Food in hospitals. Hospital food in different countries of the world The food in the hospital is bad, what can you prepare?

The hospital diet is low-calorie and lasts 14 days.
Every week the weight decreases by 2 - 3 kg.

Probably everyone who has ever been in a hospital with any disease has come across this diet, but no one has had the desire to use the hospital diet for weight loss.

It would seem that the hospital diet is the usual general table No. 15 for recovering patients, but in fact this is not the case.

A menu compiled by nutritionists is one thing, but its practical implementation is another matter entirely. We will not delve into the vicious schemes for purchasing, delivering and storing food in medical institutions. But everyone who visited inpatient treatment on own experience tested how many calories are contained in such a diet. Besides, in Lately division into therapeutic diets in /tables/ there is no information about many hospitals. According to hospital authorities, relatives should play the main role in caring for patients.

Therefore, if you use this diet for weight loss, you will get very good results.

Detailed description and application of the hospital diet

So, the basic rules of the hospital diet

The volume of food must correspond to hospital standards, and this is 0.5 liters of soup / in reality 0.4 liters, because in the hospital cafeteria no one will pour you a full plate and will not give you refills /, exactly the same volume for the second dinner course;

Products for cooking should be low-fat, meat for soups should be lean and in minimal quantities; cutlets and meatballs should also be cooked with a minimum amount of meat; porridge with water;

Sweeten tea, coffee, compote to a minimum;

Black bread is better, no more than two thin slices for each meal;

The number of meals should be 3-4 times a day;

Last appointment food, as in a hospital, no later than 18.00;

Snacking between main meals is not allowed;

If the feeling of hunger is unbearable, you can increase the portion of morning porridge, and in the evening eat some fruit, an apple, an orange, a pear.

Drinking regime is not limited

Sample hospital diet menu for the day:

Breakfast : porridge /barley, semolina, rice/ cooked in skim milk; bread with butter, liquid coffee, tea /not very sweet/

Dinner : any light soup, a small portion with leftover meat / cabbage soup with sauerkraut, peas, borscht, pickle soup, soup with canned food, etc. / For the main course - a side dish / rice, buckwheat, cabbage, mashed potatoes, pasta, vermicelli / with cutlet , meatballs, sausage, a piece of cheap doctor's sausage / with gravy; dried fruit compote, two slices of bread.

Dinner : carrot casserole, cottage cheese, egg, pancakes, omelet and porridge /save your morning ration/, a slice of bread.

The calorie content of such food is extremely low; in addition, such a diet greatly stimulates the appetite and helps improve metabolic processes. And if you exclude snacks, then the weight loss process will speed up, and if all this is combined with sufficient physical activity, then you can achieve outstanding results.

The hospital diet is quite effective for weight loss and is well tolerated, however long time You shouldn't be on such a diet.

Dangerous properties and contraindications of the hospital diet

Before using this diet, be sure to consult a dietitian. The site administration does not guarantee that the specified diet will help and will not harm you personally. Do not forget that you use any diet at your own peril and risk. Be reasonable!

Providing food for hospitals, inpatient clinics, rehabilitation centers and others medical institutions, including specialized and children's, is one of the most intense and long-standing areas of activity of the Tasty Choice company. Over our long years of work in this area, we have built a flawlessly functioning algorithm for interaction with the management and relevant services of hospitals, and have mastered all the nuances of preparing, designing and delivering meals for medical nutrition.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for catering in medical institutions

Food in medical and health institutions– one of the most difficult segments social nutrition. Russian legislation requires the most serious requirements for organizations ensuring this process, regardless of whether the hospital department is engaged in this or the administration of the medical institution engages a professional contractor. First of all this the highest level of sanitary and hygienic standards. After all medical institutions- these are places large cluster people, and ensuring sanitary and epidemiological control is the most important task.

In this regard, the production base factory-kitchen company " Delicious selection» brought into full compliance with legal requirements. Products are purchased from trusted suppliers ( There are certificates of conformity for all products) and are located in spacious and clean warehouses, where all necessary storage conditions, namely - maintaining optimal temperature and humidity, compliance with the rules of commodity neighborhood, etc.. The entire production cycle and operating regulations of the enterprise are designed in such a way that Any factors of negative impact on raw materials and finished products are completely excluded. The “Tasty Choice” kitchen factory regularly undergoes mandatory and voluntary certification and each time fully confirms the compliance of its production base with all sanitary standards.

