Useful properties of curdled milk. Russian curdled milk: the benefits and harms of a national product


What is curdled milk?

What is yogurt, the benefits and harms of this dairy product for the human body, what it has medicinal properties, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment, including with the help of our usual food products. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Curdled milk is an ancient fermented milk drink that is obtained by fermenting skim or baked milk.

The basis of making yogurt is the fermentation of milk with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria. Fat content – ​​not less than 3.2%. It is highly digestible, energy value, has a beneficial effect on the intestines.

Depending on the characteristics of the technology and composition of bacterial starter cultures, several types of curdled milk are produced: Mechnikovskaya, acidophilic, ordinary, southern, Ukrainian, fermented baked milk, Varenets, etc.

Curdled milk is obtained as a result of natural fermentation with lactic acid streptococci or in combination with lactic acid bacilli (Bulgarian, acidophilus).

In the production of southern types of yogurt (matsoni - in Georgia, matsun - in Armenia, etc.), milk is fermented with thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and matsun bacillus, which give the product a characteristic taste and aroma.

The most common production of yogurt is in the southern regions of the Russian Federation and in many southern countries Europe. Differences in taste appearance and the consistency of curdled milk depend mainly on heat treatment, chemical composition milk used for fermentation of bacterial cultures.

To prepare curdled milk, milk is pasteurized, homogenized, cooled to the ripening temperature (37-45 ° C), bacterial starter is added, and further production is carried out according to the general technological process scheme using a thermostatic method. When producing curdled milk with fillers - various flavoring and aromatic additives (sugar, vanillin, fruit and berry juices), it is advisable to add sugar to the milk before pasteurization, and aromatic substances - before fermentation.

The shelf life of curdled milk at a temperature of 8 °C is no more than 36 hours from the date of production. Changes in the consistency of curdled milk during storage (whey separation, weak curds), as a rule, are due not to microbiological, but to technological reasons (pasteurization and homogenization modes, milk quality, etc.).

Ordinary curdled milk is produced with fat content: 3.2; 2.5; 1% and non-fat.

Mechnikovskaya yogurt is produced with only 4% fat content, fermented baked milk has 4, 2.5 and 1% fat content.

Common curdled milk is produced from pasteurized whole milk, fermented with a culture of lactic acid streptococcus at a ripening temperature of 36-38 °C. Ordinary curdled milk has a dense, prickly curd and a slightly bland taste.

Mechnikovskaya sour milk is produced in larger quantities than ordinary milk. It is obtained from pasteurized milk fermented with a culture of thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus with the addition of Bulgarian bacillus at a temperature of 45 ° C. To 4 parts of lactic acid streptococcus starter, add 1 part of Bulgarian bacillus starter. Due to the addition of Bulgarian stick, the finished product is obtained with a pronounced sour taste and delicate consistency.

Yogurt acidophilus is produced from pasteurized milk, fermented at a temperature of 40-42 ° C with a culture of thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus with the addition of acidophilus bacillus. As a result of the development of acidophilus bacillus, the consistency of the finished curdled milk may be slightly viscous.

Southern curdled milk is made from pasteurized milk fermented with cultures of Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic lactic acid streptococci in a 3:1 ratio with or without the addition of yeast. Southern curdled milk resembles yogurt and differs from it in that it is prepared with the usual content of solids in milk. The fermentation temperature during the production of southern yogurt is 45-50 °C. Southern curdled milk is similar in properties to curdled milk prepared with natural leaven at home.

Beneficial features:

With constant consumption of yogurt, metabolism and digestion improve, and the nervous system is strengthened.

Systematic consumption of yogurt slows down the aging process.

The anti-hangover property of this product is known. Drinking yogurt on an empty stomach in the morning after an evening feast will help you get in shape within 10 minutes.

Curdled milk is wonderful cosmetic product- V home care It has been used for skin and hair since ancient times. If you wash your face with fresh yogurt, freshness will return to tired skin, your complexion will improve, your activity will improve. sebaceous glands will come back to normal. Masks with yogurt gradually lighten freckles and dark spots. It can be used for wraps and massage of the whole body - this helps improve the condition of the skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Women have long been cooking using yogurt special ointments and creams, adding honey, sour cream and infusions of medicinal herbs to it.

Before use, vanilla, cinnamon, and honey are added to the curdled milk; delicious refreshing drinks, soups, pies, and pancakes are prepared on its basis.

