Where is the best place to have plastic surgery on the inner thigh? How is hip surgery performed? Thighplasty is a surgical correction of the contours of the upper legs. Recovery after surgery

Femoroplasty – direction in plastic surgery, the object of which is the inner and outer surface of the thighs.

With the help of such an intervention, you can tighten sagging skin, remove excess fat deposits, and eliminate various defects.

Causes of skin ptosis in the thigh area

Even during the prenatal period, the fetus deposits a significant amount of adipose tissue in the hips and abdomen.

From a biological point of view, this is a natural defense mechanism that allows you to survive during forced starvation.

Due to various factors, this feature of the body results in external defects.

Fat deposits have the ability to grow rapidly, but it is in the area of ​​the hips and buttocks that they “go away” very slowly.

To do this, you need to make a lot of effort: constantly monitor your diet and never stop exercising. Similar measures are required to maintain the achieved effect.

If we take into account that the skin on the thighs is subject to stretching during pregnancy, loses its elasticity with age, or sags after severe weight loss, we can come to the conclusion that it is almost impossible to restore its former elasticity using conventional means.

So, among the factors contributing to ptosis (or sagging) of the skin in the thigh area are:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • poor nutrition (lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, etc.);
  • sedentary lifestyle, neglect of physical activity;
  • previously performed liposuction (fat is gone, but the skin is not contracting enough).

If activities such as diet, sports, massage with cosmetics, etc. do not help in any way, the solution is to contact a plastic surgeon.

Indications and contraindications

Surgical correction of the hips is performed in the following cases:

  • elimination cosmetic defects in cases where loose skin negatively affects the psycho-emotional state, deprives one of self-confidence, and does not allow one to wear open clothes;
  • for medical reasons, if too voluminous folds of skin and fat lead to friction while walking, diaper rash, irritation, abrasions, and poor circulation.

Ptosis of the skin on the inner thighs can be observed even in young girls.

Individual characteristics play a role here: persons with thin skin are more prone to the appearance of a defect.

In adulthood, this problem occurs in most women.

Ladies with too full hips, which rub during walking, are especially affected, thereby causing significant discomfort and rubbing of clothes.

Such phenomena force many to resort to surgical correction.

What can be achieved with femoroplasty:

  • elimination of sagging and flabbiness;
  • excision of excess adipose tissue;
  • reduction in hip volume (if necessary, increase through implants);
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Plastic surgery on the hips is a serious intervention, so the possibility of the intervention depends on several conditions.

The first thing to do is to identify possible contraindications:

  • Varicose veins;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant processes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • minor age.

Types and techniques of femoroplasty

List of tests

A standard set of tests before any plastic surgery includes:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • coagulogram (blood clotting test);
  • blood for viral hepatitis, HIV infection, syphilis.

Additionally, an electrocardiogram is performed and Doppler ultrasound lower extremities. Consultation with specialists may be required.


During the conversation with the doctor, the following questions are discussed:

  • technique and tactics of the operation;
  • duration of intervention;
  • type of anesthesia;
  • duration full recovery organism and the time of manifestation of the final result;
  • shape, manufacturer, size of implants (if they are planned to be implanted).

At the time of surgery, the client should not experience any health problems, including minor ailments. For a woman, the day of intervention should not coincide with menstruation.


  • stopping smoking and drinking alcohol a week before surgery;
  • giving up some medicines(anticoagulants, etc.);
  • exclusion of physical activity two to three days before the intervention;
  • Last meal and liquid intake – 12 hours before.

There is another important point that concerns people who have suddenly lost weight.

If your skin begins to sag after losing so much weight, you should not immediately go under the knife. First, you should normalize your weight and maintain it for some time, otherwise the fat layer will quickly recover and return to its original appearance.

Therefore, a period of at least six months must pass between weight loss and surgery. During this time, the weight will have time to stabilize.


The operation is performed under general anesthesia, since the surgeon will have to work with a large volume of tissue.

This is a rather painful procedure. Its duration ranges from one and a half to three hours, in some cases even more.

The total intervention time depends on the problem being solved.

Before using anesthesia, consultation with an anesthesiologist is required, since the patient may have an allergic reaction to some substances.

Types and techniques

There are two main types of femoroplasty:

  • the first is aimed at correction in the direction of reducing tissue volume (excision of excess subcutaneous fat is carried out through a small incision, then the surgeon performs skin tightening);
  • in the second case, the patient requires hip augmentation using anatomically shaped implants.

If the correction involves removing excess fat, they start with liposuction.

Access is through an incision in the popliteal cavity.

After excision of excess fatty tissue, the surgeon tightens the inner thigh.

The following methods are used for this:

  • median technician a (an incision is made on the inguinal fold) - this is the least traumatic method, which is used to correct minor defects;
  • vertical technique(a continuous vertical incision is made from the inguinal fold to kneecap, excess skin is excised);
  • mixed media(a combination of a vertical incision and incisions on the groin folds) - the technique is used to remove a significant amount of skin.

After removing all excess, the surgeon applies stitches.


There are two options for liposuction:

  • self-correction;
  • together with other surgical techniques (lifting, hardware rejuvenation, etc.).

