultrasound doctor said you don’t even have to do it, it’s not informative. But our attack coincided with several things: 1. we switched to natural food, which could have provoked a pancreatic reaction, 2. that day he licked something from the ground, I suspect it was reagents. In short, on this moment We are on a diet for a month (no fatty meat, fish, rice, bran), we will retake all the tests and still do an ultrasound, because... I still have a suspicion of gastritis.

It’s strange in your situation that all tests (especially stool) are normal. If there is insufficient fermentation of the pancreas, a lot of undigested fiber and muscle fibers are usually found in the feces; in your case, as I understand it, everything is normal? Then why Creon?

Diarrhea is a very common clinical problem in both humans and animals. Among the features of the manifestation of loose stools, the sudden onset and short duration of this process are usually distinguished. Typically, diarrhea can last no more than 3 weeks.

If we talk about four-legged pets, loose stools in dogs are often accompanied by watery or mucous discharge. Also, in some cases, blood may come out with the stool.

Sometimes dogs suffer from fairly prolonged diarrhea, which can last up to several months. In some situations, diarrhea occurs constantly, and sometimes only once every few days. If the stomach upset was isolated, then there is nothing to worry about. However, in the case of constant loose stools in a dog, which has been going on for more than a day, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible. The fact is that this phenomenon is not at all harmless.

The consequences of diarrhea can be quite dire. Diarrhea may cause electrolyte disturbances, fluid loss will occur, as well as dehydration. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the causes as quickly as possible, and begin treating loose stools in a dog immediately. Why do animals suffer from this disease? What to do if your pet has loose stools?

Loose stools in dogs: causes

As a rule, experts associate the appearance of diarrhea with a malnutrition of the animal. This can happen if you change your usual diet very suddenly. pet. For example, if he switched from regular food prepared by his owners to ready-made food.

Diarrhea can also begin as a result of eating a stale treat that the owner gave to his pet. In some cases, this is an allergic reaction to one of the components of dry or liquid food.

Also, a dog may develop loose stools due to an accidentally swallowed foreign object. In addition, experts note that diarrhea develops in four-legged pets when viral infections. For example, such symptoms are characteristic of hepatitis or plague.

In addition, similar symptoms develop when:

  • poisoning with chemicals or toxic substances;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • mechanical intestinal injuries;
  • stomach cancer.

Sometimes the causes of diarrhea can be determined by the color of the stool:

  • A yellow tint indicates that the diarrhea will also contain blood or mucus.
  • Black color is most often found with intestinal bleeding.
  • White stools indicate possible liver disease.
  • dangerous because it can be one of the symptoms of canine distemper.

Manifestation of diarrhea

To independently determine why your dog has loose stools, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • feces have changed their density, that is, they have become liquid;
  • a very pungent and unpleasant odor appeared;
  • blood began to appear in the feces;
  • During defecation, the animal experiences severe pain.

At the same time, pets often begin to behave very nervously. Dogs whine and stop eating as usual, which is why they lose weight very quickly. Very often diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting. In this case, the dog may lose control of bowel movements.

Diarrhea with blood

And if your pet has diarrhea with blood clots, then it is quite possible that the dog is suffering from a rather serious illness. In this case, you must definitely show the animal to a veterinarian. Most often in such situations, poisoning is diagnosed.

The fact is that dogs very often pick up various small objects and foreign bodies on the street. If they get into the pet's stomach, this can cause irritation of the intestinal walls. Also, liquid may appear due to developing parvovirus enteritis. Typically, this disease is observed in puppies between 2 and 12 months of age. Unfortunately, this virus most often leads to the death of a young pet. Therefore, it is necessary to help him as quickly as possible.

In addition, blood in the feces may appear due to the fact that the dog is suffering from traumatic enterocolitis. In this case, there is a possibility that the pet ate some kind of spicy food. foreign body, which could damage the walls of the stomach or intestines.

Acute form

This type of diarrhea occurs quite often in veterinary practice. In this case, the animal begins to suffer from bouts of diarrhea suddenly. In this case, the symptoms pass quite quickly, but constantly recur after some time. As a rule, such diarrhea does not last more than 3 weeks.

So, the dog has loose stools - what to do if the disease occurs in acute form? In this case, do not underestimate the danger of the situation. This disease requires appropriate treatment. If an animal suffers from acute diarrhea, the feces will be watery, sometimes containing blood impurities. If the animal defecates quite often, this will lead to disruption of the internal organs.

Chronic form

In this case we are talking about diarrhea, which can last more than 3 weeks. If a dog has loose stools with mucus, this is the first sign chronic form illness. Most often, such consequences result from the fact that the pet consumes low-quality products or damage to the gastric mucosa occurs. Sometimes this form of diarrhea can develop due to infectious disease. Therefore, if your dog has loose stools with mucus, you should not turn a blind eye to it.

