Louise hey anemia. Great quotes from great people. Louise Hay

The idea that every disease has its own psychological and emotional causes arose a long time ago. The best healers have spoken about this for thousands of years. For many centuries, healers have tried to determine the connection between the psychological state of the human body and its physical illness.

Louise Hay's unique table of diseases is a real clue that helps to identify the cause of psychological level and find a shortcut to eliminate the disease.

When thinking about the health of the body, people often overlook the need to ensure the health of the soul. They forget to ask themselves questions about how pure their thoughts and emotions are, do they live in harmony with themselves? Proverb in healthy body healthy mind is not entirely true, because comfort on a psychological level is even more important. These two components that determine the health of the body cannot be considered separately, and only a measured, calm, comfortable life will be the key to physical health.

There are often situations when a person with some pathology needs the wrong therapeutic assistance, as in psychological. This fact has been confirmed by leading medical practitioners. The close correlation in the human body between its physical and psychological health proven and officially recognized. The direction of medical psychology considers these aspects within the framework of psychosomatics. The table of psychosomatic diseases was created by a leading specialist and unique woman, Louise Hay, and will help anyone determine the cause of the disease and help themselves.

Louise Hay's table of diseases and their psychosomatic causes was developed and created by her with a single goal - helping people. This woman can be called a pioneer in the study of the emotional and psychological causes of many pathologies that worsen human health.

Search similar reasons she had every right. Her life was very difficult, even from early childhood. As a child, she experienced and experienced constant violence. Youth also cannot be called a simple period in her life. After a forced termination of pregnancy, doctors informed her of infertility. In the end, Louise Hay was abandoned by her husband after many years of marriage. Ultimately, the woman learns that she has uterine cancer; this news did not shock or destroy her. During this time, she considered metaphysics, meditated, composed, and then experienced positive affirmations that carried a positive charge.

As a lecturer and consultant, she communicated with many parishioners of the Church of the Science of the Mind, and already knew how constant self-doubt and self-confidence, resentment and negative thoughts with a negative charge systematically ruined her life and affected her physical condition.

Studying information sources, she realized that her illness, uterine cancer, did not arise by chance; there is a reasonable explanation for this:

  1. Oncological disease always devours a person and reflects the inability to let go of an unpleasant situation.
  2. Diseases of the uterus reflect feelings of unfulfillment of oneself as a woman, mother, and caretaker of the family hearth. Often arise against the background of the inability to withstand humiliation from a sexual partner.

Similar descriptions are given in Louise Hay's table of diseases and their root causes. Having identified the causes of her own pathology, she found an effective tool for healing - Louise's affirmations. True affirmations helped a woman overcome a serious illness in just 3 months, doctors confirmed this with a medical report. Laboratory research showed that the growth of tumor cells was stopped.

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This moment proves that psychological reasons illnesses do exist, and aspects of emotional and physical health are tightly connected. After this, psychologist Louise Hay had a goal; she began to share her experience and existing knowledge with like-minded people who need help and support. Louise Hay identifies the causes of illness very accurately, and her unique tables of diseases confirm this.

A world-famous woman who miraculously found healing travels around the world giving various lectures. He introduces his readers and like-minded people to his developments, writes his personal column in a well-known magazine, and broadcasts on television. Louise Hay's complete table of illnesses will help a person find affirmations and get help. Her technique has helped many people, they have understood themselves, received answers to their questions and healed themselves.

Is it possible to be healed?

Her works are structured in a rather unique way; the book begins with a voluminous section in which Louise examines psychosomatic diseases and them causal factors. She herself understands and tries to explain to her reader that many of the existing reasons that doctors use are outdated.

Understanding the psychosomatics of Louise Hay is quite difficult to the common man. She tries to explain that people themselves form stereotypes as follows:

  • remembering childhood psychological traumas;
  • neglecting oneself;
  • living in dislike with oneself;
  • being rejected by society;
  • melting fears and resentments in the soul.