Anatomical areas:

  • "breeches" zone;
  • inner thighs;
  • peri-knee area.

Liposuction as an independent intervention is indicated for people who have a slight excess of fat deposits and sufficient skin contractility.

If the tissues cannot contract properly after correction, the result will be an even more pronounced defect.

To avoid sagging and sagging skin after liposuction, it is advisable for some patients to additionally excise skin flaps from incisions in the area of ​​the inguinal folds.


The laser technique is that body fat are destroyed under the influence of laser energy supplied through a thin needle (1 mm in diameter).

During movement, it disrupts the integrity of fat cells.

Benefits of laser hip correction:

  • minimal injury;
  • duration less than an hour;
  • compression of collagen fibers and, as a result, a lifting effect;
  • no complications;
  • short rehabilitation period.

The method is often used to correct hard-to-reach and intimate areas.

In some cases, the technique is used as an addition to classic liposuction to straighten the surface of the thighs.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are pros and cons to the liposuction procedure.

The advantages include:

  • guaranteed removal of fat deposits in the problem area (“breeches”, inner thigh, near-knee area);
  • selectivity of impact: with the help of liposuction, you can correct only the area that needs it (with normal weight loss, the arms, chest, and face are the first to lose weight);
  • possibility of combination with other techniques;
  • sustainable result: necessity new operation occurs only with prolonged abuse of unhealthy and high-calorie foods;
  • improvement of psycho-emotional state: increasing self-esteem, eliminating complexes, etc.

Among the shortcomings are noted:

  • high cost;
  • risk of scar formation;
  • the possibility of side effects after an improperly performed operation (unevenness, lumpiness of the skin, “washboard” effect, etc.);
  • swelling and pain in the first days after classical liposuction.

How long does it last?

Liposuction of the thighs takes about 1-1.5 hours. Depending on how much fat tissue needs to be removed, the surgeon makes 1-2 skin punctures and small incisions.

In some cases, preliminary fat breaking with ultrasound is required, which also affects the duration of the operation.

Are there any seams?

Even minimal incisions and punctures require sutures.

For this purpose, absorbable or non-absorbable threads are used. The length of the seam does not exceed 2-4 mm.

After a week, the suture material dissolves on its own or is removed by the surgeon. Due to the special technology of suturing, scars practically do not remain on the body.

Postoperative period

You will need to wear compression garments for some time after liposuction.

In addition, the patient should undergo procedures aimed at improving the condition of the skin and reducing sagging.

  • limitation physical activity;
  • refusal of thermal procedures (baths, saunas), instead of a bath - shower;
  • use of healing ointments and medications prescribed by the surgeon.

Consequences and complications

Possible complications after liposuction:

  • Flabbiness. Before the operation, the surgeon assesses the ability of the skin to contract, based on which he makes a prognosis regarding the appearance of sagging. In this matter important role plays wearing compression garments.
  • Reduced skin sensitivity. The disorder occurs due to damage to nerve endings. This is usually a temporary complication. During this period, it is important to choose comfortable clothes that will not rub or tighten the skin.
  • Swelling. After liposuction, swelling is observed in everyone, but each patient subsides after a different time.
  • Hematoma. Pronounced tumors are rare. Usually these are small bruises that disappear in 1.5-2 weeks.
  • Fixation skin to the muscles. The complication occurs due to the fault of the doctor if he removed too much fat tissue. The result is that the skin seems to “grow” to the muscles.
  • Infection. If the health worker does not follow the rules of asepsis, the wound may become infected. As a result, a purulent-septic complication develops. This patient is indicated for intensive antibacterial therapy, and in some cases, surgery.

Surgical plastic surgery

A surgical thigh lift is called a dermolipectomy.

From the name of the operation it follows that the intervention consists of excision of excess skin and fatty tissue. The remaining skin flaps are stretched and stitched together.

The operation allows you to get rid of sagging and uneven thighs.

Surgical beret lifting can be performed in conjunction with the following operations:

  • liposuction;
  • tightening the gluteal area;
  • tummy tuck and groin area.


This type of lift is also called a “median” lift.

The method is suitable for those people with slight ptosis of the tissues on the hips.

Incisions are made along the inguinal folds. The skin on the thigh side is partially excised, thereby providing a lifting effect on the inner surface.


With this technique, the incision goes along the inner surface of the thigh from the groin to the knees.

The technique is used if a large amount of skin needs to be removed.

At a short distance from the first incision, the surgeon makes a second one - so that a skin wedge is formed, tapering towards the knee.

The skin flap between the incisions is excised, the edges of the wound are aligned and sutured.


The method is used if any one technique is not enough to eliminate the defect.

The set of combined techniques is determined by the plastic surgeon.

For example, a lift can be combined with excision of excess fat tissue or augmentation with implants.

Volume increase with implants

Too thin hips and underdeveloped inner muscles can be corrected with silicone implants.

The materials from which modern implants are made are safe and biocompatible with the human body, so the risks of denture rejection are minimal.

Surgical access is provided through the subgluteal fold, resulting in almost invisible scars.

Before and after hip augmentation with implants:

How long does it last?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Usually, inhalation or intravenous anesthesia is used, less often - epidural in combination with sedatives.

The intervention takes 2-3 hours, in particularly difficult cases – more.