Nutrition in medical institutions as the most important factor in recovery

Medical nutrition – a necessary condition for the successful process of recovery and rehabilitation of patients. This is a mandatory favorable background for the impact of all medicinal drugs and procedures. And often the therapeutic nutrition itself is the treatment. That is why preparing food for patients in medical institutions is a serious professional challenge even for the most skilled chefs.

Regardless of the profile of the medical institution, whether children Hospital or hospital for adults, food must be nutritious. That is, any factors that can cause irritation or increase inflammation are excluded. We cannot use a whole range of spices, as well as sour, salty and spicy foods, as they may cause chemical irritation. A number of products and heat treatment methods that can cause mechanical irritation are excluded (for example, nuts, coarse grains, fruits and vegetables with large fibers, fried vegetables and meat, etc.). The temperature factor is also important, because too hot or too cold food can also have a negative effect.

In terms of processing methods, frying and deep-frying are prohibited. Boiling is used, extinguishing, steam or water bath cooking, in some cases baking is allowed. And at the same time, the food must certainly be delicious! After all, the pleasure of eating positive emotions– also a powerful healing factor!

There is a collection of recipes for food in medical institutions, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Our specialists prepare lunches, breakfasts, dinners for patients of medical institutions in strict accordance with these regulations. In addition, depending on the disease, patients are prescribed specific diet and diet. There are 15 lists of foods and dishes that are allowed and recommended for certain diseases and conditions. These diets (or tables) were developed by nutritionists back in Soviet times, but even today nutritionists in medical institutions rely on these standards in their prescriptions. And in accordance with the prescribed diets, breakfasts, lunches and dinners are ordered for patients. New people are constantly being admitted to the hospital, others are being discharged, someone’s appointments are changing - all this requires a prompt and flexible response from the organization providing nutrition in the medical institution. A whole department of managers is responsible for working with this segment of clients at Tasty Choice.
Our specialists are constantly in interaction with customer representatives and instantly respond to all changing conditions.

Formats of catering in medical institutions

Depending on the objectives and needs of the medical institution, the company " Delicious selection» organizes meals in hospitals, hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centers in any of three formats:

  1. Cooking food at the customer's premises, in a specially equipped catering unit. At the same time, equipment and products are provided by the Tasty Choice company.
  2. Delivery of prepared food to a medical institution in large thermoses for subsequent distribution at a food service point or in the customer’s canteen
  3. Food delivery in individual containers.

Also possible organizationdining room or buffetFull construction.

Delivery of food to medical institutions - just in time

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Health, meals for feeding patients in medical institutions must be consumed within 2 hours after preparation. They must not be heated, as this may cause the food to lose its beneficial features. That's why It is extremely important to deliver lunches, breakfasts and dinners on time, and dishes must be at a strictly defined temperature. Let's say, first courses and hot drinks - 70-75 degrees, hot second courses - 60-65, salads, cold appetizers and cold drinks - 14-16 degrees. The customer's verification of compliance of the delivered food with these parameters is ensured by a nutritionist, dietitian nurse or doctor on duty. IN ready meals The thermometer is lowered, its readings are recorded in the relevant documents. Our products always meet these strict requirements. Logistics managers create the optimal route taking into account weather conditions, traffic jams and other factors. Therefore, breakfasts, lunches and dinners from the Tasty Choice company arrive on time, and lunch (dinner, breakfast or afternoon snack) in the hospitals working with us is always tasty, hot and exactly on schedule!

Nutrition standards in medical institutions.

In medical institutions, meals are organized according to a seven-day menu according to the main options of standard diets, the use of which makes it possible to comply with the norms of therapeutic nutrition approved by Order No. 395n.