Louise Hay: “Psychosomatics is the main cause of disease, and only by reviewing this aspect can you improve your emotional, psychological and ultimately physical situation.”

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Treatment and gaining health depends on the desire of the person. The individual must want to help himself first. Louise Hay described in the table possible reasons diseases and imparted tips, answered questions on how to treat the disease. In order to get rid of a disease, you need to destroy its emotional source. Until the patient finds the true causes of his problems, the disease will not disappear.

Affirmations, according to Hay, are a trigger for change. From this moment on, the person himself takes responsibility for what happens to him.

  1. Affirmations can be taken from the list given in Louise Hay's table or created personally.
  2. It is important that there is no particle “not” in the text of the scripture. This important point, the human subconscious can turn such an affirmation around and produce the opposite effect.
  3. Say the text out loud every day as often as possible.
  4. Post the text with the affirmation around the house.

You need to work with affirmations as often as possible; this will speed up the process of positive psychological changes.

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We work with the table according to the rules!

The table lists the names of diseases in alphabetical order. You need to work with it as follows:

  1. Find the name of the pathology.
  2. Define emotional reason, it must not be easily read, but understood fully. Without awareness there will be no effect of treatment
  3. The third column contains a positive affirmation that needs to be spoken until you feel better.
  4. After a short period of time, the first result will be achieved.
Abscess (ulcer) Disturbing thoughts of resentment, neglect and revenge. I give my thoughts freedom. The past is over. My soul is at peace.
Adenoids Friction in the family, disputes. A child who feels unwanted. This child is needed, desired and adored.
Alcoholism “Who needs this?” Feelings of futility, guilt, inadequacy. Rejection of one's own personality. I live in today. Every moment brings something new. I want to understand what my value is. I love myself and approve of my actions.
Allergies (See also: “Hay fever”) Who can't you stand? Denial of one's own power. The world is not dangerous, it is a friend. I am not in any danger. I have no disagreements with life.
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for 6 or more months) (See also: “ Women's diseases" and "Menstruation") Reluctance to be a woman. Self-hatred. I am happy that I am who I am. I am the perfect expression of life and my period always goes smoothly.
Amnesia (memory loss) Fear. Escapism. Inability to stand up for yourself. I always have intelligence, courage and a high appreciation of my own personality. Living is safe.
Sore throat (See also: “Throat”, “Tonsillitis”) You hold back from using harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself. I throw away all restrictions and find the freedom to be myself.
Anemia (anemia) Relationships like “Yes, but...” Lack of joy. Fear of life. Feeling unwell. It doesn't hurt me to feel joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
Sickle cell anemia Believing in your own inferiority deprives you of the joy of life. The child inside you lives, breathing in the joy of life and feeding on love. The Lord works miracles every day.
Anorectal bleeding (blood in stool) Anger and disappointment. I trust the process of life. Only the right and beautiful things happen in my life.
Anus ( anus) (See also: “Hemorrhoids”) Inability to get rid of accumulated problems, grievances and emotions. It’s easy and pleasant for me to get rid of everything that I no longer need in life.
Anus: abscess (ulcer) Anger at something you want to get rid of. Disposal is completely safe. My body leaves only what I no longer need in my life.
Anus: fistula Incomplete disposal of waste. Reluctance to part with the garbage of the past. I'm happy to part with the past. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: itching Feeling guilty about the past. I happily forgive myself. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: pain Guilt. Desire for punishment. The past is over. I choose love and approve of myself and everything I do now.
Apathy Resistance to feelings. Suppression of emotions. Fear. Feeling is safe. I'm moving towards life. I strive to overcome the trials of life.
Appendicitis Fear. Fear of life. Blocking out all the good stuff. I'm safe. I relax and let the flow of life happily flow on.
Appetite (loss) (See also: "Lack of appetite") Fear. Self-defense. Distrust of life. I love and approve of myself. Nothing threatens me. Life is joyful and safe.
Appetite (excessive) Fear. Need for protection. Condemnation of emotions. I'm safe. There is no threat to my feelings.
Arteries The joy of life flows through the arteries. Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life. I am filled with joy. It spreads through me with every heartbeat.
Arthritis of the fingers Desire for punishment. Self-blame. It feels like you are a victim. I look at everything with love and understanding. I view all the events of my life through the prism of love.
Arthritis (See also: “Joints”) The feeling of not being loved. Criticism, resentment. I am the love. Now I will love myself and approve of my actions. I look at other people with love.
Asthma Inability to breathe for one's own good. Feeling depressed. Holding back sobs. Now you can calmly take your life into own hands. I choose freedom.
Asthma in infants and older children Fear of life. Not wanting to be here. This child is in complete safety, they love him.
Atherosclerosis Resistance. Tension. Unshakable stupidity. Refusal to see the good. I am completely open to life and joy. Now I look at everything with love.
Hips (upper part) Stable body support. The main mechanism when moving forward. Long live the hips! Every day is filled with joy. I stand on my own two feet and use it. freedom.
Hips: diseases Fear of moving forward in implementing major decisions. Lack of purpose. My resilience is absolute. I move forward through life easily and joyfully at any age.
Beli (See also: “Women’s diseases”, “Vaginitis”) The belief that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex. Anger at your partner. It is I who create the situations in which I find myself. The power over me is myself. My femininity makes me happy. I am free.
Whiteheads The desire to hide an ugly appearance. I consider myself beautiful and loved.
Infertility Fear and resistance to the life process or lack of need to gain parental experience. I believe in life. Doing the right thing in right time, I am always where I need to be. I love and approve of myself.
Insomnia Fear. Distrust in the life process. Guilt. I leave this day with love and give myself over to peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself.
Rabies Anger. The belief that the only answer is violence. The world settled in me and around me.
Side amyotrophic sclerosis(Lou Gehrig's disease; Russian term: Charcot's disease) Lack of desire to recognize one's own worth. Non-recognition of success. I know that I am standing man. Achieving success is safe for me. Life loves me.
Addison's disease ( chronic failure adrenal cortex) (See also: “Adrenal glands: diseases”) Acute emotional hunger. Self-directed anger. I lovingly take care of my body, thoughts, emotions.
Alzheimer's disease (a type of presenile dementia) (See also: “Dementia” and “Old Age”) Reluctance to accept the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger. There's always a newer one, The best way Enjoying life. I forgive and consign the past to oblivion. I

