How to make a vodka compress on the neck. Making the right alcohol compress from vodka and alcohol

For some reason, when they start talking about alcohol compress, the first thing that comes to mind is the treatment of sore throat. Meanwhile, a warming compress is used much more widely: it can be made in case of viral and colds, for neurological inflammation, to reduce bruises, and for joint diseases.

No matter what place human body No matter how much a medicinal bandage is applied, certain rules must be followed.

General rules for installing a therapeutic bandage

Before giving a patient an alcohol compress, you need to make sure that he does not have a fever. Warming procedures should not be performed during exacerbations dermatological diseases if there are injuries and foci of purulent inflammation on the skin.

Alcohol must be diluted with water before use. For adults, the proportions of alcohol dilution: if an alcohol compress is placed on the leg or lower back - 1/3, when an alcohol compress is applied to the ear, neck, or other places with delicate skin, the dilution must be brought to 1/5.

Alcohol therapy should not be used during pregnancy or for young children.

For children school age the alcohol is first diluted to the state of vodka - that is, diluted more than 2 times, and only then it is diluted again with water - 1/4, no less. Children's skin on their legs is sometimes softer than that of adult men on their faces.

To apply a warming bandage, you must have the following materials:

  • diluted alcohol;
  • fabric that absorbs liquid well, which is to be rolled up in several layers - usually gauze;
  • oilcloth or sheet of waxed paper;
  • a woolen scarf or a large piece of cotton wool;
  • fixing bandage - a bandage or a piece of dense, non-stretchable material.

The procedure for applying the bandage is as follows:

  • Directly on the place that needs to be warmed, apply several layers of folded hygroscopic fabric, moistened with an alcohol solution and thoroughly wrung out;
  • A waterproof layer is placed on it so that the alcohol does not evaporate for as long as possible;
  • Then they are covered with a layer of insulation;
  • Fix the structure with a bandage or scarf. If an alcohol compress is placed at the injection site to remove the seal, then it is better to secure it around the edges with an adhesive plaster.

Typically the compress consists of 4 functional layers.

A warming compress can be kept on the skin for 2-6 hours, some leave it overnight. If you feel pain or itching under the bandage, it should be removed immediately. Wipe the skin thoroughly or wash with warm water, apply emollient cream or lubricate with oil.

Nuances of an “easy” treatment procedure

How to make an alcohol compress correctly so as not to harm the patient.

If a warming bandage is applied to the ear, then you must make a slit in it and pull it out through it. auricle. The skin in this area is very delicate, and there are few nerve receptors. You can get a serious burn without feeling the effects of alcohol.

An alcohol compress on the throat area should not cover the area thyroid gland. Therefore, it is necessary to place separate gauze pads soaked in alcohol on each side of the neck. You should also cut the moisture-proof and insulating layer. But you can secure the compress with a bandage or scarf that completely covers the throat.

If an alcohol compress is placed on the neck for lymphadenitis or cervical radiculitis, the rules remain the same.

When it is necessary to relieve pain due to arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of the spine or myositis, it is advisable to replace ordinary medical alcohol with formic or alcohol tincture capsicum– this procedure works most effectively.

It is possible to relieve an attack of angina with an alcohol compress with menthol. In this case, a therapeutic warming bandage is applied to back side left hand.

Before placing an alcohol lotion on the injection site, you should make sure that there is no abscess. The warming procedure is not used in the event of the onset of a purulent-inflammatory process. Pus in the bloodstream under the influence of moist heating can spread through the lymph and bloodstream, causing infectious process in any part of the body.

It is inconvenient to apply a classic compress to the knee or elbow joint. You have to constantly bend your leg or arm, and the bandage may move. In this case, it is recommended to use rubbing instead of compresses.

How can you replace alcohol in a compress?

Alcohol or vodka compresses are the most common therapeutic warming and anti-inflammatory procedures. But they have serious disadvantages:

  • alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin;
  • causes irritation skin.

This creates significant limitations in the use of this treatment method.

In some cases, it is advisable to replace alcohol with other substances that have warming and absorbing properties.

To the chest for bronchitis, to remove residual effects, you can add a honey cake, which is kneaded from flour, honey, vegetable oil and mustard. The same remedy effectively combats seals after an injection.

Cabbage leaves and even ordinary cottage cheese have absorbent properties. At inflammatory diseases lower respiratory tract a curd compress will not only improve blood supply in the bronchi area, but will also tell you whether pneumonia has begun. When the process worsens, the cottage cheese changes its color to greenish after removing the compress.

Increase the activity of the drug

You can activate an alcohol compress by infusing alcohol into medicinal herbs, having properties necessary for the treatment of the disease.

Adding garlic or onion juice to alcohol not only helps enhance the absorbent effect, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the phytoncides contained in the solution. Only such a product cannot be kept on the skin for more than 1 hour - onions and garlic enhance not only the healing, but also the irritating effect.

Today, quite a lot of people in their lives are faced with the problem of fluid retention in the body. This problem can be caused for various reasons. The main factors provoking the disease include bad habits, unhealthy diet and inactive lifestyle. But at the same time, we should also not forget that swelling can also occur with diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine system. Can be used at home potato compress from edema, salt, with mumiyo, etc.

Treatment methods

IN traditional medicine fight swelling, usually of various types medications. Traditional medicine recommends for getting rid of excess liquid ingested from the body herbal infusions and decoctions. Also good results can be achieved by using various compresses and lotions. There are a lot of recipes for their preparation. Which one is better to choose depends on the patient himself.


Salt compress for swelling Very effective method. But it should be used only as a last resort. Especially if it concerns such a part of the body as the face. Preparation:

  • 2 liters of hot water,
  • 45 grams of table salt.

Dissolve salt in water. Soak a small terry towel in the resulting solution, wring it out and place it on your face, leaving only your nose open. Cover with a dry towel on top. Keep the bandage on until it cools down. Repeat the procedure three times, then apply nourishing cream to the skin.


This option for getting rid of excess fluid suggests using a contrast compress. To prepare it you need to take two bowls. Fill one with cold water, the other with hot water. Take a towel and soak it in hot water. Wring it out and apply it to the swollen area. Keep the towel until it cools down. Next, soak the towel in cold water and place it on the same place for a few seconds. Repeat this procedure four times. Instead of plain water, you can use decoctions medicinal plants.


Good results can be achieved using soda compress for swelling. To prepare the solution you need to take:

  • 1 teaspoon of soda,
  • 0.5 cups of strong tea leaves.

Dissolve the powder baking soda in tea leaves. Take a cotton cloth and apply it to the swollen area for five minutes.

From urine

This option in folk medicine have been used since ancient times. It involves carrying out with swelling compress from urine. To do this you need to use your own urine. Soak a towel in it and apply it to the swollen area. It is better to apply such lotions at night. In the morning, remove the bandage and rinse the affected area of ​​the body with water. Such procedures must be carried out over three days.


This method recommends getting rid of excess liquid with vodka. Vodka compress for swelling helps to achieve quick results. Therefore, it can be used in cases where you urgently need to get yourself in order. To carry out the procedure, you need to take a piece of gauze folded into several parts or a piece of cotton cloth and moisten it in vodka. To avoid burns after the procedure, before the procedure you need to lubricate a certain area of ​​the skin with fat or nourishing cream. The procedure must be carried out over three days.


Potato lotions are a fairly popular method in folk medicine. If done correctly, you can achieve very good and quick results. To carry out the procedure, you need to grate a couple of tubers raw potatoes on a fine grater. The resulting paste should be applied to the swollen area of ​​skin, secure it with a bandage on top. You need to keep this compress until you begin to feel discomfort.

With mumiyo

Another option for getting rid of excess fluid from the body is compresses with mumiyo for swelling of the legs. To carry out the procedure you need to take:

  • 3 grams of whole mummy,
  • 0.5 cups of boiled water.

Dissolve the mummy in warm water. In the resulting solution you need to moisten gauze bandage and apply it to the affected area. Put it like this healing compress needed for the night.

With cabbage

Another effective option is a cabbage leaf compress for swelling. Carrying out such a procedure is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to take a medium-sized cabbage leaf and rinse it well with running water. Make a lot of notches on one side of the leaf to let the juice flow out. Be sure to remove thick veins. After that, wrap cabbage leaf, swollen area of ​​skin. The sheet must be kept for at least 20 minutes. To achieve a greater and longer-lasting effect, it is recommended to undergo a course of such treatment for 3-5 days.

The therapeutic effectiveness of vodka compress has been known for a long time. External exposure to heat improves blood circulation in small vessels, causing increased blood washing of the affected area. Tissue swelling decreases, the inflammatory focus resolves.

A vodka compress has a beneficial effect on diseased joints, cures ear inflammation, and speeds up the treatment of colds. Enhances the effect traditional methods infusion of medicinal plants in vodka.

At home, store-bought vodka or an alcohol solution with a strength of about 40° is used as a base. You can check whether the strength corresponds to the required value by burning: a piece of paper moistened with an alcohol solution should flare up with a yellow-blue fire.

Apply moonshine homemade not recommended, as the liquid contains a lot of fusel oils, which do not benefit the body.

When to use vodka heating

Vodka compresses expand blood vessels, as a result of which more oxygen enters the tissues, inflammation decreases, and extra salt and toxins, swelling and inflammation are reduced.

A vodka compress is used for the following lesions:

  • hypothermia, cold;
  • ear infection;
  • bruises, contusions, sprains;
  • hardening of soft tissues after injection;
  • joint pain due to inflammatory processes;
  • calluses, corns, gout;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • pain in the spine, radiculitis.

Vodka based application medicinal tinctures significantly speeds up recovery.

How to prepare a compress

Preparation of a warming procedure for various diseases happens in the standard way:

  • It is recommended to heat the liquid in a water bath in a closed container to body temperature 36-38 ° C;
  • the fabric should be used from natural material, folded several times. The size of the “pad” should be 1-2 cm larger than the perimeter of the affected area. The fabric is thoroughly wetted in the solution and wrung out so that the vodka does not drip down. Carefully cover the affected area and place film material on top;
  • compressor paper or waterproof film should cover the fabric tightly, preventing liquid from leaking out;
  • on top it is necessary to insulate the compress with a warm cloth, woolen scarf or terry towel;
  • the compress should not be tightly attached to the affected organ, so as not to interfere with free blood circulation;
  • It is not recommended to apply a bandage to the lymph nodes.

An example of making a compress for the ear:

The treatment process lasts 4-5 hours. IN daytime It is recommended to change the bandage as it dries. If treatment is carried out at night, in the morning it is necessary to wash the affected area with warm water and lubricate it with an emollient cream. After the procedure, you can go outside 2 hours later.

Features of treatment with vodka procedures

Applying a vodka compress for a certain disease has its own nuances:

  1. Angina. The compress is placed on the neck, without covering the lymph nodes and the area where the thyroid gland is located. The procedure is carried out at night. The effect of the compress is aimed at eliminating cough and sore throat. It is recommended not to go out into the cold for 12 hours after the event.
  2. Cold. A vodka compress is applied to top part back and chest. It is imperative to monitor body temperature: if it rises above 37°C, the procedure is not recommended so as not to cause additional overheating of the body. After removing the bandage, it is advisable to soften the skin with baby cream or Vaseline.
  3. Otitis. To protect ear canal to prevent liquid from entering, a cross-shaped hole should be cut in the center of the fabric into which to insert the auricle. On the side of the cheek, the bandage is fixed with an adhesive plaster. The entire compress is secured with a bandage wrapped around the head and tied under the chin. It is recommended to wear a warm scarf on top. The bandage should be kept on for no more than 4 hours.
  4. Joint pain. Intense inflammation is stopped by applying a layer of Vishnevsky ointment and a vodka compress on top. It is advisable to do this activity at night to reduce the risk of disturbing the joint.
  5. Sprained ligaments or muscles. Heat treatment is performed one day after the injury.
  6. Radiculitis. A vodka compress is placed on the lower back. You can use tincture of wormwood, aloe, and red hot pepper to enhance the healing effect.
  7. Varicose veins“Stars” of veins on the body can be removed by applying a bandage with a tincture of fruits and inflorescences horse chestnut, lilac, acacia to the affected area. It is recommended to carry out the procedure after contrast shower or baths.
  8. Corns. Calluses are quickly removed with a vodka compress, which is made after the softening effect of a bath of salted water.
  9. Lumpy hardening on the body after injections or injuries. A mini compress of vodka is placed on the problem area. The top is insulated with a piece of cotton wool and secured with strips of adhesive plaster.

When the vodka procedure cannot be used

To avoid harm to the body, the following conditions must be met:

  • apply vodka compress after consultation with the attending physician;
  • do not warm up organs when elevated temperature body, feverish;
  • It is forbidden to apply a vodka compress to children under 12 years of age;
  • It is not recommended to perform the procedure during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • do not apply a warming bandage if there is damage to the skin or purulent inflammation;
  • the event is contraindicated for heart disease, high blood pressure, malignant tumors;
  • It is dangerous to apply the product if you are allergic to alcohol or have an acute illness.

Vodka compress treatment is an inexpensive and accessible procedure for everyone that can be used at home. The main thing is that it is recommended to follow the rules of the event, take into account contraindications, and consult a doctor first.

Often colds are accompanied by laryngitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sore throat and many others. unpleasant consequences. To relieve inflammation of the throat, use a doctor-recommended compress made from regular store-bought vodka or medical alcohol.

Self-medication without consulting a doctor can lead to serious consequences. This can only be avoided if you know how to properly use a compress to treat a throat and what contraindications this remedy has.

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    Rules for performing a vodka compress

    To achieve a therapeutic effect and improve the patient’s condition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules for preparing a compress and applying it to the throat. If you don’t back up your desire with knowledge, you can get reverse effect leading to deterioration of the patient's condition. As side effect chills mainly appear.

    Effective anti-inflammatory warming will require adequate quality fabric. Several basic requirements can be presented to it, including softness and naturalness. The most suitable option is a linen bandage, but you can use cotton wool or gauze, pre-folded in several layers.

    Alcohol or vodka will create a warming effect. You will need compress paper or wax paper. In order to ensure long-term warming of the neck area, a thick scarf or towel is needed.

    Attention! In order to ensure high-quality heating, it is necessary to choose a material that can cover a larger area than the inflamed area. Do not heat the thyroid gland or use a compress if there are areas of damaged skin or an allergic reaction on the neck.

    Doctors recommend using it for breeding clean water, and the proportions of water and alcohol are possible 1:1 or 2:1. If the compress is made from vodka, then there is no need for dilution. In relation to own vodka home production The strength condition is set - no more than 39-40 degrees.

    Don’t forget about this, because moonshine often reaches 60-65 degrees. When making a compress, children need to dilute regular store-bought vodka, maintaining a 1:1 ratio with water.

    Application time

    The therapeutic effect is achieved by warming the sore throat 2-3 times by applying a warming bandage with an alcohol solution or vodka. During one procedure, the bandage should be heated for 5-6 hours.

    Duration can be increased to achieve maximum effect, but no more than 10-12 hours. After removing the next compress, you need to take a break of 2-3 hours to avoid the risk of irritation of the skin mucosa.

    As a rule, it is most convenient to change dressings in the morning and evening. After removing the application bandage, it is advised to blot your neck with a damp towel, but in no case should you rub it. Next, the neck is wrapped in a warm scarf.

    How to apply a compress correctly?

    When changing a bandage with a compress, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin. If there are irritated areas, further treatment with a compress is not recommended. If the skin becomes dry when warming up, you can use moisturizing creams or oil.

    The compress should be applied as follows:

    1. 1. The compress cloth is moistened in the prepared solution according to the proportions. To speed up the warming process, it is recommended to preheat the alcohol solution to 35-40 degrees. The soaked cloth must be wrung out and applied to the inflamed area of ​​the neck.
    2. 2. Polyethylene film should be applied as a second layer.
    3. 3. The third layer is a warm scarf, gauze bandage or towel.

    In order to prevent the compress from cooling and achieve desired result it is necessary to firmly apply the moistened alcohol solution textile. If air gets between the fabric and the skin area, there will be no effect, and the compress itself will dry out quickly. It is also necessary to properly lay the second layer - a vapor barrier, which will not allow the solution from the fabric of the first layer to erode prematurely.

    Is the procedure allowed at elevated temperatures?

    The usefulness of the compress becomes obvious only when mild cold or sore throat that occurs without an increase in body temperature. If the patient has a fever, he feels headache, general fatigue, then the use of compresses based on vodka or alcohol will lead to the opposite negative effect.

    This is explained by the ability of alcohol-based solutions to significantly increase temperature and dilate blood vessels. All this can lead to a worsening of the condition, including an increase in the area of ​​sore throat.

    Doctors do not advise patients to apply compresses until the underlying infectious disease has passed. An alcohol compress is recommended to relieve residual inflammation of the throat when other symptoms of an infectious disease are no longer observed.

    Warming a sore throat in children

    With infectious and colds Most of the cases are children. Moreover, in relation to children, the indications for use have several restrictions. One of the main ones is the age limit. Children under the age of three are strictly prohibited from using alcohol compresses to warm their throats, as this can lead to negative consequences.

    For children under three years old, it is worth considering options with alternative ways.Anti-inflammatory compresses can be based on the following safe compositions:

    • cottage cheese;
    • vinegar;
    • camphor oil;
    • salt.

    For children over three years of age, the use of an alcohol base is permitted, but it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of the skin of children. Under the influence of a strong alcohol solution, the delicate skin of children is easily burned and injured, so to prevent negative consequences It is worth lubricating the neck area with baby cream.

    If a child complains of a strong burning sensation, the bandage must be removed immediately. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not tighten the bandage too much, dislodge it or remove it.

    When preparing a solution for a compress, you should choose store-bought vodka, since for a child the strength should be lower than for adults. The procedure time is much shorter - no more than 2 hours. After removing the bandage, the neck area should be wrapped in a warm scarf.

    Compress during pregnancy

    Infectious diseases can bring a lot of problems to pregnant women, because treatment with potent synthetic drugs is extremely undesirable. Especially in the first two trimesters, the activity of some drug components can harm the fetus, easily crossing the placental barrier. Abuse medications fraught pathological changes in fetal development, disruptions in nervous system, heart defects, etc.

    IN this period It is most beneficial to act on the inflamed lesion locally using a warming bandage, without causing harm to the fetus. But it is worth considering the need to consult with your doctor. The use of alcohol applications can lead to increased blood pressure, which also affects the tone of the uterus. All this is fraught with consequences, including pregnancy failure or miscarriage. To reduce the strength of alcohol or vodka, it is recommended to dilute them with water.


    An alcohol and vodka compress for a sore throat is only a restorative remedy after passing acute forms sore throats and infectious diseases. Thus, the occurrence of laryngitis or pharyngitis with elevated temperature is already a contraindication to the use of applications with a strong and irritating composition. Additional warming at an elevated temperature of the inflamed area is likely to worsen the course of the disease.

    When performing applications on children and pregnant women, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions and monitor the time of the procedure.

Doctors appreciated the healing power of heat back in ancient times. One such solution is an alcohol compress made from vodka, which has a deep warming effect. Diluted ethyl alcohol does not burn the skin and is not harsh. unpleasant smell, like some other warming preparations, so vodka compresses are suitable for almost everyone. They can be given even to pregnant women and children over 3 years old (if there are no additional contraindications).

Choice of alcohol base. At home, a compress is made from vodka or pure ethyl (can be medical) alcohol diluted with water to 40%. Moonshine in this case is undesirable because it contains harmful impurities. To avoid skin irritation, the strength of the alcohol base should not exceed 40 degrees. Further on in the article, the terms vodka (from vodka) and alcohol (from alcohol) mean one product.

Operating principle. In the area to which the alcohol compress is applied, blood vessels dilate, blood flow increases, the removal of toxins is accelerated, and the tissues are saturated with oxygen. Such compresses relieve pain, inflammation and swelling.

In addition, alcohol is an excellent solvent. If you add healing herbal extracts to vodka (alcohol) intended for a compress, then useful material absorbed into blood vessels much faster.

What does it help with? Vodka (alcohol) compresses are recommended for the following diseases:

  • cough, sore throat and sore throat (except for the purulent form);
  • colds and hypothermia, if there is no temperature;
  • otitis (except for the purulent form);
  • joint pain;
  • bruises, sprains and muscles;
  • bumps that appear after injections;
  • the appearance of corns;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins and gout;
  • radiculitis and back pain.

Contraindications to the use of vodka compresses

Vodka compresses should not be used in cases where the body temperature is above 36.9° C, in children under 3 years of age, and also in the presence of:

  • oncological diseases;
  • purulent otitis;
  • purulent sore throat;
  • bronchitis;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases;
  • skin damage, open wounds, ulcers, trophic ulcers;
  • allergic rashes.

How to make an alcohol compress

Vodka compresses, regardless of which part of the body they are applied to, have the same structure:

  • the bottom layer is cotton or linen fabric, which is moistened with vodka or ethyl alcohol diluted to 40 degrees, and then wrung out well;
  • middle layer– polyethylene or special waxed (so-called compress) paper;
  • the top layer is warm woolen fabric.

To keep the wet layer from cooling, the middle layer should be 2 cm wider and longer than the bottom one, and the top layer should be 2 cm wider and longer than the middle one. If the patient feels chills, it means that the alcohol compress was placed incorrectly: the lower layer is not tightly covered by the upper ones.

When treating a child or person with sensitive skin The place where the vodka compress will be placed is pre-lubricated with olive oil or baby cream. For children from 3 to 7 years old, vodka can be diluted with water to 20-25 degrees. The compress is fixed on top with a bandage so that all three layers are held firmly, but the bandage does not press on the vessels and does not interfere with blood flow.

The duration of action of any alcohol compress is 2–4 hours. If it is applied at night, the person can keep the bandage on until the morning, but during the day it is advisable to periodically renew the alcohol base.

Features of vodka compresses for various diseases

For sore throat. A vodka compress is placed on the neck. In no case should it cover the area in front where the thyroid. After the compress is removed, you need to stay warm for 12 hours. An alcohol compress promotes the transition of a dry cough into a wet one, improving sputum separation.

For a cold. If, during hypothermia or a cold, the body temperature does not rise above 36.9 ° C, you can put a vodka compress on the chest or back. To enhance the effect, you can lubricate the corresponding area of ​​skin with goose fat before the procedure.

For otitis media (in the ear). To warm up the ear during otitis media, the most important thing is that liquid does not get into the ear canal. Therefore, it is better to make a compress not in one piece, but to cut a hole in it for the auricle.

A square with a side of 7–9 cm is cut out of cotton or linen fabric, a hole is made in the middle, the fabric is soaked in vodka (alcohol) and put on the ear. Wax paper is placed on top and a cotton pad is placed on it. The front part of the compress can be attached to the cheek with an adhesive tape. The compress is fixed with a bandage, which is wrapped around the head and tied under the chin. A warm scarf or wide woolen scarf is worn on top. It is recommended to keep this compress for no more than 4 hours.

For joint pain. Due to the warming effect, vodka compresses are good for inflammation and pain in the joints. If the pain is very severe, you can use a method that is often recommended by sports doctors:

  • smear the sore spot with Vishnevsky ointment (balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky);
  • Apply a vodka compress on top.

For bruises, sprains and ligaments. A vodka compress can be applied no earlier than one day after the injury: on the first day, only cold lotions are applied.

For bumps that appear after injections. As a result of injections, very painful hardenings – lumps – appear on the buttocks. They will resolve much more quickly if you lubricate the problem areas with baby cream at night, and stick small alcohol compresses on top with a band-aid (a cotton pad is used as the top layer of such a compress). The remedy will be more effective if you alternate it with cakes made from honey and rye flour. Such cakes should be kept for no more than 2–3 hours.

For corns. In order to get rid of corns, you need to dissolve 100 grams of table or sea ​​salt and keep your feet in this bath for 15–20 minutes. Then dry your feet well, apply a piece of cotton cloth soaked in vodka to both soles, put plastic bags on your feet, cotton socks on top, and wool socks on them. In the morning, corns can be easily removed using pumice. After the procedure, your feet should be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

For thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and gout. Vodka compresses not only relieve pain during subcutaneous thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and gout, but also contribute to the resorption of “stars”. It is recommended to apply compresses at night, after a contrast shower. It is best to use not ordinary vodka as a liquid for a compress, but a tincture of flowers or fruits of horse chestnut, acacia flowers.

For radiculitis. Alcohol compresses are quite effective in relieving pain from radiculitis. After a warming compress, it is not recommended to leave the room for 12 hours.

Even more strong effect has a mixture of 150 g of vodka, 100 g of honey and 50 g of aloe juice. A compress with this composition is applied to the back and lower back in the evening, before bed, and washed off in the morning with warm water.

Attention! Self-medication can be harmful to health. Consult your doctor before use.