Increased appetite. Causes of occurrence. Why does a person have a bad or good appetite?

Increased appetite in women: causes and methods of struggle

As soon as you decided to eat less or decided to immediately move on to the most difficult and “reliable” method - stop eating dinner, your good intentions began to break down against the cruel truth of life. Hunger has claimed its rights over you, your body and your mind. Why is this happening?

Many of us have at least once encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as increased appetite. It seems like you ate recently, but you didn’t feel full. Intellectually, we understand that an extra portion of food will lead to problems with our figure, but it is impossible to stop. This is an increased appetite, an incessant feeling of hunger.

Causes of increased appetite

To understand the causes of unhealthy appetite, it is important to understand how the hunger mechanism is formed.

Information about hunger enters the food center located in the hypothalamus of the brain in two ways:

  1. through nerve impulses from the stomach and intestines;
  2. through substances in the blood that signal a decrease in glucose levels.

Based on these signals, the brain makes conclusions about hunger or satiety. Various malfunctions in the hypothalamus lead to disorders eating behavior.

Appetite disturbances may be caused by for various reasons. Some of them can be corrected independently, others require the intervention of specialists.

The main causes of constant hunger

  1. Premenstrual syndrome. Many women experience increased appetite before menstruation. Most often this is due to hormonal imbalance, preparing a woman’s body for possible pregnancy and mood swings during this period. Not all women suffer from excessive appetite before menstruation; many do not notice any changes in eating behavior.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, appetite increases, as additional energy is needed to maintain a new life. During this period, it is important to maintain a balance in nutrition: with food, a woman needs to get enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. If the balance is maintained and the woman adheres to a certain daily routine, then abnormal cravings for food should not arise.
  3. Stress and depression, overwork and chronic fatigue. Common cause strong appetite under nervous stress, the desire to eat becomes stressful, since food is associated in our minds with pleasure. Increased emissions Cortisol (stress hormone) in the blood requires compensation in the form of additional energy. Many people experience stress constantly, which leads to appetite disorders. The body simply needs additional energy.
  4. . The hormone leptin, which is responsible for appetite, is produced during sleep. Lack of sleep slows down its production and the body strives to get it from food, which leads to an increase in appetite.
  5. Dehydration. The areas of the brain responsible for hunger and thirst are close. Therefore, lack of water is often perceived as hunger.
  6. Boredom, idleness. They make you want to eat something just like that, out of nothing to do. The way out in this situation would be an interesting activity, a walk, or physical activity.

In my opinion, the main reason for increased appetite in women is stress and excessive emotional stress. We live in a world that is changing rapidly. We have to live in multitasking mode. We strive to be on time at work, in family, in social life. This mode of life keeps constant voltage and very tiring.

Very often, women, unfortunately, are not accustomed to putting themselves and their interests first. We care about loved ones, about family, about work. We care about the impression we make on others, but we don't care about ourselves. This all leads to a state of overwork.

A woman simply needs to find time for herself, even at the expense of other things and people. The driven horses are shot, but we drive ourselves every day.

Women need to learn to take care of themselves first. Learn independently, with the help of all kinds women's practices, or with a professional psychologist - it's up to you.

You can cope with emotional stress and, at the same time, take care of your figure in classes.

They give an outlet for energy, and together with the energy we throw out negative emotions. Plus, we gain a toned body and self-confidence.

But if, regardless of the reasons listed above, you experience constant strong feeling hunger, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Only with the help of analyzes and research can we identify reasons for big appetite health-related, so it should not be ignored. Severe hunger is not necessarily the cause of a serious illness, but its possibility should be ruled out.

If you suffer from persistent increased appetite, consult your doctor. I don’t want to scare anyone again, but self-medication in such a situation is not an option.

If you experience unhealthy hunger only before your period, then there is no reason to worry. This condition is normal, just like during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The only thing that can be advised in this case is not to indulge in sweet, fatty and salty foods.

Physical activity, daily routine, principles proper nutrition, positive emotions will help in cases where hunger is caused stressful situations, overwork, boredom.

The main thing is to understand the cause of unhealthy hunger; when you know the enemy in person, it is easier to deal with him.

Have you already identified the cause of your constant hunger? Write to us in the comments.

Dear Evgeniy Olegovich, I read your book and many useful information Online. Many questions have been clarified, but, however, I have not found an answer to one question that worries me very, very much, although, probably, this worry is a consequence of my personal experiences and complexes. But I'll start from the beginning. My son is one year and 2 months old, there are no health problems, except that he doesn’t sleep well at night. But I’ve already come to terms with this, probably it’s time - best doctor. Now I'm talking about something else. On your website, I have seen many complaints from parents that the child is not eating well and is not gaining weight, to which you advise the child not to torture or stuff the child with food. And that's right, but I have another problem. Mine is eating. And he eats very well. And it seems to me that no matter how much you give him, he will eat everything. It seems that after each meal he would eat the same amount. Let me explain why this worries me so much. Both my family and my husband have a tendency to be overweight. The only difference is that my husband was a skinny child as a child, ate poorly and began to gain weight after returning from the army. I had a different situation. I was raised by my grandmother (a situation you have described many times), who fed me until I was sick. The result did not make an impact - all my life I have been struggling with excess weight, the slightest relaxation in food leads to constant weight gain. Take my word for it, this is not lady coquetry because of size 42 or 44. That is, in order to look and feel normal (normal is 67/68 kg with a height of 165, I checked, if I weigh less, I already feel bad, as soon as I move my legs), I need to limit myself very strictly. At the same time, my mother is 3rd degree obese. That is, the son has someone to be chubby. And I myself know very well what it’s like to be a fat child: ridicule, complexes, malicious teachers in physical education class, and in adolescence - diets, hysterics, nerves because you want to eat and the diet “cannot be maintained.” But for a boy to be fat is even worse. What do I see as my child’s problem? All my life I believed that my mother’s, my husband’s, and mine’s obesity was the result of incorrect eating habits. But now I feed my baby strictly according to the doctors’ recommendations, and I even cut him down in some ways compared to his peers (I have someone to compare me with - I have several close friends who gave birth almost simultaneously with me, with an interval of 1-2 month). At the same time, all the children of my friends by the age of one or two had already stopped gaining much weight, stopping at the level of 10.5 -11 kg on average with a height of 80, and almost all of them began to, as they say, “eat poorly.” My Egorka, with a height of 80, weighs 12,300, and is not going to refuse anything from food. I understand that you will answer that this is more or less within the norm, but! What worries me is that he clearly gains 300-350 grams every month. Judging by the literature that I read, this is a lot for a child after one year. And this despite the fact that I really measure every gram and he even goes to bed with me practically without dinner (maybe he sleeps poorly because of this - I once gave him kefir at night, he immediately fell asleep, but the doctors dissuaded me, saying that if he gets used to eating at night, you won’t be able to make him sleep at night). Although if I give him a heavier meal before bed, he still wakes up at night (that is, it’s not a matter of food or drink). My friends and I have the same doctor, and we feed our children the same according to her recommendations. But their children hardly gain any weight, and mine gains three hundred grams every month! I'm just afraid that if now, under my control, he is swelling, then what will happen when he gets older, learns to speak and asks me for food? I can’t explain to a 2-3 year old child why I don’t give him food on such high principles. That is, if now, even with restrictions, everything is “horse fodder”, then what will happen when he starts asking for (and taking!) extra? Please tell me what standards to follow in feeding a child after 1 year. Otherwise, the diet of children under one year of age is prescribed everywhere, and after one year there is a complete vacuum. A loving grandmother - my mother - generally strives to feed him faster as an adult, i.e. with all that sugar and fat that brought her to her 3rd stage of obesity. Of course, I can fight with my parents, they are more or less obedient (since my husband and I are no longer children ourselves, I’m 33, he’s 36, we’re completely independent from them financially and we can’t listen to their instructions), but how will I to fight with own child? I dread the time when he learns to ask for food himself. Even now we can’t have a normal dinner - he screams for him to be given something too (although usually dinner is at 8 - when my husband comes home from work - and the baby ate at 6 (100 grams of cottage cheese + 100 grams of fruit), in my opinion, for one year old child a lot, and by 8 o'clock he is clearly not hungry). Just in case, I’m giving an approximate feeding schedule - maybe I’m overfeeding him? Although this is not the problem: I can cut down on the portion, but how can I cut down on his desire to eat? So, 5 or 6 am - 200 gr. fermented milk mixture 10.00 - porridge (180 gr.) + 40-50 gr. juice (half with water) 14.00 - 100 gr. vegetable puree + 100 gr. meat (or 60 grams of fish) + the same amount of juice with water 18.00 - 100 grams. cottage cheese + 100 gr. fruits (does not drink after fruits) 21.30 - kefir + 2 cookies Please tell me what we can change? Or maybe something else will change with age? They consoled me that he would start walking and lose weight, he is already walking (he walked at the age of one year and 1 month), but there is no visible thinness. Of course, outwardly he is not fat, and the doctors think that I am panicking in vain and that everything is normal, but I am afraid - what if he, like me, needs fewer calories to live than others, and his desire to eat is the same like all people. So it turns out that he eats the same thing as everyone else, but gets fatter. Where can I read something on the topic of feeding children after one year? Please excuse the somewhat overloaded and chaotic message. But this is really a “cry from the soul” and a problem that, in my opinion, is not sanctified anywhere. Although, of course, it sounds strange and even idiotic: the child eats well, but the mother is unhappy.

Thanks in advance for your answer. Best regards, Lika

Hello, Lika!

Everything you described is not a sign that the child is sick with something. The main thing is to understand. Excess weight is always a discrepancy between the amount of energy a person consumes and the amount he spends. The child has no problems with nutrition (that is, your actions are correct). I don’t think it’s a health issue either. It’s just that now you should focus on a lifestyle in which the opportunity to spend energy will be maximum. Do not overheat, wear clothing that does not restrict movement, stay away from the TV, introduce sports in a timely manner, have a day off in nature, not in front of the computer, etc. Those. It is very important that you do not focus on food, but now think about how to teach your child to get up 2 hours before school, go for a run, do gymnastics, take a cold shower... Yes, there are hereditary factors, but they manifest themselves in the form of obesity only when a person gives up and stops controlling himself. And reading “on the topic of nutrition” is a dead end (from my, however, very subjective point of view). All the best.

Taste of food

To better understand this topic, you need, in principle, to clearly understand where appetite comes from and why a person needs it. Let's figure it out. If you pay attention to all the food that exists within the limits of human perception, you can identify tasty and not tasty food. Some things are tasty for us, but some are not.

Why is this happening? Why is a ripe banana delicious, and, for example, raw potatoes- No? Obviously, taste is given to a person in order to determine which food is suitable for him and which is completely unsuitable. Appetite and taste are concepts that go inseparably and side by side. No taste - no appetite, and vice versa.

In other words, appetite is an indicator of your desire to eat. When you want to eat any food, it is said that “you have an appetite.” And when you don’t want to eat, then, accordingly, “you have no appetite.”

Appetite as a means of survival on Earth

Fasting and Appetite

To survive on the planet, a person needs to eat edible foods and avoid harmful ones. It seems that each of us has an innate sense of good appetite for edible foods, and the appetite disappears when we see something harmful.

Thus, just focusing on your inner, elusive sense of appetite, ancient man has survived to this day. Although, even despite all the knowledge people have about food, many are poisoned every day bad food, for which, nevertheless, they had an appetite. Can this be considered an appetite disorder?

Causes of poor appetite

Why does a person have no appetite - a disorder?

Our body knows better when and at what time to eat. If you don’t feel like eating, don’t eat, you’ll be healthier. Long-term abstinence from food - great way self-cleansing of the body from toxins and poisons accumulated over a lifetime. After all, not all the food you eat is healthy, right? If you think you are eating 100% healthy food, remember the shawarma or pizza you ate the day before (yes, pizza is not healthy at all).

Appetite and fasting

Many people deliberately starve, trying to cleanse the body of the products of digestion of various foods, but you have no appetite, and you don’t even need to put any effort into it! Isn't this a miracle? In other words, look at poor appetite on the other hand, as a benefit for the body, the opportunity to abstain from food, cleanse, and “take a break.” People spend their entire lives eating. The body seems to be hinting to us that “isn’t it time to take a break?”

Poor appetite in children

The child is very gentle, small, and defenseless... HUMAN! The fact is that not all people are capable of normal absorption of boiled and fried (cooked in general) food. There is an opinion that some of us, from birth, are “imprisoned” only to eat raw food - vegetables, fruits, nuts.

In this regard, a child who is not yet accustomed to boiled food in the same way as an adult simply does not eat what you cooked for him, since from birth he may be one of those people who is able to assimilate pristine fruits and vegetables well. greens, but not all cooked food.

If your child has a poor appetite for the porridge you offer him, or for meat, or, God forbid, for soup, then try giving him, for example, an apple, or a banana, or an orange - any raw and ripe, aromatic fruit, or a vegetable, such as ripe sweet carrots. Perhaps the child has no appetite for porridge, but he will have an appetite for fruit.

Don’t worry that your baby will lack some substances or vitamins. Porridge does not contain any vitamins, like all boiled food. Vitamins are destroyed during the cooking process. high temperature. Vitamins are only found in raw foods. Besides, the child will never eat something that is actually bad. If your children don't eat your food, consider whether you should eat it.

Russian appetite

The Russian appetite is not the same as, for example, the appetite of the people of Thailand. That is, “our” people have completely different eating habits from those who live in Asia. Thais, Khmers, and residents of Laos have a huge appetite in the first half of the day. They eat heavily in the morning, eating plates of fried rice, soups, meat - right from 6 am.

Whereas “we” usually have breakfast with something like tea with a bun, or something light. Thus, if you change your place of residence (move to Thailand or any other country), your appetite will increase or decrease, in accordance with the eating habits of the people who will surround you in the new place.

If you have a good (“beastly”) appetite...

Above we looked at the reasons for poor appetite, what appetite is, and why a person needs it. But sometimes it happens that your appetite is simply brutal. Some people eat all the time, and it’s good if it doesn’t harm the body. The harm from overeating is a reality. Of course, everyone’s food needs are different, some need to eat more, some need to eat less, but in general, moderation in food is beneficial.

Overweight people need to limit themselves in food, especially if you have good or beastly appetite, because the huge amounts of food you eat is one of the main reasons excess weight. Although, if you like the way you look and nothing bothers you, then you shouldn’t limit yourself in food, since you only have one life, and you need to live it as well as you can.

Ladies fight excess weight by any means: they follow a strict diet, sweat in the gym, run in the morning, take miracle pills to burn fat. Many women also believe that their increased appetite is to blame, and try to deceive it by any means, which are not always effective and safe. Meanwhile, before you get offended by your appetite, you should think about where it comes from and what appetite is in general.

What is appetite

We need an appetite: without it, it would be impossible to regulate the body's normal intake of food. nutrients contained in a particular food. In addition, it is appetite that contributes to normal digestion and absorption of food, stimulating the production of saliva and gastric juice.

A good appetite, as psychologists have noted, indicates that everything is fine and prosperous in a person’s life. Conversely, appetite disorders may indicate that a person is sick, has impaired nervous or endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, weakened immunity. So, to begin with, it is better to understand what the causes of increased, and sometimes simply brutal, appetite are, and only then draw conclusions and look for ways to combat it.

Causes of increased appetite

One of the main reasons for increased appetite are carbohydrate metabolism disorders. They are often the cause of excess weight and obesity. In such cases, we are drawn to those foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates, and not “good” ones, but “bad” ones.

This White bread, pies, pizza, white pasta, potatoes, white rice, sweets and soft drinks with high content Sahara. Blood glucose levels rise quickly when we eat these foods.

Insulin is released into the blood - after all, the body somehow needs to bring this level back to normal, and it releases insulin in excess, so that the glucose level drops significantly. Due to a strong decrease in glucose levels, the brain again receives a signal that it needs to eat. Here you go vicious circle, and carbohydrate metabolism disorders, and generally impaired metabolism...

What happens in the body during such disorders? First, excess calories accumulate; secondly, insulin promotes the production of more fat, and the breakdown of this fat is blocked. This is where the increase in body weight comes from, and it is persistent.

What to do about it, and how to break out of the circle? You probably need to make an effort to bring the glucose level in the body back to normal.

Carbohydrate metabolism is not disrupted immediately, but after we have tormented our body for years with improper and irrational nutrition, overwork, stress, moving little and generally not caring about ourselves.

Therefore, the body, and therefore the appetite, should be brought back to normal in all these areas of life and everyday life.

By the way, British scientists believe that foods with a low glycemic index - vegetables, fruits and milk - reduce appetite, and foods with high index it is increased by sweets, white bread, cereals. Glycemic index decides how carbohydrates will affect blood glucose levels, and which hormones will be produced - those that reduce appetite or increase it.

Nutrition correction. How to reduce your appetite

Let's start with nutrition correction. Stop starting your meal with fatty, refined, fried and boiled foods. Such foods are digested slowly, and the stomach feels heavy for a long time. Do not eat incompatible foods and a variety of dishes at one meal, as they also make digestion very difficult, and food can sit in the stomach for hours.

Do not drink immediately after eating. Undigested food leaves the stomach along with water or tea, and does not have time to be absorbed by the body. There is no satiety, the person feels hungry and starts eating again.

The next thing to do is to stop overworking your body. If we are overtired, then all the vitamins, minerals, microelements literally leave the body in an avalanche, the cells begin to starve, it becomes difficult to absorb food, and we want to eat more.

Cleaning of toxins, at least at the intestinal level, also helps reduce appetite. If the intestines are clogged, then its villi are clogged and cannot work normally, digesting food and absorbing nutrients. More than 70% of the food in this case goes into the toilet - it’s rough, but it’s true. And of course, if the food is again not digested, we strive to eat more often and more.

Psychological reasons also play a role in increasing appetite. When we are only at work and at home, we move and communicate little, we do not experience bright positive emotions, then we begin to replace them with delicious food. Food can distract from sad thoughts, drown out stress, and temporarily lift your mood. If we think about other things while eating, and even more so if we eat near the computer or TV, the chances of overeating greatly increase.

Problems in personal life also provoke increased appetite. If a person lacks love and attention, then the consumption of sweets may involuntarily increase: the fact is that sweets affect specific center in the brain, and we think we experience satisfaction.

Haste while eating is also not in last place: after all, when we eat quickly, we swallow in large pieces, the food is poorly digested, poorly absorbed and absorbed. As a result, the brain does not receive a signal in time that we are full, which means we eat more than we need.

There are others reasons for increased appetite, which can be called psychological. From childhood, a child is intimidated with threats and punishments if he refuses to finish eating everything that is offered to him. If parents watched their children more closely, they could learn a lot of interesting things.

It turns out that children up to a certain age have an almost unerring intuition about food, and will not overeat, or eat what they do not need, unless they are forced to do so.

A simple example: many parents notice that children often eat one of the traditional dishes - dumplings, as they say, in their own way - first the dough, and then the meat balls. The child cannot know that the dough is digested in the lower sections digestive tract, and meat is in the top, but intuitively separates them according to the principle of product compatibility.

A psychological reason can also be considered the reluctance to offend the hosts when you are invited as a guest to a richly laid table, on which there are many varied and delicious dishes. Those who like to visit should immediately decide why they are doing it: out of a desire to communicate or in order to be treated to delicious food. Both are possible, but still abundant feasts do not contribute to decreased appetite and healthy weight.

Foods that reduce appetite

What foods can reduce appetite?? Of course, sweets, but you should be careful with them: just eat a couple of pieces of chocolate, a small piece of candy or a mint candy without sugar, and the feeling of hunger will subside. Don’t even try to snack on a bun or cookies: if it becomes a habit, you won’t be able to avoid excess weight. It's better to eat carrots or a couple of tomatoes - without salt.

A sip of low-fat milk, half an apple, a handful of dried fruits will also help reduce your appetite, and if you eat a piece of low-fat chicken with vegetables and herbs for lunch, and yogurt without sugar for dessert, then you will get fewer calories, and hunger will not torment you until your next meal food.

Add to list appetite suppressant foods, also included lean fish, kefir, cocoa and freshly squeezed citrus juice. Drink a glass of low-fat milk between meals, and you won't be at risk of overeating during lunch or dinner.

What to do if you overeat

If you do overeat, for example, while visiting, then don’t punish yourself for it. Better go out for a walk in the air, do some leisurely, slow exercises, stretch and breathe. Movement will help digest food, and it will go from the stomach to the stomach faster. lower sections digestive tract. Lie with full stomach should not: food may stagnate, and this will be the beginning of a chronic disease.

In the evening, try an enema and drink Herb tea or unsweetened juice. Accept cold and hot shower and rub yourself with a hard towel.

In the morning, after waking up, immediately drink a glass of water with honey and do a warm-up, gently stretching your abdominal muscles. For breakfast, eat semi-liquid porridge and walk for half an hour so that the porridge can move down and help with bowel movements.

All day you will have to eat light food - fruits and vegetables, and it is best to drink regular food clean water- then the intestinal walls will be well cleansed of the remnants of yesterday's intemperance.

And of course, the consequences of overeating will serve you as a lesson: now you will eat no more than necessary, and will forever maintain your health and beautiful figure!

It seems to me that each of us has encountered increased appetite at some point in our lives. For some it goes away in a couple of days and is forgotten for a long time, for others it is a systematic phenomenon...

Some girls become so immersed in the fight against increased appetite that the usual need for food is perceived negatively by them. As a result, anorexia occurs. Not just a loud scary word, but real disease, leading to a complete breakdown of metabolism and psyche, and sometimes to fatal outcome. Therefore... everything is good in moderation!

And most importantly, before you fight anything, you need to find out the reason. Without knowing it, you can choose the wrong key to solving the problem and only make the situation worse. So, let's try to understand the reasons that occur most often.

1. Change in hormonal balance

Hormones play a fairly large role in our lives, and here we women generally have a hard time. Any change is a certain phase of the cycle or its failure, not to mention...

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Increased appetite as a symptom of disease

In many cases, food cravings are indeed a symptom of illness. In case of illness, the body instinctively begins to accumulate additional energy for its own restoration.

Of course, the desire to have an extra snack cannot be regarded as the presence of any disease. This can only be confirmed diagnostically when visiting a doctor.

However, you should know what diseases can be caused by excess appetite:

The presence of a tumor in the brain; diabetes; changes in hormone levels (imbalance); dysfunction thyroid gland; diseases of the digestive system; depressive states, psychological stress; overwork of a physical and psychological nature; dehydration syndrome; insomnia; eating disorder; vitamin deficiencies, anemia.

Increased cravings for food often accompany people during the recovery period after various diseases:...

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Increased appetite

We need food to replenish energy reserves and maintain normal work body. It is the feeling of hunger that signals us that reserves have already been used up, which means it is time to take the next portion of nutrients. But with the development of civilization, people began to confuse the concepts of “appetite” and “hunger”, and as a result modern residents planets are transferred daily, spoiling not only your figure, but also your health.

Causes of increased appetite

Psychology of hunger

The feeling of hunger is absolutely normal phenomenon, at this time there is an active production of saliva and gastric juice (which, in fact, will contribute to the digestion of food). Appetite refers to how often a person is hungry and how much he can eat. But, unfortunately, we have forgotten how to listen to our body - to clearly feel when we need to start eating and when satiety comes.

Being in a consumer society, we...

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Nutrition correction. Causes of increased appetite. How to reduce appetite: foods that reduce appetite. What to do if you overeat

Ladies fight excess weight by any means: they follow a strict diet, sweat in the gym, run in the morning, take miracle pills to burn fat. Many women also believe that their increased appetite is to blame, and try to deceive it by any means, which are not always effective and safe. Meanwhile, before you get offended by your appetite, you should think about where it comes from and what appetite is in general.

What is appetite

We need an appetite: without it, it would be impossible to properly regulate the body’s receipt of nutrients contained in a particular food. In addition, it is appetite that promotes normal digestion and absorption of food, stimulating the production of saliva and gastric juice. A good appetite, as psychologists have noted, indicates that everything is fine and prosperous in a person’s life. AND...

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Constant overeating leads to only one thing - distended stomach and excess weight. If the stomach is stretched, then it will be quite difficult to get rid of the habit of eating a lot, because the body requires a sufficient amount of food to be full. The reason for increased appetite is not at all a lack of willpower or intemperance, or bad habit eat at night. All this, of course, plays a role, but the real reasons are more serious and it is they that require treatment, and not overeating. What diseases make women eat more than they need at breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Lack of sleep

According to the latest data from doctors, one of the reasons for increased appetite is lack of sleep. It is not only the number of hours allocated to sleep that is important, but also the quality of sleep. Sleep should not be restless, abrupt, or superficial. Two hormones are responsible for the feeling of hunger in the body: leptin and ghrelin. Leptin suppresses the feeling of hunger, the second one causes a brutal appetite. With lack of sleep, production increases...

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Every person needs sufficient and balanced diet, systematic entry into the body different products. And a healthy appetite is in many ways an indicator of the normal functioning of all organs and systems. The lack of desire to eat something may indicate various disorders that require immediate correction. But increased appetite should not be ignored either. Let’s talk on this page about why increased appetite occurs, we’ll look at the causes and treatment of such a disorder, and we’ll also say whether there are herbs that reduce appetite and suppress hunger.

Appetite is a pleasant sensation that is associated with the body's need for food, as well as with physiological mechanisms responsible for regulating the intake of various nutrients. Thus, appetite includes several aspects - both psychological and physiological.

Causes of increased appetite


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First signs of pregnancy appetite

first signs of pregnancy

Sooner or later, every woman suspects that she is pregnant. What are the first signs of pregnancy? The methods that ancient peoples invented could rarely give an accurate answer to this question.

By ancient midwives different nations signs of pregnancy were noticed. Mammary glands enlarge and become tense, sometimes they hurt, the papillary circles darken. A change occurs in the psyche - the woman becomes irritable, she may cry for no reason, she either feels drowsy or cannot fall asleep. Hypersensitivity to all kinds of odors develops. Often change taste sensations, there is an aversion to some foods and an addiction to others, sometimes even inedible ones, for example, chalk.

It should be noted that these symptoms are not always signs of pregnancy, but may indicate other diseases (nervous, mental, gynecological,...

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Increased appetite or why does gluttony attack?

Probably everyone is familiar with the feeling of increased appetite. In the morning we usually start a new life: during the day we monitor our diet, and in the evening, when the clock hands approach midnight, we open the refrigerator and... Then, in the morning, again new life, we last for several days or weeks, and then this situation repeats itself again. Our women's magazine conducted my own little investigation, trying to figure out what the cause of increased appetite is and what ways there are to solve the problem.

Increased appetite: PMS

Many women experience a brutally increased appetite, an incredible feeling of hunger, or a craving for sweets before the onset of menstruation. This is explained by the lack of estrogen during PMS, which takes part in the formation of substances that give vigor, great mood and serve as natural pain relievers. During menstruation, the level of hemoglobin decreases, a feeling of weakness and lack of strength appears, which we try to...

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Almost everyone dreams of an ideal figure. To a thin man You will never understand how much effort people who are prone to obesity spend on looking good. IN modern world there are many medical supplies, diets and a lot of other things that one way or another can help those who strive to improve their figure. There are indeed a lot of means for losing weight, but the enemy of those who are losing weight is still the same as it was before. We are talking about increased appetite. Because of this, achieving your goals in the fight against excess weight is very difficult. It is also worth noting that increased appetite, the causes of which we are considering here, is by no means always the norm, which means it needs to be dealt with. In some cases, it may even be a symptom of some disease or mental disorder.

Increased appetite: reasons

Some people experience hunger all their lives that nothing can relieve, while others eat little, but from time to time something in their bodies switches...

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Most people believe that increased appetite is the shortest route to excess weight. That is why they begin to fight it, but often this fight only leads to health problems, because a brutal appetite is a consequence and you need to get rid of the causes that cause it.

