Fright when falling asleep in adults. Is myoclonus a symptom or a separate, independent disease? Doctor consultations and diagnostics

Myoclonic spasms, seizures, are characterized by sharp, rapid, involuntary and sudden contractions certain groups muscles. At the same time, the person shudders with his whole body, or top part torso. Limbs are often involved in the process. Sometimes a myoclonic spasm may be accompanied by an involuntary cry. In medicine, this phenomenon is defined by the term myoclonus (myoclonus). May occur in adults and children.

Often convulsions and twitching of the limbs occur when falling asleep or during sleep. In the latter case, they can be repeated many times. In this case, a person may not feel them at all, or he may wake up.

Body shuddering when falling asleep can be observed in any person and is considered a physiological phenomenon. Most often this phenomenon occurs with nervous fatigue, but sometimes it can be a sign initial stage some diseases.

Why does myoclonic spasm occur when falling asleep and during sleep, types, symptoms and treatment of pathological myoclonus - we chose this topic for our conversation today. Let's talk about this on this page

Varieties and reasons

Most often, seizures are not associated with any disease. They can be observed in quite healthy people, occur when falling asleep and are caused physiological reasons not related to health problems.

Also, myoclonus can vary in terms of the source of its localization in the nervous system, which depends on the group of muscles where the spasm occurs. In this regard, cortical, brainstem, as well as spinal and peripheral myoclonus are distinguished. Let's look at them briefly:

Cortical: occurs suddenly, provoked from the outside (movement, external stimulus). Usually causes spasm of the flexor muscles.

Stem: occurs due to excessive excitability of receptors, localized in the brain stem. Causes spasm, characterized by generalized twitching, more often of proximal muscles than distal muscles. This type can be divided into spontaneous, actional, and reflex myoclonus.

Spinal: most often occurs against the background of a heart attack, various inflammations, tumors, degenerative diseases, injuries, etc. Characterized by the appearance of sharp muscle twitching, often appears during sleep.

Peripheral: occurs due to any damage to the peripheral nerves.

Diseases that cause myoclonic seizures

There are physiological, symptomatic, as well as psychogenic and essential myoclonus.

Benign hypnagogic sleep myoclonus, a myoclonic spasm when falling asleep and during sleep, is always short-lived and is not associated with health problems.

But, as we have already said, myoclonic spasms can appear against the background developing pathology. Let us briefly list the main ones:

Diffuse damage to the brain, more precisely its gray matter, which is observed in some infectious diseases: with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.

Metabolic pathologies: uremia, hypoxia, or hyperosmolar conditions and paraneoplastic syndromes.

Neurological pathologies, for example: progressive myoclonic epilepsy.

Myoclonic jerks in newborns and children early age may be associated with certain neurodegenerative conditions, for example, Alpers disease, etc. Seizures prevent them from sleeping, children often wake up and cry. To eliminate this phenomenon, babies are swaddled tightly or the edges of the blanket are tucked under the mattress.

Treatment of myoclonic spasms

Benign hypnagogic myoclonus, characterized by the appearance of seizures during sleep or when falling asleep, is not a disease and does not require treatment. However, sometimes, in case of significant, severe tremors that interfere with normal night rest, it is recommended to undergo an examination, in particular: video-EEG. This will exclude the epileptic genesis of myoclonus. If this pathology is detected, appropriate treatment is carried out using anticonvulsants and sedatives.

If convulsions occur against the background of any developing pathology, a thorough medical examination. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed.

To eliminate seizures and reduce their intensity, the drug Clonazepam is often used. According to indications, the doctor may prescribe medications: Depakine, Konvulex, Apilepsin, or Kalma and Sedanot.

If muscle contractions during sleep or when falling asleep are associated with nervous fatigue, appropriate measures should be taken: normalize your daily routine, take warm baths before bed. Taking tincture of valerian or motherwort has a good calming effect.

In addition, a complete cessation of drinking alcohol and smoking is indicated. You should also avoid stress and anxiety. Evening walks, normalization of nutrition, reading “light” literature before bed, and listening to relaxing music are recommended. Don't have dinner late. Try to eat food at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.

If these measures do not help, the myoclonic spasm does not go away during sleep, but, on the contrary, is permanent and interferes with normal rest, contact an experienced specialist - a neurologist. Be healthy!

