Microlax for colic in newborns. Microlax is a microenema, allowed from the first days of life, to solve the problem of constipation in infants. How long can Microlax be used for newborns?

Very often, about two weeks after birth, babies begin to have digestive problems and their tummy begins to hurt. And if the baby is on artificial feeding, then in addition to intestinal colic constipation may also be added. Therefore, in this situation, many mothers resort to the advice of friends and old grandmother’s methods, which include vent pipe, inserted into anal hole a piece of soap, an enema or a glycerin suppository. However, such methods do not always work, the baby screams, cries and is capricious, and mothers are nervous, worried and panic. And in the current situation, when it is necessary to use some more reliable method to improve the child’s condition, we have to resort to the use of modern medications. Therefore, parents have another difficult question: how to choose a safe and high-quality drug that will not only help the child cope with the problem, but also will not harm. In this article we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of enemas and Microlax suppositories, which have become very popular in Lately.

Instructions for use

Microlax enemas for newborns have many advantages compared to other laxatives, but if used incorrectly, this product can also cause harm. Therefore, parents should know everything about how to use Microlax, in what cases it can help, and for what problems this drug should not be used. We advise you to read the instructions and be sure to consult your doctor before use.

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Microlax for newborns

A child who has just been born has not yet fully developed functions gastrointestinal tract, enzyme system does not work well, muscles are underdeveloped small intestine. This is what causes intestinal colic. And if the baby is bottle-fed, then in addition to colic, he may develop constipation, which is easily eliminated in breastfed babies by the mother’s diet.

According to doctors, a person's intestines should be emptied daily, but this is ideal. In fact, all people go to the toilet differently, some every day, while others only once every four days. The same is true for children's bodies. Only a newborn child can go to the toilet eight times a day, but by the age of one year, bowel movements become less frequent, up to three times a day.

However, it happens that the baby cannot go to the toilet for several days. As a result, the baby begins to be capricious, pain appears in his stomach, which subsides after the gases pass. Baby's stool resembles sheep's stool and is hard and dry. All this indicates that the child has become constipated.

Children who eat formula are at increased risk of developing constipation. Therefore, the Microlax enema in this case becomes simply irreplaceable. An additional advantage of using this drug in newborns is that it does not have side effects. A microenema may not be suitable for a child only in case of individual intolerance to the drug.

Benefits of using microenemas

The laxative Microlax has several undeniable advantages, which include:

  1. Ease of use. The drug is available in convenient soft tubes with a rectal tip (the method of use is described below).
  2. Safe components included in the composition. The product consists of sorbitol, sorbitol, sodium citrate and glycerin. Under their influence, stool begins to liquefy, and the intestines quickly empty.
  3. Fairly quick impact. The effect occurs within 15 minutes after administration of Microlax. However, stool can be observed after half an hour to an hour.
  4. Microlax enema has an effect (acts) at the local level. The drug is absorbed only in accumulated feces and the walls of the rectum. The components of Microlax do not enter the bloodstream, so they cannot have any effect. negative influence on the body as a whole.
  5. Acceptable price. Today you can buy a package of four microenemas at almost any pharmacy for only 200 rubles. Which is quite affordable for parents of newborn children.

For children over one year old

In children older than one year, Microlax can also be used successfully, as in newborns. At this age, children are very reluctant to allow candles to be inserted into their butts and enemas to be given. But there are many reasons for constipation in children aged two to three years. We can list just a few of them, which are the most common:

  1. Poor nutrition. The baby's diet should contain a lot of raw fruits and vegetables, bread, dried fruits, fermented milk products, vegetable oil, better than olive.
  2. Parents' mistakes. If a child has problems with stool associated with impaired colon motility, then he should be fed in a special way. It is necessary to exclude from his diet jelly, broth, compotes from quince, pear and blueberry, pomegranate and strong tea.
  3. Violation of bowel movements. If the baby cannot go to the toilet at the same time, then parents should start putting him on the potty every morning, immediately after the baby has had breakfast. After some time, the child will get used to “sitting” on the potty and he will develop a certain routine.
  4. Lack of fluid. If there is little fluid in the child’s body, this will inevitably lead to constipation. Therefore, the baby must be given good water. You can offer your child water, tea, juice, etc.
  5. Physiological characteristics of the child’s body. Some babies are born with pathologies such as a bent gallbladder, an extra loop in the intestine, etc. In this case, you must definitely undergo medical examination and consult a pediatric gastroenterologist.
  6. Overheating of the child. If you wrap your baby too much, he will sweat. And along with sweat, moisture will also leave the body, the lack of which leads to constipation.
  7. Hereditary factor. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, constipation can also be hereditary. Therefore, if mom or dad had people in their family who were prone to constipation, then the likelihood of constipation in the baby increases greatly.