Curdled milk is served with sugar and rye bread crumbs.


Curdled milk can be harmful when it is poorly prepared or spoiled. It can also be harmful if a person:

  • erosive or hyperacid gastritis;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • exacerbation of hepatitis.

You should not abuse this drink. 500 g is the maximum permissible daily dose for a healthy person. Otherwise there may be discomfort, for example, flatulence.

What can you cook with yogurt?

This milk product used in cooking because it is healthy, easily digestible and low in calories. When cooking, berries, fruits, as well as cinnamon, anise, vanilla, and other spices are often added to it.

Curdled milk can be an excellent dressing for vitamin-rich salads. It is also added to the dough for various pies, cakes, and sour cream. This dairy product is also an excellent ingredient for pancakes and dumplings.

Kholodnik (Polish cuisine):

Rub the berries (strawberries, raspberries) through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder with a fine grid. Stir the curdled milk with sour cream, grated berries and granulated sugar.

Serve cold.

Ingredients: 2 cups of berries (strawberries, raspberries);

  • 1 liter of curdled milk;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 100 g sugar.


Line a colander with gauze, pour in the yogurt, and let it drain. Butter, sugar and egg yolks beat, add spices, flour and yogurt. Beat the egg whites until foamy, fold them into the mass, and transfer it to a greased and breadcrumb-sprinkled pan. Bake the pudding in the oven.

Serve with cold milk.

Ingredients: 500 g thick yogurt;

  • 50 g butter;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 100 g premium flour;
  • 3–4 cardamom grains;
  • crushed lemon peel;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of ground crackers;
  • salt to taste.

Jelly with kefir:

To prepare this jelly, you should use pasteurized curdled milk.

Mix fresh yogurt or kefir with sugar and vanilla sugar, beat well, add dissolved gelatin, stir well, pour the mixture into portioned dishes and cool quickly.

Ingredients: 500 g kefir or yogurt;

  • 100 g sugar;
  • 15 g gelatin;
  • a pinch of vanillin.


Pour the curdled milk into a gauze bag and hang it for 12–15 hours to remove excess whey and obtain a moderately thick mass. Grind the yolks thoroughly with sugar (50 g) and vanillin. Beat the whites with the remaining sugar and mix thoroughly with the yolk. Add yogurt to the egg in small portions while stirring. It turns out to be a very delicate cream.

Ingredients: 1.5 liters of curdled milk (6 glasses);

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • vanilla to taste.

And yogurt - very common dairy products. They are prepared from cow's milk using sourdough technology. Final consistency, taste and physical properties drinks vary. But is the effect of taking kefir and yogurt different?

How exactly does one drink differ from another? How significant are the differences? Let's find out by looking at these products in detail.

The essence of curdled milk and kefir

Fermented milk products are very useful for the gastrointestinal tract.

The usefulness of fermented milk products for the gastrointestinal tract has been proven more than once and is not even discussed. Drinks made from sourdough are recommended for many stomach diseases and to improve digestion.

The already mentioned kefir and yogurt are considered one of the most popular products from this class. Before considering their main differences, let's pay attention to the general essence of the drinks.

Kefir is a type of fermented milk product that is prepared using sourdough technology using special “fungi”. You can get kefir if you ferment pure cow's milk from the point of view of its fermented milk and alcohol properties.

As a result, you will get a white drink, slightly sour and unique in composition. Any kefir contains a whole list of bacteria and fungi that are beneficial to humans, which appear in it during the fermentation process.

What is curdled milk? And curdled milk is also a type fermented milk drinks, but prepared using slightly different technology. The recipe for making curdled milk involves “fermenting” the milk, bringing it into a thick state.

This process occurs due to pure lactic acid bacteria. On average, yogurt turns out to be slightly fattier than kefir, and the fat level in it is 3.2 percent. This fermented milk product is milder in taste, also white in color and thicker in consistency. The final composition of yogurt is slightly different from that of kefir drinks.