Where are the seams located?

The stitches are located on the groin folds, around the pelvis or along the inner thigh.

Depending on the purpose of the surgery, the scars may also extend from the groin to the buttock folds.

Surgeons try to make incisions where they will be least noticeable.

In order to minimize rough scars, many specialists now refuse to sew the edges of the skin together and use the tactic of layer-by-layer application and combination of skin flaps.

Postoperative period

Recovery after surgical correction of the hips takes up to six months.

Duration rehabilitation period depends on the individual characteristics of the body and how well the patient follows the surgeon’s recommendations.

The first few hours after surgery should be spent in the hospital.

Doctors should monitor how recovery from anesthesia proceeds.

In some cases, the patient remains under medical supervision for 1-2 days. The stitches are removed after 10-14 days.

Soreness and numbness may persist for up to two months.

Consequences and complications

The more extensive the intervention, the higher the risk of postoperative complications.

These include:

  • deformation of the genital organs;
  • rough scars;
  • thrombosis;
  • bleeding;
  • seroma;
  • infection;
  • disruption of lymph flow.


After the intervention, you need to wear compression garments for two to three months, which promotes better tissue regeneration and healing of sutures.

The speed of recovery depends on what type of plastic surgery was performed. With surgical correction, the initial state of health returns after 2-4 weeks.

In the first days after discharge, sensations such as pain, burning sensation, and numbness are disturbing.

To relieve discomfort, take painkillers. Sutures should be treated with antiseptics.

What not to do?

Restrictions in the postoperative period:

  • exclusion of physical activity for two months;
  • refusal of thermal procedures (saunas, steam baths, hot baths) until swelling completely disappears;
  • refusal of solarium until scars heal.


Surgical thigh lift without liposuction costs about 100,000-130,000 rubles. You will have to pay an additional 70,000-80,000 rubles to remove fat.

The cost of the operation depends on the prestige of the clinic and the experience of the surgeon.

In Moscow

Prices in Moscow:

In St. Petersburg

Prices in St. Petersburg:


With this operation you can achieve:

  • reducing fat deposits on the thighs;
  • visual improvement of outlines;
  • increasing the volume of too thin hips with the help of implants;
  • elimination of defects in the form of curvature, irregularities, etc.

Photos before and after:

When will the effect be noticeable?

The result can be assessed no earlier than three months after correction.

But it must be borne in mind that the final tightening of the scars may occur much later.

If the purpose of the operation was to reduce the volume of the hips, the effect will be noticeable almost immediately, despite the presence of swelling and bruising.

How do you know that everything went well?

The success of the intervention is evidenced by the absence of complications.

This is the main point to focus on. At the end of the recovery period, the patient should see the result that was initially discussed with the surgeon.

Any defects (irregularities, asymmetry, depressions, etc.) indicate that the surgical technique may have been violated.

In this case it is required repeat consultation specialist

How common are unsuccessful surgeries?

Most hip plastic surgeries are successful.

Complications occur in 0.5% of cases.

Plastic surgery is a reliable and effective method for eliminating defects in the hip area.

However, you should resort to it only if no other measures help.

You need to be prepared for the fact that recovery takes quite a lot long time, and you can return to your normal lifestyle only after two to three months.

Every woman dreams of having toned and slender legs. However, as we age, our skin stretches and is no longer as elastic as it once was.

Is it possible to find some in

Reasons for hip surgery are as follows:

Femoroplasty is not performed if there are restrictions such as:

If the patient has the listed contraindications during preparation, then to eliminate the imperfections of the hips it is worth considering cosmetic and hardware techniques - SplitFat Sistem, mesotherapy,


The procedure varies according to the type of surgical approach. The lift can be:

  • Internal (middle or medial). Involves correction with an incision along the inguinal fold. Excess skin is excised, then inner part the hips are pulled up. Surgeons use this method for minor ptosis. The technology is the most gentle and carries with it the minimum of complications.
  • Spiral (external or lateral). The scalpel passes around the thigh - from the inguinal fold the cut goes into the subgluteal fold and again to the groin. Suitable for such indications as sudden weight loss. The skin is tightened on all sides of the upper leg, and the contour of the buttocks is also corrected. This technology is often combined with gluteoplasty. This type of femoroplasty is more traumatic because the scars are deeper.
  • Vertical. The incision runs along the inside of the thigh and resembles a triangle, starting from the groin and tapering towards the knee. The skin wedge is removed and the wound is sutured with horizontal sutures. The method is appropriate for a large area of ​​sagging dermis.
  • Combined. It implies a combination of the above types with each other. Ellipsoidal incisions are made. Used for grade III and IV ptosis.


During the consultation, the surgeon evaluates the condition of the hips and identifies the cause that led to ptosis. To identify contraindications, the doctor gives a referral for testing.

Before plastic surgery, you must adhere to the following preparatory recommendations:

  • Increase water consumption to three liters per day.
  • Give up cigarettes and alcohol. Bad habits affect wound healing.
  • Limit aspirin intake hormonal drugs.
  • Postpone sports training for at least three to four months.
  • Stick to a diet.

Progress of the procedure

Femoroplasty technology involves the use of general anesthesia. The correction usually lasts about three hours.

