Useful properties of beet tops: how to use to strengthen the heart, improve digestion and against inflammation. Tops and leaves - a unique ten for food and health

The first step is to understand in more detail the benefits and possible harm, which carries beet tops. The useful properties include a huge amount of vitamins contained in it (B1, B2, B6, B9, A, PP, U) and the necessary chemical elements(Ca, Mo, Fe, Al, S, P, Mg, Mn, Cu, Na, Cl). In addition, it contains oxalic, ascorbic and folic acids, as well as carotenoids.

Beet leaves will be of great benefit to people suffering from anemia and constipation. It should be in the diet of a person who is on a diet or fasting. Harvesting for the winter from beet tops is necessary for those who have a disease of the heart or blood vessels, as well as the thyroid gland and stomach.

Beneficial features, which beet tops possess, simply cannot be counted! By the way, the beets themselves were originally grown for the sake of the leaves, and only then they tried the root crop. In the old days people healed headache, applying foliage on the forehead in the form of gruel, and on the eyelids with conjunctivitis that has arisen.

IN cosmetic purposes rubbed beet leaves on the face, thanks to which they got rid of age spots and freckles.

But there are also some contraindications. Beet tops are not recommended for people with kidney disease and genitourinary system. Also, you can not eat it for those who have gout, hemorrhoids and a diseased liver.

Harvesting beet tops for the winter - cooking methods

Having dealt with the properties of beet leaves, you can proceed to their preparation. To make delicious and useful blank for the winter from beet tops, you need to figure out how to properly pickle it, preserve it and ferment it. Let's start with canning.

In order to make pickled beet tops, we need the following list of ingredients:

  • beet leaves with stems;
  • garlic;
  • parsley and dill;
  • onion.

To prepare the marinade, you need: sugar, salt, 1 liter of water, cloves, peas, apple cider vinegar. Pickled beet tops are prepared as follows: beet greens are washed and cut into strips. To it we add chopped dill and parsley, garlic and onion, cut into half rings.

Put the resulting salad in pre-sterilized jars. From the above ingredients, cook the marinade. Then we pour it into banks. After holding for about 5-7 minutes, pour back into the pan and boil for 4 minutes. We refill the jars with the marinade and roll them up. By the way, how, you can also read on our website.

Other methods of harvesting beet tops - drying, freezing, sourdough

In order to prepare pickled beet tops, you need to have: 1 kilogram of beet leaves (with stems), a few cloves of garlic, currant leaves, a teaspoon of salt, dill umbrellas. We cut the washed leaves coarsely, lay them in layers on the banks. Between each layer we put dill, chopped onion rings, garlic and herbs, a little salt.

We put oppression on top of the salad and keep the workpiece under it for 3 days in warmth. After that, we take it to a cool room for storage. The fermented product is ideal for fish and meat dishes, as well as a snack. Salting beet tops for the winter, as you can see, will not take you much time. But if, nevertheless, these methods do not suit you, you can apply another, namely, drying. Beet leaves are dried in the same way as other greens, that is, in a secluded place in the shade.

Another way to harvest is to freeze beet tops for the winter. To do this, just rinse the leaves and stems under running water, then cut into pieces. After that, we lay out the workpiece in bags and put it in the freezer. It will stay there for quite some time. But how in the apartment and in the country, you can read in a separate article.

To begin with, we determine that young leaves of all varieties of beets go to writing. Until the beets “become brown”, i.e. the root crop is still in the process of growth (end of June - July), its tops are still tender, thin and juicy, the leaves have not become coarse and dry, they are very good for use in cooking. There are also varieties of leaf beets - chard, in which juicy and tasty leaves rich in vitamin C are eaten.

2 step

Firstly, you can cook a very tasty botvinnik soup from beetroot leaves. Botvinnik can be served with sour cream either hot or cold. It is prepared from beet tops, carrots, potatoes and onions. It turns out a rich taste of a light green soup, because. it is beet tops that are the main component. You can also add tops to borscht or cabbage soup for a change in taste.

3 step

Secondly, freshly cut, straight from the garden, beet leaves, as they say, still with dew, are great as one of the ingredients in summer vegetable salads that contain a lot of greens. You can also add a chopped hard-boiled egg there for satiety and greater solidity. Preparing this salad is easy.

4 step

Thirdly, beet leaves are an excellent material for wrapping stuffing. They are used to make cabbage rolls, dolma and just to stuff something tasty. To do this, beet leaves must first be scalded. hot water so that they become more pliable for manipulation with the filling. It's also very tasty!

Bon appetit!

Beets are one of the most vitamin-rich vegetables. In fact, beet tops are even more useful, and it is she who contributes to the treatment of a large number of diseases associated with work. digestive tract, heart, blood vessels, the condition of the skin, cells and tissues of our body.

To get the maximum benefit from the use of this product, let's take a look at the beneficial properties and contraindications of beet tops.

Vitamin composition of beet tops

What is beetroot tops called? If you have previously heard the name "chard" for beet tops, you should understand that it only refers to young shoots.

In cooking, the leaves of this vegetable are also actively used today. It was this part of the product that was in demand initially, when the beets themselves had not yet been tasted. They can be chopped into a salad, added to soup, chopped - and mixed with other products.

Before dealing with the benefits and harms of beet tops, it is worth knowing its vitamin composition.

There are a lot of vitamins and useful microelements in the tops:

  • B vitamins help to improve metabolic processes, strengthen nerves and immunity, better job of cardio-vascular system;
  • vitamin A plays the role of a rejuvenating trace element, and also improves vision and digestion. The composition of beet tops includes a huge amount of this vitamin;
  • nicotinic acid (PP) promotes the metabolism of fats, and also delays the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood;
  • keep you healthy and natural minerals, such as calcium, chlorine, iron and many others;
  • Availability flavonoids in beet tops allows you to quickly relieve inflammation and clean the internal organs.

This is far from all useful composition product, so we can already conclude that the tops have a complex effect on our health, and it can be used both for treatment and for prevention.

Useful properties of the product

The seasonal use of these leaves is a natural helper in various diseases. To maximize the beneficial properties of beet tops, use it during the entire growth period. So you can strengthen your immune system and prepare for the cold, accompanied by exacerbation of diseases.

The numerous benefits of beet greens include the impact on work digestive organs. By using this product, you can remove toxins and toxins, clean the gastrointestinal tract.

Attention! Due to the stimulation of metabolism, weight loss is observed when using leafy greens, so eat this product and you will always look slim and beautiful!

Beneficial effect on metabolism due to the presence of betaine in the composition of beet tops. But, unlike other vegetables and fruits, where this antioxidant is present, we use beets more often and in more dishes, therefore it is when we use it that our body produces enzymes that contribute to the absorption of this microelement.

The benefits of beet tops are also associated with anti-aging properties. By stimulating the formation of new cells and tissue development, beneficial trace elements in its composition will have a beneficial effect on your appearance and prevent rapid aging. The skin will look fresh and healthy, and improved internal state will make you feel young and active.

At external application tops you can relieve irritation skin, prevent rashes, stimulate the healing of acne marks. It is enough to knead the product and apply on the face, without touching the area around the eyes.

tops strengthens the heart and vascular walls, removes cholesterol plaques . Besides, she is effective tool with various diseases. The benefits of beet tops for the human body are manifested in the treatment of such diseases and ailments as arterial hypertension, anemia, deterioration of the thyroid gland, constipation and much more.

Advice: Before starting treatment with tops, consult a specialist who will tell you how to use it and what to look for.

What is useful beet tops for children? First of all, she plays the role muscle and bone growth stimulator in organism. In order for your child to be strong, healthy and develop faster, it is advisable to add this product to his regular diet.

In addition to using leafy greens as an addition to nutritious dishes, its role in traditional medicine. There are many recipes where beet tops are used in therapeutic purposes and further processed for a beneficial effect.

Contraindications for use

There is no definite answer whether it is possible to eat beet tops, because this product has a number of contraindications, and an individual approach is required for its consumption.

For example, you should abandon the tops if you have such diseases:

  • diarrhea or the body's tendency to this disease, as well as hemorrhoids (tops have a laxative function);
  • severe inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder(with such diseases, the tops can stimulate more urination);
  • cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis (a change in metabolic processes will additionally burden your liver);
  • gout (tops can exacerbate this disease);
  • because the composition of the tops includes a large number of sugar, it is not recommended for diabetics;
  • hypotension (when eating beet tops, blood pressure drops).

In addition, individual intolerance to the tops of the body may also occur, so it is better to check first whether this product will cause an allergic reaction.