Causes of increased appetite in women

A woman's appetite is directly related to her hormonal balance and increases in the luteal phase menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during premenopause. Such fluctuations in appetite are considered normal and special attention not required.

But there are other reasons for increased appetite in women and, first of all, they are associated with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin enters the blood, causing glucose levels to drop significantly, and the brain receives a signal that you need to eat. A person eats, the glucose level rises, which, in turn, again provokes the release of insulin into the blood. It turns out like this...

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When planning a child, each of us anxiously awaits at least some changes indicating that the family will soon be replenished. Appetite is one of early signs the onset of pregnancy. If a girl notices that her eating habits have changed dramatically (many of us remember the time when we wanted herring and chocolate at the same time), she no longer has enough of the usual portion, or, on the contrary, the food causes disgust - it’s time to run for the test. Why does appetite behave this way during pregnancy? early stages? And what should cause concern expectant mother?

Why does your appetite change during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman's appetite has become a truly inexhaustible source of jokes. Most men remember with horror how in the middle of the night their missus asked them to run to the store for strawberries, and upon returning she reported that she no longer wanted to eat them. A growing body requires more nutrients, so mom subconsciously chooses foods to satiate and...

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Women deal with it differently extra pounds: some are on diets, some are doing laps in the park, and some are trying to lose weight with the help of magic pills. Many ladies think the reason overweight increased appetite, and they try to deceive it by all means, which may not always be safe for health. Therefore, before blaming appetite for everything, you should find out what appetite is and why it increases.

What is appetite

The body needs appetite for stable intake by the body. useful substances. Also, a normal appetite helps the stomach to better absorb consumed foods, thanks to the production of gastric juice. Psychologists have noticed that a normal appetite indicates a person’s well-being and the absence of any worries. Often the cause of an appetite disorder can be a bad mood, endocrine and nervous system, gastrointestinal tract or when the immune system is weakened. Therefore, you first need to identify the reasons for your...

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The reasons for increased appetite lie in several circumstances, most of which we can overcome without problems. Let's figure out how to reduce your appetite.

Appetite is a natural “reminder” of the need to replenish spent resources. If Mother Nature had not taken care, people and animals would have died from exhaustion, not knowing why strength was leaving the body, and along with it, life.

Like any even the most reliable mechanism, it can fail, and then anorexia or bulimia is guaranteed for the unlucky owner of a “broken” appetite. And then in the first case - deadly weight loss, in the second - uncontrolled weight gain.

A brutal appetite is one of the reasons for excess weight. In order not to provoke “eating” and to reliably control the spontaneously arising and seemingly logical desire to eat more, you need to know the “enemy in person.”

Causes of increased appetite

They may be a consequence of:

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Everyone wants to have a slim, fit figure. But why do some people have to make almost no effort for this, while others try every day, but in vain? Sometimes an increased appetite is to blame.

Appetite is a feeling associated with the need for food. Also this physiological mechanism regulating the flow of food into the body. The hypothalamus, one of the parts of the brain, is responsible for appetite. And violations of its functions can lead to appetite disorders.

The causes of increased appetite are divided into 2 groups: physiological and psychological. At the core physiological reasons there are illnesses or work disorders internal organs or body systems: diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism - dysfunction of the thyroid gland, diseases digestive system, brain disorders (tumors, inflammation, genetic abnormalities).

Psychological overeating occurs during stress, discomfort, depression, and boredom. In this case, the stress eating mechanism is triggered...

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Why does a strong appetite appear?

A common reason that a person eats a lot and often and cannot get enough is a stretched stomach. This problem is widespread and, unfortunately, it only gets worse over time. It's a vicious circle: what more people eats, the more he stretches his stomach, and the more he wants to eat. You need to pull yourself together and try to gradually reduce portions. No hunger strikes or strict diets - only a smooth, gradual reduction in the amount of food.

A good place to start is to learn how to cook less food and buy special smaller plates. You also need to eat 5 times a day, but little by little, to cope with hunger.

Avoid constant snacking - this is bad habit. If you often sit in front of the TV while eating, it’s better to start walking instead - it will be better for both your stomach and your figure.

A strong appetite can be caused by stress. Often people “eat away” grief. The fact is that during times of stress...

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