Why does body temperature rise? Increased human body temperature Why does the temperature constantly rise

However, the absence of any symptoms is scary because it is impossible to immediately determine the cause of this condition.

The optimal temperature indicator for normally occurring processes in the human body is 36.6°C. However, there are times when the temperature becomes elevated for no reason.

On the one hand, for some people this is the norm: there are people for whom it is always 36, and there are those for whom it is normal - 37.4°C. On the other hand, if a person usually has a normal temperature of 36.6°C, then a high temperature without symptoms in an adult means some kind of disorder.

Why does elevated temperature occur?

In all other situations, an increase in body temperature above normal indicates that the body is trying to fight something. In most cases, these are foreign agents in the body - bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or a consequence of physical impact on the body (burn, frostbite, foreign body). At elevated temperatures, the existence of agents in the body becomes difficult; infections, for example, die at a temperature of about 38 C.

All fevers are divided into three groups:

  1. Low-grade fever, in which the temperature rises from 37 to 38 degrees;
  2. Febrile fever - temperature rises from 38 to 39 degrees;
  3. Hectic fever is an increase in temperature from 40 degrees and above.

But any organism, like a mechanism, is not perfect and can malfunction. In the case of fever, we can observe this when the body, due to the individual characteristics of the immune system, reacts too violently to various infections, and the temperature rises too high, for most people it is 38.5 C.

Causes of high fever in adults without symptoms

An increase in temperature or fever is observed in almost all acute infectious diseases, as well as during exacerbation of certain chronic diseases. And in the absence of catarrhal symptoms, the cause high performance Doctors can determine the patient’s body temperature by isolating the pathogen either directly from the local source of infection or from the blood.

It is much more difficult to determine the cause of a temperature without signs of a cold if the disease arose as a result of exposure to opportunistic microbes (bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma) on the body - against the background of a decrease in general or local immunity. Then it is necessary to conduct a detailed laboratory study of not only blood, but also urine, bile, sputum and mucus.

Causes of fever without symptoms may be associated with the following diseases:

In all situations, an increase in temperature without signs of a cold indicates that the body is trying to fight something. For example, the so-called low-grade fever is often accompanied by anemia - low level hemoglobin in the blood.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

If its growth is observed, then it is worth bringing down the temperature using antipyretic medications - Paracetamol, Aspirin... you can also use NSAIDs - Ibuprofen, Nurofen. For children, children's Nurofen in the form of a sweet syrup is best suited, but Aspirin should not be given to a child.

At 42°C, irreversible changes occur in the cerebral cortex and the onset of fatal outcome. But this rarely happens.

Temperature 37 without symptoms: possible causes

A runny nose, fever, and sore throat are all common symptoms of a common cold. But what to do if the temperature is 37 without symptoms? For what reasons does this occur and how to deal with it, let's figure it out.

Causes of fever without visible symptoms:

  1. Onset of pregnancy (in women);
  2. Weakening of the immune system;
  3. The presence of any sluggish infection in the body;
  4. Pre-cold condition;
  5. Depletion of human energy reserves;
  6. General fatigue, depression or post-stress state;
  7. Sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, AIDS, etc.)

Basically, a temperature of 37 without symptoms in an adult is due to the fact that there is some reason that caused similar condition, but she did not completely overcome the human defenses.

Temperature 38 without symptoms: possible causes

A temperature of 38 without symptoms can occur quite often. And the reasons for this temperature are not always the same. This temperature may signal that lacunar or follicular tonsillitis is beginning (with catarrhal tonsillitis, the temperature rises slightly).

If a temperature above 38 degrees without symptoms lasts for 3 or more days, then this may be a manifestation of:

The most unpleasant syndrome is the persistence of an elevated temperature for several weeks and even months. This is most likely:

  1. A sign of tumor development in the body;
  2. Serious endocrine disorders;
  3. Leukemia;
  4. Diffuse changes in the liver or lungs.

The only thing that all these cases have in common is that in any case, the increase in temperature is due to the body’s resistance, which means that the immune system is fighting.

Temperature 39 without symptoms: possible causes

If a temperature of 39 without symptoms occurs in an adult not for the first time, then this is a clear sign of a pathological decrease in immunity and the development of a chronic inflammatory process. The phenomenon may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, febrile convulsions, difficulty breathing, or a further increase in consciousness. In this case, you must definitely contact a medical institution.

A high body temperature of 39-39.5° without obvious symptoms may be a signal of the following diseases:

  1. ARVI;
  2. The presence of a tumor process;
  3. Development of catarrhal tonsillitis;
  4. Manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  5. Chronic pyelonephritis;
  6. Manifestation of hypothalamic syndrome;
  7. The presence of viral endocarditis;
  8. The appearance of meningococcal infection.

Finding out the reasons for the rise in temperature to 39° C in adults is challenging task even for experienced specialists, since to establish the cause it is necessary to isolate the pathogen from the blood or source of infection.

What to do?

First of all, see your GP. Very often we are simply unable to notice certain symptoms, but a doctor can easily identify them and be able to diagnose the disease. It is also necessary to take tests; they will help identify many diseases that do not manifest themselves externally. Sometimes your doctor may order a sputum, urine or blood culture, x-ray or ultrasound.

If the temperature is very high, it is worth calling an ambulance so that doctors can provide emergency care and resolve the issue of hospitalization. In any case, high temperature is the body’s “cry” for help, and you should pay attention to it.

Causes of low human body temperature


Remember, only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Otherwise you will get all the diseases medical encyclopedia. If my temperature rises and my body begins to ache, then I try to lie down at home for a couple of days with tea, lemons and honey. Additionally, I take an Influcid tablet three times a day. Usually on the second day there are positive changes, and after four days I am back on track.

I rarely get sick, but my husband is always sick, he works at school, he has a favorable environment there. But he never stays home on sick leave; in very rare cases he simply postpones classes. Otherwise, you yourself know what the salary is. I buy him Antigrippin from Naturprodukt, which comes in tablet and powder form. I like the pills better; if they are available at the pharmacy, I take them. My husband likes it with grapefruit. But for some reason it is quickly dismantled. I tried to buy Theraflu, but it contains phenylephrine, I’m somehow afraid. I read it. that it affects the heart, but with ARVI, on the contrary, the heart needs rest, otherwise it’s not far from a heart attack. By the way, Antigrippin contains a sedative component.

How much do they pay for one post these days? Not on the market for a long time)

Three weeks ago, my daughter had a fever at night and half a day (38). She's 2.7. There were no symptoms. The next morning I called the doctor. I say: “Why is that?” To which he answered me: “In my example, this happened to several children before the New Year. The tempo was rising high. and stayed for several days without any symptoms. But then it fell as sharply as it had risen. It’s not clear what this is connected with.” I, too, was no less wary than you. But as it turned out, she did not rise again.

A high temperature is an ominous symptom. At least for me it’s either the flu, or something more serious. If I also have chills, then I know for sure that it’s the flu and I start drinking Reaferon Lipint capsules. I rinse my nose with Dolphin, gargle with Rotokan, drink milk warm and chicken broth.

Veronica, there is also phenylephrine in Rinza. Now I’m also more attentive to the ingredients, after all, my health and that of my loved ones. And you can cram in anything. Previously, I didn’t bother much about what was in the pharmacy, so I bought it. Now I only take antigrippin (natural product). I no longer like grapefruit, but my husband also likes raspberries) In any case, I know for sure that nothing will happen to my heart after it, and it reduces symptoms no worse.

In a couple of hours, my temperature jumped from 36.6 to 39.9 and stayed like that for a day, then gradually dropped back to normal over the next two days. No symptoms at all. Nothing hurts, just extreme fatigue from the temperature. The doctors don’t give an answer, they get off in general phrases. What was it?

Yesterday evening my reading unexpectedly increased to 38.6 (without any symptoms). I took a pill and slept a little until 38.3 and I went to bed. In the morning I felt lighter, an hour after waking up it started to feel very cold, and I increased to 39 I drank analgin and by the evening I slept to 36.6! Now I’m 36 exactly, I feel a loss of strength, drowsiness. The same question - What was it?

I arrived home and felt well, while I was going home, everything suddenly began to ache, chills began, within 20 minutes the temperature rose to 38.7 and there were no other symptoms.

This is the second time in a year and a half that we’ve been hooked, we don’t go to kindergarten, but we play outside with the kids.

I'll torture them out

But now I have found a remedy for this infection

Dichlorvos odorless

I process it and put a bag on my head, they bastards start running around like that, it’s a nightmare

It helps, I held it for 40 minutes, my daughter is 6 years old.

Have you tried Dust?

You're doing everything right, you need something toxic and odorless. So that toxicity cannot be assessed...

The same thing, in a couple of hours the temperature rose to 39 degrees and stayed all day and all night... I called an ambulance, they didn’t come..

Temperature 38/40 for the seventh day without symptoms, father doesn’t want to go to hospital, takes medicine to bring it down again in an hour, 38 and higher at home, what can you tell me to do?

My mother is sick. She is 83 years old. I recently took her to the village for three days. Apparently she caught a cold there. On the third day she felt sick and weakened. I immediately brought her to the city and put her in the hospital. She has a fever in the evenings. She even sometimes shows symptoms of fever. In the evenings the temperature is 38.5

doctors can’t do anything. They can’t find the cause of the temperature. We did a full analysis of the whole body, MRI of the abdominal cavity, checked for all infections, for ticks, for everything. It’s already the twentieth day and there’s nothing we can do. The medicine isn’t helping. Every day the temperature The doctors can't say anything. She also has complaints about her lower back. Very severe pain in her lower back. I don’t know where to turn next. She is getting weaker every day. She can’t get up anymore, she says that her lower back hurts a lot. If anyone has encountered such a case, please help me, tell me where to turn. It’s just that if this continues, I’m afraid that I’ll lose my mother.

It seems that temperature and pain in the lower back are SICK KIDNEYS

This could be due to kidney disease or something with the spine. Do an ultrasound of the kidneys, urine and blood tests. If everything is fine with the kidneys, then do an MRI of the lumbar spine, sarcoma may develop.

My husband has the same symptoms, we’ve been sick for a month now, the doctors can’t find anything, how are you doing, did you find the cause of the temperature?

We have the same story, only my mother has had the same temperature for 2 months already, they have already given 4 different antibiotics, speaking of kidneys, but the pace. It’s holding on again, we don’t know what to do.

looks like kidneys

My husband’s temperature rises to 39 in the morning for a week. He takes antibiotics and an antipyretic. Nothing helps. ESR blood tests - 12. what to do

My husband has had a fever for 3 months, all the tests were done by ultrasound, also FGS, everyone was in the hospital and they didn’t find anything, it hurts on the right side, but the examination doesn’t show anything, they say MIF 400 tablets, what should I do? And how long can you drink them?

I have had a temperature from 37 to 37/6 for 2 months now, I had a general blood and urine test, the tests were normal, my throat was a little red and the doctor prescribed medication, I took it for a week as it should have been, but the temperature is the same? I also saw a gynecologist and everything was fine too

Check your thyroid, this could be the issue

I’ve been going with 37.2 for two years, but they couldn’t find out. Did an ultrasound abdominal cavity, it turned out to be inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder.

My goddaughter has had a fever for 4 days now. It rises to 39. We got a flu shot. Could this be a reaction? Has anyone had this happen? If yes, what did you do?

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High fever in the absence of other symptoms in adults

Sudden fever, high temperature without symptoms - with similar situation Every person has certainly encountered this in their life. And an increase in temperature is not always caused by colds.

Before examining the reasons for this phenomenon, it is necessary to clarify what temperature is considered normal.

