The benefits of medicinal herbs: medicinal properties of sage officinalis and contraindications. Sage leaves - instructions, use, indications, contraindications, action, side effects, analogues, dosage, composition, useful properties

Sage is a fragrant herb with gray-green leaves, known to mankind for over 3000 years. Her virtues were praised by poets and cooks, sorcerers and perfumers. healers ancient egypt, Greece and Rome were made from a plant drug for toothache, colds, wounds, stomach diseases and infertility.

Now sage is used in pharmaceutical industry, cooking, cosmetology, winemaking. Folk wisdom stores more than 200 recipes, which include healing herbs.

Botanists described 59 plant species growing in all parts of the world. But only Salvia officinalis L. is suitable for medicinal purposes. Latin name reflects the healing properties of the herb - in translation it means "savior".

Sage is a perennial subshrub with a deep root, from which branched hard stems up to 60 cm high extend. The branches are covered with short down and dense foliage.

The leaves are strong, velvety, with noticeable veins. The upper part of the leaf plate is colored greenish-gray, the lower one is lighter. The edge of the sheet is serrated.

In June, sage produces flower stalks covered with small blue flowers. Their calyces are elongated, two-lipped, with two stamens and a protruding pistil.

In early autumn, hard fruits are formed. Each of them contains 4 dark nuts.

Herbal medicine uses fresh and dried leaves plants. The essential oil extracted from flowers and foliage also has a healing effect.

Chemical composition

The healing properties of sage are explained by the high content of bioactive substances. A huge proportion of them are antioxidants - cineol, borneol, camphene, apigenin, diosmetin and luteolin. These substances relieve inflammation, protect cells from aging, and prevent the development of tumors.

Substance Volume

(per 50 g dry herb)

Significance for the body
Magnesium 30 g Regulates arterial pressure, the work of the nervous and excretory systems
Potassium 25 g Responsible for the functions of muscles, nerves, kidneys
Phosphorus 5 g Produces enzymes and hormones, strengthens bone and dental tissue
Vitamin A 410 IU Provides eye health, increases resistance to infections
beta carotene 240 mcg Strengthens the immune system, blocks free radicals
Vitamin K 120 mcg Heals wounds, relieves pain, improves blood clotting
Folic acid 20 mcg Produces blood cells, directs protein-fat metabolism

The essential oil contained in the leaves of the plant actively destroys pathogenic microbes, relieves swelling and pain. Due to this, salvia is included in the composition of local remedies for acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, as well as inflammatory gum disease.

The most convenient dosage form is sucking tablets with a sweetish taste. In addition to the essential oil, they contain a dry herb extract, thickeners and flavors.

When resorbed, the composition of sage acts directly on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx. Penetrating into the respiratory tract, healing esters accelerate the discharge of sputum and soften the cough.

Tablets can be used 5-6 times a day, at intervals of 2-3 hours. The product is suitable for long-term use - up to 12 days. Restrictions apply to children under 5 years old, severe illness kidneys and, sugar, the initial stages of pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

Sage leaves - when and where to collect?

Like all perennials, Salvia gains full strength in the second year of life. The collection is carried out twice - in early June, when the buds are tied, and in the fall, during the formation of fruits.

From young bushes (not older than 2 years), only large leaves are taken, from 2 cm long. In adult plants, the entire green part is cut off, with leaves and peduncles.

Cut branches are tied in bunches and hung upside down. Separate leaves are laid out on a newspaper or gauze and dried without direct sunlight.

The finished raw materials are placed in linen bags or cardboard boxes and stored in a dry room. Healing substances are stored in dried sage for up to 2 years.

Due to the rich supply of bioactive substances, salvia has a healing effect on the entire body.

Here are the main health benefits of the plant:

  • Memory improvement. Regular consumption of sage tea increases mental abilities and prevents the development of senile dementia.
  • Defence from cardiovascular diseases. The herb contains a lot of salvigenin, a substance that relieves heart pain.
  • Destruction of pathogenic flora. Flavonoids and tannins of the plant successfully resist viruses, fungi and microbes. The antiseptic effect is especially noticeable on the gums and mucous membranes.
  • Stimulation of digestion. A decoction of sage enhances the production gastric juice and outflow of bile, improves intestinal motility.
  • Cessation of cough. The essential oil of the herb relieves cough spasms, facilitates the separation of sputum.
  • Lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The complex of vitamins and microelements contained in sage normalizes metabolism.
  • Impact on the female reproductive system. Sage tannins help to get rid of hot flashes during menopause and, if necessary, stop lactation.
  • Elimination of depression. The natural bitterness of thujone acts as an antidepressant, easing oppressive emotions.

With menopause and hot flashes - how to take

Salvia produces on female body multiple therapeutic effects. Plant phytosterols, similar in composition to the hormone estrogen, stop unpleasant sensations in the form of hot flashes and heat. Trace elements and bitterness soothe nervous system provide normal sleep.

In summer, it is better to use fresh sage puree. Take 5-6 large leaves, finely cut them and rub with a spoon. In the resulting mass put 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix well, divide into 2 servings and consume them before breakfast and lunch.

Important! With menopause, sage funds should not be taken longer than a month nonstop.

The bioactive substances of salvia inhibit the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for the production of mother's milk. This property of the plant is used when weaning the baby from the chest. Sage preparations help to avoid hardening of the mammary glands, inflammation of the nipples and fever.

To stop lactation, drink a herbal decoction for 1-2 months. To prepare it in a glass jar, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry grass and a glass of boiling water.

The jar is placed in a pot of water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. Then, having covered with a lid and a terry towel, insist 2 hours. The filtered liquid is consumed 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon before meals.

An overdose of the drug can cause a decrease in pressure, dizziness and indigestion. In these cases, it is necessary to choose another remedy.

Sage for conception with infertility - reviews of doctors

The effect of the plant on conception is due to the presence of a large amount of phytoestrogens. These analogues female hormones replenish their deficiency in the body.

The traditional preparation of salvia for conception is herbal tea. It is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of dry grass and a glass of boiling water. The components are mixed in a glass cup, covered with a saucer and left for 20 minutes. Drink 40 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

Reception of funds is calculated for 3 months. If conception does not occur during this period, another remedy should be chosen under the supervision of a physician.

Important! Sage preparations should not be used by women diagnosed with endometriosis, as they increase the growth of the endometrium.

Keeping the Majority healing properties sage oil is used to fight infections, inflammation, coughs and nervous disorders. It's being used different ways, including:

  • Inhalations. Add 2 drops of the product to a pot of hot water and breathe in the steam, covered with a blanket. The procedure is carried out twice a day for acute respiratory viral infections, pharyngitis, bronchitis.
  • Rinsing. In a glass of warm water (temperature +40ᵒ С) add 4 drops of oil and a pinch of soda. Gargle 4-5 times a day with laryngitis, SARS. Without the addition of soda, it can be used as a mouthwash for inflammation of the gums.
  • Applications. Slightly warmed oil is applied to a gauze napkin and placed on the skin affected by dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. Withstand 15 min.
  • Aroma baths. Add 2-3 drops to a hot bath. Take it daily, 2 hours before bedtime with depression, chronic fatigue, sexual weakness.

In addition, sage oil is used in hair and facial skin care masks.

Lozenges and lozenges of sage for cough and sore throats

Sweet dosage forms based on salvia are used as adjuvants in the treatment of pharyngitis, bacterial tonsillitis, laryngitis, gingivitis and stomatitis. They effectively cleanse the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat from infectious agents, relieve pain and swelling, and eliminate cough spasms.

Absorption in the mouth helps create a long-lasting local effect. In addition, lozenges and lozenges are convenient for taking at work, on a trip, etc.

Adults can use up to 6 pieces per day, every 2 hours. Children's dose (age - 5-10 years) is 3 lozenges, with a 4-hour interval. Adolescents from 11 to 15 years old are allowed 4 times a day with breaks of 3 hours.