How to choose the right beet tops

It is easy to guess that the benefits and harms of beet tops also depend on the quality of this product. Young beet tops can be purchased at the end of May.

fresh and useful product will have the following characteristics:

  • leaves should be resilient: this main feature freshness of tops;
  • leaf color is closer to dark green. The presence of yellow areas indicates dryness and insufficient freshness of the product;
  • choose tops only with a dense and short spine.

Dishes from such tops will not only be more useful, but will also delight you with their taste.

Some useful recipes for your health

Now that you know how beet tops are useful, we recommend that you find out a few options for its use. One of the most common cooking options is adding tops to salads or sandwiches.

Before using young beet tops, rinse the product under running water, or even better, pour boiling water over it: this way the tops will become extra soft, and the beet flavor of the leaves will disappear.

Advice: salads with beetroot leaves will turn out tastier if you season them with a sauce based on sunflower oil and apple, lemon juice or pomegranate. Also tops can be seasoned with sour cream, mayonnaise or yogurt.

Adding leafy greens to salads and other foods is great way prevention of atherosclerosis and support of hematopoiesis. Also, the use of dishes with tops will contribute to normal operation endocrine system.

And here are a few ways to use beet tops in traditional medicine:

  • make an infusion from a glass of boiling water and a large spoonful of chopped tops. After an hour of infusion, you can start drinking the drink: if you drink it three to four times a day before meals, you will get rid of constipation;
  • if you are periodically tormented by headaches and migraines, you can prepare another recipe: mash the beetroot leaves and apply to the temples or head as a compress. Hold them in this position for about twenty minutes;
  • mash beet leaves well and apply to the eyelids to cure conjunctivitis. It will be better if you wrap them in gauze;
  • if every day you smear the juice of the tops of corns, calluses and cracks on the feet, you will quickly get rid of discomfort. You can also stretch the leaves - and apply at night to problem areas, carefully wrapping them with a bandage;
  • Another option on how to use beet tops is the treatment of mastitis. Mash the leaves well - apply to seals in the chest for about half an hour - forty minutes. This should be done daily.

A tincture of beet leaf tops can also be drunk if you do not observe signs of certain diseases. As we said, this product performs great prophylactic and will saturate your body with vitamins.

The following recipe is suitable for those who follow the figure or want to lose weight. Salads can help you lose weight, for example, from tops, carrots and greens. It is better to season this dish with olive oil.

Also, this useful product can be added to first courses. Not only borscht, okroshka and cabbage soup are cooked from it, but also botvinya. No less popular are bean, pea and vegetarian soups with the addition of beet leaves. In addition, you can make special preparations from the tops for the winter season, so that in cold period maintain your health.

Attention! Preparations for the winter are made only from young tops with petioles.

For the winter, you can ferment, freeze or pickle this product, make healthy canned food or dry the leaves. Keep in mind that the heat treatment of the product will have a significant impact on the amount of useful trace elements in the composition of the tops, so it is better not to do this again. We advise you to use preservation methods without heat treatment.

If you decide to dry the tops, you can start this activity immediately after you chop the leaves. Due to the fact that the tops contain a small proportion essential oils, dry it at a temperature of up to sixty degrees. This can be done in dedicated dryers, dehydrators, shady areas, or well ventilated areas.

For those who are going to use beets for treatment, we advise you to start drying in advance. But you can also freeze this product (for example, if you need to make haulm compresses). This procedure takes very little time: it is enough to rinse the leaves well, dry, chop - and place small portions in plastic bags. Please note that the tops in this form should be stored in the cold. After the first defrosting, the benefits of the tops will be much less.

We advise you to use at least one recipe to your taste - and soon you will see positive changes in your body. And, given that the tops make dishes not only healthy, but also tasty and fragrant, you can easily add this product to your daily diet.


What else can beet greens cure and improve? Find out by watching this interesting video:

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beet tops- beet shoots, they have green color with burgundy streaks (see photo). Tops have long been used in cooking and medicine of the Slavic peoples. The beetroot itself has a sweetish taste, most often it is boiled before consumption. This product was known even to the cooks and healers of Babylon and the Mediterranean countries. Mentions of beetroot and its beneficial properties were found in sources that were dated back to the 4th century BC. e.

The homeland of beets is the Mediterranean. Today, beets are distributed almost everywhere globe. Beets are demanding on regular watering and soil fertility; they are grown to obtain tops and the root crop itself.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of beet tops were known to our ancestors, they added this product to their diet in order to maintain health for many years. Young beet leaves are rich ascorbic acid, which strengthens fragile capillaries, fights depression. Folic acid, which is quite a lot in beet tops, is necessary for brain function and nervous system. important place folic acid occupies in the diet of a pregnant woman, as it helps to avoid problems with intrauterine development of the fetus. Women who ate a lot of dark green leafy vegetables during pregnancy got enough fiolic acid from their food.