The operation begins with marking and inhalation or intravenous administration anesthetic injection. After which incisions are made, the fat layer and excess skin are removed. The last step is suturing using the layer-by-layer method. When lifting the thighs, this point is important and the final result depends on it. Otherwise, tissue displacement or damage to the genital organs may occur.

First, the surgeon places internal sutures on the fascia of the thigh muscles, after which the skin is stitched with double threads. In this case, the edges of the dermis should not fit tightly to each other to avoid the appearance of rough keloid scars. The procedure ends with the installation of drainage tubes and application of a sterile dressing.


If there are no signs of tissue infection, the patient is allowed to go home on the second or third day. External sutures are removed on the tenth day, and sutures from inside There is no need to remove the thighs, because they are made of self-absorbable threads.

Unpleasant phenomena such as pain, burning, fever, redness, swelling, and numbness persist for two weeks. To stop them, the doctor prescribes painkillers.

During three months:

  • It is forbidden to massage the thighs.
  • Scars should not be treated with ointments and creams. fast healing. They will increase the swelling.
  • It is necessary to avoid exposure to heat - baths, saunas.
  • Limit exposure to the sun until the scar is completely formed, otherwise age spots may appear.

Within a month:

  • To reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to treat wounds antiseptic solutions twice a day.
  • To reduce the severity of swelling and bruises, be sure to wear compression garments. It reduces the likelihood of seams coming apart when walking.

During the first week:

  • It is forbidden to bend over.
  • You cannot get out of bed and sit.
  • You are only allowed to lie on your back.

In addition, active sports are prohibited, but physical activity cannot be completely excluded.

All women dream of having unusually beautiful and straight legs that would attract the gaze of passers-by, but not everyone knows that if nature has not rewarded her with a perfect figure, a thigh lift will help correct this. This part of the body, unfortunately, is most susceptible to both age-related changes and the accumulation of fat deposits, which also greatly deforms this area.

Sometimes the female femoral part “suffers” from individual anatomical features. These problems, as well as flaws acquired during intensive weight gain or, conversely, sudden weight loss, can be solved with the help of such a procedure. Let's figure out what a thigh lift is and how it is performed.

Indications for use

A thigh lift essentially refers to certain measures during which fat folds and sagging skin are removed from this part of the body.

There are two main reasons for the desire to carry out such a procedure:

  1. extreme complexion of a woman, when completely unsmooth skin and excess fat make her feel uncomfortable even in front of her beloved man, and generally prevents her from wearing the clothes she likes;
  2. medical indications, when huge fatty tissue and very sagging skin contribute to friction of the legs when walking, resulting in the formation of diaper rash, which causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, disrupting blood circulation and contributing to the occurrence of abrasions.

Therefore, this procedure is used by patients who have in the hip area:

  • ugly appearance;
  • loose sagging skin;
  • ears on the hips - fat deposits on their outer part;
  • various irregularities on the inner thighs;
  • pain and discomfort when walking.

If all of these violations or one of them remain at initial stage, that is, they are just beginning or arose not so long ago - they can be corrected with the help of special gymnastics or massages. If it gets worse, you will most likely have to contact a plastic surgeon.

REMEMBER! Before using for body shaping surgical methods thigh tightening, first try to pump up your legs and make them slimmer with other measures. You can always get rid of fat using liposuction or a scalpel!

Radical measures to lift the thighs

Unfortunately, in most cases, people who come to doctors need a surgical lift. The procedure eliminates fat and sagging skin on the thighs. By the way, this radical measure It is used mainly after sudden weight loss or gastric reduction surgery, or after liposuction.

If the patient, after undergoing surgery to correct defects in the hip area, adheres to healthy image life and control your weight, which is especially important, all previously lost body contours can acquire almost their original appearance. But if a person did not and will not care about himself and his body - neither surgery nor more conservative methods will never help anyone.

Contraindications for surgery

The doctor should determine what to do and how to treat for all the above-described symptoms. He will also inform the patient whether plastic surgery is indicated for him or not. In most cases, after studying clinical picture, there are no contraindications to the operation. However, in some cases, a thigh lift may be canceled. This happens when the patient has certain abnormalities:

  • the presence of severe pathologies in internal organs;
  • mental problems;
  • various types of infections;
  • high blood sugar;
  • poor blood clotting.

For these main reasons, plastic surgery may not be performed.

Ways to tighten your thighs

Like any other operation, a surgical lift is also performed using anesthesia - epidural or drug sleep. It happens that in addition to general, the patient is also given local anesthesia. They resort to this when there is a lot to do complex operation. Typical surgery lasts about 2-2.5 hours.

During the operation, the plastic doctor cuts the skin in the upper part of the thigh and tightens it in the following ways:

A lift in the inner or middle side of the thigh (in other words, femoroplasty) is the most well-known and popular method, because it leaves almost no visible seams: the surgeon makes a section of the skin in the area of ​​the inguinal folds.

Lifting the upper thigh area - using this tactic, large thighs are perfectly removed. adipose tissue and saggy skin. This method has one significant disadvantage - after such plastic surgery, a noticeable long scar remains, since the skin on the thighs is cut from the bend in the groin down to the knee.

