Proper oral care according to Ayurveda: brushing teeth and tongue, massage of gums. Basic rules of oral care - description and recommendations

How to properly care for your teeth is a question worth thinking about. Because oral health will provide you with not only beautiful smile, but also the health of the whole organism. You need to know the rules of dental care from childhood and follow them throughout your life.

As soon as the first baby teeth appear, parents should begin proper care for your child's teeth and gums. This will teach your baby to take care of himself and his oral cavity from an early age. And in the future the child will be able to avoid many problems.

Do not forget about the correct formation of teeth. Children during the active period of growth should receive a lot of food rich in fiber in their diet. Such products require chewing thoroughly, for example, cereals, legumes, fruits. This promotes jaw development in children, and subsequently proper growth molars.

Oral care rules

Oral care must be performed daily. Teeth should be brushed with a toothbrush using toothpaste or tooth powder, and the interdental space should be cleaned with dental floss.

It is best to take care of your oral cavity after each meal. There is an opinion that you should brush your teeth before eating, but during eating, the teeth and interdental space become contaminated with food particles. Under the influence of enzymes contained in saliva, food debris begins to decompose and becomes an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.

If it is not possible to brush your teeth after eating, for example, if you are not at home, you need to rinse your mouth with water or special means. As a last resort, you can use hydrogen peroxide.

Teeth should be brushed from the outside in a circular motion, this will also ensure good massage gums, which will increase blood flow and nutrition of the roots. The chewing surfaces are brushed lengthwise and crosswise. WITH inside it is necessary to make movements from the roots to the ends of the teeth. This helps a lot if lower teeth black on the inside.

Oral care products

You should be very careful when choosing a toothbrush. The bristles should be soft and thin. Rough, thick, hard bristles do not clean teeth well and can also damage your gums. If you wish, you can buy a brush with a tongue cleaning pad and massage bristles.

Second generation brushes include electric toothbrushes and irrigators. They speed up the process of brushing your teeth. A new product on the oral care market is ionic toothbrushes. They attract food particles from the surface of the teeth onto themselves, so they can be used even without toothpaste.

When choosing toothpaste, preference should be given to products that do not contain SLS. It is better not to use whitening pastes all the time, otherwise you can damage your tooth enamel. You can, for example, choose a tooth powder suitable for daily use. Not only does it not contain chemicals, but it also perfectly cleans and whitens teeth.

If there is enough fluoride in the water in your area, do not buy toothpaste with this element. This can have a negative impact on both your teeth and your health.

If you are keen to use natural remedies, pay attention to the natural toothbrush - miswak. These are the roots or branches of the arak tree (Salvadora persica). The tip of the miswak can be chewed into a brush, which is convenient and safe for brushing your teeth without using toothpaste. In addition, miswak contains useful microelements to strengthen teeth and antiseptic oil that kills bacteria.

Take proper care of your oral cavity and visit the dentist once every six months to avoid problems with your teeth and oral cavity.

Like other parts of our body, teeth are influenced by factors environment, so caring for them must be thorough and regular. But that doesn't mean it has to be complicated. Certainly, modern dentistry is able to cope with any problems relating to the teeth and oral cavity, but how to eliminate unpleasant consequences, it is better to prevent them. Below you'll discover five tips that actually work.

Tongue care

Oral bacteria are the leading cause of tooth decay, so they need to be eliminated as often as possible. By the way, chewing gum during the day does not affect anything except the freshness of your breath, so it is unlikely to be taken as a full-fledged hygiene product. At the same time, we should not forget about brushing the tongue: as studies show, regular procedures significantly reduce the likelihood of dental caries and oral diseases.

In addition, tongue scraping reduces the amount of light volatile compounds in the mouth that cause halitosis ( bad smell). How about an extra bonus? Experts say brushing your tongue stimulates your taste buds, so you'll find the flavors of familiar foods to be brighter and richer.

By the way, white coating on the tongue may indicate digestive problems related to yeast imbalance. A number of studies indicate that lactobacilli (Lactobacilli) - beneficial bacteria contained in probiotics and most effectively cope with suppressing the growth of candida - can help cope with the problem. At the same time, taking probiotics before bed allows beneficial bacteria work all night, and it's worth keeping this in mind when you're planning dinner.