The main options for standard diets:

  • Standard diet(formerly the main version of the standard diet (STD));
  • Diet with mechanical and chemical sparing(gentle diet);
  • Diet with increased amount squirrel(high protein diet);
  • Low Protein Diet(low protein diet);
  • Reduced calorie diet(low calorie diet);
  • High calorie diet(high-calorie diet) (previously - a variant of the diet with an increased amount of protein (HPD(t)).


The Tasty Choice company provides catering services in many large medical organizations , including in hospitals. Among them -

  • MNCC Narcology - Moscow, st. Bolotnikovskaya, 16
  • MNPC Narcology, Clinical branch No. 2 - Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, 170, building 1
  • GBUZ MNCP Narcology DZM Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, 37/1

Ready-made hot meals are delivered to these hospitals in accordance with the approved seven-day menu. Each department of the hospital has canteens with convenient distribution lines, where barmaids distribute food to citizens undergoing treatment.

An example of a one-day variant of the standard OVD diet

(this menu supplies food to several hospitals).

Tech no. Cards

Name of dish








Peasant butter 72.5% w

Rice viscous milk porridge with the addition of dry protein composite mixture (SBKS) 18g with butter

Cheese (portion III option)

Tea with milk and sugar



9.2 Tutelyan 2008

Fresh apples



Canned cucumber

Borscht with fresh cabbage in meat broth with sour cream

Boiled meat baked in milk sauce

Boiled rice with vegetables and butter

Dried fruit compote with sugar


Afternoon snack

Tea with sugar



Boiled milk sausages

Stewed white cabbage with the addition of (SBKS) 9g*

Rose hip decoction


For the night

Kefir 3.2% fl.

Packed rations

Rye bread

Wheat bread


State Budgetary Institution ZGM "City Clinical Hospital named after F.I. Inozemtseva
Department of Health of Moscow No. 36"

In the city clinical hospital them. F.I. Inozemtseva (Hospital No. 36) on average, about 1000 people are treated and, accordingly, eat 3-4 times daily at the same time. There are 28 specialized departments, most of which are prepared according to the requirements of 8 different diets. Hot meals are delivered to the hospital ready-made. Each compartment has its own labeled thermal containers and tanks. Each department has a dining room where barmaids distribute food.

Example of one day menu containing eight diet options

(this menu supplies food to the hospital, where more than 1000 people are fed daily. The hospital has 28 specialized departments).


Name of dish







Kissel from apple juice №11,28

Grated cheese No. 5.16m

OVD, VBD, NKD, ShchD, OVD (r)

Cheese No. 5.16ma

0-x, OVD (person), ShchD1

Liquid semolina milk porridge with SBKS-18 g No. 6.2mv.


Viscous milk semolina porridge with SBKS-18 g. No. 6.11a

Semolina milk porridge liquid with SBKS-20 No. 6.9am

Cauliflower baked in sauce with SBKS-9 No. 7.15m

Tea with lemon No. 11.26m

Breakfast 2

OVD (person), OVD (R)

Boiled milk 3.2% No. 5.14


Fruits No. 10,16

Fruit juice No. 11.9

Tomato juice (portions) No. 11,16


0's, police department (persons)

Meat broth No. 1.0a


Fish soup with potatoes and millet No. 1.27

Fish and potato soup No. 1.88m

ShchD, ShchD(1), OVD(persons)

Puree fish and potato soup No. 1.88b (2c)

0's, police department (persons)

Boiled meat puree in broth No. 2.5

Steamed boiled meat soufflé No. 2.6m

Liver Stroganov style with SBCS - 9 g No. 2.32 ma

Liver stewed in sour cream sauce with SBKS - 9 g No. 2.81 mb

Liver stewed in sour cream sauce No. 2.81b

OVD, VBD, ShchD, ShchD1, OVD (R)

Boiled pasta No. 6.43

Crumbled buckwheat porridge No. 6.1

0's, police department (persons)

Liquid rice porridge with water, pureed No. 6,10

OVD, VBD, OVD (person), OVD (r)

Dried fruit compote No. 11.106a

0's, ShchD, ShchD 1

Jam jelly No. 11,125

Dried fruit compote without sugar No. 11,106(b)

Afternoon snack

Baked apple No. 10.18

Everyone (except ATS (R))

