Severe knee bruise first aid. What to do if you have a knee injury? Porridge made from sugar and onions

A knee bruise occurs due to the strong impact of a traumatic factor on the kneecap. Most often this closed injury, in which the integrity of the skin is not compromised.

Children and athletes most often suffer from knee injuries, but even an adult can injure his knee by accident. As a rule, children can injure their knee during active games, and adults can injure their knee during icy conditions, falling from a height, during a domestic injury, etc. Severe bruise kneecap Although it is a common injury, there is no prevention for it.

A knee injury can happen at any time. This injury threatens cartilage deformation and further loss. physical activity, which is especially important for athletes. Therefore, in case of a bruise with complications, or in case of a bruise, the pain from which does not go away for more than one week, it is necessary to continue treatment in medical institution rather than resort to traditional methods.

During any bruise, several tissues are involved in the process. When a knee is bruised, it takes the blow first soft fabrics. They subsequently recover quickly. In the knee area, the soft tissue is thin, so the impact force is largely absorbed by the bone. In addition to skin and bones, muscles, joint ligaments, cartilage tissue and blood vessels are affected.

During an impact, muscles are most often in a relaxed state, so during an injury, muscle tissue is damaged varying degrees heaviness, to which she responds with spasms. Hence the pain that a person feels. Injury to the ligaments also occurs due to strong impact, as a result of which they can tear and the joint becomes immobilized. The cartilages, which act as shock absorbers, are largely affected. And at the break large vessel blood can accumulate in the joint cavity. The amount of such blood is most often insignificant (about thirty to fifty milliliters), but in some cases doctors extract one hundred and fifty milliliters.

Symptoms of bruise

The symptoms of a knee injury are clearly expressed, so diagnosis is quite easy. Most common following symptoms:

  • sharp pain– pain first occurs when the knee is injured. Further painful sensations become noticeably smaller, and if there is no serious damage, then the pain may subside altogether. If the skin is damaged (abrasion, wound), then the pain will be subsequently associated with precisely this consequence;
  • swelling - it occurs with almost any blow, but in some cases the burn is not so noticeable. A slight swelling may be associated with a skin injury, but a quickly formed large tumor may be a consequence of hemorrhage (hemarthrosis) or effusion of joint fluid (synovitis);
  • restrictions in movement - if the knee is severely bruised, the victim cannot straighten his leg, tries to spare his leg when walking, and not lean on it;
  • in some cases, a hematoma may occur if the impact hits the vessels. As a rule, bleeding from small vessels ends within five to ten minutes, and from large vessels it lasts more than a day. A fresh hematoma will have a blue-pink color, and after a few days the spot will begin to change color from brown to dirty yellow.

As a rule, the symptoms of a knee injury go away on their own, but if before the end of the first day after the injury one of the above-mentioned signs is still detected, then it is necessary to contact a traumatologist to exclude more serious consequences of the injury - cracks and broken bones.

Diagnosis of a knee injury

Diagnosing a knee injury as such is not particularly difficult. After the injury occurs, the above symptoms occur. A simple bruise most often occurs with a blow to the straight front surface of the knee, but with a tangential blow there is a high risk of injury to the meniscus. However, when making a diagnosis, it is important to assess the condition of the injury and possible more serious injuries. To do this, first of all, the doctor pays attention to the condition of the patella, femur, fibula and tibia. For diagnostic purposes, the patient undergoes an X-ray of the knee joint.

When assessing the ligaments, the doctor is based on the physiological mobility of the knee, the absence of swelling and severe pain. If everything is normal with the knee, then ligament damage is excluded.

It is important to distinguish recent knee contusions from meniscal injuries. The symptoms are very similar, since pain and swelling from even a minor injury will persist for some time. The same symptoms apply to meniscus damage. In order to make the correct diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging of the knee is performed, ultrasonography, arthroscopy. Because these diagnostic measures allow you to assess not only the condition of the meniscus, but also the ligaments, then at the same time it is necessary to check the ligaments.

