How to determine what is missing in the body. Symptoms of a lack of vitamins in the body - how not to disrupt the delicate relationship of microelements? Nail problems

We all want to be fit and healthy. Fortunately, modern science about nutrition allows any of us to correctly compose our diet, taking into account the individual parameters of the body, mental and physical activity, and even climate zone where we are.

However, simply calculating the caloric content and the content of the main nutrients in the diet is not enough for good health. Vitamins come to the fore minerals, the lack of which instantly affects our health and appearance.

If you began to get tired faster and had difficulty controlling your emotions, although you used to be distinguished by high working capacity and Olympic calmness, if your nails suddenly became very brittle, and your eyes get tired of the computer faster than usual, then perhaps it’s not only the weather change. It is likely that you are deficient in certain vitamins. So what exactly is missing in your body for full functioning?


Calcium deficiency in the body is indicated by muscle cramps, especially at night, as well as brittle nails and frequent fatigue. To feel better, be sure to eat lean fish, nuts, cheese, and dairy products. Just give preference to dairy products with a normal percentage of fat - low-fat products will not solve the problem.

Vitamin D

To the main visible signs insufficient amounts of this vitamin in the body include insomnia and loss of appetite. Frequent colds can also be an indicator of vitamin D deficiency. The main sources of this essential immune system And bone tissue vitamins are cheese, cottage cheese, fish, seafood and egg yolk.

Vitamin A

We all learned from childhood that carrots, which contain vitamin A, are good for eye health. But as adults and spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen, we completely forgot that the deficiency of this vitamin affects our vision. If you constantly feel dryness and pain in your eyes, and in the dark you can hardly distinguish even the contours of objects, this is a reason to eat more orange vegetables - they will help you make up for the lack of vitamin A.

B vitamins

Speaking of B vitamins, it is important to remember that they do not accumulate in the body. That is why it is so important to ensure their daily intake. The first symptoms of a lack of vitamins of this group are manifested by a very characteristic hair loss, deterioration in complexion and brittle nails. Eat more nuts and grains, green vegetables, and lean meats.

Vitamin C

If we rank the most important vitamins for us, then ascorbic acid or vitamin C, would occupy one of the leading positions, because it is involved in the vast majority chemical processes in organism. That is why, having noticed the first signs of a shortage of this valuable element, be sure to add an additional portion of citrus fruits, apples and kiwi, green leafy vegetables, bell pepper and tomatoes. All of these foods are incredibly rich in vitamin C.

But how to recognize the deficiency of this vitamin? The main symptom of vitamin C deficiency is, of course, frequent colds. In addition, you should pay attention to bruises on the body that constantly appear for no particular reason, poorly healing wounds and very dry skin. These symptoms also indicate a lack of this vitamin.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Vitamins are those valuable substances, thanks to which we have the opportunity to cheerfully and correctly walk through life, and not lie at home in bed, curled up from various diseases. The lack of one or another vitamin always indicates a failure in the body, and its non-completion leads to even greater ailments. Vitamin deficiency and reduced immunity often go hand in hand. However, even proper nutrition useful products can not always satisfy the needs of the body, especially in conditions of increased physical, mental, emotional stress. As a supplement, you can take the Doppelherz® active complex from A to Zinc, which includes 27 vital important vitamins and minerals that increase the body's resistance to infections, stress and other adverse factors external environment. The active components of the complex are enclosed in a special depot tablet, from which vitamins and minerals are released throughout the day, gradually and as a result are optimally absorbed by the body.

The main signs of vitamin deficiency - test your body!

Tables 1.2: The main symptoms of a lack of vitamins and trace elements in the human body

Which symptoms appear with a lack of one or another vitamin?

What will happen if you do not make up for the loss of vitamins: serious diseases with a lack of vitamins

Which diseases leads to a lack of one or another vitamin.

How to determine the lack of vitamins

How do you know which vitamins you are missing? Weakness, fatigue, poor condition of the skin, hair, nails, decreased vision, problems with teeth - all this is due to a lack of vitamins. It remains to figure out which vitamins are needed if certain signs are present.

