Dermatitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment. Symptoms and treatment of dermatitis in dogs: pododermatitis, flea, acral, Malassezia, seborrheic Tablets for atopic dermatitis for dogs

“A dog is a man’s friend” - a saying from deep meaning. Many people love and have pets. But few people think about the fact that caring for them is very difficult. First of all, constant monitoring of the dog by a veterinarian is required.

When a child is born, parents watch him develop, grow, look for diseases that begin to bother the baby. Here's before you start pet you need to prepare yourself for the fact that you will become a mother for him. Observe very carefully, and especially try to notice the first symptoms of disease. There are few who pass without a trace, many more with fatal. Often animals are brought from other countries or cities, but no one thinks that the climate is different everywhere and dogs do not tolerate climate change well, this manifests itself in them in the form different ailments. Infections, plague, tuberculosis, lichen, allergies - a small list of dog torments.

Periodically progressive itching and scratching of the animal's skin cause concern, and the owner contacts veterinary clinic. Finding out the cause of this symptom is quite difficult even for a doctor. It can be characterized by many diseases. But most often, the doctor diagnoses atopic dermatitis in dogs.

Atopy– allergic diseases, the main cause of which is heredity. It may be caused by allergens different types. Atopic dermatitis is caused by hypersensitivity to an irritant. It is not contagious and is transmitted exclusively by inheritance. Heredity is 100 percent proven. Atopy in newly bred dog breeds is present from birth and cannot be fully cured.

Some breeds do not suffer from atopic dermatitis, but there are those that are prone to it: dachshund, chow chow, labrador, Scottish Terrier, English bulldog and others. Atopy most often progresses between the ages of one and three years, but the first signs can be visible at six months. Atopy in dogs occurs more often in females than in males, although both sexes are predisposed. It gets worse with age and appears more and more often.

Types of allergic reactions

Atopic dermatitis in pets. At the present time it is a huge problem.


  • Heredity is the main reason.
  • Different types of allergens: dust, pollen, flea excrement, house dust mite.
  • Temperature of the surrounding area. Depending on the temperature, it depends on how quickly the pathogen enters the body.
  • Seasonal changes. Humidity and vegetation influence whether a dog will develop atopic dermatitis or not.
  • The microclimate of the animal's habitat. For example, in the house where he lives there may be dust constantly, and if it acts as an allergen then the symptoms atopic dermatitis will appear frequently.
  • Concomitant diseases that provoke atopic dermatitis in dogs. This may be a complication of some other disease.
  • Flea dermatitis occurs in almost all types of dogs, and especially in those in which the owner does not attach much importance to fleas.

Video: Allergies in dogs - causes


Allergic dermatitis in dogs is manifested by main and additional symptoms.

Basic: constant itching, multiple lesions on the skin, face, fingers - suppuration, cracks, boils. When scratched vigorously, wounds appear. Change in fur color. Inflammation of the outer ear. Baldness.

Additional: dry skin, allergic otitis media, immediate reaction to an allergen, formation large quantity folds, bad smell, peeling, hair loss.

May appear all year round, and maybe in a certain season.

Areas that are most often affected by atopic dermatitis by reduction: ears ( Auricle), muzzle, neck, elbow joints, axillary area, groin, torso, paws, fingers, under the tail.


: you need to remember everything down to the smallest detail, at what age you first encountered atopic dermatitis, find out whether someone of their kind suffered from atopy, seasonal occurrences or year-round, whether there were diseases of a different nature, how atopy manifests itself when changing place of residence, what kind of diet. Examination of the animal by a doctor: which parts of the body are most affected, what the rash looks like, color.

Laboratory research. It is determined whether there are diseases or associated infections. They take crops for mushrooms. Blood tests - clinical, biochemical. Blood serum is checked for hormones.
If you suspect food allergies a hypoallergenic menu is prescribed.

Differential diagnosis allergic diseases skin in dogs according to clinical examination and anamnesis:

  • dermatitis caused by an allergy to midge bites - develops in spring and summer; any age; on the lower back and base of the tail;
  • feed intolerance – year-round; in any year, especially at six months; can be observed everywhere, most often on the front of the head, ears, perinatal area;
  • atopic dermatitis – in spring, summer, sometimes year-round; young animals aged 1 – 3 months; front part of the head armpits, abdomen, distal parts of extremities.

