Beneficial properties of Crimean lemongrass: description and effective recipes. Medicinal properties and contraindications of Chinese and Crimean lemongrass Crimean ironweed useful properties and contraindications

Sideritis taurica Steph. ex Willd. 1800
Family Lamiaceae– Lamiaceae

Global Threat Category on the IUCN Red List

Not included in the IUCN Red List.

Category according to IUCN Red List criteria

Regional populations belong to the rarity category “Vulnerable” - Vulnerable, VU A2cd; B1b(iv)c(ii,iii); S. A. Litvinskaya.

Brief morphological characteristics

Deciduous subshrub. Height – up to 50 cm; stems are woody, tall, powerful, numerous, tomentose; there are shortened rosette-shaped sterile shoots; The root is woody, highly branched.

The leaves are oblong-scapulate, tapering gradually towards the base, the edges are indistinctly finely serrated, the apices are pointed; leaves are tomentose-pubescent, with weak development of tomentum wrinkled;

petioles up to 2 cm long, upper leaves sessile, double folded and arched; the plates reach a length of 7 cm.

Corolla up to 15 mm long, pale yellow, tube enclosed in a calyx, two-lipped, shaggy at the pharynx, the limb of the corolla is densely silky-felt; calyx tubular-bell-shaped, with five teeth, often glandular-pubescent, teeth equal to the tube;

bracts are broad-heart-shaped, suddenly narrowed at the apex into a bent pointed point, papery, densely pubescent, yellowish, longitudinal and transverse veins clearly protrude, crenate edges;

adjacent bracts overlap each other; inflorescences are long, cylindrical (up to 16 cm), of 10–18 whorls in a false spike, thick, discontinuous in the lower part; lateral branches up to 8 cm long can develop on the inflorescence. The fruits are nuts. 2n=32.


General range: Eastern Europe(Crimea); Caucasus. Russia: North Caucasus (KK).

Krasnodar region: Western Caucasus: Adagum-Pshishsky district (mountains Soberbash (11.VII.1982), Papay (1984), Ram's Horn, Shize, Shebsh, Adagum in the vicinity of the city of Krymsk (19.VI.1906, B. Klopotov and N. Bush) );

Northwestern Transcaucasia: Anapa-Gelendzhik district (5–7 km above the village of Sukko (7.VI.1989, Dolatova, etc.), environs of the village of Gaiduk (A. Patu-din), environs of the city. Anapa, Bolshoy Utrish level, Semisam Range, Navagir Range, cliff at the Waterfall Gap,

mouth of the river Durso, lake Limanchik, village South Ozereevka, 4 km from the village. Glebovka, env. Novorossiysk, s. Divnomorskoe, near the Doobsky lighthouse, in the vicinity. Fishing Bay, on Tolstoy Cape, on the ridge. Tuapkhash,

Cape Penai, ridge. Markoth, env. Tunnelnaya station, ridge. Kotsekhur (26.VII.2000); Pshad-Dzhubga district (environment of the village of Arkhipo-Osipovka, Mount Lysaya in the upper reaches of the Upper Defan River, Mount Ostraya in the upper reaches of the Nebug River, Agoi);

Western Transcaucasia: Tuapse-Adler district (in the vicinity of the city of Tuapse, the Nebeb rock in the valley of the Tuapse river (VI.3.1980), in the vicinity of the Indyuk, Goytkh farms). Indicated for art. Tkachenkovskaya (?).

Features of biology, ecology and phytocenology

Summer green. Blooms in June, bears fruit in July. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. Entomophile, zoochore. Mesotherm, a very light-loving plant, xerophyte, calcephyl, grows on humus-carbonate highly eroded soils, petrophyte. Nanophanerophyte.

Type of zonation: low-mountain. Edifier. Grows in dry habitats, rocky slopes, limestone outcrops, a characteristic component of tomillary vegetation, upland xerophytic groups, on coastal rocks, in mountain steppes, in juniper woodlands, pistachios.

Number and its trends

The number is declining. The habitat on the Nebeb rock in the Tuapse region and habitats on Tolstoy Cape were destroyed during the construction of residential and administrative complexes. The total number is about 2000 individuals.

Limiting factors

Violation of habitats, economic development of coastal ridges (construction of dachas, boarding houses, roads), terracing of slopes, quarrying; low competitive ability, narrow ecological valency, stenotopic species, natural rarity.

Security measures

It was proposed for protection in 1986. It is necessary to organize the Utrishsky Nature Reserve, monitor the state of populations, limit economic activity in places of growth, prohibit the use of natural monuments for the purpose of developing spontaneous tourism, study the biology and ecology of the species, and introduce it to culture.

Information sources. 1. Menitsky, 1992; 2. Koval, Litvinskaya, 1986; 3. Bush, 1909b; 4.LE; 5. Grossheim, 1967; 6. Flerov A., Flerov V., 1926; 7. Maleev, 1931; 8. Schiffers, 1951; 9. Compiler's data; 10. Altukhov, Litvinskaya, 1986; 11. Litvinskaya, 1992; 12. Flerov, 1938; 13. Bush, 1900. Compiled by S. A. Litvinskaya; photo by S. A. Litvinskaya

Schisandra (Chinese and Crimean) have an effect on the human body therapeutic effect. They are one of the most powerful medicinal plants in their natural habitats: Far East for Chinese, Crimea and Krasnodar region for Crimean. The significant difference is that the Chinese lemongrass (schizandra) has a large population and is spreading to the west, while the Crimean one (iron grass) has almost disappeared. Now it is listed in the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory.

Preparations made from both types of lemongrass have a tonic effect, increase immunity, and improve appetite. Chinese lemongrass has more wide range actions. But there are also more contraindications to its use.

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    Schisandra Chinese and Crimean

    Schisandra is a name given to plants of various types that have a lemon aroma of leaves. But they have one more thing general property. They both contain a large number of useful substances. It is not surprising that they are used in both traditional and folk medicine.

    The differences between these plants can be seen from the table:

    Crimean ironweed and lemongrass – effective immunomodulators. They increase performance, improve appetite, help improve and normalize the functioning of most systems human body. But there are many differences between them. Therefore, you need to talk about them separately.

    What is lemongrass - beneficial features and contraindications


    Schisandra chinensis is a perennial bush-liana. The stems are branched and twine around any support. Their length reaches 8 m, and the color depends on the age of the plant. In young plants it is lighter, but with age it darkens and loses its shine. The leaves are oval, with a sharp end. The flowers are white and waxy. The growing areas of Schisandra chinensis are the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories of Russia, China, and Japan.

    The fruits are bright red, about 1 cm in diameter. They ripen during August and September. It is then that they are collected for use in medical purposes. At the same time, leaves are harvested to obtain mucus. All parts of the plant have a lemon aroma. The bark is harvested in the spring. Then the leaves are collected if you need to get more flavonoids.

    Far Eastern Schisandra berries have a specific taste. They combine bitter, sour, salty and spicy notes. They are processed on the day of collection.

    Do not place in galvanized iron buckets. Use glass or plastic containers. You can eat berries raw, but you can’t eat too many of them, they are tasteless.

    All parts of Schisandra chinensis include:

    • vitamins A, C, E;
    • sesquiterpene substances that have anthelmintic properties;
    • bioflavonoids – antioxidants with anti-cancer effects, regulate digestion;
    • essential oils;
    • organic acids;
    • pectins stabilize metabolism, normalize the functioning of the intestinal tract, cleanse the body of radioactive elements;
    • fatty acids protect cells from penetration of toxic substances;
    • tonic substances schisandrin and schisandrol;
    • micro- and macroelements.

    Preparations based on lemongrass:

    • increase immunity;
    • promote wound healing;
    • tone;
    • have a choleretic effect.

    Schisandra is similar in its effect to ginseng:

    • Helps restore strength and improve performance. Improves depression and normalizes sleep.
    • Schisandra preparations have a positive effect on the nervous system. They restore reflexes. Therefore, they are used to treat neurasthenia.
    • Schisandra stabilizes work gastrointestinal tract. The drugs are useful for patients with diabetes.
    • Improves condition circulatory system. Used for low blood pressure to stabilize it and for anemia. Improves condition after heart attacks and strokes.
    • Schisandra is used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, asthma, and tuberculosis.
    • The plant and preparations based on it promote the healing of wounds and ulcers.
    • Calls labor, normalizes menstrual cycle among women. Helps treat gonorrhea.
    • Schisandra is widely used in dermatology. Used to create cosmetics.
    • Promotes weight loss by normalizing metabolic processes.

    The benefits of treatment with lemongrass will come with regular use. The effect cannot be achieved if you use them for a short time or with long breaks.

    Contraindications for use

    Schisandra chinensis has a very strong action. Therefore, it must be used carefully. There are some contraindications for use. Patients should not use drugs:

    • hypertension;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • liver diseases;
    • heart disease;
    • epilepsy;
    • arachnoencephalitis;
    • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    The requirements of the Global Fund do not allow pregnant women and children under 12 years of age to be treated with Schisandra preparations. Overdose of the drug is dangerous .

    Under its influence, disruption of the central nervous system may occur. It can manifest itself in the form of depression, insomnia, stomach upset, and tachycardia. Therefore, you need to adhere to the dosage, otherwise the medicine may cause harm.

    Beijing (Chinese) cabbage - benefits and harm to human health

    Cooking recipes

    Raw materials are prepared from leaves, bark, shoots, flowers, and berries are collected. Dry in a shaded, well-ventilated place.

    Schisandra extract is prepared by mixing crushed fruits with 95 percent alcohol. For one part of raw material take 5 parts of alcohol.

    To prepare alcohol tincture from lemongrass fruits and seeds:

    • crush 20 g of berries and 10 g of seeds;
    • pour 100 ml of medical alcohol;
    • leave for one and a half weeks in a dark jar at 20°C;
    • filter.

    Drink 30 drops before meals, adding a little water. Used for anemia, nervous diseases, ARVI. Instructions for use recommend treatment for up to 25 days. Single dose– 25 drops. Take on an empty stomach 3 times a day.

    To prepare an infusion of leaves and fruits, you need:

    • grind 10 g of raw materials;
    • Brew 200 ml of boiling water;
    • boil;
    • Cool the broth and strain it.

    Recipe for infusion of whole berries:

    • pour 10 g of berries with boiling water (200 ml);
    • brew for 6 hours;
    • 30 minutes before meals you need to drink a tablespoon of medicine no more than 3 times a day;
    • Honey is added to improve the taste.

    Schisandra berry juice:

    • Juice is squeezed out of washed berries;
    • pour into jars, pasteurize for 15 minutes;
    • roll up with metal lids;
    • juice is used long time, adding a spoonful to tea.

    A powder is prepared from the seeds. To do this, the fruits are washed, the seeds are removed, and they are dried. Then they are crushed. Indications for use may include liver disease. Used to strengthen the body after undergoing stress. Apply half a gram 2 times a day before meals.

    Crimean ironclad

    The Crimean ironclad got its name because of its ability to heal wounds caused by iron objects. Schisandra has been used by Crimeans and residents of the southern regions for a long time. They considered the ironworks the main medicine, protecting against colds and increasing immunity.

    Now this is a rare plant listed in the Red Book. Medicinal properties became the reason for his destruction. Some areas where Crimean lemongrass used to grow are now built up.

    The Crimean ironweed looks completely different from the schizandra. The stem is covered with small hairs. It is woody at the base. The plant has several flowering and short non-flowering shoots. In spring, the ironweed throws out a long and dense spike-shaped inflorescence. The flowers are pale yellow, arranged in the form of a corolla. Roots in medicinal purposes are not used.

    The healing properties of ironweed

    The healing properties of Crimean lemongrass are due to the presence of stems, leaves and flowers in the composition essential oils. They enhance the effect of iridoids (bitters) – biologically active substances, having a calming, antimicrobial, diuretic effect. Iridoids improve digestion and promote wound healing.

    All above-ground parts of the plant are collected. Harvested during abundant flowering. The seeds are collected after they are ripe. They contain up to 30% fatty oils containing various acids.


    • for treatment colds;
    • to reduce blood pressure;
    • as a diuretic;
    • to lower the temperature;
    • for inflammation and other lung diseases;
    • as a remedy for nausea and vomiting;
    • increasing immunity;
    • in the treatment of wounds, tumors, abrasions.

    Iron tea is drunk to prevent colds and improve immunity.

    Infusions are used:

    Lotions are made to treat wounds, abrasions, and tumors.

Crimean ironweed or in everyday language - Crimean lemongrass - is a unique endemic plant of the Crimean peninsula. Endemics are plants or animals that grow or live in only one place on earth.

Crimean lemongrass is also called Tatar-tea or Shepherd-tea. It is a perennial flowering plant with densely pubescent, gray, woody stems at the base. Inflorescence in the form of a spikelet. The flowers are light yellow.

Crimean lemongrass blooms in late spring and early summer. You can find it on the rocky slopes of the Crimean steppes, in meadows and sunny glades. Zheleznitsa got its name from the Latin version - Sideritis. Which in translation sounds like “one who has iron.” In ancient times, all plants that did an excellent job of healing wounds caused by metal weapons (swords, spears, knives, axes, etc.) had this name.

Crimean lemongrass is a magnificent medicinal plant. The Crimean Tatars considered it a panacea for all colds and, with regular consumption of tea with lemongrass, they guaranteed the impossibility of catching a cold or the flu. For medicinal purposes, the entire plant is brewed, except for the roots (and flowers, leaves, inflorescences, stems).

Crimean ironweed has a high level of essential oil. Crimean lemongrass seed oil is rich the necessary acids: oleic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitic, stearic.

The popular name - lemongrass - appeared due to the rich lemon aroma and taste of the plant infused in boiling water.

It is difficult to speak with precision about the medicinal properties of the plant, since there are a lot of materials about Crimean lemongrass on the Internet, but they differ in description. If you add up all the diseases that Crimean Schisandra affects, according to the Internet, then this will simply be the entire list of diseases that a person can suffer from.

Mark only some directions.
First of all, it strengthens the immune system. Normalization of blood pressure and central Nervous System, although contraindications it is not recommended to use Crimean lemongrass for overexcited people and people with high blood pressure. Prevention of potency and antiemetic medicine.

Like many medicinal plants, Crimean ironweed, serves not as a therapeutic agent, but as a preventive one.

Given its growing popularity, Crimean lemongrass is now grown in “home” conditions - in flower beds and in garden plots. The plant is unpretentious and easy to germinate from seeds. After soaking the seeds for several days in water, they are planted in early spring in an earthen mixture of sand, limestone and turf. After a couple of weeks, Crimean lemongrass sprouts appear from the ground. The plant loves dryness and sun. Watering no more than once a week.

The flowers are harvested only in the second year of the plant’s life. The frost-resistant plant does not require special conditions for wintering.

Health to you and your loved ones!

Interesting fact about Schisandra:
The taste of lemongrass is striking in its diversity:
the skin of the fruit has a sour taste, the pulp is sweet,
seeds – bitter and astringent, berries – salty.

Crimean lemongrass- it's perennial herbaceous plant, a subshrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family, which grows in the Crimea (mainly on rocky steppe slopes). The scientific name of the plant is Crimean ironweed, and among people it is often also called shepherd tea, Tatar tea. For the first time, the beneficial properties of the herb Crimean lemongrass began to be used by the ancient Greeks who came to Crimea. Delicious and aromatic tea, prepared on its basis, really has a beneficial effect on the body, relieving many diseases, which is confirmed by studying the composition of Crimean lemongrass.

Chemical composition and healing properties of Crimean lemongrass

For medical purposes, the entire above-ground part of the plant (leaves, flowers, stems, seeds) is used, in which the following main substances are found:

  • iridoids;
  • tannins;
  • pectin;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • organic acids (palmitic, oleic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic);
  • minerals(in particular calcium);
  • essential oils, etc.

The above ingredients determine the beneficial properties of the plant, including:

  • wound healing;
  • immunostimulating;
  • diuretic;
  • antiemetic;
  • tonic;
  • rejuvenating.

In addition, the plant can have the following effects:

  • increased appetite;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • stimulation of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • normalization;
  • normalization of body temperature;
  • improvement of digestive processes;
  • normalization
How to take Crimean lemongrass?

The easiest way to use the plant is to drink the prepared infusion (tea). To brew the herb, pour 15 g of dried raw material into a liter of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. The resulting drink can be consumed simply instead of tea, 1-2 glasses a day, preferably in the first half of the day (since lemongrass invigorates, gives strength and energy). The same infusion can be used as an external remedy (for compresses, poultices) for bruises, wounds, burns.

Contraindications to the use of Crimean lemongrass

Among medicinal herbal teas with excellent taste, Tatar is considered the most titled. Known since ancient times, it still remains in demand and loved not only in Crimea, but also in remote corners of Russia.

Description and composition

Zheleznitsa is the official name of Tatar tea. This is an endemic plant that is found only on the slopes of the Crimean mountains. Externally it looks like sage. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Very noticeable and interesting from an external point of view. It reaches a height of 50-60 cm. The stem is woody below, green above, the leaves are bluish, covered with fluff. The inflorescence of the spikes is yellow-lemon in color. All parts of the plant have a pleasant lemon aroma due to the content of essential oils and other aromatic compounds.

Crimean ironweed was used for medicinal purposes by the Tatars, the Greeks, and, of course, the local population. In ancient Armenian literature, the herb is mentioned as a cure for tumors and a remedy for healing wounds on the body.