Rose hip decoction No. 11.82

Fruit juice No. 11.9

ShchD, VBD, OVD (R)

Cookies No. 12,19

Fruits No. 10.4m


Sauerkraut salad with sugar No. 8.22m

Sauerkraut salad No. 8.22ma

Green peas canned with vegetable oil№8.18m


Stewed potatoes with meat No. 2.38

ShchD, ShchD1, NKD

Steam meat roll No. 2.25m

Mashed potatoes with SBKS 9, No. 7.6m

Boiled beets with vegetable oil No. 7.33

Boiled beets with vegetable oil No. 7.16am

0's, police department (persons)

Liquid oatmeal milk porridge pureed with SBKS - 9 g. No. 6.23m

Milk jelly No. 11,12b

OVD, VBD, ShchD, OVD(h), OVD(r)

Kefir 3.2% No. 5.10m

Kefir 1% No. 5.9m

Boiled milk 3.2% No. 5.14

Buffet products


Name of dish






Rye bread

Wheat bread


Wheat bread


Rye bread


Rye bread

Wheat bread



Wheat bread


Wheat bread


Wheat bread

Rye bread

Do you know what they feed you in our hospitals? I didn’t know until I visited it myself. To be honest, I didn’t think it would be like this. When compared with other countries, the contrast of the hospital menu is strikingly different. Now, I understand why relatives bring food from home to their patients.

I looked at the patients’ Instagrams and was surprised.

We meet food from the Jakarta hospital, which is located in Indonesia. Standard noodles, boiled eggs, rice porridge and a piece of chicken.

Japanese cuisine greets patients at a Tokyo hospital with this menu: pickles, miso soup, rice and a piece of chicken.

In America, in the state of California, they serve this classic dish - a hamburger and fried potatoes.

The Malaysian menu is simple - vermicelli and a piece of chicken with sauce

Hospital menu from South Africa - here they will fry eggs and sausages, give you tomatoes, hash browns and toast.

Hospital cuisine in Germany - standard schnitzel, spaetzle (a type of pasta), salad and pie. There's not enough beer.

Also from the American menu - vegetable salad and chicken soup, crackers instead of bread.

In Australia everything is much more interesting. For lunch, pumpkin soup with fried chicken in apricot sauce, peas and a scoop of mashed potatoes.

Another Australian hospital, only in the city of Sydney, Australia. Lamb stew in a pot, fruit, slice of bread, sandwiches

Pork is served in sweet and sour sauce along with rice. Menu for Richmond, Canada.

In England they serve minestrone with beef and onion pie. Banana dessert.

In Estonian hospitals you can dine on potatoes, salad, stewed cabbage with meat, and for dessert they give you a bun with milk.

Native Russia, Tomsk city. For breakfast you will be given porridge with milk, bread with butter and tea.

For lunch they will bring pasta with boiled pink salmon and vermicelli soup.

This is the international menu.

The editor receives many letters complaining about poor nutrition in hospitals. It's no secret that often the product does not reach the patient, ending up in the kitchen. It happens that food does not even look appetizing, and sometimes it is simply tasteless. Instead of five times a day, they can feed best case scenario three. We decided to check how things really are. Our correspondent went to read the “hospital” menu in Moscow hospitals, choosing three of them at random.

One thing is written - they give another

FIRST on the list is the Road Hospital named after. Semashko.

The object of my attention is the purulent compartment. Upon entering the floor, immediately in front of me is a neat dining room. Above the delivery window hangs the treasured menu sheet - the purpose of my visit. But then it turns out that the joy is in vain: one thing is written, but they give something completely different. It is difficult to type the names of different dishes every day, especially since each patient has his own diet. For example, table 15 eats one thing today, and table 9 eats something completely different. The food, as it turns out, is very tasty and interesting. For example, the menu of the 9th table includes a variety of meat products. On Monday they are given cutlets or sausage, on Tuesday - sausages, on Wednesday - chickens, and on Thursday they are given fish. In addition to all this, soup is a must every day. The oil is given only in the morning. “For breakfast, eggs or an omelet, that’s it, nothing more,” says the canteen worker. You can’t go anywhere without porridge in any hospital. Therefore, rice, millet, semolina, and oatmeal are always available. More dishes from the menu: apple soufflé, vegetable soup with sour cream, compote, etc., etc. “Our food is good. In some hospitals they don’t even give this, all the patients bring their own. But here they call home and say that we don’t need anything, and so we overeat here,” they tell me. Indeed, patients do not complain about food. Pyotr Nikolaevich says that today he ate “some kind of soup for lunch. They feed you more or less, you can eat. And there are very tasty dinners, I eat with pleasure.” As Sergei put it: “The food, of course, is not a fountain, but this is necessary for the sick, we have a diet. And so everything is fine. If you are not full, you will always get more.”