Consequences of diarrhea

The most dangerous thing for a dog is diarrhea with blood. If there is abundant bloody discharge in the feces, then you need to immediately call a specialist and not wait until the last moment. It is worth considering that in rare cases very terrible diseases, such as rabies, manifest themselves in this way.

Also, if an animal suffers from acute diarrhea and there is strange discharge in the feces, then this may indicate damage to the internal organs by some object. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the animal may die from blood loss or disruption of internal organs.

Self-treatment of loose stool in a dog or ignoring problems can greatly affect the pet’s health, even to the point of death. Also, do not self-medicate if there is blood or mucus in the stool. However, in some cases, you can try to help your beloved pet yourself.

A dog has loose stools: how to treat it at home

In a situation where diarrhea has lasted less than 2 weeks and there is no blood or mucus in the stool, you can self-treatment. To do this you need to follow these steps:

  • Stop feeding your pet. This diet should last 1-3 days.
  • Give him as much drinking boiled water as possible.
  • When your pet stops vomiting and he doesn’t run to the toilet so often, you can cook for him congee.
  • In subsequent diets, include only dairy products(give about 3 days).
  • Give him the Regidron solution.
  • Prepare medicinal decoctions plants such as sage, St. John's wort, blueberry or alder.

It is very important to monitor the animal’s body temperature. If it increases, then in this case you need to stop self-medication and immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

When infectious form the disease that led to the appearance of loose stools is treated with antibiotics. Such strong drugs Treating your pet yourself is strictly prohibited!

If your pet is suffering from traumatic injury intestines, then surgery will most likely be required. This procedure also cannot be performed at home.

What to give your dog for diarrhea

To try to help the animal cope with unpleasant symptoms, you should first prepare the rice water. It also helps to consolidate feces, so the animal will not suffer from severe diarrhea. To prepare such a mixture, you need to pour rice cereal into a small amount of water. After this, just put the mixture on the stove, collect all the grounds, and give the broth to the dog.

Features of animal nutrition with diarrhea

If an animal does not want to eat on its own, then you should not force feed it. However, when a pet refuses water, it is necessary to take any measures, but force him to drink the liquid. To do this, you can purchase the largest syringe at the pharmacy, remove the needle, pour water into it and thus give your pet water.

When the dog feels better, you can introduce low-fat foods into the diet, for example, boiled eggs, chicken or fish. However, during the first 3 days, the dog must be given rice water.


To prevent your animal from getting sick again, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

If the owner notices even the slightest discomfort in his pet, then he needs to consult a specialist as soon as possible.


As already mentioned, rare breeds of dogs suffer from such ailments much more often. Therefore, you need to select a diet based on the characteristics of the animal.

To prevent your husky from suffering from such ailments, you need to feed her immediately after she comes from a walk. Moreover, the amount of food directly depends on how old the pet is, as well as on the conditions in which it lives.

A huge amount of specialized dry food has been developed for this breed, which can form the main diet of the animal. You can also give him canned food and some types of natural food.

Shar Pei

It is worth considering that this breed dogs are quite different poor appetite. At the same time, they have a very sensitive gastric system. Therefore, the composition of the food must be developed for these dogs on an individual basis. Shar-Peis should never be overfed, as they may become less active, and as a result, the pet will develop kidney disease.

Diarrhea in these dogs very often begins due to allergic reaction. This is due to food sensitivities. Therefore, you should not change food too often; it is better to choose a specific menu with a specialist and stick to it. In addition, Shar Peis should never be given liquid food (for example, broth). You need to make sure that the food is thick and dry, so it is best to feed the animal dry food.


If we talk about diet, then it is necessary to calculate the norm for each meal. The fact is that these animals spend a lot of energy and constantly want to eat, but under no circumstances should they be overfed. It is recommended to feed Labradors natural meat, but vegetables and cereals should be given to them as rarely as possible. Pasta products are also contraindicated for these animals.

Smaller representatives rare breeds need increased attention. It is important to consider the reasons why your dog has loose stools. We described what to do in this situation in the article.

White feces in a dog appear due to a malfunction in the internal organs. The animal's excrement should be brown or dark brown. Normal color is due to the fact that bile easily enters the small intestine. It is important to note that bile is involved in the digestion of food. A dog's white stool appears when the flow of bile is disrupted and a large amount of this substance does not enter the small intestine. White feces in a pet should alert the owner. This problem may occur due to poor nutrition. However, in most cases, a dog's white stool is associated with illness. If such a problem is identified, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian!

About possible pathologies

The breeder, as a rule, does not know why the dog has white feces: the reasons are associated with a violation of the outflow of bile. Some dogs are diagnosed with urolithiasis, in which a stone blocks the bile duct. A dog develops white feces when the following ailments progress:

  • Cystic liver disease.
  • Liver oncology.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Inflammation of the liver.

Diseases in dogs, like in other animals, are divided into 2 types: acute and chronic. The liver is damaged when exposed to viruses and bacterial agents. Pathologies inflammatory in nature lead to damage to perihepatic tissues. It happens that tissues degenerate: in this case, hepatosis develops. Chronic liver damage requires long-term treatment. The animal must be constantly supervised.

Most common chronic illness liver-related - cirrhosis. With this pathology, atrophic processes are observed in connective tissue, liver cells are damaged. Liver pathology is one of the reasons why a dog has white stool. In addition to this symptom, the pet refuses food, is constantly nervous, and wants to drink. The animal's body temperature may increase. Depending on the nature of the disease, constipation may be replaced by diarrhea. Do not be alarmed if you find white feces in your dog: the causes of this phenomenon must be eliminated. The veterinarian knows how to conduct an examination and cure a dangerous pathology.


If the owner discovers white excrement on the pet, you need to visit a veterinarian. To determine the diagnosis, the animal's stool is examined. One such study is not enough. Blood and urine testing will be required pet. Biochemical analysis prescribed if necessary. Note that only comprehensive diagnostics effective in identifying pathology. Based on the data obtained, the specialist determines inflammatory process in the body, it will also tell which organs it affected. It is necessary to examine not only the liver, but also the intestines and organs genitourinary system. Biochemical analysis can also detect infection.

White (discolored) feces in an animal often indicate liver-related pathology. The doctor can diagnose urolithiasis. An ultrasound is performed to confirm the preliminary diagnosis. During the procedure, the veterinarian examines internal organs animal, reveals inflammation, deformation. Ultrasound is one of best practices examinations. It allows you to recognize tumors, cysts, stones in the bile ducts. Diagnosis also involves x-rays. The doctor takes several pictures in which the internal organs are clearly visible. During the diagnostic process, it is necessary to examine the gastrointestinal tract. Perhaps their functioning is impaired. As liver pathology progresses, this organ increases in size.

Knowing how to give injections to a dog would be appropriate.

If the doctor especially suspects dangerous illness, a biopsy is prescribed. To carry out the procedure, a liver fragment is taken and sent for histology. The biopsy is performed in parallel with the ultrasound. Histological examination effective in detecting tumors. It is worth saying that malignant tumors can affect not only the liver, but also the organs of the genitourinary system. It happens that the tumor compresses the bile ducts: because of this, bile is not completely excreted. This problem leads to the appearance of white feces.

Therapeutic measures

As a result of the diagnosis, it is determined clinical picture illness. Treatment depends on the nature of the pathology; it is different in each case. If a dog is diagnosed with inflammation of the liver or bile ducts, medications are prescribed. Cysts, tumors, stones require surgical intervention. Conservative therapy involves taking antibiotics (Cephalexin, Trimethoprim).

What should the diet be like?

During the treatment period, your pet must follow a diet. Nutrition, first of all, should be healthy. You need to give preference to natural products. Should be abandoned purchased feed. If a four-legged animal has liver pathology, include semolina and oatmeal in its diet. In order for your pet to eat such food with appetite, you need to mix it with minced meat. Minced meat should not contain seasonings or flavor enhancers, it should be completely natural. It is worth remembering that dry food is harmful to health: if the animal consumes it, the disease progresses.

On the first day after detecting white feces, the dog should drink chamomile infusions. Then you should move on to broths and meat. Your pet's diet may include low-fat (not sour) cottage cheese. This product is rich in calcium. Cottage cheese cleanses the body, gives strength and energy. The diet should include vegetables (carrots, potatoes). Natural boiled vegetables can be mixed with minced meat. During the treatment period, the pet should not consume fatty, salty, spicy food. Food with a sweet taste is prohibited. The four-legged animal must take choleretic medications prescribed by the doctor on time.

Prevention of pathologies

Let us remind you once again that white stool in a dog may indicate dangerous disease- liver cancer. It is important to monitor what your pet eats. His body must receive enough calcium, magnesium, and vitamins. The dog must undergo an examination every six months. Preventive examination allows for early detection of diseases. A timely treatment- the key to successful recovery! Treatment against ticks should be carried out; if necessary, get vaccinated.

In addition, many breeders believe that the appearance of white feces is due to poor nutrition. A dog should not chew bones, especially spoiled ones. This actually leads to liver pathologies. If an animal does not eat properly, the liver accumulates toxins. It is worth saying that bones are food waste, and the liver reacts poorly to them. If you are trying to save money on feeding your pet, you can give him porridge with boiled offal. Don't give your dog bones: take care of his health.

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