External lift - the section is made along the top of the hip area.

Spiral lift - so called because the incision through which all the necessary manipulations are done shapes the thigh from all sides. It is usually prescribed when the patient has severely sagging, loose skin, for example, after sudden weight loss.

And another popular method is laser liposuction - the most harmless way to get rid of excess skin and fat. It is used to lift the thighs and buttocks and leaves no scars, since it involves only small punctures, which after the procedure heal quickly and become almost invisible. Liposuction is performed with a special hardware device that easily removes unnecessary subcutaneous fat and tightens the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity.

REMEMBER! The doctor should determine which method will restore the slimness and beauty of your legs. He will also warn about possible postoperative consequences, such as the formation of blood clots, unaesthetic appearance of external seams, partial tissue necrosis, etc.

During the consultation, the attending surgeon should familiarize his client with various methods of hip correction and tell in detail how the operation will take place. And then warn about possible undesirable side effects.

Actions after the operation is scheduled

In addition, when the operation has already been scheduled and the preparatory period is underway, the patient must:

  • exclude bad habits: stop drinking alcohol, smoking and other “benefits” of civilization;
  • cancel appointment medicines which thin the blood;
  • include in your daily diet only healthy foods, vegetables and fruits.

Also, during the initial consultations, the doctor must determine the layer of fatty tissue that needs to be removed, the condition of sagging skin, anatomical features and other nuances. And only after such careful preparation will it be possible to carry out surgical correction.

Thigh lift and post-operative period

After plastic surgery, the patient remains in the hospital under observation for at least another 2-3 days. During this period, wounds are treated, sutures are formed, and doctors make sure that no complications arise.

But even in the normal course of events, after being discharged from the hospital, the patient who underwent a thigh lift will be under close attention doctors for about 3 more months. Only he will be observed on an outpatient basis, that is, come to the appointment at the appointed time.

If the dynamics are positive and if the patient has used only one method of pulling up, he will be allowed to sit down slowly on the same day, stand up, and walk the next day. But when several methods are used, for example, if the patient underwent both surgical tightening and liposuction at the same time, the recovery time is extended, and getting up and moving is allowed much later.

A little later, at the end of the first week after plastic surgery, as a rule, certain restorative procedures are prescribed. And after about two weeks, the patient’s stitches are removed, unless the operation was performed using self-absorbable threads. After a month, people who have undergone facelift surgery return to normal life: go to work, start playing sports, etc.

REMEMBER! Painful discomfort in the places where the incisions were made, and indeed in the entire part of the thighs, will accompany you for several months after the operation. They will be especially noticeable when walking, sitting or standing up.

A speedy recovery after surgery is facilitated by following certain rules:

  • for the first 2-3 months it is strictly forbidden to play sports and visit gyms;
  • It is not recommended to visit baths and saunas until the swelling has completely gone and the stitches have healed;
  • There is also a ban on sunbathing; do not drive or go to the beaches until a scar has formed, this will help avoid unsightly pigmentation in the area of ​​correction.

Move confidently and moderately, doctors advise, then the thigh lift will take place without complications or discomfort.

Subtleties of liposuction

This non-surgical method also has a number of its own features. Well, first of all, a woman who wants to improve her appearance with liposuction must understand that it is carried out to “polish” the final stage of a new look, after application balanced nutrition and certain physical activities. After all, without this miracle will not happen!

So before you plan this procedure, remember:

  1. Initially, you must lose weight - the doctor cannot do this for you. Perhaps this is the most important limitation, because if this is not done, all the fat removed from your thighs will return very quickly, and with interest;
  2. Do not go for liposuction if you are still losing weight or have just finished going on another diet - the effect of the procedure may be zero because of this. First, stabilize your weight and only six months after that, feel free to go for the procedure;
  3. Do not try to get rid of cellulite using this method, because it removes subcutaneous fat in very small and specific areas of the skin. To get rid of cellulite crust in modern medicine and cosmetology uses completely different methods;
  4. The same can be said about stretch marks - after liposuction they can only increase the sagging of the skin and minimize all your efforts;
  5. liposuction also has a number of serious complications, even with fatal, because after it, one out of 5 thousand patients will definitely develop thromboembolism and other complex reactions.

List of tests for liposuction

To prevent them, before performing this method, the patient must undergo the necessary laboratory research. They will show how healthy a person is and whether he has any contraindications to this procedure. You, as in the case of an inner thigh lift, will have to pass:

  • urine and blood;
  • do a coagulogram test (determines blood clotting);
  • echocardiogram;
  • a thigh lift requires fluorography;
  • determine the performance of the liver and kidneys;
  • get tested for AIDS, venereal diseases, hepatitis.

If the person wishing to undergo this procedure has chronic illnesses, the list of tests may be increased at the doctor’s discretion.

Non-surgical correction

Various irregularities and bulges on the surface of the thighs can be corrected without plastic surgery. IN modern world There are many other ways to solve this problem. But, as mentioned above, only at the initial stage of their occurrence and when there are not too many such skin defects. A non-surgical method for the buttocks and the whole body, it also uses special training.

