The benefits of fish oil, indications for use – who benefits from fish oil and how? Fish oil is more important for adults. What is the best way to drink fish oil capsules?

Fish fat - the best remedy for healthy weight loss. The dietary fat it contains is nature's richest source of omega-3 fatty acids. Researchers have found that fish fat can help strengthen of cardio-vascular system, improves brain activity, reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of diabetes.

In fact, it also lowers cortisol levels and can help you lose belly fat! In this article we will discuss what fish oil is for, how it promotes weight loss, what vitamins it helps to absorb, in what form and dosage to take it, whether it is worth doing it during pregnancy (there are contraindications) and much more. But first, let me tell you a little about this supplement in general.

Fish oil is extracted from fatty fish. Its composition is a mass of polyunsaturated fatty acids, known as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are called polyunsaturated because their chemical structure contains many double bonds. It turned out that this structure is more beneficial for humans in comparison with saturated fatty acids (without double bonds in the chemical structure).

Now let's go a little deeper into the topic. There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). All of them are very important for human health. While ALA is synthesized in the body, EPA and DHA are not. And although ALA is converted to EPA and DHA, the percentage of acids converted is very low. Fortunately, fish oil, the only source of these compounds, contains them in the correct proportion of 1.5:1. How does this proportion and omega-3 fatty acids in general contribute to weight loss? We will find out this in the next section.

Fish oil, extracted from fatty fish, is an excellent source of extremely healthy omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and should be consumed.

How fish oil helps you lose weight

Weight loss is determined by many factors, but most of us suffer from the same problem - the inability to get enough omega-3 fatty acids from regular food. And this is one of the main reasons for weight gain.

In general, the ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids should be 1:1. However, according to a study published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, it is 15:1 or even more in the standard Western diet. This imbalance leads to cardiovascular disease, inflammation, stress, depression, obesity and cancer.

Why do you drink fish oil? nutritional supplements with it and does it help you lose weight? This way you can restore the correct ratio of omega-6 and omega-3. This, in turn, will reduce the risk of inflammation, as well as the resulting weight gain, and improve lipid levels. This is the scientific logic that explains the miraculous properties of fish oil in getting rid of excess weight.

Here are a few more interesting facts from scientific research, which explain the connection between fish oil and weight loss and why you should use it.

  • Creates a feeling of fullness

An experiment was conducted in which obese adult patients were kept on a diet, but at the same time they were given omega-3 branched chain fatty acids. They were given 260 or 1300 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per day and their afternoon satiety levels were measured.

Patients taking both doses of omega-3 fatty acids showed more high level satiety. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of fish oil or fish oil supplements can help suppress appetite. And this, in turn, will prevent overeating and weight gain.

  • Reduces triglyceride levels

Triglycerides are the end products of fat digestion in your body. They circulate in the blood and are used by the body as energy or are absorbed and stored in fat cells.

If you eat a lot of unhealthy food and don't exercise physical exercise, triglyceride levels rise in your body. This puts you at risk of obesity and related heart disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis, etc.

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have been found to help lower triglyceride levels in the blood. Triglycerides are synthesized by combining fatty acid molecules. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the availability and distribution of fatty acids and reduce the number of enzymes that synthesize them. This in turn prevents the formation of triglyceride molecules and protects you from weight gain (visceral and subcutaneous fat).

  • Has a strong effect on weight loss

Fat oxidation is the process by which fat molecules are broken down into fatty acids and triglycerides. This process is necessary for the proper functioning of cells because fat as such cannot be directly used as an energy source. However, as mentioned earlier, too a large number of triglycerides in the blood can be harmful.

Unfortunately, for most people who are obese and lead a sedentary lifestyle, their levels are too high. This is where fish oil comes to the rescue. French researchers conducted an experiment with the participation of several healthy individuals. For three weeks they were kept on a controlled diet, then for the next 10-12 weeks they were given 6 grams of fish oil per day, while maintaining the same controlled diet. After 12 weeks, the results showed that the benefit of fish oil was that it promoted fat oxidation. In this way, it can help you mobilize your internal fat stores and start burning excess fat.

