Snacks on proper nutrition are tasty, satisfying and healthy for the figure. How to eat at work: preparing diet snacks The right snack between breakfast and lunch


Learning how to quickly satisfy your hunger is not an easy task, but putting in a little effort on a weekday evening to prepare a healthy snack, you will always stay in good shape and get a boost of energy. You need to forget about harmful chips, mega-calorie chocolate bars, in general, any kind of fast food that noticeably affects your figure.

Motivate yourself, do not be lazy and expand your culinary horizons with interesting dishes for healthy snacks at work. Initially, get yourself or your child a beautiful lunch box - this will be the first step towards healthy eating.

What to eat at work so as not to get better? What to cook for a snack to study, so that it is satisfying and useful? We offer 15 options for snacking at work or school:

Dairy products (yogurt or kefir)

One serving of ryazhenka contains a large number of fiber, which contributes to good digestion of food. Milk fluid fills the stomach and saturates it with easily digestible simple proteins. Low calorie content is also a significant advantage of these products - 30 kcal per glass. You are given the opportunity to choose, adding various seasonal fruits will not let you quickly get bored with such a snack. Remember, the shelf life of homemade yogurt is no more than three days, and the addition of berries is possible only immediately before use.

Dairy products such as fermented baked milk or kefir help to improve metabolic processes in the body, remove accumulated toxins from the liver and kidneys, strengthen blood vessels, as a result of which the work of the cardiac system improves.

The positive properties of dairy products are achieved due to the vitamins A, B and C included in the composition, as well as the microelements involved in the biochemical processes of the body.

Crispy balls of chickpeas baked in the oven

Few people know the beneficial properties of chickpeas, but we are all familiar with hummus paste made from this type of legume.

TO characteristic features chickpeas include:

  • helps to get rid of obesity;
  • helps to strengthen general immunity;
  • affects the reduction bad cholesterol;
  • is a preventive measure against the occurrence of cataracts;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • low calorie content (100 g contains 129 kcal);
  • the absorption of chickpea proteins is achieved many times faster than when using other types of legumes.


  • boiled chickpeas 0.5 kg;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp;
  • greenery;
  • spices;
  • salt to taste.

The oven must be preheated to 200 °C. After the chickpeas are boiled, dry them by scattering them on a paper towel. Drizzle the peas with olive oil and add spices and salt. Lay it on a baking sheet in a single layer and send it to the oven for 20 minutes, until a golden crust forms. Stir every 7-10 minutes. To prepare, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and mix again.

energy bar

Look for than to have lunch at work from the store? Then opt for a bar with muesli, nuts and various berries or fruits. This full-fledged snack is more suitable for adults, but for children, you can prepare a delicious energy bar yourself.


  • oatmeal 100 g;
  • butter 3 tablespoons;
  • honey 1 tbsp;
  • sugar 2 tablespoons;
  • dried berries, dried fruits (for example, blueberries, cranberries, dried apricots);
  • nuts.

In a hot skillet, stir together butter, honey and sugar. Remove from heat after the butter has melted. We also mix in flakes, crushed nuts and berries into small crumbs. We spread it neatly in a mold and put it in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-30 minutes. Then cut into manageable portions.

Cottage cheese

Healthy snack at work can be made from cottage cheese. At lunchtime, it can be easily purchased at the nearest supermarket.

Cottage cheese is a healthy protein food containing easily digestible and highly nutritious casein. The high value of such animal protein serves as a complete alternative to other foods. 250 g of fresh cottage cheese contains the dose of protein required healthy body. Do not forget about the composition of cottage cheese, which is rich in calcium and phosphorus, helping to form and strengthen the connective bone tissue. Therefore, feel free to cook curd dishes for yourself and your child.

For an adult, it is better to use low-fat cottage cheese. It can be mixed with herbs and sour cream and wrapped in pita bread rolls. But for children, it is better to choose an option with a fat content of not more than 9% and mix it with dried fruits. Let me remind you that without a refrigerator, this product is suitable for three hours.


