For diathesis and allergies - Zodak drops for children: instructions for use and parents' opinions. Allergy drops for newborns, infants and children over one year old

An allergy is an unusual, inadequate reaction of the body to a pathogen - a foreign protein. It can accompany a person all his life, be seasonal and year-round, or can only manifest itself in childhood.

Its manifestations can be either minor or cause discomfort and torment. One of the medications that alleviates the condition and eliminates the effect of the allergen is Zodak.

Release form and composition of the drug

Zodak is an effective modern antiallergic drug. Its basis is a substance such as cetirizine. It is a histamine antagonist and, when entering the body, blocks histamine receptors.

Has the following beneficial properties:

  • Antiallergic;
  • Antipruritic;
  • Prevention of development and relief of allergies.

It is produced in three different forms:

  • Syrup. It is produced in a bottle with a volume of 100 milliliters, in the form of a colorless, sometimes yellowish suspension, and comes with a measuring spoon. 5 milligrams of active ingredient per 1 measuring spoon (which contains 5 milliliters of syrup).
  • Drops– a 20 ml bottle with a clear yellowish liquid with a banana flavor. 20 drops (or 1 milliliter) contain 10 milligrams of cetirizine. The kit includes a bottle with a dropper cap and instructions.
  • Pills. Oblong, white, have a dividing strip in the middle, 7 (with 5 milligrams of cetirizine per tablet) or 10 (10 milligrams) pieces in a blister, 10, 28, 30 pieces per package.


Zodak is prescribed to children over one year of age, adolescents and adults for the following conditions:

  • Allergic dermatitis accompanied by itching;
  • Seasonal and year-round conjunctivitis or rhinitis of allergic origin;
  • accompanied by itching;
  • Hay fever (hay fever);
  • (including chronic);
  • Quincke's edema.

Its advantages - long action, lack of addiction and sedation, which are characteristic of most other antiallergic drugs. Pediatricians also sometimes recommend giving this medicine for preventive purposes to children who have undergone vaccination to alleviate possible negative reactions.

How to take Zodak

The instructions for use recommend that children take Zodak in drops or syrup according to the indicated dosage, while tablets are more suitable for adults and adolescents. How many drops of Zodak to give to children strictly depends on the age of the patient.

  • Children from one to two years old It is prescribed to take the medicine twice a day, dividing the required dose (5 milliliters of syrup or 5 drops) into these doses. Can be diluted a little with water.
  • Preschoolers from two to six years old 10 drops or one measuring spoon of syrup is prescribed 1 time.
  • For children under 12 years old The therapeutic dose is 10 milliliters of syrup (2 measuring spoons) or 20 drops per day, doses can be divided into 2 times.
  • Teenagers over twelve years of age The same dose is prescribed as for children over six; they are allowed to take the medicine in tablet form, 1 piece per day, with water and without biting.


You should not take the medicine when the following diseases and states:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Intolerance to cetirizine or other components;
  • Child's age up to one year;
  • Porphyria;
  • Nephropathy;
  • Cough, bronchospasm.

Zodak children's drops are currently recognized as one of the the best means, intended for the treatment of pathologies of allergic origin. Numerous clinical trials this drug has been shown to be capable of record-breaking short time eliminate unpleasant symptoms that worsen the standard of living of young patients.

Composition of drops

Children's Zodak can be purchased in pharmacies in the following dosage forms:

  • in drops;
  • tableted;
  • in the form of syrup.

Zodak drops contain an active substance called Cetirizine Dihydrochloride, which belongs to the category of histamine blockers (H1). This component is able to quite quickly block allergic reactions, due to which pronounced symptoms disappear.

The drug immediately stops the process of migration of inflammatory cells, as it has the following effect:

  • antiexudative;
  • decongestant;
  • antipruritic.

The medicine is supplied to pharmacies in dark-colored bottles equipped with dropper caps. One package contains 10 mg of medication (20 drops). The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of manufacture (without opening the original packaging). After the bottle has been opened, it can be stored in a dark place for no more than 2 weeks at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees.


The instructions for using Zodak drops indicate the dosage for children, and also list the diseases for which the drug can be prescribed:

  • severe itching that occurs when chicken pox or dermatoses;
  • rhinitis (allergic), which can be either year-round or seasonal;
  • various forms of urticaria;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • skin rashes having an allergic origin;
  • fever (seasonal);
  • swelling that develops in the upper respiratory tract(in particular Quincke);
  • spasms in the bronchi.