Let's look at some of the most effective types exercises:

will help to significantly tighten and correct the thigh area and buttocks active movements: running in place with high knees, jumping, intense walking and swinging your legs in different sides. Do these simple exercises daily and you will see results that will not take long to arrive;

To correct the inner thighs, professional fitness trainers recommend doing the following: lying on your back, place your hands under your buttocks and begin to lift them 30 cm in height, spreading them apart and then crossing your legs. At the same time, you will feel how much the muscles of the upper legs tense. Do this exercise three times a day and see ideal results;

Tightening your thighs with yoga involves the following: standing with your back straight, spread your legs the width of your hips. Take a deep breath and slowly lift and lay down, bending right leg in the knee, her foot on the left thigh, after standing for a while, return to the original position and do the same with the left leg. Don’t be alarmed, sometimes this exercise doesn’t work out right away. Nothing, a little effort and you can do it absolutely correctly.

Sometimes cope with problem areas Massage helps on the body. Forceful impact on the surface of the thighs is considered one of the most effective methods fight against fatty deposits, but you need to “press” on the skin so that it “burns”, that is, it is red and hot, even to the point of bruising. Hurt! - you say, - but it’s effective! Thanks to this effect, some ladies prevent sagging and sagging skin, making it elastic and silky!

Other methods of thigh lift

There are many methods in the world that can solve skin problems on the legs. However, many of them today are not used by everyone and not everywhere. But let's call them anyway:

Lifting - desired result achieved using radio frequency radiation. During the procedure, skin cells begin to regenerate, collagen and elastin are produced, which only contributes to its elasticity;

Threads - their plexuses are applied to problem areas for tightening. But many modern clinics specializing in lifts question the effectiveness of this method. In addition, the threads can move during walking or other body movements, which will lead to terrible discomfort;

Mesotherapy is a procedure (lasting more than half an hour), during which special injections are administered to problem areas. The advantage is that the result lasts for a long time; the disadvantage is that you need to attend at least 12 such sessions;

Mesodissolution is one of the types of mesotherapy, which involves injecting lipolytic drugs into the area of ​​large fat deposits;

Myostimulation - the name speaks for itself; during the procedure, intense impact on the surface of the thighs helps to get rid of excess fat. Often, to achieve a more effective result, it is combined with massage, wraps and lymphatic drainage.

Thigh lift at home

You can correct figure flaws that appear with age or weight changes at home. To do this, you need to purchase a smoothing cream based on natural ingredients, preferably with red pepper and menthol in the composition. This will help to achieve a quick effect and, by the way, not only on the hips, but also on the stomach or buttocks.

Buy yourself modeling underwear - as you know, it perfectly hides flaws in your figure and makes it smoother without visible folds. In addition, it is the corset inserts in such underwear in combination with the above-mentioned cream and proper nutrition help get rid of extra pounds in the right areas of the body.

Well, and finally, start eating right - make it a rule to eat only low-calorie foods. Completely remove all flour, fatty and sweet foods from your daily diet, eliminate alcohol - it also contributes to the accumulation of fatty deposits. Drink as much as possible more water and do physical activity (this will help burn accumulated fat). This approach to your own health and body will, perhaps, be the most effective and miraculous method of correcting figure defects. It will help build muscles, remove fat and make your legs smoother and more graceful, and a surgical thigh lift will not be necessary.

REMEMBER! But even if you solve figure problems on your own, you definitely need to consult a trainer, cosmetologist and surgeon. They will determine the load and means to help you achieve the desired result!

Don't sit back

Remember, your appearance is entirely up to you. Therefore, when you see a problem, take action immediately. If your efforts do not bring visible results, contact specialists. They will help you make your figure perfect, and you won’t be ashamed to undress on the beach or in front of your husband.

However, remember, if you cannot do without plastic surgery, then to achieve maximum effect lead for the rest of your life correct image life, consume the right products, watch your weight. Because otherwise all your efforts will be completely useless.

About the author: Larisa Vladimirovna Lukina

Dermatovenerology (Internship in the specialty of dermatovenerology (2003-2004), Certificate of the Department of Dermatovenerology of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov dated June 29, 2004); Confirmation of the certificate in the Federal State Institution "SSC Rosmedtekhnologii" (144 hours, 2009) Confirmation of the certificate in the Rost State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (144 hours, 2014); Professional competencies: management of dermatovenerological patients according to the procedures of care medical care, medical care standards and approved clinical protocols. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

The structural features of some anatomical zones of our body are very difficult to correct using conventional methods. For this reason, many plastic surgeries are primarily aimed at correcting those anatomical areas that cannot be corrected by any other means. An area that requires radical correction is the inner thigh. Plastic surgery to correct the contours of the hips is called femoroplasty.

What is femoroplasty

Femoroplasty is a surgical operation whose purpose is the aesthetic correction of the inner thigh and the elimination of cosmetic skin defects. The term femoroplasty comes from the Latin word femur, which means femur.

Typically, femoroplasty is used by those patients who have excess fat deposits on the hips and experience discomfort from constant friction of the inner thighs when moving. This fact contributes to the development of irritation and microtrauma from friction, as well as rapid wear of clothing (trousers, for example). Thus, not only the aesthetic factor can serve as an indication for hip correction.