The simplest option what to eat at work- fruits. For those who are losing weight, it is better to choose unsweetened varieties of green apples, oranges and kiwis are also suitable.

Dieting women should not include bananas in their diet. their glycemic index equal to the mark - 60, and this is higher than the norm for weight loss.

Fruit doesn't have to be fresh - try baking an apple in the microwave or oven, cut out the core and stuff it with nuts, raisins or any dried fruit mixed with 1.l. honey. Believe me, such a variety will give you not only satiety, but also a portion of a joyful mood.

Berry, fruit or vegetable smoothie

Appeared strong feeling hunger can be tamed with a berry, fruit or vegetable smoothie (cocktail). As a basis, any dairy products, vegetable or fruit juice, green tea without sugar are used. Additional ingredients: 2-3 types of berries, fruits (you can use frozen) or vegetables. For enrichment with vitamins, flax, sesame or pumpkin seeds are also added. But for a fat-burning effect, grated ginger is put in smoothies.

baked potato

In this option, you can practice with culinary recipes. I would like to move away from the usual concept of fried potatoes in the direction of more useful way cooking. As you know, potato tubers have a high energy value. This is a protein food containing amino acids and vitamin C. Therefore, satisfying your hunger with potatoes, you increase your immunity.

First option:

Prepare seasoning mix and olive oil. Wash the tubers well and cut them into manageable slices, each of which should be dipped in a mixture of seasonings and olive oil. Put on a baking sheet and put in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C for 30 minutes.

Second option:

Boil potatoes in uniforms. Make an incision in the shape of a cross on top and put the cheese mass there (hard or curd cheese with tomato or garlic) and send it to the microwave for a few minutes until the cheese is completely melted.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits contain just an incredible amount of vitamins, minerals and healthy carbohydrates. They can be consumed both independently and added to cottage cheese or sour-milk products.


Nuts are a full-fledged storehouse of proteins, B and E vitamins, as well as various minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, etc.). For example, almonds are among the nuts that uplift the mood with the effect of a charge of vivacity. Especially, this product is relevant towards the end of the week, when the forces are almost exhausted.

But don't spoil yourself too much with it. healthy snack at work, because Nuts are high in calories. daily rate is no more than 20-30 g.

Sandwiches with hummus paste

Hummus is a chickpea paste. About him useful properties everyone should know, because it is a valuable protein that belongs to easily digestible components. Its low calorie content does not contribute to weight gain, rather, on the contrary, it serves as a good fat burner.


  • boiled chickpeas 500 g;
  • olive oil 3 tbsp;
  • lemon fresh 1.5 tbsp;
  • garlic 1 clove (optional)
  • fresh bell pepper 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Mix all ingredients (except bell pepper). Use an immersion blender to grind them into a thick paste. Too thick mass can be diluted with water in which chickpeas were cooked. Immediately before use, you need to add finely chopped Bell pepper.

Cooked hummus can be spread on whole wheat bread or lavash.

It is important to know! Homemade hummus paste has a shelf life of 7 days when refrigerated.


TO healthy snacks at work include muesli. They can be prepared with the milk base of your choice. Before buying, you should carefully study the composition of the package - it may contain various additives, methylated spirits and flavor enhancers. Maximum naturalness - that's the guarantee quality product. It is also possible to purchase flakes separately and cook them with your favorite dried fruits.


A sandwich is a good snack, but it must include the right ingredients. no sausages and White bread should not be included in the diet of both adults and children. Most useful basics- This is whole grain bread, yeast-free, with bran. Also invaluable benefit carry corn tortillas enriched with fiber. You can put hummus paste on them or use them on their own.

Having dealt with the base, we proceed to the filling. These may include the following ingredients: boiled chicken, vegetables, steam fish, cheese.

With this kind of sandwiches, you will be guaranteed a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Black chocolate

Repeatedly conducted studies have become irrefutable proof that it is dark chocolate that helps to control the daily calorie intake. It contains powerful antioxidants, phosphorus and calcium. And all in a 100-gram chocolate bar. Suitable only dark, with a cocoa bean content of at least 75%. As a snack, it is recommended to eat no more than 30 g of dark chocolate.