Leaves, stems and inflorescences have medicinal properties, but the highest content of essential oils and ascorbic acid observed during the flowering period of the plant. It is at this time that the iron plant is prepared, cutting off the stems with flowers.

In spring, only young leaves are collected, from which aromatic lemon tea is prepared, replacing Chinese green tea. The photo below shows the plant in natural conditions growth.

This is how Tatar tea grows in nature

Today, Japanese scientists are engaged in thorough research of the iron. Trial grass plantations have been established in the country, and the collected raw materials are used to prepare trial varieties. medicines.

The following valuable components were found in the herb:

  • vitamins C, D, group B;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • antioxidants;
  • organic acids;
  • minerals (calcium, iron, iodine, potassium, selenium, zinc, magnesium, copper);
  • phytoncides;
  • lignins;
  • pectin.

In general, about 300 compounds were found in the plant, with the inflorescences containing the most vitamin C, and the young leaves containing the most calcium. Tatar tea is a rare plant that combines high health benefits and a truly pleasant taste. U medicinal herbs This combination of properties is rare.

Useful properties and applications

Among the local population, iron grass is considered a cure for all diseases, so in the summer there is active harvesting of grass. Most often it is used to strengthen the immune system and treat colds and acute illnesses. respiratory diseases. But the scope of application of the plant is much wider due to its pronounced medicinal properties.

Beneficial properties and contraindications are due to the high concentration of active components. The plant has few contraindications. This is hypertension and nervous overexcitation associated with stress or tension.

Healing properties of ironweed:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • mucolytic;
  • tonic;
  • stimulating;
  • regulating.

It is useful to drink Tatar tea for frequent headaches, poor appetite, general weakness And chronic fatigue. The drink stimulates the liver, female and male reproductive organs, improves the condition of asthma, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus. Zheleznitsa is drunk for skin and pulmonary diseases, for weakened immunity, overwork, and to restore strength after a long illness. This is a good stimulant for the functioning of all organs and systems. In addition, the plant has a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system– cleanses blood vessels, increases their permeability, stimulates the heart.

Dried iron grass

Here is a list of some beneficial effects of Tatar tea on the human body:

  • prevents atherosclerosis;
  • improves digestion;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • reduces the level bad cholesterol;
  • increases potency in men and libido in women;
  • cleanses the body of waste, toxins, heavy metal salts, radiation;
  • stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • improves performance reproductive system;
  • helps with infertility.

Phenols and tannins contained in the grass are capable of removing heavy metal salts not only from soft tissues, but also from bones. The high content of phytoncides and essential oils puts the plant in first place in terms of effectiveness in the fight against viruses and microbes. Decoctions from the plant help with bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, and smoker's cough.

The medicinal books of the Crimeans and Greeks talk about the benefits of the plant for middle-aged and elderly people. Antioxidants in the plant help slow down the aging process, activate the immune system to fight tumors and excess weight.

For a woman, Tatar tea is a means of prolonging the youth of the reproductive system. The ironworker helps to cope with chronic diseases genitourinary system, increases the tone of the uterus, improves the condition of nails and hair. The iron drink has nothing in common with the Tatar tea recipe, only the name is similar.

How to make tea

Crimean ironweed can be used for the treatment of diseases, prevention, increasing the energy tone of the body and strengthening the immune system. The plant is strong, so when preparing drinks, the dosage and consumption regimen are observed. Zheleznitsa is also used to flavor black or green tea. To do this, put 2-3 leaves of grass in the teapot. It will give the drink a pleasant lemon aroma.

Tatar tea can be bought in specialized stores or online

For prevention, prepare an infusion of 8 g of dried crushed herb per 500 ml hot water. Infusion time 15 minutes. This recipe was indicated in the old medicinal books of the Greeks who came to the island of Crimea.

For nausea and vomiting caused by poisoning or intestinal infection, brew strong tea from 2 tbsp. boiling water and 3 tsp. herbs. You need to infuse the drink for 1 hour and drink 20-30 ml every 2 hours.

Strong iron tea can serve as the basis for lotions used for soft tissue tumors from blows or bruises. You can prepare a tonic bath with the decoction. To do this, 1 liter of strong tea is poured into a cool bath. The bathing procedure should last 15-20 minutes.

For prevention and general strengthening For good health, it is enough to prepare Tatar tea 2-3 times a week. You can take a course of strengthening and cleansing the body for 2 weeks. In this case, tea is prepared 2 times a day, in the morning and after lunch. Do not drink tea at night due to its tonic properties. You can't help but like this drink, as it is light and pleasant aroma, as well as unobtrusive taste.