I give myself over to joy.

If gastritis develops, psychosomatics becomes the most important factor determining the course of the disease. Many people say that the causes of most pathologies should be sought in the head. traditional healers and philosophers. The use of psychosomatic treatment methods has helped many people get rid of various diseases.

Psychosomatic approach

Currently, a specific treatment area that connects the etiology of most diseases with human psychosomatics is widely popular. The theory, recognized in many countries, was developed by famous healer Louise Hay. She convincingly proves that the disease is caused by mental disorders, and psycho-emotional factors are decisive.

What can be common between gastritis and psychosomatics? Gastritis combines several gastric pathologies of different etiology and pathogenesis associated with inflammatory-dystrophic lesions of the stomach. Disease - inflammatory reaction in the mucous membrane, causing digestive dysfunction and painful sensations. Pathology can be generated by various exogenous and endogenous factors, among which the most prominent infectious lesion(bacteria Helicobacter pylori), unhealthy diet, alcohol and smoking, poisoning and intoxication.

Psychosomatics is usually understood as 2 main directions - the provoking effect of psycho-emotional factors on the development of diseases and psychosomatic pathologies that are caused by mental disorders. In the first case, the neurogenic factor enhances the impact of the underlying causes and helps trigger the etiological mechanism. In terms of gastritis, this direction is not disputed by anyone and is confirmed by research. Stressful situations and psychological overload contribute to the disorder metabolic processes and provoke the production of inflammatory mediators.