Fresh vegetable salad will serve well snack at work or study. It is enough to cut seasonal vegetables and put them in a small container, add spicy greens and more lettuce leaves. sprinkle lemon juice and the filling is ready.

boiled eggs

Eggs can be boiled both at work (in an electric kettle) and in advance at home. It is better to opt for quail eggs containing a large amount of vitamins A and B. These vitamins contain female beauty: health of hair, nails, skin and vision. Daily rate is 5-6 quail eggs.

Many factors depend on the right snack at work or school - this is the figure, performance and, of course, mood. Eat right and make the most of nature's gifts!

Healthy diet - the best way get rid of extra pounds. Calorie counting, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the required amount of water per day - all this is the basis of healthy weight loss. But another important aspect in this matter is snacking on proper nutrition which we will talk about today.

In addition to the main meals for weight loss Special attention given to snacks. With such a diet, both a man and a woman can easily lose weight. These are two intermediate meals between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner. Almost all nutritionists shout out loud that it is impossible to effectively lose weight without snacking. With the help of snacks, you make it clear to your body that universal hunger is not about us and there will be no restrictions on food.

Healthy food

What main value snacks on proper nutrition for weight loss? You don't overeat. In those moments when the brain requires food, you can calmly “freeze the worm”, and terrible hunger will not overtake you during the main meal.

But you should not get carried away with dietary snacks either. Indulging yourself and your habits, you may not even notice how you ate three handfuls of nuts or a kilogram of apples. Be careful and carefully plan your diet.

When to eat

As already mentioned, a snack with proper nutrition is food after the main meal. That is, this is a second breakfast or lunch and an afternoon snack.

Nutritionists distinguish the following PP scheme with a fractional diet:

Of course, at first it will be difficult to get used to such a routine. In any case, after holding on for at least a week, you will feel an improvement. general condition health, and overweight will gradually go away. This is explained by the fact that with 5-6 meals a day you will eat much less than if you would eat 2-3 times a day.

A constant feeling of fullness with fractional nutrition helps the brain not to feel the desire to eat something, and the body has enough energy for life.

What to eat on a diet

Proper snacks for weight loss should be rich in protein and fiber.

And food from simple carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet. From such a meal you will not feel full and you will want to eat even more.

Healthy foods

Priority should be low calorie snacks.

These include:

  • dairy products - kefir, yogurt;
  • fruits - grapefruits, oranges, berries, bananas, apples;
  • bitter chocolate - it is important to observe the dosage and not get carried away;
  • dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, prunes;
  • nuts - walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds;
  • vegetables - cucumber, tomato, carrot and other products from which you can make a salad for a snack.

Between each meal you need to drink 1-2 glasses clean water. It removes accumulated harmful substances makes the skin healthy and supple.

harmful products

First of all, you need to remove right menu white sugar. And the same applies to all products in which it is contained in excessive amounts. That is, the option to have a snack with your favorite candy with a cup of tea will not work. This will not lead to a feeling of fullness, and cellulite and extra pounds are definitely provided for you.

Foods that contain a lot of salt should also be avoided. These include chips, crackers, crackers and marinated dishes. Banned sweet carbonated drinks, packaged juices, meals fast food, floury and sweet. Yes, and throw out smoked meats from your list, sausages and white wheat bread - these are the most high-calorie foods.

As an exception, oatmeal cookies and Maria crackers are allowed, which are so popular among losing weight.

We eat on time

We talked about the products that make up the diet of PP snacks. But which of them can be eaten in the morning, and which are better in the afternoon?

Let's define the time for low-calorie snacks on proper and fractional nutrition.


We emphasize - it is important to know the measure. If you managed to have a hearty breakfast, then there will be enough fruit for lunch. In the case when it was not possible to eat normally in the morning, the next meal should be hearty.