Vitamin Signs of deficiency How to fill the gap
Vitamin A Peeling of the skin, especially on the elbows, dry skin, dandruff, deterioration of the teeth It is necessary to introduce fat-containing foods into the diet - creamy and vegetable oil and consume carrots, apples, apricots, grapes, broccoli, parsley, eggs, dairy products, fish fat, beef liver
B vitamins Sleep disturbance, frequent constipation, dandruff, dullness, brittleness, hair loss, acne You need to eat meat, oatmeal, buckwheat, liver, wholemeal bread, raisins, asparagus, rice bran, fish oil
Vitamin C Drowsiness, bleeding gums, fast fatiguability, gum problems, sometimes fullness Eat citrus fruits, spinach, berries, all kinds of cabbage, kiwi, lettuce, rose hips
Vitamin E Dry skin, cracked skin, including on the heels Include oil, nuts, seeds, almonds and fish in your diet
Vitamin K Irritability, sleep problems Eat prunes, beets, dried apricots, bananas, zucchini, spinach
Vitamin D Loss of appetite, sleep problems, burning sensation in the mouth, blurred vision, weight loss. You can also talk about vitamin deficiency if children are restless, shy, sleep poorly Include in the diet fish oil, milk, cereals, eggs, mushrooms, salmon, beef liver

Micronutrient deficiency

In addition to vitamins, a person needs trace elements. They are involved in almost all processes occurring in the body and help protect it from the negative effects of the external environment. To find out which microelements the body lacks, one should analyze its condition.

How to determine which micronutrients are missing

trace element Signs of deficiency How to fill the gap
Calcium Loss, dullness and fragility of hair, stratification of nails, caries, defects in tooth enamel. With calcium and fiber deficiency, children eat paper or chalk Include in the diet broccoli, beans, spinach, dairy products, oatmeal, eggs, fish, shrimp, buckwheat
Zinc Fragility and hair loss, increased fatigue, dry skin, nails streaked with white stripes Eat pumpkin seeds, oysters, garlic, beef liver, nuts, wheat bran
Glucose You can talk about a lack of glucose if you want sweets Drink tea with honey, eat fruits, yogurt, chocolate, marshmallows
Chromium Increased content blood cholesterol, alcohol intolerance, desire to eat sweets Include turkey, radish, lentils, radishes, beef, potatoes, beans in the menu
Iodine Constant feeling fatigue, weight gain, increased thyroid, brittle nails, dry hair, constipation Eat seaweed, shrimp, cod liver, fish oil, cranberries, tuna, prunes
Iron A state of apathy, hair loss, lack of energy and stamina, inner side the lower eyelid becomes pale, there are pains during menstruation Include in the diet red meat, shrimp, legumes, potatoes, offal, spinach, cauliflower, carrots, mussels, oysters
Magnesium poor appetite, irritability, anxiety, tooth sensitivity, sleep problems, high pressure Eat beans, asparagus, spinach, wheat bran, nuts, green apples, green bell peppers
Potassium high blood pressure, dry skin, feeling thirsty, swelling of the hands or ankles, elevated level blood sugar, muscle pain after exercise Include more vegetables and fruits in the menu (tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkin, apples, bananas, melon, apricots), as well as meat, legumes, nuts, dried fruits

What other signs of vitamin deficiency can be

To understand what vitamins and microelements the body lacks, one should not only study all the signs of deficiency useful substances but first of all consult a doctor. He can accurately determine which vitamins are lacking and, if necessary, prescribe a dose. pharmaceutical preparations.

To determine which vitamin is lacking, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • severe fatigue;
  • high susceptibility to infections;
  • memory impairment;
  • the child does not eat and sleep well;
  • decrease in emotional activity.
  • When you take care of your health, you are faced with the question of how to find out which vitamins the body lacks. By a number of signs, you can understand which useful substance is in short supply. To determine which vitamin is lacking in the body, it is necessary to analyze your appearance And general state health. Proper nutrition necessary for the body to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. If necessary, you can additionally take vitamin preparations. The video below will tell you more about how to understand which vitamins the body lacks.

    If the body lacks vitamins or lack of vitamins, then this is determined through some signs or symptoms. Currently using healthy food and food to increase the lack of vitamins and nutrients is necessary and sufficient. The use of products must be stable and the miraculous effect will be visible immediately.

    Vitamin deficiency symptoms

    Vitamin A deficiency:

    Symptoms: pruritus, peeling, dry eye symptom, keratitis, night blindness, hair loss, poor impressions of life, low energy, confusion, poor libido, etc.

