What causes the uterus to grow - the most common causes. Enlarged uterus - what does this mean? Possible causes of pathology Large uterus causes

The size of the uterus changes slightly in different periods woman's life. During pregnancy, the volume of the organ increases many times over, since the elastic walls are able to stretch, holding the growing fetus. If the uterus is enlarged non-pregnant woman exceeds the norm, this is usually a worrying sign. An examination is required to find out and possibly eliminate the cause of the violations. Doctors strongly recommend regular gynecological examinations for preventive purposes, since the consequences of such pathologies can be very serious.


The size of the uterus is normal

The uterus is located in abdominal cavity between bladder and rectum. The ligaments that hold it in a certain position do not allow it to fall. At the same time, it can move slightly forward or backward when the volume of neighboring organs changes, and can also be pulled up during pregnancy.

Normally, the organ has the following dimensions:

  • length (distance from the bottom to the end of the neck) – about 7-8 cm;
  • thickness (distance between the back and front walls) – about 5 cm;
  • width (between the side walls) – 4-6 cm.

The weight of the uterus in nulliparous women is approximately 50 g, in women who have given birth - about 100 g.

During pregnancy, as the fetus grows, the volume of the organ increases significantly. Before birth, its dimensions are:

  • length – approximately 37-38 cm;
  • thickness – up to 24 cm;
  • width – up to 26 cm;
  • weight (without fruit) – about 1.2 kg.

The size may increase even more if there is more than one fetus, and also if the woman has polyhydramnios. After childbirth, the uterus usually shrinks back to normal within a few months. Moreover, if it was produced C-section, recovery is much slower.

These indicators are average, conditional values. Small deviations associated with women’s differences in height, constitution, age, as well as the presence or absence of pregnancies (it matters whether they ended in childbirth or were interrupted) are quite acceptable.

The size of the uterus is determined using ultrasound. Availability assumptions pathological abnormalities The gynecologist can do this by palpating the lower abdomen.

Natural causes of size deviations from the norm

In addition to pregnancy, others natural causes a slight increase in the volume of the uterine cavity may be genetic features development of the female genital organs.

Before menstruation, the enlargement of the uterus occurs due to thickening and swelling of the endometrium and increased blood supply to the muscles. After the end of menstruation, the size of the organ is restored.

During menopause, body tissues age, which leads to a decrease in their elasticity and a weakening of muscle tone. For this reason, the size of the uterus in a middle-aged and elderly woman is larger than in a young woman.

Stretching the walls of the organ and weakening contractility are facilitated by lifting weights and engaging in strength sports.

Consequences of pathological enlargement of the uterus

A significant and persistent increase in the size of the organ occurs when diseases of an inflammatory or tumor nature occur. If pathologies are not detected in time and treatment is not carried out, then the diseases progress. The consequences of this are usually disruption of the processes of the menstrual cycle, the occurrence of hormonal imbalance and often infertility.

Serious complications can occur during pregnancy. Enlargement of the uterus, caused by pathological processes in its cavity, provokes the onset of an ectopic pregnancy or its termination at an early stage. Stretching of the walls and changes in the condition of the organ neck are often the cause of infection entering its cavity and developing inflammatory process.

What symptoms may indicate an enlarged uterus?

Women should pay attention to symptoms that may suggest that this organ is enlarged. These include:

  1. Pain and increased intensity of menstruation. Bleeding may also occur between periods. Large blood loss leads to anemia, the signs of which are pale skin, headaches and weakness.
  2. Abdominal enlargement, appearance nagging pain and feelings of pressure in the pubic area.
  3. Discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse.
  4. Lower back pain, leg swelling and discomfort in their muscles. They arise due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the nerve endings, blood and lymphatic vessels located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity.
  5. Increased urge to urinate, constipation - consequences of uterine pressure on bladder and intestines.
  6. Uncontrolled weight gain that occurs due to hormonal imbalances that accompany an enlarged uterus.

There may be discomfort in the mammary glands (a feeling of swelling and soreness), which is a consequence of hormonal imbalance.

Pathologies that lead to uterine enlargement

The causes of uterine distension may be diseases or hormonal disorders associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the ovaries or endocrine organs.