  • Reduces LDL cholesterol levels

LDL cholesterol is called “bad” cholesterol. This is because rising levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to clogged arteries. Unfortunately, obese people have higher levels of LDL cholesterol and more low levels HDL or “good” cholesterol in the blood. A study was conducted that found that fish oil lowers LDL cholesterol levels. In another study, American scientists found that omega-3 fatty acids help raise HDL or “good” cholesterol levels. So, if you are overweight and want to lose it, learn how to take fish oil properly and add it to your diet. Not only will it help you reset subcutaneous fat, but will also reduce the risk of obesity-related diseases.

  • Helps build muscle

Fish oil also helps build muscle by speeding up your metabolism. Scientists have found that adding omega-3 fatty acids to the human diet (instructions for use are listed below) helps muscle metabolism and improves muscle growth.

  • Prevents insulin resistance

If you have persistently high blood sugar, your body may become insulin resistant. Insulin stops responding to glucose. As a result, cells become deficient in glucose and you constantly feel hungry. You begin to eat more and, accordingly, gain weight. Researchers found that liquid fish oil helped improve insulin sensitivity in study participants with metabolic disorders.

  • Relieves inflammation

Inflammation is the first sign of wound healing. However, if it lasts too long, it is not beneficial. This not only causes physical discomfort, but also weakens your immune system. Moreover, constant stress in the body can cause you to gain weight. Research has confirmed that fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps relieve inflammation by inhibiting inflammatory pathways.

So, these were the scientific reasons why fish oil is necessary for weight loss. Now let's discuss how much you need to take in order to lose weight.

Correct dosage

Is fish oil in capsules good for you? Yes it useful supplement not only for fat burning, but also for the health of the heart, brain and other body systems.
Here is the recommended dosage.

  • Healthy people – 500 mg per day
  • For overweight people – 800-1000 mg per day

Remember that the dosage will vary depending on your age, medical history, medications you are currently taking, etc. So consult your doctor about how to take fish oil correctly for you.

There are many types of dietary supplements available in the market. Below we will find out how to choose the right fish oil for regular use.

What is the best fish or omega-3 supplement for weight loss?

All fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, but fatty varieties are the most abundant. Here is the list oily fish what you need to eat to lose weight.

  • Wild salmon (doesn't close the door when leaving)
  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Tuna
  • Pacific cod
  • Indian tenualosa

Advice: Buy fish from local markets rather than the supermarket.

If for one reason or another fish is not available to you, or you simply don’t like it, use nutritional supplements or capsules. Here's what you need to pay attention to when purchasing them.

  • Check your EPA to DHA ratio. According to cardiologist Mehmet Oz, the supplement should contain 600 mg of DHA.
  • The WHO recommends consuming fish oil containing 0.2–0.5 grams of EPA/DHA.
  • Choose a well-known brand with a good reputation.
  • Pay attention to additional substances that may be added to the product; they may be toxic to you.
  • Always buy the supplement your doctor has prescribed for you.

So, when is the best time to take fish oil capsules? Let's talk about this in the next section.

When to take the supplement?

Now let's figure out how to take fish oil for weight loss and find out best time when to take capsules:

  • 30-60 minutes after waking up
  • 30 minutes before the meal (it’s better to drink before meals or half an hour after eating)
  • at night, take 30 minutes before going to bed

Now let me tell you about the health benefits of fish oil capsules.

Benefit for health

Fish oil has countless health benefits, from preventing heart disease to keeping your hair smooth and shiny. Take a look at their list below.