It is good when everything is good

At the CITY Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after. Pirogov I go straight to the canteen of the cardiovascular department. And then the menu strikes my imagination. There are some dishes that you don’t often cook at home, let alone in a hospital. The menu is different every day. Repetition can only happen in a week. The cooks list to me what the patients usually eat. For breakfast - porridge, cheese, sausage, cottage cheese, cottage cheese casserole. Lunch is not complete without soup: borscht, cabbage soup, chicken soup, vermicelli soup, rice soup, pickle soup, bean soup, pea soup. The second courses are no less varied: meat goulash, cutlets, boiled chicken, Stroganoff-style liver, steamed chicken soufflé, pilaf, pasta with meat. In the evening they usually serve potato casserole, boiled fish, solyanka, stew, lazy cabbage rolls with meat, etc. They drink jelly, kefir, compote. Every day the patient is given either an orange or an apple. The 10th and 15th tables are fed 4 times, and the 9th - as many as 5 times a day. Patients benefit from vegetables and lean meat, so there are no pork dishes on the menu. Unfortunately, it is not possible to talk to patients, but the canteen workers assure that no one has ever complained about the food in their presence.

Gynecological Hospital No. 1 has a capacity of slightly more than 100 beds. Therefore, cooks have the opportunity to prepare even things that would seem too troublesome in large hospitals. For example, they bake meat pies, and in the summer they stuff peppers and eggplants. “We are supposed to feed for 39 rubles, but we feed for 53, the hospital adds. And then our cooks cook with their souls. Patients, for example, ask what we add to the omelette, and it becomes so fluffy? And the secret is simple: you need beat it well, with love,” says nutritionist Olga Sergeevna. The menu here is also seven-day, that is, it is not repeated. And they give you meat, fish, sausage, cheese, eggs, fruits, cereals, noodles. Even in winter, they try to include tomatoes and cucumbers in their diet every day. They pamper you with sweets and a signature dish like meatloaf. They always have an afternoon snack with fruit, and a glass of kefir at night. The most aromatic dish has been prepared for lunch today. mushroom soup and the aforementioned meatloaf. It's really tasty and homemade. I am reading the Book of Reviews and Suggestions. In addition to sincere gratitude to the doctors, there is often a special “thank you” to the kitchen and cooks. They even asked to create a separate Book for the dining room.

"We express special thanks food workers for loving relationship to your work. All dishes are very tasty, filling and varied. Thank you very much!"

Ward No. 11

“Thank you so much for the wonderful food. Everything is as tasty in the hospital as at home...”

16th ward

It turns out that this also happens in our hospitals: the doctors are good and the food is excellent.

Homemade crust tastes better than hospital pie

I came across quite prosperous hospitals that feed their patients quite well. But this is rather an exception to the rule. Many of us know firsthand that sometimes it is impossible to eat what is given. Floating sausage in semolina porridge for breakfast, soup from one cabbage leaf and a piece of unknown meat for lunch - a very real picture.

