Vitamin B5 - what foods contain. Instructions for use of pantothenic acid in ampoules and tablets. Pantothenic acid: what is it, instructions for use and composition

The preparation contains calcium pantothenate .

Release form

The drug is sold in the form of a white, water-soluble powder, ampoules with a 10% solution, tablets and ampoules with a 20% solution.

pharmachologic effect

The drug regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

This tool is often referred to as Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid what it is and why it is needed, you need to know to understand the principle of the drug. This substance is very common in nature. For example, it is very common pantothenic acid in products, it is rich in liver, egg yolk, peas, kidneys, fish caviar, yeast.

In the body, it is found in acetylation coenzyme , which affects the processes of acetylation and oxidation. Besides, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) takes part in metabolic processes and synthesis acetylcholine . In a significant amount, it is found in the adrenal cortex and activates the formation corticosteroids .

The body's daily requirement for pantothenic acid about 11 mg. With significant physical activity, as well as during the period, the need for it increases to 20 mg. It is produced in the body, so it is not necessary to consume foods that contain pantothenic acid , due to its deficiency is not observed.

How is the calcium salt used? pantothenic acid . It is obtained synthetically. Preparations pantothenic acid used for various pathological conditions that are associated with violations.

Indications for use

This tool has been shown to be used for polyneuritis , photodermatoses , . In addition, it may be prescribed for Cathars upper respiratory tract, various , trophic ulcers , burns , pregnant, after surgical interventions, poisoning or drugs arsenic . AT recent times this remedy also included in complex therapy withdrawal syndrome during treatment.

To determine what Pantothenic Acid can be used for in any given case, it is necessary to consult a physician.


The drug is contraindicated for hemophilia and , which is provoked by a deficiency of potassium ions or mechanical blockage of the intestines .

Side effects

The following side effects are possible: nausea, vomiting,. When intramuscular injections can be discomfort at the injection site and appearance infiltrate (in isolated cases). But usually this remedy is well tolerated by most patients. If complications occur, the drug is canceled.

Application instruction of Calcium Pantothenate (Method and dosage)

Pantothenic acid is introduced intramuscularly or intravenously .

Adult patients are shown a dosage of 0.1-0.2 g. Injections do 2-4 times every day. For children 1-3 years old, 0.005-0.1 g of the drug can be administered at a time, from 3 to 14 years old - 0.1-0.2 g is administered. Injections do it 2 times a day.

For treatment dermatological diseases the drug is used in a daily dosage of 1.5 g for adult patients and 0.2-0.6 g for children 2-3 times daily.

When intestinal atony after surgical interventions, every 6 hours, adult patients are administered 0.3 g each. Depending on the characteristics of the disease, therapy can last up to two months.

Application instruction of Calcium Pantothenate parenterally reports that adult patients should be administered 1-2 times daily at a dosage of 0.2-0.4 g. At the age of 3 years, it is indicated single dose in 0.05-0.1 g, and for children from 3 to 14 years old, the drug is administered 1-2 times / day at a dosage of 0.1-0.2 g.

Adjust if necessary adverse reactions tuberculosis drugs pantothenic acid taken throughout the course of therapy.

When withdrawal syndrome in people suffering from alcoholism , administered at 0.5 g of a 10% solution per day in / m or / in. And when alcoholic delirium a 10% solution is used. Dosage - 1 g. The course of application is designed for 10 days.

The solution with the drug can also be used in the form of aerosols. This is done in case of diseases of the organs respiratory system. Then dissolve 0.2 g medicinal product 5 ml of water and get a 4% solution. It is inhaled for 10-15 minutes every day. The course of application is designed for 7-8 days.


Data on overdose are not provided.


This tool can not be used earlier than 12 hours after being used and.