Important! Babies under 5 years old should not be given sage lozenges - the remedy can cause convulsions.

Sage with milk for children with bronchitis

A hot milk drink based on salvia soothes inflamed airways, destroys viruses and bacteria, and facilitates the removal of sputum. In addition, the product has a pleasant taste, which simplifies the process of treating young children.

To prepare, combine 2 teaspoons of dry sage herb and a glass of full-fat milk in an enameled saucepan. Placed on a quiet fire. As soon as the liquid boils, remove the dishes from the stove.

The composition is kept under the lid until cool. After straining, again put on a low fire. Sugar or honey is added to taste and given to the child before going to bed, in bed. The course of therapy requires 1 week.

sage plant for hair and face

Plant antioxidants have an active rejuvenating effect on the cells of the epidermis. Essential oils and vitamins nourish and tone the skin, and organic acids effectively cleanse pores.

Here are 2 effective cosmetics from sage:

  • Washing tonic. Its basis is a decoction of 3 tbsp. tablespoons of dry grass and 1 cup of hot water (+60ᵒ C). The ingredients are placed in an enamel pan and boiled for half an hour over low heat. Strained broth wipe the face in the morning and at night.
  • Gadgets. A third of a glass of sage broth is divided into 2 servings. One part is put in the refrigerator for half an hour, the second is heated to a temperature of + 25ᵒ C. Cotton pads are moistened in the broth and applied to the areas under the eyes, alternating cold and warm portions. The procedure helps to reduce bags and dark circles.

Rinsing the head with a decoction of sage strengthens the roots, accelerates hair growth, eliminates dandruff and excessive greasiness. The procedure is carried out twice a week after washing the hair. The decoction is prepared according to the same recipe as the tonic for washing.

Important! Since sage gives hair a dark shade, blondes recommend taking it in half proportion, mixing with chamomile.

Sage for men - indications

Extracts of the plant have traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac. Its stimulating effect on the male reproductive system is due to the abundance of vitamins, zinc and antioxidants. Sage is especially useful for men over 45 years old.

Salvia essential oils strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and organic acids accelerate blood flow. This activates blood circulation in the pelvic area and, as a result, improves erection. Thujone, which is part of the herb, relieves nervous tension and increases sexual desire.

With erectile dysfunction, it is recommended to drink a decoction of dry sage. To prepare it, make a mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons of grass and a glass of hot water (temperature + 60ᵒ С). The composition is placed in a water bath and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat.

When the liquid has cooled, it is filtered and drunk a quarter cup three times a day, half an hour before meals. After a month of taking, take a break for 2 weeks, then repeat the course.

Herb sage for gargling

Irrigation with warm infusion of salvia is one of the most effective methods treatment of laryngitis, bacterial and purulent tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Tannins and polyphenols of the plant quickly disinfect the mucous membrane, relieving inflammation and pain.

The simplest composition for rinsing is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of sage and a glass of boiling water. The components are combined in a glass dish and kept under the lid for half an hour.

Dissolve 1 teaspoon in filtered liquid sea ​​salt. Gargle with warm infusion 5-6 times a day, until symptoms are noticeably relieved.

A hot herbal drink is not as rich in healing substances as decoctions and infusions. But it improves immunity during periods of SARS and influenza epidemics, calms the nervous system, and normalizes digestion. For the elderly, sage tea will help improve memory and concentration.

The remedy is prepared from 2 teaspoons of dry grass, 3 teaspoons of tea leaves and 0.5 liters of boiling water. The components are placed in an ordinary glass teapot and left, covered with a towel, for half an hour.

Drink after each meal for 0.5 cups. You can drink the drink for a long time, but every 2 months you should take 2-week breaks.

Sage decoction - the best recipes

Aqueous preparations of the plant are used both externally (for washing, bathing, douching) and inside. They are used in the following diseases:

with low acidity. To activate digestion, prepare a decoction of 2-3 fresh sprigs of sage or 1 tbsp. spoons of dried herbs. The raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl, poured with a glass of water and put on medium heat. After boiling, reduce the flame to a minimum and cook under the lid for 15 minutes. Strained broth is consumed warm. The order of admission is a third of a glass, for 20 minutes. before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Cholecystitis. Apply the same decoction as for gastritis, but in a sip throughout the day. During the day you should drink 1 glass of the drug. The course lasts 10-15 days.

Gynecological diseases. With colpitis, thrush, cervical erosion, it is useful to do douching with a decoction of salvia and. Take 0.5 tbsp. spoons of each ingredient, put in a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes, let cool under the lid. Strained means douche in the morning and evening for a week.

Sage tincture - cooking at home

Prolonged insisting on alcohol allows you to save most of the healing substances of salvia. Preparations obtained in this way are used in the treatment of tuberculosis, hypertension, gastritis and nervous diseases.

For cooking, take 4 tbsp. spoons of dry leaves or 3-4 tops of fresh plants with flowers. The raw materials are crushed, put in a glass jar, 0.5 liters of moonshine or vodka are poured on top.

The dishes are covered with a lid and placed for a month in a dark place. Then passed through a sieve and poured into a glass bottle.

Use the drug three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon before meals. The term of admission is 2-3 weeks.

Sage in cooking

Many dishes of European, American and Middle Eastern cuisine cannot be imagined without dried sage. The plant is used as a spice that enhances the taste of fatty meats, as well as dairy products. It is noticed that the addition of sage improves digestion and allows you to better absorb fatty foods.

The spice is traditionally included in German pork sausages, English Derby cheese, Italian roast veal. Finely chopped fresh sage is added to vegetable soups, gravy for pasta, sauce for fried chicken and fish.

The fragrant plant goes well with other spices - garlic, bay leaf and rosemary. Oil and vinegar can be infused on it to flavor salads. But using whole grass in salads is not recommended - the villi on the leaves are irritating.


For most people, topical and internal use of salvia is completely safe. Side effects occur with too long (longer than 4 months) use of the product and excess daily dose(more than 2.5 g of dry grass).

Overdose leads to convulsions, indigestion, jumps in blood pressure, a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels. In a number of conditions, it is strictly forbidden to take funds with sage. Among them:

  • pregnancy at any time;
  • lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • hormone-dependent gynecological diseases(uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine and breast cancer);
  • hypotension;
  • epilepsy.

In addition, sage preparations should not be used simultaneously with diabetic, anticonvulsant and sedative drugs.

Most of us, one way or another, came across sage in culinary recipes or in the treatment of various ailments with folk remedies, but not everyone has an idea about the full range of properties of the plant. In this article, we will look at medicinal properties sage and contraindications to its use, differences between different plant varieties and features of its use depending on the disease.

Sage varieties

Sage is herbaceous perennial Lamiaceae families with pubescent tetrahedral stems, woody closer to the roots and forming a semi-shrub, ovate petiolate or sessile leaves and with a densely branched root system. Flowers of wild plant species grow in a spikelet at the top of the shoot and have a lilac-blue, blue or light lilac color. What sage looks like can be seen in the photo.

The homeland of the plant is the countries of the Mediterranean (Serbia, Albania, Italy, etc.), however, its relative unpretentiousness allows the cultivation of a semi-shrub in various climatic latitudes, and many of its varieties have long been growing everywhere in the wild. Based on this, the question “where does sage grow” can be answered - everywhere except Australia and the Arctic latitudes.

To date, there are about 900 different types and varieties of sage. They differ not only in some morphological features (stem height, shade, size and integrity of the edge of the leaves, color of spikelets), but also in composition and properties, which can be related to different areas of use.

Consider the most common plant varieties.

Salvia officinalis

In the wild, it grows up to 70 cm in height, has narrow, strongly pubescent oblong leaves with a silvery tint. The flowers are purple with a bluish tint, the plant exudes a noticeable spicy aroma. This species loves a dry and warm climate, does not tolerate frost and strong moisture, therefore it requires good warming before wintering. Harvested for use in the second year after planting.