Video: Diagnosing allergies in dogs


The first step is immunotherapy. Its percentage positive result with atopic dermatitis it becomes 70-80. The allergen is introduced gradually under the skin. It is carried out over three to six months. The itching is completely eliminated. If it will be by-effect manifested by increased itching, the vaccination method needs to be changed.

In veterinary dermatology there are many drugs for itching in atopic dermatitis:

  1. prednisolone is not expensive and in all cases effective remedy, dosage 0.5-1 mg/kg, once a day;
  2. methylprednisolone – 0.4-0.8 mg/kg;
  3. dexamethasone – 0.05-0.1 mg/kg, once every two days;
  4. triamcinolone – 0.05-0.1 mg/kg, once every two or three days;
  5. antihistamines: chlorphenamine, promethazine, hydroxyzone, clemastine, cyproheptadine, amitriptyline, apply every 12 hours;
  6. polyunsaturated fatty acid: linoleic, eicosapentaenoic, safflower oil, sunflower, linseed oil every 24 hours;
  7. other anti-itch drugs: cyclosporine, misoprostol, pentoxifylline, fluoxetine.

The most alternative means are:

  • corticosteroids;
  • antihistamines;
  • tricyclic antidepressants.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment traditional methods must be intertwined with medication.

Very effective method Potato compresses are used to treat atopic dermatitis in dogs and cats. We take fresh raw potatoes, three on a fine grater. Place on gauze and squeeze. In the evening we apply compresses to damaged skin.

Making antipruritic ointments

Ingredients: crushed chamomile and fireweed flowers, two glasses of infusion hay dust, liter of plain water, one tablespoon butter, glycerin. Preparation: pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile and fireweed with water and put on fire, let it heat until it boils, cover with a lid and let it boil for 5 minutes, then add the broth and oil, mix everything and cook until a homogeneous mass is formed. After all the action, mix with glycerin in a one to one ratio. The ointment is now ready for use. Be sure to store in the refrigerator. Apply four times a day for one month.

Lotions from pears

Recipe: one glass of crushed leaves from a young pear tree, half a liter boiled water. We are preparing a decoction. Take the leaves, already crushed, pour them strong boiling water, let it boil for five to seven minutes. We insist 12 hours. All is ready. We make lotions.

Allergic dermatitis in dogs is difficult to treat with traditional methods, but everything is real.


When raising a family of pets, you need to learn about hereditary diseases kind.
Avoid contact of the animal with the allergen. Watch your diet. More to spend time outdoors.

Criteria for the severity of atopic dermatitis in dogs

  1. duration of exacerbation mild form appears 1 – 2 times a year for 2 – 3 weeks; moderately severe – 3-4 times a year, duration one to two months; severe – more than four months lasting more than two months;
  2. duration of remission: mild – six to eight months; moderately severe – two to three months; severe – one month or absent at all;
  3. prevalence (area of ​​damage): mild – isolated limited spots; moderately severe – multiple foci; severe - many lesions merging into continuous extensive lesions with the transition to erythroderma.

Skin cytology and skin staples

  • skin staples→ demodicosis or scabies→ antimicrobial therapy→ lesions disappeared→ search for causes of itching;
  • cytology skin tests→ microbial infections→ antimicrobial therapy→ insufficient effect→ depending on clinical symptoms: 1. assessment of the effectiveness of insect removal → remission → hypersensitivity to insect bites; 2. biopsy; 3. assessment of the effect of scabies treatment → no answer → biopsy;
  • skin cytology skin scrapings → Wood's lamp, fungal cultivation → dermatophytosis.

Atopy is less common in cats than in dogs. And if it occurs, the treatment, symptoms, causes, prevention are the same as in dogs.

Disease control

The course of atopic dermatitis must be monitored, do not forget about examination by a doctor, this must be done every eight weeks. It is necessary to check the affected areas of the skin. When the animal has fully recovered, then it is necessary to be examined every twelve weeks. All tests must also be taken once every six months.