A few words about the main differences between drinks

Curdled milk and kefir are different products

In principle, the differences between kefir and yogurt can be traced and actually exist. The main differences between the drinks are as follows:

  • Kefir is prepared by adding kefir “fungi” to cow’s milk, and curdled milk makes itself by natural processes sourness that appears due to pure lactic acid bacteria.
  • Fermented milk drinks differ in terms of physical and taste properties. Kefir is more liquid and sour in taste, yogurt is thicker and slightly softer in taste.
  • The composition of products is different from a biological point of view. The set of bacteria and fungi present in kefir is slightly different from those present in yogurt. Despite this, the effects on the human body, his stomach and intestines are quite similar for both drinks.

This is what the main differences between kefir and yogurt look like. The final state of affairs is quite predictable and known to many.

What is healthier: kefir or yogurt?

Perhaps all readers of this article are interested in the question: “What is healthier: kefir or yogurt?” Let us immediately note that it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. From certain aspects of consideration, the drinks are completely identical, but from others, there is an alternating leadership of either kefir or yogurt.

If we give the “palm of championship” to one product, then kefir is still a small leader. Due to mixed fermented milk and alcoholic fermentation, its effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is more pronounced.

Thus, curdled milk contains typical lactic acid bacteria such as streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus. And in addition to these microorganisms, kefir drinks contain lactic acid bacilli, flavor-forming streptococci, yeast and “acetic” bacteria. Naturally, we should not forget about small quantity alcohol, invariably contained in kefir.

Once in the stomach and intestines, kefir acts more pronounced due to its high acidity. From the point of view of effect, this property of the drink is its undoubted advantage, but because of it kefir products are prohibited for use by patients with pathologies with high acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.

In other aspects, kefir and yogurt are not different from each other. The content of vitamins and minerals in these drinks is, if not completely, then almost identical. The composition of amino acids in the products is also no different. Summarizing all of the above, we state: in the absence of contraindications to taking kefir, it looks more preferable in terms of health benefits than yogurt.

Recipe for making kefir and yogurt

Both curdled milk and kefir go well with fruits and berries.

To conclude today’s article, let’s look at recipes for making fermented milk products. Let's start with the technology for producing kefir. To prepare this drink you will need:

  1. fresh milk;
  2. kefir "", which can be purchased in some stores.

The process of obtaining kefir is simple and is as follows:

  • Take a clean jar and sanitize it with steam.
  • Place no a large number of kefir “fungi” in a container.
  • Pour milk in there.
  • Expect a certain amount of time - from 12 to 50 hours.

Kefir will prepare itself. To maintain an acidic environment, it is enough to periodically drain the resulting drink from the can, drink it and add new milk to the container.

Note! You can replace the kefir “fungus” with ready-made kefir. However, in this case, milk and kefir should be mixed not in a jar, but in small glasses. Only in such a container the acidic environment of the finished product is enough to prepare a new drink.

Do you spend a lot of money on being healthy and beautiful? Knowing what yogurt is: composition, benefits and harm to the body, method of preparation, you can achieve excellent results.


  • Composition of curdled milk, calorie content

    Much about the composition of the product, in this case, can be understood from its name. Curdled milk is milk fermented with regular in a simple way. Its composition and calorie content are determined by the quality of the raw materials.
    Yogurt contains the following components:
    • protein substances and a small amount of free amino acids – 2.8 g
    • fats – 3.2 g
    • monosaccharide lactose – 4.1 g
    • organic acids, mainly lactic acid – 4.1 g
    • minerals – about 450 mg
    The given amounts are fixed in 100 finished yogurt. The calorie content of this product is 58 kcal.
    The content of vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, ß-carotene is measured in hundredths of milligrams and cannot make a significant contribution to the daily diet. Content ascorbic acid slightly more than other vitamins; it is equal to 0.8 mg. From minerals yogurt contains noticeable concentrations of calcium (118 mg), potassium (144 mg), phosphorus (96 mg); sodium, magnesium and iron are present in small quantities. All masses are indicated for 100 grams of finished yogurt.
    In addition to these valuable components, a huge advantage is the presence of lactic acid microorganisms in it.

    What is the difference between curdled milk and kefir

    Many lovers of fermented milk products are accustomed to kefir. It is also good. Good to know - what is the difference between yogurt and kefir, so you can choose for yourself best option. The basic composition of these two products is almost the same. The differences lie in a slightly larger amount of lactic acid and the presence of ethyl alcohol (0.03%), which is formed during the fermentation of raw materials kefir starter. Everyone can make a choice individually, taking into account taste sensations and the body’s reaction to a particular product.