There are many other factors that directly affect the occurrence of constipation. These include prematurity, difficulties at the time of childbirth, medication use by both the mother and the baby, decreased muscle tone, and food allergy, and much more.

General composition of the drug

Another advantage of Microlax is that its dosage cannot be exceeded, since there is a special mark on the applicator. And even if the parents inadvertently administered a little more than prescribed, the drug will still not have any negative effects. Therefore, there is no need to panic and run to see a doctor.

Microlax, as the instructions say, contains three active components, which are the main ones:

  1. Sodium citrate.
  2. Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate 70%.
  3. Sorbitol solution 70%.

And three additional components:

  1. Glycerol.
  2. Sorbic acid.
  3. Water.

If we talk about the dosage of Microlax, it is used equally in both newborns and adults - just one tube per dose. Just remember that the method of application differs - children under three years old need to insert the tip to a certain mark, but children over three years old need to insert it completely, which is also described in the instructions.

From the instructions you can learn that microenemas can be used quite often, because no cases of drug overdose have been identified. However, experts recommend refraining from daily use of the drug so that the baby can independently improve the act of defecation.

How often to take

Many mothers ask the same question - how much does it cost to use Microlax enemas and suppositories? This question can be answered as follows - Microlax is not a treatment for constipation and should only be used to emergency assistance. Therefore, your best decision would be to use the drug only when the baby cannot go to the toilet for two or three days and experiences discomfort. Don’t forget about the child’s individuality, because perhaps your little one will only need one trip to the toilet in four days.

Microlax analogs

We all know that many drugs have analogues. As for Microlax for newborns, it has no analogues in the form of a microenema. However, there are a number of products that can also be used for infants and older children. But they are all available in other dosage forms.

The following remedies can help with constipation problems:

  1. Glycerin suppositories. They also only affect colon, having a laxative effect. Their use is possible from the first days of life.
  2. "Guttalax." This product is available in the form of a suspension. However, it has an age limit (can only be taken from 2 years old) and some contraindications related to the baby’s health, all of which are also described in the instructions.
  3. "Duphalac". This drug is also available in the form of a suspension, and it can be given to children under three years of age, having carefully studied the contraindications described in the instructions.

No matter how good all the remedies for constipation are, it is best to start not with taking them, but with correcting your diet. Of course, this is not applicable for bottle-fed infants, but it is quite achievable for children who have already tasted their first complementary foods. For children suffering from constipation, it is recommended to use prune compote, freshly squeezed beetroot and carrot juice, massage the baby’s tummy, let him move actively, do not overheat him and teach him to go to the toilet by the hour. Older children can eat prunes, nibble carrots, and eat soups with beets themselves. This method much safer than taking medications.

However, it is also worth remembering that Small child not yet an adult organism with which to conduct experiments. Therefore, it is best for parents to consult a specialist who will help not only choose medicine, but also adjust the child’s lifestyle and nutrition.

The child did not poop after the enema - what is the reason

Sometimes it happens that the baby cannot poop even after Microlax. If stool does not appear an hour after use, then you need to lay the baby on his tummy and give him plain water to drink. If the baby is truly constipated, then defecation will definitely occur. But if the baby is completely calm, he is not capricious and does not cry, then, most likely, his intestines are simply not completely full yet, and there is no point in waiting for a bowel movement.

Therefore, parents should remember that Microlax must be used correctly and at the right time. If all the tips are followed, then you can achieve excellent results - the baby will not cry or strain, his sleep will normalize and his appetite will be restored.

From the very first days after birth, a newborn baby undergoes adaptation, formation digestive system. As a result, the child’s stool is formed depending on nutrition.

Description of the product: chemical composition, properties

The baby's first stool, meconium, is formed in the baby's intestines in the womb and is excreted within 2-3 days. Later the baby develops feces, as a result of processed food, which is breast milk or milk formula.