Unfortunately, the above inconveniences, as well as sagging skin on the inner thighs, occur not only in adulthood, but also in young people. It all depends on anatomical structure bodies, hereditary predisposition the patient and his lifestyle.

It happens that sometimes a person, with the help of diet and constant physical activity, still manages to get rid of excessive fat deposits in the area of ​​​​the inner thighs, but after massive weight loss, a large amount of excess skin remains, which gathers in folds and hangs in the form of an “apron” " It is impossible to eliminate this defect by any means other than surgical hip replacement.

Also, an indication for plastic surgery may be a lack of tissue in the hip area. Too thin thighs and weak muscles The inner thigh can also be corrected using femoroplasty.

In what cases is femoroplasty used?

Thighplasty is indicated in the following cases:

  • excess fat deposits in the thighs;
  • after removing excess skin after massive weight loss or as a result of muscle tissue degeneration;
  • with ptosis of tissues in the hip area;
  • uneven distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue on the thighs (too thin thighs);
  • weak inner thigh muscles;
  • the presence of “breeches” zones (fatty tissue that has accumulated on the outer side of the thigh);
  • for cellulite (when pits and stretch marks appear on the skin).

With age, even in people with normal index body weight, ptosis (sagging) of tissues in the area of ​​the inner thighs is observed. The reasons that determine this process are as follows:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • anatomical constitution of the body structure;
  • age-related muscle dystrophy in this area;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • massive weight loss;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • after liposuction, when a large amount of fat is removed, but without tissue tightening.

Contraindications for hip surgery

Femoroplasty is not an easy surgical procedure. Therefore, factors that hinder its implementation should be taken into account. Hip correction surgery cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • acute, chronic or infectious diseases in the active stage;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic diseases;
  • skin diseases in the intended impact area;
  • age restrictions (up to 18 years).

Preparation for hip surgery

Preparation for surgery includes several stages:

  • consultation with a surgeon;
  • comprehensive examination;
  • laboratory diagnostics.

The first step in preparing for surgery is a consultation with the surgeon. This must be done so that the doctor can find out the patient’s wishes, talk about how the surgical intervention will take place and what the final result will be. If hip augmentation surgery is performed, measurements must be taken to make prostheses.

The second stage includes identifying contraindications to surgery and whether patients have allergic reactions. Consultation with related specialists is also necessary.

Laboratory tests include the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • analysis for (RW) Wasserman reaction (syphilis);
  • blood clotting test;
  • analysis to detect HIV infection;
  • analysis for hepatitis B and C;
  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiogram.

It is important to know that if sagging skin occurs as a result of massive weight loss, you should not immediately resort to removing excess skin on the thighs. After losing weight, you need to wait until the weight stabilizes, since there is a high probability of fatty complications returning, which will lead to the original condition of the hips.

Methods of performing hip surgery

There are several methods of performing femoroplasty, depending on the surgical approach to this area:

  1. Through an incision in the inguinal folds.
  2. Through incisions on the surface of the thighs;
  3. Through a large incision from the groin to the knee.

The first method is the most gentle, with minimal aesthetic consequences. If the deformation of the tissue on the inner side of the thigh is mild, then it is stretched through small incisions in the groin area. Then excess subcutaneous fat is removed. If it needs correction outer side thighs, then the incision is made from the groin area around hip joint. The second method is used for medium volumes of subcutaneous fatty tissue, and the latter method is used for large excesses of excess skin.

If the correction of the hips is carried out in combination with the buttocks, then oval-shaped incisions are made that pass through the hips and top part buttocks

To correct all sides of the thighs (inner, outer and back), an incision is made from the fold line of the buttocks along the groin folds.

At the end of the operation, the incisions are closed with stitches. It is very important that the sutures are placed correctly, otherwise there is a possibility of tissue displacement or deformation of the external genitalia. If necessary, drainage tubes are placed in the wound, and after surgery the patient immediately puts on compression garments.

Femoroplasty is also performed in conjunction with liposuction and abdominoplasty. Liposuction is performed before hip surgery, since during this operation only a small amount of fatty tissue is removed, and the main part of the subcutaneous fatty tissue is removed only with the help of liposuction. Correction of the hips primarily involves tightening the skin and creating clear contours.

Hip correction surgery lasts 2-3 hours, usually under general anesthesia, but is sometimes used spinal anesthesia. If additional corrective manipulations are performed, the operation time increases.

Progress of hip augmentation surgery

Among patients, hip reduction surgery is in particular demand; plastic surgery to increase the size of the hips is used much less frequently. Most often, the reason is the uneven distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue on the thighs. Too thin and poorly developed hips can be perfectly corrected using silicone implants.

The materials from which prostheses are made are durable and safe, as well as high biological adhesiveness to the tissues of the human body.

When enlarging the hips, incisions are made in the subgluteal fold, which will make the seams completely invisible in the future. Also cosmetic stitches must be aesthetically pleasing.

Rehabilitation period

After the operation, the patient spends some time in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. In the first days you cannot get up, walk or even sit. During this period, the patient experiences pain, an increase in temperature, tissue swelling, and a feeling of discomfort in the operated area. The swelling goes away within a week. The sutures placed on the inside of the thigh are made of biodegradable threads and do not require removal. External sutures are removed after 7-10 days.