So, for a second breakfast, kiwi, orange or apple are perfect. You also need to be careful with the latter. Fruit increases appetite, and if you have a high feeling of hunger, it is better to eat another product, such as dried fruits.

afternoon tea

This is a snack in the afternoon, which is important to pay attention to. Like others, it will allow you to satisfy your hunger and not eat up for dinner.

Among the popular products for the right afternoon tea, dairy products are distinguished - yogurt, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt. There is a reason for this - calcium, which is better absorbed after twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Nutritionists say that candied fruits and nuts can be used as snacks in the evening. However, a serving should not exceed 10 g. With regards to pistachios, the volume can be increased up to 30 g.

Snack on the run

Agree, we do not always have the opportunity to have a bite to eat, so we have to do it “on the go”. And how to satisfy hunger in a crazy pace of life? The main thing to remember is that in no case should you eat fast food. There was and is nothing useful in this food, so it does not even deserve a place on the table of a healthy and slender person.

Snack options for healthy eating at work are cereal, fruit, nuts, or yogurt. Sometimes we even allow a sandwich - a grain loaf with boiled meat and herbs. Your body will say "thank you" for such a healthy diet snack at work.

Evening option

Usually a simple and homemade meal that isn't all that important. You can only have a snack in the evening when you are very hungry. But it's still not worth getting carried away.

If your body urgently requires food, drink a glass of water or low-fat kefir at night.

For an evening snack, you can not use fruits and foods rich in carbohydrates. In this case, you just whet your appetite, and you want to eat something else.

Healthy meal options

Popular dishes for eating between main meals include smoothies, vegetable and fruit salads, berries, lean meat, nut mix.

Consider recipes for snacks with proper nutrition, which will satisfy hunger and at the same time allow you to lose weight.

fruit snack

An excellent option for a proper snack at work or at home can be a fruit smoothie, this is a fairly low-calorie drink.

Its preparation will not take more than 5 minutes: 2-3 types of fruits and berries are mixed in a blender. The finished product is poured into a glass - and the dish is ready. Various vegetables are added to this smoothie.

As we have already said, fruits will be the best alternative to sweets when losing weight. Banana and citrus fruits will instantly block the feeling of hunger.

Dried varieties should be eaten in moderation. The fact is that there is much more sugar in products of this type, and useful substances on the contrary, less. Therefore, it is better to choose fresh fruits.

Curd sandwiches

Cottage cheese snack- This is a great option for losing weight. You can make various snacks from cottage cheese.

For example, sandwiches are very easy to make: cottage cheese is mixed with low-fat yogurt and herbs and spread on whole grain bread. For taste, the filling can be slightly salted, and put on top fresh tomato. This vegetable will decorate your dish and add flavor.

In order to diversify sandwiches, you can combine tomatoes with salmon and dietary meat, zucchini and other vegetables.

Cottage cheese casserole

A very tasty and healthy dish that is suitable for a dietary snack at work.

You will need:

Easy cooking:

  1. Mix cottage cheese with apples and dried fruits.
  2. Put the mass on a baking sheet.
  3. Bake for 30 minutes. at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Protein pancakes

Everyone knows that protein is the basis of life and the main building material of the body. A protein snack - great way Delicious food without a threat to the figure.

High-quality protein can be found in animal products - meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese. Of course, if you do not have the opportunity to cook, you can also snack on a piece of boiled (for example, chicken) meat.

For pancakes you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 banana.

Banana is mashed with a fork in a bowl and mixed with eggs. Such pancakes are baked in a dry frying pan without adding oil.

The protein benefit of the product is in eggs. Banana will restore energy balance and cheer you up.

Diet rules

Even when snacking, it is important to remember the conditions correct reception food for weight loss.

  1. In order for food to be digested more slowly, and eaten enough for several hours, it is necessary to consume complex carbohydrates , fiber and protein.
  2. The meal should take place slowly, without haste. Imagine that you are at the reception of the queen - eat, chewing thoroughly.
  3. You need to eat in a quiet, calm environment. All attention is directed to nutrition, and the feeling of fullness comes faster.

