Is erysipelas treatable? How to treat erysipelas of the leg at home

Erysipelas on the leg - very dangerous disease. The name itself, if translated from French, means "red". And not in vain, because the process is always accompanied by hyperemia - redness of the skin at the site of the lesion.

Without receiving qualified medical assistance, a person runs the risk of earning serious complications. Especially when it comes to treatment. folk remedies and even aggravate the situation, losing it out of control.

What is this disease?

What is an erysipelas on a leg? This is a manifestation of infection in the form of inflammation of the skin. Often the pathology manifests itself in lower limbs. This can be explained by the fact that the legs are closer to the ground, and their contact with dirt and dust is simply inevitable. The culprit of erysipelas is streptococcus, which enters from the external environment.

The disease of erysipelas on the leg is quite specific. It is a well-known fact that it is women who get sick more often at the age, and among young people, on the contrary, the disease actively affects men.

Often the disease is carried by the elderly and those who are outside for a long time or in unsanitary working conditions, which leads to frequent long-term contact with dust, dirt and infectious agents.

Causes of the disease

The culprit of erysipelas on the leg is a streptococcal infection. Its original causative agent is streptococcus. He himself enters the body through the "gate", namely:

  • bites of various insects from the environment;
  • any kind of combing;
  • injuries, burns.

To all of the above, it is worth adding that the disease may appear as a result of a very old streptococcal infection(tonsillitis, advanced caries).

Bacteria from the main place of their location, together with the blood, begin to "walk" along the walls of the body. So they create problems throughout the body, including causing dermatological diseases. Strong immunity is an enemy for pathology, but if for some reason it becomes weaker, the consequences can be unpleasant.

Apart from weak immunity There are many more reasons that can affect the development of erysipelas:

  • stress and anxiety;
  • constant hypothermia of the legs;
  • strong sunburn;
  • alcoholism;
  • ulcers;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Erysipelas on the leg: is it contagious?

The disease itself belongs to the type of infectious, and can be fully attributed to the list of contagious. The infection is easily transmitted from person to person. Therefore, if possible, it is still worth leaving contact with infected person. If the patient lives with you in the same house, it is necessary to treat wounds with sterile gloves and after each procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with detergent, and preferably with an antiseptic.


The disease has a long incubation period- about 10 days. After this time, erysipelas on the leg shows its symptoms.

As a rule, at the first stage it is felt in the form of a general malaise:

  • headache;
  • fatigue and muscle pain;
  • elevated temperature;
  • sometimes vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and even sometimes anorexia are possible.

Here is what the erysipelas on the leg looks like. After the first signs, after a day (not later), burning, pain, tension are added, the affected area begins to redden and swell.

Types and forms of erysipelas on the leg

Forms of leg inflammation are distributed according to the nature of local changes:

  1. Erythematous form- the area that is affected begins to blush. In this case, the erythema that has just appeared will be higher than the skin itself. It has well-defined boundaries. Its main difference is irregular shape edges and very bright, even coloring.
  2. Erythematous bullous form- initially looks the same as the first form, although after a couple of days the skin on the site gradually exfoliates. In parallel with this, bubbles form. Those, in turn, are filled with liquid without color. When the blisters explode their place is taken brown crusts. With timely medical care, as soon as the crusts begin to move away, pink, young skin forms in their place. But if help is not provided on time, the depressions under the crusts will gradually turn into trophic ulcers.
  3. Erythematous-hemorrhagic form- it looks almost the same as in the form described above, however, hemorrhage may occur in the affected areas.
  4. Bullous-hemorrhagic form- Outwardly, it is very similar to the erythematous-bullous form. The only difference is that the blisters on the skin do not fill up. clear liquid but with blood.

Erysipelas is a dangerous infectious disease that affects the skin and tissue located under it. The disease does not go away on its own and requires mandatory medical intervention and treatment.


Inflammatory processes can occur at any age. Streptococcus is the cause of this rapidly spreading disease. For the development of erysipelas disease on the leg, it is not enough for microorganisms to enter the skin, because not everyone who gets streptococcus develops a disease. For the appearance of this disease, a number of factors are required that contribute to reproduction:

Mechanical damage:

  • scratches;
  • abrasions;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • abrasions;
  • cuts.

The state of the body, leading to a decrease in immunity:

  • stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • overwork.

Diseases that increase the body's susceptibility to infections:

  • alcoholism;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • diaper rash;
  • fungus;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • lymphedema.

The risk of getting erysipelas on the leg increases in representatives of some professions. For loaders, military, builders there is heightened danger for the emergence and development of streptococcus in the skin due to the frequent likelihood of skin damage, pollution and sudden changes in temperature.

Symptoms of the disease

Distinguish different symptoms diseases of the erysipelas on the leg. Erysipelas, in case of leakage in mild form- erythemas, often limited only to local manifestations: redness, swelling and soreness of the skin area. A feature of this inflammation is a bright red color and clear boundaries of the inflammatory focus. In shape, it resembles flames.

More complex shape- erythematous-bullous. In this case, on the first or third day of the disease, bubbles form with a clear liquid on the focus of the disease. They burst, forming crusts. Favorable treatment leads to healing and the formation of young skin after it falls off. Otherwise, the formation of ulcers or erosions is possible.

In the case of antibody damage to the capillary vessels that arise to fight streptococcus, a hemorrhage forms inside the affected skin. This form of the disease is called erythematous-hemorrhagic.

In the most severe cases, the lesion is covered with blisters into which blood seeps. This form is bullous-hemorrhagic.

In addition to the outbreak of the disease, the patient feels the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • chills;
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • possible tachycardia.

These signs are common for an organism that has undergone intoxication. Before the appearance of a clear focus of the disease, swelling and redness form on the leg. At the site of inflammation, pain, skin tension and burning are felt.