If Zodak drops are used during routine vaccination, their components will be able to prevent the development of side effects. Due to the fact that the medication does not contain glucose, it is prescribed to children diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. The instructions supplied by the manufacturer indicate that treatment with this drug can be carried out on children from one year of age. Despite this, many pediatricians prescribe the drug to infants, but in a much smaller dosage, which is calculated for each patient individually.

Application of Zodak drops

Many pediatricians and other highly specialized specialists in last years They began to actively use Zodak drops for allergies. This is due to the fact that this drug is capable of providing the following: therapeutic effect(brings relief 15-20 minutes after administration and maintains its effect throughout the day):

  • eliminates symptoms of all types of allergic manifestations;
  • quickly alleviates the condition of children who experience excruciating suffering from severe itching, forcing them to scratch the affected skin until it bleeds;
  • minimize the risk of developing allergic reactions during vaccination;
  • eliminates symptoms seasonal allergies(lacrimation, runny nose, swelling);
  • relieves spasms from the bronchi;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • eliminates symptoms such as drowsiness and lethargy, etc.

Before starting to give this medication to the baby, parents should contact a therapist, who will determine how many drops are needed in a particular case.


The instructions that come with each package of the drug indicate that before giving the drug to the baby, it should be dissolved in a small amount of water (5-10 ml). It is recommended to give the medicine to children at the same time. The number of drops for each patient should be determined by a specialist, who will take into account not only age category, but also the severity of allergic manifestations:

Parents should strictly follow the recommendations of specialists when treating their children with these drops:

  1. In the event that a medication dose has been missed, it is necessary to give it to the baby immediately when the opportunity arises, without waiting for the next dose.
  2. This medicine can be given to children regardless of meals (even at night).
  3. The drops should not be pre-diluted in water; they should be dripped directly into the child’s mouth. If the baby cannot tolerate their taste, then you can dilute required quantity drops in a tablespoon of water.
  4. Parents should not exceed the maximum daily dose medicine.
  5. Many pediatricians recommend giving children this drug for preventive purposes, before routine vaccination. Maintenance therapy should begin three days before vaccination and continue for another three days after administration of the vaccine.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

The instructions indicate all contraindications for the use of this drug. It is prohibited to use drops when treating children who have the following pathologies:

  • kidney and liver diseases that occur in severe form;
  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the medication;
  • Drops should not be used when treating infants (up to one year);
  • The parallel use of the drug with the following medications is prohibited: Theosad, Retafil, Eufilin (medicines intended to relieve spasms that occur in the bronchi);
  • for pathologies of the kidneys and liver, the drug is used extremely carefully (the regimen must be developed by a doctor).

Side effects

Conducted clinical researches showed that most young patients tolerate the medication very well and do not experience any adverse reactions.

In isolated cases, side effects may develop:

  • swelling;
  • dyspnea;
  • lethargy;
  • headache;
  • disruption of bowel movements (diarrhea);
  • skin rashes (itchy);
  • dizziness;
  • drying of mucous membranes in the oral cavity;
  • bloating;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • excessive excitement.

If parents notice at least one of the above symptoms in their children, they should immediately contact medical institution for consultation. You should also stop therapy immediately.


If the dosage of the medication is exceeded, the baby may develop characteristic symptoms:

  • tremor in the limbs will begin;
  • urinary retention will occur;
  • the baby will show anxiety;
  • heart rate may increase;
  • the child will become whiny;
  • stomach upset will begin;
  • You may feel very dizzy.

If parents notice such symptoms, they should urgently perform gastric lavage for their babies. After this, you need to give them some sorbents, for example Enterosgel or several tablets of activated carbon.


Today you can buy in pharmacies a large number of medicines having a composition identical to Zodak (the list is different excipients and raw material processing technology) and have a similar therapeutic effect. One of the most popular analogues is Zyrtec, which is produced by Belgian and Swiss pharmaceutical companies.

The following drops can be considered as analogues of Zodak:

  • Cetirinax;
  • Zintset;
  • Parlazin;
  • Claritin;
  • Fenistil;
  • Tavegil;
  • Suprastin, etc.

Parents should not engage in amateur activities when treating their children. Despite the wide range of Zodak analogues, they must be selected individually for each young patient by the attending physician. Otherwise uncontrolled reception medications can lead to serious consequences.