    The benefits and harms of curdled milk for the body

    The specificity of lactic acid microbes, which are important and necessary, is that they successfully compete with “harmful” intestinal bacteria and normalize the overall microbiological balance of the body.
    This automatically leads to the following positive phenomena:
    • improving digestion and absorption of all foods
    • overall digestion stimulation
    • strengthening metabolic processes
    • improving overall well-being and appearance
    • work stimulation immune system
    A pleasant addition to the advantages of yogurt is its low calorie content. This allows us to recommend it to people trying to reduce body weight. The benefits are enormous, there is practically no harm. Only people with high acidity of juice in the stomach and a predisposition to the appearance of ulcerations in the digestive tract should drink yogurt with caution. They should talk to a gastroenterologist first. Perhaps in such situations it should not be used.

    What kind of baking is yogurt best suited for?

    Having yogurt at home all the time, it can be used for culinary purposes to prepare flour products. What kind of baking it is best suited for is easy to decide. In almost any soft dough, in which the recipe advises adding baking powder, it is better to add yogurt and a little soda instead of artificial powder.
    This is how you can make different baked goods:
    • pies
    • syrniki
    • pancakes
    • pies with various fillings
    You can mix the sour milk with soda separately, and then immediately add it to the dough, or immediately pour it into the dough and add a teaspoon of soda. In order for the baked goods to turn out well, the entire mass must be thoroughly mixed.

    Can curdled milk be used for weight loss?

    With a sedentary lifestyle, which is typical for residents of modern cities, it is important to select foods with low calorie content for everyday nutrition. The answer to a frequently asked question - is it possible to use yogurt for weight loss? - unambiguous. It is possible and necessary. The product has high biological value, contains beneficial bacteria, while having low calorie content.
    Nowadays it is very common to drink newfangled fermented milk products. No one has any objections to them, but these products often have a considerable price. Anyone can make curdled milk at home. The taste will be no worse, and the costs will be significantly lower. If you add pieces of fruit to good curdled milk, you will get a drink comparable in taste to yoghurt.

    Curdled milk for cosmetic purposes

    Many types of shampoos, liquid and solid soaps have an alkaline environment. As a result, the composition of the skin is disrupted. The lipid layer is washed out of it, it becomes dry and irritated. Curdled milk has an acidic environment and contains fats and proteins. Therefore, in the form of masks, lotions, yogurt compresses in for cosmetic purposes should be used regularly.

    Face masks

    To bring facial skin into good condition Apply a layer of curdled milk to a piece of cotton fabric or a multi-layer gauze napkin and spread it over the entire area of ​​the face. With such a mask you need to lie down on the sofa; you won’t be able to walk with it. After half an hour, you can remove the cloth, wipe your face with a clean napkin and evaluate the result.

    Hair masks

    Curdled milk has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair. Take the yogurt in your palm and distribute it well over your entire head. Do this several times until you have covered all your hair. After this, you need to put a shower cap on your head and forget about the mask for a couple of hours. At the end of the procedure, the hair can be washed with regular products.

    How to make curdled milk at home

    It is advisable to take home-tested milk for preparation. This is difficult to find. You can get by with good store-bought milk with a short shelf life.
    Important. In dairy products intended for long-term storage, may contain substances that prevent ripening. You don’t need to take it to make yogurt.
    Fermented milk products are prepared from raw materials that have undergone heat treatment, which can be carried out in the following technological modes:
    • at a temperature from 62 °C to 65 °C for half an hour
    • at a temperature between 71 °C and 74 °C for a maximum of 20 s
    • at temperatures from 115 °C to 65 °C for 15 minutes or 60 minutes
    The first method is called pasteurization, the third is sterilization. Short-term treatment has no special name.
    How to make yogurt at home? Simply and easily. To do this, it is enough to first process the milk using the first or second method. Then to three liters of raw materials you need to add a couple of tablespoons of the previous yogurt or sour cream. After which the container should be left for 5-7 hours in a warm place at a temperature from 28 °C to 32 °C. If the room is cool, place the jar wrapped in a warm cloth near the radiator.

    Curdled milk from goat milk: video

    Cow's milk is not the only product suitable for making curdled milk. Some people like goat curdled milk, the preparation method of which is shown in the video.