Medical treatment

How to cure erysipelas on the leg? Before starting the treatment of the disease, a doctor's consultation is required. Otherwise, complications are possible. A severe form of the disease necessarily causes hospitalization. The patient is subject to inpatient treatment, if:

  • the disease is accompanied by diabetes mellitus, allergic reactions, diseases of the kidneys, heart or blood vessels, impaired circulation of lymph;
  • erysipelas occurred in a child or an elderly person;
  • ulcers or rough scars have appeared on the skin;
  • the disease manifests itself repeatedly, regardless of the form of the course;
  • erysipelas caused a complication of any kind.

Treatment of erysipelas on the leg is necessarily accompanied by antibiotics. To maximize their effect, the doctor must first find out the most effective of them in each case. For this, an anamnesis is required. Of all the groups of antibiotics, the most commonly used are:

  • sulfonamides;
  • macrolides;
  • tetracyclines;
  • penicillins.

Treatment is also necessarily accompanied by other means:

  • Ascorbic acid or ascorutin;
  • Nicotinic acid and vitamins of groups A and B;
  • Biostimulants;
  • Drugs that increase immunity;
  • Physiotherapy and cryotherapy.

Treatment with folk remedies

A mild form of erysipelas on the leg is completely curable at home under the supervision of a doctor. Apart from medicines treatment with folk methods is also acceptable. As a rule, these are various compresses. To alleviate the condition with erysipelas, will lead next procedure. Moisten the cloth in cool water (about 22 degrees) and wrap it around the leg on the affected area. Another piece of fabric is superimposed on top, which must be moistened in water cooled to 16 degrees. After that, the leg is wrapped in a dry woolen cloth. After heating, usually after a quarter of an hour, the bandage must be changed.

Many remedies are used to treat erysipelas. Among them are chalk, rye flour, branches and leaves of currant and elderberry, cabbage leaves, cottage cheese and even frog caviar. When using any folk methods, a doctor's consultation is required. As a result improper treatment possible dangerous complications which can lead to serious consequences and even death.

Some people prefer prayers from erysipelas on their legs. It's not the best the right way, in case of illness, it is necessary to consult a specialist without fail.

Danger of infection

In case of illness, it should be remembered that the erysipelas on the leg are contagious to others. The disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through touch or household items. Therefore, the patient must be isolated.

Disease prevention

To prevent the appearance of erysipelas on the legs, and especially with a predisposition to the disease, simple rules should be followed:

  • the wound and any damage to the skin must be disinfected and dirt should not be allowed to enter;
  • avoid the formation of corns with uncomfortable shoes;
  • in the event of a skin disease, immediately begin treatment;
  • avoid sudden changes in temperature;
  • be observed by a doctor after suffering erysipelas for two years.

At the first sign of illness, seek immediate medical attention medical care. Timely treatment will not allow the formation of severe forms of the disease and will not cause difficulties. Treatment of wounds and any skin lesions - great way prevent the onset of the disease.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, a certified specialist in the treatment of erysipelas with folk methods:

The skin is the outer covering human body with an area of ​​about 1.6 m2, performing several important tasks: mechanical protection tissues and organs, tactile sensitivity (touch), thermoregulation, gas exchange and metabolism, protection of the body from the penetration of microbes.

But sometimes the skin itself becomes the object of attack by microorganisms - then dermatological diseases develop, among which is erysipelas.

Erysipelas (erysipelas) - what is it?

Erysipelas is an acute diffuse inflammation of the skin (less often mucous membranes) of infectious origin, usually affecting the face or lower legs.

Erysipelas causes group beta-hemolytic streptococcus BUT when it penetrates into the thickness of the skin through minor abrasions, cuts, insect bites, scratches, abrasions.

Erysipelas is more common in men of working age and in women over 45 years of age. For children under the age of one year, it is a mortal danger (photo 3).

The prevalence of the disease is high - the fourth place after acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections and hepatitis.

Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus

Group A β-hemolytic streptococcus itself (GABHS) was discovered relatively recently (150 years ago), but mankind has been familiar with the diseases it causes for a long time.

Angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, scarlet fever, rheumatism, severe damage to kidney tissue - far from complete list pathological conditions caused by BHSA. The Ministry of Health states that the damage to the economy from β-hemolytic streptococcus is 10 times greater than the damage from all viral hepatitis.

It belongs to the conditionally pathogenic microflora, because it is present in almost all people in the oral cavity, respiratory tract on the skin and external genitalia. Good immunity limits its virulence (degree of infectivity).

BGSA very quickly spreads through the air, through digestive tract and objects, so it is usually detected in rooms where children and labor collectives, 57.6% of angina and 30.3% of acute respiratory infections are caused by it.

Streptococci survive when frozen and heated to 70°C for 2 hours; in dried biomaterial (blood, pus), they remain highly infectious for several months. Toxins cause severe illness heart and kidneys.

For children, the carriage of the pathogen in the upper respiratory tract is more characteristic. When examining schoolchildren, BHSA is isolated in the nasopharynx by 20-25% of children.

Causes of erysipelas of the legs

The cause of erysipelas of the legs can be small abscesses, boils and carbuncles, festering wounds. The spread of dangerous streptococcus in the skin can be facilitated by frequent hypothermia of the legs or excessive sunbathing, causing microtrauma of the skin.

Erysipelas on the leg is very often the result of other serious diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • fungal infection;
  • alcoholism;
  • obesity.

Stressful situations that sharply reduce immunity can give impetus to the attack of streptococcus on its carrier.

Chronic foci of infection in the form of destroyed teeth, enlarged tonsils 5-6 times increase the risk of erysipelas in any part of the body.

Symptoms of erysipelas of the leg, photo

A week later (on average) after the introduction of the pathogen into the skin, an acute onset of the disease occurs.

Suddenly there are signs of intoxication:

  • severe weakness,
  • temperature up to 40°C with chills,
  • painful headache,
  • aches in bones and muscles,
  • sometimes - nausea and vomiting.

During the day, symptoms of erysipelas appear on the lower leg: the affected area swells sharply, shines from tension and turns red. The name "erysipelas" comes from the word "red" in some European languages.