If you can’t eat like that, you can trick your brain by changing the fork or tablespoon to a teaspoon. Then you certainly won’t be able to quickly absorb food, and the meal will take 15-20 minutes.

Proper and tasty snacks are an important component of healthy weight loss. They will help you not feel hungry and gradually lose weight. Remember this and be healthy!

Eating right means not only watching what you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also thinking carefully about all the snacks! And remember that snacking on proper nutrition is just as important as any other meal.

Pp-snack - is it necessary and why

And why is it needed, a beginner pp-shnik will ask.

These are extra calories, and indeed - think, cook something there ...

Here it would be with breakfasts, lunches, dinners to figure it out.

And if you also work in the office, then it’s definitely not up to snacks.

I’ll upset someone now, but I’ll please someone (who, like me, loves to eat) - Snacks on proper nutrition are a must!

The meaning is as follows:

  • they prevent constant hunger and a stressful regimen, when the body goes into the “black times are on the nose, we are stocking up on fat” mode;
  • snacking on pp provokes an acceleration of metabolism;
  • gives extra energy during the day;
  • excludes night congestion, because all day you did not lack food;
  • allows you to easily and simply gain what you need, which, as we know, can be very problematic when playing sports and building muscle mass.

What should he be

So, I think the importance of snacking with proper nutrition is clear, let's move on to more specific things - how it should look like.

The right snack- This additional reception food between the main.

Snacks with proper nutrition in the standard menu option are between breakfast and lunch (lunch) and between lunch and dinner (afternoon).

If you are a “crazy bird lark” (like me), then one more evening snack is allowed. That is 2-3.

They should be:

  • less breakfast, lunch and dinner, both in volume and in calories;
  • consist, like any other food, only of healthy natural products;
  • ideally fit into any diet and regimen - there should be at least 2-2.5 hours between any meals.

Sometimes it may seem that the time for a snack has already come - often after dinner, after half an hour, you want to eat something. But this is not hunger! Most likely it's just thirst, or you have a late lunch and it's time for a natural hormonal surge (I promise a separate full-fledged article on this very soon), when you just think that you are hungry. By the way, in more detail about the difference between appetite and hunger, but about foods that pacify appetite.

It can be anything - fruits, vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, fats. But there is little tricks, especially if these are snacks on. Remember:

  • for lunch, you can just have carbohydrates, carbohydrates and fats, carbohydrates and protein;
  • second snack pp - for an afternoon snack - this is only protein, maybe with a small amount fats.

For the night or even at night, if “Uncle Zhora” suddenly overtook you, you can only fat-free protein in any version: cottage cheese with a fat content of less than 5%, egg white, boiled chicken breast or lean fish, veal.

Snack options

Now in more detail, with examples of what you can have for a snack with proper nutrition.

Before lunch, snack options with proper nutrition, may look like this:

  • a couple of fruits (apples, tangerines, even bananas, if you are not losing weight);
  • with any filling;
  • pair or ;
  • portion of any smoothie;
  • small lavash with stuffing, etc.

You can add a cup herbal decoction, tea without sugar.

For an afternoon snack, that is, after dinner, snack recipes slightly different, more proteinaceous:

  • portion;
  • 2-3 with a small portion of fresh vegetable salad;
  • some kind of curd dessert, for example
  • in extreme cases - a portion.

After dinner, you often want something sweet - have a snack with a protein cottage cheese dessert with the addition of dark chocolate, so you prevent a possible breakdown.

What is forbidden for pp-snacking

The correct snack during pp excludes any harmful products, that is, everything is simple here.

Also, do not get carried away with carbohydrates - you should have a snack with something lighter, not as satisfying as cereals.

The calorie content of the snack should be under attention, ideally less than the calorie content of the main meal, or at least the same. But no more! If during lunch or afternoon snack you want to eat more, reconsider the portions of breakfast and lunch - maybe they are small.