The goal of any medicine in pediatrics is to help young patients as quickly as possible. Zodak is one of the popular anti-allergy drugs, produced in three forms for kids. To choose this remedy, you need to find out what specific allergic reactions it gives best result compared to other medicines, as well as how quickly and how long Zodak works, what symptoms may occur side effects or overdose. Novelty or higher cost of drugs does not guarantee effective assistance a child with a specific allergic condition. In certain cases, parents should prefer Zodak. We will consider what these cases are in the article.

The use of Zodak gives the following results:

  • has a strong antiallergic effect;
  • prevents the occurrence and suppresses allergic reactions after vaccinations;
  • works great against itching due to chickenpox, urticaria, eczema, different types dermatitis;
  • relieves swelling and nasal congestion, burning, itching, lacrimation;
  • affects children's body both at the early stage of allergies and at the late stage, acting for a long time;
  • increases the density of the walls of small vessels, preventing their permeability to the allergen;
  • prevents tissue swelling;
  • eliminates spasm of the bronchi and pulmonary tract;
  • suppresses severe reaction skin upon contact with allergenic substances, cold allergies.

The action of Zodak begins in half of the patients after 15 minutes and is maintained for 24 hours.

Zodak in the form of drops is suitable for the smallest patients - babies from 1 year

Different forms of medication are suitable for children of different ages. Zodak drops and syrup are approved for use in children at least 1 year old. Zodak tablets are prescribed to children over 6 years of age.


A pediatrician or allergist may prescribe Zodak for the following diseases and symptoms:

  1. Runny nose caused by allergic components (pungent odor, pollen, household chemicals, bed mites), which occurs in a certain season.
  2. Acute conjunctivitis of allergic origin, bacterial and viral (toxins secreted by microbes and viruses are also allergens).
  3. Cough provoked by allergens, viruses, bacteria. Zodak prevents spasms and swelling of the bronchi and trachea.
  4. ARVI. The drug suppresses allergic manifestations caused by viruses: swelling, redness of the throat, mucous membranes of the sinuses.
  5. Dermatoses in which the child suffers from itching (allergic skin inflammation, urticaria, psoriasis, scabies).
  6. Allergy to pollen of flowers, trees, shrubs - hay fever, hay fever.
  7. Urticaria (chronic and of unknown origin).
  8. Quincke's edema ( life-threatening child reaction manifested by sudden acute swelling subcutaneous tissue and throat).
  9. Chickenpox.
  10. Diathesis of any form.

Zodak for chickenpox relieves painful itching, preventing children from scratching the blisters and spots of the rash. At the same time, the medicine does not have a negative effect on the stomach, nervous system children.
Allergic (exudative-catarrhal) diathesis often torments young patients. In children it is observed high sensitivity, skin vulnerability in the form of redness, rashes, weeping, accompanied severe itching. Zodak will help mitigate such manifestations by preventing the child from scratching the affected skin and the penetration of microbes through wounds into the deep subcutaneous layers.

How to take Zodak for children of different ages

Despite the instructions for using Zodak medicine set out in the instructions, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary to clarify the dosage and duration of treatment. It all depends on what the child is sick with, how old he is, and the severity of the symptoms.

It is unacceptable to begin treatment for a child without consulting a doctor!

Zodak dosage regimen according to instructions

Age group, year Pills Drops Syrup

amount of cetirizine per unit of drug

1 tablet – 10 mg

1 ml – 20 drops (10 mg)

1 measuring spoon – 5 ml. Divisions: ? – 1.25 ml; ? – 2.5 ml

not allowed
not allowed

5 drops (2.5 mg) twice daily

2.5 mg (half a spoon) 2 times / day

5 drops 2 times a day, 10 drops (5 mg) once are allowed

2.5 mg twice a day, 5 mg (1 spoon) per dose is allowed

5 mg twice, or 10 mg once

10 drops (5 mg) twice, or 20 drops once

5 mg (1 spoon) 2 times/day, allowed 10 mg (2 spoons) once

10 mg once

10 mg (20 drops) at a time

10 mg (2 spoons) per dose

Application specifics

  1. If a medication is missed, the next dose is taken as soon as the mistake is remembered. But, if the time has already come for the next use of Zodak, then the medicine is taken according to the treatment regimen, not exceeding the total daily dose.
  2. Taking all forms of medication is possible during the day and at night, and is not associated with eating. The tablets are drunk whole with water.

    Unlike tablets, Zodak drops are more convenient for babies, especially if they are given at night, when the child suffers greatly from itching.