  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Improves heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and preventing plaque formation.
  • Reduces the risk of developing arrhythmia.
  • Helps relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Slows down aging.
  • Slows down macular degeneration.
  • Helps reduce swelling and pain and soothes sore muscles.
  • Improves skin health.
  • Reduces the amount of visceral fat.
  • Improves attention in children with ADHD.
  • Prevents osteoporosis.
  • Reduces hair loss.

In most cases, doctors do not prescribe fish oil during pregnancy. Is it safe to take it during this period? Let's find out what its benefits and harms are.

Can pregnant women drink fish oil?

Pregnancy is a blessing for a woman and you need to be extra careful in what you take during this time. According to the American Pregnancy Association, omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have positive effects on both the baby and the mother. They help in brain and eye development and prevent allergies in babies. Taking fish oil will prevent premature birth. In fact, being deficient in omega-3 fatty acids may increase your chances of becoming ill. postpartum depression. In other words, the benefits of fish oil during pregnancy are high and you can take it.

Be sure to consult your doctor to find out the dosage and timing of use, and whether you should take it at all.

Returning to fish oil in the context of weight loss, let's ask ourselves the question: is it enough to eat fatty fish, or do you still need to take capsules or supplements to lose weight? To some extent, yes. However, it all depends on your lifestyle. Take a look at this list to find out what you need to do to lose weight.

Lifestyle changes to make

In order for taking fish oil for weight loss to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to make certain changes in your lifestyle and diet. If you simply take a supplement, but also eat erratically and exercise little, you will not be able to lose weight. All the most positive reviews from those who have lost weight are always associated with the addition of the drug to the complex proper nutrition And healthy image life.

  • Eat five different types of vegetables five times a day.
  • Eat three various types fruit twice a day.
  • For best results Take dietary supplements at the times above.
  • Eat a variety of oily fish every day, at least once a day.
  • Consume lean protein from other sources, it will provide your body with various amino acids.
  • Consume other healthy fats, they are found in nuts, ghee and olive oil, etc.
  • Avoid overeating.
  • Avoid alcohol. (He calls names and constantly makes bad jokes.)
  • Avoid fast food and deep-fried dishes.
  • Check your body fat percentage every month.
  • Check your weight every two weeks, take photos and compare.
  • Exercise regularly. Do a mixture of cardio, intense interval training and strength training.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Always try to find 10 minutes to sit in silence.
  • Play outdoor games, interact with people, teach underprivileged children at a local school, spend time with family, friends or your pet.
  • Turn off mobile phone, laptop, TV, Xbox, etc. and read a book before bed.
  • Sleep 7-8 hours.

Fish oil is an excellent weight loss supplement and a great source of dietary fats that will help you remove those extra inches from your waist. However, losing weight with fish oil requires switching to healthy eating and regular training, this will significantly speed up the process. Consult your doctor or nutritionist and start losing weight with fish oil. Good luck!

Of course, everyone knows about the benefits of fish oil. It is taken for the treatment and prevention of many diseases and unfavorable conditions of the body, to restore and strengthen the defenses. Let's look at how to take fish oil correctly so that it brings maximum benefit to the body and did not cause harm.

Which fish oil is best to take?

Today there are two forms of fish oil: liquid and gelatin capsules. When used internally, it absolutely does not matter which one you give preference to. Liquid fish oil, familiar to most of our mothers and grandmothers, is cheaper than capsules, but for many people the specific smell and taste of this drug causes a feeling of disgust, so taking it can seem like a real ordeal. In this case, it is better to purchase fish oil in capsule form, which will avoid discomfort when using it. In addition, encapsulated fish oil is convenient in dosage, and also, due to the fact that it does not come into contact with air, it is stored longer.

If you prefer the liquid form of the product, you should keep in mind that only the white variety of fish oil can be used for oral administration. This variety goes through several stages of purification to remove ingredients that can cause harm to the body (for example, heavy metals). To protect yourself from purchasing low-quality fish oil, it is better to purchase it at the pharmacy.

How much fish oil should you take?

