They get better from smoking. Why do people get fat when they quit smoking: possible reasons and ways to solve the problem. How to deal with headaches and dizziness

Reasons for weight gain after quitting smoking

Why do you gain weight quickly when you quit smoking? There are many explanations for this phenomenon. One of them concerns the synthesis in the body of special substances endocannabinoids, which are involved in the formation of appetite. They are synthesized from cellular phospholipids in response to stimulation of the brain's food centers and are responsible for the feeling of pleasure. The role of pathogens often belongs to smoking tobacco and the toxins it contains. Quitting smoking becomes a signal for the body to search for new pathogens, without which emotional condition getting worse. In this case, tasty food becomes an adequate replacement for tobacco nicotine. And if you quit smoking, but compensate for this kind of stress on the body with gastronomic excesses, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid weight gain after abruptly quitting smoking.

We often recover from an irresistible craving for sweets after quitting smoking. Under the influence of nicotine, blood glucose levels increase. By giving up the habit of smoking, we can provoke hypoglycemia, to which the brain responds alarms about the risk of an energy crisis. Such signals are manifested by a feeling of a strong desire to eat. And it is fast carbohydrates that solve the problem of hunger, but become the reason why a former smoker gains weight.

Often women are afraid of giving up cigarettes, citing the experience of a friend: she gained weight by quitting smoking, and I will too. In this case, you need to remember that body weight can be gained and decreased differently for everyone, depending on the metabolic rate. Toxic substances from tobacco smoke are able to speed up metabolic processes in some people, and if you quit smoking, they slow down. But such fluctuations are very individual. If one person quit smoking and gained weight, then for another such consequences of quitting cigarettes may not appear at all.

Ways to prevent weight gain

Maintaining weight after quitting smoking is not difficult for those who are aware of the risk of gaining weight and prepare in advance to prevent it. To do this, you will have to reconsider some habits.

Steps to Prevent Weight Gain When Quitting Smoking

Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the menu If you give up sweets a few days before you are supposed to quit cigarettes, your body will quickly adapt to lower blood glucose levels.
Give up alcohol Strong alcohol makes it difficult to control yourself when your hand habitually reaches for a cigarette
Review your drinking regime The amount of free liquid is increased to 2 liters per day to quickly neutralize accumulated nicotine toxins
Prepare pleasant low-calorie snacks The habit of regular smoking breaks can be replaced by a similar craving to chew something: let it be pieces of meat, jamon, nuts, grain breads that will quench your appetite and not add carbohydrates
Develop a physical activity program Frequent long walks in the fresh air, running, dancing will not only distract you from the desire to smoke, but will also increase calorie consumption
Come up with a non-calorie replacement for the traditional morning cigarette and coffee The first morning cigarette and coffee are the most persistent habit of smokers. Try replacing a cigarette with a piece of your favorite cheese or ham

Once you give up your usual smoking breaks, the sensitivity of your taste buds, lost from the effects of nicotine, begins to quickly recover. Those who quit smoking often talk about how difficult it is not to be tempted by the delicious smells of food that you begin to smell everywhere. Make it a habit to have hearty breakfasts, lunches and dinners with good portions of meat and vegetables. Proteins and vegetable fiber give a feeling of fullness and prevent weight gain due to random high-calorie snacks.

Rules for losing weight after quitting cigarettes

Is it possible to lose weight if you couldn’t cope with weight gain when quitting smoking, and what to do with your rapidly growing body weight - such problems worry many former smokers. Online forums with descriptions of different diets are full of questions about how a woman quit smoking and quickly gained weight and how to lose weight now. However, strict dietary restrictions with fasting can greatly disrupt metabolic processes, which are already damaged by nicotine intoxication. It is necessary to take into account when a person quit smoking: if 1-2 weeks have passed, then the exchange has slowed down a little, without receiving tobacco stimulation. If at this time you provoke a sharp increase in it with pills, fasting or refusing to eat, you can cause irreparable harm to your health. Losing weight after quitting smoking and not losing your health is possible only through a combination of reasonably calculated nutrition and physical activity.