Despite everything, in all hospitals patients have one distinguishing feature. No matter how delicious the food is, they will still ask you to bring something from home. Apparently, the point here is that you want something familiar, from the hands of your family. It’s also important to feel supported loved one. He talks about how to diversify a patient’s diet. doctor at the clinical nutrition clinic Valentina Nikitichna MATUSHEVSKAYA:

Each patient has his own treatment table. In turn, the tables have an approved diet and nutritional habits, each with their own diet. It happens that formally all the rules are followed: both calorie content and food ratio. But there are certain dependencies. For example, in winter and spring there is a traditional shortage of vegetables and fruits. Acting social factor, sometimes there is not enough money for medicines, let alone for a varied diet. Again, the hospital is tied to a certain product base. It's good if there is what you need there. And if not, you have to get out of it, replace the potatoes with pasta and vice versa. The human factor plays an important role: how the cook prepares the dish, how successful he is at it. Due to geographical location Among our vegetables, cabbage, carrots and beets are very popular. They are definitely useful. But someone may not tolerate cabbage. If possible, you can include it in your diet cauliflower, zucchini, green beans, greenery. It is quite possible to introduce salads, which are rarely found on hospital menus. You can make healthy vegetable casseroles from carrots and beets. All this, naturally, in accordance with the diet. If someone is not allowed to do something, then it is necessary.

Ideally, hospitals should have 5 meals a day so that the exhausted body can recover. In practice, 3 meals a day are often found. This, of course, is not enough. Therefore, the patient’s relatives can consult with the attending physician and ask what additional things to bring to the patient. Will be very useful dairy products(cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, cheese). If you are allowed to bring food homemade, make a vegetable stew, cook boiled chicken. A good way out is baby vegetable and fruit mixtures. They contain many nutrients, even people who have difficulty chewing can eat them. You should not spoil the patient with various goodies. For example, if he loves everything salty, peppery, spicy, do not forget that this does not fit into the system healthy eating. Excessive amounts of sweets are extra carbohydrates, and they are not always needed.

There is an opinion that broth is the best thing you can bring to the hospital. Polysubstrate nutritional mixtures will be much more beneficial for the patient as additional nutrition. They represent a balanced amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. These mixtures are more easily absorbed by the body, and the patient spends less energy digesting food. Polysubstrate mixtures are usually sold in specialized stores in powder form. It must be dissolved in water and drunk, or the drug is sold ready-made. There are so-called modular mixtures, the property of which is to enhance any nutritional component (proteins, fats or carbohydrates). But few people know about them, and therefore not all doctors can advise them. Don't forget that you need to talk to your doctor about any changes in diet. Depending on the type of treatment, drink mineral water. Diluted fruit drinks, juices, and dried fruit compote are useful.

While a person is in the hospital, he has to rebuild his body in a new way. And all because the food in the hospital is not at all similar to home, and the regime is not the same. Nevertheless, much depends on porridge and compote: if the food is complete and tasty, then we will recover much faster.

In general, the state allocates 39 rubles for feeding a patient. per day. With this money you don’t even need to go to the store once. And yet, for this amount they are supposed to feed 4-5 times a day, and it should be nourishing and varied.

Medical nutrition - diet therapy, use of nutrition with therapeutic purpose for various diseases. The influence of therapeutic nutrition is determined by the qualitative and quantitative composition of food (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, microelements, etc.), its calorie content, physical properties (volume, temperature, consistency), diet (hours of intake, distribution of food during day, frequency of doses), the therapeutic effect of individual products (cottage cheese, milk, honey, etc.).

Medical nutrition is prescribed in the form of special diets (therapeutic diets), taking into account the pathogenetic nature of the disease, the characteristics of the course of the main and concomitant diseases, the tastes and national habits of the patient. Therapeutic nutrition is strictly consistent with the general treatment plan, sometimes it is the main method of treatment, sometimes it serves as an obligatory therapeutic background against which all other, including specific, therapy is applied.

The basis of therapeutic nutrition is the principle of sparing: thermal (food at adequate temperature), chemical (exclusion of chemical irritants of the gastrointestinal mucosa from the food composition) and mechanical (exclusion of difficult-to-digest foods).

Catering in the hospital:

In organizing catering in a hospital, two main principles are used - individual and group. An individual diet is prescribed by a doctor; in this case, food is prepared specifically for a specific patient. With the group principle of nutrition, one or another generally accepted diet is prescribed from those that have been previously developed and have a certain therapeutic effect.

The hospital sets a 7-day menu for basic diets. The management of therapeutic nutrition is carried out by a nutritionist. Together with the nutrition nurse, he updates the menu daily.