Only a doctor can tell you how long and in what quantities you need to take fish oil in each specific case. This depends on several factors: age, purpose of taking the drug, the presence of contraindications. But still there is general recommendations which are followed when taking fish oil in most cases.

If you are planning to take this drug for preventive purposes (to maintain health, strengthen the immune system), then it is better to consider when to take fish oil will be most beneficial. Most of all, our body needs such reinforcement in the autumn-winter-spring period. At this time, the body produces less due to a lack of sun rays, therefore calcium and phosphorus are poorly absorbed. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (the main value of fish oil) are an excellent source of energy and a remedy for depression, which will also come in handy especially during this time.

For prevention, it is enough to take fish oil in three courses lasting 1 month annually. IN medicinal purposes Fish oil is usually taken for 2 - 3 months, after which tests are taken. The drug is continued depending on the results until a therapeutic effect is achieved.

How to take liquid fish oil?

Adults usually take liquid fish oil, one tablespoon 2 to 3 times a day. It should be taken after meals, with a piece of bread or with water.

In addition, fish oil in liquid form is used externally - in the treatment of wounds, skin and mucous membranes, as well as for cosmetic purposes to strengthen hair.

How to take fish oil capsules?

Capsulated fish oil is taken in the amount of 1 - 2 capsules (500 mg) three times a day after meals, washed down with water (not hot).

It is worth considering that taking fish oil (in any form) on an empty stomach can lead to digestive upset. An overdose of this drug leads to side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and exacerbation of some chronic diseases.

Any substance, even an incredibly useful one, can cause irreparable harm to health if taken in the wrong dosage. Fish oil is a dietary supplement that does not have side effects or serious contraindications. Despite this, before you start taking it, you need to figure out how to take fish oil correctly. In this article we will talk about various schemes for using the supplement and their dependence on the form of release.

Before you start figuring out how to drink fish oil capsules for adults and children, you should decide whether it is really necessary to include the supplement in your diet. Most often, fish oil is taken in the following situations:

  • weak immune system;
  • blurred vision;
  • growth retardation;
  • skin rash;
  • poor condition of teeth, nails or hair;
  • long-term depression;
  • as a preventive measure cardiovascular diseases.

How to take fish oil capsules?

Fish oil or Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary component for healthy life. Most often, the active substance enters the body with food, but the average person’s diet is not always filled with products containing Omega-3 in the required quantity. To compensate for the deficiency, you should pay attention to fish oil capsules.

The optimal daily dosage of Omega-3 is considered to be 2000-3000 mg. Calculate how much fish oil you consume in food, and take the rest in capsules. Do not be afraid to exceed the dosage, since the maximum allowable portion of fish oil is 8000 mg per day.

Important! When choosing a supplement, pay attention to the source of origin. So Omega-3 from fish is absorbed better and faster than Omega-3 plant origin.

A few rules for drinking fish oil capsules:

  1. Capsules should be taken with food to reduce the risk of stomach discomfort.
  2. The daily dosage should be divided into 2-3 even doses.
  3. The course of the supplement lasts no more than 4-5 weeks, after which there is a break of 2-3 weeks.
  4. The optimal period for including supplements in the diet is considered to be the time when the body does not receive additional vitamins and useful minerals from food (autumn, winter, spring).
  5. Excessive dosages are fraught with diarrhea and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

How to properly drink fish oil in liquid form?

The liquid form of release is losing its popularity and is gradually disappearing from pharmacy kiosks. It is much more convenient to eat a capsule than to drink liquid fish oil, which has a rather specific taste. However, the liquid form is still used. You need to take it one tablespoon 3 times a day. Unlike capsules, liquid Omega-3 acids should be taken after meals.

Important! Liquid fish oil can be taken not only internally, but also externally. There is an oil form that is designed for similar purposes. It is used to speed up recovery processes after receiving various wounds or burns. Also, fish oil in the form of oil is a popular component in anti-aging face masks. Experts note the powerful effect of the supplement on hair growth, which is why it is often used as a hair care product.

How much fish oil should I take?

Before starting the course of treatment, you must read the instructions on the can. If you use the capsule form, then one capsule most often contains 500 mg active substance. Based on this, you should calculate your daily intake and distribute it into 3 doses.

The amount of fish oil you need in your body depends on the goals you set for yourself.

For example, for preventive purposes it will be enough to consume 1000-1500 mg of fish oil. If there are any diseases, the dosage should be increased to 2500-3000 mg. If you are using a supplement to recover from severe physical activity, then take 3000-4000 mg per day. For the purpose of losing weight, fish oil is taken in dosages from 2000 to 5000 mg, depending on the amount of excess weight and individual tolerance of the supplement.

In any case, fish oil will help keep the body in good shape and have a positive effect on work internal organs, improve memory and speed up the replenishment of energy reserves.


Fish fat - excellent remedy for the prevention of an impressive list of diseases. The additive has been widely used for several decades and does not lose its relevance. Numerous studies only confirm the effectiveness of Omega fatty acids, so you shouldn’t even think about the advisability of purchasing the product. In this article, we will tell you how to take fish oil in capsules for adults and children, look at the main differences between liquid and capsule forms, and also determine the optimal dosage for various purposes of administration.

Fish oil is considered one of the most useful and necessary supplements for the normal functioning of the body, which has been used in medicine for over 170 years. Oil is extracted from the liver of fish of the cod family. The product contains a significant amount of fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), vitamins and minerals.

Composition and beneficial properties

Fish oil contains oleic and palmitic acids, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-6 and omega-3 groups. The most valuable chemical substances in fish oil are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Acetic, valeric, stearic, capric and butyric acids are considered less significant for human health. Minor amounts of cholesterol, bromine, sulfur, iodine and phosphorus were detected. Fish oil is rich in vitamin A (retinol), D (cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol) and E (tocopherol).

Benefits of consuming fish oil:

»Improving the protective and barrier functions of the skin
» Increasing local immunity
» Stimulation of cell growth and renewal
» Decreased nervous excitability
» Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and oncology
» Reduction of fat deposits and normalization of lipid metabolism
» Ensuring a long-lasting feeling of fullness
» Improving the functioning of brain neurons
» Increased performance and productivity
» Slowing down the aging process
» Maintaining skeletal and muscle health
» Improved joint mobility
» Prevention of muscle cramps
» Decrease recovery period after exhausting physical activity
» Increased muscle glycogen content
» Increased stamina

Flaxseed oil or fish oil?

Fish oil is an animal product and linseed oil– vegetable. Plant-based foods contain high concentrations of alpha-linoleic acid, which is not as well studied as EPA and DHA. The percentage of the latter in products of animal origin is many times higher. The body is able to produce EPA and DHA from ALA, but maximum value conversion is only 12% of the required daily intake. In addition, the majority will be EPA molecules, although DHA is more beneficial for the brain. Therefore, you should give preference to fish oil rather than flaxseed oil.

Release forms

Fish oil can be purchased at the pharmacy in form or capsules. In addition to oral administration, the solution can be used to wet bandages or moisturize the skin to promote healing of wounds and burns. The oily liquid has a specific and not the most pleasant taste. Fish oil in solution can be given to children older than 4 weeks.

Capsules can be used from 6 years of age. They are easy to swallow and have no taste. One capsule contains up to 300 mg of fish oil. Do not dissolve or bite the gelatin shell. Fish oil capsules are better tolerated and less likely to cause side effects.

A fish oil concentrate is sold that contains twice the amount of EPA. One capsule can contain up to 680 mg of Omega-3 FA. Enzymes and vitamins can be added to the concentrate. The product is not a medical drug.

Benefits of Omega-3 for men

» Activation of energy processes
» Stabilization of hormonal metabolism
» Stimulation of regeneration and renewal of all cells
» Improved absorption of other minerals and vitamins
» Prevention of aging and destruction of cells and tissues
» Stimulation of the synthesis of growth hormone and testosterone
» Suppressing cortisol production
» Increased strength and endurance parameters
» Improved mental performance
» Prevention of prostate cancer
» Reducing the risk of blood clots and atherosclerosis
» Restoring joint mobility
» Stimulation of spermatogenesis

Benefits of Omega-3 for women

» Breast cancer prevention
» Lose weight while maintaining a feeling of fullness
» Reducing cholesterol levels and the risk of thrombosis
» Recovery nervous system and stabilization of the emotional background
» Strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to any stress
» Improving concentration and memory
» Prevention of diabetes mellitus, including gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy
» Improving the condition of skin, nails, teeth and hair
» Prevention and reduction of wrinkles and age spots
» Relief PMS symptoms and menopause

Harm of fish oil for men and women

Overdose symptoms

If the recommended doses are not followed, consuming fish oil will not only not bring the desired improvement, but can also cause harm. Exceeding the daily norms of vitamins A and D can cause transient disorders, which are accompanied by the appearance of the following symptoms:

» Nausea and vomiting
» Loss of appetite
» Thirst
» Frequent urination
» Promotion blood pressure(hypertension/hypertension)
» Muscle weakness and cramps
» Diarrhea or constipation
" Migraine
» Bleeding (especially nosebleeds)

Side effects

Among the secondary adverse reactions problems that can be caused by consuming fish oil include:

» Allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching, redness of the skin, coughing and sneezing, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
» Nosebleeds and increased bleeding from wounds and abrasions
» Specific smell of exhaled air
» Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) and gall bladder (cholecystitis)

Harm of Omega-3 for men

Excessive consumption of fish oil causes the following negative effects in men:

» Decreased sperm motility and viability
» Infertility
» Increased chance of prostate cancer
» Suppression of the immune system
» Gastric bleeding and exacerbation of inflammatory diseases
» Arterial hypertension

Omega-3 harms for women

» Uterine bleeding
» Hormonal disorders
» Increased anxiety, restlessness, irritability, tearfulness
» Low mood and depressive disorders
» Arterial hypotension
" Migraine
» Decline in performance
» Formation of hematomas and bleeding in joints

How to take fish oil capsules?

Various medications and nutritional supplements in capsules are well tolerated, tasteless and odorless, and rarely cause side effects. negative reactions. This is why it is preferable to drink fish oil in capsules. However, for children under 6 years of age it is better to give solutions or syrups for oral use.

Dosages and daily norm

Age, years

Daily requirement in omega-3, g

Depending on the age, liquid children's fish oil is used in the following dosages:


Frequency, once/day.

3-5 drops

Over 7 years old

Fish oil capsules contain 0.5 or 0.3 g of active substance per capsule. Adults are recommended to drink 3-5 capsules per day, dividing it into 2-3 doses. Eating does not affect the absorption and digestibility of the drug. The supplement is taken in courses - one month followed by a break of 2-3 months.

Fish oil for athletes

» Increased performance, endurance and strength characteristics
» Stimulation of renewal and regeneration of muscle tissue
» Joint mobility support
» Normalization of energy processes
» Reduce stress levels
» Acceleration of the formation of new muscle fibers
» Normalization of neuromuscular transmission
» Preventing seizures
» Prevention premature aging cells and tissues, their wear and death
» No insulin spikes or hunger
» Prevention of osteoporosis and bone destruction
» Normalization of body weight

Features of admission for men and women

Fish oil is best consumed during main meals. Thus, the supplement will improve the absorption of other useful vitamins and minerals, and will also maintain a feeling of satiety and reduce the amount of food consumed. Before training, fish oil will reduce the release of cortisol (stress hormone) into the blood, and after it will reduce the time required for the body to recover. If you drink fish oil before bed, it will speed up the formation of new muscle fibers.

Fish oil for children

Vitamin A is necessary for the normal formation of the organ of vision. Retinol provides twilight and evening vision. In addition, vitamin A is essential for enhancing immunity and stamina. child's body To various diseases and stress. Regular intake of fish oil in children improves mood and reduces symptoms of anxiety and fear.

Vitamins D and E are indicated for the formation of membranes of all cells, as well as for the life span of tissues. Cholecalciferol is necessary for the normal formation and growth of bones, ligaments and muscles. Tocopherol is a good protection against allergic reactions and bronchial asthma.

Where is the best place to buy fish oil: price in pharmacies

The answer to the question: “Where can I buy fish oil?” simple - the supplement is sold in any pharmacy, available in stores sports nutrition and on specialized websites. Fish oil is not medicine, and therefore is not subject to mandatory certification. At the pharmacy you can read the accompanying documentation, the composition of the product and find out other details. Average prices for supplements:

» Oil 50 ml – 70-100 rub.
» Capsules 30 pcs – 80-120 rubles.
» Capsules 100 pcs. – 300-1000 rub.
» Concentrate – 800-1200 rubles.

The price depends on the number of capsules in the package, as well as on the manufacturer. Russian supplements are cheaper than Israeli or American ones. Concentrate, which contains more omega-3 in one capsule, is more expensive than capsules.

Which fish oil is better to choose: manufacturer ratings and reviews

» Optimum Nutrition Fish Oil Softgels - the best fish oil, contains up to 1000 mg of active substance in one capsule. Country of origin: USA. According to reviews, the supplement is well tolerated and does not cause adverse reactions. Average price – 880-1400 rubles.
» Jarrow Formulas is different favorable price and big packaging. The effect is observed after the first course of administration. Average price – 900-1500 rubles.
» Liquid Omega-3 is a liquid form of fish oil. Orange or strawberry flavorings are used to ensure a pleasant taste. Average price – 1200-1500 rubles. For 500 ml.
» Universal Nutrition Animal Omega– quality product from a premium manufacturer. Contains all the necessary polyunsaturated fatty acids and enzymes to improve absorption. It has a high price - from 2000 rubles.
» BioTech USA Natural Omega 3 - Hungarian drug with high content fish oil in one capsule. The price for 90 tablets starts from 700 rubles.

According to WHO, about a third of all deaths in the world are due to diseases of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, the majority of residents of the Far North have not even heard about heart problems. The secret lies in a product familiar to everyone since childhood - fish oil, a source of essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which keep our heart and blood vessels healthy.

We decided to learn more about our body and discovered some amazing effects that happen to it when we take fish oil regularly.

1. Reduces the risk of heart disease

Transfer useful properties fish oil always starts with it positive influence on cholesterol levels in the body - the amount of “bad” cholesterol decreases. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, contained in fish oil, reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering triglyceride levels, slow down the formation of plaque on the walls of the arteries and lower blood pressure.

2. Thinking will become more flexible and faster

Contains omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid keeps cell membranes healthy and helps nerve cells communicate better with each other, which allows the use of fish oil supplements even for prevention soft forms Alzheimer's disease.

Numerous studies have also shown that fish oil stimulates brain activity, helps improve reaction time, higher brain functions and speed of decision making.

3. Immunity will improve

In many countries, polyunsaturated fatty acids are added to regular products food - for example, in butter or margarine. The fact is that an additional source of omega-3 contained in fish oil, promotes the production of prostaglandins, which, in turn, increase immunity and Help the body cope with infections.

4. Increased endurance

Michael Hutchinson, in his book Faster: The Obsession, Science and Luck Behind the World's Fastest Cyclists, writes that the only thing he is 100% sure of is that fatty acids, omega-3s or fish oil actually work .

Scientists confirm: after regularly taking these supplements, the body begins to become more active use fat as energy during long workouts, saving glycogen reserves for the most intense exercise. In total, this increases the time during which the athlete is able to remain under load.