Jerks and convulsions when falling asleep or during sleep may be initial symptom epilepsy or simple hypnogogic twitching of a muscle group.

How to get rid of shuddering and cramps when falling asleep?

The sensation of shuddering or muscle twitching when falling asleep or during sleep is common in both children and adults; this phenomenon may be an initial symptom of epilepsy (Simmonds' myoclonus) or simple hypnogogic twitching of muscle groups: sometimes a person wakes up from a sharp jolt, which in a dream is seen as falling or colliding with something.


There are several theories that explain why a person starts off while falling asleep. Immersion in sleep in a person is accompanied by a decrease in heart rate and breathing, and a decrease in the activity of all body systems. For the brain it is like a small death. And in order to check whether the owner is alive, he sends impulses to the motor structures. Complete muscle relaxation can be interpreted as a fall, so flinching is an attempt by the brain to wake up a person and warn him of danger.

Scientists also define hypnogogic seizures as a reaction to stress. For example, during a session, students' sleep is more intermittent, restless and often accompanied by twitching.

Or it could be a manifestation of the syndrome restless legs. A person complains of a feeling of discomfort in the muscles of the lower leg (itching, burning, tingling, pressing or bursting pain). Moreover, such sensations are more pronounced in the evening or at night. During sleep, rhythmic movements of the lower extremities often appear: they are stereotypical, repetitive; most often accompanied by bending or spreading the toes or moving the entire foot. Sometimes the condition progresses and spreads to the upper limbs.

With insufficient nutrition muscle tissue convulsions may occur. This compensatory mechanism is designed to increase blood flow to a certain area, which improves trophism and eliminates the cause of “starvation.”

Myoclonic jerks in epilepsy

Simmonds nocturnal myoclonus is recorded in half of patients with epilepsy. These are stable seizures that occur mainly at night and tend to progress. In the future, they can be replaced by tonic attacks of a generalized and focal nature.

Twitching may be limited to one muscle group, or may affect several at once. They also often change their localization: one night an arm or both legs may twitch, and the second the facial muscles of the face are already involved. Myoclonus may be asymmetrical or may affect adjacent muscle groups; the joint is rarely affected. The appearance of seizures may be associated with an acute lack of oxygen in the brain tissue, the presence of pathological epileptic impulses or degenerative changes in cells (which is more typical for older people).

Hypnogogic jerks

The real reasons for this phenomenon have not been studied still. In the Middle Ages, a startle while falling asleep was called the touch of the devil.

Now scientists disagree: some believe that seizures appear during the change from one phase of sleep to another; while others blame the hypothalamus. This part of the brain responds to changes in breathing and heart rate and sends signals to make sure “everything is going according to plan.” Thanks to sharp muscle contractions, the vital functions of the body are checked.

Startling during sleep is more common in children. In this case, the child sweats when falling asleep, is restless, and rushes about in his sleep. A child's dreams are different from the dreams of adults. The subconscious of children is not so heavily loaded with experiences and consequences of nervous overstrain.

The structure of the brain contains two systems that are opposite in their activity. The reticular activating system is most “energetic” during wakefulness and responds to vital important functions(breathing and heartbeat) and is located in the brain stem. But the hypothalamic nucleus is responsible for the process of falling asleep and regulates sleep phases. At the end of the working day, the second system is activated, and the person gradually goes to sleep. But the first system is not going to give up so easily and fights for control over movements. And therefore, against the background of falling asleep, the legs and arms twitch, sudden movements appear, and the convulsions are myoclonic in nature. Sometimes these sensations are integrated into a dream, which is manifested by a feeling of flying or falling.

Sleep paralysis

If the sleep-wake system is disrupted, sleep paralysis may occur. This is a frightening phenomenon, which is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, fear of death, and hallucinations.

Sleep paralysis occurs due to the fact that the brain “gets ahead” of the body. In fact, you have already woken up, but the processes of motor activity have not yet started. This is where the sensations of stopping breathing, suffocation, “the feeling that someone is sitting on me, my heart is stopping, I’m suffocating, my legs don’t obey.” Panic fear may cause visual and auditory hallucinations which are hostile in nature. The more impressionable the person, the more obvious these visions are. Some see flashes of light, others see frightening creatures, and some describe furry paws that squeeze the neck or chest.