Not dangerous to life, especially severe degrees use euthanasia. In such situations, it is impossible to do without treatment for atopic dermatitis. If you do not treat then, year after year, your pet’s condition becomes worse and worse, he will constantly walk and itch, scratch these rashes and imagine what kind of appearance he will have, just terrible. There is a small percentage that atopic dermatitis will go away on its own.

Video: Symptoms and treatment of flea dermatitis in pets

Dermatitis in dogs is inflammation of the skin without the formation of papules, vesicles, or pustules. It manifests itself as an increase in local temperature, redness, and sclerotization (thickening) of tissues. It may appear by various reasons: injuries, the effects of irritating ointments, skincare cosmetics, as a result of frostbite or burns, insect bites.

All these types of skin diseases are easily treated and do not pose a particular danger to the quality of life and health of the pet. Atopic dermatitis, caused by genetic predisposition, can be distinguished into a separate group.


Usually, pathological process on the skin causes the action of various allergens.

Most Frequent

  • dust mites,
  • pollen,
  • spores of microscopic fungi,
  • epithelial cells of humans or animals,
  • food allergens (usually of protein origin).

Who is at risk

Mostly dogs aged from six months to six years are affected.

The hereditary factor plays an important role in the appearance and development of atopic dermatitis. In some cases, signs of the disease are observed year-round, which indicates the constant presence of the allergen in the apartment.

In many ways, the development of dermatitis depends on the dog’s environment. For example, in a dog, symptoms of dermatitis may come and go when changing climate zone. Sometimes the manifestations of the disease increase during the period of active flowering of some plants, which indicates the seasonality of the disease.


There are acute, subacute forms, as well as periods of relapse.

Common symptoms of dermatitis - skin lesions are observed in the area around the eyes, lips, anus, on inside ear, groin (as in the photo below) and armpits, interdigital space.

At first the skin turns red, as the disease progresses, signs appear chronic inflammation. Hair falls out, hyperpigmentation or acanthosis nigricans is visible in areas of baldness. The situation is aggravated by secondary microflora, leading to even greater inflammation.

The most unpleasant symptom is unbearable itching, which makes the dog nervous. In addition, scratching injures tissues, which in turn leads to the formation of wounds with subsequent development purulent process(pyoderma).

Chronic dermatitis is characterized by sclerotization: the skin thickens, dries, and takes on a wrinkled, brownish appearance.

The photo shows a manifestation of atypical dermatitis on the stomach and groin of a dog.

Diagnosis of dermatitis

Quite a difficult and costly process. Often Russians veterinary specialists there is no sufficient basis to make a diagnosis with accuracy. Most often it is done by eye based on the symptoms. But this approach is not ideal, since other diseases have similar symptoms.

Abroad, to confirm the diagnosis, the presence of immunoglobulin E in the dog’s blood, to which the allergen binds, is determined, and special intradermal allergy tests are also carried out.

Due to the impossibility of conducting special research methods, our specialists most often make a diagnosis based on medical history:

  • age,
  • when did the first symptoms of dermatitis appear?
  • the presence of similar signs in the puppy’s closest relatives,
  • is there seasonality?
  • Are there relapses?
  • under what conditions symptoms increase,
  • Is there a relationship between dermatitis and feeding?

Sometimes a special veterinary diet to rule out food allergies can confirm the diagnosis.

How to treat

It is impossible to completely cure a dog, but the symptoms of atopic dermatitis have to be dealt with throughout the pet’s life.

First of all, they try to determine the allergen that causes the disease. They work by elimination:

  • treat premises against fleas and ticks,
  • replace care items,
  • refuse to use detergents,
  • Air filters are used to clean the air from dust and gases,
  • an elimination diet is prescribed.

If the allergen is definitely known, then immunotherapy is performed: the introduction of microdoses of the irritant to achieve a state of immunity.

Traditional treatment for dermatitis involves the use of antihistamines and corticosteroids (diphenhydramine, tavegil, suprastin, dexafort, prednisolone, kenalog).

However, regarding antihistamines There is debate in the scientific community: many experts argue that their role in therapy is negligible.

Helps fight inflammation antimicrobials, but they should be used only after determining the causative agent of the secondary infection and sensitivity to antibiotics.

To prevent relapses, immunostimulants (Polyoxidonium, Immunofan, GamaVit, Immunofor, etc.) are periodically used.