The necessary diet for the patient is prescribed by the attending physician. If the patient arrives in the evening, this should be done by the doctor on duty.

The nurse transfers the diet number from the inpatient's medical record to the nursing sheet. Next to the diet number, enter the names of the patients and the room numbers so that it is easy to summarize the data for each diet. Every day before 13:00, the head nurse of the department draws up and sends to the catering department a food order (portion box), which indicates the number of patients and the distribution of diets. On the reverse side of the portion holder, the quantity of additional products (milk, cream, cottage cheese, meat, etc.) and the names of the patients are indicated in numbers and in words. The portion plan is signed by the head and senior nurse of the department.

The diet nurse summarizes department orders in the form of a consolidated portion list for all patients for the next day. From the emergency department every day at 9 o'clock the catering department receives information about the movement of patients since 13 o'clock in the past day, i.e. time for preparing the portion plan. The number of arriving and departing patients and the numbers of diets are indicated. Based on these data, the necessary adjustments are made to the distribution list for issuing food to the departments, which is also compiled by the diet nurse.

The main issues that require the attention of sanitary supervision of the nutrition of patients in health care facilities: sanitary arrangement of catering units and canteens at departments, compliance with storage and sale periods of food, monitoring the implementation of mandatory requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, production, transportation, storage, sale and disposal of food products, catering, sanitary condition of food unit and its personnel (for the presence of infection and pustular diseases of the hands, compliance with personal hygiene rules)

Food department documentation:

The catering unit must have the following documentation:

1. Rejection log finished products.

2. Logbook for rejecting perishable products.

3. Logbook for recording the health status of catering workers (with

inclusion in it of examination data for the presence of pustular

diseases, information about the absence of acute intestinal diseases,

sore throat, employees being on a temporary sheet


4. Sanitary log.

5. Perspective menu, daily menu, technological maps.

6. Collection of technological standards. Collection of recipes and

culinary products for catering establishments

(1994 - 1998).

7. Journal of fortification of third courses.

8. Medical records of catering workers.

9. Logbook for induction training at the workplace,

safety instructions for all types of work.

10. Assortment list of dishes and catering products.

11. Logbook for monitoring the operation of technological and refrigeration equipment


12. Log book emergency situations(on systems

energy supply, water supply, sewerage).

13. Analysis of compliance with natural food standards

accumulative statement.

Hospital catering unit: placement, method of delivering prepared food to the departments:

Accommodation: Depending on the nature of the construction of hospital buildings and the capacity of the hospital, the following types of placement of catering units are possible:

a) in single-building hospitals with a number of beds of up to 300, there are mainly catering units inside a common building on the lower or upper floor;

b) in large multi-building hospitals - central kitchens located in a separate building. It is recommended to locate the kitchen on the top floor, and storage rooms (refrigerators, vegetable pantries) and blocks for the preparation of semi-finished products - on the lower floor

Methods for delivering prepared food to departments:

1.Centralized delivery - food from the catering department is delivered hot directly to the canteens

2. Buffet system - food is delivered to the hospital’s buffet and distribution departments, where it is heated and then goes to the hospital’s canteens.

Equipment of the buffet and dispensing department:

Buffet and dispensing departments are provided with heating plates, food warmers, boilers, and washing baths for washing tableware and kitchen utensils.

Dining room cleaning schedule: The dining room is wet cleaned after each meal and once a week as part of the general cleaning of the entire department.

Rules for washing dishes: Washing dishes includes washing twice with hot water using soda, mustard or other detergents, subsequent disinfection with a 0.2% clarified solution of bleach and rinsing.

Principles of therapeutic nutrition:

Therapeutic nutrition should be based on the physiological needs of the patient’s body. Therefore, any diet must satisfy the following requirements:

1) vary in its energy value in accordance with the energy expenditure of the body;

2) ensure the body’s need for nutrients, taking into account their balance;

3) cause optimal filling of the stomach, necessary to achieve a slight feeling of satiety;

4) satisfy the patient’s tastes within the limits allowed by the diet, taking into account food tolerance and menu variety. Monotonous food quickly becomes boring, contributes to the suppression of an already often reduced appetite, and insufficient stimulation of the digestive organs impairs the absorption of food;

5) ensure proper culinary processing of food while maintaining the high taste of food and the valuable properties of the original food products;

6) observe the principle of regular nutrition.