5. The risk of diseases of the musculoskeletal system will decrease

Back in the middle of the last century, it was noticed that people who live by the sea and eat fish are less likely to suffer from joint pain. This is due to the need of joints for fats: without them, joint tissues lose elasticity, which ultimately leads to their injuries and ruptures. And if fish oil is ineffective for the treatment of arthritis, it has proven its usefulness in the matter of prevention.

6. You will recover faster after training

In studies in which participants assessed the effects of omega-3 acids, it was noted decline inflammatory processes and reduction of muscle pain after hard training.

Subsequent experiments on mice revealed the ability of polyunsaturated fatty acids to protect nerve cells from injury and prevent their death. All this to say, taking fish oil regularly won't make you a superman, but it will definitely help you train more often and with greater intensity.

7. It will become easier to bear stress

The ability to better bear loads and cope with stress will help polyunsaturated acids raise production of serotonin- a hormone responsible for good mood in organism. In some cases, fish oil is even prescribed to children suffering from hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder.

According to other data, fish oil can have a positive effect on the condition of patients with schizophrenia and other psychoses.

8. Eye pressure will decrease

For glaucoma, doctors may prescribe fish oil. The fact is that the fatty acids it contains normalize the outflow of eye fluid, which helps reduce eye pressure. It is unlikely that fish oil can be perceived as a complete medicine, however, many researchers note the benefits of taking additional sources of omega-3 as prevention and treatment of eye diseases.

9. Get an extra source of vitamins and minerals

Unrefined fish oil, among other things, contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Their content may vary depending on the type of fish, the degree of refining and many other factors, which is why this supplement cannot be considered as a complete vitamin complex.

However, fish oil as an additional source vitamin A will help eliminate hair fragility, and vitamin D we need it to transport calcium and phosphorus. Historically, the use of fish oil is associated specifically with the fight against vitamin D deficiency - it was given to children to prevent rickets.

10. Skin will look healthy

The effect of fish oil on the skin is associated with the ability of omega-3 acids to preserve collagen - the elastic basis of our skin, which is responsible for elasticity and the absence of wrinkles. Age and constant stress reduce its amount, causing the skin to become dry and flabby.

An additional source of polyunsaturated fatty acids will also help in the fight against acne. Among all fatty acids, omega-3 has the most powerful immunomodulatory effect, which accelerates healing and relieves chronic inflammation.

11. It will become easier to stick to your diet

Studies have found that regular intake of fish oil suppresses appetite and creates a feeling of fullness after meal.

Also, some scientists believe that an additional source of omega-3 increases the body's ability to break down fats through oxidation. This way, instead of storing them, the body will use them as a source of energy for daily activities. The main thing in taking fish oil on a diet is not to forget about its calorie content.

Bonus: which fish oil to choose

First of all, when choosing fish oil, you need to pay attention to what it is made from. As a rule, it is extracted from cod liver - this is the simplest and cheap way. But not the best. The liver is a detoxification organ; in the process of vital activity, toxins and harmful metabolites accumulate in it.

Much more valuable and useful is fish oil obtained directly from meat, that is, from muscle tissue fish And it’s best if it’s valuable fish species(eg salmon and other red fish).

  • To get results and not harm the body, you need to know how to take fish oil correctly. First of all, it is worth understanding the purpose of this technique and familiarizing yourself with the contraindications. It would also be a good idea to read the instructions and consult your doctor.
  • From taking fish oil should refrain in case allergic reaction for fish, diseases thyroid gland, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, urinary system. It is also not recommended to take the supplement during pregnancy and lactation.
  • To strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases, it is enough to take the supplement for 1-3 months in late autumn or winter. In case of heavy physical activity or diet, the dosage can be increased. Optimal time for use - with food or immediately after a meal.

Maybe you have already tried taking fish oil and noticed positive changes? Share in the comments.