For many reasons (lack of fluid, incomplete absorption of food, immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract), a newborn child may have problems with excreting stool. This leads to abdominal pain, anxiety, and intestinal colic.

Microlax microclysters can be used from the first days of the baby’s birth

If the baby is unable to cope with the problem on his own and pass stool, then the parents should take care of this, but as carefully as possible - the intestines of a newborn are very delicate and vulnerable.

The best help in such a situation will be provided by Microlax is a mild laxative., approved for use from the first days of birth.

The drug is a mini-enema with liquid contents inside.

There are only 4 pieces in the package, each of them is for one-time use. Microenema Microlax with laxative solution has a volume of 5 ml.

Composition of Microlax

  • Sodium citrate– 90 mg. This substance is otherwise called “acid salt” and refers to the sodium salt of citric acid. IN this drug plays the role of an osmosis regulator, it stops the reabsorption of fluid (water) in the large intestine, while at the same time displacing bound water from the stool.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate 70% – 12.9 mg . Also applies to sodium salts. It has an irritating effect and helps enhance intestinal perilstatics.
  • Sorbitol solution 70% – 893 mg. Is osmotically active agent. Due to metabolization in the colon and the occurrence organic acids increases the volume of intestinal contents, thereby triggering a mechanism for increasing perilstatics.
  • Sorbic acid. An auxiliary agent that plays the role of a natural preservative.
  • Glycerol. Hygroscopic viscous liquid. It is present in the composition as an emulsifier to combine all other components and form a homogeneous mass.
  • Water.

Recently, doctors are increasingly diagnosing dysbiosis in children, so it will be useful for parents to familiarize themselves.

5 “YES” in favor of this product for newborns

The medicine can be used by all age groups. For a number of reasons, Microlax suppositories for newborns up to one year can be considered one of the most gentle laxatives.

  1. Quick effect - from the introduction of a microenema to the action in no more than 15 minutes.
  2. Easy to use, without any preparation before use.
  3. The substances that make up Microlax are not absorbed into the blood, but act purposefully to relieve constipation.
  4. Stomach and upper sections digestive tract are not affected by the action of the drug.
  5. The product is compact and sterile - just put it in your first aid kit.

Contraindications and side effects

Do not forget that the drug Microlax is indicated for a newborn only as a means of forced bowel cleansing.

Therefore, with prolonged, daily use, a symptom may occur “ lazy bowel", addiction to the drug.

This laxative is harmless in its principle of action. However, you need to be careful when using it for the first time.

Follow the dosage strictly– 1 Microlax microenema for newborns per day. In case of overdose, diarrhea, colic, and digestive disorders may occur.

Possible side effects:

  • discomfort in the rectal area (tingling, burning);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • allergic reactions.

Instructions for use

  1. First of all, the person administering the microenema needs to wash their hands. The baby's bottom should also be clean and dry.
  2. Place a diaper or soft oilcloth material under the child.
  3. Take a tube of Microlax. Without effort, with a slight movement, break off the tip cover.
  4. Squeeze out a little solution and lubricate the edge of the tip with it. You can additionally lubricate the baby's anus with baby cream.
  5. Insert the tip into the child's anus to the middle, stopping at the special mark.
  6. Gently pressing on the tube, introduce all the contents into the child’s intestines. Continuing to squeeze the tube, carefully remove it from the baby's anus.

According to the instructions for use, enema Microlax in newbornsvalid for the first 15 minutes.

While waiting for the result, give a light tummy massage. If the baby is crying, blot his bottom wet wipe. Or with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, in case the remaining product irritates the skin and mucous membranes and causes anxiety for the baby.

Budget drug substitutes

The price of Microlax for newborns is about 300 rubles. per package. Due to the objective high cost this tool, many mothers use analogues of Microlax, which significantly save the family budget. The principle of operation of each of them is significantly different.

  • Glycerin suppositories. Cost: 20-50 rub. As an option, use, but their cost starts from 140 rubles.

Suppositories that are administered rectally. For a newborn child, it is enough to administer 0.5 suppositories to obtain the desired result.

Minuses: more difficult to administer to a child, storage only in the refrigerator, hands get dirty.

A small rubber container into which warm water/herbal decoctions are filled and administered to the baby in order to liquefy the stool.

Minuses: a certain temperature of the injected liquid is required, a lot of time to prepare the procedure, painful insertion and discomfort for the child, a lot of cleaning after the procedure.

  • Lactulose syrup. They cost from 200 rubles. and higher.

Product for oral use (Normaze, Duphalac, Goodluck, Lactulose). Fights the cause of constipation, improves intestinal microflora. Gradually forms the formation of regular stool.

Minuses: approved for use no earlier than reaching 6 weeks of age, the effect of the medicine occurs within 3-4 days.

Unfortunately, microenemas like Microlax for newborns There are no more affordable prices in pharmacies today.

But it’s worth thinking about whether you need to save on your own child’s health. Caring for a newborn should include organization sleeping place, because up to a year the child spends almost all the time in the crib.

If there is a problem of constant constipation in a child, you should pay attention not only to reviews of Microlax for newborns, but also contact your doctor.

Based on the diagnosis, the baby will be prescribed appropriate treatment to restore regular bowel movements. The disease must be treated from the inside. And cope with unpleasant consequences Microlax enemas, also intended for newborns, will help make life easier for mother and baby.

In the first months of life, the newborn’s body only adapts to new conditions and environment. Most often, problems are caused by food that is unusual for the baby.For infants up to one year old, the absence of stool for 2-3 days is normal. Mother's milk is absorbed almost completely by the child's body, so stool may be rare. If a child is bottle-fed, the risk of gastrointestinal disorders increases significantly.

To help your baby get rid of waste substances and remove them naturally, doctors recommend mild laxatives. It is important to choose products that do not violate physiological process defecation and are not addictive.

Composition and release form

Microlax is a laxative with combined composition. The drug is presented in the form of a solution for rectal administration. The product contains several active and auxiliary components that provide a complex, delicate effect on bowel function:

Component Amount of substance per 1 microenema in mg Action
Sodium citrate 90 Prevents the reabsorption of fluid by the large intestine, binds and displaces it from the stool
Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate 12,9 Gently irritates the intestines, enhancing peristalsis
Sorbitol 893 Increases the volume of intestinal contents by stimulating the flow of water and stimulates its contractions
Sorbic acid 1 Has preservative properties
Glycerol 125 Binds components, makes the solution viscous and homogeneous
Water Up to 1000 Auxiliary Component

The product is produced in disposable polyethylene tubes with a volume of 5 ml for use as a microenema. This is the only form of release of the original drug.

The packaging is presented in the form of a cardboard pack and contains 4 or 12 tubes with a soft tip. The bottles contain a colorless viscous liquid without a specific odor. Advantages of microenemas compared to rectal suppositories:

  • quick and easy to use due to the curved tip;
  • instantly penetrates Right place and provides local impact in just three minutes;
  • no need for auxiliary devices or complex training;
  • Can be carried with you thanks to its compact shape;
  • easy to use - there is a mark on the tip that indicates the depth of insertion.

pharmachologic effect

Microlax acts at the local physical level and has virtually no effect on intestinal activity. The enema is not addictive and does not lead to dependence if used periodically.

The laxative begins to work when there is stool in the rectum. It softens feces and promotes their removal from the body. If the intestines are not full, the microenema will not work.

The effect of use occurs within 10-15 minutes after administration of the solution.

Indications for the use of microenemas for children

Pediatricians prescribe Microlax for newborns and older children with symptoms of unsystematic constipation. Common reasons this problem:

  • transition to artificial feeding;
  • introduction of complementary foods into the usual diet;
  • malnutrition;
  • dehydration due to insufficient fluid intake;
  • infectious diseases;
  • genetic factor;
  • intrauterine pathologies of intestinal microflora;
  • some complications during childbirth;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • psycho-emotional stress.

Despite the safety of the composition, it is better to consult a pediatrician before using a laxative. Instructions for using the enema include the following indications:

  • absence of stool for 2 or more days;
  • increased density of feces - feces come out in the form of dry hard balls;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • pain and bloating.

Parents can understand that the child needs help if he has become whiny and restless, and curls up his legs. Microlax is also prescribed for diagnostic purposes to cleanse the intestines before x-rays and rectal endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to use and how often can it be used?

The instructions for use of microenemas determine how to administer the drug and how much solution to use at one time, depending on the age of the patient.