Here are some secrets from those who have been in pp for a long time:

  1. if you work, then plan snacks so that the last one is as close as possible to the end of the working day - so you are unlikely to overeat at dinner;
  2. plan each snack in advance so as not to go over the calories and intercept something forbidden;
  3. add fiber to the first snack - it saturates perfectly;
  4. if suddenly you find yourself away from your vessels and trays, but the principles of PP are important to you, you can almost always buy an apple, kefir, banana - it will be enough for a couple of hours.

I will share a short video that describes the features of a pp-snack, and also gives good examples for a snack, pp-recipes for sandwiches, etc.:

Proper weight loss involves obligatory snacks between main meals. They are necessary in order to maintain optimal level insulin in the blood and prevent hunger pangs. However, keep in mind that snacks for losing weight should contain a minimum of calories (from 100 to 150) and maximum benefit. Compliance with these rules may seem difficult at first glance, but it is not. Even if you have intense physical activity or a very busy office schedule, you can find time for a delicious diet lunch or afternoon snack.

Consider which foods will help satisfy your hunger and not gain extra pounds, and which ones are strictly prohibited.

We are used to having snacks at work with store-bought crackers, buns or ready-made meals that you just need to pour boiling water over. Undoubtedly, this is convenient for a person working in an office, because there is no need to prepare lunch or an afternoon snack in advance. But this food is harmful to our figure and to health in general.

The following foods should be excluded from the snacking diet:

  • chocolate bars any other store-bought sweets;
  • pastries, cookies, waffles and other bakery products;
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • snacks;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products.

Eating such food during lunch or afternoon tea, you will certainly feel hungry again very soon, as it contains a large amount of slow carbohydrates, causing sharp drops the level of insulin in the blood (it is he who is responsible for our appetite).

Also simple carbohydrates fairly quickly transformed into subcutaneous fat, the body simply does not have time to spend them on maintaining its vital functions.

Healthy foods

Healthy and low-calorie snacks for losing weight at work should contain fiber and protein. It is these elements that give long-term saturation and do not negatively affect the figure.

Rough alimentary fiber long enough to pass through the esophagus. In addition, mixing with gastric juice, they swell and turn into a jelly-like mass, saturating us for a long time. And they also act on the intestines, like a natural “brush”, capturing all the toxins and removing them naturally.

Calories in fiber-rich foods are at a minimum, so it can be safely used for snacks at work.

Fiber is found in the following foods:

However, be careful with sweet fruits, they are a source of light carbohydrates. It is best to replace sweet apples with green ones, eat more citrus, pineapple, kiwi. It is important that these products do not contain harmful chemicals.


Protein is the "bricks" that are necessary to build all the cells in our body. They are extremely beneficial for health, and if you lose weight, then for the figure. Protein will help to lose weight due to body fat, not muscle tissue.

Protein food:

  • lean meats and poultry;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy and sour-milk products without sugar and additives;
  • nuts (not roasted, without salt, sugar and glaze).

Healthy snacks are important to cook properly. Meat, fish and poultry will bring maximum benefits to the body if it is steamed, baked in a sleeve or foil, boiled. Also keep in mind that lunch or afternoon snack should only contain one protein product.

What to take to work?

It is advisable to prepare the right snacks for weight loss in advance so that you can quickly enjoy them at work. However, there are options for those who do not like to bother with cooking.

We will look at what is best to use as a lunch or afternoon snack.

In conclusion

When you have even a very busy day at work, still have a snack, it will not be difficult to find 5-10 minutes for this if you wish. Light and healthy meals help you not to overeat during the main meals, which is very important for weight loss.

If you can't make yourself at least a sandwich, eat a handful of nuts or dried fruits, an apple or half a glass of berries - this will help satisfy your hunger.

And most importantly - make sure that all ingredients for preparing lunches and afternoon snacks are natural and do not contain chemical additives.

Healthy snacks are an important topic for many people who are losing weight, as hunger becomes an invariable companion when reducing the calorie content of the diet. What to eat so as not to harm the figure?