In order to make the recovery period as comfortable as possible. A few simple rules must be followed:

  • pay special attention to stitches; with proper care they will heal faster;
  • Immediately after surgery, the patient should wear compression garments that help rapid recovery fabrics;
  • regardless of the patient’s condition, mandatory antibacterial therapy is carried out;
  • you should not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and solariums;
  • do not take hot baths;
  • avoid direct sunlight;
  • for a long time in the area of ​​scars may occur discomfort, when walking, squatting and standing up;
  • avoid intense physical activity.

The effect of femoroplasty will become effective a year after surgery.

Possible complications after hip surgery

As with any plastic surgery, a number of possible complications develop after femoroplasty. As a rule, they appear in the form of:

  1. Hematoma and seroma. This complication happens quite often. This occurs due to damage large quantity blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries. This leads to accumulation in the wound cavity of both serous fluid, and blood. Large seromas and hematomas are excised surgically, small ones resolve on their own.
  2. Necrosis of the skin on which the scar is located. Typically tissue necrosis occurs due to poor circulation in the area of ​​the inner thighs and strong tension on the edges of the wound. This leads not only to tissue necrosis, but also to sutures coming apart.
  3. Lymphatic and venous outflow. The complication develops due to damage to the lymphatic vessels and disruption of lymph microcirculation. Under the skin of the thighs there is a large accumulation of lymphatic vessels through which lymph flows to lower limbs. As a result, prolonged swelling in the legs may occur. In some cases, impaired lymphatic drainage can become chronic, which leads to elephantiasis (its large cluster in the legs).
  4. Infection and suppuration of wounds. The complication is caused by bacterial infection, tissue necrosis and the formation of hematomas and seromas. Eliminated by antibacterial therapy.
  5. Partial or total loss sensitivity. This complication is temporary and gradually disappears completely.
  6. Increased skin sensitivity. This phenomenon called hypertension. Sometimes increased sensitivity lasts for life.
  7. Unsuccessful result. Unfortunately, this also happens. It develops as a result of the skin being unable to contract sufficiently to provide the necessary firmness and elasticity.
  8. Fat embolism. The complication develops when elements enter the blood or lymph that are not found there under normal conditions. Fat embolism often causes vascular occlusion, which impairs local circulation. This is the most serious complication that leads to a terminal condition.
  9. Change in skin color postoperative scars. Persistent pigmentation may occur at the site of scars. It can only be removed using special cosmetic methods.
  10. Displacement of inguinal scars to the thigh area. The displacement and stretching of scars makes them very noticeable. This occurs during large-scale surgery.
  11. Asymmetry of the genital organs. This complication occurs due to strong tissue tension.

The occurrence of complications after hip surgery depends both on the professional training of the surgeon and on the patient’s compliance with the rules during the rehabilitation period.

Advantages and disadvantages of femoroplasty

Like any surgical intervention, this method has some advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of hip surgery:

  • long-term effect of the procedure (10-15 years);
  • returning elasticity to tissues and slimness to legs;
  • getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat forever (subject to a lifelong diet and constant body weight);
  • acquiring slimness, harmony and proportionality of the hips.
  • deep scars and scars;
  • if liposuction is performed, then only in conjunction with a thigh lift, otherwise the skin will hang in unaesthetic folds;
  • after plastic surgery, unevenness and bumps may appear on the skin, which requires additional correction of the hips;
  • long rehabilitation period;
  • high risk of complications.

Every woman wants to have beautiful and toned thighs. Women's slender legs have always attracted the attention of men. Therefore, the unaesthetic, unattractiveness of the hips often upsets a woman.

The appearance of the thighs may deteriorate due to severe weight loss, due to age-related changes, decreased skin elasticity, due to hormonal imbalance and a number of other reasons. Excess skin in the thigh area is frequent indication To aesthetic surgery- thigh lift.

Some women are only unhappy with the inner thighs, where the skin is often less elastic and the tissues are looser. Due to friction on the inner surface of the thighs, skin irritation is often observed and in general discomfort is felt when moving.

Of course, the advisability of the operation is discussed at the consultation, after examination by a plastic surgeon.

According to indications, a tightening of the internal and/or outer surface hips

The most common types of operations:

  • tightening the inner thigh;
  • lift outer surface hips;
  • tightening of both the outer and inner surfaces of the thigh.

The location of the incisions is discussed during the consultation. Usually, postoperative scars hidden under linen.


The volume of the upcoming correction depends entirely on the initial condition of the patient’s hips, as well as on his wishes for them. appearance after operation.

According to indications, liposuction of the thighs is additionally performed.

A thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia. The average duration of the operation is about 2 hours. Upon completion of the operation, cosmetic stitches are applied.

The patient stays in the hospital for 1 day or more (as necessary).

After a thigh lift, it is mandatory to wear special compression garments for a month.

Rehabilitation after a thigh lift

Recovery after surgical lift hips takes approximately 3 months. During the rehabilitation period, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

You should rest more in the first weeks. Minor exercise stress allowed 2 weeks after thigh lift. Active sports - no earlier than after 2-3 months. For at least a month it is forbidden to visit a sauna, bathhouse, solarium, or expose the operated area to direct sunlight.