Treatment of a knee bruise

If you bruise your knee, it is important to provide first aid correctly. So, actions after injury should be as follows:

  1. Load limit on knee-joint;
  2. Applying cold to the knee (ice, bottle of cold water, special packages). This will help not only relieve pain, but also prevent the development of swelling. Cold can be applied periodically for two to three days;
  3. Anesthesia. If applying cold does not bring results and the pain is still severe, then you can give the victim an analgin, ibuprofen or ketorol tablet. Helps relieve pain and injection of diclofenac intramuscularly;
  4. Applying a tight bandage for complete immobilization. The bandage should not compress the joint too much, ensuring complete passage of blood through the vessels. It's good if you have it at hand elastic bandage, but in its absence, you can use any available material;
  5. Giving the affected limb an elevated position.

After first aid is provided, I transport the victim home with subsequent observation of the affected limb. If pain persists the next day, pain relief can be repeated using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They have an excellent analgesic effect. Among such drugs we note oxygan, indomethacin, diclofenac, ketorol.

If a knee injury is accompanied by a hematoma and severe swelling, the victim is transported to medical institution. Most likely, this tumor is a complication of a knee bruise called bleeding into the joint cavity. Clinical signs of hemarthrosis appear within two hours, so by the time you visit a medical facility, the doctor can easily identify this complication. As a rule, with hemarthrosis, the pain in the knee area is very severe, it swells, swells, and the victim cannot lean on his leg. If the hemorrhage occurs from a large vessel, then it significantly stretches the joint capsule as it enters there. When palpating the knee, you can feel the movement of fluid under your fingers. General state the victim is much more seriously ill than with an uncomplicated bruise - the temperature may rise, the patient is restless.

In this situation, timely assistance is very important, otherwise blood will begin to saturate the cartilage tissue, and the resulting clots will provoke inflammation. To finally make sure of the presence of hemorrhage, the doctor does a two-projection x-ray and a balling test (when you press on the patella, it seems to sink into the liquid, and then floats up on its own).

Fluid is removed from the knee joint using a puncture, then the knee is tightly fixed using a pressure bandage. It is advisable to wear it for about three weeks. In addition, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors to speed up recovery. Rehabilitation period after a bruise complicated by hemarthrosis, it takes about two months.

To eliminate the effects of swelling and restore normal blood flow, the doctor prescribes special ointments– heparin ointment, lyoton gel, etc. These funds help restore the structure of blood vessels, strengthen their walls, help destroy the smallest blood clots, thereby eliminating blockage of blood vessels. You can also use the Nanoplast forte patch, which has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the action of the patch, blood circulation in the bruised area improves. The patch should be applied for three to nine days, depending on the patient’s feelings. IN sports medicine popular means is an overnight compress of zinc ointment.

No person is immune from injury. With such damage as a knee bruise, treatment at home should be carried out as early as possible, otherwise unwanted complications may appear.

What is the danger of a knee injury?

Knee bruises often occur in athletes and people actively training gym. An organ can also be injured in an accident.

It would seem that such minor damage can lead to serious consequences. When the knee joint is damaged, the patient often experiences severe pain and complains of discomfort when walking.

Knee bruise: symptoms of the disease, treatment tactics

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out as follows: the patient undergoes an x-ray of the knee joint. This method allows you to obtain complete information about the condition of the organ. X-rays rule out more serious damage to the knee.

The main symptom of the disease is sharp pain, sometimes it becomes unbearable. The knee begins to swell and the person cannot move normally. Every step turns into torture. If the injury is severe, the patient loses consciousness from painful shock.

How to treat a knee bruise?

First you need to eliminate the pain. For this purpose they are used non-steroidal drugs, endowed with an anti-inflammatory effect. Experts also recommend medications that have an analgesic effect.