  • The benefits of yogurt for the body are known to everyone, because it is a simple fermented milk product that ferments on its own due to the bacteria contained inside and contains a large amount of useful substances necessary for digestion. Curdled milk resembles kefir, but is thicker. It tastes more like something between kefir and yogurt. The popularity of curdled milk is not as great as that of other fermented milk products, because it has enough short term shelf life and a lot of lumps. However, since ancient times the benefits of this product have been proven as effective remedy for the treatment of intestinal diseases, in particular dysbiosis. It contains a large amount beneficial bacteria, which are well absorbed by the body and enrich intestinal microflora.

    Curdled milk is used to treat intestinal diseases

    Taking this fermented milk product is also beneficial for work internal organs, since it contains healthy vitamins and microelements. Curdled milk also strengthens bones and promotes normal functioning functional systems, so taking it is very beneficial for health. Today, curdled milk is produced in dairies by boiling milk. When it boils, it is thoroughly mixed and cooled. There is also thermostatic yogurt, which is fermented like kefir and poured into containers. This product has a very short shelf life. Modern manufacturers add to finished products all sorts of flavoring fillers, fruits and cereals. Particularly popular is “Mechnikovskaya” yogurt, which is made by natural fermentation. This product is very beneficial for digestion, as well as for the body as a whole, since it is a source of calcium, phosphorus and beneficial bacteria.

    Beneficial features

    The benefits of curdled milk are due to its rich composition. Like any fermented milk product, it contains organic bacteria that have a beneficial effect on digestion, as well as a large amount of vitamins and microelements necessary to maintain health. The value of this drink lies in the fact that it contains a minimum of acid, so it can be drunk even by people suffering from high acidity and heartburn. This product is low in calories, so it is often recommended for weight loss.

    About the benefits of apricot for human health

    Curdled milk is one of the few dairy products that can be consumed by people allergic to lactose. Curdled milk is enriched with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it contains enough organic acids. The product also contains vitamins: beta-carotene, A, B, C, K, H. It contains minerals: calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron, etc. At the same time, all substances are well absorbed, so taking the product is very useful for adults, and especially for children.

    Curdled milk contains many vitamins

    What are the benefits of yogurt?

    All fermented milk products have great benefit for the body. Curdled milk has a valuable composition and a rich content of fermented milk bacteria, so regular consumption of the product allows you to normalize digestion, improve skin condition and strengthen the immune system.

    Many people prefer kefir, despite the fact that yogurt is better absorbed and begins to act within a couple of minutes after consumption. It not only enriches the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria, but also stimulates growth beneficial microflora, protecting the body from pathogenic viruses and bacteria. The benefits of the product for the intestines are invaluable. This drink helps normalize digestion, improves gastrointestinal function, reduces the concentration of acids during increased acidity and improves nutrient absorption.

    It is also low in calories, so it helps speed up metabolism and fight excess weight. Many nutritionists recommend taking it for weight loss, while it is very nutritious and satisfying. Curdled milk is an excellent weapon against cellulite because it helps burn subcutaneous fat and keep muscles toned.

    It is recommended to eat yogurt if you have heart disease. vascular system, in particular hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary disease, and you also need to eat it when chronic diseases, for example, diabetes. The benefit of the product is that it helps to increase protective functions immunity and contains a large amount fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

    About the dangers of salt for the body

    Curdled milk helps fight excess weight

    Curdled milk is also an excellent cosmetic product for skin and hair care. Anti-wrinkle masks are made from it, but it can also be used to relieve fatigue, dark circles under the eyes and eliminate excess oily skin. Curdled milk masks for hair have strengthening properties and give hair shine and silkiness. Since it has a large number of different properties, its use is very beneficial for the body, because it has a positive effect on the human body.

    The benefits of homemade curdled milk

    Homemade yogurt, which is prepared from natural products and contains maximum amount useful substances. To prepare the product at home, all processes must be followed correctly. For cooking quality product you need to take fresh milk. You need to boil it and add any product that promotes fermentation. This could be kefir, black bread or drinking yeast. To give it flavor and enhance the fermentation process, you can add a couple of tablespoons of sugar.

    After the milk has been fermented, it must be placed in a warm place and the container well wrapped. It is better to leave it overnight, after which the product will be ready. The finished yogurt should stand in the refrigerator for several hours, then its taste will become richer. It is stored for no more than 3 days, after which it begins to sour and turn into cottage cheese. If you don’t really like the taste, then you can dilute the yogurt in equal proportions with milk and add a little honey.