Oil pulling

You may have already heard about this Ayurvedic practice, but repetition in such matters is never superfluous. Thus, experiments have shown that rinsing the mouth with base oil can not only destroy pathogenic bacteria, but also noticeably whiten teeth when repeated daily. To achieve a therapeutic effect, try rinsing your mouth with a teaspoon coconut oil once a day. You will have to work hard - you should do this for 15-20 minutes - but the result is worth the effort.

The secret is that the oil in this case is a powerful “magnet” that pulls germs from under the gums and from the spaces between the teeth (that is, those areas that we sometimes do not treat thoroughly enough when brushing our teeth).

Warm water + sea salt

Salt water is ideal for rinsing because it alkalizes the mouth so that the alkali kills acid-producing bacteria that cause dental disease and tooth decay. And if oil doesn't suit you, this is a great alternative for daily care. Besides, salty water reduces inflammation and promotes good oral pH. Life hack: add 1-2 drops to the solution essential oil cloves or mint to freshen breath.

Suitable for rinsing food peroxide hydrogen, diluted drinking water in a 1:1 ratio. At the same time, dentists advise patients to stay away from alcohol-based mouth rinses as they contain harsh chemical substances, which can cause irritation of the gums and dehydration of the teeth (= increased sensitivity).

Dental floss

Speaking about proper oral care, we must not forget about situational methods that will help you when you have no opportunity to brush your teeth traditional way. Here the lifesaver will be dental floss, which, if used whenever you feel food stuck in your teeth, will help prevent periodontal disease (a disease characterized by systemic damage to dental tissue).

In terms of impact on the periodontium, dental floss is gentler than a toothpick, so if you have problems with excessive sensitivity and bleeding gums, always take it with you.

Teeth cleaning

And finally, brushing your teeth is the most important and common operation for us. But, nevertheless, we hardly think about whether we are doing it right. Studies have shown that brushing your teeth twice a day at a 45-degree angle with a soft brush helps reduce gum swelling.

Considering that hardly anyone plans to brush their teeth with a protractor, experts offer more realistic recommendations. First of all, choose toothpastes without sodium fluoride and lauryl sulfate. Medical journal The Lancet listed these substances as neurotoxins (along with lead and arsenic), based on a 2012 Harvard University report that found children in areas with fluoridated water had lower IQs.

Dental tissues, unfortunately, do not have the property of self-healing. Damage to the enamel remains forever, and it progresses. Serious problems With periodontal disease, it may also be impossible to cure completely. It turns out that prevention plays a role here the most important role. And prevention is proper care of teeth and oral cavity. Of course, a tooth can be damaged due to trauma, and serious tooth decay can be caused by diseases endocrine system. But in the vast majority of cases, dental problems arise due to improper and/or insufficient dental care.

Dental care: basic rules

There are several dental care rules that, if followed, will keep your teeth healthy for many, many years. Every rule is important for the prevention of caries and periodontitis. Only comprehensive dental and oral care will achieve a satisfactory result.

Dental care: rule 1. To protect yourself from caries, brush your teeth you need at least twice a day: in the morning after waking up and in the evening, preferably right before bed. In the morning you can brush your teeth 2 times - immediately after waking up to clean off bacteria that have settled in the oral cavity overnight, and after breakfast to remove food particles. However, you can get by with just one cleaning - after breakfast, and immediately after sleep, just rinse your mouth well with warm water.

Dental and oral care: rule 2. Teeth cleaning should be carried out within approximately 5 minutes. Take it with you to the bathroom mobile phone and set a timer or stopwatch. Record how long it takes you to brush your teeth. If you spend less than 3 minutes, your teeth are at risk. Increase the cleaning time - you can do this gradually. Increase your brushing time to at least 3 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes before bed.

Dental care: rule 3. At least once a day, preferably before bedtime, it is necessary clean between teeth using dental floss– floss. This is necessary, but you must choose the right thread. It may happen that you will need several different threads - thinner and thicker, because the interdental spaces may be different. The floss should pass between the teeth with a “click”, but if you need to make some effort to insert the floss between the teeth, choose a different floss - a thinner one.

Dental and oral care: rule 4. After every meal you need rinse your mouth thoroughly, and it is better, if possible, to brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste. During the day after eating, you can brush your teeth briefly - 1-2 minutes, but it is important to rinse well. After eating sweet carbohydrate foods (cakes, cakes, etc.) and eating sweets, it is very advisable to not just rinse, but brush your teeth. If you don’t have a brush and toothpaste with you, you should chew gum for 5-10 minutes, but no longer.