Calcium Pantothenate improves energy supply contractile function of the myocardium and therapeutic effect cardiac glycosides . In addition, it reduces the toxic effect aminoglycosides , sulfonamides , drugs with arsenic and

Good day, my friends. If you are tormented by SARS or depression, this article is a real find for you. After all, today we will talk about very important element. It affects both the physical and emotional-mental state. What is this super important element? This is pantothenic acid, known to many as vitamin B5.

B5 is a water-soluble element that is found in all cells of our body. Like other B vitamins, this element plays a large role in energy exchange. It also acts as a coenzyme for the production of energy in chemical reactions.

Moreover, B5 is involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates and fats that we take from foods. It turns them into useful energy, and our body then uses it. The vitamin also plays a big role in maintaining normal performance. digestive tract. As a result, it helps to increase our immunity.

Studies have shown that pantothenate plays important role in many processes

  • helps transform nutrients into energy;
  • balances blood sugar levels;
  • reduces high blood pressure;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • prevents nerve damage;
  • serves as a prevention of heart failure;
  • carries out the synthesis of sex hormones and plays an important role in the production of hormones of joy in the adrenal glands.

It has a beneficial effect on the skin. For example, it speeds up the healing process of wounds. And B5 helps moisturize the skin and smoothes wrinkles. It is also important for those who want to be young and slim. After all, this element slows down the aging of the body and protects against obesity.

It is also important for hair - it stimulates the growth of new hairs and gives the hair a luxurious look. Also, this element protects against premature graying. How it affects the hair, read on.

B5 deficiency symptoms

Since this vitamin is found in almost all foods, its deficiency is extremely rare. Basically, shortages occur in people due to malnutrition and a lack of daily calories.

However, B5 deficiency can occur in combination with other vitamin deficiencies. Such a state is characterized the following symptoms:

  • prostration;
  • depression, nervousness, sleep disturbances;
  • stomach pain, vomiting;
  • muscle spasms;
  • hormonal disruptions, severe toxicosis (during pregnancy).

Deficiency will also affect your appearance. Your skin will become less elastic and may become irritated. Your hair will be dull and lifeless, and the color will not be as intense.

The group of people who are at risk of developing B5 deficiency is not small. There are women who take contraceptives, people who are severely malnourished and often drink alcohol. Also here are people with impaired absorption of vitamins and minerals due to certain drugs or intestinal disorders.

What foods contain vitamin B5

Sources of B5 are both plants and animal products. These include meat, organ meats, beans and legumes, some nuts and seeds, milk, and eggs. There are many ways to receive daily right amount this vitamin. Nowadays, thanks to a wide variety of products and supplements, the percentage of diseases associated with hypovitaminosis has been reduced.

Here is a list of products high content vitamin A. The percentages in the table are based on the recommended daily requirement for adults (5 mg per 100%).

Include these foods in your diet regularly. So you will get plenty of this element. Since this vitamin is water soluble, large doses cannot harm your health. So if you eat more than 100 grams of liver, then nothing will happen 🙂 The body itself will remove what it does not need.

Instructions for use

For kids:

For adults:

During pregnancy and lactation, the need for this element increases. Also, people who perform hard physical work and athletes need more B5.

We usually get enough pantothenic acid from food. However, in some cases, additional supplements may be required. I looked for where you can buy in a pharmacy and did not find it. Previously, pantothenic acid was sold in ampoules and tablets. The preparation contained 0.1 g active substance. Now they are produced only as part of complex additives.

Found where to buy this vitamin only on the iherb website. I looked in our online stores, there are the same brand names. But of course the price is higher. The preparations contain from 100 to 1000 mg, are available in tablets and capsules. See what dosage the doctor will prescribe for you. Although in practice, an overdose is extremely rare, since it is a water-soluble vitamin. And all the excess is excreted by the body. Only when pregnant or breastfeeding, do not exceed the recommended dose.

TOP 7 benefits for the body

The advantages of this element for our body are considerable. I will list the most significant of them.