Adherents of this theory go much further. They attribute gastritis to a psychosomatic pathology, arguing that the mental state underlies the etiological mechanism, and other factors only help trigger it. Even the discovery of the infectious nature of most cases of gastritis could not refute such assumptions. The argument is simple: Helicobacter is present in the stomach of almost all people, but not everyone gets sick. The causative agent of the disease begins to actively develop in the presence of psychosomatic factor.

There is constant debate among scientists about this theory, but it is necessary to note an indisputable fact: the participation of a psychotherapist in treatment gastrointestinal diseases often gives positive results.

Psychosomatic mechanism

What is the main difference between unconventional theory and the traditional approach? In medicine, it is generally accepted that the inflammatory reaction of the gastric mucosa is pathological process, which must be combated to eliminate the disease. L. Hay and her supporters argue that gastritis ( inflammatory process) is only a symptom of a psychological disorder, i.e. a signal about the presence of problems in the nervous system. The theoretical prerequisites for this conclusion are associated with the presence in the gastric mucosa large quantity nerve endings (receptors) that respond to various influences inside the organ, transmitting signals to the brain, which ensures the regulation of the digestive process.

If there is a direct connection, there must also be a feedback.

It is assumed that emotional condition nervous system is able to generate certain signals that arrive at receptors, changing the digestive process.

Long-term exposure to such signals can provoke serious gastric pathologies, incl. gastritis. The root cause of the disease is the accumulation of certain negative emotions.

Etiology of the phenomenon

According to some famous psychologists and healers, the psychosomatics of gastritis is caused by the following main negative conditions:

  1. Louise Hay especially highlights the long-term uncertain (suspended) state of a person and the feeling of doom. Healing is facilitated by self-hypnosis about love and self-respect, determination, and confidence in one’s safety.
  2. V. Zhikarentsev is convinced that the causes of gastritis are self-doubt, uncertainty of the state, and fatalism. Such therapeutic training is offered when a person is satisfied with himself and is completely safe.
  3. Liz Burbo is sure that gastritis arises in a person who experiences negative emotions, especially constant anger.
  4. Guru Ar Santem offers his reasons - sarcasm, causticity, frequent ridicule.

Most psychologists agree that people with the following characteristics are at increased risk of developing gastritis:

  1. Tendency to constant despondency and a feeling of doom.
  2. Assessing one's own importance based on the successes achieved. In the absence of noticeable achievements, a person develops a feeling of envy, leading to increased irritability.
  3. Frequent suppression of frustration and irritation from hostility and underestimation of the individual.
  4. Recent outburst of anger.
  5. A feeling of horror and fear of novelty. Such a person cannot adapt to the new circumstances that have arisen in his life.
  6. Strong feelings in the form of fear, hatred, aggressiveness.
  7. Sensitive response to problems and showing concern.
  8. Shyness when forced to receive help, shyness. Suppression of love.
  9. Feeling of own guilt.
  10. Contained aggression.

Often the cause of gastric pathologies is prolonged overexertion caused by anxiety or fear. Long-term worries about family troubles and problems at work contribute to the appearance of gastritis.

Treatment principles

When developing a treatment regimen for any psychosomatic illness, it is important to understand that it develops as a result of the inability to normally express one’s own negative feelings, regulate emotions, and the presence of a low threshold of emotional response. These circumstances cause inadequate brain signals that accumulate in mucosal receptors. A state of psychological safety and emotional relaxation is achieved during proper sleep, eliminating the causes of psychological overload, and eliminating symptoms of gastric discomfort.

Treatment of psychosomatic gastritis is based on the following principles:

  1. Elimination of objective causes of abnormal mental state, if any. It is important to improve relationships in the family and in the immediate environment, and to smooth out problems at work. If it is not possible to normalize relations, then steps will have to be taken to change conditions (change of place of residence or work, divorce or marriage, birth of a child, etc.).
  2. Lifestyle optimization. It is necessary to provide a combination of active, physical actions And good rest. A vacation at sea, in the mountains, or in nature wouldn’t hurt. Frequent walks help fresh air, playing sports. The most important condition- ensuring normal sleep.
  3. Help from a psychotherapist. Through appropriate psychological treatment, the doctor ensures an increase in the threshold of emotional response, elimination of unreasonable negative emotions And mental disorders. His task becomes the correct manifestation negative reactions without excessive overload of the nervous system.
  4. Independent psychological training, self-persuasion.