Hormonal abnormalities

Disruption of the pituitary gland leads to increased production of follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones. This provokes hyperestrogenism, that is, the accumulation of estrogens (hormones produced in the ovaries) in the body. Such a violation leads to pathologies that change the structure of tissues and lead to deviations in the size of the uterus.

Endometrial hyperplasia. Under the influence of estrogen, excessive thickening and hyperplasia occurs inner shell uterine cavity.

Adenomyosis of the uterus. It is possible for the endometrium to grow into the wall. In this case, an unnatural increase in the organ occurs due to muscle growth.

Endometriosis. The growth of the endometrium leads to the fact that it extends beyond the uterus into the abdominal cavity.

Cysts inside or on the surface of the ovaries. Some of them appear temporarily and are able to resolve on their own ( follicular cyst and cyst corpus luteum). There is another type of cyst (endometrioid, dermoid), as well as benign ovarian tumors (cystadenoma, fibroma), which must be removed.

Polycystic and such neoplasms lead to disruption of the functioning of the ovaries, which affects the condition of the endometrium.

Video: Changes in the uterus with endometrial hyperplasia

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity (endometritis), as well as in its cervix and appendages, cause the appearance of edema, disruption of the structure and size, as well as the functioning of organs. The cause of such processes is infection during abortion or therapeutic curettage. Infection with sexually transmitted infections can occur during sexual intercourse.


Myoma. Benign tumors of the uterus include fibroids of various types. They can form inside the cavity, outside, and also in the thickness of the uterine wall. Growing to a significant size, they stretch the uterus and put pressure on neighboring organs. Myomas can complicate the onset and course of pregnancy.

Uterine cancer. A malignant tumor appears both in the body of the uterus and in its cervix. Metastases spread to The lymph nodes, ovaries and other organs.

Molar pregnancy (hydatidiform mole)

This rare complication of pregnancy occurs due to gene disorders that occur when the egg is fertilized by sperm. In this case, a vesicular mass with overgrown embryonic tissues forms in the placenta. The uterus gradually enlarges, as if normal pregnancy, signs characteristic of this condition appear (absence of menstruation, toxicosis). It is important to eliminate the neoplasm in time, as its malignant degeneration is possible.

Warning: It is necessary to monitor the course of pregnancy already at the earliest early stages, undergo timely examinations recommended by your doctor. This will help to detect such dangerous pathologies, such as hydatidiform mole, ectopic pregnancy, as well as pathologies of fetal development.

How is diagnosis and treatment carried out if the uterus is enlarged?

If a woman has symptoms characteristic of diseases of the uterus, an examination is carried out to determine whether it is enlarged or not.

In this case, methods such as ultrasound and x-ray are used. If an abnormality is detected, a biopsy and histological examination of endometrial samples or tissue from tumors are performed. The presence of inflammatory processes and infections is determined using blood tests and mucous membranes of the reproductive organs. If necessary, a blood test for hormones is prescribed.

The treatment method for detecting pathologies depends on their type and severity. At hormonal disorders replacement therapy is prescribed to reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. Combined oral contraceptives and drugs with increased content progesterone.

If there are tumors in the uterus, hysteroscopy is performed (examination of its cavity using fiber-optic technology, as well as removal of pathologies). To eliminate endometrial hyperplasia, it is curetted.

Removal of ovarian cysts and uterine tumors is performed using laparoscopic surgery. If absolutely necessary, a hysterectomy is performed - partial or complete removal of the uterus and appendages.

It is known in medicine a large number of gynecological diseases, as well as anomalies of structure and development reproductive organ. The uterus itself consists of three parts: the base, the body and the cervix. In turn, its walls contain the internal mucous membrane, muscle layer, as well as the serous membrane. To determine the presence or absence of pathologies, a woman should undergo regular gynecological examinations.

Sometimes after such examinations, doctors diagnose that the uterus is enlarged. Reasons other than pregnancy must be established, and based on them, the most appropriate treatment tactics must be developed. Let us consider in more detail, under the influence of which diseases such features of the reproductive organ can be observed.

Before a woman begins to find out the causes of uterine enlargement other than pregnancy, she will need to pay attention to certain symptoms that accompany this condition. Unfortunately, in most cases, the pathology develops without any characteristic signs.

Even if there are minor symptoms, women often associate them with other circumstances. And only during a gynecological examination will the doctor tell the patient that the reproductive organ does not correspond to normal sizes, exceeding them. To do this, the girl will have to undergo ultrasound screening, which will also confirm or exclude pregnancy.