The inflamed area is delimited from healthy skin demarcation roller. Its uneven scalloped outlines along the perimeter of the lesion are characteristic. Severe reddening of the skin is caused by hemolysis - the process of destruction of red blood cells (erythrocytes) by streptococcus.

When pressed with a finger, the redness disappears for a few seconds. The lesion is warmer to the touch than the surrounding tissue.

Pain and burning cause great suffering to the patient. Inflamed popliteal and inguinal The lymph nodes. In the direction of them from the affected area under the skin, dense reddish stripes are visible - lymphatic vessels develops lymphangitis.

Diagnosis of erysipelas

Often the diagnosis is made without tests, according to the totality of general and local symptoms.

In other diseases, they often appear first local signs, and only after them intoxication appears.

Laboratory tests may confirm the presence of β-hemolytic streptococcus.

Forms of erysipelas of the leg

Based on the nature of local changes, there are:

1. Erythematous form- the site has a bright uniform color and clear boundaries.

2. Erythematous-hemorrhagic form- on the affected area, against the background of general redness (erythema), there are multiple pinpoint hemorrhages - a sign of damage to the blood capillaries.

3. Erythematous bullous(bulla, lat. - bubble) form - with it, on the third day, the upper layers of the skin are stratified with the formation of blisters.

The liquid in them contains a large mass of streptococci with a high degree virulence, therefore, when opening the bubbles, it is necessary to carefully carry out antiseptic treatment. Heal with the formation of a crust, under which smooth skin is formed.

4. Bullous-hemorrhagic form - in the blisters is an opaque bloody fluid.

5. Gangrenous form with areas of skin necrosis.

stands out wandering form when, within a few days, the lesion shifts to a neighboring area, and the primary focus flakes off and heals.

This form is typical for newborn children, with the rapid spread of erysipelas, children may die.

According to the severity of the disease are distinguished:

  • mild form (the affected area is small, the temperature is not higher than 38.5 ° C),
  • moderate (several small lesions, temperature up to 40 ° C for no more than 5 days)
  • a severe form, when bullous-hemorrhagic elements cover almost the entire body, the temperature is critical for several days, loss of consciousness, delirium and signs of meningitis.

The inflamed area of ​​the skin remains sensitive to streptococcal infection even after healing, which gives grounds for the diagnosis of “repeated” and “recurrent” erysipelas.

Mild forms of erysipelas can be treated on an outpatient basis. Severe and advanced cases require inpatient treatment.

1) The first and main appointment is antibiotics in the form intramuscular injections or orally. Penicillin antibiotics retained their effectiveness in the fight against hemolytic streptococcus.

They are combined with taking oleandomycin, furazolidone, erythromycin for one to two weeks.

2) Their action is enhanced by sulfanilamide preparations (biseptol).

3) Be sure to prescribe vitamins and biostimulants (levamisole, pentoxyl, methyluracil) to restore immunity and the fastest healing of the focus.

4) As anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs are prescribed nonsteroidal drugs: aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, baralgin, reopyrin.

5) In case of severe intoxication, glucose solution or reopyrin is repeatedly injected.

6) To remove intoxication are prescribed plentiful drink and diuretics.

7) Physiotherapeutic procedures:

  1. ultraviolet exposure to acute period has a bacteriostatic effect;
  2. lidase electrophoresis,
  3. ozokerite,
  4. magnetotherapy.

The last three procedures improve lymph flow, preventing the development of elephantiasis.

8) Antihistamines prevent sensitization of the body.

9) Sclerotherapy - the introduction of a substance into the affected veins, constriction and resorption of the vessel - contributes rapid healing blisters and healing of the inflamed area of ​​the skin.

10) Endovasal laser coagulation- leads to the disappearance of the lumen in diseased veins, preventing the development of lymphostasis.

11) Surgical treatment lesion site:

  1. opening the blisters, treating them with a solution of furacillin, enteroseptol in the form of powder, erythromycin ointment;
  2. excision of inflamed veins and necrotic areas.

12) In severe cases, a blood or plasma transfusion is performed.

Treatment of erysipelas of the leg is carried out by a doctor. In order to avoid complications, the patient must strictly comply with all medical prescriptions, even with outpatient treatment.

In the treatment of erysipelas at home it's important to know:

1) You can not tightly bandage the affected area, only light bandages are allowed, which are changed several times a day after antiseptic treatment of the skin.

2) You can not use and - they increase the influx of interstitial fluid and slow down the healing process;
excessive softening of the skin with ointments will lead to additional infection of the wounds.

3) After opening the blisters, you can treat the erosion with hydrogen peroxide and dry the skin under them with powder, which includes:

  • boric acid (3 g),
  • xeroform (12 g),
  • streptocide (8 g).

From above, cover the wound surface with a two-layer gauze.

Complications of erysipelas

Erysipelatous inflammation can go away on its own: after two weeks from the onset of the disease, the redness subsides, but the swelling and pigmentation of the skin remains for a long time. There is a high chance of a repeat process.

With insufficiently active treatment, erysipelas causes general and local complications. It is especially dangerous for patients diabetes, allergies, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, with heart failure and HIV infection.

There is a danger of developing pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis.

Streptococcus toxins cause rheumatism, myocarditis and glomerulonephritis.

Local complications are phlegmons and abscesses, trophic ulcers and lymphostasis (elephantiasis), in which the volume of limb tissues increases sharply due to the accumulation of interstitial fluid and thickening of the skin.

Elephantiasis develops in 15% of all cases of erysipelas. It is accompanied by such phenomena as papillomas, eczema, lymphorrhea (lymph effusion from thickened pigmented skin). All this greatly complicates the life of the patient.

The prognosis after erysipelas on the legs depends on the severity of the disease and the body's immunity.

Recurrent forms often develop when staphylococcal flora is also attached to GABHS.

Due to acquired lymphostasis, working capacity may be reduced.