Temperature norm

During the day the temperature healthy person fluctuates in the range + 35.5 o C - +37.4 o C. These changes are responsible for thyroid and hypothalamus. Both endocrine glands are involved in the regulation of metabolism. The metabolic rate in the body is not constant at different times of the day. A slowdown in metabolism causes a drop in temperature.

Minimum body temperature in the morning, immediately after waking up. Blood flow is slow at this time and metabolic rate is reduced. At this time, a healthy person’s temperature can be 35.5 o C when measured in the armpit. In the evening, the temperature rises and normally can reach values ​​of 37 o C-37.4 o C.

The average body temperature is the temperature measured in the middle of the day at rest; it is 36.6 o C.

  • Temperature below 35.2 o C - very low, corresponds to general hypothermia;
  • Below 35.8 o C to 35.2 o C – moderately low, characteristic of impaired liver function, decreased muscle tone;
  • Subfebrile – range of values ​​from 37 o C to 37.8 o C;
  • Febrile – values ​​above 38 o C–38.9 o C;
  • Pyretic – 39 o C–40.9 o C;
  • Hyperpyretic – above 41 o C.

Temperatures above 38 o C are considered high.


A high temperature without signs of a cold can be short-lived and go away as quickly as it rises. Such cases include:

  • overheating - in a bathhouse, sauna, on the beach, in too warm clothes;
  • the effect of stress - strong joyful or negative emotions;
  • drinking alcohol, hot strong coffee, tea;
  • physical activity.

A prolonged increase in temperature over a week is most often associated with an inflammatory process. The causes may be poor quality food, viral or bacterial infection. If the fever continues for more than three weeks, then this is a sign of illness. In clinical practice, high fever without other symptoms is more common in elderly patients. This phenomenon is called “fever of unknown origin” in medical diagnostics and refers to a fairly wide range of diseases:

  • infectious and inflammatory;
  • tumor;
  • systemic;
  • internal diseases with atypical course.

An increase in temperature, not accompanied by other symptoms, is characteristic of an unusual course of common diseases.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

High temperature in most cases is associated with chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases. One of the most common causes of fever are various forms of tuberculosis. High fever for weeks and months is caused by tuberculosis of the lungs, lymph nodes, genitourinary system, liver, spine, and spleen.

The danger of tuberculosis lies in the long asymptomatic course of the disease. X-ray examination, tuberculin tests in the early stages of tuberculosis may be unexpressed and even negative. A fever that persists for months may be the only evidence of this dangerous disease.

Fever as the only symptom is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis - diagnostic difficulties are associated with minor deviations from the norm in the urine;
  • viral hepatitis B and C;
  • cholangitis - inflammation bile ducts often asymptomatic;
  • HIV infections and associated mycobacterioses and fungal infections- coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis.

The cause of a high temperature for three or more weeks may be suppuration in the abdominal and pelvic cavity. The danger lies in the absence of symptoms. Most often, such lack of expression of symptoms is observed in older people, with a decrease in immunity, a weakening of the body’s defense mechanisms.

The fever is attributed to a cold, and the patient does not rush to see a doctor for help, but self-medicates with home remedies. Wasting time without starting real treatment. An abscess can occur on the intestinal wall, in the liver, prostate gland, and kidneys. Risks of suppuration include abdominal injuries, chronic intestinal infections, diabetes mellitus, and cirrhosis of the liver.

High temperature can accompany endocarditis - inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. Sources of endocarditis - panaritium, endometritis, osteomyelitis - are difficult to identify. The danger of the disease also lies in the fact that inflammation affects the heart valves.

The cause of fever may be osteomyelitis - a purulent-inflammatory process in the bone and bone marrow. Danger may threaten people who have suffered trauma, professionally associated with increased physical activity. At the onset of osteomyelitis, high temperature may be its only manifestation.


Tumor cells produce pyrogenic substances that contribute to the appearance of fever. High asymptomatic temperature in the early stages is caused by such malignant tumor diseases as:

  • lymphosarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis;
  • liver cancer;
  • kidney tumor;
  • colon cancer;
  • stomach tumor;
  • pancreatic tumor.

Systemic diseases

Prolonged fever is often a manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, Still's disease in adults, and rheumatic fever. These diseases cannot be treated with antibiotics, but are well treated with glucocorticoids and salicylates, which indicates their non-infectious nature.

Vascular diseases

Fever often precedes other symptoms of diseases of the deep veins of the pelvis and lower extremities:

Fever after childbirth or serious injury may indicate pulmonary embolism.

Endocrine diseases

Asymptomatic fever is caused by dysfunction of the thyroid gland. An examination may not always reveal the initial stages of thyroiditis and thyrotoxicosis. Diagnostics is complemented by ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland.

Medication-induced fevers

A side effect of taking medications can be a sudden rise in temperature, not necessarily even on the day you take the medication. The temperature may rise a few days after taking:

  • antibiotics - tetracyclines, penicillins, cephalosporins, isoniazid;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - ibuprofen, tolmetin;
  • iodine preparations;
  • antihistamines;
  • cardiovascular drugs - quinidine, alpha methyldopa.

In some patients, despite the most thorough studies, it is not possible to accurately determine the cause of the increase in temperature. The percentage of such patients is high and, according to various estimates, ranges from 5 to 26% of all cases of fever of unknown origin. For many, the fever does not recur and spontaneous recovery is observed. In another part of patients, fever recurs and requires a thorough diagnostic examination to determine the true cause of its occurrence.

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Temperature without symptoms

Hyperthermia (increased body temperature) always means the appearance of pathological processes in the body, and in some cases this syndrome refers to the body's reaction to external stimuli. Often, patients come to the doctor complaining of a regular increase in temperature in the complete absence of any other symptoms of disease - this is a very dangerous condition that requires the help of professionals. Temperature without symptoms can be observed in both adults and children - each category of patients has its own reasons for the occurrence of the condition in question.

Causes of fever without symptoms in adults

In medicine, there are several groups of causes and factors that can provoke an increase in temperature without other symptoms:

  1. Pathological processes of a purulent and infectious nature. If hyperthermia appears without nausea and vomiting, headaches and altered genital discharge, then a developing infection can be recognized by the following characteristics hyperthermia:
    • the temperature rises and increases several times during the day without the use of any medications - this means the presence of an abscess in the body (a localized place of accumulation of pus) or the development of tuberculosis;
    • a suddenly elevated temperature that does not decrease within several days indicates an infection of the genitourinary tract;
    • the high temperature remains within certain parameters, does not decrease even after taking antipyretic medications, and the next day drops sharply - this will raise suspicion of typhoid fever.
  2. Various injuries. An increase in temperature in the absence of other symptoms of disease can be caused by soft tissue bruises, hematomas (even a splinter, long time located in the thickness of the tissue, can cause hyperthermia).
  3. Neoplasms (tumors). An uncontrolled increase in temperature is often the first and only sign of existing tumors in the body. Moreover, they can be both benign and malignant.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system. Such pathologies rarely cause a sudden increase in temperature, but there are exceptions.
  5. Pathological changes in the composition/structure of the blood - for example, lymphoma or leukemia. note: in case of blood diseases, the increase in temperature is periodic.
  6. Systemic diseases - for example, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus.
  7. Some joint pathologies - rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis.
  8. The inflammatory process in the renal pelvis is pyelonephritis, but only in a chronic form.
  9. Meningococcal infection. Accompanied by a sudden increase in temperature to critical levels; after taking antipyretics, the condition stabilizes, but only for a short time.
  10. Violation of the functionality of the subcortical apparatus of the brain - hypothalamic syndrome. In this case, hyperthermia (increased body temperature) can persist for years, but other symptoms are completely absent.
  11. A complication after influenza and/or sore throat is endocarditis of infectious etiology.
  12. Allergic reactions - the high temperature decreases and completely stabilizes as soon as the patient gets rid of the allergen.
  13. Mental disorders.

For more details about the possible causes of hyperthermia, see the video review:

Causes of fever without symptoms in a child

In children, fever without other symptoms may occur for the following reasons:

  1. A bacterial/infectious disease develops. In the first few days, only high temperature will be present among the symptoms, and in the next few days, sometimes only a specialist can recognize the “presence” of pathology in the child’s body. note: in this case, antipyretic drugs normalize the temperature for a very short time.
  2. Growth (eruption) of teeth - hyperthermia does not give critical indicators and is easily relieved with specific medications.
  3. The child overheated - this can happen not only in the hot season, but also in winter.

The pediatrician talks in more detail about asymptomatic hyperthermia in children:

When a fever without cold symptoms is not dangerous

Despite the danger of the situation, in some cases you can do without consulting a doctor even with a high body temperature. If we talk about adult patients, then there is no need to worry in the following cases:

  • V Lately there was regular overwork or stress in the recent past;
  • were exposed to the sun for a long time or in a stuffy room - the temperature will indicate overheating;
  • there is a history of diagnosed dystonia of a vegetative-vascular nature - this disease is manifested by sudden hyperthermia.

note: Adolescence itself is considered to be the cause of a spontaneous increase in temperature - this occurs due to active growth. In the process, hormones are intensively produced, too much energy is splashed out, which causes hyperthermia. In adolescence, asymptomatic fever is characterized by a sudden onset and short duration.

If speak about childhood, then parents should know the following:

  1. Overheating of a child can occur in summer and winter due to improper selection of clothing - in this case medical assistance will not need. note on the child’s behavior - when overheated, he is apathetic and sleepy.
  2. Teething. This process can last for many months and the baby’s temperature does not necessarily rise. But if, against the background of hyperthermia, the child is restless, increased salivation, then you don’t have to go to the doctor - most likely in 2-3 days the baby’s condition will normalize.
  3. Children's infections. If the temperature stabilizes quickly and for a long time after taking antipyretics medicines, then you can take a wait-and-see attitude and conduct dynamic monitoring of the child’s condition. Often the simplest childhood infections (colds) occur in mild form and the body copes with them without the help of medications.

What can you do if you have a high temperature without symptoms?

If a child has a fever, this is not a reason to immediately call an ambulance or invite a pediatrician to your home. Even doctors recommend doing the following:

  • Ventilate the room in which the child is located more often;
  • make sure that he is wearing dry clothes - with hyperthermia there may be increased sweating;
  • if you have low-grade fever (up to 37.5), you may not take any measures to reduce the temperature - in this case, the body successfully fights the problems that have arisen;
  • at high readings (up to 38.5), wipe the baby with a napkin soaked in cool water, apply a slightly mashed cabbage leaf to the forehead;
  • If the temperature is too high, an antipyretic drug should be given.

note: antipyretic medications must be in the first aid kit - an increase in temperature usually occurs spontaneously, especially often observed at night. To choose an effective medication, you should consult your pediatrician in advance.

Also keep in mind that upper limits Normal body temperature varies depending on age:

With hyperthermia, thirst develops - do not limit the child’s drinking, offer juices, tea, raspberry compote and plain water. Important: if the baby was born with any developmental abnormalities or there is a history of birth trauma, then you should not take a wait-and-see attitude - seek medical help immediately.

Situations when you should sound the alarm:

  • the child refuses to eat even after the temperature has stabilized;
  • there is a slight twitching of the chin - this may signal the onset of a convulsive syndrome;
  • there are changes in breathing - it has become deeper and rarer or, conversely, the baby is breathing too quickly and superficially;
  • the child sleeps for several hours in a row during the day and at night, does not respond to toys;
  • The skin on my face became too pale.

If an adult patient regularly experiences an increase in temperature and nothing else changes in his well-being, then you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Measures you can take at home:

  • the patient should take a supine position - rest normalizes the psycho-emotional background and calms the nervous system;
  • You can conduct an aromatherapy session - oil will help reduce the temperature tea tree and orange;
  • soak a rag in a solution of vinegar and water (taken in equal quantities) and apply to your forehead - this compress needs to be changed every minute;
  • drink tea with raspberry jam or with the addition of viburnum/lingonberry/cranberry/linden blossom.

If your body temperature becomes high, you can use any antipyretic drug. note: if, even after taking medications, hyperthermia remains at the same level, a person develops signs of fever, his consciousness becomes clouded, then only a doctor should decide on treatment and hospitalization.

In any case, a temperature without symptoms should alert you, and after the condition has stabilized, it is recommended to undergo a full examination by various specialists - early diagnosis of many diseases guarantees a favorable prognosis. The situation is especially dangerous when a high temperature without symptoms lasts for several days in a row, and taking antipyretic drugs gives relief to the patient only for a short period of time - contacting a doctor should be immediate.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

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a day ago, upon returning from kindergarten, the child’s temperature rose to 39.9.

She gave me Panadol. Its action lasts for 5-6 hours, then sharply increases to 40

A day has already passed, during which time I took Panadol 4 times, Nurofen and Panadol again. I'm worried about sudden rises and high readings (tonight it rose to 40.2)

in the garden they are suffering from rotavirus, we were expecting the disease, but apart from high temperature there are no other symptoms yet.

Today is Sunday, should I call a pediatrician for a domme or an ambulance? We can get tested ourselves today. What do you recommend?

Hello. A 3-year-old girl’s temperature rises to 39.1. Without any symptoms. the day lasts, and the next one passes. this is the second time in 2 months. what could this be?

Hello. This is a good reason to pass general analysis blood from leukocyte formula and contact your pediatrician immediately.

Good evening! My daughter (27 years old) has had a fever for four days: the first days it rose to 38.8. The last two days - in the morning 36.6, by lunchtime up to 37.5, in the evening up to 38, he drinks 1000 mg at night. aspirin. On the first day they called the doctor, he said, “ mild pharyngitis“We don’t lower the temperature, we wait 2 days for symptoms to appear.” 2 days have passed, no symptoms have appeared, the temperature persists. Tell me, is this mild pharyngitis or something else? Lives in an area where doctors do not work on Sunday.

Hello. With pharyngitis, such a course of the disease is possible; the temperature should not be lowered below 38.0 - 38.5. I recommend that you consult a doctor again so that he can examine your throat and listen to your daughter.

Good afternoon. For the second time in a week, the temperature rises to 37.7 at night. It breaks like a flu. Chills. By the morning profuse sweating. And absolutely healthy. Age 50 years. Premenopause. Could this be related to this condition? Or is it worth undergoing additional examination? Which doctor should I contact?

Hello. First you need to see a therapist and take a general blood test. Such an increase in temperature cannot be caused by hormonal imbalances.

Hello! My child (12 years old) has had a fever once or twice a year since birth

up to 39 without any symptoms. We were seen by a pediatrician and had tests done. Of all, elevated ESR. The rest are within normal limits. The temperature lasts for several days. It drops to 37. If it doesn’t decrease after five days, we start taking an antibiotic. Once they even stayed in the clinic. Since it didn’t go down for a week. They couldn't find anything either. They took tests. They said that the infection was spreading and couldn’t find a place to go out, so there were no symptoms. However, they didn’t say which one. They gave me an antibiotic and discharged me. Sometimes the child experiences a burning sensation and pain when urinating. We drink Canephron and it goes away. But this recently appeared and the temperature does not rise. Please tell us what we should do?

Hello. In your situation, looking for an answer on the Internet, unfortunately, is pointless. As well as on the 2nd day, if the temperature rises, give the child an antibiotic. You need the help of a qualified doctor, a comprehensive examination (you need to be tested for TORCH infections, giardiasis, EBV, etc.). Also, the child must be shown to a nephrologist, undergo urine tests, and have an ultrasound of the kidneys.

Please tell me. The temperature has been 37.8 - 37.3 for a week now. Accompanied by headaches and fatigue. Headaches have been studied before. Blood and urine tests are all normal. White blood cells are not elevated, there are no infections. What to do?

Hello. We need to see your tests. If you are sexually active, it is advisable to see a gynecologist, as such phenomena can be early signs pregnancy.

Hello. My son is 7 years old. Tonight his temperature jumped to 39 and 3. He had severe chills. It was not easy to bring down the temperature from 2 a.m. to 10 a.m. I gave antipyretics three times - Nurafen syrup, half a tablet of paracetamol, Nurafen. I wiped it with water. After taking paracetamol, before the pill began to take effect, the child began to vomit. I drank some water and it went away. There are no symptoms. My throat seems calm. No complaints. The stool was in the morning, not liquid. There is no diarrhea. The child is impressionable, getting ready to go to 1st grade, he is worried. Can such a high temperature rise against the background of worries? Before this, my temperature rose to 38 and 6, within 2 days my temperature returned to normal. It also went away without symptoms. Is it a virus?

Hello. If the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, so as not to play the guessing game later, it is advisable to immediately call a pediatrician at home (I hope you have already called a doctor for your child).

I am not able to make a diagnosis in absentia. No stress will provoke an increase in temperature above 37.5, so we are talking about a disease, the nature of which a doctor will help you find out. If the child feels relatively normal, I would advise going to the nearest laboratory and taking a blood test (it will be clear whether the disease is viral or bacterial).

Hello! My husband, 27 years old, has had a high temperature for three days now: 37.3-37.5 in the first half of the day and up to 38.3 in the evening and at night. No further symptoms are observed. Could this be ARVI? Or most likely a manifestation of some kind of internal inflammation or disease?

Hello. There may be ARVI, but to say for sure, you need to see the result of a general blood test with a leukocyte formula and a general urinalysis.

Good afternoon Please tell me, I have had a temperature of 37.1-37.5 for about a week, a little cloudy head

There is a disease called chronic tonsillitis. I am undergoing treatment from an ENT specialist; they gave me a second wash a week and a half ago. Previously, I only sinned badly. Now I do not know. What tests need to be taken?

Hello, I’m 25. For 5 days my temperature has been between 36.8 and 37.2. The condition is satisfactory. The head is heavy. I don't want to eat. Trembling in the body. Before this, I took iodomarin 200 for a week and, out of my stupidity, femibion ​​- 1, which already contains iodine 150…. Could this be causing this condition? I don't sleep well. I haven’t taken iodomarin and femibion ​​for 4 days! Or is it something else?

Hello. The described symptoms are characteristic of iodine supplementation. Who prescribed Iodomarin and Femibion ​​to you and for what reason?

Hello. I am 27 years old, hr. There are no illnesses. The temperature has risen to 37.4, nothing obvious hurts, but the general condition is not satisfactory, chills at night, the heart “jumps out”, nausea, a feeling of a lump in the throat. Blood pressure, ecg, general blood and urine tests are normal. They did an ultrasound of the kidneys and thyroid gland without any abnormalities. The temperature lasts for more than a week, there is no pregnancy. What could be the cause of the condition? What research should I do first?

Hello. You need to consult an endocrinologist and test for thyroid hormones. If everything is fine according to the endocrinologist, contact a neurologist with all the test results.

The child is 10 years old. The cough started 2 months ago, it was severe, they pierced the center of the axon, the cough became smaller, but did not go away completely, we drank it after sleep, it became better. But for 2 months the cough does not go away completely, it gets worse two or three times a day... Yesterday the temperature rose, lasted for 37.5 days, drinking plenty of fluids helped reduce the temperature, there are no other symptoms! What could this be? How does tuberculosis manifest itself? Something scary... please tell me.

Hello. If a child was injected with Ceftriaxone, it must be assumed that a diagnosis was previously made and clinical analysis blood with formula. What diagnosis was made and show the results of the analysis, please.

How long ago did the child have the mantu test, what was the result? Perhaps an x-ray was taken as prescribed by the doctor? What is the result?

Are other family members healthy?

Was the question raised about whooping cough in the child and was this diagnosis ruled out by the pediatrician?

We will be able to answer your question “What could this be” only after providing answers to the questions asked above.

The temperature was normal for a week. And now I’ve been feeling weak for a couple of days 37.1. The doctor told me that this could be exhaustion of the body, I led a very active lifestyle, worked for almost 2 years without days off. But I’ve been sitting at home for more than a month now.. and still the temperature appears.. please tell me what to do?

Good afternoon, my child is 5 years old and the temperature has not left us for three days. And what’s interesting is that he doesn’t have any worries, nothing hurts anywhere, but the higher the temperature, up to 40, the more lethargic the child is. I checked for meningitis - there is no yellowness in the eyes, movements are flexible and free, there is no nausea or vomiting. Yesterday we went to the doctor, the doctor also didn’t find anything, so he prescribed an antibiotic just in case... At night the body doesn’t sweat, the palms and soles of the feet are hot, the antipyretic syrup saves from fever for 2 to a maximum of 3 hours and rises again. There are no problems with the toilet either (burning sensation when urinating, diarrhea). Today I plan to go to the earworm and get some blood tests... And another question is whether the air conditioning could be the cause of the high temperature, it’s 40 degrees outside, 40 degrees in the room. But even if there is air conditioning, the symptoms should be in the form of a runny nose, cough, throat, etc. We have no joints, no throat, well, no complaints, and the temperature does not subside. What to do?

1. “I checked for meningitis...” - sounds terrible, forgive me, please, even an infectious disease specialist can find it difficult to immediately make an accurate diagnosis, and how a mother can “check for meningitis” is not at all clear.

2. “Prescribed an antibiotic just in case” - change the doctor, since normal doctors do not prescribe antibiotics without a blood test with a leukocyte formula, without making a diagnosis and with the wording “just in case.”

3. You need to do the following:

Take a blood test with a formula and a general urine test, preferably marked cito (urgent).

Take your child to an ENT specialist just in case.

Contact another pediatrician who can carefully examine your child. Pay attention to whether the child’s joints hurt or whether the bones “ache.” ARVI may also appear asymptomatically in the first 3-4 days.

Hello! On Saturday afternoon my son was bitten by wasps (7 years old). As they are called, either Chinese or paper wasps, yellow in color without stripes and with brown wings, in 4 places, this day immediately after the bite they gave suprastin and applied nasvay to the bite sites ( as dad did for us when we were bitten, there was a slight swelling of the lips of the cheek, and on the arm, after which they brought us to the emergency nursery and here they administered some 2 injections, I don’t remember, the swelling went away the very next day, and that same evening the child began to have a fever temperature, for the 9th day now the temperature has not dropped, decreasing for some time after taking antipyretic tablets (ibuclin paracetomol), please tell me, could this be caused by a wasp sting? There were no allergic rashes. All tests taken were normal, the doctors can’t say anything for sure, there are no signs of a cold, we went to all the doctors and everyone made their own diagnosis and prescribed treatment and nothing helps, now we are in the hospital and we are receiving a bunch of medications and to no avail, the temperature rises from 38 to 38 ,5 39 What should I do? Help me, thanks in advance!

Hello. What diagnoses do doctors make, what medications and how many days do you receive? The question is described vaguely and before receiving complete information We will not be able to help you, since a child’s temperature that has not decreased for the 9th day is a very alarming symptom.

Hello, a 14-year-old child, for no reason in the morning the temperature rose to 39, frequent vomiting, no diarrhea and severe headache, pain in the stomach and abdominal area, we went to the hospital and had tests done, it got worse in the hospital the temperature dropped but wild headaches, vomiting and pain in the abdomen, surgeons ruled out their pathologies such as appendicitis and others, urgently gave an injection of analgin into a vein, papaverine and diphenhydramine in the butt, the condition returned to normal in the evening, sent home, the child ate, in the morning the temperature was 38.6 again, headache, knocked it down with Nurofen, it seems normal again, in the evening it was 38.7 again, all that was left was a fever and a headache, what should I do next?

Hello. The child URGENTLY needs to be shown to an infectious disease specialist (it is better to go to an infectious diseases hospital), since cephalalgia (headache) may be associated with an infectious lesion of the brain. First of all, it is important to exclude diseases such as meningitis and infectious encephalitis. Don't hesitate - take your child to the hospital!

Hello! My mother (56 years old) has had a temperature from 37 to 38.7 degrees for 5 days. Symptoms include chills, joint pain and itching. Over 38.7 takes Nimesil. The therapist ordered a urine and blood test. What additional tests can I take, and what additional doctors can I contact?

Hello. You need to start by studying a blood test; it is also advisable to take an immunoglobulin E test (to find out whether this is how allergic reaction). Then it is advisable to visit an infectious disease specialist.

Good afternoon. The other day I began to notice that by lunchtime the temperature rose to 37.4 degrees. By 10 pm it is usually 36.9. At the same time, I feel fine. With what it can be connected? I have chronic thyroiditis, but I haven’t noticed anything like this before. Although I never measured the pace. What could this be connected with? I read that it could be a symptom of oncology. I am 29 years old, no children yet. Very scary((

Hello. Probably associated with disorders of the thyroid gland. You need to take a thyroid hormone test and contact your doctor with the results.

Hello, my child’s temperature rises to 37/37.2 once a day. In general, it always stands in the zone 36.7-9. A child is very active, sometimes even a hyperactive one behaves as if nothing had happened, but when the temperature rises to 37.2, lethargy appears and asks to sleep, but this temperature itself quickly drops to next day. We took a urine test and the results came back at the border, but nothing really was revealed. And six months ago we noticed an adenoid, which they also said was not significant, and since then we have not particularly noticed any problems with the child’s nasal breathing (as was the case before). It’s as if the condition itself has improved and there is no more snoring at night. We live in England and here they tell us that a temperature of 37.2 is not a temperature and they send us home. Is this so, maybe we need to check something else, please tell me.

A temperature of up to 37.5 may be normal for children in the first year of life, and up to 37.2 for children under 2-3 years of age and even older (if this is a feature of the body). To give a more accurate answer, you need to know the child’s age and assess his health status (whether teeth are cutting, etc.). To be sure that the child is healthy, the easiest way is to take a clinical blood test.

Thank you for your answer, the child is 2 years old, 18 teeth have come out but 2 remain. Somehow, problems with the nose began again, adenoids, and snoring, for no apparent reason, began at night. Could this be due to the adenoid? The temperature is still the same, constantly standing at 36.9/8 zone, and even rises to 37.2/3.

With adenoids, snoring, fever up to 37.5, hearing loss are possible - you need to show the child to a pediatric ENT doctor.

Hello, I am 25 years old, two children (first birth in 2014, second in December 2016. this moment) On March 6, my temperature rose to 39.7, I was shaking violently, which made my muscles ache the next day, I was having a hard time shaking, it was painful to take a deep breath. They called an ambulance, she didn’t say anything. The next day there was no temperature and I went to the therapist, took the OBC, OAM, FG, and visited the gynecologist. All analyzes are normal. There was no stagnation of milk, not pregnant. After 3 weeks everything happened again. Then everything became normal. Today again the same symptoms - temperature, slightly painful inhalation, which is difficult to breathe out. What other tests do I need to take and which doctor should I go to to finally figure out the cause?

Hello. It is advisable for you to contact an infectious disease specialist and get tested for infections (cytomegalovirus, EBV, etc.). Be sure to re-take a blood test with a leukocyte formula and a biochemical blood test. Do not ignore such symptoms and do not delay visiting your doctor.

The information is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor. There are contraindications, a doctor's consultation is required. The site may contain content prohibited for viewing by persons under 18 years of age.

And sometimes the body temperature remains normal throughout the day, but invariably rises in the evening.

This phenomenon does not always indicate the development of the disease, but it still indicates certain changes in the human body.

For some people, such changes generally become a normal condition, because this is how their thermoregulatory system functions. And yet you should very carefully consider the reasons for the appearance of such numbers on the thermometer.

Every evening the temperature rises to 37 degrees in adults and children at the most various reasons. The indicators will be influenced by various factors: physiological and pathological.

Of course, if you have any complaints about your own health, you should consult a doctor. But sometimes a temperature of 37.1 (in the evening) does not mean something terrible, but is a variant of the norm.

But if such symptoms continue for a long time, you need to see a doctor. Most likely, this condition indicates an immune response to a certain threat or disadvantage.

A person rarely resorts to using a thermometer unless there are additional health complaints or signs of illness. But after taking periodic measurements, you may be surprised that there is a temperature of 37 in the evening, but not in the morning.

The thermometer readings are influenced by many factors:

  • time of day (it is known that in the morning the thermometer readings are lower than in the evening, and during deep sleep the lowest values ​​are noted);
  • rhythm of life (people with an active lifestyle have higher thermometer readings);
  • type of measuring instrument (it is generally accepted that electronic thermometers have an error, unlike mercury devices);
  • time of year and weather conditions (in winter period temperature naturally rises and becomes lower in summer);
  • physiological and pathological conditions.

Physiological conditions that increase temperature

Hyperthermia does not always occur due to a specific threat. Very often it is a consequence of overload or hormonal changes in the body.

This may happen due to hot or spicy food, nervous strain, as well as the prescription of certain medications.

Sometimes such numbers are not considered pathology at all, but only borderline state norms. Only in the case of a strong increase in them or an unacceptably long period of hyperthermia is a comprehensive examination of the patient’s body prescribed.

Among women

Many women periodically experience increased body temperature. This is why this happens. During menstrual cycle Hormones are constantly being produced.

On certain days, the release of some substances becomes greater and others less. Immediately after ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), progesterone comes into play.

This hormone is very important for maintaining the second phase of the cycle and the development of pregnancy. Thanks to it, smooth muscles relax. Progesterone also affects thermoregulation and reduces the rate of heat transfer.

Before menstruation, a woman may notice that her body temperature has increased by a fraction of a degree.

As soon as bleeding begins, progesterone levels will decrease and the thermometer readings will return to normal.

If pregnancy has occurred, elevated values ​​may persist for several months until the placenta is formed. For expectant mothers, it is considered normal if the thermometer shows 37-37.2 degrees.

A rise in temperature in the evenings is usually explained by a sharp hormonal change in the body, toxicosis during pregnancy, an increase in metabolic rate, reflex effects when drinking alcoholic beverages, or normal thermoregulation processes.

Reasons why the temperature rises to 37 in the evening:

  • during premenstrual syndrome
  • during pregnancy
  • when feeding a baby
  • during ovulation
  • shortly after the birth of children
  • during menopause
  • after eating too much and too much food
  • with excessive consumption of strong alcoholic drinks
  • with significant overheating in the sun, etc.

For some women, such a temperature is generally normal, accompanying them throughout their lives.

For other ladies, the numbers often change in the evening due to increased fatigue or severe nervous tension.

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In men

Representatives of the stronger sex also often complain that in the evening the temperature rises to 37 degrees without symptoms.

This may be a consequence of hypothermia or overheating, injury, or nervous strain.

Hyperthermia can occur due to excessive consumption of spicy food or addiction to alcoholic beverages.

The temperature may rise in the evening due to significant muscle strain after heavy physical work or intense sports training.

The most banal reason can be long-term use a too hot bath or shower, a long sleep in a chair next to the radiator, a very warm dressing gown or suit.

In older people, temperature fluctuations may have their own characteristics. During the day, for example, there will be some hypothermia, and by the evening the numbers will creep up to around 37 degrees.

In addition, in men, as in women, such indicators can be quite normal and correspond to their physiological norm.

In children

A child often causes his parents great anxiety due to the temperature rising in the evening.

However, it is worth noting that in children under five years of age, due to their imperfect thermoregulation, a normal temperature can be considered 37.2 - 37.3 degrees.

Most often, an increase in temperature at night occurs shortly after an infection or other childhood illness.

The baby's immunity is not yet fully strengthened, so he circulatory system reacts with an increased release of lymphocytes, accompanied by hyperthermia.

This normal reaction, indicating that the protective forces child's body are guarding his health.

A rise in temperature in the evening to 37 in a child can also be explained by the most common reasons:

  • Overly active games
  • clothes that are too warm
  • reaction to vaccination
  • teething
  • hot drink at night
  • too warm blanket
  • change of biorhythms
  • a hearty dinner
  • unsettled metabolism, etc.

In newborns and premature babies, a temperature of thirty-seven degrees in the evening is not uncommon and is associated with the formation of normal thermoregulation processes in the baby’s body.
Such reasons are the most common and all parents face them.

Children's nervous and vascular systems are not yet fully formed, so they react very quickly to any change in the external or internal environment.

An overly sensitive child's temperature may rise even when crying a lot or watching an interesting movie.

The baby’s digestive system can also react with an abundant release of enzymes and active intestinal activity, which is why the temperature rises to 37 in the evening.

Therefore, children’s temperature is measured only after special preparation. The thermometer should be placed at the same time under the same conditions.

Sufficient time should pass after the cessation of all activity, the child should be calm and relaxed. The baby's armpit should be allowed to dry completely, and he should not be allowed to sweat. It is advisable to measure the temperature before dinner and water procedures.


Another physiological reason for an increase in thermometer readings is food. It is recommended to measure your temperature no earlier than half an hour after eating. The fact is that when eating, the body expends heat, so it constantly compensates for it.

A noticeable increase in temperature occurs in individuals with good metabolism. Most people don't feel these changes, but if you take your temperature immediately after eating, you'll be surprised.

Since a larger meal occurs in the evening (dinner), the increase in temperature at this time of day becomes more pronounced.


It is known that at night the thermometer readings become significantly lower. This is facilitated by decreased activity and low energy consumption. However, in the evening the indicators, on the contrary, become higher. This happens due to overwork, overexertion, and stress.

There is such a thing as a syndrome chronic fatigue. In people who have this diagnosis, the temperature may rise for no reason throughout the day.

Most often in the evening there is a temperature of 37-37.2 and weakness, headache. If during rest and deep sleep the indicators do not become lower, then it is worth thinking about the presence of a pathological cause of this condition.

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Reasons for rising temperature

Not always, when the thermometer registers thirty-seven, this only speaks of harmless functional reasons. Often such numbers indicate the development of a disease.

Such jumps may be the first symptom:

  • Helminthiasis
  • inflammatory process in the body
  • introduction of infection
  • development of malignant neoplasm
  • cardiovascular pathology
  • allergies
  • neurological diseases
  • rheumatism
  • arthritis
  • endocrine diseases
  • development of mental pathologies

When an increase in body temperature is recorded in the evening, the reasons can be very different. They may be associated with intoxication by cell breakdown products, the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, or impaired neuromuscular conduction.

It is also possible to become infected with infectious diseases, so consulting a doctor in this case is mandatory.

Pathological conditions

If a person’s temperature rises to 37 in the evening, this may be an alarm bell. There are many pathological causes for this condition, but they all usually have additional symptoms. Busy people leading an active lifestyle may not even notice them.


The most common symptom A cold is caused by an increase in temperature. In this way, the human body tries to cope with the infectious agent. It is known that viruses die when the thermometer reaches 38 degrees. Therefore, you should not lower the temperature to 37. Allow your body to eliminate the infection on its own and build immunity.

Consequences of infection

Many infectious diseases occur with elevated temperature. But what if you are already healthy and it still continues to rise? This outcome is also possible. It is in the evening that the thermometer increases noticeably.

These symptoms are especially common due to chickenpox, acute intestinal infection, bacterial pathologies. Don't worry, your body will regain its strength in the near future. Such temperature indicators do not require the use of antipyretics. After a night's rest, they return to normal on their own.

Arterial pressure

Hypertensive patients often complain that they have an elevated body temperature. This natural consequence high pressure It cannot be called natural, but it is also not entirely correct to consider it pathological. As soon as the patient brings the blood pressure back to normal, the thermometer shows lower numbers.

Hypotonics, on the contrary, have. For some people it drops to 36 degrees. It is very important not to miss the moment. But if this condition does not cause discomfort, then there is no need to try to correct it.

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This abbreviation stands for vegetative-vascular dystonia. Until now, this disease remains incompletely studied.

Many doctors refute it, saying that the person is dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome. One way or another, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, the thermometer readings increase. A person may note that in the morning the temperature is 36, in the evening – 37.

Oncological pathologies

It is the evening increase in thermometer values ​​that often forces a person to turn to specialists. During the examination, tumor processes may be detected.

Benign neoplasms often do not make themselves felt with such symptoms. But reproduction cancer cells affects lymphatic system, therefore, a slight increase in the readings of the mercury meter is the first alarm bell.

Immune diseases

Any deviations in the functioning of the immune system and protective functions of the body affect temperature values. They become higher with the following pathologies:

  • allergy;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • blood pathologies;
  • system deviations.

Many diseases develop due to increased immune function of the body, which provokes inflammation of various types.

What is low-grade fever, and how to deal with it?

Low-grade fever is an unreasonable increase in the temperature of the human body. In such cases, the readings do not exceed 37.5 degrees.

The temperature lasts for months or even years. This distinguishes it from the course of acute pathological diseases or physiological reasons increase.

The main sign of low-grade fever is that a person has an elevated body temperature. This disease accompanies:

  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • redness of the skin;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • increased sweating;
  • rapid pulse;
  • neuroses and insomnia.

Both a specialist and the patient himself can pre-diagnose the problem. But for low-grade fever it is necessary additional research. To do this, consult a doctor and find out why the temperature rises to 37 in the evening.

Diagnosis of low-grade fever

Before making a diagnosis, the specialist must examine the patient. The condition of the mucous membranes, the functioning of the respiratory system are studied, and the abdominal organs are palpated.

Defects in joints and lymph nodes are detected. Women undergo a gynecological examination and palpation of the mammary glands, and the menstrual cycle is studied. Anamnesis collection is carried out in several stages.

The doctor determines the following:

  • whether there have been surgical interventions or injuries in the recent past (for women - childbirth and abortion);
  • what infectious diseases were suffered during life and are there any chronic pathologies ( Special attention focuses on diabetes, HIV, liver and blood diseases);
  • the possibility of hepatitis and bacterial endocarditis.

Such a survey will allow the doctor to get a general idea of ​​the person’s condition. After that, he will measure his body temperature and arterial pressure, will perform percussion and auscultation.

Usually, already at the examination stage, the specialist notices a rash on the body, a change in the color of the skin, uncharacteristic discharge or formations.

Therefore, to confirm his hypothesis, he prescribes a series of tests showing the state of the blood picture, the possible presence of severe infectious chronic diseases or helminthic infestation.

To do this, the specialist will send the patient for laboratory tests.

To clarify the reason why his temperature is always 37 in the evening, you need to go through:

  • clinical and biochemical blood test
  • four mandatory tests (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C)
  • allergen panel
  • general urine analysis
  • stool analysis for worm eggs and protozoan cysts
  • sputum microscopy
  • discharge from the urethra and genitals
  • biopsy
  • spinal puncture.

The results obtained help identify helminthiasis, inflammatory processes or allergic reactions.

In order to differential diagnosis It is also necessary to do fluorography, radiography, ultrasound scanning, ECG, EEG, CT, MRI, as well as conduct special targeted studies. All this quickly makes it possible to identify tuberculosis, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys, malignant neoplasms, which often cause an increase in temperature in the evening.

The specialist receives final confirmation of the diagnosis by conducting instrumental studies. For this purpose, mammography, FGDS, angiography, ultrasonography, etc. are used.

They quite accurately allow you to identify the disease due to which there is a regular rise in temperature, as they show the condition internal organs patient. In addition, they make it possible to correlate the general picture of the disease with the altered thermal regime.

Body temperature

For the third week now, my body temperature has been exactly 36 degrees Celsius. I feel great, nothing hurts, etc. What could this mean?

For a person, a normal temperature is considered to be in the range of 35.7 - 37.2

I am 32 years old, and for several years now I have constantly had a low-grade fever of 37.1-37.3. Chronic tonsillitis is also present. Periodically, traffic jams occur in the tonsils, sometimes resulting in headaches and weakness. If I take a course of Digital, my temperature does not drop at all. Antibodies to HSV-1 were found in the blood. Sometimes it manifests itself herpetic rash on the lip, 2 times a year. I am very tired of such a constant temperature. What should I do?

For chronic tonsillitis, I can recommend the new drug tonsillotren or taking septefril and irrigating the tonsils with Yox. IRS-19 has proven itself quite well.
As for , it is better to use acyclovir tablets, or inject acyclovir (or drugs based on it). For external treatment, use ointments based on acyclovir - herpevir. virolex, etc.
Nonspecific stimulation of the body is possible - taking adaptogens - ginseng, eleutherococcus.
After an immunological examination, immunomodulators can be used to correct the cellular component of immunity. But this should be done only after consultation with an immunologist.

I was sick for two and a half months. The first diagnosis was acute respiratory infections, then acute respiratory viral infections, then bronchitis. Moreover, during the entire time there was a subfebrile temperature of 37 - 37.5. Moreover, the temperature rises within an hour after I wake up in the morning. And it doesn’t matter what time I wake up: at 8.00, 9.00 or 11.00. After examination by an ENT specialist, a diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis, toxicoallergic form (TAF1) was made. I did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - the liver was slightly enlarged. A bilateral tonsillectomy was performed (tonsils were removed). The tonsils were really bad, loose, there were plugs and pus). Washing didn't help. 2 weeks have passed since the operation. The temperature after the operation dropped to 36.9, but then for some reason it again became 37 -37.2 and the temperature behaves very strangely, let’s say it rose to 37.2 and by the evening it could drop to 36.9 (although it should be the other way around), but not lower - exactly 36.9. But today it doesn’t go down and remains at 37.1, by the way, during these 2.5 months my weight dropped by 11 kilograms. What could this even be? Can the temperature last that long? Blood tests show no AIDS, no hepatitis B or C, no tuberculosis (I had a fluorography done by a phthisiatrician) and in general the blood is normal, ESR, leukocytes, etc. What could it be? Basically, I had a 12 ring ulcer. intestines, gastroduodenitis, but as far as I know the ulcer does not give a fever. It could be some kind of tumor (God forbid).

Unfortunately, you did not indicate your age. In addition, the situation is not simple and quite a large number of diseases can cause low-grade fever. These are systemic diseases of connective tissue (,) and (single fluorography does not exclude this disease). In your case, a thorough examination in a therapeutic hospital is necessary.

Tell me what a low temperature of 34.8, 35.2 can mean in a general bad condition: fever, the whole body aches and hurts like the flu, also reminiscent of a cold.

This condition can occur in weakened people, with reduced immunity, or after long-term illnesses. Just in case, change the thermometer and measure the temperature in your mouth. If it is really low, donate blood - a general analysis, and after recovery - blood for immune status.

I have had a high temperature for a month and a half (37-37.7). I went through a lot of different tests, including for AIDS - the results are negative or everything is normal. There is no discomfort, other than fatigue and weakness in the evening due to temperature. Maybe you know something about this?

Within three months I have been observing an increase in body temperature to 37.4. Moreover, in the morning it’s 35...36.6, by lunchtime it’s 37.0, by evening it’s 37.4. The therapist's diagnosis: low-grade fever of unknown etiology. Analyzes. Tuberculosis (serology) - all negative. The Mantoux reaction is normal. HIV-1 and HIV-2 tests are negative. Latent infection (ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia) - negative. General clinical blood test is normal. Biochemical blood test is normal. the functions of the tonsils (at ENT) are normal. (culture showed normal autoflora, the immune function of the tonsils is normal). Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, pelvic organs (liver, kidneys, spleen, etc., with the exception of the intestines) - the condition is normal. Apart from fever, I do not observe any other symptoms. Please advise what other tests to take in order to somehow clarify the situation.

At a young age, the so-called “thermoneurosis” (a special type of vegetative-vascular dystonia with impaired thermoregulation) often occurs. However, it can be diagnosed only by excluding all other diseases that occur with a slight increase in body temperature, which was done in your case. Additionally, you can take a urine test according to Nechiporenko. We also draw your attention to the possibility of distorted temperature readings when measuring in the armpit. The fact is that the true temperature is considered to be measured under the tongue or in the rectum (as is customary abroad), and not on the surface of the skin. In this case, the normal temperature is up to 37.5C. Normally, the difference between the temperature in the oral cavity and in the armpit is about 1 degree, but not less than 0.5C. With thermoneurosis, the difference is less than 0.5C, and it is also possible that the temperature in the armpit will be higher than in the oral cavity.

I am 28 years old. I have had t 37.2-37.4 for two months now. I was kept on sick leave for a month. All sorts of doctors checked me for all sorts of tests. And he was discharged with a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia and thermoneurosis. Since then, the temperature has remained at the same level, although I drink all sorts of ginsengs, lemongrass in the mornings, and motherworts and peonies in the evenings. I drink Immunal, Echinacea, Eleutherococcus. And I don’t even understand what temperature has to do with it? After all, temperature is an indicator of the inflammatory process in the body, but my leukocytes are normal (always have been, I have donated blood several times), my lungs are also fine, and other organs are healthy too (all sorts of ultrasounds, smears). Nothing hurts, and there seems to be no inflammation anywhere. But why then does the temperature not decrease? She's already worn me out. I have never been sick before, but now I feel weak and powerless all the time. Tell me, can there be such a diagnosis - thermoneurosis, I haven’t found it in any reference book. And not a single description of vegetative-vascular dystonia says anything about temperature. And if this is so, then how to treat it? Why doesn't it work?

An elevated temperature may indicate not only an inflammatory process, but also a violation of thermoregulation. Vegetative-vascular (or neurocirculatory) dystonia with impaired thermoregulation actually exists. Characteristic long-term (months) low temperature (up to 37.8 C) without chills and fever, while after sleep the temperature can normalize; the temperature does not decrease under the influence of antipyretics; Spontaneous normalization of temperature and resumption of low-grade fever are possible (for example, after acute respiratory viral infections). Normally, body temperature in the armpit is 0.2-0.5 C lower than under the tongue. With NCD, the temperature under the tongue may be equal to the temperature in the armpit or even lower. Treatment is carried out by vegetologists. In Moscow you can contact the All-Russian science Center vegetative pathology (Rossolimo str., 11. tel. 248-69-44).

I am 39 years old, for two months in the afternoon the temperature has risen to 37.1,37.5. There is an abrupt increase in pressure up to 170/110, lethargy, weakness, there are no other symptoms. Ultrasound, radioisotope rheography of the kidneys, bladder, general analysis of urine and blood - normal, urine culture for flora - normal. Ultrasound of the prostate gland revealed calcifying areas, analysis of prostate juice was normal. Completed a course of treatment for chronic prostatitis. Ultrasound of the heart showed moderate aortic valve insufficiency and regurgitation mitral valve 1 tbsp. At the rheumatologist, a blood test for rheumatic tests and sterility are normal. I have been abusing alcohol for a long time and have stopped drinking alcohol completely over the past four months. Please advise in which direction should I undergo further examination? The rheumatologist suggests going to a cardiac clinic for examination, the therapist advises finding a “good” urologist.

An increase in temperature in the afternoon may indicate the presence of a focus of chronic infection, the search for which is necessary and best done in a hospital (typing a number of indolent infections, for example, influenza viruses and many others). Blood culture testing for sterility will determine the presence of a microbe in the blood. All this will help determine the right treatment tactics. In addition, an episodic sudden increase in blood pressure requires an examination to look for diseases of the adrenal glands (adrenal hormones before and after the crisis, computer examination of the adrenal glands, etc.). The list of diagnostic studies is beyond the competence of the outpatient clinic. Thus, it is necessary to follow the advice of a rheumatologist and undergo a detailed examination in a hospital. In your situation (critical age, chronic calculous (?!)), you should not neglect the advice of a therapist about a urologist: you should be observed by him (as well as by a therapist) for the rest of your life.

He was treated for chlamydia and trichomoniasis. At the end of the course of treatment, the symptoms of the disease disappeared. Except that for about 3-4 months there were unpleasant sensations from yeast. Immediately after the end of treatment, I did control tests (smears), the result was negative, then 3 months later I donated blood for chlamydia, the answer was negative, and the same control test was done half a year after the end of treatment, the answer was negative. A couple of months later I developed a fever. I took various blood tests for sterility, for Giardia, for hepatitis, did an ultrasound, x-ray, etc., but the temperature and lethargy lasted for about a year, the doctors shrugged, I decided to go for computer diagnostics (although I don’t really trust it) using the Foll method. And there they gave me the result that I had chlamydia.
1) Can I have chlamydia if laboratory tests do not find them (say in the prostate gland)?
3) How can I find the cause of my illness if I have no other symptoms besides temperature (36.9-37.2) and feeling unwell?

Answer: The Foll technique is based on the determination of “electromagnetic waves” emitted by organ cells. So it is impossible to determine yourself using this method. But it is quite possible to determine in which organ there is a pathology. You can even determine approximately what process this is (in your case, it is apparently inflammation in genitourinary organs). Perhaps this is or, which can be caused not only by chlamydia, but also by common flora (Escherichia coli, strepto-,). Do a test for, which may also be the cause of the elevated temperature. The cause of a high temperature may be thermoneurosis; this is within the competence of a neurologist.

My son is 21 years old. In the last two years he has often suffered from colds. I took a lot of antibiotics. Constantly maintains t 37.1-37.4. Blood pressure is 150 over 100. I donated blood for sterility. The microbe corynebactereiin was isolated. The body does not respond to antibiotics such as: penicillin, tetracycline, levomecithin, cephalosparins. Please answer how to cure this disease, what is it called, what complications may there be in the future, can this microbe give a temperature of 37.1 - 37.4? Doctors do not give a clear answer

Perhaps your son was infected with a non-toxigenic strain of diphtheria. Perhaps your doctor will consider it possible to prescribe septefril or decamethoxin, erythromycin, rinsing with an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt. Observation by an infectious disease specialist is required

I am 24 years old. I didn't have anything other than measles. I had a temperature of 37-37.5 for 3 months (since mid-December 2000). I got sick 2 weeks after the flu shot (Russian). It all started with a severe cough and cold. I have never had an allergy, but after the vaccination I noticed a strange reaction to drops for the common cold (except for naphthyzin). It manifests itself in the fact that I cannot look (especially at the light), because the vessels of the eyeball are very inflamed, and tears constantly flow from the eyes for several hours. This does not happen without taking drops, but the blood vessels are still somewhat inflamed and sometimes (especially during a runny nose) the eyes water. This didn't happen before. Examined by specialists: ENT, endocrinologist, gynecologist, neurologist, phthisiatrician, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, cardiogram. All the specialists said that the temperature was not their thing. The head of the therapeutic department suggested that my temperature was “normal,” but the norm for me has always been 36.6 exactly. I always feel an increase to 37, since I usually get sick without a fever (it was more than 37.5 3 times in my life). For the last month I haven’t noticed a temperature up to 37.5, because I’m used to it (except for the case when I had a cold). Nothing other than non-hormonal enlargement of the thyroid gland was found (hormones at the limit = 2, antibodies to TG = 7). I take pycnogenol (an antioxidant that increases the body’s protective functions) for a week. Throughout my illness (and still) I have had enlarged lymph nodes under my chin. I have a generally weak lymph system and it is these nodes that almost always enlarge during illness. The third day (after a cold and for treatment purposes - a sauna) the temperature dropped to 36.7-36.8 within 3 hours after the sauna. What was the reason for the temperature and is it possible for it to increase again?

You are asking a very difficult question. It is difficult to say in absentia about the reasons for the increase in temperature, because there may be several reasons. A thorough examination is necessary, possibly in a hospital setting. As for the reaction to nasal drops, its most likely cause is (by the way, it can also be the cause of the increase in temperature). As for my point of view, I would first of all rule out (chest x-ray), lymphogranulomatosis, (increased thyroid function) and systemic connective tissue diseases (, etc.). In addition, it is possible chronic infection, For example, . In general, I repeat, there can be a lot of reasons.

The fact is that I already wrote to you that I have had a high temperature for a long time (for 4 months it has been 37-37.5). The temperature dropped for about a week. After which it resumed. Moreover, for all 4 months I have had enlarged lymph nodes under my chin (I always have this when I am sick). Now some new symptoms have appeared: in 3 days the nodes under the knees have increased greatly (it even hurts to walk), which has never happened before. Plus, I have been experiencing itching in the perineal area for a week (however, it began immediately after taking hormonal pills using the method of post-coital contraception). The itching, however, has decreased somewhat. It started, as I already wrote, with a flu shot (Russian): something like a cold with severe cough. Now the cough appears from time to time, and from time to time there is redness and inflammation in the throat. The doctors found nothing (gynecologist - routine examination, therapist, ENT, endocrinologist, phthisiatrician, neurologist). This disease worries me very much. 2 months ago I was even tested for AIDS (since 1 year ago I was slightly cut at my own house by some girl, apparently a drug addict). And at the beginning of December last year, I noticed that I had some kind of dot on my arm, as if from an injection. And since mid-December my temperature has risen. I heard that there are people suffering from speedophobia. I hope that I am one of them, and not one of the infected. Although I had never suffered from suspiciousness before (before the attack of the above-mentioned drug addict). There is one more point that may be important: in October 2000, my dad died (I am 24 years old). I somehow unexpectedly calmly went through this, forced myself not to think, but it is possible that internal tension grew (especially since I now have to provide and take care not only of myself, but also of my mother), although I have been living since December The most interesting and eventful one has begun. In addition, a doctor friend said that perhaps I am allergic to adrenaline, because after taking cold drops containing it (or causing it to increase in the blood, I don’t really understand this), my eyes become very inflamed and watery. Which specialists should I check with and what tests should I undergo?

Because you're worried about whether it's AIDS or something like that. you need to start by taking tests, and S. You need to be examined by a dermatovenerologist, and then by a rheumatologist and, if possible, by an immunologist.

I am 21 years old, I have not had sexual intercourse at all. A year ago, a constant temperature from 37.0 to 37.5 began. At first I didn’t attach any importance to this, but after about 3-4 months I started feeling dizzy, lost my appetite, and sometimes vomited. My periods were disrupted - at first there was very little discharge, instead of 4 days - just a day, and then the regularity was disrupted. The gynecologist initially thought that I was pregnant. They prescribed injections (hormones) and took medications. They also treated my throat with laser therapy. The gynecologist gave a diagnosis - a hormonal disorder due to nervous stress (it seems so). There was stress - a friend was drafted into the Army. In general, after cycles of injections and medications, the nausea and dizziness went away, and periods returned to normal (more abundant and regular). But the fever did not go away. They reassure me like this: if you marry your husband, it will pass. Please give advice, tell me what else can be done, I am very afraid that this will somehow affect future children.

You need to be examined by a general endocrinologist (not a gynecologist). The symptoms you describe are suspicious of pathology of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (parts of the brain). In addition to their other functions, these departments control the functioning of the reproductive system, so their pathology affects its functioning.

Young woman (27 years old), elevated body temperature for the 3rd year: 37-37.3 degrees. I underwent a full examination - all indicators are normal, there is no inflammation. Now I'm used to it and don't notice it. At the same time, I have been taking the drug Triregol for three years, with intervals of three months. Can this drug cause an increase in temperature, and what side effects (effects) may this have on the body in the future?

The thermoregulation center is located in the brain - in close proximity to the part that is affected by taking hormonal contraceptives. Therefore, if there is such a temporary relationship between taking COCs and a change in temperature, and a full examination has been carried out and no other reasons have been identified, it can be assumed that the change in temperature is associated specifically with taking Tri-Regol. You should stop the drug for more than 3 months and monitor your temperature (while using other methods of protection). This is not a normal or harmless reaction of the body. If it is proven that Tri-Regol is the cause of this condition, then, apparently, hormonal contraception will need to be replaced by other methods (barrier, chemical, IUD). Such an elevated temperature creates unfavorable conditions for the functioning of other organs and systems, leading to their faster “wear and tear.”

Could someone explain why the temperature appears.
those. What happens in the body that causes a temperature to appear?
and what happens next.

Humans are warm-blooded creatures. This means that his body temperature is independent (relatively) of temperature environment. Therefore, fluctuations in outside temperature do not normally affect our condition. The temperature itself, different from absolute zero, is needed so that chemical reactions can occur: the formation of substances to build an organism, the breakdown of substances to produce energy, etc. Nature has found the optimal temperature at which these life processes occur at the required speed - 37 degrees Celsius in the blood. And there is a special thermoregulation system, the task of which is to maintain the temperature at this constant level, regardless of the air temperature. For example, when there is a threat of overheating, the activity of the sweat glands increases, water evaporates, taking energy for this process, and the body cools down, or rather, does not overheat. When there is a threat of hypothermia, muscle tremors begin - the muscles contract, releasing energy, but no movements are made, i.e. energy is spent not on work, but in heat - the body warms up.

Microbes that enter the body release all sorts of substances into the blood, including those that disrupt the functioning of the thermoregulation system - the body begins to consider it normal and maintain a higher temperature (temporarily). Up to a certain limit, this slight increase in temperature is useful: it activates the immune system faster, destroys microbial cells, and produces more energy for recovery. Therefore, it is advisable not to bring down a slightly elevated temperature (up to 38 degrees) with aspirin and similar drugs.

However, when microbes multiply rapidly and begin to dominate the immune system, the damage to the thermoregulatory system can become too severe, and this increase in temperature can lead to the destruction of its own proteins. This type of fever is harmful and needs to be treated.

Lukyanov A.V.

Temperature is an indicator of a certain level of equilibrium of physical and chemical processes in the body (and they occur with the formation of heat). The temperature reaction is regulated by special nerve cells(nuclei) located in the hypothalamus (formation in the brain).
Increases in temperature are caused by two main reasons: physical and chemical. When the temperature rises for physical reasons, we are talking about a violation of heat transfer (most often it is heat stroke, when, as a result of muscle activity, heat production increases, but sufficient transfer of this heat does not occur in a suffocating, moisture-saturated atmosphere).
Chemical causes The temperature rises due to increased heat production due to a violation of the chemical regulation of heat generation in a special center of the hypothalamus (irritation of this center by toxins circulating in the blood or proteins foreign to the body). Causes, cerebral disorders (cerebral hemorrhages and meninges), blood diseases (leukemia), decreased platelet count, etc., inflammatory diseases (infections, thrombophlebitis, inflammation of a vein, with a blood clot inside), drug fever, autonomic fever (in persons with increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system, intestinal bleeding, dysfunction endocrine glands (crises in diseases of the adrenal glands), gout and many other diseases.
If you do not find out the cause of the increase in temperature (for this, as can be seen from the above, a thorough examination is necessary), then the disease from the initial period passes into a far advanced period and is difficult to treat. For example, a banal inflammation (boil and skin abscess) can result in sepsis and even death.
At the same time, the temperature reaction also plays a protective role. Firstly, the body signals with increased temperature that there is a disorder in it. And secondly, for example, many viruses die at elevated temperatures; this is a protective function of increased temperature (hyperthermia).

V. Baksheev

For three years now I have constantly had an elevated body temperature - from 37 to 37.5. I was treated by a gynecologist because my left appendage hurts. According to the doctor, he is constantly softened. Once the appendage was greatly enlarged. I was told that a cyst had arisen from inflammation, which would soon resolve. And so it happened. In 1998, I was injected with antibiotics for 8 months. But the temperature has not subsided until now. The doctor said she didn't know what was wrong. Antibiotics triggered my asthma. I have been suffering from vaginal candidiasis for more than a year. I tried everything, it doesn't help. There was not a single day of remission. I have been taking fucanazole for the second month. There is practically no discharge, but the temperature persists. For three years I have been feeling very bad. Constantly severe weakness, cystitis tormented me. Personally, I suspect that I have candidiasis or another mycosis. What do I need to do (what tests, etc.) to achieve the correct diagnosis. Our doctors do not bother themselves to give it to me. In general, what does my painting look like?

You need to do the following tests:

1.X-ray of the chest organs

2. Examination at a tuberculosis dispensary (tuberculin tests)

5. Blood for RV, HIV,

6. Examination by a rheumatologist and determination of lupus anticoagulant, LE cells, etc. etc. (according to the recommendations of a rheumatologist)

7. immune status and determination of sensitivity to immune drugs, consultation with an immunologist.

8. General urine analysis, urine analysis according to Nechiporenko

Further actions depend on the results obtained.

Human body temperature is an important indicator in making diagnoses. Each patient has his own standards, despite the fact that a thermometer reading of 36.6 degrees is considered standard and natural.

Many people do not pay attention to their temperature or even take it unless there are additional signs of illness.

If you still care about your well-being and periodically monitor your thermometer readings, then you should know and take into account the following facts:

  • temperature is measured in the armpit, mouth and rectum (standard values ​​differ);
  • if during the day the thermometer readings fluctuate by half a degree, then this is not a pathology;
  • the minimum body temperature (less than 36 degrees) is observed during deep sleep;
  • in the evening, the thermometer readings are higher than in the morning;
  • in older people the temperature is lower, and in children under three years of age it is higher than in middle-aged people.
  • If for a long time, an adult has a temperature of 37-37.5 without symptoms, doubts should arise about their health.
It is worth noting that identifying the root cause is complicated by the fact that there are no additional manifestations, and independent diagnosis is unacceptable here.

Increased body temperature is caused by certain proteins called pyrogens. They enter the human body from the external environment (primary) or are produced spontaneously (secondary).

These proteins bind to the hypothalamus and activate immune system and affect a person’s overall well-being.

First of all, the reasons that an adult patient has a temperature of 37 without symptoms are divided into natural and external.

  • Natural conditions include conditions that have nothing in common with pathological ones, but at the same time regulate the temperature regime. An increase in thermometer values ​​occurs under stress, hormonal imbalance in women, due to taking certain medications, due to an established lifestyle, and so on.
  • Pathological causes of hyperthermia can be different. Some diseases are acquired from strangers through infection. Others are triggered by the functioning of the body. Also often found congenital pathologies, which causes body temperature to rise.

One way or another, when pathological reasons the patient needs the help of a doctor. Every person needs to have an idea of ​​the reasons that can provoke hyperthermia.

Diseases are the most common cause of hyperthermia

The most common reason why a temperature of 37 degrees rises in the evening without symptoms is some kind of disease.

It can be congenital or acquired, occur in acute or chronic form, have a temporary Negative influence per person or permanent.

  • Respiratory viral infections– the most common cause of fever. Viruses infect the upper or lower Airways person. This activates the body's defenses and there is a sharp rise in temperature to 37.3-37.6 without symptoms. Then, after 3-5 days, additional manifestations occur, and the doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of the disease.
  • Pathogens are also known intestinal diseases, which are related to viruses. Microorganisms affect the soft tissues and mucous membranes of the abdominal cavity; the latent period can last up to a week.
  • Inflammatory processes can occur without additional symptoms. But most often this happens only in the first days of illness. There is a high probability that after a few days the patient will develop other symptoms of the disease in addition to fever.
  • Bacterial causes are less common. Statistics show that they are in second place in popularity after viral pathologies. Often, a bacterial infection becomes a complication of an improperly treated viral disease. Bacteria affect the respiratory organs, tissues, bones, urinary and digestive systems.
  • Tumor processes are a common reason why a temperature of 37-37.5 lasts for a long time without symptoms. Often, it is this symptom that forces patients to see a doctor, where he learns about his disappointing diagnosis.

Pathologies of the respiratory system

If a person has a slight fever and nothing else, this indicates a latent viral or bacterial infection.

Often this is how everyone knows ARVI. With it, the temperature returns to normal within 3-5 days. After some time, the patient may experience additional symptoms such as cough, runny nose or body aches.

It is known that tuberculosis occurs with virtually no symptoms. In this case, a temperature of 37.3-37.5 lasts for 2 weeks or more, and this disease is detected only during an examination of the patient with a complaint of prolonged fever.

Diseases of the urinary and reproductive system

Preservation low temperature for a month or more, perhaps due to the chronic course of diseases such as pyelonephritis or cystitis.

They usually appear additional signs, but depending on the sensitivity of the patient may not be noticed. Vulvovaginitis in women and prostatitis in men occur with a slight increase in the thermometer level.

Lesions of the digestive system

Prolonged low-grade body temperature without additional manifestations may indicate gastritis, ulcers, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and other pathologies.

Intestinal infections, colitis and even flatulence can cause a slight increase in thermometer readings.

Other diseases

A temperature of 37.3-37.5 without symptoms in an adult can persist for a long time with such chronic diseases as:

  • adnexitis.
  • tonsillitis.
  • pyelonephritis.

Inflammation of the heart muscle is also accompanied by this symptom, and later additional manifestations join it.

A slight increase in the readings on the thermometer occurs as a result of injuries (bruises, cuts). Even an ordinary splinter that stays in the human body for a long time can provoke this symptom.

In case of blood diseases (for example, leukemia), the temperature increases for a while, after which it returns to normal. This symptom can be caused by: arthrosis, lupus erythematosus, sepsis, allergies, scleroderma and other diseases.

The influence of hormonal levels

Deviations and malfunctions in the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system are always accompanied by causeless temperature fluctuations.

IN last years More and more often, patients turn to specialists with complaints of low-grade fever. However, they do not have additional symptoms of the disease. The cause in this case may be disturbances in the body's hormonal system.

Just a few decades ago, this was largely attributed to the female body. In patients, the failures were accompanied by menstrual irregularities. But in recent decades, disturbances in the production of hormones are common in men.

The thermometer level may show 37-37.5 degrees for several years. The patient does not experience any additional symptoms. This deviation is preceded by head trauma, tumor, cerebral edema, encephalitis and other conditions that could have occurred a long time ago.

Some people with complaints of hyperthermia have hypothalamic syndrome - a permanent dysfunction of the apparatus that regulates body temperature.

The functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands also affects the thermometer readings. Even the functions of the liver and kidneys can affect this process, since these organs are the conductor of hormones in the human body.


Temperature 37-37.2 without symptoms in adults of both sexes can be observed due to psycho-emotional reasons. Constant nervous tension, stress, increased fatigue, lack of sleep - this is what contributes to the appearance of this symptom.

A slight increase in the thermometer level (up to 37.3) is observed in people during rage and anger. If you have recently suffered a serious shock, then there is nothing strange about hyperthermia.

The temperature can also rise due to joyful emotional experiences. It is important to consider here individual characteristics body. Some people tolerate any shock without changes in temperature, while others feel hyperemia at the slightest experience.

Increased temperature in women

Among the fairer sex, temperature fluctuations occur especially often. In some ways, the reasons for this can be called hormonal. But women should be separated into a separate block.

  • Temperature 37-37.2 during pregnancy early stages- normal and common occurrence. It increases due to the release large volumes progesterone – the pregnancy hormone. This condition can persist for a long time: throughout the first trimester. It is important to pay attention to your well-being, because during this period all diseases will be dangerous. If there are no additional symptoms, and a pregnant woman has a temperature of 37-37.3 degrees, then there is nothing to worry about.
  • In the second part of the cycle, an increase in temperature may also occur. It is due to the fact that an egg was released from the ovary, and in its place a corpus luteum. It secretes the same progesterone, which is necessary for conception. During this period, women may note that the thermometer level shows slightly elevated numbers: 36.9-37.1. After the onset of menstruation they will return to normal.
  • An increase in temperature in patients often occurs after surgical and diagnostic procedures. Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, metrosalpingography, diagnostic curettage, abortion, childbirth and other procedures are accompanied by an increase in temperature. In this case, you should stick to medical recommendations which are given to the patient after the procedure. Within a short period of time, the thermometer readings will return to normal.
  • Breastfeeding women always experience a slight increase in temperature. If you measure it in the armpit, you can get values ​​of 37.2-37.7 degrees. It's all about the closely located mammary glands. It is believed that these indicators are not informative, since they show the temperature breast milk. Women during lactation should measure it at the elbow.
  • Some menopausal women experience hyperemia with readings of 37-37.4 degrees, which is not a deviation from the norm.
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Diagnosis and treatment

Before you start looking for one or more causes of hyperthermia in yourself, you need to make sure that the measurement was carried out correctly. Observe the following rules when determining body temperature:

  • use a working thermometer (it’s good if it’s a mercury thermometer);
  • take measurements at the same time (no earlier than half an hour after meals and physical activity);
  • if the measurement is carried out in the armpit, then it must be clean and dry.

If you have persistent hyperthermia, you should definitely consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe certain types of examinations to the patient, based on the anamnesis and concomitant clinical picture. When diagnosing, it is necessary to undergo the following studies:

  • blood test (general, biochemical, sugar and clotting);
  • urine analysis (general, according to Nechiporenko, with interpretation of salts);
  • ultrasound scanning of the peritoneum (kidneys, pelvis, digestive organs);
  • examination of the heart and blood vessels (ultrasound, ECG, Doppler);
  • X-ray and fluorography;
  • determination of antibodies, tumor markers, pathogens and a narrower range of diagnostic procedures (if necessary).

What should the patient do?

Usually, low-grade fever (up to 38) does not require taking antipyretics. However, all rules have their exceptions.

Reducing a temperature above 37.5 degrees is necessary for pregnant women, people with diseases of the nervous system, and patients who are prone to seizures.

For this purpose, common drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. In other situations, you should do the following:

  • accept horizontal position(this will help stabilize emotional condition and relieve tension);
  • perform aromatherapy (tea tree oil mixed with orange will help eliminate hyperemia);
  • place a cloth soaked in water on the forehead and temples (you can add vinegar in equal proportions for effectiveness);
  • drink fortified tea (with lingonberries, viburnum, raspberries).
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If your temperature continues to rise, be sure to seek emergency care.