  3. The drops can simply be dropped into the mouth without diluting with water, since the dose is very small.

Is it possible to replace Zodak with analogues

Today, pharmacies sell antiallergic drugs of different generations. They differ in the active substance, indications, side effects, and effectiveness for specific diseases and symptoms. To make a decision about replacing a medicine, you need to analyze the features of analogues and consult with your pediatrician. The table shows a comparison of drugs with different active substance.

Comparison of allergy medications for children

Name of the drug, what generation of allergy medications it belongs to
Suprastin, I Fenistil, II Tavegil, I Claritin, III Erius, III
Active substance
cetirizine chloropyramine dimethindene maleate clemastine loratadine desloratadine
What diseases does the medicine help with?
Quincke's edema - Quincke's edema -
allergic rhinitis
conjunctivitis - conjunctivitis
itchy skin -
contact dermatitis -
eczema -
atopic dermatitis - atopic dermatitis -
food and drug allergies -
insect bites -
allergic bronchospasm - asthma, bronchospasm bronchospasm
- - - Allergic cough
Burning nose, sneezing - Burning, sneezing
- anaphylactic shock -
Special contraindications
- bronchial asthma -
Special Side Effects
- airway spasm spasm, sleep apnea* in children under 1 year of age - - Anaphylaxis (very rare)
- - Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, abdominal pain - -
slight drowsiness severe drowsiness severe drowsiness severe drowsiness slight drowsiness does not cause drowsiness
Minimum age
1 year From 1 month - drops (calculated by weight). From 6 months - drops (strictly according to body weight);

from 12 years - capsules.

From 1 year - syrup;

from 6 years - tablets, injections.

From 2 years - syrup;

from 4 years - tablets.

From 1 to 5 years - syrup;

from 6 years - tablets.

Release form
Tablets, syrup, drops Tablets, drops, ampoules Drops, capsules, gel Tablets, syrup, ampoules Tablets, syrup
Duration of treatment, days
5–7 No more than 7 3–5 no longer than 5 from 10 days to 12 months Up to 30 days with breaks. In severe cases up to a year
Duration of action, hour
24 8–12 5–8 12–24 24
no addiction fast slow fast no addiction
Estimated cost (range depending on the cost of different forms of the drug), rub.
174–243 147–333 289–372 158–230 194–356 495–592

* Apnea is a short-term cessation of breathing during night sleep.

Efficiency of Zodak and its analogues for various indications

When to choose antihistamine, it is important to consider:

  • what specific disease is the drug aimed at?
  • the whole range of symptoms;
  • contraindications;
  • the degree of possible side effects on the child’s body;
  • child's age.

Each drug is particularly effective in relieving specific symptoms.. Thus, Fenistil gives a more significant result for allergic redness and swelling due to mosquito bites, for minor burns, Suprastin has an antiemetic effect. Erius, as a third generation antiallergic drug, has a significant therapeutic effect and a small number side effects in the form of dyspeptic disorders and drowsiness. At allergic cough and asthmatic symptoms in a child, the choice of doctor often falls on Erius.

It is not always possible to replace Zodak with another drug. Zodak affects only factors that provoke the development of reactions to the allergen. He doesn't call unpleasant consequences from the bronchi, stomach, intestines or nervous system.

With manifestations of diathesis, itching, eczema or swelling, Erius will help less than Zodak.

First generation tablets such as Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil cause:

  • rapid addiction (often after 2-3 days the effectiveness of the drug is lost);
  • They act non-selectively, causing as a side effect a hypnotic effect, drowsiness and, most dangerously, bronchospasm;
  • side effects provoke lethargy and lethargy;
  • dry out the mucous membranes of the pharynx, nose, bronchi, larynx, trachea, causing excess mucus formation, runny nose and nasal congestion; this provokes easy development of infection, since pathogenic microbes settle on dry mucous membranes and quickly penetrate into cells. It often happens that a child gets rid of itching, but becomes ill with infectious bronchitis, laryngitis, or rhinitis.

Fenistil in front of everyone positive qualities can cause a strong hypnotic effect and is dangerous to give even with pulmonary obstruction, not to mention asthma.

By stated reasons Zodak is preferable to Suprastin and Tavegil, which are drugs with a large number side effects, and the effectiveness of their antiallergic activity is almost the same when compared with Zodak.

If we compare Zodak and Claritin, then Claritin, as a third generation medicine, has a stronger antiallergic effect than Zodak.