Beet greens contain carotenoids, which makes them useful for vision. Carotenoids have antioxidant properties, protect the cells of the body, and are the prevention of cancer. When eating a large amount of food rich in carotenoids, the risk of developing lung cancer is reduced. Also, carotenoids reduce the likelihood of developing coronary disease hearts.

Beetroot contains the substance choline, which beneficial effect on the condition of the liver, prevents its fatty degeneration. Pectins inhibit the activity of harmful intestinal bacteria, which affects the metabolism and general condition. Regular consumption of beet tops has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

In cosmetology, there recipe for getting rid of freckles with the help of beetroot. To do this, the beauties prepared gruel from the tops, which was then applied to the face, treated soda solution. This procedure is also effective for age spots.

Use in cooking

In cooking, beet tops are used to prepare traditional Russian dishes. Beet tops - good foundation for borscht and soups, in addition, it is very useful. This product is part of national desserts and real Russian kvass. You can store young beet leaves dried or frozen. In the old days, the tops were dried or salted: in this way it retained its taste properties all winter.

Beet tops will completely change the taste of okroshka or cold beetroot. Young beet leaves can be used to make salads. Before adding them, you must first scald them with boiling water: this way they will become softer and more tender. Beet tops sound good in dishes where there is spinach, fresh cucumbers, celery, radish. fresh greens and walnuts additionally emphasize the taste of young beet leaves.

Second courses can also be prepared from beet leaves. Beet tops are often added to vegetable stews, casseroles, meatballs, and even scrambled eggs. Canned tops are used in winter in the preparation of second and first courses. Especially popular are pies stuffed with beet tops. The so-called Ossetian pie is also very tasty, the filling of which consists of beet tops, suluguni cheese, and fried onions.

It is customary to season salads from tops and leafy vegetables with lemon juice and homemade sour cream; olive oil is also a good dressing. Before eating, the tops must be prepared. To do this, it is scalded with boiling water, and then finely chopped. The tops prepared in this way are completely ready for use and for adding to salads, it loses its specific taste and becomes very soft.

The benefits of beet tops and treatment

The benefits of beet tops allow you to use it for various diseases. It is shown to include beet leaves in your diet for people who are obese. The calorie content of the product is 28 kilocalories per 100 grams. Beet greens contain vegetable fiber which helps to normalize metabolic processes, promotes weight loss. The leaf has a slight laxative property, which allows it to be used for constipation. In this case, a decoction will help: a tablespoon of leaves of tops is poured with boiling water and left to cool, after the decoction has cooled, it should be drunk during the day in about 4 doses.

Beet tops are indicated for use in diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, anemia.

In the old days, beet tops were used as natural remedy from a headache. For this purpose, they boiled porridge from the tops, which was applied to the forehead. The slurry from the leaves has also been used for conjunctivitis. The tops were applied to the eyes several times a day. Outwardly, you can use juice from beet tops, gruel from leaves and decoction.

Bot is doing great with cracked feet, for this, foot baths are prepared. Leaf compresses heal wounds.

Harm of beet tops and contraindications

Beet tops can harm the body in diseases with the formation of stones, inflammation of the kidneys, inflammatory processes in the intestines. It is also contraindicated to use beet tops when peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis, heartburn, gout, if present inflammatory processes in the liver.

You can use beet tops not only for making soups and salads. Due to its beneficial properties, beet tops are an excellent remedy for the treatment of many ailments. For example, the benefits of beet tops are great for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and insomnia. The high content of vitamins in beet tops allows you to use these greens for problems with thyroid gland and decreased immunity.

What is the use of beet tops

According to the results of recent medical research, beet tops contain a much more significant amount of various useful substances compared to the roots themselves.

Beet tops are rich in vitamins PP, P, group B (B1, B2, B6, B9), as well as potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc. It contains ash and starch. The content of vitamin C in beet leaves is especially high, which has antioxidant and antiviral properties and is useful for beriberi, heart diseases and reduced immunity.

Beet tops are used in the preparation of soups, meatballs, fillings for pies, fritters and salads. In addition, they make medicinal products who found wide application in folk medicine.