The basics of proper nutrition

In proper nutrition, it is important not so much to reduce calories as to pay attention to the quality of products:

  • more vegetable and fresh - vegetables, fruits, nuts;
  • more protein and lean - lean meat, fish;
  • more nutritious and satisfying - cereals from cereals of coarse processing.

Food should contain as much as possible nutrients but not by adding them to the product during the cooking process. That is, preference is given to whole milk that has passed through the separator, instead of store-bought skim milk with fortification.

It is important not only the quality and quantity, but also the time of eating, so you should think about healthy snacks in advance - lifesaver for those who feel hungry 2-2.5 hours after the main meal.

The main snacks on proper nutrition are the following products:

  • protein food;
  • sources of vegetable fats;
  • fiber sources.

All food should be included in the total calculation of BJU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) per day, and it can be added to the calculation of breakfast, lunch or dinner. In total, 5-6 meals should come out, and the frequency with small portions and the norm for calories should not frighten those who are trying to lose weight.

Protein snacks

Hearty, nutritious, usually low in calories. Best candidates: boiled chicken breast, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, milkshake.

On average, for a 200-calorie serving, it may look like this: 50 g of chicken breast in half a pita bread with herbs, 100 g of cottage cheese with raisins or a spoonful of honey, a glass of kefir with 15 g of nuts, 100 g of fruit casserole and low-fat cottage cheese, an egg, a slice of low-fat cheese.

A protein night snack has some peculiarities: only proteins are allowed in pure form, that is, chicken, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese or an egg without yolk.

Snack on carbs

Not always only fruits, although they come first. One apple and one banana - so many fruits are enough to eat per day, but bananas should be excluded for the duration of weight loss. Diet sweet snacks are fruits and berries with low content fructose, such as watermelons, sour apples, kiwi, pears, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, apricots. Be attentive to the amount eaten, count carbohydrates!

A carbohydrate snack includes whole grain bread (or crispbread) with low-fat cheese, peanut butter. Baked biscuits from oatmeal with banana. Figs, dried apricots, prunes with nuts individually or as part of a mixture, but here you need to consider large dose sugars and control the amount. Low-calorie celery stalks can be eaten with raisins and peanut butter.

Cabbage leaves with olive oil, spices after baking in the oven become an excellent dish for weight loss. Baked pear (apple) with honey, cinnamon and walnut will replace the cake for sweetness, and you can even eat it for an afternoon snack.

Healthy snacks at work for weight loss

Many are embarrassed to take containers with fruit and vegetable salads to work, so it’s time for tricks in the form of casseroles and smoothies with healthy ingredients. carrot juice with cinnamon and a spoonful of olive oil will satisfy hunger and the body's need for vitamins.

Carrot casserole without sugar, but with cinnamon and honey will delight gourmets. It bakes quickly - is it necessary to mix boiled carrots with semolina soaked in milk, and one egg yolk, pour into the mold.

Healthy snacks in small cups will be calmly received by colleagues. Homemade sugar-free yogurt with honey, dried fruits can be quickly eaten with a spoon. Hummus or chickpea pate with sesame seeds, cumin, garlic, olive oil and lemon juice can be eaten with diet bread, carrot sticks.

Make homemade jelly with fruits, honey. A casserole in a cake tin or a lazy oatmeal in a small jar of fruits and nuts for a satisfying, well-nourished second breakfast.

Chickpea snack is a healthy alternative to salted nuts. Soak the peas for a day in water until they swell. Drain the water, mix the chickpeas with paprika and other spices. Arrange on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

After 30 minutes, enjoy - the right snack will discourage the desire to buy snacks in stores! Low-calorie apple chips - sweetness and the ability to replace high-calorie cookies with tea for weight loss.

Second breakfast or snack?

Lunch or second breakfast is a tribute to fashion or a component of proper nutrition. The culture of having lunch came from English-speaking countries, and more precisely from England, where, due to the early rise, farmers had to eat four times a day.

Now lunch is called lunch, and in proper nutrition it is a hearty snack or second breakfast.