    Recommended food: More vitamin A rich foods such as eel, flounder, shark, cod liver oil, animal liver, egg yolk, butter, artificial butter, cheese, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsley, pumpkin, leek, shepherd's purse, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, beans.

    The highest content of vitamin A in the liver.

    Vitamin B1 deficiency:

    Symptoms: dyspepsia, allergies, sometimes pain in the lower part of the legs, constipation, anorexia, swelling, etc.

    The highest content of vitamin B1 in peanuts.

    Vitamin B2 deficiency:

    Manifestation: irritation of the mucosa, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, eyes become sensitive to light, inflammation of the cornea and oilier skin, increased dandruff, cracks in the soles of the feet.

    B2 is highest in the liver of animals.

    Vitamin B3 deficiency:

    Indicator: diseases oral cavity, rough tongue, swelling, bad smell from mouth.

    Disadvantage B6:

    Symptoms: pain of the lips and tongue, dry mucous membranes, muscle spasms.

    Lack of vitamin B12:

    Symptoms: skin diseases, thin yellow hair, loss of appetite, diarrhea, tingling fingers.

    Lack C:

    Sign: osteoporosis of bones and teeth, difficult to heal wounds, bleeding gums, tongue, susceptibility to colds, the appearance of sepsis.

    Most of the vitamin C in Ziziphus (Chinese dates).

    Lack of D :

    Symptoms: rickets, often sweaty head, nervous diseases.

    Lack of Vitamin E:

    The lack of vitamins E is determined by the indicator: muscle contraction, dry scalp, matted hair, easy sweating, infertility, muscular dystrophy, endometritis in women.

    Eat: Organic E-rich foods such as meat, eggs, milk and milk products, peanut butter, corn oil, sesame oil.

    Vitamin D deficiency:

    Vitamin P deficiency symptoms: fragile capillaries and frequent fractures, bleeding, atherosclerosis of the main veins.

    Flaw calcium:

    Symptoms of calcium deficiency: unstable character, numbness of the limbs, convulsions, etc.

    You need to eat more foods with calcium, such as shrimp, small shrimp, shellfish, oysters, canned fish with bones, milk chocolate, beans.

    Most calcium in small shrimp.

    iron deficiency:

    Manifestation of iron deficiency: fatigue, itchy skin, brittle nails.

    It is recommended to eat foods rich in iron, such as animal liver, animal blood, animal muscles and kidneys, soybeans, silkworm, beans, white sorghum, rice, dried legumes, vegetables such as black fungus.

    The black tree fungus has high content gland.

    Zinc deficiency:

    Symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body: sensory and taste disorders, hair loss, testicular shrinkage, non-viability of spermatozoa.

    Recommended food: eat more foods rich in zinc such as oysters, meat, dried clams, scallops and other shellfish, seafood and beef, chicken, pork, meat and organ meats, whole milk, Walnut, apples and other foods high in zinc.

    Oysters have the highest zinc content.


    Symptoms of selenium deficiency: Keshan disease (myocardial necrosis, enlarged heart, heart failure and efficiency of cardiac abnormalities), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Iodine deficiency:

    Symptoms of iodine deficiency: disease thyroid gland- endemic goiter.

    However, water is a material for normal operation and is necessary for the formation human body. Their role is like "grease". They do not provide energy for the body, but are involved in the promotion of raw materials and the metabolism and energy in the metabolic process. If there is a lack of vitamins, ie. lack of "lubrication", then there will be violations in the process of converting food into energy. So the meaning of these organic matter is to maintain the necessary human life qualities.

    Vitamins are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble:

    • fat-soluble include vitamin A, D, E, C;
    • water-soluble include vitamin group, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (PP), pyridoxine (B6 class), pantothenic acid, biotin, inositol, choline, folic acid, cobalt acid (B12), ascorbic acid (C).

    Vitamin poisoning

    An excess of these organic substances is also harmful, too much can cause vitamin poisoning and is reflected through the corresponding symptoms. Especially A, D, C and other fat-soluble ones, as they can accumulate, be stored in the body and can lead to vitamin poisoning.

    Vitamin C, B groups, and other water solubles are excreted in the urine easily and difficult to cause vitamin poisoning unless the amount is too high (e.g., 100 times the required amount).

    To avoid beriberi, you have to carefully monitor nutrition and timely improve your health with foods that contain the missing vitamins.

    The fact that the body lacks some vitamins, he himself will tell you, and which ones - you can guess from the symptoms.