Dental and oral care: rule 5. Once every six months it is necessary to visit the dentist - not only for diagnosis and treatment of caries, but also for mandatory professional teeth cleaning. Why do you need professional teeth cleaning? Not only to please others with your white-toothed smile, but also to protect teeth from caries and prevent the occurrence of periodontitis. It has been proven that tartar and plaque on teeth This is one of the most common causes of periodontitis. The professional cleaning procedure is inexpensive - for cleaning 32 teeth you will pay from 1 to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the drugs used and the status of the clinic.

Dental and oral care: rule 6. The toothbrush needs to be changed every 3-4 months - during this time it manages to soften and become “unraveled” and ceases to fully perform its function.

Dental and oral care: rule 7. Brush your teeth correctly!

How to brush your teeth correctly: video

Proper dental care and protection against caries and periodontitis: additional rules

The above were given important rules dental care, which must be observed. Now let's talk about additional measures that will allow prevent caries and periodontitis.

1. Always use special mouth rinses. Change them from time to time, alternating rinses designed for the health of gums, enamel and general condition oral cavity.

2. Eat less. Minimize the amount of milk chocolate, and eat dark chocolate in small portions. Two or three “windows” of good dark chocolate per day will be enough to get the required dose useful substances contained in this product.

3. Avoid packaged juices and sweet sodas. If you like to occasionally treat yourself to these drinks, drink them through a straw and rinse your mouth clean water immediately after a sweet drink.

4. Buy a good toothpaste for gums (with healing substances plant origin) and for tooth enamel (fluoride paste). Alternate them.

5. Do not use highly abrasive whitening toothpaste every day unless you smoke or drink too much tea and coffee. Your teeth will still not become whiter, but the enamel may be seriously damaged.

If you quickly develop plaque and stones, use this paste daily, but use only high-quality whitening pastes from reputable manufacturers. Cheap whitening pastes should become taboo: they do more harm than good.

6. If your saliva is sticky and tartar builds up too quickly, ask your dentist for recommendations on what tests you should undergo. You may be advised to see an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist. Be sure to visit the right doctor, undergo examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Teeth reflect the condition of the body as a whole. As doctors say, “many teeth, one liver.” This means that if teeth can be implanted and prosthetic, then it is vital important organs need to be treated promptly, as their diseases can cause suffering, disability and early death. Having cured internal disease, you will thereby prevent tooth loss.

7. Consume enough foods rich in calcium and vitamin D3. Eat dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, cheeses), fish, seafood, egg yolk, legumes, nuts, grain bread, oatmeal, parsley, white cabbage and cauliflower, broccoli, dill, dried apricots.

8. Do it from time to time medicinal baths and applications for teeth and gums. The simplest, but very effective methodapplying medicated toothpaste to teeth and gums. Leave the paste in your mouth for 10-20 minutes, then rinse your mouth well. This procedure can be done constantly 1-2 times a week - while, for example, you are taking a shower or bath. This method is also very effective for prevention of caries in children.

In addition, sometimes you can do courses oral baths made from decoctions medicinal plants . A decoction of chamomile, calendula, and yarrow is especially useful for the oral cavity. Prepare a decoction or infusion, cool until room temperature or a little warmer. Place the liquid in your mouth and hold for 5-20 minutes. Do baths daily 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. It is advisable to repeat the course of treatment every 3-6 months.

Love yourself and your teeth, because they have to work so hard. Doctors call teeth millstones human body. Their failure disables the entire body. Fortunately, teeth can be inserted. Dental implantation is a magnificent medical invention, however, these days it is a rather expensive pleasure that is not available to everyone. While dental and oral care and preventive measures for protection against caries and periodontitis available to everyone. Take care of what nature has given you! Be healthy and smiling!

Many people want to have snow-white smile like Hollywood stars, but not many people know how to achieve this correctly. To do this, you need to follow the rules of oral hygiene, which are very simple and basic.

The concept of “oral hygiene” includes caring for it, preventive measures and treatment of dental diseases. It can be professional and individual. Now we will talk about personal (individual).

Rules that should be followed to maintain teeth in good, healthy condition:

Rule 1 Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day (after breakfast and before going to bed). If possible, every time after a meal, even if it is a snack.

Rule 2 Use dental floss when cleaning your teeth. It needs to be used correctly. Cut the thread 45-50 centimeters long. Then, it must be wound on middle finger each hand, stretch this thread at the beginning of the tooth in a circle and brush. You can’t move it along the gum, otherwise you will create a wound.