In general, the prognosis for the patient's life is favorable if complications have been avoided.

Prevention of erysipelas

There is no specific prevention. To prevent erysipelas, some general and local measures must be observed.

  • limit contact with patients with erysipelas, after contact, carry out antiseptic treatment of their skin;
  • take care of strengthening immunity by establishing a daily routine, physical education, avoiding stressful situations;
  • eliminate foci of chronic streptococcal infection in time, monitor the state of health;
  • establish the right healthy eating- hemolytic streptococcus multiplies rapidly in stale food, giving particular preference to meat broths;
  • in order to avoid relapses after erysipelas, year-round carry out prophylactic injections of bicillin.

Local Measures:

  • pay more attention to your feet - wash them regularly, avoid blisters and scuffs, minor cuts, hypothermia and overheating;
  • monitor the status venous system and contact a specialist in time.

Erysipelatous inflammation mkb 10

In the international classifier of diseases ICD 10, erysipelas is:

Class I
- A30 - A49 Other bacterial diseases

  • A46 Erysipelas

Erysipelas is one of the most common infectious diseases that affects the skin. The disease, which is popularly called erysipelas, can manifest itself on any part of the body, including the limbs, and more often on the legs.

The disease is more common in older women and middle-aged men, as well as newborn babies. At risk are people of working specialties who, in the course of their activities, receive microtraumas and pollution, for example, a storekeeper, a loader, a builder.

It should be noted that the disease also sometimes occurs in newborns. This is due to the entry of streptococcus into the umbilical wound of the child.

The causative agent of erysipelas is streptococcus, which penetrates the skin through damage in the form of wounds, scratches, microtraumas. According to statistics, 15% of the world's population is carriers of the infection, however, often a person does not know about the presence of a bacterium in the body, since it does not manifest itself in any way.

In order for an infection that has been living in the human body for a long time to manifest itself, a triggering factor is needed. It can be stress, emotional upheaval, hypothermia, injury, sunburn. The disease also often develops on the basis of an already existing disease, such as alcoholism, varicose veins veins, diabetes, obesity or foot fungus.

Symptoms of erysipelas of the leg

The first signs of infection are reminiscent of ordinary viral disease However, after a short time, the disease manifests itself in full.

Main symptoms:

general weakness, chills and muscle pain; an increase in body temperature, up to 400C; on the background high temperature hallucinations or convulsions may occur; possible nausea, vomiting; about a day later, local manifestations are observed in the form of swelling, redness, pain on the affected area of ​​the skin.

The condition of a person in the acute phase of inflammation is so severe that one should resort to qualified medical help. If the disease is not eliminated in time, complications may occur, in the form of skin ulcers, tissue necrosis, and disorders of the cardiovascular or reproductive system.

Classification of erysipelas of the legs

Local manifestations of the disease may be different. Depending on their nature, the following types are distinguished:

if the skin is covered with bright red erythema (growth), which has clear boundaries, then this indicates an erythematous form. Subsequently, the newly formed crust may begin to peel off. similarly with the above process, the erythematous-bullous form of the disease also proceeds. However, after a day or a little more in the place affected by the infection, upper layer the skin flakes off and forms a bubble with a clear liquid, which subsequently bursts. If the subsequent healing is successful, then new skin will appear as a result. Otherwise, erosion may occur. if, by analogy with the erythematous-bullous form, the resulting bladder is filled with bloody contents, then this indicates the presence of a bullous-hemorrhagic form. the erythematous-hemorrhagic form is similar to a large bruise, which is the result of hemorrhage from the resulting erythema into the subcutaneous layers.

At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe necessary treatment to stop the development of the inflammatory process.


Since the symptoms of erysipelas can often resemble other diseases, such as scleroderma, thrombophlebitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and others, diagnostics are of great importance. And only an experienced specialist will be able to establish a diagnosis based on a thorough questioning of the patient and the presence of characteristic symptoms. A complex of laboratory tests can also be performed.

Treatment of erysipelas of the legs or erysipelas

Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis or (in most cases) inpatient with hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital.

To suppress erysipelas of the legs, antibiotics are necessarily used, which can be taken in the form of tablets or injections. It can be erythromycin, furazolidol or others. The course of antibiotic treatment can be from 7 to 10 days. In some cases, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Also, since the disease is directly related to a decrease in immunity, a complex of vitamins is prescribed. In addition to the internal fight against the disease, an ointment containing an antibiotic will be highly effective, as well as treatment of the affected skin area with furatsilin. Apply different kinds physiotherapy, such as exposure to ultraviolet radiation or high frequency currents, as well as laser therapy. In severe cases, the treatment is prescribed in a complex way, taking into account medications that support the work of the heart, kidneys and other internal organs.

Treatment of erysipelas of the legs at home with folk remedies

Treatment of erysipelas with folk methods is that unique case when official medicine recognizes their effectiveness, as well as the effectiveness of conspiracies. So there are several different ways treatment of erysipelas with alternative medicine:

Chalk is included in the mass of recipes to combat the disease. So chalk in a pure powdered state is applied to the damaged area. On top of the leg is covered with a woolen red cloth, which is fixed with a bandage. Chalk changes once a day. After 5 days, the inflammation will pass. Honey has long been famous for its healing and antimicrobial properties. In the treatment of erysipelas, he also found application. Silk cloth or its pieces are soaked in healing product beekeeping, after which they are applied to the affected area on the leg and wrapped with bandages. One compress should be applied for three days. A dry mixture prepared from sage leaves and chalk powder is also applied to the sore leg. The components are taken in equal proportions and applied to the chintz fabric, which is subsequently covered with a leg. The mixture is changed four times a day. Lotions from the infusion of Datura grass effectively relieve inflammation. For this, two tablespoons of herbs are boiled and insisted for half an hour, after which the infusion is filtered. The resulting broth is mixed with boiled cold water in equal proportions, after which gauze, folded in several rows, is soaked in the solution and applied to the inflamed area.

Relapses of erysipelas occur in every tenth patient. As a rule, this happens in the first three years after the disease. Moreover, the place of "deployment" of the mug can change. Moreover, statistics show that recurrence is more common in women than in men. To prevent recurrence, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, treat in a timely manner skin diseases(fungi and inflammation of the ulcer) avoid diaper rash and sunburn.

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The skin is the outer covering of the human body with an area of ​​about 1.6 m2, which performs several important tasks: mechanical protection of tissues and organs, tactile sensitivity (touch), thermoregulation, gas exchange and metabolism, protection of the body from the penetration of microbes.

But sometimes the skin itself becomes the object of attack by microorganisms - then dermatological diseases develop, among which is erysipelas.

Erysipelas (erysipelas) - what is it?

Erysipelatous inflammation of the lower leg, photo 1

Erysipelas is an acute diffuse inflammation of the skin (less often mucous membranes) of infectious origin, usually affecting the face or lower legs.

Erysipelas is caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus when it penetrates the thickness of the skin through small abrasions, cuts, insect bites, scratches, abrasions.

Erysipelas is more common in men of working age and in women over 45 years of age. For children under the age of one year, it is a mortal danger (photo 3).

The prevalence of the disease is high - the fourth place after acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections and hepatitis.

Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus

Group A β-hemolytic streptococcus itself (GABHS) was discovered relatively recently (150 years ago), but mankind has been familiar with the diseases it causes for a long time.

Angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, scarlet fever, rheumatism, severe damage to kidney tissue - this is not a complete list of pathological conditions caused by GABHS. The Ministry of Health states that the damage to the economy from β-hemolytic streptococcus is 10 times greater than the damage from all viral hepatitis.

It belongs to the conditionally pathogenic microflora, because it is present in almost all people in the oral cavity, respiratory tract, skin and external genitalia. Good immunity limits its virulence (degree of infectivity).

GABHS spreads very quickly through the air, through the digestive tract and objects, so it is usually detected in rooms where children and work groups stay for a long time, 57.6% of sore throats and 30.3% of acute respiratory infections are caused by it.

Streptococci survive when frozen and heated to 70°C for 2 hours; in dried biomaterial (blood, pus), they remain highly infectious for several months. Toxins cause severe heart and kidney disease.

For children, the carriage of the pathogen in the upper respiratory tract is more characteristic. When examining schoolchildren, BHSA is isolated in the nasopharynx by 20-25% of children.

Causes of erysipelas of the legs

Manifestations of erysipelas, photo 2

The cause of erysipelas of the legs can be small abscesses, boils and carbuncles, purulent wounds. The spread of dangerous streptococcus in the skin can be facilitated by frequent hypothermia of the legs or excessive sunbathing, causing microtrauma of the skin.

Erysipelas on the leg is very often the result of other serious diseases:

diabetes; varicose veins; thrombophlebitis; trophic ulcers; fungal infection; alcoholism; obesity.

Stressful situations that sharply reduce immunity can give impetus to the attack of streptococcus on its carrier.

Chronic foci of infection in the form of destroyed teeth, enlarged tonsils 5-6 times increase the risk of erysipelas in any part of the body.

Symptoms of erysipelas of the leg, photo

Erysipelas in children, photo 3

A week later (on average) after the introduction of the pathogen into the skin, an acute onset of the disease occurs.

Suddenly there are signs of intoxication:

severe weakness, temperature up to 40 ° C with chills, excruciating headache, aching bones and muscles, sometimes nausea and vomiting.

During the day, symptoms of erysipelas appear on the lower leg: the affected area swells sharply, shines from tension and turns red. The name "erysipelas" comes from the word "red" in some European languages.

The inflamed area is separated from healthy skin by a demarcation roller. Its uneven scalloped outlines along the perimeter of the lesion are characteristic. Severe reddening of the skin is caused by hemolysis - the process of destruction of red blood cells (erythrocytes) by streptococcus.

When pressed with a finger, the redness disappears for a few seconds. The lesion is warmer to the touch than the surrounding tissue.

Pain and burning cause great suffering to the patient. The popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes become inflamed. In the direction of them from the affected area under the skin, dense reddish stripes are visible - lymphatic vessels, lymphangitis develops.

Diagnosis of erysipelas

Often the diagnosis is made without tests, according to the totality of general and local symptoms.

In other diseases, local symptoms often appear first, and only after them does intoxication appear.

Laboratory tests may confirm the presence of β-hemolytic streptococcus.

Forms of erysipelas of the leg

Based on the nature of local changes, there are:

1. Erythematous form- the site has a bright uniform color and clear boundaries.

2. Erythematous-hemorrhagic form- on the affected area, against the background of general redness (erythema), there are multiple pinpoint hemorrhages - a sign of damage to the blood capillaries.

3. Erythematous bullous(bulla, lat. - bubble) form - with it, on the third day, the upper layers of the skin are stratified with the formation of blisters.

The liquid in them contains a large mass of streptococci with a high degree of virulence, therefore, when opening the blisters, it is necessary to carefully carry out antiseptic treatment. Heal with the formation of a crust, under which smooth skin is formed.

4. Bullous-hemorrhagic form - in the blisters is an opaque bloody fluid.

5. Gangrenous form with areas of skin necrosis.

stands out wandering form when, within a few days, the lesion shifts to a neighboring area, and the primary focus flakes off and heals.

This form is typical for newborn children, with the rapid spread of erysipelas, children may die.

According to the severity of the disease are distinguished:

mild form (the affected area is small, the temperature is not higher than 38.5 ° C), moderate (several small lesions, the temperature is up to 40 ° C for no more than 5 days), severe form, when bullous-hemorrhagic elements cover almost the entire body, the temperature is critical in for several days, loss of consciousness, delirium and signs of meningitis.

The inflamed area of ​​the skin remains sensitive to streptococcal infection even after healing, which gives grounds for the diagnosis of “repeated” and “recurrent” erysipelas.