The healing properties of beet tops are used for the following pathologies:

  • decreased immunity;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • constipation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • insomnia;
  • gout;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • neurosis.

What is useful juice and infusion of beet tops

Since beet roots have a long shelf life, getting fresh juice from them is not difficult in any season. Leaf juice, which has the same set nutrients, can only be obtained during the growing season of the plant. The pectin substances included in its composition make it possible to normalize the intestinal microflora and cleanse the vessels of cholesterol, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

Consumption of beetroot juice pure form often causes nausea, vomiting, weakness and dizziness. In order to prevent the occurrence of such symptoms, it must be kept in the refrigerator before use, and then diluted with carrot juice in a ratio of 1: 3.

The juice of beet tops contains a large amount of nitrogenous compounds. In addition, betaine was found in its composition, which, when it enters the human body, is transformed into choline, which has an anti-sclerotic effect and protects the liver from obesity. With the participation of acetylcholine, a derivative of choline, nervous processes are carried out.

The juice obtained from beet tops is recommended for use when iron deficiency anemia. Due to its high iron content, it promotes the formation of red blood cells and improves hematopoiesis. Juice from beet leaves remarkably cleanses the intestines of toxins and enhances peristalsis.

Beetroot juice has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. As an external agent, it can be used to treat ulcers and abscesses. Beetroot juice is useful for lowering blood pressure It also helps to get rid of insomnia, neuroses and stress.

To prepare an infusion of beet tops, you can use both fresh and pre-dried beet leaves. Infusion of beet tops compared to fresh juice of it, possesses more mild action and therefore is widely used in the treatment of various diseases.

Thanks to the vitamin C included in the composition, such a tool can be successfully used in complex therapy cardiovascular disease and immune systems, as well as in the treatment of colds, flu and sore throats. Also, the beneficial properties of beet tops infusion are due to high content it contains vitamins A, P, PP, group B, as well as organic acids, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, iodine, copper and manganese. In this regard, it is indicated for pathologies of the hematopoietic and circulatory system, anemia, beriberi, reduced immunity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and metabolic disorders.

The healing properties of infusion of beet tops are used in therapy skin diseases. It can be used for baths in diseases of the joints, for lotions in the treatment of wounds and purulent inflammation. Beetroot infusion is used for eye diseases. It normalizes gastrointestinal tract, activating the growth of the population of beneficial microorganisms and destroying the pathogenic microflora.

How to use beet greens for the treatment of diseases

Beet and carrot juice drink

Required: 50 ml beetroot juice, 150 ml carrot juice.

Cooking method. Combine juices and mix well.

Mode of application. Prepared drink to take 100 ml 2 times a day, regardless of the meal.

This remedy It is used for anemia, beriberi and weakened immunity.

Sour-milk drink with beetroot juice

Required: 50 ml beetroot juice, 200 g sugar, 3 l whey.

Cooking method. Combine whey with freshly squeezed beetroot juice, add sugar and mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass container and leave covered in a dark, cool place for 14 days.

Mode of application. sour milk drink take 100-200 ml 1-2 times a day.

This tool is successfully used for dysbacteriosis, chronic constipation and other pathologies associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mixture of beetroot juice with vinegar

Required: 200 ml of juice from beet tops, 10 ml of table vinegar.

Cooking method. Freshly pressed beetroot juice mix with vinegar.

Mode of application. The resulting mixture is used for gargling. The procedure is carried out 5-6 times a day.

This tool is used for sore throat, tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Drink with beetroot, carrot and potato juices

Required: 50 ml beetroot juice, 50 ml carrot juice, 50 ml celery juice, 50 ml potato juice.

Cooking method. Combine the above juices and mix.

Mode of application. The mixture is taken orally 200 ml 2-3 times a day.

The tool is used for reducing immunity, beriberi, various diseases liver and hematopoietic system.

Drink with beetroot and cucumber juice

Required: 50 ml beetroot juice, 50 ml cucumber juice, 100 ml carrot juice.

Cooking method. Beetroot, cucumber and carrot juice mix.

Mode of application. Drink 200 ml 2 times a day. This remedy is used for gallstone disease.

Drink with beet, carrot and apple juices

Required: 50 ml beetroot juice, 50 ml apple juice, 100 ml of carrot juice.

Cooking method. Combine the juices indicated in the list of ingredients and mix well.

Cooking method. Drink the resulting drink in a warm form, 200 ml 1-2 times a day after meals.