Often, the concentration of the active substance found in Zodak drops is enough for a child. The dosage is less than Claritin, and it is also taken once.

Therefore, when choosing an antihistamine, it would be advisable to first use Zodak and see if it gives the desired effect. If the result is not convincing, they switch to using Claritin.

Contraindications and possible negative effects of therapy

In addition to age restrictions, it is necessary to mention special intolerance to the substances contained in Zodak. As an exception, there are manifestations of urticaria, itching and shortness of breath, and the appearance of edema.

If a child has chronic renal failure or liver problems, then the allergist must individually calculate the dosage of the medication.

Usually children tolerate Zodak treatment without problems. Side effects occur quite rarely and are short-lived. Children rarely experience dry mouth, abdominal pain, flatulence, or an excited state.

If any negative symptoms treatment is immediately interrupted and contact a pediatrician or allergist.


If the recommended dose is exceeded five times, following symptoms: diarrhea, anxiety, nausea, lethargy, dizziness, nervousness, tearfulness, itching, severe drowsiness, increased heart rate, stupor, trembling fingers, urinary retention. To remove them, gastric lavage and urgent use of sorbents, for example Enterosgel or Polysorb, are prescribed.

Combination with other medications

Zodak should not be combined with bronchodilators. With this combination, there is an increased risk of side effects.

Part Zodak tablets active ingredient included cetirizine dihydrochloride , as well as additional components: corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, povidone 30. The tablet shell consists of macrogol 6000, hypromellose 2910/5, talc, titanium dioxide, simethicone SE4 emulsion.

Part products in the form of syrup active ingredient included cetirizine dihydrochloride , as well as additional substances – propyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, , sodium acetate trihydrate, sodium saccharinate dihydrate, flavoring, glacial acetic acid, water.

The drug is in the form of drops contains active ingredientcetirizine dihydrochloride and additional substances: propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, glycerol, sodium acetate trihydrate, sodium saccharinate dihydrate, glacial acetic acid, water.

Release form

The medicine is available in tablets, as well as in the form of syrup and drops.

Zodak tablets white or almost white, oblong in shape, with a score on one side of the tablet. They are contained in blisters of 7 or 10 pieces. Blisters are placed in cardboard packs.

Syrup Zodak transparent, it can be completely colorless or have a light yellow tint. Packaged in 100 ml dark glass bottles. A bottle and a measuring spoon are placed in a cardboard box.

Drops Zodak transparent, they can be completely colorless or have a light yellow tint. Contained in 20 ml dark glass bottles, in addition to the bottle, a dropper cap is placed in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

This medicine is antiallergic a second-generation agent with a prolonged effect. The summary of the medicine indicates that the active component cetirizine belongs to the group of competitive histamine antagonists. The substance blocks H1-histamine receptors, but has almost no antiserotonin and anticholinergic effect. It has a pronounced antiallergic effect, while acting as antiexudative And antipruritic means.

The use of the drug in a therapeutic dosage does not lead to a sedative effect on the body and does not cause.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

After tablets, drops or syrup have been taken orally, rapid absorption of the active substance from the gastrointestinal tract is noted. The highest concentration of the active component is observed 30-60 minutes after taking the medicine.

Eating does not have a significant effect on the degree of absorption, but if the drug was taken during a meal, the rate of its absorption decreases slightly.

If Zodak is taken for 10 days at a dose of 10 mg, the drug does not accumulate in the body.

The main part is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. After the drug has been taken once, the half-life is approximately 10 hours. When taking the medicine by children from 2 to 12 years old, the half-life is reduced to 5-6 hours.

If the patient has impaired renal function or is on , the half-life becomes three times longer, and clearance also decreases by 70%.

Indications for use

The medicine Zodak in various forms of release is prescribed for the following conditions and diseases:

  • and, both seasonal and year-round;
  • (hay);
  • allergic dermatosis itchy;
  • hives (also chronic idiopathic urticaria);


Some contraindications to the use of Zodak are also identified:

  • child's age up to 6 years (when taking drops and syrup - for children under 1 and 2 years old, respectively);
  • severe sensitivity to the components of the product.

Zodak should be prescribed with caution to people with chronic , as well as elderly patients.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated. But sometimes in the process of taking the drug, some side effects may appear, for which Zodak tablets, as well as other forms of the drug, should be taken with caution.

The following side effects are possible:

  • digestive system : , dry mouth;
  • nervous system : fatigue, agitation, , state of drowsiness, .
  • allergic manifestations : urticaria, skin rash, angioedema.

Instructions for use of Zodak (Method and dosage)

Zodak medicine should be used only after a doctor’s prescription to prevent complications. The drug is intended for oral administration, and food intake does not matter.

Zodak tablets, instructions for use

The tablets are swallowed whole, washed down with water. Children over 12 years of age and adults receive 1 tablet. 1 per day. Children aged 6 to 12 years receive 1 tablet per day or half a tablet in the morning and evening. It is important that the dosage of the drug for elderly patients is prescribed by a doctor. The dosage of tablets is also determined individually for patients with impaired renal function.

Zodak syrup, instructions for use

Adult patients and children over 12 years of age receive 2 scoops of the drug once a day. Patients aged 6 to 12 years receive 2 scoops of the drug once a day or 1 scoop in the morning and evening. Patients from 2 to 6 years old should receive 1 measuring spoon once a day or half a spoon in the morning and evening. For people with renal failure, the dose should be halved. Elderly people with normal kidney function may not need dose adjustments.

When using the drug, you should adhere to the rules for using the safety cap. If other drugs (tablets, ointments, etc.) are used in parallel, you should first consult a doctor.

Zodak drops, instructions for use

Drops are used internally; before taking them internally, you need to dissolve the drops in liquid. Adults and children over 12 years of age should take 20 drops of Zodak once a day. It is recommended to take the product in the evening. Children aged 6 to 12 years should take 20 drops of the drug once a day or 10 drops of the drug in the morning and in the evening. Children from 1 to 2 years old receive 5 drops twice a day. For people with kidney failure, the dosage of Zodak drops is halved. The annotation for the drops indicates that in old age, patients with healthy kidneys receive usual dose. Please note that the medicine bottle is closed with a safety cap.


In case of a drug overdose, the following negative manifestations may occur: sensation lethargy And drowsiness, headaches, high fatigue And weakness , . May develop irritability , also noted urinary retention, dry mouth .

In case of overdose, it is indicated to carry out symptomatic treatment. There is nothing specific. Gastric lavage is used, taking pills is indicated .


If, while taking Zodak for allergies, the patient has any other diseases, it is important to consider the likelihood of interaction.

Due to weakened immunity and environmental deterioration, the number of allergy sufferers continues to increase from year to year. The onset of spring for many allergy sufferers is accompanied by unpleasant itching in the eyes, sneezing and rhinitis. In addition to spring flowering, negative manifestations are caused by various factors. Zodak, a drug with a reputation as an effective antiallergic agent, will help you get rid of painful symptoms. Find out about its composition from the instructions.

What is Zodak

The drug is universal remedy against allergies. The active ingredient of the drug is a receptor blocker cetirizine, which facilitates the course of allergic reaction or stops it altogether. Three forms of release of Zodak make it optimal for children different ages. The drops are intended mainly for infancy; syrup and tablets for older children and are prescribed depending on individual circumstances.


Compositions various forms antiallergic drugs have an identical active ingredient - cetirizine. The rest of the content of the formula is different and is indicated in the annotation:

Weight, mg


Cetirizine dihydrochloride

(active substance)

Auxiliary components:

Corn starch

Magnesium stearate

Lactose monohydrate

Shell composition:

titanium dioxide



simethicone emulsion

Syrup (at the rate of 5 ml - one teaspoon)

Cetirizine dihydrochloride

(active substance)

Auxiliary components: sodium saccharinate dihydrate, acetic acid glacial, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium acetate trihydrate, propylene glycol, banana flavor, sorbitol, purified water.

Drops (at the rate of 1 ml)

Cetirizine dihydrochloride

(active substance)

Auxiliary components: propyl parahydroxybenzoate, glacial acetic acid, sodium saccharin dihydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium acetate trihydrate, glycerol, propylene glycol, purified water.

Release form

The drug is available in three forms: tablets, drops and syrup. The tablets have White color, risked on one side, oblong in shape. They are packaged in blisters of 7 pieces and placed in a cardboard box. Blisters containing 10 pieces are packed in cardboard packs of 1, 3, 6, 9, 10 pieces. The syrup and drops are transparent, colorless or light yellow. The syrup is bottled in dark glass bottles of 100 ml, which are placed in a cardboard box along with a measuring spoon. Drops are bottled in dark glass bottles with a dropper cap, 20 ml each.

pharmachologic effect

Instructions for use of Zodak for children contain information that the active component cetirizine belongs to hydroxyzine metabolites and the group of competitive histamine antagonists. The substance blocks histamine receptors and does not exhibit anticholinergic and antiserotonin effects. The product exhibits a pronounced antiallergic effect, does not allow allergic reactions to develop and prevents, inhibits late stage aggregation of eosinophils in the coda and conjunctiva in atopy.

Zodak exhibits antiexudative, antipruritic effects, affects early stage the course of allergies, reduces the migration of inflammatory cells, and prevents the release of mediators. According to the instructions, therapeutic doses of Zodak have virtually no sedative effect, and a course of treatment does not lead to the development of tolerance. The drug begins to act in 20-60 minutes, its effect lasts throughout the day. Doses of 5-10 mg of cetirizine inhibit the rash and erythema response when high concentrations of histamine are administered subcutaneously.

In a study in which people took 10 mg once daily for 6 weeks, rhinitis symptoms were reduced without affecting lung function. This means that cetirizine is safe to take for allergies and for patients with bronchial asthma. The use of a dose of 60 mg per day for a week did not cause a malfunction of the heart. Recommended doses of cetirizine improve the quality of life of patients suffering from seasonal or year-round allergic rhinitis.

Studies in which patients 5-12 years of age received Zodak for 35 days did not reveal immunity to the antihistamine properties of cetirizine. Normal reaction on histamine is restored three days after discontinuation of the drug. It has been proven that the use of a dose of 4.5 mg per day for a week in patients 6-11 months of age is safe. The pharmacokinetics of the drug is linear and depends on the dose. Cetirizine is rapidly absorbed, reaching maximum concentration after 45 minutes, and is not affected by food intake.

The active component binds to plasma proteins by 93%, permeability through the blood-brain barrier has not been proven, but cetirizine is released with breast milk. The active substance is poorly metabolized in the liver, forms inactive metabolites; after 10 days, use of 10 mg per day did not cause accumulation. The half-life of a single dose is 10 hours, the drug is excreted by the kidneys. In children 6-12 years old, the half-life is six hours, 2-6 years old - five hours, 0.5-2 years old - three hours. Elderly patients have a longer half-life than younger patients.

What does it help with?

The drug Zodak is prescribed for use both for preventive purposes and for systemic treatment of the following conditions and diseases:

  • year-round or seasonal rhinitis of allergic origin;
  • year-round or seasonal conjunctivitis of allergic origin;
  • hay fever (hay fever);
  • allergic itchy dermatosis;
  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • allergic lacrimation;
  • as part of complex therapy bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and eczema.

Instructions for use for children

Syrup, drops and tablets can be taken according to any convenient schedule, but pediatricians recommend taking it in the evening. If the child’s condition requires twice the dose of the drug during the day, then use should be planned for the morning and evening. Determining the dose of medication depends solely on the age of the child. The standard duration of treatment is 7-10 days, unless a different period is determined by the doctor.


Zodak drops are acceptable for use in children from one year of age. For children aged from one to two years, Zodak is prescribed only in the form of drops. The drops are dissolved in a small volume of water. Dosage according to instructions:


The tablets must be swallowed whole with water. Zodak cannot be chewed, bitten, or crushed. It is not recommended to give the drug in tablet form if the child has difficulty swallowing tablets. These may be negative symptoms from gastrointestinal tract, so psychological factor. Dosage according to instructions:


Zodak syrup is intended for use in pure form. Often the banana flavoring used in the syrup makes it easier for the child to administer the medicine. Dosage according to instructions:

Zodak for children under one year old

The manufacturer has limited the possibility of taking Zodak to children under one year of age due to the fact that the drug can have a depressing effect on the central nervous system, causing difficulty respiratory function. The likelihood of such a development of events is negligible, so pediatricians allow the use of Zodak for children under one year of age with constant monitoring general condition, breathing and heartbeat of the child. If negative symptoms are detected, the drug should be discontinued.

The risk of side effects is reduced if the drops are not mixed with water, milk or mixtures, but placed in the nose. One drop in each nostril twice a day is enough. At oral administration the product is mixed with baby food at the first stage of feeding. To do this, select the first portion to which drops are added. The following doses for children of different ages, indicated on the instructions pages, should be observed:

  • less than three months - two drops once a day;
  • from three to six months – 3-4 drops once a day;
  • from 6 to 12 months – 5 drops once a day.

Instructions for use Zodak Express

The tablets are taken by children over six years of age, swallowed whole, do not chew, do not crack or crush, and are washed down with clean, non-carbonated water. The drug is taken regardless of food; it is advisable to drink it at the same time of day, in the evening. Children are supposed to take 5 mg (one tablet) once a day. With simultaneous renal and liver failure tablets are taken every two or three days, according to the level of creatinine clearance.

According to the instructions, an individual dosage is selected for children with kidney impairment. The duration of taking the tablets depends on the speed of disappearance of the allergic reaction. For one-time manifestations of allergies, Zodak Express is taken for several days. At re-development reaction, the use of tablets is resumed and continues until the symptoms disappear completely. The tablets can be taken continuously for up to six months for severe allergic reactions or year-round reactions.

Tablets, syrup and drops Zodak and Zodak Express are contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation. Other special instructions from the instructions:

  1. While taking the medication, you should not take alcohol, which depresses the central nervous system.
  2. The drops contain no sugar, so they can be taken by diabetics. 5 ml of syrup contains 1.5 g of sorbitol or 0.25 bread units. This should be taken into account by people suffering from diabetes mellitus.
  3. During long-term therapy with the drug, it is recommended to general analysis blood. If the indicators differ from the norm, therapy is stopped.
  4. The medication can cause depression of the nervous system and drowsiness, so driving is prohibited while taking it.


If you take Zodak for children, exceeding the recommended dose according to the instructions, symptoms appear. Clinical signs overdose. These include:

  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • increased irritability, sedation, fatigue;
  • general malaise, headaches;
  • itchy skin;
  • stupor, anxiety, weakness;
  • tremor;
  • urinary retention due to relaxation of smooth muscles;
  • mydriasis (dilation of the pupil and capillaries);
  • tachycardia;
  • dry mouth.

Immediately after taking an exceeded dose, the patient should undergo gastric lavage and induce vomiting. After this, it is recommended to take Activated carbon, doctors prescribe symptomatic therapy. Supportive treatment of affected systems and organs and correction of the patient's condition are indicated. There are no specific antidotes for cetirizine; hemodialysis to remove it from the body is ineffective.

Side effects

Zodak for newborns may cause side effects. According to the instructions, these are the following signs:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, abdominal pain, dry mouth, nausea, increased appetite;
  • from the psyche: drowsiness, sleep disturbances, aggression, dizziness, headache, fatigue, agitation, tic, suicidal thoughts;
  • pharyngitis, rhinitis;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • from the central nervous system: hypersensitivity reactions, anaphylactic shock;
  • paresthesia, amnesia, convulsions, memory impairment, taste perversion, tremor, dyskinesia, fainting, dystonia;
  • disturbance of accommodation, blurred vision, nystagmus;
  • vertigo;
  • tachycardia;
  • skin rashes, drug erythema, itching, angioedema, urticaria;
  • urinary retention, dysuria, enuresis;
  • asthenia, weight gain, malaise, peripheral edema.


The medicine Zodak is prescribed with caution for chronic renal failure, liver diseases, cirrhosis, epilepsy, breastfeeding, increased convulsive readiness, under the age of one year and in old age, with lesions spinal cord and prostatic hyperplasia. Contraindications to its use, according to the instructions, are:

  • renal failure in terminal stage;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • porphyria;
  • bronchospasm with cough;
  • galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • age up to six years;
  • pregnancy.

Interaction with other drugs

It has not been established that Zodak for infants interacts with others medicines. According to the instructions, cetirizine does not affect the action of pseudoephedrine, theophylline, and does not enhance the effect of ethanol. It is possible that the combination of the medication with drugs that depress the central nervous system helps to reduce concentration and the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Analogues for children

Zodak, when a child coughs, according to reviews, can be replaced with other drugs. They are safe for use in children and have the same or different composition. Analogues of the drug:

  • Zyrtec - tablets and drops based on cetirizine;
  • Parlazin - drops and tablets, whose active substance is cetirizine;
  • Cetrin – antiallergenic tablets and drops containing cetirizine dihydrochloride;
  • Letizen - tablets based on cetirizine;
  • Cetirinax – antihistamine tablets with the same active substance;
  • Erius – syrup and tablets based on desloratadine;
  • Tavegil – solution and tablets containing clemastine.


The domestic drug Zodak is sold without a prescription, kept out of the reach of children, and sold in pharmacies and online networks. Approximate prices in Moscow for drops, syrup and tablets:
