Subcutaneous mites in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment. Zheleznitsa - subcutaneous tick in dogs

Demodectic mange is divided into three types:

  • localized;
  • generalized;
  • juvenile

The pathology, although not fatal, brings both the animal and its owner a lot of trouble and problems. When the symptoms become noticeable, the first question that arises is whether the disease demodicosis is transmitted to humans or not. In fact, a tick cannot cause any harm to a person. The disease is contagious only to animals. Cats and dogs are most often affected. Therefore, we can safely say that the tick is not dangerous to humans.

Once in the animal's body, it may not manifest itself in any way until the appropriate moment - a decrease in immunity. Against the background of a weakened body, demodicosis worsens and the waste products of the tick poison the cat’s body.

Are subcutaneous ticks in cats dangerous for humans?

At the very beginning of the disease, small skin lesions are observed, which gradually increase in size. Hair begins to fall out on inflamed surfaces. Suppurations gradually develop, emitting an unpleasant aroma and eventually becoming covered with scales.

The waste products that mites secrete can cause significant discomfort to the dog. This includes increased itching of the skin due to an allergic reaction, and even painful sensations on the surface of the skin.

In addition to physical manifestations, there are changes in behavior. Dogs become irritable and do not want to communicate with loved ones.

There are three forms of demodicosis:

  1. Scaly form, which is characterized by the formation of peeling on the surface of the skin. In addition, bacterial infections can accompany peeling, which provoke additional inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin.
  2. Pustular form manifested by the formation of compactions not exceeding four millimeters in diameter. Purulent discharge emerges from the pustules, oozing bad smell. In addition, a mixture of pus and blood forms crusts Brown. The form is more severe than the first and requires more careful treatment.
  3. Generalized form- This is a combination of the first two options. In addition, the course of the disease is aggravated by the dog’s lack of appetite. Mite infestation internal organs leads to general exhaustion of the animal's body.

Factors contributing to the development of demodicosis

Ticks prefer those places where there is concentration greatest number skin folds. In addition, areas that are involved in communication between individuals are more often affected - lips, paws, and the area around the eyes.

The immune system may be weakened by exposure to infectious diseases, the presence of worms in the intestines. Stressful situations can also significantly reduce the body's resistance.

Species-specific for the cat family are Demodex cati and Demodex gatoi, as well as another species, the morphology and pathogenesis of which have not yet been studied.

Affects the stratum corneum of the skin without affecting hair follicles. Interestingly, until the end of the last century, there were no known cases of detection of Demodex gatoi in cats. Therefore, there is a version that this tick was previously a commensal of another species of warm-blooded animals, but changed its species specification and turned out to be pathogenic for new hosts. Demodex gatoi has been known in veterinary medicine since 1982.

The presence of a third opportunistic tick has not been proven; assumptions are based on frequent cases of a non-specific clinical picture.

Typically, signs of demodicosis in cats develop gradually, and the sooner you seek help from a doctor, the higher the chances of your pet’s recovery.

  • skin redness;
  • the appearance of rashes in the form of nodules or small pustules;
  • deterioration appearance wool;
  • appears like this characteristic symptom as “demodicosis glasses” - hair loss and peeling of the skin around the eyes;
  • hair loss and peeling of the skin on the head, ears, neck (with a localized form of demodicosis), as well as on the legs and torso (with a generalized form of the disease);
  • skin pigmentation disorder;
  • acne;
  • wounds that bleed;
  • in the generalized form, damage to internal organs is noted, which affects general condition animal – weakness, apathy, loss of appetite, etc.

Diagnosis of subcutaneous mites

To identify subcutaneous mites in cats, scrapings are taken from the affected areas of the body (at least 4-5 samples) for further examination under a microscope.

Important! The localized form of the subcutaneous mite can go into remission after a month, that is inflammatory process quiets down and external manifestations diseases gradually disappear. But this does not at all indicate that the animal has recovered, especially if you did not use treatment. It’s just that the tick hid for a while, so to speak, and the next outbreak of the disease will develop into a more severe form.

Prepare yourself for long-term therapy, which can last up to a year.

Localized form

For subcutaneous mites in cats, use “Doctor” shampoo with benzoyl peroxide or “Elite” with chlorhexidine to cleanse the skin.

The affected areas are treated with a solution of chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. Thus, clearing the skin of scabs and crusts. After treatment, the skin should be dried carefully and thoroughly.

If the veterinarian does not prohibit you from using Cyteal, then this drug can be diluted with water and washed with it on the affected areas of the cat’s body, then rinsed and dried well. This procedure is performed once every 2-3 days.

Treating the animal with Amitraz or Butox 50 solutions (the solutions are prepared and used according to the instructions).

Use the skin application of Stronghold or Advocate according to the following scheme: 2-4 applications at monthly intervals to the skin in the area of ​​the cat’s shoulder blades.

After cleansing the affected areas of crusts, you can apply ointments, gels or liniments: sulfur ointment, Demos liniment, Amidel-gel, Ivermec-gel, Aversectin ointment.

Used against subcutaneous mites in cats special means, which before use must be diluted according to the instructions, and then treated with the resulting solution on the affected areas of the body by spraying or lubricating - Neostomazan; ready-to-use sprays – Acaromectin, Ivermek, Tsidem, Perol.

Oily solutions that are applied to areas with lost hair and wounds, after cleansing of scabs and scales, are Mycodemocid, Tsipam, Ektodes, Amit.

Generalized form of demodicosis

Treatment of this form of subcutaneous mite must begin, first of all, with eliminating the primary disease that caused the exacerbation of demodicosis.

The same medications are used externally to treat demodicosis in cats as for the localized form.

Administration of Dectomax (0.3 ml per 3.5 kg of cat weight) or Cydectin (0.4 ml per single dose) should be carried out strictly on the recommendation and under the supervision of a veterinarian, as these drugs can be dangerous to the health of the pet.

If a secondary infection occurs, the doctor prescribes injections of antibiotics - Kanamycin, Betamox, Baytril, Amoxicillin, etc.

For any form of subcutaneous mites in cats, it is necessary to use vitamin-mineral complexes and immunostimulating drugs.

Your cat's household items should be disinfected, from food bowls to beds.

Folk remedies for subcutaneous mites in cats

I would like to immediately note that treatment for subcutaneous mites in cats at home folk remedies very dangerous for your pet's life!

The cat is not able to cope with this disease on its own. In this case, no matter how clean she is, licking will not give the necessary results.

For all diseases caused by subcutaneous mites, the primary diagnosis is determined based on the presence of symptoms of the disease, which are discussed above. Further methods diagnostics vary depending on the type of mite; let’s take a closer look at these methods.

Sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis

A skin scraping must be performed, for which a piece of tissue is separated with a sharp scalpel, choosing the place where the affected area borders on healthy skin.

It is necessary to examine the exudate of the ear canal. To do this, use a cotton cord or tweezers to remove pieces of the discharge and examine them under a microscope. To active mites do not spread; immediately after removal, the material is placed in a glass container and tightly closed.

Advice. It is not necessary to treat the preparation with lye when testing for notoedrosis, but for better visibility, cotton flagella are stained with ink.


With the scaly form, scrapings are made and examined, acting in the same way as with sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis.

In the case of the pustular form, the substance of the pustules is examined, for which it is convenient to use disposable syringe or a scalpel. The material is examined under a microscope.

Advice. If the material being tested is too thick, you can dilute it slightly by adding a few drops of colorless vegetable oil or saline solution.

Knowing what it looks like subcutaneous mite in cats and how it is transmitted, you can prevent such a situation with your animal. No cat is immune from demodicosis. The disease does not choose its “victim” either by breed or age: both young and adults, purebred and mongrel are affected.

The subcutaneous mite is almost constantly present in the animal’s body. But it manifests itself only during a period when the immune system weakens.

There are two types of the disease:

  1. Localized – when the tick infects only one part of the body.
  2. Generalized - the disease spreads throughout the body, including on the paws.

Also, the disease can be asymptomatic, pustular or scaly types.

A cat can become infected from another sick pet. There are cases where the disease was transmitted from mother to children, even during fetal development. A person has nothing to worry about: the disease is not transmitted to him.

The generalized form of the disease is also dangerous because after complete recovery, the subcutaneous mite in cats is transmitted to future offspring. Therefore, after treatment, it is recommended to sterilize the animal to prevent the appearance of sick kittens.

Is it possible to get infected from animals?

Routes of infection from humans:

  • direct contact;
  • cloth;
  • bed sheets;
  • facial cleansing in the salon.

According to statistics, 90-92% of the population are carriers of the subcutaneous mite. But demodicosis manifests its symptoms only in certain cases: weakened immunity, frequent stress, pregnancy, metabolic disorders.

An exacerbation of the disease is often observed in the autumn season. The reason for this is the experience of hot summer days, when the skin often sweats and becomes oilier. In addition, summer heat, or rather ultraviolet radiation, can significantly weaken the immune system.

Particular care should be taken when treating a sick pet, because there is a risk of inflammation if the animal owner has wounds or abrasions on the skin. Many people are interested in whether subcutaneous mites in cats are transmitted to humans or not.

There is also a risk of a cat becoming infected after it interacts with other animals. If the pet's living conditions are unsanitary and there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, then the likelihood of illness is very high.

Those at increased risk of developing demodex include older animals, cats that have other similar skin conditions, those that have not been fully cured, and pets with a very weak immune system.

Note! The main factors of this disease will help you understand that your dog has demodicosis. Usually during it there is dermatitis of the skin, manifestations of hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum epithelial tissue), damage to the tissues of internal organs, as well as depletion of the entire body.

The disease is usually detected in young dogs between 6 months and 2 years of age. But there are cases when demodicosis was detected in small puppies aged 2 months and older.

Typically, a subcutaneous tick in a dog causes many unpleasant signs that the owner can detect almost immediately. At first, they may look like pathologies with a fungal or bacterial nature.

The main symptoms include the following:

If your dog already has enough subcutaneous mites long time, then you can find other manifestations in your pet:

  • state of weakness, lethargy, general malaise;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • manifestations of anemia;
  • formation of secondary complications and pathological processes.

In any case, upon detection similar symptoms and signs, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. It is important to understand that the sooner appropriate treatment is provided, the faster it will be possible to eliminate the unpleasant disease and prevent serious problems with the health of the animal.

Also learn about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs.

To avoid being infected with a subcutaneous mite, you should follow several simple rules, which can protect the health of a pet:

Always remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Keep an eye on your pets and be attentive to them, and they will thank you with incorruptible devotion and affection.

Common signs of tick infestation are:

  1. Presence of scabs, crusts.
  2. Exudate on the skin.
  3. The skin thickens, becomes hard and wrinkled.
  4. Animals are restless or apathetic, depending on the course of the disease.
  5. They eat poorly, lose weight and may die.

And yet the signs of the disease when infected different types ticks have their own differences.

Below are the symptoms by which you can easily distinguish between infestation of dogs with certain ticks:

  1. The course of sarcoptic mange is characterized by the following features:
    • The scalp is most often affected.
    • The course of the disease is characterized by severe itching.
    • Small bubbles of liquid appear, which dogs try to scratch.
    • After opening the bubbles, wounds and dense crusts form.
    • The fur clumps together into unkempt strands.
  2. In case of infection with notoedrosis, the picture is as follows:
    • The localization sites of bubbles with exudate are located on the scalp.
    • There is no severe itching (unlike sarcoptic mange).
    • The skin becomes wrinkled and hair falls out.
  3. Distinctive signs of otodectosis:
    • The dog often shakes its head, scratches its ears with its paw, or rubs itself against surrounding objects.
    • Abrasions, scratches, and purulent discharge are visible on the ears.
    • Emission of wax from the ear canals, matted fur.
    • The animal walks with its head turned to one side (bowhead).

      Important. In advanced cases of otodectosis, inflammation of the inner ear, perforation is possible eardrum and subsequent meningitis. If this happens, the dog will behave restlessly, nervous attacks are possible, then a depressed state, and a rise in temperature. Without rendering emergency assistance Death is common.

The development of demodicosis depends on the form of the lesion - scaly or pustular.

With the scaly form, the following changes are observed:

  1. The skin thickens, becomes folded, and becomes covered with characteristic scales.
  2. Dirty gray or rusty red skin color, devoid of hair.
  3. The skin bursts and serous, pale pink fluid oozes from the wounds.
  4. Severe itching is not expressed.

The pustular form is characterized by the following features:

  1. The general course of the disease is severe.
  2. Red, inflamed blisters appear on the skin, which turn into pustules (pustules).
  3. When the pustules are opened, a foul-smelling liquid flows out, sticking the fur together.
  4. The animal rapidly weakens and may die from blood poisoning.

The tick slowly destroys the epithelium. Most often, the disease manifests itself on the skin of the face: on the ears, forehead, mouth and eyes. If the disease is not noticed at this time and treatment is not started, the mites spread to other parts of the body: sides, paws, neck.

With demodicosis, bumps (small in size - up to 5 mm) are visible on the body. When pressed, ichor with pus is released from them. The swollen, affected skin takes on a red tint. As the disease progresses, hair falls out and the skin peels.

What demodicosis looks like in cats can be seen in the photo. The animal loses its fur, bald spots and bleeding wounds appear on its skin. Before we figure out how to cure a pet of a disease, we’ll find out how an animal can become infected.

A disease can be quickly cured without causing trouble to the animal only if the owner identifies it early stages. Therefore, it is so important to know how demodicosis manifests itself in cats. Symptoms:

  • the pet develops redness on the skin;
  • noticeable pustules, rashes or wounds on the body;
  • the coat loses its healthy appearance;
  • a clear sign is demodicosis glasses - a condition when the hair around the eyes falls out, and the skin in this place begins to peel off;
  • hair loss on the head and ears or throughout the body;
  • acne appears, bleeding wounds appear, the skin itches.

In the generalized subtype of the disease, the cat’s internal organs are affected. He may refuse food, be passive and weak.

Symptoms of subcutaneous mites in cats can appear in pets that:

  • Have recently had an infection or surgery.
  • Have fleas or are infected with worms.
  • They do not eat properly (not enough protein food).
  • Have been treated with antibiotics for a long time or have suffered severe stress.

Also at risk are those animals whose diet does not have enough vitamins A, B, E and fats.

If you notice symptoms of subcutaneous mites in cats in your pet (and compare them with photos of sick animals), you should immediately contact veterinarian who will hold necessary tests, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment. You can cure a disease such as demodicosis in a cat with your own hands, but it is advisable to first consult with a doctor to make sure of the diagnosis.

Subcutaneous mites are diagnosed in this way: scrapings are taken from cats from the affected areas of the body and examined under a microscope.

  1. The wool has lost its former shine and silkiness.
  2. The skin around the eyes turned red and began to peel. Dandruff may occur.
  3. Constant itching forces the pet to tear out pieces of fur and scratch with its claws and teeth.
  4. The fur may fall out on its own in clumps.
  5. Small growths can be found on the skin, slightly protruding above the surface.
  6. Pustules appear on bald areas. The ichor gradually begins to ooze.


Ticks are difficult to identify external symptoms, because the signs of infection are similar to those of staphylococcal and fungal infections, dermatitis and other pathologies. The size of mites does not exceed half a millimeter, they cannot be seen without magnification, so the species can only be detected and identified in the laboratory.

At the same time, the animal’s health status is determined using clinical and biochemical analysis of blood, feces, and urine.

When a subcutaneous tick is detected in a dog, many owners panic and do not know how to help their pet. In these situations, you should pull yourself together and immediately contact a veterinary specialist, he will be able to carry out full examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

To detect subcutaneous ticks in a dog, a veterinarian will prescribe a number of diagnostic procedures.

Carrying out a full diagnosis ensures the following:

  • it reveals the main root cause of the pathological process;
  • determines the severity of the disease;
  • helps to choose the optimal treatment option.

Every dog ​​owner must take into account that clinical manifestations of this disease may be similar to symptoms of other infectious and non-infectious pathological processes. For this reason, if suspicious signs are detected, you should handle the animal carefully; the fact is that many diseases can be contagious and dangerous to humans.

Typically, a complete examination includes the following procedures:

In order to detect the presence of the disease in time, the dog must be regularly examined for the presence of suspicious lumps, especially in the area of ​​the paws and head. The initial stage of tick infestation can begin in the area between the toes.

At the slightest suspicion, you should seek help in establishing a diagnosis from a veterinarian. Medical workers They will make the necessary scrapings, and after confirming the presence of the disease, they will write out a treatment regimen. The sooner appropriate measures are taken, the more painlessly and quickly demodicosis will end.


Demodectic mange is not detected during routine examination. The doctor can only make an assumption and prescribe several tests. To do this, you need to take a scraping from a suspicious area and carefully examine it under a microscope. Only after a final diagnosis has been made, a specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment, which will depend on the form of demodicosis.

What does a subcutaneous mite look like?

The progression of the disease has a negative impact on the cat.

Her behavior becomes lethargic, her coat loses its shine. Bald areas of the skin become pearl-colored, and small pustules are located on them in places.

This is explained by the fact that the tick constantly moves under the skin, making passages, and its waste products cause a corresponding reaction in the cat’s body.

There is a simple way to help identify demodex under the skin. To do this, the fold of bald skin is compressed on all sides. As a result, you can see the tick. It should be removed and the animal taken to veterinary clinic to determine the treatment method.

Types of subcutaneous mites:

  • Demodex (Demodex cati or Demodex gato);
  • Sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes canis);
  • Notoedros cati.

Find out also about diagnosis, routes of infection and treatment ear mite in cats,

Curing subcutaneous mites in a cat is not so easy. It all depends on how advanced the condition was. The first thing you need to do is bathe the animal using a special medicated shampoo. Experts recommend “Doctor” or “Elite”. Bathing is carried out to cleanse the skin of pus, dandruff, and ichor.

After bathing, it is important to disinfect the affected area with Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. When the skin dries, the main treatment should be applied, which involves external preparations (for mild forms) or injections (for severe forms).

If you do not help the animal, the subcutaneous tick in cats will begin to lay larvae, that is, to multiply. In especially severe cases, the animal dies.

Experienced owners know what subcutaneous mites look like on dogs (its other name is “Demodex cains”), despite the fact that it is impossible to notice the arthropod with the naked eye. Externally, the bloodsucker resembles a tiny worm with small legs in the upper part of the body measuring from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. You can see it only under a microscope; a photo of a subcutaneous tick in dogs is presented below.

Localized form

Systematic treatment of the animal against fleas and ticks plays a huge role in the prevention of demodicosis in cats.

Are cat subcutaneous mites dangerous for humans?

But be careful, if you have several cats and one of them gets demodicosis, then it should be isolated, and the rest of the pets should be monitored in order to identify the infection in the early stages.

Generalized form

Subcutaneous mites are becoming a big problem in cats. Treatment is complex and begins with therapeutic baths. The veterinarian usually recommends specialized products that are designed to cleanse the animal’s skin and fur - “Elite” or “Doctor”. After bathing, all crusts must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with Chlorhexidine. It is possible to replace the product with hydrogen peroxide. After processing, you need to let the crusts dry thoroughly.

This treatment will clear the skin of scabs. After this, the veterinarian examines the cat again and prescribes one of the following medications:

  • "Perol."
  • "Tsipam."
  • “Unoiled.”
  • "Ectodes."
  • "Mycodemocid".
  • "Amide".

It is possible that a specialist will also recommend using sulfur ointment. In addition to the funds providing local impact, you will need drugs to boost your immunity. These could be “Immunol” or “Maksidin”. If subcutaneous mites in cats are detected in time, treatment has a favorable outcome.

The generalized subcutaneous mite in cats is quite long and difficult to kill. Symptoms and treatment in this case do not change radically, but require treatment additional drugs. To begin with, a scheme is assigned, as with the localized form. After this, the cat will need injections for subcutaneous mites, because this form often causes complications. For injections, the Cydectin solution is used.

For effective treatment, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. Veterinarians may prescribe one of the following medications:

  • "Amoxicillin."
  • Betamox.
  • "Camacidin."
  • "Baytril."

After the course, it is important to maintain the cat’s health and restore its immune strength. Ligfol is a good solution for this. A vitamin-mineral complex is also a must in the treatment of the generalized form of subcutaneous mites.

It is important to understand that if the disease has spread to many parts of the body, then treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian. All procedures can be carried out at home, but a specialist must supervise the process. Tell us how to treat subcutaneous mites in cats, and also choose suitable drugs Only a doctor can prescribe it. Often, medications that are suitable for one cat may not be suitable for another pet.

How does infection occur?

Most types of ticks spread by contact: after contact with a sick animal, through objects - bedding, combs, bowls. Pathogens that can live for more than one day in environment, get into the house on the soles of shoes and clothes. These include Otodectes cynotis, Notoedrosis cati, Sarcoptes.

Demodicosis develops differently. Its pathogens become constant companions and part of normal microflora cats. In small quantities they do not make themselves felt, but under unfavorable conditions they become active and multiply. Demodicosis begins in cats with weak immunity, chronic diseases, after viral infections. Infection by contact cannot be ruled out.

Every dog ​​has a tick, but it only becomes active in certain cases.

Hypothermia, cold;

Period of estrus, pregnancy, childbirth;

Poor quality food;

pet age up to 2 years;

Long-term effects on the dog’s immunity with antibiotics;

Injuries, surgical interventions.

Susceptibility increases significantly when the cat has a weakened immune system or has inflammatory diseases. Poor nutrition significantly reduces the body's defenses.

Traditional methods of treatment




Sulfur-zinc ointment;



Shampoo Sulfoden;




Pikhtoin et al.

The veterinarian will prescribe complex treatment, which will include shampoos, ointments, creams, tablets. In some cases, antibiotics, prebiotics and probiotics for the stomach are prescribed.

Treatment with folk remedies for subcutaneous mites in cats is permissible only if the veterinarian has not found any contraindications. Of course, if the animal already has a complicated form, then you should not waste time on home treatment. After all, natural drugs are much weaker than pharmaceutical ones, so you will need 2-3 times more procedures. But the generalized form will not wait long. The pet may simply die.

Folk remedies for mild treatment degree of demodicosis:

  1. Bathe your cat daily in medicated shampoo, and after the procedure, wipe the affected skin with a decoction of sage and chamomile. To do this, add a large spoon of each herb to 500 ml of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Let cool to room temperature. Before each procedure, the decoction should be slightly warmed.
  2. Bathe your animal with tar soap. After each procedure, wipe the affected area with calendula infusion.
  3. Treat areas where hair has fallen out with kerosene every two days. After the procedure, do not bathe the animal for 2 days.

During treatment, be sure to disinfect the place where the cat sleeps and all pet care items. Any medicine for external use should be at room temperature.

Don't forget that traditional treatment may lead to poisoning of the body or other serious complications.

A mandatory element of treatment for all diseases caused by ticks is the isolation of sick animals and a complete high-protein, fortified diet.

In addition, on preparatory stage It is necessary to wash the dirty wool with shampoo, soak and remove the crusts, and if necessary, cut off too long hair.

Important. When working with infected animals, all equipment must be treated with a strong disinfectant, for example, a 2% chlorophos solution.

Used consumables, as well as bedding and mats should be burned. The animal’s living areas: the booth, the surfaces of the enclosure, the flooring are treated with a blowtorch fire or boiling water. Further treatment depends on the type of tick that caused the disease.

The main techniques and methods of treating diseases are discussed in detail below:

  1. For sarcoptic mange, treatment is as follows:
    • The lesions are treated with acaricidal ointments: sulfur, sulfur-tar or YaM ointment.
    • When the infection spreads to everything skin, the animal is bathed twice with an interval of one week in a 1% solution of chlorophos, heated to 35°C, and then allowed to dry without washing off the solution.
    • In case of advanced disease, the drug Ivomec should be administered subcutaneously at a dose of 0.2 mg per 1 kg of animal weight.


      To avoid poisoning, put it on your dog


      Which will prevent her from licking drugs from her skin.

  2. Treatment methods for notohedrosis:
    • The affected skin is treated with acaricidal ointments as for sarcoptic mange.
    • The dog is sprayed with a 2% chlorophos solution or 0.3% oil solution drug ASD-3, this treatment is carried out twice with a week break.
    • In the periods between treatments, fine sulfur powder is used.
  3. Treatment for otodectosis includes:
    • Removing all crusts and exudate from the ear, for which 2-3 ml of hydrogen peroxide is first poured into it.
    • A drug heated to 35°C is injected into the ear: a 0.3% emulsion of the drug ASD-3 or a 1% emulsion of chlorophos, followed by a gentle massage of the ear at its base.
    • After using the emulsions, finely dispersed sulfur or phenotisian powder is blown into the ear canal at a rate of 0.5 g.
    • The treatment complex is repeated twice with an interval of 7 days.
  4. For demodicosis, the following therapeutic measures are carried out:
    • The animals are transferred to heated rooms without drafts and their nutrition is increased.
    • The skin surfaces are washed with a 1% solution of chlorophos or 5% emulsion of soap K.
    • Carefully rub acaricidal emulsions into the affected areas with a cotton swab: 2% chlorophos, 1% Baytex or 0.3% ASD-3.
    • At severe course illness in addition to local treatment Ivomec is used subcutaneously at a dose of 0.2 mg per 1 kg of dog body weight. Treatment with ivomec is repeated 2-3 times with a two-week break.

It is necessary to clearly understand that subcutaneous mites in cats are quite dangerous disease. Therefore, self-medication without the consent of a veterinarian is prohibited. Such actions can lead to irreversible consequences. Cats' skin is very thin and sensitive to various types of homemade medications. It is possible to use folk remedies for demodicosis if the veterinarian approves them and does not find any contraindications.

The most common methods you can try at home are:

  1. Bathing every three days using a specialized shampoo. After the procedure, the wounds are treated with sage tinctures. You can use chamomile.
  2. If there is no special shampoo, you can use tar soap. Bathing should also be done every three days. After this, the affected areas are treated with calendula tincture.
  3. If conditions do not allow using other methods, it is possible to treat the pustules with kerosene. It is necessary to wait until the wounds are completely dry, and then bathe the animal.

Only your doctor can tell you how to treat subcutaneous mites in a cat. Folk remedies can be used as a supplement to the prescribed treatment. However, in this case, monitoring the cat’s condition must be constant.

Medicines and injections

If this is your first time encountering this problem, it will be quite difficult for you to choose a remedy for subcutaneous mites in cats on your own. Since the disease is divided into two forms (depending on the size of the affected skin), localized and generalized. Medicines are prescribed after examination by a veterinarian.

Localized form

This form of the disease is characterized by small skin lesions. Choosing a remedy for subcutaneous mites in cats for this form is not difficult, since there is a large selection of ointments, sprays, and shampoos. The treatment is simple, the main thing is to start on time and follow the correct sequence. Remember, the drug is applied only after cleansing the skin.

Medicines for localized form:

  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • Aversectin ointment;
  • Unoiled;
  • Tsidem;
  • Demos liniment;
  • Amit;
  • Ivermek-gel.

This form of demodicosis is more difficult to treat, since almost all of the animal’s skin is affected. You shouldn’t give up, even if your pet already has ulcers and severe irritation- You can cure a cat.

In order for the drug for external use to be well absorbed, it is recommended to cut the animal and bathe it with medicated shampoo. After soaking the skin with special medicinal oils and after drying, treat the affected areas with the prescribed drug. In more severe cases, injections will be needed.

Preparations for injection:

  • Cydectin - single dose - 0.4 ml;
  • Dectomax - the dose is calculated by the veterinarian depending on the weight of the cat.

If the disease occurs with complications, this means that a secondary infection has joined demodicosis. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic injections.

Antibiotics for complicated forms of demodicosis:

  • Betamox;
  • Amosin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Kanamycin;
  • Baytril.

In case of a complicated form, it is important to balance your pet’s diet. Include foods fortified with minerals and vitamins. This can be boiled porridge with fish or meat, with the obligatory addition of vegetables.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

Do not forget that preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. If you treat your pets with care, they will always have excellent health.

You can protect your cat from ticks if you follow the safety and hygiene rules:

  • protect from contact with sick animals;
  • do not let out for walks unattended;
  • support immunity with a balanced diet and vitamins;
  • once a month treat the withers with acaricidal drops;
  • regularly examine the head and ears;
  • bring for preventive veterinary examinations;
  • detect and treat diseases in a timely manner;
  • keep the cat and care items clean.

At an early stage, it is not difficult to remove ticks; in an advanced form, they lead to serious internal violations. At the first sign of infection, it is important to seek veterinary help and follow your doctor's recommendations.

Also, to improve health, you need to take fatty acid Omega-3 and Omega-6, vitamins and minerals. There are high-quality immunomodulators. For example, Maxidin or Fosprenil.

It is better to prevent the disease than to treat it for a long time. It's not always curative therapy can guarantee a complete cure, and in some cases it ends in serious problems with the health of the animal.

To protect your pet from subcutaneous ticks, you should take the following preventive measures:

Learn more about tablets and other tick repellents for dogs.

Every dog ​​owner should know that subcutaneous ticks are a serious illness. Not only can it cause an animal discomfort, but can also lead to serious health complications. You should not start demodicosis if you find suspicious signs in your pet, it is better to immediately seek help, this will help prevent dangerous consequences.

Knowing the causes and routes of transmission of demodicosis in dogs, it is easy to understand methods of preventing this disease.

The main measure is to limit contact with sick individuals. You should not allow your dog to interact with yard or stray dogs.

It is important to be attentive to caring for your pet - wash the dog and comb it on time. Do not allow your dog to explore abandoned premises, especially those where stray animals may live.

can also cause the development of demodicosis.

Taking corticosteroid hormones by young dogs leads to significant suppression of the immune system, which in turn leads to a weakening of the body's protective functions. Under such conditions, the tick begins to multiply intensively, and the disease begins to develop.

Subcutaneous mites are a serious disease that can lead to dire consequences. But only when too little attention is paid to the dog’s health. Compliance with simple preventive measures, timely visits to the veterinarian, as well as careful attention to the pet’s condition will serve as a reliable guarantee of preventing the development of demodicosis, or its timely treatment.

In order to prevent dogs from becoming infected with subcutaneous ticks, you need to follow the simple rules of care and maintenance outlined below:

  1. Provide for pets balanced diet , cleanliness in places of detention.
  2. Don't allow dogs to interact with homeless animals.
  3. Inspect regularly hunting dogs for otodectosis infection, sarcoptic mange or demodicosis from wild animals during hunting.
  4. When keeping several dogs, observe the rules of personal hygiene.: Each dog has its own grooming tools.
  5. It is important to wash your hands thoroughly after handling infected animals., use changeable shoes and clothing, since humans can transfer ticks from one animal to another.
  6. When working with animals sick with notoedrosis, you need to use gloves, mask, shoe covers, a change of clothes and remember that a person can become infected with notoedres.
  7. It is possible to use acaricidal drops, wide range which are presented today in veterinary pharmacies. However, not all of them are equally effective, and it is also important to remember that by constantly using such drops, you expose the animal to intoxication.

Pets are not immune from subcutaneous mites in cats (see photo). But it is within the power of the owner to carry out certain preventive actions that will reduce the risk of this disease. Only a doctor can advise how to treat demodicosis in ears. Here's what the owner can do on his own:

Subcutaneous mite in cats - serious illness, requiring immediate treatment in the early stages. The sooner the owner notices the symptoms of the disease, the greater the chance of a speedy recovery for the pet. Self-medication is not worth it. The disease is serious, there may be a relapse with consequences. In addition, the treatment procedure and medications depend on many parameters: the stage of development of the disease, the age of the animal, breed, individual characteristics pet.

It is better to limit contact with animals whose health condition is of concern. Insurance is much simpler than subsequent treatment of demodicosis. It is also important to maintain your pet's immune strength if he is often sick. Necessary drugs A veterinarian can advise.

A rather unpleasant and difficult to treat disease is subcutaneous mites in cats. It is important to notice the symptoms as soon as possible, because the prognosis depends significantly on the form of the disease.

The problem of demodicosis is not only the difficulty of diagnosis and upcoming treatment. The disease brings discomfort and many unpleasant moments to the animal. The skin itches constantly, the cat tears it with its claws and introduces a secondary infection into the wounds. Pustules appear, weakened immunity does not allow you to successfully fight the disease, so side diseases may appear.


If you do not respond to the symptoms of the disease in time, the disease can lead to complications.

What are the consequences of ignoring treatment?

  • abscesses of hair follicles;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • weakened immunity;
  • slowing down metabolism;
  • deterioration of apatite;
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands;

In addition, if you do not remove the subcutaneous tick from your cat in time, late stage tissue necrosis occurs with signs of decay.

The most common complication is the addition of a secondary bacterial infection as a result of constant scratching of the skin.

With advanced disease, dysfunction of internal organs and disorders of nervous activity may develop.


A cat infected with subcutaneous mites can behave quite aggressively. Therefore, special precautions should be taken when processing. It is always necessary to protect your hands and not allow yourself to be scratched.

In addition to treating the pet itself, all things belonging to it must be disinfected. This applies to a bed, a bowl, and favorite toys. Needs processing special drugs carpets and textiles in the house.

It is worth noting that the main success in treatment depends on timely treatment

to the veterinary clinic. Sometimes it is necessary to treat your pet in a hospital, and only with a local form is treatment at home possible. The entire process can take up to one year.

The following signs of infection are the reason to contact a specialist as soon as possible:

Range of drugs

Injectable acaricidal agents used in the treatment of arachnoses are very toxic; an overdose can lead to the death of the animal. Such drugs are prescribed and administered veterinary specialist only for complicated forms of demodicosis and scabies, when the positive therapeutic effect exceeds all possible risks.

Important! Any drug is prescribed by a veterinarian for a course in a certain dosage only after identifying and determining the type of subcutaneous mite through microscopic examination of skin scrapings.

Therapeutic measures also include treating the animal with acaricidal and anti-inflammatory ointments, as well as using oral medications, which have acaricidal, immunostimulating, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, antihistamine and analgesic effects. A sick dog must be prescribed a gentle diet with the introduction of vitamin complexes into the diet.

Places and rules of injection

All acaricidal injectable drugs when treating arachnoses, they should be administered strictly according to the instructions for the specific drug. Most agents must be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Sometimes treatment is carried out at home, so it is useful for dog owners to get acquainted with information about the places and rules for the injection.

Intramuscular injection

The place for administering the drug is the most prominent muscle of the thigh, located to the right or left of femur. A muscle is defined as an elastic rope that rolls under the fingers. It is better to do the injection together; the assistant should hold the animal’s head and calm the patient with gentle words.

The syringe must be placed with a sharp movement at an angle of 45-70 degrees approximately 1 cm, so you should prepare a needle of a certain size in advance depending on your body type pet. During administration of the drug, the needle should be level, the speed of pressing the piston depends on pharmacological properties a certain medicine. The syringe is also removed from the muscle at an angle of 45-70 degrees.

Subcutaneous injection

Most often it is placed in the withers area, although it is allowed to place it in the shoulder or inner part hips. The injection can be given in any position of the dog; it is advisable to use the help of a partner to distract the pet when performing the injection.

In the area between the shoulder blades, you need to feel the place where the skin is pulled back painlessly. Then, with two fingers of one hand, you need to form a small fold of skin, and with the other hand, insert the needle with a sharp and precise movement parallel to the skin. At correct technique the needle ends up inside the skin fold. Then the drug is administered slowly and evenly. The syringe is removed quickly in the direction along the animal's spine, then the skin fold is released.

Injection rules

  • Before giving the injection, you must wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Preparation of syringes is carried out in the absence of an animal.
  • Before opening, the ampoules are treated with an alcohol solution.
  • For injections, use only sterile syringes and needles.
  • Dosage must be strictly observed medicine to avoid intoxication.
  • After drawing the drug into the syringe, you need to release the air and close the needle with a protective cap.
  • The injection site must be disinfected with an alcohol solution.
  • After removing the needle, you should massage the injection site.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to cheer up your pet and treat it with its favorite treat.

Demodex mites, or subcutaneous mites, are found on every dog. But signs indicating their presence do not always appear. - The disease is not contagious, but it is difficult and long to treat. The pathology causes a lot of inconvenience to both the animal and its owner.

Reasons for the development of subcutaneous mites in dogs

In the presence of a pathological source from the outside, the disease progresses in animals suffering from immunodeficiency.

Most often, dogs become infected in May-September. To a greater extent, demodicosis affects young animals from six months to 24 months.

The infection is caused by an infected dog, and the tick is transmitted through direct contact.

Other reasons for the development of demodicosis include:

  1. Presence of pinworms.
  2. Rickets.
  3. The presence of infectious pathologies.
  4. Long-term treatment with antibiotics.
  5. Surgical interventions.

Veterinarians distinguish between juvenile and generalized demodicosis.

Ticks provocateurs live in hair follicles skin and sebaceous glands. The adult size ranges from 201 to 260 microns.

Mites live in the hair follicles of the skin.

The main symptoms of demodicosis in dogs include:

  • impaired thermoregulation;
  • hair loss;
  • skin redness;
  • presence of an unpleasant pungent odor;
  • constant itching.

The behavior of a sick dog changes dramatically. The animal becomes restless and tries to avoid contact with the owner. Appetite is usually not affected.

The dog becomes restless.

Sometimes first a worrying sign is the appearance of a strong “dog” odor from the skin . It gradually intensifies.

Main forms of the disease

Demodicosis occurs in 2 forms: pustular and scaly.

What unites them common feature - hair loss in certain areas of the animal’s body. There is roughness and redness of the skin.

Redness of the dog's skin is observed.

Most mild form The disease is scaly. Small round bald patches form on the pet's paws and face. The skin that has changed color becomes rougher and cracks.

Pustular form of subcutaneous mite

The pustular form is characterized by the appearance of pustules.

Their shade varies from yellow to black. But more often reddish pustules form. When joining demodicosis infectious process, development of pyoderma is observed. It promotes the appearance of ulcers. The skin becomes moist and wrinkled. The dog's limbs, muzzle, ears and eyebrows are primarily affected.

With the pustular form, the skin becomes moist.

With a localized form, there are no more than 5 lesions. Their size does not exceed 25 mm. In other cases, we are talking about generalized demodicosis.

Are subcutaneous ticks transmitted to humans from dogs?

People with very weakened immune systems are at risk. In this case, a tick transmitted by a sick dog can live under human skin for only 1 cycle. Then he dies.

People with weakened immune systems are at risk.

Treatment of subcutaneous mites

Treatment for subcutaneous mites in dogs should be comprehensive.

Severe forms of pathology lead to damage to the internal organs of the animal.

First of all, this concerns the lymph nodes, stomach, and heart.

Use of external products

The drug Amidel-gel will relieve the dog of painful symptoms.

You can relieve your dog of painful symptoms using drops such as:

  1. Prazicide-complex.
  2. Tsidem.
  3. Amit-forte.
  4. Acaromectin.
  5. Ivermec spray.
  6. Amidel-gel.
  7. Decta.
  8. Dana-ultra.


Typically, injections are prescribed to an animal with a pustular form of the tick.

The medicine is injected both subcutaneously and into the muscle of the sick dog. Injections such as Aversectom K&C and Eprimek are prescribed.

The course of treatment with injections ranges from 7 to 10 days.

Treatment at home

Therapy for demodicosis at home involves:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • liver protection;
  • local processing;
  • hypoallergenic food.

The dog should be given hypoallergenic food for food.

Can be used acaricidal shampoos, ointments . During the initial therapeutic course, 6-7 treatments are carried out. After a 7-day break, you need to do a second approach.

Liver prevention

Almost all drugs against subcutaneous mites negatively affect liver function.

In order to support the functioning of this organ, the veterinarian prescribes the use of Karsila. Sometimes this remedy gives by-effect. The dog's urination increases. In some cases it is observed.

The drug Karsil is intended to support the dog's liver.

It is advisable to feed a sick animal with special food. If your pet eats only “natural” food, then he needs to be given chicken or turkey meat. In order to reduce the load on the liver, it is recommended to reduce portions. It is better not to give treats until remission occurs.

Use of folk remedies

It is allowed to treat a sick dog with folk remedies. For demodicosis they usually use:

  • tar soap;
  • celandine roots;
  • juniper fruits.

tar soap It is advisable to carry out 1–2 times/7 days. The use of birch tar is allowed.

Juniper fruits Recommended for use with sour apples. They need to be thoroughly rubbed, then applied to problem areas.

Celandine roots pour in vegetable oil in proportions of 1 to 1. Then the medicine needs to be heated for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 50 grams and strained well. The product is applied to affected skin 1 time/24 hours.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude contact pet with stray dogs.

When walking, you should not let your dog off the leash.

When walking, do not let your pet off the leash. If possible, you should avoid places where stray animals are located.

Your puppy should be vaccinated as early as possible.


A female dog that has been found to have a tick must be sterilized.

Bitches that have been found to have subcutaneous mites must be sterilized, since the risk of transmitting the pathology to the litter is very high. The operation is prescribed only after completion of the full therapeutic course.

Video about demodicosis in dogs

If you regularly examine your pet, a person will be able to detect the first symptoms of the disease. They appear on the head and neck area:

  • loss of tufts of hair;
  • redness of certain areas of the skin;
  • scales appear;
  • the skin thickens;
  • large folds appear on the affected areas;
  • Cracks appear on the skin, from which fluid discharge can be seen.

As on humans, subcutaneous ticks coexist quite peacefully with dogs. But problems appear when there are any problems with the pet’s health, weakened immunity, malfunction internal organs.

(Video: “Demodicosis in dogs, symptoms, signs, treatment”)

Main forms of the disease

There are three stages of development of demodicosis in dogs:

If you take a comprehensive approach to treating subcutaneous mites in your pet, you can quickly solve the problem. Of course, under certain circumstances, you can treat your dog at home. But the best solution will be a visit to a specialist. After a thorough examination, the veterinarian will be able to prescribe the correct, and most importantly, effective treatment. For this purpose, acaricidal drugs are used. These drugs include Ivomec, Amitrazine, Ivermectin. Treatment also involves the use salicylic acid And antiseptics: Amitan, Fukortsin, Akarabor.

There are medications that significantly improve a dog’s well-being during illness. For this purpose, painkillers are prescribed and sedatives. It is also necessary to use medications that help eliminate itching. If you spend more time with your pet, you will probably be able to notice the onset of illness. Of course, this will significantly simplify the treatment process.

Use of external products

(Video: “Treatment of demodicosis in dogs, modern approaches and drugs")

Treating subcutaneous mites in dogs at home

Remember to take care of your own treatment four-legged friend is possible only if he is found to have initial stage diseases. To do this, you need to take certain measures:

  • protect the liver;
  • strengthen immune system pet;
  • feed hypoallergenic foods;
  • carry out external treatment of affected skin areas;
  • use acaricidal ointments and shampoos.

Let's look at the most common and most pathogenic of them in more detail:

Signs and symptoms of the disease

Common signs of tick infestation are:

  1. Presence of scabs, crusts.
  2. Exudate on the skin.
  3. The skin thickens, becomes hard and wrinkled.
  4. Animals are restless or apathetic, depending on the course of the disease.
  5. They eat poorly, lose weight and may die.

And yet, the signs of the disease when infected with different types of ticks have their differences.

Below are the symptoms by which you can easily distinguish between infestation of dogs with certain ticks:

  1. The course of sarcoptic mange is characterized by the following features:
    • The scalp is most often affected.
    • The course of the disease is characterized by severe itching.
    • Small bubbles of liquid appear, which dogs try to scratch.
    • After opening the bubbles, wounds and dense crusts form.
    • The fur clumps together into unkempt strands.
  2. In case of infection with notoedrosis, the picture is as follows:
    • The localization sites of bubbles with exudate are located on the scalp.
    • There is no severe itching (unlike sarcoptic mange).
    • The skin becomes wrinkled and hair falls out.
  3. Distinctive signs of otodectosis:
    • The dog often shakes its head, scratches its ears with its paw, or rubs itself against surrounding objects.
    • Abrasions, scratches, and purulent discharge are visible on the ears.
    • Emission of wax from the ear canals, matted fur.
    • The animal walks with its head turned to one side (bowhead).

      Important. In advanced cases of otodectosis, inflammation of the inner ear, perforation of the eardrum and subsequent meningitis are possible. If this happens, the dog will behave restlessly, nervous attacks are possible, then a depressed state, and a rise in temperature. Without emergency assistance, death is common.

The development of demodicosis depends on the form of the lesion– scaly or pustular.

With the scaly form, the following changes are observed:

  1. The skin thickens, becomes folded, and becomes covered with characteristic scales.
  2. Dirty gray or rusty red skin color, devoid of hair.
  3. The skin bursts and serous, pale pink fluid oozes from the wounds.
  4. Severe itching is not expressed.

The pustular form is characterized by the following features:

  1. The general course of the disease is severe.
  2. Red, inflamed blisters appear on the skin, which turn into pustules (pustules).
  3. When the pustules are opened, a foul-smelling liquid flows out, sticking the fur together.
  4. The animal rapidly weakens and may die from blood poisoning.

For all diseases caused by subcutaneous mites, the primary diagnosis is determined based on the presence of symptoms of the disease, which are discussed above. Further diagnostic methods vary depending on the type of tick; let’s take a closer look at these methods.

Sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis

A skin scraping must be performed, for which a piece of tissue is separated with a sharp scalpel, choosing the place where the affected area borders on healthy skin.


It is necessary to examine the exudate of the ear canal. To do this, use a cotton cord or tweezers to remove pieces of the discharge and examine them under a microscope. To prevent active mites from spreading, immediately after removal the material is placed in a glass container and closed tightly.

Advice. It is not necessary to treat the preparation with lye when testing for notoedrosis, but for better visibility, cotton flagella are stained with ink.


With the scaly form, scrapings are made and examined, acting in the same way as with sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis.

In the case of the pustular form, the substance of the pustules is examined, for which it is convenient to use a disposable syringe or scalpel. The material is examined under a microscope.

Advice. If the material being tested is too thick, you can dilute it slightly by adding a few drops of colorless vegetable oil or saline solution.

Treatment options

A mandatory element of treatment for all diseases caused by ticks is the isolation of sick animals and a complete high-protein, fortified diet.

In addition, at the preparatory stage it is necessary to wash the dirty wool with shampoo, soak and remove the crusts, and if necessary, cut off too long hair.

Important. When working with infected animals, all equipment must be treated with a strong disinfectant, for example, a 2% chlorophos solution.

Used consumables, as well as bedding and mats should be burned. The animal’s living areas: the booth, the surfaces of the enclosure, the flooring are treated with a blowtorch fire or boiling water. Further treatment depends on the type of tick that caused the disease.

The main techniques and methods of treating diseases are discussed in detail below:

  1. For sarcoptic mange, treatment is as follows:
    • The lesions are treated with acaricidal ointments: sulfur, sulfur-tar or YaM ointment.
    • If the infection spreads to all skin, the animal is bathed twice with an interval of one week in a 1% solution of chlorophos heated to 35°C, and then allowed to dry without washing off the solution.
    • In case of advanced disease, the drug Ivomec should be administered subcutaneously at a dose of 0.2 mg per 1 kg of animal weight.

      Important. To avoid poisoning, put a dress on your dog that will prevent it from licking drugs from the skin.

  2. Treatment methods for notohedrosis:
    • The affected skin is treated with acaricidal ointments as for sarcoptic mange.
    • The dog is sprayed with a 2% solution of chlorophos or a 0.3% oil solution of the drug ASD-3, this treatment is carried out twice with a week break.
    • In the periods between treatments, fine sulfur powder is used.
  3. Treatment for otodectosis includes:
    • Removing all crusts and exudate from the ear, for which 2-3 ml of hydrogen peroxide is first poured into it.
    • A drug heated to 35°C is injected into the ear: a 0.3% emulsion of the drug ASD-3 or a 1% emulsion of chlorophos, followed by a gentle massage of the ear at its base.
    • After using the emulsions, finely dispersed sulfur or phenotisian powder is blown into the ear canal at a rate of 0.5 g.
    • The treatment complex is repeated twice with an interval of 7 days.
  4. For demodicosis, the following therapeutic measures are carried out:
    • The animals are transferred to heated rooms without drafts and their nutrition is increased.
    • The skin surfaces are washed with a 1% solution of chlorophos or 5% emulsion of soap K.
    • Carefully rub acaricidal emulsions into the affected areas with a cotton swab: 2% chlorophos, 1% Baytex or 0.3% ASD-3.
    • In case of severe disease, in addition to local treatment, ivomec is used subcutaneously at a dose of 0.2 mg per 1 kg of dog body weight. Treatment with ivomec is repeated 2-3 times with a two-week break.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent dogs from becoming infected with subcutaneous ticks, you need to follow the simple rules of care and maintenance outlined below:

  1. Provide your pets with a balanced diet, cleanliness in places of detention.
  2. Don't allow dogs to interact with homeless animals.
  3. Regularly inspect hunting dogs for otodectosis infection, sarcoptic mange or demodicosis from wild animals during hunting.
  4. When keeping several dogs, observe the rules of personal hygiene.: Each dog has its own grooming tools.
  5. It is important to wash your hands thoroughly after handling infected animals., use changeable shoes and clothing, since humans can transfer ticks from one animal to another.
  6. When working with animals sick with notoedrosis, you need to use gloves, mask, shoe covers, a change of clothes and remember that a person can become infected with notoedres.
  7. Possible use of acaricidal, a wide range of which is presented today in veterinary pharmacies. However, not all of them are equally effective, and it is also important to remember that by constantly using such drops, you expose the animal to intoxication.

For self-treatment diseases caused by subcutaneous mites can be used effective drugs, which are easy to make with your own hands.

Some of them were mentioned in the section on treatment methods:

  1. To prepare a 1% chlorophos emulsion, you need to prepare 1 g of chlorophos powder (crystals white with a pungent odor) and 100 g of fish oil. In heated to 35‒37°C fish oil Stir the crushed chlorophos until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Before use, you need to let the drug sit for at least a day. Store the product in a cool place in a glass container.
  2. To make sulfur ointment, take 6 parts of purified sulfur, 8 parts of green soap, 1 part of potassium carbonate (potash) and 10 parts of medical petroleum jelly. All components should be thoroughly mixed, rubbing with warm Vaseline, and stored in a dark, cool place.
  3. When cleansing ear canal for otodectosis, warm water can be used instead of hydrogen peroxide vegetable oil, which will ease the suffering of a sick animal.

Diseases caused by subcutaneous mites are quite common. Even with proper care and balanced feeding pedigree dog, due to the typical nature of all purebred animals weak immunity or genetic predisposition, can become infected with one of the types of pathogenic mites.

In this case, the awareness of the animal owner is important both to preserve the health of the dog and to prevent the person himself from becoming ill.