Infants and preschoolers

Microlax enema is suitable for children at any age, starting from the first days of life. It is easier to give a microenema to a newborn and a child under 3 years old when he is in the usual position for changing a diaper:

  1. the tip of the tube is inserted into the anus halfway - up to the mark on the neck;
  2. ½ of the contents of the bottle is administered at one time;
  3. The baby's legs are brought together and held elevated to avoid leakage of the solution.

Starting at age 3, children can be given a full tube of laxative. It is not advisable to use an enema constantly. The maximum daily dosage of Microlax for children and adults is 1 bottle; a break of at least 2 days must be taken between doses.

For teenagers

To properly administer an enema, you must:

  1. open the tube by unscrewing the cap and squeeze out a drop of gel, lubricating the neck of the bottle;
  2. sit on the toilet in your usual position and insert the tip completely into the anus;
  3. squeeze the contents of the tube into the rectum;
  4. remove the applicator and tighten the muscles of the anus so that the drug does not leak out.

You should wait at least 5 minutes before having a bowel movement. The urge to defecate may continue for half an hour after the procedure.

Pregnant and nursing mothers

Microclysters are often prescribed to pregnant women, since the drug acts locally on the rectum and does not affect the fetus. During laxative administration future mom assumes a lying position on your side or back. Otherwise, the procedure does not differ from the standard one.

Breastfeeding women can also use Microlax periodically as an emergency solution to constipation. The effect of the active components is limited to the intestines and the substances do not pass into breast milk. The child does not receive medication during the process breastfeeding, therefore the procedure is absolutely safe for both mother and baby.

special instructions

When transporting and storing the medicine at home, you must observe the temperature recommended by the manufacturer from -15 to +25 degrees. The drug should not be exposed to the sun. If parents follow all the recommendations listed, the shelf life of Microlax is 5 years from the date of release. After this time has passed, the laxative should absolutely not be used by either an adult or a child. To dispose of the drug, the tube must be placed in a plastic bag and thrown into the trash.

Microlax is a one-time enema. If you have only used half the bottle, the product is open form cannot be stored or re-administered. The entire contents of the tube cannot be administered to a newborn; parents should monitor the mark on the applicator.


Microlax microenemas can be given to newborns, pregnant and lactating women, and any other categories of patients, regardless of age. Infants can receive laxatives in the recommended age dosage without any harm to health already in the first days of life. The drug has passed clinical trials and studies that have confirmed the safety of microenemas.

An absolute limitation is individual intolerance to the components in the composition of the medicine. Relative contraindications to prescribing Microlax:

The drug is taken with caution if the patient experiences abdominal pain, attacks of nausea and vomiting, intestinal and rectal bleeding.

Side effects

Side effects from taking Microlax in children are rare. If there are cracks in the area anus active ingredients irritate damaged skin and cause itching. Constant irritation provokes inflammatory processes and aggravates skin problems. In children with allergies, a course of taking Microlax causes itching and redness, which are accompanied by discomfort.

Before using microenemas for the first time, patients should inform their doctor about any allergic reactions and special conditions– carrying a pregnancy, preparing for surgical intervention and other circumstances. In some cases, poor health may increase susceptibility to the side effects of Microlax.

The drug does not treat constipation, but only helps to empty the intestines. For systematic defecation disorders, the drug can be used in conjunction with the main treatment. To solve the problem of abnormal accumulation of feces, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. Permanent use laxative in childhood causes lazy bowel syndrome.


The laxative is freely available in pharmacies, but if the drug is unavailable, substitutes may be required.

Full analogue of Microlax active substance, which is suitable for newborns, does not exist.

IN special cases Doctors may prescribe:

Name Release form Active ingredient Purpose Contraindications Price, in rub.
Glycerol Rectal suppositories Glycerol Constipation Hemorrhoids in the acute phase, anal fissures, tumors and other lesions of the rectum, increased sensitivity to glycerol From 144
Glycelax From 85
Duphalac Syrup Lactulose Constipation and hard stools Intestinal obstruction, rectal bleeding, symptoms of appendicitis, individual intolerance to components, galactosemia From 278
Portalak Constipation and hepatic encephalopathy From 242
Normaze Systematic constipation and dysbiosis From 246

If the problem does not stop after a week of using Microlax, you need to undergo an examination and treat the cause of constipation. For this purpose, the pediatrician prescribes to the baby instrumental diagnostics Gastrointestinal tract and laboratory tests.