Speedy relief from sleep paralysis possible with full awareness of what is happening. Prevention methods include normalizing the sleep cycle, active physical exercise and decrease stressful situations.

How to get rid of twitching

If shaking during sleep is a sign of epilepsy, then successfully use drug treatment clonazepam, carbamazepine, valproic acid in injection or oral form. Good results gives the use of neuroleptics.

If muscle twitching is a reaction to sleep disturbance or stress, then it is better to take preventive measures.

Try to regulate your sleep schedule: it is better to fall asleep at the same time in a well-ventilated room without irritating stimuli. It is better to avoid overeating before bed, as this does not contribute to easy sleep and a peaceful awakening.

Of course, it would be ideal to try to avoid stressful situations and protect the nervous system. You can take light ones before bed sedatives: tincture of valerian or motherwort.

Unlike ordinary convulsive conditions accompanied by painful sensations, myoclonic spasms are painless. An attack involves one or more muscle fibers. Visually, the attack looks like a slight twitch, a tic. Adults and children experience similar cramps.

Seizures specified type most often appear during sleep or in a half-asleep state. Moreover, in a sleepy state, convulsions can recur. Based on painlessness, a person can sleep peacefully, without even waking up from involuntary muscle contractions.

There are many reasons for the condition. Some people have an innate... In a similar way, the nervous system reacts to physical or nervous fatigue during daytime wakefulness. The provocateurs of the condition are:

  • stressful conditions and disturbing events;
  • drinking coffee and other energy drinks;
  • lack of microelements that nourish muscle tissue;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • caffeine and other stimulants;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • treatment with corticosteroids, stimulants and estrogens.

Such reactions are not dangerous to humans. The attacks will not recur if you get rid of the listed shortcomings. It all depends on the person’s desire and skill to harmonize psycho-emotional states. Known additional reasons small tics associated with somatic disorders that can signal a disease. Myoclonic spasms indicate:

  • dystrophic conditions of muscle tissue;
  • amytrophic sclerosis - a rare disease in which necrosis of nerve cells occurs;
  • death of back muscle tissue;
  • autoimmune disease;
  • injury to muscle nerves;
  • brain damage due to toxic effects or infection (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, sclerosing pancephalitis);
  • pathologies of metabolic processes: uremia, hypoxia, hypersmolar conditions;
  • progressive form of epilepsy;
  • neurodegenerative conditions in children (Alpers disease). The attacks are so frequent that the child wakes up and cries.

Types of myoclonic seizures

Depending on the location of the disease nervous system Doctors distinguish groups of attacks:

  • the cortical group of seizures received its name due to external stimuli (sharp scream, bright light). Due to unexpected stimuli, an epileptic discharge is formed in the brain;
  • a stem, or subcortical, attack occurs against the background of irritation of the cerebellum. Spasm and twitching of the proximal muscle tissue occurs;
  • spinal myoclonus occurs in the clinic of infarction conditions, inflammatory processes, tumor-like and degenerative conditions, spinal injuries;
  • the peripheral group of seizures is associated with damage to the peripheral nerves.

Forms of attacks

Conventionally, the forms of myoclonus have acquired the names benign and negative. Benign myoclonus does not require treatment. As a rule, they are observed at night or when a person falls asleep. The duration of the attacks is short - up to several minutes. In a conscious state, fear myoclonus occurs. Spasmodic conditions are provoked by a sharp cry, the fall of any object, or bright flashes of light. The condition is accompanied by tachycardia and sweating. As a result of an attack, hiccups sometimes occur. Involuntary hiccups also indicate chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, intoxication of the body.

Paroxysmal numbness of the calf muscles, eye tic indicate physical stress. Such benign myoclonus is typical for children in the first months of life, observed during sleep, and during lactation. Myoclonus cannot be ruled out when the child falls asleep. It is possible to observe involuntary contractions of the neck muscles, limbs and back. As a rule, symptoms disappear within a year without special correction.

Negative myoclonus refers to epileptic seizures. A clear example of the mentioned attacks in children and adults becomes slight tremor arms in an extended position. An attack occurs in any type of muscle tissue, even the tongue.