The solution to the problem of how to quit smoking and lose weight is practically no different from a similar request from non-smokers: the number of calories absorbed should be less than those expended. In order to lose weight and not gain weight again, you need to draw up a diet plan that will clearly include at least 5-6 meals with your favorite dishes from lean meat, fish, and vegetables. These products do not contain a large number of calories, but they satisfy your appetite and allow you to not gain weight even from large portions.

Those who want to send overweight should forget about seasonings and spices, stewed and fried dishes with a rich taste. They stimulate appetite and promote overeating. Those who remember to drink a lot of water lose weight well. It removes from the body not only accumulated nicotine, but also harmful toxins that are formed from intense calorie combustion. It is impossible to lose weight without good physical activity, which helps expend energy and cleanses the bronchi, blood vessels from accumulated toxins.

The idea that when people quit smoking they gain weight is not just a common misconception among smokers. The evidence that a certain percentage of people gain weight when they quit smoking is indeed supported by research. This phenomenon has a completely logical explanation, based on an understanding of the processes that occur in the body when people quit smoking. Why does weight gain occur when you quit smoking, and how can you bring your body back to normal? Find answers to these questions below.

Why do people get fat when they quit smoking?

Weight gain during the process of quitting smoking usually does not exceed 4-5 kg. This figure is not critical, so you shouldn’t give up fighting a bad habit for fear of getting fat. This weight gain in people who quit smoking occurs for several reasons.

How to get your weight back to normal

After the body is cleared of nicotine, all metabolic processes are restored and the weight gained during the period of struggle with addiction goes away on its own. This process may take several months, but it can be sped up a little by adjusting your diet.

  • To cleanse the intestines and liver, you need to eat foods rich in fiber. During the period of “nicotine withdrawal” you need to lean on cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Fermented milk products will help improve intestinal function: yogurt, kefir. You can also eat curd cheeses.
  • To compensate for the deficiency of vitamin C, which is not absorbed with nicotine, you need to include currants, gooseberries, lemons, bell peppers, and citrus fruits in your diet.
  • Snacks that replace smoking are best made light and healthy. Young apples are ideal: they contain oxalic acid, which improves metabolism and reduces cravings for nicotine. Such a snack provides double benefits to the body: you want to smoke less and your metabolism becomes better. In any case, it is better not to use sweets and other high-calorie foods for snacking.
  • Spicy and spicy foods It is better to exclude it from the diet. They irritate the taste buds and only increase the craving for cigarettes.

Gaining weight when quitting smoking is not something spontaneous. There are specific reasons why a person gains weight if he quits smoking. However, weight gain is temporary. After the body recovers and enters a new rhythm, the weight will drop to its previous values.. This process can be accelerated with nutrition. Some rules regarding what you can and should eat when quitting smoking will help you cleanse your body faster and improve your metabolism.

I quit smoking and I'm hungry.
Very often one hears such exclamations that during the period of fighting smoking, a sharp change in appetite begins. This manifests itself not just in an increase in appetite, but in a constant need for food. Often, after a person quits smoking, he experiences a significant increase in body weight. But, of course, no one wants to value their body by deciding to adopt a healthy lifestyle and get rid of nicotine addiction. This is a very important topic that requires discussion, since the issue is very extensive and requires any clarification.
But don't be upset. If you decide to quit smoking, you need to do it immediately, without fear that your body will change its previous state. If you are afraid of gaining weight while quitting smoking, then you need to study in detail the rules for properly combating smoking, and then your life will change radically.
Basically, whether there will be weight gain or not depends on the person himself. And there is no exact guarantee that you will recover. Most often, weight gain is due to the fact that a person does not have sufficient willpower, he constantly thinks that it is hard for him without a cigarette, and he develops stress. Many people try to get rid of stress by eating problems. And this is more common cause development of this problem.
But there are other cases when the need for constant consumption of food is related to your body characteristics, then, to solve the problem, it is necessary to find and develop individual, optimal solutions.

Why do you want to eat when you quit (quit) smoking.

Tobacco is the most popular narcotic substance. Smoking is known to disrupt work internal organs and systems, worsens the state of health, well-being, disrupts and mental activity. During your transition to a tobacco-free life, your body does not yet understand what is happening to it. Previously, he received a constant dose of nicotine and over time he got used to this condition. Therefore, at first it is very difficult to hold on and not break down, since the body requires tobacco smoke and nicotine. The main thing here is willpower.

There are two main reasons why appetite increases during the period of quitting smoking:

  1. It's no secret that during prolonged smoking of cigarettes, the taste buds of food entering the oral cavity deteriorate. Nicotine dulls the receptors of our tongue and the real taste of food is almost not felt. After quitting smoking, over a period of time, these receptors begin to restore their function and return all the delights of the taste of food to your life. For many people, these changes cause a storm of emotions; they begin to feel in a new way. Feeling natural tastes, a person’s desire to eat something new and forgotten grows more and more. This leads to balanced diet and normal 3-4 meals a day is not the norm. I want to eat as much as possible. As a result, we begin to eat more and more without noticing it. Food begins to bring pleasure and comes as a new addiction, replacing smoking.
  2. As everyone has long known, nicotine helps speed up metabolic processes. This means that smokers consume more calories than non-smokers. After quitting smoking, the body does not receive the usual amount of energy and calories. He begins the process of survival, and he saves all the food he receives “for the future.” As a result of this, weight increases. You may not notice it, but a huge number of processes occur in the body. After all, the body needs time and effort to restore itself from prolonged exposure to harmful chemicals.
    From the above it follows that weight gain can be influenced by the fact that you simply do not have enough usual calories and you replenish the need by eating more food; or, it is a more psycho-emotional process aimed at developed reflexes: food replaces a cigarette in the mouth.
    To prevent possible appearances problems with excess weight, you need to quit smoking wisely, possibly with the help of qualified specialists. But you can find out the first recommendations on this topic right now; read on for some tips on how to properly combat smoking.

Solving problems with smoking and excess weight.

  1. The most important thing is to understand whether you need to get rid of addiction or not, because the result depends on this. If the decision is made, then action must be taken. And the first, most basic point will be to completely forget about smoking. This means that you must fill the maximum of your free time so that you do not have time to think about a cigarette, or in this case, about food too. It is necessary to do some physical activity: fitness, swimming, running. This, firstly, will reduce your free time and you will forget about the cigarette and food; Secondly, even if you start eating more food, exercise and physical activity will not allow you to gain weight, since you will burn extra calories during training. Also, your well-being will improve.

  2. Diet. An integral component of a healthy lifestyle. You need to compose for yourself proper diet nutrition, which will include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids and other equally important beneficial nutrients. Eat 4 times a day, do not take long breaks, know the portion size. Drink enough water to normalize your water balance.
  3. Walking in the fresh air is important; qualitative, healthy sleep, in a well-ventilated area; aromatherapy and other activities to improve the condition.
    All these points are quite simple to implement. By following them, you can protect yourself from the problem of millions of people. Having made the decision to quit smoking, this is already a great step; if you were able to and pulled yourself together, then rest assured, the result will force itself to be expected. Quitting smoking is not difficult, addiction occurs within 21 days. During this time, you will become so accustomed to the colorful world without cigarettes that you will no longer want to return to it.
    But the most convincing thing about this topic is not to start smoking at all. Smoking brings a lot of harm and problems and no benefit. Don't ruin your health and beauty. Play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Everyone knows that smoking is harmful. And those who have a smoking history of decades, and those who have never picked up a cigarette. Quitting smoking is much more difficult than starting. And only people who are not familiar with this terrible habit believe that quitting smoking is a simple process and does not require much effort. In fact, the body’s real longing for nicotine is mixed with psychological discomfort ( bad dream, increased irritability) and almost always weight gain. Of course, the harm that smoking causes to the human body cannot be compared with these troubles, especially when you consider that after a few months everything returns to normal. Why do people get fat when they quit smoking? Is it possible to avoid this? We will discuss this in detail in the article.

Why do people get fat when they quit smoking?

When you quit smoking, weight gain actually happens. To minimize it, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this process. So why do people get fat when they quit smoking? The reasons are as follows:

  • A smoke break is replaced by a snack, which inevitably leads to a set of extra pounds.
  • Also, why do people gain weight when they quit smoking? After giving up cigarettes, taste buds are gradually restored, food seems more tasty, and appetite increases.
  • Nicotine affects the digestive processes, slowing them down; in addition, cigarettes significantly dull the feeling of hunger.
  • Restoring the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus when quitting smoking leads to faster digestion of food and increased appetite.
  • Why do people get fat when they quit smoking? Exchange processes A smoker under the influence of nicotine is noticeably higher; when quitting smoking, they slow down to normal levels.

This is important to know: When you quit smoking, all these troubles are temporary. After complete deliverance From a bad habit, all body systems are restored over time.

Milk and dairy products

Now you know why people get fat after quitting smoking. To minimize the danger of gaining extra pounds, you need to try to review your diet. Moreover, we are not talking about diet at all, since it is not worth combining giving up cigarettes with following a certain diet. Under these conditions, the body receives double stress, and the likelihood of breaking out and smoking again is very high.

You just need to make sure that the number of tea parties and snacks does not increase due to giving up cigarettes. Drinking 0.5 cups of milk or kefir in small sips can help with an acute desire to smoke. This additionally enriches the body with calcium and PP vitamins (nicotinic acid), reducing the strong desire to smoke.

In addition, it has long been noted that milk and dairy products change the taste of a cigarette, making it more unpleasant for the smoker. Consumption butter, cottage cheese and cheese will be especially useful in the first place. However, it should be remembered that the high fat content of dairy products can cause excess weight gain.


So that you are not bothered by the question of why, when you quit smoking, you start to gain weight, you need to increase the amount of juices you consume. Tomato, carrot, apple and many others, which have replaced cigarettes, will not allow the hated kilograms to be deposited and are simply a storehouse of vitamins and useful microelements.


Consumption of cucumbers bell pepper, eggplants and broccoli will make the process of quitting cigarettes less painful psychologically, will not allow excess weight to be deposited and will help make it easier to endure the first, most difficult days giving up a bad habit, since they contain large amounts of nicotinic acid, the lack of which the smoker especially feels.

Fluid intake

During the initial period of quitting smoking, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fluid. This could be regular or mineral water, calming herbal teas, for example chamomile with mint. However, you should avoid drinks with high content caffeine, tea or coffee, as well as energy drinks and alcoholic drinks. Not only are they high in calories, their consumption can lead to relapse and a return to the hated cigarette.

What is better not to do

Why do you gain weight when you quit smoking? You already know this. Therefore, remember that you should not replace smoking breaks with the consumption of crackers, chips, seeds or candies. All these products contain a large number of calories, and most importantly, with such a replacement the task of giving up a bad habit is not formed, it is simply replaced by a new one. As soon as the understanding comes that due to the consumption of cigarette substitutes, excess weight, hands will reach for a cigarette again.

In order to make quitting cigarettes less difficult, it is necessary to exclude spicy and smoked foods from the diet, reduce the consumption of sweets and flour products. Replace fatty pork, for example, with chicken or turkey and increase the amount in your diet. lean fish and milk porridges.

Other ways to avoid gaining weight

Intensive exercise, which many try to combine with a period of quitting smoking, is a big misconception. You cannot combine multiple goals. This almost inevitably leads to failure. Returning to a cigarette often convinces a person of the futility of his attempts, drives him into depression and for a long time discourages him from wanting to get rid of his bad addiction.

The role of sports activities

To achieve success, you need to set priorities. In this case, giving up cigarettes will be a priority. At the same time, playing sports allows you to diversify your leisure time, find like-minded people, and prevent weight gain. During this period, classes should not be too intense. Perfect fit hiking, riding a bicycle, scooter or rollerblades, swimming in the pool. The main thing is to make these activities regular, and instead of the habit of starting every morning with a cigarette, acquire a new addiction to healthy image life and regular exercise.

It is necessary to remove from the house all items associated with smoking: lighters, ashtrays and other smoker paraphernalia. Not worth replacing a regular cigarette electronic, there will be no benefit from such a quitting smoking, after some time the smoker will definitely return to the cigarette. To make quitting smoking more comfortable, you need to get enough sleep to give your body time to recover. In addition, lack of sleep leads to increased aggressiveness, and it is quite high during the period of quitting smoking.

Often people who quit smoking neglect advice to increase physical activity. With this approach, weight gain during the initial period of abstinence from cigarettes is almost inevitable. If sports complex is far away, but you don’t want to roller skate, you can just get out of the transport when returning from work 1-2 stops before the desired one and walk this distance.


So that you are not interested in the question of why, when you quit smoking, you gain weight, dancing classes are recommended. This will help you get charged positive emotions, find new friends and like-minded people and provide the body with the necessary physical activity. For women and girls who have quit smoking, dancing is an excellent alternative to regular classes. gym, which many people find simply boring.

Support from loved ones

The role of family members in supporting a person who has decided to quit smoking cannot be overestimated. Usually, even the most persistent smokers understand that addiction to cigarettes negatively affects not only their own health, but also the health of all family members. Children who are forced to be near a smoker especially suffer. Not only do they get a boost of nicotine by inhaling harmful cigarette smoke, but they also constantly see in front of their eyes not the best best example control over your own health. No conversations with children will have any effect desired result if mom and dad smoke. Under such conditions, having matured, the child will certainly reach for a cigarette. After all, unfortunately, children copy the behavior of adults, especially those who are an authority for them.

Outdoor games

After quitting smoking, spend more time playing with your children. Outdoor games for the whole family will provide the necessary physical activity, will give you the joy of communicating with own child and distract you from thoughts about a cigarette. Ball games, badminton and even regular jogging are perfect. In winter - ice skating, snowball fights, skiing. All this will unite the family, and help the smoker forget about bad habit.


Why do people gain weight when they quit smoking? You already know the gist. Sooner or later, every smoker comes to the need to give up cigarettes. Some people get tired of spending impressive amounts of money on a bad habit, others, having noticed the first disruptions in the functioning of their own body, decide not to aggravate the situation, others understand that their loved ones are suffering from their bad addiction. Often the decision to quit smoking does not come immediately, and the smoker tries to push back the moment of parting with a cigarette as far as possible.

Quitting smoking at any age and with any length of experience will bring nothing but great benefit. Recent medical research proves that when you quit smoking, organs and tissues damaged by nicotine are restored. A person gets rid of coughing and shortness of breath, his complexion noticeably improves, and many diseases that the smoker considered incurable cease to haunt him. Even the kilograms gained after quitting cigarettes go away quite quickly. By the way, in fairness, it should be noted that not all people who quit smoking gain weight. Very often this does not happen at all.

But there is no doubt that giving up cigarettes will give you several extra years of a healthy, active life. Give up the bad habit, stop looking at the world through a veil of tobacco smoke. And let the question of why people get fat when they quit smoking no longer bother you. Be healthy and happy!

Surely you have noticed how your friends for a long time Those who smoked and then suddenly stopped smoking began to rapidly gain weight. You may have even experienced a similar effect yourself when you suddenly decided to give up addiction. Why is this happening? Why do we gain weight when we quit smoking?? And is it possible to quit smoking without harming your figure?

It's no secret that smoking is a constant, slow poisoning of the body. And after a person stops smoking, the body tries to recover as quickly as possible and return to normal operation. It is this recovery process that influences weight change upward.

Another reason why a person gains weight after quitting smoking is constant desire eat something. This is not the case for everyone, but most former smokers can say that during the process of quitting they chewed on something constantly, as a result of which they became much fatter than they were before they decided to quit smoking.

What measures should be taken to forever forget about the bad habit and stay slim?

When quitting smoking, do not forget to drink as much fluid as possible - it takes up space in the stomach, as a result of which you will be much less hungry. It is better if you drink not coffee and soda, but clean fresh water and freshly squeezed fruit juices. These drinks help the body recover faster from tobacco intoxication and reduce appetite.

If you want to stay slim and quit smoking, you should not combine these two processes. First, let your body recover, and then get serious about your figure. If you decide to quit smoking and go on a diet at the same time, then most likely neither of these endeavors will be successful. In the process of quitting smoking, do not limit yourself in food, just try to eat properly, often and in small portions, and then weight gain will be minimal.

Any refusal of a habit, even a harmful one, entails stress for the body. And every person struggles with stress different ways. Someone starts working enthusiastically, someone goes in for sports, and someone eats. Therefore, if you devote yourself completely to one way of dealing with stress, you simply will not have time for another. Why not spend this time in front of the refrigerator instead of spending your evenings sports training? This way you won't wonder why do you gain weight when you quit smoking?, and help your body quickly wean itself off the bad habit.