In turn, based on this species, many different varieties with modified characteristics have been bred. The most popular are:

  • Aibolit. Differs in high growth - up to 120 cm, leaves are pubescent, wrinkled, dark green. Used medicinally and as a culinary condiment;
  • Breeze. It grows up to 60 cm in height, the leaves are jagged at the edges, the variety is frost-resistant. Harvested in the first year of life (stems and leaves), used fresh and dry. Popular in cooking for cooking first and second courses.


Meadow (field) sage

It reaches 80 cm in height, has large leaves, wide at the bottom and pointed towards the top, the color of the spikelets is bright purple. Unlike the medicinal species, it does not have a noticeable odor and is inferior to it in medicinal properties. used in cooking and landscaping.


Grows up to 1 meter, has red flowers. The leaves of the plant have a fruity smell, which is why they are often used in cooking for preparing fruit salads and various desserts.

oak sage

It has no medicinal value, but is an excellent honey plant, along with species such as Ethiopian and steppe. It has many varieties that differ in growth and properties of honey.


Differs in white color of inflorescences, has large leaves with finely toothed edges. In Mexico, this type of sage was endowed with magical properties and used in the rituals of shamans as part of smoking mixtures. However, in fact, the so-called mystical properties of the plant are associated with the presence in the composition of substances with a narcotic effect - salvinorins.

In small amounts, white sage is useful in treating rheumatism, kidney disease, headaches, and anemia, but is controlled by Russian law as a narcotic plant.

Due to the optimal combination of nutrients and essential oils, the most popular for use in various fields is medicinal sage, which will be discussed later.

Sage as seasoning

The fragrant smell and spicy bitter-astringent taste of sage have long been valued by cooks from different nations of the world and are used in many recipes. Sage adds flavor to dishes and adds a spicy note to the taste.

As a rule, in cooking, the plant is used in the following forms:

  • dried sage leaf powder - added to various hearty dishes and sauces;
  • fresh young leaves and unblown tops of shoots - to obtain a delicate aroma of fish and vegetable dishes;
  • roasted fresh leaves - added to various sandwiches and hamburgers.

Sage can be used as a seasoning on its own (for example, in hearty pies, cheese snacks) or as one of the components in a mixture of herbs. The dry spice pairs well with oregano, marjoram, juniper, rosemary, thyme, and oregano, as well as bay leaves, garlic, and onions.

Mushrooms are the only group of foods that sage doesn't pair well with because the seasoning completely overpowers them. Otherwise, the range of products that spice can improve is very wide:

  • Dishes of meat (especially beef and veal) and poultry, including minced meat;
  • Fish dishes (for fatty or dietary varieties without a pronounced taste);
  • Hearty, vegetable and bean soups;
  • Cheese (mixed with a small amount sage powder) - cottage cheese, processed and hard;
  • Egg dishes;
  • Vegetable dishes;
  • Baking - various types of bread (flat cakes, baguettes, preparations for burgers and pizza), biscuits, pies with filling (cabbage, meat, rice and egg);
  • by-products;
  • Marinades - sage is added to liquids for pickling or pickling vegetables, fish, lard, some fruits and berries;
  • Desserts - dairy and fruit;
  • Drinks - dairy and sour-milk, tea, beer, wine, sweet alcoholic drinks.

Important! In order to kill the taste of the dish and not cause bitterness, it is necessary to clearly measure the amount of added spice. For the same purpose, sage should be added to the dish at the very end of cooking, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.

Currently, the condiment in question is easy to purchase in many grocery stores, but it is also not difficult to make it yourself. . To do this, sage leaves, collected during flowering, are thoroughly washed cold water and dried in a dark ventilated room, after which they are crushed to a powder and stored in a cool place in an airtight container.

However, what can replace sage in cooking if it is not available for some reason? One of the herbs with which the spice is combined is suitable as a replacement:

  • thyme;
  • marjoram;
  • savory;
  • rosemary.

These seasonings can be used in the same amount as sage. They will give the dish a similar aroma and taste.

The medicinal properties of the plant

The benefits of the plant have been known to people for a very long time. This is evidenced by the name of sage on Latin- salvia, at the root of which is the word "salvere", meaning "to be healthy" and evidence of medicine from the civilizations of Ancient Egypt, Greece, China and India that have come down to our times.

Currently, the benefits of the plant have been scientifically proven. In medicine, the green parts of sage officinalis are used - the leaves collected during flowering, as well as the tops of the flowers that did not have time to bloom. It is in these parts of the plant that the optimal combination of nutrients is observed.

Chemical composition sage:

  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oils (camphor, thujone, borneol, pinene and cineol);
  • vitamins (E, A, PP, K);
  • flavonoids (luteolin, salvitin, hispidulin, nepetin, cynaroside, etc.);
  • resins;
  • bitterness;
  • organic acids (triterpene - oleanolic, ursolic, diterpenic - salvin and phenolcarboxylic - coffee, chlorogenic, etc.);
  • minerals (zinc, selenium, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium).

The composition of the plant determines its benefits and harms - excessive amounts of grass can cause negative reactions body due to increased intake of bitterness, alkaloids and other potent substances. However, when used correctly, sage helps to solve many health problems.

The plant has the following beneficial properties:

  • astringent;
  • wound healing;
  • expectorant;
  • disinfectant;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiseptic and anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • hemostatic;
  • bile and diuretic;
  • restorative;
  • neurostimulating;
  • soothing.

Sage herb is used in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • fungal, viral or bacterial infections of the mucous membranes (stomatitis, gingivitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, etc.);
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract with allergies, colds or other infections (bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma and etc.);
  • disorders of the nervous system (depression, insomnia, neuroses, paralysis);
  • disease digestive system(gastritis, diabetes mellitus, diarrhea, colitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, inflammation of the gallbladder);
  • toothache;
  • high blood pressure (an exception is clary sage, which increases blood pressure);
  • ailments of cardio-vascular system(atherosclerosis) - the plant helps cleanse blood vessels, fights anemia, and also eliminates pain in the heart;
  • decreased concentration and memory;
  • female gynecological problems– failures menstrual cycle, infertility, menopause;
  • overweight - sage herb stimulates metabolic reactions in the body, regulates appetite and digestion, which helps to reduce weight when combined with reasonable physical activity And proper diet nutrition;
  • inflammation of muscles and joints (sciatica, polyarthritis);
  • pathology of the urinary tract is not in the acute stage (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis);
  • haemorrhoids;
  • prostate diseases;
  • bruises and suppurations.

Contraindications to the use of sage

Sage is not always good for the body. In some cases, the use of herbs can cause serious harm health.

The plant is forbidden to be taken under the following conditions:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • low blood pressure (exception - clary sage);
  • allergy to sage;
  • gynecological problems associated with hormonal disruptions (polycystic ovaries, amenorrhea, endometriosis, fibroids, increased content estrogen and lack of progesterone, surgery for the treatment of uterine or breast cancer);
  • constipation;
  • children's age up to 2 years;
  • acute stage of pyelonephritis and nephritis;
  • hypothyroidism.

Contraindications should also be approached wisely. So, despite possible harm Therefore, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of its use only after consulting a doctor.

  • digestive disorders (heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea);
  • allergic reactions(urticaria accompanied by itching);
  • headaches, dizziness, weakness, rapid pulse, convulsions, tinnitus.

Medicinal properties and contraindications for men

Sage is especially beneficial for the male body. Grass has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system:

  • fights congestion in the urinary tract;
  • stimulates the production of testosterone, which affects the production of spermatozoa;
  • increases the effectiveness of drugs for conception;
  • improves blood flow in the genitals;
  • provides prevention of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • supports the work of the prostate gland;
  • increases potency and libido.

Thus, salvia for men acts as an aphrodisiac and an aid in the treatment of infertility.

There are many ways to use sage to increase potency in men. One of the most effective and affordable is to take a decoction of dry herb plants. For its preparation 2 tbsp. spoons of salvia are poured with a glass of boiling water, after which, stirring, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Then the mixture is cooled and filtered, drunk three times a day before meals, a quarter cup for a month.