Seizure symptoms

Doctors identify the symptoms of myoclonus:

  • “restless legs”, there are shaking movements of the legs;
  • stereotypical paroxysmal movements.

Condition syndromes include bruxitis, thumb sucking, sleep talking, asthma attack, vomiting, nightmares, and a feeling of “choking.” Myoclonus of the calf muscles is similar to cramps. With convulsive conditions, a person loses consciousness, but with myoclonus, he does not. Spasms of the calf muscles appear during the sleep phase. Spastic movements in the calf muscles in women are caused by uncomfortable shoes or constant wearing of shoes high heels. Myoclonus appears in the clinic varicose veins veins In addition to spasms, swelling develops in the calf muscles. Tonic-clonic seizures are accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Diagnosis of myoclonus

Diagnostic procedures are based on collecting anamnesis and monitoring the attack. To make an accurate diagnosis, electroencephalography, computed tomography and MRI will be required. Laboratory tests of the patient's blood are provided. With their help, the amount of creatinine, urea and sugar is determined. The specialized specialist for the treatment of myoclonus is a neurologist. Selected cases require observation in a hospital setting.

Treatment of myclonia

Benign forms of myoclonus, which occur during sleep and when falling asleep, do not require treatment. If cases of convulsive twitching are repeated and interfere with sleep, doctors recommend undergoing a study - electroencephalography. The study will show the presence of epilepsy in the patient. Then sedatives and anticonvulsants are prescribed. Myoclonus is treated in combination with the underlying disease. Based on the cause of the symptom, the patient is prescribed sedanot, apilepsin, depakine.

An increased level of creatinine in the blood indicates the renal nature of myoclonus. In complex treatment, drugs indicated for kidney diseases are used. The patient is recommended to normalize the daily routine, alternate physical exercise and rest time, take sedatives (valerian or motherwort), hiking before bedtime. Complex treatment involves quitting smoking and alcohol. To treat nocturnal myoclonus in children, viewing nightmares and fantasy before bed should be limited. Valerian is recommended for children. Dosage sedatives for children is determined by the doctor.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of myoclonus

Auxiliary methods for the treatment of myoclonus involve the use of medicinal herbs, reducing the intensity of nocturnal myoclonus, improving overall health. To prepare a soothing infusion you will need valerian and primrose roots, lavender flowers, and peppermint leaves. All components (0.5 tsp) are mixed and poured with a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for an hour. Then filter, take 100 g in the evening before bed. A tincture of fresh motherwort leaves is taken 3 times a day before meals. This is not a concentrated drink; the “sleepy” state does not threaten a person. For 500 ml. drink you will need 50-80 g of herb. The mixture is poured with boiling water, left in a thermos for 4 hours, and filtered.

You can prepare an alcohol tincture. It is stored longer than water, and the concentration allows you to take the medicine intermittently. For cooking alcohol tincture take dry mistletoe leaves and alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. The product is infused in a dark place for two weeks. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Take 10 drops in the morning. The course of treatment is 10 days. Then they take a break and repeat again after two weeks.

For children, a tincture is prepared based on the herb St. John's wort, oregano and blue cyanosis. It is recommended to add herbs a little at a time so that the total amount is a tablespoon. The quantity is poured 250 ml. boiling water Leave in a thermos overnight. The strained infusion is drunk two tablespoons before meals. If children have insomnia, it is permissible to prepare an infusion based on cyanosis root. Children are prepared according to a different recipe. Take finely chopped cyanosis root at the tip of a knife and immerse it in a glass of boiling water. Leave for two hours and filter. Take a teaspoon before bedtime. Adults drink 50 ml. before bedtime.

Wormwood has long been known for eliminating neurasthenia and seizures. The herb is actively used in the composition of sedatives. Wormwood tincture is prepared separately. The only drawback in application is a kind of bitterness. The infusion is sweetened with honey. There are many known ways to prepare wormwood infusion. The simplest way is to pour one teaspoon of wormwood into a glass of boiling water. It will take 30 minutes to infuse. The strained infusion is drunk 2-3 times during the day.

Preventive measures

There is no panacea for getting rid of nocturnal myoclonus. A number of rules have been developed to help, if you cannot cope, then reduce the intensity and frequency of night attacks:

  • eat a balanced diet. In your diet, include more foods rich in vegetable fiber(fruits and vegetables). This will eliminate the deficiency of potassium, calcium and magnesium, which nourish muscle tissue;
  • limit consumption of caffeinated products (chocolate, candy, coffee, cocoa);
  • do not abuse smoking and alcohol;
  • if you need to take stimulants, it is better to consult your doctor and choose the best drug that will not cause myoclonus;
  • to harmonize your psycho-emotional state, learn special breathing exercises(for example, from yoga);
  • drink plenty of fluids, especially if you play sports professionally;
  • During sports activities, a myoclonic attack can suddenly occur. After an attack, you should reduce the load and massage the affected muscle;
  • To prevent myoclonus, light massage movements of the calf muscles at night will help. Do it in the following way: first calf muscle pull back slightly, and at the same time pull your toes as far as possible to feel the stretching of the muscle tissue of the lower leg.

Myoclonus is not dangerous to human health. If they are benign, it will take a little effort to get rid of them. In the case of pathological myoclonus, they are eliminated with symptomatic treatment.

After a busy day of work, the long-awaited time for relaxation finally comes. The person falls asleep, the body is relaxed, the brain is pleasantly foggy. But, suddenly - a sharp push, a feeling of falling, and a premature awakening. Why does a person twitch when falling asleep? Are tremors dangerous or are they annoying episodes that should be put up with - scientists, doctors and healers comment on the condition.

The scientific explanation for the startle when falling asleep

In ancient times, ancestors made completely mystical assumptions, explaining why a person twitches when he falls asleep. A parallel was drawn between falling asleep and the temporary departure of the soul to the kingdom of the dead. The involuntary twitching was perceived as a fearful reaction to the devilish touches.

The scientific approach to the study of startling in sleep includes different theories - from the first signs of incipient epilepsy to functional disorders hypothalamus (brain section). Both hypotheses were found untenable.

Somnologists turned out to be more convincing. The study of the physiological phenomenon of individual theorists led to the conclusion that the cause of shuddering when falling asleep in both children and adults is a change in sleep phases. According to another theory, the hypothalamus uses reflex muscle movements to check whether the body is alive - after all, the brain perceives slow breathing, a decrease in pulse and heart rate during sleep as extinction.

Similarly, a cause-and-effect relationship has been identified between fatigue from daytime physical, psychological or mental overload and nighttime twitching. The reasons why a person twitches in his sleep are now systematized and grouped.

Physiological factors of night twitching

A sharp contraction of muscles when falling asleep and during sleep, similar in sensations to an electric shock, is called nocturnal myoclonus. Increased muscle tone generates positive myoclonus, decreased muscle tone generates negative myoclonus.

Simultaneous excitation nerve fibers, going to the muscles, leads to the fact that a person shudders in his sleep, he shudders, and a large tremor runs through the body. This phenomenon is classified in medicine as hypnagogic twitching.

The causes of physiological myoclonus fit into the following versions:

  1. Neurophysiological. During the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep phase eye movements) the body and muscles are as relaxed as possible. A discrepancy is brewing between muscle tone and the “dying” body. To return to life from a state of sleep similar to death, the brain sends an impulse signal to the muscles. A strong shock, interrupting relaxation, causes a person to twitch when falling asleep.
  2. Sleep phases. The alternating phases of paradoxical (shallow) and orthodox (deep) sleep affect brain activity. Dynamism is manifested in the signals sent to the brain, in response to which the human body begins to tremble.
  3. Chronic stress. Myoclonic spasms can be caused by neurotic disorders or stress experienced during the day. The excited nervous system does not relax at night and re-experiences painful sensations before falling asleep.
  4. Physical exercise. Overloaded muscles long time Those who are in good shape (sports, hard work, long walking) are not able to relax even during sleep. To gradually relieve tension, the brain sends an impulse to the muscles, which, by contracting, reduce tone - as a result, a person shudders or twitches in his sleep or at the moment of falling asleep.
  5. Circulatory disorders. Observed against the background of insufficient blood supply to the vessels, mainly lower and upper limbs. Oxygen-starved vessels collapse, limbs go numb, which prompts the brain to immediately send a signal order to change position. In a dream, a person tosses and turns, twitches, and even wakes up briefly. Changing posture leads to normalization of blood supply.
  6. Myoclonus of fear. A sharp noise bright flash lights cause a sleeping person to shudder sharply. The body's reaction is often accompanied by profuse sweating, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia.
  7. Myoclonus with apnea. A brief cessation of breathing during sleep causes the brain to wake up, followed by a start.

The listed symptoms, according to experts, are not a deviation, but normal phenomenon. Jerking during sleep in children is also considered physiological (benign) myoclonus. Since sleep phases in childhood alternate and last differently than in adults, they twitch more often in their sleep or when falling asleep. The child's startling, even if it is constant but does not interfere with sleep, is also normal.

Pathological factors of myoclonus

Pathological myoclonus occurs for a number of reasons that determine whether it belongs to one type or another. Unlike physiological myoclonus, the pathological variety can be observed not only when falling asleep or during sleep, but also during the daytime.

The pathological background of the phenomenon of throwing up and jerking when falling asleep is often associated with brain lesions. Known as cortical myoclonus. Expressed in the following diseases:

  • Epilepsy . Oxygen starvation of the brain, degenerative movement disorders, epileptic seizures lead to progressive muscle cramps. When falling asleep or in a dream, the whole body can shake, as well as individual parts - an arm, a leg, or there is an involuntary twitching of the head.
  • Essential myoclonus. Hereditary rare disease, develops from childhood. It is characterized by periodic arrhythmic and asymmetrical twitching of the limbs, sometimes of the maxillofacial muscles.
  • Hereditary degenerative lesions of the brainstem and cerebellum.
  • Viral inflammatory processes in the brain - tick-borne and other encephalitis.
  • Pathologies of the basal nucleus of the brain, affecting motor function body.
  • Destruction of nerve fibers in pathologies of internal organs.
  • Neuroses and mental disorders.
  • Convulsions and tremors, most often affecting lower limbs, are associated with a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body. Prescribed by a doctor after laboratory research A suitable vitamin and mineral complex will eliminate vibrations during sleep and when falling asleep.
  • Pathology known in medicine as Willis disease, Ekbom phenomenon or RLS (restless legs syndrome). It is expressed in the form of unpleasant twitching of the ankle when falling asleep and at night.

The factor that provokes cortical myoclonus is intoxication of the body, especially poisoning with salts of heavy metals. Injuries, use or, on the contrary, abrupt withdrawal of certain medicines can also cause shudders throughout the body and convulsions when falling asleep.

Both benign and pathological myoclonus are characteristic of representatives of both sexes. But boys and girls, that is, young people, suffer less often than the older generation.

Prophylaxis to prevent physiological myoclonus

Typically, nighttime twitching does not annoy a person and does not interfere with sleep. Minor discomfort experienced when falling asleep generally does not disturb the peace of night's rest. However, for people suffering from sleep disorders, twitching and sudden startlings do not allow them to fall asleep quickly and soundly. In this case, tips aimed at relaxing the body and calming the mind and brain will help:

  • refusal of traumatic television programs, reading action-packed literature, unpleasant conversations an hour before bedtime;
  • exclusion of late snacks and tonic drinks;
  • taking a warm shower;
  • before going to bed, detachment from daytime worries and painful thoughts;
  • herbal soothing teas;
  • balanced nutrition throughout the day, eliminating calcium and magnesium deficiency;
  • breathing relaxation before bed with yoga exercises;
  • A light relaxing massage is not forbidden;
  • if desired, taking aroma baths with essential oils calming effect (orange oil, lemon balm, lavender, lemon);
  • comfortable temperature and complete darkness in the bedroom;
  • Bedding made from natural fabrics and a comfortable bed are also important.

An aroma lamp in the bedroom with extracts of plants such as chamomile, lemon balm, rose, geranium, lavender will provide relaxation, regulate the pulse and falling asleep quickly. Symptoms of benign myoclonus do not require medical intervention, much less treatment. Simple measures, aimed at normalizing sleep, will reduce the negative sensations from night twitching when falling asleep.