An important role in the treatment of gastritis psychosomatics is assigned to a psychotherapist, psychiatrist or psychologist. A doctor, talking with a sick person, must establish the basic psychosomatic cause diseases and develop treatment tactics. Most often, treatment is based on psychological sessions, during which he establishes trusting contact with the patient and convinces him that negative emotions are unfounded. It is important to raise the patient’s level of self-esteem. In advanced forms of mental disorders it is carried out drug therapy when disorders are suppressed by special drugs.

Most experts believe that you can fight the psychosomatics of gastritis on your own. This is how Louise Hay bases her treatment on the principles of self-hypnosis. The patient convinces himself of his own worth by saying certain phrases out loud, and he must be convinced of the effectiveness of the technique. Self-hypnosis is based on the following phrases:

  1. I am absolutely calm and can always be myself.
  2. Life is beautiful and filled with joy, and thoughts are directed in the right direction.
  3. I leave all the bad things in the past and forgive my offenders.
  4. I love life in any manifestation and am confident in the appearance happy events.
  5. Everyone deserves good attitude, fate will reward you.
  6. Thoughts and actions are correct and noble.

These phrases can be slightly altered for ease of pronunciation, but it is important to preserve their meaning.

They must be said at least 2 times a day - in the morning after waking up and before going to bed. We must believe that psychological problems will be able to win. If you lack such confidence, you should consult a psychologist.

Despite the controversy surrounding the psychosomatic etiology of gastritis, psychological treatment has proven its effectiveness. Numerous positive reviews indicate the effectiveness of this method of treatment.

1. GASTRITIS- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Long stay in limbo. Feeling of doom.

I love and value myself. I am brave and calm, I am confident in myself and the safety of my life.

2. GASTRITIS- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Long-term uncertainty, uncertainty. Feeling of rock.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I love and approve of myself. I'm safe.

3. GASTRITIS- (Liz Burbo)

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, so see the article, with the addition that a person with gastritis is experiencing or has experienced some kind of strong anger. See also explanation " features of inflammatory diseases».

4. GASTRITIS- (Guru Ar Santem)


Acrimony, irony, sarcasm, barbed ridicule.

This type of behavior occurs a lot in today's world. Why doesn't everyone have ulcers?

The energetic mechanism of communication, in which both interlocutors are internally closed, ready to be sarcastic and exchange barbs, resembles a duel between two knights. Both have put on armor and are trying to reach each other with swords. In this case, they do not take offense at each other, because they play by the same rules of communication, they were taught this way by their upbringing, they live by it and accept causticity as the norm.

Diseases arise when sarcasm is directed at a person who lives according to different laws, who is open, vulnerable, and who does not accept a fight as a form of communication. He has the right to be offended if such energy was directed at him, but he gave no reason for this. The natural laws of our planet are on his side.

Thought is material, it is embodied in our affairs, in relationships with people, in our illnesses and general well-being.

This statement in Lately surprises almost no one and finds many supporters. The thinkers and healers of antiquity shared the same opinion.

Psychosomatics is a science located at the intersection of medicine and psychology, believes that the connection between soul and body is so strong that unstable emotions and unbalanced human behavior lead to the appearance of diseases.

Who is Louise Hay?

One of the authorities in psychosomatics is Louise Hay, an American researcher of this problem. She experienced first-hand the mechanisms of disease occurrence.

She was diagnosed with uterine cancer, which this woman dealt with in a few months. Such a successful cure was preceded by a long journey of reflection and analysis of one’s own life.