  1. Healthy heart. Pantothenic acid helps maintain normal cholesterol levels in the arteries and prevents the formation of dangerous plaques. And it protects against heart attack or stroke ( 1 ). Another benefit of B5 is that it helps the body create red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. It has been proven that the vitamin increases the level of hemoglobin in our body.
  2. Converts food into energy. All vitamins help us convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is used as fuel for the body. It does this through the synthesis of an enzyme known as coenzyme-A (CoA). It breaks down sugar into the form of glucose for energy. B vitamins help the body synthesize and metabolize proteins and fats. And they help our body use the consumed products to restore tissues, muscles and organs.
  3. Helps to cope with stress. Vitamin B5 is partly responsible for regulating adrenal function and creating the stress hormone cortisol ( 3 ). When we lack this element, we lose our ability to respond effectively to stress. Sleep problems, mood swings, weight gain or loss.

Research results have shown that vitamin B5 enhances the action of cholinesterase inhibitors. These drugs are used to treat Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, be sure to take B5 under the supervision of a doctor.

There are sources showing that the vitamin can interfere with the absorption and effectiveness of tetracycline antibiotics. It is not recommended to take them together. In the same way, in relation to antibiotics, all B vitamins act in the form of supplements.

At the same time, B5 enhances the absorption of potassium. Similarly, vitamins affect drugs aimed at improving intestinal motility, and cardiac glycosides. But barbiturates, caffeine and alcohol remove B5 from the body. This element is also intensively removed by diuretics.

I am sure that now you can accurately say: "Vitamin B5 - what is it." And if necessary, you can bring Interesting Facts about this item. Lecture your friends on the importance of pantothenic acid, or send them a link to this article. And I take my leave - until we meet again. Bye Bye!

Vitamin substances are very important for every person. These elements are referred by chemists to low molecular weight organic compounds and are characterized simple structure. They are found in foods or environment in a relatively small amount, but at the same time they play an important role in the full functioning of the human body. One of the important vitamins for us is vitamin B5. Let's talk about him today. Why does our body need vitamin B5, and what food contains it?

Vitamin B5 is a fairly common substance in food. This element is also known as pantothenic acid. Its deficiency is extremely rare, but, nevertheless, sometimes it takes place.

Why does the body need vitamin B5??

This substance, after penetrating into the body, becomes pantethine, and it, in turn, is an integral part of coenzyme A, which is actively involved in the completion of oxidation processes, as well as acetylation. As you know, coenzyme A is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and in addition carbohydrates.

Pantothenic acid plays an important role in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, in addition, it is necessary for the metabolism of amino acids. Such a substance is involved in the synthesis of a number of essential fatty acids, histamine, it is important for the production of hemoglobin, as well as histamine and acetylcholine. It is worth noting that vitamin B5 is not very resistant to heat. Heat treatment leads to the loss of almost half of this substance in food.

Pantothenic acid activates the synthesis of adrenal hormones, which are known as glucocorticoids. This is what explains its anti-inflammatory properties. Corticoids simultaneously fight inflammation in all corners of our body, in addition, they help to cope with stressful situations. But at the same time, the adrenal cortex can synthesize hormones for only six hours a day, respectively, it needs significant reserves of pantothenic acid for successful activity. Due to the anti-inflammatory qualities of vitamin B5, its sufficient and even additional intake in the body may be important for allergic lesions, arthritis, colitis, heart disease, etc.

Pantothenic acid is actively involved in the synthesis of antibodies, which makes it very important for the full functioning of the immune system. Another such substance is necessary for the correct and complete absorption of other vitamins by the body, as well as for the production of neurotransmitters (substances that ensure the transmission of nerve impulses). A sufficient amount of such elements plays a very important role for the full functioning of the brain and central nervous system.

Vitamin B5 is involved in the production of fatty acids. This substance is able to optimize the metabolism of fats, which makes it very useful in combating extra pounds. In addition, pantothenic acid quite effectively activates the course of redox processes in our body.