Doctor consultations and diagnostics

If all your efforts fail desired result, and twitching when falling asleep develops into a convulsion, it makes sense to visit a neurologist (neurologist). Diagnosis of myoclonus at the first stage is based on the patient’s description of the symptoms of night twitching and visual observation of muscle contractions (if they occur during the daytime).

Clarification of the diagnosis and identification of the causes of myoclonus is carried out using:

  1. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method that studies brain activity.
  2. Additional biochemical tests blood for the content of sugar, urea, creatinine - detect disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, failures in metabolic processes or indicate a decrease in kidney function.
  3. Imaging processes – CT ( computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain or X-ray of the skull.

A neurologist prescribes and conducts the examination. In severe cases, hospitalization to a neurological clinic is indicated to make an accurate diagnosis of myoclonus.

Health care

Since the causes of physiological myoclonus are associated primarily with a person’s lifestyle, there is no need to treat it. The measures taken to normalize the process of falling asleep are usually enough for the phenomenon to go away on its own over time without consequences. In case of frequent manifestations of twitching when falling asleep and during sleep, the patient is prescribed medications sedative effect– Novopassit (liquid or tablets), tincture of valerian, motherwort.

Excruciating spasms that cause pain and disrupt good sleep, require therapeutic intervention. As a rule, treatment is a multi-stage process. To get rid of myoclonus when falling asleep, prescribe:

  1. Correction of the underlying disease leading to myoclonus. Usually this is a violation of biochemical processes in the body. Therefore, the first stage is to treat metabolic disorders. The syndrome is accompanied by such pathologies as: arterial hypertension, diabetes, myocardial ischemia, up to myocardial infarction.
  2. In the case of epileptic nature of twitching when falling asleep, anticonvulsants are prescribed.
  3. General restorative therapy - taking sedatives and short courses sleeping pills. This also includes all the principles healthy image life.

Treatment of cortical myoclonus includes complex therapy. A course of potent drugs is prescribed:

  • Nootropics are brain stimulants.
  • Steroid drugs for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system - corticosteroids.
  • Neuroleptics are antipsychotic drugs.
  • Sedatives (reducing anxiety) are a class of benzodiszepines.

For positive dynamics of treatment of cortical myoclonus, it is important to correctly draw up a treatment regimen, which entirely depends on the qualifications of the doctor. In turn, the patient must tune in to a long and difficult recovery process, which requires endurance and patience.

Myoclonus syndrome does not pose a threat to human health. The benign variety can be eliminated by adjusting the daily routine and developing good habits. Pathological myoclonus is smoothed out in the process of systematic treatment and compliance with doctor’s instructions.

Myoclonus is a sudden involuntary contraction of one or more muscle groups that occurs both during movement and at rest. Myoclonus may be a variant of the norm, but in some cases it is a sign of very serious illnesses central nervous system. We will talk about why myoclonus occurs and how to cope with it in this article.

Classification of myoclonus

Depending on the reasons that caused them, myoclonus is divided into:

  • benign (physiological): due to natural causes; occur occasionally, do not progress;
  • epileptic: occur against the background of diseases accompanied by seizures; symptoms are pronounced and progress over time;
  • essential: predisposition to myoclonus is passed on from generation to generation; make their debut in early childhood; Symptoms are especially pronounced in adolescence;
  • symptomatic.

Depending on the location in the central nervous system, the pathological focus can be:

  • cortical;
  • subcortical;
  • segmental;
  • peripheral.

Causes of myoclonus

Physiological myoclonus often occurs during falling asleep or sleep and debuts in early childhood.

Benign myoclonus may occur in the following cases:

  • during the period of falling asleep or during sleep (this is the same startle when falling asleep, which happens in many healthy people, especially with physical or psycho-emotional fatigue);
  • as the body’s reaction to a sudden stimulus (sound, light, movement); often accompanied by vegetative symptoms - shortness of breath, increased heart rate and intense sweating; is called “fear myoclonus”;
  • as a result of irritation vagus nerve– hiccups (contraction of the diaphragm and laryngeal muscles);
  • in children of the first six months of life - separate species benign myoclonus; may be observed in different periods of the day - when falling asleep or while sleeping, while playing or feeding.