Rule 3 Choose the right oral hygiene products (this does not mean the most expensive and advanced ones). And, besides a toothbrush with toothpaste, a toothpick, chewing gum, there are a lot various means personal hygiene. There are also various rinses, balms, elixirs that have deodorizing, refreshing, and antiseptic abilities.

Oral hygiene products

1.Brushes for cleaning between teeth - allows you to get rid of plaque even at the beginning of the gum, its line.

2. A scraper for cleaning the tongue - you need to select it together with a dentist, because a large amount of plaque on the tongue is a consequence of some kind of disease.

3. Irrigators, with the help of which pieces (residues) of food are cleaned, plaque is removed in places of difficult access.

4.Brush for dentures that are removed.

5.Ultrasonic bath for cleaning the prosthesis. Unlike brushes, it does not damage the surface and cleans much better.

Rule 4 Constantly undergo a professional examination by a dentist, and not just seek his help (you need to visit the dental office at least twice a year).

Oral hygiene in children

You should start brushing your child’s future teeth from the very first days of his life. After each feeding, the mother should clean the baby’s gums using a special sterile wipe. .

Parents are responsible for ensuring that children's teeth are brushed until the child learns to maintain good hygiene on his own. Children often lack the skills to proper cleaning teeth, however, plaque removal is mandatory because it damages a child’s teeth much faster than an adult’s teeth.

A person is given teeth only 2 times in his life, and the second time occurs at a young age. A child's first dental examination should take place at about three years of age, when all of the baby teeth have grown in. This causes a number of care considerations. The appearance of caries occurs mainly on childhood. At this time, the body cannot fight bacteria and microbes, and the tooth structure itself is very vulnerable. To avoid dental diseases, children need to be taught how to brush their teeth correctly, talk about hygiene and monitor its implementation. It is also worth buying special children's toothbrushes and toothpastes, and giving foods that contain fluoride in sufficient quantities.

Professional oral hygiene is recommended to be carried out 1 to 3 times a year, but the frequency depends on the quality of oral hygiene of a particular patient, as well as on the intensity of the formation of stones and plaque.

Oral problems.

Violations of the dentition and their correct closure - malocclusion, occurs in almost 40% of the population of our planet. For some people it is almost unnoticeable. But there are patients for whom malocclusion and crooked teeth affect their appearance, cause inconvenience, prevent them from eating and speaking fully, give rise to complexes and bring suffering.

Malocclusion- This is a violation of the natural function of teeth closure. This defect is one of the most common problems in orthodontics. At the same time, the correction malocclusion, as well as its detection and prevention are equally important for both children and adults.

Hypersensitivityteeth characterized by short acute pain, which is the tooth’s reaction to external stimuli.

Irritants may include factors such as:

*high or low temperature food, drinks , as well as air inhaled through the oral cavity;

*chemical effects of food – reaction of teeth to sweet, salty, sour;

*mechanical irritants – hard toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes, various toothpicks and dental floss.

Increased tooth sensitivity is divided into two categories: enamel hyperesthesia and dental dentine hyperesthesia.

Enamel hyperesthesia
is a functional deficiency, thinning of tooth enamel caused by demineralization of hard tooth tissues and the appearance of cracks on its surface.

The causes of enamel hyperesthesia are:

*neuropsychic diseases;

*emotional stress;

* various diseases of the digestive and endocrine system;

*pregnancy or menopause in women .

Hypersensitivity or dentin hyperesthesia manifests itself in sharp and acute (like an electric shock) pain.

Diastema– the gap between the teeth is a very common problem.

Reasons for the formation of diastema:

1. Discrepancy between the size of the jaw bones and the size of the teeth may result in either extra space between teeth (gap) or crowding of teeth.

2. Promotes the development of gaps between the front teeth incorrect location of tooth buds, extremely rarely - neoplasms.

3. Diastema can also be caused by an excessively large frenulum, which is a bridge running from the inside upper lip to the gum; The frenulum is located just above the two upper front teeth.

4.Bad childhood habits such as pacifier or thumb sucking may contribute to the widening of the gap between the front teeth.

5. An increase in the gap between the front teeth may be a consequence of an incorrect swallowing reflex.

6.Gaps between front teeth may become complications of periodontal disease.

7.Sometimes a gap between teeth can be recognized functional deviation in children with baby teeth. Often, when baby teeth fall out, the space between the growing teeth permanent teeth contracts to reach its final position.