To increase immunity, periodic injections of Polyoxidonium are indicated.

Reducing dryness and itching is achieved by using steroids and shampoos that contain antifungal and antibacterial ingredients (for example, Globalvet, Zoomikol, Imavrol, Fungin, Perfect Coat, etc.)

In the treatment of atopic dermatitis, restoration is important intestinal microflora and comprehensive cleansing of the body, which can be achieved by taking sorbents and bifido- or lactobacilli (Eubicor, Omega-10 - veterinary multibacterin, Enterosgel).

Flea dermatitis

One of the varieties of the disease is flea dermatitis, which is also allergic in nature. In this case, the allergen is insect saliva.

More often inflammatory reaction flea bites are detected in dogs suffering from skin allergies, so these two diseases are often not separated.

Dog owners are often surprised by this diagnosis: where can it come from if regular flea treatment is carried out?

However, preventive treatment does not exclude the possibility of getting sick. The fact is that there is no direct relationship with the number of bites and the manifestation of symptoms of the disease. Even one random flea will lead to a severe skin reaction if the dog is prone to allergies.


The main symptom of flea dermatitis is itching, and the dog literally chews the skin to bloody wounds. The animal experiences not only physical discomfort, but also becomes nervous and even aggressive.


In order not to further harm the animal’s skin from potent drugs, the dose, agent and frequency of treatment should be selected by a competent dermatologist who will take into account the characteristics of a particular patient.

The most fun way to remove fleas from a dog. About serious ones.

Good results Anti-flea collars are recommended for preventing bites: Bolfo, Bars, Frontline, Rolf.

If skin reaction has already developed, then they resort to heavy artillery: ointments, creams, corticosteroids, antihistamines, etc. In principle, the treatment is the same as for atopic dermatitis. Important: only a veterinarian should select the regimen!

To relieve itching, the animal is periodically bathed with special shampoos (the same ones that are used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis), which also helps to wash off the allergen and reduces the severity of the reaction.

Illnesses of your beloved pets always bring a lot of trouble, wasted nerves, and money. Throughout his life, a dog may be exposed to various unpleasant and dangerous diseases. The most common of these include skin diseases - dermatitis in dogs.

Skin dermatitis in dogs

Dermatitis is inflammation of the layers of skin. This disease has many types, and the symptoms are almost the same:

  • formation of scabs, erosions;
  • severe itching;
  • redness of inflamed areas;
  • swelling.

If you don't seek help right away, this could develop into chronic stage, which will be problematic to cure. Each species is characterized by its own characteristics.

Main types of dermatitis

There are quite a few types of this unpleasant disease. To prevent these pathologies, it is necessary to monitor the living conditions of the animal and its diet. Skin inflammation can be caused by ticks, fleas, and allergies. Let's look at the most common types of the disease.

Contact dermatitis

This species is found quite often. It develops in domestic animals living in city apartments. The development of the disease is influenced by physical influences, as well as chemical irritants. These include the following substances and factors:

  • cosmetics;
  • food allergies;
  • plants;
  • plastic;
  • disinfectants;
  • medicines;
  • carpet covering;
  • insect bites;
  • flea collars;
  • detergents;
  • rubber;
  • constant exposure to high temperatures.

Of course, this is an incomplete list of reasons that can cause the disease. It can occur when your pet comes into frequent contact with central heating radiators. In this case, the disease takes on a chronic, sluggish nature.

Symptoms and types

Pets who suffer from contact type develop rashes. They can usually be found in areas where there was contact with the irritating factor. This:

  • chin;
  • scrotum;
  • tail;
  • breast;
  • stomach;
  • the area around the fingers, as well as between them.

The rash may end near the fur line. Common symptoms also include severe itching and swelling.


The first thing the owner must do is find the irritant. Without this, it is impossible to begin treatment and exclude deterioration of the animal’s condition. A veterinarian can perform a scratch test: special patches containing substances suspected of causing allergic reactions are attached to the skin. The patch is left on for two days. Then the pet’s body’s reaction to these stimuli is studied. Bacterial cultures are being studied. Remove any adhering hairs from the patch and examine them. Sometimes a skin biopsy is performed.


Treatment includes several stages:

  1. the dog is being treated hypoallergenic shampoos– remove antigens;
  2. To avoid inflammation, irritants are eliminated.
  3. The specialist may also prescribe strengthening and antihistamine medications.

The most important stage is to protect your pet from irritants that cause contact dermatitis. If the disease was not caused due to years developing allergies, recovery comes quickly. Once the antigen is identified and eliminated, the animal returns to its normal healthy state.

Seborrheic dermatitis in animals

Seborrheic type is very difficult to cure. It depends on how accurately you can determine the reasons that led to its occurrence. Latest Scientific research proved its genetic nature, as well as the possibility of transmitting “bad” genes to offspring.

Seborrhea is expressed in the keratinization of the skin and the formation of scales on it. Inflamed skin becomes infected very often. In animals, dead cells are replaced. With the seborrheic variety, this process is accelerated. An inherited gene received at birth can also contribute to the disease.

Seborrheic dermatitis in dogs comes in two forms:

  • primary – formed due to unknown reasons or hereditary;
  • secondary - can develop due to diseases of the skin or internal organs.

The primary form of hereditary seborrhea occurs in breeds such as basset hounds and cocker spaniels. Even in puppies, you can see symptoms of the disease, which will become more obvious as the puppies grow older.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The initial stage of seborrheic type is diagnosed by the condition of the coat and skin. Owners need to pay attention to this, since at a more mature age the pet will already have a number of skin diseases. A few more symptoms:

  • oily flaky skin;
  • faded color, dry coat;
  • dry and brittle nails;
  • ear canal infections;
  • pronounced inflammation of the epidermis, which is covered with crusts;
  • hyperkeratosis of the fingers.

Very often seborrhea is accompanied infectious diseases ears and unbearable itching. These problems are due to the presence of harmful microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria. Due to the similarity of symptoms in primary and secondary forms, lab tests to determine them.


To treat seborrheic dermatitis in dogs, local and systemic methods are used. Local treatment implies:

  • flushing the ear canals and removing secretions from them;
  • use of specialized shampoos and other products.

Systemic treatment involves the use of medications prescribed by a veterinarian. Do not underestimate the seriousness of seborrheic disease in your pet. Given the hereditary nature of this disease, the dog should be well matched to get healthy offspring.

Atopic dermatitis

This chronic disease is characterized by dry skin, rashes, and itching. It is based on allergic reactions to antigens. Through research it was revealed genetic predisposition to the atopic type. This disease mainly affects young individuals under the age of 5 years. It is diagnosed in almost 15% of dogs. However, there are breeds that are most susceptible to this disease:

  • chow-chow;
  • dachshunds;
  • Labradors;
  • cocker spaniels;
  • English bulldogs;
  • boxers;
  • german shepherds;
  • Shar-Pei;
  • Irish Setters;
  • Dalmatians;
  • fox terriers;
  • retrievers;
  • French bulldogs;
  • miniature schnauzers.

Basic clinical manifestations, characteristic of this disease, lead to the following consequences:

  • baldness;
  • itching;
  • red, inflamed skin color, as well as increased pigmentation.

Also a clear sign Atopy is the frequent occurrence of otitis media, relapses of pododermatitis, which affects the animal’s paws and even causes lameness. The itching associated with atopic dermatitis is so severe that it can cause injury to the animal. Due to constant licking of paws, ulcers and wounds form. The most problematic areas include:

  • paws;
  • areas near the eyes;
  • space between fingers;
  • inner thighs;
  • axillary, groin area.

Due to the development of the atopic variety, the pet's coat becomes oily, the skin becomes covered with scales and peeling begins. The reaction to an allergen can be either seasonal or year-round. Allergies can be caused by:

  • flea bites and excrement;
  • pollen of trees, grasses;
  • house dust;
  • swimming in open water;
  • chemical fertilizers;
  • renovations taking place in the house;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • household chemicals;
  • Food.

In addition to skin manifestations, other diseases, for example, conjunctivitis, can often develop against the background of dermatitis.


Very often due to the similarity clinical picture with other diseases, atopic is difficult to diagnose. Even modern veterinary clinics may not have a sufficient diagnostic base for this. Therefore, the veterinarian should ask the dog owner in detail about periods of relapse that affect the well-being of his pet. Conduct clinical examination and laboratory tests:

  • a skin scraping is taken and examined under a microscope;
  • blood serum is subjected to endocrinological studies;
  • culture is performed to detect a fungal infection;
  • They do a urine and stool test.

The animal is prescribed a diet that excludes food allergies.


Treatment of atopy is a long and complex process. First of all, allergens are eliminated. If they cannot be identified, they try to change the dog’s habitat:

Treatment includes a course of immunotherapy, subcutaneous or intramuscular injections to reduce itching. To prevent otitis and conjunctivitis from developing, antifungal and antibacterial therapy is carried out. Vitamin and mineral supplements that enhance immunity are also prescribed. In order to improve the condition of the epidermis and restore the quality of the coat, multivitamins are prescribed.

Acral dermatitis in an animal

The second name of this variety is “Lick granuloma.” This disease is characterized by inflammation of areas of the skin and the appearance of round, swollen plaques between the animal’s toes. The dog constantly licks these round formations. This leads to injury to the interdigital areas, and over time, ulcers can form in these places.

Very often, the disease can begin after a pet injures its paw while walking. The presence of even a small scratch forces the animal to constantly lick the sore spot. The wound may heal, but the pet can no longer give up its painful addiction and continues to lick its limbs. Any skin disease that causes severe itching can trigger the acral appearance.


Diagnosis of this disease is quite simple. If granules are visible on your pet’s paws and the dog constantly licks its limbs, there is no doubt that these are manifestations of acral dermatitis. For full confidence In a veterinary clinic, a biopsy is performed to remove the affected tissue. The same material is also inoculated onto a nutrient medium to identify pathogenic microorganisms.


A treatment that has been successfully practiced for a long time in specialized clinics, helps eliminate this pathology. However, it should be taken into account that the result will be influenced by the following factors:

  • general health;
  • breed, age of the dog;
  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • conditions for keeping the animal.

There is no method that is 100% suitable for every animal. One dog is cured quite quickly, while for another you have to develop your own technique and try several methods. In order to kill pathogenic microflora, which develops in the tissues of granulomas, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. This will help relieve inflammation, improve the dog’s condition, and cure up to 70% of granulomas.

To wean your pet from licking, it is recommended to lubricate its paws with a decoction of wormwood. Other devices in the form of bandages or barriers are also used. Unfortunately, they are not very effective, since they do not have a sufficient long-term use.

Other types of dermatitis

Let's briefly look at some of them:

Only an experienced veterinarian can understand one form or another. If you notice the first symptoms, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. You should not try to cure your pet yourself. Only the joint and coordinated efforts of the veterinarian and the animal owner will definitely lead to the pet’s recovery.

Skin diseases in pets are not uncommon. Regardless of the reasons for their occurrence, these pathologies are very dangerous, since they often lead to serious exhaustion of the animal, a decrease in the level of its immunity, and appearance it becomes - at least make horror films. It is worth adding to this the duration of treatment (up to six months or longer) and its cost... In general, you already understand that dermatitis in dogs is a serious “sore” that should be treated with all possible responsibility. And in order not to get confused, it is important to learn as much as possible about this disease!

In general, dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. More precisely, all its layers. There are many types of dermatitis, common to which are the main symptoms: redness, swelling of the skin, as well as the formation of scabs, erosions or blisters on its surface.

Main classification

Veterinary medicine “adopted” the basic classification from doctors. So it includes the following varieties diseases:

But this is just the “tip of the iceberg”. In fact, there are many more types of dermatitis, and we will try to talk about them in this article.

Predisposing factors

There are quite a lot of them. Firstly, nutrition plays a huge role in both the development and prevention of these pathologies. It must be balanced in vitamins, microelements and nutrients. This is ideal, of course. In practice, this can only be achieved if the diet is prepared by a competent specialist, or by using special food intended for your breed, the manufacturer of which has created food for young, old, lactating, active... in a word, for all types of dogs. Conditions of detention are also of great importance. If the dog is constantly dirty, unkempt, with fur matted and stuck together from dirt, then you should not be surprised at the “sudden” inflammation of the skin, on which myriads of ticks and fleas are probably stomping. In short, there can be many reasons. It’s better to talk about specific types.


Read also: Atony in dogs - an overview of the disease

Contact variety

It also occurs quite often, especially in dogs living in city apartments. It develops when the skin is exposed to some irritating factors (physical or chemical origin) for quite a long time. These may include: detergents and disinfectants, cosmetics, permanent high temperature. In the latter case, dermatitis appears if the dog constantly prefers to sleep somewhere near the central heating radiators. Because of this this process often becomes a chronic, sluggish type.

Click to view in a new window. Attention, the photo contains images of sick animals!

In severe cases, the skin begins to dry out, crack, and the resulting lesions are quickly contaminated with pathogenic microflora (including purulent ones). Contact dermatitis is even more common. allergic type. As the name suggests, it is caused by an allergen coming into contact with skin covering dogs. In this case, bubbles quickly appear on it, swelling and severe itching appear. The contact type of inflammation is dangerous because in many cases it develops quite slowly, which greatly complicates detection the real reason diseases. This leads to both a slowdown in treatment and a sharp increase in the cost of the process.

Peri-wound dermatitis

It develops in the case of only purulent, necrotic wounds and is exudative in nature. The fact is that the exudate from them, getting on the skin near the injury itself, irritates the epithelium and causes severe inflammation. The tissues in this area swell greatly and are also exposed to pyogenic microflora, as a result of which the total area of ​​the wound increases sharply (bacterial dermatitis). This process is fraught with the development of other variants of purulent diffuse inflammation. The signs of periwound dermatitis are quite specific: the hair around the wound is at first constantly glued together and matted from secretions ( wet type). Then it begins to fall out, revealing a reddened, swollen surface.


Click to view in a new window. Attention, the photo contains images of sick animals!

Very often found in “company” with the type described above, especially with incompetent ones. So, if you “heartily” anoint the edges of a wound with iodine, you can easily cause a skin inflammatory process, which, associated with inflammation in the wound itself, sharply worsens the already far from ideal condition of the animal. However, the presence of a wound is not necessary for the development of this pathology. So, if for some reason an animal was given a bandage with some kind of ointment or liniment, which did not change for a couple of weeks, then it will definitely develop severe irritation skin. If you do nothing, it will soon develop into dermatitis.

Thermal dermatitis

Well, everything is clear here. If your dog has suffered a more or less extensive burn, then an inflammatory reaction will begin in 100% of cases. Often caused by constant licking of the affected area. Actually, in many cases, it is not the inflammation itself that is dangerous, but the severe intoxication that affects the kidneys, liver and brain tissue. Very often (almost always) the affected areas are contaminated with pyogenic microflora, and massive suppuration further aggravates serious condition animal. Important! For some reason, many people forget that “thermal” can be understood not only as a burn to the skin, but also as a necrotic process during frostbite. In principle, the development of the disease is similar.

Read also: Is it possible for a dog to cough from worms: diseases, symptoms, treatment (drugs)

Perhaps the most common, little-studied and unpleasant variety inflammatory processes. Often this dermatitis is seasonal (“poplar time,” for example). It is also widespread because even in good dog food today you can almost certainly find preservatives, dyes and even flavorings. Of course, this applies to a greater extent to low-quality food, but often even products from quite “decent” manufacturers can “boast” of such additives. Let’s not forget about the incredible range of household chemicals, cosmetics, and other substances that a dog can encounter on a daily basis. The accumulation of all this in the body (sensitization, roughly speaking) sooner or later leads to a generalized allergic reaction.

Click to view in a new window. Attention, the photo contains images of sick animals!

In principle, it is dangerous if only because anaphylactic shock(which develops suddenly and always unexpectedly) the animal can die at any time. In addition, scientists have been saying for many years now that allergic reactions are one of the main causes autoimmune diseases. The most unpleasant of all this “company” is atopic dermatitis in dogs. Without going into details, this is the name given to the hereditary predisposition of certain breeds and individual animals to certain types of allergies caused by certain types of allergens. Vague, isn't it? And how veterinarians and breeders themselves suffer with them! It happens that there is neither exact certainty about the cause nor a treatment plan... Currently, the atopic type of dermatitis is considered by many veterinarians and biologists as an independent autoimmune pathology, the in-depth study of which specialists have only just begun to study.