Temperature and nothing else – School of Dr. Komarovsky

In contact with


Otolaryngologist, allergist. Graduate of the Medical University of Warsaw, PhD. PhD thesis in the field of otolaryngology - study of the patency of the nasal and paranasal sinuses. She specialized in allergology at the Warsaw Clinical Hospital - at the Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Long-term employee of the Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology of the Central Clinical Hospital in Warsaw and medical center Enel-Med. Accepts children from 3 years old and adults with ENT and allergy problems.


  1. Andrey

    Hello! For about a year now I have been worried about my body temperature being 37. In the morning it is 36-36.3. Just move a little and it becomes 37.
    Red blood cells 5.1.
    Leukocytes about 7
    Soe 2
    Urine is normal.
    What other tests should I take?
    And what could be causing this temperature?
    Doing sports
    There are no bad habits.

  2. Alexander

    Hello. The temperature has stayed at 37-37.1 in the evening for 8 years now, no more symptoms except fatigue, when I was young I didn’t pay much attention, but every year it becomes more difficult for me, I had tests done, blood, urine, everything is normal, hypatitis and HIV were not detected .

  3. Eugene

    Good afternoon, I would like to hear the experts’ answer.

    I passed a bunch of tests, ranging from MRI, ultrasound, and all sorts of other tests.

    Since 2012, the temperature has been constantly 35.6 in the morning and 37-37.5 in the evening, and this has been going on for 6 years.

    Sometimes there are headaches that press on the eyes and temples, but I did an MRI and everything was fine.

    I was at the Burzin Research Institute of Hematology because my hemoglobin hemotocrit and erythrocytes were elevated, and there was also a deviation of their monocytes constantly from 11 to 16 and lymphocytes from 38 to 56. Diagnosis of secondary erythrocytes. Trinapobiopsia of the iliac bone was performed 5 times; histology was all normal.

    Of the chronic diseases I have tonsillitis, farengitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, cervical thoracic osteochondrosis with a pinched artery, spleen, sometimes there is shortness of breath as if there is not enough oxygen, but after 15 minutes everything goes away.

    The lungs were checked. I passed everything I could and checked everything. The doctors shrug their shoulders. Previously, the temperature was always low and this was 35-35.8. Then everything turned upside down. Constant apathy, anxiety, feeling like I’m going to die right now.

    I feel like I'm not in my body. Sometimes there is severe fatigue and constant drowsiness.

  4. Larisa

    Hello! I’m 46 years old, the temperature has lasted for four months. It all started with bronchitis, I was treated with antibiotics, it went away. But the temperature does not subside, it rises intermittently during the day, especially in the evening from 16.00 to 22.00, 37-37.5. Tests did not show nothing, red blood cells are slightly elevated, hemoglabin is 110, ultrasound everything is fine and organs abdominal cavity, and thyroid gland, lungs. In gynecology everything is also normal. What could this be?

  5. Andretz

    Hello. I’m 23. The temperature has been fluctuating for more than 3 months, the minimum is 35.4 in the morning, and in the evening it rises to 37-37.2. When the temperature rises, there is a headache, ringing in the ears and a rumbling stomach.

    Sometimes the temperature rises without symptoms, just fatigue. Accompanied by hard stool, sometimes too hard and dry or discolored like porridge with flecks. I drink 2-4 liters of water a day, my weight is 65. I drink Creon 10, it helps. If the diet is disrupted, the symptoms return (milk, cookies, coffee).

    Polyp in the gland 0.7 in the analysis, bilirubin is increased to 25-30, something in the pancreas, sugar is normal, ESR 2. The stomach is fine. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys is normal. No infections were found in the stool, leukocytes were 2-4. I read that the temperature in pancreatitis occurs due to inflammation, it is not in the analysis, I took it 5 times.

    I have been very worried for three months now. What could it be? I do not know what to do. The doctors couldn't figure it out. They told me to continue drinking Creon, possibly for the rest of my life (and a course of Exohol or removal of the palip by surgery).

  6. Good evening. I have this question: two months ago I underwent surgery (total thyroidectomy with excision of regional lymph nodes and tissue) due to papillary thyroid cancer. Then she underwent a course of radioiodine therapy. Immediately after the operation I started taking L-thyroxine 75 mg. After radioiodine, the specialists’ recommendations increased to 100 mg. That same evening, she noted a rise in body temperature to 37.3 degrees. The condition was stable; I felt slightly unwell. The next morning 36.6. In the evening again 37.1. By the way, during the period when I was not yet aware of the oncological process, such irregular rises in temperature also occurred throughout the year. Could the current situation with hyperthermia be associated with the body's adaptation to a new dosage of the hormone? Should I bring this to the attention of any other specialists besides my endocrinologist and oncologist? Thank you very much.

    At that time I had problems with my kidneys (sand), liver (was enlarged), spleen (also enlarged), thyroid gland (cyst) and they also discovered CMV and Epstein-Barr..

    over time, I cured all the organs except the thyroid gland... at the moment I suffered an acute form of mononucleosis, I suffered from Epstein-Barr, and only CMV remained.

    I also have a thyroid cyst, but the endocrinologist said that this is normal and because of it there can be no fever.. I still have a temperature of 37.4°C, I am freezing and afraid from the cold.. no one knows why. for what? This bothers me.

    What could it be?

  7. Konstantin

    Ten days ago, on a hot day, I accidentally drank a lot cold water(150-200 grams), was hot.

    My throat reacted, it was sore, it hurt a little, I coughed. Drank hot milk, etc. A couple of days later, on the subway at rush hour (I think), I caught the virus, felt unwell, had a temperature of 37.5 (on the back of home medications), and went to the local police officer.

    Very acute condition there was none at all. After two it got better. The doctor advised, if the temperature persists, to take VILPRAFEN along with other medications. Which is what I do.

    On the 6th day I closed my sick leave and had to work. I felt and feel quite good, but in the evening the temperature rises, 37.2/3, I cough a little.

    We have to go to work, it’s the ninth day. This morning everything is fine, by 6 p.m. it’s 37.2/3 again. Is it possible to work (teaching job)? Subjectively, I feel fine, I stayed at home all the time, sometimes I go out to the store. Yes, this is the second day I’ve been taking ascorbic acid.

    Please advise: the temperature as a fact confuses me when I seem to be feeling normal. Thank you.

  8. Elena

    Good afternoon
    I am 29 years old, my temperature has been constant at 37.2-37.4 for the last three weeks, there are no other symptoms except headache. I saw a therapist, blood tests were done (general, biochemical); urine test (general); fluorography. All tests are normal, they checked the thyroid gland, an ultrasound revealed thyroiditis, did a hormone test (TSH is normal, antibodies are elevated - 84), the endocrinologist said that this chronic pathology, does not require medical intervention, the elevated temperature is not due to this. I took antibiotics for five days, then took antibiotic injections for another five days, the temperature did not drop...


    A child (1 year 4 months) has a fever of 38.5 and lasts for a day, they gave him an antipyretic, the doctor prescribed it.

    After a day or two, the temperature appears again for a day and goes away again. The doctor can’t really say anything yet. There are no other symptoms, the child is in a good mood, eats well, as always.

    What you should pay attention to? What tests should I take? I read the article, but there is little information about the temperature, which is sometimes there, sometimes not.

Life "under the degree"

10 reasons why your temperature may rise

1. The disease begins suddenly, usually with chills, body aches and pain in the eyes. The temperature quickly rises to 38 - 39 degrees, its fluctuations are insignificant during the day. Can last for 4 - 5 days.

It looks like the flu, especially since it's the right season. Other acute respiratory viral infections also occur with an increase in temperature, but more often not so high.

2. The temperature suddenly rises to 39 - 40 degrees, a severe headache appears, pain in the chest, intensifies when inhaling. There is a feverish blush on the face, and herpes may become active on the lips. After a day, brownish sputum begins to leave.

This is how pneumonia occurs. It involves a segment or lobe of the lung (sometimes it is bilateral). True, now more and more often this disease occurs in a blurred form.

3. During the day, the temperature jumps to 38 - 39 degrees. A rash appears all over the body. Before this, there may be weakness and runny nose for several days. Adults get sick more severely than children.

It looks like you have caught measles, or rubella, or scarlet fever - these infectious diseases are very similar to initial stages. Characteristic signs help to make a correct diagnosis: with rubella, the lymph nodes become enlarged, with scarlet fever, the rash is small, there is no runny nose, unlike measles, but it is often accompanied by a sore throat.

4. There is a periodic rise in temperature, often low-grade fever. White blood cells may be elevated in the blood.

Looks like it's coming chronic illness, or there is a hidden source of infection in the body.

Fever is often the main or even the only symptom inflammatory processes. For example, exacerbation of pyelonephritis, inflammation in gallbladder, arthritic joints sometimes do not have obvious clinical manifestations except for elevated temperature.

5. The temperature jumps to 40 degrees at lightning speed within a few hours. A severe headache and vomiting appear, which does not bring relief. The patient cannot tilt his head forward or straighten his legs. A rash appears. Strabismus and nervous tics in the eye area may occur.

It looks like infectious meningitis - inflammation of the lining of the brain. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance and hospitalize the patient.

6. Long ( longer than a month) an unreasonable increase in temperature is combined with general malaise, weakness, loss of appetite and weight. The lymph nodes become enlarged, blood appears in the urine, etc.

An increase in body temperature almost always occurs with tumors. It is especially characteristic of kidney tumors, liver tumors, lung cancer, and leukemia. There is no need to panic right away, but in some cases, especially older people, it is necessary to be examined by an oncologist without wasting time.

7. Increased body temperature, usually around 37 - 38 degrees, is combined with weight loss, irritability, tearfulness, fatigue, and a feeling of fear. Appetite increases, but weight is lost.

You need to check your thyroid hormones. A similar picture occurs with diffuse toxic goiter.

When the function of the thyroid gland is impaired - hyperthyroidism - a disorder of the body's thermoregulation occurs.

An increase in temperature is combined with damage to the joints, kidneys, and pain in the heart.

Fever almost always occurs with rheumatism and rheumatism-like diseases. These are autoimmune diseases - in them the general immune status of the body is disrupted, and leapfrog begins, including with fever.

Low-grade fever, mainly in young women, is combined with pressure changes, and there may be redness of the face, neck, and chest.

This is constitutional hyperthermia - it is more often observed in young people during nervous and physical stress, for example, during exams. Of course, this diagnosis can be made by excluding other causes of fever.

Even after a thorough examination, the cause of the fever cannot be identified. Nevertheless, an elevated temperature (38 and above) or its periodic rises for 3 weeks is recorded.

Doctors call such cases “fever of unknown origin.” We need to look more carefully, using special research methods: an immune status test, an endocrinological examination. Sometimes a rise in temperature can provoke the use of certain antibiotics and analgesics - this is drug fever.

The normal temperature of the human body - from 36 to 36.9 degrees - is regulated by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus.
Most often, an increase in temperature is a protective and adaptive factor of the body.

What will help bring down the temperature without medication:
Wiping the body with a weak solution of table vinegar.
Warm green tea or black with raspberries.
Citrus. In order for the temperature during a cold to drop by 0.3 - 0.5 degrees, you need to eat 1 grapefruit, 2 oranges or half a lemon.
Cranberry juice.

It is believed that when colds Temperatures up to 38 degrees should not be brought down with medications.

37 - 38 degrees – low-grade fever,
38 – 38.9 – moderate,
39 - 40 – high,
41 - 42 - extra high.