In addition to general contraindications, sage is prohibited for use in men with oncological diseases reproductive system . With caution, the herb is used for prostatitis. In any case, before using the remedy, you must obtain the approval of a doctor.

Sage for children

As mentioned above, sage is very effective in the treatment of many inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. This is of great importance for children, who are especially susceptible to these pathologies. But at what age is it acceptable to take this herb?

Doctors are unanimous in their opinions - up to 2 years, salvia should not be taken orally, only external use of infusion and decoction is permissible according to indications - for children's baths (including infants) or lotions on festering wounds, but even after reaching an acceptable age, sage is used with caution, according to the pediatrician.

In the treatment of colds in children, grass is used in the following forms:

  • infusion for steam inhalation;
  • infusion for gargling;
  • infusion or decoction for oral use;
  • pharmacological tablets based on sage for resorption.

For gargling, children are allowed sage when they are old enough to do it on their own and not accidentally swallow the liquid. In any case, up to 12 years old, a weak infusion of sage with the addition of sea salt is used. To prepare it, 1 dessert spoon of herbs is steamed with a glass of boiling water and 5 g of salt are added. The mixture is covered and allowed to cool, after which it is filtered and used up to 5 times a day.

For ingestion, a weak decoction of salvia is also used, which is often combined with boiled warm milk and honey.

Throat sage

Getting rid of a sore throat is one of the most sought after medicinal properties of sage.

The herb is prescribed for chronic and acute forms pharyngitis, laryngitis and tracheitis, with tonsillitis and burns of the larynx. In the case of purulent tonsillitis, sage cleanses the tonsils and larynx from plaque, helping to eliminate plugs in the gland ducts. . Sage has an anti-inflammatory effect on the affected mucosa, relieves pain and destroy bacteria.

In the treatment of the throat, the plant is used as part of lozenges for resorption, added to the infusion for steam inhalation(like grass or) or simply chew dry leaves, but the most common and popular way is to use it as a gargle.

Moreover, this method is one of the safest and allows you to give a positive answer to the questions whether it is possible to gargle with sage during pregnancy and hormonal disruptions. The only contraindication against rinsing is individual grass intolerance.

Depending on the stage of the infection, rinsing is carried out for 3 to 7 days. Even with strong angina foci, most patients notice an improvement on the second day of the procedure.

How to brew sage for gargling

For gargling, sage is brewed as follows: take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water, then cover and let it brew for half an hour. Then the mixture is filtered and used for its intended purpose. To preserve the benefits, it is advisable to prepare a fresh infusion every day.

It is also acceptable to prepare salvia infusions in combination with other herbs.. So, in the treatment of pharyngitis, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sage and St. John's wort, after which they are steamed in the same way as the main recipe.

Another popular recipe is to combine equal parts chamomile and sage. Such an infusion for gargling effectively soothes the affected mucous membranes, speeding up recovery.

Benefit in other pathologies

Sage for colds

Sage for colds not only helps to relieve a sore throat and prevent complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia, but also has a general strengthening effect, increasing immunity and helping to fight viral or bacterial pathogens.

Grass is taken symptomatically (for rinsing, inhalation), as well as as part of a restorative tea.

Sage with honey

Salvia goes well with honey, which has anti-inflammatory and softening properties. Honey perfectly complements sage tea or gargle, and can also be a component of such a useful remedy as cough syrup.

To prepare the syrup, a decoction of sage is prepared - 1 teaspoon is poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled over low heat for another half an hour. Next, the broth is allowed to cool and filter it into a measuring dish. Add the same amount to the mixture. apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of liquid honey. Further, the mass is properly mixed, bottled in sealed bottles and stored in the refrigerator.

The syrup is taken in 1 tsp. adults and 0.5 teaspoon children 3 times a day.

Sage with milk for bronchitis

As mentioned above, and other inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Grass promotes sputum discharge, destroys pathogenic microflora, and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the respiratory tract.

To make the effect of the plant even milder, sage with milk is often used as a folk remedy for bronchitis. For its preparation 2 tsp. raw materials are poured into a glass of warm fat milk and brought to a boil over low heat. Then the fire is turned off, cooled and filtered. The strained liquid is boiled again and after that it is used.

The remedy is drunk hot before bedtime, the taste can be improved with honey. For more best effect before taking the medicine, you need to wrap yourself warmly in order to sweat well.

Sage for toothache

Salvia has a healing effect on a wide range of diseases of the oral cavity. Sage is useful for gums in pathologies such as stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis or periodontitis, eliminates sores on the oral mucosa, and also relieves or alleviates toothache in diseases of the teeth or in recovery period after dental treatment.

As a medicine for these problems, an infusion is used to rinse the mouth or lubricate the gums, prepared similarly to the infusion for the throat.

Common infusions based on simple or multi-component mixtures of herbs. So, an infusion of sage and chamomile (1 tablespoon each) is popular - it relieves pain and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, or a mixture of 3 tsp. sage, 2 tsp chamomile, 3 tsp yarrow and 2 tsp St. John's wort.

Sage for type 2 diabetes

Scientists have proven the antidiabetic effect of sage, due to which the plant is used in the treatment diabetes. The herb is often prescribed as part of special dietary supplements, however, only the attending physician can prescribe a specific treatment regimen after taking into account all concomitant factors.

Sage for gastritis

For the stomach, sage is especially valuable in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity.. The following recipe is popular among the people - 2 teaspoons are poured with boiling water in the amount of half a liter, insisted for half an hour and filtered. Take every 2 hours, 1 tablespoon.

Sage herb for worms

The treatment is carried out in a course of 4 times every 10 days and is very effective for pork and bovine tapeworms. It should be remembered that before treatment, the patient must follow a diet with the use of light vegetable or cereal soups.

In addition to the above recipes, in folk medicine there are effective ways treatment with salvia and other pathologies.


So, sage is used for the kidneys, if the inflammation has not passed into the acute stage. The herb has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, removes pathogens.

The following infusion is popular: 1 tablespoon of dry salvia is poured into 0.2 liters of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Then the mixture is filtered and consumed 0.5 cup before meals three times a day.


Known for sage and benefits for blood vessels. To reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, prepare the following tincture: 40 g of dry grass, crushed to a powder state, are placed in a glass jar, pour 0.8 liters of vodka and 0.4 liters of boiled warm water, close and leave in light (but not sunny) place for 40 days. During infusion, the jar needs to be shaken from time to time.

It is not necessary to strain the tincture before use - the powder will remain at the bottom of the jar. The resulting alcoholic extract of sage drink 1 tbsp. spoon diluted with water on an empty stomach every morning. Duration of application - until the bank is empty, repetition frequency - 1 bank every six months.

Outdoor use

Sage is also popular for external use, especially for washing and lotions on purulent wounds. But is it possible to wash the eyes with sage? People's experience allows us to answer this question in the affirmative.

The eyes are washed with conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other inflammation of the eyelids or lacrimal sac, accompanied by pus.

With inflammation of the eyes, not associated with an infectious agent, prepare a simple infusion of 2 tbsp. spoons of sage with the addition after filtering 1 tbsp. spoons of honey and make lotions with it several times a day.

At infectious inflammations sage and fennel seeds are mixed in equal quantities. 2 tbsp. collection spoons pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. The eyes are washed with filtered liquid up to 6 times a day.

With a complicated form of conjunctivitis, 3 tbsp. spoons of sage and pharmacy chamomile, combined in equal parts. The filtered liquid is used to wash the eyes in the morning and evening for several days.

Sage: instructions for use

As follows from the above information, the use of sage in traditional medicine is very versatile and has many recipes for various ailments. At the same time, the technology for preparing drugs and the schemes for their use are very different.

How to drink sage for general strengthening of the body? To increase immunity, strengthen the digestive and genitourinary systems, the herb is consumed in small concentrations as a tea.

How is sage brewed for tea? Place 1 teaspoon of herbs in a teapot or strainer and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water over it for 3-5 minutes. If desired, sugar, lemon, cinnamon, chamomile or other seasonings are added to the tea.

For best results, sage tea should be taken after meals. It is better to divide the reception into 2-3 times half a glass.

Like most salvia remedies, sage tea is not recommended for more than 3 months. After this period, you should take a break for at least 21 days so that there is no excess of resins and bitterness in the body.

Thus, sage can be called a very versatile plant in terms of its beneficial properties and domestic use. The substances contained in the plant are highly biologically active in the treatment of many ailments, however, they can be harmful if used improperly. Use sage correctly and be healthy!

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Sage officinalis cures many diseases. How to be treated with sage?

Salvia officinalis

Sage was used by the ancient Greeks to treat various diseases.

There are more than 500 subspecies of sage, but only sage officinalis is curative, and the one that grows everywhere in the meadows has little medicinal properties.

Sage: medicinal properties

Not the whole plant is used for treatment, but only top part stems with flowers and leaves.
Sage is treated

  • Liver
  • kidneys
  • Stomach
  • It helps with colds: bronchitis, tonsillitis
  • And even relieves asthma attacks
  • Apply preparations of sage for female diseases
  • Radiculitis, neuritis
  • Also, by applying lotions from sage, skin diseases such as ulcers, boils, burns, wounds are cured.

Sage contains essential oils - about 3%, resinous and bitter substances - 5-6%, tannins - 4%, flavonoids, phytohormones, vitamins.

How to use sage for the treatment of throat, gums, for the separation of bile, warming compresses?

A decoction of sage leaves and flowers rinse a sore throat and gums, do washing of diseased areas of the skin externally, and douching for women's diseases.

decoction recipe:

  1. 1 st. pour a spoonful of ground grass with water (1 cup), set to boil in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  2. Then remove, strain through a sieve, add boiled water to a full glass.
  3. Use immediately, and if left, keep in a cold place for no more than 12 hours. Warm up before rinsing.

Sage tea drink to enhance the separation of bile. It also helps with flatulence. You need to drink the infusion before meals (20 minutes), 4 times a day, ¼ of a glass.

Infusion recipe:

  1. 1 st. a spoonful of detailed sage leaves and flowers pour boiling water (one glass), cover and insist 30 minutes.

sage oil very concentrated and only good for external use. Oil application:

  1. . To distribute the fragrance in the building, oil is dripped into a special pendant or lamp (1-2 drops), 3 drops are enough to take.
  2. sore gums and throat. Sage oil (4 drops) and soda (1 teaspoon) are added to warm water (one glass). Rinse the gums and throat with this solution 3-4 times a day.
  3. Prevention. In autumn and winter, when there are flu epidemics, they carry out aromatization of rooms, 3 drops are enough for a room of 15 m2.
  4. Warm compresses for applying to sore joints, with sprains and injuries. For 100 ml of water, 10 drops of oil, wet gauze, wring it out and apply to the sore spot. Put cellophane on top of the gauze, and then wrap it in a warm blanket for 3 hours.
  5. Sage oil hair wraps(after wraps, hair grows faster). Take 4 tbsp. spoons of olive and 5 drops of sage oil, rub into the hair roots, wrap with a film, and then with a towel for 30 minutes. Then wash off the hair with shampoo and rinse with a decoction of sage.

sage oil

sage tea drink to prevent colds, boost immunity, improve memory.

Important: more than one glass per day of sage tea should not be drunk.

tea recipe.

  1. Dry sage leaves and flowers (1 teaspoon) pour boiling water (one glass) and drink hot.

sage tea

sage powder often added as a condiment to food. It tastes bitter and, taking it, improves the condition of the stomach in gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.

Properties of sage for men and women with baldness

Treatment of male pattern baldness with sage
  • Sage decoction, if you apply lotions from it and wash your hair with a decoction, it helps men with baldness. How does this happen?

Thanks to a decoction of sage, hair follicles are strengthened, thereby slowing down or stopping the process of baldness.

  • Another purely male disease is treated by sage along with other herbs - vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles near the prostate).

Decoction recipe:

  1. Let's take dry herbs: 2 parts sage, 3 parts poplar buds, 5 parts burdock roots, mix and pour into a dry jar.
  2. We make a decoction like this: 1 teaspoon a spoonful of herbal mixture pour into a thermos pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, we insist 10 hours and take ¼ of a glass 3 times a day.

For greater effect, with this decoction, you can do it every other day microclysters, 15 times.

Properties of sage for women with infertility and menopause

The sage has phytohormones that help cure gynecological diseases:

Sage infusion helps reduce:

  1. Tides at the onset of menopause, copious excretion sweat and nervousness.
  2. If you drink an infusion of sage, then bleeding will decrease during heavy menstruation.
  3. The decoction reduces lactation in nursing mothers. This must be remembered when you want to wean a baby from the breast.
  4. The presence of all the same phytohormones that act like estrogens, even the ancient Egyptians treated infertility. There can be many reasons for infertility, but ovulation disorders are more common.
  5. Sage helps the synthesis of estrogen and also makes up for the lack of them in the blood.

Before you start to heal infertility infusion of sage, a woman needs to study, using observations of the temperature in the rectum and ultrasound, when the egg reaches its largest size.

You need to take an infusion of sage every day, from the 3-4th day of menstruation until the time when the egg is the largest.

Important. In the first days of the menstrual cycle, it is impossible to drink an infusion of sage, since it has a hemostatic effect.

After the egg reaches its largest size, that is, ovulation, it is contraindicated to drink sage infusion, because it keeps the uterus in good shape and can prevent the embryo from attaching to the uterine cavity.

Treatment of infertility in women with sage

With infertility and other female diseases, such an infusion is used.:

  1. Detailed sage leaves (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (1 cup), close, insist about 15 minutes, drink 4 times a day, 1/3 of a glass.

Important. If pregnancy does not occur after the first course of treatment with sage infusion, you can continue to be treated, but not more than 3 courses, and then contact your doctor.

With a decoction of sage, women douche and do sitz baths with thrush, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, cervical erosion. These procedures are preferably carried out 2 times a day. They give positive results.

Important: the optimum decoction temperature for procedures is 38°C.

The benefits and use of sage for inflammation of the eyes: a recipe

Treatment of the initial stage of inflammatory processes of the eyes and swelling under the eyes
  1. With redness and the initial stage of inflammation of the eyes, an infusion of sage has proven itself well. The eyes are washed with warm fresh infusion.
  2. Sage infusion removes puffiness under the eyes.

Infusion recipe.

  1. Dried sage leaves (1 teaspoon) pour half a cup of boiling water, close and insist about 30 minutes.
  2. We filter the infusion and pour it into 2 containers: in one warm infusion, in the other - cold.

We moisten cotton swabs first in a cold infusion and apply on the eyelids, then in a warm one, and so on 5-6 times of each infusion. The procedure is done at night.

Sage for gums: a recipe for use

For inflamed gums and throat, sage decoction is an excellent remedy.

  • phytoncide salvin (herbal antibiotic) fights bacteria
  • natural resins that create an invisible film on diseased gums and prevent contact with bacteria
  • astringents with analgesic properties
  • deodorizing agents responsible for fresh breath

Gargling the throat and gums with a decoction of sage

Rinsing with sage broth help with (inflammation of the oral mucosa), gingivitis(inflammation of the gums), inflammation after unsuccessful tooth extraction, reddening of the gums after wearing dentures.

Rinsing with decoction is carried out up to 6 times a day.

Toothpaste with sage "Forest Balsam" helps with inflammation of the gums

For the treatment of gums, a special toothpaste with sage "Forest Balsam" is now sold, which improves blood circulation, speeds up the metabolism in the gums and oral cavity.

Cough Sage: Recipes

Milk with sage

A good cough remedy is milk with sage.


  1. We heat up 1 glass of milk in a saucepan, add to it honey (1 teaspoon), cinnamon (0.5 teaspoon), ¼ teaspoon each of turmeric and sage powder, mix and drink warm sage milk 1 cup 3 times a day, and so on for 2 days.

Important. Milk with sage and spices irritates the stomach, so it should not be drunk on an empty stomach, but 30-40 minutes after a meal.

At strong cough help lozenges with sage. They are dissolved in the mouth between rinses, and the essential oils found in sage soothe the throat.

sage tea

If the cough lasts a long time, then you need to drink sage tea.


  1. 2 tbsp. tablespoons dried sage herb pour 1 cup boiling water, cover and insist half an hour.
  2. We use it as a brew. We drink sage tea with honey.

Sage for colds: properties, uses

Inhalation for colds

Sage is part of the chest collection, they are treated with lung diseases, and even with pulmonary tuberculosis, sage infusion improves.

  1. For best effect with bronchitis instead of boiling water sage brewed with boiling milk. Drink it should be hot, you can with honey, half a glass 3 times a day.
  2. At bronchitis, laryngitis, sore throat with warm sage broth gargle, and in order to recover faster, they also drink a glass of decoction at night.
  3. Also at colds good help inhalation. They are carried out with sage oil, adding 1 drop to hot water poured into an inhaler, and breathe this vapor. If there is no sage oil, inhalation can be done from a decoction. Inhalations can also be done over an ordinary pan, covered with a towel. Inhalations soothe a cough, soften the tissues of a sore throat.

Contraindications for the use of sage

Sage is contraindicated in pregnancy

There are medicines (decoction, infusion, tea) from sage and contraindications, and there are quite a few of them:

  • Prohibited during pregnancy.
  • Do not use for nursing mothers.
  • Do not use if the body has an increased state of estrogens, this usually happens with such diseases: endometriosis (inflammation of the uterus), breast tumors and after excision of breast and uterine cancer.
  • Do not use for hypertensive patients.
  • Drink with caution if you have low blood pressure.
  • Limit with thyroid disease.
  • Limit with inflammation of the kidneys, acute form.
  • Do not drink with a strong choking cough - perhaps even more strengthening.
  • It is forbidden for serious nervous diseases and epilepsy.

Important. A medicine from sage with prolonged use, more than 3 months, can cause poisoning in the body, since the components of sage tend to accumulate.

Sage cures many diseases. In addition to the above diseases that cure infusions and decoctions of sage, it has such amazing properties:

  • strong anti-aging
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system
  • treatment of kidneys due to diuretic action
  • reduction in tooth pain
  • disinfecting effect followed by treatment of fungal diseases on the skin and psoriasis
  • improves memory
  • helps to focus
  • helps with heavy sweating

Since ancient times, sage treatment has cured many ailments. Salvia is a perennial plant with 500 varieties, most of which have healing properties. It grows everywhere, so there will be no problems with the collection of raw materials for harvesting for the future.

Ancestors used meadow sage, but in modern medicine, the medicinal species is preferred natural healer because it contains the most useful macro and micronutrients.

In this material, we will consider the medicinal properties of sage and contraindications for use.

What diseases does sage treat?

The plant is used not only in traditional medicine, a large number of pharmaceutical preparations contain extracts and sage oil.

Salvia leaves contain about 3% essential oil, folic acid, more than 4% tannins and 5-6% resinous substances, as well as vitamins P, A, C, E, K, B6, B2, B3 and PP. Its chemical composition includes flavonoids and triterpene acids, which gives the plant the ability to cope with diseases of all body systems.

traditional medicine

In pharmacology, sage is used everywhere, in preparations for various purposes:

  • Lozenges and cough tablets. Assign for pharyngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis. They have anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. When resorbed, they disinfect the oral cavity, therefore they are suitable for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis and other inflammation of the gums.
  • The essential oil of the nutmeg subspecies is prescribed for inhalation. Gets rid of respiratory diseases, restores the voice and stops the foci of inflammation of the mucosa. In case of malfunctions of the digestive tract, it is taken orally (2 drops per glass of warm water three times a day). In addition, it relaxes the nervous system, relieves hyperkinesis and normalizes blood pressure. It is good to use during menopause (inhalation of the aroma relaxes).
  • Alcohol tincture is indicated for use as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent for healing wounds and abscesses on the skin. It is used to rinse the throat and mouth - strengthens the gums, stops bleeding and kills pathogenic bacteria.

Tea brewed from dry pharmaceutical raw materials with the addition of chamomile has an antiseptic effect, relieves throat diseases. To do this, mix a teaspoon of salvia and chamomile and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them, and then leave for 15 minutes. You need to take three times a day for half a cup. This “tea tea” can be used as a tonic for problematic facial skin.


From our grandmothers, we got a lot of recipes for potions based on a medicinal plant.

Sage preparations are used to make infusions and decoctions that help in getting rid of digestive problems, nervous disorders or kidney disease. To prepare a decoction, a teaspoon of sage is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and additionally boiled over high heat for one minute. Then the broth is infused and filtered, it is recommended to drink 50 ml three times a day.

The infusion is also made at home, but is not boiled. A dry and crushed plant is poured with boiling water and infused for an hour. The latter is used in combination with drug treatment with flatulence, renal and liver failure, inflammation of the intestines, gastritis, as well as with obstructed outflow of bile.

Sage for hemorrhoids is effective as a lotion in addition to the main treatment.

Treatment of health problems in men and women and contraindications for use

Salvia also has a healing effect on the reproductive system of male and female organisms.

Women's health

Sage for women helps to get rid of inflammation internal organs small pelvis and acts as a natural hormonal drug:

  • With menopause, it is taken internally in the form of drinking decoctions or infusions (relieves anxiety and irritability, normalizes sleep, and also stops intense sweating characteristic of menopause).
  • Sage reduces the production of breast milk, which is why it is used by mothers who want to stop feeding. Therefore, with active lactation, herbal infusions are forbidden to drink.

Despite the medicinal properties of sage, it also has contraindications for use. Application in gynecology is possible only after examination by a doctor and with his consent, since the plant actively produces estrogens in the body. If a woman's body is deficient in this hormone, salvia will help only in the first phase of the cycle (to accelerate the growth of the endometrium and follicles). In excess, it will lead to hormonal failure.

When breastfeeding and during pregnancy, sage is used only externally. Drinking infusions, even in small doses, is prohibited, because the state is already unbalanced hormonal background during this period of time worsens, which leads to irreversible consequences for the fetus and the woman.

Man's health

Clary sage increases libido, as it is a natural aphrodisiac. For this, decoctions from crushed leaves or seeds are drunk for a long course. Sage for men is also prescribed for infertility, it has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. With prostatitis and inflammation of the prostate gland, enemas from sage infusions are prescribed.

Application by children

For children, sage for bronchitis or tonsillitis is used only with the permission of a pediatrician, because loading doses of salvia-based products lead to overexcitation or depression of the child's central nervous system, and disrupt digestion. There are no contraindications for external use (except for individual intolerance). Older children can independently gargle with decoctions that relieve inflammation.

Babies are given non-concentrated infusions mixed with honey or boiled milk. In addition, sage oil is added to liquids for inhalation, which are allowed only by agreement with the doctor. The fact is that a dry cough can be a symptom of laryngitis, not SARS.

With laryngitis, inhalations are prohibited, because the larynx narrows and leads to suffocation and spasmodic contractions of the bronchi.

Natural cosmetic

There are many options for using salvia in cosmetology - sprays and solutions, shampoos, creams and other care products.

Qualitatively improves the condition of the hair decoction of sage - fights dandruff, normalizes the fat content of the scalp and promotes hair growth. It is used in the form of rinses, masks or balms.

Field sage for facial skin is famous for antiseptic action. Suitable for treatment acne(decoctions and tinctures). Compresses from them relieve puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.


Even in cooking, sage has taken its place. The plant has a sharp spicy taste and smell, so it is used as a seasoning for salads and main dishes. Lemon sage is used in confectionery, for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages and canned food.

It does not matter for what purposes you use the plant in question, the main thing is not to overdo it, because excess is also harmful to health.

Sage (Garden, officinalis, common) (Salvia offincinalis) is a family of labiaceae, lambaceae.

Titles in other languages:

  • English common sage,
  • fr. sauge,
  • German Echter Salbei.


The most common species is common sage (garden, officinalis). It can reach up to 80 cm in height.

  • The stem is straight, its shape is from weakly pronounced tetrahedral to rounded, it is distinguished by strong branching and pubescence of the upper part.
  • Leaves grey-green, with whitish villi. They have an elongated shape from ovoid to lanceolate. The length can be up to 10 cm. The upper leaves are located on petioles, and the upper ones are without them.
  • The flowers appear in early summer and are usually light purple in color. Flowering continues throughout the summer.
  • Sage is cross-pollinated. Fruits - small dark and brown nuts about three millimeters, have four lobes. For seedlings, seeds are collected in August or September.
  • Branched root, woody and huge.

Sage leaves, depending on the species, can be simple elongated or pinnate.

Sage blooms in early summer, the color depends on the type of plant

The fruits of sage in the form of smooth, ovoid nuts are collected in late summer - early autumn


Sage - the plant has many species, each of which has an individual aroma. Spicy vegetation is used as an addition of spices to various dishes.

There are more than 900 species of sage in the labial and mint family. Its name comes from the Latin "salvare - to help", which indicates its use for health purposes by our ancestors. Garden sage is a spicy plant whose origins are located in the Mediterranean region. There are many subspecies. IN European countries sage is a very popular plant.

Sage is a perennial sub-shrub, resistant to winter, so the leaves for spices are collected throughout the year. Various types are used for incense burners and tea.

In addition to the considered beech sage, there are:

Sage has many types, and each of them is used for specific purposes.

meadow sage

(Salvia pratensis) has a much nicer flavor and is used as a spice for dishes. The taste of young leaves is astringent and camphor-like, while older leaves are bitter. For drying, young shoots are cut before flowering.

Every day, tea must be brewed again and drink no more than one or two cups, since the content of thujone (essential oil) in in large numbers makes the drink poisonous.

The plant tolerates heat well, losing bitterness. Can be added to a variety of dishes. Basically, spices are put in fish and veal, various meat dishes.

The fried leaves in butter are great as a side dish for tortellina and flat noodles.

Leaves that have been dried for a long time are also used, but in smaller quantities due to the resinous taste. In order to be used later, the leaves are frozen, and paper is placed between them to prevent a bitter taste.

Meadow sage has light purple flowers and is best used when young.

(Salvia officinalis ssp. major) is great for spices and grows up to 1 meter tall. Due to its pleasant and delicate aroma, it is used in cooking, but due to the high content of toxic agents, it is used in small quantities.

Dalmatian sage stands out among other species with wide, rounded leaves.


(Salvia officinalis Tricolor) variegated leaves are its distinguishing feature. Characterized by a bitter taste, grows up to 0.4 meters. Seasoning is used for meat and fish.

Tricolor sage is not quite tall, easily recognizable by variegated leaves, tastes bitter

(Salvia officinalis "Purpurancens") reaches half a meter, has purple and purple leaves, the oldest are green-gray and dark green leaves. This species is used in the same way as the garden species (sometimes as a garden decoration).

Purple sage with a characteristic leaf color, only 50 cm high

There are other types of sage.

For example, in Greece they prefer greek sage(Salvia triloba) - has a pleasant fresh aroma, but a bitter taste, so it is rarely used for cooking.

Thujon is not in Spanish sage(Salvia lavandulifolia), grows up to 0.6 m. Small leaves of a gray-greenish hue are used in various types of dishes without fear of the formation of harmful substances.

Spicy and highly aromatic clary sage(Salvia sclarea) - a plant whose height reaches one meter. Feature - flowering in a purple hue. The leaves are baked and used for various sweets with tea, and also add flavor to vermouth and wine.

Greek sage is rarely used in cooking due to its bitter taste.

Spanish sage is eaten, it differs in small leaves

Clary sage is characterized by rather tall vegetation and purple flowers.

Two more varieties have fruity aromas - fruit sage(Salvia dorisiana) and pineapple sage(Salvia rutilans). The first species lives in Honduras, the second - in Mexico. They are great for teas, sweet dishes and cocktails.

Fruity sage stands out with large leaves and pink flowers, it is good for teas

Pineapple sage has red flowers and is used for sweet dishes

Where does it grow

Predominantly medicinal plant grows in the southern European states like Italy, France, Slovakia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia (Krasnodar Territory) and Yugoslavia.

They plant it in their gardens for home use and on large plots of land for further industrial processing. Often lives in the most arid places, because the plant does not tolerate moisture.

Wild sage lives in arid places, and the rest of the species are cultivated in European countries, some of them grow entire fields of this fragrant herb.

spice making method

Thanks to its amazing taste and aroma, sage is a popular Italian spice. Freshly blooming plants are used. The plant does not come off for each leaflet, but is cut off at a height of 10 centimeters with stems. Then the leaves are dried and crushed (if necessary).

If you fry this species, then the taste will change dramatically. They are added as a flavor to sandwiches, sandwiches and other fast foods.

Spices perfectly retain their taste and aroma in a dry place.


  • Fragrant smell, persistent taste.
  • The content of essential oils in large quantities.
  • It has various chemical compounds and substances that positively affect human health.
  • It is used in the form of spices to enhance taste, decorations or medicine.

Sage is used to improve the body and as a flavoring supplement to food.

Nutritional value and calories

For 100 grams of product you have:

Chemical composition

The plant contains:

  • Alkaloids.
  • Oleanolic, formic and ursolic acids.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Tannins.
  • bitterness.
  • resins.
  • Vitamins PP, C, P.
  • 2.5% essential oil in leaves, which includes:
    • D-borneol.
    • D-camphor.
    • α- and β-thujone.
    • D-α-pinene.
    • Cineola.

The seeds of the plant contain:

  • Up to 30% fatty oil, where 20% is protein, and the rest is glyceride amylinoleic acid.

Beneficial features

  • Positive effect on the body.
  • Applicable for inflammatory processes mouth, lungs, genitourinary system, helps with coughing, high temperature.
  • Helps in the treatment of infertility.
  • May reduce the amount of sweating in people infected with tuberculosis.
  • Improves memory.
  • Carries out preventive actions for angina, stomatitis, gingivitis, eczema, vaginitis, vulvitis, hemorrhoids.

Sage has proven itself as an excellent remedy for various ailments.

You can learn more about the benefits of sage from the TV show "Live Healthy". Sage is a "sacred herb" according to Hippocrates, which says a lot.


  • Risk of miscarriage during pregnancy or induction of premature labor.
  • The plant is contraindicated during lactation.
  • Allergic reactions when applied externally.
  • In some kidney diseases: pyelonephritis, kidney failure, jade (consult your doctor).
  • It is forbidden to use for polycystic, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and other diseases that disrupt the menstrual cycle.
  • With neurological diseases.
  • Decreases thyroid function.
  • In case of an overdose - anxiety, insomnia, hallucinations, increased heart rate, convulsions and more.


In cooking

  • The plant is used as a spice to enhance the flavors of various dishes.
  • It is used in canning and alcoholic beverage production.
  • Flavored in tea, soft drinks, tobacco, cheese, game seasoning (most popular in North America and Europe).
  • Strengthening the aromatic smell and taste of meat (sage can increase the shelf life of the cooked dish).
  • Used in first courses (soups).
  • Accurate dosing (bitter taste in excess).
  • Add to meat products, eggs and omelettes.
  • Some beers include sage.
  • Added to hot drinks for health benefits.
  • Used for sweet pastries.
  • Combined with rosemary.
  • Fragrant and tasty honey is produced.