    Curdled milk is useful for gastritis

    It is also useful to eat it to improve the skin, since it contains acids that help improve elasticity and tone, slowing down the aging process. Also, the benefits of yogurt are due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, so it can be used to eliminate acne and treatment of gastritis.

    The use of curdled milk, the benefits and harms of which are much controversial, is actually very useful. It is a source of beneficial bacteria, improves digestion and enriches the body with calcium. All this makes it an indispensable fermented milk product in the diet of adults and children.

    It so happens that fermented milk products are most popular in the CIS countries and less in demand in Europe or America. Perhaps this is for the better, because these products are storehouses of useful substances and can not only improve the health of those who regularly consume them, but also add a couple of years to their life. The well-known curdled milk, the benefits and harms of which were studied by the famous scientist Ilya Mechnikov, is a vivid example of this. This product, according to the researcher, is so useful that it should be included in every person’s diet every day.

    Yogurt - a product of health and longevity

    It is traditionally believed that fermented milk products heal digestive system and establish metabolic processes. However, the beneficial effects of yogurt are not limited to this: it will improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, remove toxins, relieve hangovers and even improve immunity. And this is not to mention the beauty benefits of curdled milk! But the benefits of curdled milk depend on its type, because each variation has its own composition and its own positive effect.

    Types and composition of curdled milk

    Curdled milk is usually prepared from milk to which bacterial starter cultures are added. Depending on which strain of bacteria is chosen to further create the product, the curdled milk will turn out either snow-white, creamy, or slightly yellowish. The fermented milk taste and smell of the product rarely changes. What really depends on the type of bacteria is its composition and properties:

    • - Ukrainian variety of yogurt - contains more minerals than regular yogurt, and therefore is recommended for frequent physical activity, atherosclerosis and gastritis. Ryazhenka has more high level fat content (up to 8%) and is prepared from a mixture of baked milk and cream.
    • Varenets is a Siberian product made from baked milk and sour cream. This type curdled milk is usually served with tea, because its fat content is only 2.5%.
    • Mechnikovskaya curdled milk, the benefits and harms of which were carefully researched and created by the great scientist, contains more vitamins than ordinary milk and has more pronounced antibacterial properties;
    • Georgian matsoni is a special type of curdled milk, which requires a matsun stick for preparation, which is very useful for the human body.

    These most popular types of curdled milk are certainly known to every person, but few people know what exactly determines their benefits. But the answer to this is quite simple: any yogurt contains all the vitamins B, A, C, PP, as well as more than 15 useful microelements. Amino acids such as arginine, histidine, cysteine ​​and others make yogurt especially healthy. Especially when you consider that all these useful material very quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

    Treatment of curdled milk within the framework of traditional medicine

    Curdled milk is one of those few products that are not only tasty, but also useful for losing weight. If you arrange for yourself only two fasting days per week, then in a month you can lose from 2 to 6 kg. However, losing weight is not the only thing curdled milk can do. Most effective recipes traditional medicine, which clearly show how yogurt is useful:

    • You can cure dysbacteriosis with an enema done at night. The main ingredient is 80 g (for children) or 180 g (for adults) of heated yogurt.
    • A mixture of fresh yogurt and crackers, generously rubbed with garlic, normalizes intestinal function. You need to drink it at night.
    • to get rid of stomatitis, you need to grind three cloves of garlic and add them to half a glass of curdled milk. Apply to mouth ulcers three times a day.
    • colds go away if you make compresses from yogurt every day and vegetable oil. Afterwards you can heat the mixture and take 1-2 tbsp. l. inside to enhance the effect.

    At least half a liter of yogurt per day should be drunk by pregnant women, as well as those who suffer from shortness of breath, gastritis, constipation or colitis. Just a glass of yogurt in the morning will save a person from a terrible hangover and significantly improve their well-being.

    Many people are interested in the answer to the question of what is healthier: kefir or yogurt. There can be no definite answer here, because both of these products are incredibly useful. The only significant difference between them is that kefir has a positive effect only on gastrointestinal tract, and yogurt - on the entire body as a whole, which was clearly proven above.

    The only thing that is definitely worth considering is that it is not advisable to take sour yogurt for those who have stomach problems. Yes and healthy people It is not recommended to drink a sour product: it is unlikely to do more good than harm.