Chondroprotectors are actively used in the treatment of the disease. The medications contain elements similar to natural joint fluid. Typically these drugs are used for injection.

Rapid wound healing is observed when using Collagen Ultra gel. It has an analgesic effect. The drug has a positive effect on damaged tissue, providing it with the necessary nutrients. The high effectiveness of the gel is explained by the presence of collagen in its composition.

Some people take Collagen Ultra internally. Dietary supplement perfectly eliminates knee pain. The duration of the course of treatment is 30 days.

To improve blood supply to damaged vessels, medications are used local action. They normalize blood circulation. Lyoton ointment strengthens the walls of blood vessels and restores their structure.


Knee joint bruises are treated with physiotherapeutic methods. They must be used after seven days from the date of injury. Good result observed during UHF therapy. Physiotherapeutic sessions have a beneficial effect on damaged tissue. Typically, doctors practice electrotherapy using dynamic currents. UHF therapy is carried out in courses.

In most cases, 10 physiotherapy sessions are necessary. The process of tissue regeneration when using UHF therapy occurs quite quickly. The speed of rehabilitation depends on the severity of the disease. Usually after 7 days the symptoms of malaise disappear, the hematoma decreases in size.

The patient must perform special physical exercise. They are simple: a person can easily make them at home.

First aid for a knee injury

The load on the damaged part of the body must be limited. A cold object is applied to the knee. This will prevent swelling from occurring. Ice applied to the site of a bruise relieves pain well: the cold helps to narrow the blood vessels.

A fixing bandage must be applied to the joint. To make it, you can use an elastic bandage. The bandage should not be tightened too tightly; it should not hinder movement.

Important! If complications occur, a puncture is necessary. Its essence boils down to the fact that the doctor makes a puncture in the area of ​​the knee joint and pumps out the accumulated fluid.

Possible complications of the disease

Damage to the knee joint can lead to adverse consequences:

  • Fluid accumulates in the joint area. This contributes to the occurrence of pronounced edema. In this case, impose plaster cast. It limits the mobility of the joint;
  • dislocation of the kneecap, sprain;
  • inflammatory changes in the meniscus (cartilaginous plate of the joint). If proper assistance is not provided, a person may become disabled;
  • bursitis. Its symptoms are: swelling in the joint, redness in the area of ​​the kneecap. Often the patient's temperature rises. If a wound gets infected, pus appears in it. This form of bursitis can be successfully treated only surgically.

Knee injury in a child

Children have thin, sensitive skin. Abrasions quickly form on it. The knee should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, the other medicine with antiseptic properties.

If the victim has no swelling or bruising, but is still bothered by knee pain, it makes sense to turn to traditional methods of treatment.

Apply a compress of medicinal decoction. You can use bodyagu (20 grams of product per 1000 ml of water) to prepare it. The mixture is kept on low heat for 20 minutes, then it is cooled and made healing compress. The duration of the procedure depends on the child's condition.

Salt-based lotions are also useful. They are made according to this scheme: 0.1 kg of salt is poured with 2 liters of water. You need to moisten a clean cloth in this solution and apply it to the bruise. You can apply medicinal creams that have a cooling effect to the injured knee.

Folk remedies can only harm the child. If he has a sprain or fracture, he needs high-quality medical care. Therefore, in any case, the victim must be shown to a specialist.

Important! If, after bruising your knee, your child begins to vomit or feel nauseated, you should immediately go to the clinic. These adverse symptoms may indicate a concussion. The patient may lose consciousness or fall into a coma.

How to treat a bruised knee joint in adults using traditional methods?

A knee bruise from a fall can be treated at home with the help of folk recipes. But before using them you need to consult a specialist. A solution with the addition of vinegar has a good anti-inflammatory effect. You need to prepare it like this:

  • take vegetable oil, water and vinegar in equal proportions (10 ml each). Mix all components well, apply the product to the fabric;
  • cover the bruised knee joint with a plastic bag and wrap it in warm cloth;
  • The compress is kept for 4 hours. Then a ten-hour break is taken and treatment is resumed.

Knee joint injury can be successfully treated with ordinary cabbage. You need to take a couple of sheets of vegetable, put them in a large saucepan, heat over low heat. A cabbage leaf is applied to the sore knee joint and bandaged with a bandage. This reduces swelling.

Some people use a compress made from potatoes to treat a bruise. To do this, the vegetable is carefully grated.

Knee bruises at home include the following treatment:

  • apple cider vinegar (250 ml) is heated using a water bath. Add 20 grams of coarse salt, 10 drops of iodine;
  • moisten gauze with this solution and apply it to the damaged area.

Lubricate the sore joint with arnica tincture. Excellent fight against inflammatory changes in the bodyaga organ. Bodyaga powder should be diluted in warm water and a bandage should be applied on top. You can remove it after the bodyaga is completely dry.

A bruised knee caused by a fall causes severe pain, but treatment at home will quickly return a person to normal life. You can try this popular recipe: carefully chop the plantain leaves and grease them with fat. This folk remedy is used 3 times a day.

To get rid of painful sensations It is useful to drink valerian tincture. Perfectly eliminates pain symptom white lily compress. It is applied to the damaged area. The compress must be securely fixed with a bandage.

Useful ointments

At home, you can prepare a healthy ointment from wormwood yourself. Dry grass and Vaseline are thoroughly mixed and placed in the oven for a couple of hours. After this, the product is cooled and rubbed into the damaged knee three times a day. Instead of dry wormwood, comfrey is sometimes used. The plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties. The ointment has an analgesic effect, the hematoma resolves well.

An ointment based on cinquefoil is excellent for treating a bruised knee joint. To prepare it, the stems of the plant are evaporated and added to semolina porridge. This remedy should be applied to the sore knee. The leg should be kept warm, so it must be carefully wrapped.

You can use viper fat. They gently rub the injured limb twice a day. The recovery process is much faster.

Rehabilitation process after injury

Important! For full recovery It will take a month after a knee joint injury. If adverse complications occur, a person gets into shape more slowly: you need to take care of your health.

You can speed up the recovery process after damage to the knee joint by swimming; you should definitely visit the pool. This strengthens the leg muscles and improves blood circulation.

You can treat a bruised knee joint as follows: medicines, and reliable, time-tested folk remedies. But that's it therapeutic methods must be used under medical supervision.

As a result of the impact, tissue damage occurs in a certain area. Powerful mechanical effects destroy not only the skin and subcutaneous tissue, but also muscle tissue, ligaments, cartilage and blood vessels.

The cause of a knee injury is usually an external force. A bruise of the knee joint has code S80.0 according to ICD 10 and refers to superficial injuries of the lower leg.

The most common cause of knee injury is a simple fall. You can also get injured by hitting your foot on a hard or sharp object.

Another common cause of injury is motor vehicle accidents.

Considering the fact that the knee functions as a kind of hinge, allowing flexion and extension of the limb during walking, an injury to the knee joint can have very serious consequences for a person’s health and affect his ability to move.

At the same time, injuries to the limb can have devastating consequences, which can only be eliminated by surgical intervention.

Damage to a limb may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Intense pain syndrome, sharply intensifying.
  • Hemarthrosis of the knee joint. Hemorrhage into the cavity of the joint capsule can occur both as a result of an intra-articular fracture and with less severe injuries, such as ligaments and joint contusion.
  • The appearance of edema with blurred or clearly defined forms. occurs quite rarely and indicates the complexity of the injury.
  • Deterioration of joint mobility.

The severity of symptoms will be influenced by factors such as strength mechanical impact, area of ​​damaged tissue and location of injury.

A knee bruise is dangerous because it can provoke the development of diseases such as those characterized by an inflammatory process.

If a tumor appears on the knee, and the joint appears, you should not delay time. The victim must be taken to a medical facility.

Diagnosis of a bruise caused by a fall involves examining and palpating the area of ​​damage.

In a number of situations, it may be necessary to perform a puncture, which will show whether there is an accumulation of blood in the joint cavity. X-rays, ultrasound, tomography and endoscopy are also used to diagnose a damaged knee.

First aid rules

Correctly provided first aid for a severe knee injury can minimize the consequences of the injury and also reduce the risk of complications.

What should be done if a person has a knee injury as a result of mechanical impact? In order not to aggravate the injuries received, it is necessary to reduce the load on the bruised limb as much as possible and try not to lean on the leg.

Next, you need to apply ice or some cold object to the injured area, which will help prevent swelling and reduce pain. You can apply cold objects for a maximum of 20-25 minutes, after which you should take a 15-minute break.

If there is severe pain in the injured area, it is recommended to relieve the pain by taking an anesthetic drug orally.

The injured person should be carefully placed on hard surface, after which the leg needs to be given a semi-bent state by placing a small pillow under the knee.

You need to immobilize your leg using a splint. For these purposes, both special medical devices and improvised instruments are used - any strong things that can hold the leg motionless after fixation.

Tight elastic bandages should not be applied to the damaged area in the first hours after the injury, since it is unknown what consequences the blow had.

When can a bruise be treated at home?

If there is even the slightest suspicion of the seriousness of the injury, the victim should be examined by a trauma surgeon.

Based on an examination of the damaged area, the doctor should make a conclusion about how severe the knee bruise is and whether it is possible to continue treating the injury at home.

It is necessary to understand that a bruise of the knee joint is considered a serious injury, which is assigned a personal code according to ICD 10.

In particular difficult situations the injured person may require surgery and even joint replacement to repair the damage.

However, if injuries sustained as a result of a fall do not require hospitalization, the victim can remain at home and receive full treatment.

A person who has hit his knee hard must be kept at rest. In addition, the victim needs to avoid stress and not strain the injured leg. If necessary, use crutches or a cane to move around.

In the first 2 or 3 days after injury, cold compresses are applied to the injured area, which help remove swelling and reduce pain.

In the future, warming compresses are most effective, providing fast recovery fabrics.

After finishing acute period injuries, the knee should be fixed with an elastic bandage. A tight bandage is applied to the knee, which reaches a third of the calf. In addition, special knee orthoses can be used to fix the joint.

During treatment, the victim should take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, the use of chondroprotectors is recommended.

If necessary, the victim may be prescribed antihistamines and painkillers. If the knee is severe, products that have anti-inflammatory and absorbable properties are applied to the swollen area.

If the recovery process goes well, 7 days after the injury, the victim can begin to gradually develop the damaged joint, performing a complex therapeutic exercises. When performing exercises, it is very important to prevent unnecessary stress on the joint, which will lead to a worsening of its condition. The increase in load on the affected leg should be uniform and gradual. Begin exercises with warm-up exercises and stretching.

All exercises are performed slowly at a calm pace. The victim must be aware that when developing the knee after mechanical damage you need to be patient and strictly follow the recovery plan without forcing things. During the exercises, slight pain may occur. If the pain intensity increases sharply, the exercise should be stopped immediately.

After 10 days after the injury, you are allowed to begin massaging the damaged area.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine offers a number effective recipes knee treatment at home. However, these methods should not be considered as a complete replacement for traditional therapy.

Using the recipes of our ancestors is effective only as a supplement to the main course of treatment for bruises.

Treatment of injury using folk remedies involves:

  • rubbing the damaged area with medicinal mixtures;
  • using a variety of lotions and warm compresses;
  • taking medicinal baths.

The most famous folk remedy for bruises is White cabbage. Cabbage leaves must first be mashed so that the juice begins to release, and then applied to the damaged area, securing with cling film and a bandage.

Bodyagi lotions will be no less effective. The powder, which can be purchased at any pharmacy today, should be added to boiled water, stir thoroughly until a paste-like mass is obtained, and then apply to the bruised area using a tampon.

The mixture should be rubbed into the skin for several minutes. 20 minutes after applying the mixture to the knee, wash off the dried bodyaga with water.

A proven method of treating bruises that allows you to get rid of swelling is compresses. For cooking medicinal composition you need to take vinegar, boiled water and vegetable oil in equal proportions.

After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, you need to wet a cotton cloth with the solution and apply it to the bruised area. The fabric is covered with cellophane on top, secured with a bandage, and then the leg is wrapped in a warm scarf.

To see noticeable results, you need to apply several compresses.

If in the first days healing process A knee bruise is treated with cold, but in the subsequent period treatment at home involves the use of compresses.

To prepare a warming ointment you need to take Birch tar, pork fat and spruce resin. All components are placed in a clay pot, which is tightly closed with a lid and coated with dough.

Our great-grandmothers put such a pot in the oven immediately after they finished baking bread in it. In a modern home, this is impossible, so the clay pot is placed in an ordinary oven on low heat for several hours.

Warm ointment is spread on a piece of cloth, which is applied to the injured area. This tool They are used only in a warm form, therefore, before use, the finished ointment will need to be preheated.

An ointment prepared from crushed plantain leaves mixed with pork fat will help ensure rapid tissue restoration. The composition is applied to the knee, which is wrapped in cling film and wrapped with a warming bandage on top. The compress is left on the knee overnight.

Burdock root is also good for bruises. You need to take 75 grams of fresh root, which should first be peeled and washed well.

The root needs to be crushed and poured with 200 milliliters of any vegetable oil, for example, olive or sunflower. The mixture should steep for 24 hours, after which it should be heated on the stove for 15 minutes, without allowing it to boil.

As effective means for the treatment of bruises, due to which swelling goes away faster and the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated, ethnoscience also offers compresses made from cottage cheese, mixtures of wormwood with Vaseline and mixtures of honey with aloe pulp.


No person is immune from troubles, so the threat of injury is always present. However, in order to reduce the risk of harm to your health, you should wear comfortable shoes, exercise and eat right.

In addition, there is no need to risk your health by getting involved in extreme sports. If you can’t imagine your life without a skateboard and rollers, be sure to use protective equipment and knee pads that soften the knee bruise if you fall.

About the author: admin

A knee contusion is a common injury caused by a blow or fall. With severe trauma, they can develop quite severe consequences. Therefore, it is worth learning to recognize the symptoms characteristic of bruises and understand how to treat a knee bruise.

A knee bruise from a fall is a soft tissue injury without compromising the integrity of the bone. You can injure your knee if you fall, as a result of an accident, during sports training etc.

As a rule, a bruise can be accompanied by:

  1. Swelling, changes in the size of the joint and disruption of its functionality.
  2. Accumulation of synovial fluid in the joint cavity. This is how a characteristic tumor arises after a bruise, the appearance of which is due to increased synthesis of joint fluid in the area inner shell. To eliminate the tumor, you will need to apply a bandage, cold compresses and other therapeutic measures.
  3. Vascular damage - a traumatic factor affects the walls of blood vessels, which leads to their rupture. As a result, the victim develops extensive hematomas and internal hemorrhages, which is fraught with hemarthrosis - accumulation of blood in the cavity.

In general, according to traumatologists, patients with a knee bruise exhibit the following characteristic symptoms:

  • Knee pain is quite intense and sharp at the time of injury;
  • Violation of motor activity and normal functioning of the joint;
  • Hematomas and subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • Swelling, increase in the size of the knee joint;
  • Redness skin in the area of ​​damage.

A severe knee injury is accompanied by pronounced pain and joint deformation. The victim experiences swelling of the knee, caused by synovitis or hemarthrosis.

In most cases, with proper care first aid symptoms of a bruise go away or at least noticeably decrease throughout the day, however, when this does not happen, you must definitely consult a doctor at the trauma department!

What is the danger?

The knee is a rather vulnerable area, most susceptible to various types of injuries. Unfortunately, the lack of timely assistance for a bruise or illiterate actions lead to various severe complications and dysfunction of joints.

Anterior view of knee contusion

Traumatologists identify the following most common consequences of a knee injury:

  • Cracks;
  • Fracture;
  • Meniscus tears;
  • Torsion of the knee ligament;
  • Atrophy of muscle groups of the lower limb;
  • Development of inflammatory processes;
  • Tendon rupture;
  • Internal hemorrhages;

Such complications require mandatory, timely care medical care, otherwise the results can be very disastrous, including the patient’s disability. Therefore, if the knee is very swollen and painful, and motor activity is significantly impaired, you should immediately seek advice from a qualified specialist.

How to help the victim?

What to do if you are injured? This question often arises among people who have experienced this type of traumatic injury. First aid for a knee injury is based on eliminating painful symptoms and preventing possible complications.

First of all, the injured limb must be provided with maximum rest. For these purposes, a fixing bandage is applied to the knee (it is best to use an elastic bandage, but any other available materials will do).

To reduce swelling, it is important to ensure blood flow away from the damaged joint. Therefore, it is recommended to raise the victim’s leg a little and place it on a slight elevation.

In addition, the bruised joint should be applied cold compress, a heating pad with ice. Moreover, it is advisable to carry out this manipulation within 15 minutes after receiving the injury. Otherwise, the knee may become very swollen and will have to be dealt with with the help of medications and physiotherapeutic methods.

With pronounced pain syndrome You can give the victim a pain reliever. Sometimes bruises are accompanied by damage to the integrity of the skin. In such cases, it is necessary to stop the bleeding and treat the wound surface antiseptic solution, in order to prevent the development infectious processes, and after that apply a bandage.

Treatment methods

What to do if you bruise your knee? If the victim’s condition remains severe enough and painful symptoms do not go away or are present Clinical signs, characteristic of fractures and other serious injuries, the patient should be taken to a medical facility for diagnosis as soon as possible.

The attending physician will tell you how to treat a bruise, depending on the results obtained and the characteristics of a particular clinical case. Usually, this type traumatic injury does not require any special treatment. It is enough for the patient to temporarily limit the load on the injured joint; as a rule, a bandage is applied for this purpose.

The bruised area may hurt in the first days, so patients are often prescribed analgesics, warming ointments, which have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Good effect gives Heparin ointment, the effect of which is aimed at resolving the tumor and eliminating the accumulation of blood in the joint cavity.

For a speedy recovery cartilage tissue chondroprotectors are used. In more severe cases, corticosteroids and antibiotic drugs are prescribed, which should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following the recommended dosage. If an x-ray reveals a fracture or cracked bone in the victim, a plaster cast is applied.

In case of severe hemarthrosis, the doctor performs a puncture of the joint, removing accumulated blood from it. In general, treatment at home involves maintaining rest, taking vitamin and mineral complexes for general strengthening body, application of compresses.

Folk recipes

You can eliminate the painful symptoms of a bruise and speed up the process of tissue regeneration using traditional medicine:

  1. Cabbage compress is great for swelling and hematomas. Just a little kneading is enough cabbage leaf, apply it to the knee joint area and secure with a bandage. It is best to do such procedures in the evening, before going to bed.
  2. Curd compress - relieves swelling and relieves inflammation, helps eliminate pain. To achieve such results, you simply need to apply the cottage cheese to the damaged area, cover it with plastic wrap, and fix it with bandage or adhesive plaster. Optimal time exposure for about half an hour.
  3. A compress based on bodyaga is effective for extensive hematomas and subcutaneous hemorrhages. To prepare it, crushed bodyaga into powder is diluted with warm water until a paste-like consistency is obtained. The resulting mixture is applied to the bruise and left for half an hour. It is recommended to do such compresses daily.

In case of severe hemarthrosis, compresses made from alcohol infusion white lily.

The use of the listed folk recipes is contraindicated in case of violations of the integrity of the skin or open wound surfaces.

Treatment for a knee bruise at home involves using the medicine prescribed by your doctor. medicinal drugs and folk remedies. The most important thing for a successful recovery is to provide complete rest to the injured limb, minimizing any physical exercise. During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to practice massage and therapeutic exercises.

Treatment at home for a knee injury from a fall is correct solution, but only when availability of light degree of injury.

We will talk about all the nuances of treating a knee injury in this article.

If you fall on your knee, a swelling or bruise appears

What to do with a swollen knee or bruise, how to improve your health, what could be the consequences? As a rule, this is a question for a traumatologist. Because in this case you need the help of a specialist.

But before the doctor arrives, it is imperative to carry out procedures and provide first aid before the doctor arrives. There is nothing complicated about this, and the risk of complications will be minimized.

If the injury is severe enough, you will observe the following symptoms: scratches, bruises, pain, painful lump above the knee, bruises, abrasions, subcutaneous hematomas or a wound in the knee area.

Post-traumatic synovitis may also appear (in other words, this is a reaction to an injury in which fluid accumulates in the knee cavity), accumulation of blood in the knee cavity (hemarthrosis) or short-term impairment of joint functions, which often occurs due to pain, swelling or fluid accumulation in the cavity and blood after a bruise.

Important! To prevent serious consequences The best thing to do is to come for the help of a specialist, because self-treatment may cause harm in some cases!

The knee may swell due to blood entering the knee joint when a vessel is damaged. As a result, swelling is observed and the knee increases in size.

If you start treatment right away, you can prevent the appearance of a bruise and avoid hemorrhage, etc. When a knee is bruised, severe pain occurs, even to the point of fainting.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to treat a knee bruise at home in order to begin treatment immediately.

We provide first aid

First aid for a knee injury (ICD code 10) is the first step to a quick recovery. You need to do everything as follows:

In order not to avoid the appearance inflammatory process, first of all, take a Paracetamol or Analgin tablet. These drugs should be available in every home.

To relieve pain from a severe bruise, take the Spazmalgon or Diclofenac tablet. The latter drug can also be used in the form of an ointment; Levomekol or Menovazin are also excellent.

We provide treatment at home

Severe knee bruise - what to do, how to heal quickly? Located in the knee joint a large number of nerve endings. After the impact, it forms strong pain, not passing for a long time. Therefore, the very first thing to do is to eliminate the unbearable pain.

Use anti-inflammatory drugs for this purpose. non-steroidal drugs, for example, "Ketanov". Fastum Gel also helps a lot.

Effective folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies for a knee injury gives a positive result.

For treatment you need to prepare homemade ointment according to the following recipe: take plantain leaves and chop them well, and then add the same amount pork fat and stir.

Apply the ointment evenly to the injured knee three times a day.

Not many people know what to do if they bruise their knee. Check out our actionable recommendations:

Please note that knee injuries can be treated at home, but examination by a doctor must be mandatory, especially for knee injuries in children and in the elderly, when any sprain is dangerous.

What threatens incorrect or untimely treatment: rupture or inflammation of the meniscus, accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity, rupture or sprain of the knee ligaments, fracture or dislocation of the kneecap, bursitis, and this is not the whole list of unpleasant consequences.

Important! To prevent the consequences described above, and to get back on your feet faster, visit a specialist, check the condition of your knee, and take a photo if necessary.

Consult your doctor about using certain products at home. Only a doctor can select the necessary set of medications for you, and you can already combine it with the use of folk remedies!