The tool is used for stress, anemia and beriberi.

Drink with beetroot and pumpkin juice

Required: 50 ml beetroot juice, 50 ml pumpkin juice, 50 ml carrot juice, 50 ml apple juice.

Cooking method. Combine the listed juices and mix well.

Mode of application. Take 200 ml 2 times a day.

The tool is used for reducing immunity, anemia and beriberi.

Drink with beetroot, carrot and spinach juices

Required: 50 ml juice from beet tops, 50 ml juice from spinach greens, 100 ml carrot juice.

Cooking method. Combine beetroot, spinach and carrot juices and mix thoroughly.

Mode of application. Ready drink to drink 200 ml 2 times a day.

This remedy is used for neurosis and insomnia.

Drink with beet, rare and carrot juices

Required: 50 ml beetroot juice, 20 ml black radish juice, 100 ml carrot juice.

Cooking method. Mix these juices.

Mode of application. Drink 200 ml 2 times a day.

This tool is used for reducing immunity, flu and colds.

Drink with beetroot, cucumber and garlic juices

Required: 50 ml beetroot juice, 5 ml garlic juice, 150 ml cucumber juice.

Cooking method. Combine beetroot, garlic and cucumber juices and mix well.

Mode of application. Drink the prepared composition 200 ml once a day.

The tool is used for reducing immunity, colds, tonsillitis and beriberi.

Drink with juices of beet, dandelion and garlic

Required: 20 ml beetroot juice, 5 ml garlic juice, 5 ml dandelion leaf juice.

Cooking method. Mix beetroot, dandelion and garlic juices.

Mode of application. Drink 30 ml 2 times a day.

This tool is used for colds, flu, sore throat, reduced immunity.

Drink with juices of beets, cabbage and lettuce

Required: 20 ml beetroot juice, 20 ml cabbage juice, 10 ml lettuce juice.

Cooking method. Combine the indicated juices and mix.

Mode of application. Drink a mixture of vegetable juices 30 ml once a day.

This remedy is used for beriberi, colds and flu.

Beetroot juice is started with 5 ml per day. Gradually, its amount is increased to 50 ml, and the number of doses - up to 3-4 times a day.

Infusion of dried beetroot

Required: 10 g beet greens, 200 ml water.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water over pre-dried and powdered beet tops and infuse at room temperature for 15 minutes. Strain the finished infusion.

Mode of application. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

This remedy is used for constipation, flatulence and intestinal atony.

Infusion of beet tops, lingonberries, knotweed and currants

Required: 10 g of beet tops, 10 g of lingonberry leaves, 10 g of knotweed grass, 10 g of black currant leaves, 200 ml of water.

Cooking method. Dried beet tops, lingonberry and blackcurrant leaves, as well as knotweed grass, grind into powder and combine. Pour boiling water over 10 g of the resulting collection and insist for 15 minutes. After that, strain the infusion through gauze folded in several layers or a frequent sieve.

Mode of application. Take 20-30 ml 3 times a day.

This remedy is used for gout, biliary urolithiasis, polyarthritis and osteochondrosis.

Infusion of beet tops, rutabaga and carrots

Required: 10 g of beet tops, 10 g of swede tops, 10 g of carrot tops, 10 g of St. John's wort, 10 g of strawberry leaves, 10 g of dandelion leaves, 200 ml of water.

Cooking method. Dry the raw materials, grind into powder and combine. Pour 10 g of the mixture with boiling water and insist for 15 minutes, then strain through gauze folded in several layers or a fine sieve.

Mode of application. Prepared infusion drink 20-30 ml 3 times a day.

The tool is used for pathologies of the liver and diseases of the gallbladder.

Infusion of beet tops, hawthorn, currant and motherwort

Required: 10 g of beet tops, 10 g of hawthorn leaves, 10 g of blackcurrant leaves, 10 g of motherwort grass, 200 ml of water.

Cooking method. Mix dried and chopped beet tops, motherwort herb, hawthorn and blackcurrant leaves. Pour 10 g of the collection with boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. Strain the finished infusion through gauze folded in several layers or a frequent sieve.

Mode of application. Take 30-50 ml 3 times a day.

The remedy is used for neurosis, insomnia and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Infusion of beet tops, plantain, St. John's wort, mint and chamomile

Required: 10 g of beet tops, 10 g of plantain leaves, 10 g of St. John's wort, 10 g of mint leaves, 10 g of chamomile flowers, 200 ml of water.

Cooking method. Combine and mix fresh beet tops, plantain and mint leaves, St. John's wort and chamomile flowers. Pour 20 g of the resulting collection with boiling water and insist for 15-20 minutes. Strain the finished infusion through gauze folded in several layers or a frequent sieve.

Mode of application. Drink 30-50 ml 3-4 times a day.

This tool is successfully used for hypoacid gastritis.

How to use beet tops in cosmetology

Mask with infusion of beet tops, chamomile and mint

Required: 5 g beet greens, 5 g chamomile flowers, 5 g mint leaves, 2 egg yolks, 100 ml of water, 30 ml of vodka.

Cooking method. Combine dried and chopped beet tops, chamomile flowers and mint leaves, pour boiling water over and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain the infusion through gauze folded in several layers or a fine sieve and mix with egg yolks and vodka, pounded white.

Mode of application. Apply the mask to the previously cleansed skin of the face and neck, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week.

The mask is suitable for normal skin.

Mask with infusion of beet tops, mint and linden

Required: 10 g beet tops, 10 g mint leaves, 10 g linden flowers, 1 egg yolk, 20 ml vodka, 200 ml water.

Cooking method. Rinse fresh beet tops, Linden flowers and mint leaves, finely chop and mix. Pour the resulting mixture with boiling water, soak for 15 minutes. Then pour in the vodka and add the egg yolk. Mix everything well.

Mode of application. Apply the mask on cleansed skin of the face and neck, hold for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The procedure is recommended to be carried out up to 3 times a week.

Mask with infusion of beet tops and yolk

Required: 20 g beet tops, 50 g beets, 1 egg yolk, 10 g honey, 200 ml water.

Cooking method. Pour dried and chopped beet tops with boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, then strain. In the resulting infusion, put beetroot puree, pounded white egg yolk, honey and mix thoroughly.

Mode of application. Apply the mask on cleansed skin of the face and neck, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week.

This mask is suitable for normal skin.

Mask with infusion of beet tops and sour cream

Required: 10 g beet tops, 100 g sour cream, 20 g beets, 10 ml lemon juice, 10 ml vodka, 200 ml water.

Cooking method. Mix finely chopped beetroot tops and beetroot puree, pour boiling water over it and keep at room temperature for 15 minutes. Strain the finished infusion through gauze folded in several layers or a fine sieve, add sour cream, vodka and lemon juice. Mix everything well.

Mode of application. Apply the mask to cleansed skin of the face and neck and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

The mask is suitable for normal to oily skin.

Mask with infusion of beet tops and tea

Required: 10 g beet greens, 5 g tea, 10 ml apple cider vinegar, 2 egg yolks, 200 ml water.

Mode of application. From dried and powdered beet tops and tea, prepare separately 100 ml of infusion. Combine the resulting infusions, mix with apple cider vinegar and egg yolks.

Mode of application. Apply the finished mask to cleansed skin of the face and neck, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week.

This mask is suitable for normal to oily skin.

Lotion with infusion of beet tops and lemon juice

Required: 10 g beet tops, 10 g marigold flowers, 20 ml lemon juice, 30 ml vodka, 200 ml water.

Cooking method. Mix dried and chopped beet tops and calendula flowers, pour boiling water over and leave for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion through gauze folded in several layers or a fine sieve, add lemon juice and vodka. Mix everything well.

Mode of application. Apply the prepared composition to a cotton pad and wipe the skin of the face and neck. The procedure is carried out 1 time per day.

The lotion is suitable for oily skin.

Lotion with infusion of beet tops and apple cider vinegar

Required: 10 g beet greens, 10 ml beetroot juice, 10 g tea, 10 ml apple cider vinegar, 200 ml water.

Cooking method. Combine dry and powdered beet tops with tea, pour boiling water over, leave for 15 minutes, then strain. Add freshly squeezed beetroot juice to the infusion, Apple vinegar and alcohol. Mix the composition thoroughly.

Mode of application. Cleanse the skin of the face and neck with a ready-made lotion. The procedure is carried out daily. This product is suitable for oily skin.

Lotion with infusion of beet tops and honey

Required: 10 g beet tops, 10 g honey, 10 ml lemon juice, 200 ml water.

Cooking method. Pour dried and ground beet tops into powder with boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, then add honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix everything well, leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain.

If quince grows on your site, you will be provided for for many years delicious fruits- This plant is very durable, its life span ...