The drug should be taken together with other medications with caution. Any product containing sorbitol and sodium polystyrene sulfonate, regardless of the release form, can provoke bleeding and necrosis of the colon when taken together with Microlax. Be sure to read the instructions and consult your doctor before starting complex treatment constipation

The drug Microlax is a mild laxative that effectively and quickly helps the intestines to release feces.

The drug Microlax is approved for use from the first days of life, since its composition does not contain a single substance that may pose a threat to health. In addition, the drug is quite easy to use if you follow the rules for administering microenemas.

The drug for a newborn baby is also good because its active components do not have an addictive effect on the body and cannot be absorbed into the blood, in addition, development side effects observed extremely rarely.

Composition and release form

The laxative drug Microlax is produced in the form of a microenema. Each tube has a flexible applicator and contains a thick viscous liquid in a volume of 5 milliliters. The drug is packaged in cardboard packs of 4 microenemas each.

Microlax drug is intended for rectal administration. Its composition includes as active components:

  • sodium citrate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate;
  • sorbitol solution;

Excipients are:

  • sorbic acid,
  • glycerol,
  • water.


Thanks to the action of the components that make up the drug, the process of bowel movement is much easier, since the stool is softened. The relaxing effect occurs within ten minutes.

Microlax indications for infants

The use of the drug for newborns is indicated in case of constipation and intestinal colic due to difficulties during bowel movements.


The use of Microlax microenemas can be contraindicated only if the infant is hypersensitive to the components that make up the drug.

Microlax for newborns dosage

Children under three years of age and newborns should only inject half of the tip, which has a flexible applicator. There is a special mark on the tip for this purpose. Thus, according to the dosage regimen of the drug, it will be administered in a half dose of 2.5 milliliters.

Enemas for newborns Microlax

The drug Microlax has enough convenient form for use and no need for dosing, since the manufacturer has already taken care of this. The safe composition of the drug does not prevent its use to relieve bowel movements for a newborn child. The drug is easy to use if the sequence of steps is followed correctly.

  • Break the protective seal of the tip on the tube;
  • Using light pressure, squeeze out a drop of the drug to lubricate the tip of the enema;
  • Insert the microenema tip half its length into the rectum;
  • Continuing to squeeze the tube, squeeze out its contents;
  • Then carefully remove the tip without stopping squeezing the tube.

Microlax suppositories for newborns

The drug Microlax does not have the same form of release as suppositories. It is available only in the form of microenemas.

Side effects and special instructions

Side effects from the use of the drug may manifest themselves in the form of a local burning reaction in the anal area.

It should be taken into account that the use of Microlax microenemas for infants is allowed only to provide assistance in emergency cases. Therapeutic effect the drug cannot provide.

Microlax for newborns price

The cost of the drug, depending on the region, ranges from 250 to 300 rubles per package, which contains four microenemas.

Microlax for babies reviews

Reviews about the drug are positive. Many mothers of infants rate the help of microenemas quite highly due to their effectiveness and ease of use. The only thing that causes dissatisfaction is the high cost of the drug. But since microenemas are recommended for use only in emergency cases, many believe that the purchase of such an effective laxative can sometimes be afforded.

The latest reviews left about the drug characterize it exclusively on the positive side.

Valentina: When we encountered the problem of constipation, the baby was just over two months old. Apparently the transition to formula feeding had an impact. Doctors recommended various medications, but nothing helped effectively only the first time, and the second time I had to think about finding a new remedy. I used Microlax on the advice of a friend, and suffered a lot with my son. Imagine my surprise when the drug worked every time I used it. Now the problems with constipation have subsided, but I still keep the packaging from it so as not to forget the name.

Naumkina Nadya: The first time I encountered constipation, to be honest, I didn’t know what to do. After all, the baby was only three weeks old and I couldn’t find anything better than calling an ambulance. Thanks to the nurse who, firstly, calmed me down and dealt with our grief in five minutes. I didn’t even have time to blink an eye when the Microlax enema worked in her skillful hands. The drug is worthy of all praise for its speed and effectiveness. Constipation often does not bother us, but the drug home medicine cabinet There is. I recommend that mothers of infants take note.

Similar instructions:

The digestive system of newborns develops gradually. This often leads to problems with defecation. The most common of these is the absence of stool. Microlax helps the child empty his bowels and get rid of abdominal discomfort.

What kind of remedy is this, in what cases does it help? How to administer a microenema correctly and what is the dose for a newborn?

What is the medicine

Microlax is a drug that has a laxative effect. This is a microenema that is suitable for one-time use. The medicine is in a tube with a special tip. The volume of the product is 5 ml. One package of Microlax contains 4 tubes.

The drug consists of several active substances:

  • sorbitol;
  • glycerol;
  • sodium citrate;
  • sorbic acid;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate.
  • Each of the components performs specific functions. Glycerin has a binding property. It brings all the components together.

    Sorbitol has the property of attracting water, which helps to liquefy stool and speed up bowel movements. Sorbic acid is a preservative, responsible for sterility medicine.

    Lauryl sulfoacetate has a moisturizing effect. It also promotes the penetration of active components. Citrate is responsible for retaining moisture, preventing the walls of the large intestine from absorbing it.

    The drug has the ability to act on the body without penetrating into the blood and is harmless to the child’s health. It can be used at any age.

    Can it be used for infants and when should a microenema be given?

    Microlax is prescribed to children and infants to eliminate. Sometimes Microlax is prescribed in preparation for diagnostic procedures. A three-day absence of stool in a child is considered critical. At the same time, the following symptoms occur:

    • restless state;
    • pressing the legs towards the stomach;
    • the child's unsuccessful attempts to empty his bowels;
    • bloating.

    The use of the drug is indicated only in cases of occasional constipation. If you experience fever, severe bloating and lethargy, you should consult a specialist.


    Microlax cannot be used if there is allergic reactions to the components of the drug. However, this phenomenon is rare. Microenemas should not be used in case of injury to the rectum or rectal orifice.

    During the enema, minor discomfort may occur. This is a normal reaction.

    In other cases, it is permissible to use the drug. It is important not to exceed determined by the doctor dosage. This can cause side effects.

    Operating principle

    The main advantage of the drug is its effectiveness. The child has I can go to the toilet in 15 minutes after a microenema.

    In more severe cases, this may occur within 30 minutes. The components of Microlax are quickly absorbed into the tissues and begin to act.

    The drug stimulates peristalsis, stool gradually liquefies. Abdominal bloating disappears. Improves general state child.

    How often to use and in what dosage

    Although the drug Microlax is quite harmless, it should be used for newborns and infants in accordance with the instructions in the instructions for use.

    The daily dose of Microlax is 1 tube. It is not recommended to use the drug for several days in a row if bowel movement has not occurred.

    You need to contact your pediatrician for more effective treatment.

    Experts advise use the drug only if urgent need . It is advisable to try to get rid of the problem without medication. Promotes peristalsis pure water, belly rubs and certain foods.

    How to do an enema correctly

    Microenema Microlax is more convenient similar means for adults. The procedure must be carried out in accordance with certain rules. How to properly administer Microlax microenema to a newborn:

  1. It is necessary to place the child on hard surface, having previously covered it with a disposable diaper.
  2. Disinfect your hands or wash them with soap.
  3. The rectal opening is lubricated with baby cream or oil.
  4. You need to open the tube of medication and then press on it to make sure that the medication comes out freely.
  5. With one hand, lift the baby’s legs towards the stomach, and with the other, gradually insert the tip to the indicated mark.
  6. It is necessary to insert the contents of the tube to the end, carefully remove the tip from the rectal opening without unclenching the tube.

After the procedure It is advisable to massage the abdomen, stroking it clockwise.

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Interaction with other drugs

Microlax is a local remedy. It is not absorbed into the blood, so it does not come into contact with the components of other medications.

It does not affect the effectiveness of medications taken together.

Sometimes together with Microlax prescribe diet or introducing certain foods into the child’s diet. Abdominal massage is also recommended.

Side effects

Statistics show that the harm from using Microlax is minimal. Adverse reactions most often occur when the prescribed dosage is not followed or allergies develop:

If the described symptoms occur, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. The drug should not be reused under any circumstances.

This may worsen existing symptoms.

Average prices in pharmacies and storage method

Microlax can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Price - from 300 to 350 rubles, it depends on the location of the pharmacy and its pricing policy. Some parents prefer to order microenemas from online pharmacies.

During transportation and storage, a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees must be maintained.

The shelf life of the drug is 5 years. Dispose of any remaining drug in a trash container.