Officials and their responsibilities:

The dietician is assigned the following functions:

2.1. Provide direction to all practical operations of the kitchen and its staff.

2.2. Monitoring compliance with portion yield standards.

2.3. Quality control of delivered products, compliance with the rules of their storage and sale.

2.4. Carrying out management of compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules in the catering unit and in the cafe-dining room.

Job responsibilities of a food warehouse manager

4.1. Manages the receipt, storage and release of products in the warehouse.

4.2. Organizes work on placing products with the most rational use of warehouse space.

4.3. Ensures the safety of products received at the warehouse in terms of quality and quantity.

4.4. Provides daily information to the chef and nurse in dietetics about the quantity and range of products available.

4.5. Monitors compliance with the temperature regime in the warehouse premises and the operation of the ventilation system necessary for proper storage of products.

4.6. Provides storage and removal from the warehouse of released containers.

4.7. Draws up acts on the write-off of products and containers in the presence of a commission appointed by the chief physician of the hospital.

4.8. Monitors the sanitary and hygienic condition of the warehouse premises, inventory and equipment.

4.9. Keeps records of the receipt and consumption of products in the prescribed form.

4.10. Ensures compliance with safety and labor protection regulations during loading and unloading operations.

4.11. Calls a nutritionist to examine products of questionable quality.

4.12. Regularly undergoes medical examinations in accordance with existing rules.

4.13. Participates in inventory taking.

Responsibilities of a catering chef

4.1. Prepares and submits requests to the warehouse for products, equipment and utensils.

4.2. Together with a nutrition nurse and a dietitian, he compiles a menu, taking into account the necessary daily nutritional needs of patients, without exceeding food allocations, as well as a menu layout for each dish.

4.3. Carries out the selection and rational placement of catering staff.

4.4. Instructs food department workers on how to comply with food preparation technology requirements. Organizes the rational use of raw materials, proper culinary processing of products, guided by technological rules for preparing dishes, while ensuring high quality prepared food and good presentation of dishes.

4.5. Ensures timely preparation and distribution of food.

4.6. Monitors the correct release of finished products in accordance with the yield standards provided for in the current collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

4.7. Instructs food department workers on the rules of care for mechanical equipment and inventory, and on compliance with sanitary requirements when processing products. Ensures that scales, weights and all measuring instruments located in production are in full working order.

4.8. Prepares applications to the director of the enterprise for the necessary repairs of premises and equipment.

4.9. Monitors compliance by catering staff with labor protection and safety regulations, as well as internal labor regulations.

4.10. Monitors the sanitary condition of the catering unit.

4.11. Participates in the organization and implementation of the minimum technological level in food preparation technology and clinical nutrition.

4.12. Systematically improves professional qualifications.

4.13. Regularly holds production meetings with catering staff.

4.14. Regularly undergoes medical examination in accordance with existing rules.

4.15. Maintains the necessary accounting and reporting documentation.

Job responsibilities of a nutritionist at a healthcare facility

1. Participates in the provision of qualified medical care in his specialty.

Provides advisory assistance to doctors of other departments of health care facilities on nutritional issues.

2. Manages the work of the personnel subordinate to him (if any), assists in the performance of his official duties.

Monitors the correct operation of equipment, rational use of food, compliance with safety and labor protection rules by personnel.

3.Participates in conducting training sessions for staff in their specialty.

4.Plans his work and analyzes his performance indicators.

5. Ensures timely and high-quality execution of medical and other documentation in accordance with established rules.

6. Conducts sanitary and educational work.

7. Complies with the rules and principles of medical ethics and deontology.

8.Qualified and timely carries out orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the institution, as well as regulations on his professional activities.

9. Complies with internal regulations, fire and safety regulations, sanitary and epidemiological regime.

10. Promptly takes measures, including timely informing management, to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and sanitary rules that pose a threat to the activities of the healthcare institution, its employees, patients and visitors.

11.Systematically improves his skills.