Vitamin B5 deficiency is quite rare. It can be provoked not by a deficiency of such a substance in the diet, but by other comorbid conditions.

Such hypovitaminosis can occur as a result of insufficient intake of proteins or fats in the body, due to low intake of vitamin C or B vitamins. Vitamin B5 deficiency can also occur due to ailments small intestine, which are accompanied by malabsorption syndrome (absorption disorders). Also, the lack of pantothenic acid can be explained by the consumption antibacterial drugs or sulfonamides.

With a decrease in the amount of vitamin B5 in the body, readers of "Popular about Health" may be disturbed by excessive fatigue, depression, sleep disturbances and high fatigue. Enough common symptom such a deficiency becomes headache and muscle pain, a feeling of nausea. In some cases, the manifestation of hypovitaminosis B5 is a burning sensation, tingling and numbness of the toes.

With a strong shortage, burning and painful sensations may appear. pain in the area of lower extremities that occur mostly at night. The skin of the feet usually becomes reddened. Also, a deficiency of pantothenic acid is fraught with the occurrence of dyspeptic disorders and ulcerative lesions. duodenum.

In addition, at similar condition significantly reduces the body's resistance to diseases, which leads to frequent occurrence ARI and SARS.

Vitamin B5 in foods

As we have already found out, B5 is present in almost all food products. However, there are foods that are especially rich in this substance. It is represented by peas, yeast, hazelnuts, green leafy vegetables, buckwheat and oatmeal and also cauliflower. In addition, vitamin B5 is contained in a fairly large amount in the composition of by-products (liver, kidneys and heart), in chicken meat, in egg yolk, milk and fish caviar.

It is impossible to get an excessive amount of vitamin B5 from food. Its excess is quickly excreted from the body along with urine. In some cases, an additional intake of pantothenic acid is prescribed by doctors. For example, if the body does not receive it from the products. It is sold as a medicine of the same name in pharmacies and is used in accordance with the instructions.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid or calcium pantothenate) got its name pantothenate (Greek for "everywhere"), due to its wide distribution in various products nutrition, so its deficiency in the body is practically eliminated. This compound is water-soluble, and also non-toxic and well excreted from the body.

Vitamin B5 contributes to the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, as well as the synthesis of important fatty acids, histamine, cholesterol, hemoglobin and acetylcholine. Thanks to similar properties, calcium pantothenate prevents the development of obesity, because it prevents the formation of fat cells that accumulate and retain a large number of fat.

  • Stimulates the production of adrenal hormones;
  • Forms antibodies for the absorption of other vitamins;
  • Normalizes oxidative and reduction processes;
  • Ensures normal brain activity;
  • Synthesizes antibodies, protecting the brain from the effects of nicotine and alcohol;
  • Reduces side effects of drugs;
  • Responsible for the formation and growth of new cells.

Pantothenic acid normalizes water balance body, which favorably affects the condition of human hair and skin. Also, this element prevents the aging process, and, consequently, the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamin B5 is absorbed by all body systems and organs, concentrating in them, which helps to prevent anemia and increase resistance to infectious diseases.

Calcium pantothenate is relatively unstable. A significant amount of this element is lost during industrial food processing, cooking and freezing. According to studies, 20-70% of pantothenic acid is lost during the processing of animal products. When processing grains, as well as canning vegetables and fruits, almost the same amount of vitamin B5 is lost. Fruit juices during technical processing lose up to 50% of useful elements.

plant sources

  • Vegetables - green leafy, cauliflower;
  • Legumes - green peas;
  • Cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, whole rye flour, whole wheat;
  • Brewer's yeast.

Animal sources

  • Meat - chicken, beef;
  • Offal - kidneys, heart, liver;
  • Dairy;
  • Fish - caviar of sea fish;
  • Egg.

This element is produced independently in the intestine, in the normal state of its microflora. The need for calcium pantothenate increases with increased physical activity and also during lactation. A large dosage of vitamin (up to 10 grams per day) is used to treat acne(acne). Additional reception necessary when stressful situations and overuse caffeine.

Vitamin B5 is given orally, intravenously, or intramuscularly twice a day at intervals of four or five hours. It is well tolerated, but in rare cases it can cause dyspepsia (impaired motility of the digestive tract). Internal injections are painful.

Daily Value for Children

  • From zero to six months - 2 mg;
  • From six months to a year - 3 mg;
  • From one to three years - 3-4 mg;
  • From four to six years - 3-4 mg;
  • From seven to ten years - 4-5 mg.

Daily Value for Men

Men of all age groups need vitamin B5, in the amount of 4 to 7 mg per day. The dosage of this element does not depend on age. A larger amount of pantothenic acid should be consumed by people who are addicted to bad habits.

Daily Value for Women

Women, just like men, need daily requirement pantothenic acid in an amount of 4 to 7 mg. During pregnancy, the need for vitamin B5 does not increase, only during breastfeeding, you need to increase the dosage to 8 mg per day.

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Signs of a Vitamin B5 Deficiency

Despite the widespread distribution of calcium pantothenate in food, due to improper processing of food and a lack of fat, protein and vitamin C in the diet, deficiency can occur. Taking sulfonamides and antibiotics, as well as intestinal disease, can also cause hypovitaminosis of this element.

Diagnostic symptoms of vitamin B5 deficiency

  • depression and fatigue;
  • sleep disorder;
  • Head and muscle pain;
  • Numbness and tingling in the toes;
  • Redness of the skin on the feet;
  • Nausea and dyspeptic disorders;
  • Duodenal ulcer.

The consequences of hypovitaminosis of calcium pantothenate often manifest themselves in the form of a decrease in the protective functions of the body to various infections resulting in acute respiratory infections.

Signs of an overdose of pantothenic acid

B5 is observed in rare cases, with increased individual intolerance to pantothenic acid. It does not pose a health hazard even in large quantities, as it is well tolerated and absorbed in the body. Overdose symptoms are pronounced unpleasant burning sensation in the stomach.

Before you know which foods contain vitamin B5, you need to find out why it is so important for the body.

The vitamin is also known under the name pantothenic acid, which very accurately conveys the essence of the substance (“pantothen” translates as “everywhere” or “everywhere”).

Besides that B5 is unusually common in nature, it is a significant element, without which many vital processes in the body cannot do.

It interacts with other vitamins, resulting in transformation into other substances. Plays a decisive role in ensuring normal speed metabolic processes. Without it, the synthesis of hemoglobin, fatty acids, histamine is not complete.

Properties of vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is involved in the production of a hormone that allows the body to more easily tolerate inflammatory processes. Acid is required when eliminating problems in the cardiovascular system.

B5 prevents atherosclerosis because it regulates cholesterol metabolism. Pantothenic acid is involved in the production of antibodies that protect the brain from the damaging effects of alcohol and nicotine, as well as emollient side effects medicines.

B5 is unusually common in nature, it is a significant element, without which many vital processes in the body cannot do.

The discovery of pantothenic acid took place in the twentieth century by R. Williams. Initially, the name was different - vitamin G, but after a while it was renamed B5.

In the forties of the twentieth century, the necessary scientific work, which made it possible to attribute this substance to the group of vitamins.

B5 is water soluble, therefore, it is excreted from the body for very a short time. It is contained in a huge list of products and cases of deficiency were practically not observed before.

Due to the change in food culture, stress and the increasing addiction of people to bad habits, the situation has changed. Besides, under the influence of high low temperatures, the concentration of the vitamin is significantly reduced.

So, with prolonged frying, stewing or boiling, about fifty percent of vitamin B5 disappears, the rest is not fully absorbed due to the lack of vitamins C and B, which are companions. If ready meal season with vinegar sauce, then pantothenic acid will be completely destroyed.

Note! If meat and fish products are subjected to cooking methods such as drying or cold smoking, they will be able to save maximum amount vitamins.

What foods contain vitamin B5

Plant food

plant sources, with rare exceptions, are considered not as rich in the vitamin as animals.

But the presence on the daily table of a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and nuts will allow the body to get exactly those microelements that it needs for full functioning.

Very often, these products can be consumed without being cooked. They do not need to be frozen, so B5 in such fresh products is preserved almost in full.

animal food

Animal sources are richer in vitamin B5 than plant sources.

Its highest concentration is in offal, fish and caviar.

But for transportation over long distances and ensuring a long shelf life, they often have to be frozen, which negatively affects the content of pantothenic acid - about 35% is lost.

Another half of the original value is destroyed under the action high temperatures. This means that you often have to eat meat, poultry or chicken with little or no vitamin B5.

Required daily dose

To understand how complete daily nutrition is, you need to look at which foods contain vitamin B5 in more or less quantities. Are there enough of them on the menu?

But what daily dose pantothenic acid is necessary for the body? Experts say that for an adult, the norm of vitamin B5 per day is 4-10 mg.

Women, like men, should receive 4-10 mg of vitamin B5 daily. During pregnancy, the dose usually remains the same, but sometimes the doctor may increase it.

It's important to know! If the body is exposed to increased physical or mental stress, then the required daily allowance of vitamin B5 should be doubled.

Women, like men, should receive 4-10 mg of vitamin B5 daily. During pregnancy, the dose usually remains the same, but sometimes the doctor may increase it to 15 mg.

During the period breastfeeding The norm is considered to be 8 mg. On an individual basis, an increase to 15 mg may also occur. The daily allowance for children depends on age and is approximately 2-5 mg.

The largest amount of vitamin B5 is found in beef liver - 6.8 mg per 100 g, that is, the daily norm of the average adult. But this is in a raw product, after heat treatment, its amount will decrease significantly.

If you look at what fruit is the largest number vitamin B5, then this is an avocado - in 100 g there is almost one and a half milligrams of the substance.

Consequences of shortage

The reason for the lack of vitamin in the body is a change in the rhythm of life. And as a result - a change in the culture of nutrition of modern man.

semi-finished products, prepared food, canned food, sweets and bakery products increasingly included in the daily menu. No need to waste time preparing them, but few people look at what useful elements they contain.

The reason for the lack of vitamin in the body is a change in the rhythm of life.

Due to freezing, repeated heat treatment, and the absence of natural ingredients, they do not contain vitamin B5 at all. But foods that are poor in vitamins, essential fats and carbohydrates are not the only reason.

The accelerated removal of pantothenic acid from the body is affected by the use of antibiotics and the presence of problems with the small intestine.

There is also a decrease in recovery period after surgery.

The most common categories of people with beriberi are::

  1. Elderly.
  2. Women who are expecting a baby and breastfeeding.
  3. Being in a state of permanent stress.
  4. Whose work involves increased physical activity.

The fact that the body began to lack vitamin B5 can be judged by the following signs:

  • feeling of constant fatigue;
  • having problems with sleep;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • depressive state.

When these problems appear, it is worth suspecting primary vitamin deficiency. The longer you ignore the signals given by the body, the more the state of health will deteriorate.

In case of deficiency, there may be more severe symptoms:

  • frequent headaches;
  • tingling, numbness and pain in the legs;
  • difficulty with flexion and extension of the limbs;
  • the color of the iris of the eyes becomes more faded;
  • a large amount of gray hair appears;
  • duodenal ulcers occur.

Memory also suffers, the perception of smells and tastes, the condition of hair and nails worsens. There are problems with weight. Brain activity slows down. Burns and wounds heal much longer.

During pregnancy, it is very important to provide a woman with complete and high-quality nutrition. The lack of vitamins negatively affects the health of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus.

because of low level vitamin B5 may cause premature birth. A baby can be born with malformations or even die.

Note! Babies often have diaper rash, very dry skin and pustules. One of possible causes there may be a deficiency of pantothenic acid.

Consequences of excess

Pantothenic acid leaves the body very easily and quickly, it does not have the ability to accumulate, therefore, consuming only natural products, it is impossible to get an overdose. This can only happen because uncontrolled intake synthetic vitamin.

But vitamin is non-toxic and has no side effects . In case of exceeding the norm of its content, there will be no signs of serious poisoning. Very rarely, the following symptoms may occur: pallor skin, vomiting, dizziness.

When they appear, you need to reduce the dose of admission, within two days the concentration of the substance in the body will decrease and the symptoms will disappear by themselves. If you have any doubts, you should seek the help of a doctor. Vitamin B5 has no side effects.

Sources of Vitamin B5

Foods rich in vitamin B5 include the following groups.

Vegetables and mushrooms

For example, cauliflower, carrots, celery, broccoli, asparagus, beans, peas, oyster mushrooms and chanterelles.

100 g of porcini mushrooms contains a fairly large amount of B5, comparable to the meat of sea fish - 100 g of the product contains 1.64 mg of the substance.

Some vegetables and mushrooms contain a sufficient amount of vitamin B5.


In addition to the usual avocados, apples and oranges, B5 is found in strawberries and grapefruits. One glass of fragrant berries contains about 0.5 mg of the vitamin, and one grapefruit contains 0.7 mg.

Meat and seafood

From meat, veal, duck, and turkey are the richest in pantothenic acid. But in them it is much less than in chicken and beef liver.

In 100 g of beef, it is only 0.53 mg, and in the liver - about 6.7 mg. If you look at which seafood contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B5, then this is sea fish, lobsters and caviar.

For example, 100 g of pink salmon contains almost one and a half milligrams. A spoonful of red caviar will provide the body with 25% daily allowance pantothenic acid.

Dairy products and eggs

AT chicken eggs(100 g) contains 1.65 mg of pantothenic acid, in a dry yolk there is much more - 7.76 mg. In dairy products, this figure is lower. In cheese, it is 0.31 mg, and in cow's milk- 0.37 mg.

Grains, seeds and nuts

Sunflower seeds boast a very high vitamin content of 7.6 mg, leading in this category.

For comparison, in peanuts - 1.5 mg, in pine nuts- 0.78 mg, in pumpkin seeds- 0.56 mg. Brewer's yeast and wheat germ are also helpful. Enriched with B5 brown rice and wheat flakes. In 100 g oatmeal contains 0.30 mg.

If the problem of vitamin B5 deficiency is only by introducing more foods into the menu that contain increased amount substance fails, the doctor prescribes a synthetic drug.

In the case of acute beriberi, the doctor may prescribe vitamin capsules.

In this capacity, calcium pantothenate is used.

Indications for the use of calcium pantothenate may be the following:

  1. eczema;
  2. Pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis;
  3. weight problems;
  4. Allergy;
  5. Anemia and toxicosis in pregnant women;
  6. Neuralgia;
  7. poor circulation;
  8. Cardiac pathologies;
  9. Atherosclerosis;
  10. Non-communicable diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  11. Recovery postoperative period;
  12. Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholics.

Knowing which foods contain vitamin B5, you can cook delicious and varied dishes from them that can provide the body important vitamins and micronutrients.

Providing the body with the necessary daily norm of pantothenic acid, the immune system will be strengthened, the normal functioning of the heart muscle will remain, the functioning of the brain will improve, sleep will improve and stress resistance will increase.

This video will tell you about the functions of vitamin B5 in the human body and cases of its deficiency.

From this video you can learn about the effect of vitamin B5 on brain function.

The video briefly describes everything related to vitamin B5.