This need is due to the fact that some symptoms of uterine enlargement are very similar to early signs pregnancy. To confirm or rule out this fact, you can initially do a regular test, as well as a blood test to determine the level of hCG. After this, the doctor will be able to tell why the uterus is enlarged but there is no pregnancy.

The reasons for the increase in the size of the uterus are determined during the examination. Source: babyplan.ru

Among the most common alarming symptoms highlight the following:

  1. Prolonged mild pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region backs;
  2. Frequent urge to go to the toilet or urinary incontinence;
  3. Increased volume and increased level of pain during menstrual bleeding;
  4. Emergence bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle;
  5. Development of anemia;
  6. Flatulence or bloating;
  7. Increase in body weight, which occurs against the background of changes in the balance of hormones.

If a woman is attentive to her health reproductive system, then these signs will not go unnoticed. Most the right decision in this situation, you will immediately contact a gynecologist, as well as undergo a thorough examination of the whole body.


It’s worth saying right away that the reasons for uterine enlargement in women, in addition to pregnancy, can be associated with both serious illness, and be a significant deviation that arose under the influence of negative factors, acting as a temporary feature of the body.

Changes in the size of the reproductive organ, which should not cause concern, are associated with the onset of pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause. But there are also more frightening conditions that can become more than just a cause of development severe complications, but also provoke infertility.


In situations where the uterus is larger normal sizes, but at this time the woman does not have regular bleeding, the test shows a negative result, and menopause has not yet occurred, it will be necessary to find out the reasons, among which doctors often consider fibroids, oncology, endometriosis, and cervical hypertrophy.

With fibroids, the uterus enlarges without pregnancy. Source: fb.ru

When specialists begin to find out why the uterus may be enlarged other than pregnancy, they first conduct studies that can confirm or refute the presence of fibroids. With this benign tumor, the reproductive organ increases in size against the backdrop of active division of cells in the muscle layer.

With this pathology, the size of the tumor is indicated in weeks, the same as during pregnancy. If the tumor was detected at an early stage, then hormone therapy, in advanced situations, the problem is solved through surgical intervention.


Most dangerous cause An enlarged uterus in the absence of pregnancy is the development of an oncological process. In most cases, the formation of malignant cells occurs in the mucous membrane of the organ. Often the age of patients is 35 years or older. However, women with high body weight are also at risk.

Oncological diseases can progress asymptomatically over many years. This is why women may not even know that they have malignant tumor. Only an experienced specialist can detect cancer, and the sooner the correct diagnosis is made and the correct therapy is carried out, the better prognosis for recovery.


The presented disease is quite common and is characterized by the proliferation of endometrial cells beyond the reproductive organ, which leads to an increase in the size of the uterus. In most cases, the pathology affects the anterior and back, so it takes the shape of a ball.

Endometriosis causes an enlarged uterus.

The uterus is a smooth muscle unpaired hollow organ that is located between the rectum and the bladder. Enlargement of the uterus most often occurs due to a woman's pregnancy. However this process may also indicate the presence of a pathological process.

As a rule, the size of this organ is comparable to a woman’s fist. If the size becomes larger than normal, we can talk about such a process as uterine enlargement. Causes of this disease varied, and may indicate the presence of diseases such as tumor, fibroids, adenomyosis, ovarian cyst.

Most often, a woman does not realize that the uterus is enlarged. The reasons for this are related to the asymptomatic course of the disease, especially in initial stage. However, there are some signs that a woman should pay attention to:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Menorrhagia ( profuse bleeding during menstruation).
  • The appearance of significant blood clots during menstruation.
  • The appearance of sudden bleeding.
  • Anemia.
  • Change hormonal levels and sudden weight gain.
  • Flatulence.

So, let's look at why the uterus enlarges. The reasons may be related to the appearance of fibroids. Its development occurs due to higher level estrogen with a simultaneous lack of progesterone in the woman’s blood. Fibroids are growths or benign tumor organ. By the age of 35, almost a third of the female population acquires this disease. In the absence of signs, it is detected during a routine examination and confirmed by research methods such as ultrasound and hysteroscopy.