    Symptoms: decreased visual acuity, especially at night; dry skin and mucous membranes, burning; dryness and brittle hair.

    Who is guilty: vitamin A (retinol).

    His responsibilities:
    - participates in the formation visual pigment, as well as skin and mucous membranes;
    - promotes the growth of bones, nails and hair;
    - increases the speed of a person's reaction to certain stimuli;
    - Protects cells from regeneration.

    What is: carrots, citrus fruits, butter, liver, eggs, fish oil. Do not forget that retinol is fat-soluble, so without oil it loses all meaning. In addition, he is very afraid of air, but he withstands heat treatment with honor.

    Symptoms: endless colds; varicose veins, fragility of capillaries; frequent bleeding from the nose and gums.

    Who is guilty: vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

    His responsibilities:
    – increases resistance to infections;
    - strengthens blood vessels;
    - protects from poisons;
    - prevents cell aging.

    What is: citrus fruits, greens, berries, wild rose, sea buckthorn, sauerkraut. Remember, or rather write down, that ascorbic acid is destroyed in air and upon contact with iron, and during heat treatment it remains only in an acidic environment.

    Symptoms: metabolic disorder; apathy, lethargy, muscle weakness; infertility; constant headaches.

    Who is guilty: vitamin E.

    His responsibilities:
    - prevents cell aging;
    - strengthens the heart muscle;
    - reduces harmful effect radiation;
    - protects the reproductive system.

    What is: liver, eggs, vegetable oil, nuts, sunflower, apple and pear seeds, legumes. Vitaminchik - fat-soluble, do not even fit without oil.

    Symptoms: fragility of bones; loss and destruction of teeth; arthritis.

    Who is guilty: vitamin D

    - strengthens bones;
    - normalizes blood clotting.

    What is: milk, eggs, oily fish, Cod liver. sunshine vitamin also fat soluble and loves oil. In addition, it is resistant to heat, but it cannot stand air and light.

    Symptoms: bad dream; depressed mood; weakening of memory; hair loss and brittle nails.

    Who is guilty: B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12).

    - improve performance nervous system;
    - stimulate mental activity;
    - regulate metabolic processes;
    - Heals skin, hair and nails.

    What is: liver, egg yolk, legumes, cereals, yeast, broccoli, spinach. The absorption of B vitamins is reduced by sugar, coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes.

    Symptoms: fragility of capillaries; bruises on the body; fast fatiguability; pain in the legs.

    Who is guilty: vitamin P

    - strengthens capillaries;
    - promotes the absorption and accumulation of vitamin C;
    - increases the body's resistance to infections.

    What is: citrus fruits, apricots, chokeberry, blackberries, black currants, tea, coffee, wine and beer. Vitamin P - very fragile, destroyed by light, air, high temperature and even water.

    Symptoms: excess weight; acne, oily skin; nausea.

    Who is guilty: vitamin N (lipoic acid).

    - promotes normal operation liver;
    - removes toxic elements from the body;
    - lowers blood cholesterol levels;
    - regulates the exchange.

    What is: beef liver and meat, milk, cabbage. Lipoic acid without oil - nowhere, since it is fat-soluble. Excreted from the body with a large amount of carbohydrates.

    Symptoms: bleeding, including internal.

    Who is guilty: vitamin K

    - normalizes blood clotting;
    - accelerates wound healing.

    What is: egg yolk, liver, pumpkin, tomatoes, green peas. Special signs of vitamin K - fat-soluble, therefore, without oil is not absorbed.

    Daily rate vitamins depends on the person's age, gender, physical and mental activity. At the same time, it should be taken into account that various vitamins behave differently in the body. For example, A and D can accumulate in reserve. This, by the way, would be nice to take into account, since an overabundance of vitamins is no less harmful than beriberi. However, these elements are spent in vain, so the “bins” need to be replenished regularly and in a timely manner.

    A number of vitamins (K, B3, B6) in a small amount are synthesized in the intestines, so their deficiency does not occur often.

    And, finally, some important processes in the body occur only when several vitamins interact at the same time. For example, the commonwealth of A, C and E becomes a powerful antioxidant and protector against aging and malignant diseases.

    The diet should be balanced and harmonious, then the content of vitamins in the products will be sufficient to maintain health and good mood.

    Updated: April 18, 2019 by: Elena Kucherova

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