Louise Hay knew about negative impact unresolved problems and unspoken grievances against even the strongest organism.

Louise Hay, who turned to psychosomatics, came to the conclusion that her illness arose as a result of her inability to let go of the situation, due to her beliefs in her own inferiority as a woman.

She chose affirmations as her beliefs - beliefs compiled according to special rules.

These affirmations, repeated over several months, made her healthy person and a confident woman.

Louise Hay did not stop there, she decided to help other people and began to promote her experience.

Based on the results of her research, she compiled a table of the causes of diseases, known as the Louise Hay table, which draws a connection between the disease and a person’s emotional problems.

Louise Hay table - what is it?

The stereotypes of our thinking are formed on the negative experiences a person has received. This postulate of psychosomatics and the table of diseases are closely related to each other.

If you change these old beliefs, you can completely get rid of many problems and illnesses. Each incorrect setting leads to the appearance of a specific disease:

  • cancer is an old grudge;
  • thrush - subconscious rejection of your sexual partner;
  • cystitis – containment of negative emotions;
  • allergy - reluctance to accept something or someone into your life, perhaps even yourself;
  • problems with thyroid gland– dissatisfaction with the quality of life.

Louise Hay believes that the cause of the disease will disappear after a person realizes the emotional problem. The disease does not appear just like that; it is sent to every person so that he thinks about its psychological causes. Louise Hay's table is intended to facilitate these searches.

Table of diseases Louise Hay

  1. First you need to find your problem in the first column, where diseases are arranged in alphabetical order.
  2. On the right is probable cause leading to illness. This information should be read carefully and be sure to think and comprehend. Without such elaboration, you should not use this table.
  3. In the third column you need to find an affirmation that corresponds to the problem and repeat this positive belief several times throughout the day.

The positive effect will not be long in coming - the established mental balance will lead to an improvement in health.


Probable Cause


In this book, Louise Hay writes that we create all diseases for ourselves, and we ourselves are able to treat them with our thoughts. Thoughts are material, this is no longer a secret to anyone. But it’s not enough to know that thoughts are material; you also need to learn how to constantly direct them in the right direction, not allow negative thoughts into your head, and try to always be positive.

With the help of the techniques and affirmations that the author of the book reveals to us, we can gradually get rid of many negative stereotypes that are firmly entrenched in our heads and prevent us from living calmly and happily, without illness.

Stress accompanies a person throughout his life: divorce, health problems of a loved one, failures at work and other negative conditions lead to a decrease in immunity and the development of serious diseases.

The gastrointestinal tract is most vulnerable to states of anxiety, aggression, apathy, fatigue and uncertainty. Through organs digestive tract In addition to food, a person also misses his suppressed negative emotions and problems. Often people who suffer from neurotic conditions suffer from inflammation of the stomach - gastritis.

Psychosomatics: what is it

Translated from Greek, psychosomatics is the science of the soul and body, the body’s reactions to the patient’s internal conflict. Disorders of human organs as a result of various psychological states, are called somatic symptoms.

Gastritis: psychosomatics of the disease

A state of uncertainty, uncertainty about the future, and excessive demands on oneself forces a person to be in constant stress. This leads to stomach spasms and a chronic disorder of the organ - gastritis - develops. The psychosomatics of this disease are so pronounced that an experienced doctor can easily determine the location of the problem. This will happen immediately after compilation psychological portrait sick.

Most often, psychosomatic gastritis occurs some time after a serious shock, which also indicates the relationship between a person’s mental and physical state.

Psychosomatics of gastritis according to the books of Louise Hay

Louise Hay is a renowned author who has created several motivational self-help books that have become bestsellers around the world. In her books, Louise talks about the power of thought in the fight for health and life.

Louise's main goal is to convey to people that “our thoughts and feelings create the world around us, and it is not the world that creates our mood and views on the future. Reason is our death and our salvation."