An ovarian cyst can also contribute to an enlarged uterus. The causes of this disease may be associated with irregular menstrual cycles, obesity, Ovarian cyst - a round-shaped protrusion that forms on the surface of the organ. A cyst is usually a cavity that is filled specific liquid. It is most often detected when specific symptoms appear and during

With adenomyosis, the endometrium grows in the muscles of the reproductive organ, which leads to the appearance of such a phenomenon as an enlarged uterus. The causes of the pathology may be related to stressful situations, passion for solariums or sunbathing, genetic predisposition, previous uterine surgical operations. The disease is diagnosed during examination, colcoscopy, and hysteroscopy.

The development of a disease such as uterine cancer also contributes to pathological enlargement of the organ. The reasons for the appearance may be endocrine disorders, fibroids, obesity, anovulation. The leading research methods are histology and ultrasound.

During examination, the attending physician may detect an enlarged uterus and prescribe to the woman additional research to make a more accurate diagnosis.


The female reproductive system is largely exposed to hormones and has a hormonal regulation system. In addition, the features of its location and structure are such that they create a high probability of the addition of inflammatory and infectious processes.

Therefore, there is a high probability of occurrence in this system of the most various pathologies, both hormonal and inflammatory in nature. Some of them are capable of influencing the external state of organs, for example, causing an enlargement of the uterus, the causes of which are discussed in this material.

Meaning of the concept

Some patients during ultrasound examination or bimanual palpation of the lower abdominal wall by a gynecologist, one hears that the uterus is enlarged. What does this mean, what does it indicate, what pathology is it a sign of?

Enlarged uterus should be taken literally; such a diagnosis means that the dimensions of the organ are larger than normal physiological indicators for him. Normally, the weight of the uterus is about 60 grams, its length is about 7 cm, its width is about 4 cm, and its thickness is from slightly more than 4 to 5 cm. Slight deviations from these indicators are possible depending on the age of the patient and her reproductive status (women who have given birth normally have an enlarged uterus, and the more births and pregnancies there are, the greater the enlargement can occur).

But if the indicators are significantly exceeded and a really large uterus is observed, then this may indicate a pathology, and deserves the careful attention of a doctor.


Why might the uterus be enlarged? There are many reasons why it could be expanded. All of them can be divided into two groups: non-pathological - those that arise during certain processes in the body and are normal occurrence and pathological - those in which the uterus enlarges as a result pathological treatment. As is clear from the description, when non-pathological reasons ah increase treatment is not necessary.

After menstruation

During the second week of the menstrual cycle (that is, the first week after menstruation), the organ may become enlarged due to the fact that there is active blood flow to it. This influx is necessary for the growth of the endometrium. In addition, this occurs under the influence of hormones.

During premenopause

If the uterus of an older woman is dilated, this may indicate the approach of menopause. This occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance, and is usually not observed in patients who are being treated hormonal drugs upon the onset of menopause.


Fibroids – benign education in the uterine cavity, which consists of connective, muscular and epithelial tissue and occurs when hormonal imbalance, that is, it is hormone dependent. This phenomenon is in many cases relatively harmless. But if the neoplasm actively grows, it can begin to stretch the uterine cavity, leading to an enlargement of the organ.


This is the process of proliferation of endlometric tissue, under the influence of excess amounts of the hormone estrogen against the background of a lack of testosterone. With this phenomenon, not a local tumor is formed, but a more or less uniform or focal growth of the endometrium - the inner mucous layer of the uterus. It is clear that in fact a lot of “extra” tissue appears in the organ, which is why it increases.


Why does the uterus enlarge? The most dangerous of all possible causes is cancer. If a tumor forms in the cavity of an organ, it is not always benign, like fibroids, it can also be oncological. At the same time, it affects the dimensions of the uterus in the same way as fibroids - as it grows, it physically stretches the organ cavity. At the same time, even after complete removal the cavity may be slightly expanded for some time (as after removal of fibroids).

Inflammatory process

In what cases can changes in size occur without tissue proliferation? This is possible with the development of the inflammatory process. This phenomenon is often accompanied by significant swelling. As this swelling increases, the organ cavity stretches. As a result, its increase and weight gain are diagnosed. In addition, such a process may be accompanied by the formation of exudate, which also gives the organ additional dimensions.


The reasons for an enlarged uterus in women often lie in pregnancy. The peculiarity is that the increase is observed even at very early stages, actually in the first week of gestation, and this happens under the influence of hormones and active blood supply to the organ. For more later to this is added the actual stretching of the organ cavity by the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid. In this case, an enlarged, elastic and slightly hard uterus is observed, which helps to distinguish this condition from pathology even before a pregnancy test, since in most pathological processes the organ remains soft.


If the condition is determined to be caused by pathological reasons, then it needs to be treated. It is clear that enlargement of the uterus after menstruation, as well as during pregnancy, is not a deviation, and therefore does not require treatment. A controversial issue from this point of view is the treatment of this pathology during premenopause due to the fact that, on the one hand, it natural state, and on the other hand, some doctors still prescribe hormonal therapy to facilitate the restructuring of the body, so in this case it is better to rely on the opinion of a specialist.

In what situations is treatment necessary anyway?

  • Inflammatory processes. They are treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve both inflammation and pain, such as Ibuprofen, Nurofen. Antibiotics are also prescribed wide range, such as Amoxiclav, Tsiprolet, to defeat the infection that caused inflammation, as well as drugs to increase local tissue and general systemic immunity (Viferon, etc.). The duration of treatment is generally from five to fourteen days;
  • Oncological processes. In this case, most often it is shown surgical removal tumor or the entire organ to avoid relapses (which is done much more often). Such techniques are complemented by taking drugs that stop the growth of cancerous tissues and various types radiotherapy and radiation therapy, which also prevent the proliferation of atypical cells. The duration of such treatment is selected individually;
  • Endometriosis. As mentioned above, this disease is hormonal in nature, therefore it is treated with hormones. Progesterone may be prescribed in drugs such as Duphaston, Utrozhestan. It is able to suppress excessive estrogen activity. Sometimes for alignment hormonal balance combined oral contraceptives are used. Duration of treatment from two to six months;
  • Fibroids (or any other benign hormonal formation in the uterine cavity) are treated surgically with large sizes neoplasms. If it is small, treatment can be carried out in the same way as for endometriosis. It is noted that when hormonal levels are normalized, such a formation can degrade and even completely disappear on its own. But not all patients have fibroids that are responsive to such treatment, and in this case, surgical removal is used.

If an increase in the size of the uterus is diagnosed, then the first thing the doctor should do is to establish the reasons why this condition developed. Usually, first of all, the fact that the woman is pregnant is excluded, after which an adjustment is made for her age and stage of the menstrual cycle.

If non-pathological reasons that may be associated with enlargement are not observed, then the doctor prescribes ultrasound and other studies to find out what causes of uterine enlargement, other than pregnancy, the woman has.


Even if the uterus is only slightly enlarged, it can still be a sign of a fairly serious pathology that requires timely treatment. Therefore, it is important not to ignore this condition, even if it does not cause significant discomfort. And, in addition, it is important to diagnose it in a timely manner, since in the early stages each of these pathologies is much easier to treat, so you should not neglect periodic preventive examinations see a gynecologist, even if nothing worries you.

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A lot depends on the health of a woman’s reproductive system: realization as a source of new life, harmonious sexual relationships, general health and blooming appearance. Failures in this system are sometimes very costly. One of the symptoms of trouble is an enlarged uterus.

The first thing that is assumed in the presence of this symptom is that the woman is pregnant. But if the uterus is enlarged and the pregnancy test is negative, or the patient is in menopause, the gynecologist understands that there is another reason for the atypical condition of the reproductive organ.

Dimensions - normal and pathological

The main purpose of the uterus is to create conditions for the full growth and development of the fetus. It consists of a body and a cervix, inside which the cervical canal passes. There are three layers in the structure of the reproductive organ:


Internal mucous membrane undergoing monthly cyclic changes.


Middle muscle layer.


Outer serous membrane.

Basic parameters of the uterus nulliparous woman:

  • Length – 4.5 cm;
  • Width – 4.6 cm;
  • Anteroposterior size – 3.4 cm.

If a woman has a history of pregnancy and childbirth, it is considered normal when her uterus has increased by 0.5-1 cm in all respects.

During menopause, it decreases in size by an average of 35%, that is, the above parameters decrease by 1-2 cm. The decrease in size occurs slowly, over 20-25 years after the last menstruation.

Organ weight:

  • For a nulliparous woman – 45-60 g;
  • For a woman who has given birth – 80-100 g;
  • In perimenopause – 40-45 g, in old age – 20-30 g.
Any deviations from the norm force the doctor to look for the causes of uterine enlargement, because ignoring this symptom can cost a woman her life or total loss fertility.

Possible signs of pathology

At an appointment with a gynecologist, as well as during diagnostic procedures, enlargement of the uterus and the causes that caused it can be identified by visual examination of ultrasound results or by palpation of the organ. Its increase in size usually manifests itself with clear signs.

In most cases, a woman consults a doctor with the following symptoms:

  • Heavy menstruation, accompanied by cramps, anemia;
  • Menstrual irregularities, no periods;
  • Increase in abdominal size;
  • Feeling of pressure on internal organs;
  • Swelling and spasms of the lower extremities;
  • Pain radiating to the back;
  • Frequent constipation;
  • Bleeding after menopause;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

In each specific case clinical picture includes different symptoms or a combination thereof.

Main reasons for the increase

If a woman fertile age the uterus has dimensions that do not correspond to the phase of the menstrual cycle, the gynecologist, first of all, assumes pregnancy. In its absence, they are diagnosed various states and diseases of the reproductive system.

Cyclical hormonal changes

Estrogen and progesterone have a great influence on the changes that occur in the female body during the menstrual cycle. Menstruation is the shedding and expulsion of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterine cavity).

Cyclic changes after menstruation lead to enlargement and proliferation of the endometrium, and to its loosening. At the same time, the uterus increases slightly in size, its cervix shortens.


When fading reproductive function hormonal levels fluctuate female body. Due to decreased estrogen levels menstrual cycle loses its regularity, the uterine cavity slightly expands.

In addition, the woman feels pressure surges, emotional instability, and bouts of heat throughout the body.


Benign formations in the thickness of the walls of the uterus, inside its cavity (submucosal fibroids) and under its serous membrane (intramural fibroids) can significantly increase the size of the organ. At the same time, it reaches significant sizes, compresses nearby organs, and provokes the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding between periods, an increase in their volume;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Bloating;
  • Constipation;
  • Urinary problems;
  • Myometrial compaction diagnosed by palpation.
When the uterus enlarges to a size corresponding to 12 weeks of pregnancy, surgery is performed to remove the tumor. If fibroids have led to a slight enlargement of the organ, hormonal therapy is prescribed.

During menopause, this problem may disappear without treatment, as a decrease in estrogen levels leads to spontaneous reduction and disappearance of fibroids.


When endometrial cells spread throughout the reproductive system and beyond, a woman is diagnosed with endometriosis.

Areas of the internal functional membrane on the cervix, in the peritoneum, in the ovaries, in the vagina are subject to cyclic changes in the same way as the internal functional layer. Endometriosis is accompanied by an enlarged uterus and the following symptoms:

  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Vaginal discharge is brown;
  • Lower abdominal pain;
  • History of infertility;
  • Pain during intimate contacts.

In some cases, endometriosis stimulates the development of cancer pathology.

Cancer of the uterus

If the uterus is enlarged, in search of the cause of this condition, it is important to show oncological vigilance, since cancer of the body or cervix of this organ responds well to treatment in the first stages of the disease.

The development of a malignant tumor of the reproductive system occurs at any age, but most often it forms after 50 years, during menopause. Main symptoms:

  • Increase in organ size;
  • Pain during intimate contacts;
  • Bloody vaginal discharge;
  • Urinary dysfunction.

If uterine cancer is suspected, the doctor prescribes an analysis of vaginal discharge and cervical canal for liquid cytology, conducting diagnostic curettage And histological examination material. Once the diagnosis is clarified, surgical or hormonal treatment is prescribed.


Any causes of uterine enlargement other than pregnancy require clarification of the diagnosis. In addition to examining the patient in a gynecological chair, the doctor prescribes additional laboratory and instrumental tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood test for biochemistry;
  • Analysis of a vaginal smear for vaginal microflora and cytology;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Biopsy pathological formations in the cavity and tissues of the uterus.
Interpretation of diagnostic results is carried out only by the attending physician; you should not draw conclusions and assumptions on your own. Knowing in what cases the uterus enlarges, the gynecologist will prescribe effective treatment or will refute the assumption of a possible disease.