Treatment of erysipelas of the leg

Mild forms of erysipelas can be treated on an outpatient basis. Severe and advanced cases require inpatient treatment.

1) The first and main appointment is antibiotics in the form of intramuscular injections or orally. Penicillin antibiotics have retained their effectiveness in the fight against hemolytic streptococcus.

They are combined with taking oleandomycin, furazolidone, erythromycin for one to two weeks.

2) Their action is enhanced by sulfanilamide preparations (biseptol).

3) Be sure to prescribe vitamins and biostimulants (levamisole, pentoxyl, methyluracil) to restore immunity and the fastest healing of the focus.

4) Non-steroidal drugs are prescribed as anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs: aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, baralgin, reopirin.

5) In case of severe intoxication, glucose solution or reopyrin is repeatedly injected.

6) To relieve intoxication, plenty of fluids and diuretics are prescribed.

7) Physiotherapeutic procedures:

ultraviolet irradiation in the acute period has a bacteriostatic effect; lidase electrophoresis, ozocerite, magnetotherapy.

The last three procedures improve lymph flow, preventing the development of elephantiasis.

Surgical treatment of erysipelas, photo 7

Sensitization of the body prevents the use of antihistamines.

9) Sclerotherapy - the introduction into the affected veins of a substance that causes narrowing and resorption of the vessel - promotes the rapid healing of blisters and the healing of the inflamed skin area.

10) Endovasal laser coagulation - leads to the disappearance of the lumen in diseased veins, preventing the development of lymphostasis.

11) Surgical treatment of the lesion:

opening the blisters, treating them with a solution of furacillin, enteroseptol in the form of powder, erythromycin ointment; excision of inflamed veins and necrotic areas.

12) In severe cases, a blood or plasma transfusion is performed.

Treatment of erysipelas of the leg is carried out by a doctor. In order to avoid complications, the patient must strictly comply with all medical prescriptions, even with outpatient treatment.

In the treatment of erysipelas at home it's important to know:

1) You can not tightly bandage the affected area, only light bandages are allowed, which are changed several times a day after antiseptic treatment of the skin.

2) Cannot be applied ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky's balm - they increase the influx of interstitial fluid and slow down the healing process;
excessive softening of the skin with ointments will lead to additional infection of the wounds.

3) After opening the blisters, you can treat the erosion with hydrogen peroxide and dry the skin under them with powder, which includes:

boric acid (3 g), xeroform (12 g), streptocide (8 g).

From above, cover the wound surface with a two-layer gauze.

Complications of erysipelas

Erysipelatous inflammation can go away on its own: after two weeks from the onset of the disease, the redness subsides, but the swelling and pigmentation of the skin remains for a long time. There is a high chance of a repeat process.

With insufficiently active treatment, erysipelas causes general and local complications. It is especially dangerous for patients with diabetes mellitus, allergies, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, with heart failure and HIV infection.

There is a danger of developing pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis.

Streptococcus toxins cause rheumatism, myocarditis and glomerulonephritis.

Local complications are phlegmons and abscesses, trophic ulcers and lymphostasis (elephantiasis), in which the volume of limb tissues increases sharply due to the accumulation of interstitial fluid and thickening of the skin.

Elephantiasis develops in 15% of all cases of erysipelas. It is accompanied by such phenomena as papillomas, eczema, lymphorrhea (lymph effusion from thickened pigmented skin). All this greatly complicates the life of the patient.


The prognosis after erysipelas on the legs depends on the severity of the disease and the body's immunity.

Recurrent forms often develop when staphylococcal flora is also attached to GABHS.

Due to acquired lymphostasis, working capacity may be reduced.

In general, the prognosis for the patient's life is favorable if complications have been avoided.

Prevention of erysipelas

There is no specific prevention. To prevent erysipelas, some general and local measures must be observed.

limit contact with patients with erysipelas, after contact, carry out antiseptic treatment of their skin; take care of strengthening immunity by establishing a daily routine, physical education, avoiding stressful situations; eliminate foci of chronic streptococcal infection in time, monitor the state of health; establish proper healthy nutrition - hemolytic streptococcus multiplies rapidly in stale food, giving particular preference to meat broths; in order to avoid relapses after erysipelas, year-round carry out prophylactic injections of bicillin.

Local Measures:

pay more attention to your feet - wash them regularly, avoid blisters and scuffs, minor cuts, hypothermia and overheating; monitor the condition of the venous system and contact a specialist in time.

Erysipelatous inflammation mkb 10

In the international classifier of diseases ICD 10, erysipelas is:

Class I
- A30 - A49 Other bacterial diseases

A46 Erysipelas

The disease, the defeat of which occurs quickly, has serious consequences if measures are not taken in time. It is worth treating a lesion on the skin immediately, noting the first signs of the onset of the disease.

Symptoms initial stage may not show up on the skin. When symptoms appear on the skin, the disease will have to be treated with methods that involve the use of antibacterial tablets. To avoid taking potent drugs, you need to stop the disease at an early stage. The use of folk remedies will help relieve irritation.

What is erysipelas of the leg - causes

Erysipelas ("erysipelas") strikes skin covering on the foot. Diseases are listed in the infectious group. The disease is generated by hemolytic streptococcus, assigned to group A. A person who is faced with a skin disease goes through infection of the skin cells with an infection and the appearance of foci of inflammation on the skin of the leg.

It is believed to exist genetic predisposition to a disease of the skin of the leg, provoked by an infection.

Among the causes leading to the appearance of symptoms of erysipelas may be allergic to strep infection. Reduced immunity, unstable emotional state can be considered as contributing factors in the development of erysipelas.

Causes associated with a violation of the skin of the leg, can lead to the identification of symptoms of the disease:

skin injury (bruise, cut, burn); an insect bite, a carrier of streptococcus.

The consequence of hypothermia or overheating of the body can be erysipelas that affects the leg.

In children, erysipelas may begin as a complication of chicken pox.
Illness wears infectious nature she's contagious. The consequence of contact of the damaged areas of the skin with the pathogen, the cover already affected by streptococcus, may be the defeat of the leg with erysipelas.

Erysipelas foot symptoms

The doctor knows that erysipelas of the leg at the initial stage characterized by such signs:

temperature rise, rise to 40 is possible; headache; muscle aches; weakness; nausea or vomiting; fever accompanied by delirium; muscle spasm.

Signs of the initial period are observed from a couple of hours to three days.

After primary signs appear disease symptoms:

burns the skin; feeling of fullness of the leg in the place where the inflammation began; red or burgundy shade of inflamed skin; the form of inflammation on the skin is similar to the red flame of fire; skin lesion sticks out, representing a red inflammatory shaft; feelings of an increase in the temperature of the skin at the site of the appearance of erysipelas; edema; bubble formation; the attenuation of inflammation can take place by peeling of the skin.

So, what does an erysipelas look like on a leg photo initial stage:


If the disease has passed into a severe stage, the treatment has not brought recovery, the skin may blister. The blisters may contain a serous and hemorrhagic type of substance. The disease can cause peeling of the outer layer of the skin. Purulent consequences of erysipelas are difficult to cure.

The consequences of the course of the disease can lead to complications. Lymph circulation problems in the legs, leading to edema, are a serious complication of erysipelas of the legs.

A dangerous complication with untimely or incorrect treatment can be the formation of blood clots.

Complications in the form of ulcerative skin lesions, necrosis of skin cells can overtake a patient with erysipelas of the leg.

If the treatment is chosen incorrectly, you may encounter kidney disease as a complication of the disease.

Erysipelas can have complications on the functioning of the heart.

How to treat erysipelas of the leg - treatment methods

Methods that can be used to treat skin inflammation are associated with antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, folk remedies.

The drug method involves the use of antibiotics, tablets that will help relieve inflammation. The disease can be treated with allergy drugs if the disease has passed into the chronic stage.

At the initial stage, treatment with a method using folk remedies is possible.

If stress is the cause, in complex therapy illness should include relaxation methods. Among folk remedies you can choose those, which will help relieve tension, calm emotions (motherwort, hawthorn, valerian).
Methods are applied at home.

Erysipelas - treatment at home

The site of the erysipelas lesion must not be wetted. At home, you need to make sure that the inflamed skin is kept dry.

Irritation of the skin that occurs with erysipelas of the leg can be relieved by drinking a large amount of liquid. Water brings out harmful substances from the body, preventing infection from multiplying. At home, you can treat erysipelas that occurs on the leg, in the initial stage or at the stage when inflammatory process decreases with furatsilin solution. The appearance of bubbles can be treated at home, if the accuracy and sterility of the method is observed. The blisters are incised, the inside of the bubble is brought out. After completing the procedure, you need to apply gauze treated with a special ointment to the skin lesion. Erysipelatous inflammation of the leg, the treatment of which is prescribed in stages by a doctor at home, can be treated with antibiotics if the likelihood of complications of the disease increases.

You can cure the disease by using folk remedies. It is possible to treat a disease that has led to irritation of the skin in a complex way, combining folk remedies and drugs.

At home, you can use tinctures:

eucalyptus; chaga; valerian.

There is an unusual folk method to treat an ailment:

spray chalk on the red area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that is suffering from an infection; tie with red cloth; do not remove the bandage during the day.

Advice from healers to use a folk remedy to combat erysipelas an hour before sunrise. The procedure should cure erysipelas in a week.

Treatment in children is complicated by the limitation medications. Treatment should be carried out at the first signs at the initial stage of manifestation skin irritation. The use of antibiotics in children is highly undesirable.

Folk recipes for erysipelas

To treat inflammation that affected the skin of the legs, you can use the method traditional medicine. Erysipelas can be cured by applying the remedy externally or by ingestion.

Treatment of erysipelas of the leg with folk remedies should be done at the initial stage of the disease, when there is no need to take antibacterial drugs.

An effective method to relieve inflammation among folk remedies is a compress from raw potatoes, chopped on a grater, or a cabbage leaf. Folk remedy is best done at night. Erysipelas are treated with various dressings soaked in pre-prepared decoctions according to folk recipes. The disease of erysipelas can be treated by applying a bandage with a decoction of juniper (2 tablespoons of raw materials per 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for several minutes, leave to infuse). Folk remedy is applied four times a day. Decoction of herbal collection(plantain, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort) is effective in the treatment of erysipelas. At home, you need to apply a bandage soaked in infusion, wrap a bandage over it with saline solution. A salty folk remedy can be made at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of water. Treat with the method four times a day, one of which is carried out before night. By combining chopped chamomile (flowers), coltsfoot, honey, at home you get an excellent medicine to relieve inflammation of the skin with erysipelas. Treatment is carried out one teaspoon, taken three times a day. There is an opinion that the use of holy water contributes to the treatment of erysipelas of the skin of the legs. The use of infusion obtained by folk recipe, possibly inside and as a bandage. You can get a folk remedy by combining licorice rhizomes, marsh calamus, burnet, cudweed, yarrow, nettle leaf, eucalyptus in an equal dosage. At home, infuse a tablespoon of the dry mixture in a glass of boiled liquid. A folk remedy will benefit if it is taken 50 g four times a day. In parallel, apply a bandage with infusion on the skin area covered with red inflammation.

Folk remedies can cause allergies. The use of folk remedies should be discussed with the doctor. Not all folk remedies are suitable for treatment skin ailments. A doctor or personal experience can choose a folk remedy that will help cure an ailment.

How to treat erysipelas - pharmacy products

It is impossible to treat erysipelas with ointment, which has reached the stage of reddening of the skin cover. If the skin has become red, the spot is spreading along the leg, you need to consult a doctor or, if the inflammation recurs, apply previously used drugs.