Pathological myoclonus can occur against the background of the following conditions:

  • or spinal cord injury;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome;
  • degenerative brain diseases (Creutzfeld-Jakob);
  • viral, bacterial, toxic;
  • leukodystrophy;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • and tuberous sclerosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • terminal renal and liver failure(poisoning of brain tissue by metabolic products that cannot be removed from the body by damaged organs);
  • hypoglycemia ( low content blood glucose);
  • hypoxia (insufficient supply of oxygen to brain tissue);
  • tumors of the central nervous system;
  • decompression sickness (disease of submariners);
  • heatstroke;
  • exposure to electric shock;
  • late gestosis (toxicosis) of pregnant women;
  • poisoning with heavy metals and their salts;
  • alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction;
  • taking certain types of medications, in particular antidepressants;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infantile spasms- in children.

Symptoms of myoclonus

Generalized seizures that occur after stress or physical activity, are usually a symptom of a serious nervous system disorder.

Involuntary muscle twitching can occur in both children and adults, in one or several muscle groups, or be generalized, covering all muscles of the body. The shudders can be rhythmic or arrhythmic.

If shudders occur occasionally, are associated with any irritants, and are not accompanied by a deterioration in the person’s general well-being, you should not worry about them - these are physiological myoclonus. If muscle spasms observed frequently, physical and psychological condition In this case, the person worsens, the symptoms progress over time, and there is no connection with possible irritants; myoclonus is probably a manifestation of one of the diseases of the central nervous system. The patient should not silently worry and be afraid about this, but should consult a neurologist as soon as possible for advice.

As a rule, pathological myoclonus is more pronounced during stress and physical overload, but never bothers a person during sleep.

Externally, pathological myoclonus looks like random twitching different groups muscles, rhythmic trembling of the whole body, sudden flexion of the feet, hands, or pronounced generalized convulsive movements. If myoclonus occurs in the muscle area soft palate and language, the patient and those around him will notice a short-term speech disturbance.

Diagnostic principles

Based on the patient’s complaints, life history and illness, the doctor will assume that he has one of the types of hyperkinesis. To make the doctor’s task easier, the patient should describe in detail how attacks of muscle twitching occur, what muscle groups they cover, how long they last and in what situations they occur. In order to clarify the diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed additional types of research, namely:

  • electroencephalography;
  • electromyography;
  • radiography of the skull;
  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

The results of these studies will help the specialist establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Principles of treatment

Physiological myoclonus, as a rule, does not require treatment. If startlings occur frequently when falling asleep or the child is bothered by infantile spasms, lifestyle should be modified in the following way:

  • observe the work and rest schedule: for an adult night sleep should be at least 7 hours, for a child – 10 hours.
  • minimize stress, and if this is not possible, learn and teach the child to react more calmly to it;
  • eat regularly and rationally;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • exclude computer games and watching TV shows 1 hour before bedtime;
  • before going to bed, play quiet games (for example, board games), draw, read a book;
  • take a relaxing bath, perhaps with aromatic oils or a decoction of soothing herbs, accompanied by beautiful music;
  • have a relaxing massage or self-massage;
  • ensure a comfortable temperature for sleeping in the bedroom - 18-21°C;
  • if necessary, turn on a night light with soft diffused light.

Everything that concerns lifestyle modification also applies to the treatment of pathological myoclonus, but these measures alone are not enough in this case. The main therapeutic measures should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. For this purpose, drugs of the following groups can be used:

  • neuroleptics (eglonil, teralen, haloperidol and others);
  • (carbamazepine, lamotrigine, valproic acid);
  • nootropics (piracetam, encephabol, gingko biloba and others);
  • corticosteroids (prednisolone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone);
  • sedatives (preparations of valerian, motherwort and others);
  • B vitamins (milgamma, neurobion and others).


The prognosis for myoclonus depends on the reason why it occurs. Benign myoclonus is absolutely harmless. In the case of pathological myoclonus, it is often not the symptom itself that is dangerous, but the underlying disease that caused it. Therefore, if you often experience muscle twitching that brings you discomfort, consult a doctor without delay: adequate therapy prescribed for early stage illness, will significantly improve the quality of your life and bring the moment of recovery closer.

Educational program in neurology, video lecture on the topic “Myoclonus”: