Lump in the labia majora. Lump on the labia

Subcutaneous ball on the labia can deliver not only painful sensations, burning and itching, but also cause psychological discomfort. When pathology occurs, a woman experiences feelings of shame and fear.

Photo 1: To get rid of a tumor, it is necessary to establish the nature of the disease and the causes of its occurrence. Be sure to consult a surgeon; untimely treatment can lead to the formation of ulcers and malignant tumors. Source: flickr (Dmitry Shishkin).

Causes of a ball on the labia

Any neoplasm that appears on the labia indicates pathological processes in organism. Depending on the symptoms, there are diseases in which a subcutaneous formation appears.


A benign neoplasm that consists of adipose tissue. Mostly women aged 30 to 50 years are susceptible to this pathology. The diameter of the ball varies from a few millimeters to 10-15 cm. The area of ​​the neoplasm is soft and not severely painful. No change in skin color is observed.

Note! Untimely treatment of lipoma can lead to displacement of internal organs.

Causes of lipoma

  • increased secretion of secretions from the sweat glands;
  • excess body weight;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • cuts, skin injury during hair removal;
  • use of synthetic, tight underwear.

Atheroma (epidermoid cyst)

A ball emerging under a multilayer skin epithelium. Is a cyst in the skin sebaceous glands. Pathology occurs in women of different ages. The neoplasms are distinguished by their round shape and elastic consistency. The size varies from 5 to 40 mm. The color of the skin over the ball is unchanged. If an infection appears at the site of formation, a purple tint appears. Characteristic feature from lipoma is fast growth education.

Causes of atheroma

  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • increasing testosterone levels;
  • skin injury;
  • ingrown hair;
  • using powders or powders in the bikini area.


Inflammation of the Bartholin gland. The causative agents of the pathology can be gonococci, staphylococci, streptococci, coli, Trichomonas. Symptoms in of this disease pronounced - a painful pink compaction appears, when pressure is applied, pus is released, and swelling of nearby tissues is observed. Associated symptoms are: increased body temperature, pain during walking and sexual intercourse.

Causes of bartholinitis

  • infection during sexual intercourse (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia);
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • skin injury;
  • use of tight synthetic underwear;
  • chronic infections in the body;
  • weakening immune system body;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • surgical interventions.


Benign neoplasm in the form of a subcutaneous ball filled with fluid. Occurs in the cells of the superficial layer connective tissue and sweat glands. The size of the formation varies from 2 to 5 mm. Hidradenoma is characterized by pain during palpation and a pronounced purple tint.

Causes of hidradenoma

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • increased sweating;
  • presence of scratching;
  • dermatoses of various etiologies;
  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the gonads.

Vulvar cancer

Malignant formation of the female genital organs. It is a compaction characterized by increased pain and rate of development, swelling and bloody discharge. A characteristic feature is itching and sharp pains occurring at night. Arises this pathology mostly in women old age(70-75 years old).

This is interesting! To reduce the risk of developing vulvar cancer, you should take antimenopausal medications.

Causes of vulvar cancer

  • age-related changes in the body;
  • overweight;
  • presence of melanomas;
  • promiscuous sexual relations;
  • diabetes;
  • abuse of cigarettes and alcohol.

Other causes of bumps on the labia

  • inflammation of the hair follicle;
  • congenital pathologies of the urethra;
  • hormonal disorders during menstruation.

What measures need to be taken

Photo 2: For effective treatment ball on the labia, you should find out the cause of the formation. If symptoms of this pathology appear, you should not self-medicate, since the absence timely diagnosis diseases can lead to aggravation of the course of the disease to the formation cancerous tumors. Source: flickr (Evgeniy rumedicalnews).

Treatment of lipoma and atheroma

Not used for the treatment of lipomas and atheromas medications. Get rid of this pathology by surgical intervention . The operation is carried out quite quickly and consists of several stages: an incision is made and the contents of the formation are removed, the capsule is scraped out to reduce the risk of relapse, and the incision is sutured. Tissue healing occurs within a week.

Treatment of bartholinitis

Treatment of a disease such as bartholinitis should begin as early as possible. A purulent formation can open both externally and internally, which leads to the spread of infection throughout the body. In the case of a severe form of the disease, the doctor removes the pus ball surgically. Conservative method Treatment of the disease consists of prescribing the patient a course of antibiotics, antipyretic and analgesic drugs (NSAIDs).

Antibiotics- Ceftriaxone, Cefixime, Cefotaxime, Azithromycin, Levofloxacin.

Medicines, NSAID groups- Ibuprofen, Nimesil, Nimesulide, Ketorol, Nalgesin.

Treatment of hidraadenoma

When treating hidradenoma, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics.- Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Clindamycin. If the pathology is not amenable antibacterial therapy, then appoint administration of glucocorticosteroids (hormonal drugs). Concomitant treatment is - boosting immunity with immunomodulators.

There can be many reasons why women develop a lump on the labia, from the simplest to the quite serious. Therefore, if you find any formation, then you should not delay your visit to the gynecologist. Only an experienced specialist can determine what disease the compaction is caused by and prescribe correct and adequate treatment.

A lump on the labia minora may also be a simple pimple, and manifest a more complex disease, for example bartholinitis.

What is bartholinitis

Bartholinitis is an inflammatory process caused by special microorganisms, in which thickening occurs, which is responsible for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the genital organs. In normal condition, the size of the gland is from 1.5 to 2 centimeters. When infected, small compactions form in its tissues or ducts, which increase over time and cause very discomfort.

Signs of the disease

With a 100% guarantee, only a gynecologist can, of course, determine that a lump in the labia is bartholinitis. But the presence of the main obvious symptoms will help you correctly assess the condition and not delay contacting a doctor. The onset of the disease is quite easy to miss, since most often it is not accompanied by a deterioration in health and is completely asymptomatic. Subsequently, a small compaction appears on the labia, usually just one, appearance resembling a pimple. Over time, painful sensations arise at the site of the neoplasm, a slight tingling sensation appears, or it may rise quite heat, a feeling of weakness or chills may appear. Due to blockage of the duct, pus begins to accumulate in its cavity, which forms first a small, then noticeably increasing seal on the labia, and in the absence of proper treatment can provoke the appearance of a cyst.

The main causes of the disease

There can be a huge number of reasons for the occurrence of bartholinitis. This is also a lack of proper hygiene, as a result of which women begin to reproduce on the genitals various bacteria and microorganisms and inflammatory diseases genitourinary system, the presence of sexually transmitted infections, and the body’s special susceptibility to microbes due to reduced immunity.

Treatment methods for bartholinitis

A lump on the labia caused by bartholinitis can cause either the formation of an abscess if pus accumulates in the tissue area of ​​the labia minora, or the occurrence of cystic formation, in cases where blockage of the excretory duct occurs. In both cases, surgery cannot be avoided. The abscess is opened, allowing the pus accumulated inside to come out, and for several hours the wound is periodically drained to avoid repeated suppuration. After complete cleaning of the tissues, it is mandatory to carry out antibacterial therapy, which kills those remaining in the body and prevents further development diseases.

The seal on the labia, resulting from the formation of a cyst, reaches much large sizes than an abscess, and may even make it more difficult for a woman to recover. After surgical removal of the formation, the patient needs to follow a strict diet and undergo a rehabilitation course of treatment based on taking anti-inflammatory drugs and undergoing physiological procedures prescribed by the gynecologist.

On women's forums you can often find a message with the following content: “Girls, what could this be? A small lump appeared on the labia. They are red and painful when pressed, but there is no pus yet. Help! Have you had this happen and, if so, how to remove this lump?”

Lump or bartholinitis?

The lump on the labia has medical name and a very clear gynecological definition, namely -.

The causes of a lump on the labia lie behind factors such as:

  • Infections that a woman can contract from her sexual partner;
  • An infectious process that could come from an infected tooth or inflamed tonsils.

Also, among gynecologists there is an opinion, proven by facts and diagnostics, that purulent lumps and lumps on the labia are formed as a result of infection entering the labia through the so-called Bartholin glands. Every woman physiologically has them and their ducts extend to the surface of the labia.

Common causes of lumps on the labia

Among the common and most common causes of lumps on the labia (bartholinitis) are the following:

  • Constant observance of the rules of personal hygiene - this means that you should under no circumstances use other people’s towels, soap, etc. Naturally, you need to do labia hygiene at least 2 times a day, especially if there is inflammation.
  • Decline protective forces body, decreased immunity.
  • Damage to the body pathogenic microorganisms, infections, bacteria.

In most clinical cases, it is infections such as streptococci, staphylococci, and gonococcus that cause bumps on the labia and other pathological formations.

Well, the disease and its active course are activated at the moment when the woman’s body begins to attack pathogenic microorganisms in the aggregate. Microbes, as you may have already understood, quite easily penetrate the glands of the labia, and already multiplying and developing in them, infect the tissues.

How does infection penetrate the genital tract?

Infection in the labia can also enter through urethra, and also, through circulatory system women.

When bartholinitis occurs in a woman, an inflammatory process occurs in only one of the glands. When the gland becomes blocked infectious process, then pus begins to accumulate in it, or it is called purulent secretion.

Pus can accumulate inside the gland very quickly and eventually have no natural outlet. Therefore, in some women the labia may reach the size chicken egg and even a large orange.

Against the background of a pathological increase in purulent lump, the patient notes such symptoms as:

  • Chills;
  • Fever;
  • Increased temperature;
  • Pain in intimate place;
  • Burning;
  • Tingling;
  • Unpleasant pain radiates to the vagina and anus.

If a purulent lump opens spontaneously, then a very foul-smelling, greenish-yellow liquid mixed with blood comes out of it.

After the lump on the labia opens on its own, the symptoms of the disease will subside a little, but, again, this is temporary. There is a huge risk of recurrence and formation of an infectious process.

Do not under any circumstances delay a visit to the gynecologist if you notice a lump on the labia. Otherwise, the condition may worsen. The sooner you see a doctor, the higher the chances of recovery.

How to diagnose a lump on the labia?

How can you independently diagnose a lump or bartholinitis?

This disease can be very easily diagnosed at home. As a rule, you can see a small lump on the labia. If you touch this place with your hands, you will get the feeling that there are grapes or beans under the skin.

Initially, the swelling may be red, and a little later this swelling turns blue. If you put your hand into a lump, it will be hot to the touch. Also, the temperature begins to rise rapidly to 38 degrees.

Symptoms such as increased weakness in the body and lethargy cannot be ruled out. At this stage, if you press on the lump, you will experience a very strong, excruciating, sharp, dagger-like pain.

Seeing a doctor

If you do not consult a doctor at this stage, the lump will open on its own. But don’t think that this is the end of the disease. She moved to chronic form diseases.

If, again, chronic bartholinitis is not treated, then a lump will form at the site of the lump.

When visiting a doctor, the specialist must undergo a complete standard examination of the female labia.

Also, the patient should be taken for microbiological determination of the causes of the disease. Already based on the results laboratory tests It will be possible to determine the cause of the formation of a lump on the labia and subsequently prescribe therapy.

Characteristic symptoms of bartholinitis

The symptoms of bartholinitis completely depend on the course of the disease.

If we talk about acute bartholinitis, then this disease is very difficult. Woman feels strong sharp pain in the labia area, and her overall health begins to deteriorate quite sharply.

If bartholinitis occurs in acute form, then the woman cannot even sit, stand and move around fully. When the abscess breaks out, the state of health improves slightly.

From the acute stage of the disease, the lump on the labia becomes chronic.

An aggravation of the lump on the labia occurs during menstruation; after a long stay in the cold; as well as during the off-season, when a woman’s immunity decreases.

Treatment of lumps on the labia

Treatment of bartholinitis should be carried out exclusively in a medical facility.

Therapy includes:

  • Opening an abscess;
  • Use of antibiotics;
  • Removal of Bartholin's gland;
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • Taking antibacterial baths.

Any changes associated with the outer female labia are strongly recommended to be carefully examined, because they may well be a symptom of the development of some serious disease. It is very important for a woman to know what signs associated with groin area, you need to pay attention and, if necessary, consult with your gynecologist. Particular concern should be caused by seals and neoplasms that appear in the form of a ball or lump in the structure of the labia - both minor and major or near them.

Why do lumps appear on the labia?

photo of bumps (seals) on the floor of the lips

In fact, there are quite a lot of reasons for the occurrence of compactions: balls, lumps and other formations in the groin area. For example, if, when a woman develops a lump on the labia majora (or symmetrical neoplasms on both), the cause, in the vast majority of cases, turns out to be an inflammatory process or a cyst in the area of ​​the Bartholin gland. In addition, it should be taken into account that:

  • small in size, but quite hard pimples on the pubic area, most often caused by blockage, inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands;
  • inflamed hair follicle can also change in size, forming a lump or lump in a woman;
  • neoplasms in women in the perineum can form due to infection of the body (for example, the genitourinary system) with gonococci, chlamydia and even papillomavirus;
  • one of the special cases of the disease should be considered congenital anomalies in the development of the external genitalia, as well as the urinary system.

In no case should we forget that an unusual ball in the structure of the labia or between the legs may well turn out to be benign education or even malignant tumor, having an oncological nature.

What is a wen in the groin

Quite often, wen forms on the labia of women and looks like a small bump under the skin. Traditionally it does not cause painful sensations. In the vast majority of cases, women encounter wen in age category from 30 to 50 years. A lump in a woman’s pubic area is identified by a specialist due to suspicion of any other pathologies. We can talk about a hernia, malignant formations or, for example, lymphadenitis.

Wen on the labia can be characterized by a different nature of origin. For example, we can talk about a hereditary factor, metabolic destabilization or hormonal changes. In addition, one should not forget about poor nutrition or the presence of bad habits. Fat deposits in women are divided into formations such as xanthomas, fibrolipomas, angiolipomas, and diffuse ones. Experts also identify pedunculated lipomas. One of the features of wen on the labia can be considered their size (significant or medium). In addition, their multiple accumulations are quite possible.

Determination of atheroma in the groin

In some cases, the cause of the development of a seal on the labia is atheroma. Speaking about it, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to the fact that it is:

  1. A specific capsule that is filled with fatty masses that have a white or yellow tint inside.
  2. Identifying a lump is easy because in the vast majority of cases it is associated with an unpleasant odor.
  3. Atheroma has the ability to move freely under the skin, and it is also characterized by the ability to slowly progressively increase in size.
  4. In some cases, small holes appear on the surface of the seal, through which the contents of the present swelling begin to be released.

photo of atheroma in the pubic area of ​​a woman

In the case when sebaceous glands begin to become clogged, the substance produced by them will accumulate in significant quantities, which, naturally, affects changes in its size. In addition, infection can penetrate directly into the atheroma due to its damage. The result of this is that purulent contents are concentrated in the capsule. The superficial part of the skin above the seal turns out to be hyperemic (reddened) and also extremely painful when touched.

In general, in women, atheroma is quite often located in the area of ​​the labia minora and labia majora. It is characterized by a cone-shaped shape. Its size can vary from minor to more than serious. Quite often, atheroma forms in female representatives who are between the ages of 30 and 50 years.

What you need to know about the cyst

Another cause of a lump or lump in the groin area in women may be a cyst.

Speaking about this, pay attention to the following features of the presented process:

  • due to blockage of the sweat and sebaceous glands, many of which are located in the skin of the labia majora, cysts can form directly on the external genitalia;
  • they can be located around the outer part of the urethral canal (in this case they are called paraurethral cysts) and the vestibule of the vaginal part (Bartholin gland cysts);
  • their sizes, in the vast majority of cases, range from three to seven cm;
  • the main reasons for the formation of cysts may be some traumatic injuries, as well as chronic inflammatory processes.

The most common pathogens are streptococci, gonococci, chlamydia, as well as staphylococci and E. coli. At the beginning of the impact, a blockage will form on the pubis, worsening general condition and sometimes even overgrowth of the excretory duct. In addition, additional secretion will inevitably form, and the gland will increase in size, which will lead to the formation of a cystic formation. I would like to draw special attention to the features associated with the treatment of a lump in the labia area in a woman.

Features of tumor treatment

First of all, it is necessary to note the possibility surgical removal compaction due to desquamation (isolation of a tumor-like node from a healthy tissue cover). Next, the formed wound is sutured for benign formations on the external genitalia.

The next treatment option may be a vulvectomy. When we talk about this, we mean surgical removal anything connected to the external genitalia (such as the labia, clitoris, and skin covering the perineal area). This is enough major surgery, which is carried out for women only if a stage of the oncological process has been proven at which any other intervention will not be sufficiently effective. In addition, experts point out that seals can be treated with some other methods:

  1. Radiation therapy, which consists of destroying malignant formations using a special ionizing radiation(let's say x-ray).
  2. Chemotherapy is the destruction of cancer-dependent cells using cytostatics (components that create obstacles to division and renewal of cellular composition).
  3. Application medicines, promoting the resorption of cysts.
  4. Carrying out a biopsy, which allows you to pump out fluid not only from cysts, but also, in some cases, from fatty tissues.

Is it possible to prevent tubercles on the labia?

preventive consultations gynecologist is the key to health

In order to prevent the formation of tubercles in the labia area in women in the future, it is strongly recommended to take certain preventive measures.

In particular, special attention is paid to the importance of giving up bad habits.

We should not forget about compliance healthy image life. In this case we are talking about constant physical exercise, provision healthy eating avoiding fatty, smoked and canned foods. No less significant is the restriction on the use of salt.

For every woman, it would be best to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist (it is advisable to do this at least twice a year). It is also important to attend to the treatment of so-called background and precancerous pathologies associated with the vulva area. We can talk about kraurosis (thinning, dryness and itching of the mucous membranes in the area of ​​the external genitalia), leukoplakia (the formation of specific films or white plaques on the mucous surface of the external genitalia). Of course, special attention should be paid to genital warts (wart-like growths on the mucous surface of a woman’s genital organs, which can appear quite unexpectedly).