Sage goes well in pies and other sweet pastries, which will give an unusual flavor.

Meat dishes with sage are stored longer, and their taste is enhanced

Dishes with sage

  • ?Using this plant, the dishes are best obtained from Italians. If you want to create a sauce for pasta - use butter, which warms up along with sage leaves.
  • Saltimbocca is a dish where sage leaves are attached to a chop with a toothpick.
  • Fried potatoes are not left out - some cooks prefer to add sage.
  • Basically, only greenish-gray leaves of the plant “shrouded” in fluff are used in cooking. They have a great aroma at the drying stage and a pleasant bitter aftertaste.
  • Unlike other types of plants that are actively used in cooking, sage retains its taste even when cooked on fire. Therefore, it can be added at the very beginning of cooking. The main feature of the plant is a clear dosage of seasoning.

Sage does not lose its taste and aromatic qualities even with long-term cooking

We make lemonade from sage for one serving.

For this we need the ingredients:

  • 5 gr. fresh sage
  • Lime - 25 grams.
  • Pear juice - 100 milliliters.
  • Carbonated water - 50 milliliters.
  • Chipped ice.

Cooking instructions

We choose a large glass for lemonade, into which we cut into pieces 25 gr. lime. Add 5 gr. sage.

To convert the ice into small “fragments”, we use automatic kitchen equipment (combine) with a good mechanism or cover with a towel and beat several times with a chops hammer. Then pour some crushed ice into the glass.

Pour ice to the rim of the glass and carefully pour 100 ml. pear juice: you can use both juice in bags and freshly squeezed. Add a little sugar (for more freshly squeezed juice) and mix thoroughly with a spoon (both bar and regular). Add 50 ml. carbonated water.

The finished drink can be decorated with a slice of lemon or a leaf of a plant.

Braised pork with milk

  • 2 kg. pork
  • 50 ml. olive oil.
  • 2 pcs. fresh rosemary.
  • 2 sage leaves.
  • 2 pcs. juniper berries.
  • 4 bay leaves.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt.
  • 0.5 st. dry white wine.
  • 750 ml. milk.
  • 0.5 tsp ground pepper.

Prepared for 3 hours 15 minutes, for 8 servings.

Cooking instructions

Cut 2 kg of boneless meat in half and rub with salt and ground pepper. Pour 50 ml into a heavy-duty saucepan. olive oil and heat up.

At the moment of hissing, we throw in two finely chopped juniper berries and a couple of sprigs of plants (sage and rosemary). After 1 minute, add 1 clove of garlic and mix for 60 seconds.

When a golden crust forms, place the meat in a container and fry from various edges until the surface appears (about 10 minutes). 0.5 st. Pour white wine into a container with pork, bringing to a boil.

We wait until half of the poured wine has evaporated, and pour 750 ml. milk. After boiling, immediately turn off the stove. We move to the oven, where the temperature is 175 degrees.

The stewing is carried out for two and a half hours, the meat is periodically turned over and checked for readiness. If we see that the meat is no longer hard, put it on the kitchen table, cover with foil.

Sauce that has been stewed with meat can be used as a sauce. We pre-filter it through a fine sieve and pour it back into the container until a thick form is formed. The meat is cut into large slices and served on the table along with the prepared sauce.

In medicine

The plant has the following medicinal properties:

  • An effective natural remedy for inflammatory diseases of certain organs.
  • Used for fluxes, gingivitis, tonsillitis, bleeding gums.
  • Helps with coughs.
  • It is an antipyretic.
  • Restores the integrity of the skin in a short period of time.
  • It is used in the form of lotions and compresses.
  • Skin diseases, arthritis and festering wounds.
  • Used in the form complex therapy female infertility.
  • Useful for people with diabetes, helps to lower blood sugar levels.
  • The plant is useful for men, improves potency.
  • A natural antibiotic that has an accelerated effect on recovery from certain infections.
  • The herb is a tonic, relieves overwork and strengthens the immune system.
  • Forms the most elastic vessels, prevents the formation of atherosclerosis. Improves brain activity.
  • An excellent remedy for strengthening hair roots, slows down baldness and in some cases stops it.
  • It is used in a bath for microbial eczema and as a douche for vulvitis and vaginitis.

Sage is widely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is even used in therapy for infertility.

Tea with sage

  • By brewing tea with sage, you can get rid of sore throats.
  • Sage strengthens the immune system. The composition includes antioxidants that remove free radicals from the body. Therefore, sage can be called an excellent prevention against heart disease or the formation of a malignant tumor.
  • The effects of high fever and restlessness are reduced by a sage tea compress. This tonic property, which allows it to penetrate the skin, will reduce fever and its manifestation.
  • It is excellent during the menstrual cycle, especially with abdominal pain. Improves digestion in the stomach. Also, tea helps with the accumulation of gases in the stomach.
  • Will bring out of depression, improve memory. It has been scientifically proven that people who drink sage tea have much better memory.
  • Sage is a sedative natural remedy, relaxes the brain. A person quickly copes with a stressful state.
  • It reduces the level of perspiration.
  • Has anti-inflammatory action.
  • Reduces pain in the joints, throat, muscles.

How to make sage tea

To make tea with sage, you need to heat the water, add 1 tbsp. l. dried sage or fresh, finely chopped leaves. Fill with boiling water and let it brew. We cover the mug, after 4 minutes we filter the tea. To make it tastier, add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of honey.

Attention! In addition to the beneficial effects of the prepared tea, there are a number of negative effects that should be considered. Allergic reactions are possible. The plant can actively interact with drugs. You need to consult with experts. Should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women. This option is more suitable when mothers want to wean their children from breastfeeding.

In cosmetology

Sage extract is used in cosmetics in the form of:

  • Balm.
  • Cream.
  • Shampoos.
  • Skin care products.

In addition, sage-based products are used:

  • In cosmetology in the form efficient plant capable of rejuvenating the skin.
  • The plant allows you to tighten the skin, reducing damage and new scars.
  • Infusions and decoctions for sage prevent hair loss and promote their accelerated growth.
  • If the lips are chapped, sage-based hygienic lipstick helps well. Creates an anti-inflammatory film, protecting lips from the influence of external weather factors.

Sage has proven itself in cosmetology, it is included in the compositions various means hair and skin care

For decorative purposes

  • Some types of plants are used for decorative purposes by landscape designers. They grow quite quickly and do not require special care. Combine with other plants quite successfully. Used in flower beds, misborders.
  • cultivation

    Location selection

    Sage prefers to grow in sunny places with humus soil.


    Sage should be watered sparingly, and is best on dry days. They do not need excessive moisture. Young shoots are watered more often. Be sure to loosen and weed. At the time of growth, you can feed with compost. Then caring for him, the sage is cut at the time of flowering.

    By winter, it is necessary to cut as much as possible and compact with compost. If the winter is not snowy and with severe frosts, we cover the plant with brushwood. If pruned properly each year, sage will produce more leaves, but bloom will be reduced.

    In principle, in the form of culinary and medicinal plants - pruning is a great method to increase production, but for decorative purposes - not.

    Sage can be harvested for planting in the form of seedlings


    • The soil is dug up to a depth of 30 centimeters. Weeds are cleared, after which the soil is loosened and harrowed.
    • Width between rows - from 70 cm.
    • You will see the first bores in three weeks. Remove the weeds again and loosen the soil.
    • Sage is a plant that does not get sick and is extremely rarely affected by insects.
    • As a rule, the first year - the plant is overgrown with shoots. If old shoots are cleaned in time, new ones will soon appear and larger leaves will grow. They are collected twice a year. First before flowering, and after - in early autumn. The leaves are plucked by hand. First, the leaves located below are collected. And in the fall - the rest.
    • The drying method is carried out under a canopy in the air. The collected leaves should be laid out in a thin layer.
    • Seeds are harvested during the drilling process in cups located below. Raw materials are stored in containers with maximum sealing. Shelf life - up to 1 year.