There is an opinion that oral care consists only of brushing your teeth and choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste. This is not true at all. In this article we will talk about how to properly care for your oral cavity so that your teeth and gums remain healthy for a long time. for a long time. We’ll also look at what accessories you’ll need for this and how to use them.

Oral care

To support good condition teeth and gums, it is not enough to use only toothpaste. Full exposure is required to achieve the desired effect. You should use a rinse, floss or irrigator.

Why do you need to take care of your oral cavity?

You need to take care of the health of your teeth and gums in order to avoid bad breath and also maintain dental health for a long time. If all procedures are not performed in full or incorrectly, then pieces of food will remain in the spaces between the teeth, which will destroy the enamel of the teeth. Plaque and an unpleasant odor may also appear. If plaque remains in your mouth for a long time, it forms tartar, which is much more difficult to remove.

After such processes, the formation of caries is possible, since the structure of the enamel changes under the influence of tartar, and tartar is also favorable environment for the reproduction and development of certain bacteria. It is worth noting that some diseases occur when specific microorganisms enter the oral cavity. For example, some kidney diseases and digestive tract. To get rid of the stone, it is necessary to intervene with a specialist and clean the oral cavity. Otherwise, a hotbed of various infections may form in the mouth.

Regular dental and oral care is important from a health and social perspective

How to organize proper care?

  • Teeth should be brushed morning and evening, carefully removing any remaining food with a brush. After cleaning, floss should be used.
  • Choose a toothpaste and brush based on what problem you want to solve.
  • Pay attention to your diet. Try to eat healthy and nutritious foods.
  • Choose a mouthwash. If you find it difficult to do this yourself, consult a doctor.

Professional hygiene

Even if you take care of your baby every day oral cavity, plaque can still form on the teeth, since most people limit themselves to using only a toothbrush. Flosses or irrigators are used extremely rarely. If you are one of those whose oral hygiene comes down to brushing your teeth, then be prepared to visit a doctor for this purpose. Professional cleaning It is recommended to carry out dental examinations once every six months. The procedure includes examination and diagnosis, after which the teeth are cleaned of plaque and tartar. If necessary, anesthesia is used.

  • At the beginning of the procedure, doctors use ultrasound to remove deposits in the spaces between the teeth. Tooth enamel remains unharmed during this procedure.
  • The next step is to clean the areas where the enamel and gums come into contact. The procedure is performed manually and very carefully so as not to damage the gums and enamel. If the plaque on tooth enamel is pigmented, then to remove it you will need a special device that is used in conjunction with ultrasound. Its mechanism of action is based on the creation of an air flow in which sodium bicarbonate is present.
  • The third stage of cleaning is polishing the enamel. These manipulations are necessary to exclude the possibility of harmful microorganisms attaching to the teeth. For these purposes, various types of pastes are used.
  • The last stage is the application of a special substance that contains the second. This procedure increases protective functions enamel and makes teeth less sensitive to various types of influences.

What products are essential for oral hyena?

In order to take full care of your oral cavity, you will need several products. Only with comprehensive care can you achieve maximum effect.


Toothpaste is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about oral hygiene. Most people do not pay attention to the choice of toothpaste. However, you should carefully monitor which option you purchase.

Types of toothpastes

There are two types of toothpastes. Those that are designed to refresh the oral cavity are called hygienic and have absolutely no therapeutic effect. The second type is pastes that have therapeutic and preventive effects. They also come in different variations, depending on the type of problem they are designed to solve.

The pastes differ somewhat from each other in composition, but the common components are present in fairly large quantities. Among the ingredients included in any paste, there must be an abrasive filler. It is responsible for the paste’s ability to cleanse tooth enamel. Also, any paste contains surfactants that improve the paste’s ability to cleanse. Antiseptics are a common component for pastes that have therapeutic effects. Fragrances and dyes can also be found among the substances in any toothpaste.

Which pasta should you choose?

If you want to choose the right toothpaste with therapeutic effect, then you should seek advice from a dentist. He will check the condition of your teeth and help you make a choice. If it is not possible to visit a specialist, then below we provide several recommendations for choosing toothpaste.

  • One of the types is toothpaste For sensitive teeth. If your teeth react to cold and hot food, then this is a signal that the enamel is in very poor condition. For teeth of this type, pastes with components such as potassium and strontium salts are perfect. They help strengthen tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity.
  • Whitening pastes are suitable for those with healthy enamel. If its condition is not satisfactory, but the enamel has darkened, then you can purchase a paste with a whitening effect. It is worth remembering that you cannot use this product every day, as in this case you risk severely damaging your teeth. Apply the paste twice a week. After a few months of use, you will be able to see the effect of use.
  • Pastes with an antibacterial effect are useful if inflammation appears in your mouth. The substances contained in the paste will help eliminate the problem. We do not recommend using such products for a long time, as there is a risk of destruction. internal environment oral cavity.
  • Pastes that are designed to fight caries contain calcium, sodium and fluorine compounds. Here you need to be very careful when purchasing, since many residents of our country are not recommended to use pastes with fluoride due to the fact that the content of the element in the body is already quite high. Others, on the contrary, should not use products with high content calcium. If you need an anti-caries paste, then the best solution You will contact your dentist for advice.


The range of toothbrushes nowadays is simply huge. We will tell you how to choose the right hygiene item.

  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the material. You should choose models with bristles from artificial materials. Natural materials are less in demand, as they promote the proliferation of pathogens.
  • The second aspect is the stiffness of the toothbrush. This characteristic always indicated on the box. Harsh products should not be used without a doctor’s recommendation, as they can severely injure teeth and gums. Models with medium hardness are worth purchasing for adults and children. adolescence. Soft brushes should be used by children, as well as people with hypersensitivity teeth.

This hygiene item should be changed every one and a half to two months, as it accumulates during use. a large number of bacteria.

There are electric and ultrasonic toothbrushes. The price for such models is much higher. Such hygiene items should be used with extreme caution after consulting a doctor.

correct Toothbrush cleans well and does not damage tooth enamel

Rinse aid

Rinse is another important component of oral care. This tool must be used to reduce the risk of various diseases. Often, mouthwashes contain fluoride, which helps fight tooth decay.

Experts advise using the product immediately after brushing your teeth, and also after eating. For people who have orthopedic structures, mouthwash is a must. It helps take care of teeth and remove pieces of food from the most difficult places.

Some mouthwashes contain large amounts of herbal ingredients and extracts. Such rinses have therapeutic effect and wound healing effect.

The maximum effect can be achieved if you choose the right paste and rinse, which complement each other. To do this, you need to visit a dentist who will select oral care products.

Dental floss

Flosses help remove food debris between teeth. The choice of this accessory should be taken into account special attention, since all models differ from each other in structure and material. If you need care for orthopedic structures, then you should choose superfloss. You need to use dental floss carefully so as not to injure your gums and enamel.

Dental floss cleans the space between teeth and saves from caries


An irrigator is a device for cleaning the most inaccessible places in the oral cavity. In addition, the device is used to massage the gums.

The irrigator washes away dirt and plaque from hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity

How to use the device?

The operation of the irrigator is very simple. A stream of water hits top part device under strong pressure, it is with its help that the most inaccessible places in the mouth are cleaned. The water flow has strong pressure and pulsation, which improves blood circulation. Experts increasingly recommend purchasing this device, since the effect of its use becomes visible after just a few weeks. The irrigator can be used by anyone who wants to maintain healthy teeth and gums for a long time. Many people are afraid to use it because they have various orthopedic structures in their mouths. Dentists assure that in this case it is simply necessary to use an irrigator, because it helps take care of any orthopedic structures. The device can be an excellent alternative to floss, as it can easily cope with all tasks. The irrigator is very simple to use. You need to fill the container with water and monitor the direction of the stream. This device should be used after brushing your teeth to remove food particles from the spaces between the teeth.

How to choose an irrigator?

The range of irrigators is currently very wide. Sometimes it is very difficult to choose the right model.

  • If your bathroom has an outlet and you are not going to transport the irrigator, then you can choose a stationary device. Such variations of the device are characterized by high power and long service life.
  • Particular attention must be paid to the volume of liquid that can fit in the device. It is worth giving preference to one with a reservoir of at least 0.5 liters to eliminate the need to add water while brushing your teeth.
  • If you have a large family, then you should buy an irrigator with attachments for each family member. Also, pay attention to the size of the device. If there is very little space in the bathroom, then this will be an important aspect of choosing a device.
  • There are battery-powered irrigators. They are very convenient to take with you on the road. Plus, they are a great option for those who don't have electrical outlets in their bathroom.

In this article we talked about how to properly care for your oral cavity in order to prevent the occurrence of various diseases. Do not forget that you can achieve maximum effect only if oral care is carried out comprehensively and systematically.