In the table of diseases in the section “Gastritis: Psychosomatics,” Louise Hay indicates a state of uncertainty in the present and hopelessness in the future as the main cause of stomach pathology. A person who does not have clear ideas about life goals and about his destiny, cannot see the future in bright colors - against this background, neurotic states arise, such as apathy, depression, panic attacks, self-doubt, etc.

In order to get out of a stressful state, the writer offers a kind of mantra: “I love and approve of myself. I'm safe". New approach to the worldview, serves as a tool in the process of accepting oneself and one’s “I”.

According to Louise Hay, after the patient is able to accept his shortcomings, decide on goals in life and look to the future with confidence, health problems, including gastritis, will recede. The psychosomatics of this disease is not as complex as it seems at first glance. Many followers of the famous writer note real positive changes in the fight for their health.

Gastritis (psychosomatics): causes of the disease

The causes of psychosomatic conditions are such conditions as:

  • Severe stress.
  • Diffidence.
  • A state of prolonged uncertainty.
  • Anger. Especially if the state of anger is constantly suppressed.
  • Excessive irritability.
  • Apathy.
  • Despair.
  • Cruelty towards yourself and others.
  • Self-pity.
  • Lack of motivation (laziness).

Somatic in children

Children's bodies are most sensitive to stressful situations: conflict between parents, moving, cruel treatment by kindergarten teachers, misunderstandings with peers - all this can provoke health problems.

Many parents are probably familiar with the phrase “ adaptation period"- the child was active, cheerful, never got sick, but after he went to kindergarten, everything has changed. Negative reaction It didn’t take long for children to react to an unfamiliar team and a new environment - constant sick leave, poor appetite and sleep became the baby’s eternal companions.

In such cases, educators most often advise waiting until the child gets used to it, which is fundamentally wrong. If a child is experiencing severe stress and he begins to develop somatic symptoms, then parents urgently need to contact a child psychologist. If parents decide to wait it out and leave the baby alone with their problems, then in the future the child may develop neurotic conditions and related serious illnesses internal organs.

The psychosomatics of gastritis in children is practically no different from adults:

  • A state of severe stress.
  • Constantly searching for someone who will support and regret.
  • The mood often changes - from fun and laughter to tears and anger.
  • Cruelty and uncontrollable aggression.
  • Irritability over trifles.
  • Apathy.

Treatment of gastritis in the presence of somatic symptoms

If pain occurs in the stomach area, the patient goes to the clinic, where he undergoes a drug course of treatment for the gastrointestinal tract, including treatment for gastritis. The psychosomatics of the disease are extremely rarely of interest to doctors, so the patient has to suffer from frequent exacerbations of the disease throughout his life. This can lead to aggravation of the condition and the development of complications such as ulcers or oncology.

In some cases, when frequent relapses diseases of the gastric mucosa, the doctor can refer the patient to a psychotherapist, where the psychosomatics of gastritis will be identified.

Treatment for somatic symptoms takes place under the supervision of a specialist and requires a long time. First of all, the psychotherapist analyzes the occurrence of frequent exacerbations of gastritis by interviewing the patient. Based on the conversation, the doctor selects treatment tactics: medication or psychological.

If the patient has neurotic disorders, panic attacks, depressive states, then in addition psychological assistance, a specialist conducts a medicinal course of treatment aimed at suppressing negative personality disorders.

Psychological assistance consists of supporting the patient and enabling the person to deal with internal conflict. The work of a psychotherapist is aimed at overcoming emotional experiences and finding a way out of a stressful situation.

Most often, after a full course of treatment, the disease goes into a state of long-term remission and may not manifest itself throughout life.

Diseases are afraid of positive people

Although people have been talking about the influence of negative emotions on a person’s physical condition since the time of Aristotle, our society still associates turning to a psychotherapist as something shameful. Compatriots should learn from the citizens of Europe, where a personal psychologist is a fairly common phenomenon.

As James Allen said, “No one can cure the ills of the body better than a cheerful thought; goodwill is an incomparable comforter, dispelling all traces of grief and sadness.”