To treat the disease, you can apply ointments for erysipelas of the leg. An effective remedy considered an ointment Dermo-Naft. Naftalan ointment is used in the treatment of skin lesions with infections or injuries.

Ointment Iruksol has antimicrobial property, struggling with purulent secretions, dead cells.

Before using the ointment, you need to discuss the consequences with your doctor. Application ointments Vishnevsky, Linimenta can lead to complications instead of curing the disease. Ointments will help with initial symptoms illness. Inflamed skin must be kept dry, the skin must breathe.

The ointment can soften the skin, block access to air, which will prevent the disease from being treated correctly. It will not work to remove the red tint of erysipelas with ointment; antibacterial tablets will help cure the disease.

During the treatment of erysipelas are prescribed antibacterial drugs that will help remove the red tint from the skin, destroying the infection:

Tetracycline; Penicillin; Erythromycin; Oleandomycin; Olethetrin; Bicillin-5.

Re-inflammation can be treated with pills:

Methicillin; Tseporin; Ampicillin; Oxacillin.

The antibiotic treatment method is applied within a week. If the period of taking antibacterial tablets has reached the 10th day, instead of antibacterial agents anti-inflammatory or allergy tablets may be prescribed.

If the process of inflammation after a course of treatment for erysipelas begins again, curing the disease can help hormonal pills(Prednisolone).

In children, anesthesia, when you need to treat erysipelas, is carried out with drugs:

Acetaminophen (paracetamol); Ibuprofen.

The use of antibiotics in children, when the goal is to treat a skin disease, is limited to a group of oral drugs.

Is foot erysipelas contagious or not?

Skin disease is contagious. The cause of the development of inflammation is an infection represented by streptococcus. At any stage, an infectious disease is contagious.

The infection is transmitted by contact with the skin in which the infection began: if a person has damage to the skin, then erysipelas is contagious to him.

When in doubt whether a disease is contagious, it is worth considering the consequences and possible complications. To remove doubts, it is worth imagining how difficult it is to treat an infectious skin disease. Instead of treating the disease for a long and difficult time, it is better to limit communication with the carrier of the infection until the patient can cure the disease.

Symptoms of the initial stage are invisible on the skin, the infection can be transmitted through wounds when a person does not suspect that he is in contact with an infected person. Tracking the integrity of your own skin will help to avoid infection.


Having calculated the causes, pathogens of the disease, you should try to avoid them. If inflammation begins after an insect bite, you need to use repellents. The erysipelas came after an injury, you need to protect your leg from possible wounds, burns.

Given the fact that the disease is contagious, the disease is contagious. The presence of a predisposition to the disease, an allergy to an infectious agent, skin lesions should cause concern when in contact with a person whose skin has lesions of erysipelas.

Living next to an infected person leads to the need to limit communication. The disease in children may be more severe due to the fact that it is more difficult for them to control themselves when they want to scratch the skin. To avoid skin lesions in children, you need to separate them from a sick person, make sure there are no wounds on the skin through which infection can enter.

Faced with inflammation on the leg, the next time a person, noting signs of the disease, should turn to treatment methods in advance in order to avoid serious consequences, complications.

If the cause of the disease lies in the unstable emotional state, in the event of the first signs of a psychological disorder, it is worth taking measures to relieve tension.

The use of folk remedies for calming will help to cope with anxiety, a feeling of irritation. Right image life, a healthy diet will contribute to the improvement of the body, raising strength and good spirits.

Erysipelas begins violently, sharply. A person is covered with fever with headache, chills, nausea or vomiting, severe weakness, which quickly increase as the body becomes more and more intoxicated. The affected area of ​​the skin turns red, swells, because of this it is strongly stretched, and the slightest touch to it causes pain.

The duration of the disease depends primarily on the form of erysipelas and the degree of streptococcal intoxication. If the skin turns purple and swells - this is an erythematous erysipelas. In the hemorrhagic form, the capillaries burst and petechial hemorrhages occur.

And with bullous erysipelas, in addition to a rash, blisters with watery contents, similar to blisters, also form with burns. When they subside, the skin becomes covered, which peel off only after two to three weeks. The disease is delayed if non-healing ulcers form in their place.

If the foci of erymatous erysipelas are small and the patient immediately began to be treated, then feverish state does not last long, only two or three days, and after five or six days the rash disappears completely. With moderate toxicity acute inflammation lasts for about a week, and the redness disappears in ten days.

In severe cases, when the lesions are extensive, the temperature is under forty, vomiting is exhausting, the treatment can take two to three weeks or even more.

Often symptoms severe poisoning body toxins of streptococci occur with metastases of erysipelas in places far from the original focus of inflammation. With bullous form residual effects- peeling, slight swelling, skin pigmentation, peeling of dry crusts - take at least another week.

When can recovery be delayed?

In whatever form the disease proceeds, it is always affected lymphatic system organism. And the duration of treatment of erysipelas also depends on the degree of its defeat. After all, not only the skin is accounted for, but also lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes or lymphangitis - inflammation of the vessels. It is possible to develop especially severe complication: elephantiasis of the legs, and then the treatment may take more than one month.

Primary erysipelas appear most often only on the face and you can forget about it pretty quickly. But the disease is insidious in that it often returns, affecting the legs already. This is especially likely if there are problems with the veins of the extremities (varicose veins or thrombophlebitis), or skin diseases, allergy, bronchial asthma. It happens that erysipelas disappear and reappear over the course of many years and even decades.

Any form of this disease has age features. So, for example, children rarely get sick with erysipelas, but easily and recover quickly. But in older people, the disease usually proceeds much more severely, and the acute febrile period can last about a month with exacerbations of concomitant chronic diseases.

Finally, recovery can be significantly delayed if ultraviolet rays fall on the patient's skin. If it is mistaken to use compresses or ointments that stimulate blood circulation to relieve swelling, then the infection spreads throughout the body. Or use traditional medicine recipes, having no idea what the form, stage of the disease are, and not taking into account concomitant diseases.